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The Academic Performance of International Students
The current trend of students seeking education from
foreign countries drew the discourse toward factors that
influence their academic performance. International students are
individuals residing temporarily in a foreign country to pursue
education, and their culture is different from the mainstream
culture. Because of the cultural differences, the students come
with their social conduct, values, and norms. In the process of
adjusting, international students facing problems that require
academic administration to understand and find ways of
supporting the students in their academic achievements. To
understand this, the study evaluates different sources of
literature to find out factors, which influence the performance
of international students.
The research would be important for stakeholders and
decision holders in the education field overseeing the
significant contribution of international students to the
economy, academics, and social diversity. Understanding the
issues affecting international students would help them in
developing the appropriate adjustment mechanisms to cope with
the language and cultural differences. In addition to factors
influencing performance, the examined literature reveals the
importance of good relationships between students as a way of
promoting diversity and academic achievement. Overall, the
evaluation of the sources indicates the significance of
promoting awareness in the culturally diverse environment. The
research enables the support of international students in their
learning programs, and makes them competitive in the global
education market.
The topics covered in the research literature include
factors in the teaching and education policies. They cover
challenges and needs of international students, modes of
adjustment, and their importance to the economy and education
system, language challenges, factors affecting academic
performance, and the comparison between international and
domestic students in terms of performance. All the topics
contribute significantly in understanding the needs of
international students and in developing and implementing
policies to support them.
In the article, Jia Ren and Linda Serra Hagedorn discuss
factors that influence the academic performance of international
students. Ren and Hagedorn recognize that while there is
significant number of international students in the United
States, administrations are not yet addressing their needs
completely. The authors argue that administrators and faculty
members failed to understand international students.
Consequently, the diverse nature of their needs remains
unaddressed with the current programs in high learning
institutions. They identified factors such as “English language
proficiency, learning and study strategies, academic preparation
and demographics” (Ren & Hagedorn, 2012). Furthermore, the
factors varied for undergraduate, masters and doctoral students.
The authors presented the diverse nature and needs of
international student in a concise way. The major focus of
policy and program development should be on the international
students, their graduate study, and academic performance. The
finding from the study makes significant improvement to their
performance. The study may lead to policy, service, and
program development to address the needs of the students and
contribute to improved academic performance in the country.
The article by Maureen Snow Andrade focuses on the
adjustment factors for international students due to their diverse
backgrounds. In the article, Andrade argues that international
students make significant contributions academically and
economically. Their contributions mean that administrators and
authorities should be aware of the adjustment issues necessary
to support the students in their life in education institutions. As
Andrade argues, this is possible through the development and
implementation of support services. In the discussion, Andrade
identified critical factors for adjustment and academic
performance. The basic adjustment factors are cultural
differences and language proficiency. Educational background,
academic skills, and English proficiency are critical elements in
their achievements. With the focus on adjustment, international
students, higher education, and achievement, Andrade is
presenting her arguments to underlie the importance for
decision holders to understand issues affecting international
students because of the international impact on intercultural
education. This contributes to development of effective support
measures as a way of supporting international students.
The article by Mushtaq and Khan discusses about factors
that are Affecting for the performance of international students.
The authors argue about the factors through practical studies
that examine the performance of college students. As
highlighted in the article, the performance of college students in
examinations is affected by a group of factors including the
approach used for communication, family issues, proper
guidance, and the learning facilities. Mushtaq and Khan
collected data by using profiles of students from different
backgrounds and colleges. The article makes significant
contributions to enable administrators offer the appropriate
facilities to enable students have better achievements in
addition to improving the general environment in college. Apply
good communication channels and improving English
proficiency is a major factor in improving student performance.
This is possible through arrangement of extra English classes
for international students. Proper guidance from parents and
teachers helps in understanding and exploiting the student
competencies and abilities.
