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(1231-1600) Inquisition
During the 1231-1600, inquisition trails
were happening because the church
accused some people for heresy and
not believing what the church thought.
People like Galileo, Joan of Arc and
Martin Luther were accused of being a
Some heretics got burnt at the stake,
humiliated publicly, locked up in the
dungeon doors etc.
Joan of Arc was burnt, accused of
heresy, (but later on she was praised as
a saint).
Many people converted themselves into        This is a painting of Galileo’s inquisition
christians because of the fear of being
in the inquisition trail.                    trial.

I think the inquisition is important event
because it killed, tortured people who
did not deserve to die. Just because
people believe in different things, it
does not mean you have to kill them.
(1265-1321) Dante Alighieri
Dante, born in June 1265 in Florence. He
is a Italian poet, politician, theorist
mostly known for his poem called
Inferno, expressing his journey through
The 9 Sins of Hell.
His poem gave more detail on hell than
the bible, this made people even more
scared and shock. Inferno made people
more aware about what might happen
in hell, depending on what type of bad
sins they committed. This made people
more careful about their actions and
some converting to Christians because
of the fear of going to hell. At that time,
people redeemed themselves by paying
money to the priests/church to go to
heaven. But, some people like Martin
Luther disagreed with this and created
new religions.
                                              This is a painting of Dante.
It affects modern society because
Christian people still believe in The 9
Sins of Hell. Several games, movies and
tv shows are inspired by Dante’s Inferno.
Christianity wouldn’t be the same
without Dante’s poem, Inferno.
(1287-) Invention of Eye Glasses and
Historians were not sure of when they were
invented but saw them in paintings in1287.
Eye glasses had been developed over the past
hundred of years.

Eye glasses help us to see better
and help people with eye
problems, or bad eye sights to see
clearer. I am wearing glasses, and it
helps me for the past few years to
see better. For example, it helps
                                               This is a picture of an
me see the white board clearer
                                               example of a spectacle
and what the teacher writes on
that. Without this invention,                  during the Renaissance.
humans would have a hard time to
read and see things. Millions of
people depend on eye glasses. Eye
glasses have been developed into
sun glasses, contact lens, with
fashion trends.
(1371–1433) Zheng He
Zheng He was born in 1371 Yunan, China.
He was a really famous and great Chinese                                   This is a painting
explorer. He conducted the biggest                                         of Zheng He.
expedition in history. He took 7 voyages to
south east Asia, south Asia, middle east
and east Africa. One of the biggest
expedition was consisting of 28,000 crews
and 317 ships.
These voyages allowed China to open new
trade routes, developed relationships with
other countries, exchanged goods,
improved navigation. He came back with
several different goods presented to the
Many Chinese people settled in the
countries that Zheng He visited.
Zheng He's courage, talent and leadership
had been admired by everyone, especially
Chinese people.
Without him, China would not have been
wealthy at the time because there would
not be a lot of trades with other countries.
                                               This is a diagram of Zheng He’s ships,
                                               compared to the normal size ships.
(1395-1441) Jan Van Eyck
Jan Van Eyck born in Burgundian Netherlands, around
1395. He introduced the power of oil painting to other
artist . He showed that oil made paintings look realistic
and created subtle tones of color, as such he inspired
many artists at the time.
Oil painting was a trend, basically started by Jan Van
Eyck. Then artists like Leonardo da Vinci and Antonello
da Messina painted their famous paintings by oil.
Oil Painting developed during the Renaissance's art,
produces art pieces looking more real, with more
realistic details, unlike the midevil times. I think this is
the reason why art during the Renaissance is interesting
and it has been improved from the midevil ages.
Modern artists are influenced by oil painting because it
is effective in creating life-like pictures including details.
Modern artists also use Jan Van Eyck’s techniques for
painting. The significant brushwork of oil paintings             This is a painting
makes them famous, and well known as well.                       of Jan Van Eyck.
•   In 1436, Johann Gutenburg invented the
    Printing Press.
•   Priests had to hand write, copy bibles. It was
    time consuming and tiring to write several
•   When the printing press was created, books and
    bibles were re-printed. It helped knowledge,
    education, beliefs and religion to spread around
    the world. This expanded people's knowledge,
    and new perspectives.
