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Persuasive Essay On Raising Children
In today's society people have evolved in many ways, especially regarding raising children.
Becoming a parent is a honor and privilege that shouldn't be taken for granted. Parents should always
keep in mind that patience is most important thing to give a child other than unconditional love. Also
parents should make time during the early to young adolescent stages of the child to focus on
teaching responsibility, compassion, and fairness. However, there is a rising problem that parents
lack the motivation, confidence and education when parenting. Parents have become heavily
dependent on technology and utilize it to occupy the child so the parent won't have to worry about
Instead of becoming solely dependent on technology, parents should research and find ways to be
more interactive and bond with the children. By this doing this, the children will feel the noticed and
want to confide in the parent. Expressing unconditional love to children is easier for some,
however; parents do not need to become a best friend to their children; they should establish
structure and expectations to help the children strive to do and be better. The parents also need
show responsibility and good manners by being a role model of how they want the children to learn
and grow. Cathey Netherwood from
Learning to be Responsible states that," the quality of responsibility is both attitude and a skill".(1)
Parents should also illustrate what they expect from the children through their
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Raising A Child Is Hard Enough Essay
"Wouaa, wouaaa, wu wu, wouaaa" the baby cried. What is the baby saying and what does it
want? One only has to ask a baby's mother to find out what it wants. When a baby cries like that
most of the time it's just hungry. At this point a mother just listens to her maternal instinct and
feeds her baby. She proceeds to raise her baby to chest level and lower her shirt, but before she
can begin to feed her infant, an onlooker walks over and scolds her. The onlooker proceeds to
explain that there are other ways of feeding children, instead of flashing ones breast. This really
infuriates me, to believe that someone would come up to a mother and shame her out of feeding
her child. Raising a child is hard enough, we don't need to make it any harder. Mother's should be
allowed to breastfeed their babies whenever or wherever the baby is hungry. To increase the
percentage of mothers' breastfeeding their infants, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
has argued that "breast milk is uniquely suited to the human infant's nutritional needs and is a live
substance with unmatched immunological and anti–inflammatory properties that protect against a
host of illnesses and diseases for both mothers and children" ( 1–1). Many people think that instead
of taking out their breast, why don't mothers just feed their children formula. There are many classes
of human milk substitutes out there being marketed to be better and healthier than breast milk, but
that is simply untrue. The U.S.
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how to raise a child Essay
Amy Chua's article "Why Chinese Mothers are Superior" appeared in the Wall Street Journal on
January 8, 2011. When this article was published the controversy began. One article in argument to
Amy Chua's was James Bernard Murphy's article "In Defense of Being a Kid" which also appeared
in the Wall Street Journal on February 9, 2011. Murphy contends by stating Amy Chua's method of
how to raise a child will do nothing but turn children into neurotic, self–absorbed and unhappy
adults. James Murphy, author of "In Defense of Being a Kid" and professor of government at
Dartmouth College argues that children should live childhood and enjoy childhood innocence, not be
pressured or forced to prepare for their more content...
I disagree because that is exactly how I grew up. Yes we did have responsibilities on the farm, but
when chores were done we did what we wanted to do. We were taught what was right and what
was wrong. I believe if you are raised with good morals, respect for yourself and others you can be
very successful. I feel the drive to succeed comes from a supportive family and the want to be
successful at what you love to do, not what you are forced to do. Murphy uses logic with the
comparison of the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle and Jesus. Two of which did not have the
same beliefs of children. I disagree with Aristotle when he said "no child is happy", the only time
a child is happy is when they have thoughts of the achievements as an adult. When a child is given
space it gives them the opportunity to imagine, to think outside of the box and capable for
intellectual activity. We have to encourage and embrace their uniqueness and imagination or as
Jesus did praise our children. I strongly agree with Murphy's fourth thought, "We forget that most
of us produced our best art, asked our deepest philosophical questions, and most readily mastered
new gadgets when we were mere children." (Murphy 279) As children we are more carefree and
have less
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Throughout history, competition has been displayed between people in many different ways. From
worldwide events such as the Olympics to smaller contests such as a class geography bee,
competition promotes people to give their peak performance, put in maximum effort, and better
themselves. As a result, the winners receive an award as a symbol of their hard work while the
losers go home empty–handed. Farmers nurture their livestock for years to enter for a blue ribbon,
athletes compete head–to–head to win a gold medal, and businesses advertise their companies to
steal customers and surpass their opponents. However, children today are being taught with a
different rulebook. Nowadays, children that take part in competitive teams are being
more content...
As children who have received participation awards begin to grow older, they are introduced to
more and more situations in which not everyone is a winner. A person who has been a winner all
their life will eventually lose, and it will affect them more seriously because they have not had
experience dealing with failure at an early age. According to the article "Failure is an Option:
Raising Children in a 'Participation Trophy' Society" in Scouting Magazine, Dr. Tim Elmore
believes failure is like a coach, teaching kids to try their best. Elmore argues that participation
trophies take away the positive effects of losing, and children grow up lacking motivation and
become wary of testing their abilities due to fear of failure. This leads to children being more
emotionally fragile than they should be, which may eventually result in serious matters such as
depression and even suicide. Participation awards treat everyone like a winner, which means
children do not learn how to cope with loss. Kids that don't experience dealing with failure end up
being afraid of it, and this constant fear contributes to psychological problems such as stress,
anxiety, and depression. For example, if a child were to
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Raising Successful Children
In the article, "Raising Successful Children," (New York Times, Aug 4, 2012) the author, Madeline
Levine states that to raise successful children in numerous areas, parent should not help them to do
something that they can or about be able to make, should support them with long–term eyes, and
control parents own ideal image to not push it against children. The author begins the article by
saying that stepping in children's works tends to provoke fewer motivations and rebellions; on the
other hand, parenting which supports children to create eagerness and confidences is one of the
ways to raise children who are successful in many areas. For example, Carol Dweck, who is a
psychologist, did an experiment with children and found that children who
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Raising Bilingual Children Essay
Here are the most persistent myths on raising bilingual children:
"Your child will be confused by learning more than one language."
This belief is prevalent in monolingual countries and has far more politics than science to back it up.
Rest assured that your child's little brain has more than enough neurons firing to cope with two
languages (or even more) without frizzing out. On the contrary, decades of research in countless
studies actually show significant cognitive advantages to being multilingual. And what about the
experience of millions of families around the world where multilingualism is the norm, not the
exception? Just look at Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, and Finland –– to mention a few.
