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   Charlotte, Marie and Hannah
Writing Style…                                                                                                                 Overall appeal…
  All recipe created by the ‘vegetarian society’ have use the                                                                                the way that the recipe cards are
 same common conventions thought out there recipe cards                                                                                      presented are similar throughout
   with the placement of the text into columns and using 2                                                                                  all cards created by the vegetarian
photographs to display the food a large photo that spans the                                                                                 society. Which I feel as we will be
whole front page and then a smaller photograph on the back,                                                                                  creating 8 recipe cards taking this
 to make relate to the recipe. As well as using 2 headings for                                                                                into consideration and using the
both the ingredients and methods split into two paragraphs.                                                                                     same layout and style will also
                                                                                                                                             help to make it look professional
                                                                                                                                                and show continuity between
                                                                                                                                             each card. I also like the layout of
  For the base of the recipe card the font in a sans serif font
                                                                                                                                               the text because there isn't too
 which helps to keep to make it clear and easy to understand,
                                                                                                                                                 much text or blank spaces in-
  as well as making in look modern and contempary. The use
                                                                                                                                            between the text. Laying it out in
   of making the font larger to section these paragraphs and
                                                                                                                                             bullet points helps to make these
     make the instructions clear and simple to understand.
                                                                                                                                            points more strong and gives clear
   Another font used in a French script style to make it look
 sophisticated and feminine, to match to colours used on the
                          recipe cards.
        Colour scheme…                                                                                                                      The layout plan for this recipe card
    There is a strong colour                                                                                                                   is very similar throughout all of
  scheme throughout all the                                                                                                                       the recipe cards created by
 recipe cards created by the                                                                                                                   vegetarian society, such as the
  ‘vegetarian society’ in this                                                                                                                way the text is set into columns,
    cases it is the colour red                                                                                                                  size and type of font; in bullet
 which matches and reflects                                                                                                                     points, with a large heading to
 the tones of red used in the                                                                                                               break up the recipe they also tend
dessert from the raspberries                                                                                                                 to have a banner at both the top
   and the ice-cream, which                                                                                                                     and bottom of the card which
help to follow through in the                                                                                                                       display the key facts of
   recipe card itself too. The                                                                                                               information required such as the
  connotations of the colour                                                                                                                  name of the recipe, serving and
  are seen as quiet fiery and                                                                                                                 timings, and the bottom banner
   the colour of passion and                                                                                                                   refers to the contact numbers,
 love, which reflects the fact                                                                                                                email addresses and website for
       that it is a dessert.                                                                                                                          future information.

    The front of the recipe cards uses a image that fills most of this page which will help to grab the attention or the reader, showing them what the final product will look
 like, using the appropriate mise en scene, to match its surrounding such as the use of the glass plate and fork and drinks set behind this to make it fit with its surroundings
 there is also a direct focal point towards the dessert which helps to draw the audience into the photograph making appear to a professional and high quality standard. The
photograph and chef have also presented the food in a way that will look appealing to audience. The lighting for this is also using natural and possibly some studio lighting to
 present the food in the best way. The second image however is considerably smaller which helps to split up the amount of text used on that page , and also makes it more
                                                                          interesting for the reader visually
Writing Style…                                                                                  Layout...
 The text used for the recipe cards is in first person describing       This recipe card spans over 3 pages and each page having a clear purpose; the front page uses a large
  the stages that the sandwich is made, using specific words                photograph to display the what the recipe looks like and then page 2 is filled with the ingredients
 appropriate for cooking industry. Compared to other recipe              needed to create the recipe, formatted into bullet points , the fact there is a lot of preparations and
  cards I have studied this is more likely to be a recipe book,           ingredients needed they have headed there's bullet point to into the different fillings which is also
which explains the reason for it spanning across 3 pages. With             listed in order of what, when and how much is required. Which is something we could think about
  this being such a big recipe there is a page set aside for the       including if there is a lot of ingredients required for a recipe. And so the 3 pages takes a similar format
   ingredients and another for the method, which some may                 into chunks of text for each step/element. They have also included unlike some of the other recipe
argue is a waste of space as in some areas they is a lot of blank        cards I have looked at they have added a graphic pattern behind the text which fits in well with the
space. The writer has also included different pull out quotes to         colour scheme and makes it more visually appealing without it been to over the top making the text
        add interest and description behind the recipe.                                                                 hard to see.
  Colour scheme…
    the use of the                                                                                                                                                     Overall
   orange, red and                                                                                                                                                 appeal… i feel
   green work well                                                                                                                                                that this recipe
 together to create                                                                                                                                                   cards uses
   a strong colour                                                                                                                                                interesting and
        scheme                                                                                                                                                     different ways
 throughout which                                                                                                                                                to make it more
     suggests and                                                                                                                                                appealing to the
      follows the                                                                                                                                                   audience, as I
   spring/summer                                                                                                                                                   like the colour
  time of year that                                                                                                                                                scheme which
 these recipe cards                                                                                                                                                  works really
 might be found in                                                                                                                                                  well with the
or appropriate for.                                                                                                                                                  season and
 These colours are                                                                                                                                                when this food
  used in both the                                                                                                                                                would be most
photographs in the                                                                                                                                                 appropriate to
colours of the food                                                                                                                                              eat, the way hat
    and also used                                                                                                                                                     they have
around the colours                                                                                                                                                 presented this
 of the text, which                                          Photography…                                                         Font…                             recipe card is
is something found        Like other recipe cards the photography is very simplistic with the ratio being         the font for this recipe card is set in          also appealing
 common in recipe          more text to images. Using one large image covering the whole page, which              a sans serif font making it clear and               and made
   cards using the        presents the food in an attractive and way that captures the ingredients and           easy to understand, by emphasising                interesting by
  colours from the        the work gone into the making and processing of the food. There always also            some of the wording in bold helps to              its use of edgy
       food and          tends to include utensils for eating within the image to make it more relatable         highlight the key elements especially           colour, photogr
 incorporating this      to the topic linking in with its mise-en-scene. the lighting for this is most likely       when there is a lot of text on the             aph and some
     there colour          to be high key to brighten up the photographs, making it look summery and              page. This photograph is presented               of the graphic
   scheme for the        give it that professional quality. The depth of field for this image is also heavily      to be like a polaroid picture which               used on and
  rest of the recipe     focused on the food itself. There is also a smaller version of this image used on         helps to give it a scrapbook effect               around the
          card.             the recipe its self , making it easily for the customer to see and understand            and make it look more casual                      images.
