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All Major Elements Included: 1.Clear & Limiting Title (telling
title) 2. Appropriate level of Detail and
Technicality (based on your audiences
own knowledge of the product or process) 3. Visuals that assist
in understanding (must have a purpose) 4. A Clear Descriptive
Sequence (spatial,
functional, chronological)--
Levels of Achievement:
Partially Meets Requirements 10 (10.00%) points
Meets All Requirements 20 (20.00%) points
Introduction: 1. Does the document begin with the definition of
the product or process? 2. Does the introduction state the
objective of the description (what you hope to accomplish)? 3.
Does the introduction contain only what the user needs to
Levels of Achievement:
Partially Meets Requirements 10 (10.00%) points
Meets All Requirements 20 (20.00%) points
Body: 1. Does the body provide a clear and logical sequence? 2.
Are the connections between the parts explained clearly?--
Levels of Achievement:
Partially Meets Requirements 10 (10.00%) points
Meets All Requirements 20 (20.00%) points
Conclusion: Does the conclusion provide a brief summary if
necessary, or explain the interrelation of parts-briefly, or one
complete operating cycle, or a summary of major stages as
applicable to your type of description (see the outlines on pages
420 and 424).--
Levels of Achievement:
Partially Meets Requirements 5 (5.00%) points
Meets All Requirements 10 (10.00%) points
Mechanics: 1. Grammatically Correct 2. Spelling is Correct 3.
Word Choice is Correct 4. Sentences are not convoluted--
Levels of Achievement:
Partially Meets Requirements 5 (5.00%) points
Meets All Requirements 10 (10.00%) points
Precision: 1. clear, concise, and to the point without excess
verbiage (words)2. is neither excessive in length nor
excessively short 3. does not give information the audience does
not need or want--
Levels of Achievement:
Partially Meets Requirements 5 (5.00%) points
Meets All Requirements 10 (10.00%) points
Tone and Style are Appropriate to Audience: 1. purpose
statement lists specific audience 2. language is correct for
audience (not high in tone nor elementary in understanding) 3.
is objective--
Levels of Achievement:
Partially Meets Requirements 5 (5.00%) points
Meets All Requirements 10 (10.00%) points
Name:Technical Definitions Rubric
Picking Up the Slack
Ethical Case Study By Chloe Wilson
Greg and Natalie have been in business classes together since
freshman year. While
they’re not close friends, they have always enjoyed each other’s
company in class and
have been in the same social circle as they’ve moved from
lower division courses to where
they are now: senior capstone. Greg and a few of his friends
invite Natalie to join their
group at the start of the term, and they begin to work on their
Fairly quickly, though, Greg realizes that Natalie isn’t pulling
her weight. Any aspect of the
project that’s assigned to her has to be redone by other members
of the group, she
doesn’t pay attention in meetings, and she consistently shows
up late or hung over. Greg
and his other group mates think that Natalie needs to step it up
and take this project
seriously, but they ultimately agree it would be more trouble
than it’s worth to confront her
about it. They decide to just push through and let her do her
own thing. Natalie continues
to participate marginally in discussions, planning, and writing,
but makes it clear through
her actions that their final presentation is not her biggest
After Greg’s group gives its final presentation, the members are
asked to write an
evaluation on their teammates that the professor will use to
determine individual grades.
When it comes to most of his teammates, Greg easily gives them
all A’s and B’s for their
participation and contributions to the project. However, when
Greg comes to Natalie’s
evaluation, he is faced with a dilemma. It’s their last big
project before graduation, and if
he were to evaluate her in a harsh way, it could negatively
affect her cumulative GPA. He
doesn’t want to throw her under the bus; however, her apathy
and poor work ethic put a
huge burden on everyone else’s shoulders, and Greg had to
personally sacrifice a lot of
time and effort to make up for her mistakes or tasks that she left
Ethical Question: What should Greg do? Is it worth giving her
an honest evaluation, just so
the professor will give her the grade she deserves? Or is giving
her a bad evaluation petty
and unnecessary, considering that they are all about to graduate
and their group received
an A, regardless of her performance?
Source: Wilson, C. (March 11, 2013). Picking Up the Slack (Big
Q). Markkula Center for
Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University. Retrieved from
ethicscenter/ethicsblog/thebigq/15667/ Picking-Up-the-
A Framework For Thinking Ethically
Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University
This document is designed as an introduction to thinking
ethically. We all have an image of our better
selves-of how we are when we act ethically or are "at our best."
We probably also have an image of what
an ethical community, an ethical business, an ethical
government, or an ethical society should be. Ethics
really has to do with all these levels-acting ethically as
individuals, creating ethical organizations and
governments, and making our society as a whole ethical in the
way it treats everyone.
What is Ethics?
Simply stated, ethics refers to standards of behavior that tell us
how human beings ought to act in the
many situations in which they find themselves-as friends,
parents, children, citizens, businesspeople,
teachers, professionals, and so on.
It is helpful to identify what ethics is NOT:
• Ethics is not the same as feelings. Feelings provide important
information for our ethical choices.
Some people have highly developed habits that make them feel
bad when they do something
wrong, but many people feel good even though they are doing
something wrong. And often our
feelings will tell us it is uncomfortable to do the right thing if it
is hard.
• Ethics is not religion. Many people are not religious, but
ethics applies to everyone. Most religions
do advocate high ethical standards but sometimes do not address
all the types of problems we
• Ethics is not following the law. A good system of law does
incorporate many ethical standards,
but law can deviate from what is ethical. Law can become
ethically corrupt, as some totalitarian
regimes have made it. Law can be a function of power alone and
designed to serve the interests
of narrow groups. Law may have a difficult time designing or
enforcing standards in some
important areas, and may be slow to address new problems.
• Ethics is not following culturally accepted norms. Some
cultures are quite ethical, but others
become corrupt -or blind to certain ethical concerns (as the
United States was to slavery before
the Civil War). "When in Rome, do as the Romans do" is not a
satisfactory ethical standard.
• Ethics is not science. Social and natural science can provide
important data to help us make
better ethical choices. But science alone does not tell us what
we ought to do. Science may
provide an explanation for what humans are like. But ethics
provides reasons for how humans
ought to act. And just because something is scientifically or
technologically possible, it may not
be ethical to do it.
Why Identifying Ethical Standards is Hard
There are two fundamental problems in identifying the ethical
standards we are to follow:
1. On what do we base our ethical standards?
2. How do those standards get applied to specific situations we
If our ethics are not based on feelings, religion, law, accepted
social practice, or science, what are they
based on? Many philosophers and ethicists have helped us
answer this critical question. They have
suggested at least five different sources of ethical standards we
should use.
Five Sources of Ethical Standards
The Utilitarian Approach
Some ethicists emphasize that the ethical action is the one that
provides the most good or does the
least harm, or, to put it another way, produces the greatest
balance of good over harm. The ethical
corporate action, then, is the one that produces the greatest
good and does the least harm for all who
are affected-customers, employees, shareholders, the
community, and the environment. Ethical warfare
balances the good achieved in ending terrorism with the harm
done to all parties through death, injuries,
and destruction. The utilitarian approach deals with
consequences; it tries both to increase the good
done and to reduce the harm done.
The Rights Approach
Other philosophers and ethicists suggest that the ethical action
is the one that best protects and
respects the moral rights of those affected. This approach starts
from the belief that humans have a
dignity based on their human nature per se or on their ability to
choose freely what they do with their
lives. On the basis of such dignity, they have a right to be
treated as ends and not merely as means to
other ends. The list of moral rights -including the rights to make
one's own choices about what kind of
life to lead, to be told the truth, not to be injured, to a degree of
privacy, and so on-is widely debated;
some now argue that non-humans have rights, too. Also, it is
often said that rights imply duties-in
particular, the duty to respect others' rights.
The Fairness or Justice Approach
Aristotle and other Greek philosophers have contributed the
idea that all equals should be treated
equally. Today we use this idea to say that ethical actions treat
all human beings equally-or if unequally,
then fairly based on some standard that is defensible. We pay
people more based on their harder work
or the greater amount that they contribute to an organization,
and say that is fair. But there is a debate
over CEO salaries that are hundreds of times larger than the pay
of others; many ask whether the huge
disparity is based on a defensible standard or whether it is the
result of an imbalance of power and
hence is unfair.
The Common Good Approach
The Greek philosophers have also contributed the notion that
life in community is a good in itself and our
actions should contribute to that life. This approach suggests
that the interlocking relationships of society
are the basis of ethical reasoning and that respect and
compassion for all others-especially the
vulnerable-are requirements of such reasoning. This approach
also calls attention to the common
conditions that are important to the welfare of everyone. This
may be a system of laws, effective police
and fire departments, health care, a public educational system,
or even public recreational areas.
The Virtue Approach
A very ancient approach to ethics is that ethical actions ought to
be consistent with certain ideal virtues
that provide for the full development of our humanity. These
virtues are dispositions and habits that
enable us to act according to the highest potential of our
character and on behalf of values like truth and
beauty. Honesty, courage, compassion, generosity, tolerance,
love, fidelity, integrity, fairness, self-control,
and prudence are all examples of virtues. Virtue ethics asks of
any action, "What kind of person will I
become if I do this?" or "Is this action consistent with my
acting at my best?"
Putting the Approaches Together
Each of the approaches helps us determine what standards of
behavior can be considered ethical. There
are still problems to be solved, however.
• The first problem is that we may not agree on the content of
some of these specific approaches. We
may not all agree to the same set of human and civil rights.
We may not agree on what constitutes the common good. We
may not even agree on what is a
good and what is a harm.
• The second problem is that the different approaches may not
all answer the question "What is ethical?"
in the same way. Nonetheless, each approach gives us important
information with which to determine
what is ethical in a particular circumstance. And much more
often than not, the different approaches
do lead to similar answers.
Making Decisions
Making good ethical decisions requires a trained sensitivity to
ethical issues and a practiced method for
exploring the ethical aspects of a decision and weighing the
considerations that should impact our
choice of a course of action. Having a method for ethical
decision making is absolutely essential. When
practiced regularly, the method becomes so familiar that we
work through it automatically without
consulting the specific steps.
The more novel and difficult the ethical choice we face, the
more we need to rely on discussion and
dialogue with others about the dilemma. Only by careful
exploration of the problem, aided by the insights
and different perspectives of others, can we make good ethical
choices in such situations.
We have found the following framework for ethical decision
making a useful method for exploring ethical
dilemmas and identifying ethical courses of action.
A Framework for Ethical Decision Making
Recognize an Ethical Issue
1. Could this decision or situation be damaging to someone or
to some group? Does this decision
involve a choice between a good and bad alternative, or perhaps
between two "goods" or
between two "bads"?
2. Is this issue about more than what is legal or what is most
efficient? If so, how?
Get the Facts
3. What are the relevant facts of the case? What facts are not
known? Can I learn more about the
situation? Do I know enough to make a decision?
4. What individuals and groups have an important stake in the
outcome? Are some concerns more
important? Why?
5. What are the options for acting? Have all the relevant persons
and groups been consulted? Have
I identified creative options?
Evaluate Alternative Actions
6. Evaluate the options by asking the following questions:
• Which option will produce the most good and do the least
harm? (The Utilitarian Approach)
• Which option best respects the rights of all who have a stake?
(The Rights Approach)
• Which option treats people equally or proportionately? (The
Justice Approach)
• Which option best serves the community
as a whole, not just some members?
(The Common Good Approach)
• Which option leads me to act as the sort of person I want to
be? (The Virtue Approach)
Make a Decision and Test It
7. Considering all these approaches, which option best
addresses the situation?
8. If I told someone I respect-or told a television audience-
which option I have chosen, what would
they say?
Act and Reflect on the Outcome
9. How can my decision be implemented with the greatest care
and attention to the concerns of all
10. How did my decision turn out and what have I learned from
this specific situation?
Velasquez, Manuel, et al. "A Framework for Ethical Decision
Making." Markkula Center
for Applied Ethics, Santa Clara University, 1 Aug. 2015,
making/. Accessed 7 Feb. 2017.
100 Points (10% of your grade)
Write an essay in which you examine an ethical dilemma from a
variety of ethical decision making
approaches, discuss your own approach to ethical decision
making which arises from your core beliefs,
and determine the action that the actors in the ethical dilemma
should take.
- 600 to 800 Words (about 3 to 4 pages); Please no more than 4
- 4 Source Citations (Include Case Study, The Framework
article, and 2 additional sources)
- Academic Level Writing: Proper word usage, clear and
effective phrasing, correct spelling, syntax,
grammar, etc.
- MLA Format
- Document Settings: 1 inch margins, Double Spaced, legible 12
point font (i.e. Times New
- Page Header: Name and Page Number in the upper right corner
of every page
- Title Block:
- Name, Instructor’s Name, Course Number and Section, Date in
the upper left corner of the
first page only
- Essay Title is centered on the first page
- Citations:
- In-Text Citations
- Works Cited
- Read A Framework For Thinking Ethically and determine the
questions asked/concerns addressed by
each of the five approaches to ethical decision making
(Utilitarian, Rights, Fairness/Justice, Common
Good, and Virtue)
- Read the case study, Picking Up The Slack, and make sure you
understand the ethical dilemma that
Greg is facing
- Find 2 additional sources of information about ethics, ethical
decision making, ethical dilemmas, etc.
(Check the “Additional Sources” folder in the Ethics
Assignment on eCampus)
- Think about your own approach to ethical decision making and
how you would resolve the ethical
dilemma if you were in Greg’s position.
- Identify your core beliefs and values and the origin of these
elements. Determine specific
instances or examples from your personal history that led you to
these values and beliefs.
Page ! of !1 3
Step 1: Write the Introduction (1 Paragraph)
1. Begin with a sentence that orients the reader to the topic of
your essay.
- Write as if you do not know who will be reading your essay
and assume your reader has not
read the case study.
2. Provide a brief summary of the case study so the reader has a
full understanding of the issue
(remember the reader has not read the case study). Summarize
the situation with fairness to all
3. Clearly state the ethical dilemma that will be analyzed in the
essay (topic sentence).
4. Next, clearly state your purpose (this is your thesis
5. Finally, tell your reader what will follow in the body of your
essay (this is your preview of main points).
Step 2: Develop the Body of the Essay (6 - 7 paragraphs)
- For the first part of the body (5 Paragraphs)
- Analyze the ethical dilemma using the five approaches to
ethical decision making from the
Framework for Thinking Ethically article (1 paragraph per
approach - i.e. Utilitarian, Common
Good, etc.). For each paragraph:
1. Identify and explain the approach.
2. Discuss considerations, implications, and consequences of
the approach as applied to
the dilemma. (Assume your reader has no knowledge of these
approaches so explain
the key concepts of each. A sufficient discussion of the
approach would consist of at
least three sentences. Find this information in the Framework
Article and in your
additional sources)
3. For each approach, you must clearly state the decision that
Greg would make if he
were to use that approach.
- For the second part of the body (1 - 2 Paragraphs)
1. Identify the approach you would use if you were involved in
a situation like this.
- “If I were in Greg’s shoes . . .” Analyze the situation using the
ethical standard that you would
apply to this situation.
- Discuss the implications and consequences if you made a
decision based on this standard.
2. Discuss your core beliefs and the origin of those beliefs that
led you to that approach.
- How does this ethical standard align with your core beliefs
and personal values?
- Clarify the beliefs and values that guide your ethical thinking,
ethical conduct, and decision-
Step 3: Write the Conclusion
1. Restate the thesis.
2. Provide a summary and closure.
Page ! of !2 3
Important Reminders
For the body of your essay, follow these writing guidelines:
- Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that effectively
states the purpose of the paragraph.
- Develop sentences that are logical and clear. Ideas should
flow logically. Paragraphs should be
unified and work together to support the thesis.
- Make paragraphs coherent by using effective and appropriate
transitions between ideas and
Pre-Submission Checklist
The essay is spell-checked and edited.
The essay is academic in tone, word choice, sentence structure,
and overall quality.
Sentence structure is correct, coherent, and varied.
The essay follows MLA guidelines.
The essay is well-organized.
Main ideas are fully developed, supported, and show critical
Ideas flow logically; transitions link the main ideas and aid the
reader’s ability to follow the
Facts are distinguished from opinions.
Opinions are supported and qualified.
Opposing views are represented fairly.
In-text citations give credit to outside sources of information.
The in-text citations from the body of the paper are fully cited
in the Works Cited.
The Works Cited page is formatted using MLA formatting
The introduction engages and orients the reader.
Relevant background information is provided so the audience
has a clear understanding of the
situation, understands the ethical dilemma, and knows why an
ethical decision is required.
The purpose of the essay is clear to the reader; the thesis is
clearly stated.
