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English Quiz
< 1 >
1. I am one of the smart animal
2. I have two long ears but not a
3. I work for people
4. I pull a cart or give rides to
5. I am cousin of a horse……
< 2 >
1. I am sad because people call me
2. My body is dark yellow in autumn
3. My flower looks like a big golden
4. My flower is often compared with
a girl who is not pretty in Korea
5. People make pie or cake with me…
< 3 >
1. I live in ocean.
2. I swim like a fish but sometimes I
have to come out of water.
3. You may think of me as a whale
but I am not.
4. I am a strong marine weapon
destroying ships.
5. Some of my friends are carrying
nuclear missiles in them....
< 4 >
1. I am useful animal for people.
2. I am big but very mild animal.
3. You may drink my milk
4. I help farmers during harvest.
5. I give my flesh to people after
I die……
< 5 >
hat, cap
1. I am the highest authority in
the world.
2. Even a king is under me.
3. I protect your head from cold
weather or hot sun.
4. I am made of cloth.
5. I sit on your head……
< 6 >
1. I am a root of a plant.
2. I am round.
3. I have strong but nice smell
and taste.
4. I am made of many layers.
5. Usually you can find me on
the table of Chinese restaurant……
< 7 >
1. We are twins.
2. Each of us has a round body
and a long leg.
3. We have to work together.
4. When we cover your eyes,
you can see better.
5. We sit on your nose when we
< 8 >
1. Without me human could not
be as smart as they are.
2. I have been teaching humans
3. I have letters and pictures in
4. Students carry me to school.
5. I am made of paper……
< 9 >
1. My body is metal.
2. I have two big ears.
3. I have two long legs.
4. My legs are very sharp.
5. I cut clothes or paper with my
< 11 >
1. I am very strong.
2. I wear a beautiful orange fur
3. I have black stripes on my fur
4. I am living in mountains.
5. I have known as the king of
< 12 >
Record player
1. I can mimic your voice or music.
2. I am in your house or in your
3. I have a good memory.
4. I can repeat exactly what you
have said to me.
5. You can store your voice or
music in me for later use……
< 13 >
1. I have flat top.
2. I have four legs but I can't
3. I have no arms.
4. My body is made of wood.
5. You need me when you eat
< 14 >
1. I am living in your house.
2. I have two arms.
3. I have round face with number
from 1 to 12 on it.
4. You look at me before going to
school or office.
5. I sing tick-tock, tick-tock……
< 15 >
1. I am white.
2. I am very light.
3. You cannot study without me.
4. You can write on me.
5. The books and newspapers
consist of me……
< 16 >
1. I wear a helmet but I am not a
2. I wear an armour but I am not
a knight in medieval age.
4. I push down the enemies who
invade my land.
5. I am a player of a ball game
which is popular in Americans……
< 17 >
1. My body is metal.
2. I have a big hole in my face.
3. I have one long leg.
4. My foot is very sharp.
5. I am making your dress with
my friend, thread……
< 18 >
1. I am as black as a dark night.
2. I am as hot as a fire.
3. I am as sweet as honey.
4. My close friend is as white as
5. You can drink me at your home
or at a tea shop……
< 19 >
1. No one can be smarter than
2. No one can beat me in
3. No one can have a better
memory than me.
4. Do you have any question?
Just press my keyboard.
5. My body is made of a
television set and typewriter……
< 20 >
1. My body is round and flat.
2. I have two or four holes on my
3. When you feel hot or cold you
touch me.
4. When you dress or undress
you also touch me.
5. I am attached to your shirt and
< 21 >
1. I have no feet but I can travel.
2. You like me on hot summer
3. You cannot see me, But you
can feel me when I press by you.
4. I can shake the leaves on the
5. I make waves in the sea……
< 22 >
1. I have five children.
2. My first son is fat and short.
3. The rest of my sons are tall.
4. When I work, I need all of
5. I am a part of your body……
< 25 >
1. I am a girl.
2. I am wearing a crown but I am
not a princess.
3. My crown is made of white
cloth, not a gold.
4. My uniform is white, too.
5. I am working in a hospital……
< 26 >
1. I like windy days.
2. I have no wings but I can fly.
3. I have ears and a long tail.
4. I am a good friend to children.
5. I am made of paper and
bamboo sticks……
< 27 >
1. I have no face.
2. I have no legs and no arms,
either, but I am alive.
3. The color of my round body is
white or light brown.
