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Marketing Communication and Brand Strategy
Victor J. Ayala
University of Phoenix
Patricia Estabrooks
June 5, 2017
Situational analysis
Introduction and objectives
The company intends to brand Ikea products to resonate
with the expectation of the consumers. In the first step, the
organization has to communicate its vision, which is excelling
as a leader in the delivery of excellent products. Afterward, the
team surcharged with branding the product will outline the
objectives and values treasured in propelling the venture to
greater heights of excellence.
An exploration of the markets suggests that the demand for
technological gadgets is on the rise. Ikea, therefore, has a
greater reputation when it comes to addressing the needs of the
consumer. The process can commence with evaluating the
product using a SWOT analysis. The market comprises of
competitors capable of producing similar technologies at a
lower cost. The taxation by governments among other policies
affects trading. Those demanding exemplary products
outnumber those needing traditional merchandise.
The trend is the use of digital media is guiding communication
in the markets. The creation of elaborate distribution channels
is a complex process. Additional dynamics is that the number of
younger shoppers is on the rise with the demand for
sophisticated merchandises exceeding the need for traditional
brands. Another dynamics is that incomes and age affect
decision-making. Lastly, the use of technology in improving
product quality is critical in accomplishing success in the
SWOT analysis
The adoption of a SWOT analysis indicates that the brand has a
long tradition of guaranteeing satisfaction. Therefore, in making
the decision to brand, the team must communicate to consumers
the positive history of the brand. They should adopt techniques
that resonate with the expectation of consumers such as the use
of simple and definite language. According to Pickton &
Broderick (2001), the opportunities available in making the
decision are that the global demand for technological products
is on the rise. The use of technology also creates an opportunity
to reach wider audiences. Hence, Ikea can capitalize on the
opportunity in reaching consumers. The company can also
leverage on its expertise in marketing
The challenges to the process of branding are that the company
faces competition from other reputable brands. The penetration
of new markets comprising of conservative consumers is also a
daunting task considering that other players have tried
exploiting the strategies. The weakness of the company is that it
undertakes most of its duties in-house yet there are immense
opportunities in outsourcing some of the operations. The
marketing team also confronts the challenges of adopting a
global strategy at the expense of maintaining the local identity
of the brand.
The step in the creation of a reputable image entails
communicating about the unique features of the product.
According to the plan, the marketing team will adopt language
resonating with many audiences. They will exploit simpler
terms that notify new and existing clienteles more about the
commodity (Madhavaram, Badrinarayanan & McDonald, 2005).
The conveyance of the message about the advantages of
purchasing the brand via social media is equally critical in
creating a lasting image. The approach for accomplishing such
can entail communicating about the durability of Ikea products.
The branding strategies for exploitation have to associate the
product with revered celebrities or icons in campaigns.
The process of retaining brand image involves the provision of
services to repeat clientele while formulating strategies that
ensure continuity in communication with the persons. The
production team must ensure continuity in innovation to
differentiate the products from other commodities in the
markets. The distribution of the brand using reputable suppliers
is also a strategy for maintaining a positive image among
The concern in branding is ensuring that loyal customers
acknowledge the brand. According to Madhavaram,
Badrinarayanan, & McDonald (2005), companies must not
engage in actions that completely change the perception of
existing customers. Instead, the models for adaptation should
attract new shoppers while maintaining the traditional image.
The messages must be precise since any slight
miscommunication can alter the perception of the audiences
towards the brand.
Strategy of placing
The approach to branding should create a sensation online that
lures new shoppers to develop an interest in Ikea products. The
company can exploit the social media platform as the launch
pad for the new products manufactured by the company. The
management must exploit pricing tools cautiously since the
approach for adaptation has profound effects on the decision
that consumers make. For that reason, the organization has to
exploit price differentiation strategies that assure consumers
value for their money.
The organization has the responsibility of creating a feedback
channel that facilitates continuous communication with the
consumers. As noted, the platform can prove integral in the
identification of the changing needs of the clientele (Pickton &
Broderick, 2001). The platform also helps in the quantification
of the perception of consumers about the brand.
The management can measure loyalty to the brand using records
of sales calculated on a quarterly basis. During the process, the
organization must consider the variation in market dynamics
that can affects sales but are unrelated to perception. An
example is a change in government policy on taxation for
electronic products. The sales teams should also measure
loyalty from the feedbacks presented on the company’s sites by
The measurements of retention have to rely on the sale records
together with the feedback as the case of loyalty. The team
steering campaigns can conduct outreach campaigns then use
the data collected in the quantification of the perception of
people. Afterward, the findings should serve as the value of
Madhavaram, S., Badrinarayanan, V., & McDonald, R. E.
(2005). Integrated marketing communication (IMC) and brand
identity as critical components of brand equity strategy: A
conceptual framework and research propositions. Journal of
Advertising, 34(4), 69-80.
Pickton, D., & Broderick, A. (2001). Integrated marketing
communications. Harlow: Prentice Hall.
