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May 04 2013 How John Preached Salvation and Repentance: An Example for All
Preacheers How to Preach the the Gosple Unto Salvation
May 12 2013 So Why Did People Come Out to Hear John Preach? Luke 3:5-9
Romans 10: August18 part one vs. 3 and
Romans 10:3 August 25 part two
STEPS I TAKE IN TEACHING A SERMON: When I am in the pulpit read to
present the sermon. And by the way there is to be a pulpit not a boat. The pulpit is
the center and the altar of the church.
The place where John Calvin preached
Teaching comes first than preaching. You can not preach before you teach.
First I will give a brief review of the previous lessons, to get them up to dated on the
text set before us.
Second: I want to get them to understand this: THIS IS THE WORD OF GOD
Third: Understand that this is the only kind of biblical preaching: Look at what I am
doing and follow the pattern: Preach from the Bible. (Never go to the pulpit without a
bible, and open it) (I have failed with that, in that I have a Kindle Fire, or the verses are in
my manuscript.)
Fourth: God is speaking in the text. So what does the text say? Make sure you teach the
text and not Charles Whisnant.
Fifth: Make sure you explain the text in its context without pretext of your own words.
Fifth a You want to transport the people back in the time in which the events are
talking place.
Sixth: You can explain the text with other text of scriptures. You use scriptures to
explain scriptures.
Seventh: What is the point of the texts you are explaining? What is the orginial intend
of the auther orginial? What did those people who read the letter or book understand
when they read it?
Eighth: You first give the meaning of the text, that is your message, Tell them what
God is saying in the text and they will see it when you are finish with the sermon.
Ninth: Read the text. Explain the text. (make sure you know what the text is saying,
and not guessing.) What you say is in the text. As a way of explaining the text you might
have to use other scriptures to help you explain the meaning. That is what the NT writers
did, they often quoted the OT to explain their point
Ninth: Once you have explain the text and the purpose of the text, then you ask them to
obey the text. If God is speaking in the text and He is saying you need to know this or do
this, then they are to trust and obey His word.
ROMANS 10: 3 'THEY” Being the Jewish people “BEING IGNORANT OF GOD'S
RIGHTEOUSNES>” Which seems impossible doesn't it? How could they not have seen
just how righteous God was and is. THE DOCTRINE OF GOD'S RIGHTEOUSNESS.
Throughout the OT we see and read that the people were continually doing and living
contradict to the Laws of God. There seemed to be a willful ignorance of the people about
what God said to do. Hosea said this “My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.”
Psalms 95:10 “40 years was I grieved with this generation and said, It is a people do err
in their hearts and they have not known My ways.”
They did not know God, really. They didn't know Him in Jeremiah's day, and Isaiah day
and now not in John the Baptist day and at the time of Christ. They still do not know
Him. Jesus on the cross said the same thing. Luke 23:34 “Lord they don't know …”
Ignorance is a bad thing. This willful ignorance on the part of Israel let to the Israel's
tragic end. This let them to refuse to believe that God was Jesus in the flesh.
Now remember what we've been learning. In the book of Romans Paul is endeavoring to
present the gospel of justification by grace through faith. In other words, he's presenting
how to be right with God, how to have a relationship with God,
an eternal relationship,
a sin-cleansing relationship,
a grace dispensing relationship,
a peace-giving relationship,
a hope- giving relationship.
And he's presented that...a man becomes right with God through faith, God's grace
reaches out and the man responds by faith.
The Jews, however, have rejected this.
They have rejected Christ. They have rejected the gospel. They have, for the most
part, rejected the preaching of the Apostles. And Paul knows that if he is to make any
points with his teaching, he's going to have to deal with this unbelief of Israel.
He's got to explain it somehow because unknowing and unwitting people are going
to say, "Well how can we believe this is true if the Jews who are God's people don't
believe it's true?" So he must discuss the unbelief of Israel as a defense of the validity of
the doctrine of justification by grace through faith. He's got to explain the unbelief of
And so this is not some incidental text, this is the heart of his argument, this is the
If the gospel is really true then you better tell us why the people of God have rejected
it...the ones who have always received God's law, the ones who have written down God's
law, who have preserved God's law, who are the people of the covenant and the people of
promise...if they reject it then you better tell us how that can happen if it's really God's
message. And that's exactly what he does.
And in chapter 9 he points out the fact that Israel's unbelief fit into the sovereign plan of
God, that they were unbelieving because that was the sovereign plan of God.
That didn't surprise God but rather God had planned for that, it was in the plan. And he
points out all through chapter 9 that God is absolutely sovereign and that God never
intended that all of Israel would be redeemed, He was selective.
So Israel's rejection doesn't violate God's plan. Israel's rejection doesn't overturn God's
plan. Israel's rejection doesn't obviate the truth of the gospel. In fact, God had that
planned into it all along.
But that's only the first half.
The first reason to explain Israel's unbelief is God's sovereignty.
The second one is Israel's willful ignorance. And the two always go together...they always
go together, they're always in perfect harmony, concurrence and balance that where you
have God rejecting a person, being it an Esau or a Pharaoh or whoever else they might
represent you will also have in that person willful ignorance and unbelief.
One does not exist without the other. God doesn't just damn people apart from their own
choices, they act in concurrence.
And so as you come to the end of chapter 9 he begins to turn to the other side and present
the balance. And he says in verse 32, the problem with Israel was they sought salvation
not by faith but by works. So it wasn't just the sovereignty of God that explains their
unbelief, it was also their own unbelief, their own willful choice in seeking something by
works rather than by faith.
And so Paul shows, first of all, that Israel's unbelief fits the sovereign plan of God,
doesn't change it, isn't a surprise to God, isn't a shock, doesn't overturn the plan, fits into
But God is not independently responsible for what happened to Israel, they made a choice
themselves. And that's where we move into chapter 10.
And if the theme of chapter 9 is the sovereignty of God, the theme of chapter 10 is the
volition or choice of man. And chapter 10 goes on to unfold the factors of Israel's
unbelief, that Israel is set apart because of ignorance, that's the basic theme here...because
of ignorance.
And remember last time I told you five things that we need to note.
They were ignorant of the person of God,
They were ignorant of the provision of Christ, t
They were ignorant of the place of faith,
They were ignorant of the perimeters of salvation and
They were ignorant of the predictions of Scripture. And that takes us right through the
tenth chapter.
So it isn't just the sovereignty of God independent of the choice of Israel, they were
ignorant. And they were ignorant of all these things.
They were willfully ignorant.
They chose to be ignorant.
They weren't ignorant because they didn't have the information, they were ignorant
because they chose to ignore the information,
They chose to turn their back on it. When they knew God, they refused to worship Him
as God. When they knew God's truth, they refused to acknowledge it as God's truth and
they went about to establish, it says in verse 3, their own righteousness.
So the first thing that they were ignorant of was the person of God.
They were ignorant of the person of God. Romans 10:1-3.
Romans 10:3 For not knowing (50) about God's righteousness(1343) and seeking to
establish their own, they did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God. (NASB:
They did not know the way that God makes people right with him. And they tried to
make themselves right in their own way. So they did not accept God's way of making
people right. (ICB: Nelson)
For they, being, ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own
righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God..” kjv

Sometimes people have a hard time knowing the truth and are with out knowledge
of that truth.
Let's look at a few verses

John 8:32, 45; 16:7


John 1:14; 14:6; 17:17; 16:13; 18:37

II Corinthians 11:10 and 11 Thessalonians 2:13

The Lord put a premium on the truth, the knowlege of the truth, man must know the truth.
The Divine truth.. the life changing truth, the sin cleansing truth, and the salvation giving
truth, the soul transforming truth and the heaven opening tru
The Jews were the seekers of knowlege. The sought to know what was the truth. Rabbi
were well trained.
ZEAL(2205) (heat ardor passion) FOR GOD: marturo gar autois hoti zelon theou echousin
(2Corinthians 8:3; Galatians 4:15; Colossians 4:13) (2Kings 10:16; John
16:2; Acts 21:20,28; 22:3,22; 26:9,10; Galatians 1:14; 4:17,18; Philippians

Zeal (2205) (zelos from zeo = to be hot, to boil [from the sound of bubbling
water], figuratively to be fervent or show great enthusiasm; was originally a good
word which described fervour in advancing a cause or in rendering service. Zelos
for example gives us our English word zeal (zealous - filled with intense
enthusiasm) which is generally a "good" word which describes eagerness,
earnestness, enthusiastic devotion, single-minded allegiance, fervency, eager
desire or ardent interest in pursuit of something, but it can take on a negative
connotation when it describes a reaction which borders on extreme or fanatical.

(Ro 9:3; 9:31,32; Psalms 14:4; Proverbs 19:2; Isaiah 27:1; 2Corinthians 4:4,6;
Philippians 1:9)
But not in accordance with knowledge - The zeal of the Jews was not based on true
knowledge. Their zeal was "heat without light".
Knowledge (1922) (epignosis from verb epiginosko from epí = upon + ginosko = to know) is a
strengthened or intensified form of gnosis and conveys the thought of a more full,
larger and thorough knowledge. It also conveys the idea of an intimate and personal
relationship than the simple term.

Vine says the verb form epiginosko suggests generally a directive, a more
special, recognition of the object known than ginosko.


Tragically, many "religious" people make the same mistake that Israel made. They
think that their "religious deeds" will gain them merit with God and will save
them, but these very practices (just as they did with the Jews) will actually keep
them from being saved by the "true knowledge" of Jesus Christ and the "true
knowledge" of how one is credited with the perfect righteousness of Christ. Many
of these individuals are obviously sincere and devout and even zealous, but all of
their sincerity, devotion and zeal will not save their soul for Paul plainly stated by
the works of the Law no flesh will be justified in His sight (


Psalms 14:4, Provers 19:2; Isaiah 27:1; 23 Corinthians 4:4,6; Philippians 1:9


The Jews knowledge was not based on true knowledge. They had some but not
the full knowledge. The sought God in an external way by rules and rites and
missed Him.


This term was not "gnosis" but the word "epignosis" i.e. they hand general
knoweldge but not the fullness of knoweldge, a knowledge that allows you to
participate in the facts that you can quote.


Epignosis: refers to exact, complete, thought, accurate, experiential knowledge.
Not just abstract, intellectual, head knowledge of God, or even facts of God. Such
a knoweldge of God that you are resting on the knowledg3 of God and of Christ
found today in His Word.


Many of you can walk out of this church and can quote the sermon word by word.
That is gnosis. But you don't have epignosis until you have a comprehension of
how you are to live in light of what you can quote.