"I can see two languages, maybe, but more content...
Some kids can't even handle that in one language."
It's true that many children have difficulties reading and writing well. However, reading and
writing is a 'coding / decoding' process and is not linked to the number of languages a child speaks,
as such –– although it could involve multiple alphabets, and then be a bit more work. Interestingly
enough, access to multiple languages actually makes it easier for children to understand the nature
of language itself, which, in turn, improves overall literacy skills. Research supports what many
parents have long felt: that multilingual children have better–developed linguistic understanding.
Article Source:
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Essay on Raising a Child
Becoming a mother was one of the most stressful times in my life. I found out quick that the
advice from the members of the medical profession did not always agree with advice that was
passed down from the older generation of my family. For example, the advice on introducing cereal
to an infant's last bottle at night for a few extra hours of sleep, or being advised to wake an infant
up every two hours in the beginning to feed them, or the most confusing to me the advice on
punishing children in general. Becoming a parent (especially at a young age), I found it difficult to
separate the real and useful advice from the useless or unimportant advice. I became worried that I
maybe really had no idea what I was doing and it became easy more content...
I have to admit it worked. I was so happy that at my daughters next well check up I told the physician
what I had been doing to only get a scolding. Turns out that she could have aspirated on this new
formula concoction and it could stimulate her to over eat in other feedings during the day. He then
said, I should stop and start it when she reached the 4 month mark at least.
The day after I delivered my daughter I was sitting in my postpartum recovery room holding her
while she was sleeping; just looking at her, when her nursery nurse came in and asked me all
types of questions that ended with her asking when was the last time I fed her. She then
proceeded to tell me that I needed to wake up my baby every 2 hours to ensure that I established
my milk supply if I was going to breastfeed, ensure she was growing appropriately, and it would
also help her learn a set schedule for eating. I took her advice and it made since but, then my mother
–in law had to state her opinion when the nurse left the room. She said, "Never wake a sleeping
baby." It was natural for them to sleep, they are growing and they will do it on their own schedule. I
could use a breast pump to encourage my milk to come in, if I thought I needed to.
When my daughter was 2 my husband and I went through a period where we butted heads on how
we were going to discipline her. Both of us growing up were spanked as a form of discipline and I
felt the pressure to raise our child the same. I have to admit that I
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Persuasive Essay On Raising A Child
Raising a child Raising a child is not easy and being a responsible and a perfect parent is probably
a very difficult thing to do if not the hardest thing anyone can succeed in doing. We all make
mistakes, even the most professional people do. That is why it is very common for Adults to make
parenting mistakes. It's normal to make mistakes but too many can take a toll in a child's future. Even
though many people, like me, believe that is is nurture that affects the way a child will be in the
future , many others thinks it's in our nature. There is no evidence that personality is passed down
from genes obtained from our parents. In other words I believe that they way a child is raised is
more important than their nature.That is why I know that lack of guidance from parent to child, and
overvaluing your child could end up affecting them in the future. There are many things parents are
doing wrong, in fact here are the 2 issues in parenting . 1) not watching over what your kids are
doing and watching on social media. 2) Overvaluing/ Over praising your child.
The Effects of technology and Social media Because of the vast internet we do not know what
our children see everyday. The new technologies and social media is making raising a child very
difficult. Our kids now have even more distractions like cellphones and Social media. I myself have
gone through the phase of being addicted to social media and the apps on my iphone. Before I had a
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Persuasive Essay On How To Raise A Child
How to raise a good child
Raising a child is one of the most interesting and ongoing complex and rewarding thing ever for a
parent. Raising a child is very changeling. The challenging's of raising a child varies, but they are not
limited. For instance in our generation there are all types of ways of raising a child, for example
there are some good ways, and there are some bad ways. In this paper, I will be talking about some
of the good ways of how one may raise a good child, based on the ways of communications,
disciplines, self–esteem and building a friend–ship between you and your child.
In most cases, parents want the best of everything in life for their kids. Some parent have the ideas
on how they can raise their child, by trying to give them the best in life. While some parents don't
have no idea on how to raise their child in order to give them in life. Opening up the channels of
communication from an early age between the child and the parent is super important element.
Communicating with your child is all about sending clear messages to your child, so that your child
would also give you a clear responses. Once a parent is able to establish that communication aspect
fundamentally, that means, a parent may be able to communicate whit their child without any major
miss understandings.
Disciplining a child from home is one the most important element in any child life. Through
disciplines, a child would be well behaved be well raised. Disciplining a child, is teaching
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Argumentative Essay On Raising Children
Do children raised by the same parents and by the same morals tend to have similar adult
personalities? Many individuals seem to think this is true based on the myth, "Raising Children
Similarly Leads to Similarities in Their Adult Personalities." There are many sources for and
against this myth, however using the ten sources for psychological myths, this is still thought to be
true by some. One of the ten sources for psychological myths is, "Word of Mouth." This idea states
that stories or anecdotes passed down from generations could be accepted true. Those being told
this, could accept a false idea as a true statement, and go throughout the remainder of their life
believing in something that will never happen or just doesn't work. This more
If they do their best in raising all of their children to the best of their ability, the only one to blame is
the child who got into trouble. They most likely got involved with the wrong people and starting
picking up bad habits. To educate people on the truth of this myth, those who have conducted
experiments could give speeches on their findings, or they could set up conventions where people
that are interested could go through the step–by–step process that the experimenter went through to
discover the truth. Prior to reading the text, I had no belief in this myth. I know that it could
influence your decision, but very rarely would it ever make your own decision. Peers have a lot of
influence on a person, or someone could be interested in something completely different than their
parents and make their decision based on their interests. After reading, I can tell how myths
originate and how they are believed true to this day. If an occurrence happens over and over again it
could be taken as a truth rather than a myth. Scientific reasoning is very important in psychology,
because it can prove things to be false. When studying the mind, science gives us a definite answer,
while myths let our minds linger one way or another believing in things we shouldn't or having no
strength to believe something we
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My Beliefs Of Raising Children
These are my beliefs also, that if you raise your children right and give them a good steady
foundation they won't part from it like you mention in your post. They may even pass the same
good values that were taught to them to their children as well. I think this should start at a very
young age with a child; because if a parent tries to address this matter when the child becomes of age
it will be very difficult to
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Raising A Child As A Single Parent
Raising children in today's society can prove to be a very difficult task. Parenthood is challenging
even with the best of circumstances. With one parent, the challenges are multiplied. Single
Parenthood is very common in the United States. In fact in 2013, 28% of children in the US were
living in single–parent homes. Having children in the US ages 0 thru 18 as a single parent can be
very costly and come with many responsibilities. For most single parents the most difficult part of
being a parent is the financial responsibilities. The average cost of raising a child born in 2013 up
until age eighteen for a middle income family is approximately $245,340.00. Education is also an
important responsibility when having children. Nurturing although it is something that should come
naturally to a person, can prove to be difficult and is a very important responsibility. All of these
responsibilities combined are only a fraction as to what goes into raising a child. Unfortunately
single parents may have a far more difficult time raising a child due to the different economical,
social, and personal task each individual may face.
