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The covid-19 pandemic caused schools worldwide to shift to remote teaching. With an
early pre-emptive lockdown in India, followed by a slew of other mobility restrictions,
educational institutions were quick to introduce online classes to ensure the safety and
continued learning for the students. According to our research, students have adapted
well to this new mode of education. The fear of pandemic looms, and apart from staying
safe, virtual learning comes with a unique set of benefits. Our analysis suggests that the
physical-virtual hybrid model of learning is likely to stay for longer than we predicted.
While learning from home is safe and convenient, parents are concerned about the
increased screen time and reduced physical activity of their children. Children are
required to sit in one spot for long hours while learning from home, which is likely to cause
physical stress to children’s growing bodies and result in various long-term health issues
ranging from neck pain to eye strain.
Children are particularly susceptible to changes in spinal alignment as their bones are
not properly fused as yet at the young age. If not taken care of appropriately, the new
lifestyle adopted due to online education can potentially lead to an increased risk of
postural deviations over a long time. For children, incorrect body postures can cause the
spine to take the shape of the letter ‘S’ or ‘C’, a condition termed as Scoliosis. The spine
can become rounded, leading to hunching or slouching called Kyphosis. Parents must,
therefore, creatively persuade their children to adopt appropriate sitting postures while
Our Ergo Guide aims to educate parents on the best ways to create ergonomic learning
spaces for their children, with a focus on promoting a healthy home-schooling
This guide is designed to educate parents on how to take care of their children while
they study from home. Some of the areas in which the guide will help are:
Posture precautions to be taken while studying, writing or reading books.
Simple ways to create ergonomic study desks at home.
Sensory diet to cope with missing daily outdoor activities.
Improving physical activity to make overall learning impactful, healthy
and pain-free.
Owing to the precarious pandemic situation, today, parents support home-schooling for
their children. However, as safe as this new model of education is, it is equally
challenging in certain ways. Parents often find their children hunched over a laptop
computer screen to attend lectures and complete their assignments. In the long term, this
can lead to serious health issues.
Our Workplace and Ergonomics Research Cell attempted to study the home-schooling
behaviour of 350 school-going children of the age group of 3-15 years from across India.
Parents who were a part of this research revealed that their children used gadgets for a
minimum of 4–6 hours a day which is 2-3 hours more than what they did before schools
closed on account of the lockdown. This upped screen time can increase the risk of
physical health issues in children.
The study further revealed that 52% of the children had daily online classes while 36%
had classes four times a week.
As a result, 41% of children complained of eye strain issues.
Daily online classes
Classes 4 times a week
Complained of eye strain
While students learn from the comfort of their homes, they find themselves sitting on any
available surface like the floor, sofa, dining table or kitchen platform. Doing so results in
them assuming wrong sitting postures, which could lead to multiple health challenges.
Our studies found that 22% of the students took online classes while seated on a bed,
while about 14% sat on the floor.
The above figures state that multiple households aren’t equipped with the necessary
table-desk arrangement to enable students to adopt the right posture as they learn from
home. Unaware of the repercussions, children do not take timely breaks from using smart
gadgets and do not perform enough physical activity throughout the day either.
Additionally, we learnt that 53% of the children felt tired at the end of the day due to
online classes.
This lack of infrastructure, coupled with awkward postures adopted while studying and
limited physical activities impose health risks on children at a very young age.
As online learning is here to stay for some period of time, it is of utmost importance for
parents to help facilitate healthy posture habits in their children. By doing so, they will be
able to protect the child's growing spine and reduce the chances of developing
musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) like neck, back and joint pain problems.
22% attended online classes seated on bed 14% attended online classes seated on floor
The back and the thighs should form a
90-degree angle; knees should also be at a
90-degree angle, and the feet and the ankle
should be at a 90-degree angle as well.
The neck should be straight and shoulders
relaxed with elbows well supported on a
table-top or armrest. One should do so to
avoid hunching or slouching.
The back should be straight with adequate
lower back support; the feet should be on
the ground or footrest to avoid awkward
knee and foot postures.
Children’s sitting posture is correct only if they follow the 90-90-90 rule.
Students can adopt the right sitting posture if parents set an ergonomic environment at
home by considering the following particulars:
What is the 90-90-90 rule?
