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Ensuring safe and engaging learning
Introduction							03
Findings								04
Back to Class							09
COVID-19 has a wide range of implications across the world. Education is one of the many sectors
that have been severely affected by this virus.Typically, students used to witness a flurry of activity
around this time of the academic year. But now, learning institutes worldwide wear a deserted
look as they have had to close on-premise operations to protect students and prevent contagion.
Early this year, the Indian government ordered shutting down of learning institutes temporarily
as a measure to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus. With no immediate solution to stop
the outbreak of COVID-19, school and university closures have got extended, resulting in a far
reaching impact on the continuity of learning for more than 285 million young learners in India.
To ensure that learning does not stop, several private institutes across India began taking classes
through online platforms. Online education is a very new concept in India for most of schools and
colleges. Needless to say, the pandemic has transformed the centuries-old, chalk–talk teaching
model to one driven by technology. The accelerating force of digitization has created a disruptive
online phenomenon across learning institutes around the world.
Covid-19 forced us into re-designing work spaces, incorporating social distancing norms and
measures to eliminate unnecessary touch. Thereafter, it was only rational to get an understanding
of whether learning institutes should also be put under that lens. While Online learning has gained
a lot of attention and importance, we were perplexed if it is the future of education.
Keeping in mind how learning will change and the extent of impact it will have on physical
schools, the Workspace and Ergonomic Research Cell at Godrej Interio conducted a nation-wide
We set out to understand how online learning has been taken up by all the stakeholders & the way
it will shape up the future. We reached out to parents of over 350 school children aged between
3-15 years from across India. Additionally, we interacted with the teachers and principals to
understand their perspective on the future of learning spaces.
Our study revealed that 78% of children enjoy online learning and are happy because they get
to be at home and learn. Parents too were relieved because considering the pandemic scare,
home is the safest place to be. With much negative news doing the rounds, parents are of the
opinion that the useless screen time which otherwise the children would have spent mostly on
playing games or watching videos has now become fruitful and engaging.
Children have the power to adapt and grasp
quickly. This new way of learning has given
them a free hand to learn digitization early
in life. An English teacher at a reputed school
in New Delhi said,
The visual way of learning concepts through
online medium is giving new roots to
imaginations and communication.
Parents too have been quick to set their routines such that they facilitate their children as they
study from home. Barring a few teething issues pertaining to the tech-platform or pattern of
class, most parents have by now adjusted to the new normal of learning. Teachers have also
been trained to design digital modules and use the platform to effectively conduct classes
Among the positive outcomes of going digital, is the increased communication between
parents and teachers. There is more transparency as parents can now accompany the child
“Considering that theirs is a generation
heavily dependent on gadgets, getting
them to use the devices is not an issue.
Getting them to use it judiciously and
in a manner that doesn’t drain them
completely, requires a lot of planning
and monitoring both by parents and
throughout the session. They have access to what is being taught and how. Additionally, they
get a fair idea of what can be done better to make the child understand the concept clearly.
Shy students, who were often not able to communicate in the classroom, are now open to
chat-box communication. They use this medium to ask doubts and have become interactive.
75% of children have reported to be communicating more with teachers in an online class.
85% of children were able to
understand concepts well,
when they were being taught
online. A mother who was
surveyed said,
Another advantage of online learning as cited by parents was that the classes can be recorded
and listened to later, as often as needed, till the point the concept is clear to the student. This
was never possible in physical classrooms.
More than 65% of parents felt that online learning helps save commute time, which otherwise,
is just a waste of valuable time during the day. Children have also been saved from incremental
heat, pollution and traffic jams. Additionally, they now get more time to explore their extra-
curricular interests.
“So far the experience is very good as we are also
involved in the online study. We watch how the
teachers are teaching, and I see whether my son is
able to understand or not.”
During the survey, most parents said that their children use a device that’s already at home.
57.5% of children have their own dedicated device while 41% of them use a device that the
family shares (which can introduce pressures of its own). A small 15% of parents said their
children use a device that was purchased specifically for homeschooling purposes.
In certain cases, children are also forced to share devices with their siblings. This gadget
sharing poses significant challenges. It appears that the children use a mix of devices to take
the online classes.
Considering the current situation, online learning has helped educational institutes engage
with children and reduce the impact of a break in learning. However, there are some less
desirable fallouts of online learning as well.
Compared to school or college, the environment at home is informal. Distractions at home are
different from that of schools. As per our study, 50% of parents we interacted with mentioned
that their children get distracted at home by their siblings or other family members. They are
also affected by the incessant conversations and some other activities going on at home,
which appear more interesting to the child. These distractions sometimes result in the attention
span of children being low. Parents also mentioned that their children were found surfing other
websites during online classes.
One of the parents said,
Hence, the impact of learning is
uncertain and not always optimum.
