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AMB264 - Public
Relations Techniques
Student: N9548041
Name: Brendan Graham
Tutor: Lucretia Ackfield
This portfolio aims to assist RMH SEQ in their goal to obtain local corporate volunteers
(Gillies, 2016). This collection of collateral concentrates on this goal through the use of a key
“Businesses that help Ronald McDonald House South East Queensland by volunteering can
benefit from improved corporate reputation among their community and earning a place in
the hearts of Australian families for their generous contributions.”
My original key message mentioned sponsorship, donation and fundraising as potential
contributions but since reviewing the client briefs the focus has been shifted entirely to
volunteering for this portfolio. It also originally focused exclusively on CSR benefits for
business, but now includes a more emotional supplement at the end that is targeted at all
levels of business hierarchies as application of multiple angles of persuasion can improve the
message’s persuasive effect (Communication Assessment Learning Lab, 2013). The key
message focuses on probable outcomes of contributing and avoids exaggerations as fair,
honest key message are more likely to be accepted (James, 2011, p. 5). The design of this
portfolio, primarily colours and fonts, is based on the RMH SEQ information sheet (RMH
SEQ, 2016).
Speech Rationale
QUT Review feedback was used to revise the speech effectively. Leading each paragraph
into the next effectively and shifting the focus onto volunteering and the specific aspects of it
regarding RMH SEQ was the primary goal. Donation, sponsorship and fundraising were
mentioned in less detail toward the end. This information replaced the original speech’s
sentence about businesses benefits, which sounded a little shallow as it was mentioned a lot
as opposed to the families RMH SEQ helps. Balancing out the rhetoric is important as it isn’t
enough for the speech to have logical appeal, it also need to place the audience in the
appropriate emotional state (Triadafilopoulos, 1999, p. 745). The main problem with revising
the speech was deciding which sections or paragraphs to remove or change. Sentences, rather
than paragraphs, were adjusted and the result is a more flowing speech that is better aligned
with achieving RMH SEQ’s objectives.
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to Speaker
to Audio-
When a young girl named Alice was
diagnosed with a rare form of bone cancer,
her and her mother Carmen were flown to
Brisbane for immediate treatment, one
hundred and fifty kilometres from home.
Imagine yourself in that terrifying situation.
The last thing on your mind would be how
you’re going to survive with no
accommodationor support.Unfortunately,
it’s a situation many Australian families face.
Luckily for Carmen, she had assistance from
generous Brisbane businesses who provided
supportfor her family and many like them.
I’m here to remind you that every contribution
to Ronald McDonald House South East
Queensland has a massive impact on the
lives of sick children and their families far
from home.
Page 2 of 3
One of the contributions we are in need of is
volunteering. Our volunteers help by
providing meals, entertaining or simply being
someone forfamilies to talk to. We live in a
time where businesses have the power to
facilitate positive change and grow alongside
their communities. Businessesthat aid us by
volunteering can benefit from improved
corporate reputation among their community
and earning a place in the hearts of
Australian families for their generous
contributions. The Brisbane Broncos and
Contemporary Cakes are just a few of the
local companies that stand out for supporting
our organisation.
Page 3 of 3
We believe they recognise that with our
South Brisbane house nearing completion,
now is the time for our community to band
together and support those in need on our
doorstep in any way possible.
All donations, sponsorship and fundraising
go toward providing a safe living
arrangement to ease the burden on families
suffering in a medical crisis. This is an
opportunity for you to inscribe your name in
the South Brisbane community. The families
we support won’t care how much you give,
but they’ll rememberyou for giving.
Media Release Rationale
The Red Boot Hoot appears to be the most significant newsworthy event RMH SEQ has
coming up over the next few months. The news values focused on were relevance, due to its
potential effect on local businesses, timeliness, as it’s within the month, and proximity, as the
event takes place in Brisbane (Georgetown, n.d.; Brighton & Foy, 2007, p. 7). While the
event remained the focus of the release, RMH South Brisbane and volunteer opportunities
were mentioned when reasonable. Key messages can be most effectively included as quotes
as they allow for more emotional writing than concise, neutral prose journalists consider
news writing (Mahoney, 2013, p. 99). Using the inverted pyramid, messages were prioritised
as most importantly, the event is taking place in Brisbane, secondly, volunteering is good for
businesses, and thirdly, the money will go towards RMH South Brisbane (Pottker, 2003, p.
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5 June 2016
Red Boot Hoot where generous businesses commute
Ronald McDonald House South East Queensland’s (RMH SEQ) Red Boot Hoot will be
Brisbane’s business communities’ greatest opportunity to help sick children and their families
far from home this year.
The Red Boot Hoot fundraiser takes place on 30 July at the Royal International Convention
Centre Brisbane and promises attendees live music, raffles, auctions and selfie opportunities
with celebrities.
RMH SEQ chairman, Adam Dando, said the Red Boot Hoot is a great chance for Brisbane
businesses to unwind, network and contribute to families suffering medical crises in our city.
“We look forward to the event every year and the fact that’s its right here in Brisbane is
fantastic for local businesses looking to get involved,” Mr Dando said.
“It’s one way for Brisbane communities and businesses to contribute to an issue right on their
doorstep and encourages further involvement such as volunteering, which RMH SEQ really
“Businesses that help our organisation by volunteering can benefit from improved corporate
reputation among their community and earning a place in the hearts of Australian families for
their generous contributions.”
RMH SEQ deputy chairman, Dr John Gilmour, said this year it is especially exciting to have
such an admired charity event taking place in Brisbane.
“With the construction of RMH South Brisbane well under way through The Power of Love
Campaign, now is the best time for Brisbane locals to get involved,” Dr Gilmour said.
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Red Boot Hoot
“The Red Boot Hoot is an enjoyable night for everyone, especially sick children and their
displaced families who feel the positive impact of every dollar that is raised.”
The money raised will go towards accommodating and supporting RMH SEQ families and
the $21 million construction of the new RMH South Brisbane.
RMH South Brisbane will be one of the largest houses in the world with 13 stories, 70 rooms
and business sponsored food and retail stores on the ground floor.
