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Sales Decline at McDonalds Inc.
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Business Decision Making
Sales Decline at McDonalds Inc.
This was an intriguing task and after much thought, the
company I chose is McDonalds. McDonalds is the world's
biggest chain of fast food eateries serving various countries
over the world. McDonald’s eatery has worked as far as
franchisee, subsidiary or the collaboration. The company picks
up income from rent, charges and eminences from its
establishments and deals from its worked stores. The company
offers diverse items including cheeseburgers, chicken, French
fries, milkshakes and pastries among numerous different things.
In light of the arrangement of the company, McDonalds does
not make any immediate offers of sustenance items rather
composes and underpins the supply of nourishment to eateries
through legitimized outsider administrators.
Sales Decline Problem
McDonald income fell by 11% in the principal quarter of 2015,
which mirrors the antagonistic deals fall experienced. The
company is attempting to enhance its deals because of the
negative gauges among its sections. The administration of the
company is continually trying to enhance the aggressiveness of
the company towards addressing the shopper's needs. This
would help in enhancing the general deals development and
execution (Ritchie, Lewis, Nicholls and Ormston, 2013). The
recently presented menu things and advancements neglected to
pull in new clients from its rivals. For instance, its stores in
France and Russia neglected to counterbalance the opposition in
the UK. This has constrained McDonald to close some of its
failing to meet expectations eateries in U.S and China.
Research Variable
One exploration variable is units of offers incomes sold by the
company. Deals incomes are a critical variable, which
demonstrates compelling in comprehension the nature and
ramifications of the business decay issue. The comprehension
and examination on the measure of the business income will be
helpful in comprehension the issue confronting McDonalds Inc.
The business variable is an autonomous variable, which relies
on upon different variables including the advancement levels
and accomplishment of showcasing effort. Therefore, the
comprehension of the variable is basic in advancing the general
exploration of the business decrease issue.
Straight Regression is the procedure of setting up a direct
connection between to variables. In relapse, the normal slightest
square strategy is utilized to build up direct connection between
two variables.
The invalid theory of relapse is that the autonomous variable
does not altogether influence the needy variable or β = 0. The
substitute speculation is the free variable does not
fundamentally influence subordinate variable or β ≠ 0.
Likewise, the
Precision of Regression Model is judged by its r square esteem
which clarifies rate variety in ward variable clarified by free
In this manner, relapse can be connected toward an expansive
scope of fields and subjects. For instance, it can be utilized as a
part of the medicinal services industry to discover the reason
for an infection or the adequacy of an antibody. It can likewise
be utilized for business purposes to conjecture deals in a firm or
in the share trading system to anticipate comes back from
ventures, contingent upon financial conditions.
Methods of Data Collection
In the accumulation of information for the examination, the
exploration will depend on both the subjective and quantitative
exploration techniques. This will help in gathering both
subjective and quantitative information for the variables. The
subjective exploration information includes the data, which is
not in numerical structure. This could be gathered through
open-finished surveys, unstructured meetings and perceptions.
Subjective information includes the distinct information, which
helps in breaking down the quantitative information suitably
(Hair Jr et al., 2015). The subjective technique is helpful in
concentrating on the business decays issue from the individual
stores level and viewpoint. This turns out to be progressively
critical since the company will have the capacity to specifically
acquire issues affecting the diminished deals in the stores.
Without having a solid observation about the issues influencing
deals at the individual stores level, it is hard to comprehend the
general impression of the general issue of the business decay.
Furthermore, the gathering of the quantitative information will
give the specialists numerical structure information, which is
sorted out in various units of estimations. The business variable
information got could be composed in planned charts, or tables
with the crude information and figures. Directing examinations
on the deals would get quantitative information, which could be
utilized to comprehend the exploration issue of offers decay.
Subsequently, it is basic to direct blended quantitative and
subjective exploration techniques and information to
comprehend the examination issue of declined deals.
