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By the reality of The One To Serve/Allah The Beneficient The Ever Giving.
1. O you who are convinced! Fulfil your obligations. Grazing animals are
made lawful for you, except those specified to you; but not wild games
while you are forbidden. The One To Serve/Allah decrees whatever
What is it? -be responsible
-honour your commitments and obligations
-both sides will be very happy if you do that
And the animal? -two group of animals
-the grazing animals, i.e your livestock
-and the wild animals, i.e the game hunting
And? -they are lawful for you
-except whatever is forbidden
2. O you who are convinced! Do not violate The One To Serve/Allah’s
ordinance/rites and not the forbidden/sacred month and not the
guidance/sacrificial animal and not the keys/garlanded and not those
going towards the lair/coming to the house, these are prohibited/sacred
from being preyed as sustenance from their Regulator and approval.
When you are permitted, you may hunt. And let not the hatred of people
who barred you from the government centre /masjidil haram incites you
to aggression. And cooperate with one another in virtuous conduct and
conscience, and do not cooperate with one another in sin and hostility.
And fear The One To Serve/Allah. The One To Serve/Allah is severe in
Shiin-Ayn-Ra = to know/perceive/understand, to acquaint, perceive by senses. make verses, remark, poetry, poet, verse, art of poetry, feeling, knowledge. Sirius,
which was worshipped by the Arabs in Pagan times. mark/marker/signs/rites/symbols/observances/ceremonies/practices, the obligatory ordinances/statutes
of God. a place where a thing is known to be. measure of length. sheep/goat. hair, innermost garment. Trees. an indicator of people in war and in a journey, a
call or cry by means of which to know another, banner. mash'ar al-Haram - holy mosque in Muadhalifah (a place which lies between Makkah and Arafat, six
miles from Kabah). The name Mash'ar al-Haram is a compound of Mash'ar meaning the place of perception or knowledge and Haram meaning
sacred. Ash'ara to make anyone understand, make known to.
Ha-Ra-Miim = To forbid/prevent/prohibit, make or declare unlawful, deprive, to be sacred/inviolable/entitled to reverence or respect or honour, deny or refuse
a thing, render one hopeless, denied prosperity, render unfortunate, ill-fated, persist obstinately, persist in contention or litigation or wrangling, be refractory
or untractable, bind a thing hard, refrain from a thing, overcome someone in contending for stakes or wagers in a game of hazard, to be in a state of prohibition, protect or
defend oneself.
ha-Dal-Ya = to guide/direct to the way, take/follow right way/course, rightly guided/directed, a way/course/method/mode/manner of conduct. Gift.
Qaf-Lam-Dal = twisted/wound/wreathed a thing, rope, necklace, garland, collar, bracelet, to hang up (e.g. sword on belt), piece of skin, sandal.
Irrigated, irrigated land. Lane's Lexicon on 5:2 - prefects or the like with offices of administration, permanent badge (of favour), authority, mode of order-giving,
impose upon a thing. Management. Drown, to seize, close upon, cover. Key, phrase: "I threw to him the keys of the affairs" meaning "I committed to him
disposal/management of the affairs", treasure, repository/store-room/treasury/magazine, the place of the suspended thing (e.g. neck, belt), a chief upon whom
are imposed the affairs of the people.
What story -this is for wild animals
-mostly for hunter gatherer of old
Why hunter gatherer? -they lived mostly on animals hunting
-they hunt to eat
-for us we call it games hunting
-we do it for games and sport
-because we have so much meat from grazing animals
What’s forbidden? -The One’s ordinance of animals hunting
-no animals hunting in forbidden months
-to allow for the animal to nurture their young
-do not violate the guidance and the keys
-guidances and keys for knowing the mature nanimals
-do not hunt animals going back to their lair
-meaning they have the young one
Perfect guidance -exactly
3. Prohibited for you are carrion, blood, the rotten flesh flesh of swine, and
animals dedicated to other than The One To Serve/Allah; also the flesh
of animals strangled, killed violently, killed by a fall, gored to death,
mangled by wild animals—except what you rescue, and animals
sacrificed on altars; and the practice of drawing lots. For it is immoral.
Today, those who are not convinced have despaired of your way of life,
so do not fear them, but fear Me. Today I have perfected your way of life
for you, and have completed My favor upon you, and have approved
peacefulness as a way of life for you. But whoever is compelled by
hunger, with no intent of wrongdoing— The One To Serve/Allah is
Forgiving and Merciful.
What is it? -this is for grazing animals
What are the facts? -carrion
-the decaying carcass of dead animals
-dead and putrefying carcass; also: flesh unfit for food
-carrion begins to decay at the moment of the animal's death
-increasingly attract insects and breed bacteria
-body will begin to exude a foul odor due to presence of bacteria
-emission of cadaverine and putrescine
-so rich in iron
-human body has difficulty excreting excess iron
-runs a risk of iron overdose, in high doses it can be toxic
-human bodies don't have the right mechanisms to digest blood
-consuming blood hurt your stomach and may cause vomiting
-rotten flesh
-flesh affected with rot; decomposing, decaying, or putrid
-flesh breaking up, esp. through age or hard use; disintegrating
-to undergo decomposition from the action of bacteria or fungi
-slimy meat an indicator that bacteria have started to multiply
-culprits are air, moisture, light, temperature, and microbial growth
-flesh of animals strangled
-killed violently
-mangled by wiold animals
-except what you resued
-we do not know what bacterias these animals carry
-better be save that sorry
-food dedicated to deity
-accepting other deities as equal to The One
-unproductive acts knowing the food is a carrier of The One
Moral? -do not eat bad food
-carrion, blood and rotten flesh bring diseases
-food dedicated to deity unproductive acts
-only eat these when needed to survive
-with condition that the food is cleansed
The One really -it’s a complete book
teaches everything -guidance for humanity
-when human started life they do not know anything
-even burying the dead they learnt fom the crow
-they have to be guided
-but some refused the guidance
-even in the age of science and technologies they refused
Why? -resistance to change, they follow their ancestor
-their ancestor who knows nothing
-them and their comfort zone
-they are stuck with their own opium
4. They ask you what is permitted for them. Say, “Permitted for you are all
good things, including what trained dogs and falcons catch for you.” You
train them according to what The One To Serve/Allah has taught you. So
eat from what they catch for you, and pronounce The One To
Serve/Allah’s name over it. And fear The One To Serve/Allah. The One To
Serve/Allah is Swift in reckoning.
What is it? -this is the external parameter
-to get rid of the myth about dog
-with the simple pronounciation of The One
That simple? -yes, that simple but very deep
??? -this the second time The One commanded the same
is reading Al-Quran
is to eat
-to recognize the input of Energy into the food sorce
-first from the concentration of Energy reservoir-the sun
-the Energy channeled through photon
-filtered by the leaf through photosynthesis
-contained in Energy reservoir the green leaf and the stem
-the Energy filtered by chemical digestions in the animals
-contained in the Energy reservoir
-in the anatomical components of the animals
Wow! -yes, wow!
-that’s how intricate the Energy filtration system
-before consumption by human
Why the intricacies? -as we human are delicate
-the power of Energy is massive
-can you imagine the power of galaxy
-imagine the massive numbers in zillions
-and more of them in universe
-countless numbers as singularity
-and the Energy as singularity transmit to us human!
Wow! -yes, wow
-that’s the reasons The One created universe
-to sustain us living things on earth
-to filtered the Energy to miniscule level
-so that we can absorb it to useful purposes
-otherwise we will be cooked
-imagine we expose ourselves under the sun
-for one whole day
Now I get the -The One said everythings created with a purpose
whole picture! -once you understand the purpose of life
-it is easier for you to manoeuvre life
5. Today all good things are made lawful for you. And the food of those
given the Scripture is lawful for you, and your food is lawful for them. So
are chaste convinced women, and chaste convinced from the people
who were given the Scripture before you, provided you give them their
dowries, and take them in marriage, not in adultery, nor as mistresses.
But whoever rejects conviction, his work will be in vain, and in the End
Day he will be among the losers.
Universal declarartion? -made lawful for you
-all good things
-foods (people of the book)
-your food is lawful for them
-chaste convinced women
-chaste convinced woman of people of the book
One nation? -yes we are one nation
What separate us? -religions
-religions have no point of convergent
Why is that so? -I don’t know
-may be they always think they are right
-other people are wrong
-they like to argue first
-and point the fingers to others
-I don’t know exactly the reasons
-I will let other people think of that
We are one nation! -yes
We are one nation! -yes
6. O you who are convinced! When you rise for review/discussion, wash
your faces, and your hands and arms to the elbows, and wipe your heads,
and your feet to the ankles. If you had intercourse, then cleanse
yourselves. If you are ill, or travelling, or one of you returns from the
toilet, or you had contact with women, and could not find water, then
use some clean sand and wipe your faces and hands with it. The One To
Serve/Allah does not intend to burden you, but The One intends to
cleanse you, and to complete The One’s blessing upon you, that you may
be thankful.
Solah? -yes, solah
-review and discussion
To clean? -to clean yourself before review and discussion
-only your body parts exposed to the environment
Whats this with -that was for old time
tayammum? -when they didn’t have facilities such as now
Then why now? -that’s for old time
-why make a fuss about it
-it has to be told and written for then
-for now we don’t use it
7. And Remember The One To Serve/Allah’s blessings upon you, and The
One’s place a trust with you with what The One bound you, when you
said, “We hear and we obey.” And remain conscious of The One To
Serve/Allah, for The One To Serve/Allah knows what the hearts contain.
I invoke The One to give me better understanding for the verse
8. O you who are convinced! Be firmed to The One To Serve/Allah,
witnessing with justice, and let not the hatred of a certain people prevent
you from acting justly. Adhere to justice, for that is nearer to
consciousness, and fear The One To Serve/Allah. The One To Serve/Allah
is aware of what you do.
Just? -yes, difficult things to do
-especially to someone we know
-or someone we hate
-someone we have prejudice
We have to be just!! -yes, it doesn’t matter how we feel
-we have to be just
9. The One To Serve/Allah has promised those who are convinced and
productive works: they will have protections and a great reward.
10. As for those who deny and reject The One’s revelations—these are the
inmates of Hell.
11. O you who are convinced! Remember The One To Serve/Allah 's
blessings upon you; when certain people intended to extend their hands
against you, and The One restrained their hands from you. So fear The
One To Serve/Allah, and in The One To Serve/Allah let the convinced put
their trust.
12. The One To Serve/Allah received a pledge from those bonded people,
and The One appointed among them twelve chiefs. The One To
Serve/Allah said, “I am with you; if you do review/discussion, and purify
and prosper, and are convinced in My messengers and support them,
and lend The One To Serve/Allah a loan of productivity, I will remit you
of your crime, and admit you into Gardens beneath which rivers flow. But
whoever among you are not convinced afterwards—he has strayed from
the right way.”
Solah? -solah has been ordained since Ibrahim’s time
phase of human development
-together with debate/haj
13. Because of their breaking of their trust, The One cursed them, and made
their hearts hard. They twist the words out of their context, and they
disregarded some of what they were reminded of. You will always
witness deceit from them, except for a few of them. But pardon them,
and overlook. The One To Serve/Allah loves the doers of good.
Breaking the trust? -yes they broke their trust, including solah
-their salah become whistling on the wall
-their solah become recital of Juz Amma
How did it happen? -we could trace the history back to Ibrahim’s time
-the construction of the Noble House
-and all the commandments of The One accordingly
-I bet its all the same with the previous generations
Then what happened? -either they were under monarchy
-or they turned to monarchy
-monarchy is against democracy
-in the study of all previous generations
-we can see they want and requested for monarchy
-or they turned to monarchy
-with additional ‘protection’
-the kings or whomever leads the monarchy
-are representative of heaven
Then? -then all hell broke loose
-no more meritocracy or democracy
-everything became authocracy
-The One became God
-Bait or Noble House became House of God/Temple
-Debate became Hag/Haj pilgrimage
-Government Centre/masjid became place for prayer
-solah became prayer
-zakah became tax payment
-everything being ritualise or became rites
-then they created religion
-religion is a mode to control population
Everythings? -everythings
-from Ibrahim’s time right up to Muhammad’s time
-I couldn’t find anything resembled that before
-it has become a story for human
-a sad story
Can we change it? -ha, ha, are you crazy?
-you want to get killed?
-they stone you to death
-do you know what kind of risk are we taking?
14. And from those who say, “We are helpers/Nasara,” The One received
their pledge, but they neglected some of what they were reminded of.
So The One tempt enmity and hatred among them until the Day of
Resurrection; The One To Serve/Allah will then inform them of what they
used to do.
Gh-Ra-Waw = to stir up, give rise, rouse, kindle, estrange, incite desire, tempt/seduce/allure, excite, glued, made adhere with, stick/attached, fond, wondered;
a certain red dye.
Christians? -no, the one in the monastery
-I think including those in missionary school
15. O People of the Book! Our Messenger has come to you, clarifying for you
much of what you kept hidden of the Book, and overlooking much. A
light from The One To Serve/Allah has come to you, and a clear Book.
16. The One To Serve/Allah guides with it whoever follows The One’s
approval to the ways of peace, and The One brings them out of darkness
into light, by The One’s permission, and The One guides them in
systematic ways.
17. Certainly deniers are those who say, “The One To Serve/Allah is The
Anointed One, the son of Mariam.” Say, “Who can prevent The One To
Serve/Allah, if The One accords, from annihilating The Anointed One son
of Mariam, and his mother, and everyone on earth?” To The One To
Serve/Allah belongs the dominion of the universe and the earth and
what is between them. The One creates whatever accordingly, and The
One To Serve/Allah has power over everything.
18. The guided/AlYahud and the helpers/Nasara say, “We are the children of
The One To Serve/Allah, and The One’s beloved.” Say, “Why then does
The One punish you for your crime?” In fact, you are humans from among
those The One created. The One forgives whom accordingly, and The
One punishes whom accordingly. To The One To Serve/Allah belongs the
dominion of the universe and the earth and what lies between them, and
to The One is the return.
