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Christmas Vespers
The Office of Religious and Spiritual Life
Rev.Tiffany Steinwert, PhD, Dean of Religious and Spiritual Life
Emily Jendzejec, Catholic Chaplain
Joanna Lubkin, Unitarian Universalist Chaplain
The Rev. Sarah Robbins Cole, Protestant Chaplain
The Wellesley College Choir & Chamber Singers
Lisa Graham, Evelyn Barry Director of the Choral Program
Accompanied by Kanako Nishikawa and Julia Carey
with guest artists The Back Bay Ringers
Griff Gall, Artistic Director
James David Christie, Organist
Houghton Chapel | Wellesley College | December 6, 2015 | 7:30 p.m.
Vespers 2015
ORGAN PRELUDE James David Christie, Organist
Nun Lob, mein Seel, den Herren Michael Praetorius
Wellesley Combined Choirs
Lisa Graham, Evelyn Barry Director of the Choral Program
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence Picardy arr. Craig Courtney
Let all mortal flesh keep silence,
And with fear and trembling stand;
Ponder nothing earthly-minded,
For with blessing in His hand
Christ our God to earth descending,
Comes our homage to demand.
King of kings, yet born of Mary,
As of old on earth He stood,
Lord of lords in human vesture,
In the body and the blood,
He will give to all the faithful
His own self for heav’nly food.
Rank on rank the host of heaven,
Spreads its vanguard on the way;
As the Light of light descending
From the realms of endless day,
Comes the pow’rs of hell to vanquish,
As the darkness clears away.
At His feet the six-winged seraph,
Cherubim with sleepless eye,
Veil their faces to the Presence,
As with ceaseless voice they cry:
Alleluia! Alleluia, Lord Most High!
WELCOME Dr. Tiffany Steinwert, Dean of Religious and Spiritual Life
A New Year Carol by Benjamin Britten
Here we bring new water from the well so clear,
For to worship God with, this happy New Year.
Sing levy-dew, sing levy-dew, the water and the
The seven bright gold wires and the bugles that
do shine.
Sing reign of Fair Maid, with gold upon her toe,
Open you the West Door, and turn the Old Year
Sing reign of Fair Maid, with gold upon her chin,
Open you the East Door and let the New Year in.
OPENING WORDS Emily Jendzejec, Catholic Chaplain
I Saw Three Ships Come Sailing In arr. Edward Henderson
I saw three ships come sailing in on Christmas Day, on Christmas Day,
I saw three ships come sailing in on Christmas Day in the morning.
And what was in those ships all three on Christmas Day, on Christmas Day,
And what was in those ships all three on Christmas Day in the morning?
Our Saviour Christ and His lady, on Christmas Day, on Christmas Day,
Our Saviour Christ and His lady, on Christmas Day in the morning.
Pray wither sailed those ships all three on Christmas Day, on Christmas Day,
And wither sailed those ships all three on Christmas Day in the morning?
O, they sailed into Bethlehem on Christmas Day, on Christmas Day,
O they sailed into Bethlehem on Christmas Day in the morning.
And all the bells on earth shall ring. Ding! Dong! Ding! Dong!
The Bells will all begin to ring. Ding! Dong! Ding! Dong!
And bells will all begin to ring on Christmas Day in the morning.
And all the Angels in Heav’n shall sing, and all the Souls on earth shall sing,
And all the Souls in Heav’n shall sing on Christmas Day in the morning.
Let us all rejoice amain! And let us all rejoice amain! On Christmas Day in the morning.
And let us all rejoice amain! And let us all rejoice amain! On Christmas Day in the morning.
Rev. Sarah Robbins-Cole, Protestant Chaplain
Student Representatives
Sydney Stewart ’18, Black Women’s Ministry;
Ye-Eun Sung ’16, Intervarsity Christian Fellowship;
Chloey Garza ’19, Latter-Day Saint Student Association;
Natalie Catalan ’18, Newman Catholic Ministry
*Please stand if able.
Please refrain from applause during the service.
