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Rosa Parks Essay
Crafting an essay on the subject of Rosa Parks can be both challenging and rewarding. The
difficulty lies not only in the need to provide a comprehensive overview of her life but also in
capturing the essence of her impact on civil rights and American history. Rosa Parks' role in the
Montgomery Bus Boycott and her lifelong commitment to fighting racial injustice make her a
complex and multifaceted figure to explore.
To do justice to such a significant historical figure, one must delve into extensive research to
understand the social and political context of the time. Unraveling the layers of Parks' personal
experiences, motivations, and the broader implications of her actions requires meticulous
examination. Moreover, conveying the emotional and historical significance of her refusal to give
up her bus seat adds another layer of complexity to the essay.
Addressing the broader implications of Rosa Parks' activism necessitates discussing the impact
she had on the Civil Rights Movement and the subsequent changes in American society. The
writer must carefully navigate through the intricacies of the political landscape, social dynamics,
and the legal battles that ensued.
In addition, striking a balance between historical accuracy, personal reflection, and engaging
storytelling is crucial. The challenge lies in avoiding oversimplification while ensuring that the
essay remains accessible to a diverse audience. Furthermore, incorporating the significance of
Parks' legacy in contemporary discussions on race and equality adds an extra layer of relevance
and complexity to the task.
Despite the challenges, the process of writing a Rosa Parks essay offers a unique opportunity to
reflect on the courage and resilience of an individual who played a pivotal role in shaping the
course of history. The journey of crafting such an essay involves not only conveying facts but
also capturing the spirit of Rosa Parks' defiance and its enduring impact.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or exploring various topics, resources like can provide valuable support. Professional writing services can offer guidance,
research assistance, and customized essays tailored to specific requirements, ensuring a
comprehensive and well-crafted exploration of historical figures and events.
Rosa Parks Essay Rosa Parks Essay
How Jaguar Regains Its Reputation
Case Study: How Jaguar Regains its Reputation
Jaguar Cars, Ltd., is one of the most famous luxury automobile manufacturers in the
world. With its sleek lines, leather interiors, and smooth engines, Jaguar is the car
of choice for wealthy brokers who work on Wall Street in New York and the
nouveau riche in Japan who shop on Tokyo s Ginza. The driving force behind Jaguar,
William Lyons, was born on September 4, 1901, in Blackpool, a town in the county
of Lancashire, England. Uninterested in academics as a teenager, he was on the verge
of entering the shipbuilding industry when his father encouraged him to work at
Crossley Motors, Ltd., and attend engineering classes during the evening. Crossley
was a distinguished ... Show more content on ...
The partnership was dissolved, Walmsley resigned, and a new company, SS Cars,
Ltd., was formed. The company was incorporated in 1933, and soon afterwards
offered the sale of its stock to the public on the London Exchange. Lyons become the
chairman and managing director of SS Cars. He assumed total control of all its
operations. Although the sidecar business remained lucrative, Lyons kept careful
watch over this portion of the firm, and thought it best to organize its operations as an
entirely separate entity, called the Swallow Coachbuilding Company, in 1935. With
the administrative duties out of the way, and a reorganization of the company
complete, Lyons turned his attention to advertising. He wanted a brand new name for
his cars that would capture the imagination of the motoring enthusiast. The Nelson
advertising agency, hired by Lyons to create a new image for his automobiles,
selected the name Jaguar.
The first SS Jaguar 100 was introduced in 1935 and, as the company dropped the SS1
and SS2 product lines, sales for its new unit increased dramatically. The firm s first
all steel car was brought out in 1937. It featured a broader body, overhead valves, and
a choice of 3.5, 2.7, or 1.8 litre engines. The 3.5 litre model was the company s first
car to reach 100 mph. Armed with a work force of over 1,500 in Coventry, by August
of 1938 SS Cars, Ltd. was producing more than 5,000
Gwendolyn Brooks s The Mother
Gwendolyn Brooks is a famous, African American poetess who is famous for
making a social commentary upon the urban society in which she lives. Clearly
seen in three of her more popular poems, the mother , a song in the front yard , and
What shall I give my children? Who are poor? , Brooks uses the struggles of
impoverished motherhood to comment on the stymied lives of adult black women.
This is obviously evident in her use of the tone of hopelessness, which transcends all
three poems in differing forms that stem from regret in the mother, worry and
overprotectiveness in a song in the front yard and frustration of lacking the
necessities for children in What shall I give my children? Who are poor In her works,
Brooks is known... Show more content on ...
The tone of hopelessness in this poem is very obviously the result of regret, or the
feelings of what motherhood may have been. For a majority of the poem the mother
focuses on what their lives would have been having never giggled or planned or
cried (4) or how they will never wind up the sucking thumb (4). Although these are
only a few examples it is very evident how the mother, although denied the joy of
motherhood, longs for the child she almost had, saying, believe me, I knew you,
though faintly, and I loved, I loved you/ All (5). In an attempt to take a more
positive outlook on the mother tries to justify herself saying how much better the
child s life would be, that as a mother she would never have the chance to neglect or
beat/ Them... (4). The story behind the mother is just one example of hopelessness
that Brooks prominently saw throughout her community, obviously this feeling of
regret and lament was prevalent throughout many women who, although chose to
have abortions, were not done out of not wanting the child, but by force in order to
keep a job, house, or some other commitment in which carrying and properly raising
a child would be near impossible. Another very powerful version of the overall tone
of hopelessness in Brooks plays is the feeling of hopelessness that stems from a
mother s worry
Commencement Speech Sample
Commencement Speech Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.
Ryunosuke Satoro, Japanese Poet That quote resonates with me deeply when I
reflect on the great friendships, excellent teachers, parents and families all
galvanized in their commitment to our, the graduating classes , success. Thank
you parents, family members, teachers, administrators and fellow students this has
been a wonderful journey, all made possible because of your unwavering, unfailing
support. Our graduating class applauds each of you for sharing in our
accomplishments, making them possible. (You might want to stop and applaud
them encouraging your graduating class to do the same this will be very classy to
do and set the stage for a great speech). When the Japanese poet Ryunosuke Satoro
says Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean I think about our
families and our very large extended family our school. Individually we are drops in
the vast, very powerful and very beautiful ocean that resonates with life and teems
with opportunity. Like any ocean there has been rough weather, storms, turbulence
yet by being galvanized together as one family, we have reached our destination,
which is graduation day. We ve arrived. And like any significant accomplishment,
none of us could have done this alone. From the parents who made sure we arrived in
time for classes to our great faculty who have a passion not just for teaching, but
constantly learning too, thank you. Thanks
The Punic Wars
The Punic Wars were made of three major wars. The last war was kind of a
punishment for Carthage from Rome. The two powers in these wars were Rome
and Carthage. Rome was controlling the main peninsula of Italy while Carthage
was controlling the islands and trade of the Mediterranean. Rome and Carthage
were once on a friendly term until things went south well. The Punic Wars have
major historical content that involve both leaders on opposite side as well as the
battles among the two city states. These wars were about two powerful city states
trying to see who is more dominant. These wars were like the US and Russia trying
to show imperial power and show who is the bigger person in town.
1The first Punic War was from 264 241 BC. In 264 BC, Rome intervened in a
dispute on the western coast on the island of Sicily which at that time was a Carthage
province. The intervention was about an attack by soldiers from Syracuse against
Messina. Carthage supported Syracuse and Rome supported Messina. The control
of Sicily was at stake when both Carthage and Rome went into direct conflict.
Before the war started, Rome had been rebuilding its entire fleet in order to confront
Carthage powerful navy. Rome won its first naval victory at Mylae in 260 BC. At
the end of the first Punic War, the Roman fleet indecisive won against the
Carthaginians at sea which ended the Carthaginians legendary naval superiority.
Sicily became Rome s first overseas province.
After its victorious win, Rome took
Japanese Imperialism During Ww2 And Japans Gains From
1/ Define the period of Imperialism that you will be assessing and give a clear
outline of the conflict, its causes and its particular characteristics. Japanese
Imperialism first began in 1868 after the appointment of the 16 year old boy
Emperor, Meiji and the beginning of Japan s famous period of modernisation, the
Meiji Restoration. This period saw the first half of the reign of the Empire of Japan,
and significant changes to the structure, politics, economy, foreign relations and
military of the country. Additionally, The Meiji Periodwitnessed the end of Japanese
feudalism and the beginning of their modernisation. After the period concluded,
the Japanese Empire remained prominent and did so till 1947. Emperor Meiji s
death came two years prior to the beginning of World War I which would see
significant involvement from the Japanese Empire. The war and its aftermath
(1914 23) was the first major era where the Empire of Japan was involved after the
end of the Meiji era. Due to an alliance with the British, Japan entered WW1 as
enemies with Germany. As a result of this rivalry with the Germans, Japan s first
actions in the war were to invade China and capture the German possessions in China.
The Germans had control of the Kiaochow Bay and the railway lines and mining
locations of the Shandong Province. After the ignoring of an ultimatum which would
Child Throwing
Throwing is probably the most common of the ballistic skills yet the most difficult
to assess. As a parent when teaching the child to throw, it is important to begin at a
level that the child can achieve and then slowly increase the level of difficulty, so
that the child is stretched slightly (taking steps backwards, or throwing for longer
distance), each time but does not lose confidence in achieving the task. Also, make
sure while each step is completed give the child lots and lots of praise and
encouragement. With giving encouragement as a parent, the child looks up to you to
give them instruction therefore if the child does a skill correctly keep their
confidence up in order for them to move on to the next step in throwing. ... Show
more content on ...
Without learning the basic steps, it would be difficult to master the task. But with
gender and skill level varying in each child, being patient and boosting their
confidence when they do it correctly is equally important as correctly them when
they make a mistake. What we don t see in young adults as we do in children is
fear. Many children are afraid to try new things. Throwing the correct way is very
important as a child because of the danger of overuse injuries rising all over the
world. Since overhead throwing is not a natural motion of the shoulder, it does
cause strain on the muscles. As a child, I couldn t get enough of sports, so for me
to gain this kind of knowledge through this class is interesting because I had no idea
that breaking down the steps or videotaping the action can breakdown the skill to see
what the child is doing wrong in the motion. The application to this information can
help me raise my kids, it can help me train those who come to me for help.
Developing as an individual is a never ending process and that is what interests me so
much; the fact that we continuously grow throughout our
Albert Bandura Social Learning Theory Study
Another theory that is relevant to the study is Albert Bandura s (1977) Social
Learning Theory. Unlike the experiential learning theory which is more focused on
how the environment affects the behavior of the individual, the social learning
theory is based on the idea that we learn from our interactions with others in a social
context. Moreover, by observing the behaviors of others, people tend to copy and
develop similar behaviors. New concepts of social learningare being formulated as
new trends in distance education programs continue to emerge. The rise in popularity
of these programs continues to increase the physical distance between educators and
students (Smith Berge, 2009). There are three key components to Bandura s social
learning theory(Abbott, n.d.) that are manifesting themselves in the Second Life (a...
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After observing the behavior of others, people then assimilate and imitate that
behavior, especially if their observational experiences are positive ones or include
rewards related to the observed behavior. According to Bandura (Smith Berge,
2009), this kind of imitation involves the actual reproduction of observed motor
activities. This kind of learning through observing can also be reinforced. Bandura
called this as vicarious reinforcement. What he meant is that when the child
observes someone else being rewarded for a particular behavior this then affects
the child in the same way as it would had that the child produced the same behavior
and been rewarded for it. Similarly, vicarious punishment is possible where the child
observes a model being punished for a behavior thus the child is less likely to
produce the behavior because of this observation. This kind of reinforcement creates a
chain of thought for the The presence of such reinforcement stimulate the reward
centers of our brain that triggers and motivates us into actually impersonate the
Prothetics Making Humans Robotic
Robots have long fascinated the minds of humans. From bionic men to
exoskeletons, robots have long filled the big screens and small screens. But, these
technologies have only recently been created through prosthetics. The future of
prosthetics will combine body, mind and machine to fix the broken. The goal of the
science of prosthetics is to restore the independence of amputees and allow them to
do everyday tasks necessary for life that we all take for granted. In the movie Star
Wars Episode V, Luke Skywalker replaced his amputated arm with a perfect bionic
replacement. During that time, replicating limbs seemed very unlikely.
However, now thirty years later the ideas are now a reality and the advances of this
field are now show cased in what America calls the Bionic Man . The Bionic Man
has become the ultimate showcase of the advances of prosthetics with a working heart
, set of lungs and even a human face. Rex, as they call him, is a million dollar
bionic man that was built using all the latest technology from around the world,
which shows how technology is now used to replace missing or damaged parts of
the human body. The incredible bionic man is the world s first attempt at a fully
functioning human robot with organic body parts. Rex can see, walk, talk, grasp
objects and hear. Not only this, but has a fully functioning circulatory system with a
heart, lungs, spleen, pancreas and artificial blood.
To begin, the Bionic Man has one of the most innovative
Heroes Character Analysis
Who is Nicole Renard?
Nicole Renard is an innocent young girl who is not only Francis first and only love
but also the victim of Larry LaSalle.
Can I critically respond to the text, Heroes ? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant
aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters
/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;
That would be nice.
When she agrees to go to the cinema with Francis she transforms him. She offers
him attention and affection that he has lack in his life so far. She enjoys his
company and teases him playfully because he is so shy.
Stay close to me. Why didn t you do something?
These words on the night of the civic ... Show more content on ...
How are you aware that it is difficult to accept anything that Larry says as the truth?
How is everything he says or does designed to create an effect? Robert Cormier
encourages us to look beyond Larry s physical appearance it changes through the
novel. What are the feelings Cormier encourages us to see in him beneath both
appearances? Always remember that Larry sees himself as a creative figure. In fact,
he is destructive. Explain this in your own words.
Can I critically respond to the text, Heroes ? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant
aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters
/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;
Who is Arthur Rivier?
Arthur, another ex serviceman and local boy, was once a star baseball player for the
Frenchtown Tigers and Francis remembers regarding him with admiration for his
sporting prowess. When he first appeared in his uniform, Francis wants to emulate
him. Arthur recognises Francis but agrees to keep the secret.
Can I critically respond to the text, Heroes ? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant
aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters
/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;
Key Quote: Arthur
Arthur: No heroes in that scrap book, Francis. Only us, the boys of Frenchtown.
Can I critically respond to the text, Heroes ? (AO1) I must
Essay about Anxiety Disorder
Among many psychological disorders, anxiety disorders are the most predominant in
the United States. According to Antony (2011), anxiety disorders affect nearly 28.8
percent of the population. An extreme and unrealistic anxiety is the most common
symptom that characterizes all the psychological conditions within the category of
anxiety disorders. The category includes specific phobia, agoraphobia, social phobia,
panic disorder, post traumatic stress disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and
obsessive compulsive disorder. This paper examines obsessive compulsive disorder
discussing the major etymological explanations of anxiety disorders in general,
specifically describing the condition, and discussing actual treatments for the disorder.
... Show more content on ...
Psychotherapy s effectiveness is based on the cathartic or abreactive method used,
where the patient releases psychological tension by re experiencing traumatic
events. Although anxiety can be produced by repressed sexual drives, it can also
be produced by many other repressed emotions like anger, jealousy, and fear. When
these repressed emotions try to reach the conscious, anxiety appears from the
unconscious fears related to the traumatic experience. Then, these affects, emotions
associated with ideas or actions, are re repressed by secondary defenses. Using this
idea, Freud described and explained many dynamic processes involved in anxiety
disorders. For instance, displacement would be a secondary defense in phobias,
while reversal and reaction formation would be secondary defenses in obsessive
compulsive disorder (Wolman Stricker, 1994).
However, Freud had to revise his theory after empirical evidence demonstrated that
abreaction of affects only relieve the symptoms temporally. In his second model,
Freud said that anxiety was a signal for the anticipation of danger that produces
defense mechanisms. In a way, anxiety expresses the level of conflict in the
unconscious. For this reason, abreaction represents only a partial treatment because it
does not resolve the cognitive element of anxiety. Anxiety would be permanent
reduced changing the unconscious anticipation of danger. Nevertheless, cognitive
elements of anxiety are not just based on innate needs and
Literature Review Of The Nile Perch
The Nile Perch is a freshwater fish mostly found and spread out in the Afrotropic
ecozone. It feeds on fish including its own kind, and other small fish such as
minnows and shrimp. It sometimes even feeds on small insects and brush that is
found in the water. Which makes it an invasive species in just about any lake it is
introduced into. It is a great food fish and is also popular to fisherman because it
attacks attacks fishing lures.