Acts 3:17; Luke 19:44, Isaiah 5:13, Hosea 4:6; I Timothy 1, Romans 2:17-19


do not know the right way


zeal is not based on knowledge

misdirected knowledge


it is not a passion based on knowledge


not according to a full and accurate knowledge

Jesus Christ came into the world, as I pointed out in the beginning, to reveal truth. But
Israel was ignorant of that truth. Now Israel's ignorance becomes the theme of this
chapter. And that little phrase at the end of verse 2, "Not according to knowledge," that
little phrase at the beginning of verse 3, "They being ignorant," indicate to us the
theme of what Paul's going to talk about.
Israel was called "the God-intoxicated people." John 2:17 and Acts 21:20 and 22:3
In chapter 9 we were introduced to the unbelief of Israel, weren't we? We were
introduced. Because here's Paul presenting the doctrine of justification by grace through
faith in Christ, person and work. And as he presents that people are going to say, well if
it's so true and if it's from God why didn't the Jews, God's people, believe it? And so he
has to answer that and that's why he writes 9, 10 and 11, to show how it is that the Jews
have rejected.
Now in talking about their unbelief in chapter 9 he emphasized the fact that they were
unbelieving because of the sovereign elective choice of God. In other words, God didn't
choose them all. And so the issue of chapter 9 is an issue of election. It is an issue of
sovereign choice.
But the issue of chapter 10 is an issue of unbelief. And I want you never to forget that you
always have both of those things. If you have salvation, you have the sovereign election
of God and you have the faith of an individual.
If you have the loss of...the lack of salvation, the loss of hope in Christ, it is because you
have sovereign choice, that's chapter 9, and because you have unbelief. You could think
of it along the line of concurrence which is a word that you may have heard used. It's sort
of like an airplane taking off, two things are necessary for an airplane to take off...thrust
and lift. If you have lift without thrust, you don't get off. If you have thrust without lift,
you don't get off. You have to have thrust with lift.
The same thing is true and it's a weak illustration if you push it too far, but both things
must occur simultaneously in concurrence, the election of God and the belief of an
individual. Or the rejection of God and the unbelief. And that's why Paul brings chapter
10 in to show the balance, lest we think that God made choices independent of the
choices that men made. So Paul wants to demonstrate then the willful unbelief, the willful
ignorance of Israel.
Now what is holiness? Hard to define. We'll come at it a couple of ways. Holiness is
self-generated and self-affirmed purity. To say it another way, holiness is not to live up to
the standard, holiness is to be the standard. God is the standard, absolute perfection,
absolutely flawless, absolutely without flaw, without sin, without error of any kind. Even
His name is holy, Psalm 103 verse 1, "But Thou art holy, O Thou who inhabitest the
praises of Israel," says Psalm 22:3. Psalm 99:5 says, "Exalt ye the Lord our God and
worship at His footstool for He is holy." And God, it says in Psalm 47:8 sits on the throne
of His holiness. And in Isaiah 6 and Revelation 4 the angels cry, "Holy, holy, holy." God
is holy. He does not conform to a standard, He is the standard. The standard conforms to
Him. He does not keep someone else's rules, He is the living rule. He has a holiness that
is ascending beyond any conception of men. And the stupidity of these kinds of attitudes
projected by the Apostle Paul here from the people of Israel that they could attain to the
righteousness of God only shows that they had reduced God to one of their own.
There are no degrees in God's holiness. There can't be degrees in perfection. And God's
holiness, I think, is best seen in His hatred of sin. He has total perfection, therefore He
has total hatred toward that which is imperfect. He is totally holy so He totally hates
anything that's unholy.
Psalm 11:7 says, "For the Lord is righteous, He loves righteousness." That simply means
what's right, what's holy, what's without sin, without flaw, without error. So God's
holiness is seen in righteousness. Because God is holy, because He's perfectly pure, He
wills, He thinks, He feels, He says and He does what is right, and that's righteousness. So
they're so inextricably connected that you can't really separate them. He is so perfect that
all that He thinks and feels and does is perfect, it's righteous. Some theologians have put
it this way, for those of you who like theological terms, "Righteousness is transitive
holiness, it is manifest holiness." It means that because He's perfect He always does what
is perfectly right. Righteousness is not arbitrary, it is not alterable or changeable. He is
always perfectly righteous, totally pure, without any sin. Now any man who thinks he can
attain to that level is an absolute fool and is living under a sad tragic illusion.
In Psalm 71:19 it says this, "Thy righteousness also, O God, is very high who hast done
great things. O God, who is like Thee?" And what's the answer? Nobody. "Thy
righteousness is very high."
Further, back in the Psalms and I think it's Psalm 48, could be wrong on this, but...yes,
verse 10, "According to Thy name, O God, so is Thy praise to the ends of the earth, Thy
right hand is full of righteousness." As if God holds all righteousness. In that long Psalm
119 verse 142, "Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness." And these kinds of
things are all through the Psalms, very high, eternal, complete righteousness.
Charles e Whisnant, Pastor/Teacher, Preacher
Please open your bible today to Luke 3:21-22. What does God want us to learn today?
ROMANS 10: 3 'THEY” Being the Jewish people “BEING IGNORANT OF GOD'S
RIGHTEOUSNES>” Which seems impossible doesn't it? How could they not have seen
just how righteous God was and is. THE DOCTRINE OF GOD'S RIGHTEOUSNESS.
Now remember what we've been learning. In the book of Romans Paul is endeavoring to
present the gospel of justification by grace through faith. In other words, he's presenting
how to be right with God, how to have a relationship with God, And he's presented
that...a man becomes right with God through faith, God's grace reaches out and the man
responds by faith.
The Jews, however, have rejected this.
They have rejected Christ. They have rejected the gospel. They have, for the most
part, rejected the preaching of the Apostles. And Paul knows that if he is to make any
points with his teaching, he's going to have to deal with this unbelief of Israel.
He's got to explain it somehow because unknowing and unwitting people are going
to say, "Well how can we believe this is true if the Jews who are God's people don't
believe it's true?" So he must discuss the unbelief of Israel as a defense of the validity of
the doctrine of justification by grace through faith. He's got to explain the unbelief of
And so this is not some incidental text, this is the heart of his argument, this is the
If the gospel is really true then you better tell us why the people of God have rejected
it...the ones who have always received God's law, the ones who have written down God's
law, who have preserved God's law, who are the people of the covenant and the people of
promise...if they reject it then you better tell us how that can happen if it's really God's
message. And that's exactly what he does. But that's only the first half.
The first reason to explain Israel's unbelief is God's sovereignty.
The second one is Israel's willful ignorance. And the two always go together...they always
go together, they're always in perfect harmony, concurrence and balance that where you
have God rejecting a person, being it an Esau or a Pharaoh or whoever else they might
represent you will also have in that person willful ignorance and unbelief.
One does not exist without the other. God doesn't just damn people apart from their own
choices, they act in concurrence.
And remember last time I told you five things that we need to note.
They were ignorant of the person of God, They were ignorant of the provision of Christ,
They were ignorant of the place of faith, They were ignorant of the perimeters of
salvation and They were ignorant of the predictions of Scripture.
Romans 10:3 For not knowing (50) about God's righteousness(1343) and seeking to
establish their own, they did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God. (NASB:
They did not know the way that God makes people right with him. And they tried to
make themselves right in their own way. So they did not accept God's way of making
people right. (ICB: Nelson) For they, being, ignorant of God's righteousness, and going
about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the
righteousness of God..” kjv
The Jews failed to see the Holiness of God....... They either refused to believe, or they
were ignorant of the importance of knowing who God was.
If a person doesn't understand God's rightness, that is the supreme ignorance. If we
imagine that God is less than He is, we have made a fatal mistake because we find God
less than perfect, therefore He tolerates sin and imperfection, therefore we're going to be
okay if we just improve a few things...fatal mistake...fatal mistake.
Some verses in the O.T. About this matter of the holiness of God
Leviticus 18 and 19 Called the law of holiness where God lays down the principles for
society and for morality within society. Would we heed those in our current society today.
And all these are His perfect expressions of His absolute purity. And He always sets
Himself as the standard and this is what is so great about Leviticus that Dorothy and most
of you find so hard to get into. Either did the Jews it seems. I am going to look in
Leviticus 19 “Laws of Holiness and Justice.
How to Spell 'Holy' (Leviticus 19:1-37)
Leviticus chapter 19 provides us with an exposition on the practice of holiness. The
holiness of God is thus revealed in relationship to the redemption of Israel out of Egypt.
Consequently, it is not until after the exodus that God calls upon His people to live holy
lives. The Mosaic Covenant is established so that Israel would be a holy nation (Exod.
19:6). While there are hints at how holiness is to be practiced by the people of God earlier
in the Pentateuch, it is in the 19th chapter of the Book of Leviticus that holiness is
defined in great detail.
First, it is important because of the distorted perceptions of holiness.
Second, Leviticus 19 is vitally important because of the desperate need for the
practice of holiness.
Third, many sincere Christians have gone astray seeking an unholy holiness.
Fourth, Leviticus 19 is important to us because of the prominence of its teaching in
the New Testament.
The Necessity of Holiness
The necessity of holiness is found in the first primary commandment: “You shall be
holy, for I the LORD your God am holy” (Lev. 19:2). Note the following factors relative
to this command.
1. The necessity of holiness is seen by the fact that the entire nation of Israelite is
commanded to be holy.
2. The command also provides a motivation for holiness.
3. There is also a provision for the holiness which God required of His people
4. God Himself provided the pattern for holiness
ROMANS 10:4 Series #170
Charles e. Whisnant, Pastor/Teacher September 29 2013
Deuteronomy 28. I Kings 9
1A They Were Ignorant of What:? They did not subject themselves to God: The Person of
God: Romans 10:3
Romans 10:3 For not knowing about God's righteousness and seeking to establish their
own, they did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God. Or For being ignorant
of the righteousness that God ascribes [which makes one acceptable to Him in word,
thought, and deed] and seeking to establish a righteousness (a means of salvation) of their
own, they did not obey or submit themselves to God's righteousness. (Amplified Bible) or
as the NKJV For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and seeking to establish
their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God. Romans
9:31,64:6; Isaiah 57:12; ; Luke 10:29; 16:15; 18:9-12; Galatians 5:3,4; Philippians 3:9;
Revelation 3:17,18
2A The Were Ignorant of : The Provision of Christ.
(Job 33:27; Lamentations 3:22; Luke 15:17-21)
The nature of their unbelief. They have not submitted themselves to the righteousness of
God, that is, they have not yielded to gospel-terms, nor accepted the tender of
justification by faith in Christ, which is made in the gospel. Unbelief is a non-submission
to the righteousness of God, standing it out against the gospel proclamation of indemnity.
Have not submitted. In true faith, there is need of a great deal of submission; therefore the
first lesson Christ teaches is to deny ourselves. It is a great piece of condescension for a
proud heart to be content to be beholden to free grace; we are loth to sue sub forma
pauperis-as paupers. Matthew Henry
They were hoping that by keeping the law they would be okay with God. They say their
righteousness by keep the law. If you want to maintain the righteousness necessary for
God keep the law.
Righteousness is not an attainment, it is a provision. It is what God gives to us as a result
of placing our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. The Christian life is a relationship, not a
religion. In a religion, you work for God, hoping He will bless it. In a relationship, you
are walking moment by moment in this intimacy of knowledge with God through His Son
Jesus Christ, trusting in Him, depending on Him for everything.
31; 8:3,4; Hebrews 9:-14; 10:9,-11, 12,14) Acts 13:38-39
But they misunderstood that Christ was the END of the Law.
Everything about the Jewish religion pointed to the coming Messiah—their sacrifices,
priesthood, temple services, religious festivals, and covenants. Their Law, the Temple
ceremonies, the sacrifices, etc were all "WORD PICTURES" given by God to tell His
chosen people that they were sinners in need of a Savior. But instead of letting these
"PICTURES" and the Law bring them to Christ ( Gal 3:24), they worshiped their Law
and rejected their Savior! The Law like the tabernacle, temple, and sacrifices was a
signpost, pointing the way. It was a means to an end, not the end itself. It could never take
them to their destination. The Law cannot give righteousness but only lead the sinner to
the Savior Who Alone was the source of God pleasing righteousness (1 Corinthians 1:30)
Paul is discussing two materially exclusive systems, the one based on doing, the other on
believing. The system of faith, represented by Christ, brings to an end and excludes the
system of law; and the Jews, in holding by the system of law, fall short of the
righteousness which is by faith. (Vincent, M. R. Word Studies in the New Testament)
Paul cannot be speaking of Christ’s historical fulfillment of the law as important as that
truth is. Christ did indeed historically fulfill the law and the entire Old Covenant by His
perfect, sinless life—whether anyone believed in Him or not. But that accomplishment
does not provide anyone else with saving righteousness. Rather, as indicated at the end of
verse 4, Paul is saying that belief in Christ as Savior and Lord brings to an end the
sinner’s futile quest for righteousness through his own imperfect attempts to fulfill the
law . When a sinner receives Christ, he also receives the gift of Christ’s own
righteousness. John MacArthur
It is the end of self-salvation. There has never been righteousness by works. People spend
years in a system trying to earn there way into heaven with good deeds.
But if you embrace Christ, its over, the quest. Isaiah 45:24. 2 Corinthians 5:21
Paul is preaching that when they place their faith in Christ, God will bring about a change
in their relation or standing before Him. Justification has to do with relations that have
been disturbed by sin, and these relations are personal. It is a change from guilt and
condemnation to acquittal and acceptance. A related but not identical term is regeneration
which has to do with the change of the believer's nature. Justification, has to do with the
change of the believer's standing before God. Regeneration is subjective while
justification is objective. Regeneration has to do with man's state, while justification has
to do man's standing.
Christ is the end of the Law in the sense that through His death and resurrection, He has
terminated the ministry of the Law for those who believe. The Law is ended as far as
Christians are concerned. The righteousness of the Law is being fulfilled in the life of the
believer through the power of the Spirit (Romams 8:4-; but the reign of the Law has
ended (Epesians 2:15; Collosians2:1). “For ye are not under the Law, but under grace”
(Romans 6:14).
Yes, there's a highway to heaven, but you can't travel it in a Corvette Stingray after
you die. You must get on this highway while you are alive, and you get on it by
placing your trust in Jesus Christ.
Charles e Whisnant, Pastor/Teacher, Preacher
Please open your bible today to Luke 3:21-22. What does God want us to learn
ROMANS 10: 3 'THEY” Being the Jewish people “BEING IGNORANT OF GOD'S
RIGHTEOUSNES>” Which seems impossible doesn't it? How could they not have seen
just how righteous God was and is. THE DOCTRINE OF GOD'S RIGHTEOUSNESS.
Now remember what we've been learning. In the book of Romans Paul is endeavoring to
present the gospel of justification by grace through faith. In other words, he's presenting
how to be right with God, how to have a relationship with God, And he's presented
that...a man becomes right with God through faith, God's grace reaches out and the man
responds by faith.
The Jews, however, have rejected this.
They have rejected Christ. They have rejected the gospel. They have, for the most
part, rejected the preaching of the Apostles. And Paul knows that if he is to make any
points with his teaching, he's going to have to deal with this unbelief of Israel.
He's got to explain it somehow because unknowing and unwitting people are going
to say, "Well how can we believe this is true if the Jews who are God's people don't
believe it's true?" So he must discuss the unbelief of Israel as a defense of the validity of
the doctrine of justification by grace through faith. He's got to explain the unbelief of
And so this is not some incidental text, this is th heart of his argument, this is the
If the gospel is really true then you better tell us why the people of God have rejected
it...the ones who have always received God's law, the ones who have written down God's
law, who have preserved God's law, who are the people of the covenant and the people of
promise...if they reject it then you better tell us how that can happen if it's really God's
message. And that's exactly what he does. But that's only the first half.
The first reason to explain Israel's unbelief is God's sovereignty.
The second one is Israel's willful ignorance. And the two always go together...they always
go together, they're always in perfect harmony, concurrence and balance that where you
have God rejecting a person, being it an Esau or a Pharaoh or whoever else they might
represent you will also have in that person willful ignorance and unbelief.
One does not exist without the other. God doesn't just damn people apart from their own
choices, they act in concurrence.
And remember last time I told you five things that we need to note.
They were ignorant of the person of God, They were ignorant of the provision of Christ,
They were ignorant of the place of faith, They were ignorant of the perimeters of
salvation and They were ignorant of the predictions of Scripture.
Romans 10:3 For not knowing (50) about God's righteousness(1343) and seeking to
establish their own, they did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God. (NASB:
They did not know the way that God makes people right with him. And they tried to
make themselves right in their own way. So they did not accept God's way of making
people right. (ICB: Nelson) For they, being, ignorant of God's righteousness, and going
about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the
righteousness of God..” kjv
The Jews failed to see the Holiness of God....... They either refused to believe, or they
were ignorant of the importance of knowing who God was.
If a person doesn't understand God's rightness, that is the supreme ignorance. If we
imagine that God is less than He is, we have made a fatal mistake because we find God
less than perfect, therefore He tolerates sin and imperfection, therefore we're going to be
okay if we just improve a few things...fatal mistake...fatal mistake.
Some verses in the O.T. About this matter of the holiness of God
Leviticus 18 and 19 Called the law of holiness where God lays down the principles for
society and for morality within society. Would we heed those in our current society today.
And all these are His perfect expressions of His absolute purity. And He always sets
Himself as the standard and this is what is so great about Leviticus that Dorothy and most
of you find so hard to get into. Either did the Jews it seems. I am going to look in
Leviticus 19 “Laws of Holiness and Justice.
How to Spell 'Holy' (Leviticus 19:1-37)
Leviticus chapter 19 provides us with an exposition on the practice of holiness. The
holiness of God is thus revealed in relationship to the redemption of Israel out of Egypt.
Consequently, it is not until after the exodus that God calls upon His people to live holy
lives. The Mosaic Covenant is established so that Israel would be a holy nation (Exod.
19:6). While there are hints at how holiness is to be practiced by the people of God earlier
in the Pentateuch, it is in the 19th chapter of the Book of Leviticus that holiness is
defined in great detail.
First, it is important because of the distorted perceptions of holiness.
Second, Leviticus 19 is vitally important because of the desperate need for the
practice of holiness.
Third, many sincere Christians have gone astray seeking an unholy holiness.
Fourth, Leviticus 19 is important to us because of the prominence of its teaching in
the New Testament.
The Necessity of Holiness
The necessity of holiness is found in the first primary commandment: “You shall be
holy, for I the LORD your God am holy” (Lev. 19:2). Note the following factors relative
to this command.
1. The necessity of holiness is seen by the fact that the entire nation of Israelite is
commanded to be holy.
2. The command also provides a motivation for holiness.
3. There is also a provision for the holiness which God required of His people
4. God Himself provided the pattern for holiness
----------------------------------------------------------------------HIGHWAY TO HEAVEN WILL NOT BE BY A CORVETTE STINGRAY BUT
Yes, there's a highway to heaven, but you can't travel it in a Corvette Stingray after you
die. You must get on this highway while you are alive, and you get on it by placing your
trust in Jesus Christ.
Romans 10:9-10
October 20 2013
Charles e Whisnant/ Pastor/Teacher/Preacher
Romans 10:9 that if you confess 3670 with your mouth 4750 Jesus as
Lord, 2962and believe 4100 in your heart 2588 that God raised Him from
the dead, you will be saved;4982
(Romans 14:11;