The rest of the paper is previewed for the reader.
Each of the approaches is discussed fully and applied to the
ethical dilemma.
The action Greg would take is identified for every approach.
The author discusses the action he/she would take if placed in
Greg’s position.
The author’s core beliefs and values are identified and applied
to the ethical dilemma.
The conclusion provides closure and restates the thesis.
At least four outside sources are integrated smoothly in the
essay. The essay includes
correctly formatted in-text citations.
Page ! of !3 3
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rights reserved.
Technical Communication
Fourteenth Edition
John M. Lannon
Laura J. Gurak
Chapter 13
Designing Pages and Documents
Even the most basic word processing programs offer powerful
design tools that make the writing and designing of a document
happen almost simultaneously. Workplace writers often make
design decisions as they are writing, sometimes without giving
adequate consideration to page layout, font choices, headings,
white space, and so forth.
But readers have come to expect documents that look
professional and are visually inviting and accessible. In class,
it’s important to emphasize that a reader’s first impression of
any document—online or on paper—may in fact be a purely
visual, aesthetic judgment. Poor formatting is a sure way to
alienate readers. Students need to recognize that although page
design and formatting choices may seem obvious, these
decisions must be made carefully.
Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All
rights reserved.
Learning Objectives
Explain why document design is important in the workplace
Describe how digital and print documents differ
Discuss the everyday design skills technical communicators
need to have
Consider a variety of techniques for designing a reader-friendly
Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All
rights reserved.
Learning Objectives (continued)
Develop an audience and use profile to guide your design
Explain how digital documents have special design
Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All
rights reserved.
Page Design
Page design, the layout of words and graphics, determines the
look of a document.
Well-designed pages invite readers into the document, guide
them through the material, and help them understand and
remember the information.
Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All
rights reserved.
Page Design in
Workplace Documents
An audience’s first impression tends to involve a purely visual,
aesthetic judgment: “Does this look like something I want to
read, or like too much work?”
Having decided at a glance whether your document is visually
appealing, logically organized, and easy to navigate, readers
will draw conclusions about the value of your information, the
quality of your work, and your overall credibility.
Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All
rights reserved.
Page Design for Print and
Digital Documents
Today, pages come in all forms, including hard copy (printed),
PDF, Web-based, e-book formats, small-screen sizes, and more.
Despite this proliferation of formats, the most common
technical and workplace documents continue to take the shape
of a printed page, designed to be read in portrait mode, similar
to the pages of a book.
Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All
rights reserved.
Design Skills Needed by
Technical Communicators
In smaller organizations, technical writers are often responsible
for writing and designing the document. Therefore, you’ll need
to be familiar with:
A word processing program for designing basic documents
A desktop publishing program, or DTP for designing complex
documents, particularly longer ones that contain more visuals
and require sophisticated layout, page flows, and formatting
Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All
rights reserved.
Design Skills Needed by Technical Communicators (continued)
You’ll also need to be familiar with styles and templates.
Styles are pre-formatted options in word processing and DTP
programs that make it easy for you to maintain a consistent look
and feel across particular features of your document.
Templates, on the other hand, apply to the entire document, for
example pre-set templates in word processing and DTP
programs for résumés, brochures, letters, sales proposals, etc.
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rights reserved.
Design Skills Needed by Technical Communicators (continued)
Finally, you may need to be familiar with your company’s style
guide or create a style sheet.
Style guides are documents that describe an organization’s rules
for document design and language use, in order to help ensure a
consistent look across a company’s various documents and
Style sheets, on the other hand, specify the design elements of a
particular document, such as a complex document created by a
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rights reserved.
Creating a Design that Works
for Your Readers
Approach your design decisions to achieve a consistent look, to
highlight certain material, and to aid navigation. You will need
to think about four design categories:
Shaping the page
Styling the words and letters
Adding emphasis
Using headings for access and orientation.
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rights reserved.
Shaping the Page
In shaping a page, consider its look, feel, and overall layout.
Consider the following:
Use a Grid. Readers make sense of a page by looking for a
consistent underlying structure:
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rights reserved.
Shaping the Page (continued)
Provide Page Numbers. Use lowercase Roman numerals for
front matter (ii, iii, iv). Number the first text page and
subsequent pages with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3).
Use White Space. Sometimes, what is not on the page (white
space) can make a big difference. Areas of text surrounded by
white space draw the reader’s eye to those areas.
Provide Ample Margins. Small margins crowd the page and
make the material look difficult. On an 8½-by-11-inch page,
leave margins of at least 1 or 1½ inches.
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rights reserved.
Shaping the Page (continued)
Keep Line Length Reasonable. Long lines tire the eyes. Short
lines look choppy. A reasonable line length is sixty to seventy
characters per line for an 8½-by-11-inch single-column page.
Keep Line Spacing Consistent. In general, single-space within
paragraphs and double-space between paragraphs.
Tailor Each Paragraph to Its Purpose. Use a long paragraph for
clustering material that is closely related. Use a short one to
make complex material easier to digest.
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rights reserved.
Shaping the Page (continued)
Make Lists for Easy Reading. Whenever you find yourself
writing a series of related items within a paragraph, consider
using a list instead.
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rights reserved.
Guidelines for Shaping the Page
Picture the document’s overall look and feel when you make
design choices about pages.
Select an appropriate grid pattern.
Use white space to make pages easier to navigate.
Use adequate margins.
Keep line lengths easy on the eye.
For PDF documents, use white space to break up text and make
it easier for people to read on a screen.
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rights reserved.
Styling the Words and Letters
After shaping the page, decide on the appropriate typefaces,
type sizes, and capitalization. Consider the following:
Select an Appropriate Typeface. Typeface,
or font, refers to all the letters and characters in
one particular style (e.g. Times, Arial, Helvetica).
In selecting a typeface, consider the document’s
purpose. For visual unity, use different sizes and
versions (bold, italic, small caps) of the same
typeface throughout your document.
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rights reserved.
Styling the Words and Letters (continued)
Use Type Sizes That Are Easy to Read. Use
10 to 12 point types sizes, depending on the typeface. Use
different sizes for other elements like headings, titles, and
captions for emphasis.
Use Full Caps Sparingly. Uppercase letters are hard read and
look like the writer is shouting at you.
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rights reserved.
Guidelines for Styling the
Words and Letters
Use a serif font (such as Times New Roman) for formal
documents such as reports, legal communication, and letters.
Use a sans serif font (such as Helvetica) for captions, most
visuals (charts, graphs, and tables), and engineering
Create visual unity by using the same typeface throughout.
Keep fonts at sizes that people can read.
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rights reserved.
Adding Emphasis
Once you have selected the appropriate font, you can use
different features, such as boldface or italics, to highlight
important elements such as headings, special terms, key points,
or warnings.
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rights reserved.
Guidelines for Adding Emphasis
Use indentation to set off examples, explanations, or any
material that should be differentiated from body copy.
Use ruled horizontal lines to separate sections in a long
Use ruled lines, broken lines, or ruled boxes, to set off crucial
information such as a warning or a caution.
Use boldface for emphasizing a single sentence or brief
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rights reserved.
Guidelines for Adding Emphasis
Use Small type sizes for captions, credit lines, and labels for
Avoid large type sizes and dramatic typefaces—unless you
really need to convey forcefulness.
Use color in some documents, but sparingly.
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rights reserved.
Using Headings for
Access and Orientation
Headings announce how a document is organized, point readers
to what they need, and divide the document into accessible
blocks or “chunks.” Consider the following:
Lay Out Headings by Level. Like a good road map, your
headings should clearly announce the large and small segments
in your document.
Decide How to Phrase Your Headings. Depending on your
purpose, you can phrase headings as short phrases, statements,
or questions.
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rights reserved.
Using Headings for Access and Orientation (continued)
Make Headings Visually Consistent and Grammatically Parallel.
All headings at the same level must look the same and use the
same linguistic format (for example, if the first major level
heading is phrased as a question, all others should be).
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rights reserved.
Guidelines for Using Headings
Ordinarily, use no more than four levels of headings (section,
major topic, minor topic, subtopic).
Divide logically.
Insert one additional line of space above each heading.
Never begin the sentence right after the heading with “this,”
“it,” or some other pronoun referring to the heading.
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rights reserved.
Guidelines for Using Headings (continued)
Never leave a heading floating as the final line of a page.
Use running heads (headers) or feet (footers) in long
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rights reserved.
Audience Considerations
in Page Design
In deciding on a format, know your audience and their intended
use of your information:
If people will use your document for reference only, make sure
you provide plenty of headings.
If readers will follow a sequence of steps, show that sequence in
a numbered list.
If readers need a warning, highlight the warning so that it
cannot possibly be overlooked.
If readers have asked for a one-page report or résumé, save
space by using a 10 point type size.
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Audience Considerations
in Page Design (continued)
If readers need to evaluate something, give them a checklist of
If readers will be encountering complex information or difficult
steps, design the page so that it is easy to read.
In addition, keep in mind cultural expectations. Ignoring a
culture’s design conventions can be interpreted as disrespect.
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Designing Digital Documents
Pay special attention to these additional considerations when
designing digital documents:
Adobe Acrobat and PDF files: PDF (Portable Document Format)
documents, which are readable via Adobe Acrobat, are like
photographs of print pages and therefore are difficult to alter.
They can now be edited, but edits appear as handwritten/typed
comments on top of the page not incorporated into the page.
Also, PDFs cannot be redesigned without permission of the
writer and an advanced version of Adobe.
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Designing Digital Documents (continued)
Web Pages: Unlike typical print and PDF pages, Web pages
must be designed to accommodate the shape of a screen. Most
computer screens are more “landscape” than “portrait”—wider
than they are high. Also, content must be written in smaller,
more discrete chunks than in print documents.
Tablets, Smartphones, and E-readers: Today’s workplace
documents might be read on a large computer screen, a smaller
laptop, a tablet, a phone, or an e-reader. Keep in mind screen
size when writing and designing for these environments.
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Review Questions
1. What is page design and why is it important?
2. What design skills will you need to learn to compete in
today’s workplace?
3. What are the four design categories that you need to consider
when designing a document?
4. What are five considerations you need to keep in mind when
shaping a page?
5. What is white space, and why is it important?
6. What are three considerations you need to keep in mind when
styling words and letters?
1. Page design, the layout of words and graphics, determines the
look of a document. Well-designed pages invite readers into the
document, guide them through the material, and help them
understand and remember the information.
2. Using word processing and desktop publishing programs,
using styles and templates, and using style guides and style
3. Shaping the page, styling the words and letters, adding
emphasis, and using headings for access and orientation.
4. Any five of the following: Using a grid, providing page
numbers, using white space, providing ample margins, keeping
line length reasonable, keeping line space consistent, tailoring
each paragraph to its purpose, and making lists for easy reading.
5. White space refers to the areas of a page that contain no text
or illustrations. Areas of text surrounded by white space draw
the reader’s eye to those areas.
6. Selecting a typeface, using type sizes that are easy to read,
and using full caps sparingly.
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Review Questions (continued)
7. What are five ways to add emphasis within a document?
8. What are three considerations you need to keep in mind when
using headings for access and orientation?
9. What are three considerations to keep in mind when
designing for your audience?
10. In what ways do Web pages differ in design from print
Answers (continued)
7. Any five of the following: Using indentation, using ruled
horizontal lines, using ruled lines/broken lines/ruled boxes,
using boldface, using italics, using small type sizes, avoiding
large type sizes, and using color.
8. Lay out headings by level, decide how to phrase your
headings, and make headings visually consistent and
grammatically parallel.
9. Any three of the following: 1) If people will use your
document for reference only, make sure you provide plenty of
headings; 2) If readers will follow a sequence of steps, show
that sequence in a numbered list; 3) If readers need a warning,
highlight the warning so that it cannot possibly be overlooked;
4) If readers have asked for a one-page report or résumé, save
space by using a10 point type size; 5) If readers need to
evaluate something, give them a checklist of criteria; 6) If
readers will be encountering complex information or difficult
steps, design the page so that it is easy to read; 7) Keep in mind
cultural expectations.
10. As opposed to print pages, computer screens are more
“landscape” than “portrait,” and content must be written in
smaller, more discrete chunks than in print documents.
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Technical Communication
Fourteenth Edition
John M. Lannon
Laura J. Gurak
Chapter 10
Organizing for Readers
Because students already have studied decisions about purpose,
audience, and content, they can now appreciate how decisions
about organization can help writers connect with their
audience—how decisions about what to say are related to
decisions on how to organize.
The intention here is to show that a well-organized document
doesn’t just happen—it evolves from a careful plan. Students
will recognize the typical shape of workplace documents—
introduction, body, conclusion—since they are essential to the
kinds of academic writing they have encountered previously.
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Learning Objectives
Work from an introduction-body-conclusion structure
Create informal and formal outlines
Prepare a storyboard for a long document
Shape effective paragraphs
Chunk information into discrete units
Provide overviews of longer documents
Organize information for global audiences
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Instead of forcing readers to make sense of unstructured
information, we shape this material for their understanding.
Consider the following:
What relationships do the collected data suggest?
What should I emphasize?
In which sequence will readers approach the material?
What belongs where?
What do I say first? Why?
What comes next?
How do I end the document?
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The Typical Shape of
Workplace Documents
Useful documents typically follow this pattern:
The introduction attracts the reader’s attention, announces the
writer’s viewpoint, and previews what will follow.
The body delivers on the introduction, explaining and
supporting the writer’s viewpoint, achieving unity by remaining
focused on that viewpoint and coherence by carrying a line of
thought throughout.
The conclusion can reemphasize key points, take a position,
predict an outcome, offer a solution, or
suggest further study.
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Even basic documents require at least an introduction-body-
conclusion outline done in your head and/or a few ideas jotted
down in list form. This is an informal outline.
Longer documents require a more detailed outline so that you
can visualize your document overall and ensure that ideas flow
logically from point to point. This is a formal outline.
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Outlining (continued)
Start by searching through the information you have gathered
and creating a random list of key topics your document should
Then reorganize the list into an introduction, body, and
conclusion and decide how to divide each of these parts into
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The Formal Outline
In planning a long document, an author or
team rarely begins with a formal outline. But eventually in the
writing process, a long or complex document calls for much
more than
a simple list. It calls for a formal outline using either
alphanumeric or decimal notation:
Alphanumeric notation refers to the use of letters and numbers
in an outline.
Decimal notation refers to the use of numbers only, separated
by decimal points.
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The Formal Outline (continued)
In alphanumeric notation, the introduction, body, and
conclusion use Roman numerals (I, II, III); major topics use
capital letters (A, B, C); major subtopics use Arabic numbers
(1, 2, 3); and minor subtopics use lower-case letters (a, b, c).
Each level is indented:
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The Formal Outline (continued)
In decimal notation, the introduction, body, and conclusion use
a section number and a zero (2.0), major topics use the section
number and a major topic number (2.1), and so on, with an
additional number to indicate each level. Each level is indented:
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The Formal Outline (continued)
You may wish to expand your topic outline into a sentence
outline, in which each sentence serves as a topic sentence for a
paragraph in the document.
Not until you finish the final draft of a long document do you
compose the finished outline. This outline serves as a model for
your table of contents, as a check on your reasoning, and as a
way of revealing to readers a clear line of thinking.
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Guidelines for Outlining
List key topics and subtopics to be included in your document.
Set up a standard outline.
Consider using your word processing program’s outlining tool.
Place key topics and subtopics where they fit within your
standard outline.
Use alphanumeric or decimal notation consistently throughout
the outline.
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Guidelines for Outlining (continued)
Avoid excessive subtopics.
Refine your outline as you write your document.
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Another method of organizing (usually used to organize Web
sites) is to use a storyboard, a sketch of the finished document:
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Paragraphing means that each supporting paragraph within the
larger introduction, body, and conclusion structure is similarly
Each paragraph must contain an “introduction,”
or topic sentence, which introduces an idea, judgment, or
The “body” of each paragraph consists of sentences that are
logically connected to each other to create unity and coherence.
The “conclusion” of each paragraph is a restatement of the
topic sentence or a smooth transition into the next paragraph.
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Each organizing technique discussed in this chapter is a way of
chunking information: breaking it down into discrete, digestible
units, based on the users’ needs and the document’s purpose.
Web sites especially rely on the concept of chunked
information. When writing for the Web, use smaller chunks than
you would in print, because readers expect to read smaller
pieces of information online.
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Providing an Overview
For longer document, consider giving readers an immediate
preview, or overview, of its contents by answering their initial
What is the purpose of this document?
Why should I read it?
What information can I expect to find here?
