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Automating the Requirements
 Language You Already Speak
         Ben Mabey
Developer        Tester

      Product Manager
56% of all bugs are introduced in
requirements. (CHAOS Report)
45% of functionality is never used
Only 20% makes up core
functionality that is ā€œAlwaysā€ or
ā€œOftenā€ used.
Placing emphasis on
features instead of
 overall outcome
t bu yer
        imp   atien
A s an                 y se arch
       t to  refi ne m
I wan                 dw  hat
     that  I ca n fin
     ant  qui  ckly
As an impatient buyer
I want to reļ¬ne my search
So that I can ļ¬nd what I want quickly
Feature: Advanced Search
As an impatient buyer
I want to reļ¬ne my search
So that I can ļ¬nd what I want quickly
token for
Scenario: title
Given [Context]
When [Action]
Then [Expected Outcome]
Scenario: title
Given [Context]
And [More Context]
When [Action]
And [Other Action]
Then [Expected Outcome]
But [Unexpected Outcome]
Scenario: search by director
Given the store has movies directed
by ā€œSteven Spielbergā€
When I search for ā€œSteven Spielbergā€
Then I should see all of the movies
directed by ā€œSteven Spielbergā€
Scenario: no results
Given the store has no movies
directed by ā€œSteven Spielbergā€
When I search for ā€œSteven Spielbergā€
Then I should see ā€œSorry, but no
movies were foundā€
Scenario: search by director
  Given movies directed by "Steven Spielberg" are
   in stock
  When I search for "Spielberg" under "Director"
  Then I the search results should be "E.T., and Jaws"
Step Tables
Scenario: search by director
  Given the following movies are in stock:
    | Title            | Director          | Year   |
    | Jaws             | Steven Spielberg | 1975    |
    | Star Wars        | George Lucas      | 1975   |
    | Dawn of the Dead | George Romero     | 1978   |
    | E.T.             | Steven Spielberg | 1982    |
  When I search for "Spielberg" under "Director"
  Then I the search results should be "E.T., and    Jaws"
Step Tables
Scenario: search by director
  Given the following movies are in stock:
    | Title            | Director          | Year   |
    | Jaws             | Steven Spielberg | 1975    |
    | Star Wars        | George Lucas      | 1975   |
    | Dawn of the Dead | George Romero     | 1978   |
    | E.T.             | Steven Spielberg | 1982    |
  When I search for "Spielberg" under "Director"
  Then I should see the following table:
    | Title      | Director         | Year |
    | Jaws       | Steven Spielberg | 1975 |
    | E.T.       | Steven Spielberg | 1982 |
Scenario: search by director
  Given the following movies are in stock:
    | Title            | Director          | Year   |
    | Jaws             | Steven Spielberg | 1975    |
    | Star Wars        | George Lucas      | 1975   |
    | Dawn of the Dead | George Romero     | 1978   |
    | E.T.             | Steven Spielberg | 1982    |
  When I search for "Spielberg" under "Director"
  Then I the search results should be "E.T., and    Jaws"
Scenario: search by director
  Given the following movies are in stock:
    | Title            | Director          | Year   |
    | Jaws             | Steven Spielberg | 1975    |
    | Star Wars        | George Lucas      | 1975   |
    | Dawn of the Dead | George Romero     | 1978   |
    | E.T.             | Steven Spielberg | 1982    |
  When I search for "Spielberg" under "Director"
  Then I the search results should be "E.T., and    Jaws"

                I only want to change
                the search query and
                    results part...
Scenario Outlines
Scenario Outline: search by director
  Given the following movies are in stock:
    | Title            | Director          | Year |
    | Jaws             | Steven Spielberg | 1975 |
    | Star Wars        | George Lucas      | 1975 |
    | Dawn of the Dead | George Romero     | 1978 |
    | E.T.             | Steven Spielberg | 1982 |
  When I search for "<Director Query>" under "Director"
  Then I the search results should be "<Search Results>"

    | Director Query | Search Results              |
    | Steve          | E.T., Jaws                  |
    | George         | Dawn of the Dead, Star Wars |
    | Lucas          | Star Wars                   |
Scenario Outlines
Scenario Outline: search by director
  Given the following movies are in stock:
    | Title            | Director          | Year |
    | Jaws             | Steven Spielberg | 1975 |
    | Star Wars        | George Lucas      | 1975 |
    | Dawn of the Dead | George Romero     | 1978 |
    | E.T.             | Steven Spielberg | 1982 |
  When I search for "<Director Query>" under "Director"
  Then I the search results should be "<Search Results>"

    | Director Query | Search Results              |
    | Steve          | E.T., Jaws                  |
    | George         | Dawn of the Dead, Star Wars |
    | Lucas          | Star Wars                   |
Feature: Account Profile

  Scenario: change password success
    Given I'm logged in

  Scenario: update contact info
    Given I'm logged in
Feature: Account Profile

    Given I'm logged in

  Scenario: change password success

  Scenario: update contact info
Multi-Line String
Scenario: register successfully
  Given I am on on the registration page
  When I sign up as "Jojo Binks"
  Then I should receive the following email:
  Thanks for signing up Jojo!