RMHSEQ is a non-profit organisation located in Brisbane and the Gold Coast providing
accommodation and support to sick children and their families receiving medical treatment
more than 50km from home.
Photo opportunity: RMH SEQ chairman Adam will be meeting with local business sponsor in
at vibrant entrance to the Royal International Convention Centre to review
event plans between 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. on Friday 6 June, 2016.
Red Boot Hoot 2016:
For further information, please contact:
Brendan Graham
Communications Officer
Ronald McDonald House South East Queensland
Phone: 0434576661 (mobile)
Blog and Tweet Rationale
As most of this portfolio’s collateral has been focused on logical persuasion, an emotional
approach was attempted with the blog post. The focus was on the struggle RMH families go
through, the positive effects business contributions have for the families and businesses and
how employees themselves can initiate the volunteer process. The use of human voice and
localised content make the blog more sharable and targeting the content at employees as well
as CEOs should improve the contents online reach (Rubel, 2015). The blog is written in the
voice of Kaitlyn Gillies of RMH SEQ’s communications and marketing team. Linking the
blog and tweet also increases online reach as more channels potentially reach a broader
audience (Mahoney, 2013, p. 81). The emphasis on what is new, currently beneficial and
concentration on local interest adds prominence and persuasive significance to the tweet
(Brighton & Foy, 2007, p. 7). Additionally, the font and font size of tweets was applied for
realism and a fake hyperlink to the blog was created for visual effect.
Our volunteers make all the difference
Kaitlyn Gillies, May 2016
Since working with Ronald McDonald House South East Queensland (RMH SEQ) I have a
new found appreciation for being able to sleep in my own home each night and unwind after
a stressful day. For RMH families and their sick children struggling through medical
emergencies, every day is a stressful day. I can’t imagine the pressure I’d suffer being rushed
to an unfamiliar city miles from home without anywhere to stay while my child is suffering.
I’m proud to be a part of an organisation that eases the burden on families who are living out
this scenario, sometimes for months, by providing accommodation, meals and emotional
support with the help of generous volunteers from local businesses.
I believe RMH SEQ proves that community spirited teamwork is a mutually beneficial
relationship with larger than life impacts on families suffering here in our community. I’ve
experienced business volunteers providing freshly cooked meals and conversation to families
on the verge of breaking down and the positive difference it makes in the recovery process.
Businesses that help Ronald McDonald House South East Queensland by volunteering can
benefit from improved corporate reputation among their community and earning a place in
the hearts of Australian families for their generous contributions.
These contributions often begin with Brisbane business employees banding together to
encourage their organisation to get involved in volunteer and donation efforts. I’m excited to
see the Brisbane community grow around the new RMH South Brisbane and look forward to
seeing our contributions bring more smiles to the faces of the families who need it the most.
The time for generous #Brisbane businesses to help
families and their sick kids on our doorstep is NOW!
Find out why
Media List Rationale
The search criteria for the media list drew influence from the news values in my media
release. The aim was to find journalists and reporters who operate out of Brisbane or nearby
regions such as Ipswich as proximity and relevance to local and regional Brisbane businesses
was the focus of my media release. Neijens (2006, p. 239) believes that journalists and PR
practitioners have similar perceptions of newsworthiness and the role of the media, but can
clash if journalists don’t see the priority or personal value in a story. For this reason, the only
journalists chosen were those who had written about topics similar to the media release’s
target audience’s interests (businesses), RMH SEQ’s work or women and children’s health
care. It was difficult finding contact details but it was possible to piece together most
essential information using a combination of LinkedIn, Facebook, Media Net and
newspapers’ websites.
Media List
Outlet Name Contact Phone Contact Email Comments
1. The Sunday
Phone: (07) 3666 6824
Mobile: 0401 997 896
Brisbane based. Covers business primarily including new businesses,
business regulation, benefits to business and local business events.
2. The
(07) 3835 7511
Brisbane based. Covers a broad range of topics including Brisbane events,
charity events, awareness campaigns and has written about medical issues
(paralysed child).
3. The
Sean Parnell Phone: (07) 3666 7456
Fax: (07) 3666 7499
Brisbane based. The Australians' leading health care reporter in Brisbane.
Covers health care topics such as medical fees, hospital funding, regulations
and on multiple occasions children's health.
4. The
Joel Gould
Phone: (07) 3817 1779
Mobile: 0437 929 951
Fax: (07) 3817 1736
Ipswich based. Covers a broad range of topics mostly focused on events (film
and television). He is a supporter of rural and regional family interests but
also has experience writing articles targeted at businesses (regulation and
5. The
Courier Mail
Phone: (07) 3666 6346
Mobile: 0421 278 174
Brisbane based. Covers women and children's health, pregnancy, health care
and domestic violence. Focuses strongly on sick children and nutrition.
6. The
Phone: 07 3300 1846
Based in The Gap. Covers local Brisbane news. She is the primary gate-
keeper for The Western Echo which is distributed to the western suburbs of
7. Northside
Chronicle Lara Lauth
Phone: 07 3300 1846
Brisbane based. Covers local Brisbane news pertaining to politics, sports and
local businesses. Also works with the Courier Mail covering similar topics.
Would be ideal journalist to reach the northern suburbs of Brisbane through
the Northside Chronicle.
8. 96FIVE
Shane Adam
Mobile: 0458 729 046
Brisbane based. He is the primary journalist for the station and covers
entertainment and events. 96FIVE FM will reach many businesses as it is
family friendly and more likely to be played in store.
9. ABC
Brisbane 612
Edwina Stott
Phone:(07) 3377 5000
Fax Number:(07)
3377 5612
Brisbane based. Covers local Brisbane news including charity events,
entertainment events and business news. Seems interested in social causes
and supports charity events.
10. ABC
Phone: (07) 3377 5356
Fax Number: (07)
3377 5596
Brisbane based. Covers the local Brisbane news. Personal interest in
motherhood, rural regions, Brisbane communities and social causes.
