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Resolved Conflicts &
Restored Relationships
Recommended Resources:
Ages 2-5
Trusty: Tried & True
Hedge of Thorns Illustrated
Ages 5-8
Teddy’s Button Illustrated
Little Threads
Helen’s Temper
Ages 8-11
Teddy’s Button
The Passage
The Lamplighter
The Giant Killer
The Hedge of Thorns (audio/book)
Ages 12 & up
The White Gypsy
The Basket of Flowers (audio/book)
A Peep Behind the Scenes (audio/book)
Sir Knight of the Splendid Way
Let Go
A Tale of Three Kings
Lamplighter Theatre Link
Obtain our 76 page catalog
of the
Lamplighter Family Collection
Character Building Stories
at the Lamplighter Booth
With Character Comprehension Quizzes!
Lamplighter Ministries
Hello, My name is Jennifer and I'm 10 years old. I have read 22
Lamplighter books in 3-4 months. From the Basket of flowers, I
learnt that I mustn't complain about suffering, but accept it part of
God's plan to make me more like Christ. From The Captive I learnt
that wherever I am I need to share God's word to all people and try
to draw them to Christ. The lesson I learnt from The Hedge Of
Thorns Is When God Puts hedges in my life I must never try to
cross it because if I do I might harm those I love the most, and bad
character corrupts good morals. From Little Threads I learnt that
God wants me to obey my parents. The list can go on, and on, and
on. Each has taught me a valuable lesson I shall never forget. I
shared many books with my friends but after one book as returned
damaged, I resolved never to share any books again. I know this
sounds very selfish but these books are very precious to me and I
want to have them for many years so I can read them over and
over again.
Just wanted to drop a note saying how powerful True To
The Last has been in our family.  I read it to our children
last year and my 11-yr-old son was greatly impacted.  He
still talks about it and says how important and inspiring
of a story it is.  The book itself is beautiful and looks
great on the shelf.  My wife and I are about to go
through Fenelon’s Education book together.  Thanks for
putting out such excellent products.  -Caleb
Let Go
I’ll Break Your Leg!
To make ready a people prepared for
the Lord, by building Christ-like
character…one story at a time.
Lk 1:17
Birthright – possessions, land, servants
Blessing – Ch. 26-28 = 37 Times:
Times Chapter
5 26
26 27
6 28
0 29
2 30
0 31
2 32
1 33
42 times
Def: unconditional commitment,
enablement, backing to enable success
Blessed are the Poor in Spirit, theirs is the Kingdom
Blessed are those who Mourn
Blessed are the Meek
Blessed are--Hunger & Thirst, Righteousness
Blessed are the Mercy-Full
Blessed are the Pure in Heart
Blessed are the Peacemakers
Blessed are--Persecuted for Righteousness, --
theirs is the Kingdom
“But the children struggled
together within her;
So she went to inquire of the
Genesis 25:22
If you want to bring conflict into your life—HAVE CHILDREN!
“And the first came out red. He
was like a hairy garment all over;
so they called his name Esau.”
Genesis 25:25
- Adam – red, ground
- Esau (Edom) – willing to sacrifice that
which is eternal for earthly pleasure.
- goat, shaggy, devil, rough (land of Seir)
“Afterward his brother came
out, and his hand took hold of
Esau’s heel; so his name
was called Jacob.”
Genesis 25:26
Jacob –
- palm of hand, grasper,
grabber, curved
Crooked – unrighteous
Straight – righteous
Holding onto that which is not
rightfully his.
“And Esau said to Jacob,
‘Please feed me with that
same red stew,
for I am weary.’
Therefore his name was
called Edom.”
Genesis 25:30
“‘Deceive your father, that he may
bless you before his death.’ And
Jacob said to Rebekah his mother,
‘Look, Esau my brother is a hairy
man, and I am a smooth-skinned
man. Perhaps my father will feel
me, and I shall seem to be a
deceiver to him; and I shall bring a
curse on myself and not a
Genesis 27:10-12
“But his mother said to
him, ‘Let your curse be on
me, my son; only obey my
voice, and go.’”
Genesis 27:13
Three times
obey my voice, and go
obey my voice, and go
obey my voice.