Price and Channel Strategy
Victor J. Ayala
University of Phoenix
Patricia Estabrooks
May 22, 2017
Pricing and Distribution Aspects
Marketing requires consideration of pricing as a critical tool for
swaying the perception of consumers. It is on this basis that a
company must formulate a plan that resonates to the expectation
of the consumers in traditional markets of a brand. However,
when targeting new consumers, the exploitation of a customized
approach to marketing is critical (Cravens & Piercy, 2006). In
the case of Ikea, the utilization of a marketing mix model will
facilitate the process. The company will commence with the
generalist strategy before the formulation of a plan that
addresses the variation in different niche target markets. The
consideration will include place, product, and distribution.
In a bid to capture the attention of consumers in the
international market, the management will use slight variations
from those exploited by the established brands in the market. In
some areas, the company will modify the plan, but throughout
the process, the team must ensure that the plan corroborates
with the expectation of the management as well as the desires of
the consumers. The premise is that without a balance in the
interest, an organization cannot accomplish its objectives.
According to the plan, the marketing team will consider the
logistical aspects such as distribution in pricing the
commodities of the company. The prevailing economic situation
such as inflations in prices of commodities will also influence
the range for adoption. The products targeting consumers in far-
flung regions will fetch higher prices in comparison to
commodities targeting consumers within the environs of the
company. The basis for the decision is that logistical
undertakings affect profitability (Maglaras & Meissner, 2006).
Hence, in the case of Ikea, the marketers will adopt
segmentation strategies after coordination with the management
and the accountants at the company. The selective approach will
ensure that the business exploits the available opportunities in
the markets without discriminating a section of the population.
When marketing to loyal customers, the organization will rely
on dynamics techniques that encourage the use of discounts in
luring consumers to make more purchases for its products. The
approach is equally critical in ensuring loyalty by pricing
commodities in a manner that resonate with the expectation of
consumers. According to the model, products targeting high-end
shoppers will fetch slightly higher prices in comparison to
merchandises targeting price-sensitive shoppers. The pricings
will also consider the shift in market dynamics that can affect
negatively on the sale of the company’s products.
When striving to attract new consumers, the company will
exploit tactics such as daily pricing in areas where the
management is unsure of the implication of the use of pricing in
influencing sales. The methodology together with the promotion
pricing and listing pricing will help the company identify the
glitches in the use of one single approach to enticing consumers
to make purchases. When opting to use the listing tactics, for
instance, the management will aim at luring shoppers who are
unsure of the value derived from the use of the commodity in
making purchase (Cravens & Piercy, 2006). The advantage in
the application of the strategy is that it is short-term thus
limiting the possibility of organization incurring losses in
implementing ineffective plans.
Marketing Mix Pricing
The consideration when pricing is the product’s nature, place,
and promotion. The first consideration is that the unique
components of the product of which the organization will
communicate about when pricing. The management will ensure
that the model guarantees profitability and consumers obtain
value from the decision. The exploitation of place will consider
the expenses in distributing the commodities to the consumers
(Goi, 2009). The promotion aspect of a marketing mix concept
will affect the value based on the amount spends in advertising
the product. The aim will be ensuring that expenses do not
compromise on profitability.
The use of value-based technique will create an impression of
the company offering value for the customer to both niches. In
the new marketers, the approach will create a quick impression
that marketers can capitalize on when striving to create a lasting
relationship. It utilization together with cost-based model can
work for Ikea. However, its effects are short lasting since
combining the two is affected by prevailing markets situation
that affects cost. Hence, businesses should exploit the technique
with much caution in markets of uncertainties.
To ensure objectivity in the process of enticing undecided
shoppers, the company can exploit price-segmenting strategies
that consider psychographic elements in consumer decision.
Afterward, the perception created can aid entice customers to
make more purchases. The premise for the decision to consider
pricing is that at times, the tools exploited affects the image of
a brand. According to Goi, 2009, the model for exploitation
must create an impression that the company prioritizes customer
wants before focusing on profitability.
In a bid to lure traditional customers to make more purchase,
the company should downplay the significance of pricing.
However, it should exploit customer retention strategies such as
value addition. The provision of after sales service is a common
trick that can benefit Ikea. The firm also has the alternative of
increasing the demand by presenting discount at times when the
purchases are low. Maglaras & Meissner (2006) suggest that
conceptualization of the needs of consumers when exploiting
pricing, as a tool at times is difficult; hence, the need for
companies to engage marketers in communicating to consumers
the motive for the choice of the model used.
Cravens, D. W., & Piercy, N. (2006). Strategic marketing (Vol.
7). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Goi, C. L. (2009). A review of marketing mix: 4Ps or more?.
International journal of marketing studies, 1(1), 2.
Maglaras, C., & Meissner, J. (2006). Dynamic pricing strategies
for multiproduct revenue management problems. Manufacturing
& Service Operations Management, 8(2), 136-148.
