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example of a critical review
Example: Critical Review of a Journal Article
Article: Carroll, J. (2002). Play Therapy: the children's views, Child and Family Social Work, 7, pg
This article is recent, published within a peer–reviewed journal. The author–conducted research is
empirical, qualitative and phenomenologically designed, uniquely enabling children to describe their
play therapy experiences and identify factors that influence these experiences.
The article's title clarifies the project's purpose of eliciting the child's view. However, although
Carroll clearly describes how children's experiences should take "centre stage" (p.178), she hears the
opinions of the children's therapists first, potentially influencing her questioning of the children more content...
The accuracy, reliability and comprehensive nature of transcripts is therefore called into question,
potentially compromising analysable data.
Carroll's semi–structured questioning may encourage reciprocal communication and perhaps
formulated in–depth data. However, she also offers leading questions: "was that the best thing
about it?" (p.180); "do you think it was helpful playing like that?" (p.184). Such 'closed' questions
could elicit yes or no responses, or suggest a preferred response. Due to the lack of full transcripts,
the reader cannot ascertain whether other leading questions were used and the impact these had on
data gathered. Carroll, as interviewer and data analyst, does not consider this risk.
As grounded theory was employed by Carroll, data analysis and findings were based on the
categorisation of themes. Although Carroll's data analysis methodology has been deemed
appropriate to qualitative research (Strauss, 1997, p. 180), the reader questions whether majority
perspectives were favoured over individual for analysis, potentially distorting eventual findings.
Carroll outlines categories as a result of her data analysis, providing numerous excerpts from
interview transcripts to support her interpretation and analysis of children's perspectives and to add
credibility to her assertions and categorisation. However, the excerpts chosen are mainly positive
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Peer Review Strengths And Weaknesses
Peer review is more than just reading someone's paper and tell them if it's good or bad. It's about
explaining them what their weaknesses and strengths are. It can also help you as a writer by
giving you ideas of how to put stuff together in your essay. Personally, I believe that I was really
engaged when it came to peer reviewing. I truly appreciated the criticism and honesty of my peers
and I hope that they feel the same way about me. I tried to explain to them what was wrong with
each page step by step and what are some of their weaknesses and strengths.
Reviewing papers can be really hard for multiple reasons. The major one is because I don't like
telling others that they're doing something wrong, or because sometimes I just don't agree with
their point of view, an example of this is the RPP of my peer Jeffrey. Jeffrey believes that
"legalizing marijuana would be beneficial to communities" and even though I disagree with him I
still manage to give him a good review and gave him some sources that may help his claim.
Although, I find it hard to review someone's paper sometimes, it is way more content...
This means that they would not be specific enough, they would just write something to get a
grade, or they would simply turn their peer review late. There is no much I can do when this
happens because I understand that most of us have pretty busy lives so they don't really have time
to review other people's paper. So what I do is wait for professor's King review and make corrections
based on his opinion, or ask one of my friends who like to read and write to review for me.
Something that I would like to say about my experience with peer reviewing in 1302 is that I never
felt insulted by no one which was great. I believe that if I were to get insulted in a peer review I
would have to take it as a different type of review since everyone has a different way to express
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Example Of A Critical Review Essay
The study consisted of 395 students from the Australian National University studying a first–year
psychology course of which 247 were female, 143 male, 4 as other gender, and 1 one was missing.
The age of the participants ranged from 17 to 56 years of age (Вµ=19.7, Пѓ=4.6). Participants were
recruited through participation in a lab activity, however, all participation was voluntary without the
use of incentives. Data was collected with the awareness and informed consent of the participants.
This study followed a between–subjects design, and the study itself was quasi–experimental. The
variable which was manipulated – the independent variable – was the presence of a childhood
imaginary companion. The variables which were measured – the dependent variables – were fantasy
proneness and the frequency of self– more content...
The study was completed over the duration of a week by nine classes, each with approximately 30
students and was conducted online. Firstly, the participants read an information sheet which briefly
highlighted the study and its procedure. Following this, the participants completed a Creative
Experiences Questionnaire (CEQ), designed by Merckelbach, Horselenberg, & Muris (2001). This
questionnaire aimed to measure the fantasy proneness of the individual and involved choosing either
'yes' or 'no' to the given 25 questions. Then, the participants completed the Self–Talk Scale developed
by Brinthaupt, Hein, & Kramer (2009). This involved 16 questions with the selection of answers 1
(never) to 5 (very often), and was used to assess the frequency of self–talk. The last task to complete
was the Imaginary Companion (IC) questionnaire, of which the first part collected demographic
information such as age and gender. Proceeding this, a definition of imaginary companion was
provided followed by questions relative to imaginary
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The Avengers Review Essay example
The Avengers
Nick Mantegani
The Avengers is a Sci–Fi/Action movie directed by Joss Whedon. It is rated PG–13. The movie
stars a vast assortment of stars, including Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Samuel L. Jackson and
more. It was released in May 2012, and is available in a 3D format. The Avengers is the first movie
in an ongoing series. The film acts as a sort of sequel to several films made by Marvel Comics,
including Iron Man and Iron Man 2 (starring Downey, 2008 and 2010, respectively), The Incredible
Hulk (Edward Norton, though the character has been replaced by Mark Ruffalo, 2008), Thor (Chris
Hemsworth, 2011), and Captain America: The First Avenger (Evans, 2011). In The Avengers, ancient more content...
The clashing personalities of Iron Man, a self–described "Playboy billionaire" who questions
everything and doesn't play by the rules and Captain America, a man thrust forward in time from
the 1940's who still has his sense of values and morals from the his time, shows two men who
have to work together who couldn't be any different. All these relationships and more are what
makes the fact that all these people coming together is truly a remarkable thing and could
potentially have been disappointing if Whedon had downplayed any of the elements that makes
each character who they are. Whedon managed to take each character and let them act as they are
intended to, such as Stark's cockiness and Thor's nobility, and still be able to not glorify or
discourage any of them to make the team more significant than the individual heroes. Roger Ebert
compares the Avengers to the dogs in the Best in Show category at the Westminster Dog Club.
"You have breeds that seem completely different from one another (Labradors, poodles, boxers,
Dalmatians), and yet they're all champions," says Ebert. He is right; though the characters differ in
many ways, they are all the same in that they have spectacular powers that they use to fight evil.
This makes the "team mentality" work perfectly in this film. Never did one character seem to mean
more to the group than any of the others (except for when Hawkeye was brainwashed to
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Example Of A Critical Review
A Critical Review of Music Therapy's Effect on Postoperative Pain, Anxiety, and Noise Satisfaction
Ross Tapley
University of Memphis
"The Effect of Complementary Music Therapy on the Patient's Postoperative State Anxiety, Pain
Control, and Environment Noise Satisfaction" This is a critical review of the article, "The Effect of
Complementary Music Therapy on the Patient's Postoperative State Anxiety, Pain Control, and
Environment Noise Satisfaction". This study was printed in the Medsurg Nursing Journal in October
of 2013. The authors are Tressa Comeaux and Susan Steele–Moses. This critical review will analyze
the experimental research paper in various aspects. The purpose of this critique is to determine if the
author's more content...