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Organizing for Global Audiences
Different cultures have varying expectations as to how
information should be organized. Keep these considerations in
Digression: North Americans usually do not
tolerate digressions that interrupt the logical flow of
paragraphs, but some cultures consider digression a sign of
intelligence or politeness.
Directness: Especially with bad new messages, North Americans
prefer to gently lead into bad news, but some cultures prefer to
get the bad news over with immediately.
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Review Questions
1. Why is organizing information important?
2. What are the three main parts of workplace documents, and
what is the function of each part?
3. How do you create an informal outline?
4. What is a formal outline?
5. What is the difference between alphanumeric notation and
decimal notation?
6. What is a storyboard?
1. It shapes complex material for reader understanding.
2. The introduction (attracts the reader’s attention, announces
the writer’s viewpoint, and previews what will follow); the
body (delivers on the introduction, explaining and supporting
the writer’s viewpoint, achieving unity by remaining focused on
that viewpoint and coherence by carrying a line of thought
throughout); the conclusion (can reemphasize key points, take a
position, predict an outcome, offer a solution, or suggest further
3. Start by searching through the information you have gathered
and creating a random list of key topics your document should
include. Then reorganize the list into an introduction, body, and
conclusion and decide how to divide each of these parts into
4. A formal outline is a more detailed outline that helps writers
visualize a document overall and ensure that ideas flow
logically from point to point.
5. Alphanumeric notation refers to the use of letters and
numbers in an outline. Decimal notation refers to the use of
numbers only, separated by decimal points.
6. A storyboard is a sketch of the finished document.
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Review Questions (continued)
7. What is paragraphing, and how should paragraphs be
8. What is chunking and how is it useful?
9. What is an overview and when should you provide one?
10. What are two ways you might organize a document
differently for some global audiences?
Answers (continued)
7. Paragraphing is structuring each supporting paragraph within
the larger introduction, body, and conclusion structure
8. Chunking is breaking down information into discrete,
digestible units. It considerably helps with a document’s
9. An overview gives readers an immediate preview of a
document. It is typically only used for long and complex
10. You might consider allowing digressions and writing more
Because students already have studied decisions about purpose,
audience, and content, they can now appreciate how decisions
about organization can help writers connect with their
audience—how decisions about what to say are related to
decisions on how to organize.
The intention here is to show that a well-organized document
doesn’t just happen—it evolves from a careful plan. Students
will recognize the typical shape of workplace documents—
introduction, body, conclusion—since they are essential to the
kinds of academic writing they have encountered previously.
1. It shapes complex material for reader understanding.
2. The introduction (attracts the reader’s attention, announces
the writer’s viewpoint, and previews what will follow); the
body (delivers on the introduction, explaining and supporting
the writer’s viewpoint, achieving unity by remaining focused on
that viewpoint and coherence by carrying a line of thought
throughout); the conclusion (can reemphasize key points, take a
position, predict an outcome, offer a solution, or suggest further
3. Start by searching through the information you have gathered
and creating a random list of key topics your document should
include. Then reorganize the list into an introduction, body, and
conclusion and decide how to divide each of these parts into
4. A formal outline is a more detailed outline that helps writers
visualize a document overall and ensure that ideas flow
logically from point to point.
5. Alphanumeric notation refers to the use of letters and
numbers in an outline. Decimal notation refers to the use of
numbers only, separated by decimal points.
6. A storyboard is a sketch of the finished document.
Answers (continued)
7. Paragraphing is structuring each supporting paragraph within
the larger introduction, body, and conclusion structure
8. Chunking is breaking down information into discrete,
digestible units. It considerably helps with a document’s
9. An overview gives readers an immediate preview of a
document. It is typically only used for long and complex
10. You might consider allowing digressions and writing more
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rights reserved.
Technical Communication
Fourteenth Edition
John M. Lannon
Laura J. Gurak
Chapter 7
Thinking Critically about the Research Process
Chapter 7 presents an overview of critical thinking in designing
a legitimate inquiry: asking the right questions, focusing on
essential sources, and evaluating and interpreting findings.
Additionally, the chapter discusses secondary and primary
sources and offers guidelines for finding and using them. This
chapter (along with Chapters 8 and 9) can serve as the basis for
the semester’s major writing assignment, either the formal
analytical report discussed in Chapter 21 or the proposal
discussed in Chapter 22.
“The Purpose of Research” is especially important to lower-
level students, who too often equate research with high-school
papers about life on Mars or the Bermuda Triangle. Students
need to understand that research is not just an academic
exercise, but that it is done for a purpose and the information
uncovered will be put to practical use.
For any research project, students should follow a well-defined
schedule for completing the various. If students work
collaboratively to write a document, direct them to create a
timeline that includes both individual and team deadlines.
Planning helps avoid the last-minute all-nighter, and the poor
writing that inevitably results.
An early orientation to the electronic information services
offered in your library will also help students avoid costly
mistakes, both in the quality of their work and the time they
must spend searching for information. Librarians are experts in
how information is created, vetted, and made available online
and in print; they can teach your students not only about how to
find and evaluate information, but also how scholarly
publication and the peer process review work. Arrange for a
library session to teach your students how to use search tools
such as the library catalog, article databases and indexes, and
online and print reference resources to find books and journal
articles. If your campus library has access to web conferencing
tools such as Adobe Connect or Blackboard Collaborate, a
library session can be offered to your online class. Librarians
are also available to meet with students for one-on-one or small
group consultations. Software programs will never replace these
information professionals, and forging a strong relationship
with one of the librarians in your campus library will prove
beneficial for both your students and you.
Your students will already be familiar with the advantages of
electronic searches. Ten or fifteen years of an index can be
reviewed in minutes. Searches can be customized: for example,
narrowed to specific dates or topics. They can also be
broadened: a keyword search can uncover material that a hard
copy search might overlook; Web pages can link to all sorts of
material—much of which exists in no hard copy form.
Take a few minutes of class time to ask students about the
drawbacks of electronic sources, a topic they may not have
considered before. These include the fact that databases rarely
contain entries published before the mid-1960s and that
material, especially on the Internet, can change or disappear
overnight or be highly unreliable. Also, given the researcher’s
potential for getting lost in cyberspace, a thorough electronic
search calls for a preliminary conference with a trained
You might mention that even the best trial lawyers (or their
assistants) spend a good deal of time in the library or on the
Internet doing homework before presenting data to the jury.
Emphasize the importance of knowing where and how to find
the information one needs when one needs it.
Finally, students should be encouraged (or required) to compose
questionnaires or plan interviews as part of their research for
long reports. Your advice about the rough drafts of interview
questions or sample questionnaires will be helpful. This is a
good occasion to hold individual conferences. Peer review of
questions or questionnaires can also be a powerful way to help
students see alternative strategies.
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Learning Objectives
Define and refine a research question to guide your work
Approach your research topic from a variety of angles
Explore your research topic in sufficient depth
Evaluate and interpret your sources
Differentiate between primary and secondary research
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Learning Objectives (continued)
Conduct secondary research using online and traditional sources
Perform primary research using interviews, surveys, and other
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The Research Process
Major decisions in the workplace are based on careful research,
with the findings recorded in a written report.
These decisions require you to think critically about each step
of the process and about the information you gather for your
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The Research Process (continued)
Following are the procedural stages in the research process:
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The Research Process (continued)
Following are the critical thinking stages in the research
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Asking the Right Questions
The answers you uncover will only be as good as the questions
you ask:
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Exploring a Balance of Views
Instead of settling for the most comforting or convenient
answer, pursue the best answer. Consider a balance of
perspectives from
up-to-date and reputable sources:
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Achieving Adequate
Depth in Your Search
Balanced research examines a broad range
of evidence; thorough research, however, examines that
evidence in sufficient depth. There are three levels of
At the surface level are publications from the popular media,
designed for general readers.
At the moderate level are trade, business, and technical
publications, designed for moderately informed to specialized
At the deepest level is specialized literature, designed for
practicing professionals.
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Achieving Adequate Depth in
Your Search (continued)
Do research at all three levels to achieve adequate depth:
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Evaluating Your Findings
Not all findings have equal value. Some information might be
distorted, incomplete, misleading, or biased. Ask yourself these
questions as you evaluate your sources:
Is this information accurate, reliable, and relatively unbiased?
Do the facts verify the claim?
How much of the information is useful?
Is this the whole or the real story?
Do I need more information?
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Interpreting Your Findings
Once you have decided which of your findings seem legitimate,
you need to decide what they all mean by asking these
What are my conclusions and do they address my original
research question?
Do any findings conflict?
Are other interpretations possible?
Should I reconsider the evidence?
What, if anything, should be done?
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Primary versus
Secondary Sources
Primary research means getting information directly from the
source by conducting interviews and surveys and by observing
people, events, or processes in action.
Secondary research is information obtained second hand by
reading what other researchers have compiled in books and
articles in print or online.
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Primary versus
Secondary Sources (continued)
Combine primary and secondary research. Start with secondary
research, but expand on what others have already learned and
add credibility to your research by conducting primary research.
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Exploring Secondary Sources
Secondary sources include:
Web sites
Online news outlets and magazines
Blogs and wikis
Books in the library
Journal, magazine, and newspaper articles
Government publications
Other public records
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Online Secondary Sources
To find various sites on the Web, use two basic tools: subject
directories and search engines.
* Subject directories are indexes compiled by editors and others
who sift through Web sites and compile the most useful links.
* Search engines, such as Yahoo! and Google, scan for Web
sites containing key words. When using search engines, be sure
to adequately refine your search to avoid too many results.
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Online Secondary Sources (continued)
Google. It’s fine to start with a Google search just to brainstorm
ideas and develop approaches to get started. But you quickly
will need to narrow down your findings and do some deeper
Wikipedia. Although Wikipedia pages can provide a good
starting point, the content may not be completely accurate. Use
a Wikipedia entry to get an overview of the topic, and to help
you locate other sources.
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Online Secondary Sources (continued)
Other online secondary sources include:
General, commercial, and academic Web sites
Government Web sites
Online news outlets and magazines
Facebook, Twitter, and online groups
Digital libraries
Periodical databases
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Guidelines for Researching
on the Internet
Expect limited results from any one search engine or subject
When using a search engine, select keywords or search phrases
that are varied and technical rather than general.
When using Wikipedia or other online encyclopedias, check out
the footnotes and other citations.
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Guidelines for Online Research (continued)
Consider the domain type (where the site originates).
Identify the site’s purpose and sponsor.
Look beyond the style of a site.
Assess the currency of a site’s materials.
Save or print what you need before it changes or disappears.
Assess the author’s credentials and assertions.
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Guidelines for Online Research (continued)
Use bookmarks and hotlists for quick access to favorite Web
Save or print what you need before it changes or disappears.
Download only what you need; use it ethically; obtain
permission; and credit your sources.
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Traditional Secondary Sources
Traditional secondary research tools are still
of great value. Most hard-copy secondary sources are carefully
reviewed and edited before they are published.
Locate hard-copy sources by using your library’s online public
access catalog (OPAC) or other search tool. This catalog can be
accessed through the Internet or at workstations in the library.
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Traditional Secondary Sources (continued)
Traditional secondary sources include:
Books and periodicals
Reference works (bibliographies, indexes, encyclopedias,
dictionaries, handbooks, almanacs, directories, and abstracts)
Access tools for government publications
Gray literature (pamphlets, brochures, and other documents not
found at the library, but which may be useful).
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Exploring Primary Sources
Primary sources include unsolicited inquiries, informational
interviews, surveys, and observations or experiments:
Unsolicited inquiries include letters, phone calls, or email
inquiries to experts or others who can clarify or supplement
information you already have.
Informational interviews allow you to uncover highly original
information by spending time with an expert and asking
pertinent questions. But be careful that expert opinion can be
biased or inaccurate too.
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Exploring Primary Sources (continued)
Surveys help you form impressions of the concerns, preferences,
attitudes, beliefs, or perceptions of a large, identifiable group (a
target population) by studying representatives of that group (a
Observations and experiments offer proof to back up
assumptions about a topic. They should be your final step,
because you now know exactly what to look for.
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Guidelines for Informational Interviews
Planning the interview
Know exactly what you’re looking for from whom.
Do your homework.
Make arrangements by phone, letter, or email.
Preparing the questions
Make each question clear and specific.
Avoid loaded questions.
Save the most difficult, complex, or sensitive questions for last.
Write out each question on a separate notecard.
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Guidelines for Informational Interviews (continued)
Conducting the interview
Make a courteous start.
Respect cultural differences.
Let the respondent do most of the talking.
Be a good listener.
Stick to the interview plan.
Ask for clarification if needed.
Repeat major points in your own words and ask if your
interpretation is correct.
Be ready with follow-up questions.
Keep note-taking to a minimum.
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Guidelines for Informational Interviews (continued)
Concluding the interview
Ask for closing comments.
Request permission to contact your respondent again, if new
questions arise.
Invite the respondent to review your version for accuracy.
Thank your respondent and leave promptly.
As soon as possible, write a complete summary (or record one
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Guidelines for Surveys
Define the survey’s purpose and target population.
Identify the sample group.
Define the survey method.
Decide on the types of questions.
Develop an engaging introduction and provide appropriate
Make each question unambiguous.
Avoid biased questions.
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Guidelines for Surveys (continued)
Make it brief, simple, and inviting.
Have an expert review your questionnaire before use, whenever
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Review Questions
1. What are the four procedural stages of the research process?
2. What are the five critical thinking stages in the research
3. What are the three levels of depth in the research process?
4. What is the difference between evaluating findings and
interpreting findings?
5. What are primary and secondary research?
1. Searching for information, recording your findings,
documenting your sources, and writing the document.
2. Asking the right questions, exploring a balance of views,
achieving adequate depth in your search, evaluating your
findings, and interpreting your findings.
3. Surface level (publications from the popular media, designed
for general readers), moderate level (trade, business, and
technical publications, designed for moderately informed to
specialized readers), deepest level (specialized literature,
designed for practicing professionals).
4. Evaluating is deciding which sources are good to use in your
research; interpreting is figuring out what the sources you
choose mean.
5. Primary research means getting information directly from the
source by conducting interviews and surveys and by observing
people, events, or processes in action. Secondary research is
information obtained second hand by reading what other
researchers have compiled in books and articles in print or
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Review Questions (continued)
6. What are the two ways of locating online secondary sources?
7. What cautions should you observe when using Google and
8. What are five other online secondary sources?
9. What tool should you use to locate traditional secondary
sources at the library?
10. What are the four types of primary sources?
Answers (continued)
6. Subject directories and search engines.
7. When using Google, make sure you narrow your search
sufficiently; when using Wikipedia, use it only as a jumping-off
8. Any five of the following: General, commercial, and
academic Web sites; Government Web sites; Online news
outlets and magazines; Blogs; Wikis; Facebook, Twitter, and
online groups; Digital libraries; Periodical databases.
9. Your library’s online public access catalog (OPAC) or other
search tool.
10. Unsolicited inquiries, informational interviews, surveys, and
observations and experiments.
Chapter 7 presents an overview of critical thinking in designing
a legitimate inquiry: asking the right questions, focusing on
essential sources, and evaluating and interpreting findings.
Additionally, the chapter discusses secondary and primary
sources and offers guidelines for finding and using them. This
chapter (along with Chapters 8 and 9) can serve as the basis for
the semester’s major writing assignment, either the formal
analytical report discussed in Chapter 21 or the proposal
discussed in Chapter 22.
“The Purpose of Research” is especially important to lower-
level students, who too often equate research with high-school
papers about life on Mars or the Bermuda Triangle. Students
need to understand that research is not just an academic
exercise, but that it is done for a purpose and the information
uncovered will be put to practical use.
For any research project, students should follow a well-defined
schedule for completing the various. If students work
collaboratively to write a document, direct them to create a
timeline that includes both individual and team deadlines.
Planning helps avoid the last-minute all-nighter, and the poor
writing that inevitably results.
An early orientation to the electronic information services
offered in your library will also help students avoid costly
mistakes, both in the quality of their work and the time they
must spend searching for information. Librarians are experts in
how information is created, vetted, and made available online
and in print; they can teach your students not only about how to
find and evaluate information, but also how scholarly
publication and the peer process review work. Arrange for a
library session to teach your students how to use search tools
such as the library catalog, article databases and indexes, and
online and print reference resources to find books and journal
articles. If your campus library has access to web conferencing
tools such as Adobe Connect or Blackboard Collaborate, a
library session can be offered to your online class. Librarians
are also available to meet with students for one-on-one or small
group consultations. Software programs will never replace these
information professionals, and forging a strong relationship
with one of the librarians in your campus library will prove
beneficial for both your students and you.