Matthew 10:32,33; Luke 12:8; John 9:22; 12:42,43;
Philippians 2:11; 1John 4:2,3; 2John 1:7) (Romans 8:34; John 6:69-71;
20:26-29; Acts 8:37; 1Corinthians 15:14-18; 1Peter 1:21)
We have a “time sensitive” statement. This confession must be made while we are living
in this life and before we die. A second confession will not result in salvation. Isaiah
45:23, Galatians 1:4, Romans 14:11
That is to say the same thing as another, to agree with, assent, to concede, to
profess, to declare openly. Outward confession stems from a profound inward
conviction. A binding and public declaration which settles a relationship with
legal force.
JESUS AS LORD: (kurios) LORDSHIP SALVATION: (I could camp out on this)
Translates Jehovah in O.T. Sovereign power, absolute authority.
Romans 10:9-10
October 20 2013
Charles e Whisnant/ Pastor/Teacher/Preacher
Romans 10:9 that if you confess 3670 with your mouth 4750 Jesus as Lord,
2962and believe 4100 in your heart 2588 that God raised Him from the dead,
you will be saved;4982
(Romans 14:11; Matthew 10:32,33; Luke 12:8; John 9:22; 12:42,43; Philippians

2:11; 1John 4:2,3; 2John 1:7) (Romans 8:34; John 6:69-71; 20:26-29; Acts
8:37; 1Corinthians 15:14-18; 1Peter 1:21)
We have a “time sensitive” statement. This confession must be made while we are living
in this life and before we die. A second confession will not result in salvation. Isaiah
45:23, Galatians 1:4, Romans 14:11
That is to say the same thing as another, to agree with, assent, to concede, to
profess, to declare openly. Outward confession stems from a profound inward
conviction. A binding and public declaration which settles a relationship with
legal force.
JESUS AS LORD: (kurios) LORDSHIP SALVATION: (I could camp out on this)
Translates Jehovah in O.T. Sovereign power, absolute authority. One who has
absolute ownership and uncontested power. Jesus described the relationship of
slaves to their lords (Matthew 10:24, 25:19)
"The life of Christianity consists of possessive pronouns. It is one thing to say,
"Christ is a Saviour"; it is quite another thing to say, "He is my Saviour and my
Lord." The devil can say the first; the true Christian alone can say the second
The question is Can a person be saved by accepting Jesus as Savior without alo
acknowledging Him is LORD? The sad fact is most have no idea of this idea of Jesus
being their Lord. Luke 12:9-10, Matthew 10:32-33
What, then, are the distinctives of lordship salvation? What does Scripture teach that is
embraced by those who affirm lordship salvation but rejected by proponents of "easybelievism"? The following are nine distinctive s of a biblical understanding of salvation
and the gospel.
First, Scripture teaches that the gospel calls sinners to faith joined in oneness with
repentance (Acts 2:38; 17:30; 20:21; 2 Pet. 3:9).
Second, Scripture teaches that salvation is all God's work.
Third, Scripture teaches that the object of faith is Christ Himself, not a creed or a promise
(John 3:16).
Fourth, Scripture teaches that real faith inevitably produces a changed life (2 Corinthians.
Fifth, Scripture teaches that God's gift of eternal life includes all that pertains to
life and godliness (2 Peter. 1:3; Romans. 8:32), not just a ticket to heaven. In
contrast, according to easy-believism, only the judicial aspects of salvation (e.g.,
justification, adoption, and positional sanctification) are guaranteed for believers
in this life; practical sanctification and growth in grace require a post-conversion
act of dedication.
Sixth, Scripture teaches that Jesus is Lord of all, and the faith He demands involves
unconditional surrender (Romans. 6:17-18; 10:9-10). In contrast, easy-believism teaches
that submission to Christ's supreme authority is not germane to the saving transaction.
Seventh, Scripture teaches that those who truly believe will love Christ (1 Peter. 1:8-9;
Romans. 8:28-30; 1 Corinthians. 16:22). In contrast, easy-believism teaches that
Christians may fall into a state of lifelong carnality.
Eighth, Scripture teaches that behavior is an important test of faith. Obedience is
evidence that one's faith is real (1 John 2:3). In contrast, easy-believism teaches that
disobedience and prolonged sin are no reason to doubt the reality of one's faith.
Ninth, Scripture teaches that genuine believers may stumble and fall, but they
will persevere in the faith (1 Corinthians . 1:8)
Is there a "cost" to confessing Christ as Lord? John 9:21-22, 12:42-43, Luke 12:910, Revelation 2:13The word that means the opposite of "confess" is the word "deny"
(John 1:20; 1John 2:22, 23). To confess is to say "YES"; to deny is to say "NO." Thus,
when asked this question, "Do you own Jesus as your Saviour and Lord? Do you claim
Him as your own?" the believer can respond: "Yes I do! I acknowledge that He is mine! I
belong to the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me!"
What is the process of coming to faith and salvation ?
Romans 10:9-10 and 13-17
Charles e Whisnant, Pastor/Teacher October 27 2013
How Shall People Be Saved? 10:13-21

What is the process of coming to faith and salvation ?
Keep in mind that the problem Paul is dealing with in Romans 9 and 10 is mainly the
unbelief of Israel and why it happened and why this does not undermine the faithfulness
and reliability of God.
So what Paul does in the last verses of Romans 10 is show once more that the reason
most of Israel does not have a share in salvation is that they do not believe in the
Messiah, Jesus.
What are the prerequisites of salvation? Maybe they missed it? Maybe they didn't believe
because they didn't have what they need to know to be held accountable to believe.
So Paul is going to specifically spell out the steps to salvation that apply to the Jews or
for that matter anyone else. And Paul's argues that they had all they needed to know to
be saved.
Romans 10:14-15 and 16 cf. Isaiah 53:1

