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Coca Cola Company: Reward and Performance Practices
John A. Gnanaranjan
Davenport University
January 19, 2014
Coca Cola Company: Reward and Performance Practices
The Coca Cola Company is a large international beverage
branch that comprise of more than 800,000 employees. The
company sets very unique practices that ensure that its
employees are motivated in order to deliver their best at the
same time feel like they possess an important part in the future
of the organization (Kent & Ignatius, 2011).
Friedman (2009) asserts that reward management is a
fundamental tool in any organization that is striving at
achieving its company’s mission, vision and objectives. When
we talk of reward and performance practices, we put into
consideration the formulation and execution of strategies as
well as policies with the aim to reward people in a fair,
equitable and consistent manner in agreement with the
company’s worth to assist the company attain its strategic
objectives. Moreover, it entails the design, execution and
maintenance of reward and performance systems, which aim to
meet both the company and its stakeholder’s needs.
Reward refers to special payment for outstanding work. It may
be in the form of monetary and non-monetary returns and
services received as part of an employment good relationship
(Friedman, 2009). The Coca Cola Company, being an
international company, ensures that fairness is included in the
process of reward allocation as this is key in maintaining and
retaining proper workforce in the organization. The company’s
reward systems are not limited to monetary but also include
other non-monetary practices that aim at enhancing
stakeholder’s morale as well as productivity. In addition, the
Coca Cola Company gives these perks at any given time,
particularly at the beginning and at the end of the organization's
goal, simply as long as they are in accordance with the
organizations goals and mission.
Open Communication
When Coca Cola workforces are asked to give their opinions,
they rest assured that they are listened to. Each year, the
company employs a global insight survey for their employees,
which seek employee insight on ways to run or improve the
company. The surveys come in the form of private blogs or
websites that are open for a certain period. Employees respond
to their ideas as well as criticism to the management.
Eventually, the company tracks all of these responses, which
result in improvement.
Training and Mentoring
One of the biggest focuses at Coca Cola is providing employees
the chance to be trained and grow their skills. The company
provides a couple of developing programs that motivate and
encourage employees. In addition, the Coca Cola Company
created an online university where they provide teaching
environment to its stakeholders. Employees are offered short-
term projects that aim at helping them to train on different field
from the ones they qualified from schools.
Financial Rewards
Coca Cola perks are not limited to non-monetary gain, but also
gives financial rewards in order to motivate employees to attain
greater peaks. Every year, the company gives its employees a
chance to get a merit raise by providing performance reviews.
Moreover, the company provides a tag program reward for
employees to travel and trade as a form of recognizing
outstanding performances. The Coca Cola employees also get
tuition reimbursement where their children get scholarship
funds if they qualify. Employee discount, car discount as well
as free parking are all offered to motivate and retain their
employees (Kent & Ignatius, 2011).
The Coca Cola rewards not only make employees feel
encouraged and valued, but also motivated to deliver their best
in their field of work and add job satisfaction. When an
employee recognizes his contribution to the company, he or she
gets engaged, and in return, produce a high volume of work and
quality hence create change (The Coca-Cola Company. (2008j).
Employee reward and performance practices remain of immense
importance to a company, and can greatly benefit the employee
alongside the organization. It is imperative for any company to
reward and recognize its employees for a well-done job. Each
employee reward can yield an organization's profit as well as
market advantage. Whether monetary or non-monetary rewards,
there is a need for an organization to motivate its employees.
Friedman, B. A. (2009). Human Resource Management Role
Implications for Corporate Reputation. Corporate Reputation
Review, 12(3), 229-244.
Kent, C. C. C. M., & Ignatius, A. (2011). Shaking Things Up at
Coca-Cola. Harvard Business Review.
The Coca-Cola Company. (2008j). Move. Retrieved June 6,
2009, from:
Coca Cola Company: Decision-Making
John A. Gnanaranjan
Davenport University
January 26, 2014
Coca Cola Company: Decision-Making
Decision-making has long been considered as a vital
determinant in a firm’s performance, particularly in large
business environments. Oftentimes, the basis of success or
failure largely depends on the decisions made along the
line. The main step in a decision-making process is to first
identify the problem and define it. This is perhaps the most
difficult process since a company may not be able to reveal the
definite problem. The second process is to create and analyze
alternative solutions (Kunc & Morecroft, 2010).
The decision-making process at Coca Cola Company is
centralized. The method employed is classical, where the top
management makes considerations and takes time while making
decisions. They explore and analyze the entire relevant and
possible alternatives before arising at a rationally economic, as
well as feasible, solution (Kownatzki et al., 2011). Programmed
decisions are only generated by the top executives without
consultation with the line managers; whereas the daily routine
decisions are generated by the line managers, only with prior
permission from the general manager (Clark & Maggitti, 2012).
Some of the decisions made at the top management relate to:
product positioning; market and distribution; price reduction;
and trade discounts.
The managers are responsible for the company’s
results. Nevertheless, the management is cooperative and
encourages its employees to bring their ideas in relation to their
duties in order to increase the entire efficiency of the
organization. This means increasing the productivity, which
may mean profit realization (Amason, 1996).
Every year, the company’s management analyzes results, and
makes slight alternations in operations in order to generate
better results for the following year. Nonetheless, the company
does not hurriedly decide to develop new products or make any
change in operations. For the company, drastic takes the
course. For example, lately, upon realizing that it was in dire
need for a drastic change, the management sought to figure out
why the performance of the company was
deteriorating. Through starting and exploring at the lower levels
of the organization to seek solutions, the company was in a
better position to generate drastic changes to the employees,
and how they were rewarded. The company’s culture is to seek
efforts to get employees more engaged (Amason, 1996).