“Sometimes my child plays games on the
smartphone while he says that he is studying.”
have dedicated devices
shares with family
purchased for homeschooling
Laptop Computers Desktop Computers
56.7% 11%
Unstable internet connection, poor connectivity, poor voice quality during the class and power
cuts are some of the reasons parents cited that hampered online learning. These obstacles do
not exist in a physical class.
62% of the children in our survey complained about technical glitches faced in an online lecture.
The glitches hinder the line of thought and concentration of the learner, often resulting in them
losing interest in the class. We also found that 22% of the students took online classes while
seated on a bed, while about 14% sat on the floor.
These figures show that many houses are not equipped with the necessary table-desk
arrangement to enable the student to adopt the right posture as they learn from home. This
lack of infrastructure, along with awkward postures adopted while studying impose health
risks on children at a very early age. Additionally, we learnt that 53% of the children felt tired
at the end of the day due to online classes.
Constant usage of electronic gadgets like desktops and laptops often result in health issues
for office goers. But unfortunately, due to the current circumstances, children are also facing
these issues. We learned that as a part of the online learning programs organized by schools,
children sit in front of gadgets for 4-6 hours a day on an average, increasing the risk of physical
health issues. On average, this online time is at least 2-3 hours more than what they were
doing before the lock-down started.
52% of the children have daily online classes while 36% have classes 4 times in a week. As a
result, 41% of children complain of eye strain issues.
online classes while sitting on a bed
online classes while sitting on floor
have daily online classes
have classes 4 times a week
complain of eye strain issues
Humans are wired for social connections, so it’s understandable that children would long to
meet their friends and teachers. 82% of parents mentioned that their children expressed a need
to meet friends and connect with both friends and teachers, as they missed going to school.
Online learning is characterized by a lack of physical interaction and remoteness, which
results in students experiencing social isolation. Due to the lack of face-to-face communication
between peers, students and teachers in an online setting, the students might find that they
are unable to work effectively in a team setting.
Teachers also face issues connecting with children online as compared to a classroom. Online
sessions result in a gap between teachers’ understanding of students’ perspective and also
students’ understanding of concepts. Feeling lonely or aloof while studying at home through
online classes is not a new thing these days.
The COVID-19 outbreak has disrupted the academic year, as well as cancelled classes and
examinations across the country. It will take time for our lives to get back to normal.
To ensure that students do not miss out on their studies, online learning is an excellent substitute
for classroom learning. Hence, learning institutes across the country took necessary measures
to move classes online. It’s true that online learning may not be as effective as classroom
learning. It also has its limitations with respect to interaction and collaboration amongst
teachers and students. However, to avoid the lag in our lives in terms of education and to
save time, virtual learning is the only solution. It will help students get back on track once the
pandemic is over.
In our opinion, classroom teaching will always be preferred over virtual classes, as
juniors or young adolescents learn much more in that setup. Daily interactions with
teachers and peers improve their skills and teach how to live in society. Education is
not limited to a syllabus; it also includes discipline, manners, morals and interaction
with other students and teachers. These traits are difficult to imbibe through online
teaching. Hence, there is a need to balance physical learning along with online learning.
Currently, educational institutions of every size and kind are finding it valuable to shift classes
to virtual platforms. Learning institutes, however, cannot always operate in the emergency
mode and provide classes online with no contact. Also, only a handful of government and
private institutes have been able to adopt online teaching methods. Low-income private and
government school counterparts, on the other hand, have almost completely come to a halt
as a result of limited access to e-learning solutions.
Clearly, there is a need to return to brick and mortar classrooms. However, the anxiety level
among parents post the COVID-19 Lockdown might remain high until a vaccine is found.
Is it safe to re-open schools, or is there a risk of reigniting infections? What are the effects
on children’s mental health and the social development of young children? It is therefore
imperative for learning institutes to incorporate necessary changes in their campus. They also
need to innovate structures which provide an assurance of safety & re-build the trust of parents.
As per our study, a huge majority of Indian parents are not willing to send their wards
to school immediately upon re-opening. In fact 33% were of the opinion that they
would not want to send their child to school till the country records a decisive zero
cases of COVID-19.
“Online learning definitely serves the purpose and is the only solution currently, but
it cannot be the only mode of learning for tomorrow. Accepting the virtual method
doesn’t mean rejecting the traditional classroom pedagogy. The novel system of
online learning cannot replace the experimental learning of human values and
character development as classroom learning focuses on life skills more than the
content. There are a lot of emotions, connections being developed in a classroom as
teachers play a pivotal role in moulding young minds as we deal with real people not
robots,” said one of the principals we interacted with.
Alternating days of the week or times of the day may offer schools a way of limiting the number
of students physically present in the building at any time. Students who do not come on a
particular day can join their classmates virtually. Conducting double shifts to ensure that all
students don’t have to come at the same time could be another way to reduce the headcount
in the institute.
One of the most important measures institutes can take is to reduce class sizes. Class sizes of
25 or more students in a small classroom pose obvious risks to student health and safety.