                                         helps to break the amount of text up on the page.                              appropriate for lunches.
Writing style…
                                                                                                                                            Even though this recipe has been
     The lime and blueberry crumble creams were
                                                                                                                                       sourced from the internet these types
sourced online, however, the writing style is still very
                                                                                                                                        of recipes can still be a good tool as a
  similar, giving the reader the basic information to
                                                                                                                                        form of research because they have a
 create these pots and uses words that will relate to
                                                                                                                                               different way of setting the
     the making of this. Using simple sentences to
                                                                                                                                          information out, and also can take
  structure the recipe and brief descriptions used to
                                                                                                                                           inspiration from the small facts of
   detail how something should be specifically done
                                                                                                                                       information and could in incorporated
 such as ‘ gently heat’ ‘bash to pea-size crumbs’. As
                                                                                                                                             into our own work such as the
well as the method, there is chance for the writer to
                                                                                                                                       difficulty, ratings and serving portions.
  leave the prep and cooking times, serving and the
 technically ability needed to create the pots, in this
                       case ‘easy’.                                                                                                                 Overall appeal…
                                                                                                                                        This recipe uses the basis principles of
                      Photography…                                                                                                     presenting a recipe, and so by breaking
     this recipe uses on singular image to so off the                                                                                  up the text helps to form structure into
   finished product, something which other recipes                                                                                     the product, giving a clear method and
 haven't and so I feel when we come to creating our                                                                                       ingredients list, and basic image of
      own recipe cards using a few images help to                                                                                                 what the product looks
  demonstrate the points a lot better , and so this is                                                                                 like, however, another way of showing
 something we can pick up on and improve upon in                                                                                           these recipes could be to include
our own recipe cards. When looking at the technical                                                                                     photographs at the different stages of
qualities of this photograph; it has been taken from a                                                                                  making which you could look at doing
 high angle as like many of the other photographs in                                                                                        if it where targeting a younger
      previous recipes as it is a good way of get the                                                                                        audience, making it easier to
  detailing and allows the to get a good view of the                                                                                     understand. It also gives you helpful
 made recipe. There is also a focal point to the front                                                                                  tips and pointers along the way which
 fruit pots which helps to draw the attention to this                                                                                      help to give guidance making the
                       photograph.                                                                                                       reader more knowledgeable in that
                    Colour scheme…
  There is a strong use of the dark green throughout                                                                                                   Layout…
  the page which highlights key aspects of the recipe                                                                                    Because this recipe is sourced online
such as the title, rating’s cooking times and difficulty.                                                                             the layout is different to other products
 However, the ingredients list is shown in a very pale                                                                                I have analysed however, if this were to
 beige colour which when first looking into this recipe                                                                                 be seen within a recipe book the same
  was in clear where the ingredients list was and felt                                                                                    principles would apply as there is a
that it didn’t stand out enough from background as it                                                                                  large photograph to show of the recipe
    merges with surrounding background and text.                                                                                         in the best way and again the text is
                                                                                                                                         shown in bullet points which helps to
                                                              Font…                                                                   number what happens and when, in the
  Like many other recipes I have looked at they use the same common conventions of a sans serif font making it clear and easy         most simplistic way so that readers can
 readable. Matching the simplicity of the whole page and layout. Using the same font throughout also helps to show continuity           understand without it being to wordy.
through the page. The font size is also a reasonable size which allows the information to fit evenly within the lines, and by using
                               the correct wording means that the recipe doesn’t become to long.
The font that has been used is simple. This is so        Overall review: The card is very simple which can reflect              The meal information like time it takes the
the method and ingredients are easy to read and          the simplicity of the recipe. The layout is easy to follow and         cook and the amount it serves are stated at
understand. If its hard to read then someone             understand. Additional alternatives for the recipe are stated          the top. This is so it is the first thing the
might get the timings wrong and end up burning           later on for different versions on the meal to spice up the            audience reads. It lets them now if the
the food or recreating the recipe wrong and it           recipe. This is a good feature if someone likes the recipe and         recipe is right for them at that time and
won’t taste right.                                       makes it a lot, after a while they would get tired of the same         whether or not they will need to change
                                                         taste so having additional ingredient ideas can change up              the amount of ingredients. The timing icons
The text isn’t aimed at the reader, they only use        the taste now and then.                                                are in green which makes them stand out
the word ‘you’ once well describing what items                                                                                  yet fit in with the vegetarian theme.
you need.

