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Research to enhance experience of Indian
Social Networking Site

TEAM NAME: Intel_Inside


    Vaibhav Sarangale
    Shishira Hegde

COLLEGE NAME: IES Management College and Research Center,

Social Networking sites are the fastest growing media for all the corporate as well as users to
interact with each other. The popularity of Social Networking sites in India spread with
popularity of Orkut. Recently Facebook emerged as the most popular networking site in India
with 25 million users. There are also Indian social networking sites like Bharatstudent,
Fropper, Ibibo etc. A look at the Indian social networking space clearly shows that the most
popular sites are all established global players. It would not be an overstatement if we say that
the Indian counterparts have failed to make an impact comparatively.

Across the globe, social networking sites operate under different revenue models. Most of
them rely on advertising as their major source of revenue. Marketers have found social media
an effective and cheap alternative to grab eyeballs. But the Indian users have different
psychology which makes it difficult for social networking sites to earn added revenues.

Hence it is necessary to identify the gaps in the current social networking sites and the
prospective segments of users which can be targeted to gain more visibility. It is also
necessary to identify the effectiveness of current models and scope for new revenue models.

Following are the objectives of the study:

       To understand the awareness about the social networking sites and their usage.
       To identify the gaps in the current social networking sites available to exploit.
       To understand the most liked and disliked factors of the social networking sites.
       To identify the key positioning parameters in current scenario.
       To identify potential market segments and target groups for a social networking sites.
       To understand the efficiency of the current revenue models and proposed revenue

The research design included both qualitative and quantitative studies. The quantitative
responses were collected using online survey where as qualitative data was collected through
in-depth interviews. Analysis was done using SPSS and Microsoft Excel 2010. Random
sampling was done and response was collected form 89 respondents.
Key findings of the research are as follows:

   Privacy is having the highest opportunity score followed by Speed and Ease of navigation
   It is observed that Indian users are noticing the in-site advertisements but are not
   motivated to click it, the other models like Value Added Services, special paid In-Games
   items and features, to design applications and sell based on shared revenue basis on social
   networking sites are also not effective
   Proposed revenue models were highly accepted. Hence these models are would be highly
   effective if implemented in the revenue model for the social networking sites.
   When Cluster analysis was conducted for the 89 respondents, it was found that three
   clusters emerged out of which Cluster No.2 and Cluster No.3 comprise of the most
   prospective users for the proposed revenue models.

Social networking site is used to describe any Web site that enables users to create public
profiles within that Web site and form relationships with other users of the same Web site
who access their profile. Social networking sites can be used to describe community-based
Web sites, online discussions forums, chat-rooms and other social spaces online.[1]

Experian Hitwise, the global information services company, has conducted an international
study on just how much time people living in different countries spend on social networks.
Brazil, Singapore, USA, India, New Zealand, France, Australia and the UK were a part of the
study. As per this study, India ranks 4th and has 14 per cent market share for social networks
and forums. Facebook, YouTube and Orkut continue to be the top three social networking
websites in India. [2]

India with its large population has millions of users accessing Facebook, there are 25 million
people using Facebook in India. This means 18% of the online population is from India. It is
estimated that within a year India will have at least 27 million Facebook users.
Social networking in India-

The popularity of Social Networking sites spread with popularity of Orkut. Facebook, Twitter,
Orkut, LinkedIn are few of the biggest social networking sites in India., a popular
portal in India launched its own version, Yaari, Minglebox, Hi5 and dozens of other sites are
attracting their own fan base. Online video and music sites are also doing reasonably well.
However, one of the major competitors of SNS is the Indian Television and Cinema industry,
which still has a grasp on a big share of the user attention. With respect to online music, due
to the popularity of Bit torrent in India, most users prefer to download their music rather than
listen to it online.

Revenue models of social networking sites-

Within all investigated social networking sites the following significant revenue models were

        Onsite Advertising: Advertising is a very popular form of revenue generation. Most
        common forms were contextual advertising, usually Google AdSense, and banner
        Application development- Many of the social networking sites have a special feature
        which enables its users to develop their own applications for the social networking
        website. The developer gets revenues by sharing revenues generated through
        application downloads and/or application usage.
        Affiliate Programs: Affiliate programs are revenue sharing arrangements set up by
        companies selling products and services. Owners of social networking sites are
        rewarded for sending customers to a specific third-party company.
        Special in-game features- Some social networking sites provides the feature ofbuying
        in-game special items to enhance their gaming experience. There are also some sites
        which provide paid games participation.
        Membership Fees: Only a few of the analyzed social networks had a membership
        revenue model which is normally based on special features for a premium account or
        in some cases like a club fee.
Direct Sales: Fewer social networks had included an e store in their environment to
gather revenue directly from sales of products.


      The main objective of the study was to understand the market scenario of the social
      networking sites in India.


      To understand the awareness about the social networking sites and their usage.
      To identify the gaps in the current social networking sites available to exploit.
      To understand the most liked and disliked factors of the social networking sites.
      To identify the key positioning parameters in current scenario.
      To identify potential market segments and target groups for a social networking sites.
      To understand the efficiency of the current revenue models and proposed revenue


      The entire research was a combination of qualitative and quantitative research.
      The data collected was based on both exploratory and descriptive designs.
      Qualitative data was collected through in-depth interviews.
      Quantitative data was collected during online research through customer assisted
      questionnaire based feedbacks. Google survey was used to prepare the questionnaire.
      The research was initiated with a pilot questionnaire, which helped to draft the final
      The entire data analysis was done using SPSS and Microsoft Excel 2010.
Sampling design-

       The sample consists of current and prospective users of social networking sites.
       The quantitative research was conducted in the sample of 89 respondents.
       While the qualitative data collection was done using in-depth interviews of 5
       Sampling design was simple random sampling.


Following are some of the limitations of the study

       As the quantitative research was conducted using online surveys, there was minimal
       control over the composition of the respondents in total sample.
       As many of the homemakers and senior citizens have not responded to the survey, the
       results of the research will not be applicable to them.
       Respondent Bias was one of the major limitations of research, which we tried to
       overcome through different tools of research.

Name           of   Occupation        Age      (in   Response
respondent                            Years)
1.   Vijesh         Service           29                Advertisements not catchy and noticeable.
     Hegde                                              Game becomes monotonous and boring after a certain
                    (Oracle)                            level and user feels it’s a waste of time.
                                                        As per Indian psychology, user only takes interest when
                                                        he sees some benefit or value addition for them. Hence
                                                        do not pay attention to Ads.
                                                        Feature of application development is not famous in
                                                        India due to lack of user friendly nature of developing

2.   Rajprasad      Service           29                Herd mentality among Indian users of using pirated
     Hegde                                              contents.
                    (Tesco)                             Credit card penetration in India is very low hence usage
                                                        is also low
                                                        Least knowledge for application development in India,
                                                        hence good support software is required.
                                                        Indian youth follow the trend of global youth and are
                                                        more influenced by the buzz created.
                                                        Indian youth follows their friend circle, hence they
                                                        switch along with their friends.
                                                        Social networking sites like facebook got recognition
                                                        due to its exclusive student user base at first. Hence
                                                        Indian networking sites should also follow the same path
                                                        to get recognition.

3.   Roshnee        Student      at   22                Don’t click on advertisements nor pay for in-game
     Bhatia         IES MCRC                            features as the basic purpose of visiting is networking &
                                                        past-time for free.
                                                        But would consider spending if one can earn revenue on
                                                        the social networking site.
                                                        Do not know how to develop applications as tools are
                                                        not user friendly.
                                                        If benefited through shared revenues then would
participate in online features and spend.

