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Course: Comparative Science Education
Topic: Comparison of Education system of Pakistan
and Russia
Instructor: Ma'am Tayyaba Muhammad
Presented By: Samra Arfan (2017-1902)
Program: M.S.Ed Morning (2017-2019)
Comparison of Education
system of Pakistan and
 Why I chose Russia?
 Introduction of Pakistan
 Introduction of Russia
 Geography and History
 Demographic facts
 Important Facts about Pakistan
 Important facts about Russia
 Economy of Pakistan and Russia (comparison)
 Education System of Pakistan and Russia (comparison)
 Flaws of Pakistan’s education system
 Factors affecting education of Pakistan
 Suggestion and conclusion
 Former Super power of the world
 Largest country in the world
 Most popular tourist destination
 Literacy rate: 99.7%
 GDP rank in the world:6th
 Produce highest number of university graduates in the
The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is
unique among Muslim countries in
that it is the only country to have
been created in the name of Islam.
The name Pakistan literally means
“land of the pure”.
Pakistan has the 2nd largest number
of Muslims in the world after
Russia officially known as Russian federation is a
sovereign country in Eurasia. Russia is a country that
stretches over a vast expanse of Eastern Europe and
northern Asia.
The green represents Islam and
the majority Muslims in Pakistan
and the white stripe represents
religious minorities and minority
A Russian Flag
White colour: Nobility and
Blue colour: Faithfulness, honesty
and Perfection
Red colour: Courage, Generosity
and love
 The land that is today Pakistan was a part of Indus valley civilization
thousands of years ago.
 In the coming centuries, the area would invaded by numerous empires and
civilizations like Persians, the Greeks, the Ottoman empires and the Mughals.
 In the 18th century the British came to the region and took over the
 On 14 August 1947 Pakistan became independent from the great Britain
following the Pakistan movement and partition of british India.
 The Russian republic (SFSR) was established in 14 September, 1917.
 After the Russian Revolution, it became a union republic (Soviet Union) in 30
December, 1922.
 During the post-World War II era, Russia was a central player in international
affairs, locked in a Cold War struggle with the United States.
 In June 12, 1990 sovereignty declaration was done by Russia. That’s why it is
celebrated as the National Day of Russia.
 In 1991, following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Russia joined with
several other former Soviet republics to form a loose coalition,
the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).
 In December 25, 1991, the SFSR was renamed as Russian Federation.
 Pakistan is situated in South Asia with
Iran in the West, Afganistan in the
North West, China in the North East
and India in the East.
 To the South of Pakistan is Arabian
 Pakistan is 33rd largest country in the
 The total area of Pakistan is 881, 918
sq. km(includes data for Pakistani
territories of Kashmir, Azad Kashmir
and Gilgit Baltistan.
 Russia is the largest country in the
world; its total area is 17,075,200
square kilometres. It lies between
latitudes 41° and 82° N, and
longitudes 19° E and 169° W.
 It has 11 time zones
 Has a great range of environments
and landforms, from deserts to
semiarid steppes to deep forests
and Arctic tundra.
 Recorded the world’s lowest
temperature outside the North
and South pole.
Leaders of Pakistan:
 President:
Arif Alvi
 Prime minister:
Imran Khan
Leaders of Russia:
 President:
Vladimir Putin
 Prime Minister:
Dmitry Medvedev
Pakistan has different zones with
respected to the climate. Pakistan is one
of the countries in the world that is
blessed with four seasons; summer,
winter, autumn and spring. The overall
climate of Pakistan is extreme i.e.
extreme hot in summer and extreme
cold in winters. Monsoon is a span of
rainy season in Pakistan that lasts for
two months i.e. from mid of July to mid
of September
The climate of Russia is formed under the
influence of several determining
factors.Russia’s climate is extreme, with
forbidding winters that have several times
well saved the country from foreign invaders.
