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Underage Workers and Multinational Business Activities
Most businesses appreciate that this is the age of globalization.
Indeed, managements of various organizations tend to include
the aspect of going global in their strategic planning. With
globalization, it has become possible to market products made,
say, in the United States to various markets all over the world.
“Likewise, it is now possible for multinationals to source their
labor from the developing world, and this is especially since the
company overheads are relatively low.” (Kana, Phoumin, &
Seiichi, 2010)
Companies such as Nike, Inc. are able to devolve some of the
non-specialized activities to their holdings and business
associates in countries like Cambodia and Ethiopia. These
activities include the manufacturing as well as marketing of
products at hand. In a significant number of developing nations,
the activities of many multinationals are overlooked. “This is
the case since the governments in question are more concerned
about the advantages of foreign direct investments than with
matters such as the law and ethics.” (Gibney &Skogly, 2012)
The Legal Structures in Developing Countries versus Developed
Developing countries have weak legal, political, and moral
structures; and this means that dishonest organizations may
exploit the loopholes for their own selfish gains. The ambiguity
and inadequacy in law has actually been exploited by
organizations like Nike, Inc. for instance, Nike has for long
being accused of dealing with organizations which engage in
child labor. Child labor appeals since the children ask for wages
which are relatively lower that what could be demanded by the
adults. Furthermore, they barely know their rights, i.e. the
rights of the workers.
“In that case, they tend to be over-exploited and over-worked
uncomplainingly.” (Aras &Crowther, 2011; Brickell, 2011)
In the developed world, the law is clear. Indeed, the law is
strictly observed. “Any deviance results into hefty fines and/or
even lengthy jail terms. In the United States, for instance,
numerous rules and statutes regulate the engagement of minors
in the labor force.” (Kline, 2010) Generally, employers outside
the agricultural industry are not expected to hire children who
are under the age of 14 years. Those who are between the ages
of 14 and 16 years may be employed for a limited number of
hours, but this must involve the consent of their parents or
guardians. “Those between the age of 16 and 18 years may be
engaged for an unlimited number of hours, as long as the roles
in question are not hazardous.” (Timmerman, 2012)
The above scenario indicates that in countries such as the
United States, Britain, and France, there are clear regulations;
and organizations, parents, and even the children in question are
able to see and differentiate what is legal from what is illegal.
“This is unlike the case in most of the developing nations.”
(Wetterberg, 2011) The next section addresses the theories
which under which the question of engaging child labor will be
Theories about Child Labor
Observers argue that there are various causes of child-labor.
There is a common belief that child-labor is caused by poverty.
Indeed, it is argued that the children of the poorest parents in
the community/society are more likely to engage in child labor
than those whose parents happen to be middle or high income
“Studies have indicated that as the wages of the parents
increase, the probability of finding their children engaging in
child labor is significantly diminished.” (Ang, Brown, Dehejia,
& Robertson, 2012)
The second theory is that an increase in familial wealth tends to
increase the level of educational attainment amongst the
children in question. Once the students get educated, they are
able to secure better and more stable jobs than their parents, and
this means that the cycle of child-labor is curtailed. “In case
this does not happen, the children who once engaged in child-
labor find their own children doing the same, and the scenario
end up running in the family.” (Chae-Young, 2011)
The third theory is that as the GDPs of nations increase, the
members of the societies get wealthier. As such, they are able to
demand for better working conditions, morality, as well as the
rule of law. “Government’s address these concerns by
enhancing the legal and political frameworks, and this means
that challenges such as child labor are eliminated.” (Locke,
The Specific Areas of the Law
As it has been indicated, western nations and the developed
world have better legal and political structures than is the case
in much of the developing world. The developed world has
actually been on the forefront when it comes to creating an
international legal framework. “For instance, they have lobbied
hard so as to ensure that the recommendations of the United
Nations Convention on the Rights of the Children, i.e. CRC, are
ratified by as many nations as possible.” (Locke, 2013)
Most of the recommendations of the CRC have been calling for
the establishment of effective educational, social,
administrative, and legislative measures which would facilitate
the elimination of child-labor. Nations around the world are
expected to provide the minimum ages at which the children
may be considered for various employment duties.