19. O People of the Book! The One’s Messenger has come to you, making
things clear to you—after a cessation of messengers—so that you cannot
say, “No preacher has come to us, and no warner.” In fact, a preacher has
come to you, and a warner, and The One To Serve/Allah is Capable of
20. When Musa said to his people, “O my people remember The One To
Serve/Allah’s blessings upon you, when The One placed prophets among
you, and made you authorities, and gave you what The One never gave
any other people.”
21. “O my people come upon the land full of goodness which The One To
Serve/Allah has you brought together, and do not turn back, lest you
return as losers.”
Qaf-Dal-Siin = to be pure, holy, spotless. qudusun - purity, sanctity, holiness. al quddus - the holy one, one above and opposite to all evil, replete with positive
good. muqaddas - sacred. An earthen or wooden pot.
Kaf-Ta-Ba = he wrote it, to dictate it, prescribe/appoint/ordain, judged / passed sentence / decreed, drew/brought together, collected, conjoined / bound, he
sewed it, what is written (e.g. of law), mode/manner of writing, book, bookseller, a thing in which or on which one writes, record/register/writ, revealed scripture,
a writer/scribe/secretary, an army/military force, troop.
22. They said, “O Musa, there are tyrannical people in it; we will not enter it
until they leave it. If they leave it, we will enter.”
23. Two men of those who feared, but whom The One To Serve/Allah had
blessed, said, “Go at them by the gate; and when you have entered it,
you will prevail. But put your trust in The One To Serve/Allah, if you are
24. They said, “O Musa, we will not enter it, ever, as long as they are in it. So
go ahead, you and your Regulator, and fight. We are staying right here.”
25. He said, “My Regulator, I have control only over myself and my brother,
so separate between us and between the wicked people.”
26. The One said, “It is forbidden for them for forty years. They will wander
aimlessly on the earth. So do not grieve over the defiant people.”
27. And relate to them the true story of two son of Adam, when they
approach, and it was given favorable reception from one of them, but it
was not given favorable reception from the other. He Said, “I will kill you.”
He Said, “The One To Serve/Allah gives favorable reception only from
the honest.”
28. “If you extend your hand to kill me, I will not extend my hand to kill you;
for I fear The One To Serve/Allah, Regulator of the universe.
29. “I would rather you bear my crime and your crime, and you become
among the associates of the Fire. Such is the reward for the extremists.”
30. Then his pride prompted him to kill his brother, so he killed him, and
became one of the losers.
31. Then The One To Serve/Allah sent a raven digging the ground, to show
him how to cover his brother's corpse. He said, “Woe to me, I am unable
to be like this raven, and bury my brother's corpse.” So he became full of
The first human burial -the first burials have taken place as long as 50,000 years ago
-the oldest known intentional burial site is Qafzeh in Israel
-50,000 years ago coincides with Adam’s timeline
How did human start? -human civilization have gone through 3 cycles as in AlQuran
-to study human evolution we look at the intelligent level of human
-the 1st
use of fire started 400,000 to 1.4 million years ago in Africa
-the earliest shelters found in Japan from 500,000 years ago
-hunting with spears was found from 400,000 yeaars ago
-the similar human anatomy found in Ethiopia 200,000 years ago
How does modern -Homo sapiens started from about 160,000 years ago
human start? -when the cranial capacity expanded from 400cc to 1400cc
-with a tiny evolution of chromosomes that changed the DNA
-these are the generation before Adam
-known as the Neanderthal and the Denisovan
-these generations disappear 50,000 to 40,000 years ago
-due to cataclysmic event known as the Adams Event
-2:30 tells about the reset of human story after cataclysmic event
-the appearance of Cro-Magnon
-this is the 1st
phase, the Adam’s generation
-appeared 50,000 YA
Then what happen? -then the next cataclysmic event
-the Younger Dryas around 12,900 to 11,700 years ago
-this 2nd
phase, the Noh’s generation
History of Homo -Neanderthal -found in Shanidar Cave, Zagros mountain
Sapiens? -Denisovan -found in Denisova Cave, Russia/Uzbekistan
-Cro-Magnon -found in Cro-Magnon Les Eyzies, France
-member of a group of archaic humans during the Pleistocene Epoch
-replaced by early modern human, lived 400,000 to 40,000 years ago
-led to the decimation and disappearance of Neanderthal
-Denisova hominins
-an extinct species or subspecies of archaic human
-lived 300,000 to 50,000 YA
-in Central Asia, East Asia and South East Asia
-40,000 to 50,000YA they were all gone
-resembles a mass extinction
-no obvious environmental catastrophe
-volcanic eruptions, climate change, asteroid impact
BUT! Evidence?? -catastrophic Laschamps Excursion 41,400 YA
-a short reversal of magnetic field at end of the Last Glacial Period
-Adams Event, the answer to life, the universe, and everything
-earth's magnetic field dropped to below the current level
-carbon 14 production increased, ozone levels decreased
-Cro Magnon
-discovered in 1868
-first fossils as to our own species—Homo sapiens
-at the famous rock shelter site at Cro-Magnon, France
-lived end of the last ice age ca. 50,000–10,000 YA
-very likely Adam belongs to these species
-Homo sapiens
-12,000YA –now
-settled life, producing food, agriculture and domestication
-modern human - Homo sapiens - other is an extinct
-very likely Noh belonged to these species
32. Because of that The One ordained for those bonded people—that
whoever kills a person—unless it is for murder or corruption on earth—
it is as if he killed the whole of mankind; and whoever saves a person, it
is as if he saved the whole of mankind. Our messengers came to them
with clarifications, but even after that, many of them continue to commit
excesses in the land.
33. The punishment for those who wage a war against The One To
Serve/Allah and The One’s messenger, and strive to spread corruption
on earth, is that they be killed, or crucified, or have their hands and feet
cut off on opposite sides, or be banished from the land. That is to
disgrace them in this life; and in the End Day they will have a terrible
34. Except for those who return before you apprehend them. So know that
The One To Serve/Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
35. O you who are convinced! Be conscious of The One To Serve/Allah, and
seek the means to The One, and strive towards The One’s cause, so that
you may succeed.
36. As for those who are not convinced, even if they owned everything on
earth, and the like of it with it, and they offered it to ransom themselves
from the torment of the Day of Resurrection, it will not be accepted from
them. For them is a painful punishment.
37. They will want to leave the Fire, but they will not leave it. For them is a
lasting punishment.
38. As for the thief, whether male or female, cut off their financial
ability/hand as a penalty for what they reaped—a deterrent from The
One To Serve/Allah. The One To Serve/Allah is Mighty and Wise.
Ya-Dal-Ya = to touch, aid, do good, be beneficent, show power and superiority, a hand. By his agency/means. With a willing hand, out of hand, having financial
ability. In acknowledgement of the superior power, in ready money and not in the form of deferred payment, considering it as a favour, on account of help,
(payment should be made by the hand of the parties themselves without the intervention of a third party and without reluctance.
baina yadaihi - before him, in his presence hit, between his two hands.
ulill aidi - men of power (lit. gifted with hands)
suqaita fi aidihim (idiomatic expression) they repented, the idea seems to be that they hit their fingers in grief and contrition.
Handy, Might, Power, Superiority, Benefit, Possession, Favour, Generosity. The idea behind those expressions is that the use of the hand is the real source of
the superiority and power. Under his authority, upper hand, arm, foreleg of a beast, handle of a tool, wing of a bird.
ma qaddamat yada - that is what thou hast deserved.
Pls explain -The One is just
-one of the reality of The One
-whatever stolen must be measured financially
-then cut off their financial ability
-to commensurate with stolen items
-then its fair
The other option? -lets say you cut off the hand
-for say a stolen sum of ÂŁ1,000.00
-now you measure the income that the hand will bring in
-lets say the guy is 20 years’ old
-he has another 40 years to go earning income
-say he can bring in ÂŁ4,000 per month for the next 40 years
-his total income would be ÂŁ4,000x12x40
-that would be ÂŁ1,920,000.00
-for a crime of ÂŁ1,000.00
-he lost an income of ÂŁ1,919,000.00
-that’s only lost of income
-how about lost of use for such a hand for other purposes
-where is fairness and equality
39. But whoever returns after his crime, and reforms, The One To Serve/Allah
will accept his repentance. The One To Serve/Allah is Forgiving and
What more! -The One accepts repentance
40. Do you not know that to The One To Serve/Allah belongs the dominion
of the universe and the earth? The One punishes whom accordingly, and
The One forgives whom accordingly. And The One To Serve/Allah is
Capable of everything.
41. O Messenger! Do not let those who are quick to deny grieve you—from
among those who say with their mouths, “We are convinced,” but their
hearts are not convinced; and from among the guided/AlYahud—
listeners to lies, listeners to other people who did not come to you. They
distort words from their places, and say, “If you are given this, accept it;
but if you are not given it, beware.” Whomever The One To Serve/Allah
let go to divert, you have nothing for him from The One To Serve/Allah.
Those are they whose hearts The One To Serve/Allah does not intend to
purify. For them is disgrace in this world, and for them is a great
punishment in the End Day.
42. Listeners to falsehoods, eaters of illicit earnings. If they come to you,
judge between them, or turn away from them. If you turn away from
them, they will not harm you in the least. But if you judge, judge between
them equitably. The One To Serve/Allah loves the equitable.
43. But why do they come to you for judgment, when they have the Torah,
in which is The One To Serve/Allah’s Law? Yet they turn away after that.
These are not convinced.
44. The One has revealed the Torah, wherein is guidance and light. Judged
by it the prophets the peaceful the guided and the guardian and the
honourables with what they were entrusted of the book of The One To
Serve/Allah and were witnesses to it. So do not fear people, but fear Me.
And do not sell My revelations for a cheap price. Those who do not rule
according to what The One To Serve/Allah revealed, those are not
45. And The One wrote for them in it: a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a
nose for a nose, an ear for an ear, a tooth for a tooth, and an equal wound
for a wound. But whoever forgoes it in charity, it will serve as atonement
for him. Those who do not rule according to what The One To
Serve/Allah revealed are the extremists.
46. In their footsteps, The One sent Isa son of Mariam, fulfilling the Torah
that preceded him; and The One gave him the Injil, wherein is guidance
and light, and confirming the Torah that preceded him, and guidance
and counsel for the honest.
47. So let the people of the Injil rule according to what The One To
Serve/Allah revealed in it. Those who do not rule according to what The
One To Serve/Allah revealed are the transgressors.
48. And The One revealed to you the Book, with truth, confirming the
Scripture that preceded it and Standard over it. So judge between them
according to what The One To Serve/Allah revealed, and do not follow
their desires if they differ from the truth that has come to you. For each
of you, The One has assigned ordinance, and a clear way. Had The One
To Serve/Allah accords, The One could have made you a single nation,
but The One confers favors to you through what The One has given you.
So compete in productivity. To The One To Serve/Allah is your return, all
of you. Then The One will inform you of what you had disputed.
ha-Miim-Nun = to put a thing in a purse or girdle. The title of a high priest, head of an organisation, in charge of treasury/soldiers/granary/craftsmen.
Shiin-Ra-Ayn = to be seated upon a road, open a street (door), establish a law, begin, appoint a religion. shurra'un (pl. of shaari'un) - in shoals, upon shoals,
breaking the water surface, holding up (their heads), appearing manifestly. shir'atun & shari'atun - law or institution prescribed by God, right way or mode of
action, clear highway/course/path.
Nun-ha-Jiim = to trace, follow (a way) or track, make chart, be clear, point out the way, be opened, broaden (road). minhaaj - well defined way (a code in secular
matters), manifest, plainly defined, apparent and open road.
Ba-Lam-Waw =Try, prove or test by good or evil. To become old and worn out, wear and tear, withered, decayed. Not caring, minding, heeding, regarding or
paying attention. Conferring favors, benefits or blessings. Swearing oaths, covenants. Informing, acquainting, revealing, manifesting, making apparent, evident,
clear or plain. Competing, striving or hastening
49. And judge between them according to what The One To Serve/Allah
revealed, and do not follow their desires. And beware of them, lest they
lure you away from some of what The One To Serve/Allah has revealed
to you. But if they turn away, know that The One To Serve/Allah intends
to strike them with some of their crime. In fact, a great many people are
50. Is it the laws of the time of ignorance that they desire? Who is better
than The One To Serve/Allah in judgment for a people who are certain?
51. O you who are convinced! Do not take the guided/AlYahud and the
helpers/Nasara as allies; some of them are allies of one another. Whoever
of you allies himself with them is one of them. The One To Serve/Allah
does not guide the wrongdoing people.
52. You will see those in whose hearts is sickness racing towards them. They
say, “We fear the wheel of fate may turn against us.” But perhaps The
One To Serve/Allah will bring about victory, or some event of The One’s
making; thereupon they will regret what they concealed within
53. Those who are convinced will say, “Are these the people who swore by
The One To Serve/Allah with their strongest oaths that they are with
you?” Their works have failed, so they became losers.
54. O you who are convinced! Whoever of you goes back on his way of life—
The One To Serve/Allah will bring a people whom The One loves and
who love The One, kind towards those who are convinced, stern with
those who are not convinced. They strive in the way of The One To
Serve/Allah, and do not fear the blame of the critic. That is the grace of
The One To Serve/Allah. The One bestows it upon whomever
accordingly. The One To Serve/Allah is Embracing and Knowing.
55. Your allies are The One To Serve/Allah, and The One’s Messenger, and
those who are convinced—those who conduct daily review/discussion,
and purify and prosper, and humble.
56. Whoever allies himself with The One To Serve/Allah, and The One’s
Messenger, and those who are convinced—surely the Party of The One
To Serve/Allah is the victorious.
57. O you who are convinced! Do not be allies to those who take your way
of life in mockery and as a sport, be they from among those who were
given the Scripture before you, or those not convinced. And obey The
One To Serve/Allah, if you are convinced.