The article by Ya-Hui Kuo discusses the challenges facing
the international students because of language barriers. Kuo
discusses the requirement for English proficiency required by
colleges and universities before an admission for students. This
is meant to facilitate learning in various programs. The
objective of the study was to develop recommendations and
ways forward to enable students have better academic
achievements by addressing the language challenges. The
objective is achievable by supporting international students in
adapting, adjusting, and overcoming their language barriers.
The study is critical and comprehensive in understanding that in
spite of the scores in proficiency tests, students must be
prepared to perform well in all areas of study. It highlights the
gap in standardized language proficiency programs, which do
not enhance fully the learning in colleges. It highlights the need
for programs that prepare international students to participate
and learn in the context of their course. It leads to exploration
of the significance of learning in the home countries with
instructions provided by American instructors to enhance the
interaction and communication.
In the article Zhao, Kuh and Carini provide a comparison
between American students and international students in terms
of educational practices. The authors contend that
administrators do not understand fully the experiences of
international students although their importance in enhancing
diversity in the institutions. They achieved this by examine the
engagement levels for significant number of American and
international students. Apparently, the level of engagement in
academic practices is higher among international students. This
often results in the desired outcomes provided the issues of
language proficiency and cultural diversity are addressed. The
levels of engagement in academics practices change
progressively as students get into senior years in college. This
implies that international students influence various aspects of
academic performance in colleges, which underlies their
significance. The significant influence means that colleges
should do research, practice, and policy changes to
accommodate the needs of international students.
The book by Andrade and Evans discusses the little
emphasis placed on international students by colleges, which
impacts on their academic performance. The Authors argue for
the increased awareness of international students’ needs for the
mutual benefit. The authors give suggestions of creative and
practical programs that administrators can implement to support
the students. There are hands-on, practical and comprehensive
strategies to address the issues affecting the students. The book
is important in highlighting the interrelationship between
personal, social, and academic issues. As the authors asserted,
the academic success of international students flows from the
confluence of a number of factors including learning strategies,
classroom dynamics, and language proficiency. In addition to
the practical guidelines provided, the book contributes
positively in understanding the personal, social, and academic
issues affecting international students. This provides
frameworks for the provision meaningful support to enable
students achieve their full potential. It would enable
stakeholders in higher education develop means of identifying
and managing coping issues at the earliest stage.
The book by Action discusses the information necessary
for better academic achievement in a timely, comprehensive,
and authoritative way. Action edited the book based on major
issues affecting various groups of students including
international students. Produced by individuals from different
fields of expertise, the information provided is concise and
effective in enhancing education and evaluation. On the area of
international students, Action discussed the role of social,
academic, and ethnic integration. The book is precise in
addressing the assumption that international students are not
sufficiently adjusted to pursue education in a foreign country.
The book discussed students from different nationalities in
Netherlands. It indicated the multifaceted nature of academic
performance among students. Students with western
backgrounds tend to perform better than students with non-
western backgrounds. This calls for the need to address
stressful factors that contribute negatively to international
students’ academic performance. This is a significant
contribution to various quarters of higher education, as
administrators have to implement measures to enhance equality
and accessibility.
In the book, International students and American higher
education by Kaur researched on encounters of international
students of Asian Indian origin in their adjustment to higher
education. In understanding, the process of adjustment to the
system of education Kaur studied a number of factors. The
factors included the actual problems experienced in learning the
American way, the methods used by participants to overcome
the challenges, as well as factors that enhance or hindered their
academic performance. The study is clear and concise in
presenting the opinions of the Indian students on mechanisms
students can use to bolster academic performance. The study
design and method of data collection was important in
examining critical factors about the subject. The study provides
a vital framework for understanding the needs of international
students from other backgrounds. Identifying the similarities
and differences in adjustment among students would help in
implementing customized programs and policies to cater for the
needs of all students. Furthermore, the study provides empirical
information that is important in eliminating stereotypes and
enhances performance.
In the book, Albrecht discussed the academic needs and
challenges faced by Mexican students in the American colleges.