•   Later, when the printing press was introduced
    into Thailand, the monks would not have to
    hand copy/rewrite the “Jindamanee" Thai
    textbook. The printing press helped education in
    Thailand by making Thai people’s learning
•   The printing press is used to print out news
    papers, bibles, books, magazines.
•   Without the printing press, we would have to
    hand write books, reports, and assessments.
•   People receive news and information faster.        This is a picture of printing press.
•   Nowadays, we use printers which were
    developed from the printing press.
(1452-1519) Leonardo da Vinci
 Leonardo da Vinci born in 1452, in a small
 town, Vinci in Italy. He is known as a
 renaissance man because of his significant
 inventions which formed the basic of modern
 life. Leonardo was known as an engineer,
 scientist, and painter.
 The Parachute, allows us to explore the sky,
 goes sky diving and experience flying fun.
 Some air flying machines are inspired by his
 design. Leonardo also created the tank,
                                                 This is a self portrait of                Mona Lisa, a painting that
 which was widely used in wars. However,
                                                 Leonardo.                                 he drew.
 tanks were misused in wars to kill thousands
 of people.
                                                Leonardo’s sketches of the anatomy, body parts has
His famous painting, Mona Lisa and the          been very helpful in teaching us about our body
Last Supper had made a big impact by            system. To this day, doctors still use Leonardo’s
inspiring other painters to use his unique,     anatomy for research in biology, and medical
effective brush work techniques (sfumato).      education.
Leonardo’s paintings are still definitely one   Leonardo’s Fireworks are being used to these days to
of the top tourist attractions because of his   celebrate events worldwide, like New Years Eve,
significant brush work.                         (Katy Perry’s song called Firework.)
                                                Without him, we would not have art works that touched so many
                                                painters and collectors, and we might not know how to fly.
(1480-1521) Ferdinand Magellan
•   He was born in 1480 in Sabrosa, Portugal. He
    served King Charles I of Spain by making an
    expedition to the Spice Islands.

•   At that time, everyone thought the world was
    flat, some tried to convince that it was round.
    Magellan was the first, by giving supporting proof
    that the world was round. He was the first to sail
    across the pacific ocean which shows the earth is
    not flat.
•   He was the first one to discover Philippines to the
    western world, and later, Spain colonized
    Philippines which opened trade routes for
•   By his voyage across the pacific ocean, he
    changed exploration and navigation of the world
    and inspired many explorers to explore Asia and
    other "undiscovered" countries. He expanded              This is a map showing Magellan’s
    our understanding of our world by adding new             route around the world.
    countries to the map, more scientific data like
    zoology, astronomy, etc.
•   People could still be afraid to fall out of the earth,
    if they still believed the earth was flat.
(1469-1526) Niccolò Machiavelli
He was born in May 1469 in Florence.
Niccolò Machiavelli was a historian,
author, philosopher. He is most well
known for his book called “The
Prince”. The book is about how to be a
good leader and have political power.
Some say, he created modern politics.
In his book, he taught powerful people
to act boldly, “make first priority to
protect your power”, “break moral and
religious principles when needed”, and
be “as strong as a lion” and “as sly as a
I believe that he inspired other leaders
like Hitler, Polpot, Stalin and Napoleon
to follow his views on leadership. They
use his ideas/concept on how to be a
good leader.                                This is a portrait of
The type of leadership has shown to         Machiavelli.
the world that leaders without morals
can lead the world into disaster.
(1503-1566) Michael de Nostradamus
Nostradamus was born in December 1503 in
France. He wrote a book called, "Les
Propheties,” The book was about future
telling he predicted. There were around 1000
predictions and already half of them
happened. He predicted the date of,
Napoleon conquering France, Hitler, Atomic
Bomb in Japan, JFK & RFK Assassinations,
9/11 etc, hundreds of years before the event
His predictions influenced people to believe
some of his theories, such as the world
ending in 2012. Movies and book have been
created to support Nostradamus’s theories
and his life. There are several internet hoaxes
about him and the word ending in 2012.
His books are being reprinted for four
hundred years.
Nostradamus has not only predicted the
future but also has helped to cure people
with the black plague to save their lives.
                                                  This is a portrait of
                                                  Nostradamus drew by his son.