The effectiveness of this process is evident. As the company
has constantly developed, top managers have delegated the
operational duties and decision-making down to the lower
levels. This change enables the company to perform better to
each market, and at the same time, enables corporate managers
to concentrate and focus on strategic and long-term
planning. Moreover, by allowing lower level executives to
become intricately engaged in the company's growth efforts,
Isdel, the current CEO, created a conducive environment where
each person’s voice is heard and felt responsible for the welfare
and company’s performance (Harris, 1995). The marketing
department possesses the highest power in the company (Harris,
1995). This is because it is the department considered to attract
more clients. The department has been generating more market
research by making more effective advertisements, hence
increasing profit yield to the company.
In conclusion, decision-making is vital especially if it has to
yield positive outcome in a business strategy. The Coca Cola
Company has continued to thrive in the market despite of
competition due to its defined decision-making process. The
decision-making model used by the company is efficient. This
means that decisions are made based on the inputs generated by
the lower level of workforce, as well as the managers in the
middle level. The top management then seeks for its
subordinates’ suggestions and ideas, and take the final decision-
Amason, A.C. (1996). Distinguishing the Effects of Functional
and Dysfunctional Conflict on Strategic Decision Making:
Resolving a Paradox for Top Management Teams. Academy of
Management Journal.39(1) 123-148.
Clark, K. D., & Maggitti, P. G. (2012). TMT Potency and
Strategic Decision‐Making in High Technology Firms. Journal
of Management Studies, 49(7), 1168-1193.
Harris, N. (1995). The World of Coca-Cola. The Journal of
American History, 82(1), 154-158.
Kownatzki, M., Walter, J., Floyd, S., and Christoph, L. (2011).
Corporate Control and the Speed of Strategic Business Unit
Decision Making. Academic of Management Journal. 56(5)
Kunc, M. H., & Morecroft, J. D. (2010). Managerial decision
making and firm performance under a resource‐based paradigm.
Strategic Management Journal, 31(11), 1164-1182.
Running head: CONFLICT
Coca Cola Company: Conflict
John A. Gnanaranjan
Davenport University
February 2, 2014
This paper evaluates relationship conflict as part of
organizational conflict in the Coca Cola Company. The CEO of
this company has specific interests towards production
department at the expense of marketing department. Employees
in the marketing department are counterproductive because they
are worried about their future jobs and the general conflict is
affecting the department’s performance. This is a case of
positive organizational conflict, but the CEO handles the
conflict in a personal and negative way. The demands of the
CEO are the main stressors that result in relationship conflict in
an organization.Coca Cola Company: Conflict
Organizational conflict can take many forms. It includes
personal interests and perceptions or group interests with the
upward authority or downward employee (Afzal et al., 2009). In
the case of the Coca Cola Company, the best revealing issue is
relationship conflict between the top seniors and the lower
management levels. The CEO is known to favor production than
marketing. He argues that the company cannot allocate the
marketing department’s huge funds while Coca Cola is already
dominating the world of soft drinks. The domination or
monopoly is enough to sell the company’s products and use the
money directed towards marketing to increase production of
new products. While the CEO might be rational in his thinking,
marketing is a vital department in any company regardless of its
domination in the industry. While the CEO might be having a
strong argument, he might be having personal or other interests
towards the marketing people.
According to Dreu et al. (2001), relationship conflict does not
always take a bad direction or result into destructive
consequences. There is good or bad relationship conflict in any
organization. What differentiates the two is how those involved
in the conflict handle it. For example, bad organizational
conflict, sometimes referred as immoral conflict is destructive.
It reduces workers performance and lowers the general
productivity of an organization. When trying to demonstrate bad
organizational conflict in the Coca Cola Company, the claims of
the CEO make the marketing department counter-productive.
First, those employees working in this department are worried
about their future positions. They cannot work hard or work to
the benefit of the company because of the underlying threats.
Good relationship conflict on the other hand would work in
favor of the company’s production. Workers will give their
utmost effort to ensure that the interests of the conflict are
achieved. The techniques for handling this conflict often
determine whether it will be beneficial or destructive to the
Stressors that cause relationship conflict in an organization are
classified as demand roles that require a person to meet
demands of one interest at the expense of another interest (Fox
et al., 2001). For example, in the Coca Cola Company, the
marketing personnel are spending much of their time to respond
to the CEO’s demands rather than completing the tasks they
have at hand. The reality remains that the marketing department
will not be reduced or removed from the company. Strategies or
guidelines that provide for elimination of this department do not
exist. However, since the conflict is live and does exist,
employees have a rough time responding to the same.
The best way to reduce work or conflict related stress is through
conflict resolution. This approach employs counseling or a
trained conflict solver (Greenhaus & Beutell, 1985). There is
always a resolution for any conflict. The organization can reach
an equilibrium that benefits all parties while using personal
counseling to bring back lost confidence. This way, the glory
and general performance of an organization will improve. No
one likes conflict and no one is harmed if he or she is listened
to. Therefore, counseling can be the best remedy for
organizational conflict as opposed to avoidance, dominance,
compromise or confrontation.
Afzal, H., Khan, A. M., and Ali, I. (2009). Linkage between
Employee's Perfomance and Relatioship Conflict in Banking
Scenario. International Journal of Business and Management. 4
(7) (2009).
Dreu, C.K.W., and Van, A., E.M. (2001). Managing relationship
conflict and the effectiveness of organization teams. Journal of
Organizational Behavior. 22 (3): 309-328.
Fox, S., Spector, P.E. and Miles, D. (2001). Counterproductive
Work Behavior (CWB) in Response to Job Stressors and
Organizationa Justice: Some Mediator and Moderator Tests for
Autonomy and Emotions. Journal of Vocational Behavior. 59
(3): 291-309.
Greenhaus, H.J. and Beutell, N. (1985). Sources of Conflict
Between Work and Family Roles. Academy of Management. 10
(1): 76-88.