The study identified a number of challenges as a result of
information gathered from administrators, faculty members and
international students. among the issues identified included the
struggle to succeed, pressure to be models, dealing with
uncertainty and system frustration, operating in a foreign land,
limited opportunities, issues in utilizing institutional resources,
and constant comparison with American students. The book is
clear in addressing the need for access to information, legal
services and designated personnel for international students.
This highlights the apparent problem in colleges on lack of
adequate attention directed to international students compared
to their counterparts. Overall, the study is important and
provides ways of serving international students better through
changes in policies and programs. Of importance is the need for
equality and specialized treatment to cater for the cultural and
language needs of the students.
The book, Effective Programming for International
Students Based on Their Perceived Social and Cultural Needs,
by Mayumi Terano uses case studies to outline the needs and
factors that impact on the academic performance of
international students. This is through the conclusions that
provide theoretical perspectives and their implications on the
students. Of importance are college policies, services and
programs, research methods, and the related literature. Through
the study, professionals for student welfare find ways of
increasing the cultural and social participation of international
students in colleges and universities. This is in recognition of
differences in self-perception and the actual performance of
students in academics, which varies depending on the level of
understanding. It results in a concerted effort among all
stakeholders to prioritize the promotion of intercultural
experiences and programs for all student populations. This
makes significant contributions on the subject owing to the
importance of international students in promoting the academic,
economic, social, and cultural diversity.
Acton, Q. A. (2013). Issues in teaching and education policy,
research, and special topics: 2013 Edition. Atlanta, Georgia:
Scholarly Editions.
Albrecht, T. J. (2007). Challenges and service needs of
undocumented Mexican undergraduate students students'
voices and administrators' perspectives. Austin, Tex.:
University of Texas.
Andrade, M. S. (2006). International students in English-
speaking universities: Adjustment Factors. Journal of Research
in International Education, 5(2), 131-154.
Andrade, M. S., & Evans, N. W. (2009). International students:
strengthening a critical resource. Lanham: Rowman &
Littlefield Education.
Kaur, D. (2007). International students and American higher
education a study of the academic adjustment experiences of
six Asian Indian international students at a research level II
University. Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI Dissertation Publishing.
Kuo, Y. (2011). Language challenges faced by international
graduate students in the United States. Journal of
International Students, 1(2), 38-41.
Mushtaq, I., & Khan, S. N. (2012). Factors affecting students’
academic performance. Global Journal of Management and
Business Research, 12(9), 17-22.
Ren, J., & Hagedorn, L. S. (2012). International graduate
students’ academic performance: What are the influencing
factors? Journal of International Students, 2(2), 135-141.
Terano, M. (2007). Effective programming for international
students based on their perceived social and cultural needs.
Ann Arbor, Michigan: ProQuest.
Zhao, C., Kuh, G. D., & Carini, R. M. (2012). A comparison of
international student and American student engagement in
effective educational practices. Journal of Pew Trusts, 12(1),
Increasing Yields
Through New Technology
Chapter 14
Dr. WJ Mueller
New Technology
It allows us to gain more output from the same inputs, or
Same output with fewer inputs
Bottom line is increased productivity
Has two effects
More profit &/or
Less expensive goods
Green Revolution
Started in the 1940’s by Dr. Norman Borlaug
Wheat breeder working in Mexico
Problem: Wheat rust limited yield
Green Revolution
Screened many varieties of wheat for resistance and found two
that were resistant
He crossed them with productive varieties
Result: productive, rust-resistant varieties
Yields increased from 11 bu/A to 20 bu/A
Was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1970 for this work
Borlaug (cont.)
Wheat had lodging problems
Heavy heads (because of increased yield) would cause stems to
break and fall over
Made harvest difficult or nearly impossible
Borloug (cont.)
Bred for shorter varieties with stronger stems
Greatly reduced the problem
He also developed higher-yielding varieties
Borloug (cont.)
Encouraged by the results, the Ford Foundation & Rockefeller
Foundation joined to establish two international ag research
International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in the Philippines
International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)
in Mexico
Borloug (cont.)
