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Religion In Sports
Is it time for a change in sports marketing and branding? Many sports teams have made the transition, or they have just begun the process. Over
the years sports teams have been challenged to change their logos, their team names, or their team mascot. There is a different reason for each but
the main reasons are one's religious practice, and cultural appropriation makes their view of what the team is displaying should change. By looking
at the different experiences of some national know sports teams and few local sports team and comparing them to each other and religious practice
and cultural appropriation. For this paper, the national sports teams examples will be Washington Redskins, Tampa Bay Devil Rays, and Cleveland
Indians. For the local sports team's case will be Siena College, Syracuse Chiefs, and Syracuse University. A factor of this paper came from a definition
of religion. By Clifford Geertz "... is a system of symbols which acts to establish powerful, pervasive, and long–lasting moods and motivations in men
by formulating conceptions of a general order of existence and clothing these conceptions with such an aura of factuality that the moods and... Show
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However, if one is to think about this, brands are signs, logos, and symbols that serve an identity of a product/service. Sports are almost similar to
a service; they give fans a sense of entertainment and something to look forward to watching. (Clark 139) Teams do have signs put up around each
other stadiums, and fans put signs of their team on their cars, inside their homes almost like a shrine. That can be related to a religious shrine in
one's home or sacred places of worship Every team as their logo, that can be seen everywhere around the stadium, on clothing, in person or online. As
well, every team has a symbol which can be seen as their mascot, again a sports team's mascot can be seen
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Concussions And Sports
Some people think sports are beneficial but others think they are dangerous.sports are overrated. Sports are unsafe for kids because concussion,
recovery of a concussion and Sports are expensive.
For example, how you recover from a concussion. "Doctors did studies on football players that had a concussions every player or person heal at a
different rate". "When you have a concussion early Activity can and will slow your healing". "Problems with memory and concentration". This means
you should ask the coach to sit and rest. "Sports are too expensive example parents estimated $671 annually on sport– related activities, most of the
money goes to football". "The parent has to pay 4 to 5 fees like coach fees, meet fees and equipment fee". This
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The Impact Of Sports On Sports Industry
The study of Pitts et al. (1994), the books of Parks, et al (1998) and additional studies including Meek (1997) allow us to reach a definition of sport
industry; the sports industry is a market wherein the products manufactured and offered to its customers are sport, recreation and fitness related and
may be activities, amenities or people.
Sports we support, follow and play today are part of our day–to–day lives and we forget that over 250 years ago the sports established today did not yet
exist and the few that did would be unappealing and unrecognisable to the sports fans of today. Looking back to the history of sports we see a story of
evolution, starting off as physical activities for survival; man hunting for food and rowing for ... Show more content on ...
The Industrial Revolution, beginning in Great Britain, quickly spread throughout the world. This time period saw the mechanisation of agriculture and
textile manufacturing and a revolution in power (i.e., steam ships and railroads) and had a massive effect on social, cultural and economic conditions.
The Industrial Revolution had an enormous effect on Sport in Britain. Many changes that may appear far from linked to sport had a direct effect on
how sport was played, when sport was played, and how much more sport was encompassed into everyday life. The revolution saw mass migration
into the main urban, city areas of an area. In order for workers to travel to work and also for factories and mills to deliver their goods transport was
developed quickly. This development helped towns and cities grow, and it also helped sport surge in popularity. Teams now had the option, and
availability to travel to different towns and play teams from all over the country. In return supporters were also allowed to travel and support their local
team or factory team. This meant that more people could see sport and gain interest. This was helpful in encouraging people, which would increase
participation levels. The ability to travel quickly and conveniently between towns and cities improved sporting contacts. However, the industrial
revolution could not have been seen as development. During the revolution a large class divide was
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Sports Controversy
I think participating in sports deffently has a positive effect on children and teens. One of the very many reasons, is that kids will learn a lot from
being on a competitive team. They will learn about rules, sportsmenship, obidence, and teamwork. Most kids love sports, and when they are younger
they will do anything to join with there friends. They get to seek out what sport they love most, and participate in it until there senior year in high
school or college. Seeing the downside to sports I guess you can say is easy. Like not having enough time for homework, school, friends and family.
Parents can argue on that fact for hours, but I guess it all really depends on the child. If a kids friends are doing the same sport, taking the same
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The Importance Of Women Sports In Sports
Michael Spann
Michelle Lee
June 23, 2017
Toady sports is viewed by fans all around the world rather it being basketball, football, or baseball. Sports has become more of agender controversial
topic than simply enjoying the excitement of the players doing what they love to do so well. Women athletes are generally under paid compared to
the men's salaries in various sports do to the lack of viewers. Women sports doesn't generate enough revenue, so the leagues can't afford to pay the
women as much as the men in their contracts. Women sports are important to the world and the fans and supporters that watch and cheer alongside
the players. However due to the lack of viewers, women sports are not generating enough money to allow bigger contracts for women athletes.
Women sports are loved by its fans and supporters; however, most sports fans consider women sports to be step down from the excitement of watching
the men engage in the game that they are playing. For instance take the US Women's Soccer team, compared to the men's world cup the women
tournament only generated 15 million dollars for the entire series. On the other side, the US Men's Soccer team World Cup generated a whopping 576
million dollars. The fans that follow sports doesn't think negative about women sports they just
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Sports Fanaticism In Sports
Sports fans, also called sports devotees, followers, or supporters, devote themselves to a particular athlete, organization or sport. They may show their
enthusiasm by often attending sporting events or watch on television, being members of a fan club, follow athletic news through newspapers, online
websites, and create fanzines. They show a certain behavior towards an organization. These behaviors manifest in different ways and show in different
types of sports fans. Even though sports fanaticism exists on a spectrum, some forms stick out more than others. Individual types that stick out include
the bandwagon, the coach, the trash talker, the blind follower, and the statistician. The bandwagon, the person that sells into the hype of a club. Every
sport holds its fair share of bandwagons. Bandwagons only know the popular players on the roster and only watch their team when it is a popular game.
Their squad usually never has a losing season and tend to win the championship each year. If a player they like switches to a different organization in
the postseason, the bandwagon suddenly supports that organization. When the bandwagon's team wins, they refer to their side as "we" and calls their
side "them" when they lose. Furthermore, if the bandwagon goes to a game and their team loses, the bandwagon leaves before the game ends and does
not talk about the game.
A type of fan similar to the bandwagon, the blind follower, roots for whatever team is popular around them. The
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Sports And Consumerism In Sports
Decades have passed and with time comes change, it should not come as a shock that as a society we've grown and developed. The way we consume
sports, its mechanisms, and the culture behind it, has changed outstandingly. The effects that media has had on the sporting industry and consumerism
in the past two decades have been tremendous. The development of high–definition tv's, live streamed sporting events, video games, and even social
media, has globalized sport and transformed the way fans and athletes interact. This transformation from conventional sports consumerism to modern
day has come as a great shock to many. Stephen Brunt's article Sports Consumption Will Undergo Revolution in the Decade Ahead focuses on how the
landscape of the sporting industry will be profoundly transformed, not only in the games and the athletes themselves but in the way we consume them
as entertainment. Brunt's argument on how the new modern tools that have been developed (in association with sports) have changed his view of the
"all American dream" of sports consumerism, is outdated. We do not agree with Brunt's arguments towards the future of sports consumption, and the
supposedly negative effects that will come in regards to future generations.
On the contrary, David J. Leonard New Media and Global Sporting Cultures: Moving Beyond the ClichГ©s and Binaries contradict Brunt's argument
by stating "To the skeptics who simply refuse to acknowledge the impact of new media technologies, who
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The Importance Of Sports
Sports are one of the most watched pieces of entertainment in America, and around the world. People watch sports because you never know the
outcomes of the games, and because you can root for your chosen team. When a person thinks a about a sport the first thing that comes to their head is
probably something like football or soccer, but what about chess or even video games. Sports are usually thought of as games that require strength and
physical skill to preform, but sports should be defined by competitiveness, strategy, and entertainment value. Sports that most people watch include
some sort of use of strength, an example of this being football. Football does require strength to play well, but it is far more important to have strategy...
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If an average person were to play these video games against them, they would lose, by a lot, just like if average people played soccer against a
professional team. So clearly these players possess a high amount of skill in their game so why is that skill not consider the same as that of an athlete.
Most people would think sports should include a physical element sports require competitiveness even more. Asport in which there is no competition
would be pointless, and more importantly no one would play. The competitive nature of sports is what makes them so popular. At the end of the day
one team wins, and one team loses. Competition is what drives players to do their best so that they can win. The competitive nature of sports is what
forms rivalries, and what drives fans to games. If there were no competition in sports, there would be no reason to watch. National and worldwide
sports events, like the super bowl, world cup, or even video game tournaments, bring in some of the largest viewership's in the world. People want to
find out what team or country is the best at the sport in question. Chess and Video games both meet this standard due to their extreme competitiveness.
If something has no competitive element, it cannot call itself a sport. While sports require competition, they also require an amount of strategy. Sports
require a strategy to win. If there were no strategy required
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Persuasive Essay On Sports In Sports
Statement of intent: I am writing this as an online article to parents of teenagers in order to persuade them to take some of the pressure off of their
children when they are competing in sports. Teenagers competing in all kinds of different sports have always had a lot of issues to deal with and even
more in recent years with expectations for young athletes getting increasingly high. These issues need to be addressed and I am going to outline why.
Young people generally have too much pressure put on them when participating in sporting activities by parents, coaches, and teammates. Teenagers
have large expectations to perform at a top level by everyone around them when playing a sport and the pressure put on them can a lot of the time be
too much to handle for their developing minds and bodies. This will affect many other aspects of their life which can cause plenty of stress for
them. For example, many teens participating at top levels of sport are taught that they must do whatever it takes to win and that it is not about
having fun but instead there is a sole focus on winning. A lot of the time the fun aspect of playing sport is taking out of the game and winning
becomes all that matters. A specific example of this common issue can be seen when we look at a 14 year old Ajay. Ajay was one of the best
basketball players I his school and loved the game but almost forced to give it up. This is because he would develop severe anxiety before important
games due to the
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The Sport Of Wrestling: A Certain Sport
A certain sport that's my favorite is Wrestling. People got different ideas about Wrestling that it's too dangerous. Football is a sport most people like
because it takes a lot of skills to be good in. believe it or not wrestling is a very big challenge you got to have Muscle you got to be strong. I honestly
think Wrestling is a Sport. And also I'm a Wrestler.I was nowhere near ready to engage in actual Wrestling, which was fine by me. The trainer just
had me jump rope or do crunches and pushups. I donned borrowed gloves to hit the heavy bags that swung from the ceiling. It was a terrific workout,
and more interesting than plodding on a treadmill. I came back several times over the next couple of weeks, whenever Mike invited me.
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Sports : Sports And Sports
Sports fans have different reasons on why they have a passion for sports. Several fans can remember memorable events in sports history that touched
their lives. Fans will laugh and cry when they watch the HBO Documentary "Sport in America" because they will hear incredible stories that will make
them think about why they love sports.
Sports Illustrated, Endgame entertainment, and HBO asked Americans why different games and memorable moments in sports touched their lives.
Thousands of fans responded with their incredible stories (Sport in America: Our Defining Stories). The film shows personal stories from fans across
the country who have witnessed sports most extraordinary events. The film tells the world about memorable events in American sports, such as
baseball, tennis, football, hockey, boxing, basketball, high school athletics, the Boston marathon, and the Olympic games. Sports fans will smile and
agree when they hear the movie say," fans hold their breath, lose themselves, and when that moment they witnessed is over, they will remember it for
the rest of their lives. Unforgettable sports moments become a part of people 's lives as they see brave athletes, biggest upsets, strongest rivals, and
who has the most heart (Sport in America: Our Defining Stories)." It doesn 't matter how long ago the memory was, fans remember and share their
stories about the memorable moments in sports history forever. The film shows people why and how special moments in sports affect fan 's
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Is Golf A Sport?