Literature Review
Before being introduced into lake Victoria, the Nile Perch was mainly found spread
out over the Afrotropic ecozone. It is native to many river basins as in lake Chad
and the Nile river it was also found in Lake Maryut in the northern part of Egypt.
The Nile was introduced to Lake Victoria to try and help boost the fishing industry
but little did they know it was going to cause many of problems with other fish and
insects in the water.
The Nile Perch is part of the fish family known as Latidae. It is a silver color with a
blue like fade. It has dark black eyes, with a yellow outer ring surrounding them.
The Adult Nile perch can occupy just about any kind of habitat as long as it has
plenty of oxygen but the younger ones tend to like the shallower parts of the water
or anything that is close to the shore. It was introduced into lake victoria in the 1950
s and has been a ecological problem ever since. It can grow up to 6 feet and as big as
500 pounds. It gives commercial fisherman a fish to catch because it is
Analysis Of Marvin Gaye
Elizabeth Mooney
Music in the Rock Era 2852
4 December, 2017
Ain t No Mountain High Enough Analysis Marvin Gaye was born April, 2,1939 in
the District of Columbia. Gaye was married twice; His first marriage was to Anna
Gordy Gaye which ended in 1977. Gaye then married his second wife Jan Gaye
which ended in 1981. In his time being married Gaye managed to have three
children: Nona Gaye, Marvin Gaye III and Frankie Gaye. Marvin, like many other
artist, struggled with heavy depression and drug use. Gaye s depression and drug use
was more likely to be caused by his relationship with his father; Gaye s father started
abusing him at a very young age. Marvin Gaye grew up very religious; Gaye s family
was a part of the Pentecostal faith known ... Show more content on ...
The song was covered by many differents artist. For example, Diana Ross recorded
the song in 1970 and was nominated for a Grammy for her rendition of the song.
Gaye s version of Ain t No Mountain High Enough, has a duration of 2:31 and has
BPM of 130. This may sound like a low BPM; however, think about one of today s
celebrities and the low BPM s of songs. Just for comparing purposes, Adele s hit
record Water Under the Bridge only has a BPM of 95. So Gaye s song is pretty fast
compared to some of Adele s music. The instruments used in Ain t No Mountain High
Enough were the piano and the guitar. The original version was published in the key
of B minor.
The lyrics to Ain t No Mountain High Enough are very easy to understand. Songs
from the past, especially R B/Soul songs, had a very smooth way of bluntly getting
the point across without all the puns or slang of today s music. The song is
performed which such a classic touch of R B and soul. Some say you can really
feel the beauty of a song; R B/Soul is said to be addictive. After one listen of Ain t
No Mountain High Enough, you really crave more R B/Soul Music. However,
some people who are sticklers for grammar may be upset when they hear the double
contraction used in the song. Aint No... is used in the song multiple times and could
be cringe worthy to listeners who do not appreciate a double contraction. Personally,
I believe the lyric Ain t No adds that extra bit of flair needed in the song.
Accidental Asian Chapter Summaries
Today, I started reading the first chapter of the memoir called The Accidental Asian
by Eric Liu. Reading the first chapter is not just for pleasure or information, but for
sympathy and relation. As an international student, I find the story of the author s dad
directly connecting to my life as transiting from Vietnam to the US. His dad boats
across the Pacific with the hope for creating the prosper Liu family. Although he
wants to maintain Chinese manner, Chao hua Liu, the author s father naturally
assimilates into American culture. As he attends University of Illinois, he soon
becomes an elegant man in a Western suit in his own wedding, enjoys his vacation in
luxurious American way. And more important, he communicates by English fluently
... Show more content on ...
As an international student, for me, I find his story can be part of mine in the
future. Having lived in the US for six months, not long enough to completely get
rid of my Vietnamese origin, I sometimes find it difficult to preserve my cultural
traditions while living in American environment, which requires me to be
completely assimilated into it. Going to school, I no longer have to wear in
traditional dress, no longer have to bend my body for 90 degree to greet an adult,
and no longer have to wait for adults on dinner table to eat first before I start to eat.
Flashing back to what I used to traditionally do in Vietnam, I feel regretful, ashamed,
and especially confused whether these changes are assimilation, or just simply
accommodation. Yet, I can assert certainly that what I have experienced in past six
months is categorized as assimilation. Due to Eric Liu s narration about his father s
life, I am again clear about my experience as well as the definition of assimilation: I
take American information, trends and experience and then incorporate with my
existing culture. And unfortunately, I find a way to get rid of my traditions and
replace with American
The Romance Of Three Kingdom Summary
The Romance of three kingdom It was a common proverb said that hero come
from chaos period, during this state of turbulence people would use their
intelligence to create a new world, it was full of bloods, tricks, steel. When one
hero was fell down, after that a new hero was raise up, it was endless like surging
river. the author of the Romance of three kingdom, Luo Guanzhong also came from
chaos, he saw and feel what was verified of this society, how the peasants rebelled to
the centre government, the insurgent militaries were infighting each other, the
complex political conflicts of the royal courts. he was not as a spectator to wrote this
novel, a plenty of plots were himself experience because he was a military counsellor
to help his monarch Zhang Shicheng(еј еЈ«иЇљпј‰ to defeat Zhu Yuanzhang s
attacking. However Zhang was defeated by Yuan, he join the army of Zhu Yuanzhang
and help him to defeat his final... Show more content on ...
The novel covers one hundred and thirteen years of Chinese history, starting in 168
A.D. and ending with the reunification of the land in 280 A.D.[4]Three Kingdoms
describes a fascinating dynastic cycle: the fall of the Han Dynasty under Emperor
Ling due to the Yellow Scarves rebellion, the division of the Empire into the three
kingdoms Shu, Wei, and Wu and the reunification of the empire by the Jin Dynasty.
In the late of Eastern Han dynasty, the emperor was very naive, and the center
authority was controlled by eunuchs and the status of politic was waved.
Furthermore, there were many disasters conducted that people had not enough grain
to deal with the problem of starve so that the government added the tax to peasants.
The peasants did not satisfy that the government deals with anything useless. So they
rebelled the governments in a large group, in history, it was called Yellow Turban
Rebellion. This is the background of the Romance of the three
Leadership And President Of Diversified Funding
When trying to find the meaning of a word, people turn to the dictionary; in the case
of leadership, Webster Dictionary defines it as, the power or ability to lead other
people (Merriam Webster). Yet, this definition is not sufficient. Leadership embodies
varying degrees of meaning as well as different types of leaders, including successful
and unsuccessful ones. Leadershipand leader can be used interchangeably in this
sense, as a leader represents all that leadership seeks to obtain. Representatives
from various companies define leadership in differing ways. Mark Little, the
founder and president of Diversified Funding, states A leader is someone [who]
leads by example and has the integrity to do the right thing even when it is not
popular. A good leader has positive influence over others, inspiring them to become
a better person and example for others to model their life against, as well
(Helmrich). This definition of a leader is key in understanding the actions of
various successful leaders such as Lincoln and Civil Rights lawyers such as Charles
Hamilton Houston and Jack Greenberg in regard to the Brown v. Board of
Education case. In regard to these to mean and other Civil Rights lawyers such as
Thurgood Marshall, Pauli Murray, and Eleanor Holmes Norton, Andrea Walker
Leidy, owner of Walker Publicity Consulting, is precise in saying,
Leadership is the ability to see a problem and be the solution. So many people are
willing to talk about problems or can even
5 Reasons Why You Should Move To The Lower East Side
5 Reasons Why You Should Move To The Lower East Side
The Lower East Side is now one of Manhattan s most fashionable neighborhoods.
From the most bargain clothing stores to their numerous art galleries. Not fully
convinced? there s a variety of music venues, bars and restaurant. If you re
considering moving in the near future, be sure to check out this list of the 5 reasons
why you should move to the Lower East Side.
Art Galleries
There s never a dull moment for residents within the lower east side since there s a
total of 122 art galleries .Which include Marc Straus Gallery and Helena Anrather.
Variety of Food
You ll live among some of the city s best restaurants. . Home of some of NYC iconic
restaurants like Katz which have been within
The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas Analysis
In The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas , the writer has left it up to the reader
interpretation of the townspeople s actions.There are those who, upon learning the
tragic reality of what goes on in Omelas simply cannot handle what they know to be
true and refuse to accept it so they leave never to return again. But the most
disturbing group of people are those who see what is happening and do absolutely
nothing. We will talk about this town, but most importantly, what is it that could be
happening in this small town of Omelas that would make people leave and never
return? The town is described in two different ways, at first there is a positive, upbeat
joyous depiction of this town, full of celebration music and singing. But also... Show
more content on ...
After a dead end investigation and Rehtaeh Parsons enduring months of online
bullying linked to the still circulating pictures, Parsons hanged herself in the
bathroom of her family home (Gillis page 1). This situation was appalling and didn
t have to happen this way, the article states that Photos of her alleged rape at the
hands of four boys spread for days around Cole Harbour High School with nary a
peep to authorities from those who received it Gillis page 1). In fact, it has
become something of a popular game to identify who can bring in new
information first, if you can do this you re going to be the kid who gets that much
more attention at the end of the day (Gillis page 1). I absolutely don t understand
those who know of awful situations and decide to do nothing about what they
know. Kids today probably don t even realize that you can be charged with a sex
crime when you send exploited pictures or videos, not to mention how it destroys
lives. What is it about the popularity and socialism that makes people within groups
such as the people of the town of Omelas or this group of kids at the above
mentioned school go along with horrific events and just say nothing. They go about
their normal lives and pretend to not be affected, but I wonder how they sleep at
night when they are alone and with their thoughts. Do they secretly hate themselves
or do they actually believe they are doing nothing wrong because will if Susie
Racism and African-American Family Breakdown as
Themes in...
Iconic Contemporary Themes Displayed:
Ernest J. Gaines s A Lesson Before Dying
I was not there, yet I was there. No, I did not go to the trial, I did not hear the
verdict, because I knew all the time what it would be... (3). Ernest J. Gaines begins
his contemporary masterpiece with a captivating and explosive first paragraph.
Immediately capturing the reader s attention, the fast paced novel takes us on a
voyage of thematic discovery. Through the voice of Grant Wiggins, a school teacher
disgruntled by his constant struggle for communal equality, we learn of the present
conditions that face our central characters and the contemporary themes that sum up
the novel.
Racism is announced at the forefront of the story. The reader is... Show more content
on ...
Grant undoubtedly fears having to take the entire scope of racism on his shoulders
alone, knowing that a fatal collapse would be the result. Grant fiercely displays his
anguish in a conversation with his Aunt:
Everything you sent me to school for, you re stripping me of it, I told my aunt. They
were looking at the fire, and I stood behind them with the bag of food. The
humiliation I had to go through, going in that man s kitchen. The hours I had to wait
while they ate and drank and socialized before they would even see me. Now going
up to that jail. To watch them put their dirty hands on that food. To search my body
each time as if I m some kind of common criminal. Maybe today they ll want to look
into my mouth, or my nostrils, or make me strip. Anything to humiliate me. All the
things you wanted me to escape by going to school. (79)
During his emotional spill, Grant resorts to the maniacal thought that his aunt has
something to do with the racism he experiences. Ironically, it is the seemingly racist
words of Jefferson s defense attorney that fuels the spectrum of the novel, and the
eventual salvation of both Jefferson and Grant.
A chief theme of the novel is commented upon by Grant himself. During a memorable
speech given to Vivian, he adamantly explains that a vicious cycle of male
abandonment has taken place in
Identity In Henry Turner s Regarding Henry
In Regarding Henry, Henry Turner, an established lawyer and unforgiving husband
is shot twice during a robbery. He is shot in the head and the heart, cutting off some
oxygen supply to his brain. Once he awakes from his coma, he really is
transformed from a selfish, mean man when he was controlled by his id, to a giving
and sweet man, now controlled by his super ego. Henry s natural state is his selfish,
id state.
Beginning with basically the first scene, Henry shows many signs of his id
controlling him. He yells at his daughter, and seems to have a super ego scene
where he feels sorry for her, but he s simply doing it out of obligation. He is very
negative and rude and only cares about himself. It s found out later that the court
case he won, he did it unfairly. He s deep into an affair. He is begging for a reality
check. ... Show more content on ...
Throughout his recovery he meets a new friend named Bradley and barely remembers
anything, including his own family. Therefore, he gets a clean slate and gets to
replace his personality with new experiences. The most influential person in his
new life is Bradley. He is very pivotal in shaping Henry s new persona, now shaped
by superego. He really cares for people and cherishes his family. Since he doesn t
remember his old cheating, lying, rude ways, he s able to just be nice to everyone.
He quickly learns what is socially desirable and practices those ideas. He also does
a complete turn from his old habits. He quits his job because of their wrong ways
of conducting business. He even lies about his memory of things and makes up
something on the spot to comfort his daughter who is nervous about her school. He
becomes selfless, and an example of good morality by society s
The Ethical Responsibility Of Authority
What is the critical issue in this case?
The case study brings out the main issue as the ethical responsibility people in
authority have. Sally is confronted with a serious dilemma after Rick, a student in
her class, comes forward to report a case that requires the intervention of someone in
higher authority. Sally is in a fix on what to do with the information she has been
given; should she report the coach to the higher ups or should she let it slide. Being a
first year teacher does not help in the current situation and she needs to make the right
decision according to the rules and regulations.
Who are the main characters in the case?
There are three main characters in the case study; Rick, the student and co captain of
the varsity s ... Show more content on ...
What do you think Sally should do with the information from Rick? And when?
Sally should use the information given to start an investigation, though not publicly,
into the issues pointed out by Rick. She should go about it by asking one of the
other students about the party but should ask in a way that does not arouse suspicion
from the students or Bill. She should do this immediately to get ahead of the
possibility of being beaten to the punch when the principal gets wind of the situation.
Waiting would only make things harder to explain to any person in authority who
gets wind of the actions of Bill.
Should Sally have gone directly to Bill to hear his side of the story or to confront him?
Being Sally s colleague, Bill should be given a chance to give his side of the story.
Sally should, however, wait before immediately confronting Bill. This is because he
would immediately know that it was Rick who told on him and based on his current
situation, it would have been unpredictable on what he would do. Confronting him
after he denies the allegations after Sally has conducted some investigations would
suggest he was guilty of the charges and Sally would have to take it up with the
What should Sally tell Rick?
Sally should be grateful that Rick has come forward and has given her sometime to
get ahead of this before it became bad. Sally should tell Rick to remain quiet for
some time to let her conduct investigations and be ready to come forward to tell the
Arguments Against Bilingual Education
All throughout its history, bilingual education has been a controversial topic.
Bilingual education is the act of teaching topics in school in a student s native
language and reinforcing those concepts in English or vice versa, thus helping to
improve both languages. This idea with nothing commensurate to it was borne to give
those who did not have the resources to succeed another option has elicited vehement
objections from many. In spite of the fact that points for both sides of the argument
can be made, and have been heavily debated, many have reached the overall
consensus that bilingual educationhas shown to improve one s second languagewhich
is backed by countless studies. Although many may tumultuously argue that there are
not enough resources to provide everyone with this opportunity, with more
government funding, bilingual educationcan benefit many, even those outside the
intended audience. When it comes to bilingual education as seen when applied on a...
Show more content on ...
One benefit they may see from this is the ethnic diversity their child would be
receiving due to the culture being taught in the courses (Bowern). Accustoming
themselves to a country and its culture allows for the children being taught to adapt
to that specific country if they ever wish to visit or move there. Many may claim
that bilingual programs are aimed towards immigrants who need extra help, yet a
new group of parents are utilizing this new program to also give their children an
advantage. In addition, with the diversity in the nation, being able to speak multiple
languages is a benefit that many wish to have (Porter). Parents witnessing the
changing times wish to give their children a leg up on the competition by enrolling
them in programs which will help them develop the skill to speak another
Norman, The Conqueror And The Norman Army
Norman success in late 11th century England
The tactics used by William the Conqueror and the Norman army, militarily,
administratively, and culturally, impacted their success in imposing their power
within the English kingdom. These tactics worked in tandem, increasing the success
of each of their objectives. The military force used by the Normans was useful in
gaining and later maintaining territories for the crown, the administration allowed
William the Conqueror s reign to act in a more effective manner under him in the
early days of his rule, and the cultural and religious structures allowed the Normans to
integrate the already closely tied Norman and English societies.