Running head: PRODUCT STRTAEGY 1
Product Strategy
Victor J. Ayala
University of Phoenix
Patricia Estabrooks
May 15, 2017
Upon the identification of the objective in manufacturing a
commodity, the process that follows is launching the product
into the market. During the process, management considers the
lifecycle of the product in the decision. The acknowledgment of
the implication in the decision of the organization is critical. In
the first step, the formulation of ways of introducing the
commodity into the market proceeds. The task entails utilization
of media in the creation of awareness to entice consumers
develops a positive image towards the brand. The management
of Ikea can exploit integrated marketing communication tactics.
The consideration of the market mix components can guide the
Product promotion strategy
The branding of the product can strive to establish a resounding
image in the American market. The methodology at most differs
with the approach to utilization in the exploitation of the
European market. The pricing has to consider a penetrative
tactic in which the consumer's ability to make a decision should
be pegged on the impression of the price. Ikea can exploit
skimming techniques that only strives to create equilibrium in
expenditure and returns at the commencement (Suh, & Huppes,
2005). The consideration of place as a marketing mix
component involves using stores that create a sensation to
consumers. The location of the facilities has profound effects
both locally and internationally. The promotion tactics must
ensure that the communication creates a sense of loyalty besides
sensitizing consumers about the benefits of making a decision to
purchase Ikea products.
The consideration of the marketing mix components also applies
in the growth stage. However, the approach to exploitation of
the process must seek to create a sense of loyalty to entice the
group identify with the brand. Additionally, the process must
maintain the momentum that drives demand. The marketers must
liaise with the manufacturers to ensure that the company
maintains consistency in the production of the brand. To some
extent, the accentuation of quality through innovation is
advisable. The provision of additional services while using
direct selling tactics is also helpful in the markets. The model
of pricing should ensure that the consumers perceive value in
the commodity. In the placement of the product, the marketers
should consider increasing the challenges for reaching
consumers. The step can entail utilization of the online platform
in merchandising the products. The marketing tools must strive
to increase the audience for the commodity.
The maturity stage as the third step in product cycle witnesses
the decline in demand for the new product launched in the
market. On numerous occasion, the stage proceeds decline in
excitement for the product. Therefore, in a bid to ensure
continuity in the progress of the brand, the exploitation of
innovative strategies is necessary for the retention of the
controlled by the brand. According to Cravens, & Piercy (2006),
many organization concentrates on augmenting the quality of
the product through differentiation tactics. The same should
apply to Ikea products because of the existence of many other
competitors in the market. Throughout the stage, the
management has the duty of maintaining communication with
consumers to address any public relationship issue that might
affect sales. The leadership must maintain an interactive
website that creates a sense of concern in the action of
managers. After which the public relations official can
capitalize in enticing consumers to maintain loyalty to the
The exploitation of pricing as a tool for promotion at times
takes the form of reduction to create an impression that the
entity has the interest of consumers at heart. While deploying
the tactics, the promoters must not compromise on the ability of
the venture to make profits. The prioritization of efficiency in
the distribution channels follows. The business at times expands
the channels to reach consumers in their homes (Cravens, &
Piercy, 2006). The campaign tactics, on the other hand,
emphasizes the uniqueness of the brand to ensure continuation
in demand.
The last stage of product promotion is the decline that requires
exploitation of new strategies to ensure that a venture remains
in the market. The company has the alternative of rebranding
the product to create an impression of novelty. The team pricing
the commodity can consider introducing discounts to retain the
loyalty of consumers.
Factors that can affect outcome of promotion and variation in
The level of innovation and prevailing economic situation
affects the effectiveness of promotion tools. For that reason,
the utilization of an integrated approach to marketing is
mandatory in the penetration of the American market at such
times. During the process, the media strategy requires caution
because the perception of the consumers tends to depends on the
dynamics of the surrounding environment (Suh, & Huppes,
2005). In times of economic growth, advertisers ought to
consider pricing a critical component in the promotion of the
brand. After the 2008 recession, for instance, the
communication of the value aspect should precede pricing
aspect in advertising in the country. Consideration of culture is
equally critical when designing promotion tools.
Marketers should also note that the approach to publicity of the
launch in the United States has profound effects on the
perception of people in the US, but such is not the case for the
European market. The values of the consumer about the brand
have immense effects in the latter region. The activities of the
competitors also play a role in the promotion. In cases where
the competitors are effective, Ikea might struggle through all
the stages. In the international market, the regulation by the
respective government also plays a role. In the context where
the policies interfere with marketing activities the business
might records losses.
Cravens, D. W., & Piercy, N. (2006). Strategic marketing (Vol.
7). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Suh, S., & Huppes, G. (2005). Methods for life cycle inventory
of a product. Journal of Cleaner Production, 13(7), 687-697.