Find a chair of the
right size
Adjust chair with
the desk height
Set the monitor
screen at the eye
Accessorize with
an external laptop
stand, keyboard
and mouse
Find a chair of the right size
Have an adjustable ergonomic chair that suits your child's height and body weight. The
chair should have the feature of seat height and armrest adjustment. Parents should
ensure that the child can sit with back support without any discomfort behind the knee
joint. It is alright if the child cannot rest their feet on the floor; they can use an external
footrest or footstool.
If buying an adjustable chair is not an option, parents should find an appropriate chair at
home. They should advise children to sit with back support, use a small cushion or roll a
towel to support the lower back. They can also keep some pillows or soft bed sheets to
increase the chair's height to ensure comfort.
Right size
– The child should be able to sit comfortably on the chair with back support and feet firmly
placed on floor. The chair should not be too big for them. It should be easy for the child to
slide back and sit with back support; at the same time they should also have thigh
support. The thighs should be well supported on the seat pan. Additionally, there should
be a 2 to 3 finger space between the edge of the chair and knee joint.
– It is suggested that parents consider two important adjustable features in the chair – the
seat height and the arm rest adjustment which can support and accommodate kids’
different body profiles. Parents should be aware of the features available in chair and how
they can be used effectively. Additionally, parents should ensure proper functioning of all
the available features of the chair for smooth movement and usage.
Important aspects to be considered while choosing the right study chair for children are:
Adjust chair with the desk height
If the desk height is shorter than the child's height, he or she will hunch over to read, write
and type on the computer, adopting the wrong postures which can lead to upper back
and neck pain. Similarly, if the desk height is too high, it will strain the shoulders, neck and
eyes while viewing the screen and typing on the computer.
Adequate movement
– Apart from adjustable features, the chair should offer various degrees of move-
ment in the space it is placed. The study area should be clutter-free and safe for
the child to use his chair without fear of falling or injury.
– Lastly, the chair should be comfortable. Fabric and leather study chairs are ideal for
providing material comfort too.
Good support
– The study chair should have suitable lower back support to ensure the spine is erect and
Chair and desk height should always be appropriate for the child's height. Additionally,
the armrest height should reach the table-top level to ensure shoulders are relaxed and
elbows are well supported in a 90-degree angle.
It is recommended for parents to install an adjustable desk which will allow them to
optimize desktop height as per the child's height. An adjustable desk will be of use in the
long term as well. However, if the desk is not adjustable, one can accessorize the study
space as per requirement.
Accessories for the right posture
To achieve a healthy posture, it is crucial to
assess the upper and lower body for neutral
angles. If the child uses a laptop as a primary
device, accessories like an external keyboard
and mouse should be used. Parents should install
a laptop stand if the child's neck is bent,
extended or pushed forward while viewing the
monitor screen; they should keep the screen
height at eye level or slightly below, to achieve a
neutral neck posture. Books can also be used to
level the height of the child and the laptop.
To correct lower body posture and get an angle
of 90 degrees in the knee, foot support is crucial.
If the child's feet are not well supported the entire body alignment changes, and they
tend to achieve comfort by adopting awkward postures like sitting cross-legged or by
keeping their feet dangling. These postures can gradually lead to muscle fatigue and
knee pain. As per the height of the body and the leg, it is advised to keep a small stool or
footrest handy.
Set the monitor screen right
The difference in monitor height, alignment and distance between the child and the com-
puter screen can affect one’s overall sitting posture. Parents need to ensure that their
child works in a space where he can view the screen at eye level without bending the
neck down, or moving it either up or sideways to reduce the stress on cervical muscles.
Considering ergonomics while using gadgets like desktop, laptop, or tablets is vital for
achieving an ideal sitting posture.
The monitor screen should be at eye level.
Keyboard and mouse should be at one level.
Shoulders should be well supported either on
armrest or the table top.
Accessorise your laptop with external keyboard,
mouse and a laptop stand for greater
Raise the laptop screen to eye-level by stacking
available books, if you don’t have a stand.
The study room must have adequate illumination
for children to see printed, handwritten or
computer displayed content clearly without
getting blinded. Bad lighting can cause eye
strain, headaches and an awkward sitting
posture. It can also cause eye fatigue resulting in
irritated, red and dry eyes. Eye fatigue is often
associated with headaches.