A preacher must preach the gospel of grace
The sent preacher must preach the good news that there is hope
The preacher good news must be heard
The heard good news must be believed
The belief must be the kind that calls on God for salvation.
So why does Paul in vs. 13 tell us that calling on the Lord as something that is needed to
happen after believing on the Lord? Aren't we justified by faith alone?
John Piper states: to "believing on the Lord" is because he has in mind a
salvation larger than simply justification alone. I think he means the whole
experience of deliverance not only from the guilt of sin, but from its power and
from many temptations and many trials and from hell and the wrath of God in the
last day. God has ordained that we be justified by faith but that we express that
faith over and over throughout life, calling on the Lord for deliverance and help in
a thousand ways. “ cf. Psalms 18:3 , Psalms 50:15, Psalms 91:15; and
Psalms 145:18
What does it mean to be a Christian? I Corinthians 1:2...... “Those who call on
the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. “
14 But how are they to call on him in whom they have not believed?
ot believe on Him. The are rather angry and in an emergency they call on Him.
Its not from “faith.” There is no true love for Christ. God is not just a skilled
paramedic who comes and goes in the same night.
Well to clear this matter up. The calling that Paul has in mind is a calling on Jesus Christ
as Lord - - Our Lord is not some stranger who shows up to get us out of our trouble and
then goes away into the night. Romans 10:9
Until you believe first believe in Jesus Christ as Lord, you can't call on Him as Lord.
Saving faith believes on Jesus as Lord and calls on Him as Lord
from the beginning.
It is not just a one time idea. Look at Romans 10:9 tells us : "If you confess
with your mouth that Jesus is (what?) Lord and believe in your heart that God
raised him from the dead, you will be saved." If you don’t confess Jesus as Lord,
you are not saved. Is that not Lordship salvation. Jesus becomes your
everything? So vs. 12 and 13 to call is to call upon Lord Jesus Christ .
ome have been taught that their experience should be interpreted like this: I
accepted Jesus as my Savior, and not much change happened. Then I later
surrendered to him as Lord, and more change happened. That is not a biblical
description of what has really happened.
It would more biblical to say: I trusted Christ but understood little of his great salvation
and sovereign rule in my life; I was immature in my faith and in my affections for Christ.
Later I had experiences that opened my heart more and more to the richness of Christ as
mighty Lord and beautiful Savior and more and more of my life was conformed to him.
So when John MacArthur teaching Lordship salvation as well as John Piper they
are saying
It is wrong to say that there is saving faith where there is no submission to
Jesus as Lord. Even if we only understand a little of that.
"If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." It is a fact that Jesus was and
He died and God raised Him from the dead.
It is more than just belief, the demons believe (James 2:19). But saving faith rests
in the facts. There is this sure confidence that comes from the heart the soul of a
person. There is this inward understanding that Jesus has paid my debt and has
provided my righteousness. If God has said it, I believe it and rest in it.
Yes there is a belief in the facts, but there is this emotional or an affectionate
element in salvation. Some cry and rejoice. That is good. There is this gladness
that you have in your spirit that you are now a child of Christ. Philippians 3:7-9
Paul states: or Christ said in John 6:35: He is our bread, He is our living water
and He satisfy the deepest longings of my soul.
What is the process of coming to faith and salvation ?
November 03 2013
Charles e. Whisnant, Pastor/Teacher
Romans 10:9-10
Keep in mind that the problem Paul is dealing with in Romans 9 and 10 is mainly the
unbelief of Israel and why it happened and why this does not undermine the faithfulness
and reliability of God.
So what Paul does in the last verses of Romans 10 is show once more that the reason
most of Israel does not have a share in salvation is that they do not believe in the
Messiah, Jesus.
What are the prerequisites of salvation? Maybe they missed it? Maybe they didn't
believe because they didn't have what they need to know to be held accountable to
(Ro 14:11; Matthew 10:32,33; Luke 12:8; John 9:22; 12:42,43; Philippians 2:11; 1John 4:2,3;
2John 1:7) (Romans 8:34; Jn 6:69-71; 20:26-29; Acts 8:37; 1Corinthians 15:14-18; 1Peter

Confess (3670) (homologeo from homoú = together with + légo = say) means to say the same
and so to agree in one's statement. Confess means to express openly one's allegiance to a
proposition or a person, in this context the person of Christ. It is a statement of identification,
faith, confidence, and trust.
Confess has strong legal connotations. As a judicial term, the word indicates the binding and
public declaration which settles a relationship with legal force. A person can confess to a charge in
court and thus openly acknowledge guilt. Or one may agree with a court order and thus make a
legally binding commitment to abide by it. This last sense is implied in passages like this one in
Romans 10 that call on us to acknowledge Jesus. We are to express our binding commitment to
Jesus publicly thus acknowledging our relationship to Him as our Lord and Savior.
To confess that Jesus is the Christ means that a person agrees that Jesus is indeed the
Messiah (John 1:41; 4:25, 26,42). According to the Old Testament Scriptures, the Messiah
was portrayed as (1) the God-man ( Isaiah.7:14) (2) the mighty God (Isaiah 9:6) (3)

the sinner’s Substitute and Saviour (Isaiah 53:5, 6ff) (4) the eternal King
(Micah5:2) and (5) THE LORD (JEHOVAH) OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS ( Jerermiah
23:5, 6)
Jesus as Lord -The confession that Jesus is Lordmeant the acknowledgment that Jesus
shares the name and the nature, the holiness, the authority, power, majesty, and eternity of
the one and only true God.
Lord (2962) (kurios) means lord, master, owner or the one who has absolute ownership power.
Kurios translates Jehovah (LORD in OT) in the Septuagint (LXX) almost 7000 times. In the New
Testament there are 717 references to kurios and it is notable that Jesus is referred to as Savior
about ten times and as Lord about 700 times! Kurios signifies sovereign power and absolute
authority. Kurios is the one who has absolute ownership and uncontested power. It is the one who
is in charge by virtue of possession (owner).

Kurios is used to describe human relationships. Jesus described the relationship
of slaves to their lords (Matthew 10:24; 25:19). The Apostle Paul told slaves to
obey their masters or lords as a sign of the slaves' faith in Christ (Ephesian 6:5,
Ephesians 6:9 Col 3:22).
gar pisteuetai (3PPPI) eis dikaiosunen stomati de homologeitai (3PPPI) eis soterian:
(Luke 8:15; John 1:12,13; 3:19, 20, 21; Hebrews 3:12; 10:22) (Galatians 2:16; Philippians
(Ro 10:9; 1John 4:15; Revelation 2:13)


For - Introduces the explanation of the preceding verse and gives the proper order or
sequence of events: first belief and then confession.
Heart (2588) (kardia ) does not refer to the physical organ but is always used figuratively in
Scripture to refer to the seat and center of human life. The heart is the center of the personality,
and it controls the intellect, emotions, and will. No outward obedience is of the slightest value
unless the heart turns to God.

Jesus describes the importance of a "right" heartexplaining that...the seed in the
good soil, these are the ones who have heard the word in an honest and good
heart, and hold it fast, and bear fruit with perseverance. (Luke 8:15, contrast an
"evil and unbelieving heart" Hebrews 3:12)
Calvin remarks that...The seat of faith, it deserves to be observed, is not in the
brain, but the heart; not that I wish to enter into any dispute concerning the part of
the body which is the seat of faith, but since the word heart generally means a
serious, sincere, ardent affection, I am desirous to show the confidence of faith to
be a firm, efficacious, and operative principle in all the emotions and feelings of
the soul, not a mere naked notion of the head.
Believes (4100) (pisteuo from pistis; pistos; related studies the faith, the obedience of faith)
means to consider something to be true and therefore worthy of one’s trust. To accept as true,
genuine, or real. To have a firm conviction as to the goodness, efficacy, or ability of something or
someone. To consider to be true. To accept the word or evidence of.

Thayer's Definition
1. to think to be true, to be persuaded of, to credit, place confidence in
a. of the thing believed
a. to credit, have confidence
b. in a moral or religious reference
a. used in the NT of the conviction and trust to which a man is
impelled by a certain inner and higher prerogative and law of soul
b. to trust in Jesus or God as able to aid either in obtaining or in doing
something: saving faith 1bc) mere acknowledgment of some fact or
event: intellectual faith
2. to entrust a thing to one, i.e. his fidelity
a. to be entrusted with a thing to persuade, to cause belief, to induce one to
do something by persuading, and so runs into the meaning of to obey,
properly as the result of persuasion
Note that the Greek verb believe in the context of the NT uses does not signify
mere intellectual assent but a genuine acceptance with one’s whole inward being.
When a person does that, he is instantly justified or declared righteous (forever
positionally righteous before God).
SALVATION : kardia gar pisteuetai (3PPPI) eis dikaiosunen stomati de homologeitai (3PPPI) eis

(Luke 8:15; John 1:12,13; 3:19, 20, 21; Hebrews 3:12; 10:22) (Galatians 2:16;
Philippians 3:9)(Ro 10:9; 1John 4:15; Revelation 2:13)
ROMANS 10:11-15 -16-21 - 11 -24 2013
Charles e Whisnant, Elder/Pastor/Teacher

(In 1982 I used this series in Romans as my second book to teach verse by verse: 120 lessons
1983-1985 First Baptist Church, Altoona, Kansas)

1B To witness to the unity of God: Deut. 6:4
2B To preserve and transmit the scripture: Romans 3:2
3B To be the channel for the Messiah
1B Being scattered
2B Being blinded
3B Being persecuted
1B The rejected Christ: Why?
1C They loved their sin more than righteousness.
2D They had always been that way from Moses.
3C Self-imposed ignorance:
1D Of God Himself: 10:3
2D Of The provision of Christ made for salvation: 10:4
3D Of the importance of faith in Christ: 10:5-10
4D Of the scope of this great salvation: 10:11-18

1E Salvation was for "whosoever" : 10:11. Joel 2:32 and Isaiah 28:16
2E Salvation: there was no difference between Jews and Gentiles:
3E How to get the message out to the world: 10:14
4E The Gospel story: Beautiful feet: 10:15
5E Not all have obeyed the Gospel!!!! 10:16
1F There is a choice on our part! In other words you can't say
you are just saved
because God made everyone saved and He
is sovereign, you must make
the choice to obey.
Romans 1:5; 2:8-

2F The element of obedience and submission to Christ. Acts 6:7,
9; 6:19; I Thessalonians 1:8; Hebrews 5:9

53:1; John

3F They are not all believing because they are not submitting: Isaiah
12:37-38; Acts 18:6
6E "So faith by Hearing" 10:17 "and hearing by the Word of Christ."

hear. But you
the truth

1F Evangelism: Given for you to respond to the message you
must know what you believe, thus the message must be
7E "Have they not heard"

earth. It is

10:18 Yes. Psalms 19:1-4

1F God has put His knowlege of Himself throughout the whole

2F It is not that every person in the world has heard the fullness of
the Gospel, but
if there is a seeking heart there will be a
message given to them. John 1:9,
Matthew 24:14;
Colossians 1:6.