Is Golf a Sport? Many argue that golf is not a sport and some argue that it is in fact a sport. Golf does not put any physical exertion on the body and
walking and carrying the clubs around the course burns more calories than actually golfing. All you need to master golf is practice and some skill.
Just because it is difficult, doesn't necessarily categorize it as a sport. Although golf meets the dictionary definition of a sport, golfers ride a golf cart,
have caddies carry their stuff, and most are simply out of shape. Golf is more of a game rather than a sport and mostly a leisure activity. There are many
professional golfers who smoke while golfing, ultimately disqualifying it from a sport.
You do not need to be physically fit
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Why Sports Is A Sports Complex
Sports complex A sports complex is a group of sports facilities. For example, there are track and field stadiums, football stadiums, baseball
stadiums, swimming pools, and gymnasiums. This area is a sports complex, for fitness. Olympic Park is a kind of Sports complex. Examples of a
sports complex are as bellows IMPORTANCE and BENEFITS OF SPORTS Have you ever thought why people do sports? Absolutely, many
people seem not to know the reasons. There are many people who do sports for nothing around us. Everyday we can encounter with these people.
They regularly do sports; however, none of them realizes the benefits and importance of sports. In fact, vice versa, some people want to be fit and
attractive, look smart. Unfortunately, these people can't consider other benefits of sports. In my opinion, there are several benefits of sports that
people often do not consider: sports are required to be healthy people, are needed for enjoyment, and are great market for countries' economies. The
first advantage of sports for people is that they help people be healthy, and be fit. Throughout history, people can't give up their interest at their body. I
belive that now many people love themselves no matter how beautiful or ugly they are. Naturally, people's first aim should be healthy and fit with the
benefits of sports. Due to this fact that... Show more content on ...
Absolutely, many people seem not to know the reasons. There are many people who do sports for nothing around us. Everyday we can encounter
with these people. They regularly do sports; however, none of them realizes the benefits and importance of sports. In fact, vice versa, some people
want to be fit and attractive, look smart. Unfortunately, these people can't consider other benefits of sports. In my opinion, there are several benefits
of sports that people often do not consider: sports are required to be healthy people, are needed for enjoyment, and are great market for countries'
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A Sport: How Cheerleading Is A Sport
Cheerleading is just like any other sport even though some people think it's not. All the people that think that it's not a sport do not appreciate how
hard they work and yet they still get no recognition for it. Cheerleading is a very difficult sport and is very time consuming and there is a lot of
commitment involved. Even though it is hard working and time consuming, it is still very fun to do. Cheerleading is a sport because it has a competitive
nature, cheerleaders have to be fit and strong in order to do it, and cheerleading meets all of the stereotypical athletic specifications. First, cheerleading
is a sport because it has a competitive nature. At a cheer competition ВЁteams perform a two and a half minute routine with music that includes stunts,
jumps, and tumblingВЁ (What is Competitive Cheerleading). Cheerleading ... Show more content on ...
The definition of a sport is ВЁan athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of competitive natureВЁ (
Cheerleading meets the requirements of a sport because they need skills like tumbling, balance, and strength, and they are very physical with
stunts and tumbling. Cheer is also competitive because you have to have a perfect routine in order to win the trophy. Cheerleading meets all the
athletic specifications which are: must involve physical activity, has to be competition, have to be rules, and skills have to be involved (Cheer
Debate: Is Cheerleading a Sport?). Cheerleaders work hard and they don't get the recognition that they deserve because they work very hard and get
very strong in order to do what they love doing. Cheer is intense and the ВЁcheer teams workout, run and have to deal with all team players just like
any other sportВЁ (Webb). Cheerleaders do everything that people do in any other sport and they work very hard. Cheerleaders do everything that
people do in any other sport and they work very hard while doing
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Sports For Kids : Sports
Sports for Kids
Sports is a major emphasis in American culture, even in sports at a young age. This occasionally leads to coaches being too intense, resulting in injuries
/health problems. Combined with the issue of expense it takes for children to participate in sports, the question of whether kids should play sports or not
comes up. Even though playing sports at a young age has its problems, it also teaches children life lessons, improves their health, and helps them to
continue their education.
Playing sports at a young age teaches kids life lessons that can help them in their adult lives. When playing a team sport one learns about teamwork.
Athletes are taught that there is "no I in team", and that even if they feel like they are the ... Show more content on ...
A lot of times adults do not want to go into work, pay the bills, clean the house, etc., but adults do because they need to make money, keep power
on in the house, and keep the house a livable environment for their families to live in. Playing sports is also good for children's health. Most kids
now a day just want to watch TV or play on their phones as soon as they get home from school. When kids participate in sports they have to go to
practice after school and do physical activities. This helps lower kids blood pressure, keeps them at a healthy weight, keeps their heart healthy, helps
keep their digestive system healthy, and increases their lung capacity. Even though sports benefit kids health, there are also health considers such as
injury. When playing any sport, there is a chance of getting injured, especially when kids are pushed too hard by coaches that are too intense. An
example of this is when the eight year old, Adien Cullen, passed out on the field but his coach let him continue to play when he regained
consciousness because he was the star player; resulting in Cullen developing a disease that causes server pain and it is developed partially from being
pushed too hard in sports (Plaschke). Even though sports organizations are working fervently on lowering the risk of concussions in sports and
reducing the amount of side effects after experiencing a concussion, the issue of concussions in
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Sports In Sports
Sports influence many people to come together, it has been a crucial piece to unifying people of different religions for decades. A purpose for sports is
to reconcile cultures and it's important to communicate and understand their differences, even addressing their social issues. In a world with so much
violence and hatred, sports have been that sanctuary for those to find equality, but most importantly, peace. Throughout the years, sports have been
utilized to bring people together. Just because we may eat different foods, dress differently or speak a different language, doesn't mean one is not
welcomed in to the sports community. Being active in sports, either as a player or a fan, has showed positive affects to communities. Three students
from Gomal University in Pakhtoonkhwa, Pakistan conducted a survey with their piers that 200 completed. Based on their findings, they concluded
"that active participation in sports activities help in developing the social qualities such as peace, equality, justice, fraternity and brotherhood among
the participants" (Khan). Participating in sports takes that extra time away and it is used in a valuable way. According to 96% of the focus group, they
agreed that "sports help in controlling the deviant acts and develop peace, equality and brother–hood among the students" (Khan). Sports have always
served as that escape from what's going on outside, as a mask to reality. Athletics is a place of positivity for everyone to come together, win
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Anthropology In Sports
My personal interest in sports is based on how my parents and other family members nurtured me as a child and youth. My continuous interest in
sports has influenced my choice of this topic to provide me a field experience and a deeper understanding. I have always been interested and
engaged in play and sports. Volleyball is my favorite sport and was the first organised sport I played in junior secondary school at age 12. I have
been involved in several competitive sports at from the amateur to the national/elite level. I have participated in team sports (e.g., volleyball and
soccer), field events (e.g., high jump, long jump), and track events (e.g., 100m, 200m, 400m, 800). I chose to focus on volleyball for this project
because it is a sport with which I am most comfortable and familiar. 1.4 Justification of Study The anthropology of sports is a cross–cultural
sub–discipline that focuses on analyses of sports–related–social problems (Blanchard 1995:23). Although physical anthropologists for decades have
done studies on body types, morphology, and functions, less work has been done in the area of cultural, social and psychological settings with regards
to the way individuals live and also perform (Malina 1972). There are virtually unlimited opportunities for additional research to be done (Coakley and
Dunning 2000:150). Researchers like... Show more content on ...
According to Smith (2010:98), issues of gender are core to social life and this fact makes the concerns of masculinity and femininity essential. Critical
feminist theorists have stressed the importance of critiquing and changing the culture and (Pfister and Kristin 2013:208) body (physicality) of sport so
that they represent the perspectives and experiences of women as well as men (Maguire 2002:207; Coakley 2001:39) with the aim to expose gender
inequalities (Jarvis and Watts
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The Advantages Of Individual Sports And Team Sports
The Advantages of Individual Sports and Team Sports
Sport is an activity to train a person's body, not only physically but also spiritually. Sport is divided into two, individual sports and team sports.
Individual sports are a sport that played by one person, and team sports is a sport that played by two or more people. Sport has many benefits.
Individual and team sports have the same both benefit. Especially for our health. Health is the most important thing in life. Besides protecting ourself
from the arrival of the disease, the body also feels fit after exercise, the mood too, etc. A lot of us have encountered individual sports in daily life. For
example, chess. Many people like to play chess. In addition, sharpen the brain, train concentration, how to control themselves, patience and more. Not
only chess, ... Show more content on ...
The first benefit of team sport is you learn how to do a teamwork. You learns how you can support other people to make the best team. Team sports
is requiring for your ability to be good speaker and listener to get along with your make easily. This sport is when you and your friends. When you
play with them. For example, when we play football. Many advantages we can got from this game. For health of course, brain, controlling itself,
learn how to discipline and etc. The main advantages is the team still have a chance to reach the goal even injured during the match. Morever here
are more thought from different people and by summarize them the group can figure out a good strategy to win the game, in fact this is a good
exercise in working as a part of a team in ordinary situations. For another example if people play volleyball, when your group practice, you need to
practice with them and youcould talk and share our emotions during the game. They have to manage their team well by using energy and power in
order to strengthed the match.We learn about family, we learn about how we can get new family, to know each
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Sports : The Negative Side Of Youth Sports
Many people think that sports help children develop teamwork, self–confidence, moral character, and other personal strength but others see the
negative side of youth sports, believing young athletes develop aggressive traits such as bullying and the need to dominate their opponents not just on
but off the field as well. Youth sports have become far too intense, especially in contact sports.
It is true that participation in youth athletics has a number of benefits such as the building self–confidence and moral character but is it all worth the
possibility of severe trauma to the body or even worse, the mind. Sports induced concussions alone have doubled for kids ages 8–13 in the past decade.
In just 2012 alone, there were 3,800,000 reported. Other injuries that are common in young athletes are knee injuries and sprains. Dehydration is also a
major concern. It has been shown that single sport athletes are prone to more injuries than multiple sport athletes. Actions need to be taken to lower
these numbers, such as restrictions on the number of practices, the intensity at practice, and more information given to coaches, parents and athletes on
how to prevent injuries. These restrictions should consist of limiting the number of pitches a pitcher may pitch in a single game, more sufficient
screening being done before an athlete returns from a concussion or limitations on how tackles can be performed are a few examples.
Sports need to have a balance of sportsmanship, positive
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Essay On Sports And Sports
What are the positive effects sports have on children? This question has a wide variety of answers. Some may say sports can help with intelligence,
building relationships, and activity, while others see sports as overwhelming or dangerous. Sports can influence a child's well being far greater than
most can imagine. From their mental and physical development, to their bright futures, sports play an important role in a young boy or girl's lifetime.
Specifically, tennis is one of the best sports to support the development and futures of children. The future of achild is very important and it is critical
that it does not become endangered by negative factors.
From the early years of their life, kids can learn and develop from sports. ... Show more content on ...
"Other sports may provide excellent health benefits, as well as stimulate mental and emotional growth. But no other sport received such acclaim for its
great benefits physically, mentally and emotionally." (Groppel) Along with the teaching of respect, sportsmanship, healthy habits, fairness, and the
basics, tennis helps kids develop hand–eye coordination, positive characteristics, and acquire tactical thinking. Tennis is a very mental game. It is
optimal that you have control over your emotions as well as figure out your opponent's mentality. "The tactical aspect of the game keeps your mind
occupied while your body gets a good workout–the short term goals of reaching that little yellow ball in time makes it a complex sport full of small
rewards and limitless challenges." (Cramton) Teaching a kid these rather complex ideas from a young age will not only aid them with their tennis
skills but also their life skills to come in the future.