These centers were very successful in increasing yield and
The new higher-yielding seeds were used all over the world to
increase yield
It came to be called the “Green Revolution”
In a head-to-head comparison with old varieties, they did no
better with old production practices
But the new varieties did much better with fertilizer &
Borlaug (cont.)
He is credited with saving 100’s of millions of lives with his
Green Revolution
They bred for other characteristics that made these crops higher
Disease resistance
Changed plant architecture
High flag leaf (the top leaf above the seed head), resulted in
higher yields
More vertical leaf arrangement (supported higher populations of
Because of his work we use more:
Water for irrigation
Because of this we have lost species diversity
Biggest criticism: the poor are worse off because:
they are usually late adopters
They do not have the money to adopt new technologies
Critics (cont.)
Some of this is true!
Overall, the benefits outweigh the negatives
Is it any different than any other business?
Less productive businesses go under
Studies in the 1980’s showed that the benefits were shared
nearly evenly among big and small producers
There was a difference in age
Younger, better educated farmers benefited most
How could this be?
1. Seeds developed breed true
Meaning that seeds could be saved and planted the next year
and the plants would be the same
Contrary to Hybrid seed
It must be purchased every year
If you plant seed from a hybrid crop, the offspring will not be
the same
It will be less productive
Yields with hybrid seed are generally significantly higher than
from traditional bred seed
How could this be? (cont.)
2. Fertilizer is almost infinitely divisible meaning:
A farmer only has to buy as much fertilizer as is needed
This is contrary to such technologies as
Cannot divide a tractor easily
Can purchase smaller tractors!
Irrigation systems
How could this be? (cont.)
The technology associated with the Green Revolution was not
labor saving
In fact more labor is needed to hand harvest more grain
How could this be? (cont.)
4. Because of the increased production, food became cheaper,
benefiting the poor more than the rich
Poor spend a greater portion of their income on food
Cereals have a very low elasticity of demand
Lower food prices
Farmers produced more but income decreased
Supply exceeded demand
Probably contributed more to the demise of the small family
farm than anything else
Efficiencies of scale drove the small farmer out of business
Is that any different than any other business?
Results (cont.)
Have prices really dropped?
In 1948 my dad got $2.48/bushel for wheat
Accounting for inflation, today that is the equivalent of:
-Last year we did well by getting $8.50/bu
Prospects for Future Yield Growth
Do you think that the following will increase or decrease?
Fertilizer use?
Prospects (cont.)
Do you think that technological advancements will increase
yields in the future?
Do you think we will continue to see the rates of increase we
have seen in the past?
Is it possible that rates might reverse?
Climate change?
More virulent strains of disease-causing organisms?
Pests resistant to chemical controls?
Food growth is following an S-shaped curve?
Are we getting to the shoulder of the curve?
A 2002 IRRI project report warns: “Yield at the farm level is
approaching a plateau?
Pessimists (cont.)
Are we reaching physiological limits (how much a plant can
Remember Wheat:
Average 39 bu/A
Record 212 bu/A
In growth chamber 969 bu/A
The potential is there to increase yields, but is it practical? Is it
Pessimists (cont.)
Harvest indexes have risen
Weight of the harvestable part/total plant weight
0.25 in 1950 for corn
0.5 in 2010 for corn (this means that today, half of the above-
ground parts harvested is corn kernels)
How much higher can you go?
One has to have the plant structure to produce and support the
Prospects (cont.)
Is it possible that rates might reverse?
Is the level of today’s farm production environmentally
Climate change?
More virulent strains of disease-causing organisms?
Prospects (cont.)
Pests resistant to chemical controls?
Is it possible that famines of biblical proportions might return?
Some argue that they already have in some parts of the world
Could it happen in the USA?
Some talk of the “Second Green Revolution”
Focus not on yield but environmentally friendly production
Green energy
Less environmental impact
How can this be done?