This is My son
My beloved son 
in whom 
I am well pleased.
This is My  beloved son 
in whom 
I am well pleased,
Listen to Him!
Jacob is unable to assume his place
of responsibility because he lacked
identity, nurture, affirmation, and
position of authority.
“And he commanded them, saying,
‘Speak thus to my lord Esau, ‘Thus
your servant Jacob says; ‘I have
dwelt with Laban and stayed there
until now.”’”
Genesis 32:4
“‘I have oxen, donkeys,
flocks, and male and female
servants; and I have sent to
tell my lord, that I may find
favor in your sight.’”
Genesis 32:5
Manipulative people are desperate to hold on
to others for fear that they will lose the security
of that initial unconditional acceptance. Their
desperation then turns into idolatry, believing
they have the right to control and rule the lives
of others.
“Then the messengers
returned to Jacob, saying,
‘We came to your brother
Esau, and he also is coming
to meet you, and four
hundred men are with him.’”
Genesis 32:6
“So Jacob was greatly
afraid and distressed; and
he divided the people that
were with him, and the
flocks and herds and
camels, into two camps.”
Genesis 32:7
“And say ye moreover,
Behold, thy servant, Jacob,
is behind us. For he said, I will
appease him with the
present that goes before me,
and afterward I will see his
face; perhaps he will accept
of me.”
Genesis 32:20
Genesis 32:21
A – Your servant Jacob is behind us.
B – I will cover his face
C – with the gift
D – the one going before my face
and I will see his face
D’ – perhaps he will lift up my face
C’ – and the gift passed over
B’ – before his face
A’ – and he lodged (stayed behind) that night in the camp.
“So went the present over
before him…”
“And he rose up that night, and
took his two wives,…and his
eleven sons, and passed over
the ford, Jabbok.”
Genesis 32:21,22
bqiy - Jacob
qBy - Jabbok
Qbay - Jebok-
“And Jacob was left alone; and
there wrestled a man with him
until the breaking of the day.”
“And when he saw that he
prevailed not against him,
he touched the hollow
of his thigh;
Genesis 32:24,25
and the hollow of
Jacob’s thigh was out of
joint, as he wrestled
with him.”
“And he said, Let me go; for the
day breaks.
except thou bless me.”
“And he said unto him, What is thy name?
And he said,
I will not let thee go,
And he said,
“And He said, ‘Your name shall
no longer be called Jacob, but
Israel; for you have struggled
with (against) God and with
(against) men, and have
Genesis 32: 28
“And Jacob asked him, and said,
Tell me, I pray thee, thy name.
And he said, Wherefore is it that
thou dost ask after my name?
And he blessed him there.”
“And Jacob called the name of
the place Peniel; for I have seen
God face to face, and my life is
Genesis 32:29,30
“And as he passed over Penuel
the sun rose upon him, and he
limped upon his thigh.”
“Therefore the children of Israel
eat not of the sinew which shrank,
which is upon the hollow of the
thigh, unto this day: because he
touched the hollow of Jacob’s
thigh in the sinew that shrank.”
Genesis 32:31,32
Climax of Deception: Genesis 32:21
Blessed are the Poor in Spirit, theirs is the Kingdom
Blessed are those who Mourn
Blessed are the Meek
Blessed are --Hunger & Thirst, Righteousness
Blessed are the Mercy-Full
Blessed are the Pure in Heart
Blessed are the Peacemakers
Blessed are Persecuted for Righteousness, --
theirs is the Kingdom
I will Not Let Go
Recommended Resources:
Ages 2-5
Trusty: Tried & True
Hedge of Thorns Illustrated
Ages 5-8
Teddy’s Button Illustrated
Little Threads
Helen’s Temper
Ages 8-11
Teddy’s Button
The Passage
The Lamplighter
The Giant Killer
The Hedge of Thorns (audio/book)
Ages 12 & up
The White Gypsy
The Basket of Flowers (audio/book)
A Peep Behind the Scenes (audio/book)
House of Love
Sir Knight of the Splendid Way
Let Go
A Tale of Three Kings
Lamplighter Theatre Link
Climax of Divine Intervention: Genesis 32:33
Dear Mark,
I am a mother of 3 children, a 10 year old son, a 4 year old
daughter, and an almost 3 year old son. They are wonderful
children, around everyone else. They are respectful and
obedient, for everyone else. They are loving and kind, to
everyone else. I'm not saying that they are horrible towards
me, but the loving moments are few and far between when
compared to the times we are frequently at odds and I am
yelling and screaming and "molding" them. I am a screamer,
and in my 10 years of parenting my temper has gotten hotter
and my patience shorter. My mother was a screamer and I
believe I was verbally and emotionally abused as a child and
swore that I would never do that to my children. But here I am
as an adult doing to my children what my mother did to me,
jokingly talking to my friends about the therapy they'll need as
adults while my heart was breaking inside for the way I treated
them. Until now I haven't been able to break this cycle. I
hadn't tried the one thing I should have tried from the
beginning - prayer.