Arguably the most important factor in the exertion of power over the English was
the ability by the Normans to act militarily. The warlike attitude of the Normans,
combined with the religious aspects that will be discussed later, provided them with
a ready and capable army with which to support William s claim to the throne. The
early years of William s rule, after the 1066 defeat of Harold, emerged as a sort of
military occupation within England by the Normans. These years were crucial in the
Norman advance within England. When William came to England he arrived with a
large support of military men and much of these supporting military men remained in
England because of their military duties. This army aided William not only in the
initial battle against Harold, but later as well, through their
Iphone O Longer Gets Programming Redesigns From Apple
On June 9. 2008, Apple declared its successor, the iphone 3g. The first iphone o
longer gets programming redesigns from Apple; its last form was iphone OS (now
ios) 3.1.3.
The iphone 4 is an ios cell phone created by Apple Inc. revealed on June 7,2010 at
Apple s Worldwide engineers meeting in San presented the Retina
It is the sixth era of the iphone .The iphone 5.the iphone 5 offered real plan changes
in examination to its ancestor. These incorporated an aluminum based body which
was more slender and lighter than past models. It has Apple A6 framework chip.
Another lightening dock which could be utilized from either sides
The iphone 5c is the first iphone to be discharged to GSM bearers, for example, T
Mobile since the iphone 4.
The 5c runs out on the most recent adaptation of working framework ,ios 7,which
was published at the organization s Apple Worldwide Developers Conference
(WWDC) 2013.
The iphone 5s is a cell phone discharged on September 20, 2013. It has new home
catch configuration utilizing a laser cut sapphire spread encompassed by a metallic
ring, Touch ID, an unique finger impression scanner framework assembled
specifically to open the iphone and validate store and itunes buys, and an upgraded
Camera with a bigger opening and a double LED glimmer improved for distinctive
shade temperatures. It likewise presented A7 double mineral processor with M7
movement co processor.
ipad first Generation: It is outfitted with a 9.7 inch
Tia Case Study
NURSING DIAGNOSIS Ineffective tissue perfusion / Altered cerebral tissue
perfusion Risk for injury: Stroke Impaired verbal communication r/t ischemic injury
NURSING DIAGNOSIS Ineffective tissue perfusion / Altered cerebral tissue
perfusion Risk for injury: Stroke Impaired verbal communication r/t ischemic injury
NURSING INTERVENTIONS Careful monitoring of neurological status (Glasgow
come scale, LOC, pupillary responses, extremity movement and strength, facial
symmetry, speech and vital signs). Decrease in LOC may indicate increased ICP.
Tube feedings and IV fluids r/t dysphagia. F/C r/t incontinence, pt is placed on B
amp;B training program. Preventing contractures, building muscle tone with ROM
activities, controlling... Show more content on ...
Other symptoms may include: tinnitus, vertigo, blurred vision, diplopia, eyelid
ptosis and ataxia. MANIFESTATIONS Contralateral weakness of the lower face,
hands, arms and legs; transient dysphasia; numbness or loss of sensation;
headache; temporary loss of vision of one eye; sudden inability to speak. Other
symptoms may include: tinnitus, vertigo, blurred vision, diplopia, eyelid ptosis and
ataxia. ETIOLOGY Episode of cerebrovascular insufficiency with temporary
episodes of neurologic dysfunction lasting less than 24 hours and often less than 15
minutes. Most TIA symptoms resolve within 3 hours. Symptoms lasting longer than
24 hours are classified as a stroke. TIAs are thought to be caused by microemboli
that temporarily occlude blood flow resulting in ischemia of brain tissue. Often
occurs in patients with carotid artery stenosis. ETIOLOGY Episode of
cerebrovascular insufficiency with temporary episodes of neurologic dysfunction
lasting less than 24 hours and often less than 15 minutes. Most TIA symptoms
resolve within 3 hours. Symptoms lasting longer than 24 hours are classified as a
stroke. TIAs are thought to be caused by microemboli that temporarily
Lego Case Study Essay
Lego case study
1. How did the information systems and the organization design changes
implemented by Knudstorp align with the changes in business strategy?
Ever since LEGO started experiencing double digit annual sales growth, (by
launching new toy games, branded theme parks, entering the video game sector,
introducing mobile applications, introducing toys for girls, etc.) they realized they
needed a model that was standardized, modular and scalable. Hence, allowing them
to expand to new markets in a less amount of time. They already had a decently
established market in USA and UK; they were looking for an expansion in other
countries as well. This model had to tackle major issues like scalability challenges,
employee ... Show more content on ...
The IBM technologies offered high business flexibilities by their virtualization
technologies that delivered high utilization factors and the ability to expand partitions
or move workload easily. Thus, this is how the Information Systems and the
organization design changes implemented by Knudstorp were aligned with the
changes in business strategy.
Ref: http://www
2. Which of the generic strategies does LEGO appear to be using based on this case?
Provide support for your choice.
The generic strategies used by LEGO (according to me) were:
Growth strategy
Product differentiation strategy
Corporate strategy
Growth strategy: With the help of growth strategy, LEGO introduced new toys in the
market. Initially LEGO was something that boys liked playing with but Knudstorp
introduced LEGO for girls thus targeting girl child audience which increased his
market. Not only this, they also entered the video game sector by making virtual
games after collaborating with Sony (which was ruling the gaming console market at
that point of time). Later, they started making figures with famous characters from
Hollywood movies (Star wars, Batman, The Avengers, etc.).
Product differentiation strategy: Lego was facing stiff competition from its Canadian
rival Mega Blocks. They used the product
Comparing Pentheus And Dionysus The King Of The
Greek drama was performed in the late 6th century BCE in ancient Greece.
Tragedians like Euripides wrote very influential and popular plays such as the
Bacchae. Greek tragedies lead to Greek comedies such as Aristophanes Lysistrata.
Many of the Greek dramas have similar concepts, one of being duality. Without
duality, the nature of our lives and the environment around us remains unbalanced.
Pentheus and Dionysus represent a factor of duality. For example, they both battle
against each other to prove their point as leaders. Pentheus has just become the
new king of Thebes and would like to gain power of his people. He seeks to rule
over with rationality and social order. Whereas Dionysus is the youngest of all
Olympians and wishes to prove to the world that he is an all powerful god.
However, he is also known as the god of wine and believes that everyone should
wind down once in a while and celebrate with self intoxication. His irrational ideas
and objectives are the opposite of Pentheus. The ultimate conflict between the two
characters is that Pentheus is in denial of Dionysus existence because he refuses to
believe in irrationality. For example in lines 471 480 in the Bacchae, Pentheus is
speaking to Dionysus about Dionysus and is in denial of his existence. Pentheus is
so oblivious that he does not even recognize his presence. This relates to duality
because Dionysus is the opposite force working against Pentheus or vice versa.
Pentheus is devoted to living with
Lloyd School Swot Analysis
Claremont McKenna School is a private establishment that was established in 1946.
It has an aggregate undergrad enlistment of 1,301, its setting is rural, and the
grounds size is 69 sections of land. It uses a semester based scholarly schedule.
Claremont McKenna School s positioning in the 2016 version of Best Universities is
National Aesthetic Sciences Universities, 9. Its educational cost and expenses are
$49,045 (2015 16).
Claremont McKenna School is situated in Claremont, California, at the foot of the
San Gabriel Mountains, 35 miles east of downtown Los Angeles. The school is a
piece of the seven school consortium known as The Claremont Universities, which
incorporates Scripps School, Pomona, Harvey Mudd School, Pitzer School, Claremont
Raymond Carver Cathedral Theme
Rosa Alicia Ghazaly
Mr. Joel Ohren
English 102
December 15 2016
Cathedral Theme
I read the short story Cathedral by Raymond Carver. This story describes the first
time meeting between a blind man and a sighted man. Robert, who is blind, is
visiting for a few days with his long time friend who is the wife and her husband is
only referred to as Bub. The wife and Bub are both sighted.
When the wife ended her employment with Robert over ten years ago, Robert asked
if he could touch her face before she left. Robert and the wife stayed in touch even
after she left her old job by communicating with audio tape over the past ten years.
The wife has just picked up Robert at the train station and brought him to her home.
Bub, the husband has never met ... Show more content on ...
A Cathedral is a place for people to go and worship, to connect with God. By drawing
the Cathedral the narrator is in some ways also making a connection. For the first
time he appears to be able to see.
There is also a sense of irony at the end of the story. The narrator s eyes are closed
and he is being led by a blind man, yet he is able to see. Carver never explains what
it is the narrator sees, but there is the sense that he has found a connection and is no
longer detached or isolated.
Raymond Carvers choice of theme of blindness makes his goal of offering a
deeper understanding of the nature of human a success. He is able to tell readers
that there is physical blindness and psychological blindness. Those with the
physical disability could see well than those who are not. This motif is accentuated
by these examples from the story the first is the demeanor of Bub which shows
signs of disapproval of the imminent visit of his wife s blind friend, the second is
his contemplating the basis of his wife s friendship with Robert, and the third is his
verbal and sensory interaction with the blind man when he draws a cathedral on a
Earthquake Drills In America
Why should we prepare? The entire West coast of the Americas lies on the edge of
geologic plates, a large portion of these plate boundaries are subduction zones.
These geologic features present some very serious risks such as earthquakes,
tsunamis, and volcanic activity. Although we have known about these risks for
many years and have experienced many disasters of varying scales, people living in
these known disaster zones still do not prepare. Earthquake drills are usually drills
people participate in to streamline evacuation practices implemented by emergency
service personnel, but offer little value to participants. The purpose of this research is
to investigate the influence of regular earthquake drills or emergency exercises on
individual... Show more content on ...
How prepared on a scale of 1 5, (five being 100% prepared) for an earthquake? Have
you ever attended hazard preparedness education training of any kind? If yes, did
hazard preparedness training motivate you to seek further information? Has your
emergency preparedness plan been changed lately? Have you received
information about hazard preparedness? Did it prompt you to make any changes to
your preparedness levels? How many emergency exercises have you participated
in the past year? On a scale of 1 5, how involved are you in your community? How
long do you think it will take emergency services to reach you after an earthquake?
The survey questions I chose were analyzed to investigate how individuals
perceptions of preparedness were influenced by the amount and types of
emergency preparedness education they self reported as having participated in. I
used quantitative analysis of quantitative data to create comparative charts of the
survey results. The first question I analyzed, How prepared on a scale of 1 5, (five
being 100% prepared) are you for an earthquake? used a Likert type scale to gain
insight into how prepared participants perceived themselves to be for an earthquake.
In my data analysis I assigned qualitative descriptions to the quantitative ratings
people gave as their preparedness level as
The Philosophical View Of Anthropocentrism Essay
1788. The year that Indigenous Australians would mark in shame and the rest of
Australia would celebrate. From the perspective of 2016, the events which took
place in 1788 were barbaric, destructive and horrific to say the least. Indigenous
Australians were shot, enslaved and stolen by the early settlers, all because they
were seen as inferior, less civilized and were thus, merely savages for the benefit of
a superior kind. The first part of this essay will therefore discuss how the
philosophical view of anthropocentrism was embedded into the early European
culture, and how it justified their actions. Further, it will be shown how a legal
pluralism was used to manipulate the Indigenous Australians, and how it seemingly
justified their actions. These philosophical views will aid in the understanding of why
the Indigenous were treated in so harshly, and why they deserve recognition for their
injustices. Further, this discussion will aid in understanding of why the relationship
between the Indigenous and the state has developed in such an undesirable manor.
The second part of this essay will discuss proposed mechanisms which will try and
provide solutions, such as recognition, to the historical wrongs associated with
colonisation. These mechanisms include the proposal of an amendment made to the
Constitution, whereby Indigenous Australians will be granted constitutional
recognition. Further, a proposed mechanism is the creation of a treaty between the
The Myths of Vietnam Essay
Contending versions of the Vietnam War and the antiwar movement began to
develop even before the war ended. The hawks version, then and now, holds that the
war was winnable, but the press, micromanaging civilian game theorists in the
Pentagon, and antiwar hippies lost it. . . . The doves version, contrarily, remains that
the war was unwise and unwinnable no matter what strategy was employed or how
much firepower was used. . . Both of these versions of the war and the antiwar
movement as they have come down to us are better termed mythsthan versions of
history because they function less as explanations of reality than as new justifications
of old positionsand the emotional investments that attended them (Garfinkle, 7).
Pro war or ... Show more content on ...
George Bush s promise not to make Kuwait another Vietnam in 1991.
Bill Clinton s attempts to avoid military service and whether those attempts were
Comparisons between Gulf War Syndrome and Agent Orange related health problems
among veterans.
Continuing questions about whether N.A.T.O. involvement in the former Yugoslavia
could become another Vietnam.
While the controversy over the war has often been reduced to simplistic pro war or
anti war arguments as illustrated in the opening quotation, a more nuanced reading
of post war literature shows many more areas of controversy. All of these
controversies cross over from hawks to doves and back again. Much of the post war
controversy over Vietnam can be summarized in four myths .
The first myth is that the micormanaging civilians in Washington lost an otherwise
winnable conflict. A second myth deals with the degree to which the radical,
countercultural anti war movement forced President Nixon to end the war. A third is
the Rambo myth which claims that American prisoners of war were kept in captivity
in Southeast Asia after the cessation of American military involvement and may still
have been imprisoned into the 1990s. And lastly, we will examine the myth that the
US government would never knowingly harm its soldiers.
These four myths have been examined in numerous books published since the end of
Ethical Dilemmas In Nursing
According to Perry and Potter (2014) Ethical Dilemma is a conflict between two
sets of human values, both of which are judged to be good but neither of which can
be fully served. Nurses regardless of what healthcare setting they work and of where
they function in wide ranging roles, face ethical dilemmas on their daily practices.
Ethical behavior depends on several factors because what a person consider as moral
may vary from another individual s approach to the situation. Resolving an ethical
dilemma requires deliberate, critical, and systematic thinking because ethical
decisions that are made could have an impact to nurses, patients and families as well.
(Potter, 2014)
Therefore, an orderly process is used by healthcare ... Show more content on ...
However, his wife is opposed to Jim s wish of not be resuscitated She begins to yell
at the nurse and implored to provide a CPR to his husband. The nurse politely
decline the wife s request as it is strictly forbidden to provide a CPR in the event of a
cardiac arrest and that there is nothing she can do about it. Surprisingly, the wife
initiated a CPR to his husband who has an advance directive with a DNR order, this
arises an ethical dilemma.
Gather all information relevant to the case As mentioned above, an advance directive
is a legal document in which allows the patient to make decision for himself such as
stating the amount and type of medical treatments the patient wishes to receive, and
will be carried out in the event where the patient will be incapable to decide for
himself or unable to communicate or if death is imminent.
(Potter, 2014) This is created ahead of time to prevent confusion later on. Healthcare
providers need to maintain the patient s right for autonomy, and supporting patient s
decision regardless of what they may be. Furthermore, an advance directive form is
used to tell or request to the attending physician that a patient doesn t want to be
resuscitated. (Am Fam
Physician, 2010) The DNR order is then placed in the patient s medical record so that
Neil Degrasse Tyson Coming To Our Senses Rhetorical
Rhetorical Analysis of Coming to Our Senses
Equipped with our five senses, along with telescopes and microscopes and mass
spectrometers and seismographs and magnetometers and particle accelerators and
detectors across the electromagnetic spectrum, we explore the universe around us and
call the adventure science. Neil deGrasse Tyson
Neil deGrasse Tyson, an American astrophysicist, and director of the Hayden
Planetarium at the American Museum of Natural History used this quote to clearly
express his idea in his writing Coming to Our Senses that we need technology with
our senses to fully explore the world. Neil deGrasse Tyson used many different types
of rhetorical devices to convince his thoughts to his audience.
Tyson being an astrophysicist made him more appealing to his audience because they
knew that Tyson knew and understood what he was talking about. When he quoted
Edwin ... Show more content on ...
This helps the reader to make a connection to what the author was trying to express.