No-till, or minimum-till agriculture
More efficient water systems
Better genetics
These are pretty much agreed on, however…
Optimists (cont)
Some do not agree on the following:
Organic production
Utilization of waste products as fertilizer
Human waste
Yard waste and food waste used for fertilizer
Most agree that we need to:
Reduce water pollution
Use less fuel
Have less dust (PM10 - particulate matter 10μ or less)
Use fewer pesticides
Have less erosion

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  • 1. Running head: THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS 2 The Academic Performance of International Students Introduction The current trend of students seeking education from foreign countries drew the discourse toward factors that influence their academic performance. International students are individuals residing temporarily in a foreign country to pursue education, and their culture is different from the mainstream culture. Because of the cultural differences, the students come with their social conduct, values, and norms. In the process of
  • 2. adjusting, international students facing problems that require academic administration to understand and find ways of supporting the students in their academic achievements. To understand this, the study evaluates different sources of literature to find out factors, which influence the performance of international students. The research would be important for stakeholders and decision holders in the education field overseeing the significant contribution of international students to the economy, academics, and social diversity. Understanding the issues affecting international students would help them in developing the appropriate adjustment mechanisms to cope with the language and cultural differences. In addition to factors influencing performance, the examined literature reveals the importance of good relationships between students as a way of promoting diversity and academic achievement. Overall, the evaluation of the sources indicates the significance of promoting awareness in the culturally diverse environment. The research enables the support of international students in their learning programs, and makes them competitive in the global education market. The topics covered in the research literature include factors in the teaching and education policies. They cover challenges and needs of international students, modes of adjustment, and their importance to the economy and education system, language challenges, factors affecting academic performance, and the comparison between international and domestic students in terms of performance. All the topics contribute significantly in understanding the needs of international students and in developing and implementing policies to support them. In the article, Jia Ren and Linda Serra Hagedorn discuss factors that influence the academic performance of international students. Ren and Hagedorn recognize that while there is significant number of international students in the United States, administrations are not yet addressing their needs
  • 3. completely. The authors argue that administrators and faculty members failed to understand international students. Consequently, the diverse nature of their needs remains unaddressed with the current programs in high learning institutions. They identified factors such as “English language proficiency, learning and study strategies, academic preparation and demographics” (Ren & Hagedorn, 2012). Furthermore, the factors varied for undergraduate, masters and doctoral students. The authors presented the diverse nature and needs of international student in a concise way. The major focus of policy and program development should be on the international students, their graduate study, and academic performance. The finding from the study makes significant improvement to their performance. The study may lead to policy, service, and program development to address the needs of the students and contribute to improved academic performance in the country. The article by Maureen Snow Andrade focuses on the adjustment factors for international students due to their diverse backgrounds. In the article, Andrade argues that international students make significant contributions academically and economically. Their contributions mean that administrators and authorities should be aware of the adjustment issues necessary to support the students in their life in education institutions. As Andrade argues, this is possible through the development and implementation of support services. In the discussion, Andrade identified critical factors for adjustment and academic performance. The basic adjustment factors are cultural differences and language proficiency. Educational background, academic skills, and English proficiency are critical elements in their achievements. With the focus on adjustment, international students, higher education, and achievement, Andrade is presenting her arguments to underlie the importance for decision holders to understand issues affecting international students because of the international impact on intercultural education. This contributes to development of effective support measures as a way of supporting international students.