CONGREGATIONAL SINGING O Come All Ye Faithful Trad. Latin Hymn
FIRST READING Cayla Fromm ’16
This Is True by Allan Boesak Wellesley Choir President
The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came Basque melody arr. Joel Raney
Blessed Among Women by Noticia Alladas Executive Director, Wellesley Centers for Women
Professor of Africana Studies
Magnificat by Ralph Vaughan Williams
Stephanie Kacoyanis ’05, contralto
Amanda Kosloski, flute
Hail, thou that art highly favoured,
The Lord is with thee:
blessed art thou among women.
The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee,
And the power of the Highest
shall over shadow thee:
Therefore that holy thing
which shall be born of thee
shall be called the Son of God.
My soul doth magnify the Lord,
(Hail, Mary full of Grace)
And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my saviour.
(The Lord is with thee.)
For he hath regarded
the low estate of his handmaiden:
For, behold, from henceforth,
all generations shall call me blessed.
(Blessed art thou among women.)
For he that is mighty hath done to me great things;
And holy is his name.
Holy Lord God of hosts;
Heaven and earth are full of thy glory,
(Holy is his name.)
Glory be to thee O Lord, most high.
(Holy is his name.)
And his mercy is on them that fear him
from generation to generation.
He hath shewed strength with his arm:
He hath scattered the proud
in the imagination of their hearts.
He hath put down the mighty from their seats,
and exalted them of low degree.
He hath filled the hungry with good things;
and the rich he hath sent empty away.
He hath holpen his servant Israel,
in remembrance of his mercy;
As he spake to our fathers,
to Abraham and to his seed for ever.
Fear not, Mary: thou has found favour with God.
Behold thou shalt conceive in thy womb,
and shalt bring forth a son,
and shalt call his name Jesus.
He shall be great, and shall be
called the Son of the Highest:
And he shall reign for ever;
And of his Kingdom there shall be no end.
Behold the handmaid of the Lord;
be it unto me according to thy word.
THIRD READING Robin Cook-Nobles
Luke 2:1-7 Director of the Counseling Service
Dean of the Office of Intercultural Education
CONGREGATIONAL SINGING Away in a Manger James R. Murray
A Flower Like a Rose by Brian Hulse
Text by Hildegard von Bingen
Flos ut rosa floruit,
quando Virgo genuit Maria
Salvatorem omnium
Summi Patris Filium,
Nova genitura.
A flower like a rose budded forth
When the Virgin Mary gave birth
To the Savior of us all,
The Son of the Father
Nova genitura (New birth).
By divine grace he descended to human
And saved all things by His highest power.
So let us sing a hymn of glory,
Praising Him with a song of gladness,
Let us sing a hymn of glory,
Praising Him with a song of gladness,
Celebrating today and giving thanks to the King
of Kings and justice,
Who has been born from the Virgin in a mystic
And let our chorus sing in dancing measure:
"Let us bless the Lord."
FOURTH READING Katherine Stone Kaufmann ’67
For So The Children Come by Sophia Lyon Fahs Trustee Emerita
In the Bleak Midwinter by Gustav Holst arr. Karen Buckwalter
Luke 2:8-16 Professor, Religion
CONGREGATIONAL SINGING Angels We Have Heard on High Trad. French Carol
SIXTH READING Andrew Shennan
Matthew 2:1-12 Provost and Dean of the College
Shepherd’s Pipe Carol by John Rutter
Going through the hills on a night all starry
On the way to Bethlehem,
Far away I heard a shepherd boy piping
On the way to Bethlehem.
Angels in the sky brought this message nigh:’
Dance and sing for joy that Christ the newborn King
is come to bring us peace on earth,
and he’s lying cradled there at Bethlehem.’
‘Tell me, shepherd boy piping tunes so merrily
On the way to Bethlehem,
Who will hear your tunes on these hills so lonely
On the way to Bethlehem?’
Angels in the sky brought this message nigh:’
Dance and sing for joy that Christ the newborn King
is come to bring us peace on earth,
and he’s lying cradled there at Bethlehem.’
‘None may hear my pipes on these hills so lonely
On the way to Bethlehem;
But a King will hear me play sweet lullabies
When I get to Bethlehem.’