4. You can eat me fried or boiled.
5. My mother is a hen……
< 28 >
Traffic light
1. I am black and tall.
2. I am a giant with three
3. My eyes have all different
4. I am standing on a street.
5. People and cars have to
my direction……
< 29 >
1. I was born on the first day
of a
2. I have twelve children.
3. I only live one year and
4. I tell you what day is
5. I am made of paper, and hung
< 30 >
Electic bulb
1. I work during the night.
2. I have a long neck but no
3. I have a bold head.
4. My bold head is so bright.
5. Turn the switch on if you
to have a light…….
< 31 >
1. I have no mouth but I can
2. I have no ears but I can
3. I have numbers on my body.
4. I let you talk with your
without going to her.
5. I let you know when your
< 32 >
1. I am tall like a basketball
2. I like hot weather very
3. I love the sun.
4. So, I am looking up the sun
day long.
5. I am a flower with golden
< 33 >
1. I have no home to stay.
2. But I like cold winter days.
3. I don't like the warm
4. I was born by children on a
snowy day.
5. I am a white man standing
< 34 >
1. I was made of clay.
2. I was dried up with fire.
3. I have one ear on my body.
4. You need me to drink water
5. You can see me in your
< 35 >
1. I have two hands, one hand
and fork.
2. My fork is so expensive that
people want to steal it from
3. I live in jungle.
4. I am the heaviest animal on the land.
5. Oh, I have to go. Tarzan is
calling me…..
< 36 >
1. Everybody knows me by my name.
2. I tried to find a shortcut to India.
3. I believed the fact that the
earth was round.
4. I made a great discovery for
human history.
5. I discovered the new land,
< 39 >
1. I am light brown now but I
a green vegetable before.
2. I know that I am harmful for
human's health.
3. People love my smell.
4.They burn me in a pipe or in a piece
of thin paper to make me smell.
5. Children are not allowed to use
< 40 >
1. I have no wings but I can
2. Nothing can stand with my
strong punch.
3. I fly to the target what my
master orders me to.
4. I am a flying bomb.
5. some of my friends are armed
with atomic bombs…..
< 41 >
gas station
1. I sell juice.
2. I store juice under the
3. My customers drink juice
through a hose.
4. My customers drink juice
5. I am a restaurant for cars.
< 42 >
1. I have keys named "A" through "Z".
2. I also have keys named ”1”
through ”0” and some codes.
3. I can write a letter.
4. I can write faster and
than you.
5. My sound is like a machine
gun, "ta! ta! ta! ...".
< 43 >
1.My country is cold all year
2. My country is divided into three states.
3. The north state is the
coldest, the middle is less
cold and lowest state is the
least cold.
4. The people in the north state live on meat,
the middle state people on ordinary food and
beverages, and the people of the south state
< 44 >
Water melon
1. I am as round as a full
2. My skin is green with black
stripes on it.
3. My heart, however, is as red
as an apple.
4. You enjoy my sweet juice.
5. I am your favorite summer
< 45 >
1. I can walk.
2. I can jump, too.
3. I can swim.
4. I am afraid of a snake.
5. I am a good hunter catching
flies or bugs with my
< 46 >
1. I am smart and handsome.
2. You sang about me when you
entered the elementary
3. I can run very fast.
4. But I lost in the race with
5. I am an animal with
< 47 >
1. You may think that a rock
cannot be burned.
2. But I am different. I am a
burning rock.
3. I am black.
4. I came from underground.
5. I am an important energy for
< 49 >
1. I am tall.
2. I have a "U" shaped long
3. I have a bump on my back.
4. Once I traveled along the
road between East and West.
5. I have been known as a
< 50 >
1. My name represents power.
2. I have attended all wars in
world history.
3. I give rides to the people.
4. I wear "U" shaped iron
5. I pull carts or wagons…..
< 51 >
1. I show you where the lands
and oceans are.
2. I show you where the
mountains and rivers are.
3. I also tell you where the cities are.
4. I am made of a piece of
5. You need me when you travel
to unfamiliar place to you….
< 52 >
Santta Claus
1. I carry a heavy bag.
2. I sneak in your house in the
dark night.
3. When your doors or windows are locked, I
come your house through the chimney.
4. I wear red clothes and a
5. I only visit your home on
Christmas Eve…..
< 53 >
1. I am very honest.
2. I tell you whether you are
pretty or ugly.
3. If you smile at me, I will
at you.
4. If you are angry with me, I
be angry with you too.
< 54 >
1. You need me mostly during
the night.
2. You cannot have a nice sleep
without me.
3. But I don't keep your body warm.
4. I am very soft.
5. I support your head while
< 55 >
1. I began to live in Korea
Western culture was
2. I wear clothes.
3. I am made of plastic or
4. I look like a triangle.
5. Find me in your closet.
< 56 >
1. Are you sad because you are short?
2. I am short but I am a hero
world history.
3. I conquered almost all
with my armies.
4. I was born in France.
5. The British army defeated me
< 57 >
1. I don't understand why do
people call me another Satan.
2. I tried to build the Garden
Eden on the earth.
3. I had to pluck the weed out of the garden.
4. The Jew was the weed.
5. I sent millions of Jew to
< 58 >
1. I have four younger
2. Among them I am the fattest
and shortest.
3. I am known as the least talented.
4. But I am the strongest among
my brothers.
5. Who am I? Please look at
< 59 >
1. I can not walk fast.
2. I carry my house wherever I
3. But I am not a gypsy or
4. I like rainy days.
5. I live in the grass or
< 60 >
1. I like night rather than
2. I live in a cave.
3. I like Sir Dracula.
4. I am not a bird but I can
5. Find me in a horror movie.
< 61 >
1. I can make you see while you
close your eyes.
2. I can make you run and fly
while you lie down.
3. I can make you a king or a beggar.
4. I also can make you cry or
shiver with fear.
5. You can get me only when you sleep.
< 62 >
1. Once I was an angel in
according to the Bible.
2. I have no arms and no legs
but I can travel.
3. I am sad because most people hate me.
4. I live on frogs and rats.
5. Be careful My cousin, cobra.
He is very poisonous.
< 63 >
1. I travel between earth and
2. All living creature cannot
survive without me.
3. If I don't come to you, you miss me.
4. If I come to you often, you
don't like me.
5. My mother is the black cloud
in the sky.
< 64 >
1. I live in your house.
2. I share food with you.
3. A thief is my enemy.
4. I have been a friend to
humans for millions of years.
5. I am an animal helping
in my ways.
< 65 >
1. I can make you sing or cry.
2. I can make you braver than
ever before.
3. I am a magic water.
4. I am light brown.
5. I am made with barley.
< 66 >
Electric pole
1. I am very tall.
2. I stand mostly by the side of the road.
3. My friends and I are
in a row.
4. Our mission is to supply you
with energy.
5. The energy what I name is
< 67 >
1. I am a young man to a noble
2. I fell in love with a girl.
3. Her parents and mind were
4. The end of our love was
5. I was created by
< 68 >
1. I am very clear.
2. You can see outside through me.
3. I am a kind of door but
come through me.
4. You can keep yourself warm
cool by closing or opening
< 69 >
1. I have no family.
2. I live alone in a jungle.
3. I protect the nature from
bad people.
4. I am justice in the jungle.
5. My friends are a chimpanzee
and elephants.
< 70 >
1. I can make you happy or sad.
2. I can make you laugh or cry.
3. I show you the incidents
happening outside.
4. I show you another world
while you sit your room.
5. I am a small movie theater
in your home.
< 71 >
1. People think of me as black,
but I am not.
2. Actually I am dark green.
3. You can find me in your
4. The teacher likes me very
5. The teachers write on me
< 72 >
1. I am one-eyed creature.
2. But I have good memory.
3. I never forget a person or
scene I have seen.
4. I record the scenes on a
special paper.
5. Don't forget to feed me with
film before you use me.
< 73 >
1. I can stand with my feet.
2. I can leap as you do.
3. I have a tail but you don't.
4. I carry my baby in a pocket
my body.
5. My hometown is Australia.
< 74 >
underground passage
1. I am in a city.
2. Many people use me when
they cross the street.
3. I am here because a city has
too many traffic.
4. There are many stores in me.
5. I am a road underground.
< 75 >
1. I am a grass even though you
have known me as a tree.
2. I am a ever-green plant.
3. I am a symbol of unchanging
love and spirit.
4. My body is empty inside.
5. You can see me in Oriental
< 76 >
1. My home was land though I
am living in an ocean now.
2. I am in an ocean but I am not a fish.
3. I have my nose on my back.
4. I have to float up to the
surface to breathe.
5. I am the largest animal in
the world.
< 77 >
1. I have two sets of wings.
2. I have two round and large
3. When I was a baby, I was a
good swimmer.
4. I dip my tail into the water
lay my eggs.
5. I eat flies and mosquitos
< 78 >
1. Sometimes I am described as
a gentleman in a comic book.
2. I wear an orange coat with
brown patterns.
3. I am the tallest animal in the world.
4. I am the animal who has the
longest neck.
5. I live on African prairie.
< 79 >
1. I traveled to outer space
earlier than humans.
2. I am known as a smart
3. I can mimic your gesture.
4. I can walk well but I am
at playing among the trees.
5. Tarzan is my human friend.
< 80 >
1. I am important book to you.
2. You may start to use me when
you enter a middle school.
3. I am a key book for learning
foreign languages.
4. Ask me if you have any question
on vocabularies and idioms.
5. Ask me if you have any
question on pronunciation.
< 81 >
1. I was born in Germany.
2. I devoted all my life to the
3. I lost my hearing ability in
4. I have been known to the
world as a saint of music.
5. I left my death mask.
< 82 >
screw driver
1. I twist my whole body when I
2. I am a driver.
3. I am not driving a car.
4. When you fix some furniture
machines you need me.
5. I drive a screw.
< 83 >
razor blade
1. I am made of steel.
2. I am very sharp and keen.
3. I am a kind of knife.
4. I make gentleman younger
and more handsome.
5. I remove your hair on your
< 84 >
1. I work in a dark room.
2. If you want to see me more
clearly, please turn the
light off.
3. I can make you feel happy,
sad, excited and angry.
4. My work place is a large
with many chairs.
< 85 >
1. I am round like a full moon.
2. I have cows, vegetables and
tomatoes in me.
3. I was born in America but
I am popular with young
4. I am one of the fast food.
5. You can get me at a western
< 86 >
1. I am an unhappy prince.
2. People think that I am
but that is not true.
3. People say that I have no
courage but that is not true.
4. That's because the enemy I
want to kill is my uncle.
5. I was created by
< 87 >
1. Ten plus ten is ten for me.
2. Ten minus ten is still ten
for me.
3. I am made of yarn or
4. You need me in cold seasons.
5. I keep your hands warm.
< 88 >
1. I am from plant juice.
2. I am as white as snow.
3. A fat person should not like
4. I am known bad to your teeth
you eat me too much.
5. I am as sweet as honey.
< 89 >
1. I am stronger than the sun.
2. But I am afraid of the wind.
3. Usually I am white.
4. I travel around world.
5. I produce the water named
< 90 >
1. Do I like butter? No, I
2. I like honey the most.
3. I am an insect.
4. I have long tube-type mouth.
5. I have the most beautiful
wings in the world.
< 91 >
Mail box
1. I stand by the roadside.
2. I am a red box.
3. Everybody feeds me but one
in uniform.
4. The man opens me and takes
the food out of my stomach.
5. What do I eat? I live on
< 92 >
1. I have six brothers.
2. I am the oldest among my
3. My cousin and I are red
my brothers are black or
4. I am a day that you don't
< 93 >
1. I am made of iron or
2. I run on a track.
3. I can only travel up and
4. You let me work when you put
your dress on or take it off.
5. I do a better job than the
buttons on your clothes.
< 94 >
1. You have to take your hat
off in front of me.
2. I command you to sit up or lie down.
3. I put a sharp knife on your
neck and face.
4. But you pay me saying "Thank you".
5. I cut the hair on your head
and face.
< 95 >
1. I have many wives.
2. I am proud of my beautiful
3. I have wings but I cannot
4. I tell you the time in early
5. I am a male bird living with
< 96 >
fountain pen
1. have a beak but no wings.
2. I nest your pocket.
3. I wear a hat on my head when
I sleep.
4. I wear the hat on my foot
when I work.
5. I write letters for you with
juice "ink".
< 97 >
1. We are the symbol of
2. We lost our land to
3. We have red skin.
4. We are the real owner of
5. We were there before
Columbus come to this land.
< 98 >
1. I am a good hunter.
2. I don't have gun but only a
3. I make my net by myself.
4. The only game I hunt is
5. I am not an insect because I
have eight legs.
< 99 >
1. I look like an umbrella.
2. I had to wait for the
being invented.
3. I was designed for the
and crews of an airplane.
4. Today people use as a sport, too.
5. I save your life when you
< 100 >
1. I run with my six legs.
2. I am very busy during the
3. People are waiting for me in a line.
4. I am a long moving house
many chairs in me.
5. I like tokens better than

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  • 3. < 2 > pumpkin 1. I am sad because people call me ugly 2. My body is dark yellow in autumn 3. My flower looks like a big golden bell 4. My flower is often compared with a girl who is not pretty in Korea 5. People make pie or cake with me…
  • 4. < 3 > submarine 1. I live in ocean. 2. I swim like a fish but sometimes I have to come out of water. 3. You may think of me as a whale but I am not. 4. I am a strong marine weapon destroying ships. 5. Some of my friends are carrying nuclear missiles in them....
  • 5. < 4 > cow 1. I am useful animal for people. 2. I am big but very mild animal. 3. You may drink my milk everyday. 4. I help farmers during harvest. 5. I give my flesh to people after I die……
  • 6. < 5 > hat, cap 1. I am the highest authority in the world. 2. Even a king is under me. 3. I protect your head from cold weather or hot sun. 4. I am made of cloth. 5. I sit on your head……
  • 7. < 6 > onion 1. I am a root of a plant. 2. I am round. 3. I have strong but nice smell and taste. 4. I am made of many layers. 5. Usually you can find me on the table of Chinese restaurant……
  • 8. < 7 > glasses 1. We are twins. 2. Each of us has a round body and a long leg. 3. We have to work together. 4. When we cover your eyes, you can see better. 5. We sit on your nose when we work……
  • 9. < 8 > book 1. Without me human could not be as smart as they are. 2. I have been teaching humans everything. 3. I have letters and pictures in me. 4. Students carry me to school. 5. I am made of paper……
  • 10. < 9 > scissors 1. My body is metal. 2. I have two big ears. 3. I have two long legs. 4. My legs are very sharp. 5. I cut clothes or paper with my legs……
  • 11. < 11 > tiger 1. I am very strong. 2. I wear a beautiful orange fur coat. 3. I have black stripes on my fur coat. 4. I am living in mountains. 5. I have known as the king of mountain……
  • 12. < 12 > Record player 1. I can mimic your voice or music. 2. I am in your house or in your office. 3. I have a good memory. 4. I can repeat exactly what you have said to me. 5. You can store your voice or music in me for later use……
  • 13. < 13 > table 1. I have flat top. 2. I have four legs but I can't walk. 3. I have no arms. 4. My body is made of wood. 5. You need me when you eat food……
  • 14. < 14 > clock 1. I am living in your house. 2. I have two arms. 3. I have round face with number from 1 to 12 on it. 4. You look at me before going to school or office. 5. I sing tick-tock, tick-tock……
  • 15. < 15 > paper 1. I am white. 2. I am very light. 3. You cannot study without me. 4. You can write on me. 5. The books and newspapers consist of me……
  • 16. < 16 > Football player 1. I wear a helmet but I am not a soldier. 2. I wear an armour but I am not a knight in medieval age. 4. I push down the enemies who invade my land. 5. I am a player of a ball game which is popular in Americans……
  • 17. < 17 > needle 1. My body is metal. 2. I have a big hole in my face. 3. I have one long leg. 4. My foot is very sharp. 5. I am making your dress with my friend, thread……
  • 18. < 18 > coffee 1. I am as black as a dark night. 2. I am as hot as a fire. 3. I am as sweet as honey. 4. My close friend is as white as snow. 5. You can drink me at your home or at a tea shop……
  • 19. < 19 > computer 1. No one can be smarter than me. 2. No one can beat me in calculating. 3. No one can have a better memory than me. 4. Do you have any question? Just press my keyboard. 5. My body is made of a television set and typewriter……
  • 20. < 20 > button 1. My body is round and flat. 2. I have two or four holes on my body. 3. When you feel hot or cold you touch me. 4. When you dress or undress you also touch me. 5. I am attached to your shirt and jacket……
  • 21. < 21 > wind 1. I have no feet but I can travel. 2. You like me on hot summer days. 3. You cannot see me, But you can feel me when I press by you. 4. I can shake the leaves on the trees. 5. I make waves in the sea……
  • 22. < 22 > hand 1. I have five children. 2. My first son is fat and short. 3. The rest of my sons are tall. 4. When I work, I need all of them. 5. I am a part of your body……
  • 23. < 25 > nurse 1. I am a girl. 2. I am wearing a crown but I am not a princess. 3. My crown is made of white cloth, not a gold. 4. My uniform is white, too. 5. I am working in a hospital……
  • 24. < 26 > kite 1. I like windy days. 2. I have no wings but I can fly. 3. I have ears and a long tail. 4. I am a good friend to children. 5. I am made of paper and bamboo sticks……
  • 25. < 27 > egg 1. I have no face. 2. I have no legs and no arms, either, but I am alive. 3. The color of my round body is white or light brown. 4. You can eat me fried or boiled. 5. My mother is a hen……
  • 26. < 28 > Traffic light 1. I am black and tall. 2. I am a giant with three eyes. 3. My eyes have all different colors. 4. I am standing on a street. 5. People and cars have to follow my direction……
  • 27. < 29 > calendar 1. I was born on the first day of a year. 2. I have twelve children. 3. I only live one year and die. 4. I tell you what day is today. 5. I am made of paper, and hung
  • 28. < 30 > Electic bulb 1. I work during the night. 2. I have a long neck but no face. 3. I have a bold head. 4. My bold head is so bright. 5. Turn the switch on if you want to have a light…….
  • 29. < 31 > telephone 1. I have no mouth but I can talk. 2. I have no ears but I can hear. 3. I have numbers on my body. 4. I let you talk with your friend without going to her. 5. I let you know when your
  • 30. < 32 > sunflower 1. I am tall like a basketball player. 2. I like hot weather very much. 3. I love the sun. 4. So, I am looking up the sun all day long. 5. I am a flower with golden
  • 31. < 33 > snowman 1. I have no home to stay. 2. But I like cold winter days. 3. I don't like the warm spring. 4. I was born by children on a snowy day. 5. I am a white man standing outside……
  • 32. < 34 > cup 1. I was made of clay. 2. I was dried up with fire. 3. I have one ear on my body. 4. You need me to drink water or coffee. 5. You can see me in your cupboard…….
  • 33. < 35 > elephant 1. I have two hands, one hand and fork. 2. My fork is so expensive that people want to steal it from me. 3. I live in jungle. 4. I am the heaviest animal on the land. 5. Oh, I have to go. Tarzan is calling me…..
  • 34. < 36 > Columbus 1. Everybody knows me by my name. 2. I tried to find a shortcut to India. 3. I believed the fact that the earth was round. 4. I made a great discovery for human history. 5. I discovered the new land, "America“……
  • 35. < 39 > cigarette 1. I am light brown now but I was a green vegetable before. 2. I know that I am harmful for human's health. 3. People love my smell. 4.They burn me in a pipe or in a piece of thin paper to make me smell. 5. Children are not allowed to use me……
  • 36. < 40 > missile 1. I have no wings but I can fly. 2. Nothing can stand with my strong punch. 3. I fly to the target what my master orders me to. 4. I am a flying bomb. 5. some of my friends are armed with atomic bombs…..
  • 37. < 41 > gas station 1. I sell juice. 2. I store juice under the ground. 3. My customers drink juice through a hose. 4. My customers drink juice standing. 5. I am a restaurant for cars.
  • 38. < 42 > typewriter 1. I have keys named "A" through "Z". 2. I also have keys named ”1” through ”0” and some codes. 3. I can write a letter. 4. I can write faster and prettier than you. 5. My sound is like a machine gun, "ta! ta! ta! ...".
  • 39. < 43 > regregerator 1.My country is cold all year round. 2. My country is divided into three states. 3. The north state is the coldest, the middle is less cold and lowest state is the least cold. 4. The people in the north state live on meat, the middle state people on ordinary food and beverages, and the people of the south state
  • 40. < 44 > Water melon 1. I am as round as a full moon. 2. My skin is green with black stripes on it. 3. My heart, however, is as red as an apple. 4. You enjoy my sweet juice. 5. I am your favorite summer fruit….
  • 41. < 45 > frog 1. I can walk. 2. I can jump, too. 3. I can swim. 4. I am afraid of a snake. 5. I am a good hunter catching flies or bugs with my tongue….
  • 42. < 46 > rabbit 1. I am smart and handsome. 2. You sang about me when you entered the elementary school. 3. I can run very fast. 4. But I lost in the race with a turtle. 5. I am an animal with
  • 43. < 47 > coal 1. You may think that a rock cannot be burned. 2. But I am different. I am a burning rock. 3. I am black. 4. I came from underground. 5. I am an important energy for heat…..
  • 44. < 49 > camel 1. I am tall. 2. I have a "U" shaped long neck. 3. I have a bump on my back. 4. Once I traveled along the silk road between East and West. 5. I have been known as a vessel
  • 45. < 50 > horse 1. My name represents power. 2. I have attended all wars in world history. 3. I give rides to the people. 4. I wear "U" shaped iron shoes. 5. I pull carts or wagons…..
  • 46. < 51 > map 1. I show you where the lands and oceans are. 2. I show you where the mountains and rivers are. 3. I also tell you where the cities are. 4. I am made of a piece of paper. 5. You need me when you travel to unfamiliar place to you….
  • 47. < 52 > Santta Claus 1. I carry a heavy bag. 2. I sneak in your house in the dark night. 3. When your doors or windows are locked, I come your house through the chimney. 4. I wear red clothes and a hat. 5. I only visit your home on Christmas Eve…..
  • 48. < 53 > mirror 1. I am very honest. 2. I tell you whether you are pretty or ugly. 3. If you smile at me, I will smile at you. 4. If you are angry with me, I will be angry with you too.
  • 49. < 54 > pillow 1. You need me mostly during the night. 2. You cannot have a nice sleep without me. 3. But I don't keep your body warm. 4. I am very soft. 5. I support your head while you sleep.
  • 50. < 55 > hanger 1. I began to live in Korea when Western culture was introduced. 2. I wear clothes. 3. I am made of plastic or wire. 4. I look like a triangle. 5. Find me in your closet.
  • 51. < 56 > Napoleon 1. Are you sad because you are short? 2. I am short but I am a hero in world history. 3. I conquered almost all Europe with my armies. 4. I was born in France. 5. The British army defeated me
  • 52. < 57 > Hitler 1. I don't understand why do people call me another Satan. 2. I tried to build the Garden of Eden on the earth. 3. I had to pluck the weed out of the garden. 4. The Jew was the weed. 5. I sent millions of Jew to the
  • 53. < 58 > thumb 1. I have four younger brothers. 2. Among them I am the fattest and shortest. 3. I am known as the least talented. 4. But I am the strongest among my brothers. 5. Who am I? Please look at your
  • 54. < 59 > snail 1. I can not walk fast. 2. I carry my house wherever I go. 3. But I am not a gypsy or Bohemian. 4. I like rainy days. 5. I live in the grass or trees.
  • 55. < 60 > bat 1. I like night rather than day. 2. I live in a cave. 3. I like Sir Dracula. 4. I am not a bird but I can fly. 5. Find me in a horror movie.
  • 56. < 61 > dream 1. I can make you see while you close your eyes. 2. I can make you run and fly while you lie down. 3. I can make you a king or a beggar. 4. I also can make you cry or shiver with fear. 5. You can get me only when you sleep.
  • 57. < 62 > snake 1. Once I was an angel in heaven according to the Bible. 2. I have no arms and no legs but I can travel. 3. I am sad because most people hate me. 4. I live on frogs and rats. 5. Be careful My cousin, cobra. He is very poisonous.
  • 58. < 63 > rain 1. I travel between earth and sky. 2. All living creature cannot survive without me. 3. If I don't come to you, you miss me. 4. If I come to you often, you don't like me. 5. My mother is the black cloud in the sky.
  • 59. < 64 > dog 1. I live in your house. 2. I share food with you. 3. A thief is my enemy. 4. I have been a friend to humans for millions of years. 5. I am an animal helping people in my ways.
  • 60. < 65 > beer 1. I can make you sing or cry. 2. I can make you braver than ever before. 3. I am a magic water. 4. I am light brown. 5. I am made with barley.
  • 61. < 66 > Electric pole 1. I am very tall. 2. I stand mostly by the side of the road. 3. My friends and I are standing in a row. 4. Our mission is to supply you with energy. 5. The energy what I name is
  • 62. < 67 > Romeo 1. I am a young man to a noble family. 2. I fell in love with a girl. 3. Her parents and mind were enemies. 4. The end of our love was death. 5. I was created by Shakespeare.
  • 63. < 68 > window 1. I am very clear. 2. You can see outside through me. 3. I am a kind of door but cannot come through me. 4. You can keep yourself warm or cool by closing or opening me.
  • 64. < 69 > Tarzan 1. I have no family. 2. I live alone in a jungle. 3. I protect the nature from the bad people. 4. I am justice in the jungle. 5. My friends are a chimpanzee and elephants.
  • 65. < 70 > television 1. I can make you happy or sad. 2. I can make you laugh or cry. 3. I show you the incidents happening outside. 4. I show you another world while you sit your room. 5. I am a small movie theater in your home.
  • 66. < 71 > blackboard 1. People think of me as black, but I am not. 2. Actually I am dark green. 3. You can find me in your classroom. 4. The teacher likes me very much. 5. The teachers write on me with
  • 67. < 72 > camera 1. I am one-eyed creature. 2. But I have good memory. 3. I never forget a person or scene I have seen. 4. I record the scenes on a special paper. 5. Don't forget to feed me with film before you use me.
  • 68. < 73 > kangaroo 1. I can stand with my feet. 2. I can leap as you do. 3. I have a tail but you don't. 4. I carry my baby in a pocket of my body. 5. My hometown is Australia.
  • 69. < 74 > underground passage 1. I am in a city. 2. Many people use me when they cross the street. 3. I am here because a city has too many traffic. 4. There are many stores in me. 5. I am a road underground.
  • 70. < 75 > bamboo 1. I am a grass even though you have known me as a tree. 2. I am a ever-green plant. 3. I am a symbol of unchanging love and spirit. 4. My body is empty inside. 5. You can see me in Oriental paintings.
  • 71. < 76 > whale 1. My home was land though I am living in an ocean now. 2. I am in an ocean but I am not a fish. 3. I have my nose on my back. 4. I have to float up to the water surface to breathe. 5. I am the largest animal in the world.
  • 72. < 77 > dragonfly 1. I have two sets of wings. 2. I have two round and large eyes. 3. When I was a baby, I was a good swimmer. 4. I dip my tail into the water to lay my eggs. 5. I eat flies and mosquitos
  • 73. < 78 > giraffe 1. Sometimes I am described as a gentleman in a comic book. 2. I wear an orange coat with brown patterns. 3. I am the tallest animal in the world. 4. I am the animal who has the longest neck. 5. I live on African prairie.