“Additionally, it is expected that there would be regulations in
terms of hours as well as the definition of the penalties and
sanctions which are to be imposed on those who fail to oblige.”
(Islam, 2014)
The whole essence of completing the proposed report is to
evaluate why a number of multinationals manage to engage
child labor, or at least engage with partners who exploit the
children. The paper will seek to assess whether there have been
reliable reforms in this effect, and also establish if the reforms
have helped in eliminating the unethical and immoral acts of
child exploitation. In the end, the author hopes to make
recommendations on what ought to be done so as to solve these
challenges once and for all.
Ang, D., Brown, D., Dehejia, R., &Robertson, R. (2012,
November). Public Disclosure, Reputation Sensitivity, and
Labor Law Compliance: Evidence from Better Factories
Cambodia. Review of Development Economics, 16(4),594-607.
DOI: 10.1111/rode.12006
Aras, G., &Crowther, D. (2011). Governance and Social
Responsibility: International Perspectives. Basingstoke:
Palgrave Macmillan
Brickell, K. (2011, September). The 'Stubborn Stain' on
Development: Gendered Meanings of Housework (Non-
)Participation in Cambodia. Journal of Development Studies,
47(9), 1353-1370. DOI: 10.1080/00220388.2010.527955
Chae-Young, K. (2011, March). Children's work and the life
skills education policy in Cambodia. Journal of International
Development, 23(2), 262-273. DOI: 10.1002/jid.1767
Gibney, M., &Skogly, S. (2012). Universal Human Rights and
Extraterritorial Obligations. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania:
University of Pennsylvania Press
Islam, M.A. (2014). Social Compliance Accounting: Managing
Legitimacy in Global Supply Chains. Berlin: Springer
Kana, M., Phoumin, H., &Seiichi, F. (2010, September). Does
Child Labour Have a Negative Impact on Child Education and
Health? A Case Study in Rural Cambodia. Oxford Development
Studies, 38(3), 357-382. DOI: 10.1080/13600818.2010.505682
Kline, J. (2010). Ethics for International Business: Decision-
Making in a Global Political Economy. London: Routledge
Locke, R.M. (2013). The Promise and Limits of Private Power:
Promoting Labor Standards in a Global Economy. Cambridge,
England: Cambridge University Press
Timmerman, K. (2012). Where am I Wearing: A Global Tour to
the Countries, Factories, and People That Make Our Clothes?
Hoboken, NJ, United States of America: John Wiley & Sons
Wetterberg, A. (2011, February). Public-private partnership in
labor standards governance: Better factories Cambodia. Public
Administration & Development, 31(1),64-73. DOI:
Standard Format for Academic Papers in the OSCM Program
Students in the OSCM program are expected to adhere the
following when writing an academic paper:
1. 12-point serif font (Times New Roman or Courier).
2. Double-spaced.
3. 1-inch margins at the top, bottom, left, and right of every
4. Title page which contains the assignment name, byline,
professor’s name, and date.
5. Paragraphs indented five to seven spaces. All paragraphs are
to include at least three sentences to be complete.
6. Complete sentences, correct grammar, correct spelling, and
accurate punctuation is expected.
7. Absence of typographical errors.
8. Citations within the body of the text are to adhere to APA
9. Running head contains your last name and page number in the
top right corner.
10. Headings are included, as appropriate, and follow APA
11. Reference list starts on a new page and follows proper APA
12. Appendix (if appropriate) starts on a new page.
Lori Green, PMP
Project Portfolio
Dr Brian Gregory
OSCM495-H1WW (WI15)
I will be presenting a pumpkin bread to be sold to the public
that can be enjoyed by everyone at holiday time. The bread will
be made in my kitchen using a conventional oven, 4 small
connected mini loaf pans and a cooling rack. I can produce 4
small loaves at once using the below method that I found on with a few of my own little “tweaks”:
Place rack in the middle of the oven and heat the oven to 350
degrees F. Lightly butter and flour four mini loaf pans.