He also gives this example the original Star Trek sci fi series, the crew that beamed
down from their starship to the uncharted planet always brought with them a
tricorder a handheld device that could analyze anything they encountered, living or
inanimate, for its basic properties. (pg. 163) He was explaining if that we would we
have great sense but, we would still need other devices to help us explore the world.
This was effective because it took his abstract idea and used an example the many
already knows about to help them understand his idea. This made the audience enjoy
the paper and understand it better with both examples of
Alexander Fleming Penicillin
Beyond the images of child labor and intense impoverishment that lingered around the
1920s, an era of antibiotics emerged. Sir Alexander Fleming, a bacteriologist from
London, created a medicine that pioneered the path for growth in the medical field,
penicillin. His discovery of the revolutionizing drug was nothing more than by
Fleming was a captain of the Royal Army Medical Corps, in addition to his medical
background. During his wartime experiences, when having to treat soldiers with
terminal sepsis, it fueled his desire to find any cure to this nuisance (unknowingly
creating a drug that will save millions). Sir Fleming s first encounter with the
antibiotic occurred when, returning from a vacation (Grimsley 1). Ironic to the
formality ... Show more content on ...
saw the use of antibiotics skyrocket because of a catastrophic fire at the Cocoanut
Grove Night Club in Boston, Massachusetts. Its success with healing the infections of
burn patients aided, ... the War Production Board to underwrite major research...
efforts (Grimsley 1). With the War Production Board sponsoring the exploration of
penicillin, they wouldn t have discovered one major roadblock; the ability to mass
produce Penicillium, the mold in which penicillin is derived, would have never been
conquered. Because the current method was deemed, ...slow and inadequate, a single
pound would cost $45,000 (Grimsley 1). As roadblocks to penicillin s advancements
became known, research efforts became futile and, inevitably, the War Production
Board withdrew their support in favor for another medicine. Miraculously, scientists
at the Peoria labs created an effective way to grow Penicillium in mass, solving
their dilemma. Called the Deep Fermentation method, it consisted of large drums
growing the Penicillium mold, which is constantly being, agitated and aerated
(Grimsley 2). Following its success in mass production, the military became one of
its major contributors. Pilot studies, an army field of education, persuaded the U.S.
Army to purchase 150 million units per weeks for hospital use, as a result,
penicillin saw its usefulness in everyday war, more notably, the Norway landing of
June 1944 (Grimsley 2). It goes to show, with the ability to mass produce penicillin,
thousands were able to escape amputation or even
Essay on Exploring Social Care Policy and Provision
Exploring Social Care Policy and Provision
Defining poverty is not easy and there are several reasons for it and again in
different countries levels of poverty differ depending on culture. Dallos, R and
McLaughlin, E describes one reason for poverty being the welfare state, and calls for
fundamental changes in its operation . I will be exploring how poverty and the welfare
state are linked how it has emerged and what has been done to help eradicate this for
those immersed in this lifestyle. One of the ways people can be helped and poverty
can be targeted is though through welfare rights Bateman, N (2005). I will look at
the role of the welfare rights unit where I had my first practice ... Show more content
on ...
This was the drive for change and the way forward for the welfare state it actually
identified. Five major problems that needed to be tackled in post war Britain want,
disease, ignorance, squalor and idleness Pierson, J and Thomas, P (2002). This
report made several recommendations to combat these issues and the benefits
system was created, several policies were made to support the recommendations
like the Family Allowances Act 1945 the National Insurance Act 1946 and so on.
The Beveridge Report though did also have several failings in it, which
concentrated on the more vulnerable members of our society like those who are
disabled and sick, as it was targeting those who could work and maintained benefits
at low levels so to encourage the return to work. Though the National Assistance
Act of 1948 did assist to help solve some of these issues as it imposed a duty on
local authorities to provide accommodation for those in need for people over 18
who are ill or disabled Beveridge, J (1954). This is still an ongoing trend today that
these people are still disadvantaged by the system and by the means tested way it
works. The welfare rights process though helps those who are disadvantaged in
several ways like assisting as advisor and advocate Marshall cited in Banks S (2002)
recognised that the aim of the welfare state is not to remove inequalities of income,
rather than
Ferdinand Magellan Research Paper
Ferdinand Magellan was born in Northern Portugal in 1480. As a young child he
studied maps and navigation and his dream was to become an explorer. His
parents were a part of the Portuguese nobility and when they died, Magellan became
a page for the queen when he was only ten years old. In 1505, when Ferdinand
twenty, he joined a fleet of Portuguese ships that were sailing to East Africa. From
then on he became a sailor in the Portuguese fleet. In this position Magellan sailed
as far as the Moluccas, islands in Indonesia, which at that time were called the
Spice Islands. The Moluccas were the source of the most sought after spices, such
as Cloves and Nutmeg. In 1513 Magellan was wounded while serving in Morocco,
and walked with a limp for the rest of his life. After his injury, Portuguese officials
accused Magellan of trading illegally with the Moroccans. He begged the king to
let him keep his job but in spite of all he had done for Portugal the king fired him
and no further job offers were presented to him in Portugal.... Show more content on ...
The Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494 stated that all undiscovered territories east of the
demarcation line were given to Portugal and all territories west of the line were given
to Spain. For three years Magellan studied the most recent navigation charts. His
belief was that he could find a much shorter route to the Spice Islands by sailing
across the Atlantic Ocean, around South America and across the Pacific. Such a
voyage would give the Spanish access to the goods of the Spice Islands without
having to travel across Portuguese territory, therefore increasing the trade in Spain.
With the consent of the Spanish king, Charles the V, he set out with a fleet of five
fully supplied
The Epidemic Of Ebola Virus
Children around the world fear the dark because they do not understand it. Much
like a child s fear of the dark, the panic caused by the Ebola virus is largely due to
misunderstanding and is often blown out of proportion. The Ebola virus is
discussed in the media because it generates hysteria, even though it is nowhere near
as threatening as it is often claimed to be. Do not make the assumption that the virus
itself is not lethal, as indeed it is one of the deadlier pathogens in the world;
however, a variety of factors contribute to making the Ebolavirus a less than perfect
killer; in order to know why, it is important to understand what exactly the Ebola
virus is.
In the most basic sense, Ebola has RNA as its genetic material and belongs to the
virus family Filoviridae, the same family as the Marburg virus. According to Peters
and Peters (1999), Marburg virus was first discovered in 1967. It was the first virus
of the Filoviridae family uncovered; Ebola was the second, being discovered in
1976. Ebola was initially encountered in the Democratic Republic of the Congo,
where several outbreaks of Hemorrhagic Fever were documented. Teams sent to deal
with these outbreaks found an almost total cessation of transmission. Survivors,
however, provided an excellent source of data.
The survivors demonstrated that the reason for this cessation was that the virus had
killed most of the medical staff in affected areas. The hospitals in regions such as the
Congo are often subpar,
Natural Gas World Market
Introduction Table .1
OPEC Graph.1
Major Natural gas producers Graph.2
Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF)
Natural gas Demand Price
Natural gas could be the 100% replacement of crude oil
1. Introduction
Natural gas is a very important energy source in the world and it is the cleanest and
most hydrogen rich of all the hydrocarbon energy sources and it has high energy
conversation efficiencies for power generation [1]. In olden days natural ... Show
more content on ...
Iran: Iran is stood up one the second largest proven reserve for Natural gas. As per
the latest reports around 1000 Trillion cubic feet natural gas reserve after Russia.
There is many gas fields inside the country but it is really spread in different areas
like onshore and offshore. The main fields are South par,North pars, Kangan, Nar
and these south pars is showing its important role in this industry.
Iran s strategic partnership with Russia the global gas economy is watching very
crucially especially the European countries and in GECF Iran stood an important
role among the all countries Iran s major export is medium term gas export
consumers like China, India and Pakistan. Qatar: As per the proven reserve Qatar
standing 3rd position after Russia and Iran with more than 900 Trillion Cubic Feet.
Major reserve is on the north field which is seems to be a geographical relation
between Iran s south par field. Qatar natural gas industry is mainly controlled by the
Qatar gas. This company is a consortium of Exxonmobil, Mitsui and Marubeni. Qatar
having an important role in this GECF and their headquarters strategically situated
on Doha capital of Qatar .Qatar planning a huge increase of production in coming
years by the proper planning. Qatar is largest exporter of LNG to USA this relation
Six Arguments For The Existence Of God
Two weeks ago we discussed about Existence of God in our class. We had an
argument about God and religion. Six arguments for the Existence of God , one
argument for The rationality of belief in God , and one argument Against the reality
of religion . I didn t like this topic and the concept of this topic at all. Because God
and religionstuffs are entirely personal issue. It depends on the person either he/she
will belief God, follow the religion or not. Even though both believers and
nonbelievers, doubt that God existences can be revealed or even argued about. I m
strongly disagree with that whereas belief, religion, worship, God is so personal, it s
become a controversial topic. Rational, formal and logical argument do have a place
in... Show more content on ...
Although it s not a topic of argument but still if someone tells me that I can t argue
for the existence of God, I will tell them I can. If someone tells me I can t prove that
God exist, I will tell them I can. If someone tells me religion isn t real then I will
honestly tell them they need some guidance in life. However, if they are perfectly
content with the way they are then I will just have to congratulate them and stay
quiet. I ve always said, science can take you so far, the rest is up to God. I m not
here to preach that my religion is better than any other and that I am one hundred
percent correct but this is why I believe in Islam. Existence of God has similarity
with the topic What reality is , because we really don t know Does the God exists
or not, it s like maybe there is some actually nothing or maybe we don t know. But
think about that there are million billon building in the whole world and someone
created them, like that someone exists who created the whole world and manage
everything properly. Everyone may not be agree with me, they can say nothing exists
outside of the natural kingdom and no amount of evidence could convince me to
believe in
Abraham Lincoln s First Inaugural Address Essay
Lastly, the impact of these speeches from the establishment of war which differs to
the support of Germany s leader. While in Abraham s oratory it led to each side of
the nation thinking he was to one sided in belief and helped pushed on the idea of the
civil war even thought that was the opposite of Lincoln s intentions. Peterson
exclaims how the audience remained silent through speech with apprehension and
that the speech made Northern radicals see him as too conciliatory and the southern
sympathizers see him as too firm ( Lincoln, Lincoln Delivers His First Inaugural
Address, 512). Varhola explained that even after the election and speech given, the
seceding states remained recalcitrant, seizing Federal forts and arsenals in the South,
... Show more content on ...
The United States was separated by culture and opinions, while in Germany, during
this era, there was persecutions and the idea of war. Next, Abraham Lincoln held a
calm tone throughout his speech, whereas Adolf Hitler carried a commanding tone.
Also, the two speakers contrasted in their own personal agendas for having the
speech. For example, Lincoln hoped to unite the public and create a rationally
thinking public whereas Hitler wanted the opposite by justifying his actions and
having his listeners join his cause mindlessly. Within the first speech, there is a
personification and rhetorical questions to represent unity with the country and to
get the audience to rethink their views; While in the second oratory, there is
repetition of personal pronouns to show own importance and denouncing words to
bring down his opposers. The 19th century speech, led to the disregard of national
power and the start of war unlike the 20th century whose impact created a unity
behind his cause and a dispute on if Hitler held too much influence. These speeches
occur in momentous times in the world; they show what a true honest leader should
be from how he talks and acts. This should be applied to our modern regime to see if
Homeschool Is Not School At Home
Homeschool First time I heard about homeschooling, I had tons of question about it. I
was wondering. What are some requirement that parents have go through to be able to
teach their children? Why parents choose homeschool rather then let s their children
go to compound school, and how they manage their schedule? What are some
approach that parents use to teach? However, after question myself; the image of
homeschoolinghave refresh on my childhood s school. During my childhood, my
family used to do homeschool. My dad provide chalks, blackboard, and textbooks.
My uncle and my brother were teachers. They taught my sibling and me math,
reading and writing. Sometime, my dad taught us English. Some people define that
homeschool is not school at home and some people say that it is a school at home.
Anyway, my definition of homeschool is school that educate with everything that we
learn from, and from the real life that have the parents as teachers and partners that
learn a long. Homeschool started in the 1960s and 1970s when some parents didn t
like publish school system. In the mid 1980s, homeschool had been well and had
increased from 150000 to 200000 children. In the mid 1990s, the number of children
had risen from 500000 to 600000, (Linsenbach 3). Up to today, Homeschool have
increase double the number of the student up to 2.5 million. The requirements for
homeschooling are varies from different state. The first important the requirement is
parents qualification of
Bean Bag Toss Research Paper
Corn hole board sets and their different types available now
Description: Bean bag toss can be your best pastime, but only if you know how to
find the perfect one for yourself. The following section will help you do just that.
This article describes the different types of bean bag toss game sets that you will
find available for purchase. It will help you choose the one that suits your
preferences, so that you can have a fun leisure time with friends and family.
Types of material generally used:
Corn hole board sets are primarily made with hard and soft wood. Plastic sets are also
available in the market nowadays, but wooden ones are given more preference.
Hard wood sets
Hard wood, mainly Poplar and Birch are used to make this variety of the ... Show
more content on ...
Description: Making a bean bag toss set is all about precision and familiarity with
woodwork processes. The following article will discuss the necessary things to keep
in mind while making one.
Bean bag toss is one of the fastest popularity gaining leisure games. Due to its
appeal to a wide age group, there has been a recent surge in purchase of these game
sets. Cornhole now has its own associations with many online pages and a large
number of online sellers are interested in doing business related to this. Making a
corn hole board is a relatively easy process; it only requires that you have an in depth
knowledge of woodworking, and precision while working.
Dimensions and mandates of a Bean bag toss board:
The American Cornhole Association mandates that the game platform should be 48
inches by 12 inches board, with a 6 inch diameter hole which is centered 9 inches
below the top edge. The platform should be made from ВЅ inch thick plywood. The
front edge stands 2ВЅ inches to 4 inches above the ground while the rear end has to
be exactly 12 inches above. Your diagram and planning for building the board should
adhere exactly to these measurements. Regulation Cornhole also requires that the
grain bags should be made of duck canvas that is 6 inches square, and filled with 2
cups or 1 pound (US) of grain. However, plastic filled grain bags can also be used in
place of grain ones, which will make the bags, weatherproof and durable. Grain filled
bags may get damaged if left for long in rain or close to
Analysis Of The Wizard Of Oz Mise En Scene
This course have proven to be very informative on the construct of a movie. There
are many components to a movie one would not have known by just viewing it in
a theater. From the director to the producer, from story to plot, and so many other
elements movie creation requires ample energy and resources to make.
Throughout my expedition in this course I was able to complete an analysis of a
movie and identity the genre as well. Furthermore, I was allowed to view the Mise
En Scene the movie provided. The movie I have discuss all through this course
was The Wizard of Oz. In this paper I will analyze the story, plot, aesthetic choice,
and social choice used in The Wizard of Oz. The director of the movie is Victor
Fleming and a few uncredited... Show more content on ...
The most prominent motivation appears to be taking advantage of the most
lucrative means of exploiting a storyline patent the creation of a unique movie
plot. ( McEniery, 2009) The plot is the unfolding of the story. In The Wizard of Oz
Dorothy lives in Kansas with her Aunt and Uncle. She is swept away by a tornado
into Munchkin County in a land called Oz. Her farm house lands on the wicked
witch of the east, who was the evil ruler of Munchkin County. The good witch of
the north gives Dorothy the magical slippers from the deceased evil witch of the
east. Dorothy s only desire is to get home, so the good witch tells her of the great
and powerful Wizard of Oz that can help her. With a kiss on the cheek and a
magical protection spell, Glinda instructs her to follow the yellow brick road to
find the wizard. Along the way Dorothy frees the Scarecrow from the pole on
which he is hanging, applies oil from a can to the rusted connections of the Tin
Woodman, and meets the Cowardly Lion. The Scarecrow wants a brain, the Tin
Woodman wants a heart, and the Cowardly Lion wants courage, so Dorothy
encourages the three of them to journey with her to ask for help from the Wizard.