(1555-1605) Phra Naresuan
Born in Siam in 1555 and was the
King of Siam from 1590 until his
death. Phra Naresuan freed Siam
from the first Burma rule.
Sacrified his whole life for Siam,
he was kept captive and raised in
Burma since young age. After the
victory, he spent most of his time
in battlefield to guard Siam land
from Burma.

He is an inspirational king who has
all of the IB learner profile. Phra
Naresuan should be a role model
for Thai people. Without him,
Thailand might not have the
monarchy and might have a             This is a picture of a monument of
different political system.           Phra Naresuan on Elephant.
                                      Elephants were riden by the
                                      commanders in war times.
(1564-1616) William Shakespeare
Born in Warwickshire England in 1564. He is the world
most famous play writer in history. Since Shakespeare's
plays were popular, it contributed greatly to English
literature. He developed over 1700 English words which we
use in our daily lives today.
His well known plays are Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, much
ado about nothing, Hamlet, Julius Caesar, Merchant of
Venus King Lear, The Tempest etc.
His plays are famous and meaningful. They have been
reprinted, translated to different languages and performed
all around the world.
Shakespeare’s plays are studied by students, teachers,
adults, etc. His plays have been turned into movie, operas,
ballet. In his play, Hamlet, there were many famous quotes
“to be or not to be” and it taught people the history of
Denmark’s royal family. The Lion King was inspired from
Hamlet, by using the same moral/plot, The lion King is a
famous Disney movie, which was later turned into a
Nowadays, people are inspired by using his techniques to
make a successful play like stage directions, drama
techniques. Also some of Shakespeare’s plots are being
used today by play writers such as Charles Dickens.           This is a portrait of William
(1564-1642) Galileo
• Everyone in earlier days believed that the
  sun evolved around the earth even the
  church believed that. But Galileo made
  the observation to support Coopernicus,
  that the earth is not in the middle of the
  universe and that the earth moves around
  the sun. This gives us a better
  understanding on the solar system.
  Galileo discovered that Jupiter has several
  moons and the our moon is not a perfect
• His telescope made him see the different
  planets like Venus and Jupiter. Later,
  everyone had more information about the
  other planets around earth. He also
  proved that the earth is not the center of    This is a painting of Galileo.
  the solar system. This changed people's
  perspective on earth and the solar
(1590- ) Invention of the Microscope
• In 1590, Zacharias Janssen
  invented the microscope
  with his dad. In science labs,
  microscopes are used as an
  important tool helping in
  studying of sciences.
  Scientists studies micro-
  organism, small particles
  and human blood cells.
  Many things that we learn in
  science come from Scientists
  using the microscope (cell       This is a sketch of
  theory) as important             how a microscope
  equipment.                       looked like in the
1638-present Harvard University
Harvard University was founded in 1638, it
is oldest institution of higher level
education in USA. It provided education
for over 21000 students, organising camps
and programs. Wanting students, to make
it their "dream" college in Harvard.
Famous politicians and successful
businessmen, etc. graduated here. Harvard
University has a collection of over 17
million volumes of books in their library
collection. Also gives scholarships to 60%
of the students for education.

 America’s education might not be as
developed as today without Harvard
university. American could have fewer
leaders in politics, academics and the        This is a logo of
business world. This university possibly      Harvard University
influenced other universities like Stanford
or Yale to be established. Harvard
university provides uncountable research
and development work for every field, like
medical, political, etc.

• Glogster. Zheng He's Ships. Photograph. Glogster. Web. 20 Oct. 2011.
• Zheng He. Photograph. Perceptive Travel. Web. 20 Oct. 2011.
• VInci, Leonardo Da. Leonardo Da Vinci Self Portrait. 1512. Royal Library,
   Turin. Blog Spot. Web. 21 Oct. 2011.
• Vinci, Leonardo Da. Mona Lisa. 1503. The Louvre, Paris.
• Gutenburg Press. Photograph. Wikispaces. Web. 21 Oct. 2011.
• Ruamnatmps14. Portrait of Machiavelli. Blog Spot. Web. 21 Oct. 2011.
• Nostradamus, Cesar. Portrait of Nostradamus. Wikipedia. Web. 21 Oct.