58. When you call to the review/discussion, they take it as a joke and a trifle.
That is because they are people who do not reason.
59. Say, “O People of the Scripture, do you resent us only because we are
convinced in The One To Serve/Allah, and in what was revealed to us,
and in what was revealed previously; and most of you are transgressors?”
60. Say, “Shall I inform you of worse than that for retribution from The One
To Serve/Allah? He whom The One To Serve/Allah has cursed, and with
whom The One became displeased. And The One turned some of them
into abject, and rotten flesh, and exorbitant slaves. These are in a worse
position, and further away from the right way.”
Qaf-Ra-Dal = to cling to the ground, lie in dust, become abject or mean. qiradatan - apes, monkeys.
Kha-Nun-Zay = stinking / maggoty / altered in odour (e.g. flesh-meat, date, walnut), pride, self-magnification.
Tay-Ghayn-Ya = exceed a limit, to transgress, wander from its orbit, exceed the bound, wayward, to rise high, to overflow, to rage, go astray, deviate, be
incurious, mischievous, impious, tyrannical, inordinate, rebellious, exorbitant, exceedingly wicked, insolence, injustice, infidelity, rebellion, storm of thunder &
lightning of extreme severity, outburst, powers of evil, lead to evil, be overbold, contumacy, extravagantly disobedient, immoderate, corrupt, top or upper part
of a mountain, idol/demon, source of wickedness.
61. When they come to you, they say, “We are convinced,” though they have
entered with denial, and they have departed with it. But The One To
Serve/Allah is well aware of what they hide.
62. You see many of them competing with one another in crime and hostility,
and their consuming of what is illicit. What they have been doing is truly
63. Why do the rabbis and the priests not prevent them from speaking
criminally and from consuming forbidden wealth? Crime is what they
have been doing.
64. The guided/AlYahud say, “The One To Serve/Allah’s power is tied.” It is
their power that are tied, and they are cursed for what they say. In fact,
The One’s powers are outstretched; The One gives as accordingly.
Certainly, what was revealed to you from your Regulator remains over
and above/will increase many of their defiance and blasphemy. And The
One endures/placed between them enmity and hatred, until the Day of
Resurrection. Whenever they kindle the fire of war, The One To
Serve/Allah extinguishes it. And they strive to spread corruption on earth.
The One To Serve/Allah does not love the corrupters.
Zay-Ya-Dal = increased/augmented/grew, exceeded, was/became redundant/superfluous, remain over & above, addition, exaggerate, accessory, surplus.
Lam-Qaf-Ya = To meet, meet with, encounter, find, find out a thing, see, come across, experience, suffer from, occur, undergo, endure, lean upon, recieve,
come face to face, go in the direction of or towards.
Why remain -The One could’t be involved in their affairs
over and above? -they carry on their life without interference
-what if they repent after that
-then what?
-if The One increase their defiance and blasphemy?
-then they become victimize by The One?
Endures -the same logic applies
-The One could’t place enmity and hatred between them
-the next sentence explained it
-whenever they kindle the fire of war, The One extinguishes it
-if The One placed enmity and hatred between them
-why should The One extinguish the fire?
65. Had the Learned People been convinced and been honest, The One
would have remitted their crimes, and admitted them into the Gardens
of Bliss.
66. Had they observed the Torah, and the Injil, and what was revealed to
them from their Regulator, they would have consumed amply from
above them, and from beneath their feet. Among them is a moderate
community, but wicked is what many of them are doing.
67. O Messenger, convey what was revealed to you from your Regulator. But
if you do not, then you would not have delivered The One’s message.
And The One To Serve/Allah will protect you from the people. The One
To Serve/Allah does not guide the denying people.
68. Say, “O Learned People, you have no basis until you uphold the Torah,
and the Injil, and what is revealed to you from your Regulator.” But what
is revealed to you from your Regulator will increase many of them in
rebellion and denial, so do not be sorry for the denying people.
69. Those who are convinced, and the Guided/AlYahud, and those who the
people who Changed/Sabians, and the Helpers/AlNasara—whoever are
convinced in The One To Serve/Allah and the End Day, and does what is
right—they have nothing to fear, nor shall they grieve.
70. The One placed a trust/made a covenant with those bonded people, and
The One sent to them messengers. Whenever a messenger came to them
with what they did not desire, some of them they accused of lying, and
others they put to death.
Waw-Tha-Qaf = to place trust in any one, rely upon, bind.
71. They assumed there would be no punishment, so they turned blind and
deaf. Then The One To Serve/Allah redeemed them, but then again many
of them turned blind and deaf. But The One To Serve/Allah is seeing of
what they do.
Assumed no punishment? -from 2:47
-O bonded people! Remember My beneficence favour which I bestowed upon you, and
I scattered preferred you over all the worlds.
-the word is spelled Fa-Dad-Dad, changed to -Fa-Dad-Lam
-Fa-Dad-Dad = to break/perforate/destroy, to separate/disperse/scatter/distribute, broke it up, silver, to make
wide/ample/large/liberal, small number of men in a state of dispersion, calamity/misfortune, expose vices/faults or evil qualities/actions,
to disgrace, put to shame, the daybreak/dawn because it exposes everything, white but not intensely so.
-Fa-Dad-Lam = excel, distinguish, surpass, superior, gain/gift, bestow benefit/ bounty/ favour/ grace
No punishment? -as the favoured nation they would escape punishment
-they are denying The One is just and equitable
72. They are not convinced those who say, “The One To Serve/Allah is the
Anointed One the son of Mariam.” But the Anointed One himself said,
“O bonded people serve The One To Serve/Allah, my Regulator and your
Regulator. Whoever associates others with The One To Serve/Allah, The
One To Serve/Allah has forbidden him the garden, and his staying is the
fire. The extremists have no saviors.”
Another one of -yes, whenever you tell them one thing
their sickness? -they believe the opposite
73. Certainly not convinced those who say, “The One To Serve/Allah is the
third of three.” But there is nothing to serve except The One To
Serve/Allah. If they do not refrain from what they say, a painful
punishment will befall those among them who denies.
Trinity? -in the bible there was nothing about trinity
-Jesus has never said anything about trinity
-only the Roman Catholic church propagates trinity
74. Will they not return to The One To Serve/Allah and ask The One’s
forgiveness? The One To Serve/Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
75. The Anointed One son of Mariam was only a Messenger, before whom
other Messengers had passed away, and his mother was a woman of
truth. They both used to eat food. Note how The One makes clear the
revelations to them; then note how deluded they are.
76. Say, “Do you serve, besides The One To Serve/Allah, what has no power
to harm or benefit you?” But The One To Serve/Allah — The One is the
Hearer, the Knower.
77. Say, “O People of the Scripture, do not exaggerate in your way of life
beyond the truth, and do not follow the opinions of people who went
astray before, and misled many, and they strayed off the balanced way.”
78. Cursed were those who deny from among the bonded people by the
tongue of Daud and Isa son of Mariam. That is because they rebelled and
used to transgress.
79. They used not to prevent one another from the wrongs they used to
commit. Evil is what they used to do.
80. You will see many of them take allies those who denied. Terrible is what
their souls prompts them to do. The wrath of The One To Serve/Allah fell
upon them, and in the torment they will remain.
81. Had they been convinced in The One To Serve/Allah and the Prophet,
and in what was revealed to him, they would not have make them allies.
But many of them are transgressors.
82. You will find that the people most hostile towards those who are
convinced are the Guided/AlYahud and the polytheists. And you will find
that the nearest in affection towards those who are convinced are those
who say, “We are Helpers/Nasara.” That is because among them are
priests and rahib, and they are not arrogant.
83. And when they hear what was revealed to the Messenger, you see their
eyes overflowing with tears, as they recognize the truth in it. They say,
“Our Regulator, we are convinced, so count us among the witnesses.”
84. “And why should we not convinced in The One To Serve/Allah, and in the
truth that has come to us, and hope that our Regulator will include us
among the honest people?”
85. The One To Serve/Allah will reward them for what they say—Gardens
beneath which rivers flow, where they will stay. Such is the reward of the
86. But as for those who denied and deceived The One’s evidences—these
are the associates of the Fire.
87. O you who are convinced! Do not prohibit the good things The One To
Serve/Allah has permitted for you, and do not commit aggression. The
One To Serve/Allah does not love the aggressors.
88. And eat of the lawful and good things The One To Serve/Allah has
provided for you, and be conscious of The One To Serve/Allah, in what
you are convinced.
89. The One To Serve/Allah does not hold you accountable for your
unintended oaths, but The One holds you accountable for your binding
oaths. The atonement for it is by feeding ten needy people from the
average of what you feed your families, or by clothing them, or by freeing
a slave. Anyone who lacks the means shall abstain for three days. That is
the atonement for breaking your oaths when you have sworn them. So
keep your oaths. Thus The One To Serve/Allah makes clear The One’s
Revelations to you, that you may be grateful.
90. O you who are convinced! Intoxicants, gambling, gifts to altars and
divining arrow confuse greatly/are abominations of Sceptic mind’s
doing. Avoid them, so that you may prosper.
Ra-Jiim-Siin = to disgrace and defile, thunder, commit foul deeds, bellow loudly, become hated, something in which there is no good, state of commotion, confuse
greatly, make a noise/sound, hinder/prevent, unclean/dirty/filthy, evil, something which is unlawful/forbidden, unbelief/infidelity/doubt.
Jiim-Nun-Ba = To break or hit or hurt one's side, to lead one by his side, place or put a thing aside, to remove or send a thing far away or far off, estrange or
alienate someone, descend and abode/settle as a stranger among people, to be remote/distant/far off/aloof from someone, shun or avoid someone, alienate
or estrange oneself from someone, to be under the obligation of performing a total bath or ablution (by reason of sexual intercourse and semenal discharge),
to be lateral or adjacent to someone or to a thing, walk by the side of another, to be gentle/compliant/easy to deal with, to be much of.
91. Sceptic mind wants to provoke strife and hatred among you through
intoxicants and gambling, and to prevent you from the remembrance of
The One To Serve/Allah, and from review/discussion. Will you not desist?
92. Obey The One To Serve/Allah and obey the Messenger, and be cautious.
If you turn away—know that the duty of The One’s Messenger is clear
93. Those who are convinced and do sincere works will not be blamed for
what they may have eaten, provided they obey, and are convinced, and
do productive works, then maintain consciousness and conviction, then
remain honest and charitable. The One To Serve/Allah loves the
94. O you who are convinced! The One To Serve/Allah confers benefits for
you with something of the game hunting your hands and weapons
obtain, that The One To Serve/Allah may know who fears The One
unseen. Whoever commits aggression after that will have a painful
95. O you who are convinced! Do not kill game hunting while you are
forbidden/in ihram. Whoever of you kills any intentionally, its penalty
shall be a domestic animal comparable to what he killed, as determined
by two honest persons among you—as a guide/offering game has
reached puberty by the ankle/the Kabah. Or he may atone by feeding
the needy, or its equivalent in abstaining, so that he may taste the
consequences of his conduct. The One To Serve/Allah forgives what is
past. But whoever repeats, The One To Serve/Allah will take revenge on
him. The One To Serve/Allah is Almighty, Owner of Retributions.
Ba-Lam-Gh = Reaching, attaining, arriving, coming to the utmost point to which one directs one's course or one who seeks, pursues, desires, intends or tries to
reach. Or the reaching, attaining or coming to a point. An event/time that is premeditated, intended, determined or appointed. Having an effect. Bringing, conveying or delivering
communications, announcements, news or tidings. Exceeding usual, proper, ordinary just bounds/degrees, acting egregiously, immoderately or extravagantly. Striving, laboring, exerting
power/efforts. Endeavors or ability. Employing oneself vigorously, strenuously, laboriously, earnestly with energy and effectiveness, taking pains or extraordinary pains, not flagging, to the
utmost degree. Accomplishing, attaining to the utmost of one's power/ability or efforts/endeavors (e.g. in any affair). Sufficiency (e.g. means of subsistence), a thing that suffices, contents,
enables one to attain what is sought, enough. A slanderer, one who conveys gossip or other peoples discourse to others. Calamity, misfortune, disaster, distress or affliction. Sharp, penetrating,
eloquent and/or effective in speech. Firm covenants, in the utmost degree. Attaining or having attained puberty, virility, ripeness or maturity. Applied to either sexes.
Good, excellent thing. Praise, eulogy or commendation. Place and/or time someone or something reaches, arrives, attains or comes to. The sum/amount/product resulting from
subtraction, addition or multiplication. A sum of money
Kaaf-Ayn-Ba = swell/prominent/protuberant/projection/budding (common examples include a woman's breasts), jointed-stem, fold, went away,
joint/juncture/division of bones (more commonly the ankle bone), tarsus (in animals), swift, eminence/nobility/glory, anything elevated, square/cubic
house/chamber, square-form, to hasten, to go away paying no regard to anything. Quote from Lane's lexicon: "a house or temple belonging to the tribe
of Rabee'ah, who used to compass it, or perform circuits round it (as is done round the Kabbeh of Mekkeh)". Hans Wehr - Knot, knob, node (of cane); joint,
articulation, ankles, anklebone; heel (of foot or shoe) ferule; die; cube; high rank, fame, glory, honor. Everything that the male of the form fa'lun (being the representation of the Cl.
Arabic form in question, universally applied to all roots) can mean, so can the female (fa'latun or modernly and colloquially fa'lah), with the added meaning of emphasis that the feminization
of the word gives; where it is clear that there could be intensification. The female form can be found in 5:95, 5:97.
So different? -yes so much different from the contemporary
-the refreshed version is based on linguistic
-and hunter gatherer experience and knowledge
What knowledge? -in the semi hunter gatherer community there is a rule in hunting
-you only hunt the mature animals
-the key to know the maturity of animals
-through the ankle
-mature animals have bald ankle
-the ankle is not covered by their body hair
-then they aged 2 years or above
-you can safely hunt them and take them home
96. Permitted for you is the catch of sea, and its food—as sustenance for you
and for travelers. But forbidden for you is the game hunting of the land
while you are forbidden/in ihram. And fear The One To Serve/Allah, to
whom you will be gathered.
