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Mapping motivations
to create relevant
3 OCTOBER 2016
RLC 2016 - Getting Personal
Anna Witteman
Head of UX Lab
Hans Ruitenberg
Associate Creative Director
The Netherlands
Appie (AH)
The Netherlands
Big C
Alfa Mart
IceMobile: Worldwide experience with
a strong focus on Loyalty & Retail
RLC 2016 - Getting Personal
“Big Data is like teenage sex: everyone talks about it,
nobody really knows how to do it, but everyone
thinks everyone else is doing it, so everyone claims
they are doing it.” - Dan Ariely
RLC 2016 - Getting Personal
Big Data isn’t the
key to Getting
RLC 2016 - Getting Personal
About machines
Shows scale
Slow and expensive
Big data tells
you what
About people
Shows opportunity
Fast and cheap
Martin Lindstrom
Small DataMichael Fertik
Big Data
Small data tells
you why
RLC 2016 - Getting Personal
Big and small data at IceMobile
BI Department UX Lab
RLC 2016 - Getting Personal
Experience Mapping: A tool to leverage
big data with small data
Case studies from Loyalty and Retail
The Experience Mapping process
RLC 2016 - Getting Personal
Leveraging big data
with small data through
Experience Mapping
RLC 2016 - Getting Personal
When learning
about the
program: Joins
if she likes the
When learning
about the
program: Joins
if she likes the
When learning
about the
program: Joins if
the rewards are
good quality.
When halfway to his
first reward: Doubts if
he will collect enough to
redeem something.
Will stop IF he thinks he
is not going to collect
When learning
about the
program: Joins
if he needs
the rewards.
Midway through the
program: Doubts if he
will collect enough for
another reward.
Will stop IF he thinks
he is not going to
make it
When he has
collected enough
stamps: Checks
the rewards. He
stops cheerily IF
he doesn’t like
any of them
When he has
explored the entire
app & program:
Decides if he likes
more rewards. He
may become a
Laid-back Luke,
otherwise stops
When learning
about the
program: Joins
if there is an
“A whole set feels as complete.” “I want to be sure to get my reward,
each time.”
“It’s all about the journey.” “Giving away quality rewards makes me
“Collecting should be effortless.” “Digital collecting is cool!”
Realistic Rose participates because she really loves
the rewards. Rose sets small goals for herself that she’s
certain she can reach. She increases her collecting
by visiting the retailer more frequently, increasing
her basket size, buying BSO and sometimes asking
people to help her. She likes to get her reward as soon
as possible, so she knows that it is hers to keep. She
stops collecting after she has all the products she likes.
For Playful Peggy, the action of collecting is more
rewarding than the products themselves. She will
collect for almost anything. She is a loyal customer
of the retailer and will join the program almost
instinctively. Peggy has developed her own techniques
to speed up collecting, like smiling at the cashier and
paying attention to the program promotions. If the
reward she wants sells out, she will simply settle for
another reward.
Sweet Susan enjoys taking care of the people she
loves, so she collect for her children and grand
children. She wants only the best for her family and
expects the rewards to be of good quality. Susan
doesn’t need the rewards herself, so she is less likely
to be disappointed if the collecting goes slower than
expected or the reward is unavailable. Susan knows
enough people who would like to have a reward, so
she keeps collecting throughout the full program.
Laid-back Luke doesn’t like the activity of collecting,
but he needs the rewards. He thinks collecting should
be effortless and doesn’t want to think about the
program too much. He doubts from time to time
whether he is gonna make it but pleasant surprises
motivate him to continue. If he doesn’t forget, he
redeems the reward quite soon after having enough
Tech-savvy Ted likes the innovative nature of digital
collecting. He doesn’t care much about the rewards
and won’t change his shopping behavior for it. Ted
likes to be at the forefront of technology and feels
good when he is one of the first people to use a new
app or technology. When he first uses the app, he will
explore it and start collecting to see how it works. If
the products were more appealing to him, he would
be a Laid-back Luke (effortless collecting).
For Sky-high Helen, collecting is all or nothing. She
will only participate in a program when the products
are something she really likes. Her ambitions are often
greater than her actual spending habits, so she will
often enlist friends and family to help her reach her
goal. Sky-high Helen wants the complete set or at
least several items that fit together, so she will wait
until she has enough points and redeem everything at
Collecting is just OK
Enjoys collecting
Really enjoys collecting
Really enjoys collecting
The rewards are minor to the collecting itself The rewards should be good quality
She collects as much as she can, and when she has enough
stamps she will ask her (grand)children what they wantShe can change her mind about the rewards in a late stage
Continues till the end
“I can always make someone happy with a reward”
Redeems one or multiple rewards each
Redeems one or multiple rewards each
She aims high
Sets goals one by one
Redeems one (maybe two) rewards
at a time as soon as she has enough
stampsShe waits till she can redeem everything she
She stops when she has reached her target She stops when she is satisfied, but she may never reach this
point within the duration of the program
She dreams about having the products
at home
She really wants to have the rewards
Only likes the digital part of collecting, not the collecting itself
Doesn’t like collecting
Doens’t like or need the rewards
Needs the rewards
Doesn’t have a goal
Has a clear goal
Might redeem one item to see how it works in the app
Redeems one or multiple rewards at a time when
he has enough stamps and remembers to redeem
Looses interest after he has explored the app
Stops when he has reached his goal
What is a motivation & behavior map?
This map shows the different motivations and behaviors of participants in our loyalty programs. By looking at what drives
participants and what shapes their behavior we can identify opportunities and moments of truth for specific types of participants.
Six collector types based on the collector’s
motivations for participating in a loyalty
program are identified.
Collectors have different motivations and
drivers that affect their participation in
loyalty programs. The ideal experience for
each participant will depend on why they
are participating.
in collecting
drawn to
when to stop
Collectors behave differently during a
loyalty program. The most important
points for collectors during a program.
How to read the diagram?
The bubbles indicate the different points
along the collectors’ journey. The bigger
the bubble, the more important it is for the
collector. By looking at the biggest bubbles
for a collector you can see what matters to
By reading the types from top to bottom
the order of the actions and moments in a
collector journey are explained. The points
are shown from top to bottom as they
occur in the collector’s journey. There are
four different points in a collector journey:
Size = importance to a
Set goal
Ask others
to help
basket size
Increase visit
Being nice
to cashier
Give away
Get stamps
from others
How can we use this map?
This map gives insights on how to improve the loyalty program experience. We can not change the intrinsic motivation of
participants, but we can shape their behavior. By targeting participants opportunities and moments of truth we can improve their
experience and influence their collecting behavior.
How was this map created?
To uncover why and how people participate in loyalty programs we utilised various research methods. These methods include
context chatting, user interviews, Pulse UX tests, app statistics and transaction data. Both paper and digital programs were
studied: AH Kristalzegels (NL), AH Mes & Bestekzegels (NL), COOP Fontignac Knives (DK) and COOP Spiegelau Glasses (DK).
Made by: Miika, Lauren, Ricardo, Lotte,
Jan, Paul, Nikoleta, Arnoud, Ivo, Thiago,
Vivienne, Jeroen de Vrind, Jeroen Westen,
Rianne, Christian, Jaap, Karlijn, Jades,
Reinout, Holly, Anna and Emma.
A moment of truth is a
moment where a person
decides to stop or continue
with the program.
Collect actions are points
where a person performs
an action toward collecting
(different actions are
indicated with an icon).
Redeem actions show points
when the collector redeems.
Stop participation points
are when a collector decides
to stop participating. This
usually happens after a MOT
or a redeem action.
Different Experience Maps
RLC 2016 - Getting Personal
Anatomy of an
Experience Map
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Mauris luctus enim eu ipsum
suscipit porta. Mauris turpis dolor, volutpat a
dignissim sed, dignissim vel purus. Nunc
posuere eu nisi eget placerat. Phasellus
aliquam at lacus sit amet dignissim. Nam
elementum ut erat vel tempus. Nunc egestas
maximus molestie. Pellentesque vel odio
hendrerit, facilisis arcu a, viverra orci. Vivamus
rutrum nibh vel laoreet accumsan. Etiam vitae
odio convallis, pretium diam et, luctus eros.
Donec ut imperdiet est.
Discount DianaHealthy Hanna Efficient Emma Trendy Tim
Donec ut condimentum dui, sit amet volutpat
nisl. Praesent vel leo lacus. Nam neque massa,
placerat quis diam at, sollicitudin dignissim
lacus. Praesent porta rhoncus nisl. Maecenas
dignissim in sem et rutrum. Aliquam eu
egestas libero. Praesent nec lobortis nisi.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent
per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
Pellentesque rhoncus nibh nibh, vel dictum
tortor semper dignissim. Nulla aliquam
pulvinar nisl, egestas aliquam velit gravida et.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent
per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
Phasellus fringilla ac justo vel viverra. Aliquam
sodales diam at tempus vulputate. Mauris
mattis posuere magna vitae commodo. Ut
ultrices dapibus dolor eget convallis. Duis ac
vestibulum sem, nec molestie nulla. Integer id
aliquet arcu. Mauris ut metus eu augue
accumsan pretium. Ut tristique mi in rutrum
Maecenas nisi mauris, sagittis sit amet placerat
quis, facilisis ut dolor. Quisque porttitor at arcu
eu commodo. Etiam efficitur ante nec finibus
placerat. Maecenas eu nisi ac ipsum pharetra
venenatis in eget lorem. Proin augue elit,
euismod eu leo sed, auctor laoreet lacus. In at
justo id nulla tristique convallis. Quisque
commodo augue nibh. In hendrerit nulla erat,
sollicitudin blandit mi varius sed.
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5
Fusce volutpat a eros at sodales. Mauris
egestas dignissim mi, at ultrices metus
malesuada pellentesque. In hac habitasse
platea dictumst. Donec ultricies dolor elit, a
convallis lectus convallis sit amet. Fusce
rhoncus, elit et fringilla suscipit, neque orci
sagittis odio, sit amet fermentum ex lacus sit
amet dolor.
Suspendisse rhoncus nec leo sed dignissim.
Suspendisse dignissim erat sed dolor
vulputate placerat. Mauris sagittis arcu ac
lectus interdum lacinia. Donec feugiat orci quis
tellus posuere eleifend.
Maecenas eu volutpat tortor. Vestibulum
commodo sit amet ex vitae aliquet. Integer
gravida felis egestas sollicitudin pharetra.
Nullam in scelerisque nulla. Phasellus et velit
ut lorem laoreet egestas vitae quis ligula.
Maecenas congue, nisi eu tempus sollicitudin,
quam erat finibus libero, eget vehicula felis
ligula id libero.
Maecenas congue, nisi eu tempus sollicitudin,
quam erat finibus libero, eget vehicula felis
ligula id libero. Ut a lorem ac lectus dictum
sollicitudin. Maecenas vulputate nulla eu velit
tincidunt auctor. Proin fermentum commodo
Experience_Map_Generic.pdf 1 27/09/16 14:49
Anatomy of an Experience Map
(Customer Journey 2.0)
RLC 2016 - Getting Personal
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Mauris luctus enim eu ipsum
suscipit porta. Mauris turpis dolor, volutpat a
dignissim sed, dignissim vel purus. Nunc
posuere eu nisi eget placerat. Phasellus
aliquam at lacus sit amet dignissim. Nam
elementum ut erat vel tempus. Nunc egestas
maximus molestie. Pellentesque vel odio
hendrerit, facilisis arcu a, viverra orci. Vivamus
rutrum nibh vel laoreet accumsan. Etiam vitae
odio convallis, pretium diam et, luctus eros.
Donec ut imperdiet est.
Discount Diana
Healthy Hanna
Efficient Emma Trendy Tim
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent
per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
Pellentesque rhoncus nibh nibh, vel dictum
tortor semper dignissim. Nulla aliquam
pulvinar nisl, egestas aliquam velit gravida et.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent
per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
Phasellus fringilla ac justo vel viverra. Aliquam
sodales diam at tempus vulputate. Mauris
mattis posuere magna vitae commodo. Ut
ultrices dapibus dolor eget convallis. Duis ac
vestibulum sem, nec molestie nulla. Integer id
aliquet arcu. Mauris ut metus eu augue
accumsan pretium. Ut tristique mi in rutrum
Maecenas nisi mauris, sagittis sit amet placerat
quis, facilisis ut dolor. Quisque porttitor at arcu
eu commodo. Etiam efficitur ante nec finibus
placerat. Maecenas eu nisi ac ipsum pharetra
venenatis in eget lorem. Proin augue elit,
euismod eu leo sed, auctor laoreet lacus. In at
justo id nulla tristique convallis. Quisque
commodo augue nibh. In hendrerit nulla erat,
sollicitudin blandit mi varius sed.
