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In the reality of The One To Serve/Allah The Beneficient the Ever Giving.
1. Do you not know.
Alif-Lam-Miim = in pain, suffered pain, express pain/grief/sorrow, lament
Back to Law of Inquisitive?
-expressing an analysis of the merits and faults of a work
-critical thinking, evaluative
-analytical, interpretative
-expository, inference
-explanation, self-regulation
-open-mindedness, problem-solving
Instigate the rational -yes, do not follow the flock
Mind -majority of people will lead you astray from being productive
2. The One To Serve/Allah, there is none to serve but The One, the Ever
Living, the Eternal.
The realities of The One -none to serve but The One
-the Ever Living, the Eternal
The Ever Living -what you need to do is harness The ENERGY
The Eternal -be productive
-The One will always be there for you
-providing everything
-some you harness voluntarily
-some you harness involuntarily, without you knowing
-how wonderful could it be
-but some refuse to harness voluntarily
-expecting silver platter treatment
3. The One sent down to you the book with the Facts, confirming what
came before it; and The One sent down the Torah and the Injil.
The contents -sent down to you the book with the facts/data
-confirming what came before it
-The One sent down the Torah and the Injil
Moral? -those are books from The One
-other book has been published
-full with facts and data, guidance for humanity
-if they follow the book they will prosper
4. Graciously accept/from before it as guidance for mankind; and The One
sent down the Standard/Critereon. Those who have rejected The One To
Serve/Allah’s evidences/verses will have severe difficulties. The One To
Serve/Allah prevails with retribution.
Qaf-Ba-Lam = to accept/admit/receive/agree, meet anyone, to face/encounter someone/something, advance/approach, correspond, counteract/ compare/
requite/ compensate, the front part (12:26), accept with approval, show favour.
Ayn-Thal-Ba = chastisement, castigate, punishment, torture, torment, retribution, abstain/desist (e.g. from eating due to excessive thirst), relinquish, quit. To
deny a thing, hinder anyone from, be inaccessible, prevent. adhb - palatable, sweet (usually water), e.g. 25:53, 35:12.
Alif-Ya-Waw = sign, apparent sign, mark, indication, message, evidence, proof, miracle, communication, verse of The Quran. It properly signifies any apparent
thing inseparable from a thing not equally apparent so that when one perceives the former, he perceives the other which he cannot perceive by itself.
Shiin-Dal-Dal = to bind tightly, strap, strengthen firmly, run, establish, make firm, hard, strong, be advanced (day), be intense. ushdud - harden, strengthen.
shadiid (pl. shidaad & ashidda'u - great, firm, strict, vehement, strong, violent, severe, mighty, terrible, stern, grievous, miserly, niggardly. (adj. of the forms fa'iil
and fiaal are used indifferently for both m. and f.): ashuddun: age of full strength, maturity. ishtadda (vb. 8) - to act with violence, become hard.
Ayn-Zay-Zay = mighty/potent/powerful/strong, noble/ honourable/ glorious, resisted/withstood, invincible, overcome (in argument), exalt, prevail, highly
esteemed, precious, glory, vanity, excellent, proud and hard manner, stern.
Nun-Qaf-Miim = to punish, accuse, develop hate, revenge, persecute, find fault, disapprove, dislike with tongue or punishment.
The contents -accept it as guidance for mankind, sent down the Standard
-who rejected The One’s evidences will have severe difficulties
Moral? -how could you reject the book of logic
-you can’t reject the book of logic, you will be doom to fail
-severe difficulties mean horrific life
-as retribution for you act, law of requital
The One do not punish? -law of requital is the form of punishment from The One
-but you do it upon yourself
Ok, now I get it -it’s not The One want to punish you, you want to punish yourself
-that’s why The One says “accordingly”
-The One set the Law of Universe in it there is law of requital
-because The One created the universe in equilibrium
5. Nothing is hidden from The One To Serve/Allah, on earth or in the
Contents -nothing is hidden from The One on earth or in the universe
I believe I know -yes, The One is ENERGY
-ENERGY revolves in everything therefore, nothing is hidden
6. It is The One who forms you in the wombs accordingly. There is none to
serve except The One, the Almighty the Wise.
Contents -forms you in the wombs accordingly
-none to serve except The One The Almighty the Wise
Enlighten me -human started with fertilization in of female egg in the womb
-fertilization takes place in the fallopian tubes
-when a sperm cell successfully meets an egg cell
-this newly fertilized cell is called a zygote
-formed with the existence of ENERGY in the sperm and egg
-without ENERGY, no existence of human
7. It is The One who revealed to you the Book. Some of its verses are
definitive/absolutely clear; they are the foundation of the Book, and
others are unspecific/allegorical. As for those in whose hearts is
deviation, they follow the unspecific part, seeking descent, and seeking
to derive an interpretation. But none knows its interpretation except The
One To Serve/Allah and those firmly rooted in knowledge. Say “We are
convinced in it; all is from our Regulator.” But none recollects except
those with understanding.
Ha-Kaf-Miim = To restrain from, exercise authority, command, give judgment, judge, be wise. To restrain/prevent/withhold a person from acting in an evil or
corrupt manner, to judge or give judgement, pass sentence, decide judicially, exercise judicial authority/jurisdiction/rule/dominion/government, order or ordain
or decree a thing, to be wise, to be sound in judgement, possess knowledge or science and wisdom, render a thing firm/stable/sound/free from defect or imperfection by
the exercise of skill.
Shiin-Ba-ha = to be like, to resemble/assimilate/liken/imitate, to compare one thing with another due to an attribute connecting them or is common to them:
can be real or ideal - real: "this dollar is like this dollar" ideal: "John is like the lion/ass (i.e. strength/stupidity)", appear like another thing,
ambiguous/dubious/obscure, comparison/similitude/parable/simile, co similar, resemble (in quality or attributes), conformable.
Ra-Siin-Kha = to be firm, stable, rooted, established. rasikh - deeply versed, firmly established, well grounded.
Contents -the Revelation some verses are definitive
-they are the foundation of the Book
-others are allegorical-requires further understanding
-those in whose hearts is deviation
-they follow the unspecific part, seeking confusion
-none knows its interpretation except The One
-and those firmly rooted in knowledge
-we are convinced in it; all is from our Regulator
-none recollects except those with understanding
Learn from the learned -invoke The One to increase your knowledge
-learn from those with knowledge to understand the Revelation
Remember these -Law of Nature -by Revelation, natural cycle, observation and thinking
-Law of Food -by Revelation, needs and thinking
-Law of animal -by Revelation, observation, testing and thinking
-Law of hunting -by Revelation, casualties, preservation and thinking
-Law of husbandry -by Revelation, observation, testing and thinking
-Law of vegetation -by Revelation, observation, testing and thinking
-Law of farming -by Revelation, observation, testing and thinking
-Law of cooking -by Revelation, experiment and thinking
-Law of drinking -by Revelation, experiment and thinking
-Law of Science -by Revelation, natural cycle, observation and thinking
-Law of physics -by Revelation, natural cycle, observation and thinking
-Law of chemistry -by Revelation, natural cycle, observation and thinking
-Law of biology -by Revelation, natural cycle, observation and thinking
-Law of tools -by Revelation, observation and thinking
-Law of machine -by Revelation, observation and thinking
-Law of Garments -by Revelation, experience and necessities and thinking
-Law of decor -by Revelation, natural cycle by observation/thinking
-Law of arts -by Revelation, natural cycle by observation/thinking
-Law of leisure -by Revelation, natural cycle by observation/thinking
-Law of Habitat -by Revelation, observation and thinking
-Law of land -by Revelation, observation and thinking
-Law of staying -by Revelation, experiment and thinking
-Law of burial -by Revelation, natural cycle, observation and thinking
-Law of Psychology -by Revelation, natural cycle, observation and thinking
-Law of hygiene -by Revelation, observation and thinking
-Law of giving -by Revelation, experience and thinking
-Law of writing -by Revelation, testing and thinking
-Law of reading -by Revelation, testing and thinking
-Law of science -by Revelation, testing, experiment and thinking
-Law of staying -by Revelation, testing, experiment and thinking
-Law of Sociology -by Revelation, testing, experiment and thinking
-Law of communal -by Revelation, testing, experiment and thinking
-Law of urban -by Revelation, testing, experiment and thinking
-Law of disputes -by Revelation and thinking
-Law of war -by Revelation and thinking
-Law of civilisation -by Revelation, thinking and thinking
-Law of Requital -by Revelation and statutory enactment
Any more? -yes a lot more
-many more field of studies
-you can’t explain Al-Quran without knowing these field of studies
-reason Al-Quran has been explained in a hilarious interpretation
-the interpreters do not have the knowledge
8. “Our Regulator, do not cause our hearts to swerve after You have guided
us, and bestow on us mercy from Your presence; You are the Bestower.”
Contents -invoking our Regulator
-do not cause our hearts to swerve
-after You have guided us
-bestow on us mercy from Your presence
-You are the Bestower
Why invoke The One? -invoking The One is one way to protect ourself
-we human need to be reminded
-way to a productive life
-do not sway by Instinctive/Sceptic mind
-not using neo-cortex
-deviate from a productive way of life
9. “Our Regulator, indeed, You will gather mankind on a day in which there
is no doubt.” The One To Serve/Allah will never break The One’s promise.
Contents -our Regulator
-You will gather mankind on a day
-in which there is no doubt
-The One never break promise
Day of Requital -yes day of requital
-all actions made by human will be accounted
-punishment and reward will be given accordingly
The One do punish? -law of requital is the form of punishment from The One
-but you do it upon yourself
Ok, now I get it -it’s not that The One want to punish you
-you want to punish yourself
-that’s why The One says “accordingly”
-The One set the Law of Universe
-in it there is law of requital
-because The One created the universe in equilibrium
10. As for those who denies, neither their wealth nor their children will avail
them anything against The One To Serve/Allah. They will be fuel for the
Contents -deniers neither their wealth nor their children
-will avail them anything against The One
-these will be fuel for war
Please decipher -one is not responsible for the other’s action
-law of requital
-none can help you in the Hereafter
-forget about the shafa’at and whatever
-created by the mullah and ullama
11. Like the behavior of wicked people and those before them. They rejected
The One’s evidences, so The One To Serve/Allah is observence. The One
To Serve/Allah is strict in consequences.
Thal-Nun-Ba = to track, make a tale, add apendix, follow closely, become spotted. Commit offence, fault, sin, wrong, act of disobedience, transgression.
Ayn-Qaf-Ba = to succeed, take the place of, come after, strike on the heel, come at the heel, follow anyone closely. aqqaba - to endeavour repeatedly, return,
punish, requitt, retrace one's step. aqab - to die, leave offsprings, give in exchange. aqabatun - place hard to ascent. uqbun - success. ta'aqqaba - to take careful
information, shout, follow step by step. aqub - heel, son, grandson, offspring, pivot, axis. uqba - requital, result, reward, end, success. iqab (pl. aqubat) -
punishment after sin, one who puts off or reverses, who looks at the consequence or result of the affair. mu'aqqibat - who succeed each other, some thing that
comes immediately after another thing or succeeds another thing without interruption. It is a double plural feminine of mu'aqqib. The plural feminine form
indicates the frequency of the deeds, since in Arabic the feminine form is sometimes employed to impart emphasis and frequency.
Contents -wicked people
-rejected The One’s evidences
-The One follow closely
Results -The One To Serve/Allah is severe in consequences
-the deniers faced their entropy
-recall 2:49
And recall that The One delivered you from the wicked people. They inflicted terrible persecution on you,
killing your sons and sparing your women. Therein you disregard of your Regulator tremendously.
-recall 2:50
And recall that The One depart the body of water for you, so The One saved you, and The One drowned
the wicked people of as you looked on.
What is The One’s -ok, do you know before Musa took the bonded away?
evidence? -signs & evidence were plenty for the wicked Firaun to heed?
-So The One let loose upon them the flood, and the locusts, and the lice, and the frogs, and blood—all
explicit evidences—but they were too arrogant. They were a criminal people.
Whenever a plague befell them, they would say, “O Musa, pray to your Regulator for us, according to the
covenant The One made with you. If you lift the plague from us, we are convinced in you, and let the
Mentally bonded/religous people/Israel go with you
But when The One lifted the plague from them, for a term they were to fulfill, they broke their promise.
-7:136 So The One took retribution on them, and drowned them in the water—because they rejected The
One’s evidences, and paid no heed to them.
-7:137 And The One made the oppressed people inherit the eastern and western parts of the earth, which
The One had blessed. Thus the fair promise of your Regulator to the bonded was fulfilled, because of their
endurance. And The One destroyed what the wicked and his people had built, and what they had harvested.
That’s the evidence! -yes, that is the evidence
-if you noticed in the modern times now
-mass movements of animals before cataclysmic event happen
-the water movements were due to massive earth crust movement
12. Say to those who deny, “You will be defeated, and banished into burning
fire—a place you seek.”
Contents -the deniers will be defeated
-banished into burning fire, a place they seeked
I’m confused -law of retribution, they chosed unproductive ways
-they drove themselves into severe difficulties
-the negative effect from being unproductive
-eg. war in Ukraine, the Ukrainians were asking for it
-now they suffer the torment of burning fire of war
How about hell -in this verse The One did not talk about being judge
and hereafter? -as in the day of judgement
-The One talks straight to retribution
-so it must be burning fire on this earth
Still confused -look at the story in the next verse
-The One still talk about war
Ok, got it -open up your mind, do not clog up your logical faculty
-you have filled up your mind with the myth and legend of old
-you will get there
13. There was an indicator for you in the side that saw the other on top of a
hill. One party fighting in the way of The One To Serve/Allah, and the
other party was the deniers which perceived them with their own eyes
twice the number and The One To Serve/Allah supports with The One
help whomever accordingly. In that is a lesson for those with insight.
Miim-Tha-Lam = Stand erect, mutilate or castrate (namely a sheep or goat), to set up a thing, affect to be like or to imitate a thing, apply a proverb, apply a
thing proverbially, be nearly in a sound or healthy state, near to convalescence, obey/follow a command or order, to resemble, be of likeness or equivalent.
Contents -the deniers saw them twice their number
-The One supports with help accordingly
-a lesson for those with insight
?? -the deniers saw the convinced on top of a hill
-they saw the front row formation
-they perceived there are second/third rows formation and so on
-they perceived there twice the numbers of opponent
-they left fearing defeat
14. Adorned for the people is the love of desires, such as women, and
children, and piles upon piles of gold and silver, and branded horses, and
livestock, and fields. These are the conveniences of the worldly life, but
with The One is the best home coming.
Contents -love of desires of women, children, piles of gold and silver
-branded cattle, livestock and fields
Morals? -they loved the unproductive things in life
-nowadays money, women, cars, properties
15. Say, “Shall I inform you of something better than that? For those who are
secured, with their Regulator are gardens beneath which rivers flow,
where they will remain, and purified spouses, and acceptance from The
One To Serve/Allah.” The One To Serve/Allah is Observant of the
Waw-Qaf-Ya = to protect, save, preserve, ward off, guard against evil and calamity, be secure, take as a shield, regard the duty. muttaqii - one who guard
against evil and against that which harms and injures and is regardful of his duty towards human beings and God.
Ta-Qaf-Ya = to fear, be cautious, guarded, prepared, preserve, forethoughtful, fearntial & pious fear (of God), honest/virtuous/just/honest. see Waw-Qaf-Ya
Contents -something better than that
-gardens beneath which rivers flow
-they will remain, purified spouses
-acceptance from The One
?? -those with high productivity and knowledge
-will have the prosperities and good life
-they will earn the output from their productivity
16. Those who say, “Our Regulator, we are convinced, so protect us from our
offence, and save us from the suffering of war.”
Contents -first you will ask by invoking
-forgive us our sins, save us from the suffering of the war
Then? -you will work towards it
-then The One is the source of everything
17. The patient, and the truthful, and the wholehearted, and the charitable,
and the seekers of protection before dawn.
Contents -the patient, the truthful, the fearnt, the charitable
-the seekers of protection before dawn
?? -solah before start the day
-the characters mentioned are of those who carry out solah
18. The One To Serve/Allah bears witness that there is none to serve but The
One, as do the Powerful Agents, and those endowed with knowledge—
upholding justice. There is none to serve but The One, the Mighty the
Contents -the oath of those who are convinced
-The One bears witness none to serve but The One
-as the Powerful Agents, those endowed with knowledge and
-upholding justice -none to serve but The One
??? -The One is the source of everything
-law of nature = product of ENERGY
-those with knowledge=The Messengers, teachers
-they know of the existence of The One=Energy
19. The way of life with The One To Serve/Allah is peaceful. Those to whom
the Scripture was given differed only after knowledge came to them, out
of envy among themselves. Whoever rejects the evidences of The One
To Serve/Allah — The One To Serve/Allah is quick to take account.
Contents -the way of life=peaceful
-differed after knowledge came to them
-out of envy among themselves
-rejects the evidences of The One
Moral? -dispute will occur once knowledge is given
-egotistical behavior, using emotion part of the brain
-law of requital will prevail
Law of -law of Conservation of Energy
thermodynamics -Energy, can neither be created nor destroyed
-can only be transferred, changed form to another
-Energy, exists in many forms
20. If they argue with you, say, “I am peaceful with The One To Serve/Allah,
and those who follow me.” And say to those who were given the
Scripture, and to the unlearned, “Are you peaceful?” If they are peaceful,
then they are guided, but if they turn away, then your duty is to convey.
The One To Serve/Allah is seeing of the servants.
Contents -if people argue say ‘I am peaceful with The One=Energy’
Moral? -do not argue with them
-the universe is created in equilibrium
-it will find the equilibrium in due time, it’s called the law of requital
-everything will balance itself
-we have learnt from the law of thermodynamic
Law of thermodynamics -law of Conservation of Energy
-Energy, can neither be created nor destroyed
-can only be transferred, changed form to another
-Energy, exists in many forms
The learned -those without knowledge will have a hard time in their life
21. As for those who defy The One To Serve/Allah’s revelations, and kill the
prophets unjustly, and kill those who advocate justice among the people,
promise them grief suffering.
Ayn-Thal-Ba = chastisement, castigate, punishment, torture, torment, retribution, abstain/desist (e.g. from eating due to excessive thirst), relinquish, quit. To
deny a thing, hinder anyone from, be inaccessible, prevent. adhb - palatable, sweet (usually water)
Alif-Lam-Miim = in pain, suffered pain, express pain/grief/sorrow, lament
Deniers -who defy The One’s revelations
-kill the prophets unjustly, kill those who advocate justice
-promise them a painful retribution
Law of retribution -the universe is created in equilibrium
-it will find the equilibrium in due time
-it’s called the law of requital, everything will balance itself
-we have learnt from the law of thermodynamic
Law of thermodynamics -law of Conservation of Energy
-Energy, can neither be created nor destroyed
-can only be transferred, changed form to another
-Energy, exists in many forms
22. They are those whose deeds will come to nothing, in this world and in
the End Day and they will have no saviors.
Contents -deed of the deniers will come to nothing
-in this world, in the End Day they will have no saviors
Law of retribution -the universe is created in equilibrium
-it will find the equilibrium in due time
-it’s called the law of requital everything will balance itself
-we have learnt from the law of thermodynamic
Law of thermodynamics -law of Conservation of Energy
-Energy, can neither be created nor destroyed
-can only be transferred, changed form to another
-Energy, exists in many forms
23. Have you not considered those who were given a share of the Scripture,
as they were called to the Scripture of The One To Serve/Allah to
arbitrate between them; then some of them turned back, and declined?
Contents -the learned people
-given a share of the Scripture
-they were called to the Scripture
-to arbitrate between them
-some of them turned back
The deniers -will face law of retribution
Law of retribution -the universe is created in equilibrium
-it will find the equilibrium in due time
-it’s called the law of requital
-everything will balance itself
-we have learnt from the law of thermodynamic
Law of thermodynamics -law of Conservation of Energy
-Energy, can neither be created nor destroyed
-can only be transferred, changed form to another
-Energy, exists in many forms
24. As because they said, “The fire will not touch us except for a limited
number of days.” They have been misled in their way of life by the lies
they fabricated.
The learned people -given a share of the Scripture
-they were called to the Scripture
-to arbitrate between them
-some of them turned back, declined
-the war will touch us little, misled by lies, unproductive life
Law of retribution -the universe is created in equilibrium
-it will find the equilibrium in due time
-it’s called the law of requital
-everything will balance itself
-we have learnt from the law of thermodynamic
Law of thermodynamics -law of Conservation of Energy
-Energy, can neither be created nor destroyed
-can only be transferred, changed form to another
-Energy, exists in many forms
25. How about when The One gather them on a Day in which there is no
doubt, and each soul will be paid in full for what it has earned, and they
will not be wronged?
The One -gather on the Day of Resurrection
-paid in full for what it has earned, they will not be wronged
Law of retribution -fairness concept, you deserve what you get
and requital -you will get what you deserve
26. Say, “O The One To Serve/Allah, Owner of Sovereignty. You grant
sovereignty accordingly, and You strip sovereignty accordingly. You
honor accordingly, and You let go accordingly. In Your power is all
goodness. You are Capable of all things.”
The One is capable -The Energy of the whole universe and beyond
-all matters come from Energy
-ENERGY provides power to those who harness it
-ENERGY provides good things to humanity who harness it
27. “You merge the night into the day, and You merge the day into the night;
and you bring the living out of the dead, and You bring the dead out of
the living; and you provide for accordingly with no miserly.”