Strengths and Weaknesses
The problem being researched is clinically significant. The purpose is clearly explained and
identifies the reason for the study. The study did not identify who was blinded to the patients, data
collectors, or staff increasing the potential for bias. The hypothesis can only be partially supported
due to various issues regarding sample size, control manipulation, and the patient's reactions to a
negative diagnosis. The training of the data collectors was not clearly expressed. The data was
collected ethically and consistently throughout the study.
Internal and External Validity
The instruments used measured indirectly and were not always reliable due to various issues with
patients. Because the control group was not told to change any behaviors some of the patients
listened to music which tainted their responses. The instrumentation remained the same throughout
the study, but some participants found the questionnaire too disturbing to answer. The researchers
did provide an adequate description of the measurement methods and can find the extent of their
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Examples Of Peer Review Worksheet
The peer review worksheet was a great help in providing us a guide of how to begin our meeting.
However, prior to the meeting Tiana and I been communicating through email and exchanging
our paper. We first touch base with each other, by asking how we are doing. For example, we
express our thoughts and check to make sure we also did other assignments that was related to
the course. Then, we answer each other questions regarding the paper. For example, the structure
our paper, the contains, and our one on one. We discuss where we are at on our paper and what we
still needed to touch up on. I shared her my peer feedback worksheet. Such as, her paper does make
me feel like I was reading an article about personality disorder. She also shared me
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Art Review Essay
Art Review If you have some free time and have always wanted to visit an art gallery, a start is the
Art SacrГ© exposition. Just do not expect high quality art. Running from October twenty–third to
December eight–teenth at Les Salles de GesГ№, the exposition features four artists depicting
spirituality and inner self. The first artist in the exposition is Hannah Alpha. Born in Egypt, she's a
McGill alumni who uses the minimalism style of painting, which is the art of using simplistic design
to create maximum impact. The paintings grab your attention due to their abstractness. However
they fail to portray the artist's meaning. Her collection, called "La danse cosmique" (The cosmic
dance), is her search to "attain a state of more content...
Perhaps the only way to understand what Peneault was trying to portray is to ask her personally.
In the next room I came across a very unique and interesting collection of pieces. If you especially
like or have any interest in calligraphy, then you are going to love what Hongmo Ren has done.
Calling it REN–script, Ren has created what he calls a calligraphy and linguistic "experimentale."
Consisting of seven English and six French pieces, he has combined the art and beauty of
calligraphy with writing of equal stature. In ten of his pieces he elaborates on the beauty of nature
during various seasons and includes a complete verse from the Book of Genesis. The rest of the
pieces are large single word depictions again in calligraphy with intricate detail. REN–script is
definitely the turning point of this art exposition. The use of words by the artist in the poems is
lyrical and actually puts you in the place being described. Some of his settings include the sun
shining on Mount Royal and the moon reflecting of the St. Laurent River. At times the writing is a
bit hard to understand yet the more one stares at it the clearer it becomes. The amount of work the
artist put into his pieces is evident when you examine the detail using ink on rice paper. Inner self is
the main theme of the next and final artist in this exhibition. Using paper molds
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Examples of Book Review
Example of Book Review
The Ka, a novel
An example of book review writing can be found listed with most books sold on the Net and on the
writer's Web sites.
A good sample book review would pertain to writing your personal feelings about a book that you've
Writing a book review is not to be confused with writing a summary of a book. Writing a summary is
a totally different matter and that will be covered eventually in my Articles section.
In my opinion, no real format exists for writing book reviews. Writing help may not be needed. An
example of book review variations is shown below.
Some rules do apply, however, and you will see that they are loose and easy to apply.
On this page, you will find reviews pertaining to more content...
~~ Joseph J. Ursprung, Phoenix, AZ
This was his entire review:
The Ka is a book for all tastes. This skillfully craft novel contains history, science, mysticism,
mystery, intrigue, humor and romance in a neat package that is not just entertaining but challenges
your mind and imagination.
Mary Deal has created word images so vivid it is almost like watching a movie. She takes you for a
romp through ancient Egyptian history as an archaeological team finds and opens a tomb in Valley
of the Queens.
An archaeological student has the mystical ability to communicate with the ancient Egyptians, and
this keeps the story moving at a breathtaking pace.
The Ka is a delight to read. One can only hope that from a writer of this talent, there will be many
more books to come.
~~ Joseph J. Ursprung, Phoenix, Arizona
Fortunately, lots of people write much more, as you can see in this example of book review data
that I've put together. Doing so gives the author a more detailed sense of how their book is be
A lengthy review – good or bad – can help an author improve their writing.
Hopefully, if it's a review that leans toward something negative, it comes as a pre–review, before the
book goes to publication. Then things can be corrected or changed.
What follows is an example of book review completeness left on the Barnes & Noble Web Site.
Not only does
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Article Review
Is precarious employment associated with women remaining childless until age 35 years? Results
from an Australian birth cohort study. (Steele, 2014)
Article review.
The study described in the article attempts to demonstrate that precarious employment conditions
force women to procrastinate first childbirth till age 35. Below here there are the short summary of
this article and its evaluation, focused on the choice of variables, the article structure and the study
The base for the study was the same as in the Life Journeys of Young Women Project (LJYWP),
mentioned in Steele (2011, cited in Steele 2014, p.156). Women (n=970) born in
1972–1975 in Adelaide hospital (March et al. 2010, cited in Steele 2014, more content...
The study has a number strength. First of all, it is an appropriate structure. The article contains a
comprehensive literature review, presented in the introduction section. The literature review shows
the breadth of the observed previous research worldwide, identifies the research gap, and states a
clear research question. The section of materials and methods provides adequate reasons for all
decisions about the measurement of variables and demonstrates a thought out study design. The
study also observes a significant and representative sample. It consists of 643 women from different
socio–economic groups, living at the same period on the same area, and they have different ethnic
background. The authors excluded from participation those women who were not involved in the
reproduction process (non–heterosexual) and those who at the time of first childbirth were too
young to make a thought out decision (younger than 15 years old).
The study leaves a question to the choice of variables. In particular, authors mentioned the partner's
education and employment status, showing by this that they agree that the partner's situation is
important. At the same time a partner's employment status was not taken into account. As article is
dedicated to demonstrate that the stability of the family income is one the most significant moments
that woman relies on while making the decision, the work status of a partner seems to be as
important as a woman's. On the
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Example Of Literature Review
Literature review is a published document on a topic by accredited scholars and researchers.
Literature review can be a theory which supports your research or your theory. Example of literature
review is published document, government policy, international journal, a research which was
conducted related to the topic, etc. There are two kind of important literature related to my hunch.
Both of them are:
1.A research entitled "The Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning in Enhancing Speaking Skills and
Attitudes Towards Learning English"
Language is a human system of communication so that it should be spoken and used to
communicate. Language is used to communicate with other so that the person whom talks to can
understand more content...
The review of the theory is:
a.The Definition of Cooperative Learning
The three important features of Cooperative Learning
First, cooperative learning is a kind of group work. Learners have to work together in small groups
between two and six members.