Throughout much of the territory there are
only two distinct seasons—winter and
summer—as spring and autumn are usually
brief periods of change between extremely
low and extremely high temperatures. The
coldest month is January (February on the
coastline); the warmest is usually July. Great
ranges of temperature are typical. In winter,
temperatures get colder both from south to
north and from west to east. Summers can be
quite hot, even in Siberia. The continental
interiors are the driest areas.
 Pakistan has a rich and unique
culture that upholds traditions
and conventions. Pakistani
culture is rich in variety of
dresses; these dresses are very
colorful and prominent and give
attractive look during national
fairs and festivals
 The culture of Pakistan has
great tradition of fairs and
festivals. These fairs are held in
all parts of the country, Polo
festival of Gilgit is prominent
at national and international
 Russian culture has a long history.
Russia can claim a long tradition of
dividend in many aspects of the
arts, especially when it comes
to literature
and philosophy, classical music
and ballet, architecture and paint
ing, cinema
and animation and politics, which
all had considerable influence on
world culture. The country also has
a flavourful material culture and
a tradition in technology.
 The country is also strongly
influenced by the culture of
Western Europe.
 Nowadays, Russian cultural
heritage is ranked seventh in
the Nation Brands Index, based on
interviews of some 20,000 people
mainly from Western countries and
the Far East.
 Pakistan has a burgeoning tourism
industry, due to the smorgasbord of
cultures, peoples and landscapes it has to
offer. Ancient civilization ruins of
Mohenjodaro, Harappa and Taxila, to the
hill stations of Murree, and the hiking
tracks of Shogran and Siri Paaye, all have
something to offer to each type of
traveler. The northern parts of Pakistan
have many old fortresses and towers. The
Gilgit, Hunza and Chitral valleys are
exceptionally beautiful sights.
 Pakistani music is represented by a wide
variety of forms. It ranges from traditional
styles such as Qawwali and Ghazal to
more modern forms that blend traditional
Pakistani music with Western music
 Russian literature is considered to be
among the most influential and developed
in the world, with some of the most
famous literary works belonging to it.
 In the 20th century Russian philosophy
became dominated by Marxism.
 Russian cuisine widely uses fish,
poultry, mushrooms, berries, and honey.
Crops of rye, wheat, barley,
and millet provide the ingredients for a
plethora of breads, pancakes,
cereals, kvass, beer, and vodka. Black
bread is relatively more popular in Russia
compared to the rest of the world.
 Vodka is the national drink of Russia
 Capital: Islamabad
 Population: 207 Million (6th largest
in world)
Urban :39.7%
Rural: 60.78%
 Religion: Islam (96.4%) Hinduism
(1.85%), Christianity (1.59%),
Ahmadi (0.22%).
 Language: National language
URDU, official ENGLISH
 Capital: Moscow
 Population: 146 million (9th
largest in the world)
Urban: 73.9%
Rural: 26.1%
 Religion: Russian orthodoxy
 Language: Russian (2nd most used
language on internet after
 Has 35 official languages by local
 Cricket
 Polo
 Hockey
 squash
 Ice hockey
 Football
 Tennis
 Basketball
 World largest canal based irrigation system.
 Only Muslim nuclear country in the world.
 World’s lagest producer of hand sewen footballs.
 World’s 5th largest standing armed force.
 World’s 2nd largest salt mine at Khewra.
 K2 the world’s 2nd highest mountain.
 World’s 8th largest wheat producer.
 Karachi port is a South Asia’s bussiest sea port.
 Russian cultural heritage is ranked seventh in the Nation Brands Index,
 Russia is second among all nations by number of gold medals both at the
Summer Olympics and at the Winter Olympics.
 Russia hosted the grand event of FIFA-World Cup in 2018.
 World's largest proven natural gas reserves.
 The largest exporter of natural gas and second-largest exporter of petroleum.
 The largest diamond-producing nation in the world.
 Largest forest country in the world.
 Third largest grain exporter.
 World biggest Fish Supplier.