Coca Cola Company: Leadership and Organizational Structure
John A. Gnanaranjan
Davenport University
February 9, 2014
Leadership and organizational structure are the main elements
in any organization. This paper highlights the elements of
leadership and organizational structure in the Coca Cola
Company. The Coca Cola Company has adopted the democratic
leadership approach to run its institution. This leadership
approach is the most effective form of running any institution
because it is open to its member’s participation. Member’s
participation in managerial decision-making welcomes new and
creative ideas to projects and guarantees that members will
offer their efforts towards the projects. Although democratic
leadership is widely accepted as the most effective form of
decision-making, its downsides are experienced when a
company needs quick solutions to a problem. This form of
governance is slow in decision-making; hence, not effective for
matters requiring quick solutions. Nurturing and leader
development with democratic leadership approach is
straightforward because excellent leaders are chosen and
awarded through a collective and open choice from members.
When analyzing organizational structure and its impact on
leadership, democratic leadership tends to adopt an open system
structure. This structure allows member’s input in managerial
decision-making. Consequently, such participation is known to
guarantee employee satisfaction and the general health of the
organization in terms of performance and productivity.
Coca Cola Company: Leadership and Organizational Structure
Leadership style fostered in the organization
Different organizations adopt different leadership approaches.
The choice of any leadership style in any organization depends
on the type of business, the specific needs of that organization,
immediate situations, requirement and expectation of employees
and challenges, if any, in that organization. An organization can
still adopt several of the leadership approaches at different
times (Murari, 2011). The Coca Cola Company has adopted a
democratic leadership style. In this organizational leadership
approach, leaders share decision-making abilities with other
members of their institution. Carter and Greer (2013) indicate
that democratic leaders use Lewin’s leadership style approach
when heading their organizations. This form of leadership
includes a participatory system where team members assist in
decision-making. Democratic organizational leadership style is
productive and effective especially when an organization
requires long-term based decision-making.
Effectiveness of the democratic leadership approach
Democratic organizational leadership style is one of the most
effective approaches used in many organizations. The Coca
Cola Company believes that democratic leadership guarantee
high employee satisfaction, encourages creativity and realizes
high productivity because of equal participation opportunities.
Coca Cola is a stable organization. In a certain level, allowing
employees to participate equally in the company’s decision-
making encourages members to give their best in projects. This
is the main reason why this company is successful in its new
projects. Before any project is launched, relevant employees
contribute their creative ideas, participate in discussions, vote
wherever necessary and contribute better solutions for the new
project. According to Carter and Greer (2013), the result of full
participation in creating a new project gives members morale,
and the general progress of the project remains superior.
Ineffectiveness of the democratic leadership approach
Although the democratic leadership approach is effective and
productive, it does not work well for all the situations of the
company. For example, the recent poor performance in the
marketing department required a different strategy in making
decision because of the urgent situational demand. Murari
(2011) admits that democratic leadership is a chronic form of
decision-making, and is not effective when an urgent situation
needs a quick solution. However, since the company has not
adopted any other form of leadership style, the marketing
department issue took longer than necessary to resolve. Taking
a long to make decisions, especially when a matter is sensitive
and urgent, creates tension that can spread to other departments.
This situation brings an aspect of counter productivity in the
company as employees waste ample time to wait for an effective
How leaders are nurtured and developed in the organization
Democratic organizational leadership has a straightforward
leader with nurturing and developmental characteristics.
Through participatory decision-making, leadership skills are
shared and distributed among members. Through this
management style, quality leaders are appreciated. Their efforts
and inputs are recognized and can be rewarded with
appointments (Woods & Gronn, 2009). The Coca Cola Company
has gone to the extent of rewarding quality leaders with training
programs aimed at promoting effective management skills. In
essence, best quality leaders are chosen and given
responsibilities, and involved members of the organization
reward them through a collective agreement.
Organizational structure and its impact on leadership
Leadership and organizational structure are the pillars of any
organizations. Different leadership styles have different
organizational structures. The leadership or organizational
structure, which an institution adopts, determines the norms,
culture and general running of that organization (Somech,
2006). For example, democratic organizational leadership
approach adopts an organizational structure with an open door
policy. This design allows the management to receive feedback
or input from members before a final decision is made (Carter &
Greer, 2013). This is contrary to what autocratic organizational
leadership does. This form of leadership adopts a closed system
organizational structure where the organization depends on its
manager for final decisions. The interaction between these two
elements determines the general organizational development,
performance, productivity, ability of an institution to meet the
needs of its members and the general progress through which
growth and change is achieved.
Carter, S.M. & Greer, C. R. (2013). Strategic Leadership
Values, Styles, and Organizational Performance. Journal of
Leadership & Organizational Studies. 20(4): 375-393.
Murari. K. (2011). Just! Five Distinct Leadership Styles.
International Journal of Research in Commerce & Management.
2(12): 30-35.
Somech, A. (2006). The Effects of Leadership Style and Team
Process on Performance and Innovation in Functionally
Heterogeneous Teams. Journal of Management. 32 (1): 132-157.
Woods, P.A. & Gronn, P. (2009). Nurturing Democracy The
Contribution of Distributed Leadership to a Democratic
Organizational Landscape. Educational Management
Administration & Leadership. 37 (4): 430-451.
MGMT 645
Project Guidelines
Assignment Overview
This course project is designed to give you real life practical
experience while examining some of the key elements of
organizational behavior as they apply to a specific organization.
Additionally, the project offers you the opportunity to develop
and create your own recommendations for the organization.
Each week, you will complete a weekly project (parts A - E)
and, in week 7, you will synthesize all of this into a final
project that will be your recommendations. For the weekly
projects, you will be conducting research and presenting
findings related to the organization that you selected. For the
final project, you will develop a formal recommendations paper
based on your research. Consider the weekly projects as a way
to examine the current state of the organization. Consider the
final project as a way for you to provide recommendations to
better the organization.