There are for the most part two sorts of measurements in
information, enlightening and inferential insights. Distinct
insights speak to the actualities identified with the example or
populace like mean, mode, middle and standard deviation.
Inferential measurements reference how a populace is drawn in
view of the expressive insights of an example. In inferential
insights, the invalid theory is a non-specific explanation that
there is no proof to build up a relationship among two measured
marvels, or when there are not any distinctions among
Validity and Reliability of Data
To figure out if information gathering strategies would create
legitimate and solid information, the assessment techniques turn
out to be critical. The unwavering quality evaluation surveys
the degree which the strategies will create predictable results
and discoveries. The specialists will need to lead test retest
unwavering quality, parallel types of dependability and entomb
rater dependability tests which are imperative in surveying the
extent to which the distinctive analysts depends on the
information and how they concur on the dependability of the
information and data gathered.
As far as legitimacy, the scientists ought to depend on the
diverse legitimacy tests and appraisal projects to accept the
information and data. These incorporate face legitimacy, build
legitimacy, developmental legitimacy, and examining
legitimacy. The analyst could depend on the tests to decide the
legitimacy of the information and data (Bryman and Bell, 2015).
To comprehend whether the information is dependable and
legitimate, the scientist will watch whether the examination
information adjusts to the topic of the exploration worries of
offers decrease at McDonalds.
Bryman, A., & Bell, E. (2015). Business research methods. New
York, NY: Oxford university press.
Hair Jr, J. F., Wolfinbarger, M., Money, A. H., Samouel, P., &
Page, M. J. (2015). Essentials of business research methods.
London, UK: Routledge.
Ritchie, J., Lewis, J., Nicholls, C. M., & Ormston, R. (Eds.).
(2013). Qualitative research practice: A guide for social science
students and researchers. London, UK: Sage.
Week 4-Discussion 1
Brenda Kyle
3/13/2017 7:17:40 AM
Brenda Kyle
PHI103: Informal Logic
Instructor: Elisa Paik
Week 4-Discussion 1
March 13, 2017
Fallacies and Biases #1
P1: Dieting will improve your health.
P2: Being overweight is also bad for you too.
P3: Everyone should exercise at least 30 minutes every day.
P4: Eating healthy with exercises can prolong your life.
C: Therefore, dieting and exercising is good for you.
Name the fallacy-false cause
Explain why your argument is fallacious
My argument is fallacious false cause because it is from a one
person point of views on dieting and exercising. This is my
most common fallacious is cheating on my diet. This is my daily
thing that I deal with and hard at times to get motivated. Most
of the times the dieting goes well, then I get those weakness
days. I am a work in progress but am improving. Plus, I am now
living a healthy lifestyle. My biggest problem is staying
motivated to workout. Any tips or ideas on how to stay focus to
dieting and working out. Anyone else have that problem?
Explain how you might avoid this fallacy in the future, and the
benefits of doing so.
I can avoid this type of fallacy by having a stronger true
argument. Also, researching dieting and exercises tips online
such as google scholar and Ashford University library for a
valid information that mean it be true. Using personal life
experiences will help this in the future writings. If I have any
questions, I will ask my instructor for help. I can also avoid this
by setting a daily routine of working out and make it a part of
my everyday thing after I wake up. Any suggestions, ideas and
feedback is appreciated.
Fallacies are errors in reasoning; more specifically, they
are common patterns of reasoning with a high likelihood of
leading to false conclusions. Logical fallacies often seem like
good reasoning because they resemble perfectly legitimate
argument forms (Hardy, Foster, & Zúñiga y Postigo,2015).
There are several different types of fallacy: slippery slope,
Equivocations, straw man, appeal, ridicule fallacy, accident
fallacy, composite fallacy division, red herring, appeal to
emotion, appeal, popular opinion, appeal to tradition, begging
the question, circular reasoning, hasty generalization, appeal to
ignorance, shifting the burden of proof, appeal to inadequate
authority, false dilemma and false cause. They all have a
different meaning and outcome.