97. The One To Serve/Allah has made the ankle/kabah as preventive
thought/sacred house, a rule for the mankind, and the forbidden month,
and as the guidance and the key. That you may know that The One To
Serve/Allah knows everything in the universe and the earth, and that The
One To Serve/Allah is Cognizant of all things.
Ba-Ya-Ta =by/in/at night (excluding sleep), entered upon or passed the night. tent, house, home. Thinking about something and its end result. Concealed or
conceived something in the mind. A structure of clay or any structure. signifying a habitation, an abode or dwelling. Buildings, uninhabited houses, shops, ruins,
bazaars, places where the entering is allowed by the owners. Ark of Noh, Mosques, places of worship, Kaabeh or Jerusalem. A grave. Household or family.
Nobility. Sudden attack in the night or a surprise attack in the night. Remaining through the night (e.g. bread or water that stays out and becomes stale)
Qaf-Waw-Miim = stand still or firm, rose/stand up, managed/conducted/ordered/regulated/superintended, established, made it straight/right,
maintain/erect/observe/perform, set up, people/community/company, abode, stature/dignity/rank. aqama - to keep a thing or an affair in a right state.
Qaf-Lam-Dal = twisted/wound/wreathed a thing, rope, necklace, garland, collar, bracelet, to hang up (e.g. sword on belt), piece of skin, sandal. Irrigated,
irrigated land. Lane's Lexicon on 5:2 - prefects or the like with offices of administration, permanent badge (of favour), authority, mode of order-giving, impose
upon a thing. Management. Drown, to seize, close upon, cover. Key, phrase: "I threw to him the keys of the affairs" meaning "I committed to him
disposal/management of the affairs", treasure, repository/store-room/treasury/magazine, the place of the suspended thing (e.g. neck, belt), a chief upon whom
are imposed the affairs of the people.
98. Know that The One To Serve/Allah is severe in retribution, and that The
One To Serve/Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
99. The Messenger’s sole duty is to convey. The One To Serve/Allah knows
what you reveal and what you conceal.
100. Say: “The bad and the good are not equal, even though the abundance
of the bad may impress you. So be conscious of The One To Serve/Allah,
O you who possess intelligence, that you may succeed.”
101. O you who are convinced! Do not ask about things that would trouble
you if disclosed to you. But if you were to ask about them while the
Quran is being revealed, they will become obvious to you. The One To
Serve/Allah forgives that. The One To Serve/Allah is Forgiving and
102. A people before you asked about them, but then came to reject them.
103. The One To Serve/Allah did not institute the superstitions of camel
dedicated to idols/Bahirah, liberation of domestic animals to pasture and
prohibiting slaughter in honour of idols/Saibah, animals selected on
number of offsprings and sex/Wasilah, or of jealeousy and anger/Hami;
but the deniers fabricate lies about The One To Serve/Allah—most of
them do not understand.
Ba-Ha-Ra =Slit, cut, divide lengthwise, split, enlarge or make wide. A vast expanse of water (Ocean, sea, huge river). A fleet swift horse called because of its
speed like the rolling of the waves in the sea. A generous man who is ample in his generosity. Wide tract of land, land belonging to or inhabited by people. Any
town, village or city that has a running river or a body of water. Low or depressed land. A large meadow or garden. A place where water stagnates. Seaman,
sailor. "Bahira" (a camel dedicated to idols, 5:103)
Siin-Ya-Ba = to wander at random, be set free to pasture. saibatun (from saba) - it ran by itself and wandered at random and was set free to pasture. It signifies
any domestic beast left to pasture without attention. Liberation of certain domestic animals to pasture and prohibiting their use or slaughter in honour of idols
was a practice the Arabs in pre-Islamic days. They were selected mainly on the basis of the number, sex and sequence of their springs. According to some the
animal set free was to be the mother of a bahirah an animal which had brought forth females at successive births.
Waw-Saad-Lam = attain, reach, connect, apply, make close, to come/deliver/convey, to continue, union (of companions/friends/lovers). Yasilu (imp. 3rd. p. m.
sing.): He goes, reaches. Tasilu (imp. 3rd. p. f. sing.): She goes; reaches. Yasluuna (imp. 3rd. p. m. plu.): They jom. Yuusalu (pip. 3rd p. m. sing.): Is to be joined.
Wassalnaa (prf. 1st. p. plu. II): We have caused to reach, have been sending uninterrupted. Wasiilatun (n.) Certain kinds of cattle (marked out by superstition
and set aside from the use). Certain categories of domestic animals (which the pre-Islamic Arabs used to dedicate to their various deities by prohibiting their use
or slaughter), selected mainly on the bases of their number of offspring and the sex and sequence of the offspring (5:103).
Ha-Miim-Ya = To protect/prohibit/guard/defend against encroachment/attack. A thing prohibited, prohibit a thing. Vehement/angry, it was/became hot (e.g.
day, oven), disdain/scorn/indignation/jealousy/anger, to be ashamed, refuse to bear/endure/tolerate wrongful treatment.
104. And when it is said to them, “Come to what The One To Serve/Allah has
revealed, and to the Messenger,” they say, “Sufficient for us is what we
found our forefathers upon.” Even if their forefathers knew nothing, and
were not guided?
105. O you who are convinced! You are responsible for your own self. He who
has strayed cannot harm you if you are guided. To The One To
Serve/Allah is you return, all of you, and The One will inform you of what
you used to do.
106. O you who are convinced! When death approaches one of you, let two
reliable persons from among you act as witnesses to the making of a will,
or two persons from another people if you are travelling in the land and
the event of death approaches you. Engage them after the
review/discussion; and if you have doubts, let them swear by The One To
Serve/Allah, “We will not sell our testimony for any price, even if it was a
near relative; nor will we hide the testimony of The One To Serve/Allah,
for then we would be sinners.”
107. If it is discovered that they are guilty of perjury: let two others take their
place, two from among those responsible for the claim, and have them
swear by The One To Serve/Allah, “Our testimony is more truthful than
their testimony, and we will not be biased, for then we would be
108. That makes it more likely that they will give true testimony, fearing that
their oaths might be contradicted by subsequent oaths. So fear The One
To Serve/Allah, and listen. The One To Serve/Allah does not guide the
transgressing people.
109. On the Day when The One To Serve/Allah will gather the messengers,
then say, “What response were you given?” They will say, “We have no
knowledge, it is you who are the Knower of the unseen.”
110. When The One To Serve/Allah will say, “O Isa son of Mariam, recall My
favor upon you and upon your mother, how I supported you with the
pure inspiration. You spoke to the people to work for oneself/in a cradle
until you are about 60 years old/maturity from the crib. How I taught you
the Scripture and wisdom, and the Torah and the Injil. And recall you
design things from clay to do things to hasten and I start its
existence/like the form of a bird and breath into it and it become a bird
with my consent. And you healed the blind and the leprous, by My leave;
and you give subsistence to the destitute, by My leave. And recall that I
restrained the bonded people from you when you brought them the
clear proof. But those who deniers among them said, `This is nothing but
obvious sorcery.'
Ra-Waw-Ha =Raha - To go or do a thing at evening. Violently windy; good or pleasant wind. Become cool or pleasant [by means of the wind]. Become brisk,
lively sprightly, active, agile, or quick [as though one felt the wind and was refreshed by it]. Rawahun - he went, journeyed, worked, or did a thing in the evening [or any time of the night or
day], or in the afternoon (declining of the sun from its meridian until night). Ruhun - Soul, spirit, vital principle, breath which a man breathes and pervades his whole body. Inspiration or
divine revelation [since it is like the vital principle is to the body and quickens man].
Qaf-Dal-Siin = to be pure, holy, spotless. qudusun - purity, sanctity, holiness. al quddus - the holy one, one above and opposite to all evil, replete with positive
good. muqaddas - sacred. An earthen or wooden pot.
Miim-ha-Dal = To make a place or thing plain or even or smooth, to prepare or establish, to gain or earn, seek to gain, to work for oneself, to spread or be spread
(namely a bed).
Kaf-ha-Lam = To reach old mature age, be full-grown, be of the age when a person’s hair becomes intermixed with hoariness, be of the age between thirty and
sixty years or of middle age.
Alif-Ya-Waw = sign, apparent sign, mark, indication, message, evidence, proof, miracle, communication, verse of The Quran. It properly signifies any apparent
thing inseparable from a thing not equally apparent so that when one perceives the former, he perceives the other which he cannot perceive by itself.
Kh-Lam-Qaf = To measure or proportion a thing, to form or make according to proper measure, bring into existence according to a certain measure, originate
or produce after a pattern or model which one has devised, bring into existence from a state of non-existence (create out of nothing), to fabricate or forge a
speech or saying, to make a thing equitable or even, make a thing smooth, to be probable or likely to happen (or likely to be or happen, or to have happened or been), act towards someone according to that person's nature, wear out
a thing and make it old, to be fit/ competent/ suitable/ proper, to be complete or perfect in respect of make or proportion, have an innate/natural disposition/temperament/quality.
Tay-Ya-Nun = to plaster with clay or mud, clay/mud.
Ha-Waw-Ta (Ha-Alif-Ta) = To fly about, prowl around. To go or circuit round about a thing, to strive or endeavour to turn a person, entice a person to turn from
a thing, strive or endeavour to beguile a person, strive or contend with a person to repel him, consult a person, consult with a person.
Ha-Ya-Ya = (a doubly imperfect verb) To live, be alive, be ashamed, spend (the night) awake, fertilize the earth, keep anyone alive; spare any one, let anyone
alive, remove prudency, modesty and shamefulness, make immodest, To be in good condition, have the means of subsistence, to be apparent or distinct, have
prolonged or preserved life, free from evil or harm, have dominion, be honored, receive benefit, to salute, to enliven/revive/give life to, to nourish, vivify/re-vivify/revive/resuscitate, endue/quicken with life, (said of land) to be tilled
and made productive, to remain awake, to shrink from a thing, to forbear, to feel or have a sense of or be moved or affected with shame/shyness/bashfulness, be ashamed/shy of doing a thing, disdain or scorn a thing, abstain from a
thing/refuse to do it.
Tay-Ya-Ra = flew, hasten to it, outstripped, become foremost, fled, love, become attached, famous, conceive, scatter/disperse, fortune.
Nun-Fa-Kha = to blow with the mouth, breathe. to it, ‘Be,’ and it evolved.”
Kaf-Waw-Nun (Kaf-Alif-Nun) = To be, exist, happen, occur, take place, become, be such or so, originated.
makaan - side, abode, purpose, status, way, condition. makaanatun - place, way, purpose, intention, condition, ability, place of existence or being.
Ba-Ra-Alif = became/was clear/free of a thing, to quit it, become irresponsible for it, guiltless of it, remove oneself from a thing, kept far or aloof (e.g. from
unclean things), state of freedom/immunity/security/safety. Convalescent/sound/healthy, cure/heal, recover/restore. Create/produce, former/fashioner. He
compounded or made a compromise with him for their mutual separation. Mankind/creation/beings/things that are created.
Kaf-Miim-ha = one who is blind
111. “And when I inspired the disciples: `Are you convinced in Me and in My
Messenger.' They said, `We are convinced, so bear witness that we are
112. “And when the disciples said, 'O Isa son of Mariam is your Regulator able
to bring down for us a feast from above?' He said, 'Fear The One To
Serve/Allah, if you are convinced.'“
Miim-Ya-Dal = To be shaken, moved, agitated, spread, give food. It was/became in a state of motion or commotion. Was/Became agitated: in a state or violent
motion or commotion; or violently agitated. Turn/Twist about. Become contorted and convulsed. Quivered, trembled. Confound, perplex, amazed. Inclining from
side to side. Confer bestow benefit/s or favor/s. Ma-idatan (2x) - A table with food upon it. From m-y-d "it was in a state of motion" as the table moved about
from what was on it. Or m-y-d "he brought wheat or food" since food is brought on it. Or m-y-d "he gave" because what is this called given by the owner to the
people [who are to eat]. Table spread, table with food upon it, food. Knowledge, because knowledge is the spiritual food.
113. They said, “We wish to eat from it, so that our hearts may be reassured,
and know that you have told us the truth, and be among those who
witness it.”
Alif-Kaf-Lam = swallowing food after chewing, means of subsistence, devoured/consumed, fed/supplied, to eat/gnaw, things to be eaten, eatables.
Tay-Miim-Alif-Nun = to rest from, rely upon, bend down, still, a thing quiet, tranquillize. itma'anna (vb. 4) - to be quiet, rest securely in, satisfied by, be free from
disquieted, in tranquillity, secure from danger. mutma'innun - one who rests securely, enjoys peace and quiet, contend and satisfaction, rests at ease, is peaceful.
itmi'naan - he was in a state of quietness and tranquillity.
114. Isa son of Mariam said, “O The One To Serve/Allah, our Regulator, send
down for us a table from the sky, to be a festival for us, for the first of us,
and the last of us, and an indicator from You; and provide for us, You are
the Best of providers.”
115. The One To Serve/Allah said, “if I send it down to you whoever among
you who deny thereafter, I will punish him with a punishment the like of
which I never punish among the known world.”
Did it happen? -I doubt it
-The One said ‘if I send it down”
-The One never did send down the feast
-the penalty for denying is too great
116. And The One To Serve/Allah will say, “O Isa son of Mariam, did you say
to the people, `Take me and my mother as two to serve rather than The
One To Serve/Allah?” He will say, “You are The Performer! It is not for me
to say what I have no right to. Had I said it, you would have known it.
You know what is in my self, and I do not know what is in yourself. You
are the Knower of the hidden.