 Currency: Pakistani Rupee
 GDP: $1.060 trillion
 GDP Rank: 25th
 GDP per capita: $1,629
 Inflation: 4.6%
 Population below poverty line:
 21%
 Unemployment: 5.9%
 Currency: Ruble
 GDP: $3.938 trillions
 GDP Rank: 6th
 GDP per capita: $23,875
 Inflation: 5.4%
 Population below poverty line:
 Unemployment: 5.4%
 Export income: $21.938 billion
 Import income: $ 48.506 billion
 Ease of doing business Work: 147th
 Foreign reserves: $20.7 billion
 Export income: $285.5 billion
 Import income: $ 182.3 billion
 Ease of doing business Work: 40th
 Foreign reserves: $421 billion
 Literacy rate: 58%
 Male: 70.2%
 Female: 46.3%
 GDP allocation for education: 2.4-
2.7% of GDP
 Literacy rate: 99.7%
 Male: 99.7%
 Female: 99.7%
 GDP allocation for education: 4.2%
of GDP
Education system of Pakistan:
 The education system of Pakistan is comprised of 260,903
institutions and is facilitating 41,018,384 students with
the help of 1,535,461 teachers.
 The system include 180,846 public institutions and
80,057 private institutions.
 Hence 31% educational institutes are run by private
sector and 69% are public institutes.
Formal education
 Preschool (for the age from 3 to 5
 Primary (grades one through five),
 middle (grades six through eight)
 Secondary (grades nine and ten,
leading to the Secondary School
Certificate or SSC)
 Intermediate (grades eleven and
twelve, Higher Secondary School
Certificate or HSSC)
 Higher Education
 Pre-school education (for the age
5 to 7)
 Primary general education (grade
one to four, age 7 to 10)
 Basic general lower secondary
(grade 5 to 9, age 11 to 15)
 Secondary general upper
secondary education (grade 10-
 Higher Education
Higher education in Pakistan:
 Tertiary education:
After earning their HSSC , students may study in a professional
institute for Bachelor’s degree courses such as:
• Medicine (MBBS)
• Dentistry (BDS)
• Veterinary (DVM)
• Law (LLB)
• Architecture (BArch)
• Pharmacy (Pharm.D)
• Nursing (BSc Nursing)
Quaternary education:
 Most of Master’s degree programs require two years of education.
 Master of Philosophy (MPhil) is available in most of the subjects and
can be undertaken after going Masters.
 Doctor of philosophy(PhD) education is available in selected areas
and is usually pursued after earning a MPhil degree.
 PIEAS,LUMS,NUST,UET, and Punjab University are ranked among top
300 universities in Asia.
The University of the Punjab,
established 1882 in Lahore, is the
oldest university of Pakistan.
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology
is the Pakistan's #1 ranked university in
COMPUTERS & IT Sector by HEC2012 &
Higher education in Russia:
 Degrees and diplomas:
Admission to HE institutions is based on results of Unified state Exam.
Russian higher education institutions confer following degrees and diplomas.
 Bachelors Diploma for Four years of study or 240 credit units.
 Specialist Diploma for five to six years or 300 credit units.
 Master Diploma for 2 years or 120 credit units.
 Doctoral programs:
 Candidates of Sciences(Kandidat Nauk)
Candidate of science degree normally requires three years of study after
award of Specialist and Masters Degrees.
 Doctor of Sciences(Doktor Nauk)
To earn a Doctor of Sciences degree ,it requires 5 to 15 years beyond the
award of the Candidate of Sciences degree.
Technical education in Pakistan:
 Governing bodies:
 Punjab Board of Technical Education (PBTE)
 KPK Board of Technical Education(KPKBTE)
 Sindh Board of Technical Education (SBTE)
 Courses offered:
 Matric Tech. course (equivalent to 10th grade)
 Diploma in associate Engineering (DAE)
Technical and vocational education in
 First stage programs :( For skilled worker, junior
technicians and employees.)
Vocational training is offered by institutions called professional
centers or schools.
 From 2 to 5 years following completion of basic general
 From 10 months 1.5 years following completion of secondary general
(grade11) education .
 Second stage programs:(for mid-career professionals)
Education institutions of second stage non-university education are
generally known as colleges.
 From 3 to 4.5 years after grade 9.