I had grown very distant from God and my relationship with Him had become very
strained. I have felt Him tugging at my heart, but I have been rebelling against Him,
like my children have rebelled against me. I haven't had devotional time, prayer time,
or gone to church regularly for years. My husband takes our three children to church
by himself every Sunday. I have used the excuse that I needed to sleep (I work
nights every weekend as a nurse and get off at 7:30 am Sunday and have to be back
Sunday night at 7:00 pm), but I have been able to stay up and attend church once
every 3 or 4 months if there was a special function. I was so far from God that I didn't
know where to even begin to draw near to Him again.
• I believe that God placed me in that auditorium Friday to reach me. God used you to
finally get though to me and break my heart. I cried throughout the hour, wiping tear
after tear from my face, first hoping that no one noticed me (after all, it's ALL about
what other people think...that's what Mom always said), then later not caring. My
relationship with God was broken and my relationship with my children was being
destroyed by my hands and words. All of the letters that you shared sounded like I
could have written them. The detailed examples you gave sounded like me, always
scolding, yelling, demanding more.
• At the end of the lecture I walked across the hall to the bathroom to compose myself.
Usually when something affects me to tears I can wipe them away and go on. I
ended up in a stall in the bathroom, sobbing and crying out to God. I don't know how
long I was in there, I just know that things are different now. The Holy Spirit worked a
change in me that day. That was the first time I've prayed to God in years, really
prayed. I've sent up little prayers when I needed or wanted something, but I haven't
REALLY prayed.
When I went back to the hotel later that day, my husband noticed the change. He kept
asking me if I was ok. I told him about your lecture and how great the conference was,
but I haven't explained the whole experience to him. I was calm with my children the rest
of the day. I didn't lose my patience even once. I asked less of them and did more for
them. I got up from the floor or bed to get something for myself instead of asking my 10
year old to retrieve it. I didn't yell and scream when my daughter was having a stubborn,
demanding moment that before would have sent me off the deep end in 3 seconds. I
didn't scream or yell, not that I could have if I had wanted to. (Oh, I neglected to tell you
that God had taken my voice from me on this particular day. I had been sick during the
week and my voice was getting hoarse on Thursday, but on Friday it was GONE. This
was either a sick joke on God's part or His divine intervention. I believe the latter, that
He was giving me that little extra bit of help that I needed to get started.) My husband
told me later that night "It got through." I asked "What got through?" He replied,
"Whatever you heard today. It got through."
It is now Monday morning and I haven't raised my voice (which came back on
Saturday) in almost 3 full days. My son (who is not an openly affectionate child in public)
came up beside me several times at Universal Studios yesterday and held my hand as
we walked through the park. He is talking to me again. My 2 year old picked me a
flower and then, as he was walking away, he turned around and told me " You need to
put it in water, Mommy." They are beginning to warm up to me again. I can see their
fear melting, but there is still an air of caution there. My daughter isn't quite as forgiving
and I'm searching for subtle changes. I know that they will come, but she will be my
biggest test.
At my parents' home last night my oldest was playing with my brother-in-law's air rocket
in the front yard. When my brother-in-law went outside to put the rocket away, there was
one missing. My son swore that they were there when he came inside. Normally, he
would go to his grave swearing that he had or hadn't done something, even when all of
the evidence pointed to the contrary. We were all wandering around aimlessly with
flashlights looking for the missing rocket. I took my son aside and told him that I needed
him to tell me the truth. I told him I wouldn't be mad (not a promise I had kept in the
past) but that we needed to know what happened to it. He took his flashlight and shined
it high into a tree where the light reflected off the white tip off the rocket. He had known
exactly where the rocket had landed, and he FINALLY trusted me with the truth. My
heart was so full in that moment. My son wasn't afraid of me.