Timeline and Point Allocation
See the course calendar for specific due date:
· Topic Selection: Week 1 (30 points)
· Part A: Week 2 (50 Points)
· Part B: Week 3 (50 points)
· Part C: Week 4 (50 points)
· Part D: Week 5 (50 points)
· Part E: Week 6 (50 points)
· Project Recommendations: Week 7 (100 points)
Topic Selection:
One of the most critical steps in this class is selecting an
organization. You will use this topic for each weekly project
and the Project Recommendations. An organization must be
submitted for approval before you can proceed to the next
elements of the assignment. Failure to submit your topic
selection by the due date will preclude you from completing the
upcoming project assignments. When selecting an organization
for purposes of these assignments, it’s best to select a mid-size
organization where you will be able to access the information
needed to complete these assignments. Selecting an
organization that is too large, like Wal-Mart or GE, will be too
significant a scope for these assignments. Selecting a small
organization of under 20 employees won’t provide the needed
dynamic to complete these assignments. When considering
what organization to select, you may select an organization
where you work or have worked. You might also select an
organization that is of interest to you but it should be an
organization where you have access to resources to complete the
required assignments. There are many scholarly sources
available within the Davenport University Library.
Additionally, other great resources could be leaders within the
organization who you can interview. One word of caution, it’s
important to maintain objectivity. This will be demonstrated by
your scholarly research.
For the Project Topic, you will submit a 2 page (body) APA
formatted paper that will include the following:
· Name of organization
· Reason why you selected this organization
· Description of organization that will include type of industry,
number of employees, basic history, any other pertinent
information as to why this is a great selection for your topic.
· A minimum of 3 specific APA formatted scholarly resources
that you plan to use in your upcoming research.
The topic must be approved by faculty before you can proceed.
General Guidelines for Parts A-E and Project Recommendations
· Projects must be completed using APA standards with the
inclusion of:
· Title page
· Abstract
· Introduction
· Body (with correct use of headings and sub-headings)
· Conclusion
· Reference Page
· Appendices (as needed)
· Projects must be completed in third person.
· Parts A – E as well as the Project Recommendations do get
submitted to Turnitin as a routine.
· These assignments require that you conduct and assess
scholarly research. A good place to start your research is the
online databases accessible through the Davenport University
Online Library. [Hint: If you are unsure how to use the
databases ask for help by clicking on the Ask A Librarian link].
You can also use professional websites and magazines, quality
newspapers and journals. Yet another source would be
interviewing leaders within the organization. Note: References
like Wikipedia may be a good starting point but it is NOT
considered academically credible because the information can
be edited by lay people who may not input accurate and
validated information. Parts A - E need to have a minimum of
4 scholarly sources outside of our class resources. With each
week, you should be expanding your reference list rather than
using the same references repeatedly. The Project
Recommendations needs to have a minimum of 10 scholarly
sources outside of our class resources.
· It is imperative that you tie your research and
recommendations to the course material. Be sure to link your
projects to the core concepts from the class.
· The body for each of the weekly projects will be 4 – 6 pages.
The body for the final project will be a minimum of 10 pages.
· The university’s policy on plagiarism and academic honesty
Part A: Reward and Performance Practices
Conduct and present research that evaluates the current reward
structure in your selected organization. Be sure to examine
both monetary and non-monetary rewards. Evaluate the
effectiveness of these rewards on performance. Additionally,
assess how this reward system motivates (or fails to motivate)
employees (Note: this is not where you will make
recommendations – that will come in the final project).
Part B: Decision-Making
Conduct and present research that evaluates the decision making
process within the organization. Be sure to provide specific
examples of complex decisions that have been made. Discuss
and describe who is involved in the decision-making and who is
impacted by the decision-making. Evaluate the effectiveness of
this process, without making recommendations.
Part C: Conflict
Conduct and present research that evaluates how conflict
manifests itself within the organization. Discuss both positive
and negative conflict. Be sure to provide specific examples.
Examine what stressors cause conflict and what approaches are
used to manage conflict
Part D: Leadership and Organizational Structure
Conduct and present research that evaluates the leadership style
fostered in this organization. Provide examples of both its
effectiveness and ineffectiveness. Describe how leaders are (or
are not) nurtured and developed. Analyze how the
organizational structure also manifests itself within the
Part E: Organizational Culture and Change
Conduct and present research that evaluates the current culture
of the organization. Provide examples of how environmental
forces have impacted the organization. As a part of this,
identify how the organization accepts or embraces change as a
Project Recommendations
For this final element, you will synthesize all of your research
and create recommendations to the organization’s leaders on
ways that the organization can adjust and improve in the
following areas:
· Reward and Performance Practices
· Decision-making
· Conflict
· Leadership and Organizational Structure
· Organizational Culture and Change
· You may include other recommendation sections as
appropriate for your organization.
Justify your research by including scholarly research that has
been conducted on comparable organizations. Be sure to
include both the pros and cons of your recommendations. As a
friendly reminder, this is a professional document and should be
completed in third person.
Grading Rubric
Exemplary Level
Meeting all requirements that include this criterion will earn a
maximum of 100 percent
Leadership: 10
Student provided realistic strategies to lead effectively, which
include but are not limited to: building teams, innovation,
ethics, integrity, vision, originality etc.
Mastery Level
Meeting all requirements that include these three criteria areas
will earn a maximum of 90 percent
Recommendations & Goals: 10
Problem Solving & Decision Making: 10
Measuring Outcomes: 10
Student provided relevant, feasible and high quality
recommendations and goals. Alternatives are provided and
concepts are supported.
Student applied a variety of quantitative and qualitative
techniques to make business decisions.
Student provided details to measure outcomes to provide the
best recommendation(s). Measurables are well-thought and
Competency Level
Meeting the requirements of the four criteria areas will earn a
maximum of 60 percent
Content: 15
APA: 15
Mechanics: 15
Organization: 15
Student identifies key ideas, examines their interrelationships,
and incorporates quotations from sources logically, effectively,
and gracefully, paper length is met.
Student followed APA formatting guidelines with at least four
citations (in-text and reference list match) from peer-reviewed
Sentence structure, grammar, diction; correct use of
punctuation; minimal to no spelling errors; no run-on sentences
or comma splices. Paper contains an introduction, supporting
body, conclusion and reference page.