4.   Prasad     MS     in NY   24   Used to play games and buy in-games item like Mafia
     Vesawkar   Univ                Wars, but later got bored.
                                    Is aware about the feature of app development but not
                                    used it much due to lack of experience.
                                    Has noticed ads but found them irrelevant to his profile
                                    hence don’t click on it except for LIKNEDIN which
                                    relevant ads according to the group joined

Overall demographics

                                                                Monthly Family Income

                                                      15001 to 30000 INR                   25.8
16 to 25 years                            76.4

                                                      30001 to 45000 INR                   25.8

                                                      45001 to 60000 INR            16.9
26 to 35 years            23.6

                                                         above 60000 INR                        31.5

                  0             50           100
                                                                           0   10   20     30     40

                 Professional        Self employed   Service   Student



        Here we can observe that the average age of the 89 respondent is 22.89 years and the
        average monthly family income is INR 43061
        Students formed the major percentage of the respondent, followed by the service
Top of Mind Awareness and the most preferred site as per the respondent

           Top Of Mind Awareness                                    Sites most visited by the respondent

Myspace        1.12
                                                                   Orkut       1.12
 Twitter       1.12

Linkedin       1.12                                              linkedin          5.62

   Orkut       3.37
                                                                      FB                                              93.26
Facebook                                         93.26

           0          20   40     60     80      100                        0.00    20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00

      The most LIKED parameter for the mentioned social networking site

      Most Like (%)
      Parameter                  Facebook     Twitter    Linkedin     Orkut        Bharatstudent   Indyarock   Bigadda

      Ease of Navigation/        46.07        16.85      7.87         29.21        15.73           17.98       14.61
      User Friendly

      Sharing              and   43.82        31.46      41.57        21.35        14.61           13.48       11.24
      Privacy                    6.74         7.87       13.48        10.11        8.99            2.25        5.62
      Speed                      1.12         19.10      5.62         5.62         1.12            4.49        4.49
      Gaming                     1.12         1.12       2.25         6.74         6.74            10.11       14.61
      No response                1.12         23.60      29.21        26.97        52.81           51.69       49.44

      The Top of Mind Recall for FACEBOOK is highest with 93.26% followed by meager
      percentage of 3.3 for ORKUT.
      Among the seven social networking sites listed, FACEBOOK is the most visited site with
      93.26% followed by LIKNEDIN with 5.62%
      The most liked parameter for the following sites are as follows:
         o FACEBOOK: Ease of navigation/User friendly (46.07%)
         o TWITTER: Sharing and Networking (31.46%)
         o LINKEDIN: Sharing and Networking (41.57%)
         o ORKUT: Ease of navigation/User friendly (29.21%)
           o BHARATSTUDENT.COM, INDYAROCKS & BIGADDA : majority of the
             respondents couldn’t respond for these sites
The most DISLIKED parameter for the mentioned social networking sites

Most Dislike (%)
Parameter                     Facebook   Twitter   Linkedin   Orkut   Bharatstudent   Indyarock   Bigadda

Ease of Navigation/ User      8.99       12.36     11.24      4.49    5.62            3.37        4.49

Sharing and Networking        3.37       3.37      2.25       4.49    7.87            6.74        10.11

Privacy                       29.21      12.36     15.73      26.97   12.36           11.24       11.24
Speed                         26.97      15.73     17.98      13.48   10.11           14.61       11.24
Gaming                        23.60      17.98     14.61      16.85   8.99            8.99        6.74
No response                   7.87       38.20     38.20      33.71   55.06           55.06       56.18

           The most disliked parameter for the mentioned social networking sites are:
              o FACEBOOK: Privacy (29.21%)
              o TWITTER: Gaming (17.98%)
              o LINKEDIN: Speed (17.98%)
              o ORKUT: Privacy (26.97)
              o BHARATSTUDENT.COM: Privacy (12.36%)
              o INDYAROCKS: Speed (14.61%)
              o BIGADDA: Privacy and Speed share the same percentage (11.24%)
Opportunity Score Matrix

                                   Importance = Satisfaction= s i-s [If i-s is Opportunity
                                   i (Mean)      (Mean)         negative            score.=i+(i-s)
                                                                consider it as 0]
Ease of navigation/ User 4.12                    3.76           0.36                4.48
Speed                              4.2           3.63           0.57                4.77

Privacy                            4.42          3.7            0.72                5.14

Networking and Chatting            4             3.97           0.03                4.03

Sharing (e.g. Video, Music, 3.84                 3.9            0                   3.84
Photo, Status etc)
Applications                       3.12          3.45           0                   3.12

Information visibility             3.64          3.54           0.1                 3.74

Earning in monetary terms          2.89          2.97           0                   2.89

Online shopping                    2.58          2.92           0                   2.58

Gaming                             2.6           3.12           0                   2.6
Downloading (e.g. Videos, 3.31                   3.35           0                   3.31
music,     photos,   wallpapers
Ease of payment in suitable 3.08                 3.12           0                   3.08
currency       and       payment
gateways like paypal

       In the Opportunity Score Matrix amongst all the other parameter, PRIVACY scored
       the highest with the score of 5.14. This is due to the higher IMPORTANCE given with
       lower SATISFACTION level which shows the gap between the expectation and actual
       experience of the user
       These parameters were followed by:
           o SPEED : Opportunity score 4.77
           o EASE OF NAVIGATION/USER FRIENDLY: Opportunity score 4.48
Responses received for Current and Proposed Model

                                         Responses on Current Revenue Model
                                                             YES       NO

             I design apps and sell on social networking sites       8.99               91.01

              I pay for special in-game items while gaming in… 6.74                     93.26

           I pay for the value added services provided by the … 13.48                    86.52

           I click on the advertisement which appears in the…           24.72               75.28

          I notice the advertisement which appears in social…                   67.42                  32.58

                                          Responses on the proposed model
                                                             YES      NO

           In association to OPTION NO.1 would you like to use
            these earnings for legally watching latest released                 62.92               37.08
            movies (i.e. to inhibit piracy) on social networking …
             I would visit the social networking sites which are
                  providing earning options through paid                        67.42               32.58
             surveys, application development etc. which can …

Comments on Current Revenue Models:

   The efficiency of revenue generation through in-site advertisements is very low as many of the
   users are noticing the advertisements but are not motivated to click the advertisements.
   The current revenue models of the social networking sites are not very strong such as:
       o Value Added Services
       o Special paid In-Games items and features
       o To design applications and sell based on shared revenue basis on social networking sites

Comments on Proposed Revenue Model:

      The acceptance for both the models is very high as in comparison with the currents model as
      seen above.
Verifying relation between


               Age               Proposed Model No.1                                       Total

                                                                 yes          no

               26 to 35 years    Count                           14           7            21
                                 % of Total                      15.7%        7.9%         23.6%
               16 to 25 years    Count                           46           22           68
                                 % of Total                      51.7%        24.7%        76.4%
      Total                      Count                           60           29           89
                                 % of Total                      67.4%        32.6%        100.0%

               Age               Proposed Model No.2                                       Total

                                                                 yes          no

               26 to 35 years    Count                           13           8            21
                                 % of Total                      14.6%        9.0%         23.6%
               16 to 25 years    Count                           43           25           68
                                 % of Total                      48.3%        28.1%        76.4%
      Total                      Count                           56           33           89
                                 % of Total                      62.9%        37.1%        100.0%


     From the first table it can be seen that 51.7% of the total respondent are belonging to age group
     of 16 to 25 years and are in favor of proposed model 1 (which provides scope to earn revenue
     and spent them in online shopping)
     Similarly it can be observed from the second table that 48.3% of the total respondent are
     belonging to the age group of 16 to 25 years are in favor of proposed model 2 (which enables
     the user to use the earnings from model 1 for legally watching latest released movies i.e. to
     inhibit piracy on social networking sites)

                   Occupation        Proposed Model No.1                                    Total

                                                                   yes          no

                   Professional      Count                         5            3           8
                                     % of Total                    5.6%         3.4%        9.0%
                   Self employed     Count                         3            1           4
                                     % of Total                    3.4%         1.1%        4.5%
                   Service           Count                         12           6           18
                                     % of Total                    13.5%        6.7%        20.2%
                   Student           Count                         40           19          59
                                     % of Total                    44.9%        21.3%       66.3%
     Total                           Count                         60           29          89
                                     % of Total                    67.4%        32.6%       100.0%

                   Occupation        Proposed Model No.2                                    Total

                                                                   yes          no

                   Professional      Count                         3            5           8
                                     % of Total                    3.4%         5.6%        9.0%
                   Self employed     Count                         2            2           4
                                     % of Total                    2.2%         2.2%        4.5%
                   Service           Count                         14           4           18
                                     % of Total                    15.7%        4.5%        20.2%
                   Student           Count                         37           22          59
                                     % of Total                    41.6%        24.7%       66.3%
     Total                           Count                         56           33          89
                                     % of Total                    62.9%        37.1%       100.0%