The One -The Energy
-day and night cycle, study the cycle
-birth and death cycle
Action Potential -ENERGY that starts the whole thing
28. Those convinced not to accept the deniers to be close or the convinced
be indebted/instead of. Whoever does that have nothing to do with The
One To Serve/Allah at all unless to protect your own selves against
them. The One To Serve/Allah warns you to beware of The One. To The
One To Serve/Allah is the destiny.
Alif-Kha-Dhal = to take in one's hand, received/acquired, derived/deduced/admitted, accepted, accept a covenant, affected/influenced, overpowering influence,
take captive, gain mastery, slew/destroy, captivate/fascinate.
Waw-Lam-Ya = to be close, near, follow, be up to.
Miim-Nun-Nun = To confer or bestow a benefit or favour to someone, to be bountiful or beneficent or gratuitous, to be reasonable (too reasonable to do that
which is deemed bad), min often means some of or among, min can be used in the sense of fi meaning in or on.
Dal-Ya-Nun = obedience/submissiveness, servility, religion, high/elevated/noble/glorious rank/condition/state, took/receive a loan or borrowed upon credit,
become indebted, in debt, under the obligation of a debt, contract a debt, repay/reimburse a loan, rule/govern/manage it, possess/own it, become
habituated/accustomed to something, confirmation, death (because it is a debt everyone must pay), a particular law/statute, system, custom/habit/business,
a way/course/manner of conduct/acting, repayment/compensation.
Waw-Qaf-Ya = to protect, save, preserve, ward off, guard against evil and calamity, be secure, take as a shield, regard the duty. muttaqii - one who guard
against evil and against that which harms and injures and is regardful of his duty towards human beings and God.
The convinced -not be close with the deniers
-nothing to do with The One
-The One warns you
-The One is the destiny
??? -do not get close to unproductive people
-these people will use you and lead you astray
-do not be indebted to them
-will not lead to a peaceful life
29. Say, “Whether you conceal what is in your hearts, or disclose it, The One
To Serve/Allah knows it.” The One knows everything in the heavens and
the earth. The One To Serve/Allah is Powerful over everything.
People -conceal/disclose your hearts, The One knows
-The One knows everything
-in heavens and earth
-The One Powerful over everything
??? -ENERGY revolves in everything
30. On the Day when every soul finds all the good it has done presented.
And as for the evil it has done, it will wish there were a great distance
between them. The One To Serve/Allah cautions you of The One’s. The
One To Serve/Allah is Kind towards the servants.
People -day of requital
The final entropy?-law of retribution
-those who transgress will pay the price
31. Say, “If you love The One To Serve/Allah, and then follow me, and The
One To Serve/Allah will love you, and will forgive you your wrongs.” The
One To Serve/Allah is Protecting and Merciful.
Gh-Fa-Ra = protect, cover over, hide, shield, helmet, forgive, pardon, to ask for protection/ forgiveness.
Thal-Nun-Ba = to track, make a tale, add apendix, follow closely, become spotted.
Commit offence, fault, sin, wrong, act of disobedience, transgression.
Contents -those who love The One
-follow messenger
-The One will love you
-forgive you your wrongs
-The One Forgiving and Merciful
How is that so? -we should love and appreciate the ENERGY
-express our gratitude by harnessing the ENERGY
-be productive in our daily life
-be peaceful and prosperous
32. Say, “Obey The One To Serve/Allah and the Messenger.” But if they turn
away— The One To Serve/Allah does not love the deniers.
How to? -harnessing the ENERGY by being productive
-obey Messengers by follow their advice
-as they know what is good for you
-unproductive will cause faster entropy process
33. The One To Serve/Allah select Adam, and Noh, and the family of Ibrahim,
and the family of Imran, from all creations.
Sad-Fa-Waw = it became clear/limpid/pure (often said of a drink), opposite of Kaf-Dal-Ra, free from turbidness/thickness/muddiness, free from admixture,
became cloudless (said of air/atmosphere, but also said of love/life/mind/heart), clear/pure/best/choice/favoured part/potion, clear/clarify, true/sincere,
distinguish particularly/specially, select/elect/prefer, serenity of life, comfort, reciprocal sincerity/purity. take the best of, to choose in preference to, grant to
another a preference in the choice of anything. abound with milk (said of a she-camel/ewe/goat/sheep), palm-tree heavy with fruit, reached stone (said of a
digger). the portion of the spoil, which the chief/commander chooses for himself before the division. Become destitute/devoid. stone, smooth stone/rock, stone
that doesn't give growth to anything, hard broad stone, a certain place in Mekkeh.
I’m lost for words -the key word here is select
-from a group of people or things
-carefully chosen from a larger number as being the best
-it was fully deliberated in 2:30 to 2:39 for Adam
-fully deliberated in 2:124 to 2:140 for Ibrahim
-we have yet to reach the story of Noh and the family of Imran
Can summarise it? -selection process is part of natural selection process
-the evolution process
-remember selection is ‘for the best there is!’
Why Adam? -the selection of Adam based on the early homo sapiens
-our own species, Anatomically Modern Humans
-there wasn’t very many choices but Adam was the best
-even he was to compete with Iblis and Satan
-and to certain extend the Powerful Agents
-and the best was the creation with logical brain
-Adam sustained the evolution and the entropy processes
-and came back to The One even after straying
Adam’s best quality? -his ability to adapt to the environment
-otherwise his species could have been extinct
-evolved with free-will, can choose and make a choice
-chaos and order systems as in evolution & entropy
-man was able to manage the life within the system
I’ve heard of that! -naturally you have
-the process which populations adapt and change
-the process of choosing the best among the species
-the best will evolve into something better
-Adam with logical ability and free-will
-has to use all his brain functions
-to control Iblis and satan and neo-cortex
-factual in everythings, called truthful
What are the facts? -the earlier generations are NEANDERTHAL and DENISOVAN
-cycle of life, at war with each other
-catastrophic event of Adams event
-wiping them out of existence due to 2 events
-no traces of these generations before
-from archeological findings in places
-they did not survive
Adam belong’s to? -Adam belongs to Cro-Magnon period 60,000 to 10,000 YA
-not the first batch, the Powerful Agents had experience before
-these being on earth, causes corruption and shed blood
-they are the NEANDERTHAL and the DENISOVAN
-Adam to Idris-The Paleolithic era 50,000 BCE to 10,000 BCE
-pre-Noh Flood-Neolithic era 12,000 BCE to 6,000 BCE
What did Adam do? -for 40,000 to 50,000 years from 50,000 BCE to 10,000 BCE
-The Singularity infused the process of learning and experience
-the law of nature and the law of social interaction and science
-to humanities experiencing the reality of life
-from hunter-gatherer/stone age to farm community/bronze age
-to iron age/civilisation during pre-flood epoch
-The Singularity infused the process of learning/experience the laws
Now why Ibrahim? -he was stand up-right guy
-Ibrahim is the next phase pf human development
-The One select Ibrahim-Natural Selection
-stand his ground, to the point of facing death
-he created a place to settle the disputes of the community
-house, parliament, administrative centre, Local Authority
-Ibrahim initiate creation of law for settling the dispute
-for civilization to grow
A good guy! -yeap, fantastic, he creates situation where
-productivity will grow, business will prosper
-conflict is resolved, war is avoided
Peace? -yeap, peace, being peaceful with everything surrounding you
-The singularity will not interfere with creation directly
-The Singularity grants you free will, total freedom
-The One guides, you can opt to follow or ignore or go against it
-The Singularity said peace – at ease with everything
-Ibrahim was at ease with The Singularity-The Nature-The Energy
Simple as that? -yeap, simple as that
-things are pretty simple, we human make it complicated
-always trying to outdo each other, due to envy and lealousy
-not using the components of the brain fully
After that? -the natural selection progresses continue
-Ibrahim lay down his legacy to sons and grandson
-effectively you can only live to your grandson life
-if you go beyond that you would be a jelly
Proof? -legacy of being peaceful – at ease
-you can track it down to most descendant of Ibrahim
-they follow Ibrahim, at ease with their people and environment
Now I know! -good on ya, from the natural selection of Ibrahim
-from the natural selection of all Prophet/Messenger
-mankind has evolved and developed into what they are today
-the natural selection totally explained in Al-Quran
34. They grew distinct/scattered/descendents some of them from each
other. The One To Serve/Allah is Hearer and Knower.
Thal-Ra-Ra = to scatter, strew, sprinkle, rise. Least degree. Atom, small ant, smallest kind of an ant resembling in weight and shape to an
atom, smallest seed of grain, grub, small particle that sprinkled. Progeny, offspring, children, race, raising children.
Ba-Ayn-Dad = Gnats, mosquitoes, bitten, annoyed or molested by gnats or mosquitoes. Dividing into parts or portions, which are distinct
or separate from each other. Something or someone. An impossible or difficult thing imposed on someone.
What is The One saying? -the process of living
-the growth of mankind
-the growth of civilization
-growth of nations
35. The woman of Imran said, “My Regulator, I have vowed to You what is in
my womb to be free/dedicated, so accept from me; You are the Hearer
and Knower.”
Miim-Ra-Alif = It (food) was wholesome or approved in its result, easy to swallow, not attended by trouble, quick in digesting, light to the stomach, to descend
well, to be salubrious in its air (land), in the habit of doing what is approved and shunning what is held base, preserve the soul from filthy actions, to be possessed
of manly perfection or manly virtue or moral goodness, give food (on the occasion of building a house or marrying), woman, wife.
Ayn-Miim-Ra = to inhabit, stay, mend, repair/revive, tend, build, promote, cultivate, make habitable, to make better, to develop, populate, to
serve/uphold/observe/regard, to visit, to colonize, aimed at it, frequently visit, a visit in which is the cultivation of love/affection, repairing to an inhabited place.
perform a sacred visitation, minor pilgrimage with fewer rites. to remain alive (save life), to live, life, age, long-life, old-age.
Nun-Dhal/Thal-Ra = to dedicate, make a vow, warn, admonish, caution, promise voluntarily, offer present. nadhiir - warner, one who informs and averts calamity, who cautions and put one on guard.
Ha-Ra-Ra = To be free (slave), be freeborn, to free/emancipate/liberate a slave. To be hot or very hot, to burn up and become fierce or hot, to thirst, become
thirsty, become dry from thirst or grief, to heat water, to be vehement and great in extent, make a writing beautiful and elegant and free from defects, to write
well and accurately, write accurately and exactly and without mistake.
Ba-Tay-Nun =Becoming fat, Midriff, stomach, belly, girth, abdomen, Becoming replete, sated. A belly ache or being disordered digestively, exulting greatly and/or
excessively, behaving insolently and ungratefully, Striking or beating the belly, Disease entering (as though it penetrated through the belly), Entering into something (e.g. a valley,
affair). Penetrating mentally or knowing something (state, news, circumstances, affair, case). Something becoming hidden or unapparent, esoteric, concealed or covert. A lining or inner
covering, inside or interior of anything, inner story. Particular or special intimate, friend or associate. Going in the middle or midst of something (e.g. meadow, garden, news). A far extending
place of whose parts are remote from the other. Bringing forth of young. Excrement or ejection of, Lower or lowest part of the foundation, low depressed land, soft parts of the land where
water stagnates. Palm of the hand, sole of the foot/hoof. Armpit hollow of the arm, hollow of the throat. Apparent, visible part of the sky. Having an inordinate desire or appetite for food. One
of the mansions/stations of the moon, the 2nd. Three small stars in the form of an equilateral triangle forming the belly of the Ram/Aries. Certain vessel made of glass or earthenware (an
amphora, jar, vase, and pitcher). Inward.
Qaf-Ba-Lam = to accept/admit/receive/agree, meet anyone, to face/encounter someone/something, advance/approach, correspond, counteract/
compare/requite/compensate, the front part (12:26), accept with approval, show favour.
The Imran women? -they are the bonded people
-mother vowed that the offspring to be free
-historical evidence – they are slave by lot casting (refer 3:44)
-lot casting apparently was very big in the old civilisation
-they attributed lot casting as approval from god
-lot casting was used to bequeath of properties
-properties included slave and whatever the deceased owned
Is Mariam’s father -possible, according to Luke 1:5
is Imran? -Amram's wife was Anne
-sister of Elizabeth, and a descendant of Aaron
-Luke 1:5 There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judaea
-a certain priest named Zacharias, of the course of Abia
-his wife was of the daughters of Aaron
-her name was Elisabeth, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth
-she hath also conceived a son in her old age
-this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren
-thus, in Sura 19, we learn that Mary is a descendant of Aaron
-Quran 19:28
-O descendant of Aaron, your father was not a bad man
-nor was your mother unchaste
36. And when she delivered her, she said, “My Regulator, I have delivered a
female,” and The One To Serve/Allah was well aware of what she has
delivered, “and the male is not like the female, and I have named her
Mariam, and have seek refuge for her and her descendants in Your
protection, from Sceptic mind the excessive.”
Contents -the Imran women, the process of deliveries
-identification of a child gender, -naming of a child
-seeking refuge in The One from satan
Lesson? -first occasion of seeking refuge in The One from satan
-second occasion when reading/learning Al-Quran
-practice of contemporary Muslim after delivery, to call for prayer
How does -I don’t know really
that come about? -they overstate the importance of prayer may be
-or they want the baby to pray may be
Rational? -to remind yourself
-use all the three compponents of the brain
-life is full of trial and tribulation
-seek refuge in The One from Satan
37. Her Regulator received her with a gracious reception, and brought her
up a beautiful upbringing, and entrusted her to the care of Zakaria.
Zakaria whom without offspring/whenever had intercourse/enter on top
of her in the private chamber, he found her energetically refusing/with
her provision. He said, “O Mariam, where did you get this from?” She
said, “It is from The One To Serve/Allah; The One To Serve/Allah provides
accordingly without reckoning.”
Qaf-Ba-Lam = to accept/admit/receive/agree, meet anyone, to face/encounter someone/ something, advance/approach, correspond,
counteract/compare/requite/compensate, the front part (12:26), accept with approval, show favour.
Nun-Ba-Ta = to produce (tree), germinate, grow, sprout (plant), grow up (child). nawaabit - offspring of human beings or cattle.
Kaf-Fa-Lam = To take care of, nourish, bring up for another, be guardian of, be responsible for, entrust, stand security or surety.
Kaf-Lam-Lam = To lose father and child, lose direct heirs, be weary, tired, weak, have only remote relations.
Dal-Kha-Lam = to enter, got in, passed, to penetrate, breach, break through, invade, come upon, visit, intrude, meddle, insert, introduce, to
participate/commence/include/take part, it became comprehended/comprised in it, mix/intermingle. Have intercourse with, go into (one's wife).
Income/revenue/profit. confused/badness/unsound/corrupt, vice, deceit/guile/circumvention. A select group of close associates. A place of entrance, gate,
ingoing, instrument allowing entrance, key. Guest.
Ayn-Lam-Ya / Ala = Preposition: on, upon, at, under, against, provided, so that, in respect, before, against, according to, for the sake of, to, above, inspite of,
near. (e.g. ala hudan - they are on guidance)
Ayn-Lam-Waw = to be high, elevated, lofty, exalted, ascend, overcome, be proud/upon/over, go up, rise in rank or dignity, raise, take up, mount, overtop.
Ha-Ra-Ba = War/battle/conflict. To spoil one’s goods, plunder/despoil, ask a thing importunately. Become angry/mad. Excite or provoke or stir up war. Mihrab:
upper end of a sitting-room, house/tent/chamber, the chief or most honourable sitting place, a high place, highest chamber in a house, a chamber to which one
ascends by stairs, private chamber, highest place in a mosque, a place of prayer/assembly.
Ayn-Nun-Dal = to go out of the right way, decline, deviate, be rebellious, tyrant, opposing, obstinate to resist, transgress the bounds.
Ayn-Nun-Dal / Inda = Preposition: here, with, by, at the point of, about, from, in the presence of. The word denotes the idea of nearness, whether it be actual in
the sense of possession or ideational, it also denotes a sense of rank or dignity or opinion, time and place.
Ra-Zay-Qaf = to provide, supply, bestow, grant, means of subsistance. turzaqan - you both shall be supplied. rizq - bounty, gift, portion/share. raziq - one who
provides or supplies. razzaq great provider/supplier.
Kaf-Fa-Fa = To withhold, desist, refrain from, withdraw, keep back, hold out the hand.
Waw-Jiim-Dal = to find what was lost, perceive, obtain, find anyone or anything (such and such)
Kaf-Fa-Lam = To take care of, nourish, bring up for another, be guardian of, be responsible for, entrust, stand security or surety.
Waw-Kaf-Lam = to entrust, confirm, give, charge, dispose affairs, lean upon, reply upon.
What is the story?-The One accepted her, protect her from speculative brain
-Zakaria brought her up a beautiful upbringing
-meaning she has grown
-she was given as mamalakat aimanukum to Zakaria
-by lot casting refer 3:44
You are serious? -yes very serious, I could be wrong
-I invoke The One to increase my knowledge or
-let someone give me rebuttal on the issue
38. Thereupon Zakaria invoked his Regulator; he said, “My Regulator, grant
me good offspring from Your presence; You are the Hearer of prayers.”
Waw-ha-Ba = to give/grant/bestow, dedicate, offer as a present/gift.
Thal-Ra-Ra = to scatter, strew, sprinkle, rise. Least degree. Atom, small ant, smallest kind of an ant resembling in weight and shape to an atom, smallest seed of
grain, grub, small particle thats sprinkled. Progeny, offspring, children, race, raising children.
Lam-Dal-Nun = At; near; with; from; presence; in the presence of; for. Ladun: Particle of a place or preposition. Ladai/Lida = At; near; with; from; presence; in
the presence of; for. A particle of place or preposition. The meanings of Ladun and Ladai and Lida are the same. (with prep. min) that which proceeds from the
presence of, of one's part, from before (often translated as "from").
Why does Zakaria -thereupon, was a key word
invoke The One? -I invoke The One to increase my knowledge or
-let someone give me rebuttal on the issue
39. Then the Powerful Agents called out to him, as he was conducting review
in the private chamber: “The One To Serve/Allah gives you good
news/(perfect man?) of the honorable?/Yahya? confirming the
terms/words of The One, and noble, and chaste, and a prophet; one of
the upright.”
Ba-Shiin-Ra =Skin/Pare/Strip/Skin Contact/Epidermis (or insides). Complexion/Hue->Delicacy, fineness ofBeauty/Elegance of form/Bright cheerful countenance.
Rejoiced/Rejoicing/Good, good tidings, glad tidings/Announcements (bearer of), proclaiming, commencement, beginnings of anything/Indications/Streaks
(daylight breaking, wind over land). Conducting, managing affairs personally. Lie with, to go in unto. Mankind, Human beings, Lowest/basest/meanest sort of
people, Perfect man (combining gentleness with strength).
Ha-Ya-Ya = (a doubly imperfect verb) To live, be alive, be ashamed, spend (the night) awake, fertilize the earth, keep anyone alive; spare any one, let anyone
alive, remove prudency, modesty and shamefulness, make immodest, To be in good condition, have the means of subsistence, to be apparent or distinct, have
prolonged or -preserved life, free from evil or harm, have dominion, be honored, receive benefit, to salute, to enliven/revive/give life to, to nourish, vivify/re-
vivify/revive/resuscitate, endue/quicken with life, (said of land) to be tilled and made productive, to remain awake, to shrink from a thing, to forbear, to feel or
have a sense of or be moved or affected with shame/shyness/bashfulness, be ashamed/shy of doing a thing, disdain or scorn a thing, abstain from a thing/refuse
to do it.
Kaf-Lam-Miim = To speak, express. kalimah n.f. (pl. kalimat, and kalim) - word, command, agreement, common term.
Sad-Dal-Qaf = to be truthful, true, sincere, speak the truth, establish or confirm the truth of what another has said, verify, keep conviction, observe a promise
convictionfully, fulfill, speak veraciously, hold anyone as trustworthy. sadaqa fi al-qitaali - to fight gallantly. tsaddaqa - to give alms. sidqun - truth, veracity,
sincerity, soundness, excellence in a variety of different objects, salubrious and agreeable, favourable entrance, praise. saadiqun - one who is true and sincere,
one who speaks the truth. saadiqah - perfect woman. sadaqat (pl. saduqaat) - dowry. siddiiq - person who is trustworthy, sincere. saddaqa - to confirm, verify,
fulfil. asdaqu - more true.
Siin-Waw-Dal = to be lord/noble/glorious, rule/lead, overcome in glory. sawida - to be black, bold. iswadda - to beget a black boy, boy who is chief. swad - great
number. al-siyyidda - blessed lady. aswad - black, greater. aswadda wajhuhu - his face became expressive of grief or sorrow. He became
sorrowful/confounded/disgraced. It is a token of bad conclusion and failure and sorrow.
Ha-Sad-Ra = To be strait, restricted, hindered. To straiten and encompass/surround someone, prevent someone from going to his business,
besiege/beset/confine someone, to confine/keep close/imprison/detain/retain/restrain/withhold someone, withhold or prevent someone from journeying,
prevent someone from a thing he desires, take the whole of a thing, take/acquire a thing to oneself, suffer suppression of the bowels or unrinary tract, unable
to express one's mind/say what one would, unable to find words to express what one would say, to falter in speech, to falter and be unable to proceed in reading
or recitation, to be impeded or straitened, abstain from sexual intercourse, to be impotent, contracted in the bosom, to be
niggardly/tenacious/penurious/avaricious, conceal a thing, refrain from divulging a thing.
I’m confused -the key is Zakaria was reviewing in the same private chamber?
-odd? no! it was after making love to Mariam?