Avoid fluorescent light bulbs that emit harsh
lighting. Instead, it is advisable to use halogen
bulbs that are close to natural daylight. Ensure
that there is no bright light coming from behind
the area where the screen is placed as this may
make it difficult to read off the screen and force the children he screen and force the
children to lean forward and read.
One can use a desk lamp or set up the study desk by a window for natural light. If using
a lamp, place it on the opposite side of the child’s dominant hand so that light sweeps
across the study area without creating shadows. Ensure that children do not use a cell
phone or computer in a dark room, especially at night before bedtime as it results in
dryness in the eyes, headache and affects their sleep.
Appropriate Illumination
Parents should always advise children to sit straight with adequate back support. They
can use pillows or cushions to support the back for comfort. Additionally, they can
arrange an extra pillow or a small table in front for reading or writing, which will prevent
hunching or bending forward for long. Children should avoid being static in one posture
for more than 30-40 minutes.
Avoid Wrong Postures Adapt Right Postures
On sofa On sofa
On floor On floor
While using smartphone While using smartphone
On bed On bed
Movement breaks:
Parents should advise children to take mandatory breaks from the screen after every
class or every 30 minutes. If need be, they should set alarms and ensure that this time is
utilised by walking around, drinking water, eating a snack, etc.
Include pencil and paper:
With the increased digital learning, children are forced to engage in the continuous use
of a keyboard and mouse to finish their projects and assignments. Excess gadget usage
results in weak intrinsic muscles of the hands and can lead to cramps. It can also reduce
grip strength. Parents should include fine movement/motor activities like writing,
drawing and colouring in their child’s routine. These activities help in joint
Bring the outdoors in:
It is recommended that parents creatively decorate the learning spaces at home to invite
freshness and uniqueness for the child. They should place plants on their desk, which will
be soothing to the eyes when they look away from the screen. Additionally, they can use
artificial grass mats near the foot space which generates a tactile sensation each time
the child takes a break. This mat can also reduce muscle fatigue and improve blood
Be a starfish
This exercise is called Star Jacks and is similar to Jumping Jacks. Start
by squatting, then jump with your arms and legs stretched out before
coming back down to a squat. Repeat this movement.
Be it adults or children, staying physically active is equally important for everyone.
Exercise improves overall health and wellbeing and starting it young reaps greater
benefits. For children, it strengthens their bones and muscles, increases self-confidence,
promotes a healthy state of mind and reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and
There are no two ways about how young ones are always active. However, they tend to
get bored with any medium of exercise frequently. Hence, it is imperative to keep any
activity as fun and engaging for them as possible.
As per physical activity guidelines for children and young people, those in the age group
of 5-18 years should indulge in aerobic exercise for at least one hour a day. Aerobics go a
long way in strengthening muscles and bones. However, this one hour of exercise cannot
be spread out throughout the day.
Here are some fun exercises that children can do every day*
*This should be performed under the guidance of parents.
Gorilla move
Make two fists, bend your knees and make broad low steps
swinging the arms while keeping the fists clenched.
Crab walk
Put the arms and legs on the floor and lift the core up. Challenge the
body to walk using arms and legs in this position.
It is imperative that parents across the country supervise their children as they learn from
home. A good sitting posture, ergonomic study environment at home and
optimum physical activity can play a huge role in keeping MSDs at bay for these growing
exercise a
part of
the daily
adopt the
Create an
at home
Godrej Interio (GI) is India’s premium furniture brand in both home and institutional
segments with a strong commitment to sustainability and centers of excellence in
design, manufacturing and retail.
Led by the largest in-house design team in the country in the furniture category and
awarded with 34 India Design Mark Awards till date, GI aims to transform spaces with its
thoughtfully designed furniture to create brighter homes and offices with products that
have the highest design quotient in aesthetics, functionality and technology. With
consistent pursuit of excellence and a special focus on health and ergonomics, GI’s
product portfolio comprises a massive range.
Today, we design and manufacture furniture for office spaces, homes, educational
institutes, healthcare facilities, laboratories and more. Along with furniture we offer
Audio Visual and 360 Degree Turnkey solutions. Each of our product range revolves
around comfort and aesthetics while delivering well-designed, fun and functional
furniture solutions. Briefly, Godrej Interio transforms dream spaces to life!