                                                                                                                                                    The method box is
The purple colour                                                                                                                                   set in a different
scheme is to match                                                                                                                                  colour to help it
the colour of the red                                                                                                                               stand out. It is the
kidney beans that are                                                                                                                               most important part
the main ingredient of                                                                                                                              about the card and
the dish. This ties the                                                                                                                             needs to be easy to
card together nicely,                                                                                                                               spot and understand.
letting the theme run                                                                                                                               The colour chosen is
through the card                                                                                                                                    a block colour so the
allows it to link                                                                                                                                   writing is still clear to
together and seem                                                                                                                                   read. It is a much
more professional.                                                                                                                                  lighter colour than
                                                                                                                                                    the text so the words
They have used a red                                                                                                                                are still readable. The
plate to contrast the                                                                                                                               colour can be
colour of the                                                                                                                                       associated with the
guacamole. Also these                                                                                                                               tortilla wraps used in
types of plates are                                                                                                                                 the recipe.
associated with the
Mexican culture. The
lime on the side of the                                                                                                                          This allows the
plate also links in with                                                                                                                         audience to know that
the Mexican theme as                                                                                                                             the card is apart of a
it is a highly used                                                           The pictures on the card show the finished                         series. If they know it is
flavour in Mexican       The logo allows people to know that it is            product. This allows the public to see the product                 apart of a series and
cuisine.                 suitable for their vegetarian diet. The              before trying to make it to see if it looks                        they like the recipe then
                         logo also makes it look more official and            appealing or not. Whether it looks like something                  they are likely to check
                         more trustworthy. The logo is in green               they would enjoy. The picture takes in most of                     out the other cards that
                         because it is a colour highly associated             the front of the card to catch the attention of the                are part of the set.
                         with vegetarians because vegetables are              public. The chilli fits in with the Mexican food as
                         also called “greens”.                                Mexican food is usually spicy.
The font contrasts nicely with the curly patterns           Contact information and personal details have been          This card uses italics for a little side note.
  scattered around the card. It is again easy to read and     left on the card so you can contact the company with        Its saying what kind of pan you’ll need as it
  understand. The colour of the font fits in with the         opinions or your own recipes. Their website is also on      important because of the size of the pie. It is
  patterns and decoration on the card.                        the card, advertising more recipes.                         also in a purple, which is one of the darker
                                                                                                                          colours on the card, making it stand out. Making
This card has the                                                                                                         it stand out must mean it is important.
picture on the back
and the front so no                                                                                                                                     The colours used
matter which side                                                                                                                                       on this card are
you’re looking at you                                                                                                                                   very festive. They
still can see how the                                                                                                                                   can be associated
meal looks.                                                                                                                                             with Christmas,
                                                                                                                                                        mostly the gold.
The pie is set on a                                                                                                                                     The swirls and
table that is dressed                                                                                                                                   patterns on the
for Christmas dinner.                                                                                                                                   card are very
It is the only part of                                                                                                                                  Christmassy with
the image that is in                                                                                                                                    the holly and bells.
focus which could                                                                                                                                       The use of baubles
suggest it is the main                                                                                                                                  as the background
dish. This implies that                                                                                                                                 for little bits of
the pie a great                                                                                                                                         text are very
alternative for the                                                                                                                                     effective and tie
traditional Turkey. This                                                                                                                                into the theme
means that even non                                                                                                                                     nicely.
vegetarians can try the
recipe and have it
available on the dinner                                                                                                                                  The method has
table as an option.                                                                                                                                      baubles as the
                                                                                                                                                         background of the
The pie had been cut                                                                                                                                     numbers. This links
out to show the public                                                                                                                                   the method with the
what is inside the pie                                                                                                                                   theme of the card.
with out them having                                                                                                                                     The important parts
to turn the card over                                                                                                                                    of the method is in a
and read the                                                                                                                                             darker colour so it is
ingredients.          Again the logo is                                                                                                                  easier to read.
                                                  Overall: the theme is spread through the card very well. Making sure all the different parts of
                      placed in the bottom        the card are apart of the theme help bring it together. If one part of the card wasn’t in the right
                      corner to ensure            colour or had the right font then it would stand out and look odd. Having a good theme and
                      people that the food is     sticking to it helps the product look more professional.
                      vegetarian friendly.
The reds used in this card symbolises the autumn colours. The
theme of the set of cards this one belongs too is seasonal                   The list of ingredients and the method are both very simple. The
                                                                             title and headings are in colour, again a red one to fit in with the   The font is
vegetables. The month for this recipe is October which is an
                                                                             seasons theme. This makes them stand out and lets you know             simple like its
autumn month.
                                                                             that they are the start of what you should be reading.                 layout. Being
Different shades of red have been used since the colours of the
                                                                                                                                                    able to read the
leaves in autumn have many different shades.
                                                                                                                                                    text is very
                                                                                                                                                    important and
The use of red                                                                                                                                      an average font
follows into the                                                                                                                                    will make it
photography of the                                                                                                                                  extremely
finished product.                                                                                                                                   readable.
The chilli sauce is
two tonal due to                                                                                                                                    The language
the seeds and                                                                                                                                       used is informal
flakes. The colour of                                                                                                                               and undirected.
the food itself is a                                                                                                                                It doesn’t use
crispy golden colour                                                                                                                                the word “you”
which also fits the                                                                                                                                 so it is very
autumn colour                                                                                                                                       impersonal to
range. The use of                                                                                                                                   the reader.
chopsticks makes
and bamboo
placemat has given                                                                                                                                  The layout is
the product an                                                                                                                                      very simple
Asian feel. This                                                                                                                                    which
makes the food                                                                                                                                      compliments
seem more                                                                                                                                           the simplicity of
interesting and                                                                                                                                     the recipe
different to have.                                                                                                                                  nicely. There is
                                                                                                                                                    only 4 steps to
Also the Asian feel                                                                                                                                 making this
works with the red                                                                                                                                  which seems
theme as people                                                                                                                                     very quick and
often think of the                                                                                                                                  easy.
colour red when
they think of Asia.