Honorable offspring -I invoke The One to increase my knowledge or
-let someone give me rebuttal on the issue
40. He said, “My Regulator, I get excited with pleasure receiving this big
news/how can be for me a son and pleased to kindle a fire for a
feast/verily has reached me old age and my wife is barren” Thus The One
does whatever accordingly.”
Alif-Nun-Ya = Its time came; or it was, or became, or drew, near; It (a thing) was, or became, behind, or after, its time; it, or he, (a man) was, or became, behind,
backward, or late; it, or he, delayed, or held back. He postponed it, put it off, deferred it, delayed it, retarded it, withheld it, impeded it; An hour, or a short portion, or a time, or an indefinite
time; any period of time; the utmost point, reach or degree; A thing of which the time has come, or drawn near: and which has come, or attained, to its time; to its full, or final, time or state;
to maturity, or ripeness; signifies Whence? (being an interrogative respecting the direction, or quarter, from which a thing is) and whence (used to denote a condition); Where? and where (used
to denote a condition and as one of the adverbial nouns used to denote a condition), whence-so-ever; wherever (from whatever direction or quarter): when; how; however.
Kaf-Waw-Nun (Kaf-Alif-Nun) = To be, exist, happen, occur, take place, become, be such or so, originated.
Gh-Lam-Miim = excited with lust, stirred up, tumultuous, period from birth to the seventeenth year, youth, young man, boy.
Lam = Negative particle giving to the present the sense of the perfect; not. Lam is a preposition: if with Fatha it implies stress like verily/surely or how
excellent. If with Kasra, it implies after
Waw-Qaf-Dal = to set fire, kindle, light fire.
Ba-Lam-Gh =Reaching, attaining, arriving, coming to the utmost point to which one directs one's course or one who seeks, pursues, desires, intends or tries to
reach. Or the reaching, attaining or coming to a point. An event/time that is premeditated, intended, determined or appointed. Having an effect. Bringing,
conveying or delivering communications, announcements, news or tidings. Exceeding usual, proper, ordinary just bounds/degrees, acting egregiously,
immoderately or extravagantly. Striving, laboring, exerting power/efforts. Endeavors or ability. Employing oneself vigorously, strenuously, laboriously, earnestly
with ENERGY and effectiveness, taking pains or extraordinary pains, not flagging, to the utmost degree. Accomplishing, attaining to the utmost of one's
power/ability or efforts/endeavors (e.g. in any affair). Sufficiency (e.g. means of subsistence), a thing that suffices, contents, enables one to attain what is sought,
enough. A slanderer, one who conveys gossip or other peoples discourse to others. Calamity, misfortune, disaster, distress or affliction. Sharp, penetrating,
eloquent and/or effective in speech. Firm covenants, in the utmost degree. Attaining or having attained puberty, virility, ripeness or maturity. Applied to either
sexes. Good, excellent thing. Praise, eulogy or commendation. Place and/or time someone or something reaches, arrives, attains or comes to. The sum/amount/product resulting
from subtraction, addition or multiplication. A sum of money.
Kaf-Ba-Ra = To be hard, be grievous, grow up, be great/large/big, to attain to puberty, grow in estimation or rank or dignity, to make a thing great,
dispute/contend with someone for superiority in greatness, to self-magnify, behave proudly/haughtily/insolently, consider oneself excellent, to exceed the
actions of others, to boast, endeavour or seek to become great, disdain a thing, turn away from a thing with disdain, to hold oneself above a thing.
Kabira/Yakburu: To be exceed anyone in age, become stout and tall, grow big, become great, illustrious, become momentous (affair).
Miim-Ra-Alif = It (food) was wholesome or approved in its result, easy to swallow, not attended by trouble, quick in digesting, light to the stomach, to descend
well, to be salubrious in its air (land), in the habit of doing what is approved and shunning what is held base, preserve the soul from filthy actions, to be possessed
of manly perfection or manly virtue or moral goodness, give food (on the occasion of building a house or marrying), woman, wife.
Ayn-Qaf-Ra = to cut/wound/slay, hamstrung, produce no result, be barren (e.g. womb).
The story? -Zakaria communicate with The One through the Powerful Agents
-Zakaria has asked The One for a son/daughter
-then how could he ask that kind of question from The One
-when The One grant him his wish
-how can be for me a son?
-verily has reached me old age and my wife is barren
-the more appropriate statements should be
-I get excited with pleasure receiving this big news
-pleased to kindle a fire for a feast
-for ones mighty excited with the big news
-he would have been indifferent with his shortcomings
You very sure! -I invoke The One to increase my knowledge or
-let someone give me rebuttal on the issue
41. He said, “My Regulator, show me an indicator.” The One said, “Your
indicator is that you shall not speak to the people for three days, except
by gestures. And remember your Regulator much, and work in the
evening and the morning.”
Alif-Ya-Waw = sign, apparent sign, mark, indication, message, evidence, proof, miracle, communication, verse of The Quran. It properly signifies any apparent
thing inseparable from a thing not equally apparent so that when one perceives the former, he perceives the other which he cannot perceive by itself.
Siin-Ba-Ha = to swim, roll onwards, perform a daily course, float, the act of swimming, occupy oneself in: the accomplishment of his needful affairs or seeking
the means of subsistence, business/occupation, those who are floating, went/travel far, being quick/swift. To praise/glorify/hallow/magnify, sing/celebrate
praise, holy, declaring God to be far removed or free for every imperfection/impurity
Message? -communicate with your Creator
-perform your tasks fully and wholeheartedly
-rest after major task that requires big effort
Why 3 days? -he needs 3 days to absorb the big news
-before talking to people about it
42. The Powerful Agent said, “O Mariam, The One To Serve/Allah has chosen
you, and has purified you. The One has select you over all the women of
the world.
Sad-Fa-Waw = it became clear/limpid/pure (often said of a drink), opposite of Kaf-Dal-Ra, free from turbidness/thickness/muddiness, free from admixture,
became cloudless (said of air/atmosphere, but also said of love/life/mind/heart), clear/pure/best/choice/favoured part/potion, clear/clarify, true/sincere,
distinguish particularly/specially, select/elect/prefer, serenity of life, comfort, reciprocal sincerity/purity. take the best of, to choose in preference to, grant to
another a preference in the choice of anything. abound with milk (said of a she-camel/ewe/goat/sheep), palm-tree heavy with fruit, reached stone (said of a
digger). the portion of the spoil, which the chief/commander chooses for himself before the division. become destitute/devoid. stone, smooth stone/rock, stone
that doesn't give growth to anything, hard broad stone, a certain place in Mekkeh
Tay-ha-Ra = to be or become clean/pure or free of dirt, made it or caused it to be distant/remote, cleanse/wash/purify, refrain, remove oneself, to clear/clean,
Message? -The One has chosen Mariam
-the process of natural selection
-The One chooses the best for future survival
43. “O Mariam, devout fully and wholeheartedly to your Regulator, and
submit/prostrate, and humble/bow down with those who humbled.”
Qaf-Nun-Ta = to be devout, obedient, fully and wholeheartedly in all humility to stand long in prayer. qanitun - one who is fully, wholehearted and in all humility devout and
Siin-Jiim-Dal = lowly, humble, submissive, worship, adore, prostrate, make obeisance, lower/bend oneself down towards the ground, lower the head, to
salute/honour/magnify, to pay respect, to stand up, to look continuedly and tranquily. MSJD - parts of a man that are the places of SJD, e.g.
forehead/nose/hands/knees/feet etc. Any mode/place/practice in which the act of SJD is done.
Ra-Kaf-Ayn = bowed, bent, incline, humility, humble yourself, lower the head, fell upon his face, stumbled.
Message? -devote yourself wholeheartedly and fully to ENERGY
-harness the ENERGY
-sign of things to come for Mariam
-once you are successful in harnessing the ENERGY
-preparing for child-birth
44. These are accounts from the unseen, which The One reveals to you. You
were not with them when they meet/cast to cast their lots/pens as to
which of them would be responsible/take charge of Mariam; nor were
you with them as they quarreled.
Kaf-Fa-Lam = To take care of, nourish, bring up for another, be guardian of, be responsible for, entrust, stand security or surety.
Kh-Sad-Miim = Contend in an altercation, dispute/litigate in a sound or valid manner, to say a thing such as may cause the listener to refrain/desist from his
assertion/plea/claim, overcome someone in an altercation, antagonize, put a thing on the edge/side or corner of something.
Lam-Qaf-Ya = To meet, meet with, encounter, find, find out a thing, see, come across, experience, suffer from, occur, undergo, endure, lean upon, receive, come
face to face, go in the direction of or towards. This root has occurred in al quran in 45 forms, and been used about 145 times.
Qaf-Lam-Miim = to cut, pierce. qalam - pen, headless arrow used in casting lots.
Kaf-Fa-Lam = To take care of, nourish, bring up for another, be guardian of, be responsible for, entrust, stand security or surety.
The story? -Mariam was entrusted to Zakariya by lot casting
-as mamalakat aimanukum to Zakaria
-they were the bonded people
-mother vowed that the offspring to be free
Evidence? -historical evidence, they are slave by lot casting
-lot casting apparently was very big in the old civlisation
-they attributed lot casting as approval from god
-lot casting was used to bequeath of properties
-properties included slave and whatever the deceased owned
-then The One taught mankind
-the process of selection through ‘shura’ or democracy
45. The Powerful Agents said, “O Mariam, The One To Serve/Allah gives you
good news of a common term from The One. His name is the Anointed
One/The Messiah, Isa son of Mariam, well-esteemed in this world and
the next, and one of the nearest.
Kaf-Lam-Miim = To speak, express. kalimah n.f. (pl. kalimat, and kalim) - word, command, agreement, common term.
Miim-Siin-Ha = to wipe/rub/stroke, passing one's hand over something, chosen/anointed, messiah
Message -announcement of Isa the Anointed One, the natural selection
-well-esteemed in this world and the next, one of the nearest
What is The Messiah? -from Hebrew mashiaḥ, “anointed”)
-in Judaism, the expected king of the Davidic line
-who would deliver Israel from foreign bondage
-restore the glories of its golden age
Why anoint him in oil? -there is only one reason if its true
-to protect his body from radiation of the powerful Energy
-I’m looking from perspective of suntanned lotion of nowadays
-but that’s only my presumption
46. He will speak to the people to work for oneself/in a cradle until you are
about 60 years old/maturity, and will be one of the reformist.”
Miim-ha-Dal = To make a place or thing plain or even or smooth, to prepare or establish, to gain or earn, seek to gain, to work for oneself, to spread or be spread
Kaf-ha-Lam = To reach old mature age, be full-grown, be of the age when a person’s hair becomes intermixed with hoariness, be of the age between thirty and
sixty years or of middle age.
The message? -Isa the Anointed One
-Isa will advise the people to work till about 60-years-old
-and be a reformist, always changing things for the better
47. She said, “My Regulator, if it is to give birth and surely not touched me
by a glad tiding/how is for me a boy not touch me any man. The One
said, “Thus The One To Serve/Allah originates whatever accordingly. To
have anything done, The One only says to it, ‘Be,’ and it
Alif-Nun-Ya = Its time came; or it was, or became, or drew, near; It (a thing) was, or became, behind, or after, its time; it, or he, (a man) was, or became, behind,
backward, or late; it, or he, delayed, or held back. He postponed it, put it off, deferred it, delayed it, retarded it, withheld it, impeded it; An hour, or a short portion, or a time, or an indefinite
time; any period of time; the utmost point, reach or degree; A thing of which the time has come, or drawn near: and which has come, or attained, to its time; to its full, or final, time or state;
to maturity, or ripeness; signifies Whence? (being an interrogative respecting the direction, or quarter, from which a thing is) and whence (used to denote a condition); Where? and where (used
to denote a condition and as one of the adverbial nouns used to denote a condition), whence-so-ever; wherever (from whatever direction or quarter): when; how; however.
Kaf-Waw-Nun (Kaf-Alif-Nun) = To be, exist, happen, occur, take place, become, be such or so, originated. makaan - side, abode, purpose, status, way, condition.
makaanatun - place, way, purpose, intention, condition, ability, place of existence or being.
Waw-Lam-Dal = to beget, give birth. Lam = Negative particle giving to the present the sense of the perfect; not. Lam is a preposition: if with Fatha, it implies
stress like verily/surely or how excellent. If with Kasra, it implies after,
Lam-Waw-Ya = To twist, pervert/distort, turn back, bend/contort/curled/curved/coiled, wound, avert (the face) from, lean, feel an inclination, very contentious.
Miim-Siin-Siin = To meet or touch or feel a thing with the hand, touch a thing without intervention or interference, strike or smite, afflict or befall, be distressing or difficult of
Ba-Shiin-Ra = Skin/Pare/Strip/Skin Contact/Epidermis (or insides) Complexion/Hue->Delicacy, fineness of, Beauty/Elegance of form/Bright cheerful countenance,
Rejoiced/Rejoicing/Good, good tidings, glad tidings/Announcements (bearer of), proclaiming, commencement, beginnings of anything/Indications/Streaks (daylight breaking, wind
over land), Conducting, managing affairs personally. Lie with, to go in unto. Mankind, Human beings, Lowest/basest/meanest sort of people, Perfect man (combining gentleness with strength).
Message? -a fetus is conceived, a mother is satisfied and glad
-how excellent a good news
-be, exist, appear, occur, take place, infusion of ENERGY into life
-The One-The ENERGY will infuse power into the action potential
-action potential transfer into dynamic movement of ions
-the start of life in a single cell, life evolve into multiple cells
-evolution of fetus into embryo, a baby is born
48. And The One will infuse him the Scripture and wisdom, and the Torah
and the Injil.
Ayn-Lam-Miim = to mark/sign/distinguish, creations/beings, world, science/ learning/ knowledge/ information, aware/know. By means of which one knows a
thing, hence it signifies world or creation, because by it the Creator is known. alim (pl. ulama) - one who is learned/wise or knows.
The story -Al’lama The One Infused the process of learning
-and experience the law of nature
-law of hunting, law of farming and husbandry
-law of physic, the law of social interaction
-the law of science, the relevant laws to signify reality to humanities
The message -The Anointed One will go through learning and teaching process
-teaching/learning the book, acquiring wisdom from the learning
-The Torah, a Standard of happening in the world
-a standard, benchmark for human activities
-The Injil, a gospel, a truth, a set of principles or beliefs
49. A messenger to those bonded people “I have come to you with an
evidence from your Regulator. I design things for you from clay to do
things to hasten and I start its existence/like the form of a bird and breath
into it and it become a bird with the consent of The One To Serve/Allah.
And I heal the blind and the leprous, and I give subsistence to the
destitute/give life to the dead with the consent of The One To
Serve/Allah. And I inform you concerning what you eat, and what you
store in your homes. In that is an evidence for you, if you are convinced.”
Alif-Ya-Waw = sign, apparent sign, mark, indication, message, evidence, proof, miracle, communication, verse of The Quran. It properly signifies any apparent
thing inseparable from a thing not equally apparent so that when one perceives the former, he perceives the other which he cannot perceive by itself.
Kh-Lam-Qaf = To measure or proportion a thing, to form or make according to proper measure, bring into existence according to a certain measure, originate
or produce after a pattern or model which one has devised, bring into existence from a state of non-existence (create out of nothing), to fabricate or forge a
speech or saying, to make a thing equitable or even, make a thing smooth, to be probable or likely to happen (or likely to be or happen, or to have happened or
been), act towards someone according to that person's nature, wear out a thing and make it old, to be fit/ competent/ suitable/ proper, to be complete or
perfect in respect of make or proportion, have an innate/natural disposition/temperament/quality.
Tay-Ya-Nun = to plaster with clay or mud, clay/mud.
Ha-Waw-Ta (Ha-Alif-Ta) = To fly about, prowl around. To go or circuit round about a thing, to strive or endeavour to turn a person, entice a person to turn from
a thing, strive or endeavour to beguile a person, strive or contend with a person to repel him, consult a person, consult with a person.
Ha-Ya-Ya = (a doubly imperfect verb) To live, be alive, be ashamed, spend (the night) awake, fertilize the earth, keep anyone alive; spare any one, let anyone
alive, remove prudency, modesty and shamefulness, make immodest, To be in good condition, have the means of subsistence, to be apparent or distinct, have
prolonged or preserved life, free from evil or harm, have dominion, be honored, receive benefit, to salute, to enliven/revive/give life to, to nourish, vivify/re-
vivify/revive/resuscitate, endue/quicken with life, (said of land) to be tilled and made productive, to remain awake, to shrink from a thing, to forbear, to feel or
have a sense of or be moved or affected with shame/shyness/bashfulness, be ashamed/shy of doing a thing, disdain or scorn a thing, abstain from a thing/refuse
to do it.
Tay-Ya-Ra = flew, hasten to it, outstripped, become foremost, fled, love, become attached, famous, conceive, scatter/disperse, fortune.
Nun-Fa-Kha = to blow with the mouth, breathe. to it, ‘Be,’ and it evolved.”
Kaf-Waw-Nun (Kaf-Alif-Nun) = To be, exist, happen, occur, take place, become, be such or so, originated.
makaan - side, abode, purpose, status, way, condition. makaanatun - place, way, purpose, intention, condition, ability, place of existence or being.
Ba-Ra-Alif = became/was clear/free of a thing, to quit it, become irresponsible for it, guiltless of it, remove oneself from a thing, kept far or aloof (e.g. from
unclean things), state of freedom/immunity/security/safety. Convalescent/sound/healthy, cure/heal, recover/restore. Create/produce, former/fashioner. He
compounded or made a compromise with him for their mutual separation. Mankind/creation/beings/things that are created.
Kaf-Miim-ha = one who is blind
The message? -Isa was selected by The One
-a teacher for the slave/bonded people
-with evidence -physical goods
-design things for you from clay -pottery
-to do things to hasten -make life easier
-start its existence -creation and innovations
-heal blind and the leprous-medical advice
-subsistence to the destitute -generous
-concerning what you eat -dietary advice
-what you store in your homes -home management
Evidence for me? -evidence for the convinced and you
-teaching the people to live meaningfully
-day-to-day management of life, a process of civilization
50. “And verifying what before me of the Torah, and to make lawful for you
some of what was forbidden to you. I have come to you with indicators
from your Regulator; so be conscious of The One To Serve/Allah, and
obey me.”
Waw-Qaf-Ya = to protect, save, preserve, ward off, guard against evil and calamity, be secure, take as a shield, regard the duty. muttaqii - one who guard
against evil and against that which harms and injures and is regardful of his duty towards human beings and God.
The story -the Anointed One, started the process of civilisation
-good standard of living, lawful food prohibition
-clarification based on evidence,at peace/secure with The One
-teaching you what you don’t know
Why all these?? -the bonded were slaves
-they need the guidance to live
-so that they can develop civilization
-purely nation building
-so that they can prosper and live peacefully
To the extend of -they were nation in the dark, lost soul in transit
sending messenger? -when you are lost you needed guidance
-do not under estimate the lost soul
-I suspect Isa was sent to save them from The Roman
-as Musa was sent to save them from the wicked people
51. “The One To Serve/Allah is my Regulator and your Regulator, so serve
The One. That is a systematic way.”
Qaf-Waw-Miim = stand still or firm, rose/stand up, managed/ conducted/ ordered/ regulated/ superintended, established, made it straight/right,
maintain/erect/observe/perform, set up, people/community/company, abode, stature/dignity/rank. aqama - to keep a thing or an affair in a right state.
Message? -remember 2:214
-do you expect prosperity without commiting to systematic way
-The One regulates life for all creations
-systematic way-proper way of living
Spoon fed? -sometimes you need a kick start, to start a process of civilization
-otherwise it could take you a mighty long time
-that’s only if you could succeed, what if you couldn’t succeed?
What if? -if you couldn’t succeed
-you would become the Denisovan and Neanterthal
-you would parish and extinct, to survive in this world is not easy
-especially if you start from scratch
Is that so? -it’s easy for you to say
-you open your eyes with everythings ready for you
-try living as a caveman of old, see whether you can survive
-see how the documentary of pioneers living in the wilderness
I couldn’t fathom it? -you lived in the information age, everythings in your fingertips
-try navigate the road in your town
-you would turn to WAZE or GOOGLE MAPS in no time
-but to get to where we are now?
-imagine what our forefathers have to do
-try feeling hungry for a moment
-you would turn to GRABFOOD in no time
-imagine what our forefathers have to do
-they have to go hunting, could be killed by the hunted
-they must have the skills to clean the animal
-they must have the skills to cook the meat, have feed their families
Wow! -yeah, wow, our civilization takes thousands of years
-to be where we are now, with trial and tribulation
-do not undermine the help from The One
-we go through evolution and entropy, our individual lifes are short
-so we must document our findings and discovery
-for future use of our generations to come
-we must avoid conflict and dispute leading to war
-so that we don’t destroy the discovery and civilisation
52. When Isa sensed denial on their part, he said, “Who are my allies towards
The One To Serve/Allah?” The disciples said, “We are The One To
Serve/Allah’s allies; we are convinced in The One To Serve/Allah, and
bear witness that we are at peace.”
Now, what they do? -Isa sensed denial from amongst the bonded
Again? -yes, again, among the student/follower there are truant
-not convinced with the teacher/messenger
I’m amazed! -happening with the contemporary people
-the entropy process, only the disciples are convinced
-the disciples are at peace with their surroundings
History repeat itself -yes, as always, history repeat itself
as people of Musa -as people of Muhammad
-as the contemporary people, full of denial, more than denial
-they invented stories about teachers/messengers
53. “Our Regulator, we are convinced in what You have revealed, and we
have followed the Messenger/teacher, so count us among the informed.”