Your students will already be familiar with the advantages of
electronic searches. Ten or fifteen years of an index can be
reviewed in minutes. Searches can be customized: for example,
narrowed to specific dates or topics. They can also be
broadened: a keyword search can uncover material that a hard
copy search might overlook; Web pages can link to all sorts of
material—much of which exists in no hard copy form.
Take a few minutes of class time to ask students about the
drawbacks of electronic sources, a topic they may not have
considered before. These include the fact that databases rarely
contain entries published before the mid-1960s and that
material, especially on the Internet, can change or disappear
overnight or be highly unreliable. Also, given the researcher’s
potential for getting lost in cyberspace, a thorough electronic
search calls for a preliminary conference with a trained
You might mention that even the best trial lawyers (or their
assistants) spend a good deal of time in the library or on the
Internet doing homework before presenting data to the jury.
Emphasize the importance of knowing where and how to find
the information one needs when one needs it.
Finally, students should be encouraged (or required) to compose
questionnaires or plan interviews as part of their research for
long reports. Your advice about the rough drafts of interview
questions or sample questionnaires will be helpful. This is a
good occasion to hold individual conferences. Peer review of
questions or questionnaires can also be a powerful way to help
students see alternative strategies.
1. Searching for information, recording your findings,
documenting your sources, and writing the document.
2. Asking the right questions, exploring a balance of views,
achieving adequate depth in your search, evaluating your
findings, and interpreting your findings.
3. Surface level (publications from the popular media, designed
for general readers), moderate level (trade, business, and
technical publications, designed for moderately informed to
specialized readers), deepest level (specialized literature,
designed for practicing professionals).
4. Evaluating is deciding which sources are good to use in your
research; interpreting is figuring out what the sources you
choose mean.
5. Primary research means getting information directly from the
source by conducting interviews and surveys and by observing
people, events, or processes in action. Secondary research is
information obtained second hand by reading what other
researchers have compiled in books and articles in print or
Answers (continued)
6. Subject directories and search engines.
7. When using Google, make sure you narrow your search
sufficiently; when using Wikipedia, use it only as a jumping-off
8. Any five of the following: General, commercial, and
academic Web sites; Government Web sites; Online news
outlets and magazines; Blogs; Wikis; Facebook, Twitter, and
online groups; Digital libraries; Periodical databases.
9. Your library’s online public access catalog (OPAC) or other
search tool.
10. Unsolicited inquiries, informational interviews, surveys, and
observations and experiments.
Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All
rights reserved.
Technical Communication
Fourteenth Edition
John M. Lannon
Laura J. Gurak
Chapter 18
Technical Descriptions, Specifications, and Marketing
This chapter discusses descriptions, specifications, and
technical marketing materials. All of these involve some level
of description. Your students may be surprised to know that
there are entire jobs with the specialized purpose of creating
just one of these kinds materials.
As students examine these specific forms of technical writing, it
is important to keep in mind rhetorical strategy. Our subject,
our intention, and what we know of our readers’ needs dictate
our direction and the amount of detail we include.
Descriptions in particular fit well with upcoming assignments
related to Chapters 19-22, as sometimes these types of
documents (instructions, reports, proposals) need to include
Many students (especially in lower level courses) initially have
trouble generating finite descriptive details. One good
classroom exercise for overcoming this problem is a variation of
brainstorming. Bring to class some mundane and somewhat
complex items, such as a coleus plant or a staple remover or a
paper punch. Place the item on a table at the front of the class
with a ruler positioned conspicuously nearby. Ask the class to
write a short piece, on the spot, describing the item or
mechanism to someone who has never seen such a thing. After
much sweating and grumbling, most students will produce a
short piece that is somewhat disorganized and so general as to
be meaningless—except for one or two vivid details. Now ask
the class as a group to begin assigning descriptive details to the
item. Sooner or later, one of them will think to pick up the ruler
and measure specific parts. As the details appear, write them all
out on the board. Record everything—even those subjective
descriptions such as “pretty” and “ugly.” Within ten minutes,
you should have enough material to fill your chalkboard. Now,
ask the class to weed out the subjective from the objective.
Next, ask them to classify the objective details by dividing the
assortment into groups, according to shared characteristics (for
the plant: leaves, stem, potting soil, pot; for the staple remover:
prongs, plastic finger grips, spring mechanism). Finally, arrange
the various classes of detail in the most logical sequence for
description (for the plant: from bottom to top, or vice versa; for
the staple remover, from finger grips to plastic exterior to
hollow metal prongs, including pointed tips and arms, to the
coil-spring extensor mechanism). Now decide as a group on the
intended audience: Who is it? Why does he or she need the
information (to be able to recognize the plant; to manufacture
the staple remover, to understand its function)?
After completing this exercise, students should understand what
you mean by descriptive details; they should know how to
classify data, how to choose the best descriptive sequence, and
how to select the appropriate details to fill the reader’s specific
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rights reserved.
Learning Objectives
Understand the role of audience and purpose in technical
Differentiate between product and process descriptions
Appreciate the need for objectivity in technical descriptions
Recognize the main components of technical descriptions
Write a product description of a complex mechanism
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rights reserved.
Learning Objectives (continued)
Write a process description of how something works or happens
Write a set of specifications to ensure safety and/or customer
Write a technical marketing document to sell a product or
Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All
rights reserved.
A description is creating a picture with words and images. More
specifically, a technical description conveys information about
a product or mechanism to someone who will use it, operate it,
assemble it, or manufacture it, or to someone who needs to
know more about it.
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rights reserved.
Considering Audience
and Purpose
The audience for a description can be anyone who needs to see
up close what something does or what something is.
The purpose of a description is to not only answer “What is it?”
or “What does it entail?” as a definition does, but also to answer
“What does it look like?” “What are its parts?” “What does it
do?” “How does it work?” or “How does it happen?”
Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All
rights reserved.
Types of Technical Descriptions
Technical descriptions divide into two basic types: product
descriptions and process descriptions:
Anyone learning to use a particular device (say, a stethoscope)
relies on product description.
Anyone wanting to understand the steps or stages in a complex
event (say, how lightning is produced) relies on process
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rights reserved.
Objectivity in
Technical Descriptions
Any description can be subjective (based on feeling) or
objective (based on fact).
Except in the case of marketing materials, technical descriptions
need to be objective in order to present an impartial view,
filtering out personal impressions and focusing on details any
viewer could observe.
To remain objective, provide details that are visual, not
emotional. Also focus on using precise and informative
Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All
rights reserved.
Elements of Descriptions
Following are the key parts of technical descriptions:
Clear and limiting title. An effective title promises exactly what
the document will deliver—no more and no less.
Appropriate level of detail and technicality. Give enough detail
to convey a clear picture, but do not burden readers needlessly.
Visuals. Use drawings, diagrams, or photographs
generously—with captions and labels that help readers interpret
what they are seeing.
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rights reserved.
Elements of a Usable Description (continued)
Clearest descriptive sequence. There are
three types of sequences to use in a technical description:
spatial sequence (the way an item appears as a static object),
functional sequence (the order in which an item’s parts
operate), or chronological sequence (the order in which an
item’s parts are assembled or in which stages occur).
Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All
rights reserved.
Guidelines for Descriptions
Take a look at the product or process.
Analyze your audience.
Analyze your purpose.
Maintain objectivity.
Be concise.
Include all necessary parts.
Incorporate visuals.
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rights reserved.
A specification is an exacting type of description that prescribes
standards for performance, safety, and quality. They ensure
compliance with codes, standards, and laws, and they spell out
the following:
Methods for manufacturing, building, or installing a product
Materials and equipment to be used
Size, shape, and weight of the product
Specific testing, maintenance, and inspection procedures
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rights reserved.
Considering Audience
and Purpose
Specifications must be clear enough for identical interpretation
by a broad audience with varied purposes.
Each of these parties—the customer, the designer, the
contractor or manufacturer, the supplier, the workforce, and the
inspectors—needs to understand and agree on exactly what is to
be done and how it is to be done.
Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All
rights reserved.
Guidelines for Specifications
Analyze your audience.
Know the minimum governmental and industry standards.
Focus on consistency, quality, and safety.
Use a standard format when applicable. Include a brief
introduction or descriptive title.
List all parts and materials.
Refer to other documents or specs, as needed.
Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All
rights reserved.
Guidelines for Specifications (continued)
Use a consistent terminology.
Include retrieval aids.
Keep it simple.
Check your use of technical terms.
Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All
rights reserved.
Technical Marketing Materials
Technical marketing materials are designed to sell products or
services. Common types of technical marketing materials
Web pages
Fact sheets
Large color documents
Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All
rights reserved.
Guidelines for Technical Marketing Materials
Research the background and experience of decision makers.
Situate your product in relation to others of its class.
Emphasize the special appeal of this product or service.
Use upbeat, dynamic language.
Use visuals and color.
Provide technical specifications, as needed.
Consider including a FAQ list.
Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All
rights reserved.
Review Questions
1. What is a technical description?
2. What seven questions does a technical description answer?
3. What is a product description?
4. What is a process description?
5. What is the most important practice to keep in mind when
writing a description?
6. What are two ways to maintain objectivity?
7. What are the four elements of an effective technical
1. A description is creating a picture with words and images.
More specifically, a technical description conveys information
about a product or mechanism to someone who will use it,
operate it, assemble it, or manufacture it, or to someone who
needs to know more about it.
2. The purpose of a description is to not only answer “What is
it?” or “What does it entail?” as a definition does, but also to
answer “What does it look like?” “What are its parts?” “What
does it do?” “How does it work?” or “How does it happen?”
3. A product description provides anyone learning to use a
particular device (say, a stethoscope) with the information they
4. A process description provides anyone wanting to understand
the steps or stages in a complex event (say, how lightning is
produced) with the information they need.
5. Being objective.
6. To remain objective, provide details that are visual, not
emotional. Also focus on using precise and informative
7. A clear and limiting title, an appropriate level of detail and
technicality, visuals, and the clearest descriptive sequence.
Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All
rights reserved.
Review Questions (continued)
8. What are specifications?
9. What is the most important characteristic of a set of
10. What are technical marketing materials, and what are some
examples of technical marketing materials?
Answers (continued)
8. A specification is an exacting type of description that
prescribes standards for performance, safety, and quality.
9. Specifications must be clear enough for identical
interpretation by a broad audience with varied purposes.
10. Technical marketing materials are designed to sell products
or services. Common types of technical marketing materials
include: Web pages, brochures, fact sheets, letters, and large
color documents.
This chapter discusses descriptions, specifications, and
technical marketing materials. All of these involve some level
of description. Your students may be surprised to know that
there are entire jobs with the specialized purpose of creating
just one of these kinds materials.
As students examine these specific forms of technical writing, it
is important to keep in mind rhetorical strategy. Our subject,
our intention, and what we know of our readers’ needs dictate
our direction and the amount of detail we include.
Descriptions in particular fit well with upcoming assignments
related to Chapters 19-22, as sometimes these types of
documents (instructions, reports, proposals) need to include
Many students (especially in lower level courses) initially have
trouble generating finite descriptive details. One good
classroom exercise for overcoming this problem is a variation of
brainstorming. Bring to class some mundane and somewhat
complex items, such as a coleus plant or a staple remover or a
paper punch. Place the item on a table at the front of the class
with a ruler positioned conspicuously nearby. Ask the class to
write a short piece, on the spot, describing the item or
mechanism to someone who has never seen such a thing. After
much sweating and grumbling, most students will produce a
short piece that is somewhat disorganized and so general as to
be meaningless—except for one or two vivid details. Now ask
the class as a group to begin assigning descriptive details to the
item. Sooner or later, one of them will think to pick up the ruler
and measure specific parts. As the details appear, write them all
out on the board. Record everything—even those subjective
descriptions such as “pretty” and “ugly.” Within ten minutes,
you should have enough material to fill your chalkboard. Now,
ask the class to weed out the subjective from the objective.
Next, ask them to classify the objective details by dividing the
assortment into groups, according to shared characteristics (for
the plant: leaves, stem, potting soil, pot; for the staple remover:
prongs, plastic finger grips, spring mechanism). Finally, arrange
the various classes of detail in the most logical sequence for
description (for the plant: from bottom to top, or vice versa; for
the staple remover, from finger grips to plastic exterior to
hollow metal prongs, including pointed tips and arms, to the
coil-spring extensor mechanism). Now decide as a group on the
intended audience: Who is it? Why does he or she need the
information (to be able to recognize the plant; to manufacture
the staple remover, to understand its function)?
After completing this exercise, students should understand what
you mean by descriptive details; they should know how to
classify data, how to choose the best descriptive sequence, and
how to select the appropriate details to fill the reader’s specific
1. A description is creating a picture with words and images.
More specifically, a technical description conveys information
about a product or mechanism to someone who will use it,
operate it, assemble it, or manufacture it, or to someone who
needs to know more about it.
2. The purpose of a description is to not only answer “What is
it?” or “What does it entail?” as a definition does, but also to
answer “What does it look like?” “What are its parts?” “What
does it do?” “How does it work?” or “How does it happen?”
3. A product description provides anyone learning to use a
particular device (say, a stethoscope) with the information they
4. A process description provides anyone wanting to understand
the steps or stages in a complex event (say, how lightning is
produced) with the information they need.
5. Being objective.
6. To remain objective, provide details that are visual, not
emotional. Also focus on using precise and informative
7. A clear and limiting title, an appropriate level of detail and
technicality, visuals, and the clearest descriptive sequence.
Answers (continued)
8. A specification is an exacting type of description that
prescribes standards for performance, safety, and quality.
9. Specifications must be clear enough for identical
interpretation by a broad audience with varied purposes.
10. Technical marketing materials are designed to sell products
or services. Common types of technical marketing materials
include: Web pages, brochures, fact sheets, letters, and large
color documents.
Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All
rights reserved.
Technical Communication
Fourteenth Edition
John M. Lannon
Laura J. Gurak
Chapter 17
Technical Definitions
Discussions about definition provide a good forum for
reviewing awareness of the audience information needs covered
in Chapter 2. How much and how often one defines will depend
on how one views the readers and their information needs.
Students need to understand the distinction between specialized
terms that are overtly technical and more general and familiar
terms whose meanings people think they understand.
To avoid problems with plagiarism or with copying from one
source, you might require a minimum of four to six references
for the expanded definition students choose. With lower-level
groups, you might wish to spend one period with the class
examining reference materials in your library databases as well
as key Web sources and answering questions that arise during
their brief research exercise. Stress the importance of credible
At this time in the semester, students working on analytical
reports due at semester’s end should have a pretty definite idea
of their final topics, after consultation with you. Therefore, the
term they choose to define can often be a primary term in that
report, such as a definition of biological insect control for the
report “The Feasibility of Using Biological Control on Bark
Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All
rights reserved.
Learning Objectives
Determine when audience and purpose indicate the need for
Describe the legal, ethical, societal, and global implications of
Differentiate between parenthetical, sentence, and expanded
Identify the various ways to expand a definition
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rights reserved.
Learning Objectives (continued)
Write an expanded definition
Place definitions effectively in your document
Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All
rights reserved.
Definitions explain terms or concepts that are specialized and
may be unfamiliar to people who lack expertise in a particular
Precision is particularly important in specialized fields, in
which field-specific terminology is common and undefined
terms may prevent the overall document from making sense.
Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All
rights reserved.
Considering Audience
and Purpose
Definitions answer one of two questions: “What, exactly, is it?”
or “What, exactly, does it entail?” The first question spells out
what makes an item, concept, or process unique. The second
question spells out for your audience how they are affected by
the item defined.
The purpose of a definition is to answer the question “Why does
my audience need to understand this term?”
Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All
rights reserved.
Legal, Ethical, Societal, and
Global Implications
Keep the following implications in mind:
Legal: An inaccurate or misleading definition could lead to
legal problems if it causes injury or harm.
Ethical: An intentionally faulty or self-serving definition may
damage a company’s ethical image.
Societal: Poorly considered definitions may mislead the public
and have societal ramifications.
Global: Definitions that fail to consider a global audience can
appear self-serving and damage a
company’s global image.
Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All
rights reserved.
Types of Definitions
Definitions fall into three categories:
Parenthetical definitions: Provide a definition within
parentheses immediately after a term:
Sentence definitions: State the term, indicate
the broader class to which this item belongs, and describe the
features that distinguish it, all in the form of a single sentence:
Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All
rights reserved.
Types of Definitions (continued)
Expanded definitions: Use a variety of techniques to provide a
detailed definition in the form of a paragraph or several pages:
Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All
rights reserved.
Methods for Expanding Definitions
Following are the most common techniques for expanding
Etymology: Providing the origin of the term.
History: Explaining the history of the term.
Negation: Showing what a term does not mean.
Operating Principle: Describing how the item works.