Paul is saying this: The gospel is not just for another local sect, nor just
Roman cult. The Gospel is the good news which God has sent all
over the world.
1F Did Israel know that the message was for the whole world? 10:19
1E Moses said in Deuteronomy 32:21
2E Isaiah 65:1 Romans 10:20
3E Isaiah 65:2 Romans 10:21

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Romans 10 full outline

  • 1. OUTLINE AND NOTES FROM ROMANS 10 CHARLES E WHISNANT, ELDER/PASTOR/TEACHER May 04 2013 How John Preached Salvation and Repentance: An Example for All Preacheers How to Preach the the Gosple Unto Salvation May 12 2013 So Why Did People Come Out to Hear John Preach? Luke 3:5-9 Romans 10: August18 part one vs. 3 and Romans 10:3 August 25 part two STEPS I TAKE IN TEACHING A SERMON: When I am in the pulpit read to present the sermon. And by the way there is to be a pulpit not a boat. The pulpit is the center and the altar of the church. The place where John Calvin preached Teaching comes first than preaching. You can not preach before you teach. First I will give a brief review of the previous lessons, to get them up to dated on the text set before us. Second: I want to get them to understand this: THIS IS THE WORD OF GOD SPEAKING TO THEM. Third: Understand that this is the only kind of biblical preaching: Look at what I am doing and follow the pattern: Preach from the Bible. (Never go to the pulpit without a bible, and open it) (I have failed with that, in that I have a Kindle Fire, or the verses are in my manuscript.) Fourth: God is speaking in the text. So what does the text say? Make sure you teach the text and not Charles Whisnant. Fifth: Make sure you explain the text in its context without pretext of your own words. Fifth a You want to transport the people back in the time in which the events are talking place. Sixth: You can explain the text with other text of scriptures. You use scriptures to explain scriptures. Seventh: What is the point of the texts you are explaining? What is the orginial intend of the auther orginial? What did those people who read the letter or book understand when they read it?
  • 2. Eighth: You first give the meaning of the text, that is your message, Tell them what God is saying in the text and they will see it when you are finish with the sermon. Ninth: Read the text. Explain the text. (make sure you know what the text is saying, and not guessing.) What you say is in the text. As a way of explaining the text you might have to use other scriptures to help you explain the meaning. That is what the NT writers did, they often quoted the OT to explain their point Ninth: Once you have explain the text and the purpose of the text, then you ask them to obey the text. If God is speaking in the text and He is saying you need to know this or do this, then they are to trust and obey His word. REVIEW: ROMANS 10: 3 'THEY” Being the Jewish people “BEING IGNORANT OF GOD'S RIGHTEOUSNES>” Which seems impossible doesn't it? How could they not have seen just how righteous God was and is. THE DOCTRINE OF GOD'S RIGHTEOUSNESS. Throughout the OT we see and read that the people were continually doing and living contradict to the Laws of God. There seemed to be a willful ignorance of the people about what God said to do. Hosea said this “My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.” Psalms 95:10 “40 years was I grieved with this generation and said, It is a people do err in their hearts and they have not known My ways.” They did not know God, really. They didn't know Him in Jeremiah's day, and Isaiah day and now not in John the Baptist day and at the time of Christ. They still do not know Him. Jesus on the cross said the same thing. Luke 23:34 “Lord they don't know …” Ignorance is a bad thing. This willful ignorance on the part of Israel let to the Israel's tragic end. This let them to refuse to believe that God was Jesus in the flesh. THIS IS GIVING A BACKGROUND VIEW OF THE BOOK OF ROMANS. Now remember what we've been learning. In the book of Romans Paul is endeavoring to present the gospel of justification by grace through faith. In other words, he's presenting how to be right with God, how to have a relationship with God, an eternal relationship, a sin-cleansing relationship, a grace dispensing relationship, a peace-giving relationship,
  • 3. a hope- giving relationship. And he's presented that...a man becomes right with God through faith, God's grace reaches out and the man responds by faith. The Jews, however, have rejected this. They have rejected Christ. They have rejected the gospel. They have, for the most part, rejected the preaching of the Apostles. And Paul knows that if he is to make any points with his teaching, he's going to have to deal with this unbelief of Israel. He's got to explain it somehow because unknowing and unwitting people are going to say, "Well how can we believe this is true if the Jews who are God's people don't believe it's true?" So he must discuss the unbelief of Israel as a defense of the validity of the doctrine of justification by grace through faith. He's got to explain the unbelief of Israel. And so this is not some incidental text, this is the heart of his argument, this is the apologetic. If the gospel is really true then you better tell us why the people of God have rejected it...the ones who have always received God's law, the ones who have written down God's law, who have preserved God's law, who are the people of the covenant and the people of promise...if they reject it then you better tell us how that can happen if it's really God's message. And that's exactly what he does. And in chapter 9 he points out the fact that Israel's unbelief fit into the sovereign plan of God, that they were unbelieving because that was the sovereign plan of God. That didn't surprise God but rather God had planned for that, it was in the plan. And he points out all through chapter 9 that God is absolutely sovereign and that God never intended that all of Israel would be redeemed, He was selective. So Israel's rejection doesn't violate God's plan. Israel's rejection doesn't overturn God's plan. Israel's rejection doesn't obviate the truth of the gospel. In fact, God had that planned into it all along. But that's only the first half. The first reason to explain Israel's unbelief is God's sovereignty. The second one is Israel's willful ignorance. And the two always go together...they always go together, they're always in perfect harmony, concurrence and balance that where you have God rejecting a person, being it an Esau or a Pharaoh or whoever else they might represent you will also have in that person willful ignorance and unbelief.
  • 4. One does not exist without the other. God doesn't just damn people apart from their own choices, they act in concurrence. And so as you come to the end of chapter 9 he begins to turn to the other side and present the balance. And he says in verse 32, the problem with Israel was they sought salvation not by faith but by works. So it wasn't just the sovereignty of God that explains their unbelief, it was also their own unbelief, their own willful choice in seeking something by works rather than by faith. And so Paul shows, first of all, that Israel's unbelief fits the sovereign plan of God, doesn't change it, isn't a surprise to God, isn't a shock, doesn't overturn the plan, fits into it. But God is not independently responsible for what happened to Israel, they made a choice themselves. And that's where we move into chapter 10. And if the theme of chapter 9 is the sovereignty of God, the theme of chapter 10 is the volition or choice of man. And chapter 10 goes on to unfold the factors of Israel's unbelief, that Israel is set apart because of ignorance, that's the basic theme here...because of ignorance. And remember last time I told you five things that we need to note. They were ignorant of the person of God, They were ignorant of the provision of Christ, t They were ignorant of the place of faith, They were ignorant of the perimeters of salvation and They were ignorant of the predictions of Scripture. And that takes us right through the tenth chapter. So it isn't just the sovereignty of God independent of the choice of Israel, they were ignorant. And they were ignorant of all these things. They were willfully ignorant. They chose to be ignorant. They weren't ignorant because they didn't have the information, they were ignorant because they chose to ignore the information, They chose to turn their back on it. When they knew God, they refused to worship Him as God. When they knew God's truth, they refused to acknowledge it as God's truth and
  • 5. they went about to establish, it says in verse 3, their own righteousness. REVIEW: So the first thing that they were ignorant of was the person of God. They were ignorant of the person of God. Romans 10:1-3. Romans 10:3 For not knowing (50) about God's righteousness(1343) and seeking to establish their own, they did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God. (NASB: Lockman) They did not know the way that God makes people right with him. And they tried to make themselves right in their own way. So they did not accept God's way of making people right. (ICB: Nelson) For they, being, ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God..” kjv ========================================== RUNNING FAST THE WRONG DIRECTION: FULL OF ZEAL, HARD OF HEARING ROMANS 10 CHARLES E .WHISNANT, AUGUST 18 2013 Sometimes people have a hard time knowing the truth and are with out knowledge of that truth. Let's look at a few verses • John 8:32, 45; 16:7 • John 1:14; 14:6; 17:17; 16:13; 18:37
  • 6. • II Corinthians 11:10 and 11 Thessalonians 2:13 The Lord put a premium on the truth, the knowlege of the truth, man must know the truth. The Divine truth.. the life changing truth, the sin cleansing truth, and the salvation giving truth, the soul transforming truth and the heaven opening tru The Jews were the seekers of knowlege. The sought to know what was the truth. Rabbi were well trained. Romans 10:2 OR I TESTIFY(3140) ABOUT THEM THAT THEY HAVE A ZEAL(2205) (heat ardor passion) FOR GOD: marturo gar autois hoti zelon theou echousin (2Corinthians 8:3; Galatians 4:15; Colossians 4:13) (2Kings 10:16; John 16:2; Acts 21:20,28; 22:3,22; 26:9,10; Galatians 1:14; 4:17,18; Philippians 3:6) • Zeal (2205) (zelos from zeo = to be hot, to boil [from the sound of bubbling water], figuratively to be fervent or show great enthusiasm; was originally a good word which described fervour in advancing a cause or in rendering service. Zelos for example gives us our English word zeal (zealous - filled with intense enthusiasm) which is generally a "good" word which describes eagerness, earnestness, enthusiastic devotion, single-minded allegiance, fervency, eager desire or ardent interest in pursuit of something, but it can take on a negative connotation when it describes a reaction which borders on extreme or fanatical. Romans 10:2 BUT NOT IN ACCORDANCE WITH KNOWLEDGE: all ou kat epignosin: (Ro 9:3; 9:31,32; Psalms 14:4; Proverbs 19:2; Isaiah 27:1; 2Corinthians 4:4,6; Philippians 1:9) But not in accordance with knowledge - The zeal of the Jews was not based on true knowledge. Their zeal was "heat without light".
  • 7. Knowledge (1922) (epignosis from verb epiginosko from epí = upon + ginosko = to know) is a strengthened or intensified form of gnosis and conveys the thought of a more full, larger and thorough knowledge. It also conveys the idea of an intimate and personal relationship than the simple term. • Vine says the verb form epiginosko suggests generally a directive, a more special, recognition of the object known than ginosko. • Tragically, many "religious" people make the same mistake that Israel made. They think that their "religious deeds" will gain them merit with God and will save them, but these very practices (just as they did with the Jews) will actually keep them from being saved by the "true knowledge" of Jesus Christ and the "true knowledge" of how one is credited with the perfect righteousness of Christ. Many of these individuals are obviously sincere and devout and even zealous, but all of their sincerity, devotion and zeal will not save their soul for Paul plainly stated by the works of the Law no flesh will be justified in His sight ( • Psalms 14:4, Provers 19:2; Isaiah 27:1; 23 Corinthians 4:4,6; Philippians 1:9 • The Jews knowledge was not based on true knowledge. They had some but not the full knowledge. The sought God in an external way by rules and rites and missed Him. • This term was not "gnosis" but the word "epignosis" i.e. they hand general knoweldge but not the fullness of knoweldge, a knowledge that allows you to participate in the facts that you can quote. • Epignosis: refers to exact, complete, thought, accurate, experiential knowledge. Not just abstract, intellectual, head knowledge of God, or even facts of God. Such a knoweldge of God that you are resting on the knowledg3 of God and of Christ found today in His Word. • Many of you can walk out of this church and can quote the sermon word by word. That is gnosis. But you don't have epignosis until you have a comprehension of how you are to live in light of what you can quote. • Acts 3:17; Luke 19:44, Isaiah 5:13, Hosea 4:6; I Timothy 1, Romans 2:17-19 • do not know the right way • zeal is not based on knowledge