                               Overall: Looking at this card you won’t know it was part of a set. No extra information has been left on the
                               card to suggest going to a website or looking at other recipes. The reason for this card is purely for the recipe.
                               Non of the attention is taken away by additional information that doesn’t have to be known in order to make
                               the dish.
Photography:                                      Font/writing style:
 The photography is quite simply, by using a      The writing style is very simple due to the lack of photography and creativity on the page. By
cartoon character of a fish it makes the          colour coordinating the words with the photography then it links the text well to what they
poster look quite childish and young even         actually mean, e.g. the orange fish and orange text would link as they are both trying to say the
though it’s mainly for adults. By making the      same thing. By having the title and sign as black then it advertises the title of the whole campaign,
fish smile it means that they are happy that      this link well to the ‘links’ because then people would know what to type in when connecting to
your not going to eat them. This makes the        this group.
vegetarians think that by looking at the cute                                                      Layout:
cartoon, then it would put them of eating                                                          I believe the layouts looks very sophisticated due
fish also. The fish is orange which makes it                                                       to how everything is laid out in sections. You first
look like a goldfish, a goldfish is a common                                                       of all have your title, then image and then finally
pet for residents. This makes people put of                                                        the sub-heading and all the information you would
further because they wouldn’t want to eat                                                          need to find out what the group is about. There's a
their own pets. When rioters hold signs up                                                         lot of different font sizes on this page as it’s
it means they want there point across so if                                                        wanting the audience to look at more important
the fish is holding a sign then it’s trying to                                                     words than others. The first thing you look at when
promote something that’s wrong. It tells the                                                       seeing this poster is the ‘Veggies don’t eat fish.
audience that they should be involved with                                                         Join us every Friday. ’ That’s the most important
eating fish altogether.                                                                            text because it’s bringing you in, people will ask
                                                                                                   themselves ‘why wouldn’t certain people eat fish?’
Content:                                                                                           Etc. The layout is very formal and neat for what it’s
The written work is quite negative as it’s                                                         used for, the text is laid out without to much
taking vegetarians away from what they                                                             wording and gives a clear view to what they are
should eat. Normally for a recipe card they                                                        wanting from you.
would involve the recipe for a product but
                                                                                                      By making the logo bigger, it means people
instead this is mostly a poster that
                                                                                                      will remember it and would more likely know
advertises what to eat and when. By having                                                            what it is the next time they see it.
the links at the bottom, it helps people to
connect with the group and to get involved.            Overall Appeal:
This card only has links as it’s just a product        I don’t believe that this poster is really promoting vegetarians very well. By having a
that’s trying to promote a group which                 cartoon fish on the cover it makes vegetarians look silly, the audience would be amused
means you don’t need the information on                by the cartoon instead of really understanding the card. I think to improve it they
it. Instead it’s trying to make you follow the         should have a little paragraph about what they are about what they represent. This will
links so that you find the information                 help grasp an audience further and to see if they are interested or not. An advantage of
yourself.                                              this is that the links help the audience to find the websites needed. This will boost
                                                       audience views and help the group to get the audience needed for it to progress.
I think that by having the recipe
                                           Font/writing style: I really like the font, it’s quite clear and easy to understand. The
page simple, makes the front of the        font is quite slender and neat and really captures the sophistication of the page.
                                           What’s good about the font is that only the main instructions are ‘bold’ e.g. the time
recipe card look more vibrant. The
                                           to cook the meal. Whilst the ingredients and method isn’t in bold because that’s
image is there to tell the reader
                                           something you can read and understand yourself, whilst the other words needed to
about what the product would look
                                           be looked at first before they made the meal.
like when it’s finished. The light                                                                                            The page where the
purple scheme is really pretty as it’s                                                                                        ingredients is shown is
a summery colour that really brings                                                                                           quite boring as it’s just
out the colour in the fruits. At the                                                                                          text and not a close up of
bottom where it says ‘serves 4,                                                                                               the image, this would
prep time 20 mins, cooking time 10                                                                                            have been good so that it
mins and for vegans’ this is laid out                                                                                         looked more vibrant to
perfectly and helps the audience to                                                                                           both pages.
see if that’s what they want to eat.
The blue/purple shaded theme has                                                                                              This recipe card would be
come from the blueberries which                                                                                               more dedicated to mainly
really enhances how healthy the                                                                                               adults, it can be shown
product is.                                                                                                                   towards families as it’s
Photography:                                                                                                                  easy to do but the way it’s
The picture on the front of the recipe                                                                                        layout would maybe go
card is really beautiful, the different                                                                                       towards adult couples.
colours captured in this image really                                                                                         This is because this dish
makes it look appetising for the                                                                                              seems more relaxed and
audience. It helps to tell the audience                                                                                       would benefits adults
that as a vegan/vegetarian you are                                                                                            better than children and
able to really eat interesting foods. By                                                                                      families.
laying out the food on a simple table       Overall Appeal: I think that this recipe card is really smart and shows of the food products well, the
with colour coordinated plates, it          contrasts in colours and the simplicity of the text really brings out the sophistication. I also think that
helps give a vibrant yet summery feel       the theme throughout was done well due to the different shades of purple with the text and image.
to the card. By having natural sunlight     Even though the purple/blue shade looks quite cold, I still think that it brings a summery element to
on the food it encourages the tropical      the theme altogether. This will really help our group for when we produce ours are we will need
seasons. Each product is shown each         lighter tones so that it looks smart but also elegant. The negative is that there wasn’t another close
month and it’s clever to capture fruits     up of the image on the other side of the card because then people would have to look back and forth
that are produced in the summer but         just to see what the image should look like.
also capturing the natural sunlight.