After several adventures they reach the wizards palace in Emerald. There they met
the Gate Guardian who tells them they must wear green tinted spectacles to keep
from being blinded in the city. The wizard agrees to help them if only they could
kill the wicked witch of the west. The witch see them approaching her castle and
sends her flying monkeys to capture them. Captured and slave workers for the
witch, the foursome manage to defeat the witch by throwing water on her. They
return to the wizard and discover he is not a wizard at all and that he arrived in Oz
by a hot air balloon. He then explains to the scarecrow, tin man, and lion that what
they desired they had all along. He tells Dorothy that all she has to do is click her
heels together and
Waffle House Research Paper
Many people believe that Waffle House, a famous restaurant chain, is a dirty place
and that deters people from ever visiting but there is way more to it. Now, Waffle
House is not the cleanest; I ll give the people that, but the environment you step
into is the best, plus the food is awesome. Every time I walk into the Waffle House
located in Laplace, Louisiana, the staff gives a warming welcome and it can t help
but make you smile. You feel welcomed and you actually feel like they want to
serve you. Right away my order is placed and it s the same every time, a chocolate
chip waffle with hash browns and a glass of chocolate milk. The best part is that my
order is always correct! Hypothetically speaking, if something was wrong with my

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Rosa Parks Essay.pdf

  • 1. Rosa Parks Essay Crafting an essay on the subject of Rosa Parks can be both challenging and rewarding. The difficulty lies not only in the need to provide a comprehensive overview of her life but also in capturing the essence of her impact on civil rights and American history. Rosa Parks' role in the Montgomery Bus Boycott and her lifelong commitment to fighting racial injustice make her a complex and multifaceted figure to explore. To do justice to such a significant historical figure, one must delve into extensive research to understand the social and political context of the time. Unraveling the layers of Parks' personal experiences, motivations, and the broader implications of her actions requires meticulous examination. Moreover, conveying the emotional and historical significance of her refusal to give up her bus seat adds another layer of complexity to the essay. Addressing the broader implications of Rosa Parks' activism necessitates discussing the impact she had on the Civil Rights Movement and the subsequent changes in American society. The writer must carefully navigate through the intricacies of the political landscape, social dynamics, and the legal battles that ensued. In addition, striking a balance between historical accuracy, personal reflection, and engaging storytelling is crucial. The challenge lies in avoiding oversimplification while ensuring that the essay remains accessible to a diverse audience. Furthermore, incorporating the significance of Parks' legacy in contemporary discussions on race and equality adds an extra layer of relevance and complexity to the task. Despite the challenges, the process of writing a Rosa Parks essay offers a unique opportunity to reflect on the courage and resilience of an individual who played a pivotal role in shaping the course of history. The journey of crafting such an essay involves not only conveying facts but also capturing the spirit of Rosa Parks' defiance and its enduring impact. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or exploring various topics, resources like can provide valuable support. Professional writing services can offer guidance, research assistance, and customized essays tailored to specific requirements, ensuring a comprehensive and well-crafted exploration of historical figures and events. Rosa Parks Essay Rosa Parks Essay
  • 2. How Jaguar Regains Its Reputation ASSIGNMENT OVERVIEW Case Study: How Jaguar Regains its Reputation Jaguar Cars, Ltd., is one of the most famous luxury automobile manufacturers in the world. With its sleek lines, leather interiors, and smooth engines, Jaguar is the car of choice for wealthy brokers who work on Wall Street in New York and the nouveau riche in Japan who shop on Tokyo s Ginza. The driving force behind Jaguar, William Lyons, was born on September 4, 1901, in Blackpool, a town in the county of Lancashire, England. Uninterested in academics as a teenager, he was on the verge of entering the shipbuilding industry when his father encouraged him to work at Crossley Motors, Ltd., and attend engineering classes during the evening. Crossley was a distinguished ... Show more content on ... The partnership was dissolved, Walmsley resigned, and a new company, SS Cars, Ltd., was formed. The company was incorporated in 1933, and soon afterwards offered the sale of its stock to the public on the London Exchange. Lyons become the chairman and managing director of SS Cars. He assumed total control of all its operations. Although the sidecar business remained lucrative, Lyons kept careful watch over this portion of the firm, and thought it best to organize its operations as an entirely separate entity, called the Swallow Coachbuilding Company, in 1935. With the administrative duties out of the way, and a reorganization of the company complete, Lyons turned his attention to advertising. He wanted a brand new name for his cars that would capture the imagination of the motoring enthusiast. The Nelson advertising agency, hired by Lyons to create a new image for his automobiles, selected the name Jaguar. The first SS Jaguar 100 was introduced in 1935 and, as the company dropped the SS1 and SS2 product lines, sales for its new unit increased dramatically. The firm s first all steel car was brought out in 1937. It featured a broader body, overhead valves, and a choice of 3.5, 2.7, or 1.8 litre engines. The 3.5 litre model was the company s first car to reach 100 mph. Armed with a work force of over 1,500 in Coventry, by August of 1938 SS Cars, Ltd. was producing more than 5,000
  • 3. Gwendolyn Brooks s The Mother Gwendolyn Brooks is a famous, African American poetess who is famous for making a social commentary upon the urban society in which she lives. Clearly seen in three of her more popular poems, the mother , a song in the front yard , and What shall I give my children? Who are poor? , Brooks uses the struggles of impoverished motherhood to comment on the stymied lives of adult black women. This is obviously evident in her use of the tone of hopelessness, which transcends all three poems in differing forms that stem from regret in the mother, worry and overprotectiveness in a song in the front yard and frustration of lacking the necessities for children in What shall I give my children? Who are poor In her works, Brooks is known... Show more content on ... The tone of hopelessness in this poem is very obviously the result of regret, or the feelings of what motherhood may have been. For a majority of the poem the mother focuses on what their lives would have been having never giggled or planned or cried (4) or how they will never wind up the sucking thumb (4). Although these are only a few examples it is very evident how the mother, although denied the joy of motherhood, longs for the child she almost had, saying, believe me, I knew you, though faintly, and I loved, I loved you/ All (5). In an attempt to take a more positive outlook on the mother tries to justify herself saying how much better the child s life would be, that as a mother she would never have the chance to neglect or beat/ Them... (4). The story behind the mother is just one example of hopelessness that Brooks prominently saw throughout her community, obviously this feeling of regret and lament was prevalent throughout many women who, although chose to have abortions, were not done out of not wanting the child, but by force in order to keep a job, house, or some other commitment in which carrying and properly raising a child would be near impossible. Another very powerful version of the overall tone of hopelessness in Brooks plays is the feeling of hopelessness that stems from a mother s worry
  • 4. Commencement Speech Sample Commencement Speech Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean. Ryunosuke Satoro, Japanese Poet That quote resonates with me deeply when I reflect on the great friendships, excellent teachers, parents and families all galvanized in their commitment to our, the graduating classes , success. Thank you parents, family members, teachers, administrators and fellow students this has been a wonderful journey, all made possible because of your unwavering, unfailing support. Our graduating class applauds each of you for sharing in our accomplishments, making them possible. (You might want to stop and applaud them encouraging your graduating class to do the same this will be very classy to do and set the stage for a great speech). When the Japanese poet Ryunosuke Satoro says Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean I think about our families and our very large extended family our school. Individually we are drops in the vast, very powerful and very beautiful ocean that resonates with life and teems with opportunity. Like any ocean there has been rough weather, storms, turbulence yet by being galvanized together as one family, we have reached our destination, which is graduation day. We ve arrived. And like any significant accomplishment, none of us could have done this alone. From the parents who made sure we arrived in time for classes to our great faculty who have a passion not just for teaching, but constantly learning too, thank you. Thanks
  • 5. The Punic Wars The Punic Wars were made of three major wars. The last war was kind of a punishment for Carthage from Rome. The two powers in these wars were Rome and Carthage. Rome was controlling the main peninsula of Italy while Carthage was controlling the islands and trade of the Mediterranean. Rome and Carthage were once on a friendly term until things went south well. The Punic Wars have major historical content that involve both leaders on opposite side as well as the battles among the two city states. These wars were about two powerful city states trying to see who is more dominant. These wars were like the US and Russia trying to show imperial power and show who is the bigger person in town. 1The first Punic War was from 264 241 BC. In 264 BC, Rome intervened in a dispute on the western coast on the island of Sicily which at that time was a Carthage province. The intervention was about an attack by soldiers from Syracuse against Messina. Carthage supported Syracuse and Rome supported Messina. The control of Sicily was at stake when both Carthage and Rome went into direct conflict. Before the war started, Rome had been rebuilding its entire fleet in order to confront Carthage powerful navy. Rome won its first naval victory at Mylae in 260 BC. At the end of the first Punic War, the Roman fleet indecisive won against the Carthaginians at sea which ended the Carthaginians legendary naval superiority. Sicily became Rome s first overseas province. After its victorious win, Rome took
  • 6. Japanese Imperialism During Ww2 And Japans Gains From The... JAPANESE EXPANSION INTO CHINA DURING AND AFTER WW1 AND JAPANS GAINS FROM THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS, 1914 1923 1/ Define the period of Imperialism that you will be assessing and give a clear outline of the conflict, its causes and its particular characteristics. Japanese Imperialism first began in 1868 after the appointment of the 16 year old boy Emperor, Meiji and the beginning of Japan s famous period of modernisation, the Meiji Restoration. This period saw the first half of the reign of the Empire of Japan, and significant changes to the structure, politics, economy, foreign relations and military of the country. Additionally, The Meiji Periodwitnessed the end of Japanese feudalism and the beginning of their modernisation. After the period concluded, the Japanese Empire remained prominent and did so till 1947. Emperor Meiji s death came two years prior to the beginning of World War I which would see significant involvement from the Japanese Empire. The war and its aftermath (1914 23) was the first major era where the Empire of Japan was involved after the end of the Meiji era. Due to an alliance with the British, Japan entered WW1 as enemies with Germany. As a result of this rivalry with the Germans, Japan s first actions in the war were to invade China and capture the German possessions in China. The Germans had control of the Kiaochow Bay and the railway lines and mining locations of the Shandong Province. After the ignoring of an ultimatum which would see
  • 7. Child Throwing Introduction Throwing is probably the most common of the ballistic skills yet the most difficult to assess. As a parent when teaching the child to throw, it is important to begin at a level that the child can achieve and then slowly increase the level of difficulty, so that the child is stretched slightly (taking steps backwards, or throwing for longer distance), each time but does not lose confidence in achieving the task. Also, make sure while each step is completed give the child lots and lots of praise and encouragement. With giving encouragement as a parent, the child looks up to you to give them instruction therefore if the child does a skill correctly keep their confidence up in order for them to move on to the next step in throwing. ... Show more content on ... Without learning the basic steps, it would be difficult to master the task. But with gender and skill level varying in each child, being patient and boosting their confidence when they do it correctly is equally important as correctly them when they make a mistake. What we don t see in young adults as we do in children is fear. Many children are afraid to try new things. Throwing the correct way is very important as a child because of the danger of overuse injuries rising all over the world. Since overhead throwing is not a natural motion of the shoulder, it does cause strain on the muscles. As a child, I couldn t get enough of sports, so for me to gain this kind of knowledge through this class is interesting because I had no idea that breaking down the steps or videotaping the action can breakdown the skill to see what the child is doing wrong in the motion. The application to this information can help me raise my kids, it can help me train those who come to me for help. Developing as an individual is a never ending process and that is what interests me so much; the fact that we continuously grow throughout our
  • 8. Albert Bandura Social Learning Theory Study Another theory that is relevant to the study is Albert Bandura s (1977) Social Learning Theory. Unlike the experiential learning theory which is more focused on how the environment affects the behavior of the individual, the social learning theory is based on the idea that we learn from our interactions with others in a social context. Moreover, by observing the behaviors of others, people tend to copy and develop similar behaviors. New concepts of social learningare being formulated as new trends in distance education programs continue to emerge. The rise in popularity of these programs continues to increase the physical distance between educators and students (Smith Berge, 2009). There are three key components to Bandura s social learning theory(Abbott, n.d.) that are manifesting themselves in the Second Life (a... Show more content on ... After observing the behavior of others, people then assimilate and imitate that behavior, especially if their observational experiences are positive ones or include rewards related to the observed behavior. According to Bandura (Smith Berge, 2009), this kind of imitation involves the actual reproduction of observed motor activities. This kind of learning through observing can also be reinforced. Bandura called this as vicarious reinforcement. What he meant is that when the child observes someone else being rewarded for a particular behavior this then affects the child in the same way as it would had that the child produced the same behavior and been rewarded for it. Similarly, vicarious punishment is possible where the child observes a model being punished for a behavior thus the child is less likely to produce the behavior because of this observation. This kind of reinforcement creates a chain of thought for the The presence of such reinforcement stimulate the reward centers of our brain that triggers and motivates us into actually impersonate the
  • 9. Prothetics Making Humans Robotic Robots have long fascinated the minds of humans. From bionic men to exoskeletons, robots have long filled the big screens and small screens. But, these technologies have only recently been created through prosthetics. The future of prosthetics will combine body, mind and machine to fix the broken. The goal of the science of prosthetics is to restore the independence of amputees and allow them to do everyday tasks necessary for life that we all take for granted. In the movie Star Wars Episode V, Luke Skywalker replaced his amputated arm with a perfect bionic replacement. During that time, replicating limbs seemed very unlikely. However, now thirty years later the ideas are now a reality and the advances of this field are now show cased in what America calls the Bionic Man . The Bionic Man has become the ultimate showcase of the advances of prosthetics with a working heart , set of lungs and even a human face. Rex, as they call him, is a million dollar bionic man that was built using all the latest technology from around the world, which shows how technology is now used to replace missing or damaged parts of the human body. The incredible bionic man is the world s first attempt at a fully functioning human robot with organic body parts. Rex can see, walk, talk, grasp objects and hear. Not only this, but has a fully functioning circulatory system with a heart, lungs, spleen, pancreas and artificial blood. To begin, the Bionic Man has one of the most innovative
  • 10. Heroes Character Analysis Who is Nicole Renard? Nicole Renard is an innocent young girl who is not only Francis first and only love but also the victim of Larry LaSalle. Can I critically respond to the text, Heroes ? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters /relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements; Quotation That would be nice. Means? When she agrees to go to the cinema with Francis she transforms him. She offers him attention and affection that he has lack in his life so far. She enjoys his company and teases him playfully because he is so shy. Stay close to me. Why didn t you do something? These words on the night of the civic ... Show more content on ... How are you aware that it is difficult to accept anything that Larry says as the truth? How is everything he says or does designed to create an effect? Robert Cormier encourages us to look beyond Larry s physical appearance it changes through the novel. What are the feelings Cormier encourages us to see in him beneath both appearances? Always remember that Larry sees himself as a creative figure. In fact, he is destructive. Explain this in your own words. Can I critically respond to the text, Heroes ? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters /relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements; Who is Arthur Rivier? Arthur, another ex serviceman and local boy, was once a star baseball player for the Frenchtown Tigers and Francis remembers regarding him with admiration for his sporting prowess. When he first appeared in his uniform, Francis wants to emulate him. Arthur recognises Francis but agrees to keep the secret. Can I critically respond to the text, Heroes ? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters /relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements; Key Quote: Arthur Arthur: No heroes in that scrap book, Francis. Only us, the boys of Frenchtown. Can I critically respond to the text, Heroes ? (AO1) I must
  • 11. Essay about Anxiety Disorder Among many psychological disorders, anxiety disorders are the most predominant in the United States. According to Antony (2011), anxiety disorders affect nearly 28.8 percent of the population. An extreme and unrealistic anxiety is the most common symptom that characterizes all the psychological conditions within the category of anxiety disorders. The category includes specific phobia, agoraphobia, social phobia, panic disorder, post traumatic stress disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and obsessive compulsive disorder. This paper examines obsessive compulsive disorder discussing the major etymological explanations of anxiety disorders in general, specifically describing the condition, and discussing actual treatments for the disorder. ... Show more content on ... Psychotherapy s effectiveness is based on the cathartic or abreactive method used, where the patient releases psychological tension by re experiencing traumatic events. Although anxiety can be produced by repressed sexual drives, it can also be produced by many other repressed emotions like anger, jealousy, and fear. When these repressed emotions try to reach the conscious, anxiety appears from the unconscious fears related to the traumatic experience. Then, these affects, emotions associated with ideas or actions, are re repressed by secondary defenses. Using this idea, Freud described and explained many dynamic processes involved in anxiety disorders. For instance, displacement would be a secondary defense in phobias, while reversal and reaction formation would be secondary defenses in obsessive compulsive disorder (Wolman Stricker, 1994). However, Freud had to revise his theory after empirical evidence demonstrated that abreaction of affects only relieve the symptoms temporally. In his second model, Freud said that anxiety was a signal for the anticipation of danger that produces defense mechanisms. In a way, anxiety expresses the level of conflict in the unconscious. For this reason, abreaction represents only a partial treatment because it does not resolve the cognitive element of anxiety. Anxiety would be permanent reduced changing the unconscious anticipation of danger. Nevertheless, cognitive elements of anxiety are not just based on innate needs and
  • 12. Literature Review Of The Nile Perch Abstract The Nile Perch is a freshwater fish mostly found and spread out in the Afrotropic ecozone. It feeds on fish including its own kind, and other small fish such as minnows and shrimp. It sometimes even feeds on small insects and brush that is found in the water. Which makes it an invasive species in just about any lake it is introduced into. It is a great food fish and is also popular to fisherman because it attacks attacks fishing lures. Literature Review Before being introduced into lake Victoria, the Nile Perch was mainly found spread out over the Afrotropic ecozone. It is native to many river basins as in lake Chad and the Nile river it was also found in Lake Maryut in the northern part of Egypt. The Nile was introduced to Lake Victoria to try and help boost the fishing industry but little did they know it was going to cause many of problems with other fish and insects in the water. The Nile Perch is part of the fish family known as Latidae. It is a silver color with a blue like fade. It has dark black eyes, with a yellow outer ring surrounding them. The Adult Nile perch can occupy just about any kind of habitat as long as it has plenty of oxygen but the younger ones tend to like the shallower parts of the water or anything that is close to the shore. It was introduced into lake victoria in the 1950 s and has been a ecological problem ever since. It can grow up to 6 feet and as big as 500 pounds. It gives commercial fisherman a fish to catch because it is
  • 13. Analysis Of Marvin Gaye Elizabeth Mooney Music in the Rock Era 2852 4 December, 2017 Ain t No Mountain High Enough Analysis Marvin Gaye was born April, 2,1939 in the District of Columbia. Gaye was married twice; His first marriage was to Anna Gordy Gaye which ended in 1977. Gaye then married his second wife Jan Gaye which ended in 1981. In his time being married Gaye managed to have three children: Nona Gaye, Marvin Gaye III and Frankie Gaye. Marvin, like many other artist, struggled with heavy depression and drug use. Gaye s depression and drug use was more likely to be caused by his relationship with his father; Gaye s father started abusing him at a very young age. Marvin Gaye grew up very religious; Gaye s family was a part of the Pentecostal faith known ... Show more content on ... The song was covered by many differents artist. For example, Diana Ross recorded the song in 1970 and was nominated for a Grammy for her rendition of the song. Gaye s version of Ain t No Mountain High Enough, has a duration of 2:31 and has BPM of 130. This may sound like a low BPM; however, think about one of today s celebrities and the low BPM s of songs. Just for comparing purposes, Adele s hit record Water Under the Bridge only has a BPM of 95. So Gaye s song is pretty fast compared to some of Adele s music. The instruments used in Ain t No Mountain High Enough were the piano and the guitar. The original version was published in the key of B minor. The lyrics to Ain t No Mountain High Enough are very easy to understand. Songs from the past, especially R B/Soul songs, had a very smooth way of bluntly getting the point across without all the puns or slang of today s music. The song is performed which such a classic touch of R B and soul. Some say you can really feel the beauty of a song; R B/Soul is said to be addictive. After one listen of Ain t No Mountain High Enough, you really crave more R B/Soul Music. However, some people who are sticklers for grammar may be upset when they hear the double contraction used in the song. Aint No... is used in the song multiple times and could be cringe worthy to listeners who do not appreciate a double contraction. Personally, I believe the lyric Ain t No adds that extra bit of flair needed in the song.