Second, learning is structured to ensure that everyone in the group is able to fulfill the learning task.
Third, students have to be dependent on each other to achieve their learning goals.
b.Student Team Learning
–"Students work together in four member teams to master material initially presented by the teacher."
–There are three elements which are central to all Student Team Learning methods namely team
rewards, individual accountability, and equal opportunities
a.Team rewards means if students are rewarded for doing better than they have in the past they will
be more motivated to reach than if they are rewarded for doing better than others.
b.Individual accountability means that the success of a team relies on the learning of every
individual in all team members.
c.Equal opportunities mean that students can contribute to their teams by improving over their past
c.The Theoretical Base of Cooperative
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Reviewing Magazines Essay examples
Reviewing Magazines
National Geographic
I am reviewing a monthly magazine called "The National Geographic". This monthly magazine is
priced suitably at ВЈ3.50 per magazine or ВЈ30 for a yearly order. The title of the magazine "Then
National Geographic" is likely to appeal to those who are interested in the geographical content and
the Natural world and beyond. The price is very favourable as it allows all socio–economic
groupings to purchase it. As the magazine doesn't depend on advertising it has become a well
established informative magazine in its own right. "The National Geographic" is a well known and
well established company. Word of mouth is its advertising recommendation. The
more content...
Also this leads back to the content of the magazine, issues affecting not just one part of the world,
but generally affecting the whole world.
The magazine balances out the text with pictures. Most of the articles, if not all of them actually
have pictures to go with the content of the text not only making it very informative through reading
but also through observing the detailed pictures. Such qualities allow magazines well expand on
their target audience, allowing people with disabilities who can't read to understand what the article.
One problem with the articles is that they are very lengthy so this type of magazine would be mainly
suitable for competent readers.
Top Gear
Reviewing this magazine we learn that it is issued every month at a realistic price of ВЈ3.75. The
title of the magazine "Top Gear" is well known as it co–insides with the BBC television programme.
Immediately from reading the title we know that it is something to do with things in motion hence
the "gear" part. When looking at the front cover it instantly becomes apparent that it is about cars.
The target audience of "Top Gear" would be appealing to people interested in purchasing a new/used
car who are seeking advice, general car lovers who like to read the reviews on cars or people
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McDonald's Review Essay example
McDonald's Review
In 1954, Ray Kroc a salesman, who sold milk shake makers, visited a McDonald's hamburger
stand in California that used eight milk shake makers at a time. He had never seen so many
people served so quickly. That day he pitched the idea to open up several similar restaurants to the
owners Dick and Mac McDonald. His plan was that if they opened up more stores, then he could
sell eight milk shake makers to each one. When asked who would open the new hamburger
stands, Ray Kroc said that he would do it. In 1955 in Des Plaines, Illinois, Ray Rroc opened his
first restaurant and made $366.12 in revenues on his first day. Now there are nearly 27,000
restaurants and 43 million customers served by 1.5 million employees each more content...
Greenberg, the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of McDonald's. Over the past five years,
McDonald's stock has had a low of $20.50 in 1996 and a high of $49.55 in 1999. Currently the
stock's price is at $30.12. Johnny Hea, a writer for a magazine called The Street Advisor, wrote an
article called "You Want Fries with that?"
The article is about how McDonald's stock is undervalued right now and how it would be a good
long–term investment to make . Management believes in reinvesting a significant portion of
earnings, given their high returns on equity and assets and their global opportunities. Therefore the
McDonald's per share dividend is low, but they have a long history of increasing their dividend from
year to year. They paid their last dividend at $.05 per share. Also, since going public in 1965,
McDonalds has paid twelve stock splits.
For the first time, sales exceeded $40 billion for the year, an increase of 13% from 5years before.
Also, total revenues reached $14.2 billion, an increase of 7% since 5 years ago. Now McDonald's
has begun a $4.5 billion share repurchase program. Buying back all those shares will positively
impact earning per share. Also it shows the companies own belief in how well they think they will
do in the future .
If I had money I would invest in McDonald's. Right now its price per share of stock is at its lowest
in years and I believe that it will go back up even if the
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Example Of Essay Peer Review
Research Essay Peer Review First, read through the document: 1.What is the central idea of the
document? How do you know this? Is there a clear sense of the purpose or thesis throughout the
paper? a.The central idea of the document is new methods put into place for doctor shopping
involving opioid addiction. I know this because it states it in the thesis. Yes, the purpose/thesis is
the new methods that are being put into place to prevent doctor shopping and addiction of opioids.
2.Is the document well supported? Do you notice a synthesis of source material? Is it clear that
where the sources are from? a.The document is well supported. Yes, I notice a synthesis of sources.
It is clear where the sources came from. 3.Look at the more content...
The thing that would make this essay more informative is explaining the in–text citations a little
more. Sometimes you jump right into a source without introducing it first, that can get a little
confusing as a reader. There were also a couple times that you ended the in–text citation, without
explaining it. So, introducing and ending in text citations would make the essay more
informative. There were times that I was confused because it went from talking about one source
at the end of a paragraph to another source at the beginning of the next paragraph. 2.What would
make this essay seem more academically credible? a.Something that would make this essay more
academically credible would be using more than four sources. You have six sources listed on the
works cited page, but in the essay, I only noticed that four of them were used. I would recommend
if you do not use a source in the paper, taking it off the works cited page. I did not see the first
source "Arlotta" referenced in the paper. It seems like you really only used the Center for Disease
and Control, "Geebhart" and "Sansone." 3.What is the best feature of this document? a.The best
feature about the essay is the amount of statistics about doctor shopping involving opioid abuse is
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Peer Review Of My Writing
1)The planning, brainstorming, and outlining helped a lot it made me write my essay in a better
way. Outlining helped me know the main points that should be in each paragraph, that I usually
forget to include, it also helped me plan what I want to write in each paragraph. Moreover,
brainstorming helped me know which topic I am can do the best in and then I choose my topic and
brainstormed my ideas on the topic I picked. So the planning, brainstorming, and outlining help me a
lot while writing my essay.
2)Peer review helped me notice my spelling mistakes, and some sentence structures. One of my
main problems that I always face is while writing "there" and "their", I always get mixed up
between them, and I never notice them. I learned from my mistakes that I should notice my mistakes
especially the one I mentioned previously and to re–read my essay and make sure it is complete with
no mistakes.
3) more content...
I will be able to solve my mistakes in the last draft by understanding the reason of my mistake and
instead put a better word or delete any useless words. Yes, it really made a difference in the
understanding of my essay, and the its structure.
4)After receiving my results and feedback of Draft 2 I knew where I need to improve and where I
have to concentrate while writing and it really made a difference in the understanding of my essay.