The photography is really captured on this                                                                  Layout:
recipe card because of how the                  I think that this will go well with what our group is       By using the wood as the background for
ingredients are presented but also the          doing because the layout looks very British. The use        both the ingredients and the picture, it
main dish itself. The different colours that    of blues, whites and browns really do link with             really helps to give a homely feel to the
are portrayed in the image are really           British culture, the different shades help to fit in well   card. I believe this would be dedicated to
captured and it looks appetising which          with the food products.                                     families because of the way it’s set out.
would make the audience more interested                                                                     This meal looks very creative, this is a
in the product. By having the picture                                                                       benefit because then you can make it for
enlarged then it gives more detail which                                                                    a whole family instead of just one person.
means when someone is making it then                                                                        By picturing all the ingredients next to
they’ll know what it will look like properly.                                                               the list, it can help people visually to find
The way the food is presented and also the                                                                  out what ingredients they would need. By
whole theme, really go together because                                                                     having the two section, it helps to spread
the bright colours of the food also go well                                                                 the page out so that it’s all organised and
with the wood layout but also the dark                                                                      sensible instead of everything being on
titles.                                                                                                     one page.

Font/Writing style:                                                                                         Overall Appeal:
What’s good about this recipe card is that                                                                  I think this recipe card is very vibrant and
there isn’t to much writing, the text is                                                                    creative which can be suitable for any
simple and is organised perfectly. This is a                                                                ages but mostly for families. I love the
advantage because then you can add                                                                          range of colours on the page because you
more things to it like the logo, links, more                                                                want to look at one area of the page but
photography images. The font is quite                                                                       then your eyes get drawn to another. The
quirky and has a serif font look to it, this                                                                only thing that I would improve would be
makes it more understanding for people                                                                      how there is dark wood in the
to read. By having a paragraph about what                                                                   background but also light wood. It might
the meal is about and how healthy it is                                                                     have looked neater if they were both
then people will want to read about it to                                                                   similar toning backgrounds. This would
see if it’s something they would be                                                                         help merge them together a bit so that it
interested in. Then by putting the                                                                          looks similar. I do agree with the
ingredients in a list then it really helps                                                                  backgrounds too because it creates
people to figure out the recipe 1 by 1 so                                                                   sections but I believe there is to much
it’s easier to do.                                                                                          going on.
• Additional information hints and tips on how to spice up the taste of the dish.
• Red white and blue colour scheme throughout to reflect our theme of a British afternoon
• Making sure that the text will be bullet pointed out into key steps so that its easier to
  follow and understand.
• Using a sans serif font to make it clear and easy to read, as well as using a serif font for the
  title to make it look traditional and in keeping with our theme.
• Making sure that we are including a photograph on both the front and back so the reader
  doesn’t have to constantly turn over the page to view the photograph, and helps to make
  it look more visually appealing and splits up the amount of text on the page.
• The background of the images will help portray the theme of the cards but to insure full
  focus is on the food, and the background will be blurred.

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  • 1. Producing print based media Charlotte, Marie and Hannah
  • 2. Writing Style… Overall appeal… All recipe created by the ‘vegetarian society’ have use the the way that the recipe cards are same common conventions thought out there recipe cards presented are similar throughout with the placement of the text into columns and using 2 all cards created by the vegetarian photographs to display the food a large photo that spans the society. Which I feel as we will be whole front page and then a smaller photograph on the back, creating 8 recipe cards taking this to make relate to the recipe. As well as using 2 headings for into consideration and using the both the ingredients and methods split into two paragraphs. same layout and style will also help to make it look professional and show continuity between Font… each card. I also like the layout of For the base of the recipe card the font in a sans serif font the text because there isn't too which helps to keep to make it clear and easy to understand, much text or blank spaces in- as well as making in look modern and contempary. The use between the text. Laying it out in of making the font larger to section these paragraphs and bullet points helps to make these make the instructions clear and simple to understand. points more strong and gives clear Another font used in a French script style to make it look instructions. sophisticated and feminine, to match to colours used on the recipe cards. Layout… Colour scheme… The layout plan for this recipe card There is a strong colour is very similar throughout all of scheme throughout all the the recipe cards created by recipe cards created by the vegetarian society, such as the ‘vegetarian society’ in this way the text is set into columns, cases it is the colour red size and type of font; in bullet which matches and reflects points, with a large heading to the tones of red used in the break up the recipe they also tend dessert from the raspberries to have a banner at both the top and the ice-cream, which and bottom of the card which help to follow through in the display the key facts of recipe card itself too. The information required such as the connotations of the colour name of the recipe, serving and are seen as quiet fiery and timings, and the bottom banner the colour of passion and refers to the contact numbers, love, which reflects the fact email addresses and website for that it is a dessert. future information. Photography… The front of the recipe cards uses a image that fills most of this page which will help to grab the attention or the reader, showing them what the final product will look like, using the appropriate mise en scene, to match its surrounding such as the use of the glass plate and fork and drinks set behind this to make it fit with its surroundings there is also a direct focal point towards the dessert which helps to draw the audience into the photograph making appear to a professional and high quality standard. The photograph and chef have also presented the food in a way that will look appealing to audience. The lighting for this is also using natural and possibly some studio lighting to present the food in the best way. The second image however is considerably smaller which helps to split up the amount of text used on that page , and also makes it more interesting for the reader visually