117. I only told them what You commanded me: that you shall serve The One
To Serve/Allah, my Regulator and your Regulator. And I was a witness
over them while I was among them, but when You took me to Yourself,
you became the Watcher over them; for You are a Witness over
118. If You punish them, they are Your servants; but if You forgive them, You
are the Mighty and Wise.”
119. The One To Serve/Allah will say, “This is a Day when the truthful will
benefit from their truthfulness.” They will have Gardens beneath which
rivers flow, wherein they will remain forever. The One To Serve/Allah is
pleased with them, and they are pleased with The One. That is the great
120. To The One To Serve/Allah belongs the dominion of the universe and
the earth and what lies in them, and The One has power over everything.
For any enquiries:

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Refreshed Al-Quran (Al-Maidah).docx

  • 1. THE TABLE WITH FOOD al-Ma'idah By the reality of The One To Serve/Allah The Beneficient The Ever Giving. 1. O you who are convinced! Fulfil your obligations. Grazing animals are made lawful for you, except those specified to you; but not wild games while you are forbidden. The One To Serve/Allah decrees whatever accordingly. What is it? -be responsible -honour your commitments and obligations -both sides will be very happy if you do that And the animal? -two group of animals -the grazing animals, i.e your livestock -and the wild animals, i.e the game hunting And? -they are lawful for you -except whatever is forbidden 2. O you who are convinced! Do not violate The One To Serve/Allah’s ordinance/rites and not the forbidden/sacred month and not the guidance/sacrificial animal and not the keys/garlanded and not those going towards the lair/coming to the house, these are prohibited/sacred from being preyed as sustenance from their Regulator and approval. When you are permitted, you may hunt. And let not the hatred of people who barred you from the government centre /masjidil haram incites you to aggression. And cooperate with one another in virtuous conduct and conscience, and do not cooperate with one another in sin and hostility. And fear The One To Serve/Allah. The One To Serve/Allah is severe in punishment. Shiin-Ayn-Ra = to know/perceive/understand, to acquaint, perceive by senses. make verses, remark, poetry, poet, verse, art of poetry, feeling, knowledge. Sirius, which was worshipped by the Arabs in Pagan times. mark/marker/signs/rites/symbols/observances/ceremonies/practices, the obligatory ordinances/statutes of God. a place where a thing is known to be. measure of length. sheep/goat. hair, innermost garment. Trees. an indicator of people in war and in a journey, a call or cry by means of which to know another, banner. mash'ar al-Haram - holy mosque in Muadhalifah (a place which lies between Makkah and Arafat, six miles from Kabah). The name Mash'ar al-Haram is a compound of Mash'ar meaning the place of perception or knowledge and Haram meaning sacred. Ash'ara to make anyone understand, make known to. Ha-Ra-Miim = To forbid/prevent/prohibit, make or declare unlawful, deprive, to be sacred/inviolable/entitled to reverence or respect or honour, deny or refuse a thing, render one hopeless, denied prosperity, render unfortunate, ill-fated, persist obstinately, persist in contention or litigation or wrangling, be refractory or untractable, bind a thing hard, refrain from a thing, overcome someone in contending for stakes or wagers in a game of hazard, to be in a state of prohibition, protect or defend oneself. ha-Dal-Ya = to guide/direct to the way, take/follow right way/course, rightly guided/directed, a way/course/method/mode/manner of conduct. Gift. Qaf-Lam-Dal = twisted/wound/wreathed a thing, rope, necklace, garland, collar, bracelet, to hang up (e.g. sword on belt), piece of skin, sandal. Irrigated, irrigated land. Lane's Lexicon on 5:2 - prefects or the like with offices of administration, permanent badge (of favour), authority, mode of order-giving, impose upon a thing. Management. Drown, to seize, close upon, cover. Key, phrase: "I threw to him the keys of the affairs" meaning "I committed to him
  • 2. disposal/management of the affairs", treasure, repository/store-room/treasury/magazine, the place of the suspended thing (e.g. neck, belt), a chief upon whom are imposed the affairs of the people. What story -this is for wild animals -mostly for hunter gatherer of old Why hunter gatherer? -they lived mostly on animals hunting -they hunt to eat -for us we call it games hunting -we do it for games and sport -because we have so much meat from grazing animals What’s forbidden? -The One’s ordinance of animals hunting -no animals hunting in forbidden months -to allow for the animal to nurture their young -do not violate the guidance and the keys -guidances and keys for knowing the mature nanimals -do not hunt animals going back to their lair -meaning they have the young one Perfect guidance -exactly 3. Prohibited for you are carrion, blood, the rotten flesh flesh of swine, and animals dedicated to other than The One To Serve/Allah; also the flesh of animals strangled, killed violently, killed by a fall, gored to death, mangled by wild animals—except what you rescue, and animals sacrificed on altars; and the practice of drawing lots. For it is immoral. Today, those who are not convinced have despaired of your way of life, so do not fear them, but fear Me. Today I have perfected your way of life for you, and have completed My favor upon you, and have approved peacefulness as a way of life for you. But whoever is compelled by hunger, with no intent of wrongdoing— The One To Serve/Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. What is it? -this is for grazing animals What are the facts? -carrion -the decaying carcass of dead animals -dead and putrefying carcass; also: flesh unfit for food -carrion begins to decay at the moment of the animal's death -increasingly attract insects and breed bacteria -body will begin to exude a foul odor due to presence of bacteria -emission of cadaverine and putrescine -blood -so rich in iron -human body has difficulty excreting excess iron -runs a risk of iron overdose, in high doses it can be toxic -human bodies don't have the right mechanisms to digest blood
  • 3. -consuming blood hurt your stomach and may cause vomiting -rotten flesh -flesh affected with rot; decomposing, decaying, or putrid -flesh breaking up, esp. through age or hard use; disintegrating -to undergo decomposition from the action of bacteria or fungi -slimy meat an indicator that bacteria have started to multiply -culprits are air, moisture, light, temperature, and microbial growth -flesh of animals strangled -killed violently -mangled by wiold animals -except what you resued -we do not know what bacterias these animals carry -better be save that sorry -food dedicated to deity -accepting other deities as equal to The One -unproductive acts knowing the food is a carrier of The One Moral? -do not eat bad food -carrion, blood and rotten flesh bring diseases -food dedicated to deity unproductive acts -only eat these when needed to survive -with condition that the food is cleansed The One really -it’s a complete book teaches everything -guidance for humanity -when human started life they do not know anything -even burying the dead they learnt fom the crow -they have to be guided -but some refused the guidance -even in the age of science and technologies they refused Why? -resistance to change, they follow their ancestor -their ancestor who knows nothing -them and their comfort zone -they are stuck with their own opium 4. They ask you what is permitted for them. Say, “Permitted for you are all good things, including what trained dogs and falcons catch for you.” You train them according to what The One To Serve/Allah has taught you. So eat from what they catch for you, and pronounce The One To Serve/Allah’s name over it. And fear The One To Serve/Allah. The One To Serve/Allah is Swift in reckoning. What is it? -this is the external parameter -to get rid of the myth about dog -with the simple pronounciation of The One That simple? -yes, that simple but very deep ??? -this the second time The One commanded the same -1st is reading Al-Quran -2nd is to eat -to recognize the input of Energy into the food sorce
  • 4. -first from the concentration of Energy reservoir-the sun -the Energy channeled through photon -filtered by the leaf through photosynthesis -contained in Energy reservoir the green leaf and the stem -the Energy filtered by chemical digestions in the animals -contained in the Energy reservoir -in the anatomical components of the animals Wow! -yes, wow! -that’s how intricate the Energy filtration system -before consumption by human Why the intricacies? -as we human are delicate -the power of Energy is massive -can you imagine the power of galaxy -imagine the massive numbers in zillions -and more of them in universe -countless numbers as singularity -and the Energy as singularity transmit to us human! Wow! -yes, wow -that’s the reasons The One created universe -to sustain us living things on earth -to filtered the Energy to miniscule level -so that we can absorb it to useful purposes -otherwise we will be cooked -imagine we expose ourselves under the sun -for one whole day Now I get the -The One said everythings created with a purpose whole picture! -once you understand the purpose of life -it is easier for you to manoeuvre life 5. Today all good things are made lawful for you. And the food of those given the Scripture is lawful for you, and your food is lawful for them. So are chaste convinced women, and chaste convinced from the people who were given the Scripture before you, provided you give them their dowries, and take them in marriage, not in adultery, nor as mistresses. But whoever rejects conviction, his work will be in vain, and in the End Day he will be among the losers. Universal declarartion? -made lawful for you -all good things -foods (people of the book) -your food is lawful for them -chaste convinced women -chaste convinced woman of people of the book One nation? -yes we are one nation
  • 5. What separate us? -religions -religions have no point of convergent Why is that so? -I don’t know -may be they always think they are right -other people are wrong -they like to argue first -and point the fingers to others -I don’t know exactly the reasons -I will let other people think of that We are one nation! -yes We are one nation! -yes 6. O you who are convinced! When you rise for review/discussion, wash your faces, and your hands and arms to the elbows, and wipe your heads, and your feet to the ankles. If you had intercourse, then cleanse yourselves. If you are ill, or travelling, or one of you returns from the toilet, or you had contact with women, and could not find water, then use some clean sand and wipe your faces and hands with it. The One To Serve/Allah does not intend to burden you, but The One intends to cleanse you, and to complete The One’s blessing upon you, that you may be thankful. Solah? -yes, solah -review and discussion To clean? -to clean yourself before review and discussion -only your body parts exposed to the environment Whats this with -that was for old time tayammum? -when they didn’t have facilities such as now Then why now? -that’s for old time -why make a fuss about it -it has to be told and written for then -for now we don’t use it 7. And Remember The One To Serve/Allah’s blessings upon you, and The One’s place a trust with you with what The One bound you, when you
  • 6. said, “We hear and we obey.” And remain conscious of The One To Serve/Allah, for The One To Serve/Allah knows what the hearts contain. I invoke The One to give me better understanding for the verse 8. O you who are convinced! Be firmed to The One To Serve/Allah, witnessing with justice, and let not the hatred of a certain people prevent you from acting justly. Adhere to justice, for that is nearer to consciousness, and fear The One To Serve/Allah. The One To Serve/Allah is aware of what you do. Just? -yes, difficult things to do -especially to someone we know -or someone we hate -someone we have prejudice We have to be just!! -yes, it doesn’t matter how we feel -we have to be just 9. The One To Serve/Allah has promised those who are convinced and productive works: they will have protections and a great reward. 10. As for those who deny and reject The One’s revelations—these are the inmates of Hell. 11. O you who are convinced! Remember The One To Serve/Allah 's blessings upon you; when certain people intended to extend their hands against you, and The One restrained their hands from you. So fear The One To Serve/Allah, and in The One To Serve/Allah let the convinced put their trust.
  • 7. 12. The One To Serve/Allah received a pledge from those bonded people, and The One appointed among them twelve chiefs. The One To Serve/Allah said, “I am with you; if you do review/discussion, and purify and prosper, and are convinced in My messengers and support them, and lend The One To Serve/Allah a loan of productivity, I will remit you of your crime, and admit you into Gardens beneath which rivers flow. But whoever among you are not convinced afterwards—he has strayed from the right way.” Solah? -solah has been ordained since Ibrahim’s time -3rd phase of human development -together with debate/haj 13. Because of their breaking of their trust, The One cursed them, and made their hearts hard. They twist the words out of their context, and they disregarded some of what they were reminded of. You will always witness deceit from them, except for a few of them. But pardon them, and overlook. The One To Serve/Allah loves the doers of good. Breaking the trust? -yes they broke their trust, including solah -their salah become whistling on the wall -their solah become recital of Juz Amma How did it happen? -we could trace the history back to Ibrahim’s time -the construction of the Noble House -and all the commandments of The One accordingly -I bet its all the same with the previous generations Then what happened? -either they were under monarchy -or they turned to monarchy -monarchy is against democracy -in the study of all previous generations -we can see they want and requested for monarchy -or they turned to monarchy -with additional ‘protection’ -the kings or whomever leads the monarchy -are representative of heaven Then? -then all hell broke loose -no more meritocracy or democracy -everything became authocracy -The One became God -Bait or Noble House became House of God/Temple -Debate became Hag/Haj pilgrimage -Government Centre/masjid became place for prayer -solah became prayer -zakah became tax payment -everything being ritualise or became rites -then they created religion -religion is a mode to control population
  • 8. Everythings? -everythings -from Ibrahim’s time right up to Muhammad’s time -I couldn’t find anything resembled that before -it has become a story for human -a sad story Can we change it? -ha, ha, are you crazy? -you want to get killed? -they stone you to death -do you know what kind of risk are we taking? 14. And from those who say, “We are helpers/Nasara,” The One received their pledge, but they neglected some of what they were reminded of. So The One tempt enmity and hatred among them until the Day of Resurrection; The One To Serve/Allah will then inform them of what they used to do. Gh-Ra-Waw = to stir up, give rise, rouse, kindle, estrange, incite desire, tempt/seduce/allure, excite, glued, made adhere with, stick/attached, fond, wondered; a certain red dye. Christians? -no, the one in the monastery -I think including those in missionary school 15. O People of the Book! Our Messenger has come to you, clarifying for you much of what you kept hidden of the Book, and overlooking much. A light from The One To Serve/Allah has come to you, and a clear Book. 16. The One To Serve/Allah guides with it whoever follows The One’s approval to the ways of peace, and The One brings them out of darkness into light, by The One’s permission, and The One guides them in systematic ways. 17. Certainly deniers are those who say, “The One To Serve/Allah is The Anointed One, the son of Mariam.” Say, “Who can prevent The One To
  • 9. Serve/Allah, if The One accords, from annihilating The Anointed One son of Mariam, and his mother, and everyone on earth?” To The One To Serve/Allah belongs the dominion of the universe and the earth and what is between them. The One creates whatever accordingly, and The One To Serve/Allah has power over everything. 18. The guided/AlYahud and the helpers/Nasara say, “We are the children of The One To Serve/Allah, and The One’s beloved.” Say, “Why then does The One punish you for your crime?” In fact, you are humans from among those The One created. The One forgives whom accordingly, and The One punishes whom accordingly. To The One To Serve/Allah belongs the dominion of the universe and the earth and what lies between them, and to The One is the return. 19. O People of the Book! The One’s Messenger has come to you, making things clear to you—after a cessation of messengers—so that you cannot say, “No preacher has come to us, and no warner.” In fact, a preacher has come to you, and a warner, and The One To Serve/Allah is Capable of everything. 20. When Musa said to his people, “O my people remember The One To Serve/Allah’s blessings upon you, when The One placed prophets among you, and made you authorities, and gave you what The One never gave any other people.” 21. “O my people come upon the land full of goodness which The One To Serve/Allah has you brought together, and do not turn back, lest you return as losers.” Qaf-Dal-Siin = to be pure, holy, spotless. qudusun - purity, sanctity, holiness. al quddus - the holy one, one above and opposite to all evil, replete with positive good. muqaddas - sacred. An earthen or wooden pot. Kaf-Ta-Ba = he wrote it, to dictate it, prescribe/appoint/ordain, judged / passed sentence / decreed, drew/brought together, collected, conjoined / bound, he sewed it, what is written (e.g. of law), mode/manner of writing, book, bookseller, a thing in which or on which one writes, record/register/writ, revealed scripture, a writer/scribe/secretary, an army/military force, troop.