Hardy, J., Foster, C., & Zúñiga y Postigo, G. (2015). With good
reason: A guide to cirtical thinking [Electronic version].
Retrieved from
week 4 discussion 2
Heather McAndrew
3/13/2017 3:11:10 PM
In what ways are people manipulated by the media that they
consume? Make sure to give specific examples.
We are manipulated by the media we watch every single day.
For example, we see this during every election year. We watch
the campaign ads that just contain a lot of bad-mouthing one
candidate or the other, instead of giving people the information
they need to make the proper choice on who should be the next
president. These ads, brainwash people into picking the
candidate that can out due the other. Another example would be
when kids watch TV ads for toys and products that are aimed at
them. The manufactures use catchy music, flashy images, and
other techniques to get the kids to feel that they NEED this
product. One of the best examples would be the Power Rangers
toy commercials from when I was a kid, they used images from
the popular kids show to entice kids into the idea that they
could be power rangers by buying the toys.
What types of consequences can follow from people having
more choices of what media they can consume?
Some of the consequences of having more choices of what
media we consume can be both positive or negative. If we have
only one type of media to look at we could be missing a piece
of important information on very controversial topics because
media can be biased. If we have too many choices in media, we
would be able to see all the sides of the argument.
Do we control our media or does it control us? What can people
do to break free from media hypnosis and have broader, more
objective points of view?
The media tends to control our point of view. We tend to stick
with a certain newspaper or TV station to get our news and
information. In order to break free of this media hypnosis, we
could make a point to read a different newspaper along with the
one we usually do, or watch more than one TV station news
In what ways, might we strive to overcome confirmation bias?
We can overcome confirmation bias by doing a lot of research
on a certain topic so that we can double check our assumptions.
Week4 Fallacies and Biases Discussion 1 Robin Lawrence
Robin Lawrence
3/16/2017 1:39:53 PM
Week 4 Fallacies and Biases Discussion 1 Robin Lawrence
PREMISE 1: Playing the lottery will increase my cash flow.
PREMISE 2: Gambling can be addictive.
PREMISE 3: Everyone who plays the lottery is a gambler.
CONCLUSION: Therefore, playing the lottery will make me a
FALLACY: the False cause is the fallacy that I have committed,
this argument if fallacious because it represents my point of
view. Playing the Lottery does not make a person a gambler.
The assumption that because two things are related, one of them
is the cause of the other is called the fallacy of FALSE CAUSE.
It is traditionally called post hoc ergo propter hoc ( often
simply post hoc ), which is Latin for “ it came after it,
therefore, it was caused by it.” Clearly, not everything that
happens after something else was caused by it.
In my argument, I made the assumption that, “playing the
Lottery will make me a Grambler.” Because I play the Lottery,
it will make me a Gambler.
Fallacies are errors in reasoning; more specifally, they are
common patterns of reasoning with a high likelihood of leading
to false conclusions.
I can avoid committing this type of fallacy in the future by,
abandoning my assumptions but rather seeking answers from
those who are a specialist in the field of study.
Learning to avoid this fallacy will be a huge benefit in my life
because it will save me the embarrassment of making
assumptions about other people as well as assumptions in my
own when I am faced with varies situations, life happens and
when it does, I do not want to Assume.
REFERENCEHardy, J., Foster, C., & Zuniga y Postigo, G.
(2015). With Good Reason: A Guide to Critical Thinking
[Electronic Version]. Retrieved from
Cindy's Week 4 Discussion 2
Cynthia Sifuentes
3/16/2017 3:03:05 PM
Answer in what ways are people manipulated by the media that
they consume
The media has a huge influence on people. Perhaps we perceive
a certain race more endangering than others, or we are led to
believe that a certain brand of sneakers are “cool” to have, and
if you don’t have some then you are not cool. For example, the
presentation of what beauty is and what it should look like is
very unrealistic for many people. Women are beautiful
according to the media only if they are tall, fair skinned, and
thin. Men are handsome if they have six packs and strong arms.