Seating arrangements will have to be modified to ensure only one child sits at every desk in
the classroom and wherever possible, a distance of 6 feet has to be maintained. Educators can
create flexible, multi-use spaces by using moveable furniture on wheels and modular pieces
that easily can be arranged into different configurations. Flexible furniture can help easy
configuration of the classroom layout with desks further apart and facing the same direction.
Individual desks should be given preference, and two seater desks should seat only one student
to ensure physical distancing. Desks should be turned to face in the same direction (rather
than facing each other), or have students sit on only one side of the table, spaced apart.
The Research team at Godrej Interio spoke to academicians and parents as well as architects,
to arrive at a multi-pronged, staged approach to opening learning institutes and creating an
engaging and safe learning environment.
Existing underutilized space could be retooled to create supplemental learning and working
environments to provide for safe distancing or be designated as quarantine areas. Library,
sports rooms, computer labs and even the community halls can be converted into classrooms
to ensure distancing. Another example is of traditional dining halls which are used for about
20% of the school day. Instead they can be conceived as a social and learning space
Desks in common areas like the computer room and library can be provided with desk
enclosures to cordon off the user from others in the room. Enclosure material should be easy to
clean and sanitize daily. Options of clear acrylic or corrugated PP sheets should be considered.
Additionally, chairs in these areas should be covered with removable covers of fabric which
can be sanitized and replaced daily.
Isolation rooms and doctors on call along with hospital tie ups need to be considered in the
event of any student or staff member being detected with symptoms. Guidelines and SOPs
will have to be put in place if screening staff encounter these situations. Procedures should be
shared with staff, parents and students. All unwell students and staff should be instructed to
remain home.
It is imperative to ensure that ventilation systems operate effectively and increase the
circulation of outdoor air as much as possible. One way to do this is by opening windows and
doors. However, windows and doors should not be opened if doing so poses a risk to safety
or health (e.g., risk of falling, triggering asthma symptoms in children using the facility). As
per ISHRAE, an indoor air quality of 2.5 PM, 20-24-degree room temperature and an optimum
humidity level between 40-70RH will also reduce the chances of human transmission and help
deactivate surface-based contamination.
while eating and drinking, one cannot have his/her
mask on. Hence, it is recommended to maintain
social distancing in the seating provided. Guards
or screens should be erected between two diners
to ensure their safety in case they sneeze or cough
while eating or drinking. Shield partitions could be
of a clear material like acrylic to allow people to
see each other while they dine. This should also be
done to ensure easy cleaning and sanitization.
Reduction of chairs will help maintain a physical
distance. It would be ideal if the reading, computer
training or the meeting could be taken on a virtual
platform. Then these rooms could also be used as
classrooms in case of desk shortages. Movable
partition screens can also be used to safely separate
users from each other.
Increased height of existing screens, or introducing
an add-on to the existing low height of the privacy
screen between two teachers in the staff room can
help reduce the risk of infection. The use of 6 feet
high screens placed on the floor could alternatively
be used in between two staff members seated in
close proximity.
Classrooms, hallways, school buses, and other areas will need to undergo regular deep
cleaning to minimize the spread of COVID-19. Prior to opening, campus-wide sanitation can
help prevent transmission of the virus and also offer the much needed assurance to parents as
well as staff. Cleaning staff must be equipped with basic PPE kits (boots, gloves, and masks)
and trained for safe toilet disinfection practices.
It is necessary to identify which segment of students should restart first, to avoid crowding.
Prioritizing critical grades will help take care of their academics and help the institute manage
physical distancing better.
Every morning, temperature checks should be done, preferably with no-touch thermometers,
of everyone entering the campus, including students. The same can be done during breaks.
Any member displaying high temperature (> 99F) must be isolated immediately until they leave
the school premises.
Institutes must stagger arrival and departure times to avoid crowding. If feasible, separate
entry and exit routes can be planned for. Students should be encouraged to bring and have
their own meal boxes and avoid gatherings in the canteen. Restroom breaks should also be
managed to avoid overcrowding.
Biometric attendance systems which require users to touch the surface should be replaced with
touchless systems. Options for facial recognition devices or other devices which are connected
to the personal mobile phone should be explored.
It shall be essential to reinforce the use of cloth face coverings for students as well as staff
members. Face coverings should be worn as feasible and are most essential in times when
physical distancing is difficult. Students should be frequently reminded not to touch the face
covering. They should also be encouraged to wash their hands frequently.
Institutes must restrict assembly sessions, seminars, playground activities and eating in
canteens to avoid mingling of students. Shared spaces such as dining halls and playgrounds
with shared playground equipment, should be temporarily closed, if possible. If not, use should
be staggered and surfaces should be cleaned and disinfected between instances of use.