  • 3. Writing Style… Layout... The text used for the recipe cards is in first person describing This recipe card spans over 3 pages and each page having a clear purpose; the front page uses a large the stages that the sandwich is made, using specific words photograph to display the what the recipe looks like and then page 2 is filled with the ingredients appropriate for cooking industry. Compared to other recipe needed to create the recipe, formatted into bullet points , the fact there is a lot of preparations and cards I have studied this is more likely to be a recipe book, ingredients needed they have headed there's bullet point to into the different fillings which is also which explains the reason for it spanning across 3 pages. With listed in order of what, when and how much is required. Which is something we could think about this being such a big recipe there is a page set aside for the including if there is a lot of ingredients required for a recipe. And so the 3 pages takes a similar format ingredients and another for the method, which some may into chunks of text for each step/element. They have also included unlike some of the other recipe argue is a waste of space as in some areas they is a lot of blank cards I have looked at they have added a graphic pattern behind the text which fits in well with the space. The writer has also included different pull out quotes to colour scheme and makes it more visually appealing without it been to over the top making the text add interest and description behind the recipe. hard to see. Colour scheme… the use of the Overall orange, red and appeal… i feel green work well that this recipe together to create cards uses a strong colour interesting and scheme different ways throughout which to make it more suggests and appealing to the follows the audience, as I spring/summer like the colour time of year that scheme which these recipe cards works really might be found in well with the or appropriate for. season and These colours are when this food used in both the would be most photographs in the appropriate to colours of the food eat, the way hat and also used they have around the colours presented this of the text, which Photography… Font… recipe card is is something found Like other recipe cards the photography is very simplistic with the ratio being the font for this recipe card is set in also appealing common in recipe more text to images. Using one large image covering the whole page, which a sans serif font making it clear and and made cards using the presents the food in an attractive and way that captures the ingredients and easy to understand, by emphasising interesting by colours from the the work gone into the making and processing of the food. There always also some of the wording in bold helps to its use of edgy food and tends to include utensils for eating within the image to make it more relatable highlight the key elements especially colour, photogr incorporating this to the topic linking in with its mise-en-scene. the lighting for this is most likely when there is a lot of text on the aph and some there colour to be high key to brighten up the photographs, making it look summery and page. This photograph is presented of the graphic scheme for the give it that professional quality. The depth of field for this image is also heavily to be like a polaroid picture which used on and rest of the recipe focused on the food itself. There is also a smaller version of this image used on helps to give it a scrapbook effect around the card. the recipe its self , making it easily for the customer to see and understand and make it look more casual images. helps to break the amount of text up on the page. appropriate for lunches.
  • 4. Writing style… Even though this recipe has been The lime and blueberry crumble creams were sourced from the internet these types sourced online, however, the writing style is still very of recipes can still be a good tool as a similar, giving the reader the basic information to form of research because they have a create these pots and uses words that will relate to different way of setting the the making of this. Using simple sentences to information out, and also can take structure the recipe and brief descriptions used to inspiration from the small facts of detail how something should be specifically done information and could in incorporated such as ‘ gently heat’ ‘bash to pea-size crumbs’. As into our own work such as the well as the method, there is chance for the writer to difficulty, ratings and serving portions. leave the prep and cooking times, serving and the technically ability needed to create the pots, in this case ‘easy’. Overall appeal… This recipe uses the basis principles of Photography… presenting a recipe, and so by breaking this recipe uses on singular image to so off the up the text helps to form structure into finished product, something which other recipes the product, giving a clear method and haven't and so I feel when we come to creating our ingredients list, and basic image of own recipe cards using a few images help to what the product looks demonstrate the points a lot better , and so this is like, however, another way of showing something we can pick up on and improve upon in these recipes could be to include our own recipe cards. When looking at the technical photographs at the different stages of qualities of this photograph; it has been taken from a making which you could look at doing high angle as like many of the other photographs in if it where targeting a younger previous recipes as it is a good way of get the audience, making it easier to detailing and allows the to get a good view of the understand. It also gives you helpful made recipe. There is also a focal point to the front tips and pointers along the way which fruit pots which helps to draw the attention to this help to give guidance making the photograph. reader more knowledgeable in that area Colour scheme… There is a strong use of the dark green throughout Layout… the page which highlights key aspects of the recipe Because this recipe is sourced online such as the title, rating’s cooking times and difficulty. the layout is different to other products However, the ingredients list is shown in a very pale I have analysed however, if this were to beige colour which when first looking into this recipe be seen within a recipe book the same was in clear where the ingredients list was and felt principles would apply as there is a that it didn’t stand out enough from background as it large photograph to show of the recipe merges with surrounding background and text. in the best way and again the text is shown in bullet points which helps to Font… number what happens and when, in the Like many other recipes I have looked at they use the same common conventions of a sans serif font making it clear and easy most simplistic way so that readers can readable. Matching the simplicity of the whole page and layout. Using the same font throughout also helps to show continuity understand without it being to wordy. through the page. The font size is also a reasonable size which allows the information to fit evenly within the lines, and by using the correct wording means that the recipe doesn’t become to long.