Angels in the sky came down from on high,
Hovered o’er the manger where the babe was lying
cradled in the arms of his mother Mary,
sleeping now at Bethlehem.
‘Where is this new King, shepherd boy piping
Is he there at Bethlehem?’
‘I will find him soon by the star shining brightly
In the sky o’er Bethlehem.’
Angels in the sky brought this message nigh:’
Dance and sing for joy that Christ the newborn
is come to bring us peace on earth,
and he’s lying cradled there at Bethlehem.’
‘May I come with you, shepherd boy piping merrily,
Come with you to Bethlehem?
Pay my homage too at the new King’s cradle,
Is it far to Bethlehem?’
Angels in the sky brought this message nigh:’
Dance and sing for joy that Christ the infant King
is born this night in lowly stable yonder,
Born for you at Bethlehem.’
SEVENTH READING Pashington Obeng
People of Ceaseless Hope by Walter Burghard Associate Professor, Africana Studies
Song of the Angel by Mark Sirett
Gloria in excelsis Deo,
Et in terra pax,
Pax hominibus,
Bonae voluntatis.
Peace (pax).
Peace goodwill to all.
English Translation
Glory be to God in the highest,
And on earth peace,
Peace among men of good will.
CLOSING PRAYER & OFFERING Joanna Lubkin, Unitarian Universalist Chaplain
CONGREGATIONAL SINGING Joy to the World George Frederic Handel
Wellesley Combined Choirs
Personent Hodie arr. Michael Abels
Personent hodie
Voces puerulae,
Laudantes jucunde
Qui nobis est natus,
Summo Deo datus,
Et de virgineo ventre procreatus.
In mundo nascitur,
Pannis involvitur,
Praesepi ponitur
Stabulo brutorum,
Rector supernorum,
Perdidit spolia princeps infernorum.
Magi tres venerunt,
Parvulum inquirunt,
Bethlehem aderunt,
Stellulam sequendo,
Ipsum adorando,
Aurum, thus, et myrrham ei offerendo.
Omnes clericuli,
Pariter pueri,
Cantent ut angeli:
Advenisti mundo,
Laudes tibi fundo.
Ideo gloria in excelsis Deo.
English Translation
On this day youthful voices sing aloud,
joyful praising Him who was born for us,
given by God, born
of a virgin.
Born into the world, wrapped in swaddling clothes,
laid in a manger in an animals' stable,
the Ruler of all, The Prince of Hell is robbed
of his spoils!
Three Magi came and offered their gifts.
They sought the child, following a star,
offering gold, incense and myrrh in
All clerks and choristers sing with angels:
"You have come into the world;
All praise to You; Glory to God
in the Highest!"
ORGAN POSTLUDE James David Christie, Organist
Nun Lob, mein Seel, den Herren (BUXWV 214) Dietrich Buxtehude
Special Thanks to our Instrumentalists:
James David Christie, organist
Back Bay Ringers
Reynaliz Herrara, percussionist
The Wellesley College Choir
Lisa Graham, conductor
Soprano I
Abbey Grant '18
Alejandra Narvaez '19
Anani Galindo '19
Angela Coco '19
Christina Buffo '19
Dasol Yoon '19
Demilade Adeboye '19
Elizabeth Taft '18
Grace Bennet-Pierre '16
Ismet Üner '16
Jiwon Lee '19
Julia Regier '18
Kathleen Strahan '19
Kelly Kung '17
Khanh An Vu '19
Maggie Calmer '18
Soprano II
Annika Tate '17
Dorothy Sun '19
Emma McMahon '16
Jane Abernathy '18
Laura Mayron '16
Lauren Heller '17
Lori Rash '16
Marina Lopez '19
Maya Nandakumar '19
Megan Shum '19
Rachel Pak '18
Rebecca Farkas '17
Shannon Mewes '19
Sofia Xargay '19
Sophia Leung '19
Sophie Rowland '17
Victoria Yu '16
Alto I
Alice Wang '19
Caiqin Zhou '19
Emma Ambrogi '16
Emmay Howey '16
Emma Thibault '19
Ginny Nie '19
Grace Ballenger '17
Grace Chen '19
Jennifer Fang '17
Kate Harrigan '19
Katie LaBarge '16
Keertana Anandraj '18
Leah Nugent '16