  • 14. Accidental Asian Chapter Summaries Today, I started reading the first chapter of the memoir called The Accidental Asian by Eric Liu. Reading the first chapter is not just for pleasure or information, but for sympathy and relation. As an international student, I find the story of the author s dad directly connecting to my life as transiting from Vietnam to the US. His dad boats across the Pacific with the hope for creating the prosper Liu family. Although he wants to maintain Chinese manner, Chao hua Liu, the author s father naturally assimilates into American culture. As he attends University of Illinois, he soon becomes an elegant man in a Western suit in his own wedding, enjoys his vacation in luxurious American way. And more important, he communicates by English fluently ... Show more content on ... As an international student, for me, I find his story can be part of mine in the future. Having lived in the US for six months, not long enough to completely get rid of my Vietnamese origin, I sometimes find it difficult to preserve my cultural traditions while living in American environment, which requires me to be completely assimilated into it. Going to school, I no longer have to wear in traditional dress, no longer have to bend my body for 90 degree to greet an adult, and no longer have to wait for adults on dinner table to eat first before I start to eat. Flashing back to what I used to traditionally do in Vietnam, I feel regretful, ashamed, and especially confused whether these changes are assimilation, or just simply accommodation. Yet, I can assert certainly that what I have experienced in past six months is categorized as assimilation. Due to Eric Liu s narration about his father s life, I am again clear about my experience as well as the definition of assimilation: I take American information, trends and experience and then incorporate with my existing culture. And unfortunately, I find a way to get rid of my traditions and replace with American
  • 15. The Romance Of Three Kingdom Summary The Romance of three kingdom It was a common proverb said that hero come from chaos period, during this state of turbulence people would use their intelligence to create a new world, it was full of bloods, tricks, steel. When one hero was fell down, after that a new hero was raise up, it was endless like surging river. the author of the Romance of three kingdom, Luo Guanzhong also came from chaos, he saw and feel what was verified of this society, how the peasants rebelled to the centre government, the insurgent militaries were infighting each other, the complex political conflicts of the royal courts. he was not as a spectator to wrote this novel, a plenty of plots were himself experience because he was a military counsellor to help his monarch Zhang Shicheng(еј еЈ«иЇљпј‰ to defeat Zhu Yuanzhang s attacking. However Zhang was defeated by Yuan, he join the army of Zhu Yuanzhang and help him to defeat his final... Show more content on ... The novel covers one hundred and thirteen years of Chinese history, starting in 168 A.D. and ending with the reunification of the land in 280 A.D.[4]Three Kingdoms describes a fascinating dynastic cycle: the fall of the Han Dynasty under Emperor Ling due to the Yellow Scarves rebellion, the division of the Empire into the three kingdoms Shu, Wei, and Wu and the reunification of the empire by the Jin Dynasty. In the late of Eastern Han dynasty, the emperor was very naive, and the center authority was controlled by eunuchs and the status of politic was waved. Furthermore, there were many disasters conducted that people had not enough grain to deal with the problem of starve so that the government added the tax to peasants. The peasants did not satisfy that the government deals with anything useless. So they rebelled the governments in a large group, in history, it was called Yellow Turban Rebellion. This is the background of the Romance of the three
  • 16. Leadership And President Of Diversified Funding When trying to find the meaning of a word, people turn to the dictionary; in the case of leadership, Webster Dictionary defines it as, the power or ability to lead other people (Merriam Webster). Yet, this definition is not sufficient. Leadership embodies varying degrees of meaning as well as different types of leaders, including successful and unsuccessful ones. Leadershipand leader can be used interchangeably in this sense, as a leader represents all that leadership seeks to obtain. Representatives from various companies define leadership in differing ways. Mark Little, the founder and president of Diversified Funding, states A leader is someone [who] leads by example and has the integrity to do the right thing even when it is not popular. A good leader has positive influence over others, inspiring them to become a better person and example for others to model their life against, as well (Helmrich). This definition of a leader is key in understanding the actions of various successful leaders such as Lincoln and Civil Rights lawyers such as Charles Hamilton Houston and Jack Greenberg in regard to the Brown v. Board of Education case. In regard to these to mean and other Civil Rights lawyers such as Thurgood Marshall, Pauli Murray, and Eleanor Holmes Norton, Andrea Walker Leidy, owner of Walker Publicity Consulting, is precise in saying, Leadership is the ability to see a problem and be the solution. So many people are willing to talk about problems or can even
  • 17. 5 Reasons Why You Should Move To The Lower East Side 5 Reasons Why You Should Move To The Lower East Side The Lower East Side is now one of Manhattan s most fashionable neighborhoods. From the most bargain clothing stores to their numerous art galleries. Not fully convinced? there s a variety of music venues, bars and restaurant. If you re considering moving in the near future, be sure to check out this list of the 5 reasons why you should move to the Lower East Side. Art Galleries There s never a dull moment for residents within the lower east side since there s a total of 122 art galleries .Which include Marc Straus Gallery and Helena Anrather. Variety of Food You ll live among some of the city s best restaurants. . Home of some of NYC iconic restaurants like Katz which have been within
  • 18. The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas Analysis In The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas , the writer has left it up to the reader interpretation of the townspeople s actions.There are those who, upon learning the tragic reality of what goes on in Omelas simply cannot handle what they know to be true and refuse to accept it so they leave never to return again. But the most disturbing group of people are those who see what is happening and do absolutely nothing. We will talk about this town, but most importantly, what is it that could be happening in this small town of Omelas that would make people leave and never return? The town is described in two different ways, at first there is a positive, upbeat joyous depiction of this town, full of celebration music and singing. But also... Show more content on ... After a dead end investigation and Rehtaeh Parsons enduring months of online bullying linked to the still circulating pictures, Parsons hanged herself in the bathroom of her family home (Gillis page 1). This situation was appalling and didn t have to happen this way, the article states that Photos of her alleged rape at the hands of four boys spread for days around Cole Harbour High School with nary a peep to authorities from those who received it Gillis page 1). In fact, it has become something of a popular game to identify who can bring in new information first, if you can do this you re going to be the kid who gets that much more attention at the end of the day (Gillis page 1). I absolutely don t understand those who know of awful situations and decide to do nothing about what they know. Kids today probably don t even realize that you can be charged with a sex crime when you send exploited pictures or videos, not to mention how it destroys lives. What is it about the popularity and socialism that makes people within groups such as the people of the town of Omelas or this group of kids at the above mentioned school go along with horrific events and just say nothing. They go about their normal lives and pretend to not be affected, but I wonder how they sleep at night when they are alone and with their thoughts. Do they secretly hate themselves or do they actually believe they are doing nothing wrong because will if Susie
  • 19. Racism and African-American Family Breakdown as Themes in... Iconic Contemporary Themes Displayed: Ernest J. Gaines s A Lesson Before Dying I was not there, yet I was there. No, I did not go to the trial, I did not hear the verdict, because I knew all the time what it would be... (3). Ernest J. Gaines begins his contemporary masterpiece with a captivating and explosive first paragraph. Immediately capturing the reader s attention, the fast paced novel takes us on a voyage of thematic discovery. Through the voice of Grant Wiggins, a school teacher disgruntled by his constant struggle for communal equality, we learn of the present conditions that face our central characters and the contemporary themes that sum up the novel. Racism is announced at the forefront of the story. The reader is... Show more content on ... Grant undoubtedly fears having to take the entire scope of racism on his shoulders alone, knowing that a fatal collapse would be the result. Grant fiercely displays his anguish in a conversation with his Aunt: Everything you sent me to school for, you re stripping me of it, I told my aunt. They were looking at the fire, and I stood behind them with the bag of food. The humiliation I had to go through, going in that man s kitchen. The hours I had to wait while they ate and drank and socialized before they would even see me. Now going up to that jail. To watch them put their dirty hands on that food. To search my body each time as if I m some kind of common criminal. Maybe today they ll want to look into my mouth, or my nostrils, or make me strip. Anything to humiliate me. All the things you wanted me to escape by going to school. (79) During his emotional spill, Grant resorts to the maniacal thought that his aunt has something to do with the racism he experiences. Ironically, it is the seemingly racist words of Jefferson s defense attorney that fuels the spectrum of the novel, and the eventual salvation of both Jefferson and Grant. A chief theme of the novel is commented upon by Grant himself. During a memorable speech given to Vivian, he adamantly explains that a vicious cycle of male abandonment has taken place in
  • 20. Identity In Henry Turner s Regarding Henry In Regarding Henry, Henry Turner, an established lawyer and unforgiving husband is shot twice during a robbery. He is shot in the head and the heart, cutting off some oxygen supply to his brain. Once he awakes from his coma, he really is transformed from a selfish, mean man when he was controlled by his id, to a giving and sweet man, now controlled by his super ego. Henry s natural state is his selfish, id state. Beginning with basically the first scene, Henry shows many signs of his id controlling him. He yells at his daughter, and seems to have a super ego scene where he feels sorry for her, but he s simply doing it out of obligation. He is very negative and rude and only cares about himself. It s found out later that the court case he won, he did it unfairly. He s deep into an affair. He is begging for a reality check. ... Show more content on ... Throughout his recovery he meets a new friend named Bradley and barely remembers anything, including his own family. Therefore, he gets a clean slate and gets to replace his personality with new experiences. The most influential person in his new life is Bradley. He is very pivotal in shaping Henry s new persona, now shaped by superego. He really cares for people and cherishes his family. Since he doesn t remember his old cheating, lying, rude ways, he s able to just be nice to everyone. He quickly learns what is socially desirable and practices those ideas. He also does a complete turn from his old habits. He quits his job because of their wrong ways of conducting business. He even lies about his memory of things and makes up something on the spot to comfort his daughter who is nervous about her school. He becomes selfless, and an example of good morality by society s
  • 21. The Ethical Responsibility Of Authority What is the critical issue in this case? The case study brings out the main issue as the ethical responsibility people in authority have. Sally is confronted with a serious dilemma after Rick, a student in her class, comes forward to report a case that requires the intervention of someone in higher authority. Sally is in a fix on what to do with the information she has been given; should she report the coach to the higher ups or should she let it slide. Being a first year teacher does not help in the current situation and she needs to make the right decision according to the rules and regulations. Who are the main characters in the case? There are three main characters in the case study; Rick, the student and co captain of the varsity s ... Show more content on ... What do you think Sally should do with the information from Rick? And when? Sally should use the information given to start an investigation, though not publicly, into the issues pointed out by Rick. She should go about it by asking one of the other students about the party but should ask in a way that does not arouse suspicion from the students or Bill. She should do this immediately to get ahead of the possibility of being beaten to the punch when the principal gets wind of the situation. Waiting would only make things harder to explain to any person in authority who gets wind of the actions of Bill. Should Sally have gone directly to Bill to hear his side of the story or to confront him? Being Sally s colleague, Bill should be given a chance to give his side of the story. Sally should, however, wait before immediately confronting Bill. This is because he would immediately know that it was Rick who told on him and based on his current situation, it would have been unpredictable on what he would do. Confronting him after he denies the allegations after Sally has conducted some investigations would suggest he was guilty of the charges and Sally would have to take it up with the principal. What should Sally tell Rick? Sally should be grateful that Rick has come forward and has given her sometime to get ahead of this before it became bad. Sally should tell Rick to remain quiet for some time to let her conduct investigations and be ready to come forward to tell the
  • 22. Arguments Against Bilingual Education All throughout its history, bilingual education has been a controversial topic. Bilingual education is the act of teaching topics in school in a student s native language and reinforcing those concepts in English or vice versa, thus helping to improve both languages. This idea with nothing commensurate to it was borne to give those who did not have the resources to succeed another option has elicited vehement objections from many. In spite of the fact that points for both sides of the argument can be made, and have been heavily debated, many have reached the overall consensus that bilingual educationhas shown to improve one s second languagewhich is backed by countless studies. Although many may tumultuously argue that there are not enough resources to provide everyone with this opportunity, with more government funding, bilingual educationcan benefit many, even those outside the intended audience. When it comes to bilingual education as seen when applied on a... Show more content on ... One benefit they may see from this is the ethnic diversity their child would be receiving due to the culture being taught in the courses (Bowern). Accustoming themselves to a country and its culture allows for the children being taught to adapt to that specific country if they ever wish to visit or move there. Many may claim that bilingual programs are aimed towards immigrants who need extra help, yet a new group of parents are utilizing this new program to also give their children an advantage. In addition, with the diversity in the nation, being able to speak multiple languages is a benefit that many wish to have (Porter). Parents witnessing the changing times wish to give their children a leg up on the competition by enrolling them in programs which will help them develop the skill to speak another
  • 23. Norman, The Conqueror And The Norman Army Norman success in late 11th century England The tactics used by William the Conqueror and the Norman army, militarily, administratively, and culturally, impacted their success in imposing their power within the English kingdom. These tactics worked in tandem, increasing the success of each of their objectives. The military force used by the Normans was useful in gaining and later maintaining territories for the crown, the administration allowed William the Conqueror s reign to act in a more effective manner under him in the early days of his rule, and the cultural and religious structures allowed the Normans to integrate the already closely tied Norman and English societies. Arguably the most important factor in the exertion of power over the English was the ability by the Normans to act militarily. The warlike attitude of the Normans, combined with the religious aspects that will be discussed later, provided them with a ready and capable army with which to support William s claim to the throne. The early years of William s rule, after the 1066 defeat of Harold, emerged as a sort of military occupation within England by the Normans. These years were crucial in the Norman advance within England. When William came to England he arrived with a large support of military men and much of these supporting military men remained in England because of their military duties. This army aided William not only in the initial battle against Harold, but later as well, through their
  • 24. Iphone O Longer Gets Programming Redesigns From Apple Essay On June 9. 2008, Apple declared its successor, the iphone 3g. The first iphone o longer gets programming redesigns from Apple; its last form was iphone OS (now ios) 3.1.3. The iphone 4 is an ios cell phone created by Apple Inc. revealed on June 7,2010 at Apple s Worldwide engineers meeting in San presented the Retina Display. It is the sixth era of the iphone .The iphone 5.the iphone 5 offered real plan changes in examination to its ancestor. These incorporated an aluminum based body which was more slender and lighter than past models. It has Apple A6 framework chip. Another lightening dock which could be utilized from either sides The iphone 5c is the first iphone to be discharged to GSM bearers, for example, T Mobile since the iphone 4. The 5c runs out on the most recent adaptation of working framework ,ios 7,which was published at the organization s Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) 2013. The iphone 5s is a cell phone discharged on September 20, 2013. It has new home catch configuration utilizing a laser cut sapphire spread encompassed by a metallic ring, Touch ID, an unique finger impression scanner framework assembled specifically to open the iphone and validate store and itunes buys, and an upgraded Camera with a bigger opening and a double LED glimmer improved for distinctive shade temperatures. It likewise presented A7 double mineral processor with M7 movement co processor. ipad first Generation: It is outfitted with a 9.7 inch