 From 2 to 3 years after grade 11.
Compulsory Education in Russia:
 Secondary general education with 11 years of formal schooling is
compulsory since September1,2007.
 General education curricula normally stipulate 34 weeks per year and
27 to 38 hours of study per week.
 The school year start on 1 September and runs through the beginning
of June.
 Unified State Examination scheduled in the end of May .Beginning of
June are culminating school studies.
Curriculum in Pakistan:
 At primary level:
The eight commonly examined disciplines are Urdu,English,Mathematics,Arts
,Science ,Social Studies, Islamic studies and sometimes Computer sciences.
 At secondary level:
Disciplines taught at secondary level are (Compulsory) Urdu, English,
mathematics, Islamic studies, Pakistan Studies (Elective) Physics, Chemistry,
Biology, History, Geography, Education, Economy, general science, humanities,
home economics etc.
Curriculum in Russia:
 A state educational standard for general education lays down requirements
to the minimum content of education and the workload of students. It also
prescribes compulsory fields of study (humanities with emphasis on Russian
language, literature, social sciences, and physical education; natural
sciences with priority given to mathematics; technology).
 Social sciences include such subjects as foreign languages, Russian history,
world history, economic and social geography, law, political science,
economics, etc.
 Natural sciences cover biology, physics, astronomy, chemistry, ecology, etc
 Technology normally includes drawing and a number of disciplines for the
imparting of certain basic skills of general utility for pupils, such as home
economics, sewing, cooking, metal work, carpentry, etc. In upper school
grades basic skills for the exercise of certain professions are offered.
 Local authorities and schools have the right to set up good proportion of
 In practice each school designs its own curriculum, basing it upon the state
education standard named the Basic curriculum.
 Latest standards of general education give more initiative to local authorities
and schools in designing curricula with the purpose to facilitate independent
activity of students.
Lack of proper
constraints Gender gap
Cost of
Funds for
War on terror
Terrorism Role of media Poverty
Political system
 Technical education should be made a part of secondary education. Classes for
carpentry, electrical, and other technical education must be included in the
 Corruption in education departments is one of the factors for the poor literacy in
the country. An effective monitoring system is needed in education departments.
 Government as well as non-government sector should work together to promote
education in rural areas.
 The government should pay attention to the vocational and technical training.
 Provide economic incentives to the students.
 Career counselling of the pupils should be done in schools.
 Check and balance on media. Media should educate the people.
 There are two approaches to acquiring education: First, which is being
followed by many in Pakistan is to get education to earn bread and
butter. The second approach is to get education for the sake of
personal development and learning.
 The aspiration for sending children for higher education is wrong,
because the country does not need managers and officers only. There
are several other jobs where people are needed.
 The mind-set of sending one’s children to university
only for becoming officers and managers needs to be
 In Pakistan the issue of improvement in the education system is of great
significance. The system needs proper attention and the collaboration of
both private and public institutions to collectively lead the nation towards
 The inculcation of positivity among the youth is very much crucial in this
regard. The students should have a positive attitude and a confidence in their
educational system to be able to study with the zeal that is required of them.
 The quality assurance and the effectiveness of the teaching and learning
system must also become a priority in our schools to ensure that every child
must attain a minimum of primary level of education without hindrance.
 The change starts with each and every individual that vows to be productive
and to participate in the pursuit of knowledge. Pakistan is in the need to
become an educationally empowered nation at all levels. It is with the
collective efforts done by the nation that this country can hope to achieve
the desired status of a developed Pakistan on international level.
Do not find jobs,
create jobs.

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  • 1. PRESENTATION . Course: Comparative Science Education Topic: Comparison of Education system of Pakistan and Russia Instructor: Ma'am Tayyaba Muhammad Akram Presented By: Samra Arfan (2017-1902) Program: M.S.Ed Morning (2017-2019)
  • 2. Comparison of Education system of Pakistan and Russia
  • 3. CONTENTS  Why I chose Russia?  Introduction of Pakistan  Introduction of Russia  Geography and History  Demographic facts  Important Facts about Pakistan  Important facts about Russia  Economy of Pakistan and Russia (comparison)  Education System of Pakistan and Russia (comparison)  Flaws of Pakistan’s education system  Factors affecting education of Pakistan  Suggestion and conclusion
  • 4. WHY WE CHOOSE RUSSIA?  Former Super power of the world  Largest country in the world  Most popular tourist destination  Literacy rate: 99.7%  GDP rank in the world:6th  Produce highest number of university graduates in the world.