This sort of message can be very harmful especially for young
adults and children.
Give specific examples of that manipulation
Hollywood features many beautiful people on their multi-billion
dollar films. This gives people the feeling that in order for their
dreams to come true of becoming an actor or actress, then they
must be beautiful themselves.
Explain the types of consequences that can follow from people
having more choices of what media they can consume
If people have more choices and variety on the media, then
there wouldn’t be people suffering from self-esteem issues.
These issues can come in the form of depression, bulimia,
anorexia, and even suicide. By the media providing people with
more choices of actors that look more like everyone else, they
will become more relatable and achievable.
Answer whether we control our media or or whether it controls
I believe the media controls us. They decide what is in and what
is out. One example is the clothes we wear. Commercials show
us what is acceptable and what is not. Children see it and ask
their parents to buy them what the media is promoting, therefore
controlling us. Advertisement is not cheap for a reason, because
it controls what people buy and what they don’t.
Answer what people can do to break free from “media hypnosis”
and have broader, more objective points of view.
One of the things that people can to do in order to break free
from “media hypnosis” is stop watching so much television and
disengage from the internet. Many people nowadays are hooked
on their phones. If they just let go and stop being so addicted to
facebook and other social media outlets, they would feel more
free and much less pressure to fit in. People need to start living
life from their own eyes and not just through the screen on their
In what ways might we strive to overcome confirmation bias?
One of the ways we can strive to overcome confirmation bias is
by starting in our own homes. We have to make sure our
children have high self-esteems and that they cannot be easily
influenced by what they see in the media. I sincerely believe
that is where we need to start, with our children.
Address anything else that you find relevant and interesting in
the chapter and video.
One thing I found interesting is the huge role that media plays
in our everyday lives, and I did not like it one bit, especially
when I think of my own children. I want them to break free of
those chains and live life to their own terms and not to what
everyone else sees is appropriate or not. One must be honest
and true to themselves!

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  • 1. Running head: SALES DECLINE AT MCDONALDS INC. 1 SALES DECLINE AT MCDONALDS INC. 3 Sales Decline at McDonalds Inc. Students’ Name University Affiliation Date Business Decision Making Sales Decline at McDonalds Inc. This was an intriguing task and after much thought, the company I chose is McDonalds. McDonalds is the world's biggest chain of fast food eateries serving various countries over the world. McDonald’s eatery has worked as far as franchisee, subsidiary or the collaboration. The company picks up income from rent, charges and eminences from its establishments and deals from its worked stores. The company offers diverse items including cheeseburgers, chicken, French fries, milkshakes and pastries among numerous different things. In light of the arrangement of the company, McDonalds does not make any immediate offers of sustenance items rather composes and underpins the supply of nourishment to eateries through legitimized outsider administrators. Sales Decline Problem McDonald income fell by 11% in the principal quarter of 2015, which mirrors the antagonistic deals fall experienced. The company is attempting to enhance its deals because of the negative gauges among its sections. The administration of the company is continually trying to enhance the aggressiveness of the company towards addressing the shopper's needs. This would help in enhancing the general deals development and execution (Ritchie, Lewis, Nicholls and Ormston, 2013). The
  • 2. recently presented menu things and advancements neglected to pull in new clients from its rivals. For instance, its stores in France and Russia neglected to counterbalance the opposition in the UK. This has constrained McDonald to close some of its failing to meet expectations eateries in U.S and China. Research Variable One exploration variable is units of offers incomes sold by the company. Deals incomes are a critical variable, which demonstrates compelling in comprehension the nature and ramifications of the business decay issue. The comprehension and examination on the measure of the business income will be helpful in comprehension the issue confronting McDonalds Inc. The business variable is an autonomous variable, which relies on upon different variables including the advancement levels and accomplishment of showcasing effort. Therefore, the comprehension of the variable is basic in advancing the general exploration of the business decrease issue. Straight Regression is the procedure of setting up a direct connection between to variables. In relapse, the normal slightest square strategy is utilized to build up direct connection between two variables. The invalid theory of relapse is that the autonomous variable does not altogether influence the needy variable or β = 0. The substitute speculation is the free variable does not fundamentally influence subordinate variable or β ≠ 0. Likewise, the Precision of Regression Model is judged by its r square esteem which clarifies rate variety in ward variable clarified by free variables. In this manner, relapse can be connected toward an expansive scope of fields and subjects. For instance, it can be utilized as a part of the medicinal services industry to discover the reason for an infection or the adequacy of an antibody. It can likewise