     From the first table it can be seen that 44.9% of the total respondent are Student and are in
     favor of proposed model 1 followed by Service accounting for 13.5% (Model 1:which
     provides scope to earn revenue and spent them in online shopping)
     Similarly it can be observed from the second table that 41.6% of the total respondent are
     Students and are in favor of proposed model 2 (which enables the user to use the earnings
     from model 1 for legally watching latest released movies i.e. to inhibit piracy on social
     networking sites)

                      Monthly_income       Proposed Model No.1                           Total

                                                                    yes       no

                      above 60000 INR      Count                    19        9          28
                                           % of Total               21.3%     10.1%      31.5%
                      45001 to 60000 INR   Count                    13        2          15
                                           % of Total               14.6%     2.2%       16.9%
                      30001 to 45000 INR   Count                    13        10         23
                                           % of Total               14.6%     11.2%      25.8%
                      15001 to 30000 INR   Count                    15        8          23
                                           % of Total               16.9%     9.0%       25.8%
     Total                                 Count                    60        29         89
                                           % of Total               67.4%     32.6%      100.0%

                      Monthly_income       Proposed Model No.2                           Total

                                                                    yes       no

                      above 60000 INR      Count                    16        12         28
                                           % of Total               18.0%     13.5%      31.5%
                      45001 to 60000 INR   Count                    13        2          15
                                           % of Total               14.6%     2.2%       16.9%
                      30001 to 45000 INR   Count                    14        9          23
                                           % of Total               15.7%     10.1%      25.8%
                      15001 to 30000 INR   Count                    13        10         23
                                           % of Total               14.6%     11.2%      25.8%
     Total                                 Count                    56        33         89
                                           % of Total               62.9%     37.1%      100.0%


     21.3% of the total respondent belong to the monthly income group of above 60000 INR who
     are in favor of the model 1 (which provides scope to earn revenue and spent them in online
     shopping) followed by the monthly income group of 150001 to 30000 INR who account for
     From the second table 18.0% of the total respondent belong to the monthly income group of
     above 60000 INR followed by 15.7% belonging to the monthly income group of 30001 to
     45000 INR in favor of model 2 (which enables the user to use the earnings from model 1 for
     legally watching latest released movies i.e. to inhibit piracy on social networking sites)
Verifying dependence between


                                                            I_pay_for_special_in_game_items_while_gaming     Total

                                                            yes                     no

      Occupation    Professional     Count                  2                       6                        8
                                     % of Total             2.2%                    6.7%                     9.0%
                    Self             Count                  1                       3                        4
                    employed         % of Total             1.1%                    3.4%                     4.5%
                    Service          Count                  0                       18                       18
                                     % of Total             .0%                     20.2%                    20.2%
                    Student          Count                  3                       56                       59
                                     % of Total             3.4%                    62.9%                    66.3%
      Total                          Count                  6                       83                       89
                                     % of Total             6.7%                    93.3%                    100.0%

      Chi-Square Tests
                                                    Value               df                  Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)
      Pearson Chi-Square                            7.922               3                   .048
      Likelihood Ratio                              6.734               3                   .081
      Linear-by-Linear Association                  4.326               1                   .038
      N of Valid Cases                              89

      a. 5 cells (62.5%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .27.

H0: Occupation of the respondent is independent of the current revenue model

H1: Occupation of the respondent is dependent of the current revenue model

As Pearson Chi-Square value = 0.048 is less than α = 0.05 at 95% Confidence Interval, we
reject H0 and accept H1

Hence Occupation of the respondent is dependent of the current revenue model.
Cluster Analysis

Extract of Agglomeration Schedule by Hierarchical method of cluster analysis

                                  Coefficients    Difference between consecutive coefficients
8               81                25.50

7               82                26.33           0.83
6               83                30.27           3.93
5               84                31.31           1.04
4               85                32.11           0.80
3               86                36.31           4.20
2               87                36.87           0.56
1               88                48.26           11.39

Beyond first stage the maximum difference between the coefficients is observed at the 3 rd
stage from bottom hence we can conclude that there are 3 clusters are emerging from the
given lifestyle statements.

From the table given bellow, the number of users per cluster is found out by K-means
method for cluster analysis

Number of Cases in each Cluster
Cluster                           1                        26
                                  2                        31
                                  3                        32
Valid                                                      89
Missing                                                    .000
Testing significance of lifestyle statements using ANOVA

                                            Cluster                   Error                     F          Sig.

                                            Mean            df        Mean            df
                                            Square                    Square
I_use_credit_card                           41.265          2         .683            86        60.450     .000
I_like_online_game                          9.443           2         .937            86        10.073     .000
i_like_download_free                        5.228           2         1.227           86        4.260      .017
I_like_build_professional_network_online    6.153           2         .921            86        6.680      .002
I_like_online_shopping                      14.413          2         .730            86        19.747     .000
i_like_video_chatting                       6.454           2         .832            86        7.753      .001
i_use_my_phone_4_professional               18.956          2         .731            86        25.918     .000
I_download_paid_app                         8.514           2         .826            86        10.314     .000
I_visit_site_through_my_phone               21.905          2         .984            86        22.251     .000
i_visit_sites_to_earn                       12.180          2         .983            86        12.391     .000
i_dnt_mind_pay_downloading                  11.032          2         .886            86        12.453     .000
The F tests should be used only for descriptive purposes because the clusters have been chosen to maximize the
differences among cases in different clusters. The observed significance levels are not corrected for this and thus
cannot be interpreted as tests of the hypothesis that the cluster means are equal.

As the significance values of the all the life style statements are below α = 0.05, we can say
that all these parameters are relevant for this model
Cluster 1 characteristics

Final Cluster Centers                    Cluster No.1 Remark
I_use_credit_card                        2               Not so Influential factor
I_like_online_game                       3               Neutral
i_like_download_free                     3               Neutral
I_like_build_professional_network_online 3               Neutral
I_like_online_shopping                   2               Not so Influential factor
i_like_video_chatting                    3               Neutral
i_use_my_phone_4_professional            2               Not so Influential factor
I_download_paid_app                      2               Not so Influential factor
I_visit_site_through_my_phone            2               Not so Influential factor
i_visit_sites_to_earn                    2               Not so Influential factor
i_dnt_mind_pay_downloading               2               Not so Influential factor

Average age-22.03 year Average income- INR 49038

                                    Cluster 1-Age

  16 to 25 years                                                                     84.6

  26 to 35 years             15.4

                   0    10    20    30       40     50      60      70      80         90
Cluster No.1- Monthly Family Income

15001 to 30000 INR                                         19.2

30001 to 45000 INR                                                23.1

45001 to 60000 INR                                         19.2

  above 60000 INR                                                                             38.5

                     0       5       10       15          20      25         30        35     40      45

                                    Cluster No.1-Occupation

                                          7.7 3.8

                                                                       Valid Professional
                                                                       Valid Self employed
                                                                       Valid Service
                                                                       Valid Student

                     Cluster No.1- Responses on current revenue model
                                              YES     NO

  I design apps and sell on social networking sites 7.70%                     92.30%

   I pay for special in-game items while gaming in…                          96.20%

I pay for the value added services provided by the… 15.40%                        84.60%

I click on the advertisement which appears in the… 19.20%                         80.80%

     I notice the advertisement which appears in …                  73.10%                   26.90%
Cluster No.1- Responses for proposed model
                                                 YES     NO

In association to OPTION NO.1 would you like to use
 these earnings for legally watching latest released          50%      50%
  movies (i.e. to inhibit piracy) on social networking
 I would visit the social networking sites which are
      providing earning options through paid                  53.80%   46.20%
surveys, application development etc. which can be
     redeemed in online shopping (e.g. Live…
Cluster 2 characteristics-