My goal for the next essay is to overcome my
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Peer Review Essay Examples
Without having someone else to look over your work, it is hard to realize what you are doing
wrong. When someone else reads your paper, especially having not read it before, they can easily
identify your mistakes, whether it be punctuation or spelling errors. I strongly believe that when
peer review is taken advantage of and used correctly, peer reviews are extremely helpful, but,
unfortunately not everyone takes it serious and gives you the feedback that can really help you fix
your essay. I had been rereading my Writing Project 1 essay over Philando Castile for other a week
to make sure it was to perfection. It wasn't until my paper went through peer review that I realized
my mistakes. For example, one of my first sentences in my essay made absolutely no sense because
it was missing one word, but when I had been reading it myself, I had never even noticed that it was
missing the word. The sentence had said, "Castile, with his girlfriend, Diamond Reynolds, and her
four–year–old daughter in the car, was over for a broken brake light" (Straley 1). I had been reading
the sentence as if the word, more content...
Once again, I had made mistakes I hadn't even noticed before. When my paper went through peer
review, and I received feedback, I was told something I had thought I had already done. I was
told, "Commas need added in a few spots like after 'In fact, and Still," (Anonymous). Surely when
I went back to the essay there were not commas in some important spots, for example, "In fact
about a third of students who take out student loans never even graduate and receive their
diploma" (Straley 3). Having a peer read your essay, can really help you find your grammatical
errors. When we read our own paper, we often read it as if the punctuation is there, even if it is not.
When someone else reads it though, they can easily identify these mistakes, especially when it is
their first time reading your
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Example Of Peer Review
Peer Reviewer – Tristan Little Wounded– By: Eathan Martin My friends and I all went to Rapid
City over the weekend for a Lana Del Rey concert. We did several things beforehand and were
scheduled to arrive back in Dupree at 7:00 PM on March 5th. The concert was on March 3rd and
we couldn't miss it. We left on the 1st of March so we could have some time to shop and do other
things. Our parents had all agreed on giving us each $200 to use for shopping. Before we left, our
parents told us to spend the money wisely and to have fun. We then left on that Thursday morning.
At first, when we had arrived in Rapid, we didn't know what to do first so we checked into our
hotel room and made a plan, and here it was; hit up the mall, eat at the foodcourt,
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Example Of Peer Review
I chose to do my peer review on fellow nursing major Jessica Herman. She did her presentation on
a girl who was in the education field. While nursing is a very complex study, Jessica did a great job
at explaining and going over her memo interview and who her subject was. Furthermore, Jessica
accurately mentioned all of the details that were listed in the rubric for the subject's writing
category, and it was obvious she gained a lot of knowledge through completion of the interview and
project. In addition, Jessica displayed confidence during the entire presentation and this was evident
by the volume of her voice, not to loud and not to quite. Eye contact is also very important and she
made sure to keep in constant visual contact with the entire
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Systematic Review Essay examples
Systematic Review
University of Phoenix
Systematic Review The purpose of a systematic review is to attempt to find, evaluate and synthesize
high quality research relevant to the research question. A systematic review uses carefully
developed data collection and sampling procedures that are put in place in advance as a protocol.
(Polit, 2012). A systematic review must contain the following: a clear inclusion and exclusion
criteria, an explicit search strategy, systematic coding and analysis of included studies, and a
meta–analysis if possible. (Hemingway & Brereton, 2009). Systematic reviews are conducted by
nurse researchers to avoid reaching incorrect or misleading conclusions more content...
(Bae, 2011).
Seven studies used the Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index to measure nurse
working conditions, one used the Work Environment Survey, and the remaining three used a variety
of instruments from prior studies.
In examining the association between working conditions and patient outcomes, the eleven studies
contained a total of fourteen different patient outcome variables. The association between autonomy
and patient outcomes were examined in two studies. Six studies measure the philosophy
emphasizing the quality of clinical care and the association with patient outcomes.
Nurse participation was examined in regards to the relationship between nurse participator and the
patient outcomes, as well as the association between supportive managers and patient outcomes.
Other areas that were examined were collaborative relationships with physicians, supportive
relationships with peers, staffing and decentralization, patient–centered climate and busyness.
The findings of this systematic review suggest that evidence supporting a positive relationship
between better nurse working conditions and improved patient outcomes is
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Examples Of Peer Review
The peer reviewer specifically commended me for my willingness to accept feedback; this negates
the charge being made against me here, that I, I and another employee [Daniel Hines] witnessed
two faculty members of the program walk out of the laboratory while it was in sessionam
supposedly "unwilling to accept feedback." This evaluation therefore, is a punishment of my past
and not an accurate assessment of my present, and it assumes resistance on my part that is not
present. Furthermore, as an adjunct professor, I had observed this happening with other instructors.
Their students were asked to wait for a few minutes while the lab was being set up. Recently. The
unwritten safety advice I was given was that a faculty member cannot leave the
more content...
Which means to me that I can offer up a draft and not worry so much about the grammar the first
time out. It's not like I'm submitting that draft for a formal review, or that the draft reflects
somehow on the institution. It's a draft! This isn't the place for hostility or pressure to improve
the draft in a timely manner. It's just a group of colleagues collaborating. Nor, actually, is there
any policy, which says a faculty member, can't have someone else write the final draft of his or
her proposal (which I did not do anyway, but I am being hypothetical here). It's not like any of
this is wrong or unethical. We are talking about the act of sharing a draft, and that's it, and frankly
I am shocked I even have to defend myself over this. I have colleagues in other departments, one of
whom is willing to testify, that share drafts of work all the time. This is a very private, collegial,
non–evaluated collaborative process. It is certainly not a hostile or judgmental one. When you start
penalizing this kind of informal process, the result is to murder collaboration and the free sharing
of insight, a critical aspects of academic culture. As I have repeatedly stated, English is not my first
language. I should be free to pursue any and all
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Website Review Essay
After visiting and examining the PBS Web site, I was able to conclude that it is an extremely
successful entertainment and educational site. The Web site has won many substantial awards,
including the prestigious "Webbie Award" in 1998 and 1999. According to a recent survey, fifty
percent of users at the PBS Web site are male and sixty percent are between the ages of eighteen and
forty–four. Forty–four percent of the Web site users have children and fifty–seven percent make
online purchases. (Gallup/Plaw Release: Survey of 40,000 Internet Users. Fall 1998.) The design of
the Web site is very bright and appealing to the eye. Its layout is inviting and easy to navigate. Its
design is consistent through all pages. There are more content...
Another main section in the PBS Web site is called "TeacherSource." Its articles offer teachers
advice on incorporating cable, video, and the Internet into their classrooms and lessons. The
"Indie Scene" section concerns independent films and videos. It includes film reviews, a schedule
of movies, and interviews with filmmakers. The site has two different news sections, " Online
Newshour" and "News & Views." The "Online Newshour" section has up to date objective articles
with many photos. It also includes a new section geared towards high school students. The "News
& Views" section also deals with up to date news, but in a more subjective way. This section
includes opinion articles from a variety of people concerning more controversial news issues.