Institutes should set up hand washing/ sanitizing stations at the entry to school buildings. Hand
washing recesses can be integrated into the schedule throughout the day for all students and
staff. Turnstiles with automatic sanitizer dispensers must be installed at the entrances of each
class to ensure all students sanitize their hands before entering class.
Frequent disinfection of surfaces and objects touched by multiple students or staff members
is important. Typically, this means the daily sanitizing of surfaces such as desks, countertops,
doorknobs, computer keyboards, hands-on learning items, faucet handles and toys. Enhanced
cleaning of surfaces after the academic day is a vital element of promoting hygiene. Classrooms
and frequently touched surfaces will have to be sanitized before children come in, once during
the day and again after they leave.
Signages will help as a reminder about the practices to be followed by students and may
also assist in behavioral changes. Such signages need to be placed at entrances, exits and
all strategic/important locations like hand wash and hygiene stations. They also need to be
placed in any communal and transit areas. Signages should be used to cover social distancing
norms, sickness reporting process, hand hygiene, etc. Providing visual, physical guides, such
as tape on floors or sidewalks and signs on walls, will ensure that staff and students remain at
least 6 feet apart.
School absenteeism monitoring systems should be implemented to track the attendance of
students and staff, and compare the data against usual absenteeism patterns at the school. It
is important to raise the flag at the right moment – keeping everyone’s safety in mind.
In case of absenteeism, sick leave or temporary school closures, institutes must increase
investments in remote learning to avoid any disruptions. Draw a structured plan for teachers
to conduct remote daily or weekly follow up with students will go a long way in facilitating
Consultation and communication amongst parents, teachers and students at large is necessary
to understand concerns and address them. This ensures the confidence and support to school
re-opening and its functioning, which is a prerequisite.
Godrej Interio (GI) is India’s premium furniture brand in both home and institutional segments
with a strong commitment to sustainability and centers of excellence in design, manufacturing
and retail.
Led by the largest in-house design team in the country in the furniture category and awarded
with 34 India Design Mark Awards till date, GI aims to transform spaces with its thoughtfully
designed furniture to create brighter homes and offices with products that have the highest
design quotient in aesthetics, functionality and technology.With consistent pursuit ofexcellence
and a special focus on health and ergonomics, GI’s product portfolio comprises a massive
Today, we design and manufacture furniture for office spaces, homes, educational institutes,
healthcare facilities, laboratories and more. Along with furniture we offer Audio Visual and 360
Degree Turnkey solutions. Each of our product range revolves around comfort and aesthetics
while delivering well-designed, fun and functional furniture solutions. Briefly, Godrej Interio
transforms dream spaces to life!
GI commitment to the environment has resulted in manufacturing products with lesser
environment footprint. Our pioneering efforts include designing less environment burdening
products, usage ofeco-friendly materials and setting up less polluting and consuming processes,
ensuring eco-friendly packaging and transportation and finally the extended responsibility of
recycling/reuse of used furniture and scrap, thus ensuring a lifecycle approach to green.
Currently present in over 650 cities with 250 exclusive showrooms and 800 dealers, GI is one of
the largest divisions of Godrej and Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd., part of the Godrej Group, one of India’s
largest engineering and customer product groups.
This paper represents the opinions of the authors and is the product of professional research.
This report has been prepared for the exclusive use and benefit of the addressee(s) and solely
for the purpose for which it is provided. Unless we provide express prior written consent, no
part of this report should be reproduced or distributed. While every attempt is made to ensure
that the information contained in this document is true to its best. However, Godrej and Boyce
Mfg. Co. Ltd., its employees, representatives, affiliates or any of its divisions, etc. shall not be
responsible for any reliance made on this paper or for any errors / omissions in information
obtained from the source while preparing this paper.