Shiin-ha-Dal = told/gave information, to witness/see, to be present, give evidence/testimony, bear witness. mushhad - time or place of being present or of giving
or hearing evidence, meeting place. mashhuud - that which is witnessed.
Nun-Zay-Lam = to descend, come down, go down, happen, alight at, settle in a place, lodge. anzala - to send down, give. nazulun - that which is prepared for a
guest's entertainment, abode, gift. manzil - mansion, station. nazzala - to cause to descend, send down. tanziil - sending down, divine revelation, systematic
arrangement and authentic compilation, gradual revelation
What story -some disciples/student/follower were convinced
-very many were not convinced
How many? -I don’t know, some ay said 12 disciples/followers
-they follow the teachings of Isa
-some said 1 disciple back stabbed him
-leaving only 11, we have yet to discover these facts
-from AlQuran or any historical documents
54. They planned, and The One To Serve/Allah planned; but The One To
Serve/Allah is the Best of planners.
Getting interesting! -the truant student and deniers plot a sinister plan
Then -The One planned, The One the Best of planners
What is the plan? -wait, don’t jump the gun, similar with contemporary situation
-many sinister plan, only need to open our eyes
What is the -very many, they plan to start a war
contemporary plan? -by provoking certain nation, a GREAT RESET of the economy
-the US and its cohort the EU and NATO
-the WEF, EU and the US, the Globalist and the Kazarian
How does The One Plan? -The One will let the nature takes it course
-law of equilibrium, law of thermodynamics
55. The One To Serve/Allah said, “O Isa, I keep my promise and elevate you
from weaknesses/take you and raise you to Myself and clearing/purify
you of those who deny. And I will make those who follow you superior
to those who deny, on the Day of Resurrection. Then to Me is your return;
I will judge between them regarding what they differ.
Waw-Fa-Ya = to reach the end, keep ones promise, fulfil ones engagement, pay a debt, perform a promise. tawaffa - to die. wafaat - death.
Ra-Fa-Ayn = to raise/uplift/elevate, to take up, to lift/hoist, extol, opposite of Kha-Fa-Daad [56:3], uprear it, rear it, make it high/lofty, take it and carry it, raise into view, to exalt, to advance,
bring a thing near presenting or offering, to bring forward, to take away, disappear, trace back, honour, show regard to, to introduce, refine, to make known, go upwards, high
rank/condition/state. Anything raised: mountain, throne.
Alif-Lam-Waw = fall short of doing the requisite/flag/remiss, slow/tardy/languid/weak, did not leave/quit/cease from/omit/neglect, swear, possessor, one who is superintended an affair, as far
as/until, in addition to/joined to any other thing, to me, decreed against/revealed/on the
Tha-Miim-Miim = to pick up, collect, repair, heap up (thing in a place). thamma - over there, here, in that direction, there in, thither. thumma - then, afterwards, moreover, mostly used as a
conjunction indicating a sequence in line or order to be rendered as then/thereafter, also used as a simpler conjunction - and.
Fa-Waw-Qaf = to be superior in rank or excellence, overcome, surpass, to be above/over, on, upon, more, on high. fauq - it is a preposition meaning above/upon/over/more/superior. fawaq -
time between two milkings/sucklings, between the opening of one's hand and grasping with it the udder and then lets it go for milking or a delay and space of time between the opening and
closing of the hand during milking. afaqa - to come to one's self, recover (after a swoon or ilness), awake (from sleep), recollect.
Getting interesting -The One keeps the promise
1. elevate Isa from weaknesses
2. clearing Isa of those who deny
3. make Isa followers superior to deniers in day of Resurrection
4. then to me is your return
How does The One -The One will let the nature takes it course
keep promise? -law of equilibrium, law of thermodynamics
56. As for those who deny, I will punish them with a severe punishment, in
this world and the day of resurrection, and they will have no helpers.
Story? -this is for the deniers, severe punishment in this world and the next
-no helpers
The next life? -yes, next life, the The One specifically talked about next life
-day of resurrection and correction
57. And as for those who are convinced and productive, The One will give
them their rewards in full. The One To Serve/Allah does not love the
Sad-Lam-Ha = to be right/good/honest/upright/sound/honest, suit, fit. aslaha - to set a thing aright, reform, do good. saalihaat - good works, fit and suiting deeds. aslaha (vb. 4) - to make
whole sound, set things right, effect an agreement between, render fit. islaah - uprightness, reconciliation, amendment, reformation. muslihun - reformer, one who is upright, honest, a person
of integrity, peacemaker, suitable
Za-Lam-Miim= To do wrong or evil, treat unjustly, ill-treat, oppress, harm, suppress, tyrannize, misuse, act wrongfully, deprive anyone of a right, misplace, injure, be oppressive, be guilty of
injustice, act wickedly, be wanting in or fail.
Story -the convinced and productive, will be rewarded fully
-the output from being productive
The extremists -will also be rewarded fully for their transgressions
-their rewards will be suffering and difficulties
58. That is what The One recites to you of the Verses and the Wise Reminder.
Story -The One teaches us the wisdom
-remind us of the people of old
-for us to take heed and not repeat their mistakes
Simple analogy? -yes very simple
-no need to make it complicated
-no need to refer to Bukhari and Muslim
-or any other exirgencies
Why they do? -they would want to make look complicated
-so that their publication will look impressive
-impressive means extra money perhaps
-I don’t know may be my conjecture
-I just do not know their reasoning or justification
-may be to make it voluminous
-be just to impress you
59. Indeed, the likeness of Isa closeness to The One To Serve/Allah the
likeness of Adam: The One originated him from the
elements/destitution/dust, then said to him, “Be,” and he evolved.
Miim-Tha-Lam = Stand erect, mutilate or castrate (namely a sheep or goat), to set up a thing, affect to be like or to imitate a thing, apply a proverb, apply a
thing proverbially, be nearly in a sound or healthy state, near to convalescence, obey/follow a command or order, to resemble, be of likeness or equivalent.
Ayn-Nun-Dal / Inda = Preposition: here, with, by, at the point of, about, from, in the presence of. The word denotes the idea of nearness, whether it be actual in
the sense of possession or ideational, it also denotes a sense of rank or dignity or opinion, time and place.
Kh-Lam-Qaf = To measure or proportion a thing, to form or make according to proper measure, bring into existence according to a certain measure, originate
or produce after a pattern or model which one has devised, bring into existence from a state of non-existence (create out of nothing), to fabricate or forge a
speech or saying, to make a thing equitable or even, make a thing smooth, to be probable or likely to happen (or likely to be or happen, or to have happened
or been), act towards someone according to that person's nature, wear out a thing and make it old, to be fit/ competent/ suitable/ proper, to be complete or
perfect in respect of make or proportion, have an innate/natural disposition/temperament/quality.
Ta-Ra-Ba = To have much earth, have dust in the hands, dusty, be destitute, poverty, neediness, misery, suffering loss. Poor man intimately acquainted with his
mother earth. He sank from the wealth. Soil/earth/dust. Cemetery, burial-place, grave. Contemporary friend, companion, match/fellow/equal, suiting the age
and matching in all other aspects, peer, one having similar tastes/habits/views. Breast, breast bones, chest, ribs.
Messages? -the closeness of Isa to The One is as Adam
-Adam and Isa were created from The ENERGY
-they originated from the elements in which contained Energy
-chemical content of human semen are as follows
calcium, chloride, citrate, fructose, glucose, lactic acid, magnesium,
potassium, protein, sodium, urea and zinc. Wiki
-chemical properties of female ovum are as follows
matrix metalloproteinase containing zinc (Zn), cytochrome P450 enzymes
containing iron (Fe), and selenoproteins containing selenium (Se), bromine,
copper, cobalt, fluorine, iodine, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, silicon, and
vanadium, with some arsenic, chromium. Oxford Academy
-chemical contents of soil are as follows
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, sulfur, calcium,
iron, magnesium, boron, manganese, copper, zinc, molybdenum and
chlorine. Wiki
Moral? - all creations are made from the elements
Destitution? -that is another perspective
Which is correct? -both are correct
-Adam started very likely as a caveman
-had to go through very hard life
-but evolved to be human/teacher/messenger
-Isa started life as son of a slave
-or the woman the right hand possessed
-either way its called slave
-but evolved to be human/teacher/messenger
-both of them recieved guidance from The One
-that’s the reason they were close to The One
Now very clear -I can’t jump topic
-it has to be discussed methodically
-the reason Isa is called ibn Mariam
60. The facts are from your Regulator, so do not be of those who doubt.
Ha-Qaf-Qaf = To be suitable to the requirements of justice or wisdom or truth or right or reality or fact, to be just/ proper/ right/ correct/ true/ fitting, to be
authentic/ genuine/ sound/ valid/ substantial/ real, also established/ confirmed/ binding/ unavoidable/incumbent, to be manifest, without doubt or uncertainty,
established as a fact, to be obligatory or due, have right or title or claim to a thing, deserve or merit a thing, most worthy, ascertain, to be sure or certain, to be
true or verifiable or veritable, to be serious or earnest, dispute or litigate or contend with another, speak the truth, reveal/manifest/show a truth or right, to be
proven true, pierce or penetrate.
Now I have no doubt! -no doubt these facts are proven true
-by the scientific findings and knowledge
-Adam and Isa were destitute to start with
-then they evolved
Why different story? -I don’t know, could have been started by the bonded
-espouse by the Roman Catholic
-embraced by the so called Muslim
-because their religious inter-connectivity
-one follows the others, thinking the others were correct
The story of Adam -they follow the bible
was different -they couldn’t accept Adam was a caveman
-so they created story that Adam was evolved from nothing
-for them a prophet must be perfect
-and the so called Muslim embraced it lock stock and barrel
Then? -they couldn’t understand the satan and iblis parts
-they thought satan and iblis were scary beings
-and the so called Muslim embraced it lock stock and barrel
Isa? -the story of Isa or Jesus as they called him is pathetic
-they said Isa is the son of The One
-again he must be special as The Anointed One
-however he was the son of a slave
-that’s impossible, couldn’t be
-and the so called Muslim embraced it lock stock and barrel
Wow! -ok, wow now you see the whole things
-it was proven by Musa there was no miracle
-everythings happen through law of nature
-we have seen the verses in Al-Baqarah
What to do -nothing, our tasks to convey
-The One to guide
61. And if anyone disputes with you about him, after the knowledge that has
come to you, say, “Come, let us call our children and your children, and
our women and your women, and ourselves and yourselves, and let us
invoke The One To Serve/Allah’s curse on the liars.”
Lam-Ayn-Nun = To drive away, execrate, deprive one of mercy and blessings, condemn, curse. The base or lower part of a palm-tree.
What now? -anyone disputes about Isa after knowing
-call our children and your children, our women and your women
-and ourselves and yourselves, invoke The One’s curse on the liars
Why the kids and -its about where the kids are coming from
the women? -seeing the kids will touch our nerves
-and the women knew where the kids are coming from
-its about the honour of being a father
-and the honour of being a mother
62. This is the narrative of facts: there is nothing to serve but The One To
Serve/Allah. The One To Serve/Allah is the Mighty, the Wise.
I got it -The One narrates facts-none to serve
-but The One-The Mighty -The Wise
63. But if they turn away— The One To Serve/Allah knows the corrupt.
Fa-Sin-Dal = to become evil/corrupted, invalid, decomposed, bad/spoiled/tainted, wrong, vicious, make mischief or foul deal. fasad -
They all deniers? -you said that, I think I agreed with you
-even worst than denying, they corrupt the earth
The problem with -I don’t really know
these people? -they believe in religious mythos, as you know religion is the opium
-any religious matters can’t be discussed
-its cast in stone, they would rather kill you
64. Say, “O People of the Book/learned people, come to terms common
between us and you: that we serve none but The One To Serve/Allah,
and that we associate nothing with The One, and that none of us takes
other as Regulator besides The One To Serve/Allah.” And if they turn
away, say, “Bear witness that we are peaceful.”
Story? -The One asked us to confront the learned people
-all the learned people, come to terms common amongst us
Would they? -I don’t have the capacity to ask them
-you may try, but I doubt they agree knowing them
-but you never know, good luck
65. O People of the Book/learned people! Why do you argue about Ibrahim,
when the Torah and the Injil were not revealed until after him? Will you
not reason?
Story -The One has given the answer to your question
-they argued about Ibrahim
-they claim they are descendents of Ibrahim
-through Ishak and Yaakub
-but their narratives were during Musa’s time
-meaning they are descendents of Musa
They turned and -yes they do, especially the Kazarian Jews nowadays
twisted history? -the name stealer
Name stealer? -yeah, name stealer, they called themselves jew
-I know they adopted Judaism, to call yourselves Jews is too much
-imagine the Chinese Muslim called themselves Arab
Who are they? -the Kazar converted to Judaism in 900AD
-they assimilated into the Ashkenazi Jews in the 19the century
-migrated to western Europe in late 1800, exterminated by the Nazi
-controlled Israel and world finance and banking
Torah & Injil? -yes Torah and Injil were ways after Ibrahim
-Torah during Musa and Injil during Isa
-Bani Israel name was derived from their slavery by Firaun
-called them the bonded here
66. Here you are—you argue about things you know, but why do you argue
about things you do not know? The One To Serve/Allah knows, and you
do not know.
Again? -yes they are the learned
-they are learned but-argue about things they do not know
-ironic isn’t it, they might argue about things they know
Funny people -yes you put it squarely, they aren’t not learned at all
67. Ibrahim was neither the guided/Al-Yahud nor a helper/Nasara, but he
was an upright, a peaceful man. And he was not of the Polytheists.
Factual statement -Ibrahim was neither Jews nor Christian
-but he was a stand-up person, peaceful man not of the polytheists
68. The people closes to Ibrahim are those who followed him, and this
prophet, and those who are convinced. The One To Serve/Allah is the
Guardian of those who are convinced.
Waw-Lam-Ya = to be close, near, follow, be up to.
Another fact -people most deserving of Ibrahim, who followed Ibrahim
-this prophet-refer current Revelation-Muhammad
-those who are convinced
Are they not ashamed? -I do not know, what is in their mind or heart
69. A party of the People of the Book/learned people would love to lead you
astray, but they only lead themselves astray, and they do not realize it.
They try very hard-yes try they always, but they only lead themselves astray
-they do not realize it, they believe in their own lies
70. O People of the Book/learned people! Why do you reject the revelations
of The One To Serve/Allah, even as you witness?
What is this? -the learned reject the revelations of The One
How is that? -what has The One not reveal in AlQuran and other revelations
-everythings, the guide for humanity, but some reject it outright
-like the late Stephen Hawkings, I considered him learned
-but he said humanity was a fluke
What made them -I don’t know
that way? -could be arrogant, self-interest, pride, money
71. O People of the Book/learned people! Why do you confound the truth
with falsehood, and knowingly conceal the truth?
Straight to the face -they would never understand
-even though they study the AlQuran and all revelations
-I guess arrogant, self-interest, pride, money
72. Some of the People of the Book/learned people say “convince in what
was revealed to those who are convinced at the beginning of the day,
and reject it at its end, so that they may turn back.”
Ha ha! To that extend -yes to that extend
I’m lost for words! -exactly, I don’t know what to say, they mocked The One
-even after The One guided their ancestors of old
-saved their ancestors from the cruelty of the wicked Firaun
-we have heard all stories about the bonded, felt pity for them
-and yet their successors are very much the same
-may be it is in the blood or in their DNA
Could be true! -I rather not conclude without any detailed studies
-may be you should, my task is to convey
73. And trust none except those who follow your way of life.” Say, “Guidance
is The One To Serve/Allah’s guidance. If someone is given the like of what
you were given, or they argue with you before your Regulator, say, “All
grace is in The One To Serve/Allah’s control; The One gives it to
whomever accordingly.” The One To Serve/Allah is Bounteous and
Guide from The One -yes, trust none except who follow your way of life
-guidance is The One’s guidance
-someone is given the like of what you were given
-they argue with you before your Regulator
-say, “All grace is in The One’s control
-The One To Serve/Allah is Bounteous and Knowing
74. The One specifies The One’s mercy for whomever accordingly. The One
To Serve/Allah is Possessor of Great Bounty.
Guide from The One -yes, specifies mercy for whomever accordingly
-Possessor of Great Bounty
75. Among the People of the Book is he, who, if you entrust him with a heap
of gold, he will give it back to you. And among them is he, who, if you
entrust him with a single coin, he will not give it back to you, unless you
keep after him. That is because they say, “We are under no obligation
towards the gentiles/received no revelation /unlettered.” They tell lies
about The One To Serve/Allah, and they know it.
Alif-Miim-Miim =ammina: to propose, direct one's steps towards a place, repair to, go towards [5:2] ummun/umm: mother, source, principle, prototype, origin,
prototype; ummi: belonging to mother, unlettered, Arab, who have no revealed scripture of their own; ummatun: a man's kinsfolk, tribe, party, community,
nation, group of living things having certain characteristics or circumstances in common, any grouping of human or animal, creation, generation, creatures of
God; ummah: way/course/manner/mode of acting, conviction, religion, nation, , time or period of time, honest person, a person who is an object of imitation
and who is known for goodness/virtues; imam: leader, president, any object that is followed (e.g. human/book/highway), model, example, pattern; amama:
before, in front of [75:5]
Another bad habit -exactly but I can’t really pin point the contemporary
76. Indeed, whoever fulfills his covenants and maintains consciousness—
The One To Serve/Allah loves the conscious.
Story? -be conscious, honour your commitment
Moral? -law of equilibrium, if you honour your commitment
-the other party will be happy, equilibrium will prevail
-if you don’t honour your commitment,the other party will be angry
-it will lead to dispute and on the bigger scale war
You, very simplistic! -its true, not honouring your commitment, create disequilibrium
-the other party might have other commitment to fullfill
-the party might be unable to meet the commitment
-this will create dispute which will lead to bigger problem
77. Those who exchange the covenant of The One To Serve/Allah, and their
vows, for a small price, those have no part at the end of the day; and
there will be no agreement with The One To Serve/Allah, nor will The
One consider them on the Day of Resurrection nor will The One prospers
them. They will have a grief retribution.
Kh-Lam-Qaf = To measure or proportion a thing, to form or make according to proper measure, bring into existence according to a certain measure, originate
or produce after a pattern or model which one has devised, bring into existence from a state of non-existence (create out of nothing), to fabricate or forge a
speech or saying, to make a thing equitable or even, make a thing smooth, to be probable or likely to happen (or likely to be or happen, or to have happened or
been), act towards someone according to that person's nature, wear out a thing and make it old, to be fit/ competent/ suitable/ proper, to be complete or
perfect in respect of make or proportion, have an innate/natural disposition/temperament/quality.
Kaf-Lam-Miim = To speak, express. word, command, agreement, common term. to speak to ro with, act of speaking, directly.
Nun-Za-Ra = to see, look at, glance, gaze, observe, behold, consider, regard, listen to, be patient towards, wait, contemplate, grant respite, put off, scrutinise,
show kindness, examine, search, reflect. nazara - the look with affection, to perplex, dazzle.
Zay-Kaf-Waw = it increased/augmented, it throve/grew well/ flourished/ prospered and produced fruit, it was/became pure, purification, goodness/ honestness,
lead/enjoy a plentiful/easy/soft/delicate life, put into a good/right state/condition, alms, poor-rate/due
Another reminder -yes, for not honouring your commitment
-imagine you have entered into contract worth billions
-you have to deliver your side of the contract to get that billions
-suddenly you exchange the contract for a pittance
-of course you will not get the billions, law of equilibrium
Another simple -its simple, law of thermodynamics
analogy from you! -“those have no part at the end of the day”
-at the end of the contract period you will not get the billions
-your agreement with The Energy has been nullified
-then The One will not even consider you on Day of Resurrection
-you will not prosper, you get grief retribution, law of equilibrium
78. And among them are those who twisted the Scripture with their tongues,
that you may think it from the Scripture, when it is not from the Scripture.
And they say, “It is from The One To Serve/Allah,” when it is not from The
One To Serve/Allah. They tell lies and attribute them to The One To
Serve/Allah, knowingly.
Very many now -yes, most of them, they lie to gain power
-the followers will worship them and their false sermon
-using The One’s name as a way to control the masses
Aren’t they others? -yes, there are but very little
-most of them trapped in the understanding of old
-not willing to take the risks of right understanding
-understanding of AlQuran based on hadith and sunnah
-what more with exigencies of old
-they lacked the knowledge of the current generations
-so what to do, stucked in the old understanding
Who are these others? -I could name a few
-the Quranist, those in freeminds forum & some other groupings
-but they locked the knowledge and science out of AlQuran
-science originated from scentia, -meaning knowledge
-but their minds are shrouded with old understanding
-they couldn’t get out of the maze
They are not -yes they are, but in the field of hadith, sunnah and exigencies
knowledgeable? -not in science, technology, management and what not
-they separate the world and hereafter
-the world with science and what not
-the hereafter with hadith, sunnah and exigencies
Do not AlQuran called -yes the knowledgeable in science and what not as ullama
these people ullama? -so they also called themselves ullama
AlQuran guidance to -they have forgotten that
humanity? -they think AlQuran is lyrics for hymns
-ritual for the dead and about to die
-not for humanity to carry on living
Could they review the -they dare not, taboo!
whole understanding? -they are stucked in the old understanding willingly
-some enjoy it and the benefits that comes with it
What benefits? -money my man, financial rewards of money
79. No person to whom The One To Serve/Allah has given the Scripture, and
wisdom, and the big news/prophethood would ever say to the people,
“Be my servant rather than The One To Serve/Allah’s.” Rather, “Be people
of the Regulator, according to the Scripture you teach, and the teachings
you learn.”