  • 10. 22. They said, “O Musa, there are tyrannical people in it; we will not enter it until they leave it. If they leave it, we will enter.” 23. Two men of those who feared, but whom The One To Serve/Allah had blessed, said, “Go at them by the gate; and when you have entered it, you will prevail. But put your trust in The One To Serve/Allah, if you are convinced.” 24. They said, “O Musa, we will not enter it, ever, as long as they are in it. So go ahead, you and your Regulator, and fight. We are staying right here.” 25. He said, “My Regulator, I have control only over myself and my brother, so separate between us and between the wicked people.” 26. The One said, “It is forbidden for them for forty years. They will wander aimlessly on the earth. So do not grieve over the defiant people.” 27. And relate to them the true story of two son of Adam, when they approach, and it was given favorable reception from one of them, but it was not given favorable reception from the other. He Said, “I will kill you.” He Said, “The One To Serve/Allah gives favorable reception only from the honest.” 28. “If you extend your hand to kill me, I will not extend my hand to kill you; for I fear The One To Serve/Allah, Regulator of the universe. 29. “I would rather you bear my crime and your crime, and you become among the associates of the Fire. Such is the reward for the extremists.”
  • 11. 30. Then his pride prompted him to kill his brother, so he killed him, and became one of the losers. 31. Then The One To Serve/Allah sent a raven digging the ground, to show him how to cover his brother's corpse. He said, “Woe to me, I am unable to be like this raven, and bury my brother's corpse.” So he became full of regrets. The first human burial -the first burials have taken place as long as 50,000 years ago -the oldest known intentional burial site is Qafzeh in Israel -50,000 years ago coincides with Adam’s timeline How did human start? -human civilization have gone through 3 cycles as in AlQuran -to study human evolution we look at the intelligent level of human -the 1st use of fire started 400,000 to 1.4 million years ago in Africa -the earliest shelters found in Japan from 500,000 years ago -hunting with spears was found from 400,000 yeaars ago -the similar human anatomy found in Ethiopia 200,000 years ago How does modern -Homo sapiens started from about 160,000 years ago human start? -when the cranial capacity expanded from 400cc to 1400cc -with a tiny evolution of chromosomes that changed the DNA -these are the generation before Adam -known as the Neanderthal and the Denisovan -these generations disappear 50,000 to 40,000 years ago -due to cataclysmic event known as the Adams Event -2:30 tells about the reset of human story after cataclysmic event -the appearance of Cro-Magnon -this is the 1st phase, the Adam’s generation -appeared 50,000 YA Then what happen? -then the next cataclysmic event -the Younger Dryas around 12,900 to 11,700 years ago -this 2nd phase, the Noh’s generation History of Homo -Neanderthal -found in Shanidar Cave, Zagros mountain Sapiens? -Denisovan -found in Denisova Cave, Russia/Uzbekistan -Cro-Magnon -found in Cro-Magnon Les Eyzies, France -Neanderthal -member of a group of archaic humans during the Pleistocene Epoch -replaced by early modern human, lived 400,000 to 40,000 years ago -led to the decimation and disappearance of Neanderthal -Denisova hominins -an extinct species or subspecies of archaic human -lived 300,000 to 50,000 YA -in Central Asia, East Asia and South East Asia -40,000 to 50,000YA they were all gone -resembles a mass extinction -no obvious environmental catastrophe -volcanic eruptions, climate change, asteroid impact BUT! Evidence?? -catastrophic Laschamps Excursion 41,400 YA -a short reversal of magnetic field at end of the Last Glacial Period -Adams Event, the answer to life, the universe, and everything -earth's magnetic field dropped to below the current level -carbon 14 production increased, ozone levels decreased -Cro Magnon
  • 12. -discovered in 1868 -first fossils as to our own species—Homo sapiens -at the famous rock shelter site at Cro-Magnon, France -lived end of the last ice age ca. 50,000–10,000 YA -very likely Adam belongs to these species -Homo sapiens -12,000YA –now -settled life, producing food, agriculture and domestication -modern human - Homo sapiens - other is an extinct -very likely Noh belonged to these species 32. Because of that The One ordained for those bonded people—that whoever kills a person—unless it is for murder or corruption on earth— it is as if he killed the whole of mankind; and whoever saves a person, it is as if he saved the whole of mankind. Our messengers came to them with clarifications, but even after that, many of them continue to commit excesses in the land. 33. The punishment for those who wage a war against The One To Serve/Allah and The One’s messenger, and strive to spread corruption on earth, is that they be killed, or crucified, or have their hands and feet cut off on opposite sides, or be banished from the land. That is to disgrace them in this life; and in the End Day they will have a terrible punishment. 34. Except for those who return before you apprehend them. So know that The One To Serve/Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. 35. O you who are convinced! Be conscious of The One To Serve/Allah, and seek the means to The One, and strive towards The One’s cause, so that you may succeed.
  • 13. 36. As for those who are not convinced, even if they owned everything on earth, and the like of it with it, and they offered it to ransom themselves from the torment of the Day of Resurrection, it will not be accepted from them. For them is a painful punishment. 37. They will want to leave the Fire, but they will not leave it. For them is a lasting punishment. 38. As for the thief, whether male or female, cut off their financial ability/hand as a penalty for what they reaped—a deterrent from The One To Serve/Allah. The One To Serve/Allah is Mighty and Wise. Ya-Dal-Ya = to touch, aid, do good, be beneficent, show power and superiority, a hand. By his agency/means. With a willing hand, out of hand, having financial ability. In acknowledgement of the superior power, in ready money and not in the form of deferred payment, considering it as a favour, on account of help, (payment should be made by the hand of the parties themselves without the intervention of a third party and without reluctance. baina yadaihi - before him, in his presence hit, between his two hands. ulill aidi - men of power (lit. gifted with hands) suqaita fi aidihim (idiomatic expression) they repented, the idea seems to be that they hit their fingers in grief and contrition. Handy, Might, Power, Superiority, Benefit, Possession, Favour, Generosity. The idea behind those expressions is that the use of the hand is the real source of the superiority and power. Under his authority, upper hand, arm, foreleg of a beast, handle of a tool, wing of a bird. ma qaddamat yada - that is what thou hast deserved. Pls explain -The One is just -one of the reality of The One -whatever stolen must be measured financially -then cut off their financial ability -to commensurate with stolen items -then its fair The other option? -lets say you cut off the hand -for say a stolen sum of ÂŁ1,000.00 -now you measure the income that the hand will bring in -lets say the guy is 20 years’ old -he has another 40 years to go earning income -say he can bring in ÂŁ4,000 per month for the next 40 years -his total income would be ÂŁ4,000x12x40 -that would be ÂŁ1,920,000.00 -for a crime of ÂŁ1,000.00 -he lost an income of ÂŁ1,919,000.00 -that’s only lost of income -how about lost of use for such a hand for other purposes -where is fairness and equality 39. But whoever returns after his crime, and reforms, The One To Serve/Allah will accept his repentance. The One To Serve/Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. What more! -The One accepts repentance
  • 14. 40. Do you not know that to The One To Serve/Allah belongs the dominion of the universe and the earth? The One punishes whom accordingly, and The One forgives whom accordingly. And The One To Serve/Allah is Capable of everything. 41. O Messenger! Do not let those who are quick to deny grieve you—from among those who say with their mouths, “We are convinced,” but their hearts are not convinced; and from among the guided/AlYahud— listeners to lies, listeners to other people who did not come to you. They distort words from their places, and say, “If you are given this, accept it; but if you are not given it, beware.” Whomever The One To Serve/Allah let go to divert, you have nothing for him from The One To Serve/Allah. Those are they whose hearts The One To Serve/Allah does not intend to purify. For them is disgrace in this world, and for them is a great punishment in the End Day. 42. Listeners to falsehoods, eaters of illicit earnings. If they come to you, judge between them, or turn away from them. If you turn away from them, they will not harm you in the least. But if you judge, judge between them equitably. The One To Serve/Allah loves the equitable. 43. But why do they come to you for judgment, when they have the Torah, in which is The One To Serve/Allah’s Law? Yet they turn away after that. These are not convinced.
  • 15. 44. The One has revealed the Torah, wherein is guidance and light. Judged by it the prophets the peaceful the guided and the guardian and the honourables with what they were entrusted of the book of The One To Serve/Allah and were witnesses to it. So do not fear people, but fear Me. And do not sell My revelations for a cheap price. Those who do not rule according to what The One To Serve/Allah revealed, those are not convinced. 45. And The One wrote for them in it: a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a nose for a nose, an ear for an ear, a tooth for a tooth, and an equal wound for a wound. But whoever forgoes it in charity, it will serve as atonement for him. Those who do not rule according to what The One To Serve/Allah revealed are the extremists. 46. In their footsteps, The One sent Isa son of Mariam, fulfilling the Torah that preceded him; and The One gave him the Injil, wherein is guidance and light, and confirming the Torah that preceded him, and guidance and counsel for the honest. 47. So let the people of the Injil rule according to what The One To Serve/Allah revealed in it. Those who do not rule according to what The One To Serve/Allah revealed are the transgressors.
  • 16. 48. And The One revealed to you the Book, with truth, confirming the Scripture that preceded it and Standard over it. So judge between them according to what The One To Serve/Allah revealed, and do not follow their desires if they differ from the truth that has come to you. For each of you, The One has assigned ordinance, and a clear way. Had The One To Serve/Allah accords, The One could have made you a single nation, but The One confers favors to you through what The One has given you. So compete in productivity. To The One To Serve/Allah is your return, all of you. Then The One will inform you of what you had disputed. ha-Miim-Nun = to put a thing in a purse or girdle. The title of a high priest, head of an organisation, in charge of treasury/soldiers/granary/craftsmen. Shiin-Ra-Ayn = to be seated upon a road, open a street (door), establish a law, begin, appoint a religion. shurra'un (pl. of shaari'un) - in shoals, upon shoals, breaking the water surface, holding up (their heads), appearing manifestly. shir'atun & shari'atun - law or institution prescribed by God, right way or mode of action, clear highway/course/path. Nun-ha-Jiim = to trace, follow (a way) or track, make chart, be clear, point out the way, be opened, broaden (road). minhaaj - well defined way (a code in secular matters), manifest, plainly defined, apparent and open road. Ba-Lam-Waw =Try, prove or test by good or evil. To become old and worn out, wear and tear, withered, decayed. Not caring, minding, heeding, regarding or paying attention. Conferring favors, benefits or blessings. Swearing oaths, covenants. Informing, acquainting, revealing, manifesting, making apparent, evident, clear or plain. Competing, striving or hastening 49. And judge between them according to what The One To Serve/Allah revealed, and do not follow their desires. And beware of them, lest they lure you away from some of what The One To Serve/Allah has revealed to you. But if they turn away, know that The One To Serve/Allah intends to strike them with some of their crime. In fact, a great many people are transgressors. 50. Is it the laws of the time of ignorance that they desire? Who is better than The One To Serve/Allah in judgment for a people who are certain? 51. O you who are convinced! Do not take the guided/AlYahud and the helpers/Nasara as allies; some of them are allies of one another. Whoever of you allies himself with them is one of them. The One To Serve/Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people. 52. You will see those in whose hearts is sickness racing towards them. They say, “We fear the wheel of fate may turn against us.” But perhaps The One To Serve/Allah will bring about victory, or some event of The One’s making; thereupon they will regret what they concealed within themselves.
  • 17. 53. Those who are convinced will say, “Are these the people who swore by The One To Serve/Allah with their strongest oaths that they are with you?” Their works have failed, so they became losers. 54. O you who are convinced! Whoever of you goes back on his way of life— The One To Serve/Allah will bring a people whom The One loves and who love The One, kind towards those who are convinced, stern with those who are not convinced. They strive in the way of The One To Serve/Allah, and do not fear the blame of the critic. That is the grace of The One To Serve/Allah. The One bestows it upon whomever accordingly. The One To Serve/Allah is Embracing and Knowing. 55. Your allies are The One To Serve/Allah, and The One’s Messenger, and those who are convinced—those who conduct daily review/discussion, and purify and prosper, and humble. 56. Whoever allies himself with The One To Serve/Allah, and The One’s Messenger, and those who are convinced—surely the Party of The One To Serve/Allah is the victorious. 57. O you who are convinced! Do not be allies to those who take your way of life in mockery and as a sport, be they from among those who were given the Scripture before you, or those not convinced. And obey The One To Serve/Allah, if you are convinced. 58. When you call to the review/discussion, they take it as a joke and a trifle. That is because they are people who do not reason.