2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5
Segmentation on Motivation
instead of behaviour
RLC 2016 - Getting Personal
Anatomy of an
Experience Map
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Mauris luctus enim eu ipsum
suscipit porta. Mauris turpis dolor, volutpat a
dignissim sed, dignissim vel purus. Nunc
posuere eu nisi eget placerat. Phasellus
aliquam at lacus sit amet dignissim. Nam
elementum ut erat vel tempus. Nunc egestas
maximus molestie. Pellentesque vel odio
hendrerit, facilisis arcu a, viverra orci. Vivamus
rutrum nibh vel laoreet accumsan. Etiam vitae
odio convallis, pretium diam et, luctus eros.
Donec ut imperdiet est.
Discount DianaHealthy Hanna Efficient Emma Trendy Tim
Donec ut condimentum dui, sit amet volutpat
nisl. Praesent vel leo lacus. Nam neque massa,
placerat quis diam at, sollicitudin dignissim
lacus. Praesent porta rhoncus nisl. Maecenas
dignissim in sem et rutrum. Aliquam eu
egestas libero. Praesent nec lobortis nisi.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent
per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
Pellentesque rhoncus nibh nibh, vel dictum
tortor semper dignissim. Nulla aliquam
pulvinar nisl, egestas aliquam velit gravida et.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent
per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
Phasellus fringilla ac justo vel viverra. Aliquam
sodales diam at tempus vulputate. Mauris
mattis posuere magna vitae commodo. Ut
ultrices dapibus dolor eget convallis. Duis ac
vestibulum sem, nec molestie nulla. Integer id
aliquet arcu. Mauris ut metus eu augue
accumsan pretium. Ut tristique mi in rutrum
Maecenas nisi mauris, sagittis sit amet placerat
quis, facilisis ut dolor. Quisque porttitor at arcu
eu commodo. Etiam efficitur ante nec finibus
placerat. Maecenas eu nisi ac ipsum pharetra
venenatis in eget lorem. Proin augue elit,
euismod eu leo sed, auctor laoreet lacus. In at
justo id nulla tristique convallis. Quisque
commodo augue nibh. In hendrerit nulla erat,
sollicitudin blandit mi varius sed.
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5
Fusce volutpat a eros at sodales. Mauris
egestas dignissim mi, at ultrices metus
malesuada pellentesque. In hac habitasse
platea dictumst. Donec ultricies dolor elit, a
convallis lectus convallis sit amet. Fusce
rhoncus, elit et fringilla suscipit, neque orci
sagittis odio, sit amet fermentum ex lacus sit
amet dolor.
Suspendisse rhoncus nec leo sed dignissim.
Suspendisse dignissim erat sed dolor
vulputate placerat. Mauris sagittis arcu ac
lectus interdum lacinia. Donec feugiat orci quis
tellus posuere eleifend.
Maecenas eu volutpat tortor. Vestibulum
commodo sit amet ex vitae aliquet. Integer
gravida felis egestas sollicitudin pharetra.
Nullam in scelerisque nulla. Phasellus et velit
ut lorem laoreet egestas vitae quis ligula.
Maecenas congue, nisi eu tempus sollicitudin,
quam erat finibus libero, eget vehicula felis
ligula id libero.
Maecenas congue, nisi eu tempus sollicitudin,
quam erat finibus libero, eget vehicula felis
ligula id libero. Ut a lorem ac lectus dictum
sollicitudin. Maecenas vulputate nulla eu velit
tincidunt auctor. Proin fermentum commodo
Experience_Map_Generic.pdf 1 27/09/16 14:49
RLC 2016 - Getting Personal
Anatomy of an
Experience Map
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Mauris luctus enim eu ipsum
suscipit porta. Mauris turpis dolor, volutpat a
dignissim sed, dignissim vel purus. Nunc
posuere eu nisi eget placerat. Phasellus
aliquam at lacus sit amet dignissim. Nam
elementum ut erat vel tempus. Nunc egestas
maximus molestie. Pellentesque vel odio
hendrerit, facilisis arcu a, viverra orci. Vivamus
rutrum nibh vel laoreet accumsan. Etiam vitae
odio convallis, pretium diam et, luctus eros.
Donec ut imperdiet est.
Discount DianaHealthy Hanna Efficient Emma Trendy Tim
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent
per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
Pellentesque rhoncus nibh nibh, vel dictum
tortor semper dignissim. Nulla aliquam
pulvinar nisl, egestas aliquam velit gravida et.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent
per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
Phasellus fringilla ac justo vel viverra. Aliquam
sodales diam at tempus vulputate. Mauris
mattis posuere magna vitae commodo. Ut
ultrices dapibus dolor eget convallis. Duis ac
vestibulum sem, nec molestie nulla. Integer id
aliquet arcu. Mauris ut metus eu augue
accumsan pretium. Ut tristique mi in rutrum
Maecenas nisi mauris, sagittis sit amet placerat
quis, facilisis ut dolor. Quisque porttitor at arcu
eu commodo. Etiam efficitur ante nec finibus
placerat. Maecenas eu nisi ac ipsum pharetra
venenatis in eget lorem. Proin augue elit,
euismod eu leo sed, auctor laoreet lacus. In at
justo id nulla tristique convallis. Quisque
commodo augue nibh. In hendrerit nulla erat,
sollicitudin blandit mi varius sed.
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5
Holistic customer journey
RLC 2016 - Getting Personal
Anatomy of an
Experience Map
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Mauris luctus enim eu ipsum
suscipit porta. Mauris turpis dolor, volutpat a
dignissim sed, dignissim vel purus. Nunc
posuere eu nisi eget placerat. Phasellus
aliquam at lacus sit amet dignissim. Nam
elementum ut erat vel tempus. Nunc egestas
maximus molestie. Pellentesque vel odio
hendrerit, facilisis arcu a, viverra orci. Vivamus
rutrum nibh vel laoreet accumsan. Etiam vitae
odio convallis, pretium diam et, luctus eros.
Donec ut imperdiet est.
Discount DianaHealthy Hanna Efficient Emma Trendy Tim
Donec ut condimentum dui, sit amet volutpat
nisl. Praesent vel leo lacus. Nam neque massa,
placerat quis diam at, sollicitudin dignissim
lacus. Praesent porta rhoncus nisl. Maecenas
dignissim in sem et rutrum. Aliquam eu
egestas libero. Praesent nec lobortis nisi.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent
per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
Pellentesque rhoncus nibh nibh, vel dictum
tortor semper dignissim. Nulla aliquam
pulvinar nisl, egestas aliquam velit gravida et.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent
per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
Phasellus fringilla ac justo vel viverra. Aliquam
sodales diam at tempus vulputate. Mauris
mattis posuere magna vitae commodo. Ut
ultrices dapibus dolor eget convallis. Duis ac
vestibulum sem, nec molestie nulla. Integer id
aliquet arcu. Mauris ut metus eu augue
accumsan pretium. Ut tristique mi in rutrum
Maecenas nisi mauris, sagittis sit amet placerat
quis, facilisis ut dolor. Quisque porttitor at arcu
eu commodo. Etiam efficitur ante nec finibus
placerat. Maecenas eu nisi ac ipsum pharetra
venenatis in eget lorem. Proin augue elit,
euismod eu leo sed, auctor laoreet lacus. In at
justo id nulla tristique convallis. Quisque
commodo augue nibh. In hendrerit nulla erat,
sollicitudin blandit mi varius sed.
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5
Fusce volutpat a eros at sodales. Mauris
egestas dignissim mi, at ultrices metus
malesuada pellentesque. In hac habitasse
platea dictumst. Donec ultricies dolor elit, a
convallis lectus convallis sit amet. Fusce
rhoncus, elit et fringilla suscipit, neque orci
sagittis odio, sit amet fermentum ex lacus sit
amet dolor.
Suspendisse rhoncus nec leo sed dignissim.
Suspendisse dignissim erat sed dolor
vulputate placerat. Mauris sagittis arcu ac
lectus interdum lacinia. Donec feugiat orci quis
tellus posuere eleifend.
Maecenas eu volutpat tortor. Vestibulum
commodo sit amet ex vitae aliquet. Integer
gravida felis egestas sollicitudin pharetra.
Nullam in scelerisque nulla. Phasellus et velit
ut lorem laoreet egestas vitae quis ligula.
Maecenas congue, nisi eu tempus sollicitudin,
quam erat finibus libero, eget vehicula felis
ligula id libero.
Maecenas congue, nisi eu tempus sollicitudin,
quam erat finibus libero, eget vehicula felis
ligula id libero. Ut a lorem ac lectus dictum
sollicitudin. Maecenas vulputate nulla eu velit
tincidunt auctor. Proin fermentum commodo
Experience_Map_Generic.pdf 1 27/09/16 14:49
RLC 2016 - Getting Personal
Donec ut condimentum dui, sit amet volutpatnisl. Praesent vel leo lacus. Nam neque massa,placerat quis diam at, sollicitudin dignissimlacus. Praesent porta rhoncus nisl. Maecenasdignissim in sem et rutrum. Aliquam euegestas libero. Praesent nec lobortis nisi.
Fusce volutpat a eros at sodales. Maurisegestas dignissim mi, at ultrices metusmalesuada pellentesque. In hac habitasseplatea dictumst. Donec ultricies dolor elit, aconvallis lectus convallis sit amet. Fuscerhoncus, elit et fringilla suscipit, neque orcisagittis odio, sit amet fermentum ex lacus sitamet dolor.
Suspendisse rhoncus nec leo sed dignissim.Suspendisse dignissim erat sed dolorvulputate placerat. Mauris sagittis arcu aclectus interdum lacinia. Donec feugiat orci quistellus posuere eleifend.
Maecenas eu
commodo sit
gravida felis e
Nullam in scel
ut lorem laore
Maecenas con
quam erat finib
ligula id libero.
Opportunities focused on
Moments of Truth
RLC 2016 - Getting Personal
Anatomy of an
Experience Map
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Mauris luctus enim eu ipsum
suscipit porta. Mauris turpis dolor, volutpat a
dignissim sed, dignissim vel purus. Nunc
posuere eu nisi eget placerat. Phasellus
aliquam at lacus sit amet dignissim. Nam
elementum ut erat vel tempus. Nunc egestas
maximus molestie. Pellentesque vel odio
hendrerit, facilisis arcu a, viverra orci. Vivamus
rutrum nibh vel laoreet accumsan. Etiam vitae
odio convallis, pretium diam et, luctus eros.
Donec ut imperdiet est.
Discount DianaHealthy Hanna Efficient Emma Trendy Tim
Donec ut condimentum dui, sit amet volutpat
nisl. Praesent vel leo lacus. Nam neque massa,
placerat quis diam at, sollicitudin dignissim
lacus. Praesent porta rhoncus nisl. Maecenas
dignissim in sem et rutrum. Aliquam eu
egestas libero. Praesent nec lobortis nisi.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent
per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
Pellentesque rhoncus nibh nibh, vel dictum
tortor semper dignissim. Nulla aliquam
pulvinar nisl, egestas aliquam velit gravida et.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent
per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
Phasellus fringilla ac justo vel viverra. Aliquam
sodales diam at tempus vulputate. Mauris
mattis posuere magna vitae commodo. Ut
ultrices dapibus dolor eget convallis. Duis ac
vestibulum sem, nec molestie nulla. Integer id
aliquet arcu. Mauris ut metus eu augue
accumsan pretium. Ut tristique mi in rutrum
Maecenas nisi mauris, sagittis sit amet placerat
quis, facilisis ut dolor. Quisque porttitor at arcu
eu commodo. Etiam efficitur ante nec finibus
placerat. Maecenas eu nisi ac ipsum pharetra
venenatis in eget lorem. Proin augue elit,
euismod eu leo sed, auctor laoreet lacus. In at
justo id nulla tristique convallis. Quisque
commodo augue nibh. In hendrerit nulla erat,
sollicitudin blandit mi varius sed.
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5
Fusce volutpat a eros at sodales. Mauris
egestas dignissim mi, at ultrices metus
malesuada pellentesque. In hac habitasse
platea dictumst. Donec ultricies dolor elit, a
convallis lectus convallis sit amet. Fusce
rhoncus, elit et fringilla suscipit, neque orci
sagittis odio, sit amet fermentum ex lacus sit
amet dolor.
Suspendisse rhoncus nec leo sed dignissim.
Suspendisse dignissim erat sed dolor
vulputate placerat. Mauris sagittis arcu ac
lectus interdum lacinia. Donec feugiat orci quis
tellus posuere eleifend.
Maecenas eu volutpat tortor. Vestibulum
commodo sit amet ex vitae aliquet. Integer
gravida felis egestas sollicitudin pharetra.
Nullam in scelerisque nulla. Phasellus et velit
ut lorem laoreet egestas vitae quis ligula.
Maecenas congue, nisi eu tempus sollicitudin,
quam erat finibus libero, eget vehicula felis
ligula id libero.
Maecenas congue, nisi eu tempus sollicitudin,
quam erat finibus libero, eget vehicula felis
ligula id libero. Ut a lorem ac lectus dictum
sollicitudin. Maecenas vulputate nulla eu velit
tincidunt auctor. Proin fermentum commodo
Experience_Map_Generic.pdf 1 27/09/16 14:49
The three elements of an
Experience Map
1. Segmentation on motivation instead
of behaviour and demographics
2. Holistic customer journey focused on
the experience instead of channels
3. Leverage moments of truth with
actionable opportunities
RLC 2016 - Getting Personal
Experience Mapping
case studies
Case study:
Bright Loyalty
& Support
Retailer Systems
(POS, ERP, CRM, PIM, etc.)
Business Intelligence
User Engagement Tool
(push, chat, email)
Customer Service
Chat platforms
When learning
about the
program: Joins
if she likes the
When learning
about the
program: Joins
if she likes the
When learning
about the
program: Joins if
the rewards are
good quality.
When halfway to his
first reward: Doubts if
he will collect enough to
redeem something.
Will stop IF he thinks he
is not going to collect
When learning
about the
program: Joins
if he needs
the rewards.
Midway through the
program: Doubts if he
will collect enough for
another reward.
Will stop IF he thinks
he is not going to
make it
When he has
collected enough
stamps: Checks
the rewards. He
stops cheerily IF
he doesn’t like
any of them
When he has
explored the entire
app & program:
Decides if he likes
more rewards. He
may become a
Laid-back Luke,
otherwise stops
When learning
about the
program: Joins
if there is an
“A whole set feels as complete.” “I want to be sure to get my reward,
each time.”
“It’s all about the journey.” “Giving away quality rewards makes me
“Collecting should be effortless.” “Digital collecting is cool!”
Realistic Rose participates because she really loves
the rewards. Rose sets small goals for herself that she’s
certain she can reach. She increases her collecting
by visiting the retailer more frequently, increasing
her basket size, buying BSO and sometimes asking
people to help her. She likes to get her reward as soon
as possible, so she knows that it is hers to keep. She
stops collecting after she has all the products she likes.
For Playful Peggy, the action of collecting is more
rewarding than the products themselves. She will
collect for almost anything. She is a loyal customer
of the retailer and will join the program almost
instinctively. Peggy has developed her own techniques
to speed up collecting, like smiling at the cashier and
paying attention to the program promotions. If the
reward she wants sells out, she will simply settle for
another reward.
Sweet Susan enjoys taking care of the people she
loves, so she collect for her children and grand
children. She wants only the best for her family and
expects the rewards to be of good quality. Susan
doesn’t need the rewards herself, so she is less likely
to be disappointed if the collecting goes slower than
expected or the reward is unavailable. Susan knows
enough people who would like to have a reward, so
she keeps collecting throughout the full program.
Laid-back Luke doesn’t like the activity of collecting,
but he needs the rewards. He thinks collecting should
be effortless and doesn’t want to think about the
program too much. He doubts from time to time
whether he is gonna make it but pleasant surprises
motivate him to continue. If he doesn’t forget, he
redeems the reward quite soon after having enough
Tech-savvy Ted likes the innovative nature of digital
collecting. He doesn’t care much about the rewards
and won’t change his shopping behavior for it. Ted
likes to be at the forefront of technology and feels
good when he is one of the first people to use a new
app or technology. When he first uses the app, he will
explore it and start collecting to see how it works. If
the products were more appealing to him, he would
be a Laid-back Luke (effortless collecting).
For Sky-high Helen, collecting is all or nothing. She
will only participate in a program when the products
are something she really likes. Her ambitions are often
greater than her actual spending habits, so she will
often enlist friends and family to help her reach her
goal. Sky-high Helen wants the complete set or at
least several items that fit together, so she will wait
until she has enough points and redeem everything at
Collecting is just OK Enjoys collecting Really enjoys collecting Really enjoys collecting
The rewards are minor to the collecting itself The rewards should be good quality
She collects as much as she can, and when she has enough
stamps she will ask her (grand)children what they want
She can change her mind about the rewards in a late stage
Continues till the end “I can always make someone happy with a reward”
Redeems one or multiple rewards each
Redeems one or multiple rewards each
She aims high Sets goals one by one
Redeems one (maybe two) rewards
at a time as soon as she has enough
She waits till she can redeem everything she
She stops when she has reached her target She stops when she is satisfied, but she may never reach this
point within the duration of the program
She dreams about having the products
at home
She really wants to have the rewards
Only likes the digital part of collecting, not the collecting itselfDoesn’t like collecting
Doens’t like or need the rewardsNeeds the rewards
Doesn’t have a goalHas a clear goal
Might redeem one item to see how it works in the appRedeems one or multiple rewards at a time when
he has enough stamps and remembers to redeem
Looses interest after he has explored the appStops when he has reached his goal
What is a motivation & behavior map?
This map shows the different motivations and behaviors of participants in our loyalty programs. By looking at what drives
participants and what shapes their behavior we can identify opportunities and moments of truth for specific types of participants.
Six collector types based on the collector’s
motivations for participating in a loyalty
program are identified.
Collectors have different motivations and
drivers that affect their participation in
loyalty programs. The ideal experience for
each participant will depend on why they
are participating.
in collecting
drawn to
when to stop
Collectors behave differently during a
loyalty program. The most important
points for collectors during a program.
How to read the diagram?
The bubbles indicate the different points
along the collectors’ journey. The bigger
the bubble, the more important it is for the
collector. By looking at the biggest bubbles
for a collector you can see what matters to
By reading the types from top to bottom
the order of the actions and moments in a
collector journey are explained. The points
are shown from top to bottom as they
occur in the collector’s journey. There are
four different points in a collector journey:
Size = importance to a
Set goal
Ask others
to help
basket size
Increase visit
Being nice
to cashier
Give away
Get stamps
from others
How can we use this map?
This map gives insights on how to improve the loyalty program experience. We can not change the intrinsic motivation of
participants, but we can shape their behavior. By targeting participants opportunities and moments of truth we can improve their
experience and influence their collecting behavior.
How was this map created?
To uncover why and how people participate in loyalty programs we utilised various research methods. These methods include
context chatting, user interviews, Pulse UX tests, app statistics and transaction data. Both paper and digital programs were
studied: AH Kristalzegels (NL), AH Mes & Bestekzegels (NL), COOP Fontignac Knives (DK) and COOP Spiegelau Glasses (DK).
Made by: Miika, Lauren, Ricardo, Lotte,
Jan, Paul, Nikoleta, Arnoud, Ivo, Thiago,
Vivienne, Jeroen de Vrind, Jeroen Westen,
Rianne, Christian, Jaap, Karlijn, Jades,
Reinout, Holly, Anna and Emma.
A moment of truth is a
moment where a person
decides to stop or continue
with the program.
Collect actions are points
where a person performs
an action toward collecting
(different actions are
indicated with an icon).
Redeem actions show points
when the collector redeems.
Stop participation points
are when a collector decides
to stop participating. This
usually happens after a MOT
or a redeem action.
When learning
about the
program: Joins
if she likes the
When learning
about the
program: Joins
if she likes the
When learning
about the
program: Joins if
the rewards are
good quality.
When halfway to his
first reward: Doubts if
he will collect enough to
redeem something.
Will stop IF he thinks he
is not going to collect
When learning
about the
program: Joins
if he needs
the rewards.
Midway through the
program: Doubts if he
will collect enough for
another reward.
Will stop IF he thinks
he is not going to
make it
When he has
collected enough
stamps: Checks
the rewards. He
stops cheerily IF
he doesn’t like
any of them
When he has
explored the entire
app & program:
Decides if he likes
more rewards. He
may become a
Laid-back Luke,
otherwise stops
When learning
about the
program: Joins
if there is an
“A whole set feels as complete.” “I want to be sure to get my reward,
each time.”
“It’s all about the journey.” “Giving away quality rewards makes me
“Collecting should be effortless.” “Digital collecting is cool!”
Realistic Rose participates because she really loves
the rewards. Rose sets small goals for herself that she’s
certain she can reach. She increases her collecting
by visiting the retailer more frequently, increasing
her basket size, buying BSO and sometimes asking
people to help her. She likes to get her reward as soon
as possible, so she knows that it is hers to keep. She
stops collecting after she has all the products she likes.
For Playful Peggy, the action of collecting is more
rewarding than the products themselves. She will
collect for almost anything. She is a loyal customer
of the retailer and will join the program almost
instinctively. Peggy has developed her own techniques
to speed up collecting, like smiling at the cashier and
paying attention to the program promotions. If the
reward she wants sells out, she will simply settle for
another reward.
Sweet Susan enjoys taking care of the people she
loves, so she collect for her children and grand
children. She wants only the best for her family and
expects the rewards to be of good quality. Susan
doesn’t need the rewards herself, so she is less likely
to be disappointed if the collecting goes slower than
expected or the reward is unavailable. Susan knows
enough people who would like to have a reward, so
she keeps collecting throughout the full program.
Laid-back Luke doesn’t like the activity of collecting,
but he needs the rewards. He thinks collecting should
be effortless and doesn’t want to think about the
program too much. He doubts from time to time
whether he is gonna make it but pleasant surprises
motivate him to continue. If he doesn’t forget, he
redeems the reward quite soon after having enough
Tech-savvy Ted likes the innovative nature of digital
collecting. He doesn’t care much about the rewards
and won’t change his shopping behavior for it. Ted
likes to be at the forefront of technology and feels
good when he is one of the first people to use a new
app or technology. When he first uses the app, he will
explore it and start collecting to see how it works. If
the products were more appealing to him, he would
be a Laid-back Luke (effortless collecting).
For Sky-high Helen, collecting is all or nothing. She
will only participate in a program when the products
are something she really likes. Her ambitions are often
greater than her actual spending habits, so she will
often enlist friends and family to help her reach her
goal. Sky-high Helen wants the complete set or at
least several items that fit together, so she will wait
until she has enough points and redeem everything at
Collecting is just OK Enjoys collecting Really enjoys collecting Really enjoys collecting
The rewards are minor to the collecting itself The rewards should be good quality
She collects as much as she can, and when she has enough
stamps she will ask her (grand)children what they want
She can change her mind about the rewards in a late stage
Continues till the end “I can always make someone happy with a reward”
Redeems one or multiple rewards each
Redeems one or multiple rewards each
She aims high Sets goals one by one
Redeems one (maybe two) rewards
at a time as soon as she has enough
She waits till she can redeem everything she
She stops when she has reached her target She stops when she is satisfied, but she may never reach this
point within the duration of the program
She dreams about having the products
at home
She really wants to have the rewards
Only likes the digital part of collecting, not the collecting itselfDoesn’t like collecting
Doens’t like or need the rewardsNeeds the rewards
Doesn’t have a goalHas a clear goal
Might redeem one item to see how it works in the appRedeems one or multiple rewards at a time when
he has enough stamps and remembers to redeem
Looses interest after he has explored the appStops when he has reached his goal
What is a motivation & behavior map?
This map shows the different motivations and behaviors of participants in our loyalty programs. By looking at what drives
participants and what shapes their behavior we can identify opportunities and moments of truth for specific types of participants.
Six collector types based on the collector’s
motivations for participating in a loyalty
program are identified.
Collectors have different motivations and
drivers that affect their participation in
loyalty programs. The ideal experience for
each participant will depend on why they
are participating.
in collecting
drawn to
when to stop
Collectors behave differently during a
loyalty program. The most important
points for collectors during a program.
How to read the diagram?
The bubbles indicate the different points
along the collectors’ journey. The bigger
the bubble, the more important it is for the
collector. By looking at the biggest bubbles
for a collector you can see what matters to
By reading the types from top to bottom
the order of the actions and moments in a
collector journey are explained. The points
are shown from top to bottom as they
occur in the collector’s journey. There are
four different points in a collector journey:
Size = importance to a
Set goal
Ask others
to help
basket size
Increase visit
Being nice
to cashier
Give away
Get stamps
from others
How can we use this map?
This map gives insights on how to improve the loyalty program experience. We can not change the intrinsic motivation of
participants, but we can shape their behavior. By targeting participants opportunities and moments of truth we can improve their
experience and influence their collecting behavior.
How was this map created?
To uncover why and how people participate in loyalty programs we utilised various research methods. These methods include
context chatting, user interviews, Pulse UX tests, app statistics and transaction data. Both paper and digital programs were
studied: AH Kristalzegels (NL), AH Mes & Bestekzegels (NL), COOP Fontignac Knives (DK) and COOP Spiegelau Glasses (DK).
Made by: Miika, Lauren, Ricardo, Lotte,
Jan, Paul, Nikoleta, Arnoud, Ivo, Thiago,
Vivienne, Jeroen de Vrind, Jeroen Westen,
Rianne, Christian, Jaap, Karlijn, Jades,
Reinout, Holly, Anna and Emma.
A moment of truth is a
moment where a person
decides to stop or continue
with the program.
Collect actions are points
where a person performs
an action toward collecting
(different actions are
indicated with an icon).
Redeem actions show points
when the collector redeems.
Stop participation points
are when a collector decides
to stop participating. This
usually happens after a MOT
or a redeem action.
set feels as complete.” “I want to be sure to get my reward,
each time.”
“It’s all about the journey.” “Giving away quality rewards makes m
Realistic Rose participates because she really loves
the rewards. Rose sets small goals for herself that she’s
certain she can reach. She increases her collecting
by visiting the retailer more frequently, increasing
her basket size, buying BSO and sometimes asking
people to help her. She likes to get her reward as soon
as possible, so she knows that it is hers to keep. She
stops collecting after she has all the products she likes.
For Playful Peggy, the action of collecting is more
rewarding than the products themselves. She will
collect for almost anything. She is a loyal customer
of the retailer and will join the program almost
instinctively. Peggy has developed her own techniques
to speed up collecting, like smiling at the cashier and
paying attention to the program promotions. If the
reward she wants sells out, she will simply settle for
another reward.
Sweet Susan enjoys taking care of the people
loves, so she collect for her children and gr
children. She wants only the best for her family
expects the rewards to be of good quality. Su
doesn’t need the rewards herself, so she is less li
to be disappointed if the collecting goes slower t
expected or the reward is unavailable. Susan kn
enough people who would like to have a reward
she keeps collecting throughout the full program.
Helen, collecting is all or nothing. She
cipate in a program when the products
g she really likes. Her ambitions are often
her actual spending habits, so she will
iends and family to help her reach her
gh Helen wants the complete set or at
tems that fit together, so she will wait
nough points and redeem everything at
s just OK Enjoys collecting Really enjoys collecting Really enjoys collecting
The rewards are minor to the collecting itself The rewards should be good quality
She collects as much as she can, and when she has enoug
stamps she will ask her (grand)children what they want
She can change her mind about the rewards in a late stage
Continues till the end “I can always make someone happy with a reward”
Redeems one or multiple rewards each
Redeems one or multiple rewards e
gh Sets goals one by one
Redeems one (maybe two) rewards
at a time as soon as she has enough
She waits till she can redeem everything she
when she has reached her target She stops when she is satisfied, but she may never reach this
point within the duration of the program
She dreams about having the products
at home
She really wants to have the rewards
ion & behavior map?
he different motivations and behaviors of participants in our loyalty programs. By looking at what drives
hat shapes their behavior we can identify opportunities and moments of truth for specific types of participants.
How can we use this map?
This map gives insights on how to improve the loyalty program experience. We can not change the intrinsic motivation of
participants, but we can shape their behavior. By targeting participants opportunities and moments of truth we can improve their
experience and influence their collecting behavior.
How was this map created?
To uncover why and how people part
context chatting, user interviews, Pu
studied: AH Kristalzegels (NL), AH Me
Aspires to get full
set of rewards, but
does not expect it
Is afraid to be
Feb 15
Feb 18
Feb 21
Feb 24
Feb 27
Mar 2
Mar 5
Mar 8
Mar 11
Mar 14
Mar 17
Mar 20
Mar 23
Mar 26
Mar 29
Apr 1
Apr 4
Apr 7
Apr 10
Apr 13
Apr 16
Apr 19
Apr 22
Apr 25
Apr 28
May 1
May 4
May 7
May 10
May 13
May 16
May 19
May 22
May 25
"You have
collected enough
stamps to get
WMF cookware!"
"Pick up extra WMF
cookware at your
Superbrugsen store"
Journey of Realistic Rose
RLC 2016 - Getting Personal
Feb 15
Feb 18
Feb 21
Feb 24
Feb 27
Mar 2
Mar 5
Mar 8
Mar 11
Mar 14
Mar 17
Mar 20
Mar 23
Mar 26
Mar 29
Apr 1
Apr 4
Apr 7
Apr 10
Apr 13
Apr 16
Apr 19
Apr 22
Apr 25
Apr 28
May 1
May 4
May 7
May 10
May 13
May 16
May 19
May 22
May 25
"You have enough
stamps to pick up a
piece of WMF
cookware at your
Superbrugsen store"
"You're on track to
collect enough
stamps for four
pieces of WMF
"Pick up extra WMF
cookware at your
Superbrugsen store"
Solution for Realistic Rose
49% open rate of push messages
Tenfold higher app visits same day
+144% registrations after notification
+12% collectors after notification
+27% redeemers after notification
The Netherlands
Appie (AH)
The Netherlands
Big C
Alfa Mart
IceMobile: Worldwide experience with
a strong focus on Loyalty & Retail
RLC 2016 - Getting Personal
The Experience
Mapping process
GoPro visitor
Research made fast
Context Chat
Desk Research online & offline Interviews
RLC 2016 - Getting Personal
Not a black box but co-created
Our UX experts visualise your map
RLC 2016 - Getting Personal
When learning
about the
program: Joins
if she likes the
When learning
about the
program: Joins
if she likes the
When learning
about the
program: Joins if
the rewards are
good quality.
When halfway to his
first reward: Doubts if
he will collect enough to
redeem something.
Will stop IF he thinks he
is not going to collect
When learning
about the
program: Joins
if he needs
the rewards.
Midway through the
program: Doubts if he
will collect enough for
another reward.
Will stop IF he thinks
he is not going to
make it
When he has
collected enough
stamps: Checks
the rewards. He
stops cheerily IF
he doesn’t like
any of them
When he has
explored the entire
app & program:
Decides if he likes
more rewards. He
may become a
Laid-back Luke,
otherwise stops
When learning
about the
program: Joins
if there is an
“A whole set feels as complete.” “I want to be sure to get my reward,
each time.”
“It’s all about the journey.” “Giving away quality rewards makes me
“Collecting should be effortless.” “Digital collecting is cool!”
Realistic Rose participates because she really loves
the rewards. Rose sets small goals for herself that she’s
certain she can reach. She increases her collecting
by visiting the retailer more frequently, increasing
her basket size, buying BSO and sometimes asking
people to help her. She likes to get her reward as soon
as possible, so she knows that it is hers to keep. She
stops collecting after she has all the products she likes.
For Playful Peggy, the action of collecting is more
rewarding than the products themselves. She will
collect for almost anything. She is a loyal customer
of the retailer and will join the program almost
instinctively. Peggy has developed her own techniques
to speed up collecting, like smiling at the cashier and
paying attention to the program promotions. If the
reward she wants sells out, she will simply settle for
another reward.
Sweet Susan enjoys taking care of the people she
loves, so she collect for her children and grand
children. She wants only the best for her family and
expects the rewards to be of good quality. Susan
doesn’t need the rewards herself, so she is less likely
to be disappointed if the collecting goes slower than
expected or the reward is unavailable. Susan knows
enough people who would like to have a reward, so
she keeps collecting throughout the full program.
Laid-back Luke doesn’t like the activity of collecting,
but he needs the rewards. He thinks collecting should
be effortless and doesn’t want to think about the
program too much. He doubts from time to time
whether he is gonna make it but pleasant surprises
motivate him to continue. If he doesn’t forget, he
redeems the reward quite soon after having enough
Tech-savvy Ted likes the innovative nature of digital
collecting. He doesn’t care much about the rewards
and won’t change his shopping behavior for it. Ted
likes to be at the forefront of technology and feels
good when he is one of the first people to use a new
app or technology. When he first uses the app, he will
explore it and start collecting to see how it works. If
the products were more appealing to him, he would
be a Laid-back Luke (effortless collecting).
For Sky-high Helen, collecting is all or nothing. She
will only participate in a program when the products
are something she really likes. Her ambitions are often
greater than her actual spending habits, so she will
often enlist friends and family to help her reach her
goal. Sky-high Helen wants the complete set or at
least several items that fit together, so she will wait
until she has enough points and redeem everything at
Collecting is just OK Enjoys collecting Really enjoys collecting Really enjoys collecting
The rewards are minor to the collecting itself The rewards should be good quality
She collects as much as she can, and when she has enough
stamps she will ask her (grand)children what they want
She can change her mind about the rewards in a late stage
Continues till the end “I can always make someone happy with a reward”
Redeems one or multiple rewards each
Redeems one or multiple rewards each
She aims high Sets goals one by one
Redeems one (maybe two) rewards
at a time as soon as she has enough
She waits till she can redeem everything she
She stops when she has reached her target She stops when she is satisfied, but she may never reach this
point within the duration of the program
She dreams about having the products
at home
She really wants to have the rewards
Only likes the digital part of collecting, not the collecting itselfDoesn’t like collecting
Doens’t like or need the rewardsNeeds the rewards
Doesn’t have a goalHas a clear goal
Might redeem one item to see how it works in the appRedeems one or multiple rewards at a time when
he has enough stamps and remembers to redeem
Looses interest after he has explored the appStops when he has reached his goal
What is a motivation & behavior map?
This map shows the different motivations and behaviors of participants in our loyalty programs. By looking at what drives
participants and what shapes their behavior we can identify opportunities and moments of truth for specific types of participants.
Six collector types based on the collector’s
motivations for participating in a loyalty
program are identified.
Collectors have different motivations and
drivers that affect their participation in
loyalty programs. The ideal experience for
each participant will depend on why they
are participating.
in collecting
drawn to
when to stop
Collectors behave differently during a
loyalty program. The most important
points for collectors during a program.
How to read the diagram?
The bubbles indicate the different points
along the collectors’ journey. The bigger
the bubble, the more important it is for the
collector. By looking at the biggest bubbles
for a collector you can see what matters to
By reading the types from top to bottom
the order of the actions and moments in a
collector journey are explained. The points
are shown from top to bottom as they
occur in the collector’s journey. There are
four different points in a collector journey:
Size = importance to a
Set goal
Ask others
to help
basket size
Increase visit
Being nice
to cashier
Give away
Get stamps
from others
How can we use this map?
This map gives insights on how to improve the loyalty program experience. We can not change the intrinsic motivation of
participants, but we can shape their behavior. By targeting participants opportunities and moments of truth we can improve their
experience and influence their collecting behavior.
How was this map created?
To uncover why and how people participate in loyalty programs we utilised various research methods. These methods include
context chatting, user interviews, Pulse UX tests, app statistics and transaction data. Both paper and digital programs were
studied: AH Kristalzegels (NL), AH Mes & Bestekzegels (NL), COOP Fontignac Knives (DK) and COOP Spiegelau Glasses (DK).
Made by: Miika, Lauren, Ricardo, Lotte,
Jan, Paul, Nikoleta, Arnoud, Ivo, Thiago,
Vivienne, Jeroen de Vrind, Jeroen Westen,
Rianne, Christian, Jaap, Karlijn, Jades,
Reinout, Holly, Anna and Emma.
A moment of truth is a
moment where a person
decides to stop or continue
with the program.
Collect actions are points
where a person performs
an action toward collecting
(different actions are
indicated with an icon).
Redeem actions show points
when the collector redeems.
Stop participation points
are when a collector decides
to stop participating. This
usually happens after a MOT
or a redeem action.
Our UX experts visualise your map
RLC 2016 - Getting Personal
Choose your Evolution or Revolution!
RLC 2016 - Getting Personal
In conclusion
Mapping motivations to
create relevant experiences
Big data tells you what your customers do. Small data tells
you why. Getting personal is all about combining these two
kinds of data with Experience Mapping.
An Experience Map is unlike a traditional customer journey
because it contains: segmentation on motivation, a holistic
customer journey, and focuses on moments of truth.
Experience Mapping is a fast and effective co-creation
activity that empowers you to create an evolution or
revolution in your customer experience!
Thank you

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  • 1. Mapping motivations to create relevant experiences 3 OCTOBER 2016 ANNA WITTEMAN & HANS RUITENBERG
  • 2. RLC 2016 - Getting Personal Anna Witteman Head of UX Lab Hans Ruitenberg Associate Creative Director
  • 3. Plus The Netherlands Appie (AH) The Netherlands Azbuka Russia Carrefour France Big C Thailand Alfa Mart Indonesia IceMobile: Worldwide experience with a strong focus on Loyalty & Retail
  • 4. RLC 2016 - Getting Personal “Big Data is like teenage sex: everyone talks about it, nobody really knows how to do it, but everyone thinks everyone else is doing it, so everyone claims they are doing it.” - Dan Ariely
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  • 9. RLC 2016 - Getting Personal Leveraging big data with small data through Experience Mapping
  • 10. RLC 2016 - Getting Personal When learning about the program: Joins if she likes the rewards. MOT When learning about the program: Joins if she likes the rewards. MOT ;-) When learning about the program: Joins if the rewards are good quality. MOT When halfway to his first reward: Doubts if he will collect enough to redeem something. Will stop IF he thinks he is not going to collect enough. MOT MOT When learning about the program: Joins if he needs the rewards. MOT Midway through the program: Doubts if he will collect enough for another reward. Will stop IF he thinks he is not going to make it MOT MOT MOT When he has collected enough stamps: Checks the rewards. He stops cheerily IF he doesn’t like any of them When he has explored the entire app & program: Decides if he likes more rewards. He may become a Laid-back Luke, otherwise stops cheerily When learning about the program: Joins if there is an app. SKY-HIGH HELEN REALISTIC ROSE PLAYFUL PEGGY SWEET SUSAN LAID-BACK LUKE TECH-SAVVY TED “A whole set feels as complete.” “I want to be sure to get my reward, each time.” “It’s all about the journey.” “Giving away quality rewards makes me happy.” “Collecting should be effortless.” “Digital collecting is cool!” Realistic Rose participates because she really loves the rewards. Rose sets small goals for herself that she’s certain she can reach. She increases her collecting by visiting the retailer more frequently, increasing her basket size, buying BSO and sometimes asking people to help her. She likes to get her reward as soon as possible, so she knows that it is hers to keep. She stops collecting after she has all the products she likes. For Playful Peggy, the action of collecting is more rewarding than the products themselves. She will collect for almost anything. She is a loyal customer of the retailer and will join the program almost instinctively. Peggy has developed her own techniques to speed up collecting, like smiling at the cashier and paying attention to the program promotions. If the reward she wants sells out, she will simply settle for another reward. Sweet Susan enjoys taking care of the people she loves, so she collect for her children and grand children. She wants only the best for her family and expects the rewards to be of good quality. Susan doesn’t need the rewards herself, so she is less likely to be disappointed if the collecting goes slower than expected or the reward is unavailable. Susan knows enough people who would like to have a reward, so she keeps collecting throughout the full program. Laid-back Luke doesn’t like the activity of collecting, but he needs the rewards. He thinks collecting should be effortless and doesn’t want to think about the program too much. He doubts from time to time whether he is gonna make it but pleasant surprises motivate him to continue. If he doesn’t forget, he redeems the reward quite soon after having enough stamps. Tech-savvy Ted likes the innovative nature of digital collecting. He doesn’t care much about the rewards and won’t change his shopping behavior for it. Ted likes to be at the forefront of technology and feels good when he is one of the first people to use a new app or technology. When he first uses the app, he will explore it and start collecting to see how it works. If the products were more appealing to him, he would be a Laid-back Luke (effortless collecting). For Sky-high Helen, collecting is all or nothing. She will only participate in a program when the products are something she really likes. Her ambitions are often greater than her actual spending habits, so she will often enlist friends and family to help her reach her goal. Sky-high Helen wants the complete set or at least several items that fit together, so she will wait until she has enough points and redeem everything at once. Collecting is just OK Enjoys collecting Really enjoys collecting Really enjoys collecting The rewards are minor to the collecting itself The rewards should be good quality She collects as much as she can, and when she has enough stamps she will ask her (grand)children what they wantShe can change her mind about the rewards in a late stage Continues till the end “I can always make someone happy with a reward” Redeems one or multiple rewards each time Redeems one or multiple rewards each time She aims high Sets goals one by one Redeems one (maybe two) rewards at a time as soon as she has enough stampsShe waits till she can redeem everything she wants She stops when she has reached her target She stops when she is satisfied, but she may never reach this point within the duration of the program She dreams about having the products at home She really wants to have the rewards Only likes the digital part of collecting, not the collecting itself Doesn’t like collecting Doens’t like or need the rewards Needs the rewards Doesn’t have a goal Has a clear goal Might redeem one item to see how it works in the app Redeems one or multiple rewards at a time when he has enough stamps and remembers to redeem Looses interest after he has explored the app Stops when he has reached his goal JOY REWARD GOAL REDEEM END MOTIVATION & BEHAVIOR MAP: Stamps Program What is a motivation & behavior map? This map shows the different motivations and behaviors of participants in our loyalty programs. By looking at what drives participants and what shapes their behavior we can identify opportunities and moments of truth for specific types of participants. Six collector types based on the collector’s motivations for participating in a loyalty program are identified. Collectors have different motivations and drivers that affect their participation in loyalty programs. The ideal experience for each participant will depend on why they are participating. in collecting drawn to oriented pattern when to stop Collectors behave differently during a loyalty program. The most important points for collectors during a program. How to read the diagram? The bubbles indicate the different points along the collectors’ journey. The bigger the bubble, the more important it is for the collector. By looking at the biggest bubbles for a collector you can see what matters to them. By reading the types from top to bottom the order of the actions and moments in a collector journey are explained. The points are shown from top to bottom as they occur in the collector’s journey. There are four different points in a collector journey: Size = importance to a collector Set goal Ask others to help Increase basket size Increase visit frequency Being nice to cashier Explore app Give away reward Get stamps from others Buy BSO’s COLLECT ACTION REDEEM ACTION MOMENT OF TRUTH STOP PARTICIPATION How can we use this map? This map gives insights on how to improve the loyalty program experience. We can not change the intrinsic motivation of participants, but we can shape their behavior. By targeting participants opportunities and moments of truth we can improve their experience and influence their collecting behavior. How was this map created? To uncover why and how people participate in loyalty programs we utilised various research methods. These methods include context chatting, user interviews, Pulse UX tests, app statistics and transaction data. Both paper and digital programs were studied: AH Kristalzegels (NL), AH Mes & Bestekzegels (NL), COOP Fontignac Knives (DK) and COOP Spiegelau Glasses (DK). Made by: Miika, Lauren, Ricardo, Lotte, Jan, Paul, Nikoleta, Arnoud, Ivo, Thiago, Vivienne, Jeroen de Vrind, Jeroen Westen, Rianne, Christian, Jaap, Karlijn, Jades, Reinout, Holly, Anna and Emma. COLLECTOR TYPES MOTIVATION BEHAVIOR ;-) MOT A moment of truth is a moment where a person decides to stop or continue with the program. Collect actions are points where a person performs an action toward collecting (different actions are indicated with an icon). Redeem actions show points when the collector redeems. Stop participation points are when a collector decides to stop participating. This usually happens after a MOT or a redeem action. Different Experience Maps
  • 11. RLC 2016 - Getting Personal Anatomy of an Experience Map Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris luctus enim eu ipsum suscipit porta. Mauris turpis dolor, volutpat a dignissim sed, dignissim vel purus. Nunc posuere eu nisi eget placerat. Phasellus aliquam at lacus sit amet dignissim. Nam elementum ut erat vel tempus. Nunc egestas maximus molestie. Pellentesque vel odio hendrerit, facilisis arcu a, viverra orci. Vivamus rutrum nibh vel laoreet accumsan. Etiam vitae odio convallis, pretium diam et, luctus eros. Donec ut imperdiet est. Insight Discount DianaHealthy Hanna Efficient Emma Trendy Tim Donec ut condimentum dui, sit amet volutpat nisl. Praesent vel leo lacus. Nam neque massa, placerat quis diam at, sollicitudin dignissim lacus. Praesent porta rhoncus nisl. Maecenas dignissim in sem et rutrum. Aliquam eu egestas libero. Praesent nec lobortis nisi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque rhoncus nibh nibh, vel dictum tortor semper dignissim. Nulla aliquam pulvinar nisl, egestas aliquam velit gravida et. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Phasellus fringilla ac justo vel viverra. Aliquam sodales diam at tempus vulputate. Mauris mattis posuere magna vitae commodo. Ut ultrices dapibus dolor eget convallis. Duis ac vestibulum sem, nec molestie nulla. Integer id aliquet arcu. Mauris ut metus eu augue accumsan pretium. Ut tristique mi in rutrum imperdiet. Maecenas nisi mauris, sagittis sit amet placerat quis, facilisis ut dolor. Quisque porttitor at arcu eu commodo. Etiam efficitur ante nec finibus placerat. Maecenas eu nisi ac ipsum pharetra venenatis in eget lorem. Proin augue elit, euismod eu leo sed, auctor laoreet lacus. In at justo id nulla tristique convallis. Quisque commodo augue nibh. In hendrerit nulla erat, sollicitudin blandit mi varius sed. Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Insight Fusce volutpat a eros at sodales. Mauris egestas dignissim mi, at ultrices metus malesuada pellentesque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec ultricies dolor elit, a convallis lectus convallis sit amet. Fusce rhoncus, elit et fringilla suscipit, neque orci sagittis odio, sit amet fermentum ex lacus sit amet dolor. Insight Suspendisse rhoncus nec leo sed dignissim. Suspendisse dignissim erat sed dolor vulputate placerat. Mauris sagittis arcu ac lectus interdum lacinia. Donec feugiat orci quis tellus posuere eleifend. Insight Maecenas eu volutpat tortor. Vestibulum commodo sit amet ex vitae aliquet. Integer gravida felis egestas sollicitudin pharetra. Nullam in scelerisque nulla. Phasellus et velit ut lorem laoreet egestas vitae quis ligula. Maecenas congue, nisi eu tempus sollicitudin, quam erat finibus libero, eget vehicula felis ligula id libero. Insight Maecenas congue, nisi eu tempus sollicitudin, quam erat finibus libero, eget vehicula felis ligula id libero. Ut a lorem ac lectus dictum sollicitudin. Maecenas vulputate nulla eu velit tincidunt auctor. Proin fermentum commodo laoreet. C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Experience_Map_Generic.pdf 1 27/09/16 14:49 Anatomy of an Experience Map (Customer Journey 2.0)
  • 12. RLC 2016 - Getting Personal Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris luctus enim eu ipsum suscipit porta. Mauris turpis dolor, volutpat a dignissim sed, dignissim vel purus. Nunc posuere eu nisi eget placerat. Phasellus aliquam at lacus sit amet dignissim. Nam elementum ut erat vel tempus. Nunc egestas maximus molestie. Pellentesque vel odio hendrerit, facilisis arcu a, viverra orci. Vivamus rutrum nibh vel laoreet accumsan. Etiam vitae odio convallis, pretium diam et, luctus eros. Donec ut imperdiet est. Discount Diana Healthy Hanna Efficient Emma Trendy Tim Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque rhoncus nibh nibh, vel dictum tortor semper dignissim. Nulla aliquam pulvinar nisl, egestas aliquam velit gravida et. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Phasellus fringilla ac justo vel viverra. Aliquam sodales diam at tempus vulputate. Mauris mattis posuere magna vitae commodo. Ut ultrices dapibus dolor eget convallis. Duis ac vestibulum sem, nec molestie nulla. Integer id aliquet arcu. Mauris ut metus eu augue accumsan pretium. Ut tristique mi in rutrum imperdiet. Maecenas nisi mauris, sagittis sit amet placerat quis, facilisis ut dolor. Quisque porttitor at arcu eu commodo. Etiam efficitur ante nec finibus placerat. Maecenas eu nisi ac ipsum pharetra venenatis in eget lorem. Proin augue elit, euismod eu leo sed, auctor laoreet lacus. In at justo id nulla tristique convallis. Quisque commodo augue nibh. In hendrerit nulla erat, sollicitudin blandit mi varius sed. 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Segmentation on Motivation instead of behaviour
  • 13. RLC 2016 - Getting Personal Anatomy of an Experience Map Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris luctus enim eu ipsum suscipit porta. Mauris turpis dolor, volutpat a dignissim sed, dignissim vel purus. Nunc posuere eu nisi eget placerat. Phasellus aliquam at lacus sit amet dignissim. Nam elementum ut erat vel tempus. Nunc egestas maximus molestie. Pellentesque vel odio hendrerit, facilisis arcu a, viverra orci. Vivamus rutrum nibh vel laoreet accumsan. Etiam vitae odio convallis, pretium diam et, luctus eros. Donec ut imperdiet est. Insight Discount DianaHealthy Hanna Efficient Emma Trendy Tim Donec ut condimentum dui, sit amet volutpat nisl. Praesent vel leo lacus. Nam neque massa, placerat quis diam at, sollicitudin dignissim lacus. Praesent porta rhoncus nisl. Maecenas dignissim in sem et rutrum. Aliquam eu egestas libero. Praesent nec lobortis nisi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque rhoncus nibh nibh, vel dictum tortor semper dignissim. Nulla aliquam pulvinar nisl, egestas aliquam velit gravida et. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Phasellus fringilla ac justo vel viverra. Aliquam sodales diam at tempus vulputate. Mauris mattis posuere magna vitae commodo. Ut ultrices dapibus dolor eget convallis. Duis ac vestibulum sem, nec molestie nulla. Integer id aliquet arcu. Mauris ut metus eu augue accumsan pretium. Ut tristique mi in rutrum imperdiet. Maecenas nisi mauris, sagittis sit amet placerat quis, facilisis ut dolor. Quisque porttitor at arcu eu commodo. Etiam efficitur ante nec finibus placerat. Maecenas eu nisi ac ipsum pharetra venenatis in eget lorem. Proin augue elit, euismod eu leo sed, auctor laoreet lacus. In at justo id nulla tristique convallis. Quisque commodo augue nibh. In hendrerit nulla erat, sollicitudin blandit mi varius sed. Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Insight Fusce volutpat a eros at sodales. Mauris egestas dignissim mi, at ultrices metus malesuada pellentesque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec ultricies dolor elit, a convallis lectus convallis sit amet. Fusce rhoncus, elit et fringilla suscipit, neque orci sagittis odio, sit amet fermentum ex lacus sit amet dolor. Insight Suspendisse rhoncus nec leo sed dignissim. Suspendisse dignissim erat sed dolor vulputate placerat. Mauris sagittis arcu ac lectus interdum lacinia. Donec feugiat orci quis tellus posuere eleifend. Insight Maecenas eu volutpat tortor. Vestibulum commodo sit amet ex vitae aliquet. Integer gravida felis egestas sollicitudin pharetra. Nullam in scelerisque nulla. Phasellus et velit ut lorem laoreet egestas vitae quis ligula. Maecenas congue, nisi eu tempus sollicitudin, quam erat finibus libero, eget vehicula felis ligula id libero. Insight Maecenas congue, nisi eu tempus sollicitudin, quam erat finibus libero, eget vehicula felis ligula id libero. Ut a lorem ac lectus dictum sollicitudin. Maecenas vulputate nulla eu velit tincidunt auctor. Proin fermentum commodo laoreet. C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Experience_Map_Generic.pdf 1 27/09/16 14:49
  • 14. RLC 2016 - Getting Personal Anatomy of an Experience Map Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris luctus enim eu ipsum suscipit porta. Mauris turpis dolor, volutpat a dignissim sed, dignissim vel purus. Nunc posuere eu nisi eget placerat. Phasellus aliquam at lacus sit amet dignissim. Nam elementum ut erat vel tempus. Nunc egestas maximus molestie. Pellentesque vel odio hendrerit, facilisis arcu a, viverra orci. Vivamus rutrum nibh vel laoreet accumsan. Etiam vitae odio convallis, pretium diam et, luctus eros. Donec ut imperdiet est. Discount DianaHealthy Hanna Efficient Emma Trendy Tim Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque rhoncus nibh nibh, vel dictum tortor semper dignissim. Nulla aliquam pulvinar nisl, egestas aliquam velit gravida et. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Phasellus fringilla ac justo vel viverra. Aliquam sodales diam at tempus vulputate. Mauris mattis posuere magna vitae commodo. Ut ultrices dapibus dolor eget convallis. Duis ac vestibulum sem, nec molestie nulla. Integer id aliquet arcu. Mauris ut metus eu augue accumsan pretium. Ut tristique mi in rutrum imperdiet. Maecenas nisi mauris, sagittis sit amet placerat quis, facilisis ut dolor. Quisque porttitor at arcu eu commodo. Etiam efficitur ante nec finibus placerat. Maecenas eu nisi ac ipsum pharetra venenatis in eget lorem. Proin augue elit, euismod eu leo sed, auctor laoreet lacus. In at justo id nulla tristique convallis. Quisque commodo augue nibh. In hendrerit nulla erat, sollicitudin blandit mi varius sed. Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Holistic customer journey
  • 15. RLC 2016 - Getting Personal Anatomy of an Experience Map Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris luctus enim eu ipsum suscipit porta. Mauris turpis dolor, volutpat a dignissim sed, dignissim vel purus. Nunc posuere eu nisi eget placerat. Phasellus aliquam at lacus sit amet dignissim. Nam elementum ut erat vel tempus. Nunc egestas maximus molestie. Pellentesque vel odio hendrerit, facilisis arcu a, viverra orci. Vivamus rutrum nibh vel laoreet accumsan. Etiam vitae odio convallis, pretium diam et, luctus eros. Donec ut imperdiet est. Insight Discount DianaHealthy Hanna Efficient Emma Trendy Tim Donec ut condimentum dui, sit amet volutpat nisl. Praesent vel leo lacus. Nam neque massa, placerat quis diam at, sollicitudin dignissim lacus. Praesent porta rhoncus nisl. Maecenas dignissim in sem et rutrum. Aliquam eu egestas libero. Praesent nec lobortis nisi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque rhoncus nibh nibh, vel dictum tortor semper dignissim. Nulla aliquam pulvinar nisl, egestas aliquam velit gravida et. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Phasellus fringilla ac justo vel viverra. Aliquam sodales diam at tempus vulputate. Mauris mattis posuere magna vitae commodo. Ut ultrices dapibus dolor eget convallis. Duis ac vestibulum sem, nec molestie nulla. Integer id aliquet arcu. Mauris ut metus eu augue accumsan pretium. Ut tristique mi in rutrum imperdiet. Maecenas nisi mauris, sagittis sit amet placerat quis, facilisis ut dolor. Quisque porttitor at arcu eu commodo. Etiam efficitur ante nec finibus placerat. Maecenas eu nisi ac ipsum pharetra venenatis in eget lorem. Proin augue elit, euismod eu leo sed, auctor laoreet lacus. In at justo id nulla tristique convallis. Quisque commodo augue nibh. In hendrerit nulla erat, sollicitudin blandit mi varius sed. Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Insight Fusce volutpat a eros at sodales. Mauris egestas dignissim mi, at ultrices metus malesuada pellentesque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec ultricies dolor elit, a convallis lectus convallis sit amet. Fusce rhoncus, elit et fringilla suscipit, neque orci sagittis odio, sit amet fermentum ex lacus sit amet dolor. Insight Suspendisse rhoncus nec leo sed dignissim. Suspendisse dignissim erat sed dolor vulputate placerat. Mauris sagittis arcu ac lectus interdum lacinia. Donec feugiat orci quis tellus posuere eleifend. Insight Maecenas eu volutpat tortor. Vestibulum commodo sit amet ex vitae aliquet. Integer gravida felis egestas sollicitudin pharetra. Nullam in scelerisque nulla. Phasellus et velit ut lorem laoreet egestas vitae quis ligula. Maecenas congue, nisi eu tempus sollicitudin, quam erat finibus libero, eget vehicula felis ligula id libero. Insight Maecenas congue, nisi eu tempus sollicitudin, quam erat finibus libero, eget vehicula felis ligula id libero. Ut a lorem ac lectus dictum sollicitudin. Maecenas vulputate nulla eu velit tincidunt auctor. Proin fermentum commodo laoreet. C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Experience_Map_Generic.pdf 1 27/09/16 14:49
  • 16. RLC 2016 - Getting Personal Insight Donec ut condimentum dui, sit amet volutpatnisl. Praesent vel leo lacus. Nam neque massa,placerat quis diam at, sollicitudin dignissimlacus. Praesent porta rhoncus nisl. Maecenasdignissim in sem et rutrum. Aliquam euegestas libero. Praesent nec lobortis nisi. Insight Fusce volutpat a eros at sodales. Maurisegestas dignissim mi, at ultrices metusmalesuada pellentesque. In hac habitasseplatea dictumst. Donec ultricies dolor elit, aconvallis lectus convallis sit amet. Fuscerhoncus, elit et fringilla suscipit, neque orcisagittis odio, sit amet fermentum ex lacus sitamet dolor. Insight Suspendisse rhoncus nec leo sed dignissim.Suspendisse dignissim erat sed dolorvulputate placerat. Mauris sagittis arcu aclectus interdum lacinia. Donec feugiat orci quistellus posuere eleifend. Insig Maecenas eu commodo sit gravida felis e Nullam in scel ut lorem laore Maecenas con quam erat finib ligula id libero. C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Opportunities focused on Moments of Truth
  • 17. RLC 2016 - Getting Personal Anatomy of an Experience Map Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris luctus enim eu ipsum suscipit porta. Mauris turpis dolor, volutpat a dignissim sed, dignissim vel purus. Nunc posuere eu nisi eget placerat. Phasellus aliquam at lacus sit amet dignissim. Nam elementum ut erat vel tempus. Nunc egestas maximus molestie. Pellentesque vel odio hendrerit, facilisis arcu a, viverra orci. Vivamus rutrum nibh vel laoreet accumsan. Etiam vitae odio convallis, pretium diam et, luctus eros. Donec ut imperdiet est. Insight Discount DianaHealthy Hanna Efficient Emma Trendy Tim Donec ut condimentum dui, sit amet volutpat nisl. Praesent vel leo lacus. Nam neque massa, placerat quis diam at, sollicitudin dignissim lacus. Praesent porta rhoncus nisl. Maecenas dignissim in sem et rutrum. Aliquam eu egestas libero. Praesent nec lobortis nisi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque rhoncus nibh nibh, vel dictum tortor semper dignissim. Nulla aliquam pulvinar nisl, egestas aliquam velit gravida et. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Phasellus fringilla ac justo vel viverra. Aliquam sodales diam at tempus vulputate. Mauris mattis posuere magna vitae commodo. Ut ultrices dapibus dolor eget convallis. Duis ac vestibulum sem, nec molestie nulla. Integer id aliquet arcu. Mauris ut metus eu augue accumsan pretium. Ut tristique mi in rutrum imperdiet. Maecenas nisi mauris, sagittis sit amet placerat quis, facilisis ut dolor. Quisque porttitor at arcu eu commodo. Etiam efficitur ante nec finibus placerat. Maecenas eu nisi ac ipsum pharetra venenatis in eget lorem. Proin augue elit, euismod eu leo sed, auctor laoreet lacus. In at justo id nulla tristique convallis. Quisque commodo augue nibh. In hendrerit nulla erat, sollicitudin blandit mi varius sed. Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Insight Fusce volutpat a eros at sodales. Mauris egestas dignissim mi, at ultrices metus malesuada pellentesque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec ultricies dolor elit, a convallis lectus convallis sit amet. Fusce rhoncus, elit et fringilla suscipit, neque orci sagittis odio, sit amet fermentum ex lacus sit amet dolor. Insight Suspendisse rhoncus nec leo sed dignissim. Suspendisse dignissim erat sed dolor vulputate placerat. Mauris sagittis arcu ac lectus interdum lacinia. Donec feugiat orci quis tellus posuere eleifend. Insight Maecenas eu volutpat tortor. Vestibulum commodo sit amet ex vitae aliquet. Integer gravida felis egestas sollicitudin pharetra. Nullam in scelerisque nulla. Phasellus et velit ut lorem laoreet egestas vitae quis ligula. Maecenas congue, nisi eu tempus sollicitudin, quam erat finibus libero, eget vehicula felis ligula id libero. Insight Maecenas congue, nisi eu tempus sollicitudin, quam erat finibus libero, eget vehicula felis ligula id libero. Ut a lorem ac lectus dictum sollicitudin. Maecenas vulputate nulla eu velit tincidunt auctor. Proin fermentum commodo laoreet. C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Experience_Map_Generic.pdf 1 27/09/16 14:49
  • 18. The three elements of an Experience Map 1. Segmentation on motivation instead of behaviour and demographics 2. Holistic customer journey focused on the experience instead of channels 3. Leverage moments of truth with actionable opportunities
  • 19. RLC 2016 - Getting Personal Experience Mapping case studies
  • 21. z Maintenance & Support Retailer Systems (POS, ERP, CRM, PIM, etc.) Web Business Intelligence User Engagement Tool (push, chat, email) Customer Service Tool Apps BRIGHT LOYALTY PLATFORM Social API Chat platforms
  • 22.
  • 23. When learning about the program: Joins if she likes the rewards. MOT When learning about the program: Joins if she likes the rewards. MOT ;-) When learning about the program: Joins if the rewards are good quality. MOT When halfway to his first reward: Doubts if he will collect enough to redeem something. Will stop IF he thinks he is not going to collect enough. MOT MOT When learning about the program: Joins if he needs the rewards. MOT Midway through the program: Doubts if he will collect enough for another reward. Will stop IF he thinks he is not going to make it MOT MOT MOT When he has collected enough stamps: Checks the rewards. He stops cheerily IF he doesn’t like any of them When he has explored the entire app & program: Decides if he likes more rewards. He may become a Laid-back Luke, otherwise stops cheerily When learning about the program: Joins if there is an app. SKY-HIGH HELEN REALISTIC ROSE PLAYFUL PEGGY SWEET SUSAN LAID-BACK LUKE TECH-SAVVY TED “A whole set feels as complete.” “I want to be sure to get my reward, each time.” “It’s all about the journey.” “Giving away quality rewards makes me happy.” “Collecting should be effortless.” “Digital collecting is cool!” Realistic Rose participates because she really loves the rewards. Rose sets small goals for herself that she’s certain she can reach. She increases her collecting by visiting the retailer more frequently, increasing her basket size, buying BSO and sometimes asking people to help her. She likes to get her reward as soon as possible, so she knows that it is hers to keep. She stops collecting after she has all the products she likes. For Playful Peggy, the action of collecting is more rewarding than the products themselves. She will collect for almost anything. She is a loyal customer of the retailer and will join the program almost instinctively. Peggy has developed her own techniques to speed up collecting, like smiling at the cashier and paying attention to the program promotions. If the reward she wants sells out, she will simply settle for another reward. Sweet Susan enjoys taking care of the people she loves, so she collect for her children and grand children. She wants only the best for her family and expects the rewards to be of good quality. Susan doesn’t need the rewards herself, so she is less likely to be disappointed if the collecting goes slower than expected or the reward is unavailable. Susan knows enough people who would like to have a reward, so she keeps collecting throughout the full program. Laid-back Luke doesn’t like the activity of collecting, but he needs the rewards. He thinks collecting should be effortless and doesn’t want to think about the program too much. He doubts from time to time whether he is gonna make it but pleasant surprises motivate him to continue. If he doesn’t forget, he redeems the reward quite soon after having enough stamps. Tech-savvy Ted likes the innovative nature of digital collecting. He doesn’t care much about the rewards and won’t change his shopping behavior for it. Ted likes to be at the forefront of technology and feels good when he is one of the first people to use a new app or technology. When he first uses the app, he will explore it and start collecting to see how it works. If the products were more appealing to him, he would be a Laid-back Luke (effortless collecting). For Sky-high Helen, collecting is all or nothing. She will only participate in a program when the products are something she really likes. Her ambitions are often greater than her actual spending habits, so she will often enlist friends and family to help her reach her goal. Sky-high Helen wants the complete set or at least several items that fit together, so she will wait until she has enough points and redeem everything at once. Collecting is just OK Enjoys collecting Really enjoys collecting Really enjoys collecting The rewards are minor to the collecting itself The rewards should be good quality She collects as much as she can, and when she has enough stamps she will ask her (grand)children what they want She can change her mind about the rewards in a late stage Continues till the end “I can always make someone happy with a reward” Redeems one or multiple rewards each time Redeems one or multiple rewards each time She aims high Sets goals one by one Redeems one (maybe two) rewards at a time as soon as she has enough stamps She waits till she can redeem everything she wants She stops when she has reached her target She stops when she is satisfied, but she may never reach this point within the duration of the program She dreams about having the products at home She really wants to have the rewards Only likes the digital part of collecting, not the collecting itselfDoesn’t like collecting Doens’t like or need the rewardsNeeds the rewards Doesn’t have a goalHas a clear goal Might redeem one item to see how it works in the appRedeems one or multiple rewards at a time when he has enough stamps and remembers to redeem Looses interest after he has explored the appStops when he has reached his goal JOY REWARD GOAL REDEEM END MOTIVATION & BEHAVIOR MAP: Stamps Program What is a motivation & behavior map? This map shows the different motivations and behaviors of participants in our loyalty programs. By looking at what drives participants and what shapes their behavior we can identify opportunities and moments of truth for specific types of participants. Six collector types based on the collector’s motivations for participating in a loyalty program are identified. Collectors have different motivations and drivers that affect their participation in loyalty programs. The ideal experience for each participant will depend on why they are participating. in collecting drawn to oriented pattern when to stop Collectors behave differently during a loyalty program. The most important points for collectors during a program. How to read the diagram? The bubbles indicate the different points along the collectors’ journey. The bigger the bubble, the more important it is for the collector. By looking at the biggest bubbles for a collector you can see what matters to them. By reading the types from top to bottom the order of the actions and moments in a collector journey are explained. The points are shown from top to bottom as they occur in the collector’s journey. There are four different points in a collector journey: Size = importance to a collector Set goal Ask others to help Increase basket size Increase visit frequency Being nice to cashier Explore app Give away reward Get stamps from others Buy BSO’s COLLECT ACTION REDEEM ACTION MOMENT OF TRUTH STOP PARTICIPATION How can we use this map? This map gives insights on how to improve the loyalty program experience. We can not change the intrinsic motivation of participants, but we can shape their behavior. By targeting participants opportunities and moments of truth we can improve their experience and influence their collecting behavior. How was this map created? To uncover why and how people participate in loyalty programs we utilised various research methods. These methods include context chatting, user interviews, Pulse UX tests, app statistics and transaction data. Both paper and digital programs were studied: AH Kristalzegels (NL), AH Mes & Bestekzegels (NL), COOP Fontignac Knives (DK) and COOP Spiegelau Glasses (DK). Made by: Miika, Lauren, Ricardo, Lotte, Jan, Paul, Nikoleta, Arnoud, Ivo, Thiago, Vivienne, Jeroen de Vrind, Jeroen Westen, Rianne, Christian, Jaap, Karlijn, Jades, Reinout, Holly, Anna and Emma. COLLECTOR TYPES MOTIVATION BEHAVIOR ;-) MOT A moment of truth is a moment where a person decides to stop or continue with the program. Collect actions are points where a person performs an action toward collecting (different actions are indicated with an icon). Redeem actions show points when the collector redeems. Stop participation points are when a collector decides to stop participating. This usually happens after a MOT or a redeem action.
  • 24. When learning about the program: Joins if she likes the rewards. MOT When learning about the program: Joins if she likes the rewards. MOT ;-) When learning about the program: Joins if the rewards are good quality. MOT When halfway to his first reward: Doubts if he will collect enough to redeem something. Will stop IF he thinks he is not going to collect enough. MOT MOT When learning about the program: Joins if he needs the rewards. MOT Midway through the program: Doubts if he will collect enough for another reward. Will stop IF he thinks he is not going to make it MOT MOT MOT When he has collected enough stamps: Checks the rewards. He stops cheerily IF he doesn’t like any of them When he has explored the entire app & program: Decides if he likes more rewards. He may become a Laid-back Luke, otherwise stops cheerily When learning about the program: Joins if there is an app. SKY-HIGH HELEN REALISTIC ROSE PLAYFUL PEGGY SWEET SUSAN LAID-BACK LUKE TECH-SAVVY TED “A whole set feels as complete.” “I want to be sure to get my reward, each time.” “It’s all about the journey.” “Giving away quality rewards makes me happy.” “Collecting should be effortless.” “Digital collecting is cool!” Realistic Rose participates because she really loves the rewards. Rose sets small goals for herself that she’s certain she can reach. She increases her collecting by visiting the retailer more frequently, increasing her basket size, buying BSO and sometimes asking people to help her. She likes to get her reward as soon as possible, so she knows that it is hers to keep. She stops collecting after she has all the products she likes. For Playful Peggy, the action of collecting is more rewarding than the products themselves. She will collect for almost anything. She is a loyal customer of the retailer and will join the program almost instinctively. Peggy has developed her own techniques to speed up collecting, like smiling at the cashier and paying attention to the program promotions. If the reward she wants sells out, she will simply settle for another reward. Sweet Susan enjoys taking care of the people she loves, so she collect for her children and grand children. She wants only the best for her family and expects the rewards to be of good quality. Susan doesn’t need the rewards herself, so she is less likely to be disappointed if the collecting goes slower than expected or the reward is unavailable. Susan knows enough people who would like to have a reward, so she keeps collecting throughout the full program. Laid-back Luke doesn’t like the activity of collecting, but he needs the rewards. He thinks collecting should be effortless and doesn’t want to think about the program too much. He doubts from time to time whether he is gonna make it but pleasant surprises motivate him to continue. If he doesn’t forget, he redeems the reward quite soon after having enough stamps. Tech-savvy Ted likes the innovative nature of digital collecting. He doesn’t care much about the rewards and won’t change his shopping behavior for it. Ted likes to be at the forefront of technology and feels good when he is one of the first people to use a new app or technology. When he first uses the app, he will explore it and start collecting to see how it works. If the products were more appealing to him, he would be a Laid-back Luke (effortless collecting). For Sky-high Helen, collecting is all or nothing. She will only participate in a program when the products are something she really likes. Her ambitions are often greater than her actual spending habits, so she will often enlist friends and family to help her reach her goal. Sky-high Helen wants the complete set or at least several items that fit together, so she will wait until she has enough points and redeem everything at once. Collecting is just OK Enjoys collecting Really enjoys collecting Really enjoys collecting The rewards are minor to the collecting itself The rewards should be good quality She collects as much as she can, and when she has enough stamps she will ask her (grand)children what they want She can change her mind about the rewards in a late stage Continues till the end “I can always make someone happy with a reward” Redeems one or multiple rewards each time Redeems one or multiple rewards each time She aims high Sets goals one by one Redeems one (maybe two) rewards at a time as soon as she has enough stamps She waits till she can redeem everything she wants She stops when she has reached her target She stops when she is satisfied, but she may never reach this point within the duration of the program She dreams about having the products at home She really wants to have the rewards Only likes the digital part of collecting, not the collecting itselfDoesn’t like collecting Doens’t like or need the rewardsNeeds the rewards Doesn’t have a goalHas a clear goal Might redeem one item to see how it works in the appRedeems one or multiple rewards at a time when he has enough stamps and remembers to redeem Looses interest after he has explored the appStops when he has reached his goal JOY REWARD GOAL REDEEM END MOTIVATION & BEHAVIOR MAP: Stamps Program What is a motivation & behavior map? This map shows the different motivations and behaviors of participants in our loyalty programs. By looking at what drives participants and what shapes their behavior we can identify opportunities and moments of truth for specific types of participants. Six collector types based on the collector’s motivations for participating in a loyalty program are identified. Collectors have different motivations and drivers that affect their participation in loyalty programs. The ideal experience for each participant will depend on why they are participating. in collecting drawn to oriented pattern when to stop Collectors behave differently during a loyalty program. The most important points for collectors during a program. How to read the diagram? The bubbles indicate the different points along the collectors’ journey. The bigger the bubble, the more important it is for the collector. By looking at the biggest bubbles for a collector you can see what matters to them. By reading the types from top to bottom the order of the actions and moments in a collector journey are explained. The points are shown from top to bottom as they occur in the collector’s journey. There are four different points in a collector journey: Size = importance to a collector Set goal Ask others to help Increase basket size Increase visit frequency Being nice to cashier Explore app Give away reward Get stamps from others Buy BSO’s COLLECT ACTION REDEEM ACTION MOMENT OF TRUTH STOP PARTICIPATION How can we use this map? This map gives insights on how to improve the loyalty program experience. We can not change the intrinsic motivation of participants, but we can shape their behavior. By targeting participants opportunities and moments of truth we can improve their experience and influence their collecting behavior. How was this map created? To uncover why and how people participate in loyalty programs we utilised various research methods. These methods include context chatting, user interviews, Pulse UX tests, app statistics and transaction data. Both paper and digital programs were studied: AH Kristalzegels (NL), AH Mes & Bestekzegels (NL), COOP Fontignac Knives (DK) and COOP Spiegelau Glasses (DK). Made by: Miika, Lauren, Ricardo, Lotte, Jan, Paul, Nikoleta, Arnoud, Ivo, Thiago, Vivienne, Jeroen de Vrind, Jeroen Westen, Rianne, Christian, Jaap, Karlijn, Jades, Reinout, Holly, Anna and Emma. COLLECTOR TYPES MOTIVATION BEHAVIOR ;-) MOT A moment of truth is a moment where a person decides to stop or continue with the program. Collect actions are points where a person performs an action toward collecting (different actions are indicated with an icon). Redeem actions show points when the collector redeems. Stop participation points are when a collector decides to stop participating. This usually happens after a MOT or a redeem action. MOTMOT MOT GH HELEN REALISTIC ROSE PLAYFUL PEGGY SWEET SUSAN set feels as complete.” “I want to be sure to get my reward, each time.” “It’s all about the journey.” “Giving away quality rewards makes m happy.” Realistic Rose participates because she really loves the rewards. Rose sets small goals for herself that she’s certain she can reach. She increases her collecting by visiting the retailer more frequently, increasing her basket size, buying BSO and sometimes asking people to help her. She likes to get her reward as soon as possible, so she knows that it is hers to keep. She stops collecting after she has all the products she likes. For Playful Peggy, the action of collecting is more rewarding than the products themselves. She will collect for almost anything. She is a loyal customer of the retailer and will join the program almost instinctively. Peggy has developed her own techniques to speed up collecting, like smiling at the cashier and paying attention to the program promotions. If the reward she wants sells out, she will simply settle for another reward. Sweet Susan enjoys taking care of the people loves, so she collect for her children and gr children. She wants only the best for her family expects the rewards to be of good quality. Su doesn’t need the rewards herself, so she is less li to be disappointed if the collecting goes slower t expected or the reward is unavailable. Susan kn enough people who would like to have a reward she keeps collecting throughout the full program. Helen, collecting is all or nothing. She cipate in a program when the products g she really likes. Her ambitions are often her actual spending habits, so she will iends and family to help her reach her gh Helen wants the complete set or at tems that fit together, so she will wait nough points and redeem everything at s just OK Enjoys collecting Really enjoys collecting Really enjoys collecting The rewards are minor to the collecting itself The rewards should be good quality She collects as much as she can, and when she has enoug stamps she will ask her (grand)children what they want She can change her mind about the rewards in a late stage Continues till the end “I can always make someone happy with a reward” Redeems one or multiple rewards each time Redeems one or multiple rewards e time gh Sets goals one by one Redeems one (maybe two) rewards at a time as soon as she has enough stamps She waits till she can redeem everything she wants when she has reached her target She stops when she is satisfied, but she may never reach this point within the duration of the program She dreams about having the products at home She really wants to have the rewards OTIVATION & BEHAVIOR MAP: Stamps Program ion & behavior map? he different motivations and behaviors of participants in our loyalty programs. By looking at what drives hat shapes their behavior we can identify opportunities and moments of truth for specific types of participants. How can we use this map? This map gives insights on how to improve the loyalty program experience. We can not change the intrinsic motivation of participants, but we can shape their behavior. By targeting participants opportunities and moments of truth we can improve their experience and influence their collecting behavior. How was this map created? To uncover why and how people part context chatting, user interviews, Pu studied: AH Kristalzegels (NL), AH Me Aspires to get full set of rewards, but does not expect it Is afraid to be disappointed
  • 25.
  • 26. Feb 15 Feb 18 Feb 21 Feb 24 Feb 27 Mar 2 Mar 5 Mar 8 Mar 11 Mar 14 Mar 17 Mar 20 Mar 23 Mar 26 Mar 29 Apr 1 Apr 4 Apr 7 Apr 10 Apr 13 Apr 16 Apr 19 Apr 22 Apr 25 Apr 28 May 1 May 4 May 7 May 10 May 13 May 16 May 19 May 22 May 25 "You have collected enough stamps to get WMF cookware!" "Pick up extra WMF cookware at your Superbrugsen store" Journey of Realistic Rose
  • 27. RLC 2016 - Getting Personal Feb 15 Feb 18 Feb 21 Feb 24 Feb 27 Mar 2 Mar 5 Mar 8 Mar 11 Mar 14 Mar 17 Mar 20 Mar 23 Mar 26 Mar 29 Apr 1 Apr 4 Apr 7 Apr 10 Apr 13 Apr 16 Apr 19 Apr 22 Apr 25 Apr 28 May 1 May 4 May 7 May 10 May 13 May 16 May 19 May 22 May 25 "You have enough stamps to pick up a piece of WMF cookware at your Superbrugsen store" "You're on track to collect enough stamps for four pieces of WMF cookware" "Pick up extra WMF cookware at your Superbrugsen store" Solution for Realistic Rose
  • 28. Results 49% open rate of push messages Tenfold higher app visits same day +144% registrations after notification +12% collectors after notification +27% redeemers after notification
  • 29. Plus The Netherlands Appie (AH) The Netherlands Azbuka Russia Carrefour France Big C Thailand Alfa Mart Indonesia IceMobile: Worldwide experience with a strong focus on Loyalty & Retail
  • 30.
  • 31.
  • 32. RLC 2016 - Getting Personal The Experience Mapping process
  • 33. GoPro visitor Research made fast Context Chat Desk Research online & offline Interviews
  • 34. RLC 2016 - Getting Personal Not a black box but co-created
  • 35. Our UX experts visualise your map
  • 36. RLC 2016 - Getting Personal When learning about the program: Joins if she likes the rewards. MOT When learning about the program: Joins if she likes the rewards. MOT ;-) When learning about the program: Joins if the rewards are good quality. MOT When halfway to his first reward: Doubts if he will collect enough to redeem something. Will stop IF he thinks he is not going to collect enough. MOT MOT When learning about the program: Joins if he needs the rewards. MOT Midway through the program: Doubts if he will collect enough for another reward. Will stop IF he thinks he is not going to make it MOT MOT MOT When he has collected enough stamps: Checks the rewards. He stops cheerily IF he doesn’t like any of them When he has explored the entire app & program: Decides if he likes more rewards. He may become a Laid-back Luke, otherwise stops cheerily When learning about the program: Joins if there is an app. SKY-HIGH HELEN REALISTIC ROSE PLAYFUL PEGGY SWEET SUSAN LAID-BACK LUKE TECH-SAVVY TED “A whole set feels as complete.” “I want to be sure to get my reward, each time.” “It’s all about the journey.” “Giving away quality rewards makes me happy.” “Collecting should be effortless.” “Digital collecting is cool!” Realistic Rose participates because she really loves the rewards. Rose sets small goals for herself that she’s certain she can reach. She increases her collecting by visiting the retailer more frequently, increasing her basket size, buying BSO and sometimes asking people to help her. She likes to get her reward as soon as possible, so she knows that it is hers to keep. She stops collecting after she has all the products she likes. For Playful Peggy, the action of collecting is more rewarding than the products themselves. She will collect for almost anything. She is a loyal customer of the retailer and will join the program almost instinctively. Peggy has developed her own techniques to speed up collecting, like smiling at the cashier and paying attention to the program promotions. If the reward she wants sells out, she will simply settle for another reward. Sweet Susan enjoys taking care of the people she loves, so she collect for her children and grand children. She wants only the best for her family and expects the rewards to be of good quality. Susan doesn’t need the rewards herself, so she is less likely to be disappointed if the collecting goes slower than expected or the reward is unavailable. Susan knows enough people who would like to have a reward, so she keeps collecting throughout the full program. Laid-back Luke doesn’t like the activity of collecting, but he needs the rewards. He thinks collecting should be effortless and doesn’t want to think about the program too much. He doubts from time to time whether he is gonna make it but pleasant surprises motivate him to continue. If he doesn’t forget, he redeems the reward quite soon after having enough stamps. Tech-savvy Ted likes the innovative nature of digital collecting. He doesn’t care much about the rewards and won’t change his shopping behavior for it. Ted likes to be at the forefront of technology and feels good when he is one of the first people to use a new app or technology. When he first uses the app, he will explore it and start collecting to see how it works. If the products were more appealing to him, he would be a Laid-back Luke (effortless collecting). For Sky-high Helen, collecting is all or nothing. She will only participate in a program when the products are something she really likes. Her ambitions are often greater than her actual spending habits, so she will often enlist friends and family to help her reach her goal. Sky-high Helen wants the complete set or at least several items that fit together, so she will wait until she has enough points and redeem everything at once. Collecting is just OK Enjoys collecting Really enjoys collecting Really enjoys collecting The rewards are minor to the collecting itself The rewards should be good quality She collects as much as she can, and when she has enough stamps she will ask her (grand)children what they want She can change her mind about the rewards in a late stage Continues till the end “I can always make someone happy with a reward” Redeems one or multiple rewards each time Redeems one or multiple rewards each time She aims high Sets goals one by one Redeems one (maybe two) rewards at a time as soon as she has enough stamps She waits till she can redeem everything she wants She stops when she has reached her target She stops when she is satisfied, but she may never reach this point within the duration of the program She dreams about having the products at home She really wants to have the rewards Only likes the digital part of collecting, not the collecting itselfDoesn’t like collecting Doens’t like or need the rewardsNeeds the rewards Doesn’t have a goalHas a clear goal Might redeem one item to see how it works in the appRedeems one or multiple rewards at a time when he has enough stamps and remembers to redeem Looses interest after he has explored the appStops when he has reached his goal JOY REWARD GOAL REDEEM END MOTIVATION & BEHAVIOR MAP: Stamps Program What is a motivation & behavior map? This map shows the different motivations and behaviors of participants in our loyalty programs. By looking at what drives participants and what shapes their behavior we can identify opportunities and moments of truth for specific types of participants. Six collector types based on the collector’s motivations for participating in a loyalty program are identified. Collectors have different motivations and drivers that affect their participation in loyalty programs. The ideal experience for each participant will depend on why they are participating. in collecting drawn to oriented pattern when to stop Collectors behave differently during a loyalty program. The most important points for collectors during a program. How to read the diagram? The bubbles indicate the different points along the collectors’ journey. The bigger the bubble, the more important it is for the collector. By looking at the biggest bubbles for a collector you can see what matters to them. By reading the types from top to bottom the order of the actions and moments in a collector journey are explained. The points are shown from top to bottom as they occur in the collector’s journey. There are four different points in a collector journey: Size = importance to a collector Set goal Ask others to help Increase basket size Increase visit frequency Being nice to cashier Explore app Give away reward Get stamps from others Buy BSO’s COLLECT ACTION REDEEM ACTION MOMENT OF TRUTH STOP PARTICIPATION How can we use this map? This map gives insights on how to improve the loyalty program experience. We can not change the intrinsic motivation of participants, but we can shape their behavior. By targeting participants opportunities and moments of truth we can improve their experience and influence their collecting behavior. How was this map created? To uncover why and how people participate in loyalty programs we utilised various research methods. These methods include context chatting, user interviews, Pulse UX tests, app statistics and transaction data. Both paper and digital programs were studied: AH Kristalzegels (NL), AH Mes & Bestekzegels (NL), COOP Fontignac Knives (DK) and COOP Spiegelau Glasses (DK). Made by: Miika, Lauren, Ricardo, Lotte, Jan, Paul, Nikoleta, Arnoud, Ivo, Thiago, Vivienne, Jeroen de Vrind, Jeroen Westen, Rianne, Christian, Jaap, Karlijn, Jades, Reinout, Holly, Anna and Emma. COLLECTOR TYPES MOTIVATION BEHAVIOR ;-) MOT A moment of truth is a moment where a person decides to stop or continue with the program. Collect actions are points where a person performs an action toward collecting (different actions are indicated with an icon). Redeem actions show points when the collector redeems. Stop participation points are when a collector decides to stop participating. This usually happens after a MOT or a redeem action. Our UX experts visualise your map
  • 37. RLC 2016 - Getting Personal Choose your Evolution or Revolution!
  • 38. RLC 2016 - Getting Personal In conclusion
  • 39. Mapping motivations to create relevant experiences Big data tells you what your customers do. Small data tells you why. Getting personal is all about combining these two kinds of data with Experience Mapping. WHY WHAT HOW An Experience Map is unlike a traditional customer journey because it contains: segmentation on motivation, a holistic customer journey, and focuses on moments of truth. Experience Mapping is a fast and effective co-creation activity that empowers you to create an evolution or revolution in your customer experience!