About prophets and -yes, reminder about prophets and messengers
messengers? -they would never mislead the people
-they are very truthful and straight
Their Standard -whomever given knowledge would recognize The One
-the would recognize The Energy is The One To Serve/Allah
80. Nor would he command you to take the Powerful Agents and the
prophets as Regulators. Would he command you to deny after you are
Their Standard -wouldn’t command you to deny
-those with knowledge would recognise The One
81. The One To Serve/Allah received the covenant of the prophets, “In as
much as I have given you of Scripture and wisdom, should a messenger
come to you verifying what you have; you shall be convinced in him, and
support him.” The One said, “Do you affirm My covenant and take it upon
yourselves?” They said, “We affirm it.” The One said, “Then bear witness,
and I am with you among the witnesses.”
Waw-Tha-Qaf = to place trust in any one, rely upon, bind.
The Prophets -the prophets are The Ones with knowledge
The messengers -the teachers who convey the knowledge to the masses
The covenants -the commitments of the prophets to The One
-when messengers come to you
-honour, support and convinced in him
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Refreshed Al-Quran (Al-Imran).docx
Refreshed Al-Quran (Al-Imran).docx
Refreshed Al-Quran (Al-Imran).docx
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Refreshed Al-Quran (Al-Imran).docx

  • 1. FAMILY OF IMRAN Ali 'Imran In the reality of The One To Serve/Allah The Beneficient the Ever Giving. 1. Do you not know. Alif-Lam-Miim = in pain, suffered pain, express pain/grief/sorrow, lament Back to Law of Inquisitive? -expressing an analysis of the merits and faults of a work -critical thinking, evaluative -analytical, interpretative -expository, inference -explanation, self-regulation -open-mindedness, problem-solving Instigate the rational -yes, do not follow the flock Mind -majority of people will lead you astray from being productive 2. The One To Serve/Allah, there is none to serve but The One, the Ever Living, the Eternal. The realities of The One -none to serve but The One -the Ever Living, the Eternal The Ever Living -what you need to do is harness The ENERGY The Eternal -be productive -The One will always be there for you -providing everything -some you harness voluntarily -some you harness involuntarily, without you knowing -how wonderful could it be -but some refuse to harness voluntarily -expecting silver platter treatment 3. The One sent down to you the book with the Facts, confirming what came before it; and The One sent down the Torah and the Injil. The contents -sent down to you the book with the facts/data -confirming what came before it -The One sent down the Torah and the Injil Moral? -those are books from The One -other book has been published -full with facts and data, guidance for humanity -if they follow the book they will prosper
  • 2. 4. Graciously accept/from before it as guidance for mankind; and The One sent down the Standard/Critereon. Those who have rejected The One To Serve/Allah’s evidences/verses will have severe difficulties. The One To Serve/Allah prevails with retribution. Qaf-Ba-Lam = to accept/admit/receive/agree, meet anyone, to face/encounter someone/something, advance/approach, correspond, counteract/ compare/ requite/ compensate, the front part (12:26), accept with approval, show favour. Ayn-Thal-Ba = chastisement, castigate, punishment, torture, torment, retribution, abstain/desist (e.g. from eating due to excessive thirst), relinquish, quit. To deny a thing, hinder anyone from, be inaccessible, prevent. adhb - palatable, sweet (usually water), e.g. 25:53, 35:12. Alif-Ya-Waw = sign, apparent sign, mark, indication, message, evidence, proof, miracle, communication, verse of The Quran. It properly signifies any apparent thing inseparable from a thing not equally apparent so that when one perceives the former, he perceives the other which he cannot perceive by itself. Shiin-Dal-Dal = to bind tightly, strap, strengthen firmly, run, establish, make firm, hard, strong, be advanced (day), be intense. ushdud - harden, strengthen. shadiid (pl. shidaad & ashidda'u - great, firm, strict, vehement, strong, violent, severe, mighty, terrible, stern, grievous, miserly, niggardly. (adj. of the forms fa'iil and fiaal are used indifferently for both m. and f.): ashuddun: age of full strength, maturity. ishtadda (vb. 8) - to act with violence, become hard. Ayn-Zay-Zay = mighty/potent/powerful/strong, noble/ honourable/ glorious, resisted/withstood, invincible, overcome (in argument), exalt, prevail, highly esteemed, precious, glory, vanity, excellent, proud and hard manner, stern. Nun-Qaf-Miim = to punish, accuse, develop hate, revenge, persecute, find fault, disapprove, dislike with tongue or punishment. The contents -accept it as guidance for mankind, sent down the Standard -who rejected The One’s evidences will have severe difficulties Moral? -how could you reject the book of logic -you can’t reject the book of logic, you will be doom to fail -severe difficulties mean horrific life -as retribution for you act, law of requital The One do not punish? -law of requital is the form of punishment from The One -but you do it upon yourself Ok, now I get it -it’s not The One want to punish you, you want to punish yourself -that’s why The One says “accordingly” -The One set the Law of Universe in it there is law of requital -because The One created the universe in equilibrium 5. Nothing is hidden from The One To Serve/Allah, on earth or in the universe. Contents -nothing is hidden from The One on earth or in the universe I believe I know -yes, The One is ENERGY -ENERGY revolves in everything therefore, nothing is hidden 6. It is The One who forms you in the wombs accordingly. There is none to serve except The One, the Almighty the Wise. Contents -forms you in the wombs accordingly -none to serve except The One The Almighty the Wise Enlighten me -human started with fertilization in of female egg in the womb -fertilization takes place in the fallopian tubes -when a sperm cell successfully meets an egg cell -this newly fertilized cell is called a zygote -formed with the existence of ENERGY in the sperm and egg -without ENERGY, no existence of human
  • 3. 7. It is The One who revealed to you the Book. Some of its verses are definitive/absolutely clear; they are the foundation of the Book, and others are unspecific/allegorical. As for those in whose hearts is deviation, they follow the unspecific part, seeking descent, and seeking to derive an interpretation. But none knows its interpretation except The One To Serve/Allah and those firmly rooted in knowledge. Say “We are convinced in it; all is from our Regulator.” But none recollects except those with understanding. Ha-Kaf-Miim = To restrain from, exercise authority, command, give judgment, judge, be wise. To restrain/prevent/withhold a person from acting in an evil or corrupt manner, to judge or give judgement, pass sentence, decide judicially, exercise judicial authority/jurisdiction/rule/dominion/government, order or ordain or decree a thing, to be wise, to be sound in judgement, possess knowledge or science and wisdom, render a thing firm/stable/sound/free from defect or imperfection by the exercise of skill. Shiin-Ba-ha = to be like, to resemble/assimilate/liken/imitate, to compare one thing with another due to an attribute connecting them or is common to them: can be real or ideal - real: "this dollar is like this dollar" ideal: "John is like the lion/ass (i.e. strength/stupidity)", appear like another thing, ambiguous/dubious/obscure, comparison/similitude/parable/simile, co similar, resemble (in quality or attributes), conformable. Ra-Siin-Kha = to be firm, stable, rooted, established. rasikh - deeply versed, firmly established, well grounded. Contents -the Revelation some verses are definitive -they are the foundation of the Book -others are allegorical-requires further understanding -those in whose hearts is deviation -they follow the unspecific part, seeking confusion -none knows its interpretation except The One -and those firmly rooted in knowledge -we are convinced in it; all is from our Regulator -none recollects except those with understanding Learn from the learned -invoke The One to increase your knowledge -learn from those with knowledge to understand the Revelation Remember these -Law of Nature -by Revelation, natural cycle, observation and thinking -Law of Food -by Revelation, needs and thinking -Law of animal -by Revelation, observation, testing and thinking -Law of hunting -by Revelation, casualties, preservation and thinking -Law of husbandry -by Revelation, observation, testing and thinking -Law of vegetation -by Revelation, observation, testing and thinking -Law of farming -by Revelation, observation, testing and thinking -Law of cooking -by Revelation, experiment and thinking -Law of drinking -by Revelation, experiment and thinking -Law of Science -by Revelation, natural cycle, observation and thinking -Law of physics -by Revelation, natural cycle, observation and thinking -Law of chemistry -by Revelation, natural cycle, observation and thinking -Law of biology -by Revelation, natural cycle, observation and thinking -Law of tools -by Revelation, observation and thinking -Law of machine -by Revelation, observation and thinking -Law of Garments -by Revelation, experience and necessities and thinking -Law of decor -by Revelation, natural cycle by observation/thinking -Law of arts -by Revelation, natural cycle by observation/thinking -Law of leisure -by Revelation, natural cycle by observation/thinking -Law of Habitat -by Revelation, observation and thinking -Law of land -by Revelation, observation and thinking -Law of staying -by Revelation, experiment and thinking -Law of burial -by Revelation, natural cycle, observation and thinking -Law of Psychology -by Revelation, natural cycle, observation and thinking -Law of hygiene -by Revelation, observation and thinking -Law of giving -by Revelation, experience and thinking -Law of writing -by Revelation, testing and thinking -Law of reading -by Revelation, testing and thinking -Law of science -by Revelation, testing, experiment and thinking -Law of staying -by Revelation, testing, experiment and thinking -Law of Sociology -by Revelation, testing, experiment and thinking -Law of communal -by Revelation, testing, experiment and thinking
  • 4. -Law of urban -by Revelation, testing, experiment and thinking -Law of disputes -by Revelation and thinking -Law of war -by Revelation and thinking -Law of civilisation -by Revelation, thinking and thinking -Law of Requital -by Revelation and statutory enactment Any more? -yes a lot more -many more field of studies -you can’t explain Al-Quran without knowing these field of studies -reason Al-Quran has been explained in a hilarious interpretation -the interpreters do not have the knowledge 8. “Our Regulator, do not cause our hearts to swerve after You have guided us, and bestow on us mercy from Your presence; You are the Bestower.” Contents -invoking our Regulator -do not cause our hearts to swerve -after You have guided us -bestow on us mercy from Your presence -You are the Bestower Why invoke The One? -invoking The One is one way to protect ourself -we human need to be reminded -way to a productive life -do not sway by Instinctive/Sceptic mind -not using neo-cortex -deviate from a productive way of life 9. “Our Regulator, indeed, You will gather mankind on a day in which there is no doubt.” The One To Serve/Allah will never break The One’s promise. Contents -our Regulator -You will gather mankind on a day -in which there is no doubt -The One never break promise Day of Requital -yes day of requital -all actions made by human will be accounted -punishment and reward will be given accordingly The One do punish? -law of requital is the form of punishment from The One -but you do it upon yourself Ok, now I get it -it’s not that The One want to punish you -you want to punish yourself -that’s why The One says “accordingly” -The One set the Law of Universe -in it there is law of requital -because The One created the universe in equilibrium 10. As for those who denies, neither their wealth nor their children will avail them anything against The One To Serve/Allah. They will be fuel for the war.
  • 5. Contents -deniers neither their wealth nor their children -will avail them anything against The One -these will be fuel for war Please decipher -one is not responsible for the other’s action -law of requital -none can help you in the Hereafter -forget about the shafa’at and whatever -created by the mullah and ullama 11. Like the behavior of wicked people and those before them. They rejected The One’s evidences, so The One To Serve/Allah is observence. The One To Serve/Allah is strict in consequences. Thal-Nun-Ba = to track, make a tale, add apendix, follow closely, become spotted. Commit offence, fault, sin, wrong, act of disobedience, transgression. Ayn-Qaf-Ba = to succeed, take the place of, come after, strike on the heel, come at the heel, follow anyone closely. aqqaba - to endeavour repeatedly, return, punish, requitt, retrace one's step. aqab - to die, leave offsprings, give in exchange. aqabatun - place hard to ascent. uqbun - success. ta'aqqaba - to take careful information, shout, follow step by step. aqub - heel, son, grandson, offspring, pivot, axis. uqba - requital, result, reward, end, success. iqab (pl. aqubat) - punishment after sin, one who puts off or reverses, who looks at the consequence or result of the affair. mu'aqqibat - who succeed each other, some thing that comes immediately after another thing or succeeds another thing without interruption. It is a double plural feminine of mu'aqqib. The plural feminine form indicates the frequency of the deeds, since in Arabic the feminine form is sometimes employed to impart emphasis and frequency. Contents -wicked people -rejected The One’s evidences -The One follow closely Results -The One To Serve/Allah is severe in consequences -the deniers faced their entropy -recall 2:49 And recall that The One delivered you from the wicked people. They inflicted terrible persecution on you, killing your sons and sparing your women. Therein you disregard of your Regulator tremendously. -recall 2:50 And recall that The One depart the body of water for you, so The One saved you, and The One drowned the wicked people of as you looked on. What is The One’s -ok, do you know before Musa took the bonded away? evidence? -signs & evidence were plenty for the wicked Firaun to heed? -7:133 -So The One let loose upon them the flood, and the locusts, and the lice, and the frogs, and blood—all explicit evidences—but they were too arrogant. They were a criminal people. -7:134 Whenever a plague befell them, they would say, “O Musa, pray to your Regulator for us, according to the covenant The One made with you. If you lift the plague from us, we are convinced in you, and let the Mentally bonded/religous people/Israel go with you -7:135 But when The One lifted the plague from them, for a term they were to fulfill, they broke their promise. -7:136 So The One took retribution on them, and drowned them in the water—because they rejected The One’s evidences, and paid no heed to them. -7:137 And The One made the oppressed people inherit the eastern and western parts of the earth, which The One had blessed. Thus the fair promise of your Regulator to the bonded was fulfilled, because of their endurance. And The One destroyed what the wicked and his people had built, and what they had harvested. That’s the evidence! -yes, that is the evidence -if you noticed in the modern times now -mass movements of animals before cataclysmic event happen -the water movements were due to massive earth crust movement 12. Say to those who deny, “You will be defeated, and banished into burning fire—a place you seek.” Contents -the deniers will be defeated -banished into burning fire, a place they seeked I’m confused -law of retribution, they chosed unproductive ways -they drove themselves into severe difficulties
  • 6. -the negative effect from being unproductive -eg. war in Ukraine, the Ukrainians were asking for it -now they suffer the torment of burning fire of war How about hell -in this verse The One did not talk about being judge and hereafter? -as in the day of judgement -The One talks straight to retribution -so it must be burning fire on this earth Still confused -look at the story in the next verse -The One still talk about war Ok, got it -open up your mind, do not clog up your logical faculty -you have filled up your mind with the myth and legend of old -you will get there 13. There was an indicator for you in the side that saw the other on top of a hill. One party fighting in the way of The One To Serve/Allah, and the other party was the deniers which perceived them with their own eyes twice the number and The One To Serve/Allah supports with The One help whomever accordingly. In that is a lesson for those with insight. Miim-Tha-Lam = Stand erect, mutilate or castrate (namely a sheep or goat), to set up a thing, affect to be like or to imitate a thing, apply a proverb, apply a thing proverbially, be nearly in a sound or healthy state, near to convalescence, obey/follow a command or order, to resemble, be of likeness or equivalent. Contents -the deniers saw them twice their number -The One supports with help accordingly -a lesson for those with insight ?? -the deniers saw the convinced on top of a hill -they saw the front row formation -they perceived there are second/third rows formation and so on -they perceived there twice the numbers of opponent -they left fearing defeat 14. Adorned for the people is the love of desires, such as women, and children, and piles upon piles of gold and silver, and branded horses, and livestock, and fields. These are the conveniences of the worldly life, but with The One is the best home coming. Contents -love of desires of women, children, piles of gold and silver -branded cattle, livestock and fields Morals? -they loved the unproductive things in life -nowadays money, women, cars, properties 15. Say, “Shall I inform you of something better than that? For those who are secured, with their Regulator are gardens beneath which rivers flow,
  • 7. where they will remain, and purified spouses, and acceptance from The One To Serve/Allah.” The One To Serve/Allah is Observant of the servants. Waw-Qaf-Ya = to protect, save, preserve, ward off, guard against evil and calamity, be secure, take as a shield, regard the duty. muttaqii - one who guard against evil and against that which harms and injures and is regardful of his duty towards human beings and God. Ta-Qaf-Ya = to fear, be cautious, guarded, prepared, preserve, forethoughtful, fearntial & pious fear (of God), honest/virtuous/just/honest. see Waw-Qaf-Ya Contents -something better than that -gardens beneath which rivers flow -they will remain, purified spouses -acceptance from The One ?? -those with high productivity and knowledge -will have the prosperities and good life -they will earn the output from their productivity 16. Those who say, “Our Regulator, we are convinced, so protect us from our offence, and save us from the suffering of war.” Contents -first you will ask by invoking -forgive us our sins, save us from the suffering of the war Then? -you will work towards it -then The One is the source of everything 17. The patient, and the truthful, and the wholehearted, and the charitable, and the seekers of protection before dawn. Contents -the patient, the truthful, the fearnt, the charitable -the seekers of protection before dawn ?? -solah before start the day -the characters mentioned are of those who carry out solah 18. The One To Serve/Allah bears witness that there is none to serve but The One, as do the Powerful Agents, and those endowed with knowledge— upholding justice. There is none to serve but The One, the Mighty the Wise. Contents -the oath of those who are convinced -The One bears witness none to serve but The One -as the Powerful Agents, those endowed with knowledge and -upholding justice -none to serve but The One ??? -The One is the source of everything -law of nature = product of ENERGY -those with knowledge=The Messengers, teachers -they know of the existence of The One=Energy
  • 8. 19. The way of life with The One To Serve/Allah is peaceful. Those to whom the Scripture was given differed only after knowledge came to them, out of envy among themselves. Whoever rejects the evidences of The One To Serve/Allah — The One To Serve/Allah is quick to take account. Contents -the way of life=peaceful -differed after knowledge came to them -out of envy among themselves -rejects the evidences of The One Moral? -dispute will occur once knowledge is given -egotistical behavior, using emotion part of the brain -law of requital will prevail Law of -law of Conservation of Energy thermodynamics -Energy, can neither be created nor destroyed -can only be transferred, changed form to another -Energy, exists in many forms 20. If they argue with you, say, “I am peaceful with The One To Serve/Allah, and those who follow me.” And say to those who were given the Scripture, and to the unlearned, “Are you peaceful?” If they are peaceful, then they are guided, but if they turn away, then your duty is to convey. The One To Serve/Allah is seeing of the servants. Contents -if people argue say ‘I am peaceful with The One=Energy’ Moral? -do not argue with them -the universe is created in equilibrium -it will find the equilibrium in due time, it’s called the law of requital -everything will balance itself -we have learnt from the law of thermodynamic Law of thermodynamics -law of Conservation of Energy -Energy, can neither be created nor destroyed -can only be transferred, changed form to another -Energy, exists in many forms The learned -those without knowledge will have a hard time in their life 21. As for those who defy The One To Serve/Allah’s revelations, and kill the prophets unjustly, and kill those who advocate justice among the people, promise them grief suffering. Ayn-Thal-Ba = chastisement, castigate, punishment, torture, torment, retribution, abstain/desist (e.g. from eating due to excessive thirst), relinquish, quit. To deny a thing, hinder anyone from, be inaccessible, prevent. adhb - palatable, sweet (usually water) Alif-Lam-Miim = in pain, suffered pain, express pain/grief/sorrow, lament