  • 5. The font that has been used is simple. This is so Overall review: The card is very simple which can reflect The meal information like time it takes the the method and ingredients are easy to read and the simplicity of the recipe. The layout is easy to follow and cook and the amount it serves are stated at understand. If its hard to read then someone understand. Additional alternatives for the recipe are stated the top. This is so it is the first thing the might get the timings wrong and end up burning later on for different versions on the meal to spice up the audience reads. It lets them now if the the food or recreating the recipe wrong and it recipe. This is a good feature if someone likes the recipe and recipe is right for them at that time and won’t taste right. makes it a lot, after a while they would get tired of the same whether or not they will need to change taste so having additional ingredient ideas can change up the amount of ingredients. The timing icons The text isn’t aimed at the reader, they only use the taste now and then. are in green which makes them stand out the word ‘you’ once well describing what items yet fit in with the vegetarian theme. you need. The method box is The purple colour set in a different scheme is to match colour to help it the colour of the red stand out. It is the kidney beans that are most important part the main ingredient of about the card and the dish. This ties the needs to be easy to card together nicely, spot and understand. letting the theme run The colour chosen is through the card a block colour so the allows it to link writing is still clear to together and seem read. It is a much more professional. lighter colour than the text so the words They have used a red are still readable. The plate to contrast the colour can be colour of the associated with the guacamole. Also these tortilla wraps used in types of plates are the recipe. associated with the Mexican culture. The lime on the side of the This allows the plate also links in with audience to know that the Mexican theme as the card is apart of a it is a highly used The pictures on the card show the finished series. If they know it is flavour in Mexican The logo allows people to know that it is product. This allows the public to see the product apart of a series and cuisine. suitable for their vegetarian diet. The before trying to make it to see if it looks they like the recipe then logo also makes it look more official and appealing or not. Whether it looks like something they are likely to check more trustworthy. The logo is in green they would enjoy. The picture takes in most of out the other cards that because it is a colour highly associated the front of the card to catch the attention of the are part of the set. with vegetarians because vegetables are public. The chilli fits in with the Mexican food as also called “greens”. Mexican food is usually spicy.
  • 6. The font contrasts nicely with the curly patterns Contact information and personal details have been This card uses italics for a little side note. scattered around the card. It is again easy to read and left on the card so you can contact the company with Its saying what kind of pan you’ll need as it understand. The colour of the font fits in with the opinions or your own recipes. Their website is also on important because of the size of the pie. It is patterns and decoration on the card. the card, advertising more recipes. also in a purple, which is one of the darker colours on the card, making it stand out. Making This card has the it stand out must mean it is important. picture on the back and the front so no The colours used matter which side on this card are you’re looking at you very festive. They still can see how the can be associated meal looks. with Christmas, mostly the gold. The pie is set on a The swirls and table that is dressed patterns on the for Christmas dinner. card are very It is the only part of Christmassy with the image that is in the holly and bells. focus which could The use of baubles suggest it is the main as the background dish. This implies that for little bits of the pie a great text are very alternative for the effective and tie traditional Turkey. This into the theme means that even non nicely. vegetarians can try the recipe and have it available on the dinner The method has table as an option. baubles as the background of the The pie had been cut numbers. This links out to show the public the method with the what is inside the pie theme of the card. with out them having The important parts to turn the card over of the method is in a and read the darker colour so it is ingredients. Again the logo is easier to read. Overall: the theme is spread through the card very well. Making sure all the different parts of placed in the bottom the card are apart of the theme help bring it together. If one part of the card wasn’t in the right corner to ensure colour or had the right font then it would stand out and look odd. Having a good theme and people that the food is sticking to it helps the product look more professional. vegetarian friendly.
  • 7. The reds used in this card symbolises the autumn colours. The theme of the set of cards this one belongs too is seasonal The list of ingredients and the method are both very simple. The title and headings are in colour, again a red one to fit in with the The font is vegetables. The month for this recipe is October which is an seasons theme. This makes them stand out and lets you know simple like its autumn month. that they are the start of what you should be reading. layout. Being Different shades of red have been used since the colours of the able to read the leaves in autumn have many different shades. text is very important and The use of red an average font follows into the will make it photography of the extremely finished product. readable. The chilli sauce is two tonal due to The language the seeds and used is informal flakes. The colour of and undirected. the food itself is a It doesn’t use crispy golden colour the word “you” which also fits the so it is very autumn colour impersonal to range. The use of the reader. chopsticks makes and bamboo placemat has given The layout is the product an very simple Asian feel. This which makes the food compliments seem more the simplicity of interesting and the recipe different to have. nicely. There is only 4 steps to Also the Asian feel making this works with the red which seems theme as people very quick and often think of the easy. colour red when they think of Asia. Overall: Looking at this card you won’t know it was part of a set. No extra information has been left on the card to suggest going to a website or looking at other recipes. The reason for this card is purely for the recipe. Non of the attention is taken away by additional information that doesn’t have to be known in order to make the dish.
  • 8. Photography: Font/writing style: The photography is quite simply, by using a The writing style is very simple due to the lack of photography and creativity on the page. By cartoon character of a fish it makes the colour coordinating the words with the photography then it links the text well to what they poster look quite childish and young even actually mean, e.g. the orange fish and orange text would link as they are both trying to say the though it’s mainly for adults. By making the same thing. By having the title and sign as black then it advertises the title of the whole campaign, fish smile it means that they are happy that this link well to the ‘links’ because then people would know what to type in when connecting to your not going to eat them. This makes the this group. vegetarians think that by looking at the cute Layout: cartoon, then it would put them of eating I believe the layouts looks very sophisticated due fish also. The fish is orange which makes it to how everything is laid out in sections. You first look like a goldfish, a goldfish is a common of all have your title, then image and then finally pet for residents. This makes people put of the sub-heading and all the information you would further because they wouldn’t want to eat need to find out what the group is about. There's a their own pets. When rioters hold signs up lot of different font sizes on this page as it’s it means they want there point across so if wanting the audience to look at more important the fish is holding a sign then it’s trying to words than others. The first thing you look at when promote something that’s wrong. It tells the seeing this poster is the ‘Veggies don’t eat fish. audience that they should be involved with Join us every Friday. ’ That’s the most important eating fish altogether. text because it’s bringing you in, people will ask themselves ‘why wouldn’t certain people eat fish?’ Content: Etc. The layout is very formal and neat for what it’s The written work is quite negative as it’s used for, the text is laid out without to much taking vegetarians away from what they wording and gives a clear view to what they are should eat. Normally for a recipe card they wanting from you. would involve the recipe for a product but By making the logo bigger, it means people instead this is mostly a poster that will remember it and would more likely know advertises what to eat and when. By having what it is the next time they see it. the links at the bottom, it helps people to connect with the group and to get involved. Overall Appeal: This card only has links as it’s just a product I don’t believe that this poster is really promoting vegetarians very well. By having a that’s trying to promote a group which cartoon fish on the cover it makes vegetarians look silly, the audience would be amused means you don’t need the information on by the cartoon instead of really understanding the card. I think to improve it they it. Instead it’s trying to make you follow the should have a little paragraph about what they are about what they represent. This will links so that you find the information help grasp an audience further and to see if they are interested or not. An advantage of yourself. this is that the links help the audience to find the websites needed. This will boost audience views and help the group to get the audience needed for it to progress.