Final Cluster Centers            Cluster   Remark
I_use_credit_card                2         Not so Influential factor
I_like_online_game               2         Not so Influential factor
i_like_download_free             4         Most Influential factor for respondent in
                                           cluster no.2
I_like_build_professional_network 4        Most Influential factor for respondent in
_online                                    cluster no.2
I_like_online_shopping           3         Neutral
i_like_video_chatting            4         Most Influential factor for respondent in
                                           cluster no.2
i_use_my_phone_4_professional    4         Most Influential factor for respondent in
                                           cluster no.2
I_download_paid_app              3         Neutral
I_visit_site_through_my_phone    4         Most Influential factor for respondent in
                                           cluster no.2
i_visit_sites_to_earn            3         Neutral
i_dnt_mind_pay_downloading       3         Neutral
Average age- 22.43 years Average income- INR 43790

                                                Cluster No.2-Age

  26 to 35 years                         19.4

  16 to 25 years                                                                                       80.6

                   0         10       20          30       40      50          60           70    80          90

                                  Cluster No.2-Monthly Family Income

    above 60000 INR                                                                              29

  45001 to 60000 INR                                       12.9

  30001 to 45000 INR                                                                             29

  15001 to 30000 INR                                                                             29

                         0           5            10        15          20             25        30           35

                                         Cluster No.2-Occupation
                       9.7                                                   Student
                                                    74.2                     Self employed
Cluster No.2-Responses on current revenue model
                                                  YES    NO

  I design apps and sell on social networking sites 6.50%                   93.50%

   I pay for special in-game items while gaming in…6.50%                    93.50%

I pay for the value added services provided by the… 12.90%                   87.10%

I click on the advertisement which appears in the…           29%                 71%

     I notice the advertisement which appears in …                 61.30%               38.70%

                Cluster No.2-Responses for proposed revenue model
                                               YES      NO

 In association to OPTION NO.1 would you like to
   use these earnings for legally watching latest                  64.50%            35.50%
 released movies (i.e. to inhibit piracy) on social …

I would visit the social networking sites which are
     providing earning options through paid                           71%               21%
  surveys, application development etc. which …
Cluster 3 characteristics

Final Cluster Centers                 Cluster   Remark
I_use_credit_card                     4         Most Influential factor for respondent in cluster
I_like_online_game                    3         Neutral
i_like_download_free                  4         Most Influential factor for respondent in cluster
I_like_build_professional_network_o   4         Most Influential factor for respondent in cluster
nline                                           no.3
I_like_online_shopping                4         Most Influential factor for respondent in cluster
i_like_video_chatting                 4         Most Influential factor for respondent in cluster
i_use_my_phone_4_professional         4         Most Influential factor for respondent in cluster
I_download_paid_app                   3         Neutral
I_visit_site_through_my_phone         4         Most Influential factor for respondent in cluster
i_visit_sites_to_earn                 3         Neutral
i_dnt_mind_pay_downloading            3         Neutral
Average age- 23.93 years Average income- INR 44,511

                                        Cluster No.3-Age

  26 to 35 years                                        34.4

  16 to 25 years                                                                        65.6

                   0       10          20        30          40             50     60     70

                            Cluster No.3- Monthly Family Income

    above 60000 INR

  45001 to 60000 INR

  30001 to 45000 INR

  15001 to 30000 INR

                       0          5         10          15           20           25     30

                                       Cluster No.3-Occupation

                                 6.2 6.2
                                28.1                              Service
                                                                  Self employed
Cluster No.3-Responses on current revenue model
                                                  YES    NO

  I design apps and sell on social networking sites 12.90%                     87.10%

   I pay for special in-game items while gaming in… 9.40%                      90.60%

I pay for the value added services provided by the… 12.90%                     87.10%

I click on the advertisement which appears in the…           25.80%               74.20%

     I notice the advertisement which appears in…                        71%                  29%

             Cluster No.3- Responses for the proposed revenue model
                                               YES      NO

In association to OPTION NO.1 would you like to
  use these earnings for legally watching latest                      71%               29%
released movies (i.e. to inhibit piracy) on social …

  I would visit the social networking sites which
    are providing earning options through paid                        74.20%            25.80%
  surveys, application development etc. which …

 From the most LIKED parameters where the Global networking sites score on Ease of
 navigation/User friendly and Sharing and networking, Indian social networking sites need
 to gear up on these fronts as they score very less in comparison to their Global
 On the other hand where Global social networking sites are lagging behind on parameters
 like Privacy and Speed, Indian counterparts can build their strong positioning statements
 and infrastructure on these parameters.
 In the Opportunity Score Matrix on all the other parameter, Privacy is having the highest
 opportunity score followed by Speed and Ease of navigation respectively. Hence ant new
 social networking site can position themselves on the above mentioned parameters.
 It is observed that Indian users are noticing the in-site advertisements but are not
 motivated to click on it which is big road block according to the current revenue model.
 The current revenue models of the social networking sites are not very strong such as:
    o Value Added Services because very few people don’t like to spend money in the
        social networking sites when its form their own pocket
    o Special paid In-Games items and features because as games become monotonous
        after certain period of time and users feels it’s not worth to spend time and money
        on it
    o To design applications and sell based on shared revenue basis on social
        networking sites because as many of the users are unaware about the tools and are
        lacking the skills to develop applications on their own
 It was observed that there is a high acceptance for the proposed model no.1 that a user
 would visit the social networking sites which are providing earning options through paid
 surveys, application development etc. which can be redeemed in online shopping (e.g.
 Live streaming, Video downloading, mobile recharge etc)
 Also a high acceptance for the proposed model no.2 that a user would you like to use
 these earnings for legally watching latest released movies (i.e. to inhibit piracy) on social
 networking sites.
Hence these models are would be highly effective if implemented in the revenue model
for the social networking sites.
From different cross tabulations, it was observed that the proposed models no.1 & 2 were
readily accepted by the age group of 16 to 25 years and also by the Students.
It was observed that the proposed model no.1 & 2 are having higher acceptance in the
income group of INR 60000 and above.
From these observations we can propose that these models would be highly effective in
these segments.
When Cluster analysis was conducted for the 89 respondents, it was found that three
clusters emerged out of which Cluster No.2 and Cluster No.3 comprise of the most
prospective users for the proposed revenue models.
The proposed revenue models are designed in such a way that it would benefit all the
stake holders of Social Networking Media.
   o Users: Mode of earning
   o In-site advertisers: Enabling users to click on the in-site advertisements and
       motivating them to buy using the earnings
   o Film house production: Reducing piracy and increasing the viewership which will
       increase the revenues
   o Corporate clients: Applications could be build from crowd sourcing, data can be
       collected etc
   o Social Networking Sites: Adding to the revenue through the above mentioned


Survey to enhance experience of Indian Social Networking Site

The survey is conducted to understand the hidden opportunities in social media for Indian markets and
to understand the scope for developing a new revenue models in social networking sites.

Name: ___________________

Contact number: ____________________

Email Id: ___________________


        Upto 15 years
        16 to 25 years
        26 to 35 years
        36 to 45 years
        above 46 years


        Self employed
        Home maker

Monthly Family Income

        below 15000 INR
        15001 to 30000 INR
        30001 to 45000 INR
        45001 to 60000 INR
        above 60000 INR
1. Enlist names of 5 social networking websites that you can recollect immediately.