Re-thinking Learning Spaces | Godrej Interio

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Re-thinking Learning Spaces | Godrej Interio

  • 2. RE-THINKING LEARNING SPACES 02 Introduction 03 Findings 04 Back to Class 09 TABLE OF CONTENTS
  • 3. 03 RE-THINKING LEARNING SPACES COVID-19 has a wide range of implications across the world. Education is one of the many sectors that have been severely affected by this virus.Typically, students used to witness a flurry of activity around this time of the academic year. But now, learning institutes worldwide wear a deserted look as they have had to close on-premise operations to protect students and prevent contagion. Early this year, the Indian government ordered shutting down of learning institutes temporarily as a measure to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus. With no immediate solution to stop the outbreak of COVID-19, school and university closures have got extended, resulting in a far reaching impact on the continuity of learning for more than 285 million young learners in India. WithCOVID-19,theeducationsectorhasfounditselfcompelledtochampionitsowntransformation. To ensure that learning does not stop, several private institutes across India began taking classes through online platforms. Online education is a very new concept in India for most of schools and colleges. Needless to say, the pandemic has transformed the centuries-old, chalk–talk teaching model to one driven by technology. The accelerating force of digitization has created a disruptive online phenomenon across learning institutes around the world. Covid-19 forced us into re-designing work spaces, incorporating social distancing norms and measures to eliminate unnecessary touch. Thereafter, it was only rational to get an understanding of whether learning institutes should also be put under that lens. While Online learning has gained a lot of attention and importance, we were perplexed if it is the future of education. Keeping in mind how learning will change and the extent of impact it will have on physical schools, the Workspace and Ergonomic Research Cell at Godrej Interio conducted a nation-wide study. We set out to understand how online learning has been taken up by all the stakeholders & the way it will shape up the future. We reached out to parents of over 350 school children aged between 3-15 years from across India. Additionally, we interacted with the teachers and principals to understand their perspective on the future of learning spaces. INTRODUCTION
  • 4. RE-THINKING LEARNING SPACES 04 SAFE & HAPPY @ HOME Our study revealed that 78% of children enjoy online learning and are happy because they get to be at home and learn. Parents too were relieved because considering the pandemic scare, home is the safest place to be. With much negative news doing the rounds, parents are of the opinion that the useless screen time which otherwise the children would have spent mostly on playing games or watching videos has now become fruitful and engaging. QUICK TO ADAPT Children have the power to adapt and grasp quickly. This new way of learning has given them a free hand to learn digitization early in life. An English teacher at a reputed school in New Delhi said, The visual way of learning concepts through online medium is giving new roots to imaginations and communication. Parents too have been quick to set their routines such that they facilitate their children as they study from home. Barring a few teething issues pertaining to the tech-platform or pattern of class, most parents have by now adjusted to the new normal of learning. Teachers have also been trained to design digital modules and use the platform to effectively conduct classes online. INCREASED TRANSPARENCY Among the positive outcomes of going digital, is the increased communication between parents and teachers. There is more transparency as parents can now accompany the child “Considering that theirs is a generation heavily dependent on gadgets, getting them to use the devices is not an issue. Getting them to use it judiciously and in a manner that doesn’t drain them completely, requires a lot of planning and monitoring both by parents and teachers.” “ FINDINGS
  • 5. 05 RE-THINKING LEARNING SPACES throughout the session. They have access to what is being taught and how. Additionally, they get a fair idea of what can be done better to make the child understand the concept clearly. Shy students, who were often not able to communicate in the classroom, are now open to chat-box communication. They use this medium to ask doubts and have become interactive. 75% of children have reported to be communicating more with teachers in an online class. 85% of children were able to understand concepts well, when they were being taught online. A mother who was surveyed said, Another advantage of online learning as cited by parents was that the classes can be recorded and listened to later, as often as needed, till the point the concept is clear to the student. This was never possible in physical classrooms. SAVED COMMUTE TIME More than 65% of parents felt that online learning helps save commute time, which otherwise, is just a waste of valuable time during the day. Children have also been saved from incremental heat, pollution and traffic jams. Additionally, they now get more time to explore their extra- curricular interests. “So far the experience is very good as we are also involved in the online study. We watch how the teachers are teaching, and I see whether my son is able to understand or not.” “
  • 6. RE-THINKING LEARNING SPACES 06 DEVICES USED During the survey, most parents said that their children use a device that’s already at home. 57.5% of children have their own dedicated device while 41% of them use a device that the family shares (which can introduce pressures of its own). A small 15% of parents said their children use a device that was purchased specifically for homeschooling purposes. In certain cases, children are also forced to share devices with their siblings. This gadget sharing poses significant challenges. It appears that the children use a mix of devices to take the online classes. Considering the current situation, online learning has helped educational institutes engage with children and reduce the impact of a break in learning. However, there are some less desirable fallouts of online learning as well. 1. DISTRACTION Compared to school or college, the environment at home is informal. Distractions at home are different from that of schools. As per our study, 50% of parents we interacted with mentioned that their children get distracted at home by their siblings or other family members. They are also affected by the incessant conversations and some other activities going on at home, which appear more interesting to the child. These distractions sometimes result in the attention span of children being low. Parents also mentioned that their children were found surfing other websites during online classes. One of the parents said, Hence, the impact of learning is uncertain and not always optimum. “Sometimes my child plays games on the smartphone while he says that he is studying.” “ 57.5% have dedicated devices 41% shares with family 15% purchased for homeschooling Laptop Computers Desktop Computers 56.7% 11% Tablets 41% Smartphones 48%