Ideas are arranged logically to support the purpose or argument.
They flow smoothly from one to another and are clearly linked
to each other.
The reader can follow the line of reasoning.
March 19, 2013 Page 3

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  • 1. Running head:REWARD AND PERFORMANCE PRACTICES 1 PAGE 5 REWARD AND PERFORMANCE PRACTICES Coca Cola Company: Reward and Performance Practices John A. Gnanaranjan Davenport University January 19, 2014 Coca Cola Company: Reward and Performance Practices The Coca Cola Company is a large international beverage branch that comprise of more than 800,000 employees. The company sets very unique practices that ensure that its employees are motivated in order to deliver their best at the same time feel like they possess an important part in the future of the organization (Kent & Ignatius, 2011). Friedman (2009) asserts that reward management is a fundamental tool in any organization that is striving at achieving its company’s mission, vision and objectives. When we talk of reward and performance practices, we put into consideration the formulation and execution of strategies as well as policies with the aim to reward people in a fair, equitable and consistent manner in agreement with the company’s worth to assist the company attain its strategic objectives. Moreover, it entails the design, execution and maintenance of reward and performance systems, which aim to meet both the company and its stakeholder’s needs.
  • 2. Reward refers to special payment for outstanding work. It may be in the form of monetary and non-monetary returns and services received as part of an employment good relationship (Friedman, 2009). The Coca Cola Company, being an international company, ensures that fairness is included in the process of reward allocation as this is key in maintaining and retaining proper workforce in the organization. The company’s reward systems are not limited to monetary but also include other non-monetary practices that aim at enhancing stakeholder’s morale as well as productivity. In addition, the Coca Cola Company gives these perks at any given time, particularly at the beginning and at the end of the organization's goal, simply as long as they are in accordance with the organizations goals and mission. Open Communication When Coca Cola workforces are asked to give their opinions, they rest assured that they are listened to. Each year, the company employs a global insight survey for their employees, which seek employee insight on ways to run or improve the company. The surveys come in the form of private blogs or websites that are open for a certain period. Employees respond to their ideas as well as criticism to the management. Eventually, the company tracks all of these responses, which result in improvement. Training and Mentoring One of the biggest focuses at Coca Cola is providing employees the chance to be trained and grow their skills. The company provides a couple of developing programs that motivate and encourage employees. In addition, the Coca Cola Company created an online university where they provide teaching environment to its stakeholders. Employees are offered short-
  • 3. term projects that aim at helping them to train on different field from the ones they qualified from schools. Financial Rewards Coca Cola perks are not limited to non-monetary gain, but also gives financial rewards in order to motivate employees to attain greater peaks. Every year, the company gives its employees a chance to get a merit raise by providing performance reviews. Moreover, the company provides a tag program reward for employees to travel and trade as a form of recognizing outstanding performances. The Coca Cola employees also get tuition reimbursement where their children get scholarship funds if they qualify. Employee discount, car discount as well as free parking are all offered to motivate and retain their employees (Kent & Ignatius, 2011). The Coca Cola rewards not only make employees feel encouraged and valued, but also motivated to deliver their best in their field of work and add job satisfaction. When an employee recognizes his contribution to the company, he or she gets engaged, and in return, produce a high volume of work and quality hence create change (The Coca-Cola Company. (2008j). Employee reward and performance practices remain of immense importance to a company, and can greatly benefit the employee alongside the organization. It is imperative for any company to reward and recognize its employees for a well-done job. Each employee reward can yield an organization's profit as well as market advantage. Whether monetary or non-monetary rewards, there is a need for an organization to motivate its employees. References Friedman, B. A. (2009). Human Resource Management Role Implications for Corporate Reputation. Corporate Reputation Review, 12(3), 229-244. Kent, C. C. C. M., & Ignatius, A. (2011). Shaking Things Up at Coca-Cola. Harvard Business Review.
  • 4. The Coca-Cola Company. (2008j). Move. Retrieved June 6, 2009, from: Running head:DECISION-MAKING PAGE 4 DECISION-MAKING Coca Cola Company: Decision-Making John A. Gnanaranjan Davenport University January 26, 2014 Coca Cola Company: Decision-Making Decision-making has long been considered as a vital determinant in a firm’s performance, particularly in large business environments. Oftentimes, the basis of success or failure largely depends on the decisions made along the line. The main step in a decision-making process is to first identify the problem and define it. This is perhaps the most difficult process since a company may not be able to reveal the definite problem. The second process is to create and analyze alternative solutions (Kunc & Morecroft, 2010). The decision-making process at Coca Cola Company is centralized. The method employed is classical, where the top management makes considerations and takes time while making decisions. They explore and analyze the entire relevant and possible alternatives before arising at a rationally economic, as
  • 5. well as feasible, solution (Kownatzki et al., 2011). Programmed decisions are only generated by the top executives without consultation with the line managers; whereas the daily routine decisions are generated by the line managers, only with prior permission from the general manager (Clark & Maggitti, 2012). Some of the decisions made at the top management relate to: product positioning; market and distribution; price reduction; and trade discounts. The managers are responsible for the company’s results. Nevertheless, the management is cooperative and encourages its employees to bring their ideas in relation to their duties in order to increase the entire efficiency of the organization. This means increasing the productivity, which may mean profit realization (Amason, 1996). Every year, the company’s management analyzes results, and makes slight alternations in operations in order to generate better results for the following year. Nonetheless, the company does not hurriedly decide to develop new products or make any change in operations. For the company, drastic takes the course. For example, lately, upon realizing that it was in dire need for a drastic change, the management sought to figure out why the performance of the company was deteriorating. Through starting and exploring at the lower levels of the organization to seek solutions, the company was in a better position to generate drastic changes to the employees, and how they were rewarded. The company’s culture is to seek efforts to get employees more engaged (Amason, 1996). The effectiveness of this process is evident. As the company has constantly developed, top managers have delegated the operational duties and decision-making down to the lower levels. This change enables the company to perform better to each market, and at the same time, enables corporate managers to concentrate and focus on strategic and long-term planning. Moreover, by allowing lower level executives to