Feature Story
Quota Club’s recipe for business success
When Quota International Brisbane City Club (QIBCC) provided 200 delicious meals to
Ronald McDonald House South East Queensland (RMH SEQ) to help feed sick children
and their families far from home, they accidentally dicovered the recipe to business
success. In a time when businesses possess massive power and infuence over societal
change, organisations similar to QIBCC stand out for their efforts to support significant
causes and give back to their community.
President of QIBCC, Caroline Cox, proudly supports her organisation’s fundraising and
volunteer efforts which help to feed and emotionally support RMH families suffering a
medical crisis. This contribution has become a key ingredient in QIBCC’s employee and
management developments.“The work we do, looking after chidren and their families
needing support, fits the bill for Quota Club’s Community service program,” Caroline says
“It also provides fellowship for club members of all ages and provides communication
expirience with parents and siblings of sick kids who need to talk to someone”.
Businesses that help RMH SEQ through sponsorship, donation, fundraising or
volunteering can benefit from improved corporate image, heightened employee morale
and earning a place in the hearts of Australian families for their generous contributions.
“It’s a fantastic opportunity for team building in organisations where interaction is limited,
and a way to get everyone out of their comfort zone while participating in a rewarding,
wonderful community service,” Caroline says, having expirienced first hand the positive
effect volunteer efforts have on RMH SEQ families.
Teambuilding, personal growth and development of teamwork and communication skills
are all ingedients in QIBCC’s recipe for business success. With a place in the hearts of
RMH families and the Brisbane community available, alongside a platter of employee
development oppertunities, clever businesses will want a piece of the RMH SEQ pie today.
Brisbane Broncos Charity Partner ProgramGame
Ronald McDonald House South East Queensland (RMHSEQ) has been designated the
charity of choice for the Brisbane Broncos vs Canberra Raiders rugby league game.
What does this mean?
 RMHSEQ volunteers will operate the 50/50 Charity Raffle during the game by
selling raffle tickets to spectators.
 RMHSEQ will receive 50% of the 50/50 Charity Raffle’s jackpot cash prize.
 The money received will go towards helping sick children and their families far from
home in medical crises by providing a stable living arrangement and emotional
What is the Brisbane Broncos Charity Partner Program (BBCPP)?
 The BBCPP is the Brisbane Broncos’ program that supports 12 different Queensland
charities with a designated home game, fundraising and volunteer efforts each year.
 This will be the BBCPP’s tenth year of operations.
 The Brisbane Broncos initiated the BBCPP to strengthen their reputation and
relationships within their local community.
How can I contribute?
 Individuals and communities can support both RMHSEQ and the Brisbane Broncos
by purchasing raffle tickets at the Brisbane vs Canberra game.
 Other contributions can be made to RMHSEQ by offering a donation, fundraising or
time as a volunteer.
Why contribute to RMHSEQ?
 Every contribution large or small via donation, fundraising or volunteering has a
large impact on the lives of sick children and their families.
 Local businesses involved in partnerships and sponsorship can benefit from
improved corporate image, heightened employee morale and association with a brand
renowned for its CSR practices.
When and Where is the Brisbane Broncos vs Canberra Raiders game?
 The Brisbane vs Canberra game will be played on the 9th June at 7:30 p.m.
 The game will be held at Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane.
Suncorp Stadium
Ronald McDonald House South East Queensland
Phone: 07 3257 0328
Address: 22 Garrick Terrace, Herston, Queensland
Last Updated: April 2016
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Ronald McDonaldHouse South EastQueensland
Backgrounder(Updated 20 April)
The History of Ronald McDonald House South East Queensland (RMHSEQ)
The first Ronald McDonald House (RMH) was founded by American footballer Fred Hill in 1974
when he purchased a seven-bedroom house to accommodate sick families and their children far
from home in medical crises. Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) began after a local
McDonald’s sponsored Fred Hill’s venture and now operates in over 36 countries with 15 houses
currently open in Australia. RMHC have helped diverse individuals endure their medical crises by
allowing cost-effective accommodation in proximity to health care clinics1.
RMHSEQ began operations in 1991 with the opening of RMH Mater in Brisbane. Since then it has
maintained five programs within the Brisbane and Gold Coast region:
 RMH Herston
 RMH Mater
 Ronald McDonald Family Room Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital
 Ronald McDonald Family Room Gold Coast Hospital NICU
 Ronald McDonald House Family Room Gold Coast Hospital Children’s Ward
RMHSEQ is a not-for-profit organisation that assists sick children and their displaced families with
a range of support including accommodation, meals, entertainment and medical services. To be
eligible to stay in a RMHSEQ house you must be more than 50km from home receiving medical
treatment at the Royal Brisbane Women’s Hospital, the Royal Children’s Hospital or the Lady
Cilento Children’s Hospital. Those eligible include parents and siblings of sick children or women
suffering complex medical issues with a pregnancy. RMHSEQ has remained an accessible option
for donations, sponsorship and volunteer opportunities among communities and local businesses
since its beginnings in 1991.
1 Dexter, S. C., Klein, K. A., Clark, D. A., Ross, S. L., & Veille, J. C. (2004). The Ronald McDonald House as an
alternative to antepartum hospitalization. Journal of perinatology,24(10), 623-625. Retrieved from
Page 2 of 3
RMHSEQ Today and Beyond
The organisation currently operates two house in Brisbane, RMH Herston next to the Royal
Brisbane Women’s Hospital and RMH Mater opposite the Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital. In
2014 RMHSEQ announced a new house was to be built in South Brisbane to succeed RMH Mater
after its completion in 20162. RMH South Brisbane will be one of the world’s largest and includes:
 13 stories and 70 rooms
 sponsored food and retail outlets on
the ground floor
 an indoor and outdoor playground
 computer stations
 gardens
 communal and lounge areas
 a rooftop terrace and function room
The house has the potential for continued development of up to 112 rooms and will provide local
businesses the opportunity to sponsor rooms, retail outlets and volunteer employees to assist and
support families. RMH sponsorship has been a popular choice among global corporations wanting
to associate themselves with a company holding an exceptional corporate social responsibility
(CSR) record and providing families and sick children with a good living arrangement3.