   2011. <>.
Enchanted Learning. Magellan Map. Photograph. Enchanted Learning. Web. 21
Oct. 2011. <>.
•   Eyck, Jan Van. Portrait of a Man (Self Portrait?). 1433. National Gallery,
    London.Wikipedia. Web. 19 Oct. 2011.
•   Sustermans, Justus. Portrait of Galileo Galilei. 1636. National Maritime Museum,
•   Hooke_Microscope. Photograph. Santa Coloma. By Santa Coloma. Web. 19 Oct.
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•   Devices1. Photograph. Uchicago. By Chronicle. Web. 19 Oct. 2011.
•   Robert-Fleury, Joseph-Nicolas. Galileo before the Holy Office. Luxembourg
    Museum, Paris. Wikipedia. Web. 19 Oct. 2011.
•   Portrait of Dante. Photograph. Lexilogos. By Lexilogos. Web. 19 Oct. 2011.
•   Portrait of Shakespeare. National Portrait Gallery, London. Wikipedia. Web. 19
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•   Harvard Univeristy. Harvard Shield. Photograph. Harvard. Web. 21 Oct. 2011.
•   Staute of King Naresuan on Elephant. Photograph. Bangkok. Nation Religion King.
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• Wikipedia. “Nostrodamus." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 21
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Tennessee~. Web. 21 Oct. 2011.
• Leaner. "Exhibits Collection -- Renaissance." Annenberg
   Foundation. Web. 21 Oct. 2011.
• Cheeseman. "Significant Persons of the Renaissance | View
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Renaissance Timeline

  • 1. RENAISSANCE TIMELINE Ness.T Green House 8B
  • 2. (1231-1600) Inquisition During the 1231-1600, inquisition trails were happening because the church accused some people for heresy and not believing what the church thought. People like Galileo, Joan of Arc and Martin Luther were accused of being a heretic. Some heretics got burnt at the stake, humiliated publicly, locked up in the dungeon doors etc. Joan of Arc was burnt, accused of heresy, (but later on she was praised as a saint). Many people converted themselves into This is a painting of Galileo’s inquisition christians because of the fear of being in the inquisition trail. trial. I think the inquisition is important event because it killed, tortured people who did not deserve to die. Just because people believe in different things, it does not mean you have to kill them.
  • 3. (1265-1321) Dante Alighieri Dante, born in June 1265 in Florence. He is a Italian poet, politician, theorist mostly known for his poem called Inferno, expressing his journey through The 9 Sins of Hell. His poem gave more detail on hell than the bible, this made people even more scared and shock. Inferno made people more aware about what might happen in hell, depending on what type of bad sins they committed. This made people more careful about their actions and some converting to Christians because of the fear of going to hell. At that time, people redeemed themselves by paying money to the priests/church to go to heaven. But, some people like Martin Luther disagreed with this and created new religions. This is a painting of Dante. It affects modern society because Christian people still believe in The 9 Sins of Hell. Several games, movies and tv shows are inspired by Dante’s Inferno. Christianity wouldn’t be the same without Dante’s poem, Inferno.
  • 4. (1287-) Invention of Eye Glasses and Spectacles Historians were not sure of when they were invented but saw them in paintings in1287. Eye glasses had been developed over the past hundred of years. Eye glasses help us to see better and help people with eye problems, or bad eye sights to see clearer. I am wearing glasses, and it helps me for the past few years to see better. For example, it helps This is a picture of an me see the white board clearer example of a spectacle and what the teacher writes on that. Without this invention, during the Renaissance. humans would have a hard time to read and see things. Millions of people depend on eye glasses. Eye glasses have been developed into sun glasses, contact lens, with fashion trends.
  • 5. (1371–1433) Zheng He Zheng He was born in 1371 Yunan, China. He was a really famous and great Chinese This is a painting explorer. He conducted the biggest of Zheng He. expedition in history. He took 7 voyages to south east Asia, south Asia, middle east and east Africa. One of the biggest expedition was consisting of 28,000 crews and 317 ships. These voyages allowed China to open new trade routes, developed relationships with other countries, exchanged goods, improved navigation. He came back with several different goods presented to the emperor. Many Chinese people settled in the countries that Zheng He visited. Zheng He's courage, talent and leadership had been admired by everyone, especially Chinese people. Without him, China would not have been wealthy at the time because there would not be a lot of trades with other countries. This is a diagram of Zheng He’s ships, compared to the normal size ships.