Financial Responsibility and planning can be challenging for anyone, including single parents.
Some financial struggles a single parent may face are shelter, food, and clothing. Single parents
face more hardships than a two parent household when it comes to providing shelter for their
families. In 2013 alone, over 70% of families in homeless shelters were from
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Raising Children in Two Different Cultures
Within Indian cultures, parents take the time they have to raise their children and this tend to have
greater impact on their children's lives in today's world. American parents are more lenient when it
comes to raising their children and result of this leads to the children becoming involve in some
deviant behavior at times. While in the Indian culture the raising of children involves much bond and
discipline, in the American culture, bonding and discipline has little impact of the raising of
children. In Indian cultures, the importance of family bonding, as well as values, help the child to
grow up in a way that they can respect what they have. Indian families live in close villages or in
extended families so there is the ability more content...
On the other hand, in American cultures family bonding as well as values are not strongly used to
assist in the raising of children. Extended families are not in close proximity to the children so a
child cannot build that family bond. This occurs because America is so big so a child seldom sees
extended family. American parents are not always intimately aware that they children are in
relationships. As a result, parents become unaware so children sometimes end up with unwanted
pregnancies or in a domestic relationship. American children have the advantage of having much
food and clothing and are unaware that the under privileged has so little. Being that clothing and
food is not as expensive as other parents of the world, American children would place their parents
under financial pressures in order to get what they want, for example, a pair of Nike Airmax shoes
to wear to the mall when they already have three other pairs that can be given to the less fortunate
but instead they through them away. In American cultures, parents use a form of permissive
disciplinary techniques which employ little or no discipline. American parents are more lenient in
providing rules and regulations. They often leave their children with chores to do and end up
coming back to do the same chores which they leaved for their children to do. Also, these American
children have the opportunity to make their own decisions. They
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Raising Children: Article Analysis
The article ("Raising Children: A Character–based Approach To Residential Child Care",2014)
disguises how the understanding of ethical behaviour is difficult to teach to a young child. We don't
have the same perspective on life as the child and we don't know what they go through in their
everyday lives, so it's difficult to show them the importance of ethical behaviour. In order to grow
well we must develop some of the following virtues wisdom,justice,courage, temperance (Barnes and
Thomson,2002). He broke down virtues into two parts, virtues intellectual and virtues morals.
Intellectual which can learnt by an educational background and morals which is learnt by some sort
of experience, such as by a role model. Right reasoning, emotion, more content...
Modesty creates carefulness and hesitancy about moral deliberation.The shame would make them
second guess every decision that they might regret in the future. Another big aspect in developing
a child's morals is residential care, A child needs to be around a good adult and a good home
environment where they feel safe and where real responsibility and consequences exist. A place
where they can have the opportunity to do the right or wrong thing. There are many challenges in
these concepts, character development rely on a good adult figure and their difficult to come by,
how would you decide whether an adult is good or have the right characteristic to be an
appropriate role model. In conclusion this article basically breaks down some of the important
aspect in moral development for child or adolescents. Such as the role models we have in our
lives,moral virtues, sense of shame and residential care. All these play an important role in how to
develop one's ethical behaviour. It also discusses the challenges that come with developing a child or
adolescent morals, how it can be a turning point, where they can develop their mind and
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Raising Children Essay
Perspective Paper INTRODUCTION Parents and scientists are seeking a more sound way to
determine how to raise the children of the up–coming generation. The web article From Neurons to
Neighborhoods, describes ten essential concepts needed for the healthy development of human
beings. Research and theories from K. S. Berger's textbook, Developing Person Through the Life
Span can be applied to the ten core concepts. This paper will expand upon six of the ten concepts
including how a person advances through the nature–nurture phenomenon, cultural influences,
self–regulation, building relationships, uniqueness, and vulnerability to risks and influences. The
following scientists research and theories will be used to help validate the more
Likewise, a human is also genetically predisposed to seek fulfilling stimuli when his or her
biological needs are not met. A person naturally desires to have necessary biological needs satisfied.
Pavlov's experiment also demonstrates how nature interacts with nurture. He discovered the canines
salivated not just at the smell of food, but also at the sound of footsteps bringing the food. The dogs
were able to connect the smell and audio stimuli together to learn when one comes, such as the
footprints, something great will follow, such as the food. In human development, an individual will
link stimuli together in order to adapt to his living environment. An example of individuals being
shaped through experiences includes learning how to speak. A babbling toddler learns to associate
the non–sensible sounds "ma–ma" or "ba–ba" with his mother or bottle as they each make their
welcomed appearances (Berger, 172). A person's survival depends on whether or not he has
associated fear with potentially harmful stimuli, or acceptance for desirable stimuli. Lastly, B.F.
Skinner introduced a form of learning process called operate conditioning. Operate conditioning, like
classical conditioning, involves individuals creating associations with various stimuli. However,
unlike classical conditioning, operate conditioning forms associations through methods of reward
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Raising Children
Darrell L. Rogers
August 31, 2011
UNV–303 University Success
Professor Kristen Dicarlo
Having children comes as natural as eating; being a good parent comes only with a little work and
effort. So many times in our society we see examples of bad parenting. No child is born with a how
to manual and this is why the whole family needs to be involved in the child's life. There use to be an
old saying "It takes a community to raise a child", but to many times it is the community that has
became the most dangerous to the child. Doing my research for this paper I have found numerous
resources available to parents to help them along the way. This paper will look at good parenting
techniques using "The Top Ten Parenting Tips" by DR more content...