GI commitment to the environment has resulted in manufacturing products with lesser
environment footprint. Our pioneering efforts include designing less environment
burdening products, usage of eco-friendly materials and setting up less polluting and
consuming processes, ensuring eco-friendly packaging and transportation and finally
the extended responsibility of recycling/reuse of used furniture and scrap, thus ensuring
a lifecycle approach to green.
Currently present in over 650 cities with 250 exclusive showrooms and 800 dealers, GI is
one of the largest divisions of Godrej and Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd., part of the Godrej Group,
one of India's largest engineering and customer product groups.
This paper represents the opinions of the authors and is the product of professional
research. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use and benefit of the
addressee(s) and solely for the purpose for which it is provided. Unless we provide
express prior written consent, no part of this report should be reproduced or distributed.
While every attempt is made to ensure that the information contained in this document
is true to its best. However, Godrej and Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd., its employees,
representatives, affiliates or any of its divisions, etc. shall not be responsible for any
reliance made on this paper or for any errors / omissions in information obtained from
the source while preparing this paper.
Taking Care of Children As They Learn From Home | Godrej Inetrio

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Taking Care of Children As They Learn From Home | Godrej Inetrio

  • 2. The covid-19 pandemic caused schools worldwide to shift to remote teaching. With an early pre-emptive lockdown in India, followed by a slew of other mobility restrictions, educational institutions were quick to introduce online classes to ensure the safety and continued learning for the students. According to our research, students have adapted well to this new mode of education. The fear of pandemic looms, and apart from staying safe, virtual learning comes with a unique set of benefits. Our analysis suggests that the physical-virtual hybrid model of learning is likely to stay for longer than we predicted. While learning from home is safe and convenient, parents are concerned about the increased screen time and reduced physical activity of their children. Children are required to sit in one spot for long hours while learning from home, which is likely to cause physical stress to children’s growing bodies and result in various long-term health issues ranging from neck pain to eye strain. Children are particularly susceptible to changes in spinal alignment as their bones are not properly fused as yet at the young age. If not taken care of appropriately, the new lifestyle adopted due to online education can potentially lead to an increased risk of postural deviations over a long time. For children, incorrect body postures can cause the spine to take the shape of the letter ‘S’ or ‘C’, a condition termed as Scoliosis. The spine can become rounded, leading to hunching or slouching called Kyphosis. Parents must, therefore, creatively persuade their children to adopt appropriate sitting postures while learning. Our Ergo Guide aims to educate parents on the best ways to create ergonomic learning spaces for their children, with a focus on promoting a healthy home-schooling experience. This guide is designed to educate parents on how to take care of their children while they study from home. Some of the areas in which the guide will help are: Posture precautions to be taken while studying, writing or reading books. Simple ways to create ergonomic study desks at home. Sensory diet to cope with missing daily outdoor activities. Improving physical activity to make overall learning impactful, healthy and pain-free. TAKING CARE OF CHILDREN AS THEY LEARN FROM HOME 02
  • 3. Owing to the precarious pandemic situation, today, parents support home-schooling for their children. However, as safe as this new model of education is, it is equally challenging in certain ways. Parents often find their children hunched over a laptop computer screen to attend lectures and complete their assignments. In the long term, this can lead to serious health issues. Our Workplace and Ergonomics Research Cell attempted to study the home-schooling behaviour of 350 school-going children of the age group of 3-15 years from across India. Parents who were a part of this research revealed that their children used gadgets for a minimum of 4–6 hours a day which is 2-3 hours more than what they did before schools closed on account of the lockdown. This upped screen time can increase the risk of physical health issues in children. The study further revealed that 52% of the children had daily online classes while 36% had classes four times a week. As a result, 41% of children complained of eye strain issues. TAKING CARE OF CHILDREN AS THEY LEARN FROM HOME 03 LAPTOPS 56.7% DESKTOPS 11% TABLETS 41% SMARTPHONES 48% 52% Daily online classes 36% Classes 4 times a week 41% Complained of eye strain PARENTS NEED TO BE CAUTIOUS OF HEALTH ASPECTS AS THEIR CHILDREN LEARN FROM HOME