  • 18. 59. Say, “O People of the Scripture, do you resent us only because we are convinced in The One To Serve/Allah, and in what was revealed to us, and in what was revealed previously; and most of you are transgressors?” 60. Say, “Shall I inform you of worse than that for retribution from The One To Serve/Allah? He whom The One To Serve/Allah has cursed, and with whom The One became displeased. And The One turned some of them into abject, and rotten flesh, and exorbitant slaves. These are in a worse position, and further away from the right way.” Qaf-Ra-Dal = to cling to the ground, lie in dust, become abject or mean. qiradatan - apes, monkeys. Kha-Nun-Zay = stinking / maggoty / altered in odour (e.g. flesh-meat, date, walnut), pride, self-magnification. Tay-Ghayn-Ya = exceed a limit, to transgress, wander from its orbit, exceed the bound, wayward, to rise high, to overflow, to rage, go astray, deviate, be incurious, mischievous, impious, tyrannical, inordinate, rebellious, exorbitant, exceedingly wicked, insolence, injustice, infidelity, rebellion, storm of thunder & lightning of extreme severity, outburst, powers of evil, lead to evil, be overbold, contumacy, extravagantly disobedient, immoderate, corrupt, top or upper part of a mountain, idol/demon, source of wickedness. 61. When they come to you, they say, “We are convinced,” though they have entered with denial, and they have departed with it. But The One To Serve/Allah is well aware of what they hide. 62. You see many of them competing with one another in crime and hostility, and their consuming of what is illicit. What they have been doing is truly evil. 63. Why do the rabbis and the priests not prevent them from speaking criminally and from consuming forbidden wealth? Crime is what they have been doing. 64. The guided/AlYahud say, “The One To Serve/Allah’s power is tied.” It is their power that are tied, and they are cursed for what they say. In fact, The One’s powers are outstretched; The One gives as accordingly. Certainly, what was revealed to you from your Regulator remains over and above/will increase many of their defiance and blasphemy. And The One endures/placed between them enmity and hatred, until the Day of
  • 19. Resurrection. Whenever they kindle the fire of war, The One To Serve/Allah extinguishes it. And they strive to spread corruption on earth. The One To Serve/Allah does not love the corrupters. Zay-Ya-Dal = increased/augmented/grew, exceeded, was/became redundant/superfluous, remain over & above, addition, exaggerate, accessory, surplus. Lam-Qaf-Ya = To meet, meet with, encounter, find, find out a thing, see, come across, experience, suffer from, occur, undergo, endure, lean upon, recieve, come face to face, go in the direction of or towards. Why remain -The One could’t be involved in their affairs over and above? -they carry on their life without interference -what if they repent after that -then what? -if The One increase their defiance and blasphemy? -then they become victimize by The One? -impossible! Endures -the same logic applies -The One could’t place enmity and hatred between them -the next sentence explained it -whenever they kindle the fire of war, The One extinguishes it -if The One placed enmity and hatred between them -why should The One extinguish the fire? 65. Had the Learned People been convinced and been honest, The One would have remitted their crimes, and admitted them into the Gardens of Bliss. 66. Had they observed the Torah, and the Injil, and what was revealed to them from their Regulator, they would have consumed amply from above them, and from beneath their feet. Among them is a moderate community, but wicked is what many of them are doing. 67. O Messenger, convey what was revealed to you from your Regulator. But if you do not, then you would not have delivered The One’s message. And The One To Serve/Allah will protect you from the people. The One To Serve/Allah does not guide the denying people. 68. Say, “O Learned People, you have no basis until you uphold the Torah, and the Injil, and what is revealed to you from your Regulator.” But what
  • 20. is revealed to you from your Regulator will increase many of them in rebellion and denial, so do not be sorry for the denying people. 69. Those who are convinced, and the Guided/AlYahud, and those who the people who Changed/Sabians, and the Helpers/AlNasara—whoever are convinced in The One To Serve/Allah and the End Day, and does what is right—they have nothing to fear, nor shall they grieve. 70. The One placed a trust/made a covenant with those bonded people, and The One sent to them messengers. Whenever a messenger came to them with what they did not desire, some of them they accused of lying, and others they put to death. Waw-Tha-Qaf = to place trust in any one, rely upon, bind. 71. They assumed there would be no punishment, so they turned blind and deaf. Then The One To Serve/Allah redeemed them, but then again many of them turned blind and deaf. But The One To Serve/Allah is seeing of what they do. Assumed no punishment? -from 2:47 -O bonded people! Remember My beneficence favour which I bestowed upon you, and I scattered preferred you over all the worlds. -the word is spelled Fa-Dad-Dad, changed to -Fa-Dad-Lam -Fa-Dad-Dad = to break/perforate/destroy, to separate/disperse/scatter/distribute, broke it up, silver, to make wide/ample/large/liberal, small number of men in a state of dispersion, calamity/misfortune, expose vices/faults or evil qualities/actions, to disgrace, put to shame, the daybreak/dawn because it exposes everything, white but not intensely so. -Fa-Dad-Lam = excel, distinguish, surpass, superior, gain/gift, bestow benefit/ bounty/ favour/ grace No punishment? -as the favoured nation they would escape punishment -they are denying The One is just and equitable 72. They are not convinced those who say, “The One To Serve/Allah is the Anointed One the son of Mariam.” But the Anointed One himself said, “O bonded people serve The One To Serve/Allah, my Regulator and your Regulator. Whoever associates others with The One To Serve/Allah, The One To Serve/Allah has forbidden him the garden, and his staying is the fire. The extremists have no saviors.” Another one of -yes, whenever you tell them one thing
  • 21. their sickness? -they believe the opposite 73. Certainly not convinced those who say, “The One To Serve/Allah is the third of three.” But there is nothing to serve except The One To Serve/Allah. If they do not refrain from what they say, a painful punishment will befall those among them who denies. Trinity? -in the bible there was nothing about trinity -Jesus has never said anything about trinity -only the Roman Catholic church propagates trinity 74. Will they not return to The One To Serve/Allah and ask The One’s forgiveness? The One To Serve/Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. 75. The Anointed One son of Mariam was only a Messenger, before whom other Messengers had passed away, and his mother was a woman of truth. They both used to eat food. Note how The One makes clear the revelations to them; then note how deluded they are. 76. Say, “Do you serve, besides The One To Serve/Allah, what has no power to harm or benefit you?” But The One To Serve/Allah — The One is the Hearer, the Knower. 77. Say, “O People of the Scripture, do not exaggerate in your way of life beyond the truth, and do not follow the opinions of people who went astray before, and misled many, and they strayed off the balanced way.” 78. Cursed were those who deny from among the bonded people by the tongue of Daud and Isa son of Mariam. That is because they rebelled and used to transgress.
  • 22. 79. They used not to prevent one another from the wrongs they used to commit. Evil is what they used to do. 80. You will see many of them take allies those who denied. Terrible is what their souls prompts them to do. The wrath of The One To Serve/Allah fell upon them, and in the torment they will remain. 81. Had they been convinced in The One To Serve/Allah and the Prophet, and in what was revealed to him, they would not have make them allies. But many of them are transgressors. 82. You will find that the people most hostile towards those who are convinced are the Guided/AlYahud and the polytheists. And you will find that the nearest in affection towards those who are convinced are those who say, “We are Helpers/Nasara.” That is because among them are priests and rahib, and they are not arrogant. 83. And when they hear what was revealed to the Messenger, you see their eyes overflowing with tears, as they recognize the truth in it. They say, “Our Regulator, we are convinced, so count us among the witnesses.” 84. “And why should we not convinced in The One To Serve/Allah, and in the truth that has come to us, and hope that our Regulator will include us among the honest people?”
  • 23. 85. The One To Serve/Allah will reward them for what they say—Gardens beneath which rivers flow, where they will stay. Such is the reward of the honest. 86. But as for those who denied and deceived The One’s evidences—these are the associates of the Fire. 87. O you who are convinced! Do not prohibit the good things The One To Serve/Allah has permitted for you, and do not commit aggression. The One To Serve/Allah does not love the aggressors. 88. And eat of the lawful and good things The One To Serve/Allah has provided for you, and be conscious of The One To Serve/Allah, in what you are convinced. 89. The One To Serve/Allah does not hold you accountable for your unintended oaths, but The One holds you accountable for your binding oaths. The atonement for it is by feeding ten needy people from the average of what you feed your families, or by clothing them, or by freeing a slave. Anyone who lacks the means shall abstain for three days. That is the atonement for breaking your oaths when you have sworn them. So keep your oaths. Thus The One To Serve/Allah makes clear The One’s Revelations to you, that you may be grateful. 90. O you who are convinced! Intoxicants, gambling, gifts to altars and divining arrow confuse greatly/are abominations of Sceptic mind’s doing. Avoid them, so that you may prosper. Ra-Jiim-Siin = to disgrace and defile, thunder, commit foul deeds, bellow loudly, become hated, something in which there is no good, state of commotion, confuse greatly, make a noise/sound, hinder/prevent, unclean/dirty/filthy, evil, something which is unlawful/forbidden, unbelief/infidelity/doubt. Jiim-Nun-Ba = To break or hit or hurt one's side, to lead one by his side, place or put a thing aside, to remove or send a thing far away or far off, estrange or alienate someone, descend and abode/settle as a stranger among people, to be remote/distant/far off/aloof from someone, shun or avoid someone, alienate or estrange oneself from someone, to be under the obligation of performing a total bath or ablution (by reason of sexual intercourse and semenal discharge), to be lateral or adjacent to someone or to a thing, walk by the side of another, to be gentle/compliant/easy to deal with, to be much of.
  • 24. 91. Sceptic mind wants to provoke strife and hatred among you through intoxicants and gambling, and to prevent you from the remembrance of The One To Serve/Allah, and from review/discussion. Will you not desist? 92. Obey The One To Serve/Allah and obey the Messenger, and be cautious. If you turn away—know that the duty of The One’s Messenger is clear communication. 93. Those who are convinced and do sincere works will not be blamed for what they may have eaten, provided they obey, and are convinced, and do productive works, then maintain consciousness and conviction, then remain honest and charitable. The One To Serve/Allah loves the charitable. 94. O you who are convinced! The One To Serve/Allah confers benefits for you with something of the game hunting your hands and weapons obtain, that The One To Serve/Allah may know who fears The One unseen. Whoever commits aggression after that will have a painful punishment. 95. O you who are convinced! Do not kill game hunting while you are forbidden/in ihram. Whoever of you kills any intentionally, its penalty shall be a domestic animal comparable to what he killed, as determined by two honest persons among you—as a guide/offering game has reached puberty by the ankle/the Kabah. Or he may atone by feeding the needy, or its equivalent in abstaining, so that he may taste the consequences of his conduct. The One To Serve/Allah forgives what is past. But whoever repeats, The One To Serve/Allah will take revenge on him. The One To Serve/Allah is Almighty, Owner of Retributions.