Understanding Target Markets
Victor J. Ayala
University of Phoenix
Patricia Estabrook
May 8, 2017
Understanding Target Markets
Before launching a product in the market, the consideration of
the implication of demographics and psychographic factors on
the choice of consumers is critical. It is on this basis that
designers of the marketing plan for Ikea are going to exploit
age, income and cultural aspect as the demographic components
in the categorization of the market. Upon completing the
process, the team will consider the psychographic elements in
the segmentation of the market. According to the plan, the
venture is going to identify the revenue potential consumers as
the priority component for segmentation, after that, place the
products in the market in a manner that resonates to the
expectation of the customers. The reason for the decision is
attributable to findings of studies that affirm that a significant
majority of consumers peg decision on the perception of values
obtained from the product (Chen & Vaughan, 2010). The record
of Ikea shows that loyal customers increase profitability hence
the need to formulate ways of retaining segments that base a
decision on purchasing power.
The subsequent demographic element for consideration in the
plan is age, since it is a critical component in the decision of
consumers. Those steering the campaign must acknowledge the
usability of the product and such depends on the age of the
individual. If the company decides to target young shoppers, it
will get the opportunity to leverage on a large number of the
shoppers belonging to the category. They must acknowledge the
desire for the group for sophisticated components. However,
such is not applicable in decision targeting older shoppers. The
group has small number, and they lack fascination for
technological inventions (Schindehutte, Morris & Kocak, 2008).
Nevertheless, the advantage in targeting the group is that older
consumers maintain loyalty to the brand, as depicted in the data
of Ikea sales. Once the marketer convinces the group, they
maintain loyalty, and they can influence other makes the same
The third critical variable for consideration during the planning
stages is the family attributes or the cultural implications. In a
setting where people ascribe to certain values such as honesty,
the marketer must uphold integrity in their communication. The
adoption of modality that enhances openness in communication
accentuates sales (Chen & Vaughan, 2010). Therefore, in the
case of Ikea, the segmentation must consider the cultural
perception. The management can opt to recognize anniversaries
and celebrations adored by the members of the population in the
segmentation of the markets. The religious connotation may
also affect the perception of households on the use of the brand
hence the urge to consider such in marketing.
Additional dynamics for consideration when planning for
marketing include the acknowledgment of psychographic
elements that can influence the demand for a commodity. When
opting to target the working class, for instance, the marketer
must acknowledge the activities that bring the people together
in the plans. The campaigns must incorporate elements of
uniformity associated with the category of shoppers. The
venture can model the plan to exploit the strengths of the group.
A typical example is designing sophisticated devices preferred
by those in the corporate sector (Schindehutte, Morris & Kocak,
2008). The decision, in turn, can result to increase in sales for
the commodity. The consideration of the issues that members of
the groups treasure such as accuracy in performance is critical.
The data presented about the performance of Ikea in the local
markets suggest that occupation influences the decision of
shoppers. Some chose commodity because of familiarity and not
the perception of values as highlighted by the advertisers. The
peers of the shoppers influence the perception of benefits
attained from the utilization of the product (Eggert & Ulaga,
2002). The presentation also suggests that consumers in the
international market show laxity in purchasing the brand and
such is attributable to psychographics components. The culture
of the people contributes immensely to the decision to associate
with a brand.
The insight gained from the exploration of the concepts on
psychographics and demographics role on marketing is that
capitalization on the perception of consumers is critical in
enhancing loyalty for a brand. A company that manages to
captivate the desires of the shoppers excel in the market.
However, the exploitation of the same in the international
market does not guarantee profitability. This is because the
segment considers a myriad of factors in decision-making. The
geographical proximity and the demographics play a critical
role in their consideration of a product to embrace.
Another lesson from the exploration is that retention of
consumers is more beneficial that seeking ways to exploit the
new markets. For that reason, it is advisable that marketers
formulate strategies that show concern to the existing
customers. In the case of Ikea, their experience with a product
can directly increase sales through personal selling. The loyal
clientele can serve as ambassadors in marketing the brand to
new shoppers (Eggert & Ulaga, 2002). Chances are also high
that their loyalty can propel the business to greater heights of
success even without the expansion into new markets.
Exploring the concepts of psychographics and demographics as
highlighted in the analysis also teaches one that harmonization
of various components is critical in attaining success in the
market. The assumption is that no single model fits all
situations. Instead, businesses ought to redesign models in line
with the prevailing dynamics in the market and at no single
point can the situation replicate. For that reason, the exploration
of the markets from a holistic perspective is mandatory. In the
case of Ikea, the venture can embrace the idea in formulating
models that consider psychographics and demographics
components together with other consideration in marketing its
Chen, Y., & Vaughan, J. W. (2010, June). A new understanding
of prediction markets via no-regret learning. In Proceedings of
the 11th ACM conference on Electronic commerce (pp. 189-
198). ACM.
Eggert, A., & Ulaga, W. (2002). Customer perceived value: a
substitute for satisfaction in business markets?. Journal of
Business & industrial marketing, 17(2/3), 107-118.
Schindehutte, M., Morris, M. H., & Kocak, A. (2008).