  • 5. INTRODUCTION OF PAKISTAN The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is unique among Muslim countries in that it is the only country to have been created in the name of Islam. The name Pakistan literally means “land of the pure”. Pakistan has the 2nd largest number of Muslims in the world after Indonesia.
  • 6. INTRODUCTION OF RUSSIA Russia officially known as Russian federation is a sovereign country in Eurasia. Russia is a country that stretches over a vast expanse of Eastern Europe and northern Asia.
  • 7. The green represents Islam and the majority Muslims in Pakistan and the white stripe represents religious minorities and minority religions. A Russian Flag White colour: Nobility and Frankness Blue colour: Faithfulness, honesty and Perfection Red colour: Courage, Generosity and love
  • 8. HISTORY OF PAKISTAN  The land that is today Pakistan was a part of Indus valley civilization thousands of years ago.  In the coming centuries, the area would invaded by numerous empires and civilizations like Persians, the Greeks, the Ottoman empires and the Mughals.  In the 18th century the British came to the region and took over the Subcontinent.  On 14 August 1947 Pakistan became independent from the great Britain following the Pakistan movement and partition of british India.
  • 9. HISTORY OF RUSSIA  The Russian republic (SFSR) was established in 14 September, 1917.  After the Russian Revolution, it became a union republic (Soviet Union) in 30 December, 1922.  During the post-World War II era, Russia was a central player in international affairs, locked in a Cold War struggle with the United States.  In June 12, 1990 sovereignty declaration was done by Russia. That’s why it is celebrated as the National Day of Russia.  In 1991, following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Russia joined with several other former Soviet republics to form a loose coalition, the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).  In December 25, 1991, the SFSR was renamed as Russian Federation.
  • 10. GEOGRAPHY OF PAKISTAN  Pakistan is situated in South Asia with Iran in the West, Afganistan in the North West, China in the North East and India in the East.  To the South of Pakistan is Arabian Sea.  Pakistan is 33rd largest country in the world.  The total area of Pakistan is 881, 918 sq. km(includes data for Pakistani territories of Kashmir, Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan.
  • 11. GEOGRAPHY OF RUSSIA  Russia is the largest country in the world; its total area is 17,075,200 square kilometres. It lies between latitudes 41° and 82° N, and longitudes 19° E and 169° W.  It has 11 time zones  Has a great range of environments and landforms, from deserts to semiarid steppes to deep forests and Arctic tundra.  Recorded the world’s lowest temperature outside the North and South pole.
  • 12. Leaders of Pakistan:  President: Arif Alvi  Prime minister: Imran Khan
  • 13. Leaders of Russia:  President: Vladimir Putin  Prime Minister: Dmitry Medvedev
  • 14. Climate:  PAKISTAN Pakistan has different zones with respected to the climate. Pakistan is one of the countries in the world that is blessed with four seasons; summer, winter, autumn and spring. The overall climate of Pakistan is extreme i.e. extreme hot in summer and extreme cold in winters. Monsoon is a span of rainy season in Pakistan that lasts for two months i.e. from mid of July to mid of September  RUSSIA The climate of Russia is formed under the influence of several determining factors.Russia’s climate is extreme, with forbidding winters that have several times well saved the country from foreign invaders. Throughout much of the territory there are only two distinct seasons—winter and summer—as spring and autumn are usually brief periods of change between extremely low and extremely high temperatures. The coldest month is January (February on the coastline); the warmest is usually July. Great ranges of temperature are typical. In winter, temperatures get colder both from south to north and from west to east. Summers can be quite hot, even in Siberia. The continental interiors are the driest areas.