In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder,
ginger, baking soda, cinnamon, and salt.
In another bowl, beat the butter on low speed until the butter
is smooth. Add the sugar gradually and continue mixing on the
same speed, stopping to scrape the bowl and beater as needed,
until lighter in color and slightly fluffy, about 2 minutes. Add
the eggs one at a time and mix until smooth after each addition,
about 30 seconds. Add the pumpkin and mix until it's evenly
incorporated into the batter. Scrape down the sides of the bowl
and mix until well blended.
Turn off mixer and add half the flour mixture. Mix on low
speed until the flour is almost completely blended and then add
half the buttermilk and mix until smooth. Do the same with the
remaining flour and buttermilk. Scrape down the sides of the
bowl and mix until smooth.
Fill the pans with the batter, the pans should be about two-
thirds full. Smooth the top of the batter. Bake about 40 minutes
until the loaves are golden and test with a toothpick to ensure
the loaves are done.
Let the loaves cool in the pans on a rack for 10 to 15 minutes
to give them time to set and then turn them out onto a rack and
flip right side up to cool completely. (Green, 2015)
This process can be repeated until the desired amount of loaves
is completed. Typically, we set up at a bake sale or have friends
and family pre-order the loaves. This process takes about an
hour each, and usually I can make 32-36 loaves a day.
The best place I have found for the ingredients is a bulk store
called GFS. (Bakery) My truck has a crew cab I can use if
necessary to haul the bulk ingredients; such as a 50 pound bag
of flour or multiple cans of pumpkin. I can also use my own
vehicle for transportation to the selling site.
Ingredients per 4 loaves include:
· 3/4 cup melted butter
· 21/2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
· 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
· 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
· 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
· 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
· 1/2 teaspoon table salt
· 3 cups sugar
· 2 large eggs
· 1 1/4 cups canned pumpkin
· 1/2 cup buttermilk (Andrea, 2008)
If I bake the loaves and all are not sold, the bread can be frozen
and kept for up to 6 months before they are no longer
It costs around $.97 to produce one loaf of pumpkin bread when
buying ingredients in bulk. This includes ingredients and a
slight increase in the electric bill. The selling price is $3.50,
which gives me $2.53 profit per loaf.
Andrea. (2008, October 22). Pumpkin Spice Bread. Retrieved
from Inspired2Cook:
Bakery. (n.d.). Retrieved from Gordon Foor Service:
Green, L. (2015, April 2). Project Manager. (L. Green,
Program Plan Outline
Lori Green
OSCM495-H1WW (WI15)
5.3. SALES
Holiday Bread is located in Dublin, Ohio. When friends and
family began to request her holiday breads, Lori Green decided
to begin a side business to acquire some extra cash around the
Holidays. The process may be a little time consuming, but the
taste is worth the wait.
Holiday Bread is a small company that can offer quality sweet
bread products to be enjoyed during the holiday season.
Operating since 2010, many people and organizations have had
the experience of biting into Holiday Bread’s mouth-watering
taste. The aroma is tantalizing and sure to bring the children
running to the table.
Focusing on a small market, Holiday Bread is competitively
priced to meet the demand of the middle class local markets at
bake sales. Traditional holiday flavors and aromas can fill the
room for a mere three dollars. A loaf is approximately 5.75" W
x 3" L x 2.125" D. Shared by two or indulged by one, these are
the perfect size.