  • 7. 07 RE-THINKING LEARNING SPACES 2. INFRASTRUCTURE CONCERNS IMPACTING HEALTH Unstable internet connection, poor connectivity, poor voice quality during the class and power cuts are some of the reasons parents cited that hampered online learning. These obstacles do not exist in a physical class. 62% of the children in our survey complained about technical glitches faced in an online lecture. The glitches hinder the line of thought and concentration of the learner, often resulting in them losing interest in the class. We also found that 22% of the students took online classes while seated on a bed, while about 14% sat on the floor. These figures show that many houses are not equipped with the necessary table-desk arrangement to enable the student to adopt the right posture as they learn from home. This lack of infrastructure, along with awkward postures adopted while studying impose health risks on children at a very early age. Additionally, we learnt that 53% of the children felt tired at the end of the day due to online classes. 3. INCREASED SCREEN TIME Constant usage of electronic gadgets like desktops and laptops often result in health issues for office goers. But unfortunately, due to the current circumstances, children are also facing these issues. We learned that as a part of the online learning programs organized by schools, children sit in front of gadgets for 4-6 hours a day on an average, increasing the risk of physical health issues. On average, this online time is at least 2-3 hours more than what they were doing before the lock-down started. 52% of the children have daily online classes while 36% have classes 4 times in a week. As a result, 41% of children complain of eye strain issues. 22% online classes while sitting on a bed 14% online classes while sitting on floor 52% have daily online classes 36% have classes 4 times a week 41% complain of eye strain issues
  • 8. RE-THINKING LEARNING SPACES 08 4. SOCIAL ISOLATION Humans are wired for social connections, so it’s understandable that children would long to meet their friends and teachers. 82% of parents mentioned that their children expressed a need to meet friends and connect with both friends and teachers, as they missed going to school. Online learning is characterized by a lack of physical interaction and remoteness, which results in students experiencing social isolation. Due to the lack of face-to-face communication between peers, students and teachers in an online setting, the students might find that they are unable to work effectively in a team setting. Teachers also face issues connecting with children online as compared to a classroom. Online sessions result in a gap between teachers’ understanding of students’ perspective and also students’ understanding of concepts. Feeling lonely or aloof while studying at home through online classes is not a new thing these days. STRIKING A BALANCE The COVID-19 outbreak has disrupted the academic year, as well as cancelled classes and examinations across the country. It will take time for our lives to get back to normal. To ensure that students do not miss out on their studies, online learning is an excellent substitute for classroom learning. Hence, learning institutes across the country took necessary measures to move classes online. It’s true that online learning may not be as effective as classroom learning. It also has its limitations with respect to interaction and collaboration amongst teachers and students. However, to avoid the lag in our lives in terms of education and to save time, virtual learning is the only solution. It will help students get back on track once the pandemic is over. In our opinion, classroom teaching will always be preferred over virtual classes, as juniors or young adolescents learn much more in that setup. Daily interactions with teachers and peers improve their skills and teach how to live in society. Education is not limited to a syllabus; it also includes discipline, manners, morals and interaction with other students and teachers. These traits are difficult to imbibe through online teaching. Hence, there is a need to balance physical learning along with online learning.
  • 9. 09 RE-THINKING LEARNING SPACES Currently, educational institutions of every size and kind are finding it valuable to shift classes to virtual platforms. Learning institutes, however, cannot always operate in the emergency mode and provide classes online with no contact. Also, only a handful of government and private institutes have been able to adopt online teaching methods. Low-income private and government school counterparts, on the other hand, have almost completely come to a halt as a result of limited access to e-learning solutions. Clearly, there is a need to return to brick and mortar classrooms. However, the anxiety level among parents post the COVID-19 Lockdown might remain high until a vaccine is found. Is it safe to re-open schools, or is there a risk of reigniting infections? What are the effects on children’s mental health and the social development of young children? It is therefore imperative for learning institutes to incorporate necessary changes in their campus. They also need to innovate structures which provide an assurance of safety & re-build the trust of parents. BACK TO CLASS! As per our study, a huge majority of Indian parents are not willing to send their wards to school immediately upon re-opening. In fact 33% were of the opinion that they would not want to send their child to school till the country records a decisive zero cases of COVID-19. “Online learning definitely serves the purpose and is the only solution currently, but it cannot be the only mode of learning for tomorrow. Accepting the virtual method doesn’t mean rejecting the traditional classroom pedagogy. The novel system of online learning cannot replace the experimental learning of human values and character development as classroom learning focuses on life skills more than the content. There are a lot of emotions, connections being developed in a classroom as teachers play a pivotal role in moulding young minds as we deal with real people not robots,” said one of the principals we interacted with. “
  • 10. 10 RE-THINKING LEARNING SPACES STAGE 1: PRE-OPENING 1. SPLIT SCHEDULING & BLENDED LEARNING: Alternating days of the week or times of the day may offer schools a way of limiting the number of students physically present in the building at any time. Students who do not come on a particular day can join their classmates virtually. Conducting double shifts to ensure that all students don’t have to come at the same time could be another way to reduce the headcount in the institute. 2. SMALLER CLASS SIZE: One of the most important measures institutes can take is to reduce class sizes. Class sizes of 25 or more students in a small classroom pose obvious risks to student health and safety. 3. MODIFY CLASSROOM LAYOUTS: Seating arrangements will have to be modified to ensure only one child sits at every desk in the classroom and wherever possible, a distance of 6 feet has to be maintained. Educators can create flexible, multi-use spaces by using moveable furniture on wheels and modular pieces that easily can be arranged into different configurations. Flexible furniture can help easy configuration of the classroom layout with desks further apart and facing the same direction. Individual desks should be given preference, and two seater desks should seat only one student to ensure physical distancing. Desks should be turned to face in the same direction (rather than facing each other), or have students sit on only one side of the table, spaced apart. The Research team at Godrej Interio spoke to academicians and parents as well as architects, to arrive at a multi-pronged, staged approach to opening learning institutes and creating an engaging and safe learning environment.