RMHSEQ receives assistance through McHappy Day,
donations, volunteer opportunities, corporate partnerships
and fundraising. The organisation has participated in many
events during 2016 including the Red Boot “St Paddy’s
Day” Rally and Parmalat Charity Golf Day while also
contributing to the community via the RMHC’s Charlie
Bell Scholarship and RMH Learning program.
RMHSEQ’s The Power of Love Campaign is attempting to raise $20, 000 of funding from
donations and sponsorship by communities and individuals alongside sponsorship events including
the Brisbane Broncos Charity Partner Game and the Gold Coast Titans Charity Ball on 9th June.
2 Bochenski,N. (2014). Brisbaneto be home to 'world's largest' Ronald McDonald House.The Brisbane Times.
Retrieved from
3 Br⊘ nn, P. S. (2006). Buildingcorporatebrands through community involvement: Is itexportable? The caseof the
Ronald McDonald House in Norway. Journal of Marketing Communications,12(4),309-320.Retrieved from
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Our Partners
Award winning corporate partnerships are the core of RMHSEQ’s CSR and fundraising programs.
Local businesses that sponsor or volunteer to help RMHSEQ can benefit from improved corporate
image, heightened employee morale and association with a brand renowned for its CSR practices.
Our partners include:
 The Brisbane Broncos (Charity Partner Program)
 Royal Far West (RMH Care Mobile Program)
 Super Amart
 Hewlett-Packard
 Coca-Cola
Our Executives
 Adam Dando - Chairman and McDonald’s Representative
 Dr John Gilmour - Deputy Chair and Health Services Representative
 Alan Scott – Community Representative
 Dr David Wood - Chair of the Children's Health Service, Hospital and Health Service
Our Awards and Recognition
 Fundraising Institute Australia - Capital
Campaigns Under $5 million revenue
o The Power of Love Campaign
 Federal Government’s National
Stronger Regions Fund
o The Power of Love Campaign
 Selectedas official charity partner for
the 2015 Brisbane International
Follow Us
Brendan Graham: Communications Officer RMHSEQ
Phone: 0434576662 Email:
Sponsor Donate
Fundraise Volunteer
The Brisbane Broncos Super Amart
Westpac Spark Helmore Lawyers
Parmalat The Brisbane Lions
The Treasury Casino WATPAC
The IrishShed Delta Society Australia
Join other businesses in
the Ronald McDonald
House South Brisbane
family today!
Businesses that help Ronald McDonald
House South East Queensland by
sponsorship, donation, fundraising or
volunteering can benefit from improved
corporate image, heightened employee
morale and earning a place in the hearts of
Australian families for their generous
Our Family includes:
Ronald McDonald House South
Brisbane is scheduled for
completion in 2016.
This gives generous Brisbane
businesses the opportunity to
help support sick children and
their families far from home
through sponsorship, donation,
fundraising or volunteering.
Stand out in your community for
supporting this critical cause
and help to make a positive
change right on your doorstep!
Contact Information:
Ronald McDonald House South
East Queensland
Phone: 07 3257 0328
Address: 22 Garrick Terrace,
Herston QLD 4006
9 Allen Street, South
Brisbane QLD 4101
Follow Us
Let’s Build Our
Business Community
Sponsor Donate
Fundraise Volunteer
Ronald McDonald House South East
Queensland (RMH SEQ) is an
Australian not-for-profit organization
supporting sick children and their
displaced families by providing a
‘home away from home’. Our families
include those 50 kilometers from
home with seriously ill children or
women suffering complex medical
issues with a pregnancy.
Support for RMH families includes:
• Medical Services
• Accommodation
• Meals
• Entertainment
• Rehabilitation
• Education
How Can Your Business
Businesses can help RMH SEQ families by:
 Volunteering employees to cook meals,
provide entertainmentor emotionally
supportRMH SEQ families.
 Sponsoring a RMH SEQ event or a room
in the new RMH South Brisbane.
 Donating to the ‘Power of Love
Campaign’ to help build RMH South
Brisbane,one of the largestRonald
McDonald Houses in the world.
 Fundraising to supportour programs.
How Can Your Business
Working with RMH SEQ can benefit your
business by:
 Improving your reputation among the
Brisbane business community.
 Being associated with a brand renowned
for its CSR practices
 Improving employee morale and
teamwork skills.
 Providing an opportunity for you to
showcase your goods or services.
RMH SEQ are known for our award
winning partnerships and programs.
 Official charity partner for the 2015
Brisbane International.
 Fundraising Institution Australia - Winner
of Capital Campaigns under $5 million.
Contribute today to help seriously ill
children and their families make a
safe recovery in our city!
Brighton, P & Foy, D. (2007). News Values. [Google Books version]. Retrieved from
Carr, K. S. (1988). How can we teach critical thinking? Childhood Education, 65(2), 69-73.