2. Which of the following social networking sites do you visit the most?


3. Which of the following parameters you LIKE the most for the mentioned social networking site?

                       Ease       of   Speed       Privacy         Gaming        Sharing
                       Navigation/                                               and
                       User                                                      Networking

4. Which of the following parameters you DISLIKE the most for the mentioned social networking

                           Ease       of     Speed       Privacy   Gaming       Sharing
                           Navigation/                                          and
                           User                                                 Networking


5. How important are these parameters according to you?

                       Least               Unimportant   Neutral    Important     Most
                       Important                                                  Important
Ease             of
User friendly
and Chatting
Sharing        (e.g.
Video, Music,
Photo, Status

Earning         in
(e.g.     Videos,
music, photos,
Ease            of
payment         in
currency and
gateways like

6. How satisfied you are from these parameters?

                     Least satisfied   Dissatisfied   Neutral   Satisfied   Most satisfied

Ease            of
User friendly
and Chatting
Sharing      (e.g.
Video, Music,
Photo, Status
Earning        in
(e.g.     Videos,
music, photos,
Ease           of
payment        in
currency and
gateways like
7. Kindly tick the appropriate option for the following

                        Strongly   Disagree         Neutral   Agree   Strongly agree
I mostly use
my credit card
for payment
I like online
I       like      to
movie for free
I like to build
network online
I like do online
I like do video
I       use      my
phone            for
I       like      to
download paid
applications on
my phone
I    visit     social
sites        through
my phone
I like to visit
website which
opportunity to
I don't mind to
pay            for

8. Kindly tick appropriate option for the following

                                       Yes            No
I   notice     the    advertisement
which    appears         in   social
networking site
I click on the advertisement
which appears         in the social
networking site
I pay for the value added
services provided by the social
networking site (e.g. Linkedin,
I pay for special in-game items
while        gaming     in    social
networking sites
I design apps and sell on social
networking sites
9. Kindly tick appropriate option for the following questions

                                          Yes                   No
I   would      visit   the       social
networking sites which are
providing      earning       options
through         paid         surveys,
application development etc.
which can be redeemed in
online    shopping       (e.g.    Live
streaming, Video downloading,
mobile recharge etc)
In association to OPTION NO.1
would you like to use these
earnings for legally watching
latest released movies (i.e. to
inhibit     piracy)    on        social
networking sites

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Research Report on Social Networking in India and Revenue models