  • 11. 11 RE-THINKING LEARNING SPACES 4. RE-PURPOSE SPACES: Existing underutilized space could be retooled to create supplemental learning and working environments to provide for safe distancing or be designated as quarantine areas. Library, sports rooms, computer labs and even the community halls can be converted into classrooms to ensure distancing. Another example is of traditional dining halls which are used for about 20% of the school day. Instead they can be conceived as a social and learning space 5. DESK ENCLOSURES AND REMOVABLE CHAIR COVERS: Desks in common areas like the computer room and library can be provided with desk enclosures to cordon off the user from others in the room. Enclosure material should be easy to clean and sanitize daily. Options of clear acrylic or corrugated PP sheets should be considered. Additionally, chairs in these areas should be covered with removable covers of fabric which can be sanitized and replaced daily. 6. PLAN FOR ISOLATION SPACE: Isolation rooms and doctors on call along with hospital tie ups need to be considered in the event of any student or staff member being detected with symptoms. Guidelines and SOPs will have to be put in place if screening staff encounter these situations. Procedures should be shared with staff, parents and students. All unwell students and staff should be instructed to remain home. 7. VENTILATION: It is imperative to ensure that ventilation systems operate effectively and increase the circulation of outdoor air as much as possible. One way to do this is by opening windows and doors. However, windows and doors should not be opened if doing so poses a risk to safety or health (e.g., risk of falling, triggering asthma symptoms in children using the facility). As per ISHRAE, an indoor air quality of 2.5 PM, 20-24-degree room temperature and an optimum humidity level between 40-70RH will also reduce the chances of human transmission and help deactivate surface-based contamination.
  • 12. 12 RE-THINKING LEARNING SPACES 8. CAFETERIA AND CANTEEN SEATING ARRANGEMENTS: Amindfulcaféandcanteenseatingiscrucialbecause while eating and drinking, one cannot have his/her mask on. Hence, it is recommended to maintain social distancing in the seating provided. Guards or screens should be erected between two diners to ensure their safety in case they sneeze or cough while eating or drinking. Shield partitions could be of a clear material like acrylic to allow people to see each other while they dine. This should also be done to ensure easy cleaning and sanitization. 9. REDUCED SEATING IN LIBRARY, COMPUTER AND COUNSELLING ROOMS: Reduction of chairs will help maintain a physical distance. It would be ideal if the reading, computer training or the meeting could be taken on a virtual platform. Then these rooms could also be used as classrooms in case of desk shortages. Movable partition screens can also be used to safely separate users from each other. 10. PARTITION IN STAFF ROOM & ADMIN ROOM: Increased height of existing screens, or introducing an add-on to the existing low height of the privacy screen between two teachers in the staff room can help reduce the risk of infection. The use of 6 feet high screens placed on the floor could alternatively be used in between two staff members seated in close proximity.
  • 13. 13 RE-THINKING LEARNING SPACES 11. DISINFECT THE CAMPUS: Classrooms, hallways, school buses, and other areas will need to undergo regular deep cleaning to minimize the spread of COVID-19. Prior to opening, campus-wide sanitation can help prevent transmission of the virus and also offer the much needed assurance to parents as well as staff. Cleaning staff must be equipped with basic PPE kits (boots, gloves, and masks) and trained for safe toilet disinfection practices. STAGE 2: OPENING 1. STAGED OPENINGS WITH PRIORITY FOR CRITICAL GRADES: It is necessary to identify which segment of students should restart first, to avoid crowding. Prioritizing critical grades will help take care of their academics and help the institute manage physical distancing better. 2. TEMPERATURE CHECK: Every morning, temperature checks should be done, preferably with no-touch thermometers, of everyone entering the campus, including students. The same can be done during breaks. Any member displaying high temperature (> 99F) must be isolated immediately until they leave the school premises. 3. STAGGERED ARRIVALS & BREAK: Institutes must stagger arrival and departure times to avoid crowding. If feasible, separate entry and exit routes can be planned for. Students should be encouraged to bring and have their own meal boxes and avoid gatherings in the canteen. Restroom breaks should also be managed to avoid overcrowding. 4. TOUCHLESS ATTENDANCE: Biometric attendance systems which require users to touch the surface should be replaced with touchless systems. Options for facial recognition devices or other devices which are connected to the personal mobile phone should be explored.