Retrieved from file:///C:/Users/bjgra_000/Documents/QUT/BSB264%20-
Communication Assessment Learning Lab. (2013). Persuasive power: The Importance of Ethos,
Pathos and Logos. CALL. Retrieved May 19, 2016, from
Georgetown University. (n.d.). News Values. Retrieved May 21, 2016, from
Gillies, K. (2016). Week 3 – client briefs and news angles. [Lecture Recordings] AMB264. Retrieved
James, M. (2011). Ready, aim, fire: key messages in public relations campaigns| NOVA. The
University of Newcastle's Digital Repository. Retrieved from
Mahoney, J. (2013). Public Relations Writing. (2nd ed.) South Melbourne, VIC: Oxford University
Neijens, P., & Smit, E. (2006). Dutch public relations practitioners and journalists: Antagonists no
more. Public Relations Review, 32(3), 232-240.Carr (1988, p. 71-72). Retrieved from
Pottker, H. (2003). News and its communicative quality: the inverted pyramid—when and why did it
appear? Journalism Studies, 4(4), 501-511. Retrieved from http://www-tandfonline-
Ronald McDonald House South East Queensland (2016). Ronald McDonald House South East
Queensland. [information sheet]. Retrieved May 20, 2016, from
Rubel, S. (2015). Storytelling in the Age of Social News Consumption. Edelman. Retrieved May 21,
2016, from
Triadafilopoulos, T. (1999). Politics, speech, and the art of persuasion: Toward an Aristotelian
conception of the public sphere. The Journal of Politics, 61(03), 741-757. Retrieved May 28,
2016, from

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Ronald McDonald House South East Queensland Portfolio

  • 1. Portfolio AMB264 - Public Relations Techniques Student: N9548041 Name: Brendan Graham Tutor: Lucretia Ackfield
  • 2. Introduction This portfolio aims to assist RMH SEQ in their goal to obtain local corporate volunteers (Gillies, 2016). This collection of collateral concentrates on this goal through the use of a key message. “Businesses that help Ronald McDonald House South East Queensland by volunteering can benefit from improved corporate reputation among their community and earning a place in the hearts of Australian families for their generous contributions.” My original key message mentioned sponsorship, donation and fundraising as potential contributions but since reviewing the client briefs the focus has been shifted entirely to volunteering for this portfolio. It also originally focused exclusively on CSR benefits for business, but now includes a more emotional supplement at the end that is targeted at all levels of business hierarchies as application of multiple angles of persuasion can improve the message’s persuasive effect (Communication Assessment Learning Lab, 2013). The key message focuses on probable outcomes of contributing and avoids exaggerations as fair, honest key message are more likely to be accepted (James, 2011, p. 5). The design of this portfolio, primarily colours and fonts, is based on the RMH SEQ information sheet (RMH SEQ, 2016).
  • 3. Speech Rationale QUT Review feedback was used to revise the speech effectively. Leading each paragraph into the next effectively and shifting the focus onto volunteering and the specific aspects of it regarding RMH SEQ was the primary goal. Donation, sponsorship and fundraising were mentioned in less detail toward the end. This information replaced the original speech’s sentence about businesses benefits, which sounded a little shallow as it was mentioned a lot as opposed to the families RMH SEQ helps. Balancing out the rhetoric is important as it isn’t enough for the speech to have logical appeal, it also need to place the audience in the appropriate emotional state (Triadafilopoulos, 1999, p. 745). The main problem with revising the speech was deciding which sections or paragraphs to remove or change. Sentences, rather than paragraphs, were adjusted and the result is a more flowing speech that is better aligned with achieving RMH SEQ’s objectives.
  • 4. Page 1 of 3 Instructions to Speaker Speech Instructions to Audio- visual EMOTIONAL DELIVERY EMPHASISON “ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY” RELAX TONE When a young girl named Alice was diagnosed with a rare form of bone cancer, her and her mother Carmen were flown to Brisbane for immediate treatment, one hundred and fifty kilometres from home. Imagine yourself in that terrifying situation. The last thing on your mind would be how you’re going to survive with no accommodationor support.Unfortunately, it’s a situation many Australian families face. Luckily for Carmen, she had assistance from generous Brisbane businesses who provided supportfor her family and many like them. I’m here to remind you that every contribution to Ronald McDonald House South East Queensland has a massive impact on the lives of sick children and their families far from home. SLIDE 1: PICTURE OF ALICE AND CARMEN IN HOSPTIAL
  • 5. Page 2 of 3 One of the contributions we are in need of is volunteering. Our volunteers help by providing meals, entertaining or simply being someone forfamilies to talk to. We live in a time where businesses have the power to facilitate positive change and grow alongside their communities. Businessesthat aid us by volunteering can benefit from improved corporate reputation among their community and earning a place in the hearts of Australian families for their generous contributions. The Brisbane Broncos and Contemporary Cakes are just a few of the local companies that stand out for supporting our organisation. SLIDE 2: IMAGES OF BUSINESS VOLUNTEERS HELPING RMHSEQ
  • 6. Page 3 of 3 STRONG FINISH We believe they recognise that with our South Brisbane house nearing completion, now is the time for our community to band together and support those in need on our doorstep in any way possible. All donations, sponsorship and fundraising go toward providing a safe living arrangement to ease the burden on families suffering in a medical crisis. This is an opportunity for you to inscribe your name in the South Brisbane community. The families we support won’t care how much you give, but they’ll rememberyou for giving. SLIDE 3: IMAGE OF RMHSEQ’S FAMILIES AND SHORT LIST OF INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO DONATEOR VOLUNTEER
  • 7. Media Release Rationale The Red Boot Hoot appears to be the most significant newsworthy event RMH SEQ has coming up over the next few months. The news values focused on were relevance, due to its potential effect on local businesses, timeliness, as it’s within the month, and proximity, as the event takes place in Brisbane (Georgetown, n.d.; Brighton & Foy, 2007, p. 7). While the event remained the focus of the release, RMH South Brisbane and volunteer opportunities were mentioned when reasonable. Key messages can be most effectively included as quotes as they allow for more emotional writing than concise, neutral prose journalists consider news writing (Mahoney, 2013, p. 99). Using the inverted pyramid, messages were prioritised as most importantly, the event is taking place in Brisbane, secondly, volunteering is good for businesses, and thirdly, the money will go towards RMH South Brisbane (Pottker, 2003, p. 502).