Holiday Bread is independently owned and operated, by Lori
Green, eliminating the middle man, giving that fresh home
baked appeal. The kitchen follows all FDA regulations with
regular inspections, ensuring the quality and consistency of the
You can buy often and you can buy early, Holiday Bread can be
kept frozen for up to six months. When you are ready, just
remove from packaging and reheat. It’s the same great taste and
aroma. Some prefer to slap a little butter on and share with
friends and relatives visiting from around the globe.
1. Permits
1.1. Obtain FDA and vendor licensing and permits
2. Equipment
2.1. Calibrate existing oven
2.2. Obtain additional baking pans/ racks etc
2.3. Back-up mixer
3. Packaging
3.1. Cellophane purchase
3.2. Label writing
4. Marketing
4.1. Advertise at Bake Sales
4.2. Word of Mouth
4.3. Social Media
1. Standards and Procedures
1.1. Standardize recipes
1.2. Ensure weights and measures
1.2.1. Calibration
2. Validation Activities
2.1. Calibration
2.2. Sanitation Control
3. Quality Audits
1. Vendor Selection
1.1. Rate and review prices, quality, etc
1.2. Multiple sources
2. Production
2.1. Members
2.2. Location
3. Sales
3.1. Marketing
3.2. Return on Investment
4. Transportation and Logistics
4.1. Delivery
4.2. Storage
4.2.1. Unsold product
4.2.2. Ingredients
5. Expenses
Vendor Selection
Compare pricing and quality
Travel distance
Payment Method
Cash or credit
Determining Quantities
Based on sales and orders
Label start date
Label expiration date
Rotate stock
Keep new ingredients in front
Discard expired
Disposal of unused stock or product
Garbage Disposal

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  • 1. Running Head: UNDERAGE WORKERS 1 UNDERAGE WORKERS 5 OUTLINE FOR FINAL PAPER MUST USE ALL OF THIS AND WRITE ABOUT THIS TOPIC Underage Workers and Multinational Business Activities Most businesses appreciate that this is the age of globalization. Indeed, managements of various organizations tend to include the aspect of going global in their strategic planning. With globalization, it has become possible to market products made, say, in the United States to various markets all over the world. “Likewise, it is now possible for multinationals to source their labor from the developing world, and this is especially since the company overheads are relatively low.” (Kana, Phoumin, & Seiichi, 2010) Companies such as Nike, Inc. are able to devolve some of the non-specialized activities to their holdings and business associates in countries like Cambodia and Ethiopia. These activities include the manufacturing as well as marketing of products at hand. In a significant number of developing nations,
  • 2. the activities of many multinationals are overlooked. “This is the case since the governments in question are more concerned about the advantages of foreign direct investments than with matters such as the law and ethics.” (Gibney &Skogly, 2012) The Legal Structures in Developing Countries versus Developed Countries Developing countries have weak legal, political, and moral structures; and this means that dishonest organizations may exploit the loopholes for their own selfish gains. The ambiguity and inadequacy in law has actually been exploited by organizations like Nike, Inc. for instance, Nike has for long being accused of dealing with organizations which engage in child labor. Child labor appeals since the children ask for wages which are relatively lower that what could be demanded by the adults. Furthermore, they barely know their rights, i.e. the rights of the workers. “In that case, they tend to be over-exploited and over-worked uncomplainingly.” (Aras &Crowther, 2011; Brickell, 2011) In the developed world, the law is clear. Indeed, the law is strictly observed. “Any deviance results into hefty fines and/or even lengthy jail terms. In the United States, for instance, numerous rules and statutes regulate the engagement of minors in the labor force.” (Kline, 2010) Generally, employers outside the agricultural industry are not expected to hire children who are under the age of 14 years. Those who are between the ages of 14 and 16 years may be employed for a limited number of hours, but this must involve the consent of their parents or guardians. “Those between the age of 16 and 18 years may be engaged for an unlimited number of hours, as long as the roles in question are not hazardous.” (Timmerman, 2012) The above scenario indicates that in countries such as the United States, Britain, and France, there are clear regulations; and organizations, parents, and even the children in question are able to see and differentiate what is legal from what is illegal. “This is unlike the case in most of the developing nations.” (Wetterberg, 2011) The next section addresses the theories