  • 9. Deniers -who defy The One’s revelations -kill the prophets unjustly, kill those who advocate justice -promise them a painful retribution Law of retribution -the universe is created in equilibrium -it will find the equilibrium in due time -it’s called the law of requital, everything will balance itself -we have learnt from the law of thermodynamic Law of thermodynamics -law of Conservation of Energy -Energy, can neither be created nor destroyed -can only be transferred, changed form to another -Energy, exists in many forms 22. They are those whose deeds will come to nothing, in this world and in the End Day and they will have no saviors. Contents -deed of the deniers will come to nothing -in this world, in the End Day they will have no saviors Law of retribution -the universe is created in equilibrium -it will find the equilibrium in due time -it’s called the law of requital everything will balance itself -we have learnt from the law of thermodynamic Law of thermodynamics -law of Conservation of Energy -Energy, can neither be created nor destroyed -can only be transferred, changed form to another -Energy, exists in many forms 23. Have you not considered those who were given a share of the Scripture, as they were called to the Scripture of The One To Serve/Allah to arbitrate between them; then some of them turned back, and declined? Contents -the learned people -given a share of the Scripture -they were called to the Scripture -to arbitrate between them -some of them turned back -declined The deniers -will face law of retribution Law of retribution -the universe is created in equilibrium -it will find the equilibrium in due time -it’s called the law of requital -everything will balance itself -we have learnt from the law of thermodynamic Law of thermodynamics -law of Conservation of Energy -Energy, can neither be created nor destroyed -can only be transferred, changed form to another -Energy, exists in many forms
  • 10. 24. As because they said, “The fire will not touch us except for a limited number of days.” They have been misled in their way of life by the lies they fabricated. The learned people -given a share of the Scripture -they were called to the Scripture -to arbitrate between them -some of them turned back, declined -the war will touch us little, misled by lies, unproductive life Law of retribution -the universe is created in equilibrium -it will find the equilibrium in due time -it’s called the law of requital -everything will balance itself -we have learnt from the law of thermodynamic Law of thermodynamics -law of Conservation of Energy -Energy, can neither be created nor destroyed -can only be transferred, changed form to another -Energy, exists in many forms 25. How about when The One gather them on a Day in which there is no doubt, and each soul will be paid in full for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged? The One -gather on the Day of Resurrection -paid in full for what it has earned, they will not be wronged Law of retribution -fairness concept, you deserve what you get and requital -you will get what you deserve 26. Say, “O The One To Serve/Allah, Owner of Sovereignty. You grant sovereignty accordingly, and You strip sovereignty accordingly. You honor accordingly, and You let go accordingly. In Your power is all goodness. You are Capable of all things.” The One is capable -The Energy of the whole universe and beyond -all matters come from Energy -ENERGY provides power to those who harness it -ENERGY provides good things to humanity who harness it 27. “You merge the night into the day, and You merge the day into the night; and you bring the living out of the dead, and You bring the dead out of the living; and you provide for accordingly with no miserly.” The One -The Energy -day and night cycle, study the cycle -birth and death cycle Action Potential -ENERGY that starts the whole thing
  • 11. 28. Those convinced not to accept the deniers to be close or the convinced be indebted/instead of. Whoever does that have nothing to do with The One To Serve/Allah at all unless to protect your own selves against them. The One To Serve/Allah warns you to beware of The One. To The One To Serve/Allah is the destiny. Alif-Kha-Dhal = to take in one's hand, received/acquired, derived/deduced/admitted, accepted, accept a covenant, affected/influenced, overpowering influence, take captive, gain mastery, slew/destroy, captivate/fascinate. Waw-Lam-Ya = to be close, near, follow, be up to. Miim-Nun-Nun = To confer or bestow a benefit or favour to someone, to be bountiful or beneficent or gratuitous, to be reasonable (too reasonable to do that which is deemed bad), min often means some of or among, min can be used in the sense of fi meaning in or on. Dal-Ya-Nun = obedience/submissiveness, servility, religion, high/elevated/noble/glorious rank/condition/state, took/receive a loan or borrowed upon credit, become indebted, in debt, under the obligation of a debt, contract a debt, repay/reimburse a loan, rule/govern/manage it, possess/own it, become habituated/accustomed to something, confirmation, death (because it is a debt everyone must pay), a particular law/statute, system, custom/habit/business, a way/course/manner of conduct/acting, repayment/compensation. Waw-Qaf-Ya = to protect, save, preserve, ward off, guard against evil and calamity, be secure, take as a shield, regard the duty. muttaqii - one who guard against evil and against that which harms and injures and is regardful of his duty towards human beings and God. The convinced -not be close with the deniers -nothing to do with The One -The One warns you -The One is the destiny ??? -do not get close to unproductive people -these people will use you and lead you astray -do not be indebted to them -will not lead to a peaceful life 29. Say, “Whether you conceal what is in your hearts, or disclose it, The One To Serve/Allah knows it.” The One knows everything in the heavens and the earth. The One To Serve/Allah is Powerful over everything. People -conceal/disclose your hearts, The One knows -The One knows everything -in heavens and earth -The One Powerful over everything ??? -ENERGY revolves in everything 30. On the Day when every soul finds all the good it has done presented. And as for the evil it has done, it will wish there were a great distance between them. The One To Serve/Allah cautions you of The One’s. The One To Serve/Allah is Kind towards the servants. People -day of requital The final entropy?-law of retribution -those who transgress will pay the price
  • 12. 31. Say, “If you love The One To Serve/Allah, and then follow me, and The One To Serve/Allah will love you, and will forgive you your wrongs.” The One To Serve/Allah is Protecting and Merciful. Gh-Fa-Ra = protect, cover over, hide, shield, helmet, forgive, pardon, to ask for protection/ forgiveness. Thal-Nun-Ba = to track, make a tale, add apendix, follow closely, become spotted. Commit offence, fault, sin, wrong, act of disobedience, transgression. Contents -those who love The One -follow messenger -The One will love you -forgive you your wrongs -The One Forgiving and Merciful How is that so? -we should love and appreciate the ENERGY -express our gratitude by harnessing the ENERGY -be productive in our daily life -be peaceful and prosperous 32. Say, “Obey The One To Serve/Allah and the Messenger.” But if they turn away— The One To Serve/Allah does not love the deniers. How to? -harnessing the ENERGY by being productive -obey Messengers by follow their advice -as they know what is good for you -unproductive will cause faster entropy process 33. The One To Serve/Allah select Adam, and Noh, and the family of Ibrahim, and the family of Imran, from all creations. Sad-Fa-Waw = it became clear/limpid/pure (often said of a drink), opposite of Kaf-Dal-Ra, free from turbidness/thickness/muddiness, free from admixture, became cloudless (said of air/atmosphere, but also said of love/life/mind/heart), clear/pure/best/choice/favoured part/potion, clear/clarify, true/sincere, distinguish particularly/specially, select/elect/prefer, serenity of life, comfort, reciprocal sincerity/purity. take the best of, to choose in preference to, grant to another a preference in the choice of anything. abound with milk (said of a she-camel/ewe/goat/sheep), palm-tree heavy with fruit, reached stone (said of a digger). the portion of the spoil, which the chief/commander chooses for himself before the division. Become destitute/devoid. stone, smooth stone/rock, stone that doesn't give growth to anything, hard broad stone, a certain place in Mekkeh. I’m lost for words -the key word here is select -from a group of people or things -carefully chosen from a larger number as being the best -it was fully deliberated in 2:30 to 2:39 for Adam -fully deliberated in 2:124 to 2:140 for Ibrahim -we have yet to reach the story of Noh and the family of Imran Can summarise it? -selection process is part of natural selection process -the evolution process -remember selection is ‘for the best there is!’ Why Adam? -the selection of Adam based on the early homo sapiens -our own species, Anatomically Modern Humans -there wasn’t very many choices but Adam was the best -even he was to compete with Iblis and Satan -and to certain extend the Powerful Agents -and the best was the creation with logical brain -Adam sustained the evolution and the entropy processes -and came back to The One even after straying Adam’s best quality? -his ability to adapt to the environment -otherwise his species could have been extinct -evolved with free-will, can choose and make a choice -chaos and order systems as in evolution & entropy
  • 13. -man was able to manage the life within the system I’ve heard of that! -naturally you have -the process which populations adapt and change -the process of choosing the best among the species -the best will evolve into something better -Adam with logical ability and free-will -has to use all his brain functions -to control Iblis and satan and neo-cortex -factual in everythings, called truthful What are the facts? -the earlier generations are NEANDERTHAL and DENISOVAN -cycle of life, at war with each other -catastrophic event of Adams event -wiping them out of existence due to 2 events -no traces of these generations before -from archeological findings in places -they did not survive Adam belong’s to? -Adam belongs to Cro-Magnon period 60,000 to 10,000 YA -not the first batch, the Powerful Agents had experience before -these being on earth, causes corruption and shed blood -they are the NEANDERTHAL and the DENISOVAN -Adam to Idris-The Paleolithic era 50,000 BCE to 10,000 BCE -pre-Noh Flood-Neolithic era 12,000 BCE to 6,000 BCE What did Adam do? -for 40,000 to 50,000 years from 50,000 BCE to 10,000 BCE -The Singularity infused the process of learning and experience -the law of nature and the law of social interaction and science -to humanities experiencing the reality of life -from hunter-gatherer/stone age to farm community/bronze age -to iron age/civilisation during pre-flood epoch -The Singularity infused the process of learning/experience the laws Now why Ibrahim? -he was stand up-right guy -Ibrahim is the next phase pf human development -The One select Ibrahim-Natural Selection -stand his ground, to the point of facing death -he created a place to settle the disputes of the community -house, parliament, administrative centre, Local Authority -Ibrahim initiate creation of law for settling the dispute -for civilization to grow A good guy! -yeap, fantastic, he creates situation where -productivity will grow, business will prosper -conflict is resolved, war is avoided Peace? -yeap, peace, being peaceful with everything surrounding you -The singularity will not interfere with creation directly -The Singularity grants you free will, total freedom -The One guides, you can opt to follow or ignore or go against it -The Singularity said peace – at ease with everything -Ibrahim was at ease with The Singularity-The Nature-The Energy Simple as that? -yeap, simple as that -things are pretty simple, we human make it complicated -always trying to outdo each other, due to envy and lealousy -not using the components of the brain fully After that? -the natural selection progresses continue -Ibrahim lay down his legacy to sons and grandson -effectively you can only live to your grandson life
  • 14. -if you go beyond that you would be a jelly Proof? -legacy of being peaceful – at ease -you can track it down to most descendant of Ibrahim -they follow Ibrahim, at ease with their people and environment Now I know! -good on ya, from the natural selection of Ibrahim -from the natural selection of all Prophet/Messenger -mankind has evolved and developed into what they are today -the natural selection totally explained in Al-Quran 34. They grew distinct/scattered/descendents some of them from each other. The One To Serve/Allah is Hearer and Knower. Thal-Ra-Ra = to scatter, strew, sprinkle, rise. Least degree. Atom, small ant, smallest kind of an ant resembling in weight and shape to an atom, smallest seed of grain, grub, small particle that sprinkled. Progeny, offspring, children, race, raising children. Ba-Ayn-Dad = Gnats, mosquitoes, bitten, annoyed or molested by gnats or mosquitoes. Dividing into parts or portions, which are distinct or separate from each other. Something or someone. An impossible or difficult thing imposed on someone. What is The One saying? -the process of living -the growth of mankind -the growth of civilization -growth of nations 35. The woman of Imran said, “My Regulator, I have vowed to You what is in my womb to be free/dedicated, so accept from me; You are the Hearer and Knower.” Miim-Ra-Alif = It (food) was wholesome or approved in its result, easy to swallow, not attended by trouble, quick in digesting, light to the stomach, to descend well, to be salubrious in its air (land), in the habit of doing what is approved and shunning what is held base, preserve the soul from filthy actions, to be possessed of manly perfection or manly virtue or moral goodness, give food (on the occasion of building a house or marrying), woman, wife. Ayn-Miim-Ra = to inhabit, stay, mend, repair/revive, tend, build, promote, cultivate, make habitable, to make better, to develop, populate, to serve/uphold/observe/regard, to visit, to colonize, aimed at it, frequently visit, a visit in which is the cultivation of love/affection, repairing to an inhabited place. perform a sacred visitation, minor pilgrimage with fewer rites. to remain alive (save life), to live, life, age, long-life, old-age. Nun-Dhal/Thal-Ra = to dedicate, make a vow, warn, admonish, caution, promise voluntarily, offer present. nadhiir - warner, one who informs and averts calamity, who cautions and put one on guard. Ha-Ra-Ra = To be free (slave), be freeborn, to free/emancipate/liberate a slave. To be hot or very hot, to burn up and become fierce or hot, to thirst, become thirsty, become dry from thirst or grief, to heat water, to be vehement and great in extent, make a writing beautiful and elegant and free from defects, to write well and accurately, write accurately and exactly and without mistake. Ba-Tay-Nun =Becoming fat, Midriff, stomach, belly, girth, abdomen, Becoming replete, sated. A belly ache or being disordered digestively, exulting greatly and/or excessively, behaving insolently and ungratefully, Striking or beating the belly, Disease entering (as though it penetrated through the belly), Entering into something (e.g. a valley, affair). Penetrating mentally or knowing something (state, news, circumstances, affair, case). Something becoming hidden or unapparent, esoteric, concealed or covert. A lining or inner covering, inside or interior of anything, inner story. Particular or special intimate, friend or associate. Going in the middle or midst of something (e.g. meadow, garden, news). A far extending place of whose parts are remote from the other. Bringing forth of young. Excrement or ejection of, Lower or lowest part of the foundation, low depressed land, soft parts of the land where water stagnates. Palm of the hand, sole of the foot/hoof. Armpit hollow of the arm, hollow of the throat. Apparent, visible part of the sky. Having an inordinate desire or appetite for food. One of the mansions/stations of the moon, the 2nd. Three small stars in the form of an equilateral triangle forming the belly of the Ram/Aries. Certain vessel made of glass or earthenware (an amphora, jar, vase, and pitcher). Inward. Qaf-Ba-Lam = to accept/admit/receive/agree, meet anyone, to face/encounter someone/something, advance/approach, correspond, counteract/ compare/requite/compensate, the front part (12:26), accept with approval, show favour. The Imran women? -they are the bonded people -mother vowed that the offspring to be free -historical evidence – they are slave by lot casting (refer 3:44) -lot casting apparently was very big in the old civilisation -they attributed lot casting as approval from god -lot casting was used to bequeath of properties -properties included slave and whatever the deceased owned Is Mariam’s father -possible, according to Luke 1:5 is Imran? -Amram's wife was Anne -sister of Elizabeth, and a descendant of Aaron -Luke 1:5 There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judaea -a certain priest named Zacharias, of the course of Abia -his wife was of the daughters of Aaron -her name was Elisabeth, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth -she hath also conceived a son in her old age -this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren -thus, in Sura 19, we learn that Mary is a descendant of Aaron
  • 15. -Quran 19:28 -O descendant of Aaron, your father was not a bad man -nor was your mother unchaste 36. And when she delivered her, she said, “My Regulator, I have delivered a female,” and The One To Serve/Allah was well aware of what she has delivered, “and the male is not like the female, and I have named her Mariam, and have seek refuge for her and her descendants in Your protection, from Sceptic mind the excessive.” Contents -the Imran women, the process of deliveries -identification of a child gender, -naming of a child -seeking refuge in The One from satan Lesson? -first occasion of seeking refuge in The One from satan -second occasion when reading/learning Al-Quran -practice of contemporary Muslim after delivery, to call for prayer How does -I don’t know really that come about? -they overstate the importance of prayer may be -or they want the baby to pray may be Rational? -to remind yourself -use all the three compponents of the brain -life is full of trial and tribulation -seek refuge in The One from Satan 37. Her Regulator received her with a gracious reception, and brought her up a beautiful upbringing, and entrusted her to the care of Zakaria. Zakaria whom without offspring/whenever had intercourse/enter on top of her in the private chamber, he found her energetically refusing/with her provision. He said, “O Mariam, where did you get this from?” She said, “It is from The One To Serve/Allah; The One To Serve/Allah provides accordingly without reckoning.” Qaf-Ba-Lam = to accept/admit/receive/agree, meet anyone, to face/encounter someone/ something, advance/approach, correspond, counteract/compare/requite/compensate, the front part (12:26), accept with approval, show favour. Nun-Ba-Ta = to produce (tree), germinate, grow, sprout (plant), grow up (child). nawaabit - offspring of human beings or cattle. Kaf-Fa-Lam = To take care of, nourish, bring up for another, be guardian of, be responsible for, entrust, stand security or surety. Kaf-Lam-Lam = To lose father and child, lose direct heirs, be weary, tired, weak, have only remote relations. Dal-Kha-Lam = to enter, got in, passed, to penetrate, breach, break through, invade, come upon, visit, intrude, meddle, insert, introduce, to participate/commence/include/take part, it became comprehended/comprised in it, mix/intermingle. Have intercourse with, go into (one's wife). Income/revenue/profit. confused/badness/unsound/corrupt, vice, deceit/guile/circumvention. A select group of close associates. A place of entrance, gate, ingoing, instrument allowing entrance, key. Guest. Ayn-Lam-Ya / Ala = Preposition: on, upon, at, under, against, provided, so that, in respect, before, against, according to, for the sake of, to, above, inspite of, near. (e.g. ala hudan - they are on guidance) Ayn-Lam-Waw = to be high, elevated, lofty, exalted, ascend, overcome, be proud/upon/over, go up, rise in rank or dignity, raise, take up, mount, overtop. Ha-Ra-Ba = War/battle/conflict. To spoil one’s goods, plunder/despoil, ask a thing importunately. Become angry/mad. Excite or provoke or stir up war. Mihrab: upper end of a sitting-room, house/tent/chamber, the chief or most honourable sitting place, a high place, highest chamber in a house, a chamber to which one ascends by stairs, private chamber, highest place in a mosque, a place of prayer/assembly. Ayn-Nun-Dal = to go out of the right way, decline, deviate, be rebellious, tyrant, opposing, obstinate to resist, transgress the bounds. Ayn-Nun-Dal / Inda = Preposition: here, with, by, at the point of, about, from, in the presence of. The word denotes the idea of nearness, whether it be actual in the sense of possession or ideational, it also denotes a sense of rank or dignity or opinion, time and place. Ra-Zay-Qaf = to provide, supply, bestow, grant, means of subsistance. turzaqan - you both shall be supplied. rizq - bounty, gift, portion/share. raziq - one who provides or supplies. razzaq great provider/supplier.