I know that this change won't happen overnight. It's going to take a lot of prayer, but I'm
talking to God again and rebuilding that relationship while I rebuild my relationships with
my children. I have sent small prayers to God continuously since that day. I pray for
strength to get through a single moment. I praise Him for small accomplishments. I pray
for wisdom. And I pray prayers of thanks that He put me in Orlando on Friday, in your
lecture, where He worked a change in my life.
This letter ended up being much longer that I originally anticipated. Thank you for your
time. I needed to share my experience and I thought that you would like to hear how
your words and the Holy Spirit's work changed my life.
Thank you,
How to speak the truth to those who
manipulatively, and sometimes, angrily
control others—
Set loving, respectful boundaries.
The reason we don’t set appropriate
boundaries is because we have not fully
embraced God’s truth that can set us
free and ultimately help to set others
free. Speaking the truth in love,
unleashes the power of God—his Word
will not return void—not in a preaching
self-righteous approach, but in a humble
expression of deep commitment, honor,
and loyalty.
My 14 year old daughter's life has been extremely
transformed as a result of "The Lamplighter books.”
We value these books more than our food. No
joke. Thanks a million!!!
My daughters and I have listened to Lamplighter
Theatre and enjoyed it immensely! My oldest
daughter said, "Mom, if they're this good, can we
please buy the whole set!" Thank you for your
Blessings, RW
Only by pride comes contentions but with the well advised is
Proverbs 13:10
But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not,
and lie not against the truth.
This wisdom descends not from above, but is earthly, sensual,
For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every
evil work.
But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable,
gentle, it yields, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality,
and without hypocrisy.
And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that
make peace.
James 3
Matthew 5 Eight Blessings
You’re the man!

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01-13-19, Genesis 33;1-17, Reconciled, Jacob Meets Esau
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Katuri Susmitha
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HarperCollins Christian Publishing
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01-13-19, Genesis 33;1-17, Reconciled, Jacob Meets Esau
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First Baptist Church Jackson
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Resolved conflicts, Restored Relationship

  • 1. Resolved Conflicts & Restored Relationships Recommended Resources: Ages 2-5 Trusty: Tried & True Hedge of Thorns Illustrated Ages 5-8 Teddy’s Button Illustrated Little Threads Helen’s Temper Ages 8-11 Teddy’s Button The Passage The Lamplighter The Giant Killer The Hedge of Thorns (audio/book) WWW.LAMPLIGHTER.NET Ages 12 & up The White Gypsy The Basket of Flowers (audio/book) A Peep Behind the Scenes (audio/book) HAND ON THE BRIDLE Sir Knight of the Splendid Way Ishmael Let Go A Tale of Three Kings Lamplighter Theatre Link
  • 2. Obtain our 76 page catalog of the Lamplighter Family Collection of Character Building Stories at the Lamplighter Booth www.LAMPLIGHTER.NET
  • 3. With Character Comprehension Quizzes! WWW.LAMPLIGHTER.NET
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8.
  • 9. Hello, My name is Jennifer and I'm 10 years old. I have read 22 Lamplighter books in 3-4 months. From the Basket of flowers, I learnt that I mustn't complain about suffering, but accept it part of God's plan to make me more like Christ. From The Captive I learnt that wherever I am I need to share God's word to all people and try to draw them to Christ. The lesson I learnt from The Hedge Of Thorns Is When God Puts hedges in my life I must never try to cross it because if I do I might harm those I love the most, and bad character corrupts good morals. From Little Threads I learnt that God wants me to obey my parents. The list can go on, and on, and on. Each has taught me a valuable lesson I shall never forget. I shared many books with my friends but after one book as returned damaged, I resolved never to share any books again. I know this sounds very selfish but these books are very precious to me and I want to have them for many years so I can read them over and over again.