Tennis has its benefits that jump starts a child's development and knowledge of life lessons, but it also has its benefits of providing a future for
young players who work hard to be successful. These futures can include athletic scholarships, a professional career, or possibly a job teaching others
tennis. There is also the effect of a person's happiness in the future. "Tennis players scored higher in vigor, optimism and self–esteem while scoring
lower in depression, anger, confusion, anxiety and
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Sports Stadiums : The Benefits Of Sports Stadiums
Sports Stadiums can be found in many cities across the United States. These Stadiums can cost millions of dollars to build but have the potential to
bring in much more. While there are many benefits to building and operating a sports stadium, there are more downsides economically. New
Stadiums can bring many jobs and more income to a city in the beginning however as time goes on, those jobs prove to be unreliable and taxpayers
are left paying for a stadium they may never step foot in. With this, sports stadiums are more harmful to a city's economy than they are beneficial.
Sports Stadiums, specifically for professional sports, have the potential to generate a large amount of income for a city. Focusing on NFL teams, they
generate a massive amount of money between games, merchandise and concessions each time they play on their home field. Although not all of this
goes back to the state, there is enough flow of money to make it worthwhile. With the construction of a stadium, it opens up new job opportunities for
the city beginning with construction personnel. For example, when Lucas Oil Stadium was being built in Indianapolis in 2007, over 4,900 people were
employed to assist with constructions. Lasting months, it allowed locals to generate money which further helped the flow of the economy. After
construction ended in August of 2008, the stadium offered 4,200 permanent jobs for the community. Lucas Oil Stadium hosts events that are more than
just football. Throughout the year they host, Drum Corps International World Championships, Monster Jam, and a number of smaller community
events. Another stadium in Indianapolis is the Banker's Life fieldhouse. Banker's Life is the home of the Indiana Pacers, Indiana Fever, and the venue
for multiple concerts for big artists throughout the year. Other events held at Banker's Life Stadium included: World Wrestling Entertainment, Disney
on Ice, Cirque de Soleil, and many more community events. With all of these events generating money, they also offer 180full–time and between
400–800 part–time jobs for the community. These two examples of local sports stadiums are in use year round and not for just one event, therefore
generating more money than smaller, one–use stadiums
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Catching A Sport
Sports have always been competitive by nature with each one having a vast number of viewers and fans that will defend their sport with all their
might and slander or trash talk on all the other sports. The word sport is generally associated with athletics such as football but when it comes to a
non–athletic then it becomes a problem for people to define it as a sport. "Sport" comes from Old French desport meaning "leisure". Adding to this
idea, Sport Accord, the international committee of sports, defines a sport by having an element of competition, provide no harm to animals, not rely
on equipment from a single supplier, and not rely on any "luck". This is why everyone thinks of sports as football, basketball, soccer, etc., but those
are not ... Show more content on ...
Catching is an essential skill in football so in order to master the skill an individual must first learn how to catch and throw. Learning how to perform
the skill at a faster rate is the next step after knowing how to perform the skill. After you learn how to throw the ball then you can start practicing
with the speed of the throw. When you have learned the skill and have practiced to perform it well then you practice to perform it consistently by
being fatigued, under stress, or under pressure. Overall practicing a skill takes a tremendous amount of time and effort that separates the level
between all the competitors in a sport. Skills don't necessarily have to be physical they can be related to mental processes too. For example, in
chess where one must try and predict and read their opponents next possible move, it requires the use of the mental state to be able to counter the
opponent's moves. Every sport whether physical or mental contains a multitude of skills that must be mastered by the player. This is what makes
every sport extremely tough to compete in due to the tremendous amount of practice that must be done to be great at every possible skill. A player's
weaknesses lie where skills are either lacking or underdeveloped such as in basketball where there may be a player that is great at passing, but has
mediocre scoring skills. Skills are essential in order to play any sport since they apply to each different ability that is performed in the sport. Therefore,
applying those skills to something in a competitive manner makes a
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Is Golf A Sport
To begin with, a lot of people these days argue about if golf is a sport or not. If you look up the word sport in dictionaries golf meets that definition.
Golf also burns off a lot of calories while playing the sport. If golf wasn't a sport than why should other things be called a sport. Golf is part of the
sports category because it requires muscles and physical exertion, you compete against other players, and it has everything that other sports have.
First of all, golf is a sport because it requires muscles use and physical exertion. When you take a swing in golf you use at least 17 muscles through
your body. " the average golfer will walk up to four miles in a single round of golf"(Fitness Health 101)."golf becomes a very effective way to
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Sports Equality
The nine principles of sports governance each play an important role in the operations of sports entities, but I believe the two most important
policies are Solidarity and Transparency and Communication. Solidarity, in relation to sports, refers to fair distribution of revenues so that
competitions are not one sided and all teams have the opportunity to recruit talented athletes. The NFL and NBA do a very good job with solidarity.
Both of these leagues have revenue sharing, which helps improve competitive balance across the league. (Miller) If these two leagues didn't have
revenue sharing and no salary cap, all the best players would drift towards the larger market teams because they generate more money. (Miller) In the
NBA especially, the small market teams wouldn't be able to develop their young players who have a chance to be stars because they wouldn't be able
to pay them... Show more content on ...
However, since the NBA has a salary cap and revenue sharing to make the league fair, each team can develop their young players and pay them when
the time comes. The MLB, on the other hand, is lacking with respect to solidarity because they have little revenue sharing and no salary cap. The big
market teams like the Los Angeles Dodgers dominate the sport while the small market teams lose their star players because they cannot match the
salaries or generate the same amount of revenue to keep quality players on the roster. I don't agree with the way the MLB is structured, in big part
because I am a fan of a small market team (Cleveland Indians) and we don't have the type of money to pay our star players. When comparing the
payrolls of the Dodgers and the Indians, it simply isn't fair. The Dodgers are over $200 million and the Indians are way below $100 million in
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Sports Injuries In Sports
Participating in youth sports does not always have solely positive impacts regarding a child's physical and mental health. The greatest danger sports
presents are injuries. Injuries can happen during any action throughout the day, but the risk is greatly increased by playing sports. Injuries are also the
number one concern for parents of athletes, "Nearly 9 out of 10 parents have concerns about risk of injury (87.9%), according to an EspnW/Aspen
Institute Project Play Survey of Parents on youth sports issues in 2014(Aspen)." Injuries not only can cause great damage to the athlete's body, but
the recovery can also lead to high medical costs if the injury is severe enough. "The National Center for Sports Safety reports that 3.5 million children
aged 14 years and younger receive medical care for sports–related injuries each year, and of all the sports–related injuries that are cared for in the
emergency room, two thirds involve injuries to children." With so many cases of injuries, many parents may be put off from allowing their kids to
participate in these sports. Some of the injuries sustained in youth sports can have serious injuries to youth, with head, back, and leg injuries being the
most notable.
Concussions have been discussed greatly in recent years in all over our media, as they impact both the fields of medicine and athletics prominently.
This is due to more awareness being raised about concussions in sports, with new laws coming into effect aimed to reduce
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Sport Specialization In Sport
Sport Specialization At a young age, children tend to start participating in sports as a way to get active and learn both athletic as well as life skills.
Their parents might start them off with one sport and then before you know it the child is juggling a handful of sports to see, which ones they like. As
these young athletes get older, they tend to get stuck at a crossroad. The athletes are posed with the same decision: to specialize in one sport or to
continue playing all the sports they love. However, do athletes that specialize in one sport perform better as they grow up compared to those that
continue playing multiple sports? It is important to resolve this question because there has been a rise in early youth sport specialization over the last
few years due to pressure put on athletes by their coaches and parents, rather than a logical rationale (Myer 2015).
Often, as young athletes reach middle school and high school levels, coaches and parents tend to see the potential these athletes have. As a result, the
athletes are persuaded and or forced into quitting certain sports to specialize in their dominant sport with hopes of achieving more success. However,
these children miss out in experiences they might have had if they didn't quit those sports. If they choose not to quit, they are usually treated differently
by their coaches. Coaches will talk to them in a hasty manner compared to other kids or even discipline them harder, solely because the athlete didn't do
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Sports Coaches Influence On Youth Sports
Physical activity is a large part of being healthy, especially at a young age. Participating in sports is a very popular form of obtaining this exercise, as
nearly thirty–six million kids play organized sports each year (Source 6). Coaches are extremely influential in the development of minors. They are the
role models for the children to learn and grow from. Most coaches are parents, almost eighty–five percent (Source 6). However, this can have positive
and negative effects on the participants that would differ from the effects of having a trained, "unbiased" coach. Many problems are evident when it
comes to coaching staffs for youth sports; many parents take on the task of coaching without knowing they are unqualified, partial, and may damage
their child psychologically. The qualifications for youth sports coaches are often no further than a Safe Sport test involving abuse. However, there is
very seldom a test that analyzes the knowledge that the coach has about the sport or the basic first aid that is related to sport–specific ... Show more
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When behavioral criticism is required, a child who is the coach's son is likely to react very different from any other child. Many would consider their
parent's criticism even less than their teammate would because they are more comfortable being defiant to a parent rather than a different power figure.
This can result in interruptions at practice and games where a parent–coach forgets that they cannot just reprimand their child as though they were only
playing the role of a parent, whereas if there was a coach that was equally involved with each player, there would be no negative or positive actions
towards one athlete in particular. One specific reason that would make having an indifferent coach beneficial would be that other team members would
know that the coach is there for the team, not just their child (Source
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Sports Media Changing the Sports Industry
When looking back at historical sporting moments, the impact ESPN has made on sports, sports media and the sports industry as a whole can't be
overlooked. On September 7th 1979 ESPN launched their flagship show, SportsCenter. This moment in sports media history was a game changer for
the way fans consume sports. It is amazing that back in 1979, the concept of watching highlights and footage of games when they were happening or
just completed was unfathomable for most people. The moment SportsCenter aired, sports marketing and media was altered to a 24/7 industry that has
continued to grow to its current place as a trend leader in society. One sporting moment in particular for myself, was the launch of ESPN360 back in
2002. This provided fans the first broadband network that they could catch live streams or recaps of different events from mainstream (NCAA
tournament) and obscure (Bassmaster Elite). Change for the fans is seen with so many media platforms popping up that impact the fan experience
from consumer to consumer.
A historical sporting moment involving an athlete, was in the 1970's when Coke marketed their product with Pittsburgh Steelers defensive tackle
"Mean" Joe Green. These advertisements defined a sports industry as being accessible to the public and really resonated with consumers of both the
beverage industry as well as the sports industry. The Internet has impacted the fans greatly over the years. Internet provides sports companies with a
way to
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Citizenship In Sports
Sports participation with today's youth is universal in society. It is important to understand the conditions youth engage in organized sports promotes
development and character. Today's youth are unruly and unforgiving, but if they participated in organized sports they would be productive citizens,
develop bonds with coaches and players to gain the key attributes in life like discipline, sacrifice, integrity and responsibility.
The PGA is working towards to help with youth and get their attention. They are going through with this through 2019 so they will have enough time
and an impact on a kid's life. The PGA is trying to get their point across to show kids the sport of golf and get them to be a part of it. They teamed up
with turner sports ... Show more content on ...
The report card did five categories which were child–centered philosophy, coaching, health and safety, officiating, and parental behavior and
involvement, the results were bad and unsettling trend im sports was the mentality of "win at all cost" and the report card exposed it and did a
wakeup call for people that only thought that way. Representative, Mclntyre knew and studied that athletes make better grades in school, are less
likely to be obese, get in less trouble or no trouble at all, and be successful in life also teaches them values such as sportsmanship, discipline, civility,
respect and teamwork and give them a sense of home instead of going to gangs or anything else that gets them in trouble and keep them off the streets.
Also, organized sports have the opportunity to make themselves someone and build character. Rep. Mclntyre launched the CCYS (Congressional
Caucus on Youth Sports) and they shot to "commit to bringing fun, recreation and character development back to the forefront of youth sports." Rep.