  • 6. become intricately engaged in the company's growth efforts, Isdel, the current CEO, created a conducive environment where each person’s voice is heard and felt responsible for the welfare and company’s performance (Harris, 1995). The marketing department possesses the highest power in the company (Harris, 1995). This is because it is the department considered to attract more clients. The department has been generating more market research by making more effective advertisements, hence increasing profit yield to the company. In conclusion, decision-making is vital especially if it has to yield positive outcome in a business strategy. The Coca Cola Company has continued to thrive in the market despite of competition due to its defined decision-making process. The decision-making model used by the company is efficient. This means that decisions are made based on the inputs generated by the lower level of workforce, as well as the managers in the middle level. The top management then seeks for its subordinates’ suggestions and ideas, and take the final decision- making. References Amason, A.C. (1996). Distinguishing the Effects of Functional and Dysfunctional Conflict on Strategic Decision Making: Resolving a Paradox for Top Management Teams. Academy of Management Journal.39(1) 123-148. Clark, K. D., & Maggitti, P. G. (2012). TMT Potency and Strategic Decision‐Making in High Technology Firms. Journal of Management Studies, 49(7), 1168-1193. Harris, N. (1995). The World of Coca-Cola. The Journal of American History, 82(1), 154-158. Kownatzki, M., Walter, J., Floyd, S., and Christoph, L. (2011). Corporate Control and the Speed of Strategic Business Unit Decision Making. Academic of Management Journal. 56(5)
  • 7. 1295-1324. Kunc, M. H., & Morecroft, J. D. (2010). Managerial decision making and firm performance under a resource‐based paradigm. Strategic Management Journal, 31(11), 1164-1182. Running head: CONFLICT 4 CONFLICT Coca Cola Company: Conflict John A. Gnanaranjan Davenport University February 2, 2014 Abstract This paper evaluates relationship conflict as part of organizational conflict in the Coca Cola Company. The CEO of this company has specific interests towards production
  • 8. department at the expense of marketing department. Employees in the marketing department are counterproductive because they are worried about their future jobs and the general conflict is affecting the department’s performance. This is a case of positive organizational conflict, but the CEO handles the conflict in a personal and negative way. The demands of the CEO are the main stressors that result in relationship conflict in an organization.Coca Cola Company: Conflict Organizational conflict can take many forms. It includes personal interests and perceptions or group interests with the upward authority or downward employee (Afzal et al., 2009). In the case of the Coca Cola Company, the best revealing issue is relationship conflict between the top seniors and the lower management levels. The CEO is known to favor production than marketing. He argues that the company cannot allocate the marketing department’s huge funds while Coca Cola is already dominating the world of soft drinks. The domination or monopoly is enough to sell the company’s products and use the money directed towards marketing to increase production of new products. While the CEO might be rational in his thinking, marketing is a vital department in any company regardless of its domination in the industry. While the CEO might be having a strong argument, he might be having personal or other interests towards the marketing people. According to Dreu et al. (2001), relationship conflict does not always take a bad direction or result into destructive consequences. There is good or bad relationship conflict in any organization. What differentiates the two is how those involved in the conflict handle it. For example, bad organizational conflict, sometimes referred as immoral conflict is destructive. It reduces workers performance and lowers the general productivity of an organization. When trying to demonstrate bad organizational conflict in the Coca Cola Company, the claims of the CEO make the marketing department counter-productive. First, those employees working in this department are worried about their future positions. They cannot work hard or work to
  • 9. the benefit of the company because of the underlying threats. Good relationship conflict on the other hand would work in favor of the company’s production. Workers will give their utmost effort to ensure that the interests of the conflict are achieved. The techniques for handling this conflict often determine whether it will be beneficial or destructive to the company. Stressors that cause relationship conflict in an organization are classified as demand roles that require a person to meet demands of one interest at the expense of another interest (Fox et al., 2001). For example, in the Coca Cola Company, the marketing personnel are spending much of their time to respond to the CEO’s demands rather than completing the tasks they have at hand. The reality remains that the marketing department will not be reduced or removed from the company. Strategies or guidelines that provide for elimination of this department do not exist. However, since the conflict is live and does exist, employees have a rough time responding to the same. The best way to reduce work or conflict related stress is through conflict resolution. This approach employs counseling or a trained conflict solver (Greenhaus & Beutell, 1985). There is always a resolution for any conflict. The organization can reach an equilibrium that benefits all parties while using personal counseling to bring back lost confidence. This way, the glory and general performance of an organization will improve. No one likes conflict and no one is harmed if he or she is listened to. Therefore, counseling can be the best remedy for organizational conflict as opposed to avoidance, dominance, compromise or confrontation. References Afzal, H., Khan, A. M., and Ali, I. (2009). Linkage between Employee's Perfomance and Relatioship Conflict in Banking Scenario. International Journal of Business and Management. 4 (7) (2009). Dreu, C.K.W., and Van, A., E.M. (2001). Managing relationship conflict and the effectiveness of organization teams. Journal of
  • 10. Organizational Behavior. 22 (3): 309-328. Fox, S., Spector, P.E. and Miles, D. (2001). Counterproductive Work Behavior (CWB) in Response to Job Stressors and Organizationa Justice: Some Mediator and Moderator Tests for Autonomy and Emotions. Journal of Vocational Behavior. 59 (3): 291-309. Greenhaus, H.J. and Beutell, N. (1985). Sources of Conflict Between Work and Family Roles. Academy of Management. 10 (1): 76-88. Running head: LEADERSHIP AND ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE 6 LEADERSHIP AND ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Coca Cola Company: Leadership and Organizational Structure John A. Gnanaranjan Davenport University February 9, 2014
  • 11. Abstract Leadership and organizational structure are the main elements in any organization. This paper highlights the elements of leadership and organizational structure in the Coca Cola Company. The Coca Cola Company has adopted the democratic leadership approach to run its institution. This leadership approach is the most effective form of running any institution because it is open to its member’s participation. Member’s participation in managerial decision-making welcomes new and creative ideas to projects and guarantees that members will offer their efforts towards the projects. Although democratic leadership is widely accepted as the most effective form of decision-making, its downsides are experienced when a company needs quick solutions to a problem. This form of governance is slow in decision-making; hence, not effective for matters requiring quick solutions. Nurturing and leader development with democratic leadership approach is straightforward because excellent leaders are chosen and awarded through a collective and open choice from members. When analyzing organizational structure and its impact on leadership, democratic leadership tends to adopt an open system structure. This structure allows member’s input in managerial decision-making. Consequently, such participation is known to guarantee employee satisfaction and the general health of the organization in terms of performance and productivity.