The section also has its own discussion group where users are able to post and reply to many
different topics. Other main sections on the PBS site include Adult Learning, history, science,
technology, and arts. The Web site also has its own shopping site called "ShopPBS." Here users
are able to purchase videos and books about anything from the Olympics to the rainforest. The site
offers users to sign up to receive a weekly email newsletter called "PBS Previews." The site also
offers television listings for PBS. In addition, there is a section where users can view the annual
report of PBS and find out about possible employment with the company. There is also an extensive
section where people interested
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Review Essay Example

  • 1. example of a critical review PL4S111 Example: Critical Review of a Journal Article Article: Carroll, J. (2002). Play Therapy: the children's views, Child and Family Social Work, 7, pg 177–187 This article is recent, published within a peer–reviewed journal. The author–conducted research is empirical, qualitative and phenomenologically designed, uniquely enabling children to describe their play therapy experiences and identify factors that influence these experiences. The article's title clarifies the project's purpose of eliciting the child's view. However, although Carroll clearly describes how children's experiences should take "centre stage" (p.178), she hears the opinions of the children's therapists first, potentially influencing her questioning of the children more content... The accuracy, reliability and comprehensive nature of transcripts is therefore called into question, potentially compromising analysable data. Carroll's semi–structured questioning may encourage reciprocal communication and perhaps formulated in–depth data. However, she also offers leading questions: "was that the best thing about it?" (p.180); "do you think it was helpful playing like that?" (p.184). Such 'closed' questions could elicit yes or no responses, or suggest a preferred response. Due to the lack of full transcripts, the reader cannot ascertain whether other leading questions were used and the impact these had on data gathered. Carroll, as interviewer and data analyst, does not consider this risk. As grounded theory was employed by Carroll, data analysis and findings were based on the categorisation of themes. Although Carroll's data analysis methodology has been deemed appropriate to qualitative research (Strauss, 1997, p. 180), the reader questions whether majority perspectives were favoured over individual for analysis, potentially distorting eventual findings. Carroll outlines categories as a result of her data analysis, providing numerous excerpts from interview transcripts to support her interpretation and analysis of children's perspectives and to add credibility to her assertions and categorisation. However, the excerpts chosen are mainly positive Get more content on
  • 2. Peer Review Strengths And Weaknesses Peer review is more than just reading someone's paper and tell them if it's good or bad. It's about explaining them what their weaknesses and strengths are. It can also help you as a writer by giving you ideas of how to put stuff together in your essay. Personally, I believe that I was really engaged when it came to peer reviewing. I truly appreciated the criticism and honesty of my peers and I hope that they feel the same way about me. I tried to explain to them what was wrong with each page step by step and what are some of their weaknesses and strengths. Reviewing papers can be really hard for multiple reasons. The major one is because I don't like telling others that they're doing something wrong, or because sometimes I just don't agree with their point of view, an example of this is the RPP of my peer Jeffrey. Jeffrey believes that "legalizing marijuana would be beneficial to communities" and even though I disagree with him I still manage to give him a good review and gave him some sources that may help his claim. Although, I find it hard to review someone's paper sometimes, it is way more content... This means that they would not be specific enough, they would just write something to get a grade, or they would simply turn their peer review late. There is no much I can do when this happens because I understand that most of us have pretty busy lives so they don't really have time to review other people's paper. So what I do is wait for professor's King review and make corrections based on his opinion, or ask one of my friends who like to read and write to review for me. Something that I would like to say about my experience with peer reviewing in 1302 is that I never felt insulted by no one which was great. I believe that if I were to get insulted in a peer review I would have to take it as a different type of review since everyone has a different way to express Get more content on
  • 3. Example Of A Critical Review Essay The study consisted of 395 students from the Australian National University studying a first–year psychology course of which 247 were female, 143 male, 4 as other gender, and 1 one was missing. The age of the participants ranged from 17 to 56 years of age (Вµ=19.7, Пѓ=4.6). Participants were recruited through participation in a lab activity, however, all participation was voluntary without the use of incentives. Data was collected with the awareness and informed consent of the participants. This study followed a between–subjects design, and the study itself was quasi–experimental. The variable which was manipulated – the independent variable – was the presence of a childhood imaginary companion. The variables which were measured – the dependent variables – were fantasy proneness and the frequency of self– more content... The study was completed over the duration of a week by nine classes, each with approximately 30 students and was conducted online. Firstly, the participants read an information sheet which briefly highlighted the study and its procedure. Following this, the participants completed a Creative Experiences Questionnaire (CEQ), designed by Merckelbach, Horselenberg, & Muris (2001). This questionnaire aimed to measure the fantasy proneness of the individual and involved choosing either 'yes' or 'no' to the given 25 questions. Then, the participants completed the Self–Talk Scale developed by Brinthaupt, Hein, & Kramer (2009). This involved 16 questions with the selection of answers 1 (never) to 5 (very often), and was used to assess the frequency of self–talk. The last task to complete was the Imaginary Companion (IC) questionnaire, of which the first part collected demographic information such as age and gender. Proceeding this, a definition of imaginary companion was provided followed by questions relative to imaginary Get more content on
  • 4. The Avengers Review Essay example The Avengers PG–13 Nick Mantegani 5/7/2012 EN121 The Avengers is a Sci–Fi/Action movie directed by Joss Whedon. It is rated PG–13. The movie stars a vast assortment of stars, including Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Samuel L. Jackson and more. It was released in May 2012, and is available in a 3D format. The Avengers is the first movie in an ongoing series. The film acts as a sort of sequel to several films made by Marvel Comics, including Iron Man and Iron Man 2 (starring Downey, 2008 and 2010, respectively), The Incredible Hulk (Edward Norton, though the character has been replaced by Mark Ruffalo, 2008), Thor (Chris Hemsworth, 2011), and Captain America: The First Avenger (Evans, 2011). In The Avengers, ancient more content... The clashing personalities of Iron Man, a self–described "Playboy billionaire" who questions everything and doesn't play by the rules and Captain America, a man thrust forward in time from the 1940's who still has his sense of values and morals from the his time, shows two men who have to work together who couldn't be any different. All these relationships and more are what makes the fact that all these people coming together is truly a remarkable thing and could potentially have been disappointing if Whedon had downplayed any of the elements that makes each character who they are. Whedon managed to take each character and let them act as they are intended to, such as Stark's cockiness and Thor's nobility, and still be able to not glorify or discourage any of them to make the team more significant than the individual heroes. Roger Ebert compares the Avengers to the dogs in the Best in Show category at the Westminster Dog Club. "You have breeds that seem completely different from one another (Labradors, poodles, boxers, Dalmatians), and yet they're all champions," says Ebert. He is right; though the characters differ in many ways, they are all the same in that they have spectacular powers that they use to fight evil. This makes the "team mentality" work perfectly in this film. Never did one character seem to mean more to the group than any of the others (except for when Hawkeye was brainwashed to Get more content on