Analysis of Parts: Breaking the item down into its individual
Visuals: Showing what the item looks like.
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Methods for Expanding Definitions
Comparison and Contrast: Describing what the item is similar to
and/or different from.
Required Conditions: Explaining the conditions that make the
item work or not work.
Examples: Showing situations in which the item is used.
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Placing Definitions in a Document
Brief definitions should be placed in parentheses or in the
document’s margin.
Sentence definitions should be part of the running text or, if
they are numerous, listed in a glossary.
Expanded definitions should be placed either near the beginning
of a long document or in an appendix.
Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All
rights reserved.
Placing Definitions in a Document (continued)
Use a glossary if your report contains numerous terms that may
not be understood by all audience members.
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rights reserved.
Guidelines for Definitions
Decide on the level of detail you need.
Classify the item precisely.
Differentiate the item accurately.
Avoid circular definitions.
Expand your definition selectively.
Use visuals to clarify your meaning.
Know “how much is enough.”
Consider the legal implications of your definition.
Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All
rights reserved.
Guidelines for Definitions (continued)
Consider the ethical implications of your definition.
Place your definition in an appropriate location.
Cite your sources as needed.
Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All
rights reserved.
Review Questions
1. What is a definition?
2. What is the most important aspect of a definition?
3. What two questions does a definition answer?
4. What is a parenthetical definition?
5. What is a sentence definition?
6. What is an expanded definition?
7. What are the nine most common ways to expand a definition?
1. Definitions explain terms or concepts that are specialized and
may be unfamiliar to people who lack expertise in a particular
2. Precision.
3. A definition answers the questions “What, exactly, is it?” or
“What, exactly, does it entail?”
4. Parenthetical definitions provide a definition within
parentheses immediately after a term.
5. Sentence definitions state the term, indicate the broader class
to which this item belongs, and describe the features that
distinguish it, all in the form of a single sentence.
6. Expanded definitions use a variety of techniques to provide a
detailed definition in the form of a paragraph or several pages.
7. Etymology, history, negation, operating principle, analysis of
parts, visuals, comparison and contrast, required conditions, and
Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All
rights reserved.
Review Questions (continued)
8. Where should you place brief definitions in a document?
9. Where should you place sentence definitions in a document?
10. Where should you place expanded definitions in a
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  • 3. Fairly quickly, though, Greg realizes that Natalie isn’t pulling her weight. Any aspect of the project that’s assigned to her has to be redone by other members of the group, she doesn’t pay attention in meetings, and she consistently shows up late or hung over. Greg and his other group mates think that Natalie needs to step it up and take this project seriously, but they ultimately agree it would be more trouble than it’s worth to confront her about it. They decide to just push through and let her do her own thing. Natalie continues to participate marginally in discussions, planning, and writing, but makes it clear through her actions that their final presentation is not her biggest priority. After Greg’s group gives its final presentation, the members are asked to write an evaluation on their teammates that the professor will use to determine individual grades. When it comes to most of his teammates, Greg easily gives them all A’s and B’s for their participation and contributions to the project. However, when Greg comes to Natalie’s evaluation, he is faced with a dilemma. It’s their last big project before graduation, and if he were to evaluate her in a harsh way, it could negatively affect her cumulative GPA. He doesn’t want to throw her under the bus; however, her apathy and poor work ethic put a huge burden on everyone else’s shoulders, and Greg had to personally sacrifice a lot of time and effort to make up for her mistakes or tasks that she left undone.
  • 4. Ethical Question: What should Greg do? Is it worth giving her an honest evaluation, just so the professor will give her the grade she deserves? Or is giving her a bad evaluation petty and unnecessary, considering that they are all about to graduate and their group received an A, regardless of her performance? Source: Wilson, C. (March 11, 2013). Picking Up the Slack (Big Q). Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University. Retrieved from ethicscenter/ethicsblog/thebigq/15667/ Picking-Up-the- Slack#sthash.rIt9MhNt.dpuf A Framework For Thinking Ethically Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University This document is designed as an introduction to thinking ethically. We all have an image of our better selves-of how we are when we act ethically or are "at our best." We probably also have an image of what an ethical community, an ethical business, an ethical government, or an ethical society should be. Ethics really has to do with all these levels-acting ethically as individuals, creating ethical organizations and governments, and making our society as a whole ethical in the way it treats everyone. What is Ethics? Simply stated, ethics refers to standards of behavior that tell us
  • 5. how human beings ought to act in the many situations in which they find themselves-as friends, parents, children, citizens, businesspeople, teachers, professionals, and so on. It is helpful to identify what ethics is NOT: • Ethics is not the same as feelings. Feelings provide important information for our ethical choices. Some people have highly developed habits that make them feel bad when they do something wrong, but many people feel good even though they are doing something wrong. And often our feelings will tell us it is uncomfortable to do the right thing if it is hard. • Ethics is not religion. Many people are not religious, but ethics applies to everyone. Most religions do advocate high ethical standards but sometimes do not address all the types of problems we face. • Ethics is not following the law. A good system of law does incorporate many ethical standards, but law can deviate from what is ethical. Law can become ethically corrupt, as some totalitarian regimes have made it. Law can be a function of power alone and designed to serve the interests of narrow groups. Law may have a difficult time designing or enforcing standards in some important areas, and may be slow to address new problems. • Ethics is not following culturally accepted norms. Some cultures are quite ethical, but others become corrupt -or blind to certain ethical concerns (as the United States was to slavery before the Civil War). "When in Rome, do as the Romans do" is not a
  • 6. satisfactory ethical standard. • Ethics is not science. Social and natural science can provide important data to help us make better ethical choices. But science alone does not tell us what we ought to do. Science may provide an explanation for what humans are like. But ethics provides reasons for how humans ought to act. And just because something is scientifically or technologically possible, it may not be ethical to do it. Why Identifying Ethical Standards is Hard There are two fundamental problems in identifying the ethical standards we are to follow: 1. On what do we base our ethical standards? 2. How do those standards get applied to specific situations we face? If our ethics are not based on feelings, religion, law, accepted social practice, or science, what are they based on? Many philosophers and ethicists have helped us answer this critical question. They have suggested at least five different sources of ethical standards we should use. Five Sources of Ethical Standards The Utilitarian Approach Some ethicists emphasize that the ethical action is the one that provides the most good or does the least harm, or, to put it another way, produces the greatest balance of good over harm. The ethical corporate action, then, is the one that produces the greatest good and does the least harm for all who are affected-customers, employees, shareholders, the
  • 7. community, and the environment. Ethical warfare balances the good achieved in ending terrorism with the harm done to all parties through death, injuries, and destruction. The utilitarian approach deals with consequences; it tries both to increase the good done and to reduce the harm done. The Rights Approach Other philosophers and ethicists suggest that the ethical action is the one that best protects and respects the moral rights of those affected. This approach starts from the belief that humans have a dignity based on their human nature per se or on their ability to choose freely what they do with their lives. On the basis of such dignity, they have a right to be treated as ends and not merely as means to other ends. The list of moral rights -including the rights to make one's own choices about what kind of life to lead, to be told the truth, not to be injured, to a degree of privacy, and so on-is widely debated; some now argue that non-humans have rights, too. Also, it is often said that rights imply duties-in particular, the duty to respect others' rights. The Fairness or Justice Approach Aristotle and other Greek philosophers have contributed the idea that all equals should be treated equally. Today we use this idea to say that ethical actions treat all human beings equally-or if unequally, then fairly based on some standard that is defensible. We pay people more based on their harder work or the greater amount that they contribute to an organization, and say that is fair. But there is a debate over CEO salaries that are hundreds of times larger than the pay of others; many ask whether the huge disparity is based on a defensible standard or whether it is the result of an imbalance of power and hence is unfair.
  • 8. The Common Good Approach The Greek philosophers have also contributed the notion that life in community is a good in itself and our actions should contribute to that life. This approach suggests that the interlocking relationships of society are the basis of ethical reasoning and that respect and compassion for all others-especially the vulnerable-are requirements of such reasoning. This approach also calls attention to the common conditions that are important to the welfare of everyone. This may be a system of laws, effective police and fire departments, health care, a public educational system, or even public recreational areas. The Virtue Approach A very ancient approach to ethics is that ethical actions ought to be consistent with certain ideal virtues that provide for the full development of our humanity. These virtues are dispositions and habits that enable us to act according to the highest potential of our character and on behalf of values like truth and beauty. Honesty, courage, compassion, generosity, tolerance, love, fidelity, integrity, fairness, self-control, and prudence are all examples of virtues. Virtue ethics asks of any action, "What kind of person will I become if I do this?" or "Is this action consistent with my acting at my best?" Putting the Approaches Together Each of the approaches helps us determine what standards of behavior can be considered ethical. There are still problems to be solved, however. • The first problem is that we may not agree on the content of some of these specific approaches. We
  • 9. may not all agree to the same set of human and civil rights. We may not agree on what constitutes the common good. We may not even agree on what is a good and what is a harm. • The second problem is that the different approaches may not all answer the question "What is ethical?" in the same way. Nonetheless, each approach gives us important information with which to determine what is ethical in a particular circumstance. And much more often than not, the different approaches do lead to similar answers. Making Decisions Making good ethical decisions requires a trained sensitivity to ethical issues and a practiced method for exploring the ethical aspects of a decision and weighing the considerations that should impact our choice of a course of action. Having a method for ethical decision making is absolutely essential. When practiced regularly, the method becomes so familiar that we work through it automatically without consulting the specific steps. The more novel and difficult the ethical choice we face, the more we need to rely on discussion and dialogue with others about the dilemma. Only by careful exploration of the problem, aided by the insights and different perspectives of others, can we make good ethical choices in such situations. We have found the following framework for ethical decision making a useful method for exploring ethical dilemmas and identifying ethical courses of action. A Framework for Ethical Decision Making
  • 10. Recognize an Ethical Issue 1. Could this decision or situation be damaging to someone or to some group? Does this decision involve a choice between a good and bad alternative, or perhaps between two "goods" or between two "bads"? 2. Is this issue about more than what is legal or what is most efficient? If so, how? Get the Facts 3. What are the relevant facts of the case? What facts are not known? Can I learn more about the situation? Do I know enough to make a decision? 4. What individuals and groups have an important stake in the outcome? Are some concerns more important? Why? 5. What are the options for acting? Have all the relevant persons and groups been consulted? Have I identified creative options? Evaluate Alternative Actions 6. Evaluate the options by asking the following questions: • Which option will produce the most good and do the least harm? (The Utilitarian Approach) • Which option best respects the rights of all who have a stake? (The Rights Approach) • Which option treats people equally or proportionately? (The Justice Approach) • Which option best serves the community as a whole, not just some members? (The Common Good Approach)
  • 11. • Which option leads me to act as the sort of person I want to be? (The Virtue Approach) Make a Decision and Test It 7. Considering all these approaches, which option best addresses the situation? 8. If I told someone I respect-or told a television audience- which option I have chosen, what would they say? Act and Reflect on the Outcome 9. How can my decision be implemented with the greatest care and attention to the concerns of all stakeholders? 10. How did my decision turn out and what have I learned from this specific situation? Source: Velasquez, Manuel, et al. "A Framework for Ethical Decision Making." Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, Santa Clara University, 1 Aug. 2015, ethics-resources/ethical-decision-making/a-framework-for- ethical-decision- making/. Accessed 7 Feb. 2017. ETHICAL ESSAY GUIDELINES MILLIE SHAW
  • 12. POINTS VALUE 100 Points (10% of your grade) SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS Write an essay in which you examine an ethical dilemma from a variety of ethical decision making approaches, discuss your own approach to ethical decision making which arises from your core beliefs, and determine the action that the actors in the ethical dilemma should take. - 600 to 800 Words (about 3 to 4 pages); Please no more than 4 pages - 4 Source Citations (Include Case Study, The Framework article, and 2 additional sources) - Academic Level Writing: Proper word usage, clear and effective phrasing, correct spelling, syntax, grammar, etc. - MLA Format - Document Settings: 1 inch margins, Double Spaced, legible 12 point font (i.e. Times New Roman) - Page Header: Name and Page Number in the upper right corner of every page - Title Block: - Name, Instructor’s Name, Course Number and Section, Date in the upper left corner of the first page only - Essay Title is centered on the first page - Citations:
  • 13. - In-Text Citations - Works Cited INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE YOU START WRITING: PREPARE YOURSELF AND THINK ABOUT THE ISSUES - Read A Framework For Thinking Ethically and determine the questions asked/concerns addressed by each of the five approaches to ethical decision making (Utilitarian, Rights, Fairness/Justice, Common Good, and Virtue) - Read the case study, Picking Up The Slack, and make sure you understand the ethical dilemma that Greg is facing - Find 2 additional sources of information about ethics, ethical decision making, ethical dilemmas, etc. (Check the “Additional Sources” folder in the Ethics Assignment on eCampus) - Think about your own approach to ethical decision making and how you would resolve the ethical dilemma if you were in Greg’s position. - Identify your core beliefs and values and the origin of these elements. Determine specific instances or examples from your personal history that led you to these values and beliefs. Page ! of !1 3
  • 14. content-rid-95703045_1/courses/2018SP-SPCH-1315- 23002/A%20Framework%20for%20Thinking%20Ethically(1).pd f content-rid-95703025_1/courses/2018SP-SPCH-1315- 23002/Case%20Study%20Picking%20up%20the%20Slack.pdf making/ content-rid-95696891_1/courses/2018SP-SPCH-1315- 23002/Ethics%20Lecture%20Notes.pdf content-rid-95703041_1/courses/2018SP-SPCH-1315- 23002/Ethical%20Essay%20Glossary%20of%20Terms(1).pdf ETHICAL ESSAY GUIDELINES MILLIE SHAW WRITE YOUR ESSAY Step 1: Write the Introduction (1 Paragraph) 1. Begin with a sentence that orients the reader to the topic of your essay. - Write as if you do not know who will be reading your essay and assume your reader has not read the case study. 2. Provide a brief summary of the case study so the reader has a full understanding of the issue (remember the reader has not read the case study). Summarize the situation with fairness to all parties. 3. Clearly state the ethical dilemma that will be analyzed in the essay (topic sentence). 4. Next, clearly state your purpose (this is your thesis
  • 15. statement). 5. Finally, tell your reader what will follow in the body of your essay (this is your preview of main points). Step 2: Develop the Body of the Essay (6 - 7 paragraphs) - For the first part of the body (5 Paragraphs) - Analyze the ethical dilemma using the five approaches to ethical decision making from the Framework for Thinking Ethically article (1 paragraph per approach - i.e. Utilitarian, Common Good, etc.). For each paragraph: 1. Identify and explain the approach. 2. Discuss considerations, implications, and consequences of the approach as applied to the dilemma. (Assume your reader has no knowledge of these approaches so explain the key concepts of each. A sufficient discussion of the approach would consist of at least three sentences. Find this information in the Framework Article and in your additional sources) 3. For each approach, you must clearly state the decision that Greg would make if he were to use that approach. - For the second part of the body (1 - 2 Paragraphs) 1. Identify the approach you would use if you were involved in a situation like this. - “If I were in Greg’s shoes . . .” Analyze the situation using the ethical standard that you would apply to this situation.
  • 16. - Discuss the implications and consequences if you made a decision based on this standard. 2. Discuss your core beliefs and the origin of those beliefs that led you to that approach. - How does this ethical standard align with your core beliefs and personal values? - Clarify the beliefs and values that guide your ethical thinking, ethical conduct, and decision- making. Step 3: Write the Conclusion 1. Restate the thesis. 2. Provide a summary and closure. Page ! of !2 3 ETHICAL ESSAY GUIDELINES MILLIE SHAW Important Reminders For the body of your essay, follow these writing guidelines: - Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that effectively states the purpose of the paragraph. - Develop sentences that are logical and clear. Ideas should flow logically. Paragraphs should be unified and work together to support the thesis. - Make paragraphs coherent by using effective and appropriate transitions between ideas and paragraphs.