  • 4. While students learn from the comfort of their homes, they find themselves sitting on any available surface like the floor, sofa, dining table or kitchen platform. Doing so results in them assuming wrong sitting postures, which could lead to multiple health challenges. Our studies found that 22% of the students took online classes while seated on a bed, while about 14% sat on the floor. The above figures state that multiple households aren’t equipped with the necessary table-desk arrangement to enable students to adopt the right posture as they learn from home. Unaware of the repercussions, children do not take timely breaks from using smart gadgets and do not perform enough physical activity throughout the day either. Additionally, we learnt that 53% of the children felt tired at the end of the day due to online classes. This lack of infrastructure, coupled with awkward postures adopted while studying and limited physical activities impose health risks on children at a very young age. As online learning is here to stay for some period of time, it is of utmost importance for parents to help facilitate healthy posture habits in their children. By doing so, they will be able to protect the child's growing spine and reduce the chances of developing musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) like neck, back and joint pain problems. TAKING CARE OF CHILDREN AS THEY LEARN FROM HOME 04 22% attended online classes seated on bed 14% attended online classes seated on floor
  • 5. The back and the thighs should form a 90-degree angle; knees should also be at a 90-degree angle, and the feet and the ankle should be at a 90-degree angle as well. 01 The neck should be straight and shoulders relaxed with elbows well supported on a table-top or armrest. One should do so to avoid hunching or slouching. 02 The back should be straight with adequate lower back support; the feet should be on the ground or footrest to avoid awkward knee and foot postures. 03 HERE ARE SOME CHECKPOINTS FOR CHILDREN TO ACHIEVE A HEALTHY SITTING POSTURE Children’s sitting posture is correct only if they follow the 90-90-90 rule. Students can adopt the right sitting posture if parents set an ergonomic environment at home by considering the following particulars: What is the 90-90-90 rule? TAKING CARE OF CHILDREN AS THEY LEARN FROM HOME 05 Find a chair of the right size Adjust chair with the desk height Appropriate illumination Set the monitor screen at the eye level Accessorize with an external laptop stand, keyboard and mouse
  • 6. Find a chair of the right size 01 Have an adjustable ergonomic chair that suits your child's height and body weight. The chair should have the feature of seat height and armrest adjustment. Parents should ensure that the child can sit with back support without any discomfort behind the knee joint. It is alright if the child cannot rest their feet on the floor; they can use an external footrest or footstool. If buying an adjustable chair is not an option, parents should find an appropriate chair at home. They should advise children to sit with back support, use a small cushion or roll a towel to support the lower back. They can also keep some pillows or soft bed sheets to increase the chair's height to ensure comfort. TAKING CARE OF CHILDREN AS THEY LEARN FROM HOME 06 Right size – The child should be able to sit comfortably on the chair with back support and feet firmly placed on floor. The chair should not be too big for them. It should be easy for the child to slide back and sit with back support; at the same time they should also have thigh support. The thighs should be well supported on the seat pan. Additionally, there should be a 2 to 3 finger space between the edge of the chair and knee joint. Adjustable – It is suggested that parents consider two important adjustable features in the chair – the seat height and the arm rest adjustment which can support and accommodate kids’ different body profiles. Parents should be aware of the features available in chair and how they can be used effectively. Additionally, parents should ensure proper functioning of all the available features of the chair for smooth movement and usage. Important aspects to be considered while choosing the right study chair for children are:
  • 7. Adjust chair with the desk height 02 If the desk height is shorter than the child's height, he or she will hunch over to read, write and type on the computer, adopting the wrong postures which can lead to upper back and neck pain. Similarly, if the desk height is too high, it will strain the shoulders, neck and eyes while viewing the screen and typing on the computer. Adequate movement – Apart from adjustable features, the chair should offer various degrees of move- ment in the space it is placed. The study area should be clutter-free and safe for the child to use his chair without fear of falling or injury. Comfort – Lastly, the chair should be comfortable. Fabric and leather study chairs are ideal for providing material comfort too. TAKING CARE OF CHILDREN AS THEY LEARN FROM HOME 07 Good support – The study chair should have suitable lower back support to ensure the spine is erect and vertical.