  • 16. Kaf-Fa-Fa = To withhold, desist, refrain from, withdraw, keep back, hold out the hand. Waw-Jiim-Dal = to find what was lost, perceive, obtain, find anyone or anything (such and such) Kaf-Fa-Lam = To take care of, nourish, bring up for another, be guardian of, be responsible for, entrust, stand security or surety. Waw-Kaf-Lam = to entrust, confirm, give, charge, dispose affairs, lean upon, reply upon. What is the story?-The One accepted her, protect her from speculative brain -Zakaria brought her up a beautiful upbringing -meaning she has grown -she was given as mamalakat aimanukum to Zakaria -by lot casting refer 3:44 You are serious? -yes very serious, I could be wrong -I invoke The One to increase my knowledge or -let someone give me rebuttal on the issue 38. Thereupon Zakaria invoked his Regulator; he said, “My Regulator, grant me good offspring from Your presence; You are the Hearer of prayers.” Waw-ha-Ba = to give/grant/bestow, dedicate, offer as a present/gift. Thal-Ra-Ra = to scatter, strew, sprinkle, rise. Least degree. Atom, small ant, smallest kind of an ant resembling in weight and shape to an atom, smallest seed of grain, grub, small particle thats sprinkled. Progeny, offspring, children, race, raising children. Lam-Dal-Nun = At; near; with; from; presence; in the presence of; for. Ladun: Particle of a place or preposition. Ladai/Lida = At; near; with; from; presence; in the presence of; for. A particle of place or preposition. The meanings of Ladun and Ladai and Lida are the same. (with prep. min) that which proceeds from the presence of, of one's part, from before (often translated as "from"). Why does Zakaria -thereupon, was a key word invoke The One? -I invoke The One to increase my knowledge or -let someone give me rebuttal on the issue 39. Then the Powerful Agents called out to him, as he was conducting review in the private chamber: “The One To Serve/Allah gives you good news/(perfect man?) of the honorable?/Yahya? confirming the terms/words of The One, and noble, and chaste, and a prophet; one of the upright.” Ba-Shiin-Ra =Skin/Pare/Strip/Skin Contact/Epidermis (or insides). Complexion/Hue->Delicacy, fineness ofBeauty/Elegance of form/Bright cheerful countenance. Rejoiced/Rejoicing/Good, good tidings, glad tidings/Announcements (bearer of), proclaiming, commencement, beginnings of anything/Indications/Streaks (daylight breaking, wind over land). Conducting, managing affairs personally. Lie with, to go in unto. Mankind, Human beings, Lowest/basest/meanest sort of people, Perfect man (combining gentleness with strength). Ha-Ya-Ya = (a doubly imperfect verb) To live, be alive, be ashamed, spend (the night) awake, fertilize the earth, keep anyone alive; spare any one, let anyone alive, remove prudency, modesty and shamefulness, make immodest, To be in good condition, have the means of subsistence, to be apparent or distinct, have prolonged or -preserved life, free from evil or harm, have dominion, be honored, receive benefit, to salute, to enliven/revive/give life to, to nourish, vivify/re- vivify/revive/resuscitate, endue/quicken with life, (said of land) to be tilled and made productive, to remain awake, to shrink from a thing, to forbear, to feel or have a sense of or be moved or affected with shame/shyness/bashfulness, be ashamed/shy of doing a thing, disdain or scorn a thing, abstain from a thing/refuse to do it. Kaf-Lam-Miim = To speak, express. kalimah n.f. (pl. kalimat, and kalim) - word, command, agreement, common term. Sad-Dal-Qaf = to be truthful, true, sincere, speak the truth, establish or confirm the truth of what another has said, verify, keep conviction, observe a promise convictionfully, fulfill, speak veraciously, hold anyone as trustworthy. sadaqa fi al-qitaali - to fight gallantly. tsaddaqa - to give alms. sidqun - truth, veracity, sincerity, soundness, excellence in a variety of different objects, salubrious and agreeable, favourable entrance, praise. saadiqun - one who is true and sincere, one who speaks the truth. saadiqah - perfect woman. sadaqat (pl. saduqaat) - dowry. siddiiq - person who is trustworthy, sincere. saddaqa - to confirm, verify, fulfil. asdaqu - more true. Siin-Waw-Dal = to be lord/noble/glorious, rule/lead, overcome in glory. sawida - to be black, bold. iswadda - to beget a black boy, boy who is chief. swad - great number. al-siyyidda - blessed lady. aswad - black, greater. aswadda wajhuhu - his face became expressive of grief or sorrow. He became sorrowful/confounded/disgraced. It is a token of bad conclusion and failure and sorrow. Ha-Sad-Ra = To be strait, restricted, hindered. To straiten and encompass/surround someone, prevent someone from going to his business, besiege/beset/confine someone, to confine/keep close/imprison/detain/retain/restrain/withhold someone, withhold or prevent someone from journeying, prevent someone from a thing he desires, take the whole of a thing, take/acquire a thing to oneself, suffer suppression of the bowels or unrinary tract, unable to express one's mind/say what one would, unable to find words to express what one would say, to falter in speech, to falter and be unable to proceed in reading or recitation, to be impeded or straitened, abstain from sexual intercourse, to be impotent, contracted in the bosom, to be niggardly/tenacious/penurious/avaricious, conceal a thing, refrain from divulging a thing. I’m confused -the key is Zakaria was reviewing in the same private chamber? -odd? no! it was after making love to Mariam? Honorable offspring -I invoke The One to increase my knowledge or -let someone give me rebuttal on the issue
  • 17. 40. He said, “My Regulator, I get excited with pleasure receiving this big news/how can be for me a son and pleased to kindle a fire for a feast/verily has reached me old age and my wife is barren” Thus The One does whatever accordingly.” Alif-Nun-Ya = Its time came; or it was, or became, or drew, near; It (a thing) was, or became, behind, or after, its time; it, or he, (a man) was, or became, behind, backward, or late; it, or he, delayed, or held back. He postponed it, put it off, deferred it, delayed it, retarded it, withheld it, impeded it; An hour, or a short portion, or a time, or an indefinite time; any period of time; the utmost point, reach or degree; A thing of which the time has come, or drawn near: and which has come, or attained, to its time; to its full, or final, time or state; to maturity, or ripeness; signifies Whence? (being an interrogative respecting the direction, or quarter, from which a thing is) and whence (used to denote a condition); Where? and where (used to denote a condition and as one of the adverbial nouns used to denote a condition), whence-so-ever; wherever (from whatever direction or quarter): when; how; however. Kaf-Waw-Nun (Kaf-Alif-Nun) = To be, exist, happen, occur, take place, become, be such or so, originated. Gh-Lam-Miim = excited with lust, stirred up, tumultuous, period from birth to the seventeenth year, youth, young man, boy. Lam = Negative particle giving to the present the sense of the perfect; not. Lam is a preposition: if with Fatha it implies stress like verily/surely or how excellent. If with Kasra, it implies after Waw-Qaf-Dal = to set fire, kindle, light fire. Ba-Lam-Gh =Reaching, attaining, arriving, coming to the utmost point to which one directs one's course or one who seeks, pursues, desires, intends or tries to reach. Or the reaching, attaining or coming to a point. An event/time that is premeditated, intended, determined or appointed. Having an effect. Bringing, conveying or delivering communications, announcements, news or tidings. Exceeding usual, proper, ordinary just bounds/degrees, acting egregiously, immoderately or extravagantly. Striving, laboring, exerting power/efforts. Endeavors or ability. Employing oneself vigorously, strenuously, laboriously, earnestly with ENERGY and effectiveness, taking pains or extraordinary pains, not flagging, to the utmost degree. Accomplishing, attaining to the utmost of one's power/ability or efforts/endeavors (e.g. in any affair). Sufficiency (e.g. means of subsistence), a thing that suffices, contents, enables one to attain what is sought, enough. A slanderer, one who conveys gossip or other peoples discourse to others. Calamity, misfortune, disaster, distress or affliction. Sharp, penetrating, eloquent and/or effective in speech. Firm covenants, in the utmost degree. Attaining or having attained puberty, virility, ripeness or maturity. Applied to either sexes. Good, excellent thing. Praise, eulogy or commendation. Place and/or time someone or something reaches, arrives, attains or comes to. The sum/amount/product resulting from subtraction, addition or multiplication. A sum of money. Kaf-Ba-Ra = To be hard, be grievous, grow up, be great/large/big, to attain to puberty, grow in estimation or rank or dignity, to make a thing great, dispute/contend with someone for superiority in greatness, to self-magnify, behave proudly/haughtily/insolently, consider oneself excellent, to exceed the actions of others, to boast, endeavour or seek to become great, disdain a thing, turn away from a thing with disdain, to hold oneself above a thing. Kabira/Yakburu: To be exceed anyone in age, become stout and tall, grow big, become great, illustrious, become momentous (affair). Miim-Ra-Alif = It (food) was wholesome or approved in its result, easy to swallow, not attended by trouble, quick in digesting, light to the stomach, to descend well, to be salubrious in its air (land), in the habit of doing what is approved and shunning what is held base, preserve the soul from filthy actions, to be possessed of manly perfection or manly virtue or moral goodness, give food (on the occasion of building a house or marrying), woman, wife. Ayn-Qaf-Ra = to cut/wound/slay, hamstrung, produce no result, be barren (e.g. womb). The story? -Zakaria communicate with The One through the Powerful Agents -Zakaria has asked The One for a son/daughter -then how could he ask that kind of question from The One -when The One grant him his wish -how can be for me a son? -verily has reached me old age and my wife is barren -the more appropriate statements should be -I get excited with pleasure receiving this big news -pleased to kindle a fire for a feast -for ones mighty excited with the big news -he would have been indifferent with his shortcomings You very sure! -I invoke The One to increase my knowledge or -let someone give me rebuttal on the issue 41. He said, “My Regulator, show me an indicator.” The One said, “Your indicator is that you shall not speak to the people for three days, except by gestures. And remember your Regulator much, and work in the evening and the morning.” Alif-Ya-Waw = sign, apparent sign, mark, indication, message, evidence, proof, miracle, communication, verse of The Quran. It properly signifies any apparent thing inseparable from a thing not equally apparent so that when one perceives the former, he perceives the other which he cannot perceive by itself. Siin-Ba-Ha = to swim, roll onwards, perform a daily course, float, the act of swimming, occupy oneself in: the accomplishment of his needful affairs or seeking the means of subsistence, business/occupation, those who are floating, went/travel far, being quick/swift. To praise/glorify/hallow/magnify, sing/celebrate praise, holy, declaring God to be far removed or free for every imperfection/impurity Message? -communicate with your Creator -perform your tasks fully and wholeheartedly -rest after major task that requires big effort Why 3 days? -he needs 3 days to absorb the big news -before talking to people about it
  • 18. 42. The Powerful Agent said, “O Mariam, The One To Serve/Allah has chosen you, and has purified you. The One has select you over all the women of the world. Sad-Fa-Waw = it became clear/limpid/pure (often said of a drink), opposite of Kaf-Dal-Ra, free from turbidness/thickness/muddiness, free from admixture, became cloudless (said of air/atmosphere, but also said of love/life/mind/heart), clear/pure/best/choice/favoured part/potion, clear/clarify, true/sincere, distinguish particularly/specially, select/elect/prefer, serenity of life, comfort, reciprocal sincerity/purity. take the best of, to choose in preference to, grant to another a preference in the choice of anything. abound with milk (said of a she-camel/ewe/goat/sheep), palm-tree heavy with fruit, reached stone (said of a digger). the portion of the spoil, which the chief/commander chooses for himself before the division. become destitute/devoid. stone, smooth stone/rock, stone that doesn't give growth to anything, hard broad stone, a certain place in Mekkeh Tay-ha-Ra = to be or become clean/pure or free of dirt, made it or caused it to be distant/remote, cleanse/wash/purify, refrain, remove oneself, to clear/clean, ablution. Message? -The One has chosen Mariam -the process of natural selection -The One chooses the best for future survival 43. “O Mariam, devout fully and wholeheartedly to your Regulator, and submit/prostrate, and humble/bow down with those who humbled.” Qaf-Nun-Ta = to be devout, obedient, fully and wholeheartedly in all humility to stand long in prayer. qanitun - one who is fully, wholehearted and in all humility devout and obedient. Siin-Jiim-Dal = lowly, humble, submissive, worship, adore, prostrate, make obeisance, lower/bend oneself down towards the ground, lower the head, to salute/honour/magnify, to pay respect, to stand up, to look continuedly and tranquily. MSJD - parts of a man that are the places of SJD, e.g. forehead/nose/hands/knees/feet etc. Any mode/place/practice in which the act of SJD is done. Ra-Kaf-Ayn = bowed, bent, incline, humility, humble yourself, lower the head, fell upon his face, stumbled. Message? -devote yourself wholeheartedly and fully to ENERGY -harness the ENERGY -sign of things to come for Mariam -once you are successful in harnessing the ENERGY -preparing for child-birth 44. These are accounts from the unseen, which The One reveals to you. You were not with them when they meet/cast to cast their lots/pens as to which of them would be responsible/take charge of Mariam; nor were you with them as they quarreled. Kaf-Fa-Lam = To take care of, nourish, bring up for another, be guardian of, be responsible for, entrust, stand security or surety. Kh-Sad-Miim = Contend in an altercation, dispute/litigate in a sound or valid manner, to say a thing such as may cause the listener to refrain/desist from his assertion/plea/claim, overcome someone in an altercation, antagonize, put a thing on the edge/side or corner of something. Lam-Qaf-Ya = To meet, meet with, encounter, find, find out a thing, see, come across, experience, suffer from, occur, undergo, endure, lean upon, receive, come face to face, go in the direction of or towards. This root has occurred in al quran in 45 forms, and been used about 145 times. Qaf-Lam-Miim = to cut, pierce. qalam - pen, headless arrow used in casting lots. Kaf-Fa-Lam = To take care of, nourish, bring up for another, be guardian of, be responsible for, entrust, stand security or surety. The story? -Mariam was entrusted to Zakariya by lot casting -as mamalakat aimanukum to Zakaria -they were the bonded people -mother vowed that the offspring to be free Evidence? -historical evidence, they are slave by lot casting -lot casting apparently was very big in the old civlisation -they attributed lot casting as approval from god -lot casting was used to bequeath of properties -properties included slave and whatever the deceased owned -then The One taught mankind -the process of selection through ‘shura’ or democracy
  • 19. 45. The Powerful Agents said, “O Mariam, The One To Serve/Allah gives you good news of a common term from The One. His name is the Anointed One/The Messiah, Isa son of Mariam, well-esteemed in this world and the next, and one of the nearest. Kaf-Lam-Miim = To speak, express. kalimah n.f. (pl. kalimat, and kalim) - word, command, agreement, common term. Miim-Siin-Ha = to wipe/rub/stroke, passing one's hand over something, chosen/anointed, messiah Message -announcement of Isa the Anointed One, the natural selection -well-esteemed in this world and the next, one of the nearest What is The Messiah? -from Hebrew mashiaḥ, “anointed”) -in Judaism, the expected king of the Davidic line -who would deliver Israel from foreign bondage -restore the glories of its golden age Why anoint him in oil? -there is only one reason if its true -to protect his body from radiation of the powerful Energy -I’m looking from perspective of suntanned lotion of nowadays -but that’s only my presumption 46. He will speak to the people to work for oneself/in a cradle until you are about 60 years old/maturity, and will be one of the reformist.” Miim-ha-Dal = To make a place or thing plain or even or smooth, to prepare or establish, to gain or earn, seek to gain, to work for oneself, to spread or be spread Kaf-ha-Lam = To reach old mature age, be full-grown, be of the age when a person’s hair becomes intermixed with hoariness, be of the age between thirty and sixty years or of middle age. The message? -Isa the Anointed One -Isa will advise the people to work till about 60-years-old -and be a reformist, always changing things for the better 47. She said, “My Regulator, if it is to give birth and surely not touched me by a glad tiding/how is for me a boy not touch me any man. The One said, “Thus The One To Serve/Allah originates whatever accordingly. To have anything done, The One only says to it, ‘Be,’ and it evolved/become.” Alif-Nun-Ya = Its time came; or it was, or became, or drew, near; It (a thing) was, or became, behind, or after, its time; it, or he, (a man) was, or became, behind, backward, or late; it, or he, delayed, or held back. He postponed it, put it off, deferred it, delayed it, retarded it, withheld it, impeded it; An hour, or a short portion, or a time, or an indefinite time; any period of time; the utmost point, reach or degree; A thing of which the time has come, or drawn near: and which has come, or attained, to its time; to its full, or final, time or state; to maturity, or ripeness; signifies Whence? (being an interrogative respecting the direction, or quarter, from which a thing is) and whence (used to denote a condition); Where? and where (used to denote a condition and as one of the adverbial nouns used to denote a condition), whence-so-ever; wherever (from whatever direction or quarter): when; how; however. Kaf-Waw-Nun (Kaf-Alif-Nun) = To be, exist, happen, occur, take place, become, be such or so, originated. makaan - side, abode, purpose, status, way, condition. makaanatun - place, way, purpose, intention, condition, ability, place of existence or being. Waw-Lam-Dal = to beget, give birth. Lam = Negative particle giving to the present the sense of the perfect; not. Lam is a preposition: if with Fatha, it implies stress like verily/surely or how excellent. If with Kasra, it implies after, Lam-Waw-Ya = To twist, pervert/distort, turn back, bend/contort/curled/curved/coiled, wound, avert (the face) from, lean, feel an inclination, very contentious. Miim-Siin-Siin = To meet or touch or feel a thing with the hand, touch a thing without intervention or interference, strike or smite, afflict or befall, be distressing or difficult of accomplishment. Ba-Shiin-Ra = Skin/Pare/Strip/Skin Contact/Epidermis (or insides) Complexion/Hue->Delicacy, fineness of, Beauty/Elegance of form/Bright cheerful countenance, Rejoiced/Rejoicing/Good, good tidings, glad tidings/Announcements (bearer of), proclaiming, commencement, beginnings of anything/Indications/Streaks (daylight breaking, wind over land), Conducting, managing affairs personally. Lie with, to go in unto. Mankind, Human beings, Lowest/basest/meanest sort of people, Perfect man (combining gentleness with strength). Message? -a fetus is conceived, a mother is satisfied and glad -how excellent a good news -be, exist, appear, occur, take place, infusion of ENERGY into life -The One-The ENERGY will infuse power into the action potential -action potential transfer into dynamic movement of ions -the start of life in a single cell, life evolve into multiple cells -evolution of fetus into embryo, a baby is born
  • 20. 48. And The One will infuse him the Scripture and wisdom, and the Torah and the Injil. Ayn-Lam-Miim = to mark/sign/distinguish, creations/beings, world, science/ learning/ knowledge/ information, aware/know. By means of which one knows a thing, hence it signifies world or creation, because by it the Creator is known. alim (pl. ulama) - one who is learned/wise or knows. The story -Al’lama The One Infused the process of learning -and experience the law of nature -law of hunting, law of farming and husbandry -law of physic, the law of social interaction -the law of science, the relevant laws to signify reality to humanities The message -The Anointed One will go through learning and teaching process -teaching/learning the book, acquiring wisdom from the learning -The Torah, a Standard of happening in the world -a standard, benchmark for human activities -The Injil, a gospel, a truth, a set of principles or beliefs 49. A messenger to those bonded people “I have come to you with an evidence from your Regulator. I design things for you from clay to do things to hasten and I start its existence/like the form of a bird and breath into it and it become a bird with the consent of The One To Serve/Allah. And I heal the blind and the leprous, and I give subsistence to the destitute/give life to the dead with the consent of The One To Serve/Allah. And I inform you concerning what you eat, and what you store in your homes. In that is an evidence for you, if you are convinced.” Alif-Ya-Waw = sign, apparent sign, mark, indication, message, evidence, proof, miracle, communication, verse of The Quran. It properly signifies any apparent thing inseparable from a thing not equally apparent so that when one perceives the former, he perceives the other which he cannot perceive by itself. Kh-Lam-Qaf = To measure or proportion a thing, to form or make according to proper measure, bring into existence according to a certain measure, originate or produce after a pattern or model which one has devised, bring into existence from a state of non-existence (create out of nothing), to fabricate or forge a speech or saying, to make a thing equitable or even, make a thing smooth, to be probable or likely to happen (or likely to be or happen, or to have happened or been), act towards someone according to that person's nature, wear out a thing and make it old, to be fit/ competent/ suitable/ proper, to be complete or perfect in respect of make or proportion, have an innate/natural disposition/temperament/quality. Tay-Ya-Nun = to plaster with clay or mud, clay/mud. Ha-Waw-Ta (Ha-Alif-Ta) = To fly about, prowl around. To go or circuit round about a thing, to strive or endeavour to turn a person, entice a person to turn from a thing, strive or endeavour to beguile a person, strive or contend with a person to repel him, consult a person, consult with a person. Ha-Ya-Ya = (a doubly imperfect verb) To live, be alive, be ashamed, spend (the night) awake, fertilize the earth, keep anyone alive; spare any one, let anyone alive, remove prudency, modesty and shamefulness, make immodest, To be in good condition, have the means of subsistence, to be apparent or distinct, have prolonged or preserved life, free from evil or harm, have dominion, be honored, receive benefit, to salute, to enliven/revive/give life to, to nourish, vivify/re- vivify/revive/resuscitate, endue/quicken with life, (said of land) to be tilled and made productive, to remain awake, to shrink from a thing, to forbear, to feel or have a sense of or be moved or affected with shame/shyness/bashfulness, be ashamed/shy of doing a thing, disdain or scorn a thing, abstain from a thing/refuse to do it. Tay-Ya-Ra = flew, hasten to it, outstripped, become foremost, fled, love, become attached, famous, conceive, scatter/disperse, fortune. Nun-Fa-Kha = to blow with the mouth, breathe. to it, ‘Be,’ and it evolved.” Kaf-Waw-Nun (Kaf-Alif-Nun) = To be, exist, happen, occur, take place, become, be such or so, originated. makaan - side, abode, purpose, status, way, condition. makaanatun - place, way, purpose, intention, condition, ability, place of existence or being. Ba-Ra-Alif = became/was clear/free of a thing, to quit it, become irresponsible for it, guiltless of it, remove oneself from a thing, kept far or aloof (e.g. from unclean things), state of freedom/immunity/security/safety. Convalescent/sound/healthy, cure/heal, recover/restore. Create/produce, former/fashioner. He compounded or made a compromise with him for their mutual separation. Mankind/creation/beings/things that are created. Kaf-Miim-ha = one who is blind The message? -Isa was selected by The One -a teacher for the slave/bonded people -with evidence -physical goods -design things for you from clay -pottery -to do things to hasten -make life easier -start its existence -creation and innovations -heal blind and the leprous-medical advice -subsistence to the destitute -generous -concerning what you eat -dietary advice -what you store in your homes -home management
  • 21. Evidence for me? -evidence for the convinced and you -teaching the people to live meaningfully -day-to-day management of life, a process of civilization 50. “And verifying what before me of the Torah, and to make lawful for you some of what was forbidden to you. I have come to you with indicators from your Regulator; so be conscious of The One To Serve/Allah, and obey me.” Waw-Qaf-Ya = to protect, save, preserve, ward off, guard against evil and calamity, be secure, take as a shield, regard the duty. muttaqii - one who guard against evil and against that which harms and injures and is regardful of his duty towards human beings and God. The story -the Anointed One, started the process of civilisation -good standard of living, lawful food prohibition -clarification based on evidence,at peace/secure with The One -teaching you what you don’t know Why all these?? -the bonded were slaves -they need the guidance to live -so that they can develop civilization -purely nation building -so that they can prosper and live peacefully To the extend of -they were nation in the dark, lost soul in transit sending messenger? -when you are lost you needed guidance -do not under estimate the lost soul -I suspect Isa was sent to save them from The Roman -as Musa was sent to save them from the wicked people 51. “The One To Serve/Allah is my Regulator and your Regulator, so serve The One. That is a systematic way.” Qaf-Waw-Miim = stand still or firm, rose/stand up, managed/ conducted/ ordered/ regulated/ superintended, established, made it straight/right, maintain/erect/observe/perform, set up, people/community/company, abode, stature/dignity/rank. aqama - to keep a thing or an affair in a right state. Message? -remember 2:214 -do you expect prosperity without commiting to systematic way -The One regulates life for all creations -systematic way-proper way of living Spoon fed? -sometimes you need a kick start, to start a process of civilization -otherwise it could take you a mighty long time -that’s only if you could succeed, what if you couldn’t succeed? What if? -if you couldn’t succeed -you would become the Denisovan and Neanterthal -you would parish and extinct, to survive in this world is not easy -especially if you start from scratch Is that so? -it’s easy for you to say -you open your eyes with everythings ready for you -try living as a caveman of old, see whether you can survive -see how the documentary of pioneers living in the wilderness I couldn’t fathom it? -you lived in the information age, everythings in your fingertips -try navigate the road in your town -you would turn to WAZE or GOOGLE MAPS in no time -but to get to where we are now? -imagine what our forefathers have to do
  • 22. -try feeling hungry for a moment -you would turn to GRABFOOD in no time -imagine what our forefathers have to do -they have to go hunting, could be killed by the hunted -they must have the skills to clean the animal -they must have the skills to cook the meat, have feed their families Wow! -yeah, wow, our civilization takes thousands of years -to be where we are now, with trial and tribulation -do not undermine the help from The One -we go through evolution and entropy, our individual lifes are short -so we must document our findings and discovery -for future use of our generations to come -we must avoid conflict and dispute leading to war -so that we don’t destroy the discovery and civilisation 52. When Isa sensed denial on their part, he said, “Who are my allies towards The One To Serve/Allah?” The disciples said, “We are The One To Serve/Allah’s allies; we are convinced in The One To Serve/Allah, and bear witness that we are at peace.” Now, what they do? -Isa sensed denial from amongst the bonded Again? -yes, again, among the student/follower there are truant -not convinced with the teacher/messenger I’m amazed! -happening with the contemporary people -the entropy process, only the disciples are convinced -the disciples are at peace with their surroundings History repeat itself -yes, as always, history repeat itself as people of Musa -as people of Muhammad -as the contemporary people, full of denial, more than denial -they invented stories about teachers/messengers 53. “Our Regulator, we are convinced in what You have revealed, and we have followed the Messenger/teacher, so count us among the informed.” Shiin-ha-Dal = told/gave information, to witness/see, to be present, give evidence/testimony, bear witness. mushhad - time or place of being present or of giving or hearing evidence, meeting place. mashhuud - that which is witnessed. Nun-Zay-Lam = to descend, come down, go down, happen, alight at, settle in a place, lodge. anzala - to send down, give. nazulun - that which is prepared for a guest's entertainment, abode, gift. manzil - mansion, station. nazzala - to cause to descend, send down. tanziil - sending down, divine revelation, systematic arrangement and authentic compilation, gradual revelation What story -some disciples/student/follower were convinced -very many were not convinced How many? -I don’t know, some ay said 12 disciples/followers -they follow the teachings of Isa -some said 1 disciple back stabbed him -leaving only 11, we have yet to discover these facts -from AlQuran or any historical documents 54. They planned, and The One To Serve/Allah planned; but The One To Serve/Allah is the Best of planners. Getting interesting! -the truant student and deniers plot a sinister plan
  • 23. Then -The One planned, The One the Best of planners What is the plan? -wait, don’t jump the gun, similar with contemporary situation -many sinister plan, only need to open our eyes What is the -very many, they plan to start a war contemporary plan? -by provoking certain nation, a GREAT RESET of the economy -the US and its cohort the EU and NATO -the WEF, EU and the US, the Globalist and the Kazarian How does The One Plan? -The One will let the nature takes it course -law of equilibrium, law of thermodynamics 55. The One To Serve/Allah said, “O Isa, I keep my promise and elevate you from weaknesses/take you and raise you to Myself and clearing/purify you of those who deny. And I will make those who follow you superior to those who deny, on the Day of Resurrection. Then to Me is your return; I will judge between them regarding what they differ. Waw-Fa-Ya = to reach the end, keep ones promise, fulfil ones engagement, pay a debt, perform a promise. tawaffa - to die. wafaat - death. Ra-Fa-Ayn = to raise/uplift/elevate, to take up, to lift/hoist, extol, opposite of Kha-Fa-Daad [56:3], uprear it, rear it, make it high/lofty, take it and carry it, raise into view, to exalt, to advance, bring a thing near presenting or offering, to bring forward, to take away, disappear, trace back, honour, show regard to, to introduce, refine, to make known, go upwards, high rank/condition/state. Anything raised: mountain, throne. Alif-Lam-Waw = fall short of doing the requisite/flag/remiss, slow/tardy/languid/weak, did not leave/quit/cease from/omit/neglect, swear, possessor, one who is superintended an affair, as far as/until, in addition to/joined to any other thing, to me, decreed against/revealed/on the Tha-Miim-Miim = to pick up, collect, repair, heap up (thing in a place). thamma - over there, here, in that direction, there in, thither. thumma - then, afterwards, moreover, mostly used as a conjunction indicating a sequence in line or order to be rendered as then/thereafter, also used as a simpler conjunction - and. Fa-Waw-Qaf = to be superior in rank or excellence, overcome, surpass, to be above/over, on, upon, more, on high. fauq - it is a preposition meaning above/upon/over/more/superior. fawaq - time between two milkings/sucklings, between the opening of one's hand and grasping with it the udder and then lets it go for milking or a delay and space of time between the opening and closing of the hand during milking. afaqa - to come to one's self, recover (after a swoon or ilness), awake (from sleep), recollect. Getting interesting -The One keeps the promise 1. elevate Isa from weaknesses 2. clearing Isa of those who deny 3. make Isa followers superior to deniers in day of Resurrection 4. then to me is your return How does The One -The One will let the nature takes it course keep promise? -law of equilibrium, law of thermodynamics 56. As for those who deny, I will punish them with a severe punishment, in this world and the day of resurrection, and they will have no helpers. Story? -this is for the deniers, severe punishment in this world and the next -no helpers The next life? -yes, next life, the The One specifically talked about next life -day of resurrection and correction 57. And as for those who are convinced and productive, The One will give them their rewards in full. The One To Serve/Allah does not love the extremists.” Sad-Lam-Ha = to be right/good/honest/upright/sound/honest, suit, fit. aslaha - to set a thing aright, reform, do good. saalihaat - good works, fit and suiting deeds. aslaha (vb. 4) - to make whole sound, set things right, effect an agreement between, render fit. islaah - uprightness, reconciliation, amendment, reformation. muslihun - reformer, one who is upright, honest, a person of integrity, peacemaker, suitable Za-Lam-Miim= To do wrong or evil, treat unjustly, ill-treat, oppress, harm, suppress, tyrannize, misuse, act wrongfully, deprive anyone of a right, misplace, injure, be oppressive, be guilty of injustice, act wickedly, be wanting in or fail.