  • 5. Example Of A Critical Review A Critical Review of Music Therapy's Effect on Postoperative Pain, Anxiety, and Noise Satisfaction Ross Tapley University of Memphis "The Effect of Complementary Music Therapy on the Patient's Postoperative State Anxiety, Pain Control, and Environment Noise Satisfaction" This is a critical review of the article, "The Effect of Complementary Music Therapy on the Patient's Postoperative State Anxiety, Pain Control, and Environment Noise Satisfaction". This study was printed in the Medsurg Nursing Journal in October of 2013. The authors are Tressa Comeaux and Susan Steele–Moses. This critical review will analyze the experimental research paper in various aspects. The purpose of this critique is to determine if the author's more content... Strengths and Weaknesses The problem being researched is clinically significant. The purpose is clearly explained and identifies the reason for the study. The study did not identify who was blinded to the patients, data collectors, or staff increasing the potential for bias. The hypothesis can only be partially supported due to various issues regarding sample size, control manipulation, and the patient's reactions to a negative diagnosis. The training of the data collectors was not clearly expressed. The data was collected ethically and consistently throughout the study. Internal and External Validity The instruments used measured indirectly and were not always reliable due to various issues with patients. Because the control group was not told to change any behaviors some of the patients listened to music which tainted their responses. The instrumentation remained the same throughout the study, but some participants found the questionnaire too disturbing to answer. The researchers did provide an adequate description of the measurement methods and can find the extent of their errors. Clinical Get more content on
  • 6. Examples Of Peer Review Worksheet The peer review worksheet was a great help in providing us a guide of how to begin our meeting. However, prior to the meeting Tiana and I been communicating through email and exchanging our paper. We first touch base with each other, by asking how we are doing. For example, we express our thoughts and check to make sure we also did other assignments that was related to the course. Then, we answer each other questions regarding the paper. For example, the structure our paper, the contains, and our one on one. We discuss where we are at on our paper and what we still needed to touch up on. I shared her my peer feedback worksheet. Such as, her paper does make me feel like I was reading an article about personality disorder. She also shared me Get more content on
  • 7. Art Review Essay Art Review If you have some free time and have always wanted to visit an art gallery, a start is the Art SacrГ© exposition. Just do not expect high quality art. Running from October twenty–third to December eight–teenth at Les Salles de GesГ№, the exposition features four artists depicting spirituality and inner self. The first artist in the exposition is Hannah Alpha. Born in Egypt, she's a McGill alumni who uses the minimalism style of painting, which is the art of using simplistic design to create maximum impact. The paintings grab your attention due to their abstractness. However they fail to portray the artist's meaning. Her collection, called "La danse cosmique" (The cosmic dance), is her search to "attain a state of more content... Perhaps the only way to understand what Peneault was trying to portray is to ask her personally. In the next room I came across a very unique and interesting collection of pieces. If you especially like or have any interest in calligraphy, then you are going to love what Hongmo Ren has done. Calling it REN–script, Ren has created what he calls a calligraphy and linguistic "experimentale." Consisting of seven English and six French pieces, he has combined the art and beauty of calligraphy with writing of equal stature. In ten of his pieces he elaborates on the beauty of nature during various seasons and includes a complete verse from the Book of Genesis. The rest of the pieces are large single word depictions again in calligraphy with intricate detail. REN–script is definitely the turning point of this art exposition. The use of words by the artist in the poems is lyrical and actually puts you in the place being described. Some of his settings include the sun shining on Mount Royal and the moon reflecting of the St. Laurent River. At times the writing is a bit hard to understand yet the more one stares at it the clearer it becomes. The amount of work the artist put into his pieces is evident when you examine the detail using ink on rice paper. Inner self is the main theme of the next and final artist in this exhibition. Using paper molds Get more content on
  • 8. Examples of Book Review Example of Book Review The Ka, a novel An example of book review writing can be found listed with most books sold on the Net and on the writer's Web sites. A good sample book review would pertain to writing your personal feelings about a book that you've read. Writing a book review is not to be confused with writing a summary of a book. Writing a summary is a totally different matter and that will be covered eventually in my Articles section. In my opinion, no real format exists for writing book reviews. Writing help may not be needed. An example of book review variations is shown below. Some rules do apply, however, and you will see that they are loose and easy to apply. On this page, you will find reviews pertaining to more content... ~~ Joseph J. Ursprung, Phoenix, AZ This was his entire review: The Ka is a book for all tastes. This skillfully craft novel contains history, science, mysticism, mystery, intrigue, humor and romance in a neat package that is not just entertaining but challenges your mind and imagination. Mary Deal has created word images so vivid it is almost like watching a movie. She takes you for a romp through ancient Egyptian history as an archaeological team finds and opens a tomb in Valley of the Queens. An archaeological student has the mystical ability to communicate with the ancient Egyptians, and this keeps the story moving at a breathtaking pace. The Ka is a delight to read. One can only hope that from a writer of this talent, there will be many more books to come. ~~ Joseph J. Ursprung, Phoenix, Arizona _______________ Fortunately, lots of people write much more, as you can see in this example of book review data that I've put together. Doing so gives the author a more detailed sense of how their book is be accepted. A lengthy review – good or bad – can help an author improve their writing. Hopefully, if it's a review that leans toward something negative, it comes as a pre–review, before the book goes to publication. Then things can be corrected or changed. ________________________________________ What follows is an example of book review completeness left on the Barnes & Noble Web Site. Not only does
  • 9. Get more content on
  • 10. Article Review Is precarious employment associated with women remaining childless until age 35 years? Results from an Australian birth cohort study. (Steele, 2014) Article review. The study described in the article attempts to demonstrate that precarious employment conditions force women to procrastinate first childbirth till age 35. Below here there are the short summary of this article and its evaluation, focused on the choice of variables, the article structure and the study results. The base for the study was the same as in the Life Journeys of Young Women Project (LJYWP), mentioned in Steele (2011, cited in Steele 2014, p.156). Women (n=970) born in 1972–1975 in Adelaide hospital (March et al. 2010, cited in Steele 2014, more content... The study has a number strength. First of all, it is an appropriate structure. The article contains a comprehensive literature review, presented in the introduction section. The literature review shows the breadth of the observed previous research worldwide, identifies the research gap, and states a clear research question. The section of materials and methods provides adequate reasons for all decisions about the measurement of variables and demonstrates a thought out study design. The study also observes a significant and representative sample. It consists of 643 women from different socio–economic groups, living at the same period on the same area, and they have different ethnic background. The authors excluded from participation those women who were not involved in the reproduction process (non–heterosexual) and those who at the time of first childbirth were too young to make a thought out decision (younger than 15 years old). The study leaves a question to the choice of variables. In particular, authors mentioned the partner's education and employment status, showing by this that they agree that the partner's situation is important. At the same time a partner's employment status was not taken into account. As article is dedicated to demonstrate that the stability of the family income is one the most significant moments that woman relies on while making the decision, the work status of a partner seems to be as important as a woman's. On the Get more content on