  • 1. Research to enhance experience of Indian Social Networking Site TEAM NAME: Intel_Inside TEAM MEMBER: Vaibhav Sarangale Shishira Hegde COLLEGE NAME: IES Management College and Research Center, Mumbai
  • 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Social Networking sites are the fastest growing media for all the corporate as well as users to interact with each other. The popularity of Social Networking sites in India spread with popularity of Orkut. Recently Facebook emerged as the most popular networking site in India with 25 million users. There are also Indian social networking sites like Bharatstudent, Fropper, Ibibo etc. A look at the Indian social networking space clearly shows that the most popular sites are all established global players. It would not be an overstatement if we say that the Indian counterparts have failed to make an impact comparatively. Across the globe, social networking sites operate under different revenue models. Most of them rely on advertising as their major source of revenue. Marketers have found social media an effective and cheap alternative to grab eyeballs. But the Indian users have different psychology which makes it difficult for social networking sites to earn added revenues. Hence it is necessary to identify the gaps in the current social networking sites and the prospective segments of users which can be targeted to gain more visibility. It is also necessary to identify the effectiveness of current models and scope for new revenue models. Following are the objectives of the study: To understand the awareness about the social networking sites and their usage. To identify the gaps in the current social networking sites available to exploit. To understand the most liked and disliked factors of the social networking sites. To identify the key positioning parameters in current scenario. To identify potential market segments and target groups for a social networking sites. To understand the efficiency of the current revenue models and proposed revenue models The research design included both qualitative and quantitative studies. The quantitative responses were collected using online survey where as qualitative data was collected through in-depth interviews. Analysis was done using SPSS and Microsoft Excel 2010. Random sampling was done and response was collected form 89 respondents.
  • 3. Key findings of the research are as follows: Privacy is having the highest opportunity score followed by Speed and Ease of navigation respectively. It is observed that Indian users are noticing the in-site advertisements but are not motivated to click it, the other models like Value Added Services, special paid In-Games items and features, to design applications and sell based on shared revenue basis on social networking sites are also not effective Proposed revenue models were highly accepted. Hence these models are would be highly effective if implemented in the revenue model for the social networking sites. When Cluster analysis was conducted for the 89 respondents, it was found that three clusters emerged out of which Cluster No.2 and Cluster No.3 comprise of the most prospective users for the proposed revenue models.
  • 4. INTRODUCTION Social networking site is used to describe any Web site that enables users to create public profiles within that Web site and form relationships with other users of the same Web site who access their profile. Social networking sites can be used to describe community-based Web sites, online discussions forums, chat-rooms and other social spaces online.[1] Experian Hitwise, the global information services company, has conducted an international study on just how much time people living in different countries spend on social networks. Brazil, Singapore, USA, India, New Zealand, France, Australia and the UK were a part of the study. As per this study, India ranks 4th and has 14 per cent market share for social networks and forums. Facebook, YouTube and Orkut continue to be the top three social networking websites in India. [2] India with its large population has millions of users accessing Facebook, there are 25 million people using Facebook in India. This means 18% of the online population is from India. It is estimated that within a year India will have at least 27 million Facebook users.
  • 5. Social networking in India- The popularity of Social Networking sites spread with popularity of Orkut. Facebook, Twitter, Orkut, LinkedIn are few of the biggest social networking sites in India., a popular portal in India launched its own version, Yaari, Minglebox, Hi5 and dozens of other sites are attracting their own fan base. Online video and music sites are also doing reasonably well. However, one of the major competitors of SNS is the Indian Television and Cinema industry, which still has a grasp on a big share of the user attention. With respect to online music, due to the popularity of Bit torrent in India, most users prefer to download their music rather than listen to it online. Revenue models of social networking sites- Within all investigated social networking sites the following significant revenue models were determined: Onsite Advertising: Advertising is a very popular form of revenue generation. Most common forms were contextual advertising, usually Google AdSense, and banner advertising. Application development- Many of the social networking sites have a special feature which enables its users to develop their own applications for the social networking website. The developer gets revenues by sharing revenues generated through application downloads and/or application usage. Affiliate Programs: Affiliate programs are revenue sharing arrangements set up by companies selling products and services. Owners of social networking sites are rewarded for sending customers to a specific third-party company. Special in-game features- Some social networking sites provides the feature ofbuying in-game special items to enhance their gaming experience. There are also some sites which provide paid games participation. Membership Fees: Only a few of the analyzed social networks had a membership revenue model which is normally based on special features for a premium account or in some cases like a club fee.
  • 6. Direct Sales: Fewer social networks had included an e store in their environment to gather revenue directly from sales of products.
  • 7. RESEARCH METHODALOGY Objectives- The main objective of the study was to understand the market scenario of the social networking sites in India. Sub-objectives- To understand the awareness about the social networking sites and their usage. To identify the gaps in the current social networking sites available to exploit. To understand the most liked and disliked factors of the social networking sites. To identify the key positioning parameters in current scenario. To identify potential market segments and target groups for a social networking sites. To understand the efficiency of the current revenue models and proposed revenue models. Methodology The entire research was a combination of qualitative and quantitative research. The data collected was based on both exploratory and descriptive designs. Qualitative data was collected through in-depth interviews. Quantitative data was collected during online research through customer assisted questionnaire based feedbacks. Google survey was used to prepare the questionnaire. The research was initiated with a pilot questionnaire, which helped to draft the final questionnaire. The entire data analysis was done using SPSS and Microsoft Excel 2010.
  • 8. Sampling design- The sample consists of current and prospective users of social networking sites. The quantitative research was conducted in the sample of 89 respondents. While the qualitative data collection was done using in-depth interviews of 5 respondents Sampling design was simple random sampling. Limitations- Following are some of the limitations of the study As the quantitative research was conducted using online surveys, there was minimal control over the composition of the respondents in total sample. As many of the homemakers and senior citizens have not responded to the survey, the results of the research will not be applicable to them. Respondent Bias was one of the major limitations of research, which we tried to overcome through different tools of research.
  • 9. RESULTS OF THE QUALITATIVE STUDY Name of Occupation Age (in Response respondent Years) 1. Vijesh Service 29 Advertisements not catchy and noticeable. Hegde Game becomes monotonous and boring after a certain (Oracle) level and user feels it’s a waste of time. As per Indian psychology, user only takes interest when he sees some benefit or value addition for them. Hence do not pay attention to Ads. Feature of application development is not famous in India due to lack of user friendly nature of developing tools. 2. Rajprasad Service 29 Herd mentality among Indian users of using pirated Hegde contents. (Tesco) Credit card penetration in India is very low hence usage is also low Least knowledge for application development in India, hence good support software is required. Indian youth follow the trend of global youth and are more influenced by the buzz created. Indian youth follows their friend circle, hence they switch along with their friends. Social networking sites like facebook got recognition due to its exclusive student user base at first. Hence Indian networking sites should also follow the same path to get recognition. 3. Roshnee Student at 22 Don’t click on advertisements nor pay for in-game Bhatia IES MCRC features as the basic purpose of visiting is networking & past-time for free. But would consider spending if one can earn revenue on the social networking site. Do not know how to develop applications as tools are not user friendly. If benefited through shared revenues then would
  • 10. participate in online features and spend. 4. Prasad MS in NY 24 Used to play games and buy in-games item like Mafia Vesawkar Univ Wars, but later got bored. Is aware about the feature of app development but not used it much due to lack of experience. Has noticed ads but found them irrelevant to his profile hence don’t click on it except for LIKNEDIN which relevant ads according to the group joined
  • 11. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS OF THE SURVEY Overall demographics Age Monthly Family Income 15001 to 30000 INR 25.8 16 to 25 years 76.4 30001 to 45000 INR 25.8 45001 to 60000 INR 16.9 26 to 35 years 23.6 above 60000 INR 31.5 0 50 100 0 10 20 30 40 Occupation Professional Self employed Service Student 5% 9% 20% 66% Here we can observe that the average age of the 89 respondent is 22.89 years and the average monthly family income is INR 43061 Students formed the major percentage of the respondent, followed by the service category.
  • 12. Top of Mind Awareness and the most preferred site as per the respondent Top Of Mind Awareness Sites most visited by the respondent Myspace 1.12 Orkut 1.12 Twitter 1.12 Linkedin 1.12 linkedin 5.62 Orkut 3.37 FB 93.26 Facebook 93.26 0 20 40 60 80 100 0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 The most LIKED parameter for the mentioned social networking site Most Like (%) Parameter Facebook Twitter Linkedin Orkut Bharatstudent Indyarock Bigadda Ease of Navigation/ 46.07 16.85 7.87 29.21 15.73 17.98 14.61 User Friendly Sharing and 43.82 31.46 41.57 21.35 14.61 13.48 11.24 Networking Privacy 6.74 7.87 13.48 10.11 8.99 2.25 5.62 Speed 1.12 19.10 5.62 5.62 1.12 4.49 4.49 Gaming 1.12 1.12 2.25 6.74 6.74 10.11 14.61 No response 1.12 23.60 29.21 26.97 52.81 51.69 49.44 The Top of Mind Recall for FACEBOOK is highest with 93.26% followed by meager percentage of 3.3 for ORKUT. Among the seven social networking sites listed, FACEBOOK is the most visited site with 93.26% followed by LIKNEDIN with 5.62% The most liked parameter for the following sites are as follows: o FACEBOOK: Ease of navigation/User friendly (46.07%) o TWITTER: Sharing and Networking (31.46%) o LINKEDIN: Sharing and Networking (41.57%) o ORKUT: Ease of navigation/User friendly (29.21%) o BHARATSTUDENT.COM, INDYAROCKS & BIGADDA : majority of the respondents couldn’t respond for these sites