 Important information about here.
# language: ja


Ā Ā                             : 2
           <       1>
Ā Ā Ā Ā        <       2>
Ā Ā Ā Ā        <            >
Ā Ā Ā Ā            <        >

Ā Ā     :
Ā Ā Ā Ā |     1 |           2 |         |          |
Ā Ā Ā Ā | 20       | 30         | add       | 50       |
Ā Ā Ā Ā | 2        | 5          | add       | 7        |
Ā Ā Ā Ā | 0        | 40         | add       | 40       |
So now what?
           patient b
As an im ine my search
I want to       find wha
 So that I
 Iw ant quic
           patient b
As an im ine my search
I want to       find wha
 So that I
 Iw ant quic
patient b
As an im ine my search
I want to
                find wha
                          t   When...
 So that I
    ant quic
               kly            Then...
patient b
As an im ine my search
I want to
                find wha
                          t   When...
 So that I
    ant quic
               kly            Then...
patient b
As an im ine my search
I want to
                find wha
                          t   When...
 So that I
    ant quic
               kly            Then...
`-- features
`-- features
    |-- awesomeness.feature
    |-- greatest_ever.feature
`-- features
    |-- awesomeness.feature
    |-- greatest_ever.feature
    `-- support
        |-- env.rb
        `-- other_helpers.rb
`-- features
    |-- awesomeness.feature
    |-- greatest_ever.feature
    `-- support
        |-- env.rb
        `-- other_helpers.rb
    |-- step_definitions
    |   |-- domain_concept_A.rb
    |   `-- domain_concept_B.rb

Given a widget
Step         Deļ¬nition

                 Given /^a widget$/ do
Given a widget     #codes go here
When /^I search by director for "([^"]*)"$/ do |director|
Regexp Capture -> Yielded Variable

When /^I search by director for "([^"]*)"$/ do |director|
When /^I search by director for "([^"]*)"$/ do |director|
Ā Ā visit advanced_search_path
Ā Ā fill_in "By Director", :with => director
Ā Ā click_button "Search"

               Webrat, Webdriver, Watir, etc..
Not Just for Ruby
When /^I search by director for "([^"]*)"$/ do |director|

[Given(@"^I search by director for "([^"]*)"$")]
public void searchDirector(String director) {
Gherkin   Ragel
Gherkin     Ragel

C, C++, Ruby, Java, .net, etc,
Gherkin         Ragel

C, C++, Ruby, Java, .net, etc,
When /^I search by director for "([^"]*)"$/ do |director|

@When("^I search by director for "([^"]*)"$")
public void searchDirector(String director) {

When("^I search by director for "([^"]*)"$"{ String d ->

(When #"^I search by director for "([^"]*)"$"
Ā Ā (fn [director] ))

When("^I search by director for "([^"]*)"$"{ d: String =>
Uhh... this just seems
like more work for me.
Scenario Outline: search by director
    Given the following movies are in stock:
      | Title            | Director          | Year |
      | Jaws             | Steven Spielberg | 1975 |
      | Star Wars        | George Lucas      | 1975 |
      | Dawn of the Dead | George Romero     | 1978 |
      | E.T.             | Steven Spielberg | 1982 |
    When I search for "<Director Query>" under "Director"
    Then I the search results should be "<Search Results>"

      | Director Query   |   Search Results              |
      | Steve            |   E.T., Jaws                  |
      | George           |   Dawn of the Dead, Star Wars |
      | Zombie guy       |   Dawn of the Dead            |
      | Lucas            |   Star Wars                   |

  Scenario: search by director on a full moon
    Given that it is a full moon
Scenario Outline: search by director
    Given the following movies are in stock:
      | Title            | Director          | Year |
      | Jaws             | Steven Spielberg | 1975 |
      | Star Wars        | George Lucas      | 1975 |
      | Dawn of the Dead | George Romero     | 1978 |
      | E.T.             | Steven Spielberg | 1982 |
    When I search for "<Director Query>" under "Director"
    Then I the search results should be "<Search Results>"

      | Director Query   |   Search Results              |
      | Steve            |   E.T., Jaws                  |
      | George           |   Dawn of the Dead, Star Wars |
      | Zombie guy       |   Dawn of the Dead            |
      | Lucas            |   Star Wars                   |

  Scenario: search by director on a full moon
    Given that it is a full moon
You know where to begin and end.

You know when you broke something.
Write Scenarios
Steps are pending
Write Step Deļ¬nition
Go Down A Gear
RSpec, xUnit, etc
Write Unit Test
Make Unit Test Pass
Where Are we?
Continue until...
Next set of slides stolen from
Aslak HellesĆøy, creator of
Feature: code-breaker submits guess
  In order to make time pass when I'm alone
  As a player
  I want to play the against a machine

  Scenario: all correct
    Given the secret code is "r g y c"
    When I guess "r g y c"
    Then the mark should be "bbbb"
$ gem install cucumber
$ cucumber features

      <gem>install cuke4duke --version x.y.x</gem>
$ mvn integration-test 
Feature: code-breaker submits guess
  In order to make time pass when I'm alone
  As a player
  I want to play the against a machine

 Scenario: all correct                # features/c..s.feature:6
   Given the secret code is "r g y c" # features/c..s.feature:7
   When I guess "r g y c"             # features/c..s.feature:8
   Then the mark should be "bbbb"     # features/c..s.feature:9

1 scenario (1 undefined)
3 steps (3 undefined)
You can implement step definitions for undefined steps with these

@Given("^the secret code is "([^"]*)"$")
public void theSecretCodeIsRGYC_(String arg1) {

@When("^I guess "([^"]*)"$")
public void iGuessRGYC_(String arg1) {

@Then("^the mark should be "([^"]*)"$")
public void theMarkShouldBeBbbb_(String arg1) {
package codebreaker;
import cuke4duke.*;

public class CodeBreakerSteps {
    @Given("^the secret code is "([^"]*)"$")
    public void theSecretCodeIs(String code) {

    @When("^I guess "([^"]*)"$")
    public void iGuess(String guess) {

    @Then("^the mark should be "([^"]*)"$")
    public void theMarkShouldBe(String mark) {
$ mvn integration-test

Feature: code-breaker submits guess
  In order to make time pass when I'm alone
  As a player
  I want to play the against a machine

 Scenario: all correct                  # features/c..s.feature:6
   Given the secret code is "r g y c"   # public void theS..(..)
     TODO (Cucumber::Pending)
     f../c..s.feature:7:in `Given the   secret code is "r g y c"'
   When I guess "r g y c"               # public void iGue..(..)
   Then the mark should be "bbbb"       # public void theM..(..)