  • 4. The article by Mushtaq and Khan discusses about factors that are Affecting for the performance of international students. The authors argue about the factors through practical studies that examine the performance of college students. As highlighted in the article, the performance of college students in examinations is affected by a group of factors including the approach used for communication, family issues, proper guidance, and the learning facilities. Mushtaq and Khan collected data by using profiles of students from different backgrounds and colleges. The article makes significant contributions to enable administrators offer the appropriate facilities to enable students have better achievements in addition to improving the general environment in college. Apply good communication channels and improving English proficiency is a major factor in improving student performance. This is possible through arrangement of extra English classes for international students. Proper guidance from parents and teachers helps in understanding and exploiting the student competencies and abilities. The article by Ya-Hui Kuo discusses the challenges facing the international students because of language barriers. Kuo discusses the requirement for English proficiency required by colleges and universities before an admission for students. This is meant to facilitate learning in various programs. The objective of the study was to develop recommendations and ways forward to enable students have better academic achievements by addressing the language challenges. The objective is achievable by supporting international students in adapting, adjusting, and overcoming their language barriers. The study is critical and comprehensive in understanding that in spite of the scores in proficiency tests, students must be prepared to perform well in all areas of study. It highlights the gap in standardized language proficiency programs, which do not enhance fully the learning in colleges. It highlights the need for programs that prepare international students to participate and learn in the context of their course. It leads to exploration
  • 5. of the significance of learning in the home countries with instructions provided by American instructors to enhance the interaction and communication. In the article Zhao, Kuh and Carini provide a comparison between American students and international students in terms of educational practices. The authors contend that administrators do not understand fully the experiences of international students although their importance in enhancing diversity in the institutions. They achieved this by examine the engagement levels for significant number of American and international students. Apparently, the level of engagement in academic practices is higher among international students. This often results in the desired outcomes provided the issues of language proficiency and cultural diversity are addressed. The levels of engagement in academics practices change progressively as students get into senior years in college. This implies that international students influence various aspects of academic performance in colleges, which underlies their significance. The significant influence means that colleges should do research, practice, and policy changes to accommodate the needs of international students. The book by Andrade and Evans discusses the little emphasis placed on international students by colleges, which impacts on their academic performance. The Authors argue for the increased awareness of international students’ needs for the mutual benefit. The authors give suggestions of creative and practical programs that administrators can implement to support the students. There are hands-on, practical and comprehensive strategies to address the issues affecting the students. The book is important in highlighting the interrelationship between personal, social, and academic issues. As the authors asserted, the academic success of international students flows from the confluence of a number of factors including learning strategies, classroom dynamics, and language proficiency. In addition to the practical guidelines provided, the book contributes positively in understanding the personal, social, and academic
  • 6. issues affecting international students. This provides frameworks for the provision meaningful support to enable students achieve their full potential. It would enable stakeholders in higher education develop means of identifying and managing coping issues at the earliest stage. The book by Action discusses the information necessary for better academic achievement in a timely, comprehensive, and authoritative way. Action edited the book based on major issues affecting various groups of students including international students. Produced by individuals from different fields of expertise, the information provided is concise and effective in enhancing education and evaluation. On the area of international students, Action discussed the role of social, academic, and ethnic integration. The book is precise in addressing the assumption that international students are not sufficiently adjusted to pursue education in a foreign country. The book discussed students from different nationalities in Netherlands. It indicated the multifaceted nature of academic performance among students. Students with western backgrounds tend to perform better than students with non- western backgrounds. This calls for the need to address stressful factors that contribute negatively to international students’ academic performance. This is a significant contribution to various quarters of higher education, as administrators have to implement measures to enhance equality and accessibility. In the book, International students and American higher education by Kaur researched on encounters of international students of Asian Indian origin in their adjustment to higher education. In understanding, the process of adjustment to the system of education Kaur studied a number of factors. The factors included the actual problems experienced in learning the American way, the methods used by participants to overcome the challenges, as well as factors that enhance or hindered their academic performance. The study is clear and concise in presenting the opinions of the Indian students on mechanisms