  • 3. be utilized for business purposes to conjecture deals in a firm or in the share trading system to anticipate comes back from ventures, contingent upon financial conditions. Methods of Data Collection In the accumulation of information for the examination, the exploration will depend on both the subjective and quantitative exploration techniques. This will help in gathering both subjective and quantitative information for the variables. The subjective exploration information includes the data, which is not in numerical structure. This could be gathered through open-finished surveys, unstructured meetings and perceptions. Subjective information includes the distinct information, which helps in breaking down the quantitative information suitably (Hair Jr et al., 2015). The subjective technique is helpful in concentrating on the business decays issue from the individual stores level and viewpoint. This turns out to be progressively critical since the company will have the capacity to specifically acquire issues affecting the diminished deals in the stores. Without having a solid observation about the issues influencing deals at the individual stores level, it is hard to comprehend the general impression of the general issue of the business decay. Furthermore, the gathering of the quantitative information will give the specialists numerical structure information, which is sorted out in various units of estimations. The business variable information got could be composed in planned charts, or tables with the crude information and figures. Directing examinations on the deals would get quantitative information, which could be utilized to comprehend the exploration issue of offers decay. Subsequently, it is basic to direct blended quantitative and subjective exploration techniques and information to comprehend the examination issue of declined deals. There are for the most part two sorts of measurements in information, enlightening and inferential insights. Distinct
  • 4. insights speak to the actualities identified with the example or populace like mean, mode, middle and standard deviation. Inferential measurements reference how a populace is drawn in view of the expressive insights of an example. In inferential insights, the invalid theory is a non-specific explanation that there is no proof to build up a relationship among two measured marvels, or when there are not any distinctions among gatherings. Validity and Reliability of Data To figure out if information gathering strategies would create legitimate and solid information, the assessment techniques turn out to be critical. The unwavering quality evaluation surveys the degree which the strategies will create predictable results and discoveries. The specialists will need to lead test retest unwavering quality, parallel types of dependability and entomb rater dependability tests which are imperative in surveying the extent to which the distinctive analysts depends on the information and how they concur on the dependability of the information and data gathered. As far as legitimacy, the scientists ought to depend on the diverse legitimacy tests and appraisal projects to accept the information and data. These incorporate face legitimacy, build legitimacy, developmental legitimacy, and examining legitimacy. The analyst could depend on the tests to decide the legitimacy of the information and data (Bryman and Bell, 2015). To comprehend whether the information is dependable and legitimate, the scientist will watch whether the examination information adjusts to the topic of the exploration worries of offers decrease at McDonalds. References Bryman, A., & Bell, E. (2015). Business research methods. New York, NY: Oxford university press. Hair Jr, J. F., Wolfinbarger, M., Money, A. H., Samouel, P., &
  • 5. Page, M. J. (2015). Essentials of business research methods. London, UK: Routledge. Ritchie, J., Lewis, J., Nicholls, C. M., & Ormston, R. (Eds.). (2013). Qualitative research practice: A guide for social science students and researchers. London, UK: Sage. Week 4-Discussion 1 Brenda Kyle 3/13/2017 7:17:40 AM Brenda Kyle PHI103: Informal Logic Instructor: Elisa Paik Week 4-Discussion 1 March 13, 2017 Fallacies and Biases #1 P1: Dieting will improve your health. P2: Being overweight is also bad for you too. P3: Everyone should exercise at least 30 minutes every day. P4: Eating healthy with exercises can prolong your life. C: Therefore, dieting and exercising is good for you. Name the fallacy-false cause Explain why your argument is fallacious My argument is fallacious false cause because it is from a one person point of views on dieting and exercising. This is my most common fallacious is cheating on my diet. This is my daily thing that I deal with and hard at times to get motivated. Most of the times the dieting goes well, then I get those weakness days. I am a work in progress but am improving. Plus, I am now living a healthy lifestyle. My biggest problem is staying