  • 8. • misdirected knowledge • it is not a passion based on knowledge • not according to a full and accurate knowledge Jesus Christ came into the world, as I pointed out in the beginning, to reveal truth. But Israel was ignorant of that truth. Now Israel's ignorance becomes the theme of this chapter. And that little phrase at the end of verse 2, "Not according to knowledge," that little phrase at the beginning of verse 3, "They being ignorant," indicate to us the theme of what Paul's going to talk about. Israel was called "the God-intoxicated people." John 2:17 and Acts 21:20 and 22:3 In chapter 9 we were introduced to the unbelief of Israel, weren't we? We were introduced. Because here's Paul presenting the doctrine of justification by grace through faith in Christ, person and work. And as he presents that people are going to say, well if it's so true and if it's from God why didn't the Jews, God's people, believe it? And so he has to answer that and that's why he writes 9, 10 and 11, to show how it is that the Jews have rejected. Now in talking about their unbelief in chapter 9 he emphasized the fact that they were unbelieving because of the sovereign elective choice of God. In other words, God didn't choose them all. And so the issue of chapter 9 is an issue of election. It is an issue of sovereign choice. But the issue of chapter 10 is an issue of unbelief. And I want you never to forget that you always have both of those things. If you have salvation, you have the sovereign election of God and you have the faith of an individual. If you have the loss of...the lack of salvation, the loss of hope in Christ, it is because you have sovereign choice, that's chapter 9, and because you have unbelief. You could think of it along the line of concurrence which is a word that you may have heard used. It's sort of like an airplane taking off, two things are necessary for an airplane to take off...thrust and lift. If you have lift without thrust, you don't get off. If you have thrust without lift, you don't get off. You have to have thrust with lift. The same thing is true and it's a weak illustration if you push it too far, but both things must occur simultaneously in concurrence, the election of God and the belief of an individual. Or the rejection of God and the unbelief. And that's why Paul brings chapter 10 in to show the balance, lest we think that God made choices independent of the choices that men made. So Paul wants to demonstrate then the willful unbelief, the willful ignorance of Israel.
  • 9. Now what is holiness? Hard to define. We'll come at it a couple of ways. Holiness is self-generated and self-affirmed purity. To say it another way, holiness is not to live up to the standard, holiness is to be the standard. God is the standard, absolute perfection, absolutely flawless, absolutely without flaw, without sin, without error of any kind. Even His name is holy, Psalm 103 verse 1, "But Thou art holy, O Thou who inhabitest the praises of Israel," says Psalm 22:3. Psalm 99:5 says, "Exalt ye the Lord our God and worship at His footstool for He is holy." And God, it says in Psalm 47:8 sits on the throne of His holiness. And in Isaiah 6 and Revelation 4 the angels cry, "Holy, holy, holy." God is holy. He does not conform to a standard, He is the standard. The standard conforms to Him. He does not keep someone else's rules, He is the living rule. He has a holiness that is ascending beyond any conception of men. And the stupidity of these kinds of attitudes projected by the Apostle Paul here from the people of Israel that they could attain to the righteousness of God only shows that they had reduced God to one of their own. There are no degrees in God's holiness. There can't be degrees in perfection. And God's holiness, I think, is best seen in His hatred of sin. He has total perfection, therefore He has total hatred toward that which is imperfect. He is totally holy so He totally hates anything that's unholy. Psalm 11:7 says, "For the Lord is righteous, He loves righteousness." That simply means what's right, what's holy, what's without sin, without flaw, without error. So God's holiness is seen in righteousness. Because God is holy, because He's perfectly pure, He wills, He thinks, He feels, He says and He does what is right, and that's righteousness. So they're so inextricably connected that you can't really separate them. He is so perfect that all that He thinks and feels and does is perfect, it's righteous. Some theologians have put it this way, for those of you who like theological terms, "Righteousness is transitive holiness, it is manifest holiness." It means that because He's perfect He always does what is perfectly right. Righteousness is not arbitrary, it is not alterable or changeable. He is always perfectly righteous, totally pure, without any sin. Now any man who thinks he can attain to that level is an absolute fool and is living under a sad tragic illusion. In Psalm 71:19 it says this, "Thy righteousness also, O God, is very high who hast done great things. O God, who is like Thee?" And what's the answer? Nobody. "Thy righteousness is very high." Further, back in the Psalms and I think it's Psalm 48, could be wrong on this, but...yes, verse 10, "According to Thy name, O God, so is Thy praise to the ends of the earth, Thy right hand is full of righteousness." As if God holds all righteousness. In that long Psalm 119 verse 142, "Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness." And these kinds of things are all through the Psalms, very high, eternal, complete righteousness. ==================================================
  • 10. THE JEWS MISSED THE MEANING OF HOLINESS SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 08 2013 Charles e Whisnant, Pastor/Teacher, Preacher Please open your bible today to Luke 3:21-22. What does God want us to learn today? ROMANS 10: 3 'THEY” Being the Jewish people “BEING IGNORANT OF GOD'S RIGHTEOUSNES>” Which seems impossible doesn't it? How could they not have seen just how righteous God was and is. THE DOCTRINE OF GOD'S RIGHTEOUSNESS. Now remember what we've been learning. In the book of Romans Paul is endeavoring to present the gospel of justification by grace through faith. In other words, he's presenting how to be right with God, how to have a relationship with God, And he's presented that...a man becomes right with God through faith, God's grace reaches out and the man responds by faith. The Jews, however, have rejected this. They have rejected Christ. They have rejected the gospel. They have, for the most part, rejected the preaching of the Apostles. And Paul knows that if he is to make any points with his teaching, he's going to have to deal with this unbelief of Israel. He's got to explain it somehow because unknowing and unwitting people are going to say, "Well how can we believe this is true if the Jews who are God's people don't believe it's true?" So he must discuss the unbelief of Israel as a defense of the validity of the doctrine of justification by grace through faith. He's got to explain the unbelief of Israel. And so this is not some incidental text, this is the heart of his argument, this is the apologetic. If the gospel is really true then you better tell us why the people of God have rejected it...the ones who have always received God's law, the ones who have written down God's law, who have preserved God's law, who are the people of the covenant and the people of promise...if they reject it then you better tell us how that can happen if it's really God's message. And that's exactly what he does. But that's only the first half. The first reason to explain Israel's unbelief is God's sovereignty. The second one is Israel's willful ignorance. And the two always go together...they always go together, they're always in perfect harmony, concurrence and balance that where you have God rejecting a person, being it an Esau or a Pharaoh or whoever else they might represent you will also have in that person willful ignorance and unbelief.
  • 11. One does not exist without the other. God doesn't just damn people apart from their own choices, they act in concurrence. And remember last time I told you five things that we need to note. They were ignorant of the person of God, They were ignorant of the provision of Christ, They were ignorant of the place of faith, They were ignorant of the perimeters of salvation and They were ignorant of the predictions of Scripture. Romans 10:3 For not knowing (50) about God's righteousness(1343) and seeking to establish their own, they did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God. (NASB: They did not know the way that God makes people right with him. And they tried to make themselves right in their own way. So they did not accept God's way of making people right. (ICB: Nelson) For they, being, ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God..” kjv The Jews failed to see the Holiness of God....... They either refused to believe, or they were ignorant of the importance of knowing who God was. If a person doesn't understand God's rightness, that is the supreme ignorance. If we imagine that God is less than He is, we have made a fatal mistake because we find God less than perfect, therefore He tolerates sin and imperfection, therefore we're going to be okay if we just improve a few things...fatal mistake...fatal mistake. Some verses in the O.T. About this matter of the holiness of God Leviticus 18 and 19 Called the law of holiness where God lays down the principles for society and for morality within society. Would we heed those in our current society today. And all these are His perfect expressions of His absolute purity. And He always sets Himself as the standard and this is what is so great about Leviticus that Dorothy and most of you find so hard to get into. Either did the Jews it seems. I am going to look in Leviticus 19 “Laws of Holiness and Justice. How to Spell 'Holy' (Leviticus 19:1-37) Leviticus chapter 19 provides us with an exposition on the practice of holiness. The holiness of God is thus revealed in relationship to the redemption of Israel out of Egypt. Consequently, it is not until after the exodus that God calls upon His people to live holy lives. The Mosaic Covenant is established so that Israel would be a holy nation (Exod. 19:6). While there are hints at how holiness is to be practiced by the people of God earlier in the Pentateuch, it is in the 19th chapter of the Book of Leviticus that holiness is defined in great detail.
  • 12. First, it is important because of the distorted perceptions of holiness. Second, Leviticus 19 is vitally important because of the desperate need for the practice of holiness. Third, many sincere Christians have gone astray seeking an unholy holiness. Fourth, Leviticus 19 is important to us because of the prominence of its teaching in the New Testament. The Necessity of Holiness The necessity of holiness is found in the first primary commandment: “You shall be holy, for I the LORD your God am holy” (Lev. 19:2). Note the following factors relative to this command. 1. The necessity of holiness is seen by the fact that the entire nation of Israelite is commanded to be holy. 2. The command also provides a motivation for holiness. 3. There is also a provision for the holiness which God required of His people 4. God Himself provided the pattern for holiness file:///C:/Users/Charles/Documents/Romans%2010%203%20Not%20seeing%20the %20Holiness%20of%20God%20%2009%2008.html ==================================================== ISRAEL WAS IGNORANT OF CHRIST'S PROVISION ROMANS 10:4 Series #170 Charles e. Whisnant, Pastor/Teacher September 29 2013 'BUT IF YOU DON'T DO:” THEN GOD WILL BRING DEATH: Leviticus 26, Deuteronomy 28. I Kings 9 WHAT HAPPEN TO ISRAEL THAT CAUSED THIS KIND OF DEATH? Unbelief 1A They Were Ignorant of What:? They did not subject themselves to God: The Person of God: Romans 10:3 Romans 10:3 For not knowing about God's righteousness and seeking to establish their own, they did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God. Or For being ignorant of the righteousness that God ascribes [which makes one acceptable to Him in word,
  • 13. thought, and deed] and seeking to establish a righteousness (a means of salvation) of their own, they did not obey or submit themselves to God's righteousness. (Amplified Bible) or as the NKJV For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God. Romans 9:31,64:6; Isaiah 57:12; ; Luke 10:29; 16:15; 18:9-12; Galatians 5:3,4; Philippians 3:9; Revelation 3:17,18 2A The Were Ignorant of : The Provision of Christ. THEY DID NOT SUBJECT THEMSELVES TO THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD: : (Job 33:27; Lamentations 3:22; Luke 15:17-21) The nature of their unbelief. They have not submitted themselves to the righteousness of God, that is, they have not yielded to gospel-terms, nor accepted the tender of justification by faith in Christ, which is made in the gospel. Unbelief is a non-submission to the righteousness of God, standing it out against the gospel proclamation of indemnity. Have not submitted. In true faith, there is need of a great deal of submission; therefore the first lesson Christ teaches is to deny ourselves. It is a great piece of condescension for a proud heart to be content to be beholden to free grace; we are loth to sue sub forma pauperis-as paupers. Matthew Henry They were hoping that by keeping the law they would be okay with God. They say their righteousness by keep the law. If you want to maintain the righteousness necessary for God keep the law. Righteousness is not an attainment, it is a provision. It is what God gives to us as a result of placing our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. The Christian life is a relationship, not a religion. In a religion, you work for God, hoping He will bless it. In a relationship, you are walking moment by moment in this intimacy of knowledge with God through His Son Jesus Christ, trusting in Him, depending on Him for everything. FOR CHRIST IS THE END OF THE LAW FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS: t: (Ro 3:25,-30, 31; 8:3,4; Hebrews 9:-14; 10:9,-11, 12,14) Acts 13:38-39 But they misunderstood that Christ was the END of the Law. Everything about the Jewish religion pointed to the coming Messiah—their sacrifices, priesthood, temple services, religious festivals, and covenants. Their Law, the Temple ceremonies, the sacrifices, etc were all "WORD PICTURES" given by God to tell His chosen people that they were sinners in need of a Savior. But instead of letting these "PICTURES" and the Law bring them to Christ ( Gal 3:24), they worshiped their Law and rejected their Savior! The Law like the tabernacle, temple, and sacrifices was a signpost, pointing the way. It was a means to an end, not the end itself. It could never take