  • 13. The most DISLIKED parameter for the mentioned social networking sites Most Dislike (%) Parameter Facebook Twitter Linkedin Orkut Bharatstudent Indyarock Bigadda Ease of Navigation/ User 8.99 12.36 11.24 4.49 5.62 3.37 4.49 Friendly Sharing and Networking 3.37 3.37 2.25 4.49 7.87 6.74 10.11 Privacy 29.21 12.36 15.73 26.97 12.36 11.24 11.24 Speed 26.97 15.73 17.98 13.48 10.11 14.61 11.24 Gaming 23.60 17.98 14.61 16.85 8.99 8.99 6.74 No response 7.87 38.20 38.20 33.71 55.06 55.06 56.18 The most disliked parameter for the mentioned social networking sites are: o FACEBOOK: Privacy (29.21%) o TWITTER: Gaming (17.98%) o LINKEDIN: Speed (17.98%) o ORKUT: Privacy (26.97) o BHARATSTUDENT.COM: Privacy (12.36%) o INDYAROCKS: Speed (14.61%) o BIGADDA: Privacy and Speed share the same percentage (11.24%)
  • 14. Opportunity Score Matrix Importance = Satisfaction= s i-s [If i-s is Opportunity i (Mean) (Mean) negative score.=i+(i-s) consider it as 0] Ease of navigation/ User 4.12 3.76 0.36 4.48 friendly Speed 4.2 3.63 0.57 4.77 Privacy 4.42 3.7 0.72 5.14 Networking and Chatting 4 3.97 0.03 4.03 Sharing (e.g. Video, Music, 3.84 3.9 0 3.84 Photo, Status etc) Applications 3.12 3.45 0 3.12 Information visibility 3.64 3.54 0.1 3.74 Earning in monetary terms 2.89 2.97 0 2.89 Online shopping 2.58 2.92 0 2.58 Gaming 2.6 3.12 0 2.6 Downloading (e.g. Videos, 3.31 3.35 0 3.31 music, photos, wallpapers etc) Ease of payment in suitable 3.08 3.12 0 3.08 currency and payment gateways like paypal In the Opportunity Score Matrix amongst all the other parameter, PRIVACY scored the highest with the score of 5.14. This is due to the higher IMPORTANCE given with lower SATISFACTION level which shows the gap between the expectation and actual experience of the user These parameters were followed by: o SPEED : Opportunity score 4.77 o EASE OF NAVIGATION/USER FRIENDLY: Opportunity score 4.48
  • 15. Responses received for Current and Proposed Model Responses on Current Revenue Model YES NO I design apps and sell on social networking sites 8.99 91.01 I pay for special in-game items while gaming in… 6.74 93.26 I pay for the value added services provided by the … 13.48 86.52 I click on the advertisement which appears in the… 24.72 75.28 I notice the advertisement which appears in social… 67.42 32.58 Responses on the proposed model YES NO In association to OPTION NO.1 would you like to use these earnings for legally watching latest released 62.92 37.08 movies (i.e. to inhibit piracy) on social networking … I would visit the social networking sites which are providing earning options through paid 67.42 32.58 surveys, application development etc. which can … Comments on Current Revenue Models: The efficiency of revenue generation through in-site advertisements is very low as many of the users are noticing the advertisements but are not motivated to click the advertisements. The current revenue models of the social networking sites are not very strong such as: o Value Added Services o Special paid In-Games items and features o To design applications and sell based on shared revenue basis on social networking sites Comments on Proposed Revenue Model: The acceptance for both the models is very high as in comparison with the currents model as seen above.
  • 16. Verifying relation between AGE V/s PROPOSED REVENUE MODELS Age Proposed Model No.1 Total yes no 26 to 35 years Count 14 7 21 % of Total 15.7% 7.9% 23.6% 16 to 25 years Count 46 22 68 % of Total 51.7% 24.7% 76.4% Total Count 60 29 89 % of Total 67.4% 32.6% 100.0% Age Proposed Model No.2 Total yes no 26 to 35 years Count 13 8 21 % of Total 14.6% 9.0% 23.6% 16 to 25 years Count 43 25 68 % of Total 48.3% 28.1% 76.4% Total Count 56 33 89 % of Total 62.9% 37.1% 100.0% Comments: From the first table it can be seen that 51.7% of the total respondent are belonging to age group of 16 to 25 years and are in favor of proposed model 1 (which provides scope to earn revenue and spent them in online shopping) Similarly it can be observed from the second table that 48.3% of the total respondent are belonging to the age group of 16 to 25 years are in favor of proposed model 2 (which enables the user to use the earnings from model 1 for legally watching latest released movies i.e. to inhibit piracy on social networking sites)
  • 17. OCCUPATION V/s PROPOSED REVENUE MODEL Occupation Proposed Model No.1 Total yes no Professional Count 5 3 8 % of Total 5.6% 3.4% 9.0% Self employed Count 3 1 4 % of Total 3.4% 1.1% 4.5% Service Count 12 6 18 % of Total 13.5% 6.7% 20.2% Student Count 40 19 59 % of Total 44.9% 21.3% 66.3% Total Count 60 29 89 % of Total 67.4% 32.6% 100.0% Occupation Proposed Model No.2 Total yes no Professional Count 3 5 8 % of Total 3.4% 5.6% 9.0% Self employed Count 2 2 4 % of Total 2.2% 2.2% 4.5% Service Count 14 4 18 % of Total 15.7% 4.5% 20.2% Student Count 37 22 59 % of Total 41.6% 24.7% 66.3% Total Count 56 33 89 % of Total 62.9% 37.1% 100.0% Comments: From the first table it can be seen that 44.9% of the total respondent are Student and are in favor of proposed model 1 followed by Service accounting for 13.5% (Model 1:which provides scope to earn revenue and spent them in online shopping) Similarly it can be observed from the second table that 41.6% of the total respondent are Students and are in favor of proposed model 2 (which enables the user to use the earnings from model 1 for legally watching latest released movies i.e. to inhibit piracy on social networking sites)
  • 18. INCOME V/s PROPOSED REVENUE MODEL Monthly_income Proposed Model No.1 Total yes no above 60000 INR Count 19 9 28 % of Total 21.3% 10.1% 31.5% 45001 to 60000 INR Count 13 2 15 % of Total 14.6% 2.2% 16.9% 30001 to 45000 INR Count 13 10 23 % of Total 14.6% 11.2% 25.8% 15001 to 30000 INR Count 15 8 23 % of Total 16.9% 9.0% 25.8% Total Count 60 29 89 % of Total 67.4% 32.6% 100.0% Monthly_income Proposed Model No.2 Total yes no above 60000 INR Count 16 12 28 % of Total 18.0% 13.5% 31.5% 45001 to 60000 INR Count 13 2 15 % of Total 14.6% 2.2% 16.9% 30001 to 45000 INR Count 14 9 23 % of Total 15.7% 10.1% 25.8% 15001 to 30000 INR Count 13 10 23 % of Total 14.6% 11.2% 25.8% Total Count 56 33 89 % of Total 62.9% 37.1% 100.0% Comments: 21.3% of the total respondent belong to the monthly income group of above 60000 INR who are in favor of the model 1 (which provides scope to earn revenue and spent them in online shopping) followed by the monthly income group of 150001 to 30000 INR who account for 16.9% From the second table 18.0% of the total respondent belong to the monthly income group of above 60000 INR followed by 15.7% belonging to the monthly income group of 30001 to 45000 INR in favor of model 2 (which enables the user to use the earnings from model 1 for legally watching latest released movies i.e. to inhibit piracy on social networking sites)
  • 19. Verifying dependence between OCCUPATION V/s CURRENT REVENUE MODEL Crosstab I_pay_for_special_in_game_items_while_gaming Total yes no Occupation Professional Count 2 6 8 % of Total 2.2% 6.7% 9.0% Self Count 1 3 4 employed % of Total 1.1% 3.4% 4.5% Service Count 0 18 18 % of Total .0% 20.2% 20.2% Student Count 3 56 59 % of Total 3.4% 62.9% 66.3% Total Count 6 83 89 % of Total 6.7% 93.3% 100.0% Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) a Pearson Chi-Square 7.922 3 .048 Likelihood Ratio 6.734 3 .081 Linear-by-Linear Association 4.326 1 .038 N of Valid Cases 89 a. 5 cells (62.5%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .27. H0: Occupation of the respondent is independent of the current revenue model H1: Occupation of the respondent is dependent of the current revenue model As Pearson Chi-Square value = 0.048 is less than α = 0.05 at 95% Confidence Interval, we reject H0 and accept H1 Hence Occupation of the respondent is dependent of the current revenue model.
  • 20. Cluster Analysis Extract of Agglomeration Schedule by Hierarchical method of cluster analysis Coefficients Difference between consecutive coefficients Stage 8 81 25.50 7 82 26.33 0.83 6 83 30.27 3.93 5 84 31.31 1.04 4 85 32.11 0.80 3 86 36.31 4.20 2 87 36.87 0.56 1 88 48.26 11.39 Beyond first stage the maximum difference between the coefficients is observed at the 3 rd stage from bottom hence we can conclude that there are 3 clusters are emerging from the given lifestyle statements. From the table given bellow, the number of users per cluster is found out by K-means method for cluster analysis Number of Cases in each Cluster Cluster 1 26 2 31 3 32 Valid 89 Missing .000
  • 21. Testing significance of lifestyle statements using ANOVA Cluster Error F Sig. Mean df Mean df Square Square I_use_credit_card 41.265 2 .683 86 60.450 .000 I_like_online_game 9.443 2 .937 86 10.073 .000 i_like_download_free 5.228 2 1.227 86 4.260 .017 I_like_build_professional_network_online 6.153 2 .921 86 6.680 .002 I_like_online_shopping 14.413 2 .730 86 19.747 .000 i_like_video_chatting 6.454 2 .832 86 7.753 .001 i_use_my_phone_4_professional 18.956 2 .731 86 25.918 .000 I_download_paid_app 8.514 2 .826 86 10.314 .000 I_visit_site_through_my_phone 21.905 2 .984 86 22.251 .000 i_visit_sites_to_earn 12.180 2 .983 86 12.391 .000 i_dnt_mind_pay_downloading 11.032 2 .886 86 12.453 .000 The F tests should be used only for descriptive purposes because the clusters have been chosen to maximize the differences among cases in different clusters. The observed significance levels are not corrected for this and thus cannot be interpreted as tests of the hypothesis that the cluster means are equal. As the significance values of the all the life style statements are below α = 0.05, we can say that all these parameters are relevant for this model
  • 22. Cluster 1 characteristics Final Cluster Centers Cluster No.1 Remark (Mean) I_use_credit_card 2 Not so Influential factor I_like_online_game 3 Neutral i_like_download_free 3 Neutral I_like_build_professional_network_online 3 Neutral I_like_online_shopping 2 Not so Influential factor i_like_video_chatting 3 Neutral i_use_my_phone_4_professional 2 Not so Influential factor I_download_paid_app 2 Not so Influential factor I_visit_site_through_my_phone 2 Not so Influential factor i_visit_sites_to_earn 2 Not so Influential factor i_dnt_mind_pay_downloading 2 Not so Influential factor Average age-22.03 year Average income- INR 49038 Cluster 1-Age 16 to 25 years 84.6 26 to 35 years 15.4 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
  • 23. Cluster No.1- Monthly Family Income 15001 to 30000 INR 19.2 30001 to 45000 INR 23.1 45001 to 60000 INR 19.2 above 60000 INR 38.5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Cluster No.1-Occupation 7.7 3.8 Valid Professional 23.1 Valid Self employed 65.4 Valid Service Valid Student Cluster No.1- Responses on current revenue model YES NO I design apps and sell on social networking sites 7.70% 92.30% 3.80% I pay for special in-game items while gaming in… 96.20% I pay for the value added services provided by the… 15.40% 84.60% I click on the advertisement which appears in the… 19.20% 80.80% I notice the advertisement which appears in … 73.10% 26.90%