  • 6. (1395-1441) Jan Van Eyck Jan Van Eyck born in Burgundian Netherlands, around 1395. He introduced the power of oil painting to other artist . He showed that oil made paintings look realistic and created subtle tones of color, as such he inspired many artists at the time. Oil painting was a trend, basically started by Jan Van Eyck. Then artists like Leonardo da Vinci and Antonello da Messina painted their famous paintings by oil. Oil Painting developed during the Renaissance's art, produces art pieces looking more real, with more realistic details, unlike the midevil times. I think this is the reason why art during the Renaissance is interesting and it has been improved from the midevil ages. Modern artists are influenced by oil painting because it is effective in creating life-like pictures including details. Modern artists also use Jan Van Eyck’s techniques for painting. The significant brushwork of oil paintings This is a painting makes them famous, and well known as well. of Jan Van Eyck.
  • 7. (1436 - ) PRINTING PRESS • In 1436, Johann Gutenburg invented the Printing Press. • Priests had to hand write, copy bibles. It was time consuming and tiring to write several times. • When the printing press was created, books and bibles were re-printed. It helped knowledge, education, beliefs and religion to spread around the world. This expanded people's knowledge, and new perspectives. • Later, when the printing press was introduced into Thailand, the monks would not have to hand copy/rewrite the “Jindamanee" Thai textbook. The printing press helped education in Thailand by making Thai people’s learning easier. • The printing press is used to print out news papers, bibles, books, magazines. • Without the printing press, we would have to hand write books, reports, and assessments. • People receive news and information faster. This is a picture of printing press. • Nowadays, we use printers which were developed from the printing press.
  • 8. (1452-1519) Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci born in 1452, in a small town, Vinci in Italy. He is known as a renaissance man because of his significant inventions which formed the basic of modern life. Leonardo was known as an engineer, scientist, and painter. The Parachute, allows us to explore the sky, goes sky diving and experience flying fun. Some air flying machines are inspired by his design. Leonardo also created the tank, This is a self portrait of Mona Lisa, a painting that which was widely used in wars. However, Leonardo. he drew. tanks were misused in wars to kill thousands of people. Leonardo’s sketches of the anatomy, body parts has His famous painting, Mona Lisa and the been very helpful in teaching us about our body Last Supper had made a big impact by system. To this day, doctors still use Leonardo’s inspiring other painters to use his unique, anatomy for research in biology, and medical effective brush work techniques (sfumato). education. Leonardo’s paintings are still definitely one Leonardo’s Fireworks are being used to these days to of the top tourist attractions because of his celebrate events worldwide, like New Years Eve, significant brush work. (Katy Perry’s song called Firework.) Without him, we would not have art works that touched so many painters and collectors, and we might not know how to fly.
  • 9. (1480-1521) Ferdinand Magellan • He was born in 1480 in Sabrosa, Portugal. He served King Charles I of Spain by making an expedition to the Spice Islands. • At that time, everyone thought the world was flat, some tried to convince that it was round. Magellan was the first, by giving supporting proof that the world was round. He was the first to sail across the pacific ocean which shows the earth is not flat. • He was the first one to discover Philippines to the western world, and later, Spain colonized Philippines which opened trade routes for traders. • By his voyage across the pacific ocean, he changed exploration and navigation of the world and inspired many explorers to explore Asia and other "undiscovered" countries. He expanded This is a map showing Magellan’s our understanding of our world by adding new route around the world. countries to the map, more scientific data like zoology, astronomy, etc. • People could still be afraid to fall out of the earth, if they still believed the earth was flat.
  • 10. (1469-1526) Niccolò Machiavelli He was born in May 1469 in Florence. Niccolò Machiavelli was a historian, author, philosopher. He is most well known for his book called “The Prince”. The book is about how to be a good leader and have political power. Some say, he created modern politics. In his book, he taught powerful people to act boldly, “make first priority to protect your power”, “break moral and religious principles when needed”, and be “as strong as a lion” and “as sly as a fox”. I believe that he inspired other leaders like Hitler, Polpot, Stalin and Napoleon to follow his views on leadership. They use his ideas/concept on how to be a good leader. This is a portrait of The type of leadership has shown to Machiavelli. the world that leaders without morals can lead the world into disaster.