1 scenario (1 pending)
3 steps (2 skipped, 1 pending)
Given the secret code is "r g y c"
# public void codebreaker.GameSteps
Given the secret code is "r g y c"
Given the secret code is "r g y c"

@Given("^the secret code is "([^"]*)"$")
public void theSecretCodeIs(String code) {

public class GameSteps {
    private Game game;

    @Given("^the secret code is "([^"]*)"$")
    public void theSecretCodeIs(String code) {
        game = new Game(code);
Compilation failure

src/test/java/codebreaker/[6,12] cannot find symbol
symbol : class Game
location: class codebreaker.CodeBreakerSteps
package codebreaker;

public class Game {
    public Game(String code) {
$ mvn integration-test

Feature: code-breaker submits guess
  In order to make time pass when I'm alone
  As a player
  I want to play the against a machine

 Scenario: all correct                # features/c..s.feature:6
   Given the secret code is "r g y c" # public void theS..(..)
   When I guess "r g y c"             # public void iGue..(..)
     TODO (Cucumber::Pending)
     f../c..s.feature:8:in `When I guess "r g y c"'
   Then the mark should be "bbbb"     # public void theM..(..)

1 scenario (1 pending)
3 steps (1 skipped, 1 pending, 1 passed)
$ mvn integration-test

Feature: code-breaker submits guess
  In order to make time pass when I'm alone
  As a player
  I want to play the against a machine

 Scenario: all correct                # features/c..s.feature:6
   Given the secret code is "r g y c" # public void theS..(..)
   When I guess "r g y c"             # public void iGue..(..)
   Then the mark should be "bbbb"     # public void theM..(..)

1 scenario (1 passed)
3 steps (3 passed)
Scenario: all correct
  Given the secret code is "r g y c"
  When I guess "r g y c"
  Then the mark should be "bbbb"

Scenario: 2 wrong pos, 2 correct
  Given the secret code is "r g y c"
  When I guess "r g c y"
  Then the mark should be "bbww"
Scenario: all correct                # features/c..s.feature:6
   Given the secret code is "r g y c" # public void theS..(..)
   When I guess "r g y c"             # public void iGue..(..)
   Then the mark should be "bbbb"     # public void theM..(..)

 Scenario: all correct                # features/c..s.feature:6
   Given the secret code is "r g y c" # public void theS..(..)
   When I guess "r g y c"             # public void iGue..(..)
   Then the mark should be "bbbb"     # public void theM..(..)
     org.junit.ComparisonFailure: expected:<bb[bb]> but
         was:<bb[ww]> (NativeException)
     codebreaker/ `theMarkShouldBe'
     features/codebreaker_submits_guess.feature:14:in `Then
         the mark should be "bbww"'

1 scenario (1 failed, 1 passed)
3 steps (1 failed, 3 passed)
Scenario: all correct
  Given the secret code is "r g y c"
  When I guess "r g y c"
  Then the mark should be "bbbb"

Scenario: 2 wrong pos, 2 correct
  Given the secret code is "r g y c"
  When I guess "r g c y"
  Then the mark should be "bbww"
Scenario Outline: submit guess
  Given the secret code is "<code>"
  When I guess "<guess>"
  Then the mark should be "<mark>"

  | code        |   guess       |   mark   |
  | r g y   c   |   r g y   c   |   bbbb   |
  | r g y   c   |   r g c   y   |   bbww   |
  | r g y   c   |   y r g   c   |   bwww   |
  | r g y   c   |   c r g   y   |   wwww   |
More Tricks
@store @lucene
Feature: Advanced Search

 Scenario: search by director

 @proposed @pending_ui
 Scenario: items not carried

 Scenario: long running

 Scenario: search Amazon
@store @lucene
Feature: Advanced Search

 Scenario: search by director

 @proposed @pending_ui
 Scenario: items not carried

 Scenario: long running

 Scenario: search Amazon
@store @lucene
Feature: Advanced Search

           Tag Exclusion
 Scenario: search by director

 @proposed @pending_ui
       cucumber --tags ~@proposed
 Scenario: items not carried

 Scenario: long running

 Scenario: search Amazon
@store @lucene
Feature: Advanced Search

 Scenario: search by director

 @proposed @pending_ui
 Scenario: items not carried

 Scenario: long running

 Scenario: search Amazon
@store @lucene
Feature: Advanced Search

 Scenario: search by director

 @proposed @pending_ui
 Scenario: items --tags @wip:2
      cucumber not carried       --wip

 Scenario: long running

 Scenario: search Amazon
@store @lucene
Feature: Advanced Search

 @wip           Limit scenarios in ļ¬‚ow
 Scenario: search by director

 @proposed @pending_ui
 Scenario: items --tags @wip:2
      cucumber not carried       --wip

 Scenario: long running

 Scenario: search Amazon
@store @lucene
Feature: Advanced Search

 @wip           Limit scenarios in ļ¬‚ow
 Scenario: search by director

 @proposed @pending_ui
 Scenario: items --tags @wip:2
      cucumber not carried       --wip