  • 8. Chair and desk height should always be appropriate for the child's height. Additionally, the armrest height should reach the table-top level to ensure shoulders are relaxed and elbows are well supported in a 90-degree angle. It is recommended for parents to install an adjustable desk which will allow them to optimize desktop height as per the child's height. An adjustable desk will be of use in the long term as well. However, if the desk is not adjustable, one can accessorize the study space as per requirement. TAKING CARE OF CHILDREN AS THEY LEARN FROM HOME 08 Accessories for the right posture 03 To achieve a healthy posture, it is crucial to assess the upper and lower body for neutral angles. If the child uses a laptop as a primary device, accessories like an external keyboard and mouse should be used. Parents should install a laptop stand if the child's neck is bent, extended or pushed forward while viewing the monitor screen; they should keep the screen height at eye level or slightly below, to achieve a neutral neck posture. Books can also be used to level the height of the child and the laptop. To correct lower body posture and get an angle of 90 degrees in the knee, foot support is crucial. If the child's feet are not well supported the entire body alignment changes, and they tend to achieve comfort by adopting awkward postures like sitting cross-legged or by keeping their feet dangling. These postures can gradually lead to muscle fatigue and knee pain. As per the height of the body and the leg, it is advised to keep a small stool or footrest handy. Set the monitor screen right 04 The difference in monitor height, alignment and distance between the child and the com- puter screen can affect one’s overall sitting posture. Parents need to ensure that their child works in a space where he can view the screen at eye level without bending the neck down, or moving it either up or sideways to reduce the stress on cervical muscles. Considering ergonomics while using gadgets like desktop, laptop, or tablets is vital for achieving an ideal sitting posture.
  • 9. TAKING CARE OF CHILDREN AS THEY LEARN FROM HOME 09 The monitor screen should be at eye level. Keyboard and mouse should be at one level. Shoulders should be well supported either on armrest or the table top. DESKTOP TIPS LAPTOP TIPS Accessorise your laptop with external keyboard, mouse and a laptop stand for greater comfort. Raise the laptop screen to eye-level by stacking available books, if you don’t have a stand. The study room must have adequate illumination for children to see printed, handwritten or computer displayed content clearly without getting blinded. Bad lighting can cause eye strain, headaches and an awkward sitting posture. It can also cause eye fatigue resulting in irritated, red and dry eyes. Eye fatigue is often associated with headaches. Avoid fluorescent light bulbs that emit harsh lighting. Instead, it is advisable to use halogen bulbs that are close to natural daylight. Ensure that there is no bright light coming from behind the area where the screen is placed as this may make it difficult to read off the screen and force the children he screen and force the children to lean forward and read. One can use a desk lamp or set up the study desk by a window for natural light. If using a lamp, place it on the opposite side of the child’s dominant hand so that light sweeps across the study area without creating shadows. Ensure that children do not use a cell phone or computer in a dark room, especially at night before bedtime as it results in dryness in the eyes, headache and affects their sleep. Appropriate Illumination 05
  • 10. PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN WHILE STUDYING IN FREE SPACES Parents should always advise children to sit straight with adequate back support. They can use pillows or cushions to support the back for comfort. Additionally, they can arrange an extra pillow or a small table in front for reading or writing, which will prevent hunching or bending forward for long. Children should avoid being static in one posture for more than 30-40 minutes. TAKING CARE OF CHILDREN AS THEY LEARN FROM HOME 10 Avoid Wrong Postures Adapt Right Postures On sofa On sofa On floor On floor While using smartphone While using smartphone On bed On bed
  • 11. SCHEDULING SENSORY BREAKS IS IMPORTANT WHILE LEARNING FROM HOME Movement breaks: Parents should advise children to take mandatory breaks from the screen after every class or every 30 minutes. If need be, they should set alarms and ensure that this time is utilised by walking around, drinking water, eating a snack, etc. Include pencil and paper: With the increased digital learning, children are forced to engage in the continuous use of a keyboard and mouse to finish their projects and assignments. Excess gadget usage results in weak intrinsic muscles of the hands and can lead to cramps. It can also reduce grip strength. Parents should include fine movement/motor activities like writing, drawing and colouring in their child’s routine. These activities help in joint proprioception. Bring the outdoors in: It is recommended that parents creatively decorate the learning spaces at home to invite freshness and uniqueness for the child. They should place plants on their desk, which will be soothing to the eyes when they look away from the screen. Additionally, they can use artificial grass mats near the foot space which generates a tactile sensation each time the child takes a break. This mat can also reduce muscle fatigue and improve blood circulation. TAKING CARE OF CHILDREN AS THEY LEARN FROM HOME 11