  • 24. Cluster No.1- Responses for proposed model YES NO In association to OPTION NO.1 would you like to use these earnings for legally watching latest released 50% 50% movies (i.e. to inhibit piracy) on social networking sites I would visit the social networking sites which are providing earning options through paid 53.80% 46.20% surveys, application development etc. which can be redeemed in online shopping (e.g. Live…
  • 25. Cluster 2 characteristics- Final Cluster Centers Cluster Remark No.2 (Mean) I_use_credit_card 2 Not so Influential factor I_like_online_game 2 Not so Influential factor i_like_download_free 4 Most Influential factor for respondent in cluster no.2 I_like_build_professional_network 4 Most Influential factor for respondent in _online cluster no.2 I_like_online_shopping 3 Neutral i_like_video_chatting 4 Most Influential factor for respondent in cluster no.2 i_use_my_phone_4_professional 4 Most Influential factor for respondent in cluster no.2 I_download_paid_app 3 Neutral I_visit_site_through_my_phone 4 Most Influential factor for respondent in cluster no.2 i_visit_sites_to_earn 3 Neutral i_dnt_mind_pay_downloading 3 Neutral
  • 26. Average age- 22.43 years Average income- INR 43790 Cluster No.2-Age 26 to 35 years 19.4 16 to 25 years 80.6 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Cluster No.2-Monthly Family Income above 60000 INR 29 45001 to 60000 INR 12.9 30001 to 45000 INR 29 15001 to 30000 INR 29 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Cluster No.2-Occupation 12.9 3.2 9.7 Student Service 74.2 Self employed Professional
  • 27. Cluster No.2-Responses on current revenue model YES NO I design apps and sell on social networking sites 6.50% 93.50% I pay for special in-game items while gaming in…6.50% 93.50% I pay for the value added services provided by the… 12.90% 87.10% I click on the advertisement which appears in the… 29% 71% I notice the advertisement which appears in … 61.30% 38.70% Cluster No.2-Responses for proposed revenue model YES NO In association to OPTION NO.1 would you like to use these earnings for legally watching latest 64.50% 35.50% released movies (i.e. to inhibit piracy) on social … I would visit the social networking sites which are providing earning options through paid 71% 21% surveys, application development etc. which …
  • 28. Cluster 3 characteristics Final Cluster Centers Cluster Remark No.3 I_use_credit_card 4 Most Influential factor for respondent in cluster no.3 I_like_online_game 3 Neutral i_like_download_free 4 Most Influential factor for respondent in cluster no.3 I_like_build_professional_network_o 4 Most Influential factor for respondent in cluster nline no.3 I_like_online_shopping 4 Most Influential factor for respondent in cluster no.3 i_like_video_chatting 4 Most Influential factor for respondent in cluster no.3 i_use_my_phone_4_professional 4 Most Influential factor for respondent in cluster no.3 I_download_paid_app 3 Neutral I_visit_site_through_my_phone 4 Most Influential factor for respondent in cluster no.3 i_visit_sites_to_earn 3 Neutral i_dnt_mind_pay_downloading 3 Neutral
  • 29. Average age- 23.93 years Average income- INR 44,511 Cluster No.3-Age 26 to 35 years 34.4 16 to 25 years 65.6 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Cluster No.3- Monthly Family Income above 60000 INR 45001 to 60000 INR 30001 to 45000 INR 15001 to 30000 INR 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Cluster No.3-Occupation 6.2 6.2 Student 28.1 Service 59.4 Self employed Professional
  • 30. Cluster No.3-Responses on current revenue model YES NO I design apps and sell on social networking sites 12.90% 87.10% I pay for special in-game items while gaming in… 9.40% 90.60% I pay for the value added services provided by the… 12.90% 87.10% I click on the advertisement which appears in the… 25.80% 74.20% I notice the advertisement which appears in… 71% 29% Cluster No.3- Responses for the proposed revenue model YES NO In association to OPTION NO.1 would you like to use these earnings for legally watching latest 71% 29% released movies (i.e. to inhibit piracy) on social … I would visit the social networking sites which are providing earning options through paid 74.20% 25.80% surveys, application development etc. which …
  • 31. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS From the most LIKED parameters where the Global networking sites score on Ease of navigation/User friendly and Sharing and networking, Indian social networking sites need to gear up on these fronts as they score very less in comparison to their Global counterparts On the other hand where Global social networking sites are lagging behind on parameters like Privacy and Speed, Indian counterparts can build their strong positioning statements and infrastructure on these parameters. In the Opportunity Score Matrix on all the other parameter, Privacy is having the highest opportunity score followed by Speed and Ease of navigation respectively. Hence ant new social networking site can position themselves on the above mentioned parameters. It is observed that Indian users are noticing the in-site advertisements but are not motivated to click on it which is big road block according to the current revenue model. The current revenue models of the social networking sites are not very strong such as: o Value Added Services because very few people don’t like to spend money in the social networking sites when its form their own pocket o Special paid In-Games items and features because as games become monotonous after certain period of time and users feels it’s not worth to spend time and money on it o To design applications and sell based on shared revenue basis on social networking sites because as many of the users are unaware about the tools and are lacking the skills to develop applications on their own It was observed that there is a high acceptance for the proposed model no.1 that a user would visit the social networking sites which are providing earning options through paid surveys, application development etc. which can be redeemed in online shopping (e.g. Live streaming, Video downloading, mobile recharge etc) Also a high acceptance for the proposed model no.2 that a user would you like to use these earnings for legally watching latest released movies (i.e. to inhibit piracy) on social networking sites.
  • 32. Hence these models are would be highly effective if implemented in the revenue model for the social networking sites. From different cross tabulations, it was observed that the proposed models no.1 & 2 were readily accepted by the age group of 16 to 25 years and also by the Students. It was observed that the proposed model no.1 & 2 are having higher acceptance in the income group of INR 60000 and above. From these observations we can propose that these models would be highly effective in these segments. When Cluster analysis was conducted for the 89 respondents, it was found that three clusters emerged out of which Cluster No.2 and Cluster No.3 comprise of the most prospective users for the proposed revenue models. The proposed revenue models are designed in such a way that it would benefit all the stake holders of Social Networking Media. o Users: Mode of earning o In-site advertisers: Enabling users to click on the in-site advertisements and motivating them to buy using the earnings o Film house production: Reducing piracy and increasing the viewership which will increase the revenues o Corporate clients: Applications could be build from crowd sourcing, data can be collected etc o Social Networking Sites: Adding to the revenue through the above mentioned statements.
  • 33. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. williams/ 4. 5. 6. 7. networking-in-india.html
  • 34. APPENDIX Survey to enhance experience of Indian Social Networking Site The survey is conducted to understand the hidden opportunities in social media for Indian markets and to understand the scope for developing a new revenue models in social networking sites. Name: ___________________ Contact number: ____________________ Email Id: ___________________ Age: Upto 15 years 16 to 25 years 26 to 35 years 36 to 45 years above 46 years Occupation Student Service Self employed Professional Home maker Unemployed Monthly Family Income below 15000 INR 15001 to 30000 INR 30001 to 45000 INR 45001 to 60000 INR above 60000 INR
  • 35. 1. Enlist names of 5 social networking websites that you can recollect immediately. ______________ ______________ ______________ _______________ _______________ 2. Which of the following social networking sites do you visit the most? Facebook Twitter Orkut Linkedin Indyarocks Bigadda 3. Which of the following parameters you LIKE the most for the mentioned social networking site? Ease of Speed Privacy Gaming Sharing Navigation/ and User Networking Friendly Facebook Twitter Linkedin Orkut Indyarocks Bigadda
  • 36. 4. Which of the following parameters you DISLIKE the most for the mentioned social networking site? Ease of Speed Privacy Gaming Sharing Navigation/ and User Networking Friendly Facebook Twitter Linkedin Orkut Indyarocks Bigadda 5. How important are these parameters according to you? Least Unimportant Neutral Important Most Important Important Ease of navigation/ User friendly Speed Privacy Networking and Chatting Sharing (e.g. Video, Music, Photo, Status etc) Applications Information
  • 37. visibility Earning in monetary terms Online shopping Gaming Downloading (e.g. Videos, music, photos, wallpapers etc) Ease of payment in suitable currency and payment gateways like paypal 6. How satisfied you are from these parameters? Least satisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Most satisfied Ease of navigation/ User friendly Speed Privacy Networking and Chatting
  • 38. Sharing (e.g. Video, Music, Photo, Status etc) Applications Information visibility Earning in monetary terms Online shopping Gaming Downloading (e.g. Videos, music, photos, wallpapers etc) Ease of payment in suitable currency and payment gateways like paypal
  • 39. 7. Kindly tick the appropriate option for the following Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree disagree I mostly use my credit card for payment I like online gaming I like to download movie for free I like to build my professional network online I like do online shopping I like do video chatting I use my phone for professional purpose I like to download paid applications on my phone I visit social networking sites through my phone
  • 40. I like to visit social networking website which gives opportunity to earn I don't mind to pay for downloading 8. Kindly tick appropriate option for the following Yes No I notice the advertisement which appears in social networking site I click on the advertisement which appears in the social networking site I pay for the value added services provided by the social networking site (e.g. Linkedin, I pay for special in-game items while gaming in social networking sites I design apps and sell on social networking sites
  • 41. 9. Kindly tick appropriate option for the following questions Yes No I would visit the social networking sites which are providing earning options through paid surveys, application development etc. which can be redeemed in online shopping (e.g. Live streaming, Video downloading, mobile recharge etc) In association to OPTION NO.1 would you like to use these earnings for legally watching latest released movies (i.e. to inhibit piracy) on social networking sites