Mayla Thompson '19
Nina Banerji '18
Patricia Grahmann '18
Rosamond Herling '18
Sebrina Stickney-Morris '18
Sharon Liu '17
Taylor Duross '19
Vivian Ng '16
Alto II
Alexandra Bueno '18
Cayla Fromm '16
Edie Sharon '17
Emma Stelter '16
Erica Cater '19
Hannah Benson '16
Jennifer Lyon '17
Jessica Gee '17
Mackenzie Cole '18
Michaella Montana '16
Mira Li '19
Rachel Spyer Besancon '19
Stephanie Uhlenbruck '19
Suman Kumar '16
The Wellesley College Chamber Singers
Lisa Graham, conductor
Kathleen Strahan '19
Bailey Lee '17
Demilade Adeboye '19
Julia Regier '18
Ismet Üner '16
Nina Banerji '18
Monique Montoute '18
Sofia Xargay '19
Ellie Dougherty '18
Rosamund Herling '18
Patricia Grahmann '18
Katherine Robles-Ayala '17
Sebrina Stickney-Morris '18
Kate Harrigan '19
Grace Chen '19
Ginny Nie '19
Mackenzie Cole '18
Maggie Kluerza '17
Alexandra Bueno '18
Mira Li '19
The Wellesley College Choral Programs: Beginning in 1900-01 with the founding of the Wellesley
College Choir, and continuing with the establishment of the Chamber Singers in 1988 and the
Choral Scholars program in 2004, the Wellesley College Choral Programs have built a prestigious
tradition of excellence in the performance of women’s choral music. The Choral Scholars Program,
founded by conductor Lisa Graham, consists of scholarship students selected from within the Choir
and Chamber Singers to study conducting and choral music. The Wellesley College Choir and Chamber Singers consist of
seventy and twenty voices respectively, and are selected on the basis of auditions held at the beginning of each year. Both
groups have collaborated extensively with other colleges and universities, including men’s choruses from Rutgers
University, the University of Virginia and Lehigh University, and have embarked on many national and international
In Gratitude and Offering: Tonight we are taking an offering that will be sent to the American Refugee
Committee (ARC) for humanitarian relief among Syrian refugees. You can visit their website at:
The American Refugee Committee is an international nonprofit, nonsectarian organization that has provided
humanitarian assistance and training to millions of beneficiaries over the last 35 years. ARC works with refugee
communities in 11 countries around the world, helping people regain control of their lives. The people ARC
serves have lost everything to events completely beyond their control. ARC provides shelter, clean water and
sanitation, health care, skills training, microcredit education, protection and whatever support we can to let
people begin again.
The Syrian refugee crisis is the worst humanitarian disaster of our time. As the crisis reaches Europe, people are
waking up to the magnitude of the emergency.
We are seeing the worst refugee crisis since WWII. Since 2011, 11 million Syrians have fled their homes. 7.6
million are still inside Syria, while 4 million more are living in neighboring countries (mostly Turkey, Lebanon
and Jordan). Millions of Syrians are living on the brink. We know that more than 6 million people inside Syria
need emergency food assistance right now. And the humanitarian response has been operating without nearly
the required resources for years. Syrians are desperate for help.
With your support, we can continue to provide emergency support to Syrians. We can help them get lifesaving
relief. We act as a first defense – helping refugees where they’re at. We make sure they have clean water, shelter,
health care and other lifesaving care.