  • 6. motivated to workout. Any tips or ideas on how to stay focus to dieting and working out. Anyone else have that problem? Explain how you might avoid this fallacy in the future, and the benefits of doing so. I can avoid this type of fallacy by having a stronger true argument. Also, researching dieting and exercises tips online such as google scholar and Ashford University library for a valid information that mean it be true. Using personal life experiences will help this in the future writings. If I have any questions, I will ask my instructor for help. I can also avoid this by setting a daily routine of working out and make it a part of my everyday thing after I wake up. Any suggestions, ideas and feedback is appreciated. Fallacies are errors in reasoning; more specifically, they are common patterns of reasoning with a high likelihood of leading to false conclusions. Logical fallacies often seem like good reasoning because they resemble perfectly legitimate argument forms (Hardy, Foster, & Zúñiga y Postigo,2015). There are several different types of fallacy: slippery slope, Equivocations, straw man, appeal, ridicule fallacy, accident fallacy, composite fallacy division, red herring, appeal to emotion, appeal, popular opinion, appeal to tradition, begging the question, circular reasoning, hasty generalization, appeal to ignorance, shifting the burden of proof, appeal to inadequate authority, false dilemma and false cause. They all have a different meaning and outcome. References Hardy, J., Foster, C., & Zúñiga y Postigo, G. (2015). With good reason: A guide to cirtical thinking [Electronic version]. Retrieved from
  • 7. week 4 discussion 2 Heather McAndrew 3/13/2017 3:11:10 PM In what ways are people manipulated by the media that they consume? Make sure to give specific examples. We are manipulated by the media we watch every single day. For example, we see this during every election year. We watch the campaign ads that just contain a lot of bad-mouthing one candidate or the other, instead of giving people the information they need to make the proper choice on who should be the next president. These ads, brainwash people into picking the candidate that can out due the other. Another example would be when kids watch TV ads for toys and products that are aimed at them. The manufactures use catchy music, flashy images, and other techniques to get the kids to feel that they NEED this product. One of the best examples would be the Power Rangers toy commercials from when I was a kid, they used images from the popular kids show to entice kids into the idea that they could be power rangers by buying the toys. What types of consequences can follow from people having more choices of what media they can consume? Some of the consequences of having more choices of what media we consume can be both positive or negative. If we have only one type of media to look at we could be missing a piece of important information on very controversial topics because media can be biased. If we have too many choices in media, we would be able to see all the sides of the argument. Do we control our media or does it control us? What can people do to break free from media hypnosis and have broader, more objective points of view? The media tends to control our point of view. We tend to stick with a certain newspaper or TV station to get our news and
  • 8. information. In order to break free of this media hypnosis, we could make a point to read a different newspaper along with the one we usually do, or watch more than one TV station news broadcast. In what ways, might we strive to overcome confirmation bias? We can overcome confirmation bias by doing a lot of research on a certain topic so that we can double check our assumptions. Week4 Fallacies and Biases Discussion 1 Robin Lawrence Robin Lawrence 3/16/2017 1:39:53 PM Week 4 Fallacies and Biases Discussion 1 Robin Lawrence PREMISE 1: Playing the lottery will increase my cash flow. PREMISE 2: Gambling can be addictive. PREMISE 3: Everyone who plays the lottery is a gambler. CONCLUSION: Therefore, playing the lottery will make me a Gambler. FALLACY: the False cause is the fallacy that I have committed, this argument if fallacious because it represents my point of view. Playing the Lottery does not make a person a gambler. The assumption that because two things are related, one of them is the cause of the other is called the fallacy of FALSE CAUSE. It is traditionally called post hoc ergo propter hoc ( often simply post hoc ), which is Latin for “ it came after it, therefore, it was caused by it.” Clearly, not everything that happens after something else was caused by it.