Mclntyre launched (P.E.) Physical Education and he shot for sports to "mentally develop the youth and teach them to embrace the sport and school" he
was trying to say that if they commit to the sport and commit to school a kid can do anything. It was a great idea to get kids attention and teach them
about education and sports and show them they can be a positive movement towards
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The Importance Of Sports In Sports
"Dumb jocks" are learning more from the game than just lifting weights or concocting protein shakes. Sports are more than an opportunity to go
outside and burn off some energy. Recreation activities are more than a way to get in shape and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Athletics are a metaphor
for life that not only teaches players about the game, but also helps them discover important aspects about themselves. At a young age, I did not
realize all the beneficial life lessons that the world of sports has taught me, but as I experience high school athletics, I cherish the advice the game
shares with me. Since freshman year, my soccer and basketball coaches have emphasized that I need to focus on only the things I can control. When a
ref... Show more content on ...
In life, I cannot count on things to be handed to me. No one will succeed for me or do the work for me. Anything I achieve in life will be due to
my own hard work, my own effort, and my own dedication. However, I cannot expect recognition for my successful acts. During the game, I am
usually only addressed when I do something wrong and almost never rewarded for the things I do correctly. Sometimes I will receive a pat on the
back, but I cannot expect that every time. For example, a goalkeeper is one of the most underappreciated players in soccer. Experiencing the game
of soccer through a goalie's eyes has shown me that people only blame me for not saving the goals that led to a loss. They never think to thank me
for helping win the game or for generating a shutout. All of that recognition goes to the offense and defense. Similarly, there will be moments in life
when no one grants me the recognition I think I deserve for my actions. I need to be confident and turn to the family and friends I know I can rely on
to be proud of my success. That confidence will be essential to my survival in the real world because there will be people out there who only focus on
my negatives and disregard my positives. Experiencing the hardships of athletics taught me that I need to maintain a positive attitude throughout the
rough times. This is essential to helping
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Sports Management : Sport Management
Sport management Did you know that there is more to sports teams than just scoring goals, touchdowns and runs? Sport management is a field
concerning the business and education part of sports and recreation. It includes the front office system in professional sports, college sports, and
recreation. Some examples of sport managers are: recreational sport managers, sport marketing, event management, facility management, sport
economics, sport finance and sport information. Sport management can be seen as an easy job, but in reality it is complex and challenging. Sport
management isn't so easy. A sport manager has to have great communication skills in order to talk to players, coaches, students and other business
professionals.They also have to have marketing skills to sell tickets to sporting events. Sport managers have to learn how to manage their budgets
within their facility or team. Sport managers also need to have a passion for sports before they go into this job. They may have to start out at the
bottom selling tickets and marketing the team, then build their way up. Eventually they can take jobs that are more demanding, and hopefully move to
jobs that will result in a nice future. If you choose to pursue a career in sport management, you will need to be communication savvy with kids and
community members to help gain their trust. This would include using social media such as twitter, facebook, instagram and snapchat. Sport managers
have a tough job, and it
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Sports In Sports
The primary object of sports is, of course, exercise, but sports have a far greater impact on the wellbeing of many besides physical health. Introducing
new opportunities for youth, sports create unbreakable bonds, build athletes' characters, unite communities, and promote teamwork. Undoubtedly,
sports can positively impact many children of all ages. As children grow older and become more athletic, parents and athletes may consider
specializing in one sport to maximize the athlete's chance of earning a scholarship for college; furthermore, almost every youth athlete, myself
included, dreams of becoming a professional athlete one day, so they will do anything to achieve that goal. On the contrary, specializing in one sport
may have the opposite effect. Depriving themselves from diverse environments, specialized athletes are excluded from valuable lessons that are
beneficial for sports and life. Specializing in one sport today is not merely playing one season of a sport, but specialization is intensely concentrating
on one sport year–round. For this reason, athletes should play multiple sports because focusing on one sport all year does not produce the same
benefits as playing multiple sports throughout the year. Most athletes, including myself, would probably agree that they love more than one sport, and
if this is the case, then athletes should participate in every sport they love. After all, the purpose of sports is not to earn money or to become famous
but to
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Sports And Sports Essay
Have you ever thought of how the media portrays sports to the general public?Well the media talks about sports a good amount of times, showing that
they have an interest talking about the overall topics of sports. Sports is arguably one of the most entertaining and hyped up activities in the whole
world for it creates action packed thrills, sad moments, and insane tricks that provides quality entertainment and fun times with friends and family. If
there was 2 people feeling lonely and bored in their house with absolutely nothing to do and are willing to do something proactive with friends and
family, sports would be something amazing to do instead of being inactive and lousy.Media portrayed sports as a fun and entertaining activity to watch
and make conversation about.This in fact is true because sports creates drama and intensity to the people who watch it, helps provide something to
look forward to in the near future, and brings friends and family together. Media shows us that Sports is generally one of the most entertaining things
to watch in the world for the fact that it creates intensity and drama for the people who are gonna watch a game or to the viewers' watching the game.
Whether if it's soccer,basketball, or football people tend to love watching other people running around competing against each other for bragging rights
(Urban). For example, let's say the super bowl is playing on national television, 2 teams are playing to compete for the championship ring
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Sports In Sports Essay
Teenagers competing in all kinds of different sports have always had a lot of issues to deal with and even more in recent years with expectations for
young athletes getting increasingly high. These issues need to be addressed and I am going to outline why. Young people generally have too much
pressure put on them when participating in sporting activities by parents, coaches, and teammates. Teenagers have large expectations to perform at a
top level by everyone around them when playing a sport and the pressure put on them can a lot of the time be too much to handle for their
developing minds and bodies and will affect many other aspects of their life which can cause plenty of stress for them. For example, many teens
participating at top levels of sport fall behind on their school work and will not have the time to do many other things that may be important to
them due to the immense amount of pressure put on them from their chosen sport. A specific example being in New York where a young boy, aged
10, was shocked when he was told by the coach of his baseball team that he planned to have them cheat in order to win the game. In my opinion, it is
getting increasingly difficult for teenagers to just enjoy the sport they love to play and have a good time with their friends while still working hard
and competing at a high level, and instead sports at a high school level are becoming purely focused on winning, which is because of adults around the
students being bad role
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Unorganized Sports
Introduction Youth participation in sport has become increasingly popular as time progresses, whether it is in an organized fashion (sports teams) or
unorganized (playing outside at recess). There is "approximately forty–four million girls and boys currently [participating] in organized youth sport
programs across the United States" (Albrecht, 2010) and that number is probably only higher today. That is not even accounting for all the children
that get together with their friends and head to a local park to play a game of touch football or their time at recess during the school day. Both
unorganized play and organized sports are important for children to participate in because it allows them to grow as human beings by developing
character... Show more content on ...
Without an adult, the game was left up to the children to decide. They had to decide whether the ball was in bounds or not; they would often make a
fair call rather than trying to boost their own team. Unorganized sports allows them to learn fairness and equality because if they end up making the
game unfair, the children would lose their friends to another game on the playground. The unorganized sports at recess had more laughter involved
compared to the organized sports because the children were often playing with who they wanted to play with at recess (i.e. their best friends). The
unorganized sports were more fun to the children because there was no pressure from their parents or coaches to be the best or to win; it was just for
fun and to be active with their friends. The children were not forced to focus on what they were doing; they could take a break from the game and mess
around with each other. Another thing that I noticed during unorganizedsport observations was that the children made up rules as they went and as
they needed the rules to be put in place instead of discussing all the rules at the beginning. With them making up rules as they went, it did cause
problems because some of the children would say that is not how they play the sport being on an organized sports team. A majority of the children
would talk about playing on a sports team, while they were playing at recess, so the rules of both would cause conflict. When conflict arrives, the
children would have to problem solve himself or herself without a coach or referee to
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Sports And Sports: The Importance Of Sports
Today, sports and games have assumed a great importance. Every day we are surrounded by the images of top sportsman and women taking part
game and winning medals. For years it has brought people together all around the world. Basically sports refers to the diverse form of physical
activities which are competitive in nature. Our life is also a game which everybody are playing from dusk to dawn with spirits of sporting strength
and creating unity in society as well as in whole nation. The love of sports cannot be denied, but is accepted by everyone. Participation in sports is
extremely important, and should be encouraged more. Young people in particular need to dosport so that they develop good habits that they can
continue into adulthood.
Moreover sports allows a person to develop personally. Skills like social and communication can be enhanced and ... Show more content on ...
For example, Teamwork is learned naturally through participating in games and team sports and leadership is another skill which is also
developed through sports. Competitive sports like soccer, rugby, and athletics are sports which improves our ability to handle pressure as well as
give us lessons to win and lose graciously. This helps a person to live longer and more contented lives. Sports is an activity which removes gender
inequality, and develops a sense of friendliness. On the same note, sports exercises are very helpful to our mental and physical health issues.
Depression and number of behavioral disorders commonly found in people which are not easily diagnosed and treated, can be solved through sports
activities. Character building is also done by playing sports where a person will become happy by looking, feeling, and thinking about their physical
appearance. Sports decreases the risk of eating
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Sports : Sports And Sporting Activities
In the United States today there is a heavy emphasis placed on sports and sporting activities. Every public school, middle and up, offers some
sporting program, and most private schools do as well. The real issue at question is whether sports are affecting the education of students and young
adults, who may have carried their sporting career into college. In general, people of all ages spend a lot of time both in person and on TV watching
sports, not to mention those who are actively participating in the sporting event. With sports taking up most of a student 's free time, some pose the
concern that sports are taking too much time, and the students are unable to focus on their education. One may even make the argument that the United
States culture as a whole focuses more on the success in sporting activities than they do the quality and level of academics that student athletes uphold.
However this is untrue, it "hardly ever comes up in domestic debates about America 's international mediocrity in education" (Bowen and Hitt). With
that being said, it is safe to say that sports have considerably more benefits than they do drawbacks. Sports are an excellent way to help to teach
students of all levels many different valuable skills that can translate over into their chosen work field, or just life in general. Although the United
States ranks lower than others academically, sports help students of all ages with both leadership and teamwork skills, as well as being an exemplary
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Competitive Sports
There has been a big argument about the injuries of competitive sports and if kids should be playing them. There is a lot of opinions on if kids
should play competitive sports or if they should not be allowed to play competitive sports. Some people argue about the injuries and risk that sports
give to young children and the pressure that goes with them. Others argue that sports give more than just injuries like life skills such as motivation
and commitment. According to the New York Times ( 2015 ), over 50% of high schoolers get a concussion in competitive sports. However, in this
essay, I will be talking about some the life skills that competitive sports give you and how they outweigh the pressure and injuries in competitive sports
My first reason for why competitive sports help kids with life skills is that kids gain self–confidence when playing sports. One reason sports help with
self–confidence is it helps with setting goals. According to Muhealth, ( 2017 ) "Watching your hard work pay off and achieving your goals develops
self–confidence. Achieving a sport or fitness goal encourages you to achieve other goals you set. This is a rewarding and exciting learning process."
This is showing that setting and then eventually achieving your goals in sports and helps a lot with the self–confidence of children. My second reason
is that when kids play sports they help kids be themselves and helps the kids view themselves in a good way. This is supported by Margaret Talbot,
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Sports And Sports For Constructive Alternatives
This March, the Center for Constructive Alternatives series dealt with the topic of Sport and Character. In today's age, sport and sporting events have
become pinnacles of American entertainment, money, and paparazzi. One is inundated with constant updates regarding football scores, feuds between
athletes, and controversy over refereeing. With sport being such a focus in media and society, it often seems that sport and character are incompatible.
Too often one sees an athlete get caught using illegal performance enhancing drugs, having an affair, or lying and cheating. Sport appears to be just like
any other secular and commercial entertainment: decadent, impaired, and ultimately characterless. This month's Center for Constructive ... Show more
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Novak then criticized the current news and sports media of today. Upset at how the media were currently portraying sports, he derided the journalists
as "amateur social scientists." Instead of trying to pigeon–hole sports into some social science or 'social experiment', sport should be seen as rituals
concerning human survival on this planet: liturgical enactments of animal perfection and the struggles of the human spirit to prevail. As Mr. Novak
showcased throughout his lecture, sport captures the struggle of man throughout history. This struggle is personified through the linebacker tackling
the halfback, the pitcher recomposing himself after giving up a run, or a runner shaking off cramping as she attempts to complete the marathon. Sports
are the human experience.