  • 11. (1503-1566) Michael de Nostradamus Nostradamus was born in December 1503 in France. He wrote a book called, "Les Propheties,” The book was about future telling he predicted. There were around 1000 predictions and already half of them happened. He predicted the date of, Napoleon conquering France, Hitler, Atomic Bomb in Japan, JFK & RFK Assassinations, 9/11 etc, hundreds of years before the event occurred. His predictions influenced people to believe some of his theories, such as the world ending in 2012. Movies and book have been created to support Nostradamus’s theories and his life. There are several internet hoaxes about him and the word ending in 2012. His books are being reprinted for four hundred years. Nostradamus has not only predicted the future but also has helped to cure people with the black plague to save their lives. This is a portrait of Nostradamus drew by his son.
  • 12. (1555-1605) Phra Naresuan Born in Siam in 1555 and was the King of Siam from 1590 until his death. Phra Naresuan freed Siam from the first Burma rule. Sacrified his whole life for Siam, he was kept captive and raised in Burma since young age. After the victory, he spent most of his time in battlefield to guard Siam land from Burma. He is an inspirational king who has all of the IB learner profile. Phra Naresuan should be a role model for Thai people. Without him, Thailand might not have the monarchy and might have a This is a picture of a monument of different political system. Phra Naresuan on Elephant. Elephants were riden by the commanders in war times.
  • 13. (1564-1616) William Shakespeare Born in Warwickshire England in 1564. He is the world most famous play writer in history. Since Shakespeare's plays were popular, it contributed greatly to English literature. He developed over 1700 English words which we use in our daily lives today. His well known plays are Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, much ado about nothing, Hamlet, Julius Caesar, Merchant of Venus King Lear, The Tempest etc. His plays are famous and meaningful. They have been reprinted, translated to different languages and performed all around the world. Shakespeare’s plays are studied by students, teachers, adults, etc. His plays have been turned into movie, operas, ballet. In his play, Hamlet, there were many famous quotes “to be or not to be” and it taught people the history of Denmark’s royal family. The Lion King was inspired from Hamlet, by using the same moral/plot, The lion King is a famous Disney movie, which was later turned into a play/musical. Nowadays, people are inspired by using his techniques to make a successful play like stage directions, drama techniques. Also some of Shakespeare’s plots are being used today by play writers such as Charles Dickens. This is a portrait of William Shakespeare.
  • 14. (1564-1642) Galileo • Everyone in earlier days believed that the sun evolved around the earth even the church believed that. But Galileo made the observation to support Coopernicus, that the earth is not in the middle of the universe and that the earth moves around the sun. This gives us a better understanding on the solar system. Galileo discovered that Jupiter has several moons and the our moon is not a perfect sphere. • His telescope made him see the different planets like Venus and Jupiter. Later, everyone had more information about the other planets around earth. He also proved that the earth is not the center of This is a painting of Galileo. the solar system. This changed people's perspective on earth and the solar system.
  • 15. (1590- ) Invention of the Microscope • In 1590, Zacharias Janssen invented the microscope with his dad. In science labs, microscopes are used as an important tool helping in studying of sciences. Scientists studies micro- organism, small particles and human blood cells. Many things that we learn in science come from Scientists using the microscope (cell This is a sketch of theory) as important how a microscope equipment. looked like in the renaissance.
  • 16. 1638-present Harvard University Harvard University was founded in 1638, it is oldest institution of higher level education in USA. It provided education for over 21000 students, organising camps and programs. Wanting students, to make it their "dream" college in Harvard. Famous politicians and successful businessmen, etc. graduated here. Harvard University has a collection of over 17 million volumes of books in their library collection. Also gives scholarships to 60% of the students for education. America’s education might not be as developed as today without Harvard university. American could have fewer leaders in politics, academics and the This is a logo of business world. This university possibly Harvard University influenced other universities like Stanford or Yale to be established. Harvard university provides uncountable research and development work for every field, like medical, political, etc.
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