  • 7. students can use to bolster academic performance. The study design and method of data collection was important in examining critical factors about the subject. The study provides a vital framework for understanding the needs of international students from other backgrounds. Identifying the similarities and differences in adjustment among students would help in implementing customized programs and policies to cater for the needs of all students. Furthermore, the study provides empirical information that is important in eliminating stereotypes and enhances performance. In the book, Albrecht discussed the academic needs and challenges faced by Mexican students in the American colleges. The study identified a number of challenges as a result of information gathered from administrators, faculty members and international students. among the issues identified included the struggle to succeed, pressure to be models, dealing with uncertainty and system frustration, operating in a foreign land, limited opportunities, issues in utilizing institutional resources, and constant comparison with American students. The book is clear in addressing the need for access to information, legal services and designated personnel for international students. This highlights the apparent problem in colleges on lack of adequate attention directed to international students compared to their counterparts. Overall, the study is important and provides ways of serving international students better through changes in policies and programs. Of importance is the need for equality and specialized treatment to cater for the cultural and language needs of the students. The book, Effective Programming for International Students Based on Their Perceived Social and Cultural Needs, by Mayumi Terano uses case studies to outline the needs and factors that impact on the academic performance of international students. This is through the conclusions that provide theoretical perspectives and their implications on the students. Of importance are college policies, services and programs, research methods, and the related literature. Through
  • 8. the study, professionals for student welfare find ways of increasing the cultural and social participation of international students in colleges and universities. This is in recognition of differences in self-perception and the actual performance of students in academics, which varies depending on the level of understanding. It results in a concerted effort among all stakeholders to prioritize the promotion of intercultural experiences and programs for all student populations. This makes significant contributions on the subject owing to the importance of international students in promoting the academic, economic, social, and cultural diversity. References Acton, Q. A. (2013). Issues in teaching and education policy, research, and special topics: 2013 Edition. Atlanta, Georgia: Scholarly Editions. Albrecht, T. J. (2007). Challenges and service needs of undocumented Mexican undergraduate students students' voices and administrators' perspectives. Austin, Tex.: University of Texas. Andrade, M. S. (2006). International students in English- speaking universities: Adjustment Factors. Journal of Research in International Education, 5(2), 131-154. Andrade, M. S., & Evans, N. W. (2009). International students: strengthening a critical resource. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Education. Kaur, D. (2007). International students and American higher education a study of the academic adjustment experiences of six Asian Indian international students at a research level II University. Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI Dissertation Publishing.
  • 9. Kuo, Y. (2011). Language challenges faced by international graduate students in the United States. Journal of International Students, 1(2), 38-41. Mushtaq, I., & Khan, S. N. (2012). Factors affecting students’ academic performance. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 12(9), 17-22. Ren, J., & Hagedorn, L. S. (2012). International graduate students’ academic performance: What are the influencing factors? Journal of International Students, 2(2), 135-141. Terano, M. (2007). Effective programming for international students based on their perceived social and cultural needs. Ann Arbor, Michigan: ProQuest. Zhao, C., Kuh, G. D., & Carini, R. M. (2012). A comparison of international student and American student engagement in effective educational practices. Journal of Pew Trusts, 12(1), 1-20. Increasing Yields Through New Technology Chapter 14 Dr. WJ Mueller New Technology It allows us to gain more output from the same inputs, or Same output with fewer inputs Bottom line is increased productivity Has two effects More profit &/or Less expensive goods