Understanding market‐driving behavior: the role of
entrepreneurship. Journal of Small Business Management,
46(1), 4-26.

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  • 1. Running head: MARKETING COMMUNICATION AND BRAND STRATEGY 1 MARKETING COMMUNICATION AND BRAND STRATEGY 4 Marketing Communication and Brand Strategy Victor J. Ayala University of Phoenix MKT/571 Patricia Estabrooks June 5, 2017 Situational analysis Introduction and objectives The company intends to brand Ikea products to resonate with the expectation of the consumers. In the first step, the organization has to communicate its vision, which is excelling as a leader in the delivery of excellent products. Afterward, the team surcharged with branding the product will outline the objectives and values treasured in propelling the venture to greater heights of excellence. Analysis An exploration of the markets suggests that the demand for technological gadgets is on the rise. Ikea, therefore, has a greater reputation when it comes to addressing the needs of the consumer. The process can commence with evaluating the product using a SWOT analysis. The market comprises of
  • 2. competitors capable of producing similar technologies at a lower cost. The taxation by governments among other policies affects trading. Those demanding exemplary products outnumber those needing traditional merchandise. The trend is the use of digital media is guiding communication in the markets. The creation of elaborate distribution channels is a complex process. Additional dynamics is that the number of younger shoppers is on the rise with the demand for sophisticated merchandises exceeding the need for traditional brands. Another dynamics is that incomes and age affect decision-making. Lastly, the use of technology in improving product quality is critical in accomplishing success in the markets. Products SWOT analysis The adoption of a SWOT analysis indicates that the brand has a long tradition of guaranteeing satisfaction. Therefore, in making the decision to brand, the team must communicate to consumers the positive history of the brand. They should adopt techniques that resonate with the expectation of consumers such as the use of simple and definite language. According to Pickton & Broderick (2001), the opportunities available in making the decision are that the global demand for technological products is on the rise. The use of technology also creates an opportunity to reach wider audiences. Hence, Ikea can capitalize on the opportunity in reaching consumers. The company can also leverage on its expertise in marketing The challenges to the process of branding are that the company faces competition from other reputable brands. The penetration of new markets comprising of conservative consumers is also a daunting task considering that other players have tried exploiting the strategies. The weakness of the company is that it undertakes most of its duties in-house yet there are immense opportunities in outsourcing some of the operations. The marketing team also confronts the challenges of adopting a global strategy at the expense of maintaining the local identity
  • 3. of the brand. Branding The step in the creation of a reputable image entails communicating about the unique features of the product. According to the plan, the marketing team will adopt language resonating with many audiences. They will exploit simpler terms that notify new and existing clienteles more about the commodity (Madhavaram, Badrinarayanan & McDonald, 2005). The conveyance of the message about the advantages of purchasing the brand via social media is equally critical in creating a lasting image. The approach for accomplishing such can entail communicating about the durability of Ikea products. The branding strategies for exploitation have to associate the product with revered celebrities or icons in campaigns. The process of retaining brand image involves the provision of services to repeat clientele while formulating strategies that ensure continuity in communication with the persons. The production team must ensure continuity in innovation to differentiate the products from other commodities in the markets. The distribution of the brand using reputable suppliers is also a strategy for maintaining a positive image among consumers. Promotion The concern in branding is ensuring that loyal customers acknowledge the brand. According to Madhavaram, Badrinarayanan, & McDonald (2005), companies must not engage in actions that completely change the perception of existing customers. Instead, the models for adaptation should attract new shoppers while maintaining the traditional image. The messages must be precise since any slight miscommunication can alter the perception of the audiences towards the brand. Strategy of placing The approach to branding should create a sensation online that lures new shoppers to develop an interest in Ikea products. The company can exploit the social media platform as the launch
  • 4. pad for the new products manufactured by the company. The management must exploit pricing tools cautiously since the approach for adaptation has profound effects on the decision that consumers make. For that reason, the organization has to exploit price differentiation strategies that assure consumers value for their money. The organization has the responsibility of creating a feedback channel that facilitates continuous communication with the consumers. As noted, the platform can prove integral in the identification of the changing needs of the clientele (Pickton & Broderick, 2001). The platform also helps in the quantification of the perception of consumers about the brand. Advertising The management can measure loyalty to the brand using records of sales calculated on a quarterly basis. During the process, the organization must consider the variation in market dynamics that can affects sales but are unrelated to perception. An example is a change in government policy on taxation for electronic products. The sales teams should also measure loyalty from the feedbacks presented on the company’s sites by consumers. The measurements of retention have to rely on the sale records together with the feedback as the case of loyalty. The team steering campaigns can conduct outreach campaigns then use the data collected in the quantification of the perception of people. Afterward, the findings should serve as the value of retention. References Madhavaram, S., Badrinarayanan, V., & McDonald, R. E. (2005). Integrated marketing communication (IMC) and brand identity as critical components of brand equity strategy: A conceptual framework and research propositions. Journal of Advertising, 34(4), 69-80. Pickton, D., & Broderick, A. (2001). Integrated marketing communications. Harlow: Prentice Hall.