Children cannot develop a moral compass unless people around them use the clear, sharp
language of right and wrong." I agree with this totally. Never should anyone have cause to curse
at their children. I have always told my children cursing is a sign of poor communication skills. I
have never spoken to my children like a baby. Speak to your children like people and they will
develop a vocabulary like a person should, provide them with a dictionary so they can look up
words they did not understand during the conversation or allow them to ask during the
conversation. Following this as developed its own problems in life; all my children have had issues
with talking with children of their own age due to the level of conversation. "Punish with a loving
heart. Today,punishment has a bad reputation. The results are guilt–ridden parents and
self–indulgent, out–of–control children. Children need limits. They will ignore these limits on
occasion. Reasonable punishment is one of the ways human beings have always learned. Children
must understand what punishment is for and know that its source is parental love." I agree with
this statement in it's entirely. In today's society government has made it a bad thing for children to
be punished. I think a tap on the bottom is fine when they are young to teach them right from
wrong. I have never seen a reason to raise the voice. Take the child into a room explain what they
did wrong and what the
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Benefits of Raising a Bilingual Child Essay
Language is an important part of our lives. I remember when I arrived to USA I could speak a
little English. I went to school to improve my language, reading and writing skills; even now I am
learning my second language, without English I cannot survive in this new environment. Now I am
raising my own kids and I want them to have this important skill, this privilege of knowing a second
language, language of their parents and grandparents. By looking at studies of bilingual children,
research shows how important it is for a child to learn a second language. Raising a bilingual child is
a benefit because it improves social skills, academic proficiency, introduces child to a different
culture, and prepares for the future. First more content...
As De Houwer summarizes, "There is no scientific evidence to date that hearing two or more
languages leads to delays or disorders in language acquisition. Many, many children throughout the
world grow up with two or more languages from infancy without showing any signs of language
delays or disorder" (1999). Second benefit is improvement of social skills. Knowing a different
language helps children to adapt easily to a new environment, increasing his/her self–esteem and
self–confidence. How would you feel if someone asks you a question and you don't understand? I
know that feeling. Children feel more confident and secure and will never feel humiliated by not
being able to communicate. Second language develops new friendships and new relationships. Last
year, a new boy joined my son's class. Later we found out that he was adapted from Russia. My son
was able to communicate with him in Russian and right now they are friends. There was an
important connection between boys – language that built the new friendship. Knowing another
language puts a person in an advantage of carrier selection. In our extreme and fast moving
environment, people who know more than one language have more employment opportunities.
Many professional firms require knowledge of second language. And people who know a second
language have a huge advantage over those who do not. Third benefit is introduction
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Should raising a child be the responsibility of both parents? Some people think the responsibility
lies on both parents since it took two participants to bring the child into the world. Others don't think
both parents are needed in raising a child or that they should be held responsible and be made to
contribute if they don't want to, therefore shouldn't be an issue. After researching both sides of the
issue, I strongly believe that it is the responsibility of both parents to raise the child they brought into
this world together. I say this with the understanding that the child has not been given up for
adoption, but remains with one or both of the biological parents.
Some parents believe that while they had a partner who more content...
With that being said, remaining actively involved in the health and welfare of the child is the best
thing that can happen, as there is simply no substitute for the parental team (Larimore, 2007).
A long–term shift in family composition has decreased the share of children living with two married
parents, while single–parent households have become more common for children. In a detailed study
provided by, sixty–four percent of children ages zero to seventeen lived with two
married parents in 2012, down from seventy–seven percent in 1980. In 2012, twenty–four percent of
children lived with only their mothers, four percent lived with only their fathers, and four percent
lived with neither of their parents, instead living with a grandparent or other relative (Federal
Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics, 2013).
It is very important for a child to build bonds with both parents, as the impact from each is different.
Each parent provides a particular type of nurturing that is vital in the upbringing of a child. Mothers
provide the loving, kind–hearted, nurturing care while a father's masculinity helps shape and teach
bravery, wisdom, and strength.
Others may also have valid reasons why it may be better off for a parent, or perhaps both parents,
to not remain in the life of a child. Sometimes it is not a person's desire to become a parent, or the
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Raising Children Persuasive Essay
Times have changed since the Leave It to Beaver days when children were safe in their own
neighborhoods. Years ago, it was a very rare occurrence that a child would be abducted, but now
it seems that young children are abducted on a daily basis. It's a shame that it is necessary to raise
children who are wary of everyone they meet. Unfortunately, to keep your little ones safe, they need
to know that everyone isn't good and kind. It's a terrible reality to share with kids, but it is a
necessary one.
Playing Outdoors
It is doubtful that there is a child in the world that doesn't like to play outside with his or her
friends. This is a good thing since exercise will help them to lead healthier lives. There are
boundaries and rules that must be set when raising children in this crazy world that we live in today.
This can be started at an early age so that the rules will stick with the child throughout their childhood more content...
Never say things like "Watch out, that man may steal you". If you do, you will be raising kids to
be paranoid. Kids don't need to be fearful, but instead they need to be empowered.
When playing outside, teach your kids to stay on your lawn and never go near the road. This is
an obvious safety tip, but you should also teach them to get close to the front door if a car pulls
up and slows or stops, and to go inside if a person gets out of the car. Raising children to be aware
of what's going on around them can help them to stay safe.
The School Bus
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Raising Children Is Not An Easy Task
Raising children is not an easy task and there are many different routes one can take when choosing
what kind of home the child will grow up in. Parenting styles vary anywhere from parents being over
controlling and strict, to an easy–going parenting style, to even helicopter parents. All these different
types of parents raise their children with the same goal in mind; parents just want the best for their
kid. The fact that parents want the best for their kid never changes; what changes is what the parent
thinks is best for their kid.