  • 8. Page 1 of 2 MEDIA RELEASE 5 June 2016 Red Boot Hoot where generous businesses commute Ronald McDonald House South East Queensland’s (RMH SEQ) Red Boot Hoot will be Brisbane’s business communities’ greatest opportunity to help sick children and their families far from home this year. The Red Boot Hoot fundraiser takes place on 30 July at the Royal International Convention Centre Brisbane and promises attendees live music, raffles, auctions and selfie opportunities with celebrities. RMH SEQ chairman, Adam Dando, said the Red Boot Hoot is a great chance for Brisbane businesses to unwind, network and contribute to families suffering medical crises in our city. “We look forward to the event every year and the fact that’s its right here in Brisbane is fantastic for local businesses looking to get involved,” Mr Dando said. “It’s one way for Brisbane communities and businesses to contribute to an issue right on their doorstep and encourages further involvement such as volunteering, which RMH SEQ really needs. “Businesses that help our organisation by volunteering can benefit from improved corporate reputation among their community and earning a place in the hearts of Australian families for their generous contributions.” RMH SEQ deputy chairman, Dr John Gilmour, said this year it is especially exciting to have such an admired charity event taking place in Brisbane. “With the construction of RMH South Brisbane well under way through The Power of Love Campaign, now is the best time for Brisbane locals to get involved,” Dr Gilmour said. (MORE OVER)
  • 9. Page 2 of 2 Red Boot Hoot “The Red Boot Hoot is an enjoyable night for everyone, especially sick children and their displaced families who feel the positive impact of every dollar that is raised.” The money raised will go towards accommodating and supporting RMH SEQ families and the $21 million construction of the new RMH South Brisbane. RMH South Brisbane will be one of the largest houses in the world with 13 stories, 70 rooms and business sponsored food and retail stores on the ground floor. RMHSEQ is a non-profit organisation located in Brisbane and the Gold Coast providing accommodation and support to sick children and their families receiving medical treatment more than 50km from home. ENDS Photo opportunity: RMH SEQ chairman Adam will be meeting with local business sponsor in at vibrant entrance to the Royal International Convention Centre to review event plans between 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. on Friday 6 June, 2016. Red Boot Hoot 2016: For further information, please contact: Brendan Graham Communications Officer Ronald McDonald House South East Queensland Phone: 0434576661 (mobile)
  • 10. Blog and Tweet Rationale As most of this portfolio’s collateral has been focused on logical persuasion, an emotional approach was attempted with the blog post. The focus was on the struggle RMH families go through, the positive effects business contributions have for the families and businesses and how employees themselves can initiate the volunteer process. The use of human voice and localised content make the blog more sharable and targeting the content at employees as well as CEOs should improve the contents online reach (Rubel, 2015). The blog is written in the voice of Kaitlyn Gillies of RMH SEQ’s communications and marketing team. Linking the blog and tweet also increases online reach as more channels potentially reach a broader audience (Mahoney, 2013, p. 81). The emphasis on what is new, currently beneficial and concentration on local interest adds prominence and persuasive significance to the tweet (Brighton & Foy, 2007, p. 7). Additionally, the font and font size of tweets was applied for realism and a fake hyperlink to the blog was created for visual effect.
  • 11. Blog Our volunteers make all the difference Kaitlyn Gillies, May 2016 Since working with Ronald McDonald House South East Queensland (RMH SEQ) I have a new found appreciation for being able to sleep in my own home each night and unwind after a stressful day. For RMH families and their sick children struggling through medical emergencies, every day is a stressful day. I can’t imagine the pressure I’d suffer being rushed to an unfamiliar city miles from home without anywhere to stay while my child is suffering. I’m proud to be a part of an organisation that eases the burden on families who are living out this scenario, sometimes for months, by providing accommodation, meals and emotional support with the help of generous volunteers from local businesses. I believe RMH SEQ proves that community spirited teamwork is a mutually beneficial relationship with larger than life impacts on families suffering here in our community. I’ve experienced business volunteers providing freshly cooked meals and conversation to families on the verge of breaking down and the positive difference it makes in the recovery process. Businesses that help Ronald McDonald House South East Queensland by volunteering can benefit from improved corporate reputation among their community and earning a place in the hearts of Australian families for their generous contributions. These contributions often begin with Brisbane business employees banding together to encourage their organisation to get involved in volunteer and donation efforts. I’m excited to see the Brisbane community grow around the new RMH South Brisbane and look forward to seeing our contributions bring more smiles to the faces of the families who need it the most. Tweet The time for generous #Brisbane businesses to help families and their sick kids on our doorstep is NOW! Find out why
  • 12. Media List Rationale The search criteria for the media list drew influence from the news values in my media release. The aim was to find journalists and reporters who operate out of Brisbane or nearby regions such as Ipswich as proximity and relevance to local and regional Brisbane businesses was the focus of my media release. Neijens (2006, p. 239) believes that journalists and PR practitioners have similar perceptions of newsworthiness and the role of the media, but can clash if journalists don’t see the priority or personal value in a story. For this reason, the only journalists chosen were those who had written about topics similar to the media release’s target audience’s interests (businesses), RMH SEQ’s work or women and children’s health care. It was difficult finding contact details but it was possible to piece together most essential information using a combination of LinkedIn, Facebook, Media Net and newspapers’ websites.
  • 13. Media List Outlet Name Contact Phone Contact Email Comments 1. The Sunday Mail Anthony Marx Phone: (07) 3666 6824 Mobile: 0401 997 896 Brisbane based. Covers business primarily including new businesses, business regulation, benefits to business and local business events.  showroom-in-brisbane-within-months/news-story/978247b415c964bfb906586a1a9f0a05  ibis-styles-hotel-in-the-brisbane-cbd-yesterday/news- story/eb3050d7a9010b83d7d0b74f8ebe3750 2. The Brisbane Times Amy Mitchell- Whittington (07) 3835 7511 Brisbane based. Covers a broad range of topics including Brisbane events, charity events, awareness campaigns and has written about medical issues (paralysed child).  nominations-20160518-goxu6y.html  sale-that-charges-based-on-gender-20160402-gnwsts.html
  • 14. 3. The Australian, Brisbane Sean Parnell Phone: (07) 3666 7456 Fax: (07) 3666 7499 Brisbane based. The Australians' leading health care reporter in Brisbane. Covers health care topics such as medical fees, hospital funding, regulations and on multiple occasions children's health.  parents/news-story/54c7c224c9264b7b5d044cc17f71928f  insurance-premium-rises/news-story/8a62cdb95b1e2479460e51bfde80acd9 4. The Queensland Times Joel Gould Phone: (07) 3817 1779 Mobile: 0437 929 951 Fax: (07) 3817 1736 Ipswich based. Covers a broad range of topics mostly focused on events (film and television). He is a supporter of rural and regional family interests but also has experience writing articles targeted at businesses (regulation and politics).   5. The Courier Mail Jackie Sinnerton Phone: (07) 3666 6346 Mobile: 0421 278 174 Brisbane based. Covers women and children's health, pregnancy, health care and domestic violence. Focuses strongly on sick children and nutrition.  hospitals-internal-correspondence/news-story/9a67e8a4c783b5d077c3d5a63d8cbb83 
  • 15. 6. The Western Echo Philippa-Jane Wightman Phone: 07 3300 1846 Based in The Gap. Covers local Brisbane news. She is the primary gate- keeper for The Western Echo which is distributed to the western suburbs of Brisbane. 7. Northside Chronicle Lara Lauth Phone: 07 3300 1846 Brisbane based. Covers local Brisbane news pertaining to politics, sports and local businesses. Also works with the Courier Mail covering similar topics. Would be ideal journalist to reach the northern suburbs of Brisbane through the Northside Chronicle.  awareness-about-autism-at-samford-fundraiser-on-april-23/news- story/8dc19b0fceb8e479751f31f4bd5a06e0 8. 96FIVE FM (Radio) Shane Adam Bassett Mobile: 0458 729 046 Brisbane based. He is the primary journalist for the station and covers entertainment and events. 96FIVE FM will reach many businesses as it is family friendly and more likely to be played in store.