           Expect failure - Success == Failure
 Scenario: long running

 Scenario: search Amazon
Before do

After do |scenario|

World do

Tagged Hooks
Before('@im_special', '@me_too') do
  @icecream = true

@me_too             Feature: Sit
Feature: Lorem        @im_special
  Scenario: Ipsum     Scenario: Amet
  Scenario: Dolor     Scenario: Consec
Acceptance Tests

Slow   Integrated

Fast    Isolated
Slow   Integrated

Fast    Isolated
Slow              Integrated


Fast               Isolated
Slow              Integrated


Fast               Isolated
What about me?
patient b
As an im ine my search
I want to
                find wha
                          t   When...
 So that I
    ant quic
               kly            Then...
patient b
As an im ine my search
I want to
                find wha
                          t   When...
 So that I
    ant quic
               kly            Then...
patient b
As an im ine my search
I want to
                find wha
                          t   When...
 So that I
    ant quic
               kly            Then...
patient b
As an im ine my search
I want to
                find wha
                          t   When...
 So that I
    ant quic
               kly            Then...
patient b
As an im ine my search
I want to
                find wha
                          t   When...
 So that I
    ant quic
               kly            Then...
              t ient buy
As  an impa         m y search
I want   to refine          t
                  find wha
 So  that I can
 I wan  t quickl

Dead                                     Living
                                 Feature: Advanced Search
                                   As an impatient buyer
                                   I want to refine my search
                                   So that I can find what I want quickly
                                 Scenario Outline: search by director
                         er        Given the following movies are in stock:
              t ient buy
    an impa
                                     | Title            | Director          | Year |
As                  m y search       | Jaws             | Steven Spielberg | 1975 |

I want   to refine          t
                                     | Star Wars        | George Lucas      | 1975 |

                  find wha
                                     | Dawn of the Dead | George Romero     | 1978 |

     that I can
                                     | E.T.             | Steven Spielberg | 1982 |
 So                y               When I search for "<Director Query>" under "Director"

 I wan  t quickl                   Then I the search results should be "<Search Results>"

                                     | Director Query | Search Results              |
                                     | Steve          | E.T., Jaws                  |
                                     | George         | Dawn of the Dead, Star Wars |

          D                          | Lucas          | Star Wars                   |

Feature: Advanced Search
  As an impatient buyer
  I want to refine my search
  So that I can find what I want quickly
Feature: Advanced Search
  As an impatient buyer
  I want to refine my search
  So that I can find what I want quickly

  Scenario: search by director
    Given movies directed by "Steven Spielberg" are in stock
    When I search by director for "Spielberg"
    Then I should see all of the movies directed by "Steven Spielberg"
Feature: Advanced Search
  As an impatient buyer
  I want to refine my search
  So that I can find what I want quickly
 Scenario: search by director
   Given movies directed by "Steven Spielberg" are in stock
   When I search by director for "Spielberg"
   Then I should see all of the movies directed by "Steven Spielberg"
Feature: Advanced Search
  As an impatient buyer
  I want to refine my search
  So that I can find what I want quickly
 Scenario: search by director
   Given movies directed by "Steven Spielberg" are in stock
   And I am on the "Advanced Search" page
   When I fill in "Spielberg" for "Director"
   And press "Submit"
   Then I should see all of the movies directed by "Steven Spielberg"
Feature: Advanced Search
  As an impatient buyer
  I want to refine my search
  So that I can find what I want quickly
 Scenario: search by director
   Given movies directed by "Steven Spielberg" are in stock
   And I am on the "Advanced Search" page
   When I fill in "Spielberg" for "Director"
   And press "Submit"
   Then I should see all of the movies directed by "Steven Spielberg"

                         I like it! I actually know
                          how a user can use it!
Scenario: successful login
  Given I'm on the login page
  When I fill in "jimmy" for "Login"
  And fill in "password" for "Password"
  And click "Login"
  Then I should see "Welcome back jimmy!"
Scenario: change password success
Scenario: change password success
  Given I'm on the login page
  When I fill in "jimmy" for "Login"
  And fill in "password" for "Password"
  And click "Login"
  Then I should see "Welcome back jimmy!"
Scenario: change password success
  Given I'm on the login page
  When I fill in "jimmy" for "Login"
  And fill in "password" for "Password"
  And click "Login"
  Then I should see "Welcome back jimmy!"
  When I click "Change Password"
  And fill in the following
    | Old Password | password |
    | New Password | brand-new |
    | Confirmation | brand-new |
  And click "Change Password"
  Then I should see "Your password has been changed."
Scenario: change password success
  Given I'm on the login page
  When I fill in "jimmy" for "Login"
  And fill in "password" for "Password"
  And click "Login"
  Then I should see "Welcome back jimmy!"
  When I click "Change Password"
                     Incidental Details
  And fill in the following
    | Old Password | password |
    | New Password | brand-new |
    | Confirmation | brand-new |
  And click "Change Password"
  Then I should see "Your password has been changed."
Scenario: change password success
  Given I'm logged in
  When I click "Change Password"   Hide the noise!
  And fill in the following
    | Old Password | password |
    | New Password | brand-new |
    | Confirmation | brand-new |
  And click "Change Password"
  Then I should see "Your password has been changed."