  • 14. them to their destination. The Law cannot give righteousness but only lead the sinner to the Savior Who Alone was the source of God pleasing righteousness (1 Corinthians 1:30) Paul is discussing two materially exclusive systems, the one based on doing, the other on believing. The system of faith, represented by Christ, brings to an end and excludes the system of law; and the Jews, in holding by the system of law, fall short of the righteousness which is by faith. (Vincent, M. R. Word Studies in the New Testament) Paul cannot be speaking of Christ’s historical fulfillment of the law as important as that truth is. Christ did indeed historically fulfill the law and the entire Old Covenant by His perfect, sinless life—whether anyone believed in Him or not. But that accomplishment does not provide anyone else with saving righteousness. Rather, as indicated at the end of verse 4, Paul is saying that belief in Christ as Savior and Lord brings to an end the sinner’s futile quest for righteousness through his own imperfect attempts to fulfill the law . When a sinner receives Christ, he also receives the gift of Christ’s own righteousness. John MacArthur It is the end of self-salvation. There has never been righteousness by works. People spend years in a system trying to earn there way into heaven with good deeds. But if you embrace Christ, its over, the quest. Isaiah 45:24. 2 Corinthians 5:21 Paul is preaching that when they place their faith in Christ, God will bring about a change in their relation or standing before Him. Justification has to do with relations that have been disturbed by sin, and these relations are personal. It is a change from guilt and condemnation to acquittal and acceptance. A related but not identical term is regeneration which has to do with the change of the believer's nature. Justification, has to do with the change of the believer's standing before God. Regeneration is subjective while justification is objective. Regeneration has to do with man's state, while justification has to do man's standing. Christ is the end of the Law in the sense that through His death and resurrection, He has terminated the ministry of the Law for those who believe. The Law is ended as far as Christians are concerned. The righteousness of the Law is being fulfilled in the life of the believer through the power of the Spirit (Romams 8:4-; but the reign of the Law has ended (Epesians 2:15; Collosians2:1). “For ye are not under the Law, but under grace” (Romans 6:14). ================================== HIGHWAY TO HEAVEN WILL NOT BE BY A CORVETTE STINGRAY BUT BY FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST
  • 15. Yes, there's a highway to heaven, but you can't travel it in a Corvette Stingray after you die. You must get on this highway while you are alive, and you get on it by placing your trust in Jesus Christ. THE JEWS MISSED THE MEANING OF HOLINESS SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 08 2013 Charles e Whisnant, Pastor/Teacher, Preacher Please open your bible today to Luke 3:21-22. What does God want us to learn today? ROMANS 10: 3 'THEY” Being the Jewish people “BEING IGNORANT OF GOD'S RIGHTEOUSNES>” Which seems impossible doesn't it? How could they not have seen just how righteous God was and is. THE DOCTRINE OF GOD'S RIGHTEOUSNESS. Now remember what we've been learning. In the book of Romans Paul is endeavoring to present the gospel of justification by grace through faith. In other words, he's presenting how to be right with God, how to have a relationship with God, And he's presented that...a man becomes right with God through faith, God's grace reaches out and the man responds by faith. The Jews, however, have rejected this. They have rejected Christ. They have rejected the gospel. They have, for the most part, rejected the preaching of the Apostles. And Paul knows that if he is to make any points with his teaching, he's going to have to deal with this unbelief of Israel. He's got to explain it somehow because unknowing and unwitting people are going to say, "Well how can we believe this is true if the Jews who are God's people don't believe it's true?" So he must discuss the unbelief of Israel as a defense of the validity of the doctrine of justification by grace through faith. He's got to explain the unbelief of Israel. And so this is not some incidental text, this is th heart of his argument, this is the apologetic. If the gospel is really true then you better tell us why the people of God have rejected it...the ones who have always received God's law, the ones who have written down God's law, who have preserved God's law, who are the people of the covenant and the people of promise...if they reject it then you better tell us how that can happen if it's really God's message. And that's exactly what he does. But that's only the first half. The first reason to explain Israel's unbelief is God's sovereignty.
  • 16. The second one is Israel's willful ignorance. And the two always go together...they always go together, they're always in perfect harmony, concurrence and balance that where you have God rejecting a person, being it an Esau or a Pharaoh or whoever else they might represent you will also have in that person willful ignorance and unbelief. One does not exist without the other. God doesn't just damn people apart from their own choices, they act in concurrence. And remember last time I told you five things that we need to note. They were ignorant of the person of God, They were ignorant of the provision of Christ, They were ignorant of the place of faith, They were ignorant of the perimeters of salvation and They were ignorant of the predictions of Scripture. Romans 10:3 For not knowing (50) about God's righteousness(1343) and seeking to establish their own, they did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God. (NASB: They did not know the way that God makes people right with him. And they tried to make themselves right in their own way. So they did not accept God's way of making people right. (ICB: Nelson) For they, being, ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God..” kjv The Jews failed to see the Holiness of God....... They either refused to believe, or they were ignorant of the importance of knowing who God was. If a person doesn't understand God's rightness, that is the supreme ignorance. If we imagine that God is less than He is, we have made a fatal mistake because we find God less than perfect, therefore He tolerates sin and imperfection, therefore we're going to be okay if we just improve a few things...fatal mistake...fatal mistake. Some verses in the O.T. About this matter of the holiness of God Leviticus 18 and 19 Called the law of holiness where God lays down the principles for society and for morality within society. Would we heed those in our current society today. And all these are His perfect expressions of His absolute purity. And He always sets Himself as the standard and this is what is so great about Leviticus that Dorothy and most of you find so hard to get into. Either did the Jews it seems. I am going to look in Leviticus 19 “Laws of Holiness and Justice. How to Spell 'Holy' (Leviticus 19:1-37) Leviticus chapter 19 provides us with an exposition on the practice of holiness. The holiness of God is thus revealed in relationship to the redemption of Israel out of Egypt. Consequently, it is not until after the exodus that God calls upon His people to live holy lives. The Mosaic Covenant is established so that Israel would be a holy nation (Exod.
  • 17. 19:6). While there are hints at how holiness is to be practiced by the people of God earlier in the Pentateuch, it is in the 19th chapter of the Book of Leviticus that holiness is defined in great detail. First, it is important because of the distorted perceptions of holiness. Second, Leviticus 19 is vitally important because of the desperate need for the practice of holiness. Third, many sincere Christians have gone astray seeking an unholy holiness. Fourth, Leviticus 19 is important to us because of the prominence of its teaching in the New Testament. The Necessity of Holiness The necessity of holiness is found in the first primary commandment: “You shall be holy, for I the LORD your God am holy” (Lev. 19:2). Note the following factors relative to this command. 1. The necessity of holiness is seen by the fact that the entire nation of Israelite is commanded to be holy. 2. The command also provides a motivation for holiness. 3. There is also a provision for the holiness which God required of His people 4. God Himself provided the pattern for holiness file:///C:/Users/Charles/Documents/Romans%2010%203%20Not%20seeing%20the %20Holiness%20of%20God%20%2009%2008.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------HIGHWAY TO HEAVEN WILL NOT BE BY A CORVETTE STINGRAY BUT BY FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST Yes, there's a highway to heaven, but you can't travel it in a Corvette Stingray after you die. You must get on this highway while you are alive, and you get on it by placing your trust in Jesus Christ. Romans 10:9-10 October 20 2013 Charles e Whisnant/ Pastor/Teacher/Preacher
  • 18. Romans 10:9 that if you confess 3670 with your mouth 4750 Jesus as Lord, 2962and believe 4100 in your heart 2588 that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;4982 (Romans 14:11; Matthew 10:32,33; Luke 12:8; John 9:22; 12:42,43; Philippians 2:11; 1John 4:2,3; 2John 1:7) (Romans 8:34; John 6:69-71; 20:26-29; Acts 8:37; 1Corinthians 15:14-18; 1Peter 1:21) We have a “time sensitive” statement. This confession must be made while we are living in this life and before we die. A second confession will not result in salvation. Isaiah 45:23, Galatians 1:4, Romans 14:11 CONFESS: That is to say the same thing as another, to agree with, assent, to concede, to profess, to declare openly. Outward confession stems from a profound inward conviction. A binding and public declaration which settles a relationship with legal force. JESUS AS LORD: (kurios) LORDSHIP SALVATION: (I could camp out on this) Translates Jehovah in O.T. Sovereign power, absolute authority. Romans 10:9-10 October 20 2013 Charles e Whisnant/ Pastor/Teacher/Preacher Romans 10:9 that if you confess 3670 with your mouth 4750 Jesus as Lord, 2962and believe 4100 in your heart 2588 that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;4982 (Romans 14:11; Matthew 10:32,33; Luke 12:8; John 9:22; 12:42,43; Philippians 2:11; 1John 4:2,3; 2John 1:7) (Romans 8:34; John 6:69-71; 20:26-29; Acts 8:37; 1Corinthians 15:14-18; 1Peter 1:21) We have a “time sensitive” statement. This confession must be made while we are living in this life and before we die. A second confession will not result in salvation. Isaiah 45:23, Galatians 1:4, Romans 14:11 CONFESS: That is to say the same thing as another, to agree with, assent, to concede, to profess, to declare openly. Outward confession stems from a profound inward
  • 19. conviction. A binding and public declaration which settles a relationship with legal force. JESUS AS LORD: (kurios) LORDSHIP SALVATION: (I could camp out on this) Translates Jehovah in O.T. Sovereign power, absolute authority. One who has absolute ownership and uncontested power. Jesus described the relationship of slaves to their lords (Matthew 10:24, 25:19) "The life of Christianity consists of possessive pronouns. It is one thing to say, "Christ is a Saviour"; it is quite another thing to say, "He is my Saviour and my Lord." The devil can say the first; the true Christian alone can say the second The question is Can a person be saved by accepting Jesus as Savior without alo acknowledging Him is LORD? The sad fact is most have no idea of this idea of Jesus being their Lord. Luke 12:9-10, Matthew 10:32-33 What, then, are the distinctives of lordship salvation? What does Scripture teach that is embraced by those who affirm lordship salvation but rejected by proponents of "easybelievism"? The following are nine distinctive s of a biblical understanding of salvation and the gospel. First, Scripture teaches that the gospel calls sinners to faith joined in oneness with repentance (Acts 2:38; 17:30; 20:21; 2 Pet. 3:9). Second, Scripture teaches that salvation is all God's work. Third, Scripture teaches that the object of faith is Christ Himself, not a creed or a promise (John 3:16). Fourth, Scripture teaches that real faith inevitably produces a changed life (2 Corinthians. 5:17) Fifth, Scripture teaches that God's gift of eternal life includes all that pertains to life and godliness (2 Peter. 1:3; Romans. 8:32), not just a ticket to heaven. In contrast, according to easy-believism, only the judicial aspects of salvation (e.g., justification, adoption, and positional sanctification) are guaranteed for believers in this life; practical sanctification and growth in grace require a post-conversion act of dedication. Sixth, Scripture teaches that Jesus is Lord of all, and the faith He demands involves unconditional surrender (Romans. 6:17-18; 10:9-10). In contrast, easy-believism teaches that submission to Christ's supreme authority is not germane to the saving transaction. Seventh, Scripture teaches that those who truly believe will love Christ (1 Peter. 1:8-9; Romans. 8:28-30; 1 Corinthians. 16:22). In contrast, easy-believism teaches that Christians may fall into a state of lifelong carnality. Eighth, Scripture teaches that behavior is an important test of faith. Obedience is evidence that one's faith is real (1 John 2:3). In contrast, easy-believism teaches that disobedience and prolonged sin are no reason to doubt the reality of one's faith. Ninth, Scripture teaches that genuine believers may stumble and fall, but they