  • 16. 9. ABC Brisbane 612 (Radio) Edwina Stott Phone:(07) 3377 5000 Fax Number:(07) 3377 5612 Brisbane based. Covers local Brisbane news including charity events, entertainment events and business news. Seems interested in social causes and supports charity events. 10. ABC Brisbane News (Television) Shelley Lloyd Phone: (07) 3377 5356 Fax Number: (07) 3377 5596 Brisbane based. Covers the local Brisbane news. Personal interest in motherhood, rural regions, Brisbane communities and social causes.
  • 17. Feature Story Quota Club’s recipe for business success When Quota International Brisbane City Club (QIBCC) provided 200 delicious meals to Ronald McDonald House South East Queensland (RMH SEQ) to help feed sick children and their families far from home, they accidentally dicovered the recipe to business success. In a time when businesses possess massive power and infuence over societal change, organisations similar to QIBCC stand out for their efforts to support significant causes and give back to their community. President of QIBCC, Caroline Cox, proudly supports her organisation’s fundraising and volunteer efforts which help to feed and emotionally support RMH families suffering a medical crisis. This contribution has become a key ingredient in QIBCC’s employee and management developments.“The work we do, looking after chidren and their families needing support, fits the bill for Quota Club’s Community service program,” Caroline says proudly. “It also provides fellowship for club members of all ages and provides communication expirience with parents and siblings of sick kids who need to talk to someone”. Businesses that help RMH SEQ through sponsorship, donation, fundraising or volunteering can benefit from improved corporate image, heightened employee morale and earning a place in the hearts of Australian families for their generous contributions. “It’s a fantastic opportunity for team building in organisations where interaction is limited, and a way to get everyone out of their comfort zone while participating in a rewarding, wonderful community service,” Caroline says, having expirienced first hand the positive effect volunteer efforts have on RMH SEQ families. Teambuilding, personal growth and development of teamwork and communication skills are all ingedients in QIBCC’s recipe for business success. With a place in the hearts of RMH families and the Brisbane community available, alongside a platter of employee development oppertunities, clever businesses will want a piece of the RMH SEQ pie today.
  • 18. FACT SHEET Brisbane Broncos Charity Partner ProgramGame Ronald McDonald House South East Queensland (RMHSEQ) has been designated the charity of choice for the Brisbane Broncos vs Canberra Raiders rugby league game. What does this mean?  RMHSEQ volunteers will operate the 50/50 Charity Raffle during the game by selling raffle tickets to spectators.  RMHSEQ will receive 50% of the 50/50 Charity Raffle’s jackpot cash prize.  The money received will go towards helping sick children and their families far from home in medical crises by providing a stable living arrangement and emotional support. What is the Brisbane Broncos Charity Partner Program (BBCPP)?  The BBCPP is the Brisbane Broncos’ program that supports 12 different Queensland charities with a designated home game, fundraising and volunteer efforts each year.  This will be the BBCPP’s tenth year of operations.  The Brisbane Broncos initiated the BBCPP to strengthen their reputation and relationships within their local community. How can I contribute?  Individuals and communities can support both RMHSEQ and the Brisbane Broncos by purchasing raffle tickets at the Brisbane vs Canberra game.  Other contributions can be made to RMHSEQ by offering a donation, fundraising or time as a volunteer.