 Twitter: bmabey

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Cucumber: Automating the Requirements Language You Already Speak

  • 1. Automating the Requirements Language You Already Speak Ben Mabey @bmabey
  • 2. Developer Tester Product Manager Designer/UX
  • 4. 56% of all bugs are introduced in requirements. (CHAOS Report)
  • 5. 45% of functionality is never used
  • 6. Only 20% makes up core functionality that is ā€œAlwaysā€ or ā€œOftenā€ used.
  • 7. Feature Devotion Text Placing emphasis on features instead of overall outcome
  • 8. t bu yer imp atien A s an y se arch t to refi ne m I wan dw hat that I ca n fin So ant qui ckly Iw
  • 9. As an impatient buyer I want to reļ¬ne my search So that I can ļ¬nd what I want quickly
  • 10. Feature: Advanced Search As an impatient buyer I want to reļ¬ne my search So that I can ļ¬nd what I want quickly
  • 13. Scenario: title Given [Context] When [Action] Then [Expected Outcome]
  • 14. Scenario: title Given [Context] And [More Context] When [Action] And [Other Action] Then [Expected Outcome] But [Unexpected Outcome]
  • 15. Scenario: search by director Given the store has movies directed by ā€œSteven Spielbergā€ When I search for ā€œSteven Spielbergā€ Then I should see all of the movies directed by ā€œSteven Spielbergā€
  • 16. Scenario: no results Given the store has no movies directed by ā€œSteven Spielbergā€ When I search for ā€œSteven Spielbergā€ Then I should see ā€œSorry, but no movies were foundā€
  • 18. Scenario: search by director Given movies directed by "Steven Spielberg" are in stock When I search for "Spielberg" under "Director" Then I the search results should be "E.T., and Jaws"
  • 19.
  • 20. Step Tables Scenario: search by director Given the following movies are in stock: | Title | Director | Year | | Jaws | Steven Spielberg | 1975 | | Star Wars | George Lucas | 1975 | | Dawn of the Dead | George Romero | 1978 | | E.T. | Steven Spielberg | 1982 | When I search for "Spielberg" under "Director" Then I the search results should be "E.T., and Jaws"
  • 21. Step Tables Scenario: search by director Given the following movies are in stock: | Title | Director | Year | | Jaws | Steven Spielberg | 1975 | | Star Wars | George Lucas | 1975 | | Dawn of the Dead | George Romero | 1978 | | E.T. | Steven Spielberg | 1982 | When I search for "Spielberg" under "Director" Then I should see the following table: | Title | Director | Year | | Jaws | Steven Spielberg | 1975 | | E.T. | Steven Spielberg | 1982 |
  • 22. Scenario: search by director Given the following movies are in stock: | Title | Director | Year | | Jaws | Steven Spielberg | 1975 | | Star Wars | George Lucas | 1975 | | Dawn of the Dead | George Romero | 1978 | | E.T. | Steven Spielberg | 1982 | When I search for "Spielberg" under "Director" Then I the search results should be "E.T., and Jaws"
  • 23. Scenario: search by director Given the following movies are in stock: | Title | Director | Year | | Jaws | Steven Spielberg | 1975 | | Star Wars | George Lucas | 1975 | | Dawn of the Dead | George Romero | 1978 | | E.T. | Steven Spielberg | 1982 | When I search for "Spielberg" under "Director" Then I the search results should be "E.T., and Jaws" I only want to change the search query and results part...
  • 24. Scenario Outlines Scenario Outline: search by director Given the following movies are in stock: | Title | Director | Year | | Jaws | Steven Spielberg | 1975 | | Star Wars | George Lucas | 1975 | | Dawn of the Dead | George Romero | 1978 | | E.T. | Steven Spielberg | 1982 | When I search for "<Director Query>" under "Director" Then I the search results should be "<Search Results>" Examples: | Director Query | Search Results | | Steve | E.T., Jaws | | George | Dawn of the Dead, Star Wars | | Lucas | Star Wars |
  • 25. Scenario Outlines Scenario Outline: search by director Given the following movies are in stock: | Title | Director | Year | | Jaws | Steven Spielberg | 1975 | | Star Wars | George Lucas | 1975 | | Dawn of the Dead | George Romero | 1978 | | E.T. | Steven Spielberg | 1982 | When I search for "<Director Query>" under "Director" Then I the search results should be "<Search Results>" Examples: | Director Query | Search Results | | Steve | E.T., Jaws | | George | Dawn of the Dead, Star Wars | | Lucas | Star Wars |
  • 26. Background Feature: Account Profile Scenario: change password success Given I'm logged in ... Scenario: update contact info Given I'm logged in ...
  • 27. Background Feature: Account Profile Background: Given I'm logged in Scenario: change password success ... Scenario: update contact info ...
  • 28. Multi-Line String Steps Scenario: register successfully Given I am on on the registration page When I sign up as "Jojo Binks" Then I should receive the following email: """ Thanks for signing up Jojo! Important information about here. """
  • 29. # language: ja : 2 Ā Ā  : 2 < 1> Ā Ā Ā Ā  < 2> Ā Ā Ā Ā  < > Ā Ā Ā Ā  < > Ā Ā  : Ā Ā Ā Ā | 1 | 2 | | | Ā Ā Ā Ā | 20 | 30 | add | 50 | Ā Ā Ā Ā | 2 | 5 | add | 7 | Ā Ā Ā Ā | 0 | 40 | add | 40 |
  • 30.
  • 32. uyer patient b As an im ine my search ref I want to find wha t can So that I kly Iw ant quic
  • 33. uyer patient b As an im ine my search ref I want to find wha t can So that I kly Iw ant quic
  • 34. patient b uyer As an im ine my search Given... I want to ref find wha t When... So that I Iw can ant quic kly Then...