  • 15. Culture:  Pakistan has a rich and unique culture that upholds traditions and conventions. Pakistani culture is rich in variety of dresses; these dresses are very colorful and prominent and give attractive look during national fairs and festivals  The culture of Pakistan has great tradition of fairs and festivals. These fairs are held in all parts of the country, Polo festival of Gilgit is prominent at national and international level.  Russian culture has a long history. Russia can claim a long tradition of dividend in many aspects of the arts, especially when it comes to literature and philosophy, classical music and ballet, architecture and paint ing, cinema and animation and politics, which all had considerable influence on world culture. The country also has a flavourful material culture and a tradition in technology.  The country is also strongly influenced by the culture of Western Europe.  Nowadays, Russian cultural heritage is ranked seventh in the Nation Brands Index, based on interviews of some 20,000 people mainly from Western countries and the Far East.
  • 16. cont.  Pakistan has a burgeoning tourism industry, due to the smorgasbord of cultures, peoples and landscapes it has to offer. Ancient civilization ruins of Mohenjodaro, Harappa and Taxila, to the hill stations of Murree, and the hiking tracks of Shogran and Siri Paaye, all have something to offer to each type of traveler. The northern parts of Pakistan have many old fortresses and towers. The Gilgit, Hunza and Chitral valleys are exceptionally beautiful sights.  Pakistani music is represented by a wide variety of forms. It ranges from traditional styles such as Qawwali and Ghazal to more modern forms that blend traditional Pakistani music with Western music  Russian literature is considered to be among the most influential and developed in the world, with some of the most famous literary works belonging to it.  In the 20th century Russian philosophy became dominated by Marxism.  Russian cuisine widely uses fish, poultry, mushrooms, berries, and honey. Crops of rye, wheat, barley, and millet provide the ingredients for a plethora of breads, pancakes, cereals, kvass, beer, and vodka. Black bread is relatively more popular in Russia compared to the rest of the world.  Vodka is the national drink of Russia
  • 17.
  • 18. DEMOGRPHIC FACTS PAKISTAN  Capital: Islamabad  Population: 207 Million (6th largest in world) Urban :39.7% Rural: 60.78%  Religion: Islam (96.4%) Hinduism (1.85%), Christianity (1.59%), Ahmadi (0.22%).  Language: National language URDU, official ENGLISH RUSSIA  Capital: Moscow  Population: 146 million (9th largest in the world) Urban: 73.9% Rural: 26.1%  Religion: Russian orthodoxy  Language: Russian (2nd most used language on internet after English)  Has 35 official languages by local governments.
  • 19. Sports: Pakistan  Cricket  Polo  Hockey  squash Russia  Ice hockey  Football  Tennis  Basketball
  • 20. IMPORTANT FACTS OF PAKISTAN  World largest canal based irrigation system.  Only Muslim nuclear country in the world.  World’s lagest producer of hand sewen footballs.  World’s 5th largest standing armed force.  World’s 2nd largest salt mine at Khewra.  K2 the world’s 2nd highest mountain.  World’s 8th largest wheat producer.  Karachi port is a South Asia’s bussiest sea port.
  • 21. IMPORTANT FACTS OF RUSSIA  Russian cultural heritage is ranked seventh in the Nation Brands Index,  Russia is second among all nations by number of gold medals both at the Summer Olympics and at the Winter Olympics.  Russia hosted the grand event of FIFA-World Cup in 2018.  World's largest proven natural gas reserves.  The largest exporter of natural gas and second-largest exporter of petroleum.  The largest diamond-producing nation in the world.  Largest forest country in the world.  Third largest grain exporter.  World biggest Fish Supplier.