  • 25. Ba-Lam-Gh = Reaching, attaining, arriving, coming to the utmost point to which one directs one's course or one who seeks, pursues, desires, intends or tries to reach. Or the reaching, attaining or coming to a point. An event/time that is premeditated, intended, determined or appointed. Having an effect. Bringing, conveying or delivering communications, announcements, news or tidings. Exceeding usual, proper, ordinary just bounds/degrees, acting egregiously, immoderately or extravagantly. Striving, laboring, exerting power/efforts. Endeavors or ability. Employing oneself vigorously, strenuously, laboriously, earnestly with energy and effectiveness, taking pains or extraordinary pains, not flagging, to the utmost degree. Accomplishing, attaining to the utmost of one's power/ability or efforts/endeavors (e.g. in any affair). Sufficiency (e.g. means of subsistence), a thing that suffices, contents, enables one to attain what is sought, enough. A slanderer, one who conveys gossip or other peoples discourse to others. Calamity, misfortune, disaster, distress or affliction. Sharp, penetrating, eloquent and/or effective in speech. Firm covenants, in the utmost degree. Attaining or having attained puberty, virility, ripeness or maturity. Applied to either sexes. Good, excellent thing. Praise, eulogy or commendation. Place and/or time someone or something reaches, arrives, attains or comes to. The sum/amount/product resulting from subtraction, addition or multiplication. A sum of money Kaaf-Ayn-Ba = swell/prominent/protuberant/projection/budding (common examples include a woman's breasts), jointed-stem, fold, went away, joint/juncture/division of bones (more commonly the ankle bone), tarsus (in animals), swift, eminence/nobility/glory, anything elevated, square/cubic house/chamber, square-form, to hasten, to go away paying no regard to anything. Quote from Lane's lexicon: "a house or temple belonging to the tribe of Rabee'ah, who used to compass it, or perform circuits round it (as is done round the Kabbeh of Mekkeh)". Hans Wehr - Knot, knob, node (of cane); joint, articulation, ankles, anklebone; heel (of foot or shoe) ferule; die; cube; high rank, fame, glory, honor. Everything that the male of the form fa'lun (being the representation of the Cl. Arabic form in question, universally applied to all roots) can mean, so can the female (fa'latun or modernly and colloquially fa'lah), with the added meaning of emphasis that the feminization of the word gives; where it is clear that there could be intensification. The female form can be found in 5:95, 5:97. So different? -yes so much different from the contemporary -the refreshed version is based on linguistic -and hunter gatherer experience and knowledge What knowledge? -in the semi hunter gatherer community there is a rule in hunting -you only hunt the mature animals -the key to know the maturity of animals -through the ankle -mature animals have bald ankle -the ankle is not covered by their body hair -then they aged 2 years or above -you can safely hunt them and take them home 96. Permitted for you is the catch of sea, and its food—as sustenance for you and for travelers. But forbidden for you is the game hunting of the land while you are forbidden/in ihram. And fear The One To Serve/Allah, to whom you will be gathered. 97. The One To Serve/Allah has made the ankle/kabah as preventive thought/sacred house, a rule for the mankind, and the forbidden month, and as the guidance and the key. That you may know that The One To Serve/Allah knows everything in the universe and the earth, and that The One To Serve/Allah is Cognizant of all things. Ba-Ya-Ta =by/in/at night (excluding sleep), entered upon or passed the night. tent, house, home. Thinking about something and its end result. Concealed or conceived something in the mind. A structure of clay or any structure. signifying a habitation, an abode or dwelling. Buildings, uninhabited houses, shops, ruins, bazaars, places where the entering is allowed by the owners. Ark of Noh, Mosques, places of worship, Kaabeh or Jerusalem. A grave. Household or family. Nobility. Sudden attack in the night or a surprise attack in the night. Remaining through the night (e.g. bread or water that stays out and becomes stale) Qaf-Waw-Miim = stand still or firm, rose/stand up, managed/conducted/ordered/regulated/superintended, established, made it straight/right, maintain/erect/observe/perform, set up, people/community/company, abode, stature/dignity/rank. aqama - to keep a thing or an affair in a right state. Qaf-Lam-Dal = twisted/wound/wreathed a thing, rope, necklace, garland, collar, bracelet, to hang up (e.g. sword on belt), piece of skin, sandal. Irrigated, irrigated land. Lane's Lexicon on 5:2 - prefects or the like with offices of administration, permanent badge (of favour), authority, mode of order-giving, impose upon a thing. Management. Drown, to seize, close upon, cover. Key, phrase: "I threw to him the keys of the affairs" meaning "I committed to him disposal/management of the affairs", treasure, repository/store-room/treasury/magazine, the place of the suspended thing (e.g. neck, belt), a chief upon whom are imposed the affairs of the people. 98. Know that The One To Serve/Allah is severe in retribution, and that The One To Serve/Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
  • 26. 99. The Messenger’s sole duty is to convey. The One To Serve/Allah knows what you reveal and what you conceal. 100. Say: “The bad and the good are not equal, even though the abundance of the bad may impress you. So be conscious of The One To Serve/Allah, O you who possess intelligence, that you may succeed.” 101. O you who are convinced! Do not ask about things that would trouble you if disclosed to you. But if you were to ask about them while the Quran is being revealed, they will become obvious to you. The One To Serve/Allah forgives that. The One To Serve/Allah is Forgiving and Clement. 102. A people before you asked about them, but then came to reject them. 103. The One To Serve/Allah did not institute the superstitions of camel dedicated to idols/Bahirah, liberation of domestic animals to pasture and prohibiting slaughter in honour of idols/Saibah, animals selected on number of offsprings and sex/Wasilah, or of jealeousy and anger/Hami; but the deniers fabricate lies about The One To Serve/Allah—most of them do not understand. Ba-Ha-Ra =Slit, cut, divide lengthwise, split, enlarge or make wide. A vast expanse of water (Ocean, sea, huge river). A fleet swift horse called because of its speed like the rolling of the waves in the sea. A generous man who is ample in his generosity. Wide tract of land, land belonging to or inhabited by people. Any town, village or city that has a running river or a body of water. Low or depressed land. A large meadow or garden. A place where water stagnates. Seaman, sailor. "Bahira" (a camel dedicated to idols, 5:103) Siin-Ya-Ba = to wander at random, be set free to pasture. saibatun (from saba) - it ran by itself and wandered at random and was set free to pasture. It signifies any domestic beast left to pasture without attention. Liberation of certain domestic animals to pasture and prohibiting their use or slaughter in honour of idols was a practice the Arabs in pre-Islamic days. They were selected mainly on the basis of the number, sex and sequence of their springs. According to some the animal set free was to be the mother of a bahirah an animal which had brought forth females at successive births. Waw-Saad-Lam = attain, reach, connect, apply, make close, to come/deliver/convey, to continue, union (of companions/friends/lovers). Yasilu (imp. 3rd. p. m. sing.): He goes, reaches. Tasilu (imp. 3rd. p. f. sing.): She goes; reaches. Yasluuna (imp. 3rd. p. m. plu.): They jom. Yuusalu (pip. 3rd p. m. sing.): Is to be joined. Wassalnaa (prf. 1st. p. plu. II): We have caused to reach, have been sending uninterrupted. Wasiilatun (n.) Certain kinds of cattle (marked out by superstition and set aside from the use). Certain categories of domestic animals (which the pre-Islamic Arabs used to dedicate to their various deities by prohibiting their use or slaughter), selected mainly on the bases of their number of offspring and the sex and sequence of the offspring (5:103). Ha-Miim-Ya = To protect/prohibit/guard/defend against encroachment/attack. A thing prohibited, prohibit a thing. Vehement/angry, it was/became hot (e.g. day, oven), disdain/scorn/indignation/jealousy/anger, to be ashamed, refuse to bear/endure/tolerate wrongful treatment. 104. And when it is said to them, “Come to what The One To Serve/Allah has revealed, and to the Messenger,” they say, “Sufficient for us is what we found our forefathers upon.” Even if their forefathers knew nothing, and were not guided?
  • 27. 105. O you who are convinced! You are responsible for your own self. He who has strayed cannot harm you if you are guided. To The One To Serve/Allah is you return, all of you, and The One will inform you of what you used to do. 106. O you who are convinced! When death approaches one of you, let two reliable persons from among you act as witnesses to the making of a will, or two persons from another people if you are travelling in the land and the event of death approaches you. Engage them after the review/discussion; and if you have doubts, let them swear by The One To Serve/Allah, “We will not sell our testimony for any price, even if it was a near relative; nor will we hide the testimony of The One To Serve/Allah, for then we would be sinners.” 107. If it is discovered that they are guilty of perjury: let two others take their place, two from among those responsible for the claim, and have them swear by The One To Serve/Allah, “Our testimony is more truthful than their testimony, and we will not be biased, for then we would be extremists.” 108. That makes it more likely that they will give true testimony, fearing that their oaths might be contradicted by subsequent oaths. So fear The One To Serve/Allah, and listen. The One To Serve/Allah does not guide the transgressing people. 109. On the Day when The One To Serve/Allah will gather the messengers, then say, “What response were you given?” They will say, “We have no knowledge, it is you who are the Knower of the unseen.”
  • 28. 110. When The One To Serve/Allah will say, “O Isa son of Mariam, recall My favor upon you and upon your mother, how I supported you with the pure inspiration. You spoke to the people to work for oneself/in a cradle until you are about 60 years old/maturity from the crib. How I taught you the Scripture and wisdom, and the Torah and the Injil. And recall you design things from clay to do things to hasten and I start its existence/like the form of a bird and breath into it and it become a bird with my consent. And you healed the blind and the leprous, by My leave; and you give subsistence to the destitute, by My leave. And recall that I restrained the bonded people from you when you brought them the clear proof. But those who deniers among them said, `This is nothing but obvious sorcery.' Ra-Waw-Ha =Raha - To go or do a thing at evening. Violently windy; good or pleasant wind. Become cool or pleasant [by means of the wind]. Become brisk, lively sprightly, active, agile, or quick [as though one felt the wind and was refreshed by it]. Rawahun - he went, journeyed, worked, or did a thing in the evening [or any time of the night or day], or in the afternoon (declining of the sun from its meridian until night). Ruhun - Soul, spirit, vital principle, breath which a man breathes and pervades his whole body. Inspiration or divine revelation [since it is like the vital principle is to the body and quickens man]. Qaf-Dal-Siin = to be pure, holy, spotless. qudusun - purity, sanctity, holiness. al quddus - the holy one, one above and opposite to all evil, replete with positive good. muqaddas - sacred. An earthen or wooden pot. Miim-ha-Dal = To make a place or thing plain or even or smooth, to prepare or establish, to gain or earn, seek to gain, to work for oneself, to spread or be spread (namely a bed). Kaf-ha-Lam = To reach old mature age, be full-grown, be of the age when a person’s hair becomes intermixed with hoariness, be of the age between thirty and sixty years or of middle age. Alif-Ya-Waw = sign, apparent sign, mark, indication, message, evidence, proof, miracle, communication, verse of The Quran. It properly signifies any apparent thing inseparable from a thing not equally apparent so that when one perceives the former, he perceives the other which he cannot perceive by itself. Kh-Lam-Qaf = To measure or proportion a thing, to form or make according to proper measure, bring into existence according to a certain measure, originate or produce after a pattern or model which one has devised, bring into existence from a state of non-existence (create out of nothing), to fabricate or forge a speech or saying, to make a thing equitable or even, make a thing smooth, to be probable or likely to happen (or likely to be or happen, or to have happened or been), act towards someone according to that person's nature, wear out a thing and make it old, to be fit/ competent/ suitable/ proper, to be complete or perfect in respect of make or proportion, have an innate/natural disposition/temperament/quality. Tay-Ya-Nun = to plaster with clay or mud, clay/mud. Ha-Waw-Ta (Ha-Alif-Ta) = To fly about, prowl around. To go or circuit round about a thing, to strive or endeavour to turn a person, entice a person to turn from a thing, strive or endeavour to beguile a person, strive or contend with a person to repel him, consult a person, consult with a person. Ha-Ya-Ya = (a doubly imperfect verb) To live, be alive, be ashamed, spend (the night) awake, fertilize the earth, keep anyone alive; spare any one, let anyone alive, remove prudency, modesty and shamefulness, make immodest, To be in good condition, have the means of subsistence, to be apparent or distinct, have prolonged or preserved life, free from evil or harm, have dominion, be honored, receive benefit, to salute, to enliven/revive/give life to, to nourish, vivify/re-vivify/revive/resuscitate, endue/quicken with life, (said of land) to be tilled and made productive, to remain awake, to shrink from a thing, to forbear, to feel or have a sense of or be moved or affected with shame/shyness/bashfulness, be ashamed/shy of doing a thing, disdain or scorn a thing, abstain from a thing/refuse to do it. Tay-Ya-Ra = flew, hasten to it, outstripped, become foremost, fled, love, become attached, famous, conceive, scatter/disperse, fortune. Nun-Fa-Kha = to blow with the mouth, breathe. to it, ‘Be,’ and it evolved.” Kaf-Waw-Nun (Kaf-Alif-Nun) = To be, exist, happen, occur, take place, become, be such or so, originated. makaan - side, abode, purpose, status, way, condition. makaanatun - place, way, purpose, intention, condition, ability, place of existence or being. Ba-Ra-Alif = became/was clear/free of a thing, to quit it, become irresponsible for it, guiltless of it, remove oneself from a thing, kept far or aloof (e.g. from unclean things), state of freedom/immunity/security/safety. Convalescent/sound/healthy, cure/heal, recover/restore. Create/produce, former/fashioner. He compounded or made a compromise with him for their mutual separation. Mankind/creation/beings/things that are created. Kaf-Miim-ha = one who is blind 111. “And when I inspired the disciples: `Are you convinced in Me and in My Messenger.' They said, `We are convinced, so bear witness that we are peaceful.'“
  • 29. 112. “And when the disciples said, 'O Isa son of Mariam is your Regulator able to bring down for us a feast from above?' He said, 'Fear The One To Serve/Allah, if you are convinced.'“ Miim-Ya-Dal = To be shaken, moved, agitated, spread, give food. It was/became in a state of motion or commotion. Was/Became agitated: in a state or violent motion or commotion; or violently agitated. Turn/Twist about. Become contorted and convulsed. Quivered, trembled. Confound, perplex, amazed. Inclining from side to side. Confer bestow benefit/s or favor/s. Ma-idatan (2x) - A table with food upon it. From m-y-d "it was in a state of motion" as the table moved about from what was on it. Or m-y-d "he brought wheat or food" since food is brought on it. Or m-y-d "he gave" because what is this called given by the owner to the people [who are to eat]. Table spread, table with food upon it, food. Knowledge, because knowledge is the spiritual food. 113. They said, “We wish to eat from it, so that our hearts may be reassured, and know that you have told us the truth, and be among those who witness it.” Alif-Kaf-Lam = swallowing food after chewing, means of subsistence, devoured/consumed, fed/supplied, to eat/gnaw, things to be eaten, eatables. Tay-Miim-Alif-Nun = to rest from, rely upon, bend down, still, a thing quiet, tranquillize. itma'anna (vb. 4) - to be quiet, rest securely in, satisfied by, be free from disquieted, in tranquillity, secure from danger. mutma'innun - one who rests securely, enjoys peace and quiet, contend and satisfaction, rests at ease, is peaceful. itmi'naan - he was in a state of quietness and tranquillity. 114. Isa son of Mariam said, “O The One To Serve/Allah, our Regulator, send down for us a table from the sky, to be a festival for us, for the first of us, and the last of us, and an indicator from You; and provide for us, You are the Best of providers.” 115. The One To Serve/Allah said, “if I send it down to you whoever among you who deny thereafter, I will punish him with a punishment the like of which I never punish among the known world.” Did it happen? -I doubt it -The One said ‘if I send it down” -The One never did send down the feast -the penalty for denying is too great 116. And The One To Serve/Allah will say, “O Isa son of Mariam, did you say to the people, `Take me and my mother as two to serve rather than The One To Serve/Allah?” He will say, “You are The Performer! It is not for me to say what I have no right to. Had I said it, you would have known it. You know what is in my self, and I do not know what is in yourself. You are the Knower of the hidden.
  • 30. 117. I only told them what You commanded me: that you shall serve The One To Serve/Allah, my Regulator and your Regulator. And I was a witness over them while I was among them, but when You took me to Yourself, you became the Watcher over them; for You are a Witness over everything. 118. If You punish them, they are Your servants; but if You forgive them, You are the Mighty and Wise.” 119. The One To Serve/Allah will say, “This is a Day when the truthful will benefit from their truthfulness.” They will have Gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they will remain forever. The One To Serve/Allah is pleased with them, and they are pleased with The One. That is the great attainment. 120. To The One To Serve/Allah belongs the dominion of the universe and the earth and what lies in them, and The One has power over everything. For any enquiries: