SlideShare a Scribd company logo                                                                                                                                  Tuesday, August 28, 2012

                                                         FEATURED Q&A
                                                         Why Is Ecuador Protecting WikiLeaks' Julian Assange?
  Diego Arria                   Jon Huenemann
                                                                   Ecuador's foreign minister

  Director,                     Vice President,                                                                              applicant. In making its decision, Ecuador
  Columbus Group                U.S. & Int'l Affairs,              announced Aug. 16 that the South                          could not depart from its tradition of sol-
                                Philip Morris                      American country was granting                             idarity and commitment to the human
  Genaro Arriagada              International
  Nonresident Senior
                                                                   political asylum to WikiLeaks                             rights known as asylum and refuge. We are
  Fellow,                       James R. Jones           founder Julian Assange, who faces extra-                            aware that some have argued that this
  Inter-American                Co-chair,                dition to Sweden on sexual assault                                  decision will disrupt our relations with
  Dialogue                      Manatt Jones             charges. However, authorities in Britain,                           other countries. Indeed, the initial threat
                                Global Strategies LLC    where Assange has been holed up in                                  from the United Kingdom to violate the
  Joyce Chang
  Global Head of                Craig Kelly              Ecuador's embassy since June, have                                  sanctity of Ecuador's Embassy in London
  Emerging Markets              Vice President,          refused to grant Assange safe passage out                           had no standing in the fundamental val-
  Research, JPMorgan            The Cohen Group          of the country and threatened to revoke                             ues and norms of international law. As a
  Chase & Co.                                            the embassy's diplomatic status.                                    result, Ecuador has received support from
                                John Maisto
  W. Bowman Cutter              Director,                Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa said
  Former Partner,
                                                                                                                                                                 Continued on page 2
                                U.S. Education Finance   Sunday that Britain had withdrawn that
  E.M. Warburg                  Group
                                                         threat. What are Ecuador's motivations for
                                Nicolás Mariscal         granting asylum to Assange? How does
  Dirk Donath                   Chairman,                the decision affect Ecuador's relations
  Managing Director,            Grupo Marhnos            with Britain, the United States and other
  Eton Park Capital
  Management                    Thomas F.                countries? Are there larger implications of
                                McLarty III              Britain's threats to revoke the embassy's
  Jane Eddy                     President,               diplomatic status?
  Managing Director,            McLarty Associates
  Corporate & Govt.
                                                                   Nathalie     Cely,    Ecuador's

  Ratings Group,                Carlos Paz-Soldan
  Standard & Poor's             Partner,                           ambassador to the United
                                DTB Associates, LLP                States: "Many are discussing the
  Marlene Fernández
  Corporate Vice        Beatrice Rangel                            complicated Assange issue in a                              Colombia Opens 'Exploratory'
  President for         Director,                        very simple manner. Although personal                                 Peace Talks With FARC Rebels
  Government Relations, AMLA Consulting LLC              and political opinions about Mr. Assange
  Arcos Dorados                                          are as strong and diverse in Ecuador as                               Colombia's government has opened
                        José Antonio Ríos
  Jason Hafemeister Chief Executive Officer,             they are around the world, this decision                              "exploratory" peace talks with the
  Vice President,       Vadium Technology Inc.           was made only after careful consideration                             Revolutionary Armed Forces of
  Allen F. Johnson &                                     and intensive consultations with all par-                             Colombia, President Juan Manuel
                        Andrés Rozental
  Associates                                             ties involved. We followed the standard                               Santos announced Monday. Santos said
  Peter Hakim           Rozental & Asociados             procedure for asylum seekers under our                                the ELN rebels may participate as well.
  President Emeritus,   and Senior Fellow,               rule of law, international human rights                               See story on page 2.
  Inter-American        Brookings Institution            conventions and U.N. requirements. Mr.
  Dialogue                                                                                                                     Photo: Colombian Government.
                        Everett Santos                   Assange was treated as we would any other
  Donna Hrinak          President,
  Boeing Brazil
                        DALEC LLC                        Inside This Issue
                        Shelly Shetty
                        Head, Latin America              FEATURED Q&A: Why Is Ecuador                                        ECLAC Urges Latin American
                        Sovereign Ratings,               Protecting WikiLeaks' Julian Assange?.............1                 Countries to Boost Industry..................................3
                        Fitch Inc.-Start Content-
                                                         Colombia Opens 'Exploratory'                                        Chile's Codelco Eyes IPO
                                                         Peace Talks With FARC Rebels............................2           of International Unit ..............................................3
                                                         Daughter of Cuban Vice President                                    The Dialogue Continues: Would Another
                                                         Defects to United States .......................................2   Peace Accord Help Central America?. ..............3

Copyright © 2012, Inter-American Dialogue                                                                                                                                         Page 1 of 4
Inter-American Dialogue’s Latin America Advisor                                                         Tuesday, August 28, 2012

  NEWS BRIEFS                               Political News                                 attacks, kidnappings and drug trafficking.
                                                                                           "We will learn from the errors of the past
  Daughter of Cuban Vice President                                                         in order not to repeat them," said Santos.
  Defects to United States                  Colombia Opens 'Exploratory'                   Earlier on Monday, Venezuelan television
  The daughter of Cuban Vice                Peace Talks With FARC Rebels                   network Telesur reported that Colombian
  President Mariano Murillo defected                                                       officials had signed an agreement in
                                            Colombia's government has started              Havana to hold peace talks with the FARC
  earlier this month to the United
                                            "exploratory" peace talks with the coun-       in Oslo, Norway beginning in October.
  States and is currently living in
                                            try's main rebel group, the Revolutionary
  Tampa, Fla., The Miami Herald             Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC,
  reported Monday. Glenda Murillo           President Juan Manuel Santos announced
  Diaz, 24, entered the United States                                                           Colombia's military will
                                            Monday. "In the coming days the results of
  earlier this month at Laredo, Tex.,       the conversations with the FARC will              continue operating "on every
  and was admitted under the "wet-          become known," Santos said in a brief tel-        single centimeter of national
  foot, dry-foot" policy, which allows      evised speech, the Associated Press report-
  Cubans who set foot on dry land in        ed. Santos provided no other details, such           territory," said Santos.
  the United States to stay, unnamed        as when the talks started, what was dis-
  sources told the newspaper's sister       cussed or who participated. Santos' state-
  publication, El Nuevo Herald.             ment confirmed rumors that the govern-         Colombian officials declined to confirm
  Cuban President Raúl Castro last          ment had entered into talks with the           or deny the report. The day's develop-
                                            FARC that were purportedly held in Cuba.       ments drew criticism from Santos' hard-
  year put Mariano Murrillo in
                                            Santos did not confirm the location of the     line predecessor, Álvaro Uribe, who has
  charge of economic reforms on the         talks. Santos did say that Colombia's mili-    strongly objected to talks between the
  island.                                   tary would continue operating "on every        government and the FARC. "What it is
                                            single centimeter of national territory"       that we are going to negotiate?" Uribe said
  Mexico Holds 12 Police Officers
  After Embassy Car Shooting                during any peace process. The statement        to reporters Monday after Santos'
                                            was a reference to past peace talks with the   announcement. Peace talks would lead to
  As officials continue to investigate a    rebels in which the government ceded a         rebels taking seats in Congress and mili-
  shooting where Mexican federal            piece of land the size of Switzerland to the   tary officers being sent to prison, said
  police shot at a U.S. embassy car, a      guerrillas from 1999 to 2002. However,         Uribe. In his speech Monday, Santos also
  judge ordered 12 officers involved in     the talks collapsed as the FARC continued      said the National Liberation Army rebels
  the incident to be held for 40 days,       Featured Q&A
  Agence France-Presse reported. "No         Continued from page 1
  crime and no investigative leads are
                                                                                                     Andrés Rozental, member of

  being ruled out at the moment …             a united Latin America, as well as many
                                              others. Last week at the OAS, Ecuador                  the Advisor board, president of
  This is why we asked for provisional
                                              also received the support of its members               Rozental & Asociados in
  detention, so we have the time we           on this issue. We are pleased that the                 Mexico City and senior fellow
  need to carry out an exhaustive             United Kingdom has since stated in a         at the Brookings Institution: "In the first
  investigation," said Attorney General       letter that it will adhere to the Vienna     place, Mr. Assange cannot really be con-
  Marisela Morales Ibañez.                    Convention on Diplomatic Relations           sidered a political refugee. He is accused
                                              and respect the Ecuadorean Embassy's         of crimes in Sweden and the British
  Court Issues Preliminary Ruling             diplomatic immunity. As a result,            authorities have committed to extradite
  Resuming Belo Monte Work
                                              President Correa deems this matter           him so he can face his accusers in a
  Brazil's Supreme Court issued a pre-        overcome. Moving forward, we hope all        Swedish court. Assange appealed the
  liminary ruling on Monday that              countries will view our decision in the      extradition as far as British law allows
  overturns a previous decision that          appropriate context and make any deci-       and lost on each occasion. His decision
  had suspended construction on the           sions wisely and objectively. We remain      to seek refuge in a foreign embassy in
  Belo Monte dam, Agence France-              confident that our international rela-       London represents a last ditch effort to
                                              tionships will continue to develop and       avoid being sent to Sweden, from where
  Presse reported. A regional federal
                                              flourish. Principle and transparency,        he fears that he might be extradited to
  court had ruled that indigenous
                                              not political expediency, make a far bet-    the United States to face charges related
  communities were not granted their          ter foundation for stable and lasting        to the WikiLeaks case. Since American
  right to speak before Congress after        diplomatic relations."                       jurisprudence contemplates the death
  an environmental impact study was
  published.                                                                                                      Continued on page 4

Copyright © 2012, Inter-American Dialogue                                                                                   Page 2 of 4
Inter-American Dialogue’s Latin America Advisor                                                             Tuesday, August 28, 2012

group, or ELN, has also said it wants to
participate in peace talks. "They, too,                                The Dialogue Continues
could be part of this effort to end the con-
flict," said Santos.
                                                Would Another Peace Accord Help Central America?
Economic News

                                                          Aug. 7 marked the 25th               required level of political cooperation,
                                                          anniversary of the Esquipulas        it is difficult to see why another 'big
ECLAC Urges Latin American                                II Peace Accords, which              bang' presidential event would fare any
Countries to Boost Industry                               helped provide the frame-            differently. If anything, Central
                                                work to end years of conflict in Central       American history tends to suggest that
Countries in Latin America should               America. Speaking at the OAS, former           many of the most important achieve-
increase their investments in technology        Guatemalan President Vinicio Cerezo            ments of the region's integration—on
and other industries rather than relying        called for a new Esquipulas Accord to          issues ranging from customs to the
on    commodities, the         Economic         confront the issues that currently             interconnection of the electric grid—
Commission for Latin America and the            threaten the region's stability, arguing       tend to happen under the radar, far
Caribbean said in a report Monday.              that violence, corruption and inequality       from the spotlight, through the patient
Government investment in manufactur-            can only be mitigated by a cohesive            accumulation of small steps rather than
ing would help the region grow, said the        response from Central America's lead-          big declarations. This is probably the
U.N. agency known as ECLAC, Reuters             ers. Would signing an "Esquipulas III"         right approach for the future. Sadly,
reported. Many of the region's economies        be a good idea? In what ways has               there are no shortcuts to solve the
have benefitted from surging demand             Central America seen successes in              region's main problems—violence,
from China for raw materials and other          recent years, and which are its most           institutional weakness, low productivi-
exports, such as soy, grains and copper.        intractable problems? How should               ty, dismally low educational attainment,
However, ECLAC said the region's                weak institutions be strengthened?             extremely       high    socio-economic
economies must diversify in order to            What steps could leaders take to more          inequality, to name but a few. All these
withstand external shocks and reduce            effectively confront the region's crises?      issues demand the presence of state
poverty and inequality. Latin America                                                          institutions able to exert effective con-
                                                           Kevin Casas-Zamora, senior

experienced 3.8 percent annual growth on                                                       trol over the territory and adequately
average between 2001 and 2010, lagging                     fellow in the Latin America         provide public goods and services to the
behind emerging economies in Asia and                      Initiative at the Brookings         population. This is a tall order in most
Sub-Saharan Africa, ECLAC said in the                      Institution and former vice         of Central America, where fiscal weak-
report, which was presented at the body's       president of Costa Rica: "Esquipulas III       ness and unfairness are endemic. On
biennial meeting in El Salvador.                is an interesting concept, in principle.       average, tax collection in the isthmus is
                                                While it is true that many of the vexing       lower than in Latin America as a whole
Company News                                    challenges faced by Central America—
                                                notably the threat of organized crime—
                                                                                               and lower, even, than in Sub-Saharan
                                                                                               Africa. Progressive tax reform probably
                                                demand a concerted effort at the high-         holds the key to the future of Central
Chile's Codelco Eyes IPO                        est political level, let us not forget that    America, with or without a presidential
of International Unit                           one of distinct legacies of the peace          summit to declare it."
                                                accords of 25 years ago was precisely the
Chilean state-owned copper producer             discipline of holding regular presiden-
Codelco is considering an initial public        tial summits in the region. If those           Editor's note: The above is a continua-
offering of its international unit as it        summits—fully institutionalized by             tion of a Q&A published in Monday's
                    seeks to raise money        now—are not able to achieve the                issue of the Advisor.
                    for mining projects
                    outside of its home
                    country, the compa-        Codelco's balance sheet, nor capacity, to       maybe of capital market in its proprietary
                    ny's chief executive       take on debt to finance projects abroad,"       structure," he added. Other than a few
                    officer told Chilean       Keller told the newspaper, Reuters report-      exploration projects in other Latin
                    newspaper      Diario      ed. Codelco is planning to present a busi-      American countries, Codelco has little
                    Financiero in an           ness plan to its board by the end of the        presence outside Chile. The development
                    interview published        year, said Keller. "What we're thinking to      of Codelco's international unit was
Keller              Monday. "This is           start off with is to have this vehicle, which   delayed by the company's contract con-
File Photo: Codelco because there clearly      will be controlled by the corporation, and      flict with Anglo American, which the two
                    isn't    space     in      allow the entry of other partners and           sides settled last week, said Keller.

Copyright © 2012, Inter-American Dialogue                                                                                       Page 3 of 4
Inter-American Dialogue’s Latin America Advisor                                                                  Tuesday, August 28, 2012

                                                                                                                       -End Content-

Featured Q&A
Continued from page 2                                                                                  Latin America Advisor
                                                                                                     is published every business day by the
penalty for acts of treason, which Assange     that the United Kingdom is now stressing          Inter-American Dialogue, Copyright © 2012
is accused of committing when he               should have been the primary course of                              Erik Brand
released the Wikileaks material publicly,      action for a country that has lost influ-                   General Manager, Publishing
his argument for requesting asylum in a        ence and presence in South America, a               
foreign diplomatic mission is that he          region where it is keen to substitute a                             Gene Kuleta
fears for his life if Sweden ever decides to   diminished diplomatic profile for                                     Editor
send him to the United States. Assange         stronger trade relations. Against the               
obviously chose Ecuador's Embassy in           backdrop of the ongoing dispute with                               Rachel Sadon
London for two reasons: first, because                                                                       Reporter, Assistant Editor
political and diplomatic asylum are a                                                              
sacred institution among Latin American
countries and as a rule asylum requests
are granted, and secondly, given
                                               “ The need for quiet diplomacy                        Inter-American Dialogue
Ecuador's current government and a rel-         that the United Kingdom is now
atively hostile relationship with                stressing should have been the                             Michael Shifter, President
Washington, Assange correctly assumed                                                                    Peter Hakim, President Emeritus
that he would be granted asylum by a              primary course of action ...       ”            Genaro Arriagada, Nonresident Senior Fellow
country that is not on the friendliest                                     — Julia Buxton
                                                                                                      Sergio Bitar, Nonresident Senior Fellow
terms with the United States. The British
government's threats to withdraw diplo-                                                              Joan Caivano, Director, Special Projects
matic status from Ecuador's mission in                                                          Maria Darie, Director of Finance & Administration
London and enter the premises to arrest        Argentina over the Malvinas, Britain has                  Paul Isbell, Visiting Senior Fellow
Assange created such a negative reaction,      reinforced the perception it is an imperi-                  Claudio Loser, Senior Fellow
both inside the United Kingdom and             alist anachronism. The impact of this
                                                                                                      Nora Lustig, Nonresident Senior Fellow
abroad, that London was forced to retract      incident will be more heavily felt by the
them over the weekend. For the next step,      British. Aside from heightened regional                      Margaret Myers, Director,
                                                                                                        China and Latin America Program
one can only assume that British author-       antipathy toward the United Kingdom,
ities will begin a process of negotiation      British ambitions for opportunities in                 Manuel Orozco, Director, Remittances
                                                                                                          and Development Program
with Ecuador to try to resolve the             the Ecuadorean hydrocarbon sector will
impasse, but in the meantime, Mr.              likely be negatively affected. By contrast,              Tamara Ortega Goodspeed, Senior
                                                                                                             Associate, Education
Assange might become a semi-perma-             Ecuador is the toast of a sizeable section
nent guest of Ecuador's ambassador in          of progressive opinion in Britain, where            Jeffrey Puryear, Vice President, Social Policy
London while a solution is found. If the       Julian Assange is backed by high profile
Swedish government gives Assange guar-         supporters on the political left and right.
                                                                                               Latin America Advisor is published every
antees that he won't be sent to the United     Even opinion that is unsympathetic to           business day, except for major U.S. holidays, by
States, that might open the way for a way      Assange is uncomfortable with the threat        the Inter-American Dialogue at:
out."                                          to revoke Ecuador's diplomatic status.          1211 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 510
                                               The case of the Chinese dissident Chen          Washington, DC 20036
          Julia Buxton, senior research                                                        Phone: 202-822-9002 Fax: 202-822-9553

                                               Guangcheng is cited as evidence of
                                                                                      ISSN 2163-7962
          fellow in the department of          British hypocrisy and short sightedness
          peace studies at the University      on such a sensitive issue as political dissi-   Subscription Inquiries are welcomed at
          of Bradford in the United            dence. Having unexpectedly had the case
Kingdom: "Britain's threat to force entry      of Assange thrust upon him, Correa will
                                                                                               The opinions expressed by the members of the
into the Ecuadorean Embassy without            hope to reap the dividends of his pro-          Board of Advisors and by guest commentators do
consent was intended as a flexing of           human rights and anti-imperialist narra-        not necessarily represent those of the publisher. The
diplomatic muscles within the frame-           tive in his country's presidential election     analysis is the sole view of each Advisor and does not
                                                                                               necessarily represent the views of their respective
work of the Diplomatic and Consular            in six months' time."                           employers or firms. The information in this report
Premises Act of 1987. While Prime                                                              has been obtained from reliable sources, but neither
Minister David Cameron maintains                                                               its accuracy and completeness, nor the opinions
                                                                                               based thereon, are guaranteed. If you have any ques-
there was no threat, only clarification of     The Advisor welcomes reactions to the           tions relating to the contents of this publication,
the United Kingdom's legal obligations,        Q&A above. Readers can write editor             contact the editorial offices of the Inter-American
the original statement has backfired on        Gene Kuleta at          Dialogue. Contents of this report may not be repro-
                                                                                               duced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
Britain. The need for quiet diplomacy          with comments.                                  without prior written permission from the publisher.

Copyright © 2012, Inter-American Dialogue                                                                                                  Page 4 of 4

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Respuesta Nathalie Cely a Latin American Advisor sobre Asilo Assange

  • 1. Tuesday, August 28, 2012 FEATURED Q&A BOARD OF ADVISORS Why Is Ecuador Protecting WikiLeaks' Julian Assange? Diego Arria Jon Huenemann Ecuador's foreign minister Q Director, Vice President, applicant. In making its decision, Ecuador Columbus Group U.S. & Int'l Affairs, announced Aug. 16 that the South could not depart from its tradition of sol- Philip Morris American country was granting idarity and commitment to the human Genaro Arriagada International Nonresident Senior political asylum to WikiLeaks rights known as asylum and refuge. We are Fellow, James R. Jones founder Julian Assange, who faces extra- aware that some have argued that this Inter-American Co-chair, dition to Sweden on sexual assault decision will disrupt our relations with Dialogue Manatt Jones charges. However, authorities in Britain, other countries. Indeed, the initial threat Global Strategies LLC where Assange has been holed up in from the United Kingdom to violate the Joyce Chang Global Head of Craig Kelly Ecuador's embassy since June, have sanctity of Ecuador's Embassy in London Emerging Markets Vice President, refused to grant Assange safe passage out had no standing in the fundamental val- Research, JPMorgan The Cohen Group of the country and threatened to revoke ues and norms of international law. As a Chase & Co. the embassy's diplomatic status. result, Ecuador has received support from John Maisto W. Bowman Cutter Director, Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa said Former Partner, Continued on page 2 U.S. Education Finance Sunday that Britain had withdrawn that E.M. Warburg Group Pincus threat. What are Ecuador's motivations for Nicolás Mariscal granting asylum to Assange? How does Dirk Donath Chairman, the decision affect Ecuador's relations Managing Director, Grupo Marhnos with Britain, the United States and other Eton Park Capital Management Thomas F. countries? Are there larger implications of McLarty III Britain's threats to revoke the embassy's Jane Eddy President, diplomatic status? Managing Director, McLarty Associates Corporate & Govt. Nathalie Cely, Ecuador's A Ratings Group, Carlos Paz-Soldan Standard & Poor's Partner, ambassador to the United DTB Associates, LLP States: "Many are discussing the Marlene Fernández Corporate Vice Beatrice Rangel complicated Assange issue in a Colombia Opens 'Exploratory' President for Director, very simple manner. Although personal Peace Talks With FARC Rebels Government Relations, AMLA Consulting LLC and political opinions about Mr. Assange Arcos Dorados are as strong and diverse in Ecuador as Colombia's government has opened José Antonio Ríos Jason Hafemeister Chief Executive Officer, they are around the world, this decision "exploratory" peace talks with the Vice President, Vadium Technology Inc. was made only after careful consideration Revolutionary Armed Forces of Allen F. Johnson & and intensive consultations with all par- Colombia, President Juan Manuel Andrés Rozental Associates ties involved. We followed the standard Santos announced Monday. Santos said President, Peter Hakim Rozental & Asociados procedure for asylum seekers under our the ELN rebels may participate as well. President Emeritus, and Senior Fellow, rule of law, international human rights See story on page 2. Inter-American Brookings Institution conventions and U.N. requirements. Mr. Dialogue Photo: Colombian Government. Everett Santos Assange was treated as we would any other Donna Hrinak President, President, Boeing Brazil DALEC LLC Inside This Issue Shelly Shetty Head, Latin America FEATURED Q&A: Why Is Ecuador ECLAC Urges Latin American Sovereign Ratings, Protecting WikiLeaks' Julian Assange?.............1 Countries to Boost Industry..................................3 Fitch Inc.-Start Content- Colombia Opens 'Exploratory' Chile's Codelco Eyes IPO Peace Talks With FARC Rebels............................2 of International Unit ..............................................3 Daughter of Cuban Vice President The Dialogue Continues: Would Another Defects to United States .......................................2 Peace Accord Help Central America?. ..............3 Copyright © 2012, Inter-American Dialogue Page 1 of 4
  • 2. Inter-American Dialogue’s Latin America Advisor Tuesday, August 28, 2012 NEWS BRIEFS Political News attacks, kidnappings and drug trafficking. "We will learn from the errors of the past Daughter of Cuban Vice President in order not to repeat them," said Santos. Defects to United States Colombia Opens 'Exploratory' Earlier on Monday, Venezuelan television The daughter of Cuban Vice Peace Talks With FARC Rebels network Telesur reported that Colombian President Mariano Murillo defected officials had signed an agreement in Colombia's government has started Havana to hold peace talks with the FARC earlier this month to the United "exploratory" peace talks with the coun- in Oslo, Norway beginning in October. States and is currently living in try's main rebel group, the Revolutionary Tampa, Fla., The Miami Herald Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, reported Monday. Glenda Murillo President Juan Manuel Santos announced Diaz, 24, entered the United States Colombia's military will Monday. "In the coming days the results of earlier this month at Laredo, Tex., the conversations with the FARC will continue operating "on every and was admitted under the "wet- become known," Santos said in a brief tel- single centimeter of national foot, dry-foot" policy, which allows evised speech, the Associated Press report- Cubans who set foot on dry land in ed. Santos provided no other details, such territory," said Santos. the United States to stay, unnamed as when the talks started, what was dis- sources told the newspaper's sister cussed or who participated. Santos' state- publication, El Nuevo Herald. ment confirmed rumors that the govern- Colombian officials declined to confirm Cuban President Raúl Castro last ment had entered into talks with the or deny the report. The day's develop- FARC that were purportedly held in Cuba. ments drew criticism from Santos' hard- year put Mariano Murrillo in Santos did not confirm the location of the line predecessor, Álvaro Uribe, who has charge of economic reforms on the talks. Santos did say that Colombia's mili- strongly objected to talks between the island. tary would continue operating "on every government and the FARC. "What it is single centimeter of national territory" that we are going to negotiate?" Uribe said Mexico Holds 12 Police Officers After Embassy Car Shooting during any peace process. The statement to reporters Monday after Santos' was a reference to past peace talks with the announcement. Peace talks would lead to As officials continue to investigate a rebels in which the government ceded a rebels taking seats in Congress and mili- shooting where Mexican federal piece of land the size of Switzerland to the tary officers being sent to prison, said police shot at a U.S. embassy car, a guerrillas from 1999 to 2002. However, Uribe. In his speech Monday, Santos also judge ordered 12 officers involved in the talks collapsed as the FARC continued said the National Liberation Army rebels the incident to be held for 40 days, Featured Q&A Agence France-Presse reported. "No Continued from page 1 crime and no investigative leads are Andrés Rozental, member of A being ruled out at the moment … a united Latin America, as well as many others. Last week at the OAS, Ecuador the Advisor board, president of This is why we asked for provisional also received the support of its members Rozental & Asociados in detention, so we have the time we on this issue. We are pleased that the Mexico City and senior fellow need to carry out an exhaustive United Kingdom has since stated in a at the Brookings Institution: "In the first investigation," said Attorney General letter that it will adhere to the Vienna place, Mr. Assange cannot really be con- Marisela Morales Ibañez. Convention on Diplomatic Relations sidered a political refugee. He is accused and respect the Ecuadorean Embassy's of crimes in Sweden and the British Court Issues Preliminary Ruling diplomatic immunity. As a result, authorities have committed to extradite Resuming Belo Monte Work President Correa deems this matter him so he can face his accusers in a Brazil's Supreme Court issued a pre- overcome. Moving forward, we hope all Swedish court. Assange appealed the liminary ruling on Monday that countries will view our decision in the extradition as far as British law allows overturns a previous decision that appropriate context and make any deci- and lost on each occasion. His decision had suspended construction on the sions wisely and objectively. We remain to seek refuge in a foreign embassy in Belo Monte dam, Agence France- confident that our international rela- London represents a last ditch effort to tionships will continue to develop and avoid being sent to Sweden, from where Presse reported. A regional federal flourish. Principle and transparency, he fears that he might be extradited to court had ruled that indigenous not political expediency, make a far bet- the United States to face charges related communities were not granted their ter foundation for stable and lasting to the WikiLeaks case. Since American right to speak before Congress after diplomatic relations." jurisprudence contemplates the death an environmental impact study was published. Continued on page 4 Copyright © 2012, Inter-American Dialogue Page 2 of 4
  • 3. Inter-American Dialogue’s Latin America Advisor Tuesday, August 28, 2012 group, or ELN, has also said it wants to participate in peace talks. "They, too, The Dialogue Continues could be part of this effort to end the con- flict," said Santos. Would Another Peace Accord Help Central America? Economic News Q Aug. 7 marked the 25th required level of political cooperation, anniversary of the Esquipulas it is difficult to see why another 'big ECLAC Urges Latin American II Peace Accords, which bang' presidential event would fare any Countries to Boost Industry helped provide the frame- differently. If anything, Central work to end years of conflict in Central American history tends to suggest that Countries in Latin America should America. Speaking at the OAS, former many of the most important achieve- increase their investments in technology Guatemalan President Vinicio Cerezo ments of the region's integration—on and other industries rather than relying called for a new Esquipulas Accord to issues ranging from customs to the on commodities, the Economic confront the issues that currently interconnection of the electric grid— Commission for Latin America and the threaten the region's stability, arguing tend to happen under the radar, far Caribbean said in a report Monday. that violence, corruption and inequality from the spotlight, through the patient Government investment in manufactur- can only be mitigated by a cohesive accumulation of small steps rather than ing would help the region grow, said the response from Central America's lead- big declarations. This is probably the U.N. agency known as ECLAC, Reuters ers. Would signing an "Esquipulas III" right approach for the future. Sadly, reported. Many of the region's economies be a good idea? In what ways has there are no shortcuts to solve the have benefitted from surging demand Central America seen successes in region's main problems—violence, from China for raw materials and other recent years, and which are its most institutional weakness, low productivi- exports, such as soy, grains and copper. intractable problems? How should ty, dismally low educational attainment, However, ECLAC said the region's weak institutions be strengthened? extremely high socio-economic economies must diversify in order to What steps could leaders take to more inequality, to name but a few. All these withstand external shocks and reduce effectively confront the region's crises? issues demand the presence of state poverty and inequality. Latin America institutions able to exert effective con- Kevin Casas-Zamora, senior A experienced 3.8 percent annual growth on trol over the territory and adequately average between 2001 and 2010, lagging fellow in the Latin America provide public goods and services to the behind emerging economies in Asia and Initiative at the Brookings population. This is a tall order in most Sub-Saharan Africa, ECLAC said in the Institution and former vice of Central America, where fiscal weak- report, which was presented at the body's president of Costa Rica: "Esquipulas III ness and unfairness are endemic. On biennial meeting in El Salvador. is an interesting concept, in principle. average, tax collection in the isthmus is While it is true that many of the vexing lower than in Latin America as a whole Company News challenges faced by Central America— notably the threat of organized crime— and lower, even, than in Sub-Saharan Africa. Progressive tax reform probably demand a concerted effort at the high- holds the key to the future of Central Chile's Codelco Eyes IPO est political level, let us not forget that America, with or without a presidential of International Unit one of distinct legacies of the peace summit to declare it." accords of 25 years ago was precisely the Chilean state-owned copper producer discipline of holding regular presiden- Codelco is considering an initial public tial summits in the region. If those Editor's note: The above is a continua- offering of its international unit as it summits—fully institutionalized by tion of a Q&A published in Monday's seeks to raise money now—are not able to achieve the issue of the Advisor. for mining projects outside of its home country, the compa- Codelco's balance sheet, nor capacity, to maybe of capital market in its proprietary ny's chief executive take on debt to finance projects abroad," structure," he added. Other than a few officer told Chilean Keller told the newspaper, Reuters report- exploration projects in other Latin newspaper Diario ed. Codelco is planning to present a busi- American countries, Codelco has little Financiero in an ness plan to its board by the end of the presence outside Chile. The development interview published year, said Keller. "What we're thinking to of Codelco's international unit was Keller Monday. "This is start off with is to have this vehicle, which delayed by the company's contract con- File Photo: Codelco because there clearly will be controlled by the corporation, and flict with Anglo American, which the two isn't space in allow the entry of other partners and sides settled last week, said Keller. Copyright © 2012, Inter-American Dialogue Page 3 of 4
  • 4. Inter-American Dialogue’s Latin America Advisor Tuesday, August 28, 2012 -End Content- Featured Q&A Continued from page 2 Latin America Advisor is published every business day by the penalty for acts of treason, which Assange that the United Kingdom is now stressing Inter-American Dialogue, Copyright © 2012 is accused of committing when he should have been the primary course of Erik Brand released the Wikileaks material publicly, action for a country that has lost influ- General Manager, Publishing his argument for requesting asylum in a ence and presence in South America, a foreign diplomatic mission is that he region where it is keen to substitute a Gene Kuleta fears for his life if Sweden ever decides to diminished diplomatic profile for Editor send him to the United States. Assange stronger trade relations. Against the obviously chose Ecuador's Embassy in backdrop of the ongoing dispute with Rachel Sadon London for two reasons: first, because Reporter, Assistant Editor political and diplomatic asylum are a sacred institution among Latin American countries and as a rule asylum requests are granted, and secondly, given “ The need for quiet diplomacy Inter-American Dialogue Ecuador's current government and a rel- that the United Kingdom is now atively hostile relationship with stressing should have been the Michael Shifter, President Washington, Assange correctly assumed Peter Hakim, President Emeritus that he would be granted asylum by a primary course of action ... ” Genaro Arriagada, Nonresident Senior Fellow country that is not on the friendliest — Julia Buxton Sergio Bitar, Nonresident Senior Fellow terms with the United States. The British government's threats to withdraw diplo- Joan Caivano, Director, Special Projects matic status from Ecuador's mission in Maria Darie, Director of Finance & Administration London and enter the premises to arrest Argentina over the Malvinas, Britain has Paul Isbell, Visiting Senior Fellow Assange created such a negative reaction, reinforced the perception it is an imperi- Claudio Loser, Senior Fellow both inside the United Kingdom and alist anachronism. The impact of this Nora Lustig, Nonresident Senior Fellow abroad, that London was forced to retract incident will be more heavily felt by the them over the weekend. For the next step, British. Aside from heightened regional Margaret Myers, Director, China and Latin America Program one can only assume that British author- antipathy toward the United Kingdom, ities will begin a process of negotiation British ambitions for opportunities in Manuel Orozco, Director, Remittances and Development Program with Ecuador to try to resolve the the Ecuadorean hydrocarbon sector will impasse, but in the meantime, Mr. likely be negatively affected. By contrast, Tamara Ortega Goodspeed, Senior Associate, Education Assange might become a semi-perma- Ecuador is the toast of a sizeable section nent guest of Ecuador's ambassador in of progressive opinion in Britain, where Jeffrey Puryear, Vice President, Social Policy London while a solution is found. If the Julian Assange is backed by high profile Swedish government gives Assange guar- supporters on the political left and right. Latin America Advisor is published every antees that he won't be sent to the United Even opinion that is unsympathetic to business day, except for major U.S. holidays, by States, that might open the way for a way Assange is uncomfortable with the threat the Inter-American Dialogue at: out." to revoke Ecuador's diplomatic status. 1211 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 510 The case of the Chinese dissident Chen Washington, DC 20036 Julia Buxton, senior research Phone: 202-822-9002 Fax: 202-822-9553 A Guangcheng is cited as evidence of ISSN 2163-7962 fellow in the department of British hypocrisy and short sightedness peace studies at the University on such a sensitive issue as political dissi- Subscription Inquiries are welcomed at of Bradford in the United dence. Having unexpectedly had the case Kingdom: "Britain's threat to force entry of Assange thrust upon him, Correa will The opinions expressed by the members of the into the Ecuadorean Embassy without hope to reap the dividends of his pro- Board of Advisors and by guest commentators do consent was intended as a flexing of human rights and anti-imperialist narra- not necessarily represent those of the publisher. The diplomatic muscles within the frame- tive in his country's presidential election analysis is the sole view of each Advisor and does not necessarily represent the views of their respective work of the Diplomatic and Consular in six months' time." employers or firms. The information in this report Premises Act of 1987. While Prime has been obtained from reliable sources, but neither Minister David Cameron maintains its accuracy and completeness, nor the opinions based thereon, are guaranteed. If you have any ques- there was no threat, only clarification of The Advisor welcomes reactions to the tions relating to the contents of this publication, the United Kingdom's legal obligations, Q&A above. Readers can write editor contact the editorial offices of the Inter-American the original statement has backfired on Gene Kuleta at Dialogue. Contents of this report may not be repro- duced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted Britain. The need for quiet diplomacy with comments. without prior written permission from the publisher. Copyright © 2012, Inter-American Dialogue Page 4 of 4