  • 22. ECONOMY PAKISTAN  Currency: Pakistani Rupee  GDP: $1.060 trillion  GDP Rank: 25th  GDP per capita: $1,629  Inflation: 4.6%  Population below poverty line:  21%  Unemployment: 5.9% RUSSIA  Currency: Ruble  GDP: $3.938 trillions  GDP Rank: 6th  GDP per capita: $23,875  Inflation: 5.4%  Population below poverty line: 13.4%  Unemployment: 5.4%
  • 23. ECONOMY PAKISTAN  Export income: $21.938 billion  Import income: $ 48.506 billion  Ease of doing business Work: 147th  Foreign reserves: $20.7 billion RUSSIA  Export income: $285.5 billion  Import income: $ 182.3 billion  Ease of doing business Work: 40th  Foreign reserves: $421 billion
  • 24. EDUCATION SYSTEM PAKISTAN  Literacy rate: 58%  Male: 70.2%  Female: 46.3%  GDP allocation for education: 2.4- 2.7% of GDP RUSSIA  Literacy rate: 99.7%  Male: 99.7%  Female: 99.7%  GDP allocation for education: 4.2% of GDP
  • 25. Education system of Pakistan:  The education system of Pakistan is comprised of 260,903 institutions and is facilitating 41,018,384 students with the help of 1,535,461 teachers.  The system include 180,846 public institutions and 80,057 private institutions.  Hence 31% educational institutes are run by private sector and 69% are public institutes.
  • 26. TYPES OF EDUCATION PAKISTAN RUSSIA Formal education Informal education General education Professional education
  • 27. EDUCATION LEVELS PAKISTAN  Preschool (for the age from 3 to 5 years)  Primary (grades one through five),  middle (grades six through eight)  Secondary (grades nine and ten, leading to the Secondary School Certificate or SSC)  Intermediate (grades eleven and twelve, Higher Secondary School Certificate or HSSC)  Higher Education RUSSIA  Pre-school education (for the age 5 to 7)  Primary general education (grade one to four, age 7 to 10)  Basic general lower secondary (grade 5 to 9, age 11 to 15)  Secondary general upper secondary education (grade 10- 11)  Higher Education
  • 28. Higher education in Pakistan:  Tertiary education: After earning their HSSC , students may study in a professional institute for Bachelor’s degree courses such as: • Medicine (MBBS) • Dentistry (BDS) • Veterinary (DVM) • Law (LLB) • Architecture (BArch) • Pharmacy (Pharm.D) • Nursing (BSc Nursing)
  • 29. Quaternary education:  Most of Master’s degree programs require two years of education.  Master of Philosophy (MPhil) is available in most of the subjects and can be undertaken after going Masters.  Doctor of philosophy(PhD) education is available in selected areas and is usually pursued after earning a MPhil degree.  PIEAS,LUMS,NUST,UET, and Punjab University are ranked among top 300 universities in Asia. Cont.
  • 30. The University of the Punjab, established 1882 in Lahore, is the oldest university of Pakistan. COMSATS Institute of Information Technology is the Pakistan's #1 ranked university in COMPUTERS & IT Sector by HEC2012 & HEC2013
  • 31.
  • 32. Higher education in Russia:  Degrees and diplomas: Admission to HE institutions is based on results of Unified state Exam. Russian higher education institutions confer following degrees and diplomas.  Bachelors Diploma for Four years of study or 240 credit units.  Specialist Diploma for five to six years or 300 credit units.  Master Diploma for 2 years or 120 credit units.
  • 33. Cont.  Doctoral programs:  Candidates of Sciences(Kandidat Nauk) Candidate of science degree normally requires three years of study after award of Specialist and Masters Degrees.  Doctor of Sciences(Doktor Nauk) To earn a Doctor of Sciences degree ,it requires 5 to 15 years beyond the award of the Candidate of Sciences degree.
  • 34.
  • 35. Technical education in Pakistan:  Governing bodies:  Punjab Board of Technical Education (PBTE)  KPK Board of Technical Education(KPKBTE)  Sindh Board of Technical Education (SBTE)  Courses offered:  Matric Tech. course (equivalent to 10th grade)  Diploma in associate Engineering (DAE)
  • 36. Technical and vocational education in Russia:  First stage programs :( For skilled worker, junior technicians and employees.) Vocational training is offered by institutions called professional centers or schools. Duration:  From 2 to 5 years following completion of basic general (grade9)education.  From 10 months 1.5 years following completion of secondary general (grade11) education .