  • 12. Coca Cola Company: Leadership and Organizational Structure Leadership style fostered in the organization Different organizations adopt different leadership approaches. The choice of any leadership style in any organization depends on the type of business, the specific needs of that organization, immediate situations, requirement and expectation of employees and challenges, if any, in that organization. An organization can still adopt several of the leadership approaches at different times (Murari, 2011). The Coca Cola Company has adopted a democratic leadership style. In this organizational leadership approach, leaders share decision-making abilities with other members of their institution. Carter and Greer (2013) indicate that democratic leaders use Lewin’s leadership style approach when heading their organizations. This form of leadership includes a participatory system where team members assist in decision-making. Democratic organizational leadership style is productive and effective especially when an organization requires long-term based decision-making. Effectiveness of the democratic leadership approach Democratic organizational leadership style is one of the most effective approaches used in many organizations. The Coca Cola Company believes that democratic leadership guarantee high employee satisfaction, encourages creativity and realizes high productivity because of equal participation opportunities. Coca Cola is a stable organization. In a certain level, allowing employees to participate equally in the company’s decision- making encourages members to give their best in projects. This is the main reason why this company is successful in its new projects. Before any project is launched, relevant employees
  • 13. contribute their creative ideas, participate in discussions, vote wherever necessary and contribute better solutions for the new project. According to Carter and Greer (2013), the result of full participation in creating a new project gives members morale, and the general progress of the project remains superior. Ineffectiveness of the democratic leadership approach Although the democratic leadership approach is effective and productive, it does not work well for all the situations of the company. For example, the recent poor performance in the marketing department required a different strategy in making decision because of the urgent situational demand. Murari (2011) admits that democratic leadership is a chronic form of decision-making, and is not effective when an urgent situation needs a quick solution. However, since the company has not adopted any other form of leadership style, the marketing department issue took longer than necessary to resolve. Taking a long to make decisions, especially when a matter is sensitive and urgent, creates tension that can spread to other departments. This situation brings an aspect of counter productivity in the company as employees waste ample time to wait for an effective decision. How leaders are nurtured and developed in the organization Democratic organizational leadership has a straightforward leader with nurturing and developmental characteristics. Through participatory decision-making, leadership skills are shared and distributed among members. Through this management style, quality leaders are appreciated. Their efforts and inputs are recognized and can be rewarded with appointments (Woods & Gronn, 2009). The Coca Cola Company has gone to the extent of rewarding quality leaders with training programs aimed at promoting effective management skills. In essence, best quality leaders are chosen and given responsibilities, and involved members of the organization reward them through a collective agreement. Organizational structure and its impact on leadership Leadership and organizational structure are the pillars of any
  • 14. organizations. Different leadership styles have different organizational structures. The leadership or organizational structure, which an institution adopts, determines the norms, culture and general running of that organization (Somech, 2006). For example, democratic organizational leadership approach adopts an organizational structure with an open door policy. This design allows the management to receive feedback or input from members before a final decision is made (Carter & Greer, 2013). This is contrary to what autocratic organizational leadership does. This form of leadership adopts a closed system organizational structure where the organization depends on its manager for final decisions. The interaction between these two elements determines the general organizational development, performance, productivity, ability of an institution to meet the needs of its members and the general progress through which growth and change is achieved. References Carter, S.M. & Greer, C. R. (2013). Strategic Leadership
  • 15. Values, Styles, and Organizational Performance. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies. 20(4): 375-393. Murari. K. (2011). Just! Five Distinct Leadership Styles. International Journal of Research in Commerce & Management. 2(12): 30-35. Somech, A. (2006). The Effects of Leadership Style and Team Process on Performance and Innovation in Functionally Heterogeneous Teams. Journal of Management. 32 (1): 132-157. Woods, P.A. & Gronn, P. (2009). Nurturing Democracy The Contribution of Distributed Leadership to a Democratic Organizational Landscape. Educational Management Administration & Leadership. 37 (4): 430-451. MGMT 645 Project Guidelines Assignment Overview This course project is designed to give you real life practical experience while examining some of the key elements of organizational behavior as they apply to a specific organization. Additionally, the project offers you the opportunity to develop and create your own recommendations for the organization. Each week, you will complete a weekly project (parts A - E) and, in week 7, you will synthesize all of this into a final project that will be your recommendations. For the weekly projects, you will be conducting research and presenting findings related to the organization that you selected. For the final project, you will develop a formal recommendations paper based on your research. Consider the weekly projects as a way to examine the current state of the organization. Consider the final project as a way for you to provide recommendations to better the organization.