To begin, Amy Chua's 'Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior' reveals an extremely strict side of
parenting where Chua controls her daughter 's life by telling them what to do and when to do it. In
the article Chua lists the multitude of things her two daughters were not allowed to do, including:
attend a sleepover or playdate, choose their own extracurricular activities, and get any grade less
than an A. According to this article, 'chinese mothers' are superior because they don't have to worry
about damaging their child 's self esteem. Chua states, "Chinese mothers can say to their daughters,
'Hey fatty– loose some weight.' By contrast, western parents have to tiptoe around the issue, talking
in terms of 'health' and never ever mentioning the f–word, and their kids still end up in therapy for
eating disorders and negative self–image." This quote shows how the 'chinese mother' parenting
technique allows the parent to give constructive criticism
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Raising Children Essay

  • 1. Persuasive Essay On Raising Children In today's society people have evolved in many ways, especially regarding raising children. Becoming a parent is a honor and privilege that shouldn't be taken for granted. Parents should always keep in mind that patience is most important thing to give a child other than unconditional love. Also parents should make time during the early to young adolescent stages of the child to focus on teaching responsibility, compassion, and fairness. However, there is a rising problem that parents lack the motivation, confidence and education when parenting. Parents have become heavily dependent on technology and utilize it to occupy the child so the parent won't have to worry about teaching. Instead of becoming solely dependent on technology, parents should research and find ways to be more interactive and bond with the children. By this doing this, the children will feel the noticed and want to confide in the parent. Expressing unconditional love to children is easier for some, however; parents do not need to become a best friend to their children; they should establish structure and expectations to help the children strive to do and be better. The parents also need show responsibility and good manners by being a role model of how they want the children to learn and grow. Cathey Netherwood from Learning to be Responsible states that," the quality of responsibility is both attitude and a skill".(1) Parents should also illustrate what they expect from the children through their 2 own Get more content on
  • 2. Raising A Child Is Hard Enough Essay "Wouaa, wouaaa, wu wu, wouaaa" the baby cried. What is the baby saying and what does it want? One only has to ask a baby's mother to find out what it wants. When a baby cries like that most of the time it's just hungry. At this point a mother just listens to her maternal instinct and feeds her baby. She proceeds to raise her baby to chest level and lower her shirt, but before she can begin to feed her infant, an onlooker walks over and scolds her. The onlooker proceeds to explain that there are other ways of feeding children, instead of flashing ones breast. This really infuriates me, to believe that someone would come up to a mother and shame her out of feeding her child. Raising a child is hard enough, we don't need to make it any harder. Mother's should be allowed to breastfeed their babies whenever or wherever the baby is hungry. To increase the percentage of mothers' breastfeeding their infants, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has argued that "breast milk is uniquely suited to the human infant's nutritional needs and is a live substance with unmatched immunological and anti–inflammatory properties that protect against a host of illnesses and diseases for both mothers and children" ( 1–1). Many people think that instead of taking out their breast, why don't mothers just feed their children formula. There are many classes of human milk substitutes out there being marketed to be better and healthier than breast milk, but that is simply untrue. The U.S. Get more content on
  • 3. how to raise a child Essay Amy Chua's article "Why Chinese Mothers are Superior" appeared in the Wall Street Journal on January 8, 2011. When this article was published the controversy began. One article in argument to Amy Chua's was James Bernard Murphy's article "In Defense of Being a Kid" which also appeared in the Wall Street Journal on February 9, 2011. Murphy contends by stating Amy Chua's method of how to raise a child will do nothing but turn children into neurotic, self–absorbed and unhappy adults. James Murphy, author of "In Defense of Being a Kid" and professor of government at Dartmouth College argues that children should live childhood and enjoy childhood innocence, not be pressured or forced to prepare for their more content... I disagree because that is exactly how I grew up. Yes we did have responsibilities on the farm, but when chores were done we did what we wanted to do. We were taught what was right and what was wrong. I believe if you are raised with good morals, respect for yourself and others you can be very successful. I feel the drive to succeed comes from a supportive family and the want to be successful at what you love to do, not what you are forced to do. Murphy uses logic with the comparison of the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle and Jesus. Two of which did not have the same beliefs of children. I disagree with Aristotle when he said "no child is happy", the only time a child is happy is when they have thoughts of the achievements as an adult. When a child is given space it gives them the opportunity to imagine, to think outside of the box and capable for intellectual activity. We have to encourage and embrace their uniqueness and imagination or as Jesus did praise our children. I strongly agree with Murphy's fourth thought, "We forget that most of us produced our best art, asked our deepest philosophical questions, and most readily mastered new gadgets when we were mere children." (Murphy 279) As children we are more carefree and have less Get more content on
  • 4. Throughout history, competition has been displayed between people in many different ways. From worldwide events such as the Olympics to smaller contests such as a class geography bee, competition promotes people to give their peak performance, put in maximum effort, and better themselves. As a result, the winners receive an award as a symbol of their hard work while the losers go home empty–handed. Farmers nurture their livestock for years to enter for a blue ribbon, athletes compete head–to–head to win a gold medal, and businesses advertise their companies to steal customers and surpass their opponents. However, children today are being taught with a different rulebook. Nowadays, children that take part in competitive teams are being more content... As children who have received participation awards begin to grow older, they are introduced to more and more situations in which not everyone is a winner. A person who has been a winner all their life will eventually lose, and it will affect them more seriously because they have not had experience dealing with failure at an early age. According to the article "Failure is an Option: Raising Children in a 'Participation Trophy' Society" in Scouting Magazine, Dr. Tim Elmore believes failure is like a coach, teaching kids to try their best. Elmore argues that participation trophies take away the positive effects of losing, and children grow up lacking motivation and become wary of testing their abilities due to fear of failure. This leads to children being more emotionally fragile than they should be, which may eventually result in serious matters such as depression and even suicide. Participation awards treat everyone like a winner, which means children do not learn how to cope with loss. Kids that don't experience dealing with failure end up being afraid of it, and this constant fear contributes to psychological problems such as stress, anxiety, and depression. For example, if a child were to Get more content on
  • 5. Raising Successful Children In the article, "Raising Successful Children," (New York Times, Aug 4, 2012) the author, Madeline Levine states that to raise successful children in numerous areas, parent should not help them to do something that they can or about be able to make, should support them with long–term eyes, and control parents own ideal image to not push it against children. The author begins the article by saying that stepping in children's works tends to provoke fewer motivations and rebellions; on the other hand, parenting which supports children to create eagerness and confidences is one of the ways to raise children who are successful in many areas. For example, Carol Dweck, who is a psychologist, did an experiment with children and found that children who Get more content on