  • 12. Be a starfish This exercise is called Star Jacks and is similar to Jumping Jacks. Start by squatting, then jump with your arms and legs stretched out before coming back down to a squat. Repeat this movement. 01 TAKING CARE OF CHILDREN AS THEY LEARN FROM HOME 12 HOW EXERCISE CAN BE YET ANOTHER FUN ACTIVITY FOR CHILDREN Be it adults or children, staying physically active is equally important for everyone. Exercise improves overall health and wellbeing and starting it young reaps greater benefits. For children, it strengthens their bones and muscles, increases self-confidence, promotes a healthy state of mind and reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and obesity. There are no two ways about how young ones are always active. However, they tend to get bored with any medium of exercise frequently. Hence, it is imperative to keep any activity as fun and engaging for them as possible. As per physical activity guidelines for children and young people, those in the age group of 5-18 years should indulge in aerobic exercise for at least one hour a day. Aerobics go a long way in strengthening muscles and bones. However, this one hour of exercise cannot be spread out throughout the day. Here are some fun exercises that children can do every day* *This should be performed under the guidance of parents. Gorilla move Make two fists, bend your knees and make broad low steps swinging the arms while keeping the fists clenched. 02 Crab walk Put the arms and legs on the floor and lift the core up. Challenge the body to walk using arms and legs in this position. 03
  • 13. TAKING CARE OF CHILDREN AS THEY LEARN FROM HOME 13 TIPS FOR PARENTS AS THEIR CHILDREN LEARN FROM HOME It is imperative that parents across the country supervise their children as they learn from home. A good sitting posture, ergonomic study environment at home and optimum physical activity can play a huge role in keeping MSDs at bay for these growing children. Make exercise a part of the daily routine Ensure children adopt the correct sitting posture Create an ergonomic study environment at home Schedule timely breaks 30
  • 14. Godrej Interio (GI) is India’s premium furniture brand in both home and institutional segments with a strong commitment to sustainability and centers of excellence in design, manufacturing and retail. Led by the largest in-house design team in the country in the furniture category and awarded with 34 India Design Mark Awards till date, GI aims to transform spaces with its thoughtfully designed furniture to create brighter homes and offices with products that have the highest design quotient in aesthetics, functionality and technology. With consistent pursuit of excellence and a special focus on health and ergonomics, GI’s product portfolio comprises a massive range. Today, we design and manufacture furniture for office spaces, homes, educational institutes, healthcare facilities, laboratories and more. Along with furniture we offer Audio Visual and 360 Degree Turnkey solutions. Each of our product range revolves around comfort and aesthetics while delivering well-designed, fun and functional furniture solutions. Briefly, Godrej Interio transforms dream spaces to life! GI commitment to the environment has resulted in manufacturing products with lesser environment footprint. Our pioneering efforts include designing less environment burdening products, usage of eco-friendly materials and setting up less polluting and consuming processes, ensuring eco-friendly packaging and transportation and finally the extended responsibility of recycling/reuse of used furniture and scrap, thus ensuring a lifecycle approach to green. Currently present in over 650 cities with 250 exclusive showrooms and 800 dealers, GI is one of the largest divisions of Godrej and Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd., part of the Godrej Group, one of India's largest engineering and customer product groups. This paper represents the opinions of the authors and is the product of professional research. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use and benefit of the addressee(s) and solely for the purpose for which it is provided. Unless we provide express prior written consent, no part of this report should be reproduced or distributed. While every attempt is made to ensure that the information contained in this document is true to its best. However, Godrej and Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd., its employees, representatives, affiliates or any of its divisions, etc. shall not be responsible for any reliance made on this paper or for any errors / omissions in information obtained from the source while preparing this paper. TAKING CARE OF CHILDREN AS THEY LEARN FROM HOME 14 ABOUT GODREJ INTERIO DISCLAIMER