  • 17. Pre-Submission Checklist The essay is spell-checked and edited. The essay is academic in tone, word choice, sentence structure, and overall quality. Sentence structure is correct, coherent, and varied. The essay follows MLA guidelines. The essay is well-organized. Main ideas are fully developed, supported, and show critical thinking. Ideas flow logically; transitions link the main ideas and aid the reader’s ability to follow the arguments. Facts are distinguished from opinions. Opinions are supported and qualified. Opposing views are represented fairly. In-text citations give credit to outside sources of information. The in-text citations from the body of the paper are fully cited in the Works Cited. The Works Cited page is formatted using MLA formatting guidelines. The introduction engages and orients the reader. Relevant background information is provided so the audience has a clear understanding of the situation, understands the ethical dilemma, and knows why an ethical decision is required. The purpose of the essay is clear to the reader; the thesis is clearly stated. The rest of the paper is previewed for the reader. Each of the approaches is discussed fully and applied to the ethical dilemma. The action Greg would take is identified for every approach. The author discusses the action he/she would take if placed in Greg’s position. The author’s core beliefs and values are identified and applied
  • 18. to the ethical dilemma. The conclusion provides closure and restates the thesis. At least four outside sources are integrated smoothly in the essay. The essay includes correctly formatted in-text citations. Page ! of !3 3 W rit in g B as ic s St ru ct ur e an d C on te nt
  • 19. B as ic s Pa pe r-S pe ci fic R eq ui re m en ts Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Technical Communication Fourteenth Edition John M. Lannon
  • 20. Laura J. Gurak Chapter 13 Designing Pages and Documents * Even the most basic word processing programs offer powerful design tools that make the writing and designing of a document happen almost simultaneously. Workplace writers often make design decisions as they are writing, sometimes without giving adequate consideration to page layout, font choices, headings, white space, and so forth. But readers have come to expect documents that look professional and are visually inviting and accessible. In class, it’s important to emphasize that a reader’s first impression of any document—online or on paper—may in fact be a purely visual, aesthetic judgment. Poor formatting is a sure way to alienate readers. Students need to recognize that although page design and formatting choices may seem obvious, these decisions must be made carefully. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Learning Objectives Explain why document design is important in the workplace Describe how digital and print documents differ Discuss the everyday design skills technical communicators need to have Consider a variety of techniques for designing a reader-friendly document
  • 21. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Learning Objectives (continued) Develop an audience and use profile to guide your design Explain how digital documents have special design requirements Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Page Design Page design, the layout of words and graphics, determines the look of a document. Well-designed pages invite readers into the document, guide them through the material, and help them understand and remember the information. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Page Design in Workplace Documents An audience’s first impression tends to involve a purely visual, aesthetic judgment: “Does this look like something I want to read, or like too much work?” Having decided at a glance whether your document is visually appealing, logically organized, and easy to navigate, readers will draw conclusions about the value of your information, the quality of your work, and your overall credibility.
  • 22. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Page Design for Print and Digital Documents Today, pages come in all forms, including hard copy (printed), PDF, Web-based, e-book formats, small-screen sizes, and more. Despite this proliferation of formats, the most common technical and workplace documents continue to take the shape of a printed page, designed to be read in portrait mode, similar to the pages of a book. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Design Skills Needed by Technical Communicators In smaller organizations, technical writers are often responsible for writing and designing the document. Therefore, you’ll need to be familiar with: A word processing program for designing basic documents A desktop publishing program, or DTP for designing complex documents, particularly longer ones that contain more visuals and require sophisticated layout, page flows, and formatting Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Design Skills Needed by Technical Communicators (continued) You’ll also need to be familiar with styles and templates. Styles are pre-formatted options in word processing and DTP programs that make it easy for you to maintain a consistent look
  • 23. and feel across particular features of your document. Templates, on the other hand, apply to the entire document, for example pre-set templates in word processing and DTP programs for résumés, brochures, letters, sales proposals, etc. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Design Skills Needed by Technical Communicators (continued) Finally, you may need to be familiar with your company’s style guide or create a style sheet. Style guides are documents that describe an organization’s rules for document design and language use, in order to help ensure a consistent look across a company’s various documents and publications. Style sheets, on the other hand, specify the design elements of a particular document, such as a complex document created by a team. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Creating a Design that Works for Your Readers Approach your design decisions to achieve a consistent look, to highlight certain material, and to aid navigation. You will need to think about four design categories: Shaping the page Styling the words and letters Adding emphasis Using headings for access and orientation.
  • 24. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Shaping the Page In shaping a page, consider its look, feel, and overall layout. Consider the following: Use a Grid. Readers make sense of a page by looking for a consistent underlying structure: Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Shaping the Page (continued) Provide Page Numbers. Use lowercase Roman numerals for front matter (ii, iii, iv). Number the first text page and subsequent pages with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3). Use White Space. Sometimes, what is not on the page (white space) can make a big difference. Areas of text surrounded by white space draw the reader’s eye to those areas. Provide Ample Margins. Small margins crowd the page and make the material look difficult. On an 8½-by-11-inch page, leave margins of at least 1 or 1½ inches. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Shaping the Page (continued) Keep Line Length Reasonable. Long lines tire the eyes. Short lines look choppy. A reasonable line length is sixty to seventy characters per line for an 8½-by-11-inch single-column page. Keep Line Spacing Consistent. In general, single-space within paragraphs and double-space between paragraphs. Tailor Each Paragraph to Its Purpose. Use a long paragraph for clustering material that is closely related. Use a short one to
  • 25. make complex material easier to digest. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Shaping the Page (continued) Make Lists for Easy Reading. Whenever you find yourself writing a series of related items within a paragraph, consider using a list instead. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Guidelines for Shaping the Page Picture the document’s overall look and feel when you make design choices about pages. Select an appropriate grid pattern. Use white space to make pages easier to navigate. Use adequate margins. Keep line lengths easy on the eye. For PDF documents, use white space to break up text and make it easier for people to read on a screen. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Styling the Words and Letters After shaping the page, decide on the appropriate typefaces, type sizes, and capitalization. Consider the following: Select an Appropriate Typeface. Typeface,
  • 26. or font, refers to all the letters and characters in one particular style (e.g. Times, Arial, Helvetica). In selecting a typeface, consider the document’s purpose. For visual unity, use different sizes and versions (bold, italic, small caps) of the same typeface throughout your document. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Styling the Words and Letters (continued) Use Type Sizes That Are Easy to Read. Use 10 to 12 point types sizes, depending on the typeface. Use different sizes for other elements like headings, titles, and captions for emphasis. Use Full Caps Sparingly. Uppercase letters are hard read and look like the writer is shouting at you. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Guidelines for Styling the Words and Letters Use a serif font (such as Times New Roman) for formal documents such as reports, legal communication, and letters. Use a sans serif font (such as Helvetica) for captions, most
  • 27. visuals (charts, graphs, and tables), and engineering specifications. Create visual unity by using the same typeface throughout. Keep fonts at sizes that people can read. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Adding Emphasis Once you have selected the appropriate font, you can use different features, such as boldface or italics, to highlight important elements such as headings, special terms, key points, or warnings. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Guidelines for Adding Emphasis Use indentation to set off examples, explanations, or any material that should be differentiated from body copy. Use ruled horizontal lines to separate sections in a long document. Use ruled lines, broken lines, or ruled boxes, to set off crucial information such as a warning or a caution. Use boldface for emphasizing a single sentence or brief statement. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Guidelines for Adding Emphasis Use Small type sizes for captions, credit lines, and labels for visuals.
  • 28. Avoid large type sizes and dramatic typefaces—unless you really need to convey forcefulness. Use color in some documents, but sparingly. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Using Headings for Access and Orientation Headings announce how a document is organized, point readers to what they need, and divide the document into accessible blocks or “chunks.” Consider the following: Lay Out Headings by Level. Like a good road map, your headings should clearly announce the large and small segments in your document. Decide How to Phrase Your Headings. Depending on your purpose, you can phrase headings as short phrases, statements, or questions. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Using Headings for Access and Orientation (continued) Make Headings Visually Consistent and Grammatically Parallel. All headings at the same level must look the same and use the same linguistic format (for example, if the first major level heading is phrased as a question, all others should be). Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Guidelines for Using Headings
  • 29. Ordinarily, use no more than four levels of headings (section, major topic, minor topic, subtopic). Divide logically. Insert one additional line of space above each heading. Never begin the sentence right after the heading with “this,” “it,” or some other pronoun referring to the heading. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Guidelines for Using Headings (continued) Never leave a heading floating as the final line of a page. Use running heads (headers) or feet (footers) in long documents. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Audience Considerations in Page Design In deciding on a format, know your audience and their intended use of your information: If people will use your document for reference only, make sure you provide plenty of headings. If readers will follow a sequence of steps, show that sequence in a numbered list. If readers need a warning, highlight the warning so that it cannot possibly be overlooked. If readers have asked for a one-page report or résumé, save space by using a 10 point type size. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All
  • 30. rights reserved. Audience Considerations in Page Design (continued) If readers need to evaluate something, give them a checklist of criteria. If readers will be encountering complex information or difficult steps, design the page so that it is easy to read. In addition, keep in mind cultural expectations. Ignoring a culture’s design conventions can be interpreted as disrespect. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Designing Digital Documents Pay special attention to these additional considerations when designing digital documents: Adobe Acrobat and PDF files: PDF (Portable Document Format) documents, which are readable via Adobe Acrobat, are like photographs of print pages and therefore are difficult to alter. They can now be edited, but edits appear as handwritten/typed comments on top of the page not incorporated into the page. Also, PDFs cannot be redesigned without permission of the writer and an advanced version of Adobe. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Designing Digital Documents (continued) Web Pages: Unlike typical print and PDF pages, Web pages must be designed to accommodate the shape of a screen. Most computer screens are more “landscape” than “portrait”—wider
  • 31. than they are high. Also, content must be written in smaller, more discrete chunks than in print documents. Tablets, Smartphones, and E-readers: Today’s workplace documents might be read on a large computer screen, a smaller laptop, a tablet, a phone, or an e-reader. Keep in mind screen size when writing and designing for these environments. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Review Questions 1. What is page design and why is it important? 2. What design skills will you need to learn to compete in today’s workplace? 3. What are the four design categories that you need to consider when designing a document? 4. What are five considerations you need to keep in mind when shaping a page? 5. What is white space, and why is it important? 6. What are three considerations you need to keep in mind when styling words and letters? Answers 1. Page design, the layout of words and graphics, determines the look of a document. Well-designed pages invite readers into the document, guide them through the material, and help them understand and remember the information. 2. Using word processing and desktop publishing programs, using styles and templates, and using style guides and style sheets. 3. Shaping the page, styling the words and letters, adding emphasis, and using headings for access and orientation. 4. Any five of the following: Using a grid, providing page numbers, using white space, providing ample margins, keeping
  • 32. line length reasonable, keeping line space consistent, tailoring each paragraph to its purpose, and making lists for easy reading. 5. White space refers to the areas of a page that contain no text or illustrations. Areas of text surrounded by white space draw the reader’s eye to those areas. 6. Selecting a typeface, using type sizes that are easy to read, and using full caps sparingly. * Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Review Questions (continued) 7. What are five ways to add emphasis within a document? 8. What are three considerations you need to keep in mind when using headings for access and orientation? 9. What are three considerations to keep in mind when designing for your audience? 10. In what ways do Web pages differ in design from print pages? Answers (continued) 7. Any five of the following: Using indentation, using ruled horizontal lines, using ruled lines/broken lines/ruled boxes, using boldface, using italics, using small type sizes, avoiding large type sizes, and using color. 8. Lay out headings by level, decide how to phrase your headings, and make headings visually consistent and grammatically parallel. 9. Any three of the following: 1) If people will use your document for reference only, make sure you provide plenty of headings; 2) If readers will follow a sequence of steps, show that sequence in a numbered list; 3) If readers need a warning, highlight the warning so that it cannot possibly be overlooked;
  • 33. 4) If readers have asked for a one-page report or résumé, save space by using a10 point type size; 5) If readers need to evaluate something, give them a checklist of criteria; 6) If readers will be encountering complex information or difficult steps, design the page so that it is easy to read; 7) Keep in mind cultural expectations. 10. As opposed to print pages, computer screens are more “landscape” than “portrait,” and content must be written in smaller, more discrete chunks than in print documents. * Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Technical Communication Fourteenth Edition John M. Lannon Laura J. Gurak Chapter 10 Organizing for Readers * Because students already have studied decisions about purpose, audience, and content, they can now appreciate how decisions about organization can help writers connect with their audience—how decisions about what to say are related to decisions on how to organize. The intention here is to show that a well-organized document doesn’t just happen—it evolves from a careful plan. Students will recognize the typical shape of workplace documents—
  • 34. introduction, body, conclusion—since they are essential to the kinds of academic writing they have encountered previously. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Learning Objectives Work from an introduction-body-conclusion structure Create informal and formal outlines Prepare a storyboard for a long document Shape effective paragraphs Chunk information into discrete units Provide overviews of longer documents Organize information for global audiences Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Organizing Instead of forcing readers to make sense of unstructured information, we shape this material for their understanding. Consider the following: What relationships do the collected data suggest? What should I emphasize? In which sequence will readers approach the material? What belongs where? What do I say first? Why? What comes next? How do I end the document? Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 35. The Typical Shape of Workplace Documents Useful documents typically follow this pattern: The introduction attracts the reader’s attention, announces the writer’s viewpoint, and previews what will follow. The body delivers on the introduction, explaining and supporting the writer’s viewpoint, achieving unity by remaining focused on that viewpoint and coherence by carrying a line of thought throughout. The conclusion can reemphasize key points, take a position, predict an outcome, offer a solution, or suggest further study. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Outlining Even basic documents require at least an introduction-body- conclusion outline done in your head and/or a few ideas jotted down in list form. This is an informal outline. Longer documents require a more detailed outline so that you can visualize your document overall and ensure that ideas flow logically from point to point. This is a formal outline. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Outlining (continued) Start by searching through the information you have gathered and creating a random list of key topics your document should include. Then reorganize the list into an introduction, body, and
  • 36. conclusion and decide how to divide each of these parts into subtopics. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. The Formal Outline In planning a long document, an author or team rarely begins with a formal outline. But eventually in the writing process, a long or complex document calls for much more than a simple list. It calls for a formal outline using either alphanumeric or decimal notation: Alphanumeric notation refers to the use of letters and numbers in an outline. Decimal notation refers to the use of numbers only, separated by decimal points. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. The Formal Outline (continued) In alphanumeric notation, the introduction, body, and conclusion use Roman numerals (I, II, III); major topics use capital letters (A, B, C); major subtopics use Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3); and minor subtopics use lower-case letters (a, b, c). Each level is indented: Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 37. The Formal Outline (continued) In decimal notation, the introduction, body, and conclusion use a section number and a zero (2.0), major topics use the section number and a major topic number (2.1), and so on, with an additional number to indicate each level. Each level is indented: Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. The Formal Outline (continued) You may wish to expand your topic outline into a sentence outline, in which each sentence serves as a topic sentence for a paragraph in the document. Not until you finish the final draft of a long document do you compose the finished outline. This outline serves as a model for your table of contents, as a check on your reasoning, and as a way of revealing to readers a clear line of thinking. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Guidelines for Outlining List key topics and subtopics to be included in your document. Set up a standard outline. Consider using your word processing program’s outlining tool. Place key topics and subtopics where they fit within your standard outline. Use alphanumeric or decimal notation consistently throughout the outline. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 38. Guidelines for Outlining (continued) Avoid excessive subtopics. Refine your outline as you write your document. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Storyboarding Another method of organizing (usually used to organize Web sites) is to use a storyboard, a sketch of the finished document: Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Paragraphing Paragraphing means that each supporting paragraph within the larger introduction, body, and conclusion structure is similarly structured: Each paragraph must contain an “introduction,” or topic sentence, which introduces an idea, judgment, or opinion. The “body” of each paragraph consists of sentences that are logically connected to each other to create unity and coherence. The “conclusion” of each paragraph is a restatement of the topic sentence or a smooth transition into the next paragraph. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Chunking Each organizing technique discussed in this chapter is a way of
  • 39. chunking information: breaking it down into discrete, digestible units, based on the users’ needs and the document’s purpose. Web sites especially rely on the concept of chunked information. When writing for the Web, use smaller chunks than you would in print, because readers expect to read smaller pieces of information online. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Providing an Overview For longer document, consider giving readers an immediate preview, or overview, of its contents by answering their initial questions: What is the purpose of this document? Why should I read it? What information can I expect to find here? Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Organizing for Global Audiences Different cultures have varying expectations as to how information should be organized. Keep these considerations in mind: Digression: North Americans usually do not tolerate digressions that interrupt the logical flow of paragraphs, but some cultures consider digression a sign of intelligence or politeness. Directness: Especially with bad new messages, North Americans prefer to gently lead into bad news, but some cultures prefer to get the bad news over with immediately.