Mr. Schilling's talk set a tone unlike any other. That night, he presented a striking case for why character is influenced by sport. Drawing on his own
personal experiences, Mr. Schilling said that he has come to learn that you can only gain wisdom through experiences. The experiences through sport
that Mr. Schilling went through ultimately lead to the formation of the man that he is today. Sport also provides example of and experience with good
leadership. Mr. Schilling talked about leadership, noting that while anyone can be a leader, there are very few leaders in the world. Although Mr.
Schilling had been present among
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Religion In Sports

  • 1. Religion In Sports Is it time for a change in sports marketing and branding? Many sports teams have made the transition, or they have just begun the process. Over the years sports teams have been challenged to change their logos, their team names, or their team mascot. There is a different reason for each but the main reasons are one's religious practice, and cultural appropriation makes their view of what the team is displaying should change. By looking at the different experiences of some national know sports teams and few local sports team and comparing them to each other and religious practice and cultural appropriation. For this paper, the national sports teams examples will be Washington Redskins, Tampa Bay Devil Rays, and Cleveland Indians. For the local sports team's case will be Siena College, Syracuse Chiefs, and Syracuse University. A factor of this paper came from a definition of religion. By Clifford Geertz "... is a system of symbols which acts to establish powerful, pervasive, and long–lasting moods and motivations in men by formulating conceptions of a general order of existence and clothing these conceptions with such an aura of factuality that the moods and... Show more content on ... However, if one is to think about this, brands are signs, logos, and symbols that serve an identity of a product/service. Sports are almost similar to a service; they give fans a sense of entertainment and something to look forward to watching. (Clark 139) Teams do have signs put up around each other stadiums, and fans put signs of their team on their cars, inside their homes almost like a shrine. That can be related to a religious shrine in one's home or sacred places of worship Every team as their logo, that can be seen everywhere around the stadium, on clothing, in person or online. As well, every team has a symbol which can be seen as their mascot, again a sports team's mascot can be seen ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Concussions And Sports Some people think sports are beneficial but others think they are dangerous.sports are overrated. Sports are unsafe for kids because concussion, recovery of a concussion and Sports are expensive. For example, how you recover from a concussion. "Doctors did studies on football players that had a concussions every player or person heal at a different rate". "When you have a concussion early Activity can and will slow your healing". "Problems with memory and concentration". This means you should ask the coach to sit and rest. "Sports are too expensive example parents estimated $671 annually on sport– related activities, most of the money goes to football". "The parent has to pay 4 to 5 fees like coach fees, meet fees and equipment fee". This ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The Impact Of Sports On Sports Industry The study of Pitts et al. (1994), the books of Parks, et al (1998) and additional studies including Meek (1997) allow us to reach a definition of sport industry; the sports industry is a market wherein the products manufactured and offered to its customers are sport, recreation and fitness related and may be activities, amenities or people. Sports we support, follow and play today are part of our day–to–day lives and we forget that over 250 years ago the sports established today did not yet exist and the few that did would be unappealing and unrecognisable to the sports fans of today. Looking back to the history of sports we see a story of evolution, starting off as physical activities for survival; man hunting for food and rowing for ... Show more content on ... The Industrial Revolution, beginning in Great Britain, quickly spread throughout the world. This time period saw the mechanisation of agriculture and textile manufacturing and a revolution in power (i.e., steam ships and railroads) and had a massive effect on social, cultural and economic conditions. The Industrial Revolution had an enormous effect on Sport in Britain. Many changes that may appear far from linked to sport had a direct effect on how sport was played, when sport was played, and how much more sport was encompassed into everyday life. The revolution saw mass migration into the main urban, city areas of an area. In order for workers to travel to work and also for factories and mills to deliver their goods transport was developed quickly. This development helped towns and cities grow, and it also helped sport surge in popularity. Teams now had the option, and availability to travel to different towns and play teams from all over the country. In return supporters were also allowed to travel and support their local team or factory team. This meant that more people could see sport and gain interest. This was helpful in encouraging people, which would increase participation levels. The ability to travel quickly and conveniently between towns and cities improved sporting contacts. However, the industrial revolution could not have been seen as development. During the revolution a large class divide was ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Sports Controversy I think participating in sports deffently has a positive effect on children and teens. One of the very many reasons, is that kids will learn a lot from being on a competitive team. They will learn about rules, sportsmenship, obidence, and teamwork. Most kids love sports, and when they are younger they will do anything to join with there friends. They get to seek out what sport they love most, and participate in it until there senior year in high school or college. Seeing the downside to sports I guess you can say is easy. Like not having enough time for homework, school, friends and family. Parents can argue on that fact for hours, but I guess it all really depends on the child. If a kids friends are doing the same sport, taking the same ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The Importance Of Women Sports In Sports Michael Spann Michelle Lee ENC1101 June 23, 2017 SHOULD MALE PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES BE PAID MORE THAT FEMALE ATHLETES? Toady sports is viewed by fans all around the world rather it being basketball, football, or baseball. Sports has become more of agender controversial topic than simply enjoying the excitement of the players doing what they love to do so well. Women athletes are generally under paid compared to the men's salaries in various sports do to the lack of viewers. Women sports doesn't generate enough revenue, so the leagues can't afford to pay the women as much as the men in their contracts. Women sports are important to the world and the fans and supporters that watch and cheer alongside the players. However due to the lack of viewers, women sports are not generating enough money to allow bigger contracts for women athletes. Women sports are loved by its fans and supporters; however, most sports fans consider women sports to be step down from the excitement of watching the men engage in the game that they are playing. For instance take the US Women's Soccer team, compared to the men's world cup the women tournament only generated 15 million dollars for the entire series. On the other side, the US Men's Soccer team World Cup generated a whopping 576 million dollars. The fans that follow sports doesn't think negative about women sports they just ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Sports Fanaticism In Sports Sports fans, also called sports devotees, followers, or supporters, devote themselves to a particular athlete, organization or sport. They may show their enthusiasm by often attending sporting events or watch on television, being members of a fan club, follow athletic news through newspapers, online websites, and create fanzines. They show a certain behavior towards an organization. These behaviors manifest in different ways and show in different types of sports fans. Even though sports fanaticism exists on a spectrum, some forms stick out more than others. Individual types that stick out include the bandwagon, the coach, the trash talker, the blind follower, and the statistician. The bandwagon, the person that sells into the hype of a club. Every sport holds its fair share of bandwagons. Bandwagons only know the popular players on the roster and only watch their team when it is a popular game. Their squad usually never has a losing season and tend to win the championship each year. If a player they like switches to a different organization in the postseason, the bandwagon suddenly supports that organization. When the bandwagon's team wins, they refer to their side as "we" and calls their side "them" when they lose. Furthermore, if the bandwagon goes to a game and their team loses, the bandwagon leaves before the game ends and does not talk about the game. A type of fan similar to the bandwagon, the blind follower, roots for whatever team is popular around them. The ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Sports And Consumerism In Sports Decades have passed and with time comes change, it should not come as a shock that as a society we've grown and developed. The way we consume sports, its mechanisms, and the culture behind it, has changed outstandingly. The effects that media has had on the sporting industry and consumerism in the past two decades have been tremendous. The development of high–definition tv's, live streamed sporting events, video games, and even social media, has globalized sport and transformed the way fans and athletes interact. This transformation from conventional sports consumerism to modern day has come as a great shock to many. Stephen Brunt's article Sports Consumption Will Undergo Revolution in the Decade Ahead focuses on how the landscape of the sporting industry will be profoundly transformed, not only in the games and the athletes themselves but in the way we consume them as entertainment. Brunt's argument on how the new modern tools that have been developed (in association with sports) have changed his view of the "all American dream" of sports consumerism, is outdated. We do not agree with Brunt's arguments towards the future of sports consumption, and the supposedly negative effects that will come in regards to future generations. On the contrary, David J. Leonard New Media and Global Sporting Cultures: Moving Beyond the ClichГ©s and Binaries contradict Brunt's argument by stating "To the skeptics who simply refuse to acknowledge the impact of new media technologies, who ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Importance Of Sports Sports are one of the most watched pieces of entertainment in America, and around the world. People watch sports because you never know the outcomes of the games, and because you can root for your chosen team. When a person thinks a about a sport the first thing that comes to their head is probably something like football or soccer, but what about chess or even video games. Sports are usually thought of as games that require strength and physical skill to preform, but sports should be defined by competitiveness, strategy, and entertainment value. Sports that most people watch include some sort of use of strength, an example of this being football. Football does require strength to play well, but it is far more important to have strategy... Show more content on ... If an average person were to play these video games against them, they would lose, by a lot, just like if average people played soccer against a professional team. So clearly these players possess a high amount of skill in their game so why is that skill not consider the same as that of an athlete. Most people would think sports should include a physical element sports require competitiveness even more. Asport in which there is no competition would be pointless, and more importantly no one would play. The competitive nature of sports is what makes them so popular. At the end of the day one team wins, and one team loses. Competition is what drives players to do their best so that they can win. The competitive nature of sports is what forms rivalries, and what drives fans to games. If there were no competition in sports, there would be no reason to watch. National and worldwide sports events, like the super bowl, world cup, or even video game tournaments, bring in some of the largest viewership's in the world. People want to find out what team or country is the best at the sport in question. Chess and Video games both meet this standard due to their extreme competitiveness. If something has no competitive element, it cannot call itself a sport. While sports require competition, they also require an amount of strategy. Sports require a strategy to win. If there were no strategy required ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Persuasive Essay On Sports In Sports Statement of intent: I am writing this as an online article to parents of teenagers in order to persuade them to take some of the pressure off of their children when they are competing in sports. Teenagers competing in all kinds of different sports have always had a lot of issues to deal with and even more in recent years with expectations for young athletes getting increasingly high. These issues need to be addressed and I am going to outline why. Young people generally have too much pressure put on them when participating in sporting activities by parents, coaches, and teammates. Teenagers have large expectations to perform at a top level by everyone around them when playing a sport and the pressure put on them can a lot of the time be too much to handle for their developing minds and bodies. This will affect many other aspects of their life which can cause plenty of stress for them. For example, many teens participating at top levels of sport are taught that they must do whatever it takes to win and that it is not about having fun but instead there is a sole focus on winning. A lot of the time the fun aspect of playing sport is taking out of the game and winning becomes all that matters. A specific example of this common issue can be seen when we look at a 14 year old Ajay. Ajay was one of the best basketball players I his school and loved the game but almost forced to give it up. This is because he would develop severe anxiety before important games due to the ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Sport Of Wrestling: A Certain Sport A certain sport that's my favorite is Wrestling. People got different ideas about Wrestling that it's too dangerous. Football is a sport most people like because it takes a lot of skills to be good in. believe it or not wrestling is a very big challenge you got to have Muscle you got to be strong. I honestly think Wrestling is a Sport. And also I'm a Wrestler.I was nowhere near ready to engage in actual Wrestling, which was fine by me. The trainer just had me jump rope or do crunches and pushups. I donned borrowed gloves to hit the heavy bags that swung from the ceiling. It was a terrific workout, and more interesting than plodding on a treadmill. I came back several times over the next couple of weeks, whenever Mike invited me. ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Sports : Sports And Sports Sports fans have different reasons on why they have a passion for sports. Several fans can remember memorable events in sports history that touched their lives. Fans will laugh and cry when they watch the HBO Documentary "Sport in America" because they will hear incredible stories that will make them think about why they love sports. Sports Illustrated, Endgame entertainment, and HBO asked Americans why different games and memorable moments in sports touched their lives. Thousands of fans responded with their incredible stories (Sport in America: Our Defining Stories). The film shows personal stories from fans across the country who have witnessed sports most extraordinary events. The film tells the world about memorable events in American sports, such as baseball, tennis, football, hockey, boxing, basketball, high school athletics, the Boston marathon, and the Olympic games. Sports fans will smile and agree when they hear the movie say," fans hold their breath, lose themselves, and when that moment they witnessed is over, they will remember it for the rest of their lives. Unforgettable sports moments become a part of people 's lives as they see brave athletes, biggest upsets, strongest rivals, and who has the most heart (Sport in America: Our Defining Stories)." It doesn 't matter how long ago the memory was, fans remember and share their stories about the memorable moments in sports history forever. The film shows people why and how special moments in sports affect fan 's ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Is Golf A Sport? Is Golf a Sport? Many argue that golf is not a sport and some argue that it is in fact a sport. Golf does not put any physical exertion on the body and walking and carrying the clubs around the course burns more calories than actually golfing. All you need to master golf is practice and some skill. Just because it is difficult, doesn't necessarily categorize it as a sport. Although golf meets the dictionary definition of a sport, golfers ride a golf cart, have caddies carry their stuff, and most are simply out of shape. Golf is more of a game rather than a sport and mostly a leisure activity. There are many professional golfers who smoke while golfing, ultimately disqualifying it from a sport. You do not need to be physically fit ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Why Sports Is A Sports Complex Sports complex A sports complex is a group of sports facilities. For example, there are track and field stadiums, football stadiums, baseball stadiums, swimming pools, and gymnasiums. This area is a sports complex, for fitness. Olympic Park is a kind of Sports complex. Examples of a sports complex are as bellows IMPORTANCE and BENEFITS OF SPORTS Have you ever thought why people do sports? Absolutely, many people seem not to know the reasons. There are many people who do sports for nothing around us. Everyday we can encounter with these people. They regularly do sports; however, none of them realizes the benefits and importance of sports. In fact, vice versa, some people want to be fit and attractive, look smart. Unfortunately, these people can't consider other benefits of sports. In my opinion, there are several benefits of sports that people often do not consider: sports are required to be healthy people, are needed for enjoyment, and are great market for countries' economies. The first advantage of sports for people is that they help people be healthy, and be fit. Throughout history, people can't give up their interest at their body. I belive that now many people love themselves no matter how beautiful or ugly they are. Naturally, people's first aim should be healthy and fit with the benefits of sports. Due to this fact that... Show more content on ... Absolutely, many people seem not to know the reasons. There are many people who do sports for nothing around us. Everyday we can encounter with these people. They regularly do sports; however, none of them realizes the benefits and importance of sports. In fact, vice versa, some people want to be fit and attractive, look smart. Unfortunately, these people can't consider other benefits of sports. In my opinion, there are several benefits of sports that people often do not consider: sports are required to be healthy people, are needed for enjoyment, and are great market for countries' ... Get more on ...