  • 9. Content: I think that by having the recipe Font/writing style: I really like the font, it’s quite clear and easy to understand. The page simple, makes the front of the font is quite slender and neat and really captures the sophistication of the page. What’s good about the font is that only the main instructions are ‘bold’ e.g. the time recipe card look more vibrant. The to cook the meal. Whilst the ingredients and method isn’t in bold because that’s image is there to tell the reader something you can read and understand yourself, whilst the other words needed to about what the product would look be looked at first before they made the meal. like when it’s finished. The light The page where the purple scheme is really pretty as it’s ingredients is shown is a summery colour that really brings quite boring as it’s just out the colour in the fruits. At the text and not a close up of bottom where it says ‘serves 4, the image, this would prep time 20 mins, cooking time 10 have been good so that it mins and for vegans’ this is laid out looked more vibrant to perfectly and helps the audience to both pages. see if that’s what they want to eat. The blue/purple shaded theme has This recipe card would be come from the blueberries which more dedicated to mainly really enhances how healthy the adults, it can be shown product is. towards families as it’s Photography: easy to do but the way it’s The picture on the front of the recipe layout would maybe go card is really beautiful, the different towards adult couples. colours captured in this image really This is because this dish makes it look appetising for the seems more relaxed and audience. It helps to tell the audience would benefits adults that as a vegan/vegetarian you are better than children and able to really eat interesting foods. By families. laying out the food on a simple table Overall Appeal: I think that this recipe card is really smart and shows of the food products well, the with colour coordinated plates, it contrasts in colours and the simplicity of the text really brings out the sophistication. I also think that helps give a vibrant yet summery feel the theme throughout was done well due to the different shades of purple with the text and image. to the card. By having natural sunlight Even though the purple/blue shade looks quite cold, I still think that it brings a summery element to on the food it encourages the tropical the theme altogether. This will really help our group for when we produce ours are we will need seasons. Each product is shown each lighter tones so that it looks smart but also elegant. The negative is that there wasn’t another close month and it’s clever to capture fruits up of the image on the other side of the card because then people would have to look back and forth that are produced in the summer but just to see what the image should look like. also capturing the natural sunlight.
  • 10. Photography: The photography is really captured on this Layout: recipe card because of how the I think that this will go well with what our group is By using the wood as the background for ingredients are presented but also the doing because the layout looks very British. The use both the ingredients and the picture, it main dish itself. The different colours that of blues, whites and browns really do link with really helps to give a homely feel to the are portrayed in the image are really British culture, the different shades help to fit in well card. I believe this would be dedicated to captured and it looks appetising which with the food products. families because of the way it’s set out. would make the audience more interested This meal looks very creative, this is a in the product. By having the picture benefit because then you can make it for enlarged then it gives more detail which a whole family instead of just one person. means when someone is making it then By picturing all the ingredients next to they’ll know what it will look like properly. the list, it can help people visually to find The way the food is presented and also the out what ingredients they would need. By whole theme, really go together because having the two section, it helps to spread the bright colours of the food also go well the page out so that it’s all organised and with the wood layout but also the dark sensible instead of everything being on titles. one page. Font/Writing style: Overall Appeal: What’s good about this recipe card is that I think this recipe card is very vibrant and there isn’t to much writing, the text is creative which can be suitable for any simple and is organised perfectly. This is a ages but mostly for families. I love the advantage because then you can add range of colours on the page because you more things to it like the logo, links, more want to look at one area of the page but photography images. The font is quite then your eyes get drawn to another. The quirky and has a serif font look to it, this only thing that I would improve would be makes it more understanding for people how there is dark wood in the to read. By having a paragraph about what background but also light wood. It might the meal is about and how healthy it is have looked neater if they were both then people will want to read about it to similar toning backgrounds. This would see if it’s something they would be help merge them together a bit so that it interested in. Then by putting the looks similar. I do agree with the ingredients in a list then it really helps backgrounds too because it creates people to figure out the recipe 1 by 1 so sections but I believe there is to much it’s easier to do. going on.
  • 11. Overview; • Additional information hints and tips on how to spice up the taste of the dish. • Red white and blue colour scheme throughout to reflect our theme of a British afternoon tea. • Making sure that the text will be bullet pointed out into key steps so that its easier to follow and understand. • Using a sans serif font to make it clear and easy to read, as well as using a serif font for the title to make it look traditional and in keeping with our theme. • Making sure that we are including a photograph on both the front and back so the reader doesn’t have to constantly turn over the page to view the photograph, and helps to make it look more visually appealing and splits up the amount of text on the page. • The background of the images will help portray the theme of the cards but to insure full focus is on the food, and the background will be blurred.