  • 9. In my argument, I made the assumption that, “playing the Lottery will make me a Grambler.” Because I play the Lottery, it will make me a Gambler. Fallacies are errors in reasoning; more specifally, they are common patterns of reasoning with a high likelihood of leading to false conclusions. I can avoid committing this type of fallacy in the future by, abandoning my assumptions but rather seeking answers from those who are a specialist in the field of study. Learning to avoid this fallacy will be a huge benefit in my life because it will save me the embarrassment of making assumptions about other people as well as assumptions in my own when I am faced with varies situations, life happens and when it does, I do not want to Assume. REFERENCEHardy, J., Foster, C., & Zuniga y Postigo, G. (2015). With Good Reason: A Guide to Critical Thinking [Electronic Version]. Retrieved from Cindy's Week 4 Discussion 2 Cynthia Sifuentes 3/16/2017 3:03:05 PM Answer in what ways are people manipulated by the media that they consume The media has a huge influence on people. Perhaps we perceive a certain race more endangering than others, or we are led to believe that a certain brand of sneakers are “cool” to have, and if you don’t have some then you are not cool. For example, the presentation of what beauty is and what it should look like is
  • 10. very unrealistic for many people. Women are beautiful according to the media only if they are tall, fair skinned, and thin. Men are handsome if they have six packs and strong arms. This sort of message can be very harmful especially for young adults and children. Give specific examples of that manipulation Hollywood features many beautiful people on their multi-billion dollar films. This gives people the feeling that in order for their dreams to come true of becoming an actor or actress, then they must be beautiful themselves. Explain the types of consequences that can follow from people having more choices of what media they can consume If people have more choices and variety on the media, then there wouldn’t be people suffering from self-esteem issues. These issues can come in the form of depression, bulimia, anorexia, and even suicide. By the media providing people with more choices of actors that look more like everyone else, they will become more relatable and achievable. Answer whether we control our media or or whether it controls us I believe the media controls us. They decide what is in and what is out. One example is the clothes we wear. Commercials show us what is acceptable and what is not. Children see it and ask their parents to buy them what the media is promoting, therefore controlling us. Advertisement is not cheap for a reason, because it controls what people buy and what they don’t. Answer what people can do to break free from “media hypnosis” and have broader, more objective points of view. One of the things that people can to do in order to break free from “media hypnosis” is stop watching so much television and disengage from the internet. Many people nowadays are hooked on their phones. If they just let go and stop being so addicted to
  • 11. facebook and other social media outlets, they would feel more free and much less pressure to fit in. People need to start living life from their own eyes and not just through the screen on their telephones. In what ways might we strive to overcome confirmation bias? One of the ways we can strive to overcome confirmation bias is by starting in our own homes. We have to make sure our children have high self-esteems and that they cannot be easily influenced by what they see in the media. I sincerely believe that is where we need to start, with our children. Address anything else that you find relevant and interesting in the chapter and video. One thing I found interesting is the huge role that media plays in our everyday lives, and I did not like it one bit, especially when I think of my own children. I want them to break free of those chains and live life to their own terms and not to what everyone else sees is appropriate or not. One must be honest and true to themselves!