  • 14. A Sport: How Cheerleading Is A Sport Cheerleading is just like any other sport even though some people think it's not. All the people that think that it's not a sport do not appreciate how hard they work and yet they still get no recognition for it. Cheerleading is a very difficult sport and is very time consuming and there is a lot of commitment involved. Even though it is hard working and time consuming, it is still very fun to do. Cheerleading is a sport because it has a competitive nature, cheerleaders have to be fit and strong in order to do it, and cheerleading meets all of the stereotypical athletic specifications. First, cheerleading is a sport because it has a competitive nature. At a cheer competition ВЁteams perform a two and a half minute routine with music that includes stunts, jumps, and tumblingВЁ (What is Competitive Cheerleading). Cheerleading ... Show more content on ... The definition of a sport is ВЁan athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of competitive natureВЁ ( Cheerleading meets the requirements of a sport because they need skills like tumbling, balance, and strength, and they are very physical with stunts and tumbling. Cheer is also competitive because you have to have a perfect routine in order to win the trophy. Cheerleading meets all the athletic specifications which are: must involve physical activity, has to be competition, have to be rules, and skills have to be involved (Cheer Debate: Is Cheerleading a Sport?). Cheerleaders work hard and they don't get the recognition that they deserve because they work very hard and get very strong in order to do what they love doing. Cheer is intense and the ВЁcheer teams workout, run and have to deal with all team players just like any other sportВЁ (Webb). Cheerleaders do everything that people do in any other sport and they work very hard. Cheerleaders do everything that people do in any other sport and they work very hard while doing ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Sports For Kids : Sports Sports for Kids Sports is a major emphasis in American culture, even in sports at a young age. This occasionally leads to coaches being too intense, resulting in injuries /health problems. Combined with the issue of expense it takes for children to participate in sports, the question of whether kids should play sports or not comes up. Even though playing sports at a young age has its problems, it also teaches children life lessons, improves their health, and helps them to continue their education. Playing sports at a young age teaches kids life lessons that can help them in their adult lives. When playing a team sport one learns about teamwork. Athletes are taught that there is "no I in team", and that even if they feel like they are the ... Show more content on ... A lot of times adults do not want to go into work, pay the bills, clean the house, etc., but adults do because they need to make money, keep power on in the house, and keep the house a livable environment for their families to live in. Playing sports is also good for children's health. Most kids now a day just want to watch TV or play on their phones as soon as they get home from school. When kids participate in sports they have to go to practice after school and do physical activities. This helps lower kids blood pressure, keeps them at a healthy weight, keeps their heart healthy, helps keep their digestive system healthy, and increases their lung capacity. Even though sports benefit kids health, there are also health considers such as injury. When playing any sport, there is a chance of getting injured, especially when kids are pushed too hard by coaches that are too intense. An example of this is when the eight year old, Adien Cullen, passed out on the field but his coach let him continue to play when he regained consciousness because he was the star player; resulting in Cullen developing a disease that causes server pain and it is developed partially from being pushed too hard in sports (Plaschke). Even though sports organizations are working fervently on lowering the risk of concussions in sports and reducing the amount of side effects after experiencing a concussion, the issue of concussions in ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Sports In Sports Sports influence many people to come together, it has been a crucial piece to unifying people of different religions for decades. A purpose for sports is to reconcile cultures and it's important to communicate and understand their differences, even addressing their social issues. In a world with so much violence and hatred, sports have been that sanctuary for those to find equality, but most importantly, peace. Throughout the years, sports have been utilized to bring people together. Just because we may eat different foods, dress differently or speak a different language, doesn't mean one is not welcomed in to the sports community. Being active in sports, either as a player or a fan, has showed positive affects to communities. Three students from Gomal University in Pakhtoonkhwa, Pakistan conducted a survey with their piers that 200 completed. Based on their findings, they concluded "that active participation in sports activities help in developing the social qualities such as peace, equality, justice, fraternity and brotherhood among the participants" (Khan). Participating in sports takes that extra time away and it is used in a valuable way. According to 96% of the focus group, they agreed that "sports help in controlling the deviant acts and develop peace, equality and brother–hood among the students" (Khan). Sports have always served as that escape from what's going on outside, as a mask to reality. Athletics is a place of positivity for everyone to come together, win ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Anthropology In Sports My personal interest in sports is based on how my parents and other family members nurtured me as a child and youth. My continuous interest in sports has influenced my choice of this topic to provide me a field experience and a deeper understanding. I have always been interested and engaged in play and sports. Volleyball is my favorite sport and was the first organised sport I played in junior secondary school at age 12. I have been involved in several competitive sports at from the amateur to the national/elite level. I have participated in team sports (e.g., volleyball and soccer), field events (e.g., high jump, long jump), and track events (e.g., 100m, 200m, 400m, 800). I chose to focus on volleyball for this project because it is a sport with which I am most comfortable and familiar. 1.4 Justification of Study The anthropology of sports is a cross–cultural sub–discipline that focuses on analyses of sports–related–social problems (Blanchard 1995:23). Although physical anthropologists for decades have done studies on body types, morphology, and functions, less work has been done in the area of cultural, social and psychological settings with regards to the way individuals live and also perform (Malina 1972). There are virtually unlimited opportunities for additional research to be done (Coakley and Dunning 2000:150). Researchers like... Show more content on ... According to Smith (2010:98), issues of gender are core to social life and this fact makes the concerns of masculinity and femininity essential. Critical feminist theorists have stressed the importance of critiquing and changing the culture and (Pfister and Kristin 2013:208) body (physicality) of sport so that they represent the perspectives and experiences of women as well as men (Maguire 2002:207; Coakley 2001:39) with the aim to expose gender inequalities (Jarvis and Watts ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Advantages Of Individual Sports And Team Sports The Advantages of Individual Sports and Team Sports Sport is an activity to train a person's body, not only physically but also spiritually. Sport is divided into two, individual sports and team sports. Individual sports are a sport that played by one person, and team sports is a sport that played by two or more people. Sport has many benefits. Individual and team sports have the same both benefit. Especially for our health. Health is the most important thing in life. Besides protecting ourself from the arrival of the disease, the body also feels fit after exercise, the mood too, etc. A lot of us have encountered individual sports in daily life. For example, chess. Many people like to play chess. In addition, sharpen the brain, train concentration, how to control themselves, patience and more. Not only chess, ... Show more content on ... The first benefit of team sport is you learn how to do a teamwork. You learns how you can support other people to make the best team. Team sports is requiring for your ability to be good speaker and listener to get along with your make easily. This sport is when you and your friends. When you play with them. For example, when we play football. Many advantages we can got from this game. For health of course, brain, controlling itself, learn how to discipline and etc. The main advantages is the team still have a chance to reach the goal even injured during the match. Morever here are more thought from different people and by summarize them the group can figure out a good strategy to win the game, in fact this is a good exercise in working as a part of a team in ordinary situations. For another example if people play volleyball, when your group practice, you need to practice with them and youcould talk and share our emotions during the game. They have to manage their team well by using energy and power in order to strengthed the match.We learn about family, we learn about how we can get new family, to know each ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Sports : The Negative Side Of Youth Sports Many people think that sports help children develop teamwork, self–confidence, moral character, and other personal strength but others see the negative side of youth sports, believing young athletes develop aggressive traits such as bullying and the need to dominate their opponents not just on but off the field as well. Youth sports have become far too intense, especially in contact sports. It is true that participation in youth athletics has a number of benefits such as the building self–confidence and moral character but is it all worth the possibility of severe trauma to the body or even worse, the mind. Sports induced concussions alone have doubled for kids ages 8–13 in the past decade. In just 2012 alone, there were 3,800,000 reported. Other injuries that are common in young athletes are knee injuries and sprains. Dehydration is also a major concern. It has been shown that single sport athletes are prone to more injuries than multiple sport athletes. Actions need to be taken to lower these numbers, such as restrictions on the number of practices, the intensity at practice, and more information given to coaches, parents and athletes on how to prevent injuries. These restrictions should consist of limiting the number of pitches a pitcher may pitch in a single game, more sufficient screening being done before an athlete returns from a concussion or limitations on how tackles can be performed are a few examples. Sports need to have a balance of sportsmanship, positive ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Essay On Sports And Sports What are the positive effects sports have on children? This question has a wide variety of answers. Some may say sports can help with intelligence, building relationships, and activity, while others see sports as overwhelming or dangerous. Sports can influence a child's well being far greater than most can imagine. From their mental and physical development, to their bright futures, sports play an important role in a young boy or girl's lifetime. Specifically, tennis is one of the best sports to support the development and futures of children. The future of achild is very important and it is critical that it does not become endangered by negative factors. From the early years of their life, kids can learn and develop from sports. ... Show more content on ... "Other sports may provide excellent health benefits, as well as stimulate mental and emotional growth. But no other sport received such acclaim for its great benefits physically, mentally and emotionally." (Groppel) Along with the teaching of respect, sportsmanship, healthy habits, fairness, and the basics, tennis helps kids develop hand–eye coordination, positive characteristics, and acquire tactical thinking. Tennis is a very mental game. It is optimal that you have control over your emotions as well as figure out your opponent's mentality. "The tactical aspect of the game keeps your mind occupied while your body gets a good workout–the short term goals of reaching that little yellow ball in time makes it a complex sport full of small rewards and limitless challenges." (Cramton) Teaching a kid these rather complex ideas from a young age will not only aid them with their tennis skills but also their life skills to come in the future. Tennis has its benefits that jump starts a child's development and knowledge of life lessons, but it also has its benefits of providing a future for young players who work hard to be successful. These futures can include athletic scholarships, a professional career, or possibly a job teaching others tennis. There is also the effect of a person's happiness in the future. "Tennis players scored higher in vigor, optimism and self–esteem while scoring lower in depression, anger, confusion, anxiety and ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Sports Stadiums : The Benefits Of Sports Stadiums Sports Stadiums can be found in many cities across the United States. These Stadiums can cost millions of dollars to build but have the potential to bring in much more. While there are many benefits to building and operating a sports stadium, there are more downsides economically. New Stadiums can bring many jobs and more income to a city in the beginning however as time goes on, those jobs prove to be unreliable and taxpayers are left paying for a stadium they may never step foot in. With this, sports stadiums are more harmful to a city's economy than they are beneficial. Sports Stadiums, specifically for professional sports, have the potential to generate a large amount of income for a city. Focusing on NFL teams, they generate a massive amount of money between games, merchandise and concessions each time they play on their home field. Although not all of this goes back to the state, there is enough flow of money to make it worthwhile. With the construction of a stadium, it opens up new job opportunities for the city beginning with construction personnel. For example, when Lucas Oil Stadium was being built in Indianapolis in 2007, over 4,900 people were employed to assist with constructions. Lasting months, it allowed locals to generate money which further helped the flow of the economy. After construction ended in August of 2008, the stadium offered 4,200 permanent jobs for the community. Lucas Oil Stadium hosts events that are more than just football. Throughout the year they host, Drum Corps International World Championships, Monster Jam, and a number of smaller community events. Another stadium in Indianapolis is the Banker's Life fieldhouse. Banker's Life is the home of the Indiana Pacers, Indiana Fever, and the venue for multiple concerts for big artists throughout the year. Other events held at Banker's Life Stadium included: World Wrestling Entertainment, Disney on Ice, Cirque de Soleil, and many more community events. With all of these events generating money, they also offer 180full–time and between 400–800 part–time jobs for the community. These two examples of local sports stadiums are in use year round and not for just one event, therefore generating more money than smaller, one–use stadiums ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Catching A Sport Sports have