  • 20. will persevere in the faith (1 Corinthians . 1:8) Is there a "cost" to confessing Christ as Lord? John 9:21-22, 12:42-43, Luke 12:910, Revelation 2:13The word that means the opposite of "confess" is the word "deny" (John 1:20; 1John 2:22, 23). To confess is to say "YES"; to deny is to say "NO." Thus, when asked this question, "Do you own Jesus as your Saviour and Lord? Do you claim Him as your own?" the believer can respond: "Yes I do! I acknowledge that He is mine! I belong to the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me!" What is the process of coming to faith and salvation ? Romans 10:9-10 and 13-17 Charles e Whisnant, Pastor/Teacher October 27 2013 How Shall People Be Saved? 10:13-21 What is the process of coming to faith and salvation ? Keep in mind that the problem Paul is dealing with in Romans 9 and 10 is mainly the unbelief of Israel and why it happened and why this does not undermine the faithfulness and reliability of God. So what Paul does in the last verses of Romans 10 is show once more that the reason most of Israel does not have a share in salvation is that they do not believe in the Messiah, Jesus. What are the prerequisites of salvation? Maybe they missed it? Maybe they didn't believe because they didn't have what they need to know to be held accountable to believe. So Paul is going to specifically spell out the steps to salvation that apply to the Jews or for that matter anyone else. And Paul's argues that they had all they needed to know to be saved. WHAT ARE THOSE STEPS WE NEED TO KNOW TO BE A PART OF GOD'S SAVING PLAN? ROMANS 10:14-17 WHAT THE CONDITIONS ARE THAT HAVE BEEN PUT IN PLACE FOR ISRAEL AND THAT MUST BE PUT IN PLACE WHENEVER ANYONE IS TO BE SAVED? Romans 10:14-15 and 16 cf. Isaiah 53:1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A preacher must preach the gospel of grace The sent preacher must preach the good news that there is hope The preacher good news must be heard The heard good news must be believed The belief must be the kind that calls on God for salvation.
  • 21. CALLING ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST: So why does Paul in vs. 13 tell us that calling on the Lord as something that is needed to happen after believing on the Lord? Aren't we justified by faith alone? John Piper states: to "believing on the Lord" is because he has in mind a salvation larger than simply justification alone. I think he means the whole experience of deliverance not only from the guilt of sin, but from its power and from many temptations and many trials and from hell and the wrath of God in the last day. God has ordained that we be justified by faith but that we express that faith over and over throughout life, calling on the Lord for deliverance and help in a thousand ways. “ cf. Psalms 18:3 , Psalms 50:15, Psalms 91:15; and Psalms 145:18 What does it mean to be a Christian? I Corinthians 1:2...... “Those who call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. “ BELIEVING ON THE LORD 14 But how are they to call on him in whom they have not believed? ot believe on Him. The are rather angry and in an emergency they call on Him. Its not from “faith.” There is no true love for Christ. God is not just a skilled paramedic who comes and goes in the same night. Well to clear this matter up. The calling that Paul has in mind is a calling on Jesus Christ as Lord - - Our Lord is not some stranger who shows up to get us out of our trouble and then goes away into the night. Romans 10:9 Until you believe first believe in Jesus Christ as Lord, you can't call on Him as Lord. HOW HAVE YOU BEEN TAUGHT HOW TO DESCRIBE YOUR CONVERSION AND YOUR CHRISTIAN GROWTH? Saving faith believes on Jesus as Lord and calls on Him as Lord from the beginning. It is not just a one time idea. Look at Romans 10:9 tells us : "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is (what?) Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." If you don’t confess Jesus as Lord, you are not saved. Is that not Lordship salvation. Jesus becomes your everything? So vs. 12 and 13 to call is to call upon Lord Jesus Christ . ome have been taught that their experience should be interpreted like this: I accepted Jesus as my Savior, and not much change happened. Then I later surrendered to him as Lord, and more change happened. That is not a biblical
  • 22. description of what has really happened. It would more biblical to say: I trusted Christ but understood little of his great salvation and sovereign rule in my life; I was immature in my faith and in my affections for Christ. Later I had experiences that opened my heart more and more to the richness of Christ as mighty Lord and beautiful Savior and more and more of my life was conformed to him. So when John MacArthur teaching Lordship salvation as well as John Piper they are saying It is wrong to say that there is saving faith where there is no submission to Jesus as Lord. Even if we only understand a little of that. SAVING FAITH IS THAT IT BELIEVES FACTS. IT IS MORE THAN BELIEVING IN FACTS BUT NO LESS THAT THAT. "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." It is a fact that Jesus was and He died and God raised Him from the dead. SAVING FAITH NOT ONLY BELIEVES THE FACTS BUT WILL HAVE A PERSONAL CONFIDENCE IN THOSE FACTS. It is more than just belief, the demons believe (James 2:19). But saving faith rests in the facts. There is this sure confidence that comes from the heart the soul of a person. There is this inward understanding that Jesus has paid my debt and has provided my righteousness. If God has said it, I believe it and rest in it. SAVING FAITH ALSO MEANS YOU HAVE A SPIRITUAL SATISFACTION FOR ALL THAT GOD IS FOR US IN JESUS/. Yes there is a belief in the facts, but there is this emotional or an affectionate element in salvation. Some cry and rejoice. That is good. There is this gladness that you have in your spirit that you are now a child of Christ. Philippians 3:7-9 Paul states: or Christ said in John 6:35: He is our bread, He is our living water and He satisfy the deepest longings of my soul. What is the process of coming to faith and salvation ? November 03 2013 Charles e. Whisnant, Pastor/Teacher Romans 10:9-10 Keep in mind that the problem Paul is dealing with in Romans 9 and 10 is mainly the unbelief of Israel and why it happened and why this does not undermine the faithfulness and reliability of God. So what Paul does in the last verses of Romans 10 is show once more that the reason
  • 23. most of Israel does not have a share in salvation is that they do not believe in the Messiah, Jesus. What are the prerequisites of salvation? Maybe they missed it? Maybe they didn't believe because they didn't have what they need to know to be held accountable to believe. WHAT ARE THOSE STEPS WE NEED TO KNOW TO BE A PART OF GOD'S SAVING PLAN? THAT IF YOU CONFESS WITH YOUR MOUTH JESUS AS LORD AND BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART: (Ro 14:11; Matthew 10:32,33; Luke 12:8; John 9:22; 12:42,43; Philippians 2:11; 1John 4:2,3; 2John 1:7) (Romans 8:34; Jn 6:69-71; 20:26-29; Acts 8:37; 1Corinthians 15:14-18; 1Peter 1:21) Confess (3670) (homologeo from homoú = together with + légo = say) means to say the same and so to agree in one's statement. Confess means to express openly one's allegiance to a proposition or a person, in this context the person of Christ. It is a statement of identification, faith, confidence, and trust. Confess has strong legal connotations. As a judicial term, the word indicates the binding and public declaration which settles a relationship with legal force. A person can confess to a charge in court and thus openly acknowledge guilt. Or one may agree with a court order and thus make a legally binding commitment to abide by it. This last sense is implied in passages like this one in Romans 10 that call on us to acknowledge Jesus. We are to express our binding commitment to Jesus publicly thus acknowledging our relationship to Him as our Lord and Savior. To confess that Jesus is the Christ means that a person agrees that Jesus is indeed the Messiah (John 1:41; 4:25, 26,42). According to the Old Testament Scriptures, the Messiah was portrayed as (1) the God-man ( Isaiah.7:14) (2) the mighty God (Isaiah 9:6) (3) the sinner’s Substitute and Saviour (Isaiah 53:5, 6ff) (4) the eternal King (Micah5:2) and (5) THE LORD (JEHOVAH) OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS ( Jerermiah 23:5, 6) Jesus as Lord -The confession that Jesus is Lordmeant the acknowledgment that Jesus shares the name and the nature, the holiness, the authority, power, majesty, and eternity of the one and only true God. Lord (2962) (kurios) means lord, master, owner or the one who has absolute ownership power. Kurios translates Jehovah (LORD in OT) in the Septuagint (LXX) almost 7000 times. In the New Testament there are 717 references to kurios and it is notable that Jesus is referred to as Savior about ten times and as Lord about 700 times! Kurios signifies sovereign power and absolute authority. Kurios is the one who has absolute ownership and uncontested power. It is the one who is in charge by virtue of possession (owner). Kurios is used to describe human relationships. Jesus described the relationship of slaves to their lords (Matthew 10:24; 25:19). The Apostle Paul told slaves to
  • 24. obey their masters or lords as a sign of the slaves' faith in Christ (Ephesian 6:5, Ephesians 6:9 Col 3:22). FOR WITH THE HEART MAN BELIEVES RESULTING IN RIGHTEOUSNESS AND WITH THE MOUTH HE CONFESSES RESULTING IN SALVATION : kardia gar pisteuetai (3PPPI) eis dikaiosunen stomati de homologeitai (3PPPI) eis soterian: (Luke 8:15; John 1:12,13; 3:19, 20, 21; Hebrews 3:12; 10:22) (Galatians 2:16; Philippians (Ro 10:9; 1John 4:15; Revelation 2:13) 3:9) For - Introduces the explanation of the preceding verse and gives the proper order or sequence of events: first belief and then confession. Heart (2588) (kardia ) does not refer to the physical organ but is always used figuratively in Scripture to refer to the seat and center of human life. The heart is the center of the personality, and it controls the intellect, emotions, and will. No outward obedience is of the slightest value unless the heart turns to God. Jesus describes the importance of a "right" heartexplaining that...the seed in the good soil, these are the ones who have heard the word in an honest and good heart, and hold it fast, and bear fruit with perseverance. (Luke 8:15, contrast an "evil and unbelieving heart" Hebrews 3:12) Calvin remarks that...The seat of faith, it deserves to be observed, is not in the brain, but the heart; not that I wish to enter into any dispute concerning the part of the body which is the seat of faith, but since the word heart generally means a serious, sincere, ardent affection, I am desirous to show the confidence of faith to be a firm, efficacious, and operative principle in all the emotions and feelings of the soul, not a mere naked notion of the head. Believes (4100) (pisteuo from pistis; pistos; related studies the faith, the obedience of faith) means to consider something to be true and therefore worthy of one’s trust. To accept as true, genuine, or real. To have a firm conviction as to the goodness, efficacy, or ability of something or someone. To consider to be true. To accept the word or evidence of. Thayer's Definition 1. to think to be true, to be persuaded of, to credit, place confidence in a. of the thing believed a. to credit, have confidence b. in a moral or religious reference a. used in the NT of the conviction and trust to which a man is impelled by a certain inner and higher prerogative and law of soul b. to trust in Jesus or God as able to aid either in obtaining or in doing something: saving faith 1bc) mere acknowledgment of some fact or event: intellectual faith
  • 25. 2. to entrust a thing to one, i.e. his fidelity a. to be entrusted with a thing to persuade, to cause belief, to induce one to do something by persuading, and so runs into the meaning of to obey, properly as the result of persuasion Note that the Greek verb believe in the context of the NT uses does not signify mere intellectual assent but a genuine acceptance with one’s whole inward being. When a person does that, he is instantly justified or declared righteous (forever positionally righteous before God). In summary, FOR WITH THE HEART MAN BELIEVES RESULTING IN RIGHTEOUSNESS AND WITH THE MOUTH HE CONFESSES RESULTING IN SALVATION : kardia gar pisteuetai (3PPPI) eis dikaiosunen stomati de homologeitai (3PPPI) eis soterian: (Luke 8:15; John 1:12,13; 3:19, 20, 21; Hebrews 3:12; 10:22) (Galatians 2:16; Philippians 3:9)(Ro 10:9; 1John 4:15; Revelation 2:13) THE GOSPEL IS AVAILABLE TO THE SEEKING HEART WHO IS SEEKING THE TRUTH ROMANS 10:11-15 -16-21 - 11 -24 2013 Charles e Whisnant, Elder/Pastor/Teacher (In 1982 I used this series in Romans as my second book to teach verse by verse: 120 lessons 1983-1985 First Baptist Church, Altoona, Kansas) 1A THE MOST BLESSED NATION IN THE WORLD: ISRAEL 2A GOD CHOSE ISRAEL FOR THREE REASONS 1B To witness to the unity of God: Deut. 6:4 2B To preserve and transmit the scripture: Romans 3:2
  • 26. 3B To be the channel for the Messiah 3A ISRAEL'S REJECTION AND FAILURE TO BELIEVE RESULTED IN 1B Being scattered 2B Being blinded 3B Being persecuted 4A THE QUESTION IS WHY: 1B The rejected Christ: Why? 1C They loved their sin more than righteousness. 2D They had always been that way from Moses. 3C Self-imposed ignorance: 1D Of God Himself: 10:3 2D Of The provision of Christ made for salvation: 10:4 3D Of the importance of faith in Christ: 10:5-10 4D Of the scope of this great salvation: 10:11-18 1E Salvation was for "whosoever" : 10:11. Joel 2:32 and Isaiah 28:16 2E Salvation: there was no difference between Jews and Gentiles: Jonah 3E How to get the message out to the world: 10:14 4E The Gospel story: Beautiful feet: 10:15 5E Not all have obeyed the Gospel!!!! 10:16 1F There is a choice on our part! In other words you can't say you are just saved because God made everyone saved and He is sovereign, you must make the choice to obey.
  • 27. Romans 1:5; 2:8- 2F The element of obedience and submission to Christ. Acts 6:7, 9; 6:19; I Thessalonians 1:8; Hebrews 5:9 53:1; John 3F They are not all believing because they are not submitting: Isaiah 12:37-38; Acts 18:6 6E "So faith by Hearing" 10:17 "and hearing by the Word of Christ." hear. But you the truth 1F Evangelism: Given for you to respond to the message you must know what you believe, thus the message must be 7E "Have they not heard" earth. It is 10:18 Yes. Psalms 19:1-4 1F God has put His knowlege of Himself throughout the whole available. 2F It is not that every person in the world has heard the fullness of the Gospel, but if there is a seeking heart there will be a message given to them. John 1:9, Matthew 24:14; Colossians 1:6. LET'S SUM UP ROMANS 10:11-18 Paul is saying this: The gospel is not just for another local sect, nor just another Roman cult. The Gospel is the good news which God has sent all over the world. 5D ISRAEL DID NOT BELIEVE THE PREDICTION OF SCRIPTURE 1F Did Israel know that the message was for the whole world? 10:19 1E Moses said in Deuteronomy 32:21 2E Isaiah 65:1 Romans 10:20 3E Isaiah 65:2 Romans 10:21