  • 10. Just wanted to drop a note saying how powerful True To The Last has been in our family.  I read it to our children last year and my 11-yr-old son was greatly impacted.  He still talks about it and says how important and inspiring of a story it is.  The book itself is beautiful and looks great on the shelf.  My wife and I are about to go through Fenelon’s Education book together.  Thanks for putting out such excellent products.  -Caleb
  • 11.
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15.
  • 16.
  • 17. Let Go or I’ll Break Your Leg! To make ready a people prepared for the Lord, by building Christ-like character…one story at a time. Lk 1:17 www.LAMPLIGHTER.NET Lamplighter
  • 18.
  • 19.
  • 20. Birthright – possessions, land, servants Blessing – Ch. 26-28 = 37 Times: Times Chapter 5 26 26 27 6 28 0 29 2 30 0 31 2 32 1 33 42 times Def: unconditional commitment, enablement, backing to enable success
  • 21. Blessed are the Poor in Spirit, theirs is the Kingdom Blessed are those who Mourn Blessed are the Meek Blessed are--Hunger & Thirst, Righteousness Blessed are the Mercy-Full Blessed are the Pure in Heart Blessed are the Peacemakers Blessed are--Persecuted for Righteousness, -- theirs is the Kingdom
  • 22. “But the children struggled together within her; So she went to inquire of the Lord.” Genesis 25:22 If you want to bring conflict into your life—HAVE CHILDREN!
  • 23. “And the first came out red. He was like a hairy garment all over; so they called his name Esau.” Genesis 25:25
  • 24. RED – - Adam – red, ground - Esau (Edom) – willing to sacrifice that which is eternal for earthly pleasure. HAIRY GARMENT – - goat, shaggy, devil, rough (land of Seir)
  • 25. “Afterward his brother came out, and his hand took hold of Esau’s heel; so his name was called Jacob.” Genesis 25:26
  • 26. Jacob – - palm of hand, grasper, grabber, curved Crooked – unrighteous Straight – righteous Holding onto that which is not rightfully his.
  • 27. “And Esau said to Jacob, ‘Please feed me with that same red stew, for I am weary.’ Therefore his name was called Edom.” Genesis 25:30
  • 28. “‘Deceive your father, that he may bless you before his death.’ And Jacob said to Rebekah his mother, ‘Look, Esau my brother is a hairy man, and I am a smooth-skinned man. Perhaps my father will feel me, and I shall seem to be a deceiver to him; and I shall bring a curse on myself and not a blessing.’” Genesis 27:10-12
  • 29. “But his mother said to him, ‘Let your curse be on me, my son; only obey my voice, and go.’” Genesis 27:13 Three times obey my voice, and go obey my voice, and go obey my voice.
  • 33. Jacob is unable to assume his place of responsibility because he lacked identity, nurture, affirmation, and position of authority. ~~~ “And he commanded them, saying, ‘Speak thus to my lord Esau, ‘Thus your servant Jacob says; ‘I have dwelt with Laban and stayed there until now.”’” Genesis 32:4
  • 34. “‘I have oxen, donkeys, flocks, and male and female servants; and I have sent to tell my lord, that I may find favor in your sight.’” Genesis 32:5 Manipulative people are desperate to hold on to others for fear that they will lose the security of that initial unconditional acceptance. Their desperation then turns into idolatry, believing they have the right to control and rule the lives of others.
  • 35. “Then the messengers returned to Jacob, saying, ‘We came to your brother Esau, and he also is coming to meet you, and four hundred men are with him.’” Genesis 32:6
  • 36. “So Jacob was greatly afraid and distressed; and he divided the people that were with him, and the flocks and herds and camels, into two camps.” Genesis 32:7
  • 37. “And say ye moreover, Behold, thy servant, Jacob, is behind us. For he said, I will appease him with the present that goes before me, and afterward I will see his face; perhaps he will accept of me.” Genesis 32:20
  • 38. CHART C – CLIMAX OF DECEPTION Genesis 32:21 A – Your servant Jacob is behind us. B – I will cover his face C – with the gift D – the one going before my face and I will see his face D’ – perhaps he will lift up my face C’ – and the gift passed over B’ – before his face A’ – and he lodged (stayed behind) that night in the camp.