always been competitive by nature with each one having a vast number of viewers and fans that will defend their sport with all their might and slander or trash talk on all the other sports. The word sport is generally associated with athletics such as football but when it comes to a non–athletic then it becomes a problem for people to define it as a sport. "Sport" comes from Old French desport meaning "leisure". Adding to this idea, Sport Accord, the international committee of sports, defines a sport by having an element of competition, provide no harm to animals, not rely on equipment from a single supplier, and not rely on any "luck". This is why everyone thinks of sports as football, basketball, soccer, etc., but those are not ... Show more content on ... Catching is an essential skill in football so in order to master the skill an individual must first learn how to catch and throw. Learning how to perform the skill at a faster rate is the next step after knowing how to perform the skill. After you learn how to throw the ball then you can start practicing with the speed of the throw. When you have learned the skill and have practiced to perform it well then you practice to perform it consistently by being fatigued, under stress, or under pressure. Overall practicing a skill takes a tremendous amount of time and effort that separates the level between all the competitors in a sport. Skills don't necessarily have to be physical they can be related to mental processes too. For example, in chess where one must try and predict and read their opponents next possible move, it requires the use of the mental state to be able to counter the opponent's moves. Every sport whether physical or mental contains a multitude of skills that must be mastered by the player. This is what makes every sport extremely tough to compete in due to the tremendous amount of practice that must be done to be great at every possible skill. A player's weaknesses lie where skills are either lacking or underdeveloped such as in basketball where there may be a player that is great at passing, but has mediocre scoring skills. Skills are essential in order to play any sport since they apply to each different ability that is performed in the sport. Therefore, applying those skills to something in a competitive manner makes a ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Is Golf A Sport To begin with, a lot of people these days argue about if golf is a sport or not. If you look up the word sport in dictionaries golf meets that definition. Golf also burns off a lot of calories while playing the sport. If golf wasn't a sport than why should other things be called a sport. Golf is part of the sports category because it requires muscles and physical exertion, you compete against other players, and it has everything that other sports have. First of all, golf is a sport because it requires muscles use and physical exertion. When you take a swing in golf you use at least 17 muscles through your body. " the average golfer will walk up to four miles in a single round of golf"(Fitness Health 101)."golf becomes a very effective way to ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Sports Equality The nine principles of sports governance each play an important role in the operations of sports entities, but I believe the two most important policies are Solidarity and Transparency and Communication. Solidarity, in relation to sports, refers to fair distribution of revenues so that competitions are not one sided and all teams have the opportunity to recruit talented athletes. The NFL and NBA do a very good job with solidarity. Both of these leagues have revenue sharing, which helps improve competitive balance across the league. (Miller) If these two leagues didn't have revenue sharing and no salary cap, all the best players would drift towards the larger market teams because they generate more money. (Miller) In the NBA especially, the small market teams wouldn't be able to develop their young players who have a chance to be stars because they wouldn't be able to pay them... Show more content on ... However, since the NBA has a salary cap and revenue sharing to make the league fair, each team can develop their young players and pay them when the time comes. The MLB, on the other hand, is lacking with respect to solidarity because they have little revenue sharing and no salary cap. The big market teams like the Los Angeles Dodgers dominate the sport while the small market teams lose their star players because they cannot match the salaries or generate the same amount of revenue to keep quality players on the roster. I don't agree with the way the MLB is structured, in big part because I am a fan of a small market team (Cleveland Indians) and we don't have the type of money to pay our star players. When comparing the payrolls of the Dodgers and the Indians, it simply isn't fair. The Dodgers are over $200 million and the Indians are way below $100 million in ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Sports Injuries In Sports Participating in youth sports does not always have solely positive impacts regarding a child's physical and mental health. The greatest danger sports presents are injuries. Injuries can happen during any action throughout the day, but the risk is greatly increased by playing sports. Injuries are also the number one concern for parents of athletes, "Nearly 9 out of 10 parents have concerns about risk of injury (87.9%), according to an EspnW/Aspen Institute Project Play Survey of Parents on youth sports issues in 2014(Aspen)." Injuries not only can cause great damage to the athlete's body, but the recovery can also lead to high medical costs if the injury is severe enough. "The National Center for Sports Safety reports that 3.5 million children aged 14 years and younger receive medical care for sports–related injuries each year, and of all the sports–related injuries that are cared for in the emergency room, two thirds involve injuries to children." With so many cases of injuries, many parents may be put off from allowing their kids to participate in these sports. Some of the injuries sustained in youth sports can have serious injuries to youth, with head, back, and leg injuries being the most notable. Concussions have been discussed greatly in recent years in all over our media, as they impact both the fields of medicine and athletics prominently. This is due to more awareness being raised about concussions in sports, with new laws coming into effect aimed to reduce ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Sport Specialization In Sport Sport Specialization At a young age, children tend to start participating in sports as a way to get active and learn both athletic as well as life skills. Their parents might start them off with one sport and then before you know it the child is juggling a handful of sports to see, which ones they like. As these young athletes get older, they tend to get stuck at a crossroad. The athletes are posed with the same decision: to specialize in one sport or to continue playing all the sports they love. However, do athletes that specialize in one sport perform better as they grow up compared to those that continue playing multiple sports? It is important to resolve this question because there has been a rise in early youth sport specialization over the last few years due to pressure put on athletes by their coaches and parents, rather than a logical rationale (Myer 2015). Often, as young athletes reach middle school and high school levels, coaches and parents tend to see the potential these athletes have. As a result, the athletes are persuaded and or forced into quitting certain sports to specialize in their dominant sport with hopes of achieving more success. However, these children miss out in experiences they might have had if they didn't quit those sports. If they choose not to quit, they are usually treated differently by their coaches. Coaches will talk to them in a hasty manner compared to other kids or even discipline them harder, solely because the athlete didn't do ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Sports Coaches Influence On Youth Sports Physical activity is a large part of being healthy, especially at a young age. Participating in sports is a very popular form of obtaining this exercise, as nearly thirty–six million kids play organized sports each year (Source 6). Coaches are extremely influential in the development of minors. They are the role models for the children to learn and grow from. Most coaches are parents, almost eighty–five percent (Source 6). However, this can have positive and negative effects on the participants that would differ from the effects of having a trained, "unbiased" coach. Many problems are evident when it comes to coaching staffs for youth sports; many parents take on the task of coaching without knowing they are unqualified, partial, and may damage their child psychologically. The qualifications for youth sports coaches are often no further than a Safe Sport test involving abuse. However, there is very seldom a test that analyzes the knowledge that the coach has about the sport or the basic first aid that is related to sport–specific ... Show more content on ... When behavioral criticism is required, a child who is the coach's son is likely to react very different from any other child. Many would consider their parent's criticism even less than their teammate would because they are more comfortable being defiant to a parent rather than a different power figure. This can result in interruptions at practice and games where a parent–coach forgets that they cannot just reprimand their child as though they were only playing the role of a parent, whereas if there was a coach that was equally involved with each player, there would be no negative or positive actions towards one athlete in particular. One specific reason that would make having an indifferent coach beneficial would be that other team members would know that the coach is there for the team, not just their child (Source ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Sports Media Changing the Sports Industry When looking back at historical sporting moments, the impact ESPN has made on sports, sports media and the sports industry as a whole can't be overlooked. On September 7th 1979 ESPN launched their flagship show, SportsCenter. This moment in sports media history was a game changer for the way fans consume sports. It is amazing that back in 1979, the concept of watching highlights and footage of games when they were happening or just completed was unfathomable for most people. The moment SportsCenter aired, sports marketing and media was altered to a 24/7 industry that has continued to grow to its current place as a trend leader in society. One sporting moment in particular for myself, was the launch of ESPN360 back in 2002. This provided fans the first broadband network that they could catch live streams or recaps of different events from mainstream (NCAA tournament) and obscure (Bassmaster Elite). Change for the fans is seen with so many media platforms popping up that impact the fan experience from consumer to consumer. A historical sporting moment involving an athlete, was in the 1970's when Coke marketed their product with Pittsburgh Steelers defensive tackle "Mean" Joe Green. These advertisements defined a sports industry as being accessible to the public and really resonated with consumers of both the beverage industry as well as the sports industry. The Internet has impacted the fans greatly over the years. Internet provides sports companies with a way to ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Citizenship In Sports Sports participation with today's youth is universal in society. It is important to understand the conditions youth engage in organized sports promotes development and character. Today's youth are unruly and unforgiving, but if they participated in organized sports they would be productive citizens, develop bonds with coaches and players to gain the key attributes in life like discipline, sacrifice, integrity and responsibility. The PGA is working towards to help with youth and get their attention. They are going through with this through 2019 so they will have enough time and an impact on a kid's life. The PGA is trying to get their point across to show kids the sport of golf and get them to be a part of it. They teamed up with turner sports ... Show more content on ... The report card did five categories which were child–centered philosophy, coaching, health and safety, officiating, and parental behavior and involvement, the results were bad and unsettling trend im sports was the mentality of "win at all cost" and the report card exposed it and did a wakeup call for people that only thought that way. Representative, Mclntyre knew and studied that athletes make better grades in school, are less likely to be obese, get in less trouble or no trouble at all, and be successful in life also teaches them values such as sportsmanship, discipline, civility, respect and teamwork and give them a sense of home instead of going to gangs or anything else that gets them in trouble and keep them off the streets. Also, organized sports have the opportunity to make themselves someone and build character. Rep. Mclntyre launched the CCYS (Congressional Caucus on Youth Sports) and they shot to "commit to bringing fun, recreation and character development back to the forefront of youth sports." Rep. Mclntyre launched (P.E.) Physical Education and he shot for sports to "mentally develop the youth and teach them to embrace the sport and school" he was trying to say that if they commit to the sport and commit to school a kid can do anything. It was a great idea to get kids attention and teach them about education and sports and show them they can be a positive movement towards ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Importance Of Sports In Sports "Dumb jocks" are learning more from the game than just lifting weights or concocting protein shakes. Sports are more than an opportunity to go outside and burn off some energy. Recreation activities are more than a way to get in shape and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Athletics are a metaphor for life that not only teaches players about the game, but also helps them discover important aspects about themselves. At a young age, I did not realize all the beneficial life lessons that the world of sports has taught me, but as I experience high school athletics, I cherish the advice the game shares with me. Since freshman year, my soccer and basketball coaches have emphasized that I need to focus on only the things I can control. When a ref... Show more content on ... In life, I cannot count on things to be handed to me. No one will succeed for me or do the work for me. Anything I achieve in life will be due to my own hard work, my own effort, and my own dedication. However, I cannot expect recognition for my successful acts. During the game, I am usually only addressed when I do something wrong and almost never rewarded for the things I do correctly. Sometimes I will receive a pat on the back, but I cannot expect that every time. For example, a goalkeeper is one of the most underappreciated players in soccer. Experiencing the game of soccer through a goalie's eyes has shown me that people only blame me for not saving the goals that led to a loss. They never think to thank me for helping win the game or for generating a shutout. All of that recognition goes to the offense and defense. Similarly, there will be moments in life when no one grants me the recognition I think I deserve for my actions. I need to be confident and turn to the family and friends I know I can rely on to be proud of my success. That confidence will be essential to my survival in the real world because there will be people out there who only focus on my negatives and disregard my positives. Experiencing the hardships of athletics taught me that