  • 6. Raising Bilingual Children Essay Here are the most persistent myths on raising bilingual children: "Your child will be confused by learning more than one language." This belief is prevalent in monolingual countries and has far more politics than science to back it up. Rest assured that your child's little brain has more than enough neurons firing to cope with two languages (or even more) without frizzing out. On the contrary, decades of research in countless studies actually show significant cognitive advantages to being multilingual. And what about the experience of millions of families around the world where multilingualism is the norm, not the exception? Just look at Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, and Finland –– to mention a few. "I can see two languages, maybe, but more content... Some kids can't even handle that in one language." It's true that many children have difficulties reading and writing well. However, reading and writing is a 'coding / decoding' process and is not linked to the number of languages a child speaks, as such –– although it could involve multiple alphabets, and then be a bit more work. Interestingly enough, access to multiple languages actually makes it easier for children to understand the nature of language itself, which, in turn, improves overall literacy skills. Research supports what many parents have long felt: that multilingual children have better–developed linguistic understanding. Article Source: Get more content on
  • 7. Essay on Raising a Child Becoming a mother was one of the most stressful times in my life. I found out quick that the advice from the members of the medical profession did not always agree with advice that was passed down from the older generation of my family. For example, the advice on introducing cereal to an infant's last bottle at night for a few extra hours of sleep, or being advised to wake an infant up every two hours in the beginning to feed them, or the most confusing to me the advice on punishing children in general. Becoming a parent (especially at a young age), I found it difficult to separate the real and useful advice from the useless or unimportant advice. I became worried that I maybe really had no idea what I was doing and it became easy more content... I have to admit it worked. I was so happy that at my daughters next well check up I told the physician what I had been doing to only get a scolding. Turns out that she could have aspirated on this new formula concoction and it could stimulate her to over eat in other feedings during the day. He then said, I should stop and start it when she reached the 4 month mark at least. The day after I delivered my daughter I was sitting in my postpartum recovery room holding her while she was sleeping; just looking at her, when her nursery nurse came in and asked me all types of questions that ended with her asking when was the last time I fed her. She then proceeded to tell me that I needed to wake up my baby every 2 hours to ensure that I established my milk supply if I was going to breastfeed, ensure she was growing appropriately, and it would also help her learn a set schedule for eating. I took her advice and it made since but, then my mother –in law had to state her opinion when the nurse left the room. She said, "Never wake a sleeping baby." It was natural for them to sleep, they are growing and they will do it on their own schedule. I could use a breast pump to encourage my milk to come in, if I thought I needed to. When my daughter was 2 my husband and I went through a period where we butted heads on how we were going to discipline her. Both of us growing up were spanked as a form of discipline and I felt the pressure to raise our child the same. I have to admit that I Get more content on
  • 8. Persuasive Essay On Raising A Child Raising a child Raising a child is not easy and being a responsible and a perfect parent is probably a very difficult thing to do if not the hardest thing anyone can succeed in doing. We all make mistakes, even the most professional people do. That is why it is very common for Adults to make parenting mistakes. It's normal to make mistakes but too many can take a toll in a child's future. Even though many people, like me, believe that is is nurture that affects the way a child will be in the future , many others thinks it's in our nature. There is no evidence that personality is passed down from genes obtained from our parents. In other words I believe that they way a child is raised is more important than their nature.That is why I know that lack of guidance from parent to child, and overvaluing your child could end up affecting them in the future. There are many things parents are doing wrong, in fact here are the 2 issues in parenting . 1) not watching over what your kids are doing and watching on social media. 2) Overvaluing/ Over praising your child. The Effects of technology and Social media Because of the vast internet we do not know what our children see everyday. The new technologies and social media is making raising a child very difficult. Our kids now have even more distractions like cellphones and Social media. I myself have gone through the phase of being addicted to social media and the apps on my iphone. Before I had a Get more content on
  • 9. Persuasive Essay On How To Raise A Child How to raise a good child Raising a child is one of the most interesting and ongoing complex and rewarding thing ever for a parent. Raising a child is very changeling. The challenging's of raising a child varies, but they are not limited. For instance in our generation there are all types of ways of raising a child, for example there are some good ways, and there are some bad ways. In this paper, I will be talking about some of the good ways of how one may raise a good child, based on the ways of communications, disciplines, self–esteem and building a friend–ship between you and your child. In most cases, parents want the best of everything in life for their kids. Some parent have the ideas on how they can raise their child, by trying to give them the best in life. While some parents don't have no idea on how to raise their child in order to give them in life. Opening up the channels of communication from an early age between the child and the parent is super important element. Communicating with your child is all about sending clear messages to your child, so that your child would also give you a clear responses. Once a parent is able to establish that communication aspect fundamentally, that means, a parent may be able to communicate whit their child without any major miss understandings. Disciplining a child from home is one the most important element in any child life. Through disciplines, a child would be well behaved be well raised. Disciplining a child, is teaching Get more content on
  • 10. Argumentative Essay On Raising Children Do children raised by the same parents and by the same morals tend to have similar adult personalities? Many individuals seem to think this is true based on the myth, "Raising Children Similarly Leads to Similarities in Their Adult Personalities." There are many sources for and against this myth, however using the ten sources for psychological myths, this is still thought to be true by some. One of the ten sources for psychological myths is, "Word of Mouth." This idea states that stories or anecdotes passed down from generations could be accepted true. Those being told this, could accept a false idea as a true statement, and go throughout the remainder of their life believing in something that will never happen or just doesn't work. This more content... If they do their best in raising all of their children to the best of their ability, the only one to blame is the child who got into trouble. They most likely got involved with the wrong people and starting picking up bad habits. To educate people on the truth of this myth, those who have conducted experiments could give speeches on their findings, or they could set up conventions where people that are interested could go through the step–by–step process that the experimenter went through to discover the truth. Prior to reading the text, I had no belief in this myth. I know that it could influence your decision, but very rarely would it ever make your own decision. Peers have a lot of influence on a person, or someone could be interested in something completely different than their parents and make their decision based on their interests. After reading, I can tell how myths originate and how they are believed true to this day. If an occurrence happens over and over again it could be taken as a truth rather than a myth. Scientific reasoning is very important in psychology, because it can prove things to be false. When studying the mind, science gives us a definite answer, while myths let our minds linger one way or another believing in things we shouldn't or having no strength to believe something we Get more content on
  • 11. My Beliefs Of Raising Children These are my beliefs also, that if you raise your children right and give them a good steady foundation they won't part from it like you mention in your post. They may even pass the same good values that were taught to them to their children as well. I think this should start at a very young age with a child; because if a parent tries to address this matter when the child becomes of age it will be very difficult to Get more content on
  • 12. Raising A Child As A Single Parent Raising children in today's society can prove to be a very difficult task. Parenthood is challenging even with the best of circumstances. With one parent, the challenges are multiplied. Single Parenthood is very common in the United States. In fact in 2013, 28% of children in the US were living in single–parent homes. Having children in the US ages 0 thru 18 as a single parent can be very costly and come with many responsibilities. For most single parents the most difficult part of being a parent is the financial responsibilities. The average cost of raising a child born in 2013 up until age eighteen for a middle income family is approximately $245,340.00. Education is also an important responsibility when having children. Nurturing although it is something that should come naturally to a person, can prove to be difficult and is a very important responsibility. All of these responsibilities combined are only a fraction as to what goes into raising a child. Unfortunately single parents may have a far more difficult time raising a child due to the different economical, social, and personal task each individual may face. Financial Responsibility and planning can be challenging for anyone, including single parents. Some financial struggles a single parent may face are shelter, food, and clothing. Single parents face more hardships than a two parent household when it comes to providing shelter for their families. In 2013 alone, over 70% of families in homeless shelters were from Get more content on
  • 13. Raising Children in Two Different Cultures Within Indian cultures, parents take the time they have to raise their children and this tend to have greater impact on their children's lives in today's world. American parents are more lenient when it comes to raising their children and result of this leads to the children becoming involve in some deviant behavior at times. While in the Indian culture the raising of children involves much bond and discipline, in the American culture, bonding and discipline has little impact of the raising of children. In Indian cultures, the importance of family bonding, as well as values, help the child to grow up in a way that they can respect what they have. Indian families live in close villages or in extended families so there is the ability more content... On the other hand, in American cultures family bonding as well as values are not strongly used to assist in the raising of children. Extended families are not in close proximity to the children so a child cannot build that family bond. This occurs because America is so big so a child seldom sees extended family. American parents are not always intimately aware that they children are in relationships. As a result, parents become unaware so children sometimes end up with unwanted pregnancies or in a domestic relationship. American children have the advantage of having much food and clothing and are unaware that the under privileged has so little. Being that clothing and food is not as expensive as other parents of the world, American children would place their parents under financial pressures in order to get what they want, for example, a pair of Nike Airmax shoes to wear to the mall when they already have three other pairs that can be given to the less fortunate but instead they through them away. In American cultures, parents use a form of permissive disciplinary techniques which employ little or no discipline. American parents are more lenient in providing rules and regulations. They often leave their children with chores to do and end up coming back to do the same chores which they leaved for their children to do. Also, these American children have the opportunity to make their own decisions. They Get more content on
  • 14. Raising Children: Article Analysis The article ("Raising Children: A Character–based Approach To Residential Child Care",2014) disguises how the understanding of ethical behaviour is difficult to teach to a young child. We don't have the same perspective on life as the child and we don't know what they go through in their everyday lives, so it's difficult to show them the importance of ethical behaviour. In order to grow well we must develop some of the following virtues wisdom,justice,courage, temperance (Barnes and Thomson,2002). He broke down virtues into two parts, virtues intellectual and virtues morals. Intellectual which can learnt by an educational background and morals which is learnt by some sort of experience, such as by a role model. Right reasoning, emotion, more content... Modesty creates carefulness and hesitancy about moral deliberation.The shame would make them second guess every decision that they might regret in the future. Another big aspect in developing a child's morals is residential care, A child needs to be around a good adult and a good home environment where they feel safe and where real responsibility and consequences exist. A place where they can have the opportunity to do the right or wrong thing. There are many challenges in these concepts, character development rely on a good adult figure and their difficult to come by, how would you decide whether an adult is good or have the right characteristic to be an appropriate role model. In conclusion this article basically breaks down some of the important aspect in moral development for child or adolescents. Such as the role models we have in our lives,moral virtues, sense of shame and residential care. All these play an important role in how to develop one's ethical behaviour. It also discusses the challenges that come with developing a child or adolescent morals, how it can be a turning point, where they can develop their mind and Get more content on
  • 15. Raising Children Essay Perspective Paper INTRODUCTION Parents and scientists are seeking a more sound way to determine how to raise the children of the up–coming generation. The web article From Neurons to Neighborhoods, describes ten essential concepts needed for the healthy development of human beings. Research and theories from K. S. Berger's textbook, Developing Person Through the Life Span can be applied to the ten core concepts. This paper will expand upon six of the ten concepts including how a person advances through the nature–nurture phenomenon, cultural influences, self–regulation, building relationships, uniqueness, and vulnerability to risks and influences. The following scientists research and theories will be used to help validate the more content... Likewise, a human is also genetically predisposed to seek fulfilling stimuli when his or her biological needs are not met. A person naturally desires to have necessary biological needs satisfied. Pavlov's experiment also demonstrates how nature interacts with nurture. He discovered the canines salivated not just at the smell of food, but also at the sound of footsteps bringing the food. The dogs were able to connect the smell and audio stimuli together to learn when one comes, such as the footprints, something great will follow, such as the food. In human development, an individual will link stimuli together in order to adapt to his living environment. An example of individuals being shaped through experiences includes learning how to speak. A babbling toddler learns to associate the non–sensible sounds "ma–ma" or "ba–ba" with his mother or bottle as they each make their welcomed appearances (Berger, 172). A person's survival depends on whether or not he has associated fear with potentially harmful stimuli, or acceptance for desirable stimuli. Lastly, B.F. Skinner introduced a form of learning process called operate conditioning. Operate conditioning, like classical conditioning, involves individuals creating associations with various stimuli. However, unlike classical conditioning, operate conditioning forms associations through methods of reward Get more content on
  • 16. Raising Children Darrell L. Rogers August 31, 2011 UNV–303 University Success Professor Kristen Dicarlo Having children comes as natural as eating; being a good parent comes only with a little work and effort. So many times in our society we see examples of bad parenting. No child is born with a how to manual and this is why the whole family needs to be involved in the child's life. There use to be an old saying "It takes a community to raise a child", but to many times it is the community that has became the most dangerous to the child. Doing my research for this paper I have found numerous resources available to parents to help them along the way. This paper will look at good parenting techniques using "The Top Ten Parenting Tips" by DR more content... Children cannot develop a moral compass unless people around them use the clear, sharp language of right and wrong." I agree with this totally. Never should anyone have cause to curse at their children. I have always told my children cursing is a sign of poor communication skills. I have never spoken to my children like a baby. Speak to your children like people and they will develop a vocabulary like a person should, provide them with a dictionary so they can look up words they did not understand during the conversation or allow them to ask during the conversation. Following this as developed its own problems in life; all my children have had issues with talking with children of their own age due to the level of conversation. "Punish with a loving heart. Today,punishment has a bad reputation. The results are guilt–ridden parents and self–indulgent, out–of–control children. Children need limits. They will ignore these limits on occasion. Reasonable punishment is one of the ways human beings have always learned. Children must understand what punishment is for and know that its source is parental love." I agree with this statement in it's entirely. In today's society government has made it a bad thing for children to be punished. I think a tap on the bottom is fine when they are young to teach them right from wrong. I have never seen a reason to raise the voice. Take the child into a room explain what they did wrong and what the Get more content on
  • 17. Benefits of Raising a Bilingual Child Essay Language is an important part of our lives. I remember when I arrived to USA I could speak a little English. I went to school to improve my language, reading and writing skills; even now I am learning my second language, without English I cannot survive in this new environment. Now I am raising my own kids and I want them to have this important skill, this privilege of knowing a second language, language of their parents and grandparents. By looking at studies of bilingual children, research shows how important it is for a child to learn a second language. Raising a bilingual child is a benefit because it improves social skills, academic proficiency, introduces child to a different culture, and prepares for the future. First more content... As De Houwer summarizes, "There is no scientific evidence to date that hearing two or more languages leads to delays or disorders in language acquisition. Many, many children throughout the world grow up with two or more languages from infancy without showing any signs of language delays or disorder" (1999). Second benefit is improvement of social skills. Knowing a different language helps children to adapt easily to a new environment, increasing his/her self–esteem and self–confidence. How would you feel if someone asks you a question and you don't understand? I know that feeling. Children feel more confident and secure and will never feel humiliated by not being able to communicate. Second language develops new friendships and new relationships. Last year, a new boy joined my son's class. Later we found out that he was adapted from Russia. My son was able to communicate with him in Russian and right now they are friends. There was an important connection between boys – language that built the new friendship. Knowing another language puts a person in an advantage of carrier selection. In our extreme and fast moving environment, people who know more than one language have more employment opportunities. Many professional firms require knowledge of second language. And people who know a second language have a huge advantage over those who do not. Third benefit is introduction Get more content on
  • 18. Should raising a child be the responsibility of both parents? Some people think the responsibility lies on both parents since it took two participants to bring the child into the world. Others don't think both parents are needed in raising a child or that they should be held responsible and be made to contribute if they don't want to, therefore shouldn't be an issue. After researching both sides of the issue, I strongly believe that it is the responsibility of both parents to raise the child they brought into this world together. I say this with the understanding that the child has not been given up for adoption, but remains with one or both of the biological parents. Some parents believe that while they had a partner who more content... With that being said, remaining actively involved in the health and welfare of the child is the best thing that can happen, as there is simply no substitute for the parental team (Larimore, 2007). A long–term shift in family composition has decreased the share of children living with two married parents, while single–parent households have become more common for children. In a detailed study provided by, sixty–four percent of children ages zero to seventeen lived with two married parents in 2012, down from seventy–seven percent in 1980. In 2012, twenty–four percent of children lived with only their mothers, four percent lived with only their fathers, and four percent lived with neither of their parents, instead living with a grandparent or other relative (Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics, 2013). It is very important for a child to build bonds with both parents, as the impact from each is different. Each parent provides a particular type of nurturing that is vital in the upbringing of a child. Mothers provide the loving, kind–hearted, nurturing care while a father's masculinity helps shape and teach bravery, wisdom, and strength. Others may also have valid reasons why it may be better off for a parent, or perhaps both parents, to not remain in the life of a child. Sometimes it is not a person's desire to become a parent, or the Get more content on
  • 19. Raising Children Persuasive Essay Times have changed since the Leave It to Beaver days when children were safe in their own neighborhoods. Years ago, it was a very rare occurrence that a child would be abducted, but now it seems that young children are abducted on a daily basis. It's a shame that it is necessary to raise children who are wary of everyone they meet. Unfortunately, to keep your little ones safe, they need to know that everyone isn't good and kind. It's a terrible reality to share with kids, but it is a necessary one. Playing Outdoors It is doubtful that there is a child in the world that doesn't like to play outside with his or her friends. This is a good thing since exercise will help them to lead healthier lives. There are boundaries and rules that must be set when raising children in this crazy world that we live in today. This can be started at an early age so that the rules will stick with the child throughout their childhood more content... Never say things like "Watch out, that man may steal you". If you do, you will be raising kids to be paranoid. Kids don't need to be fearful, but instead they need to be empowered. When playing outside, teach your kids to stay on your lawn and never go near the road. This is an obvious safety tip, but you should also teach them to get close to the front door if a car pulls up and slows or stops, and to go inside if a person gets out of the car. Raising children to be aware of what's going on around them can help them to stay safe. The School Bus Get more content on
  • 20. Raising Children Is Not An Easy Task Raising children is not an easy task and there are many different routes one can take when choosing what kind of home the child will grow up in. Parenting styles vary anywhere from parents being over controlling and strict, to an easy–going parenting style, to even helicopter parents. All these different types of parents raise their children with the same goal in mind; parents just want the best for their kid. The fact that parents want the best for their kid never changes; what changes is what the parent thinks is best for their kid. To begin, Amy Chua's 'Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior' reveals an extremely strict side of parenting where Chua controls her daughter 's life by telling them what to do and when to do it. In the article Chua lists the multitude of things her two daughters were not allowed to do, including: attend a sleepover or playdate, choose their own extracurricular activities, and get any grade less than an A. According to this article, 'chinese mothers' are superior because they don't have to worry about damaging their child 's self esteem. Chua states, "Chinese mothers can say to their daughters, 'Hey fatty– loose some weight.' By contrast, western parents have to tiptoe around the issue, talking in terms of 'health' and never ever mentioning the f–word, and their kids still end up in therapy for eating disorders and negative self–image." This quote shows how the 'chinese mother' parenting technique allows the parent to give constructive criticism Get more content on