  • 11. Example Of Literature Review Literature review is a published document on a topic by accredited scholars and researchers. Literature review can be a theory which supports your research or your theory. Example of literature review is published document, government policy, international journal, a research which was conducted related to the topic, etc. There are two kind of important literature related to my hunch. Both of them are: 1.A research entitled "The Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning in Enhancing Speaking Skills and Attitudes Towards Learning English" a.Introduction: Language is a human system of communication so that it should be spoken and used to communicate. Language is used to communicate with other so that the person whom talks to can understand more content... The review of the theory is: a.The Definition of Cooperative Learning The three important features of Cooperative Learning First, cooperative learning is a kind of group work. Learners have to work together in small groups between two and six members. Second, learning is structured to ensure that everyone in the group is able to fulfill the learning task. Third, students have to be dependent on each other to achieve their learning goals. b.Student Team Learning –"Students work together in four member teams to master material initially presented by the teacher." –There are three elements which are central to all Student Team Learning methods namely team rewards, individual accountability, and equal opportunities a.Team rewards means if students are rewarded for doing better than they have in the past they will be more motivated to reach than if they are rewarded for doing better than others. b.Individual accountability means that the success of a team relies on the learning of every individual in all team members. c.Equal opportunities mean that students can contribute to their teams by improving over their past performance. c.The Theoretical Base of Cooperative Get more content on
  • 12. Reviewing Magazines Essay examples Reviewing Magazines National Geographic I am reviewing a monthly magazine called "The National Geographic". This monthly magazine is priced suitably at ВЈ3.50 per magazine or ВЈ30 for a yearly order. The title of the magazine "Then National Geographic" is likely to appeal to those who are interested in the geographical content and the Natural world and beyond. The price is very favourable as it allows all socio–economic groupings to purchase it. As the magazine doesn't depend on advertising it has become a well established informative magazine in its own right. "The National Geographic" is a well known and well established company. Word of mouth is its advertising recommendation. The more content... Also this leads back to the content of the magazine, issues affecting not just one part of the world, but generally affecting the whole world. The magazine balances out the text with pictures. Most of the articles, if not all of them actually have pictures to go with the content of the text not only making it very informative through reading but also through observing the detailed pictures. Such qualities allow magazines well expand on their target audience, allowing people with disabilities who can't read to understand what the article. One problem with the articles is that they are very lengthy so this type of magazine would be mainly suitable for competent readers. Top Gear Reviewing this magazine we learn that it is issued every month at a realistic price of ВЈ3.75. The title of the magazine "Top Gear" is well known as it co–insides with the BBC television programme. Immediately from reading the title we know that it is something to do with things in motion hence the "gear" part. When looking at the front cover it instantly becomes apparent that it is about cars. The target audience of "Top Gear" would be appealing to people interested in purchasing a new/used car who are seeking advice, general car lovers who like to read the reviews on cars or people Get more content on
  • 13. McDonald's Review Essay example McDonald's Review In 1954, Ray Kroc a salesman, who sold milk shake makers, visited a McDonald's hamburger stand in California that used eight milk shake makers at a time. He had never seen so many people served so quickly. That day he pitched the idea to open up several similar restaurants to the owners Dick and Mac McDonald. His plan was that if they opened up more stores, then he could sell eight milk shake makers to each one. When asked who would open the new hamburger stands, Ray Kroc said that he would do it. In 1955 in Des Plaines, Illinois, Ray Rroc opened his first restaurant and made $366.12 in revenues on his first day. Now there are nearly 27,000 restaurants and 43 million customers served by 1.5 million employees each more content... Greenberg, the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of McDonald's. Over the past five years, McDonald's stock has had a low of $20.50 in 1996 and a high of $49.55 in 1999. Currently the stock's price is at $30.12. Johnny Hea, a writer for a magazine called The Street Advisor, wrote an article called "You Want Fries with that?" The article is about how McDonald's stock is undervalued right now and how it would be a good long–term investment to make . Management believes in reinvesting a significant portion of earnings, given their high returns on equity and assets and their global opportunities. Therefore the McDonald's per share dividend is low, but they have a long history of increasing their dividend from year to year. They paid their last dividend at $.05 per share. Also, since going public in 1965, McDonalds has paid twelve stock splits. For the first time, sales exceeded $40 billion for the year, an increase of 13% from 5years before. Also, total revenues reached $14.2 billion, an increase of 7% since 5 years ago. Now McDonald's has begun a $4.5 billion share repurchase program. Buying back all those shares will positively impact earning per share. Also it shows the companies own belief in how well they think they will do in the future . If I had money I would invest in McDonald's. Right now its price per share of stock is at its lowest in years and I believe that it will go back up even if the Get more content on
  • 14. Example Of Essay Peer Review Research Essay Peer Review First, read through the document: 1.What is the central idea of the document? How do you know this? Is there a clear sense of the purpose or thesis throughout the paper? a.The central idea of the document is new methods put into place for doctor shopping involving opioid addiction. I know this because it states it in the thesis. Yes, the purpose/thesis is the new methods that are being put into place to prevent doctor shopping and addiction of opioids. 2.Is the document well supported? Do you notice a synthesis of source material? Is it clear that where the sources are from? a.The document is well supported. Yes, I notice a synthesis of sources. It is clear where the sources came from. 3.Look at the more content... The thing that would make this essay more informative is explaining the in–text citations a little more. Sometimes you jump right into a source without introducing it first, that can get a little confusing as a reader. There were also a couple times that you ended the in–text citation, without explaining it. So, introducing and ending in text citations would make the essay more informative. There were times that I was confused because it went from talking about one source at the end of a paragraph to another source at the beginning of the next paragraph. 2.What would make this essay seem more academically credible? a.Something that would make this essay more academically credible would be using more than four sources. You have six sources listed on the works cited page, but in the essay, I only noticed that four of them were used. I would recommend if you do not use a source in the paper, taking it off the works cited page. I did not see the first source "Arlotta" referenced in the paper. It seems like you really only used the Center for Disease and Control, "Geebhart" and "Sansone." 3.What is the best feature of this document? a.The best feature about the essay is the amount of statistics about doctor shopping involving opioid abuse is Get more content on
  • 15. Peer Review Of My Writing 1)The planning, brainstorming, and outlining helped a lot it made me write my essay in a better way. Outlining helped me know the main points that should be in each paragraph, that I usually forget to include, it also helped me plan what I want to write in each paragraph. Moreover, brainstorming helped me know which topic I am can do the best in and then I choose my topic and brainstormed my ideas on the topic I picked. So the planning, brainstorming, and outlining help me a lot while writing my essay. 2)Peer review helped me notice my spelling mistakes, and some sentence structures. One of my main problems that I always face is while writing "there" and "their", I always get mixed up between them, and I never notice them. I learned from my mistakes that I should notice my mistakes especially the one I mentioned previously and to re–read my essay and make sure it is complete with no mistakes. 3) more content... I will be able to solve my mistakes in the last draft by understanding the reason of my mistake and instead put a better word or delete any useless words. Yes, it really made a difference in the understanding of my essay, and the its structure. 4)After receiving my results and feedback of Draft 2 I knew where I need to improve and where I have to concentrate while writing and it really made a difference in the understanding of my essay. My goal for the next essay is to overcome my Get more content on