I need to maintain a positive attitude throughout the rough times. This is essential to helping ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Sports Management : Sport Management Sport management Did you know that there is more to sports teams than just scoring goals, touchdowns and runs? Sport management is a field concerning the business and education part of sports and recreation. It includes the front office system in professional sports, college sports, and recreation. Some examples of sport managers are: recreational sport managers, sport marketing, event management, facility management, sport economics, sport finance and sport information. Sport management can be seen as an easy job, but in reality it is complex and challenging. Sport management isn't so easy. A sport manager has to have great communication skills in order to talk to players, coaches, students and other business professionals.They also have to have marketing skills to sell tickets to sporting events. Sport managers have to learn how to manage their budgets within their facility or team. Sport managers also need to have a passion for sports before they go into this job. They may have to start out at the bottom selling tickets and marketing the team, then build their way up. Eventually they can take jobs that are more demanding, and hopefully move to jobs that will result in a nice future. If you choose to pursue a career in sport management, you will need to be communication savvy with kids and community members to help gain their trust. This would include using social media such as twitter, facebook, instagram and snapchat. Sport managers have a tough job, and it ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Sports In Sports Introduction The primary object of sports is, of course, exercise, but sports have a far greater impact on the wellbeing of many besides physical health. Introducing new opportunities for youth, sports create unbreakable bonds, build athletes' characters, unite communities, and promote teamwork. Undoubtedly, sports can positively impact many children of all ages. As children grow older and become more athletic, parents and athletes may consider specializing in one sport to maximize the athlete's chance of earning a scholarship for college; furthermore, almost every youth athlete, myself included, dreams of becoming a professional athlete one day, so they will do anything to achieve that goal. On the contrary, specializing in one sport may have the opposite effect. Depriving themselves from diverse environments, specialized athletes are excluded from valuable lessons that are beneficial for sports and life. Specializing in one sport today is not merely playing one season of a sport, but specialization is intensely concentrating on one sport year–round. For this reason, athletes should play multiple sports because focusing on one sport all year does not produce the same benefits as playing multiple sports throughout the year. Most athletes, including myself, would probably agree that they love more than one sport, and if this is the case, then athletes should participate in every sport they love. After all, the purpose of sports is not to earn money or to become famous but to ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Sports And Sports Essay Have you ever thought of how the media portrays sports to the general public?Well the media talks about sports a good amount of times, showing that they have an interest talking about the overall topics of sports. Sports is arguably one of the most entertaining and hyped up activities in the whole world for it creates action packed thrills, sad moments, and insane tricks that provides quality entertainment and fun times with friends and family. If there was 2 people feeling lonely and bored in their house with absolutely nothing to do and are willing to do something proactive with friends and family, sports would be something amazing to do instead of being inactive and lousy.Media portrayed sports as a fun and entertaining activity to watch and make conversation about.This in fact is true because sports creates drama and intensity to the people who watch it, helps provide something to look forward to in the near future, and brings friends and family together. Media shows us that Sports is generally one of the most entertaining things to watch in the world for the fact that it creates intensity and drama for the people who are gonna watch a game or to the viewers' watching the game. Whether if it's soccer,basketball, or football people tend to love watching other people running around competing against each other for bragging rights (Urban). For example, let's say the super bowl is playing on national television, 2 teams are playing to compete for the championship ring ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Sports In Sports Essay Teenagers competing in all kinds of different sports have always had a lot of issues to deal with and even more in recent years with expectations for young athletes getting increasingly high. These issues need to be addressed and I am going to outline why. Young people generally have too much pressure put on them when participating in sporting activities by parents, coaches, and teammates. Teenagers have large expectations to perform at a top level by everyone around them when playing a sport and the pressure put on them can a lot of the time be too much to handle for their developing minds and bodies and will affect many other aspects of their life which can cause plenty of stress for them. For example, many teens participating at top levels of sport fall behind on their school work and will not have the time to do many other things that may be important to them due to the immense amount of pressure put on them from their chosen sport. A specific example being in New York where a young boy, aged 10, was shocked when he was told by the coach of his baseball team that he planned to have them cheat in order to win the game. In my opinion, it is getting increasingly difficult for teenagers to just enjoy the sport they love to play and have a good time with their friends while still working hard and competing at a high level, and instead sports at a high school level are becoming purely focused on winning, which is because of adults around the students being bad role ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Unorganized Sports Introduction Youth participation in sport has become increasingly popular as time progresses, whether it is in an organized fashion (sports teams) or unorganized (playing outside at recess). There is "approximately forty–four million girls and boys currently [participating] in organized youth sport programs across the United States" (Albrecht, 2010) and that number is probably only higher today. That is not even accounting for all the children that get together with their friends and head to a local park to play a game of touch football or their time at recess during the school day. Both unorganized play and organized sports are important for children to participate in because it allows them to grow as human beings by developing character... Show more content on ... Without an adult, the game was left up to the children to decide. They had to decide whether the ball was in bounds or not; they would often make a fair call rather than trying to boost their own team. Unorganized sports allows them to learn fairness and equality because if they end up making the game unfair, the children would lose their friends to another game on the playground. The unorganized sports at recess had more laughter involved compared to the organized sports because the children were often playing with who they wanted to play with at recess (i.e. their best friends). The unorganized sports were more fun to the children because there was no pressure from their parents or coaches to be the best or to win; it was just for fun and to be active with their friends. The children were not forced to focus on what they were doing; they could take a break from the game and mess around with each other. Another thing that I noticed during unorganizedsport observations was that the children made up rules as they went and as they needed the rules to be put in place instead of discussing all the rules at the beginning. With them making up rules as they went, it did cause problems because some of the children would say that is not how they play the sport being on an organized sports team. A majority of the children would talk about playing on a sports team, while they were playing at recess, so the rules of both would cause conflict. When conflict arrives, the children would have to problem solve himself or herself without a coach or referee to ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Sports And Sports: The Importance Of Sports Today, sports and games have assumed a great importance. Every day we are surrounded by the images of top sportsman and women taking part game and winning medals. For years it has brought people together all around the world. Basically sports refers to the diverse form of physical activities which are competitive in nature. Our life is also a game which everybody are playing from dusk to dawn with spirits of sporting strength and creating unity in society as well as in whole nation. The love of sports cannot be denied, but is accepted by everyone. Participation in sports is extremely important, and should be encouraged more. Young people in particular need to dosport so that they develop good habits that they can continue into adulthood. Moreover sports allows a person to develop personally. Skills like social and communication can be enhanced and ... Show more content on ... For example, Teamwork is learned naturally through participating in games and team sports and leadership is another skill which is also developed through sports. Competitive sports like soccer, rugby, and athletics are sports which improves our ability to handle pressure as well as give us lessons to win and lose graciously. This helps a person to live longer and more contented lives. Sports is an activity which removes gender inequality, and develops a sense of friendliness. On the same note, sports exercises are very helpful to our mental and physical health issues. Depression and number of behavioral disorders commonly found in people which are not easily diagnosed and treated, can be solved through sports activities. Character building is also done by playing sports where a person will become happy by looking, feeling, and thinking about their physical appearance. Sports decreases the risk of eating ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Sports : Sports And Sporting Activities In the United States today there is a heavy emphasis placed on sports and sporting activities. Every public school, middle and up, offers some sporting program, and most private schools do as well. The real issue at question is whether sports are affecting the education of students and young adults, who may have carried their sporting career into college. In general, people of all ages spend a lot of time both in person and on TV watching sports, not to mention those who are actively participating in the sporting event. With sports taking up most of a student 's free time, some pose the concern that sports are taking too much time, and the students are unable to focus on their education. One may even make the argument that the United States culture as a whole focuses more on the success in sporting activities than they do the quality and level of academics that student athletes uphold. However this is untrue, it "hardly ever comes up in domestic debates about America 's international mediocrity in education" (Bowen and Hitt). With that being said, it is safe to say that sports have considerably more benefits than they do drawbacks. Sports are an excellent way to help to teach students of all levels many different valuable skills that can translate over into their chosen work field, or just life in general. Although the United States ranks lower than others academically, sports help students of all ages with both leadership and teamwork skills, as well as being an exemplary ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Competitive Sports There has been a big argument about the injuries of competitive sports and if kids should be playing them. There is a lot of opinions on if kids should play competitive sports or if they should not be allowed to play competitive sports. Some people argue about the injuries and risk that sports give to young children and the pressure that goes with them. Others argue that sports give more than just injuries like life skills such as motivation and commitment. According to the New York Times ( 2015 ), over 50% of high schoolers get a concussion in competitive sports. However, in this essay, I will be talking about some the life skills that competitive sports give you and how they outweigh the pressure and injuries in competitive sports give. My first reason for why competitive sports help kids with life skills is that kids gain self–confidence when playing sports. One reason sports help with self–confidence is it helps with setting goals. According to Muhealth, ( 2017 ) "Watching your hard work pay off and achieving your goals develops self–confidence. Achieving a sport or fitness goal encourages you to achieve other goals you set. This is a rewarding and exciting learning process." This is showing that setting and then eventually achieving your goals in sports and helps a lot with the self–confidence of children. My second reason is that when kids play sports they help kids be themselves and helps the kids view themselves in a good way. This is supported by Margaret Talbot, ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Sports And Sports For Constructive Alternatives This March, the Center for Constructive Alternatives series dealt with the topic of Sport and Character. In today's age, sport and sporting events have become pinnacles of American entertainment, money, and paparazzi. One is inundated with constant updates regarding football scores, feuds between athletes, and controversy over refereeing. With sport being such a focus in media and society, it often seems that sport and character are incompatible. Too often one sees an athlete get caught using illegal performance enhancing drugs, having an affair, or lying and cheating. Sport appears to be just like any other secular and commercial entertainment: decadent, impaired, and ultimately characterless. This month's Center for Constructive ... Show more content on ... Novak then criticized the current news and sports media of today. Upset at how the media were currently portraying sports, he derided the journalists as "amateur social scientists." Instead of trying to pigeon–hole sports into some social science or 'social experiment', sport should be seen as rituals concerning human survival on this planet: liturgical enactments of animal perfection and the struggles of the human spirit to prevail. As Mr. Novak showcased throughout his lecture, sport captures the struggle of man throughout history. This struggle is personified through the linebacker tackling the halfback, the pitcher recomposing himself after giving up a run, or a runner shaking off cramping as she attempts to complete the marathon. Sports are the human experience. Mr. Schilling's talk set a tone unlike any other. That night, he presented a striking case for why character is influenced by sport. Drawing on his own personal experiences, Mr. Schilling said that he has come to learn that you can only gain wisdom through experiences. The experiences through sport that Mr. Schilling went through ultimately lead to the formation of the man that he is today. Sport also provides example of and experience with good leadership. Mr. Schilling talked about leadership, noting that while anyone can be a leader, there are very few leaders in the world. Although Mr. Schilling had been present among ... Get more on ...