Led by Artistic Director Griff Gall, BBR is Boston’s community handbell
organization, and its touring ensemble is one of the premier handbell
ensembles in the Northeast. Founded in 2003, the group has performed
throughout New England and in New York City and has recorded two CDs:
Perpetual Motion and Merry and Bright: A Celebration of Carols. BBR has collaborated with many of
the Boston area’s leading arts organizations, including the Boston Children’s Chorus, Boston
Choral Ensemble, Chorus Pro Musica, and the Handel & Haydn Society, and has performed at
many Boston landmarks including Old South Church & Meeting House, Faneuil Hall,
Symphony Hall, and most recently for Boston’s September 11th
The Office of
Religious & Spiritual Life at
Wellesley College

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Christmas Vespers Program 2015_final

  • 1. Christmas Vespers The Office of Religious and Spiritual Life Rev.Tiffany Steinwert, PhD, Dean of Religious and Spiritual Life Emily Jendzejec, Catholic Chaplain Joanna Lubkin, Unitarian Universalist Chaplain The Rev. Sarah Robbins Cole, Protestant Chaplain The Wellesley College Choir & Chamber Singers Lisa Graham, Evelyn Barry Director of the Choral Program Accompanied by Kanako Nishikawa and Julia Carey with guest artists The Back Bay Ringers Griff Gall, Artistic Director James David Christie, Organist Houghton Chapel | Wellesley College | December 6, 2015 | 7:30 p.m.
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  • 3. Vespers 2015 ORGAN PRELUDE James David Christie, Organist Nun Lob, mein Seel, den Herren Michael Praetorius PROCESSIONAL Wellesley Combined Choirs Lisa Graham, Evelyn Barry Director of the Choral Program Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence Picardy arr. Craig Courtney Let all mortal flesh keep silence, And with fear and trembling stand; Ponder nothing earthly-minded, For with blessing in His hand Christ our God to earth descending, Comes our homage to demand. King of kings, yet born of Mary, As of old on earth He stood, Lord of lords in human vesture, In the body and the blood, He will give to all the faithful His own self for heav’nly food. Rank on rank the host of heaven, Spreads its vanguard on the way; As the Light of light descending From the realms of endless day, Comes the pow’rs of hell to vanquish, As the darkness clears away. At His feet the six-winged seraph, Cherubim with sleepless eye, Veil their faces to the Presence, As with ceaseless voice they cry: Alleluia! Alleluia, Lord Most High! WELCOME Dr. Tiffany Steinwert, Dean of Religious and Spiritual Life WELLESLEY COLLEGE CHOIR with Back Bay Ringers A New Year Carol by Benjamin Britten Here we bring new water from the well so clear, For to worship God with, this happy New Year. Refrain Sing levy-dew, sing levy-dew, the water and the wine; The seven bright gold wires and the bugles that do shine. Sing reign of Fair Maid, with gold upon her toe, Open you the West Door, and turn the Old Year go. Refrain Sing reign of Fair Maid, with gold upon her chin, Open you the East Door and let the New Year in. Refrain OPENING WORDS Emily Jendzejec, Catholic Chaplain
  • 4. WELLESLEY COLLEGE CHOIR I Saw Three Ships Come Sailing In arr. Edward Henderson I saw three ships come sailing in on Christmas Day, on Christmas Day, I saw three ships come sailing in on Christmas Day in the morning. And what was in those ships all three on Christmas Day, on Christmas Day, And what was in those ships all three on Christmas Day in the morning? Our Saviour Christ and His lady, on Christmas Day, on Christmas Day, Our Saviour Christ and His lady, on Christmas Day in the morning. Pray wither sailed those ships all three on Christmas Day, on Christmas Day, And wither sailed those ships all three on Christmas Day in the morning? O, they sailed into Bethlehem on Christmas Day, on Christmas Day, O they sailed into Bethlehem on Christmas Day in the morning. And all the bells on earth shall ring. Ding! Dong! Ding! Dong! The Bells will all begin to ring. Ding! Dong! Ding! Dong! And bells will all begin to ring on Christmas Day in the morning. And all the Angels in Heav’n shall sing, and all the Souls on earth shall sing, And all the Souls in Heav’n shall sing on Christmas Day in the morning. Let us all rejoice amain! And let us all rejoice amain! On Christmas Day in the morning. And let us all rejoice amain! And let us all rejoice amain! On Christmas Day in the morning. LIGHTING OF ADVENT CANDLES Rev. Sarah Robbins-Cole, Protestant Chaplain Student Representatives Sydney Stewart ’18, Black Women’s Ministry; Ye-Eun Sung ’16, Intervarsity Christian Fellowship; Chloey Garza ’19, Latter-Day Saint Student Association; Natalie Catalan ’18, Newman Catholic Ministry *Please stand if able. Please refrain from applause during the service.