  • 25. Tia Case Study NURSING DIAGNOSIS Ineffective tissue perfusion / Altered cerebral tissue perfusion Risk for injury: Stroke Impaired verbal communication r/t ischemic injury NURSING DIAGNOSIS Ineffective tissue perfusion / Altered cerebral tissue perfusion Risk for injury: Stroke Impaired verbal communication r/t ischemic injury NURSING INTERVENTIONS Careful monitoring of neurological status (Glasgow come scale, LOC, pupillary responses, extremity movement and strength, facial symmetry, speech and vital signs). Decrease in LOC may indicate increased ICP. Tube feedings and IV fluids r/t dysphagia. F/C r/t incontinence, pt is placed on B amp;B training program. Preventing contractures, building muscle tone with ROM activities, controlling... Show more content on ... Other symptoms may include: tinnitus, vertigo, blurred vision, diplopia, eyelid ptosis and ataxia. MANIFESTATIONS Contralateral weakness of the lower face, hands, arms and legs; transient dysphasia; numbness or loss of sensation; headache; temporary loss of vision of one eye; sudden inability to speak. Other symptoms may include: tinnitus, vertigo, blurred vision, diplopia, eyelid ptosis and ataxia. ETIOLOGY Episode of cerebrovascular insufficiency with temporary episodes of neurologic dysfunction lasting less than 24 hours and often less than 15 minutes. Most TIA symptoms resolve within 3 hours. Symptoms lasting longer than 24 hours are classified as a stroke. TIAs are thought to be caused by microemboli that temporarily occlude blood flow resulting in ischemia of brain tissue. Often occurs in patients with carotid artery stenosis. ETIOLOGY Episode of cerebrovascular insufficiency with temporary episodes of neurologic dysfunction lasting less than 24 hours and often less than 15 minutes. Most TIA symptoms resolve within 3 hours. Symptoms lasting longer than 24 hours are classified as a stroke. TIAs are thought to be caused by microemboli that temporarily
  • 26. Lego Case Study Essay Lego case study 1. How did the information systems and the organization design changes implemented by Knudstorp align with the changes in business strategy? Ever since LEGO started experiencing double digit annual sales growth, (by launching new toy games, branded theme parks, entering the video game sector, introducing mobile applications, introducing toys for girls, etc.) they realized they needed a model that was standardized, modular and scalable. Hence, allowing them to expand to new markets in a less amount of time. They already had a decently established market in USA and UK; they were looking for an expansion in other countries as well. This model had to tackle major issues like scalability challenges, employee ... Show more content on ... The IBM technologies offered high business flexibilities by their virtualization technologies that delivered high utilization factors and the ability to expand partitions or move workload easily. Thus, this is how the Information Systems and the organization design changes implemented by Knudstorp were aligned with the changes in business strategy. Ref: http://www 85KGS6?OpenDocument 2. Which of the generic strategies does LEGO appear to be using based on this case? Provide support for your choice. The generic strategies used by LEGO (according to me) were: Growth strategy Product differentiation strategy Corporate strategy Growth strategy: With the help of growth strategy, LEGO introduced new toys in the market. Initially LEGO was something that boys liked playing with but Knudstorp introduced LEGO for girls thus targeting girl child audience which increased his market. Not only this, they also entered the video game sector by making virtual games after collaborating with Sony (which was ruling the gaming console market at that point of time). Later, they started making figures with famous characters from Hollywood movies (Star wars, Batman, The Avengers, etc.). Product differentiation strategy: Lego was facing stiff competition from its Canadian rival Mega Blocks. They used the product
  • 27. Comparing Pentheus And Dionysus The King Of The Bacchae Greek drama was performed in the late 6th century BCE in ancient Greece. Tragedians like Euripides wrote very influential and popular plays such as the Bacchae. Greek tragedies lead to Greek comedies such as Aristophanes Lysistrata. Many of the Greek dramas have similar concepts, one of being duality. Without duality, the nature of our lives and the environment around us remains unbalanced. Pentheus and Dionysus represent a factor of duality. For example, they both battle against each other to prove their point as leaders. Pentheus has just become the new king of Thebes and would like to gain power of his people. He seeks to rule over with rationality and social order. Whereas Dionysus is the youngest of all Olympians and wishes to prove to the world that he is an all powerful god. However, he is also known as the god of wine and believes that everyone should wind down once in a while and celebrate with self intoxication. His irrational ideas and objectives are the opposite of Pentheus. The ultimate conflict between the two characters is that Pentheus is in denial of Dionysus existence because he refuses to believe in irrationality. For example in lines 471 480 in the Bacchae, Pentheus is speaking to Dionysus about Dionysus and is in denial of his existence. Pentheus is so oblivious that he does not even recognize his presence. This relates to duality because Dionysus is the opposite force working against Pentheus or vice versa. Pentheus is devoted to living with
  • 28. Lloyd School Swot Analysis Claremont McKenna School is a private establishment that was established in 1946. It has an aggregate undergrad enlistment of 1,301, its setting is rural, and the grounds size is 69 sections of land. It uses a semester based scholarly schedule. Claremont McKenna School s positioning in the 2016 version of Best Universities is National Aesthetic Sciences Universities, 9. Its educational cost and expenses are $49,045 (2015 16). Claremont McKenna School is situated in Claremont, California, at the foot of the San Gabriel Mountains, 35 miles east of downtown Los Angeles. The school is a piece of the seven school consortium known as The Claremont Universities, which incorporates Scripps School, Pomona, Harvey Mudd School, Pitzer School, Claremont
  • 29. Raymond Carver Cathedral Theme Rosa Alicia Ghazaly Mr. Joel Ohren English 102 December 15 2016 Cathedral Theme I read the short story Cathedral by Raymond Carver. This story describes the first time meeting between a blind man and a sighted man. Robert, who is blind, is visiting for a few days with his long time friend who is the wife and her husband is only referred to as Bub. The wife and Bub are both sighted. When the wife ended her employment with Robert over ten years ago, Robert asked if he could touch her face before she left. Robert and the wife stayed in touch even after she left her old job by communicating with audio tape over the past ten years. The wife has just picked up Robert at the train station and brought him to her home. Bub, the husband has never met ... Show more content on ... A Cathedral is a place for people to go and worship, to connect with God. By drawing the Cathedral the narrator is in some ways also making a connection. For the first time he appears to be able to see. There is also a sense of irony at the end of the story. The narrator s eyes are closed and he is being led by a blind man, yet he is able to see. Carver never explains what it is the narrator sees, but there is the sense that he has found a connection and is no longer detached or isolated. Raymond Carvers choice of theme of blindness makes his goal of offering a deeper understanding of the nature of human a success. He is able to tell readers that there is physical blindness and psychological blindness. Those with the physical disability could see well than those who are not. This motif is accentuated by these examples from the story the first is the demeanor of Bub which shows signs of disapproval of the imminent visit of his wife s blind friend, the second is his contemplating the basis of his wife s friendship with Robert, and the third is his verbal and sensory interaction with the blind man when he draws a cathedral on a paper
  • 30. Earthquake Drills In America Why should we prepare? The entire West coast of the Americas lies on the edge of geologic plates, a large portion of these plate boundaries are subduction zones. These geologic features present some very serious risks such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic activity. Although we have known about these risks for many years and have experienced many disasters of varying scales, people living in these known disaster zones still do not prepare. Earthquake drills are usually drills people participate in to streamline evacuation practices implemented by emergency service personnel, but offer little value to participants. The purpose of this research is to investigate the influence of regular earthquake drills or emergency exercises on individual... Show more content on ... How prepared on a scale of 1 5, (five being 100% prepared) for an earthquake? Have you ever attended hazard preparedness education training of any kind? If yes, did hazard preparedness training motivate you to seek further information? Has your emergency preparedness plan been changed lately? Have you received information about hazard preparedness? Did it prompt you to make any changes to your preparedness levels? How many emergency exercises have you participated in the past year? On a scale of 1 5, how involved are you in your community? How long do you think it will take emergency services to reach you after an earthquake? The survey questions I chose were analyzed to investigate how individuals perceptions of preparedness were influenced by the amount and types of emergency preparedness education they self reported as having participated in. I used quantitative analysis of quantitative data to create comparative charts of the survey results. The first question I analyzed, How prepared on a scale of 1 5, (five being 100% prepared) are you for an earthquake? used a Likert type scale to gain insight into how prepared participants perceived themselves to be for an earthquake. In my data analysis I assigned qualitative descriptions to the quantitative ratings people gave as their preparedness level as
  • 31. The Philosophical View Of Anthropocentrism Essay Introduction 1788. The year that Indigenous Australians would mark in shame and the rest of Australia would celebrate. From the perspective of 2016, the events which took place in 1788 were barbaric, destructive and horrific to say the least. Indigenous Australians were shot, enslaved and stolen by the early settlers, all because they were seen as inferior, less civilized and were thus, merely savages for the benefit of a superior kind. The first part of this essay will therefore discuss how the philosophical view of anthropocentrism was embedded into the early European culture, and how it justified their actions. Further, it will be shown how a legal pluralism was used to manipulate the Indigenous Australians, and how it seemingly justified their actions. These philosophical views will aid in the understanding of why the Indigenous were treated in so harshly, and why they deserve recognition for their injustices. Further, this discussion will aid in understanding of why the relationship between the Indigenous and the state has developed in such an undesirable manor. The second part of this essay will discuss proposed mechanisms which will try and provide solutions, such as recognition, to the historical wrongs associated with colonisation. These mechanisms include the proposal of an amendment made to the Constitution, whereby Indigenous Australians will be granted constitutional recognition. Further, a proposed mechanism is the creation of a treaty between the Indigenous
  • 32. The Myths of Vietnam Essay Contending versions of the Vietnam War and the antiwar movement began to develop even before the war ended. The hawks version, then and now, holds that the war was winnable, but the press, micromanaging civilian game theorists in the Pentagon, and antiwar hippies lost it. . . . The doves version, contrarily, remains that the war was unwise and unwinnable no matter what strategy was employed or how much firepower was used. . . Both of these versions of the war and the antiwar movement as they have come down to us are better termed mythsthan versions of history because they function less as explanations of reality than as new justifications of old positionsand the emotional investments that attended them (Garfinkle, 7). Pro war or ... Show more content on ... George Bush s promise not to make Kuwait another Vietnam in 1991. Bill Clinton s attempts to avoid military service and whether those attempts were justified. Comparisons between Gulf War Syndrome and Agent Orange related health problems among veterans. Continuing questions about whether N.A.T.O. involvement in the former Yugoslavia could become another Vietnam. While the controversy over the war has often been reduced to simplistic pro war or anti war arguments as illustrated in the opening quotation, a more nuanced reading of post war literature shows many more areas of controversy. All of these controversies cross over from hawks to doves and back again. Much of the post war controversy over Vietnam can be summarized in four myths . The first myth is that the micormanaging civilians in Washington lost an otherwise winnable conflict. A second myth deals with the degree to which the radical, countercultural anti war movement forced President Nixon to end the war. A third is the Rambo myth which claims that American prisoners of war were kept in captivity in Southeast Asia after the cessation of American military involvement and may still have been imprisoned into the 1990s. And lastly, we will examine the myth that the US government would never knowingly harm its soldiers. These four myths have been examined in numerous books published since the end of the
  • 33. Ethical Dilemmas In Nursing According to Perry and Potter (2014) Ethical Dilemma is a conflict between two sets of human values, both of which are judged to be good but neither of which can be fully served. Nurses regardless of what healthcare setting they work and of where they function in wide ranging roles, face ethical dilemmas on their daily practices. Ethical behavior depends on several factors because what a person consider as moral may vary from another individual s approach to the situation. Resolving an ethical dilemma requires deliberate, critical, and systematic thinking because ethical decisions that are made could have an impact to nurses, patients and families as well. (Potter, 2014) Therefore, an orderly process is used by healthcare ... Show more content on ... However, his wife is opposed to Jim s wish of not be resuscitated She begins to yell at the nurse and implored to provide a CPR to his husband. The nurse politely decline the wife s request as it is strictly forbidden to provide a CPR in the event of a cardiac arrest and that there is nothing she can do about it. Surprisingly, the wife initiated a CPR to his husband who has an advance directive with a DNR order, this arises an ethical dilemma. Gather all information relevant to the case As mentioned above, an advance directive is a legal document in which allows the patient to make decision for himself such as stating the amount and type of medical treatments the patient wishes to receive, and will be carried out in the event where the patient will be incapable to decide for himself or unable to communicate or if death is imminent. (Potter, 2014) This is created ahead of time to prevent confusion later on. Healthcare providers need to maintain the patient s right for autonomy, and supporting patient s decision regardless of what they may be. Furthermore, an advance directive form is used to tell or request to the attending physician that a patient doesn t want to be resuscitated. (Am Fam Physician, 2010) The DNR order is then placed in the patient s medical record so that regardless
  • 34. Neil Degrasse Tyson Coming To Our Senses Rhetorical Analysis Rhetorical Analysis of Coming to Our Senses Equipped with our five senses, along with telescopes and microscopes and mass spectrometers and seismographs and magnetometers and particle accelerators and detectors across the electromagnetic spectrum, we explore the universe around us and call the adventure science. Neil deGrasse Tyson Neil deGrasse Tyson, an American astrophysicist, and director of the Hayden Planetarium at the American Museum of Natural History used this quote to clearly express his idea in his writing Coming to Our Senses that we need technology with our senses to fully explore the world. Neil deGrasse Tyson used many different types of rhetorical devices to convince his thoughts to his audience. Tyson being an astrophysicist made him more appealing to his audience because they knew that Tyson knew and understood what he was talking about. When he quoted Edwin ... Show more content on ... This helps the reader to make a connection to what the author was trying to express. He also gives this example the original Star Trek sci fi series, the crew that beamed down from their starship to the uncharted planet always brought with them a tricorder a handheld device that could analyze anything they encountered, living or inanimate, for its basic properties. (pg. 163) He was explaining if that we would we have great sense but, we would still need other devices to help us explore the world. This was effective because it took his abstract idea and used an example the many already knows about to help them understand his idea. This made the audience enjoy the paper and understand it better with both examples of
  • 35. Alexander Fleming Penicillin Beyond the images of child labor and intense impoverishment that lingered around the 1920s, an era of antibiotics emerged. Sir Alexander Fleming, a bacteriologist from London, created a medicine that pioneered the path for growth in the medical field, penicillin. His discovery of the revolutionizing drug was nothing more than by chance. Fleming was a captain of the Royal Army Medical Corps, in addition to his medical background. During his wartime experiences, when having to treat soldiers with terminal sepsis, it fueled his desire to find any cure to this nuisance (unknowingly creating a drug that will save millions). Sir Fleming s first encounter with the antibiotic occurred when, returning from a vacation (Grimsley 1). Ironic to the formality ... Show more content on ... saw the use of antibiotics skyrocket because of a catastrophic fire at the Cocoanut Grove Night Club in Boston, Massachusetts. Its success with healing the infections of burn patients aided, ... the War Production Board to underwrite major research... efforts (Grimsley 1). With the War Production Board sponsoring the exploration of penicillin, they wouldn t have discovered one major roadblock; the ability to mass produce Penicillium, the mold in which penicillin is derived, would have never been conquered. Because the current method was deemed, ...slow and inadequate, a single pound would cost $45,000 (Grimsley 1). As roadblocks to penicillin s advancements became known, research efforts became futile and, inevitably, the War Production Board withdrew their support in favor for another medicine. Miraculously, scientists at the Peoria labs created an effective way to grow Penicillium in mass, solving their dilemma. Called the Deep Fermentation method, it consisted of large drums growing the Penicillium mold, which is constantly being, agitated and aerated (Grimsley 2). Following its success in mass production, the military became one of its major contributors. Pilot studies, an army field of education, persuaded the U.S. Army to purchase 150 million units per weeks for hospital use, as a result, penicillin saw its usefulness in everyday war, more notably, the Norway landing of June 1944 (Grimsley 2). It goes to show, with the ability to mass produce penicillin, thousands were able to escape amputation or even