  • 74. < 79 > monkey 1. I traveled to outer space earlier than humans. 2. I am known as a smart animal. 3. I can mimic your gesture. 4. I can walk well but I am good at playing among the trees. 5. Tarzan is my human friend.
  • 75. < 80 > dictionary 1. I am important book to you. 2. You may start to use me when you enter a middle school. 3. I am a key book for learning foreign languages. 4. Ask me if you have any question on vocabularies and idioms. 5. Ask me if you have any question on pronunciation.
  • 76. < 81 > Beethoven 1. I was born in Germany. 2. I devoted all my life to the music. 3. I lost my hearing ability in later life. 4. I have been known to the world as a saint of music. 5. I left my death mask.
  • 77. < 82 > screw driver 1. I twist my whole body when I work. 2. I am a driver. 3. I am not driving a car. 4. When you fix some furniture or machines you need me. 5. I drive a screw.
  • 78. < 83 > razor blade 1. I am made of steel. 2. I am very sharp and keen. 3. I am a kind of knife. 4. I make gentleman younger and more handsome. 5. I remove your hair on your face.
  • 79. < 84 > movie 1. I work in a dark room. 2. If you want to see me more clearly, please turn the light off. 3. I can make you feel happy, sad, excited and angry. 4. My work place is a large room with many chairs.
  • 80. < 85 > hamburg 1. I am round like a full moon. 2. I have cows, vegetables and tomatoes in me. 3. I was born in America but now I am popular with young Koreans. 4. I am one of the fast food. 5. You can get me at a western
  • 81. < 86 > Hamlet 1. I am an unhappy prince. 2. People think that I am insane but that is not true. 3. People say that I have no courage but that is not true. 4. That's because the enemy I want to kill is my uncle. 5. I was created by
  • 82. < 87 > gloves 1. Ten plus ten is ten for me. 2. Ten minus ten is still ten for me. 3. I am made of yarn or leather. 4. You need me in cold seasons. 5. I keep your hands warm.
  • 83. < 88 > sugar 1. I am from plant juice. 2. I am as white as snow. 3. A fat person should not like me much. 4. I am known bad to your teeth if you eat me too much. 5. I am as sweet as honey.
  • 84. < 89 > cloud 1. I am stronger than the sun. 2. But I am afraid of the wind. 3. Usually I am white. 4. I travel around world. 5. I produce the water named rain.
  • 85. < 90 > butterfly 1. Do I like butter? No, I don't. 2. I like honey the most. 3. I am an insect. 4. I have long tube-type mouth. 5. I have the most beautiful wings in the world.
  • 86. < 91 > Mail box 1. I stand by the roadside. 2. I am a red box. 3. Everybody feeds me but one in uniform. 4. The man opens me and takes the food out of my stomach. 5. What do I eat? I live on your letters.
  • 87. < 92 > Sunday 1. I have six brothers. 2. I am the oldest among my brothers. 3. My cousin and I are red while my brothers are black or blue. 4. I am a day that you don't have
  • 88. < 93 > zipper 1. I am made of iron or plastic. 2. I run on a track. 3. I can only travel up and down. 4. You let me work when you put your dress on or take it off. 5. I do a better job than the buttons on your clothes.
  • 89. < 94 > barber 1. You have to take your hat off in front of me. 2. I command you to sit up or lie down. 3. I put a sharp knife on your neck and face. 4. But you pay me saying "Thank you". 5. I cut the hair on your head and face.
  • 90. < 95 > rooster 1. I have many wives. 2. I am proud of my beautiful tail. 3. I have wings but I cannot fly now. 4. I tell you the time in early morning. 5. I am a male bird living with
  • 91. < 96 > fountain pen 1. have a beak but no wings. 2. I nest your pocket. 3. I wear a hat on my head when I sleep. 4. I wear the hat on my foot when I work. 5. I write letters for you with my juice "ink".
  • 92. < 97 > Indian 1. We are the symbol of bravery. 2. We lost our land to whitemen. 3. We have red skin. 4. We are the real owner of America. 5. We were there before Columbus come to this land.
  • 93. < 98 > spider 1. I am a good hunter. 2. I don't have gun but only a net. 3. I make my net by myself. 4. The only game I hunt is insects. 5. I am not an insect because I have eight legs.
  • 94. < 99 > parachute 1. I look like an umbrella. 2. I had to wait for the airplanes being invented. 3. I was designed for the pilots and crews of an airplane. 4. Today people use as a sport, too. 5. I save your life when you
  • 95. < 100 > bus 1. I run with my six legs. 2. I am very busy during the rush hours. 3. People are waiting for me in a line. 4. I am a long moving house with many chairs in me. 5. I like tokens better than