  • 14. 14 RE-THINKING LEARNING SPACES 5. MANDATORY MASKS: It shall be essential to reinforce the use of cloth face coverings for students as well as staff members. Face coverings should be worn as feasible and are most essential in times when physical distancing is difficult. Students should be frequently reminded not to touch the face covering. They should also be encouraged to wash their hands frequently. 6. AVOID GATHERINGS: Institutes must restrict assembly sessions, seminars, playground activities and eating in canteens to avoid mingling of students. Shared spaces such as dining halls and playgrounds with shared playground equipment, should be temporarily closed, if possible. If not, use should be staggered and surfaces should be cleaned and disinfected between instances of use. 7. HAND-WASHING / SANITIZING STATIONS: Institutes should set up hand washing/ sanitizing stations at the entry to school buildings. Hand washing recesses can be integrated into the schedule throughout the day for all students and staff. Turnstiles with automatic sanitizer dispensers must be installed at the entrances of each class to ensure all students sanitize their hands before entering class.
  • 15. 15 RE-THINKING LEARNING SPACES 8. SCHEDULED DAILY SANITIZATION: Frequent disinfection of surfaces and objects touched by multiple students or staff members is important. Typically, this means the daily sanitizing of surfaces such as desks, countertops, doorknobs, computer keyboards, hands-on learning items, faucet handles and toys. Enhanced cleaning of surfaces after the academic day is a vital element of promoting hygiene. Classrooms and frequently touched surfaces will have to be sanitized before children come in, once during the day and again after they leave. 9. INFORMATION SIGNAGES: Signages will help as a reminder about the practices to be followed by students and may also assist in behavioral changes. Such signages need to be placed at entrances, exits and all strategic/important locations like hand wash and hygiene stations. They also need to be placed in any communal and transit areas. Signages should be used to cover social distancing norms, sickness reporting process, hand hygiene, etc. Providing visual, physical guides, such as tape on floors or sidewalks and signs on walls, will ensure that staff and students remain at least 6 feet apart.
  • 16. 16 RE-THINKING LEARNING SPACES STAGE 3: POST-OPENING 1. CLOSE MONITORING OF ABSENTEEISM: School absenteeism monitoring systems should be implemented to track the attendance of students and staff, and compare the data against usual absenteeism patterns at the school. It is important to raise the flag at the right moment – keeping everyone’s safety in mind. 2. PLAN FOR CONTINUITY: In case of absenteeism, sick leave or temporary school closures, institutes must increase investments in remote learning to avoid any disruptions. Draw a structured plan for teachers to conduct remote daily or weekly follow up with students will go a long way in facilitating academics. 3. CONTINUOUS COMMUNICATION BETWEEN TEACHERS, STAFF & PARENTS: Consultation and communication amongst parents, teachers and students at large is necessary to understand concerns and address them. This ensures the confidence and support to school re-opening and its functioning, which is a prerequisite.
  • 17. 17 RE-THINKING LEARNING SPACES Godrej Interio (GI) is India’s premium furniture brand in both home and institutional segments with a strong commitment to sustainability and centers of excellence in design, manufacturing and retail. Led by the largest in-house design team in the country in the furniture category and awarded with 34 India Design Mark Awards till date, GI aims to transform spaces with its thoughtfully designed furniture to create brighter homes and offices with products that have the highest design quotient in aesthetics, functionality and technology.With consistent pursuit ofexcellence and a special focus on health and ergonomics, GI’s product portfolio comprises a massive range. Today, we design and manufacture furniture for office spaces, homes, educational institutes, healthcare facilities, laboratories and more. Along with furniture we offer Audio Visual and 360 Degree Turnkey solutions. Each of our product range revolves around comfort and aesthetics while delivering well-designed, fun and functional furniture solutions. Briefly, Godrej Interio transforms dream spaces to life! GI commitment to the environment has resulted in manufacturing products with lesser environment footprint. Our pioneering efforts include designing less environment burdening products, usage ofeco-friendly materials and setting up less polluting and consuming processes, ensuring eco-friendly packaging and transportation and finally the extended responsibility of recycling/reuse of used furniture and scrap, thus ensuring a lifecycle approach to green. Currently present in over 650 cities with 250 exclusive showrooms and 800 dealers, GI is one of the largest divisions of Godrej and Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd., part of the Godrej Group, one of India’s largest engineering and customer product groups. ABOUT GODREJ INTERIO
  • 18. 18 RE-THINKING LEARNING SPACES This paper represents the opinions of the authors and is the product of professional research. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use and benefit of the addressee(s) and solely for the purpose for which it is provided. Unless we provide express prior written consent, no part of this report should be reproduced or distributed. While every attempt is made to ensure that the information contained in this document is true to its best. However, Godrej and Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd., its employees, representatives, affiliates or any of its divisions, etc. shall not be responsible for any reliance made on this paper or for any errors / omissions in information obtained from the source while preparing this paper. DISCLAIMER