  • 5. CONGREGATIONAL SINGING O Come All Ye Faithful Trad. Latin Hymn FIRST READING Cayla Fromm ’16 This Is True by Allan Boesak Wellesley Choir President BACK BAY RINGERS The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came Basque melody arr. Joel Raney SECOND READING Layli Maparyan Blessed Among Women by Noticia Alladas Executive Director, Wellesley Centers for Women Professor of Africana Studies
  • 6. WELLESLEY COLLEGE CHOIR Magnificat by Ralph Vaughan Williams Stephanie Kacoyanis ’05, contralto Amanda Kosloski, flute Hail, thou that art highly favoured, The Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women. The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, And the power of the Highest shall over shadow thee: Therefore that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God. My soul doth magnify the Lord, (Hail, Mary full of Grace) And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my saviour. (The Lord is with thee.) For he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden: For, behold, from henceforth, all generations shall call me blessed. (Blessed art thou among women.) For he that is mighty hath done to me great things; And holy is his name. Holy Lord God of hosts; Heaven and earth are full of thy glory, (Holy is his name.) Glory be to thee O Lord, most high. (Holy is his name.) And his mercy is on them that fear him from generation to generation. He hath shewed strength with his arm: He hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree. He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he hath sent empty away. He hath holpen his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy; As he spake to our fathers, to Abraham and to his seed for ever. Fear not, Mary: thou has found favour with God. Behold thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and shalt bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: And he shall reign for ever; And of his Kingdom there shall be no end. Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. THIRD READING Robin Cook-Nobles Luke 2:1-7 Director of the Counseling Service Dean of the Office of Intercultural Education
  • 7. CONGREGATIONAL SINGING Away in a Manger James R. Murray WELLESLEY COLLEGE CHAMBER SINGERS A Flower Like a Rose by Brian Hulse Text by Hildegard von Bingen Flos ut rosa floruit, quando Virgo genuit Maria Salvatorem omnium Summi Patris Filium, Nova genitura. A flower like a rose budded forth When the Virgin Mary gave birth To the Savior of us all, The Son of the Father Nova genitura (New birth). By divine grace he descended to human lowliness, And saved all things by His highest power. So let us sing a hymn of glory, Praising Him with a song of gladness, Let us sing a hymn of glory, Praising Him with a song of gladness, Celebrating today and giving thanks to the King of Kings and justice, Who has been born from the Virgin in a mystic breath. And let our chorus sing in dancing measure: "Let us bless the Lord."
  • 8. FOURTH READING Katherine Stone Kaufmann ’67 For So The Children Come by Sophia Lyon Fahs Trustee Emerita BACK BAY RINGERS In the Bleak Midwinter by Gustav Holst arr. Karen Buckwalter FIFTH READING T. James Kodera Luke 2:8-16 Professor, Religion CONGREGATIONAL SINGING Angels We Have Heard on High Trad. French Carol SIXTH READING Andrew Shennan Matthew 2:1-12 Provost and Dean of the College
  • 9. WELLESLEY COLLEGE CHOIR Shepherd’s Pipe Carol by John Rutter Going through the hills on a night all starry On the way to Bethlehem, Far away I heard a shepherd boy piping On the way to Bethlehem. Angels in the sky brought this message nigh:’ Dance and sing for joy that Christ the newborn King is come to bring us peace on earth, and he’s lying cradled there at Bethlehem.’ ‘Tell me, shepherd boy piping tunes so merrily On the way to Bethlehem, Who will hear your tunes on these hills so lonely On the way to Bethlehem?’ Angels in the sky brought this message nigh:’ Dance and sing for joy that Christ the newborn King is come to bring us peace on earth, and he’s lying cradled there at Bethlehem.’ ‘None may hear my pipes on these hills so lonely On the way to Bethlehem; But a King will hear me play sweet lullabies When I get to Bethlehem.’ Angels in the sky came down from on high, Hovered o’er the manger where the babe was lying cradled in the arms of his mother Mary, sleeping now at Bethlehem. ‘Where is this new King, shepherd boy piping merrily, Is he there at Bethlehem?’ ‘I will find him soon by the star shining brightly In the sky o’er Bethlehem.’ Angels in the sky brought this message nigh:’ Dance and sing for joy that Christ the newborn King is come to bring us peace on earth, and he’s lying cradled there at Bethlehem.’ ‘May I come with you, shepherd boy piping merrily, Come with you to Bethlehem? Pay my homage too at the new King’s cradle, Is it far to Bethlehem?’ Angels in the sky brought this message nigh:’ Dance and sing for joy that Christ the infant King is born this night in lowly stable yonder, Born for you at Bethlehem.’ SEVENTH READING Pashington Obeng People of Ceaseless Hope by Walter Burghard Associate Professor, Africana Studies WELLESLEY COLLEGE CHAMBER SINGERS Song of the Angel by Mark Sirett Gloria in excelsis Deo, Et in terra pax, Pax hominibus, Bonae voluntatis. Peace (pax). Peace goodwill to all. English Translation Glory be to God in the highest, And on earth peace, Peace among men of good will. CLOSING PRAYER & OFFERING Joanna Lubkin, Unitarian Universalist Chaplain
  • 10. CONGREGATIONAL SINGING Joy to the World George Frederic Handel
  • 11. RECESSIONAL Wellesley Combined Choirs Personent Hodie arr. Michael Abels Personent hodie Voces puerulae, Laudantes jucunde Qui nobis est natus, Summo Deo datus, Et de virgineo ventre procreatus. In mundo nascitur, Pannis involvitur, Praesepi ponitur Stabulo brutorum, Rector supernorum, Perdidit spolia princeps infernorum. Magi tres venerunt, Parvulum inquirunt, Bethlehem aderunt, Stellulam sequendo, Ipsum adorando, Aurum, thus, et myrrham ei offerendo. Omnes clericuli, Pariter pueri, Cantent ut angeli: Advenisti mundo, Laudes tibi fundo. Ideo gloria in excelsis Deo. English Translation On this day youthful voices sing aloud, joyful praising Him who was born for us, given by God, born of a virgin. Born into the world, wrapped in swaddling clothes, laid in a manger in an animals' stable, the Ruler of all, The Prince of Hell is robbed of his spoils! Three Magi came and offered their gifts. They sought the child, following a star, offering gold, incense and myrrh in adoration. All clerks and choristers sing with angels: "You have come into the world; All praise to You; Glory to God in the Highest!" ORGAN POSTLUDE James David Christie, Organist Nun Lob, mein Seel, den Herren (BUXWV 214) Dietrich Buxtehude Special Thanks to our Instrumentalists: James David Christie, organist Back Bay Ringers Reynaliz Herrara, percussionist
  • 12. The Wellesley College Choir Lisa Graham, conductor Soprano I Abbey Grant '18 Alejandra Narvaez '19 Anani Galindo '19 Angela Coco '19 Christina Buffo '19 Dasol Yoon '19 Demilade Adeboye '19 Elizabeth Taft '18 Grace Bennet-Pierre '16 Ismet Üner '16 Jiwon Lee '19 Julia Regier '18 Kathleen Strahan '19 Kelly Kung '17 Khanh An Vu '19 Maggie Calmer '18 Soprano II Annika Tate '17 Dorothy Sun '19 Emma McMahon '16 Jane Abernathy '18 Laura Mayron '16 Lauren Heller '17 Lori Rash '16 Marina Lopez '19 Maya Nandakumar '19 Megan Shum '19 Rachel Pak '18 Rebecca Farkas '17 Shannon Mewes '19 Sofia Xargay '19 Sophia Leung '19 Sophie Rowland '17 Victoria Yu '16 Alto I Alice Wang '19 Caiqin Zhou '19 Emma Ambrogi '16 Emmay Howey '16 Emma Thibault '19 Ginny Nie '19 Grace Ballenger '17 Grace Chen '19 Jennifer Fang '17 Kate Harrigan '19 Katie LaBarge '16 Keertana Anandraj '18 Leah Nugent '16 Mayla Thompson '19 Nina Banerji '18 Patricia Grahmann '18 Rosamond Herling '18 Sebrina Stickney-Morris '18 Sharon Liu '17 Taylor Duross '19 Vivian Ng '16 Alto II Alexandra Bueno '18 Cayla Fromm '16 Edie Sharon '17 Emma Stelter '16 Erica Cater '19 Hannah Benson '16 Jennifer Lyon '17 Jessica Gee '17 Mackenzie Cole '18 Michaella Montana '16 Mira Li '19 Rachel Spyer Besancon '19 Stephanie Uhlenbruck '19 Suman Kumar '16 The Wellesley College Chamber Singers Lisa Graham, conductor Soprano Kathleen Strahan '19 Bailey Lee '17 Demilade Adeboye '19 Julia Regier '18 Ismet Üner '16 Nina Banerji '18 Monique Montoute '18 Sofia Xargay '19 Ellie Dougherty '18 Alto Rosamund Herling '18 Patricia Grahmann '18 Katherine Robles-Ayala '17 Sebrina Stickney-Morris '18 Kate Harrigan '19 Grace Chen '19 Ginny Nie '19 Mackenzie Cole '18 Maggie Kluerza '17 Alexandra Bueno '18 Mira Li '19 The Wellesley College Choral Programs: Beginning in 1900-01 with the founding of the Wellesley College Choir, and continuing with the establishment of the Chamber Singers in 1988 and the Choral Scholars program in 2004, the Wellesley College Choral Programs have built a prestigious tradition of excellence in the performance of women’s choral music. The Choral Scholars Program, founded by conductor Lisa Graham, consists of scholarship students selected from within the Choir and Chamber Singers to study conducting and choral music. The Wellesley College Choir and Chamber Singers consist of seventy and twenty voices respectively, and are selected on the basis of auditions held at the beginning of each year. Both groups have collaborated extensively with other colleges and universities, including men’s choruses from Rutgers University, the University of Virginia and Lehigh University, and have embarked on many national and international tours.
  • 13.
  • 14. In Gratitude and Offering: Tonight we are taking an offering that will be sent to the American Refugee Committee (ARC) for humanitarian relief among Syrian refugees. You can visit their website at: The American Refugee Committee is an international nonprofit, nonsectarian organization that has provided humanitarian assistance and training to millions of beneficiaries over the last 35 years. ARC works with refugee communities in 11 countries around the world, helping people regain control of their lives. The people ARC serves have lost everything to events completely beyond their control. ARC provides shelter, clean water and sanitation, health care, skills training, microcredit education, protection and whatever support we can to let people begin again. The Syrian refugee crisis is the worst humanitarian disaster of our time. As the crisis reaches Europe, people are waking up to the magnitude of the emergency. We are seeing the worst refugee crisis since WWII. Since 2011, 11 million Syrians have fled their homes. 7.6 million are still inside Syria, while 4 million more are living in neighboring countries (mostly Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan). Millions of Syrians are living on the brink. We know that more than 6 million people inside Syria need emergency food assistance right now. And the humanitarian response has been operating without nearly the required resources for years. Syrians are desperate for help. With your support, we can continue to provide emergency support to Syrians. We can help them get lifesaving relief. We act as a first defense – helping refugees where they’re at. We make sure they have clean water, shelter, health care and other lifesaving care. Led by Artistic Director Griff Gall, BBR is Boston’s community handbell organization, and its touring ensemble is one of the premier handbell ensembles in the Northeast. Founded in 2003, the group has performed throughout New England and in New York City and has recorded two CDs: Perpetual Motion and Merry and Bright: A Celebration of Carols. BBR has collaborated with many of the Boston area’s leading arts organizations, including the Boston Children’s Chorus, Boston Choral Ensemble, Chorus Pro Musica, and the Handel & Haydn Society, and has performed at many Boston landmarks including Old South Church & Meeting House, Faneuil Hall, Symphony Hall, and most recently for Boston’s September 11th Remembrance. The Office of Religious & Spiritual Life at Wellesley College BACK BAY RINGERS