  • 3. which under which the question of engaging child labor will be addressed. Theories about Child Labor Observers argue that there are various causes of child-labor. There is a common belief that child-labor is caused by poverty. Indeed, it is argued that the children of the poorest parents in the community/society are more likely to engage in child labor than those whose parents happen to be middle or high income earners. “Studies have indicated that as the wages of the parents increase, the probability of finding their children engaging in child labor is significantly diminished.” (Ang, Brown, Dehejia, & Robertson, 2012) The second theory is that an increase in familial wealth tends to increase the level of educational attainment amongst the children in question. Once the students get educated, they are able to secure better and more stable jobs than their parents, and this means that the cycle of child-labor is curtailed. “In case this does not happen, the children who once engaged in child- labor find their own children doing the same, and the scenario end up running in the family.” (Chae-Young, 2011) The third theory is that as the GDPs of nations increase, the members of the societies get wealthier. As such, they are able to demand for better working conditions, morality, as well as the rule of law. “Government’s address these concerns by enhancing the legal and political frameworks, and this means that challenges such as child labor are eliminated.” (Locke, 2013) The Specific Areas of the Law As it has been indicated, western nations and the developed world have better legal and political structures than is the case in much of the developing world. The developed world has actually been on the forefront when it comes to creating an international legal framework. “For instance, they have lobbied hard so as to ensure that the recommendations of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Children, i.e. CRC, are
  • 4. ratified by as many nations as possible.” (Locke, 2013) Most of the recommendations of the CRC have been calling for the establishment of effective educational, social, administrative, and legislative measures which would facilitate the elimination of child-labor. Nations around the world are expected to provide the minimum ages at which the children may be considered for various employment duties. “Additionally, it is expected that there would be regulations in terms of hours as well as the definition of the penalties and sanctions which are to be imposed on those who fail to oblige.” (Islam, 2014) Summary The whole essence of completing the proposed report is to evaluate why a number of multinationals manage to engage child labor, or at least engage with partners who exploit the children. The paper will seek to assess whether there have been reliable reforms in this effect, and also establish if the reforms have helped in eliminating the unethical and immoral acts of child exploitation. In the end, the author hopes to make recommendations on what ought to be done so as to solve these challenges once and for all. References Ang, D., Brown, D., Dehejia, R., &Robertson, R. (2012, November). Public Disclosure, Reputation Sensitivity, and Labor Law Compliance: Evidence from Better Factories Cambodia. Review of Development Economics, 16(4),594-607. DOI: 10.1111/rode.12006 Aras, G., &Crowther, D. (2011). Governance and Social Responsibility: International Perspectives. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan Brickell, K. (2011, September). The 'Stubborn Stain' on Development: Gendered Meanings of Housework (Non- )Participation in Cambodia. Journal of Development Studies, 47(9), 1353-1370. DOI: 10.1080/00220388.2010.527955
  • 5. Chae-Young, K. (2011, March). Children's work and the life skills education policy in Cambodia. Journal of International Development, 23(2), 262-273. DOI: 10.1002/jid.1767 Gibney, M., &Skogly, S. (2012). Universal Human Rights and Extraterritorial Obligations. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press Islam, M.A. (2014). Social Compliance Accounting: Managing Legitimacy in Global Supply Chains. Berlin: Springer Kana, M., Phoumin, H., &Seiichi, F. (2010, September). Does Child Labour Have a Negative Impact on Child Education and Health? A Case Study in Rural Cambodia. Oxford Development Studies, 38(3), 357-382. DOI: 10.1080/13600818.2010.505682 References Kline, J. (2010). Ethics for International Business: Decision- Making in a Global Political Economy. London: Routledge Locke, R.M. (2013). The Promise and Limits of Private Power: Promoting Labor Standards in a Global Economy. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press Timmerman, K. (2012). Where am I Wearing: A Global Tour to the Countries, Factories, and People That Make Our Clothes? Hoboken, NJ, United States of America: John Wiley & Sons Wetterberg, A. (2011, February). Public-private partnership in labor standards governance: Better factories Cambodia. Public Administration & Development, 31(1),64-73. DOI: 10.1002/pad.589 Standard Format for Academic Papers in the OSCM Program Students in the OSCM program are expected to adhere the following when writing an academic paper: 1. 12-point serif font (Times New Roman or Courier). 2. Double-spaced.