  • 24. Story -the convinced and productive, will be rewarded fully -the output from being productive The extremists -will also be rewarded fully for their transgressions -their rewards will be suffering and difficulties 58. That is what The One recites to you of the Verses and the Wise Reminder. Story -The One teaches us the wisdom -remind us of the people of old -for us to take heed and not repeat their mistakes Simple analogy? -yes very simple -no need to make it complicated -no need to refer to Bukhari and Muslim -or any other exirgencies Why they do? -they would want to make look complicated -so that their publication will look impressive -impressive means extra money perhaps -I don’t know may be my conjecture -I just do not know their reasoning or justification -may be to make it voluminous -be just to impress you 59. Indeed, the likeness of Isa closeness to The One To Serve/Allah the likeness of Adam: The One originated him from the elements/destitution/dust, then said to him, “Be,” and he evolved. Miim-Tha-Lam = Stand erect, mutilate or castrate (namely a sheep or goat), to set up a thing, affect to be like or to imitate a thing, apply a proverb, apply a thing proverbially, be nearly in a sound or healthy state, near to convalescence, obey/follow a command or order, to resemble, be of likeness or equivalent. Ayn-Nun-Dal / Inda = Preposition: here, with, by, at the point of, about, from, in the presence of. The word denotes the idea of nearness, whether it be actual in the sense of possession or ideational, it also denotes a sense of rank or dignity or opinion, time and place. Kh-Lam-Qaf = To measure or proportion a thing, to form or make according to proper measure, bring into existence according to a certain measure, originate or produce after a pattern or model which one has devised, bring into existence from a state of non-existence (create out of nothing), to fabricate or forge a speech or saying, to make a thing equitable or even, make a thing smooth, to be probable or likely to happen (or likely to be or happen, or to have happened or been), act towards someone according to that person's nature, wear out a thing and make it old, to be fit/ competent/ suitable/ proper, to be complete or perfect in respect of make or proportion, have an innate/natural disposition/temperament/quality. Ta-Ra-Ba = To have much earth, have dust in the hands, dusty, be destitute, poverty, neediness, misery, suffering loss. Poor man intimately acquainted with his mother earth. He sank from the wealth. Soil/earth/dust. Cemetery, burial-place, grave. Contemporary friend, companion, match/fellow/equal, suiting the age and matching in all other aspects, peer, one having similar tastes/habits/views. Breast, breast bones, chest, ribs. Messages? -the closeness of Isa to The One is as Adam -Adam and Isa were created from The ENERGY -they originated from the elements in which contained Energy -chemical content of human semen are as follows calcium, chloride, citrate, fructose, glucose, lactic acid, magnesium, potassium, protein, sodium, urea and zinc. Wiki -chemical properties of female ovum are as follows matrix metalloproteinase containing zinc (Zn), cytochrome P450 enzymes containing iron (Fe), and selenoproteins containing selenium (Se), bromine, copper, cobalt, fluorine, iodine, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, silicon, and vanadium, with some arsenic, chromium. Oxford Academy -chemical contents of soil are as follows carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, sulfur, calcium, iron, magnesium, boron, manganese, copper, zinc, molybdenum and chlorine. Wiki Moral? - all creations are made from the elements Destitution? -that is another perspective Which is correct? -both are correct -Adam started very likely as a caveman
  • 25. -had to go through very hard life -but evolved to be human/teacher/messenger -Isa started life as son of a slave -or the woman the right hand possessed -either way its called slave -but evolved to be human/teacher/messenger -both of them recieved guidance from The One -that’s the reason they were close to The One Now very clear -I can’t jump topic -it has to be discussed methodically -the reason Isa is called ibn Mariam 60. The facts are from your Regulator, so do not be of those who doubt. Ha-Qaf-Qaf = To be suitable to the requirements of justice or wisdom or truth or right or reality or fact, to be just/ proper/ right/ correct/ true/ fitting, to be authentic/ genuine/ sound/ valid/ substantial/ real, also established/ confirmed/ binding/ unavoidable/incumbent, to be manifest, without doubt or uncertainty, established as a fact, to be obligatory or due, have right or title or claim to a thing, deserve or merit a thing, most worthy, ascertain, to be sure or certain, to be true or verifiable or veritable, to be serious or earnest, dispute or litigate or contend with another, speak the truth, reveal/manifest/show a truth or right, to be proven true, pierce or penetrate. Now I have no doubt! -no doubt these facts are proven true -by the scientific findings and knowledge -Adam and Isa were destitute to start with -then they evolved Why different story? -I don’t know, could have been started by the bonded -espouse by the Roman Catholic -embraced by the so called Muslim -because their religious inter-connectivity -one follows the others, thinking the others were correct The story of Adam -they follow the bible was different -they couldn’t accept Adam was a caveman -so they created story that Adam was evolved from nothing -for them a prophet must be perfect -and the so called Muslim embraced it lock stock and barrel Then? -they couldn’t understand the satan and iblis parts -they thought satan and iblis were scary beings -and the so called Muslim embraced it lock stock and barrel Isa? -the story of Isa or Jesus as they called him is pathetic -they said Isa is the son of The One -again he must be special as The Anointed One -however he was the son of a slave -that’s impossible, couldn’t be -and the so called Muslim embraced it lock stock and barrel Wow! -ok, wow now you see the whole things -it was proven by Musa there was no miracle -everythings happen through law of nature -we have seen the verses in Al-Baqarah What to do -nothing, our tasks to convey -The One to guide 61. And if anyone disputes with you about him, after the knowledge that has come to you, say, “Come, let us call our children and your children, and
  • 26. our women and your women, and ourselves and yourselves, and let us invoke The One To Serve/Allah’s curse on the liars.” Lam-Ayn-Nun = To drive away, execrate, deprive one of mercy and blessings, condemn, curse. The base or lower part of a palm-tree. What now? -anyone disputes about Isa after knowing -call our children and your children, our women and your women -and ourselves and yourselves, invoke The One’s curse on the liars Why the kids and -its about where the kids are coming from the women? -seeing the kids will touch our nerves -and the women knew where the kids are coming from -its about the honour of being a father -and the honour of being a mother 62. This is the narrative of facts: there is nothing to serve but The One To Serve/Allah. The One To Serve/Allah is the Mighty, the Wise. I got it -The One narrates facts-none to serve -but The One-The Mighty -The Wise 63. But if they turn away— The One To Serve/Allah knows the corrupt. Fa-Sin-Dal = to become evil/corrupted, invalid, decomposed, bad/spoiled/tainted, wrong, vicious, make mischief or foul deal. fasad - corruption/violence. They all deniers? -you said that, I think I agreed with you -even worst than denying, they corrupt the earth The problem with -I don’t really know these people? -they believe in religious mythos, as you know religion is the opium -any religious matters can’t be discussed -its cast in stone, they would rather kill you 64. Say, “O People of the Book/learned people, come to terms common between us and you: that we serve none but The One To Serve/Allah, and that we associate nothing with The One, and that none of us takes other as Regulator besides The One To Serve/Allah.” And if they turn away, say, “Bear witness that we are peaceful.” Story? -The One asked us to confront the learned people -all the learned people, come to terms common amongst us Would they? -I don’t have the capacity to ask them -you may try, but I doubt they agree knowing them -but you never know, good luck 65. O People of the Book/learned people! Why do you argue about Ibrahim, when the Torah and the Injil were not revealed until after him? Will you not reason?
  • 27. Story -The One has given the answer to your question -they argued about Ibrahim -they claim they are descendents of Ibrahim -through Ishak and Yaakub -but their narratives were during Musa’s time -meaning they are descendents of Musa They turned and -yes they do, especially the Kazarian Jews nowadays twisted history? -the name stealer Name stealer? -yeah, name stealer, they called themselves jew -I know they adopted Judaism, to call yourselves Jews is too much -imagine the Chinese Muslim called themselves Arab Who are they? -the Kazar converted to Judaism in 900AD -they assimilated into the Ashkenazi Jews in the 19the century -migrated to western Europe in late 1800, exterminated by the Nazi -controlled Israel and world finance and banking Torah & Injil? -yes Torah and Injil were ways after Ibrahim -Torah during Musa and Injil during Isa -Bani Israel name was derived from their slavery by Firaun -called them the bonded here 66. Here you are—you argue about things you know, but why do you argue about things you do not know? The One To Serve/Allah knows, and you do not know. Again? -yes they are the learned -they are learned but-argue about things they do not know -ironic isn’t it, they might argue about things they know Funny people -yes you put it squarely, they aren’t not learned at all 67. Ibrahim was neither the guided/Al-Yahud nor a helper/Nasara, but he was an upright, a peaceful man. And he was not of the Polytheists. Factual statement -Ibrahim was neither Jews nor Christian -but he was a stand-up person, peaceful man not of the polytheists 68. The people closes to Ibrahim are those who followed him, and this prophet, and those who are convinced. The One To Serve/Allah is the Guardian of those who are convinced. Waw-Lam-Ya = to be close, near, follow, be up to. Another fact -people most deserving of Ibrahim, who followed Ibrahim -this prophet-refer current Revelation-Muhammad -those who are convinced Are they not ashamed? -I do not know, what is in their mind or heart
  • 28. 69. A party of the People of the Book/learned people would love to lead you astray, but they only lead themselves astray, and they do not realize it. They try very hard-yes try they always, but they only lead themselves astray -they do not realize it, they believe in their own lies 70. O People of the Book/learned people! Why do you reject the revelations of The One To Serve/Allah, even as you witness? What is this? -the learned reject the revelations of The One How is that? -what has The One not reveal in AlQuran and other revelations -everythings, the guide for humanity, but some reject it outright -like the late Stephen Hawkings, I considered him learned -but he said humanity was a fluke What made them -I don’t know that way? -could be arrogant, self-interest, pride, money 71. O People of the Book/learned people! Why do you confound the truth with falsehood, and knowingly conceal the truth? Straight to the face -they would never understand -even though they study the AlQuran and all revelations -I guess arrogant, self-interest, pride, money 72. Some of the People of the Book/learned people say “convince in what was revealed to those who are convinced at the beginning of the day, and reject it at its end, so that they may turn back.” Ha ha! To that extend -yes to that extend I’m lost for words! -exactly, I don’t know what to say, they mocked The One -even after The One guided their ancestors of old -saved their ancestors from the cruelty of the wicked Firaun -we have heard all stories about the bonded, felt pity for them -and yet their successors are very much the same -may be it is in the blood or in their DNA Could be true! -I rather not conclude without any detailed studies -may be you should, my task is to convey 73. And trust none except those who follow your way of life.” Say, “Guidance is The One To Serve/Allah’s guidance. If someone is given the like of what you were given, or they argue with you before your Regulator, say, “All grace is in The One To Serve/Allah’s control; The One gives it to whomever accordingly.” The One To Serve/Allah is Bounteous and Knowing.
  • 29. Guide from The One -yes, trust none except who follow your way of life -guidance is The One’s guidance -someone is given the like of what you were given -they argue with you before your Regulator -say, “All grace is in The One’s control -The One To Serve/Allah is Bounteous and Knowing 74. The One specifies The One’s mercy for whomever accordingly. The One To Serve/Allah is Possessor of Great Bounty. Guide from The One -yes, specifies mercy for whomever accordingly -Possessor of Great Bounty 75. Among the People of the Book is he, who, if you entrust him with a heap of gold, he will give it back to you. And among them is he, who, if you entrust him with a single coin, he will not give it back to you, unless you keep after him. That is because they say, “We are under no obligation towards the gentiles/received no revelation /unlettered.” They tell lies about The One To Serve/Allah, and they know it. Alif-Miim-Miim =ammina: to propose, direct one's steps towards a place, repair to, go towards [5:2] ummun/umm: mother, source, principle, prototype, origin, prototype; ummi: belonging to mother, unlettered, Arab, who have no revealed scripture of their own; ummatun: a man's kinsfolk, tribe, party, community, nation, group of living things having certain characteristics or circumstances in common, any grouping of human or animal, creation, generation, creatures of God; ummah: way/course/manner/mode of acting, conviction, religion, nation, , time or period of time, honest person, a person who is an object of imitation and who is known for goodness/virtues; imam: leader, president, any object that is followed (e.g. human/book/highway), model, example, pattern; amama: before, in front of [75:5] Another bad habit -exactly but I can’t really pin point the contemporary 76. Indeed, whoever fulfills his covenants and maintains consciousness— The One To Serve/Allah loves the conscious. Story? -be conscious, honour your commitment Moral? -law of equilibrium, if you honour your commitment -the other party will be happy, equilibrium will prevail -if you don’t honour your commitment,the other party will be angry -it will lead to dispute and on the bigger scale war You, very simplistic! -its true, not honouring your commitment, create disequilibrium -the other party might have other commitment to fullfill -the party might be unable to meet the commitment -this will create dispute which will lead to bigger problem 77. Those who exchange the covenant of The One To Serve/Allah, and their vows, for a small price, those have no part at the end of the day; and there will be no agreement with The One To Serve/Allah, nor will The One consider them on the Day of Resurrection nor will The One prospers them. They will have a grief retribution.
  • 30. Kh-Lam-Qaf = To measure or proportion a thing, to form or make according to proper measure, bring into existence according to a certain measure, originate or produce after a pattern or model which one has devised, bring into existence from a state of non-existence (create out of nothing), to fabricate or forge a speech or saying, to make a thing equitable or even, make a thing smooth, to be probable or likely to happen (or likely to be or happen, or to have happened or been), act towards someone according to that person's nature, wear out a thing and make it old, to be fit/ competent/ suitable/ proper, to be complete or perfect in respect of make or proportion, have an innate/natural disposition/temperament/quality. Kaf-Lam-Miim = To speak, express. word, command, agreement, common term. to speak to ro with, act of speaking, directly. Nun-Za-Ra = to see, look at, glance, gaze, observe, behold, consider, regard, listen to, be patient towards, wait, contemplate, grant respite, put off, scrutinise, show kindness, examine, search, reflect. nazara - the look with affection, to perplex, dazzle. Zay-Kaf-Waw = it increased/augmented, it throve/grew well/ flourished/ prospered and produced fruit, it was/became pure, purification, goodness/ honestness, lead/enjoy a plentiful/easy/soft/delicate life, put into a good/right state/condition, alms, poor-rate/due Another reminder -yes, for not honouring your commitment -imagine you have entered into contract worth billions -you have to deliver your side of the contract to get that billions -suddenly you exchange the contract for a pittance -of course you will not get the billions, law of equilibrium Another simple -its simple, law of thermodynamics analogy from you! -“those have no part at the end of the day” -at the end of the contract period you will not get the billions -your agreement with The Energy has been nullified -then The One will not even consider you on Day of Resurrection -you will not prosper, you get grief retribution, law of equilibrium 78. And among them are those who twisted the Scripture with their tongues, that you may think it from the Scripture, when it is not from the Scripture. And they say, “It is from The One To Serve/Allah,” when it is not from The One To Serve/Allah. They tell lies and attribute them to The One To Serve/Allah, knowingly. Very many now -yes, most of them, they lie to gain power -the followers will worship them and their false sermon -using The One’s name as a way to control the masses Aren’t they others? -yes, there are but very little -most of them trapped in the understanding of old -not willing to take the risks of right understanding -understanding of AlQuran based on hadith and sunnah -what more with exigencies of old -they lacked the knowledge of the current generations -so what to do, stucked in the old understanding Who are these others? -I could name a few -the Quranist, those in freeminds forum & some other groupings -but they locked the knowledge and science out of AlQuran -science originated from scentia, -meaning knowledge -but their minds are shrouded with old understanding -they couldn’t get out of the maze They are not -yes they are, but in the field of hadith, sunnah and exigencies knowledgeable? -not in science, technology, management and what not -they separate the world and hereafter -the world with science and what not -the hereafter with hadith, sunnah and exigencies Do not AlQuran called -yes the knowledgeable in science and what not as ullama these people ullama? -so they also called themselves ullama AlQuran guidance to -they have forgotten that humanity? -they think AlQuran is lyrics for hymns -ritual for the dead and about to die
  • 31. -not for humanity to carry on living Could they review the -they dare not, taboo! whole understanding? -they are stucked in the old understanding willingly -some enjoy it and the benefits that comes with it What benefits? -money my man, financial rewards of money 79. No person to whom The One To Serve/Allah has given the Scripture, and wisdom, and the big news/prophethood would ever say to the people, “Be my servant rather than The One To Serve/Allah’s.” Rather, “Be people of the Regulator, according to the Scripture you teach, and the teachings you learn.” About prophets and -yes, reminder about prophets and messengers messengers? -they would never mislead the people -they are very truthful and straight Their Standard -whomever given knowledge would recognize The One -the would recognize The Energy is The One To Serve/Allah 80. Nor would he command you to take the Powerful Agents and the prophets as Regulators. Would he command you to deny after you are peaceful? Their Standard -wouldn’t command you to deny -those with knowledge would recognise The One 81. The One To Serve/Allah received the covenant of the prophets, “In as much as I have given you of Scripture and wisdom, should a messenger come to you verifying what you have; you shall be convinced in him, and support him.” The One said, “Do you affirm My covenant and take it upon yourselves?” They said, “We affirm it.” The One said, “Then bear witness, and I am with you among the witnesses.” Waw-Tha-Qaf = to place trust in any one, rely upon, bind. The Prophets -the prophets are The Ones with knowledge The messengers -the teachers who convey the knowledge to the masses The covenants -the commitments of the prophets to The One -when messengers come to you -honour, support and convinced in him