  • 39. “So went the present over before him…” “And he rose up that night, and took his two wives,…and his eleven sons, and passed over the ford, Jabbok.” Genesis 32:21,22
  • 40. bqiy - Jacob qBy - Jabbok Qbay - Jebok-
  • 41. “And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day.” “And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh; Genesis 32:24,25
  • 42. and the hollow of Jacob’s thigh was out of joint, as he wrestled with him.”
  • 43. “And he said, Let me go; for the day breaks. except thou bless me.” “And he said unto him, What is thy name? And he said, Jacob.” I will not let thee go, And he said,
  • 44. “And He said, ‘Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel; for you have struggled with (against) God and with (against) men, and have prevailed.’” Genesis 32: 28
  • 45. “And Jacob asked him, and said, Tell me, I pray thee, thy name. And he said, Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after my name? And he blessed him there.” “And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel; for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.” Genesis 32:29,30
  • 46. “And as he passed over Penuel the sun rose upon him, and he limped upon his thigh.” “Therefore the children of Israel eat not of the sinew which shrank, which is upon the hollow of the thigh, unto this day: because he touched the hollow of Jacob’s thigh in the sinew that shrank.” Genesis 32:31,32
  • 47. Climax of Deception: Genesis 32:21
  • 48.
  • 49. Blessed are the Poor in Spirit, theirs is the Kingdom Blessed are those who Mourn Blessed are the Meek Blessed are --Hunger & Thirst, Righteousness Blessed are the Mercy-Full Blessed are the Pure in Heart Blessed are the Peacemakers Blessed are Persecuted for Righteousness, -- theirs is the Kingdom
  • 50. I will Not Let Go Recommended Resources: Ages 2-5 Trusty: Tried & True Hedge of Thorns Illustrated Ages 5-8 Teddy’s Button Illustrated Little Threads Helen’s Temper Ages 8-11 Teddy’s Button The Passage The Lamplighter The Giant Killer The Hedge of Thorns (audio/book) WWW.LAMPLIGHTER.NET Ages 12 & up Resolute The White Gypsy The Basket of Flowers (audio/book) A Peep Behind the Scenes (audio/book) House of Love Sir Knight of the Splendid Way Ishmael Let Go A Tale of Three Kings Lamplighter Theatre Link
  • 51. Climax of Divine Intervention: Genesis 32:33
  • 52. Dear Mark, I am a mother of 3 children, a 10 year old son, a 4 year old daughter, and an almost 3 year old son. They are wonderful children, around everyone else. They are respectful and obedient, for everyone else. They are loving and kind, to everyone else. I'm not saying that they are horrible towards me, but the loving moments are few and far between when compared to the times we are frequently at odds and I am yelling and screaming and "molding" them. I am a screamer, and in my 10 years of parenting my temper has gotten hotter and my patience shorter. My mother was a screamer and I believe I was verbally and emotionally abused as a child and swore that I would never do that to my children. But here I am as an adult doing to my children what my mother did to me, jokingly talking to my friends about the therapy they'll need as adults while my heart was breaking inside for the way I treated them. Until now I haven't been able to break this cycle. I hadn't tried the one thing I should have tried from the beginning - prayer.