  • 37. Cont.  Second stage programs:(for mid-career professionals) Education institutions of second stage non-university education are generally known as colleges. Duration:  From 3 to 4.5 years after grade 9.  From 2 to 3 years after grade 11.
  • 38. Compulsory Education in Russia:  Secondary general education with 11 years of formal schooling is compulsory since September1,2007.  General education curricula normally stipulate 34 weeks per year and 27 to 38 hours of study per week.  The school year start on 1 September and runs through the beginning of June.  Unified State Examination scheduled in the end of May .Beginning of June are culminating school studies.
  • 39. Curriculum in Pakistan:  At primary level: The eight commonly examined disciplines are Urdu,English,Mathematics,Arts ,Science ,Social Studies, Islamic studies and sometimes Computer sciences.  At secondary level: Disciplines taught at secondary level are (Compulsory) Urdu, English, mathematics, Islamic studies, Pakistan Studies (Elective) Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography, Education, Economy, general science, humanities, home economics etc.
  • 40. Curriculum in Russia:  A state educational standard for general education lays down requirements to the minimum content of education and the workload of students. It also prescribes compulsory fields of study (humanities with emphasis on Russian language, literature, social sciences, and physical education; natural sciences with priority given to mathematics; technology).  Social sciences include such subjects as foreign languages, Russian history, world history, economic and social geography, law, political science, economics, etc.  Natural sciences cover biology, physics, astronomy, chemistry, ecology, etc
  • 41. Cont.  Technology normally includes drawing and a number of disciplines for the imparting of certain basic skills of general utility for pupils, such as home economics, sewing, cooking, metal work, carpentry, etc. In upper school grades basic skills for the exercise of certain professions are offered.  Local authorities and schools have the right to set up good proportion of curriculum.  In practice each school designs its own curriculum, basing it upon the state education standard named the Basic curriculum.  Latest standards of general education give more initiative to local authorities and schools in designing curricula with the purpose to facilitate independent activity of students.
  • 42. FLAWS OF PAKISTAN EDUCATION SYSTEM Lack of proper planning Social constraints Gender gap Cost of education Technical education Funds for education War on terror
  • 43. FACTORS AFFECTING EDUCATION OF PAKISTAN Terrorism Role of media Poverty Corruption Over-population Political system British colonialism
  • 44. RECOMMENDATIONS  Technical education should be made a part of secondary education. Classes for carpentry, electrical, and other technical education must be included in the curriculum.  Corruption in education departments is one of the factors for the poor literacy in the country. An effective monitoring system is needed in education departments.  Government as well as non-government sector should work together to promote education in rural areas.  The government should pay attention to the vocational and technical training.  Provide economic incentives to the students.  Career counselling of the pupils should be done in schools.  Check and balance on media. Media should educate the people.
  • 45. Cont.  There are two approaches to acquiring education: First, which is being followed by many in Pakistan is to get education to earn bread and butter. The second approach is to get education for the sake of personal development and learning.  The aspiration for sending children for higher education is wrong, because the country does not need managers and officers only. There are several other jobs where people are needed.  The mind-set of sending one’s children to university only for becoming officers and managers needs to be changed
  • 46. Conclusion:  In Pakistan the issue of improvement in the education system is of great significance. The system needs proper attention and the collaboration of both private and public institutions to collectively lead the nation towards prosperity.  The inculcation of positivity among the youth is very much crucial in this regard. The students should have a positive attitude and a confidence in their educational system to be able to study with the zeal that is required of them.  The quality assurance and the effectiveness of the teaching and learning system must also become a priority in our schools to ensure that every child must attain a minimum of primary level of education without hindrance.  The change starts with each and every individual that vows to be productive and to participate in the pursuit of knowledge. Pakistan is in the need to become an educationally empowered nation at all levels. It is with the collective efforts done by the nation that this country can hope to achieve the desired status of a developed Pakistan on international level.
  • 47. Do not find jobs, create jobs.