  • 5. Running head: PRICE AND CHANNEL STRATEGY 1 PRICE AND CHANNEL STRATEGY 2 Price and Channel Strategy Victor J. Ayala University of Phoenix MKT/571 Patricia Estabrooks May 22, 2017 Pricing and Distribution Aspects Marketing requires consideration of pricing as a critical tool for swaying the perception of consumers. It is on this basis that a company must formulate a plan that resonates to the expectation of the consumers in traditional markets of a brand. However, when targeting new consumers, the exploitation of a customized approach to marketing is critical (Cravens & Piercy, 2006). In the case of Ikea, the utilization of a marketing mix model will facilitate the process. The company will commence with the generalist strategy before the formulation of a plan that addresses the variation in different niche target markets. The consideration will include place, product, and distribution. In a bid to capture the attention of consumers in the international market, the management will use slight variations from those exploited by the established brands in the market. In some areas, the company will modify the plan, but throughout
  • 6. the process, the team must ensure that the plan corroborates with the expectation of the management as well as the desires of the consumers. The premise is that without a balance in the interest, an organization cannot accomplish its objectives. Pricing According to the plan, the marketing team will consider the logistical aspects such as distribution in pricing the commodities of the company. The prevailing economic situation such as inflations in prices of commodities will also influence the range for adoption. The products targeting consumers in far- flung regions will fetch higher prices in comparison to commodities targeting consumers within the environs of the company. The basis for the decision is that logistical undertakings affect profitability (Maglaras & Meissner, 2006). Hence, in the case of Ikea, the marketers will adopt segmentation strategies after coordination with the management and the accountants at the company. The selective approach will ensure that the business exploits the available opportunities in the markets without discriminating a section of the population. When marketing to loyal customers, the organization will rely on dynamics techniques that encourage the use of discounts in luring consumers to make more purchases for its products. The approach is equally critical in ensuring loyalty by pricing commodities in a manner that resonate with the expectation of consumers. According to the model, products targeting high-end shoppers will fetch slightly higher prices in comparison to merchandises targeting price-sensitive shoppers. The pricings will also consider the shift in market dynamics that can affect negatively on the sale of the company’s products. When striving to attract new consumers, the company will exploit tactics such as daily pricing in areas where the management is unsure of the implication of the use of pricing in influencing sales. The methodology together with the promotion pricing and listing pricing will help the company identify the glitches in the use of one single approach to enticing consumers to make purchases. When opting to use the listing tactics, for
  • 7. instance, the management will aim at luring shoppers who are unsure of the value derived from the use of the commodity in making purchase (Cravens & Piercy, 2006). The advantage in the application of the strategy is that it is short-term thus limiting the possibility of organization incurring losses in implementing ineffective plans. Marketing Mix Pricing The consideration when pricing is the product’s nature, place, and promotion. The first consideration is that the unique components of the product of which the organization will communicate about when pricing. The management will ensure that the model guarantees profitability and consumers obtain value from the decision. The exploitation of place will consider the expenses in distributing the commodities to the consumers (Goi, 2009). The promotion aspect of a marketing mix concept will affect the value based on the amount spends in advertising the product. The aim will be ensuring that expenses do not compromise on profitability. Pricing The use of value-based technique will create an impression of the company offering value for the customer to both niches. In the new marketers, the approach will create a quick impression that marketers can capitalize on when striving to create a lasting relationship. It utilization together with cost-based model can work for Ikea. However, its effects are short lasting since combining the two is affected by prevailing markets situation that affects cost. Hence, businesses should exploit the technique with much caution in markets of uncertainties. To ensure objectivity in the process of enticing undecided shoppers, the company can exploit price-segmenting strategies that consider psychographic elements in consumer decision. Afterward, the perception created can aid entice customers to make more purchases. The premise for the decision to consider pricing is that at times, the tools exploited affects the image of a brand. According to Goi, 2009, the model for exploitation must create an impression that the company prioritizes customer
  • 8. wants before focusing on profitability. In a bid to lure traditional customers to make more purchase, the company should downplay the significance of pricing. However, it should exploit customer retention strategies such as value addition. The provision of after sales service is a common trick that can benefit Ikea. The firm also has the alternative of increasing the demand by presenting discount at times when the purchases are low. Maglaras & Meissner (2006) suggest that conceptualization of the needs of consumers when exploiting pricing, as a tool at times is difficult; hence, the need for companies to engage marketers in communicating to consumers the motive for the choice of the model used. References Cravens, D. W., & Piercy, N. (2006). Strategic marketing (Vol. 7). New York: McGraw-Hill. Goi, C. L. (2009). A review of marketing mix: 4Ps or more?. International journal of marketing studies, 1(1), 2. Maglaras, C., & Meissner, J. (2006). Dynamic pricing strategies for multiproduct revenue management problems. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 8(2), 136-148. Running head: PRODUCT STRTAEGY 1 PRODUCT STRTAEGY 4 Product Strategy Victor J. Ayala University of Phoenix MKT/571