  • 53. I had grown very distant from God and my relationship with Him had become very strained. I have felt Him tugging at my heart, but I have been rebelling against Him, like my children have rebelled against me. I haven't had devotional time, prayer time, or gone to church regularly for years. My husband takes our three children to church by himself every Sunday. I have used the excuse that I needed to sleep (I work nights every weekend as a nurse and get off at 7:30 am Sunday and have to be back Sunday night at 7:00 pm), but I have been able to stay up and attend church once every 3 or 4 months if there was a special function. I was so far from God that I didn't know where to even begin to draw near to Him again. • I believe that God placed me in that auditorium Friday to reach me. God used you to finally get though to me and break my heart. I cried throughout the hour, wiping tear after tear from my face, first hoping that no one noticed me (after all, it's ALL about what other people think...that's what Mom always said), then later not caring. My relationship with God was broken and my relationship with my children was being destroyed by my hands and words. All of the letters that you shared sounded like I could have written them. The detailed examples you gave sounded like me, always scolding, yelling, demanding more. • At the end of the lecture I walked across the hall to the bathroom to compose myself. Usually when something affects me to tears I can wipe them away and go on. I ended up in a stall in the bathroom, sobbing and crying out to God. I don't know how long I was in there, I just know that things are different now. The Holy Spirit worked a change in me that day. That was the first time I've prayed to God in years, really prayed. I've sent up little prayers when I needed or wanted something, but I haven't REALLY prayed. •
  • 54. When I went back to the hotel later that day, my husband noticed the change. He kept asking me if I was ok. I told him about your lecture and how great the conference was, but I haven't explained the whole experience to him. I was calm with my children the rest of the day. I didn't lose my patience even once. I asked less of them and did more for them. I got up from the floor or bed to get something for myself instead of asking my 10 year old to retrieve it. I didn't yell and scream when my daughter was having a stubborn, demanding moment that before would have sent me off the deep end in 3 seconds. I didn't scream or yell, not that I could have if I had wanted to. (Oh, I neglected to tell you that God had taken my voice from me on this particular day. I had been sick during the week and my voice was getting hoarse on Thursday, but on Friday it was GONE. This was either a sick joke on God's part or His divine intervention. I believe the latter, that He was giving me that little extra bit of help that I needed to get started.) My husband told me later that night "It got through." I asked "What got through?" He replied, "Whatever you heard today. It got through." It is now Monday morning and I haven't raised my voice (which came back on Saturday) in almost 3 full days. My son (who is not an openly affectionate child in public) came up beside me several times at Universal Studios yesterday and held my hand as we walked through the park. He is talking to me again. My 2 year old picked me a flower and then, as he was walking away, he turned around and told me " You need to put it in water, Mommy." They are beginning to warm up to me again. I can see their fear melting, but there is still an air of caution there. My daughter isn't quite as forgiving and I'm searching for subtle changes. I know that they will come, but she will be my biggest test.
  • 55. At my parents' home last night my oldest was playing with my brother-in-law's air rocket in the front yard. When my brother-in-law went outside to put the rocket away, there was one missing. My son swore that they were there when he came inside. Normally, he would go to his grave swearing that he had or hadn't done something, even when all of the evidence pointed to the contrary. We were all wandering around aimlessly with flashlights looking for the missing rocket. I took my son aside and told him that I needed him to tell me the truth. I told him I wouldn't be mad (not a promise I had kept in the past) but that we needed to know what happened to it. He took his flashlight and shined it high into a tree where the light reflected off the white tip off the rocket. He had known exactly where the rocket had landed, and he FINALLY trusted me with the truth. My heart was so full in that moment. My son wasn't afraid of me. I know that this change won't happen overnight. It's going to take a lot of prayer, but I'm talking to God again and rebuilding that relationship while I rebuild my relationships with my children. I have sent small prayers to God continuously since that day. I pray for strength to get through a single moment. I praise Him for small accomplishments. I pray for wisdom. And I pray prayers of thanks that He put me in Orlando on Friday, in your lecture, where He worked a change in my life. This letter ended up being much longer that I originally anticipated. Thank you for your time. I needed to share my experience and I thought that you would like to hear how your words and the Holy Spirit's work changed my life. Thank you,
  • 56. How to speak the truth to those who manipulatively, and sometimes, angrily control others— Set loving, respectful boundaries. The reason we don’t set appropriate boundaries is because we have not fully embraced God’s truth that can set us free and ultimately help to set others free. Speaking the truth in love, unleashes the power of God—his Word will not return void—not in a preaching self-righteous approach, but in a humble expression of deep commitment, honor, and loyalty.
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  • 58. My 14 year old daughter's life has been extremely transformed as a result of "The Lamplighter books.” We value these books more than our food. No joke. Thanks a million!!! Joan My daughters and I have listened to Lamplighter Theatre and enjoyed it immensely! My oldest daughter said, "Mom, if they're this good, can we please buy the whole set!" Thank you for your ministry. Blessings, RW
  • 59. Only by pride comes contentions but with the well advised is wisdom. Proverbs 13:10 But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth. This wisdom descends not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish. For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work. But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, it yields, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace. James 3 Matthew 5 Eight Blessings
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