  • 40. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Review Questions 1. Why is organizing information important? 2. What are the three main parts of workplace documents, and what is the function of each part? 3. How do you create an informal outline? 4. What is a formal outline? 5. What is the difference between alphanumeric notation and decimal notation? 6. What is a storyboard? Answers 1. It shapes complex material for reader understanding. 2. The introduction (attracts the reader’s attention, announces the writer’s viewpoint, and previews what will follow); the body (delivers on the introduction, explaining and supporting the writer’s viewpoint, achieving unity by remaining focused on that viewpoint and coherence by carrying a line of thought throughout); the conclusion (can reemphasize key points, take a position, predict an outcome, offer a solution, or suggest further study). 3. Start by searching through the information you have gathered and creating a random list of key topics your document should include. Then reorganize the list into an introduction, body, and conclusion and decide how to divide each of these parts into subtopics. 4. A formal outline is a more detailed outline that helps writers visualize a document overall and ensure that ideas flow logically from point to point. 5. Alphanumeric notation refers to the use of letters and numbers in an outline. Decimal notation refers to the use of numbers only, separated by decimal points. 6. A storyboard is a sketch of the finished document.
  • 41. * Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Review Questions (continued) 7. What is paragraphing, and how should paragraphs be organized? 8. What is chunking and how is it useful? 9. What is an overview and when should you provide one? 10. What are two ways you might organize a document differently for some global audiences? Answers (continued) 7. Paragraphing is structuring each supporting paragraph within the larger introduction, body, and conclusion structure similarly. 8. Chunking is breaking down information into discrete, digestible units. It considerably helps with a document’s readability. 9. An overview gives readers an immediate preview of a document. It is typically only used for long and complex documents. 10. You might consider allowing digressions and writing more indirectly. * * Because students already have studied decisions about purpose, audience, and content, they can now appreciate how decisions about organization can help writers connect with their
  • 42. audience—how decisions about what to say are related to decisions on how to organize. The intention here is to show that a well-organized document doesn’t just happen—it evolves from a careful plan. Students will recognize the typical shape of workplace documents— introduction, body, conclusion—since they are essential to the kinds of academic writing they have encountered previously. Answers 1. It shapes complex material for reader understanding. 2. The introduction (attracts the reader’s attention, announces the writer’s viewpoint, and previews what will follow); the body (delivers on the introduction, explaining and supporting the writer’s viewpoint, achieving unity by remaining focused on that viewpoint and coherence by carrying a line of thought throughout); the conclusion (can reemphasize key points, take a position, predict an outcome, offer a solution, or suggest further study). 3. Start by searching through the information you have gathered and creating a random list of key topics your document should include. Then reorganize the list into an introduction, body, and conclusion and decide how to divide each of these parts into subtopics. 4. A formal outline is a more detailed outline that helps writers visualize a document overall and ensure that ideas flow logically from point to point. 5. Alphanumeric notation refers to the use of letters and numbers in an outline. Decimal notation refers to the use of numbers only, separated by decimal points. 6. A storyboard is a sketch of the finished document. * Answers (continued) 7. Paragraphing is structuring each supporting paragraph within the larger introduction, body, and conclusion structure
  • 43. similarly. 8. Chunking is breaking down information into discrete, digestible units. It considerably helps with a document’s readability. 9. An overview gives readers an immediate preview of a document. It is typically only used for long and complex documents. 10. You might consider allowing digressions and writing more indirectly. * Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Technical Communication Fourteenth Edition John M. Lannon Laura J. Gurak Chapter 7 Thinking Critically about the Research Process * Chapter 7 presents an overview of critical thinking in designing a legitimate inquiry: asking the right questions, focusing on essential sources, and evaluating and interpreting findings. Additionally, the chapter discusses secondary and primary sources and offers guidelines for finding and using them. This chapter (along with Chapters 8 and 9) can serve as the basis for the semester’s major writing assignment, either the formal
  • 44. analytical report discussed in Chapter 21 or the proposal discussed in Chapter 22. “The Purpose of Research” is especially important to lower- level students, who too often equate research with high-school papers about life on Mars or the Bermuda Triangle. Students need to understand that research is not just an academic exercise, but that it is done for a purpose and the information uncovered will be put to practical use. For any research project, students should follow a well-defined schedule for completing the various. If students work collaboratively to write a document, direct them to create a timeline that includes both individual and team deadlines. Planning helps avoid the last-minute all-nighter, and the poor writing that inevitably results. An early orientation to the electronic information services offered in your library will also help students avoid costly mistakes, both in the quality of their work and the time they must spend searching for information. Librarians are experts in how information is created, vetted, and made available online and in print; they can teach your students not only about how to find and evaluate information, but also how scholarly publication and the peer process review work. Arrange for a library session to teach your students how to use search tools such as the library catalog, article databases and indexes, and online and print reference resources to find books and journal articles. If your campus library has access to web conferencing tools such as Adobe Connect or Blackboard Collaborate, a library session can be offered to your online class. Librarians are also available to meet with students for one-on-one or small group consultations. Software programs will never replace these information professionals, and forging a strong relationship with one of the librarians in your campus library will prove beneficial for both your students and you.
  • 45. Your students will already be familiar with the advantages of electronic searches. Ten or fifteen years of an index can be reviewed in minutes. Searches can be customized: for example, narrowed to specific dates or topics. They can also be broadened: a keyword search can uncover material that a hard copy search might overlook; Web pages can link to all sorts of material—much of which exists in no hard copy form. Take a few minutes of class time to ask students about the drawbacks of electronic sources, a topic they may not have considered before. These include the fact that databases rarely contain entries published before the mid-1960s and that material, especially on the Internet, can change or disappear overnight or be highly unreliable. Also, given the researcher’s potential for getting lost in cyberspace, a thorough electronic search calls for a preliminary conference with a trained librarian. You might mention that even the best trial lawyers (or their assistants) spend a good deal of time in the library or on the Internet doing homework before presenting data to the jury. Emphasize the importance of knowing where and how to find the information one needs when one needs it. Finally, students should be encouraged (or required) to compose questionnaires or plan interviews as part of their research for long reports. Your advice about the rough drafts of interview questions or sample questionnaires will be helpful. This is a good occasion to hold individual conferences. Peer review of questions or questionnaires can also be a powerful way to help students see alternative strategies. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 46. Learning Objectives Define and refine a research question to guide your work Approach your research topic from a variety of angles Explore your research topic in sufficient depth Evaluate and interpret your sources Differentiate between primary and secondary research Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Learning Objectives (continued) Conduct secondary research using online and traditional sources Perform primary research using interviews, surveys, and other techniques Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. The Research Process Major decisions in the workplace are based on careful research, with the findings recorded in a written report. These decisions require you to think critically about each step of the process and about the information you gather for your research. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. The Research Process (continued) Following are the procedural stages in the research process:
  • 47. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. The Research Process (continued) Following are the critical thinking stages in the research process: Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Asking the Right Questions The answers you uncover will only be as good as the questions you ask: Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Exploring a Balance of Views Instead of settling for the most comforting or convenient answer, pursue the best answer. Consider a balance of perspectives from up-to-date and reputable sources: Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Achieving Adequate Depth in Your Search Balanced research examines a broad range
  • 48. of evidence; thorough research, however, examines that evidence in sufficient depth. There are three levels of information: At the surface level are publications from the popular media, designed for general readers. At the moderate level are trade, business, and technical publications, designed for moderately informed to specialized readers. At the deepest level is specialized literature, designed for practicing professionals. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Achieving Adequate Depth in Your Search (continued) Do research at all three levels to achieve adequate depth: Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Evaluating Your Findings Not all findings have equal value. Some information might be distorted, incomplete, misleading, or biased. Ask yourself these questions as you evaluate your sources: Is this information accurate, reliable, and relatively unbiased? Do the facts verify the claim? How much of the information is useful? Is this the whole or the real story? Do I need more information? Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All
  • 49. rights reserved. Interpreting Your Findings Once you have decided which of your findings seem legitimate, you need to decide what they all mean by asking these questions: What are my conclusions and do they address my original research question? Do any findings conflict? Are other interpretations possible? Should I reconsider the evidence? What, if anything, should be done? Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Primary versus Secondary Sources Primary research means getting information directly from the source by conducting interviews and surveys and by observing people, events, or processes in action. Secondary research is information obtained second hand by reading what other researchers have compiled in books and articles in print or online. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Primary versus Secondary Sources (continued) Combine primary and secondary research. Start with secondary research, but expand on what others have already learned and
  • 50. add credibility to your research by conducting primary research. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Exploring Secondary Sources Secondary sources include: Web sites Online news outlets and magazines Blogs and wikis Books in the library Journal, magazine, and newspaper articles Government publications Other public records Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Online Secondary Sources To find various sites on the Web, use two basic tools: subject directories and search engines. * Subject directories are indexes compiled by editors and others who sift through Web sites and compile the most useful links. * Search engines, such as Yahoo! and Google, scan for Web sites containing key words. When using search engines, be sure to adequately refine your search to avoid too many results. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Online Secondary Sources (continued) Google. It’s fine to start with a Google search just to brainstorm ideas and develop approaches to get started. But you quickly
  • 51. will need to narrow down your findings and do some deeper digging. Wikipedia. Although Wikipedia pages can provide a good starting point, the content may not be completely accurate. Use a Wikipedia entry to get an overview of the topic, and to help you locate other sources. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Online Secondary Sources (continued) Other online secondary sources include: General, commercial, and academic Web sites Government Web sites Online news outlets and magazines Blogs Wikis Facebook, Twitter, and online groups Digital libraries Periodical databases Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Guidelines for Researching on the Internet Expect limited results from any one search engine or subject directory. When using a search engine, select keywords or search phrases that are varied and technical rather than general. When using Wikipedia or other online encyclopedias, check out the footnotes and other citations.
  • 52. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Guidelines for Online Research (continued) Consider the domain type (where the site originates). Identify the site’s purpose and sponsor. Look beyond the style of a site. Assess the currency of a site’s materials. Save or print what you need before it changes or disappears. Assess the author’s credentials and assertions. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Guidelines for Online Research (continued) Use bookmarks and hotlists for quick access to favorite Web sites. Save or print what you need before it changes or disappears. Download only what you need; use it ethically; obtain permission; and credit your sources. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Traditional Secondary Sources Traditional secondary research tools are still of great value. Most hard-copy secondary sources are carefully reviewed and edited before they are published. Locate hard-copy sources by using your library’s online public access catalog (OPAC) or other search tool. This catalog can be accessed through the Internet or at workstations in the library.
  • 53. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Traditional Secondary Sources (continued) Traditional secondary sources include: Books and periodicals Reference works (bibliographies, indexes, encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, almanacs, directories, and abstracts) Access tools for government publications Gray literature (pamphlets, brochures, and other documents not found at the library, but which may be useful). Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Exploring Primary Sources Primary sources include unsolicited inquiries, informational interviews, surveys, and observations or experiments: Unsolicited inquiries include letters, phone calls, or email inquiries to experts or others who can clarify or supplement information you already have. Informational interviews allow you to uncover highly original information by spending time with an expert and asking pertinent questions. But be careful that expert opinion can be biased or inaccurate too. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Exploring Primary Sources (continued) Surveys help you form impressions of the concerns, preferences, attitudes, beliefs, or perceptions of a large, identifiable group (a target population) by studying representatives of that group (a
  • 54. sample). Observations and experiments offer proof to back up assumptions about a topic. They should be your final step, because you now know exactly what to look for. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Guidelines for Informational Interviews Planning the interview Know exactly what you’re looking for from whom. Do your homework. Make arrangements by phone, letter, or email. Preparing the questions Make each question clear and specific. Avoid loaded questions. Save the most difficult, complex, or sensitive questions for last. Write out each question on a separate notecard. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Guidelines for Informational Interviews (continued) Conducting the interview Make a courteous start. Respect cultural differences. Let the respondent do most of the talking. Be a good listener. Stick to the interview plan. Ask for clarification if needed. Repeat major points in your own words and ask if your interpretation is correct. Be ready with follow-up questions.
  • 55. Keep note-taking to a minimum. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Guidelines for Informational Interviews (continued) Concluding the interview Ask for closing comments. Request permission to contact your respondent again, if new questions arise. Invite the respondent to review your version for accuracy. Thank your respondent and leave promptly. As soon as possible, write a complete summary (or record one verbally). Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Guidelines for Surveys Define the survey’s purpose and target population. Identify the sample group. Define the survey method. Decide on the types of questions. Develop an engaging introduction and provide appropriate information. Make each question unambiguous. Avoid biased questions.
  • 56. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Guidelines for Surveys (continued) Make it brief, simple, and inviting. Have an expert review your questionnaire before use, whenever possible. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Review Questions 1. What are the four procedural stages of the research process? 2. What are the five critical thinking stages in the research process? 3. What are the three levels of depth in the research process? 4. What is the difference between evaluating findings and interpreting findings? 5. What are primary and secondary research? Answers 1. Searching for information, recording your findings, documenting your sources, and writing the document. 2. Asking the right questions, exploring a balance of views, achieving adequate depth in your search, evaluating your findings, and interpreting your findings. 3. Surface level (publications from the popular media, designed for general readers), moderate level (trade, business, and technical publications, designed for moderately informed to specialized readers), deepest level (specialized literature, designed for practicing professionals). 4. Evaluating is deciding which sources are good to use in your research; interpreting is figuring out what the sources you choose mean.
  • 57. 5. Primary research means getting information directly from the source by conducting interviews and surveys and by observing people, events, or processes in action. Secondary research is information obtained second hand by reading what other researchers have compiled in books and articles in print or online. * Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Review Questions (continued) 6. What are the two ways of locating online secondary sources? 7. What cautions should you observe when using Google and Wikipedia? 8. What are five other online secondary sources? 9. What tool should you use to locate traditional secondary sources at the library? 10. What are the four types of primary sources? Answers (continued) 6. Subject directories and search engines. 7. When using Google, make sure you narrow your search sufficiently; when using Wikipedia, use it only as a jumping-off point. 8. Any five of the following: General, commercial, and academic Web sites; Government Web sites; Online news outlets and magazines; Blogs; Wikis; Facebook, Twitter, and online groups; Digital libraries; Periodical databases. 9. Your library’s online public access catalog (OPAC) or other search tool. 10. Unsolicited inquiries, informational interviews, surveys, and observations and experiments.
  • 58. * * Chapter 7 presents an overview of critical thinking in designing a legitimate inquiry: asking the right questions, focusing on essential sources, and evaluating and interpreting findings. Additionally, the chapter discusses secondary and primary sources and offers guidelines for finding and using them. This chapter (along with Chapters 8 and 9) can serve as the basis for the semester’s major writing assignment, either the formal analytical report discussed in Chapter 21 or the proposal discussed in Chapter 22. “The Purpose of Research” is especially important to lower- level students, who too often equate research with high-school papers about life on Mars or the Bermuda Triangle. Students need to understand that research is not just an academic exercise, but that it is done for a purpose and the information uncovered will be put to practical use. For any research project, students should follow a well-defined schedule for completing the various. If students work collaboratively to write a document, direct them to create a timeline that includes both individual and team deadlines. Planning helps avoid the last-minute all-nighter, and the poor writing that inevitably results. An early orientation to the electronic information services offered in your library will also help students avoid costly mistakes, both in the quality of their work and the time they must spend searching for information. Librarians are experts in how information is created, vetted, and made available online and in print; they can teach your students not only about how to find and evaluate information, but also how scholarly publication and the peer process review work. Arrange for a library session to teach your students how to use search tools
  • 59. such as the library catalog, article databases and indexes, and online and print reference resources to find books and journal articles. If your campus library has access to web conferencing tools such as Adobe Connect or Blackboard Collaborate, a library session can be offered to your online class. Librarians are also available to meet with students for one-on-one or small group consultations. Software programs will never replace these information professionals, and forging a strong relationship with one of the librarians in your campus library will prove beneficial for both your students and you. Your students will already be familiar with the advantages of electronic searches. Ten or fifteen years of an index can be reviewed in minutes. Searches can be customized: for example, narrowed to specific dates or topics. They can also be broadened: a keyword search can uncover material that a hard copy search might overlook; Web pages can link to all sorts of material—much of which exists in no hard copy form. Take a few minutes of class time to ask students about the drawbacks of electronic sources, a topic they may not have considered before. These include the fact that databases rarely contain entries published before the mid-1960s and that material, especially on the Internet, can change or disappear overnight or be highly unreliable. Also, given the researcher’s potential for getting lost in cyberspace, a thorough electronic search calls for a preliminary conference with a trained librarian. You might mention that even the best trial lawyers (or their assistants) spend a good deal of time in the library or on the Internet doing homework before presenting data to the jury. Emphasize the importance of knowing where and how to find the information one needs when one needs it. Finally, students should be encouraged (or required) to compose
  • 60. questionnaires or plan interviews as part of their research for long reports. Your advice about the rough drafts of interview questions or sample questionnaires will be helpful. This is a good occasion to hold individual conferences. Peer review of questions or questionnaires can also be a powerful way to help students see alternative strategies. Answers 1. Searching for information, recording your findings, documenting your sources, and writing the document. 2. Asking the right questions, exploring a balance of views, achieving adequate depth in your search, evaluating your findings, and interpreting your findings. 3. Surface level (publications from the popular media, designed for general readers), moderate level (trade, business, and technical publications, designed for moderately informed to specialized readers), deepest level (specialized literature, designed for practicing professionals). 4. Evaluating is deciding which sources are good to use in your research; interpreting is figuring out what the sources you choose mean. 5. Primary research means getting information directly from the source by conducting interviews and surveys and by observing people, events, or processes in action. Secondary research is information obtained second hand by reading what other researchers have compiled in books and articles in print or online. * Answers (continued) 6. Subject directories and search engines. 7. When using Google, make sure you narrow your search sufficiently; when using Wikipedia, use it only as a jumping-off point. 8. Any five of the following: General, commercial, and academic Web sites; Government Web sites; Online news
  • 61. outlets and magazines; Blogs; Wikis; Facebook, Twitter, and online groups; Digital libraries; Periodical databases. 9. Your library’s online public access catalog (OPAC) or other search tool. 10. Unsolicited inquiries, informational interviews, surveys, and observations and experiments. * Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Technical Communication Fourteenth Edition John M. Lannon Laura J. Gurak Chapter 18 Technical Descriptions, Specifications, and Marketing Materials * This chapter discusses descriptions, specifications, and technical marketing materials. All of these involve some level of description. Your students may be surprised to know that there are entire jobs with the specialized purpose of creating just one of these kinds materials. As students examine these specific forms of technical writing, it is important to keep in mind rhetorical strategy. Our subject, our intention, and what we know of our readers’ needs dictate our direction and the amount of detail we include.