  • 9. Patricia Estabrooks May 15, 2017 Introduction Upon the identification of the objective in manufacturing a commodity, the process that follows is launching the product into the market. During the process, management considers the lifecycle of the product in the decision. The acknowledgment of the implication in the decision of the organization is critical. In the first step, the formulation of ways of introducing the commodity into the market proceeds. The task entails utilization of media in the creation of awareness to entice consumers develops a positive image towards the brand. The management of Ikea can exploit integrated marketing communication tactics. The consideration of the market mix components can guide the process. Product promotion strategy The branding of the product can strive to establish a resounding image in the American market. The methodology at most differs with the approach to utilization in the exploitation of the European market. The pricing has to consider a penetrative tactic in which the consumer's ability to make a decision should be pegged on the impression of the price. Ikea can exploit skimming techniques that only strives to create equilibrium in expenditure and returns at the commencement (Suh, & Huppes, 2005). The consideration of place as a marketing mix component involves using stores that create a sensation to consumers. The location of the facilities has profound effects both locally and internationally. The promotion tactics must ensure that the communication creates a sense of loyalty besides sensitizing consumers about the benefits of making a decision to purchase Ikea products. The consideration of the marketing mix components also applies in the growth stage. However, the approach to exploitation of the process must seek to create a sense of loyalty to entice the group identify with the brand. Additionally, the process must
  • 10. maintain the momentum that drives demand. The marketers must liaise with the manufacturers to ensure that the company maintains consistency in the production of the brand. To some extent, the accentuation of quality through innovation is advisable. The provision of additional services while using direct selling tactics is also helpful in the markets. The model of pricing should ensure that the consumers perceive value in the commodity. In the placement of the product, the marketers should consider increasing the challenges for reaching consumers. The step can entail utilization of the online platform in merchandising the products. The marketing tools must strive to increase the audience for the commodity. The maturity stage as the third step in product cycle witnesses the decline in demand for the new product launched in the market. On numerous occasion, the stage proceeds decline in excitement for the product. Therefore, in a bid to ensure continuity in the progress of the brand, the exploitation of innovative strategies is necessary for the retention of the controlled by the brand. According to Cravens, & Piercy (2006), many organization concentrates on augmenting the quality of the product through differentiation tactics. The same should apply to Ikea products because of the existence of many other competitors in the market. Throughout the stage, the management has the duty of maintaining communication with consumers to address any public relationship issue that might affect sales. The leadership must maintain an interactive website that creates a sense of concern in the action of managers. After which the public relations official can capitalize in enticing consumers to maintain loyalty to the brand. The exploitation of pricing as a tool for promotion at times takes the form of reduction to create an impression that the entity has the interest of consumers at heart. While deploying the tactics, the promoters must not compromise on the ability of the venture to make profits. The prioritization of efficiency in the distribution channels follows. The business at times expands
  • 11. the channels to reach consumers in their homes (Cravens, & Piercy, 2006). The campaign tactics, on the other hand, emphasizes the uniqueness of the brand to ensure continuation in demand. The last stage of product promotion is the decline that requires exploitation of new strategies to ensure that a venture remains in the market. The company has the alternative of rebranding the product to create an impression of novelty. The team pricing the commodity can consider introducing discounts to retain the loyalty of consumers. Factors that can affect outcome of promotion and variation in markets The level of innovation and prevailing economic situation affects the effectiveness of promotion tools. For that reason, the utilization of an integrated approach to marketing is mandatory in the penetration of the American market at such times. During the process, the media strategy requires caution because the perception of the consumers tends to depends on the dynamics of the surrounding environment (Suh, & Huppes, 2005). In times of economic growth, advertisers ought to consider pricing a critical component in the promotion of the brand. After the 2008 recession, for instance, the communication of the value aspect should precede pricing aspect in advertising in the country. Consideration of culture is equally critical when designing promotion tools. Marketers should also note that the approach to publicity of the launch in the United States has profound effects on the perception of people in the US, but such is not the case for the European market. The values of the consumer about the brand have immense effects in the latter region. The activities of the competitors also play a role in the promotion. In cases where the competitors are effective, Ikea might struggle through all the stages. In the international market, the regulation by the respective government also plays a role. In the context where the policies interfere with marketing activities the business might records losses.