  • 10. Green Revolution Started in the 1940’s by Dr. Norman Borlaug Wheat breeder working in Mexico Problem: Wheat rust limited yield Green Revolution Screened many varieties of wheat for resistance and found two that were resistant He crossed them with productive varieties Result: productive, rust-resistant varieties Yields increased from 11 bu/A to 20 bu/A Was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1970 for this work Borlaug (cont.) Wheat had lodging problems Heavy heads (because of increased yield) would cause stems to break and fall over Made harvest difficult or nearly impossible Borloug (cont.) Bred for shorter varieties with stronger stems Greatly reduced the problem He also developed higher-yielding varieties Borloug (cont.) Encouraged by the results, the Ford Foundation & Rockefeller Foundation joined to establish two international ag research stations
  • 11. International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in the Philippines International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) in Mexico Borloug (cont.) These centers were very successful in increasing yield and technology The new higher-yielding seeds were used all over the world to increase yield It came to be called the “Green Revolution” In a head-to-head comparison with old varieties, they did no better with old production practices But the new varieties did much better with fertilizer & irrigation Borlaug (cont.) He is credited with saving 100’s of millions of lives with his work Green Revolution They bred for other characteristics that made these crops higher yielding Disease resistance Changed plant architecture High flag leaf (the top leaf above the seed head), resulted in higher yields More vertical leaf arrangement (supported higher populations of plants) Critics Because of his work we use more: Fertilizer
  • 12. Pesticides Water for irrigation Because of this we have lost species diversity Biggest criticism: the poor are worse off because: they are usually late adopters They do not have the money to adopt new technologies Critics (cont.) Some of this is true! Overall, the benefits outweigh the negatives Is it any different than any other business? Less productive businesses go under Studies in the 1980’s showed that the benefits were shared nearly evenly among big and small producers There was a difference in age Younger, better educated farmers benefited most How could this be? 1. Seeds developed breed true Meaning that seeds could be saved and planted the next year and the plants would be the same Contrary to Hybrid seed It must be purchased every year If you plant seed from a hybrid crop, the offspring will not be the same It will be less productive Yields with hybrid seed are generally significantly higher than from traditional bred seed How could this be? (cont.) 2. Fertilizer is almost infinitely divisible meaning: A farmer only has to buy as much fertilizer as is needed This is contrary to such technologies as
  • 13. Tractors Cannot divide a tractor easily Can purchase smaller tractors! Irrigation systems How could this be? (cont.) The technology associated with the Green Revolution was not labor saving In fact more labor is needed to hand harvest more grain How could this be? (cont.) 4. Because of the increased production, food became cheaper, benefiting the poor more than the rich Poor spend a greater portion of their income on food Cereals have a very low elasticity of demand Results Lower food prices Farmers produced more but income decreased Supply exceeded demand Probably contributed more to the demise of the small family farm than anything else Efficiencies of scale drove the small farmer out of business Is that any different than any other business? Results (cont.) Have prices really dropped? In 1948 my dad got $2.48/bushel for wheat Accounting for inflation, today that is the equivalent of: $23.61/bushel! -Last year we did well by getting $8.50/bu
  • 14. Prospects for Future Yield Growth Do you think that the following will increase or decrease? Irrigation? Fertilizer use? Labor? Prospects (cont.) Do you think that technological advancements will increase yields in the future? Do you think we will continue to see the rates of increase we have seen in the past? Is it possible that rates might reverse? Climate change? More virulent strains of disease-causing organisms? Pests resistant to chemical controls? Pessimists Food growth is following an S-shaped curve? Are we getting to the shoulder of the curve? ? A 2002 IRRI project report warns: “Yield at the farm level is approaching a plateau? Pessimists (cont.) Are we reaching physiological limits (how much a plant can produce) Remember Wheat: Average 39 bu/A Record 212 bu/A In growth chamber 969 bu/A The potential is there to increase yields, but is it practical? Is it
  • 15. economical? Pessimists (cont.) Harvest indexes have risen Weight of the harvestable part/total plant weight 0.25 in 1950 for corn 0.5 in 2010 for corn (this means that today, half of the above- ground parts harvested is corn kernels) How much higher can you go? One has to have the plant structure to produce and support the grain Prospects (cont.) Is it possible that rates might reverse? Is the level of today’s farm production environmentally sustainable? Climate change? More virulent strains of disease-causing organisms? Prospects (cont.) Pests resistant to chemical controls? Is it possible that famines of biblical proportions might return? Some argue that they already have in some parts of the world Could it happen in the USA? Optimists Some talk of the “Second Green Revolution” Focus not on yield but environmentally friendly production practices Green energy Less environmental impact
  • 16. How can this be done? No-till, or minimum-till agriculture More efficient water systems Better genetics These are pretty much agreed on, however… Optimists (cont) Some do not agree on the following: GMO’s Organic production Utilization of waste products as fertilizer Human waste Yard waste and food waste used for fertilizer Most agree that we need to: Reduce water pollution Use less fuel Have less dust (PM10 - particulate matter 10μ or less) Use fewer pesticides Have less erosion