  • 16. Timeline and Point Allocation See the course calendar for specific due date: · Topic Selection: Week 1 (30 points) · Part A: Week 2 (50 Points) · Part B: Week 3 (50 points) · Part C: Week 4 (50 points) · Part D: Week 5 (50 points) · Part E: Week 6 (50 points) · Project Recommendations: Week 7 (100 points) Topic Selection: One of the most critical steps in this class is selecting an organization. You will use this topic for each weekly project and the Project Recommendations. An organization must be submitted for approval before you can proceed to the next elements of the assignment. Failure to submit your topic selection by the due date will preclude you from completing the upcoming project assignments. When selecting an organization for purposes of these assignments, it’s best to select a mid-size organization where you will be able to access the information needed to complete these assignments. Selecting an organization that is too large, like Wal-Mart or GE, will be too significant a scope for these assignments. Selecting a small organization of under 20 employees won’t provide the needed dynamic to complete these assignments. When considering what organization to select, you may select an organization where you work or have worked. You might also select an organization that is of interest to you but it should be an organization where you have access to resources to complete the required assignments. There are many scholarly sources available within the Davenport University Library. Additionally, other great resources could be leaders within the organization who you can interview. One word of caution, it’s important to maintain objectivity. This will be demonstrated by
  • 17. your scholarly research. For the Project Topic, you will submit a 2 page (body) APA formatted paper that will include the following: · Name of organization · Reason why you selected this organization · Description of organization that will include type of industry, number of employees, basic history, any other pertinent information as to why this is a great selection for your topic. · A minimum of 3 specific APA formatted scholarly resources that you plan to use in your upcoming research. The topic must be approved by faculty before you can proceed. General Guidelines for Parts A-E and Project Recommendations · Projects must be completed using APA standards with the inclusion of: · Title page · Abstract · Introduction · Body (with correct use of headings and sub-headings) · Conclusion · Reference Page · Appendices (as needed) · Projects must be completed in third person. · Parts A – E as well as the Project Recommendations do get submitted to Turnitin as a routine. · These assignments require that you conduct and assess scholarly research. A good place to start your research is the online databases accessible through the Davenport University Online Library. [Hint: If you are unsure how to use the databases ask for help by clicking on the Ask A Librarian link]. You can also use professional websites and magazines, quality newspapers and journals. Yet another source would be interviewing leaders within the organization. Note: References like Wikipedia may be a good starting point but it is NOT
  • 18. considered academically credible because the information can be edited by lay people who may not input accurate and validated information. Parts A - E need to have a minimum of 4 scholarly sources outside of our class resources. With each week, you should be expanding your reference list rather than using the same references repeatedly. The Project Recommendations needs to have a minimum of 10 scholarly sources outside of our class resources. · It is imperative that you tie your research and recommendations to the course material. Be sure to link your projects to the core concepts from the class. · The body for each of the weekly projects will be 4 – 6 pages. The body for the final project will be a minimum of 10 pages. · The university’s policy on plagiarism and academic honesty apply. Part A: Reward and Performance Practices Conduct and present research that evaluates the current reward structure in your selected organization. Be sure to examine both monetary and non-monetary rewards. Evaluate the effectiveness of these rewards on performance. Additionally, assess how this reward system motivates (or fails to motivate) employees (Note: this is not where you will make recommendations – that will come in the final project). Part B: Decision-Making Conduct and present research that evaluates the decision making process within the organization. Be sure to provide specific examples of complex decisions that have been made. Discuss and describe who is involved in the decision-making and who is impacted by the decision-making. Evaluate the effectiveness of this process, without making recommendations. Part C: Conflict Conduct and present research that evaluates how conflict
  • 19. manifests itself within the organization. Discuss both positive and negative conflict. Be sure to provide specific examples. Examine what stressors cause conflict and what approaches are used to manage conflict Part D: Leadership and Organizational Structure Conduct and present research that evaluates the leadership style fostered in this organization. Provide examples of both its effectiveness and ineffectiveness. Describe how leaders are (or are not) nurtured and developed. Analyze how the organizational structure also manifests itself within the organization. Part E: Organizational Culture and Change Conduct and present research that evaluates the current culture of the organization. Provide examples of how environmental forces have impacted the organization. As a part of this, identify how the organization accepts or embraces change as a force. Project Recommendations For this final element, you will synthesize all of your research and create recommendations to the organization’s leaders on ways that the organization can adjust and improve in the following areas: · Reward and Performance Practices · Decision-making · Conflict · Leadership and Organizational Structure · Organizational Culture and Change · You may include other recommendation sections as appropriate for your organization. Justify your research by including scholarly research that has been conducted on comparable organizations. Be sure to include both the pros and cons of your recommendations. As a friendly reminder, this is a professional document and should be
  • 20. completed in third person. Grading Rubric Exemplary Level Meeting all requirements that include this criterion will earn a maximum of 100 percent Leadership: 10 Student provided realistic strategies to lead effectively, which include but are not limited to: building teams, innovation, ethics, integrity, vision, originality etc. X/10 Mastery Level Meeting all requirements that include these three criteria areas will earn a maximum of 90 percent Recommendations & Goals: 10 Problem Solving & Decision Making: 10 Measuring Outcomes: 10 Student provided relevant, feasible and high quality recommendations and goals. Alternatives are provided and concepts are supported. Student applied a variety of quantitative and qualitative techniques to make business decisions. Student provided details to measure outcomes to provide the best recommendation(s). Measurables are well-thought and realistic. X/10 X/10 X/10 Competency Level
  • 21. Meeting the requirements of the four criteria areas will earn a maximum of 60 percent Content: 15 APA: 15 Mechanics: 15 Organization: 15 Student identifies key ideas, examines their interrelationships, and incorporates quotations from sources logically, effectively, and gracefully, paper length is met. Student followed APA formatting guidelines with at least four citations (in-text and reference list match) from peer-reviewed journals. Sentence structure, grammar, diction; correct use of punctuation; minimal to no spelling errors; no run-on sentences or comma splices. Paper contains an introduction, supporting body, conclusion and reference page. Ideas are arranged logically to support the purpose or argument. They flow smoothly from one to another and are clearly linked to each other. The reader can follow the line of reasoning. X/15 X/15 X/15 X/15 March 19, 2013 Page 3