  • 12. References Cravens, D. W., & Piercy, N. (2006). Strategic marketing (Vol. 7). New York: McGraw-Hill. Suh, S., & Huppes, G. (2005). Methods for life cycle inventory of a product. Journal of Cleaner Production, 13(7), 687-697. Running head: UNDERSTANDING TARGET MARKETS 1 UNDERSTANDING TARGET MARKETS 6 Understanding Target Markets Victor J. Ayala University of Phoenix MKT/571 Patricia Estabrook May 8, 2017 Understanding Target Markets Before launching a product in the market, the consideration of the implication of demographics and psychographic factors on the choice of consumers is critical. It is on this basis that designers of the marketing plan for Ikea are going to exploit age, income and cultural aspect as the demographic components in the categorization of the market. Upon completing the process, the team will consider the psychographic elements in the segmentation of the market. According to the plan, the
  • 13. venture is going to identify the revenue potential consumers as the priority component for segmentation, after that, place the products in the market in a manner that resonates to the expectation of the customers. The reason for the decision is attributable to findings of studies that affirm that a significant majority of consumers peg decision on the perception of values obtained from the product (Chen & Vaughan, 2010). The record of Ikea shows that loyal customers increase profitability hence the need to formulate ways of retaining segments that base a decision on purchasing power. The subsequent demographic element for consideration in the plan is age, since it is a critical component in the decision of consumers. Those steering the campaign must acknowledge the usability of the product and such depends on the age of the individual. If the company decides to target young shoppers, it will get the opportunity to leverage on a large number of the shoppers belonging to the category. They must acknowledge the desire for the group for sophisticated components. However, such is not applicable in decision targeting older shoppers. The group has small number, and they lack fascination for technological inventions (Schindehutte, Morris & Kocak, 2008). Nevertheless, the advantage in targeting the group is that older consumers maintain loyalty to the brand, as depicted in the data of Ikea sales. Once the marketer convinces the group, they maintain loyalty, and they can influence other makes the same decision. The third critical variable for consideration during the planning stages is the family attributes or the cultural implications. In a setting where people ascribe to certain values such as honesty, the marketer must uphold integrity in their communication. The adoption of modality that enhances openness in communication accentuates sales (Chen & Vaughan, 2010). Therefore, in the case of Ikea, the segmentation must consider the cultural perception. The management can opt to recognize anniversaries and celebrations adored by the members of the population in the segmentation of the markets. The religious connotation may
  • 14. also affect the perception of households on the use of the brand hence the urge to consider such in marketing. Additional dynamics for consideration when planning for marketing include the acknowledgment of psychographic elements that can influence the demand for a commodity. When opting to target the working class, for instance, the marketer must acknowledge the activities that bring the people together in the plans. The campaigns must incorporate elements of uniformity associated with the category of shoppers. The venture can model the plan to exploit the strengths of the group. A typical example is designing sophisticated devices preferred by those in the corporate sector (Schindehutte, Morris & Kocak, 2008). The decision, in turn, can result to increase in sales for the commodity. The consideration of the issues that members of the groups treasure such as accuracy in performance is critical. The data presented about the performance of Ikea in the local markets suggest that occupation influences the decision of shoppers. Some chose commodity because of familiarity and not the perception of values as highlighted by the advertisers. The peers of the shoppers influence the perception of benefits attained from the utilization of the product (Eggert & Ulaga, 2002). The presentation also suggests that consumers in the international market show laxity in purchasing the brand and such is attributable to psychographics components. The culture of the people contributes immensely to the decision to associate with a brand. Insights The insight gained from the exploration of the concepts on psychographics and demographics role on marketing is that capitalization on the perception of consumers is critical in enhancing loyalty for a brand. A company that manages to captivate the desires of the shoppers excel in the market. However, the exploitation of the same in the international market does not guarantee profitability. This is because the segment considers a myriad of factors in decision-making. The
  • 15. geographical proximity and the demographics play a critical role in their consideration of a product to embrace. Another lesson from the exploration is that retention of consumers is more beneficial that seeking ways to exploit the new markets. For that reason, it is advisable that marketers formulate strategies that show concern to the existing customers. In the case of Ikea, their experience with a product can directly increase sales through personal selling. The loyal clientele can serve as ambassadors in marketing the brand to new shoppers (Eggert & Ulaga, 2002). Chances are also high that their loyalty can propel the business to greater heights of success even without the expansion into new markets. Exploring the concepts of psychographics and demographics as highlighted in the analysis also teaches one that harmonization of various components is critical in attaining success in the market. The assumption is that no single model fits all situations. Instead, businesses ought to redesign models in line with the prevailing dynamics in the market and at no single point can the situation replicate. For that reason, the exploration of the markets from a holistic perspective is mandatory. In the case of Ikea, the venture can embrace the idea in formulating models that consider psychographics and demographics components together with other consideration in marketing its brand. References Chen, Y., & Vaughan, J. W. (2010, June). A new understanding of prediction markets via no-regret learning. In Proceedings of the 11th ACM conference on Electronic commerce (pp. 189- 198). ACM. Eggert, A., & Ulaga, W. (2002). Customer perceived value: a substitute for satisfaction in business markets?. Journal of Business & industrial marketing, 17(2/3), 107-118. Schindehutte, M., Morris, M. H., & Kocak, A. (2008). Understanding market‐driving behavior: the role of entrepreneurship. Journal of Small Business Management,