  • 35. patient b uyer As an im ine my search Given... I want to ref find wha t When... So that I Iw can ant quic kly Then...
  • 36. patient b uyer As an im ine my search Given... I want to ref find wha t When... So that I Iw can ant quic kly Then...
  • 39. project_root/ | `-- features |-- awesomeness.feature |-- greatest_ever.feature
  • 40. project_root/ | `-- features |-- awesomeness.feature |-- greatest_ever.feature `-- support |-- env.rb `-- other_helpers.rb
  • 41. project_root/ | `-- features |-- awesomeness.feature |-- greatest_ever.feature `-- support |-- env.rb `-- other_helpers.rb |-- step_definitions | |-- domain_concept_A.rb | `-- domain_concept_B.rb
  • 43. Step Deļ¬nition Given /^a widget$/ do Given a widget #codes go here end
  • 44. When /^I search by director for "([^"]*)"$/ do |director| end
  • 45. Regexp Capture -> Yielded Variable When /^I search by director for "([^"]*)"$/ do |director| end
  • 46. When /^I search by director for "([^"]*)"$/ do |director| Ā Ā visit advanced_search_path Ā Ā fill_in "By Director", :with => director Ā Ā click_button "Search" end Webrat, Webdriver, Watir, etc..
  • 47. Not Just for Ruby
  • 48. When /^I search by director for "([^"]*)"$/ do |director| end [Given(@"^I search by director for "([^"]*)"$")] public void searchDirector(String director) { }
  • 50. Gherkin Ragel
  • 51. Gherkin Ragel C, C++, Ruby, Java, .net, etc,
  • 52. Gherkin Ragel C, C++, Ruby, Java, .net, etc, http://specļ¬‚
  • 54. When /^I search by director for "([^"]*)"$/ do |director| end @When("^I search by director for "([^"]*)"$") public void searchDirector(String director) { } When("^I search by director for "([^"]*)"$"{ String d -> } (When #"^I search by director for "([^"]*)"$" Ā Ā (fn [director] )) When("^I search by director for "([^"]*)"$"{ d: String => }
  • 55. Uhh... this just seems like more work for me.
  • 56. Scenario Outline: search by director Given the following movies are in stock: | Title | Director | Year | | Jaws | Steven Spielberg | 1975 | | Star Wars | George Lucas | 1975 | | Dawn of the Dead | George Romero | 1978 | | E.T. | Steven Spielberg | 1982 | When I search for "<Director Query>" under "Director" Then I the search results should be "<Search Results>" Examples: | Director Query | Search Results | | Steve | E.T., Jaws | | George | Dawn of the Dead, Star Wars | | Zombie guy | Dawn of the Dead | | Lucas | Star Wars | Scenario: search by director on a full moon Given that it is a full moon ...
  • 57. Scenario Outline: search by director Given the following movies are in stock: | Title | Director | Year | | Jaws | Steven Spielberg | 1975 | | Star Wars | George Lucas | 1975 | | Dawn of the Dead | George Romero | 1978 | | E.T. | Steven Spielberg | 1982 | When I search for "<Director Query>" under "Director" Then I the search results should be "<Search Results>" Examples: | Director Query | Search Results | | Steve | E.T., Jaws | | George | Dawn of the Dead, Star Wars | | Zombie guy | Dawn of the Dead | | Lucas | Star Wars | Scenario: search by director on a full moon Given that it is a full moon ...
  • 58. You know where to begin and end. Yo
  • 59. You know when you broke something.
  • 60.
  • 61.
  • 63. Model
  • 68.
  • 69.
  • 73. Go Down A Gear
  • 81. Next set of slides stolen from Aslak HellesĆøy, creator of
  • 82. Feature: code-breaker submits guess In order to make time pass when I'm alone As a player I want to play the against a machine Scenario: all correct Given the secret code is "r g y c" When I guess "r g y c" Then the mark should be "bbbb"
  • 83.
  • 84. $ gem install cucumber $ cucumber features
  • 85. <repositories> <repository> <id>cukes</id> <url></url> </repository> </repositories> <pluginRepositories> <pluginRepository> <id>cukes</id> <url></url> </pluginRepository> </pluginRepositories>
  • 86. <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>cuke4duke</groupId> <artifactId>cuke4duke</artifactId> <version>0.3.0</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.picocontainer</groupId> <artifactId>picocontainer</artifactId> <version>2.8.3</version> </dependency> </dependencies>
  • 87. <plugin> <groupId>cuke4duke</groupId> <artifactId>cuke4duke-maven-plugin</artifactId> <configuration> <jvmArgs> <jvmArg> -Dcuke4duke.objectFactory= </jvmArg> </jvmArgs> <cucumberArgs> <cucumberArg>${basedir}/src/test/java</cucumberArg> </cucumberArgs> <gems> <gem>install cuke4duke --version x.y.x</gem> </gems> </configuration> </plugin>
  • 88. $ mvn integration-test -Dcucumber.installGems=true
  • 89. Feature: code-breaker submits guess In order to make time pass when I'm alone As a player I want to play the against a machine Scenario: all correct # features/c..s.feature:6 Given the secret code is "r g y c" # features/c..s.feature:7 When I guess "r g y c" # features/c..s.feature:8 Then the mark should be "bbbb" # features/c..s.feature:9 1 scenario (1 undefined) 3 steps (3 undefined) 0m0.076s
  • 90. You can implement step definitions for undefined steps with these snippets: @Given("^the secret code is "([^"]*)"$") @Pending public void theSecretCodeIsRGYC_(String arg1) { } @When("^I guess "([^"]*)"$") @Pending public void iGuessRGYC_(String arg1) { } @Then("^the mark should be "([^"]*)"$") @Pending public void theMarkShouldBeBbbb_(String arg1) { }