  • 16. Peer Review Essay Examples Without having someone else to look over your work, it is hard to realize what you are doing wrong. When someone else reads your paper, especially having not read it before, they can easily identify your mistakes, whether it be punctuation or spelling errors. I strongly believe that when peer review is taken advantage of and used correctly, peer reviews are extremely helpful, but, unfortunately not everyone takes it serious and gives you the feedback that can really help you fix your essay. I had been rereading my Writing Project 1 essay over Philando Castile for other a week to make sure it was to perfection. It wasn't until my paper went through peer review that I realized my mistakes. For example, one of my first sentences in my essay made absolutely no sense because it was missing one word, but when I had been reading it myself, I had never even noticed that it was missing the word. The sentence had said, "Castile, with his girlfriend, Diamond Reynolds, and her four–year–old daughter in the car, was over for a broken brake light" (Straley 1). I had been reading the sentence as if the word, more content... Once again, I had made mistakes I hadn't even noticed before. When my paper went through peer review, and I received feedback, I was told something I had thought I had already done. I was told, "Commas need added in a few spots like after 'In fact, and Still," (Anonymous). Surely when I went back to the essay there were not commas in some important spots, for example, "In fact about a third of students who take out student loans never even graduate and receive their diploma" (Straley 3). Having a peer read your essay, can really help you find your grammatical errors. When we read our own paper, we often read it as if the punctuation is there, even if it is not. When someone else reads it though, they can easily identify these mistakes, especially when it is their first time reading your Get more content on
  • 17. Example Of Peer Review Peer Reviewer – Tristan Little Wounded– By: Eathan Martin My friends and I all went to Rapid City over the weekend for a Lana Del Rey concert. We did several things beforehand and were scheduled to arrive back in Dupree at 7:00 PM on March 5th. The concert was on March 3rd and we couldn't miss it. We left on the 1st of March so we could have some time to shop and do other things. Our parents had all agreed on giving us each $200 to use for shopping. Before we left, our parents told us to spend the money wisely and to have fun. We then left on that Thursday morning. At first, when we had arrived in Rapid, we didn't know what to do first so we checked into our hotel room and made a plan, and here it was; hit up the mall, eat at the foodcourt, Get more content on
  • 18. Example Of Peer Review I chose to do my peer review on fellow nursing major Jessica Herman. She did her presentation on a girl who was in the education field. While nursing is a very complex study, Jessica did a great job at explaining and going over her memo interview and who her subject was. Furthermore, Jessica accurately mentioned all of the details that were listed in the rubric for the subject's writing category, and it was obvious she gained a lot of knowledge through completion of the interview and project. In addition, Jessica displayed confidence during the entire presentation and this was evident by the volume of her voice, not to loud and not to quite. Eye contact is also very important and she made sure to keep in constant visual contact with the entire Get more content on
  • 19. Systematic Review Essay examples Systematic Review NUR/518 University of Phoenix Systematic Review The purpose of a systematic review is to attempt to find, evaluate and synthesize high quality research relevant to the research question. A systematic review uses carefully developed data collection and sampling procedures that are put in place in advance as a protocol. (Polit, 2012). A systematic review must contain the following: a clear inclusion and exclusion criteria, an explicit search strategy, systematic coding and analysis of included studies, and a meta–analysis if possible. (Hemingway & Brereton, 2009). Systematic reviews are conducted by nurse researchers to avoid reaching incorrect or misleading conclusions more content... (Bae, 2011). Seven studies used the Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index to measure nurse working conditions, one used the Work Environment Survey, and the remaining three used a variety of instruments from prior studies. In examining the association between working conditions and patient outcomes, the eleven studies contained a total of fourteen different patient outcome variables. The association between autonomy and patient outcomes were examined in two studies. Six studies measure the philosophy emphasizing the quality of clinical care and the association with patient outcomes. Nurse participation was examined in regards to the relationship between nurse participator and the patient outcomes, as well as the association between supportive managers and patient outcomes. Other areas that were examined were collaborative relationships with physicians, supportive relationships with peers, staffing and decentralization, patient–centered climate and busyness. The findings of this systematic review suggest that evidence supporting a positive relationship between better nurse working conditions and improved patient outcomes is Get more content on
  • 20. Examples Of Peer Review The peer reviewer specifically commended me for my willingness to accept feedback; this negates the charge being made against me here, that I, I and another employee [Daniel Hines] witnessed two faculty members of the program walk out of the laboratory while it was in sessionam supposedly "unwilling to accept feedback." This evaluation therefore, is a punishment of my past and not an accurate assessment of my present, and it assumes resistance on my part that is not present. Furthermore, as an adjunct professor, I had observed this happening with other instructors. Their students were asked to wait for a few minutes while the lab was being set up. Recently. The unwritten safety advice I was given was that a faculty member cannot leave the more content... Which means to me that I can offer up a draft and not worry so much about the grammar the first time out. It's not like I'm submitting that draft for a formal review, or that the draft reflects somehow on the institution. It's a draft! This isn't the place for hostility or pressure to improve the draft in a timely manner. It's just a group of colleagues collaborating. Nor, actually, is there any policy, which says a faculty member, can't have someone else write the final draft of his or her proposal (which I did not do anyway, but I am being hypothetical here). It's not like any of this is wrong or unethical. We are talking about the act of sharing a draft, and that's it, and frankly I am shocked I even have to defend myself over this. I have colleagues in other departments, one of whom is willing to testify, that share drafts of work all the time. This is a very private, collegial, non–evaluated collaborative process. It is certainly not a hostile or judgmental one. When you start penalizing this kind of informal process, the result is to murder collaboration and the free sharing of insight, a critical aspects of academic culture. As I have repeatedly stated, English is not my first language. I should be free to pursue any and all Get more content on
  • 21. Website Review Essay After visiting and examining the PBS Web site, I was able to conclude that it is an extremely successful entertainment and educational site. The Web site has won many substantial awards, including the prestigious "Webbie Award" in 1998 and 1999. According to a recent survey, fifty –six percent of users at the PBS Web site are male and sixty percent are between the ages of eighteen and forty–four. Forty–four percent of the Web site users have children and fifty–seven percent make online purchases. (Gallup/Plaw Release: Survey of 40,000 Internet Users. Fall 1998.) The design of the Web site is very bright and appealing to the eye. Its layout is inviting and easy to navigate. Its design is consistent through all pages. There are more content... Another main section in the PBS Web site is called "TeacherSource." Its articles offer teachers advice on incorporating cable, video, and the Internet into their classrooms and lessons. The "Indie Scene" section concerns independent films and videos. It includes film reviews, a schedule of movies, and interviews with filmmakers. The site has two different news sections, " Online Newshour" and "News & Views." The "Online Newshour" section has up to date objective articles with many photos. It also includes a new section geared towards high school students. The "News & Views" section also deals with up to date news, but in a more subjective way. This section includes opinion articles from a variety of people concerning more controversial news issues. The section also has its own discussion group where users are able to post and reply to many different topics. Other main sections on the PBS site include Adult Learning, history, science, technology, and arts. The Web site also has its own shopping site called "ShopPBS." Here users are able to purchase videos and books about anything from the Olympics to the rainforest. The site offers users to sign up to receive a weekly email newsletter called "PBS Previews." The site also offers television listings for PBS. In addition, there is a section where users can view the annual report of PBS and find out about possible employment with the company. There is also an extensive section where people interested Get more content on