  • 19. Why contribute to RMHSEQ?  Every contribution large or small via donation, fundraising or volunteering has a large impact on the lives of sick children and their families.  Local businesses involved in partnerships and sponsorship can benefit from improved corporate image, heightened employee morale and association with a brand renowned for its CSR practices. When and Where is the Brisbane Broncos vs Canberra Raiders game?  The Brisbane vs Canberra game will be played on the 9th June at 7:30 p.m.  The game will be held at Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane. Suncorp Stadium Contact Ronald McDonald House South East Queensland Phone: 07 3257 0328 Address: 22 Garrick Terrace, Herston, Queensland Last Updated: April 2016
  • 20. Page 1 of 3 Ronald McDonaldHouse South EastQueensland Backgrounder(Updated 20 April) The History of Ronald McDonald House South East Queensland (RMHSEQ) The first Ronald McDonald House (RMH) was founded by American footballer Fred Hill in 1974 when he purchased a seven-bedroom house to accommodate sick families and their children far from home in medical crises. Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) began after a local McDonald’s sponsored Fred Hill’s venture and now operates in over 36 countries with 15 houses currently open in Australia. RMHC have helped diverse individuals endure their medical crises by allowing cost-effective accommodation in proximity to health care clinics1. RMHSEQ began operations in 1991 with the opening of RMH Mater in Brisbane. Since then it has maintained five programs within the Brisbane and Gold Coast region:  RMH Herston  RMH Mater  Ronald McDonald Family Room Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital  Ronald McDonald Family Room Gold Coast Hospital NICU  Ronald McDonald House Family Room Gold Coast Hospital Children’s Ward RMHSEQ is a not-for-profit organisation that assists sick children and their displaced families with a range of support including accommodation, meals, entertainment and medical services. To be eligible to stay in a RMHSEQ house you must be more than 50km from home receiving medical treatment at the Royal Brisbane Women’s Hospital, the Royal Children’s Hospital or the Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital. Those eligible include parents and siblings of sick children or women suffering complex medical issues with a pregnancy. RMHSEQ has remained an accessible option for donations, sponsorship and volunteer opportunities among communities and local businesses since its beginnings in 1991. 1 Dexter, S. C., Klein, K. A., Clark, D. A., Ross, S. L., & Veille, J. C. (2004). The Ronald McDonald House as an alternative to antepartum hospitalization. Journal of perinatology,24(10), 623-625. Retrieved from
  • 21. Page 2 of 3 RMHSEQ Today and Beyond The organisation currently operates two house in Brisbane, RMH Herston next to the Royal Brisbane Women’s Hospital and RMH Mater opposite the Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital. In 2014 RMHSEQ announced a new house was to be built in South Brisbane to succeed RMH Mater after its completion in 20162. RMH South Brisbane will be one of the world’s largest and includes:  13 stories and 70 rooms  sponsored food and retail outlets on the ground floor  an indoor and outdoor playground  computer stations  gardens  communal and lounge areas  a rooftop terrace and function room The house has the potential for continued development of up to 112 rooms and will provide local businesses the opportunity to sponsor rooms, retail outlets and volunteer employees to assist and support families. RMH sponsorship has been a popular choice among global corporations wanting to associate themselves with a company holding an exceptional corporate social responsibility (CSR) record and providing families and sick children with a good living arrangement3. RMHSEQ receives assistance through McHappy Day, donations, volunteer opportunities, corporate partnerships and fundraising. The organisation has participated in many events during 2016 including the Red Boot “St Paddy’s Day” Rally and Parmalat Charity Golf Day while also contributing to the community via the RMHC’s Charlie Bell Scholarship and RMH Learning program. RMHSEQ’s The Power of Love Campaign is attempting to raise $20, 000 of funding from donations and sponsorship by communities and individuals alongside sponsorship events including the Brisbane Broncos Charity Partner Game and the Gold Coast Titans Charity Ball on 9th June. 2 Bochenski,N. (2014). Brisbaneto be home to 'world's largest' Ronald McDonald House.The Brisbane Times. Retrieved from mcdonald-house-20140612-zs56a.html 3 Br⊘ nn, P. S. (2006). Buildingcorporatebrands through community involvement: Is itexportable? The caseof the Ronald McDonald House in Norway. Journal of Marketing Communications,12(4),309-320.Retrieved from
  • 22. Page 3 of 3 Our Partners Award winning corporate partnerships are the core of RMHSEQ’s CSR and fundraising programs. Local businesses that sponsor or volunteer to help RMHSEQ can benefit from improved corporate image, heightened employee morale and association with a brand renowned for its CSR practices. Our partners include:  The Brisbane Broncos (Charity Partner Program)  Royal Far West (RMH Care Mobile Program)  Super Amart  Hewlett-Packard  Coca-Cola Our Executives  Adam Dando - Chairman and McDonald’s Representative  Dr John Gilmour - Deputy Chair and Health Services Representative  Alan Scott – Community Representative  Dr David Wood - Chair of the Children's Health Service, Hospital and Health Service Our Awards and Recognition  Fundraising Institute Australia - Capital Campaigns Under $5 million revenue o The Power of Love Campaign  Federal Government’s National Stronger Regions Fund o The Power of Love Campaign  Selectedas official charity partner for the 2015 Brisbane International Follow Us Facebook: Twitter: Contact Brendan Graham: Communications Officer RMHSEQ Phone: 0434576662 Email:
  • 23. Sponsor Donate Fundraise Volunteer The Brisbane Broncos Super Amart Westpac Spark Helmore Lawyers Parmalat The Brisbane Lions The Treasury Casino WATPAC The IrishShed Delta Society Australia Join other businesses in the Ronald McDonald House South Brisbane family today! Businesses that help Ronald McDonald House South East Queensland by sponsorship, donation, fundraising or volunteering can benefit from improved corporate image, heightened employee morale and earning a place in the hearts of Australian families for their generous contributions. Our Family includes: Ronald McDonald House South Brisbane is scheduled for completion in 2016. This gives generous Brisbane businesses the opportunity to help support sick children and their families far from home through sponsorship, donation, fundraising or volunteering. Stand out in your community for supporting this critical cause and help to make a positive change right on your doorstep! Contact Information: Ronald McDonald House South East Queensland Phone: 07 3257 0328 Address: 22 Garrick Terrace, Herston QLD 4006 9 Allen Street, South Brisbane QLD 4101 Follow Us Email Let’s Build Our Business Community Together
  • 24. Sponsor Donate Fundraise Volunteer Ronald McDonald House South East Queensland (RMH SEQ) is an Australian not-for-profit organization supporting sick children and their displaced families by providing a ‘home away from home’. Our families include those 50 kilometers from home with seriously ill children or women suffering complex medical issues with a pregnancy. Support for RMH families includes: • Medical Services • Accommodation • Meals • Entertainment • Rehabilitation • Education How Can Your Business Help? Businesses can help RMH SEQ families by:  Volunteering employees to cook meals, provide entertainmentor emotionally supportRMH SEQ families.  Sponsoring a RMH SEQ event or a room in the new RMH South Brisbane.  Donating to the ‘Power of Love Campaign’ to help build RMH South Brisbane,one of the largestRonald McDonald Houses in the world.  Fundraising to supportour programs. How Can Your Business Benefit? Working with RMH SEQ can benefit your business by:  Improving your reputation among the Brisbane business community.  Being associated with a brand renowned for its CSR practices .  Improving employee morale and teamwork skills.  Providing an opportunity for you to showcase your goods or services. RMH SEQ are known for our award winning partnerships and programs.  Official charity partner for the 2015 Brisbane International.  Fundraising Institution Australia - Winner of Capital Campaigns under $5 million. Contribute today to help seriously ill children and their families make a safe recovery in our city!
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