  • 62. Descriptions in particular fit well with upcoming assignments related to Chapters 19-22, as sometimes these types of documents (instructions, reports, proposals) need to include descriptions. Many students (especially in lower level courses) initially have trouble generating finite descriptive details. One good classroom exercise for overcoming this problem is a variation of brainstorming. Bring to class some mundane and somewhat complex items, such as a coleus plant or a staple remover or a paper punch. Place the item on a table at the front of the class with a ruler positioned conspicuously nearby. Ask the class to write a short piece, on the spot, describing the item or mechanism to someone who has never seen such a thing. After much sweating and grumbling, most students will produce a short piece that is somewhat disorganized and so general as to be meaningless—except for one or two vivid details. Now ask the class as a group to begin assigning descriptive details to the item. Sooner or later, one of them will think to pick up the ruler and measure specific parts. As the details appear, write them all out on the board. Record everything—even those subjective descriptions such as “pretty” and “ugly.” Within ten minutes, you should have enough material to fill your chalkboard. Now, ask the class to weed out the subjective from the objective. Next, ask them to classify the objective details by dividing the assortment into groups, according to shared characteristics (for the plant: leaves, stem, potting soil, pot; for the staple remover: prongs, plastic finger grips, spring mechanism). Finally, arrange the various classes of detail in the most logical sequence for description (for the plant: from bottom to top, or vice versa; for the staple remover, from finger grips to plastic exterior to hollow metal prongs, including pointed tips and arms, to the coil-spring extensor mechanism). Now decide as a group on the intended audience: Who is it? Why does he or she need the information (to be able to recognize the plant; to manufacture the staple remover, to understand its function)?
  • 63. After completing this exercise, students should understand what you mean by descriptive details; they should know how to classify data, how to choose the best descriptive sequence, and how to select the appropriate details to fill the reader’s specific needs. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Learning Objectives Understand the role of audience and purpose in technical description Differentiate between product and process descriptions Appreciate the need for objectivity in technical descriptions Recognize the main components of technical descriptions Write a product description of a complex mechanism Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Learning Objectives (continued) Write a process description of how something works or happens Write a set of specifications to ensure safety and/or customer satisfaction Write a technical marketing document to sell a product or service Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Descriptions A description is creating a picture with words and images. More
  • 64. specifically, a technical description conveys information about a product or mechanism to someone who will use it, operate it, assemble it, or manufacture it, or to someone who needs to know more about it. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Considering Audience and Purpose The audience for a description can be anyone who needs to see up close what something does or what something is. The purpose of a description is to not only answer “What is it?” or “What does it entail?” as a definition does, but also to answer “What does it look like?” “What are its parts?” “What does it do?” “How does it work?” or “How does it happen?” Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Types of Technical Descriptions Technical descriptions divide into two basic types: product descriptions and process descriptions: Anyone learning to use a particular device (say, a stethoscope) relies on product description. Anyone wanting to understand the steps or stages in a complex event (say, how lightning is produced) relies on process description. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 65. Objectivity in Technical Descriptions Any description can be subjective (based on feeling) or objective (based on fact). Except in the case of marketing materials, technical descriptions need to be objective in order to present an impartial view, filtering out personal impressions and focusing on details any viewer could observe. To remain objective, provide details that are visual, not emotional. Also focus on using precise and informative language. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Elements of Descriptions Following are the key parts of technical descriptions: Clear and limiting title. An effective title promises exactly what the document will deliver—no more and no less. Appropriate level of detail and technicality. Give enough detail to convey a clear picture, but do not burden readers needlessly. Visuals. Use drawings, diagrams, or photographs generously—with captions and labels that help readers interpret what they are seeing. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Elements of a Usable Description (continued) Clearest descriptive sequence. There are three types of sequences to use in a technical description:
  • 66. spatial sequence (the way an item appears as a static object), functional sequence (the order in which an item’s parts operate), or chronological sequence (the order in which an item’s parts are assembled or in which stages occur). Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Guidelines for Descriptions Take a look at the product or process. Analyze your audience. Analyze your purpose. Maintain objectivity. Be concise. Include all necessary parts. Incorporate visuals. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Specifications A specification is an exacting type of description that prescribes standards for performance, safety, and quality. They ensure compliance with codes, standards, and laws, and they spell out the following: Methods for manufacturing, building, or installing a product Materials and equipment to be used Size, shape, and weight of the product Specific testing, maintenance, and inspection procedures Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 67. Considering Audience and Purpose Specifications must be clear enough for identical interpretation by a broad audience with varied purposes. Each of these parties—the customer, the designer, the contractor or manufacturer, the supplier, the workforce, and the inspectors—needs to understand and agree on exactly what is to be done and how it is to be done. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Guidelines for Specifications Analyze your audience. Know the minimum governmental and industry standards. Focus on consistency, quality, and safety. Use a standard format when applicable. Include a brief introduction or descriptive title. List all parts and materials. Refer to other documents or specs, as needed. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Guidelines for Specifications (continued) Use a consistent terminology. Include retrieval aids. Keep it simple. Check your use of technical terms. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 68. Technical Marketing Materials Technical marketing materials are designed to sell products or services. Common types of technical marketing materials include: Web pages Brochures Fact sheets Letters Large color documents Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Guidelines for Technical Marketing Materials Research the background and experience of decision makers. Situate your product in relation to others of its class. Emphasize the special appeal of this product or service. Use upbeat, dynamic language. Use visuals and color. Provide technical specifications, as needed. Consider including a FAQ list. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Review Questions 1. What is a technical description? 2. What seven questions does a technical description answer? 3. What is a product description? 4. What is a process description? 5. What is the most important practice to keep in mind when
  • 69. writing a description? 6. What are two ways to maintain objectivity? 7. What are the four elements of an effective technical description? Answers 1. A description is creating a picture with words and images. More specifically, a technical description conveys information about a product or mechanism to someone who will use it, operate it, assemble it, or manufacture it, or to someone who needs to know more about it. 2. The purpose of a description is to not only answer “What is it?” or “What does it entail?” as a definition does, but also to answer “What does it look like?” “What are its parts?” “What does it do?” “How does it work?” or “How does it happen?” 3. A product description provides anyone learning to use a particular device (say, a stethoscope) with the information they need. 4. A process description provides anyone wanting to understand the steps or stages in a complex event (say, how lightning is produced) with the information they need. 5. Being objective. 6. To remain objective, provide details that are visual, not emotional. Also focus on using precise and informative language. 7. A clear and limiting title, an appropriate level of detail and technicality, visuals, and the clearest descriptive sequence. * Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Review Questions (continued) 8. What are specifications? 9. What is the most important characteristic of a set of
  • 70. specifications? 10. What are technical marketing materials, and what are some examples of technical marketing materials? Answers (continued) 8. A specification is an exacting type of description that prescribes standards for performance, safety, and quality. 9. Specifications must be clear enough for identical interpretation by a broad audience with varied purposes. 10. Technical marketing materials are designed to sell products or services. Common types of technical marketing materials include: Web pages, brochures, fact sheets, letters, and large color documents. * * This chapter discusses descriptions, specifications, and technical marketing materials. All of these involve some level of description. Your students may be surprised to know that there are entire jobs with the specialized purpose of creating just one of these kinds materials. As students examine these specific forms of technical writing, it is important to keep in mind rhetorical strategy. Our subject, our intention, and what we know of our readers’ needs dictate our direction and the amount of detail we include. Descriptions in particular fit well with upcoming assignments related to Chapters 19-22, as sometimes these types of documents (instructions, reports, proposals) need to include descriptions. Many students (especially in lower level courses) initially have trouble generating finite descriptive details. One good classroom exercise for overcoming this problem is a variation of brainstorming. Bring to class some mundane and somewhat
  • 71. complex items, such as a coleus plant or a staple remover or a paper punch. Place the item on a table at the front of the class with a ruler positioned conspicuously nearby. Ask the class to write a short piece, on the spot, describing the item or mechanism to someone who has never seen such a thing. After much sweating and grumbling, most students will produce a short piece that is somewhat disorganized and so general as to be meaningless—except for one or two vivid details. Now ask the class as a group to begin assigning descriptive details to the item. Sooner or later, one of them will think to pick up the ruler and measure specific parts. As the details appear, write them all out on the board. Record everything—even those subjective descriptions such as “pretty” and “ugly.” Within ten minutes, you should have enough material to fill your chalkboard. Now, ask the class to weed out the subjective from the objective. Next, ask them to classify the objective details by dividing the assortment into groups, according to shared characteristics (for the plant: leaves, stem, potting soil, pot; for the staple remover: prongs, plastic finger grips, spring mechanism). Finally, arrange the various classes of detail in the most logical sequence for description (for the plant: from bottom to top, or vice versa; for the staple remover, from finger grips to plastic exterior to hollow metal prongs, including pointed tips and arms, to the coil-spring extensor mechanism). Now decide as a group on the intended audience: Who is it? Why does he or she need the information (to be able to recognize the plant; to manufacture the staple remover, to understand its function)? After completing this exercise, students should understand what you mean by descriptive details; they should know how to classify data, how to choose the best descriptive sequence, and how to select the appropriate details to fill the reader’s specific needs. Answers 1. A description is creating a picture with words and images. More specifically, a technical description conveys information
  • 72. about a product or mechanism to someone who will use it, operate it, assemble it, or manufacture it, or to someone who needs to know more about it. 2. The purpose of a description is to not only answer “What is it?” or “What does it entail?” as a definition does, but also to answer “What does it look like?” “What are its parts?” “What does it do?” “How does it work?” or “How does it happen?” 3. A product description provides anyone learning to use a particular device (say, a stethoscope) with the information they need. 4. A process description provides anyone wanting to understand the steps or stages in a complex event (say, how lightning is produced) with the information they need. 5. Being objective. 6. To remain objective, provide details that are visual, not emotional. Also focus on using precise and informative language. 7. A clear and limiting title, an appropriate level of detail and technicality, visuals, and the clearest descriptive sequence. * Answers (continued) 8. A specification is an exacting type of description that prescribes standards for performance, safety, and quality. 9. Specifications must be clear enough for identical interpretation by a broad audience with varied purposes. 10. Technical marketing materials are designed to sell products or services. Common types of technical marketing materials include: Web pages, brochures, fact sheets, letters, and large color documents. * Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 73. Technical Communication Fourteenth Edition John M. Lannon Laura J. Gurak Chapter 17 Technical Definitions * Discussions about definition provide a good forum for reviewing awareness of the audience information needs covered in Chapter 2. How much and how often one defines will depend on how one views the readers and their information needs. Students need to understand the distinction between specialized terms that are overtly technical and more general and familiar terms whose meanings people think they understand. To avoid problems with plagiarism or with copying from one source, you might require a minimum of four to six references for the expanded definition students choose. With lower-level groups, you might wish to spend one period with the class examining reference materials in your library databases as well as key Web sources and answering questions that arise during their brief research exercise. Stress the importance of credible sources. At this time in the semester, students working on analytical reports due at semester’s end should have a pretty definite idea of their final topics, after consultation with you. Therefore, the term they choose to define can often be a primary term in that report, such as a definition of biological insect control for the report “The Feasibility of Using Biological Control on Bark Beetles.”
  • 74. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Learning Objectives Determine when audience and purpose indicate the need for definition Describe the legal, ethical, societal, and global implications of definitions Differentiate between parenthetical, sentence, and expanded definitions Identify the various ways to expand a definition Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Learning Objectives (continued) Write an expanded definition Place definitions effectively in your document Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Definitions Definitions explain terms or concepts that are specialized and may be unfamiliar to people who lack expertise in a particular field. Precision is particularly important in specialized fields, in which field-specific terminology is common and undefined terms may prevent the overall document from making sense. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 75. Considering Audience and Purpose Definitions answer one of two questions: “What, exactly, is it?” or “What, exactly, does it entail?” The first question spells out what makes an item, concept, or process unique. The second question spells out for your audience how they are affected by the item defined. The purpose of a definition is to answer the question “Why does my audience need to understand this term?” Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Legal, Ethical, Societal, and Global Implications Keep the following implications in mind: Legal: An inaccurate or misleading definition could lead to legal problems if it causes injury or harm. Ethical: An intentionally faulty or self-serving definition may damage a company’s ethical image. Societal: Poorly considered definitions may mislead the public and have societal ramifications. Global: Definitions that fail to consider a global audience can appear self-serving and damage a company’s global image. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Types of Definitions
  • 76. Definitions fall into three categories: Parenthetical definitions: Provide a definition within parentheses immediately after a term: Sentence definitions: State the term, indicate the broader class to which this item belongs, and describe the features that distinguish it, all in the form of a single sentence: Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Types of Definitions (continued) Expanded definitions: Use a variety of techniques to provide a detailed definition in the form of a paragraph or several pages: Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Methods for Expanding Definitions Following are the most common techniques for expanding definitions: Etymology: Providing the origin of the term. History: Explaining the history of the term. Negation: Showing what a term does not mean. Operating Principle: Describing how the item works. Analysis of Parts: Breaking the item down into its individual parts. Visuals: Showing what the item looks like.
  • 77. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Methods for Expanding Definitions Comparison and Contrast: Describing what the item is similar to and/or different from. Required Conditions: Explaining the conditions that make the item work or not work. Examples: Showing situations in which the item is used. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Placing Definitions in a Document Brief definitions should be placed in parentheses or in the document’s margin. Sentence definitions should be part of the running text or, if they are numerous, listed in a glossary. Expanded definitions should be placed either near the beginning of a long document or in an appendix. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 78. Placing Definitions in a Document (continued) Use a glossary if your report contains numerous terms that may not be understood by all audience members. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Guidelines for Definitions Decide on the level of detail you need. Classify the item precisely. Differentiate the item accurately. Avoid circular definitions. Expand your definition selectively. Use visuals to clarify your meaning. Know “how much is enough.” Consider the legal implications of your definition. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Guidelines for Definitions (continued) Consider the ethical implications of your definition. Place your definition in an appropriate location. Cite your sources as needed. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Review Questions 1. What is a definition?
  • 79. 2. What is the most important aspect of a definition? 3. What two questions does a definition answer? 4. What is a parenthetical definition? 5. What is a sentence definition? 6. What is an expanded definition? 7. What are the nine most common ways to expand a definition? Answers 1. Definitions explain terms or concepts that are specialized and may be unfamiliar to people who lack expertise in a particular field. 2. Precision. 3. A definition answers the questions “What, exactly, is it?” or “What, exactly, does it entail?” 4. Parenthetical definitions provide a definition within parentheses immediately after a term. 5. Sentence definitions state the term, indicate the broader class to which this item belongs, and describe the features that distinguish it, all in the form of a single sentence. 6. Expanded definitions use a variety of techniques to provide a detailed definition in the form of a paragraph or several pages. 7. Etymology, history, negation, operating principle, analysis of parts, visuals, comparison and contrast, required conditions, and examples. * Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Review Questions (continued) 8. Where should you place brief definitions in a document? 9. Where should you place sentence definitions in a document? 10. Where should you place expanded definitions in a document?