  • 91. package codebreaker; import cuke4duke.*; public class CodeBreakerSteps { @Given("^the secret code is "([^"]*)"$") @Pending public void theSecretCodeIs(String code) { } @When("^I guess "([^"]*)"$") @Pending public void iGuess(String guess) { } @Then("^the mark should be "([^"]*)"$") @Pending public void theMarkShouldBe(String mark) { } }
  • 92. $ mvn integration-test Feature: code-breaker submits guess In order to make time pass when I'm alone As a player I want to play the against a machine Scenario: all correct # features/c..s.feature:6 Given the secret code is "r g y c" # public void theS..(..) TODO (Cucumber::Pending) f../c..s.feature:7:in `Given the secret code is "r g y c"' When I guess "r g y c" # public void iGue..(..) Then the mark should be "bbbb" # public void theM..(..) 1 scenario (1 pending) 3 steps (2 skipped, 1 pending) 0m0.079s
  • 93. Given the secret code is "r g y c" # public void codebreaker.GameSteps .theSecretCodeIs(java.lang.String)
  • 94. Given the secret code is "r g y c"
  • 95. Given the secret code is "r g y c" @Given("^the secret code is "([^"]*)"$") public void theSecretCodeIs(String code) { }
  • 96. public class GameSteps { private Game game; @Given("^the secret code is "([^"]*)"$") public void theSecretCodeIs(String code) { game = new Game(code); } }
  • 97. Compilation failure src/test/java/codebreaker/[6,12] cannot find symbol symbol : class Game location: class codebreaker.CodeBreakerSteps
  • 98.
  • 99. package codebreaker; public class Game { public Game(String code) { } }
  • 100. $ mvn integration-test Feature: code-breaker submits guess In order to make time pass when I'm alone As a player I want to play the against a machine Scenario: all correct # features/c..s.feature:6 Given the secret code is "r g y c" # public void theS..(..) When I guess "r g y c" # public void iGue..(..) TODO (Cucumber::Pending) f../c..s.feature:8:in `When I guess "r g y c"' Then the mark should be "bbbb" # public void theM..(..) 1 scenario (1 pending) 3 steps (1 skipped, 1 pending, 1 passed) 0m0.112s
  • 101.
  • 102. $ mvn integration-test Feature: code-breaker submits guess In order to make time pass when I'm alone As a player I want to play the against a machine Scenario: all correct # features/c..s.feature:6 Given the secret code is "r g y c" # public void theS..(..) When I guess "r g y c" # public void iGue..(..) Then the mark should be "bbbb" # public void theM..(..) 1 scenario (1 passed) 3 steps (3 passed) 0m0.121s
  • 103. Scenario: all correct Given the secret code is "r g y c" When I guess "r g y c" Then the mark should be "bbbb" Scenario: 2 wrong pos, 2 correct Given the secret code is "r g y c" When I guess "r g c y" Then the mark should be "bbww"
  • 104. Scenario: all correct # features/c..s.feature:6 Given the secret code is "r g y c" # public void theS..(..) When I guess "r g y c" # public void iGue..(..) Then the mark should be "bbbb" # public void theM..(..) Scenario: all correct # features/c..s.feature:6 Given the secret code is "r g y c" # public void theS..(..) When I guess "r g y c" # public void iGue..(..) Then the mark should be "bbbb" # public void theM..(..) org.junit.ComparisonFailure: expected:<bb[bb]> but was:<bb[ww]> (NativeException) codebreaker/ `theMarkShouldBe' features/codebreaker_submits_guess.feature:14:in `Then the mark should be "bbww"' 1 scenario (1 failed, 1 passed) 3 steps (1 failed, 3 passed) 0m0.121s
  • 105.
  • 106. Scenario: all correct Given the secret code is "r g y c" When I guess "r g y c" Then the mark should be "bbbb" Scenario: 2 wrong pos, 2 correct Given the secret code is "r g y c" When I guess "r g c y" Then the mark should be "bbww"
  • 107. Scenario Outline: submit guess Given the secret code is "<code>" When I guess "<guess>" Then the mark should be "<mark>" Examples: | code | guess | mark | | r g y c | r g y c | bbbb | | r g y c | r g c y | bbww | | r g y c | y r g c | bwww | | r g y c | c r g y | wwww |
  • 109. Tags
  • 110. @store @lucene Feature: Advanced Search ... @wip Scenario: search by director ... @proposed @pending_ui Scenario: items not carried ... @nightly Scenario: long running ... @third_party Scenario: search Amazon ...
  • 111. @store @lucene Feature: Advanced Search ... @wip Scenario: search by director ... @proposed @pending_ui Scenario: items not carried ... @nightly Scenario: long running ... @third_party Scenario: search Amazon ...
  • 112. @store @lucene Feature: Advanced Search ... @wip Tag Exclusion Scenario: search by director ... @proposed @pending_ui cucumber --tags ~@proposed Scenario: items not carried ... @nightly Scenario: long running ... @third_party Scenario: search Amazon ...
  • 113. @store @lucene Feature: Advanced Search ... @wip Scenario: search by director ... @proposed @pending_ui Scenario: items not carried ... @nightly Scenario: long running ... @third_party Scenario: search Amazon ...
  • 114. @store @lucene Feature: Advanced Search ... @wip Scenario: search by director ... @proposed @pending_ui Scenario: items --tags @wip:2 cucumber not carried --wip ... @nightly Scenario: long running ... @third_party Scenario: search Amazon ...
  • 115. @store @lucene Feature: Advanced Search ... @wip Limit scenarios in ļ¬‚ow Scenario: search by director ... @proposed @pending_ui Scenario: items --tags @wip:2 cucumber not carried --wip ... @nightly Scenario: long running ... @third_party Scenario: search Amazon ...