  • 36. Essay on Exploring Social Care Policy and Provision Exploring Social Care Policy and Provision Defining poverty is not easy and there are several reasons for it and again in different countries levels of poverty differ depending on culture. Dallos, R and McLaughlin, E describes one reason for poverty being the welfare state, and calls for fundamental changes in its operation . I will be exploring how poverty and the welfare state are linked how it has emerged and what has been done to help eradicate this for those immersed in this lifestyle. One of the ways people can be helped and poverty can be targeted is though through welfare rights Bateman, N (2005). I will look at the role of the welfare rights unit where I had my first practice ... Show more content on ... This was the drive for change and the way forward for the welfare state it actually identified. Five major problems that needed to be tackled in post war Britain want, disease, ignorance, squalor and idleness Pierson, J and Thomas, P (2002). This report made several recommendations to combat these issues and the benefits system was created, several policies were made to support the recommendations like the Family Allowances Act 1945 the National Insurance Act 1946 and so on. The Beveridge Report though did also have several failings in it, which concentrated on the more vulnerable members of our society like those who are disabled and sick, as it was targeting those who could work and maintained benefits at low levels so to encourage the return to work. Though the National Assistance Act of 1948 did assist to help solve some of these issues as it imposed a duty on local authorities to provide accommodation for those in need for people over 18 who are ill or disabled Beveridge, J (1954). This is still an ongoing trend today that these people are still disadvantaged by the system and by the means tested way it works. The welfare rights process though helps those who are disadvantaged in several ways like assisting as advisor and advocate Marshall cited in Banks S (2002) recognised that the aim of the welfare state is not to remove inequalities of income, rather than
  • 37. Ferdinand Magellan Research Paper Ferdinand Magellan was born in Northern Portugal in 1480. As a young child he studied maps and navigation and his dream was to become an explorer. His parents were a part of the Portuguese nobility and when they died, Magellan became a page for the queen when he was only ten years old. In 1505, when Ferdinand twenty, he joined a fleet of Portuguese ships that were sailing to East Africa. From then on he became a sailor in the Portuguese fleet. In this position Magellan sailed as far as the Moluccas, islands in Indonesia, which at that time were called the Spice Islands. The Moluccas were the source of the most sought after spices, such as Cloves and Nutmeg. In 1513 Magellan was wounded while serving in Morocco, and walked with a limp for the rest of his life. After his injury, Portuguese officials accused Magellan of trading illegally with the Moroccans. He begged the king to let him keep his job but in spite of all he had done for Portugal the king fired him and no further job offers were presented to him in Portugal.... Show more content on ... The Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494 stated that all undiscovered territories east of the demarcation line were given to Portugal and all territories west of the line were given to Spain. For three years Magellan studied the most recent navigation charts. His belief was that he could find a much shorter route to the Spice Islands by sailing across the Atlantic Ocean, around South America and across the Pacific. Such a voyage would give the Spanish access to the goods of the Spice Islands without having to travel across Portuguese territory, therefore increasing the trade in Spain. With the consent of the Spanish king, Charles the V, he set out with a fleet of five fully supplied
  • 38. The Epidemic Of Ebola Virus Children around the world fear the dark because they do not understand it. Much like a child s fear of the dark, the panic caused by the Ebola virus is largely due to misunderstanding and is often blown out of proportion. The Ebola virus is discussed in the media because it generates hysteria, even though it is nowhere near as threatening as it is often claimed to be. Do not make the assumption that the virus itself is not lethal, as indeed it is one of the deadlier pathogens in the world; however, a variety of factors contribute to making the Ebolavirus a less than perfect killer; in order to know why, it is important to understand what exactly the Ebola virus is. In the most basic sense, Ebola has RNA as its genetic material and belongs to the virus family Filoviridae, the same family as the Marburg virus. According to Peters and Peters (1999), Marburg virus was first discovered in 1967. It was the first virus of the Filoviridae family uncovered; Ebola was the second, being discovered in 1976. Ebola was initially encountered in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where several outbreaks of Hemorrhagic Fever were documented. Teams sent to deal with these outbreaks found an almost total cessation of transmission. Survivors, however, provided an excellent source of data. The survivors demonstrated that the reason for this cessation was that the virus had killed most of the medical staff in affected areas. The hospitals in regions such as the Congo are often subpar,
  • 39. Natural Gas World Market Contents Introduction Table .1 OPEC Graph.1 Major Natural gas producers Graph.2 Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) Natural gas Demand Price Natural gas could be the 100% replacement of crude oil Conclusion 1. Introduction Natural gas is a very important energy source in the world and it is the cleanest and most hydrogen rich of all the hydrocarbon energy sources and it has high energy conversation efficiencies for power generation [1]. In olden days natural ... Show more content on ... Iran: Iran is stood up one the second largest proven reserve for Natural gas. As per the latest reports around 1000 Trillion cubic feet natural gas reserve after Russia. There is many gas fields inside the country but it is really spread in different areas like onshore and offshore. The main fields are South par,North pars, Kangan, Nar and these south pars is showing its important role in this industry. Iran s strategic partnership with Russia the global gas economy is watching very crucially especially the European countries and in GECF Iran stood an important role among the all countries Iran s major export is medium term gas export consumers like China, India and Pakistan. Qatar: As per the proven reserve Qatar standing 3rd position after Russia and Iran with more than 900 Trillion Cubic Feet. Major reserve is on the north field which is seems to be a geographical relation between Iran s south par field. Qatar natural gas industry is mainly controlled by the Qatar gas. This company is a consortium of Exxonmobil, Mitsui and Marubeni. Qatar having an important role in this GECF and their headquarters strategically situated on Doha capital of Qatar .Qatar planning a huge increase of production in coming years by the proper planning. Qatar is largest exporter of LNG to USA this relation
  • 40. Six Arguments For The Existence Of God Two weeks ago we discussed about Existence of God in our class. We had an argument about God and religion. Six arguments for the Existence of God , one argument for The rationality of belief in God , and one argument Against the reality of religion . I didn t like this topic and the concept of this topic at all. Because God and religionstuffs are entirely personal issue. It depends on the person either he/she will belief God, follow the religion or not. Even though both believers and nonbelievers, doubt that God existences can be revealed or even argued about. I m strongly disagree with that whereas belief, religion, worship, God is so personal, it s become a controversial topic. Rational, formal and logical argument do have a place in... Show more content on ... Although it s not a topic of argument but still if someone tells me that I can t argue for the existence of God, I will tell them I can. If someone tells me I can t prove that God exist, I will tell them I can. If someone tells me religion isn t real then I will honestly tell them they need some guidance in life. However, if they are perfectly content with the way they are then I will just have to congratulate them and stay quiet. I ve always said, science can take you so far, the rest is up to God. I m not here to preach that my religion is better than any other and that I am one hundred percent correct but this is why I believe in Islam. Existence of God has similarity with the topic What reality is , because we really don t know Does the God exists or not, it s like maybe there is some actually nothing or maybe we don t know. But think about that there are million billon building in the whole world and someone created them, like that someone exists who created the whole world and manage everything properly. Everyone may not be agree with me, they can say nothing exists outside of the natural kingdom and no amount of evidence could convince me to believe in
  • 41. Abraham Lincoln s First Inaugural Address Essay Lastly, the impact of these speeches from the establishment of war which differs to the support of Germany s leader. While in Abraham s oratory it led to each side of the nation thinking he was to one sided in belief and helped pushed on the idea of the civil war even thought that was the opposite of Lincoln s intentions. Peterson exclaims how the audience remained silent through speech with apprehension and that the speech made Northern radicals see him as too conciliatory and the southern sympathizers see him as too firm ( Lincoln, Lincoln Delivers His First Inaugural Address, 512). Varhola explained that even after the election and speech given, the seceding states remained recalcitrant, seizing Federal forts and arsenals in the South, ... Show more content on ... The United States was separated by culture and opinions, while in Germany, during this era, there was persecutions and the idea of war. Next, Abraham Lincoln held a calm tone throughout his speech, whereas Adolf Hitler carried a commanding tone. Also, the two speakers contrasted in their own personal agendas for having the speech. For example, Lincoln hoped to unite the public and create a rationally thinking public whereas Hitler wanted the opposite by justifying his actions and having his listeners join his cause mindlessly. Within the first speech, there is a personification and rhetorical questions to represent unity with the country and to get the audience to rethink their views; While in the second oratory, there is repetition of personal pronouns to show own importance and denouncing words to bring down his opposers. The 19th century speech, led to the disregard of national power and the start of war unlike the 20th century whose impact created a unity behind his cause and a dispute on if Hitler held too much influence. These speeches occur in momentous times in the world; they show what a true honest leader should be from how he talks and acts. This should be applied to our modern regime to see if
  • 42. Homeschool Is Not School At Home Homeschool First time I heard about homeschooling, I had tons of question about it. I was wondering. What are some requirement that parents have go through to be able to teach their children? Why parents choose homeschool rather then let s their children go to compound school, and how they manage their schedule? What are some approach that parents use to teach? However, after question myself; the image of homeschoolinghave refresh on my childhood s school. During my childhood, my family used to do homeschool. My dad provide chalks, blackboard, and textbooks. My uncle and my brother were teachers. They taught my sibling and me math, reading and writing. Sometime, my dad taught us English. Some people define that homeschool is not school at home and some people say that it is a school at home. Anyway, my definition of homeschool is school that educate with everything that we learn from, and from the real life that have the parents as teachers and partners that learn a long. Homeschool started in the 1960s and 1970s when some parents didn t like publish school system. In the mid 1980s, homeschool had been well and had increased from 150000 to 200000 children. In the mid 1990s, the number of children had risen from 500000 to 600000, (Linsenbach 3). Up to today, Homeschool have increase double the number of the student up to 2.5 million. The requirements for homeschooling are varies from different state. The first important the requirement is parents qualification of
  • 43. Bean Bag Toss Research Paper Corn hole board sets and their different types available now Description: Bean bag toss can be your best pastime, but only if you know how to find the perfect one for yourself. The following section will help you do just that. This article describes the different types of bean bag toss game sets that you will find available for purchase. It will help you choose the one that suits your preferences, so that you can have a fun leisure time with friends and family. Types of material generally used: Corn hole board sets are primarily made with hard and soft wood. Plastic sets are also available in the market nowadays, but wooden ones are given more preference. Hard wood sets Hard wood, mainly Poplar and Birch are used to make this variety of the ... Show more content on ... Description: Making a bean bag toss set is all about precision and familiarity with woodwork processes. The following article will discuss the necessary things to keep in mind while making one. Bean bag toss is one of the fastest popularity gaining leisure games. Due to its appeal to a wide age group, there has been a recent surge in purchase of these game sets. Cornhole now has its own associations with many online pages and a large number of online sellers are interested in doing business related to this. Making a corn hole board is a relatively easy process; it only requires that you have an in depth knowledge of woodworking, and precision while working. Dimensions and mandates of a Bean bag toss board: The American Cornhole Association mandates that the game platform should be 48 inches by 12 inches board, with a 6 inch diameter hole which is centered 9 inches below the top edge. The platform should be made from ВЅ inch thick plywood. The front edge stands 2ВЅ inches to 4 inches above the ground while the rear end has to be exactly 12 inches above. Your diagram and planning for building the board should adhere exactly to these measurements. Regulation Cornhole also requires that the grain bags should be made of duck canvas that is 6 inches square, and filled with 2 cups or 1 pound (US) of grain. However, plastic filled grain bags can also be used in place of grain ones, which will make the bags, weatherproof and durable. Grain filled bags may get damaged if left for long in rain or close to
  • 44. Analysis Of The Wizard Of Oz Mise En Scene This course have proven to be very informative on the construct of a movie. There are many components to a movie one would not have known by just viewing it in a theater. From the director to the producer, from story to plot, and so many other elements movie creation requires ample energy and resources to make. Throughout my expedition in this course I was able to complete an analysis of a movie and identity the genre as well. Furthermore, I was allowed to view the Mise En Scene the movie provided. The movie I have discuss all through this course was The Wizard of Oz. In this paper I will analyze the story, plot, aesthetic choice, and social choice used in The Wizard of Oz. The director of the movie is Victor Fleming and a few uncredited... Show more content on ... The most prominent motivation appears to be taking advantage of the most lucrative means of exploiting a storyline patent the creation of a unique movie plot. ( McEniery, 2009) The plot is the unfolding of the story. In The Wizard of Oz Dorothy lives in Kansas with her Aunt and Uncle. She is swept away by a tornado into Munchkin County in a land called Oz. Her farm house lands on the wicked witch of the east, who was the evil ruler of Munchkin County. The good witch of the north gives Dorothy the magical slippers from the deceased evil witch of the east. Dorothy s only desire is to get home, so the good witch tells her of the great and powerful Wizard of Oz that can help her. With a kiss on the cheek and a magical protection spell, Glinda instructs her to follow the yellow brick road to find the wizard. Along the way Dorothy frees the Scarecrow from the pole on which he is hanging, applies oil from a can to the rusted connections of the Tin Woodman, and meets the Cowardly Lion. The Scarecrow wants a brain, the Tin Woodman wants a heart, and the Cowardly Lion wants courage, so Dorothy encourages the three of them to journey with her to ask for help from the Wizard. After several adventures they reach the wizards palace in Emerald. There they met the Gate Guardian who tells them they must wear green tinted spectacles to keep from being blinded in the city. The wizard agrees to help them if only they could kill the wicked witch of the west. The witch see them approaching her castle and sends her flying monkeys to capture them. Captured and slave workers for the witch, the foursome manage to defeat the witch by throwing water on her. They return to the wizard and discover he is not a wizard at all and that he arrived in Oz by a hot air balloon. He then explains to the scarecrow, tin man, and lion that what they desired they had all along. He tells Dorothy that all she has to do is click her heels together and
  • 45. Waffle House Research Paper Many people believe that Waffle House, a famous restaurant chain, is a dirty place and that deters people from ever visiting but there is way more to it. Now, Waffle House is not the cleanest; I ll give the people that, but the environment you step into is the best, plus the food is awesome. Every time I walk into the Waffle House located in Laplace, Louisiana, the staff gives a warming welcome and it can t help but make you smile. You feel welcomed and you actually feel like they want to serve you. Right away my order is placed and it s the same every time, a chocolate chip waffle with hash browns and a glass of chocolate milk. The best part is that my order is always correct! Hypothetically speaking, if something was wrong with my order,