  • 6. 3. 1-inch margins at the top, bottom, left, and right of every page. 4. Title page which contains the assignment name, byline, professor’s name, and date. 5. Paragraphs indented five to seven spaces. All paragraphs are to include at least three sentences to be complete. 6. Complete sentences, correct grammar, correct spelling, and accurate punctuation is expected. 7. Absence of typographical errors. 8. Citations within the body of the text are to adhere to APA format. 9. Running head contains your last name and page number in the top right corner. 10. Headings are included, as appropriate, and follow APA format. 11. Reference list starts on a new page and follows proper APA format. 12. Appendix (if appropriate) starts on a new page. Lori Green, PMP Project Portfolio Dr Brian Gregory OSCM495-H1WW (WI15)
  • 7. I will be presenting a pumpkin bread to be sold to the public that can be enjoyed by everyone at holiday time. The bread will be made in my kitchen using a conventional oven, 4 small connected mini loaf pans and a cooling rack. I can produce 4 small loaves at once using the below method that I found on with a few of my own little “tweaks”: Place rack in the middle of the oven and heat the oven to 350 degrees F. Lightly butter and flour four mini loaf pans. In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, ginger, baking soda, cinnamon, and salt. In another bowl, beat the butter on low speed until the butter is smooth. Add the sugar gradually and continue mixing on the same speed, stopping to scrape the bowl and beater as needed, until lighter in color and slightly fluffy, about 2 minutes. Add the eggs one at a time and mix until smooth after each addition, about 30 seconds. Add the pumpkin and mix until it's evenly incorporated into the batter. Scrape down the sides of the bowl and mix until well blended. Turn off mixer and add half the flour mixture. Mix on low speed until the flour is almost completely blended and then add half the buttermilk and mix until smooth. Do the same with the remaining flour and buttermilk. Scrape down the sides of the bowl and mix until smooth. Fill the pans with the batter, the pans should be about two- thirds full. Smooth the top of the batter. Bake about 40 minutes until the loaves are golden and test with a toothpick to ensure the loaves are done. Let the loaves cool in the pans on a rack for 10 to 15 minutes to give them time to set and then turn them out onto a rack and flip right side up to cool completely. (Green, 2015) This process can be repeated until the desired amount of loaves is completed. Typically, we set up at a bake sale or have friends and family pre-order the loaves. This process takes about an hour each, and usually I can make 32-36 loaves a day. The best place I have found for the ingredients is a bulk store called GFS. (Bakery) My truck has a crew cab I can use if
  • 8. necessary to haul the bulk ingredients; such as a 50 pound bag of flour or multiple cans of pumpkin. I can also use my own vehicle for transportation to the selling site. Ingredients per 4 loaves include: · 3/4 cup melted butter · 21/2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour · 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder · 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger · 1/2 teaspoon baking soda · 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon · 1/2 teaspoon table salt · 3 cups sugar · 2 large eggs · 1 1/4 cups canned pumpkin · 1/2 cup buttermilk (Andrea, 2008) If I bake the loaves and all are not sold, the bread can be frozen and kept for up to 6 months before they are no longer consumable. It costs around $.97 to produce one loaf of pumpkin bread when buying ingredients in bulk. This includes ingredients and a slight increase in the electric bill. The selling price is $3.50, which gives me $2.53 profit per loaf. Andrea. (2008, October 22). Pumpkin Spice Bread. Retrieved from Inspired2Cook: bread/ Bakery. (n.d.). Retrieved from Gordon Foor Service: Green, L. (2015, April 2). Project Manager. (L. Green, Interviewer)