  • 116. @store @lucene Feature: Advanced Search ... @wip Limit scenarios in ļ¬‚ow Scenario: search by director ... @proposed @pending_ui Scenario: items --tags @wip:2 cucumber not carried --wip ... @nightly Expect failure - Success == Failure Scenario: long running ... @third_party Scenario: search Amazon ...
  • 117. Hooks Before do end After do |scenario| end World do end World(MyModule) World(HerModule)
  • 118. Tagged Hooks Before('@im_special', '@me_too') do @icecream = true end @me_too Feature: Sit Feature: Lorem @im_special Scenario: Ipsum Scenario: Amet Scenario: Dolor Scenario: Consec
  • 119. Acceptance Tests == End-to-End?
  • 120.
  • 122. Slow Integrated Fast Isolated
  • 123. Slow Integrated Fast Isolated
  • 124. Slow Integrated HtmlUnit V8 Fast Isolated
  • 125. Slow Integrated HtmlUnit V8 Fast Isolated
  • 127. patient b uyer As an im ine my search Given... I want to ref find wha t When... So that I Iw can ant quic kly Then...
  • 128. patient b uyer As an im ine my search Given... I want to ref find wha t When... So that I Iw can ant quic kly Then...
  • 129. patient b uyer As an im ine my search Given... I want to ref find wha t When... So that I Iw can ant quic kly Then...
  • 130. patient b uyer As an im ine my search Given... I want to ref find wha t When... So that I Iw can ant quic kly Then...
  • 131. patient b uyer As an im ine my search Given... I want to ref find wha t When... So that I Iw can ant quic kly Then...
  • 132. Dead er t ient buy As an impa m y search I want to refine t find wha So that I can y I wan t quickl D PR
  • 133. Dead Living Feature: Advanced Search As an impatient buyer I want to refine my search So that I can find what I want quickly Scenario Outline: search by director er Given the following movies are in stock: t ient buy an impa | Title | Director | Year | As m y search | Jaws | Steven Spielberg | 1975 | I want to refine t | Star Wars | George Lucas | 1975 | find wha | Dawn of the Dead | George Romero | 1978 | that I can | E.T. | Steven Spielberg | 1982 | So y When I search for "<Director Query>" under "Director" I wan t quickl Then I the search results should be "<Search Results>" Examples: | Director Query | Search Results | | Steve | E.T., Jaws | | George | Dawn of the Dead, Star Wars | D | Lucas | Star Wars | PR
  • 135. Feature: Advanced Search As an impatient buyer I want to refine my search So that I can find what I want quickly
  • 136. Feature: Advanced Search As an impatient buyer I want to refine my search So that I can find what I want quickly Scenario: search by director Given movies directed by "Steven Spielberg" are in stock When I search by director for "Spielberg" Then I should see all of the movies directed by "Steven Spielberg"
  • 137. Feature: Advanced Search As an impatient buyer I want to refine my search So that I can find what I want quickly Declarative Scenario: search by director Given movies directed by "Steven Spielberg" are in stock When I search by director for "Spielberg" Then I should see all of the movies directed by "Steven Spielberg"
  • 138. Feature: Advanced Search As an impatient buyer I want to refine my search So that I can find what I want quickly Imperative Scenario: search by director Given movies directed by "Steven Spielberg" are in stock And I am on the "Advanced Search" page When I fill in "Spielberg" for "Director" And press "Submit" Then I should see all of the movies directed by "Steven Spielberg"
  • 139. Feature: Advanced Search As an impatient buyer I want to refine my search So that I can find what I want quickly Imperative Scenario: search by director Given movies directed by "Steven Spielberg" are in stock And I am on the "Advanced Search" page When I fill in "Spielberg" for "Director" And press "Submit" Then I should see all of the movies directed by "Steven Spielberg" I like it! I actually know how a user can use it!
  • 141. Scenario: successful login Given I'm on the login page When I fill in "jimmy" for "Login" And fill in "password" for "Password" And click "Login" Then I should see "Welcome back jimmy!"
  • 143. Scenario: change password success Given I'm on the login page When I fill in "jimmy" for "Login" And fill in "password" for "Password" And click "Login" Then I should see "Welcome back jimmy!"
  • 144. Scenario: change password success Given I'm on the login page When I fill in "jimmy" for "Login" And fill in "password" for "Password" And click "Login" Then I should see "Welcome back jimmy!" When I click "Change Password" And fill in the following | Old Password | password | | New Password | brand-new | | Confirmation | brand-new | And click "Change Password" Then I should see "Your password has been changed."
  • 145. Scenario: change password success Given I'm on the login page When I fill in "jimmy" for "Login" And fill in "password" for "Password" And click "Login" Then I should see "Welcome back jimmy!" When I click "Change Password" Incidental Details And fill in the following | Old Password | password | | New Password | brand-new | | Confirmation | brand-new | And click "Change Password" Then I should see "Your password has been changed."
  • 146. Scenario: change password success Given I'm logged in When I click "Change Password" Hide the noise! And fill in the following | Old Password | password | | New Password | brand-new | | Confirmation | brand-new | And click "Change Password" Then I should see "Your password has been changed."
  • 147. Resources declarative-scenarios-in-user-stories.html