  • 9. Program Plan Outline Lori Green OSCM495-H1WW (WI15) PRODUCTION PLAN
  • 10. 1. INTRODUCTION 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3. OPERATIONS PROGRAM 3.1. PERMITS 3.2. EQUIPMENT 3.3. PACKAGING 3.4. MARKETING 4. QUALITY PLAN 4.1. STANDARDS AND PROCEDURES 4.2. VALIDATION ACTIVITIES 4.3. QUALITY AUDITS 5. SUPPLY CHAIN 5.1. VENDOR SELECTION 5.2. PRODUCTION 5.3. SALES 6. TRANSPORTATION AND LOGISTICS 6.1. CARRIER 6.2. STORAGE 6.3. EXPENSES 7. PURCHASING AND INVENTORY 7.1. VENDOR SELECTION 7.1.1. PAYMENT METHOD 7.1.2. DETERMINE QUANTITIES 7.2. STORAGE 7.2.1. LABELING 7.2.2. ROTATE STOCK 7.2.3. DISPOSAL OF UNUSED/UNUSABLE STOCK INTRODUCTION Holiday Bread is located in Dublin, Ohio. When friends and family began to request her holiday breads, Lori Green decided to begin a side business to acquire some extra cash around the Holidays. The process may be a little time consuming, but the taste is worth the wait. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Holiday Bread is a small company that can offer quality sweet bread products to be enjoyed during the holiday season.
  • 11. Operating since 2010, many people and organizations have had the experience of biting into Holiday Bread’s mouth-watering taste. The aroma is tantalizing and sure to bring the children running to the table. Focusing on a small market, Holiday Bread is competitively priced to meet the demand of the middle class local markets at bake sales. Traditional holiday flavors and aromas can fill the room for a mere three dollars. A loaf is approximately 5.75" W x 3" L x 2.125" D. Shared by two or indulged by one, these are the perfect size. Holiday Bread is independently owned and operated, by Lori Green, eliminating the middle man, giving that fresh home baked appeal. The kitchen follows all FDA regulations with regular inspections, ensuring the quality and consistency of the breads. You can buy often and you can buy early, Holiday Bread can be kept frozen for up to six months. When you are ready, just remove from packaging and reheat. It’s the same great taste and aroma. Some prefer to slap a little butter on and share with friends and relatives visiting from around the globe. OPERATIONS PROGRAM 1. Permits 1.1. Obtain FDA and vendor licensing and permits 2. Equipment 2.1. Calibrate existing oven 2.2. Obtain additional baking pans/ racks etc 2.3. Back-up mixer 3. Packaging 3.1. Cellophane purchase 3.2. Label writing 4. Marketing 4.1. Advertise at Bake Sales 4.2. Word of Mouth 4.3. Social Media
  • 12. QUALITY PLAN 1. Standards and Procedures 1.1. Standardize recipes 1.2. Ensure weights and measures 1.2.1. Calibration 2. Validation Activities 2.1. Calibration 2.2. Sanitation Control 3. Quality Audits SUPPLY CHAIN 1. Vendor Selection 1.1. Rate and review prices, quality, etc 1.2. Multiple sources 2. Production 2.1. Members 2.2. Location 3. Sales 3.1. Marketing 3.2. Return on Investment 4. Transportation and Logistics 4.1. Delivery 4.2. Storage 4.2.1. Unsold product 4.2.2. Ingredients 5. Expenses PURCHASING AND INVENTORY Vendor Selection Compare pricing and quality Travel distance Payment Method Cash or credit Determining Quantities Based on sales and orders Labeling Label start date Label expiration date
  • 13. Rotate stock Keep new ingredients in front Discard expired Disposal of unused stock or product Garbage Disposal