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IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE)
e-ISSN: 2278-0661,p-ISSN: 2278-8727, Volume 17, Issue 1, Ver. IV (Jan – Feb. 2015), PP 30-35
DOI: 10.9790/0661-17143035 30 | Page
Quality Technical, Vocational Education and Training: A Tool
for Self Reliance
T.C. Ogbuanya (Ph.D)1
Adameji James Oluwasola2
Department Of Vocational Teacher Education University Of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria
Department Of Curriculum Studies, Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria
Abstract: This paper has discusses the relevance of a quality TVE training as a tool for self-reliance. It
identified skill and knowledge as the engine room for economic growth and sustainable livelihood only if effort
could be geared towards quality TVET with respect to the goals of technical and vocational education. This
study was guided by four research questions. The instrument used for the study was Quality Technical,
Vocational Education and Training: Questionnaire (QTVET). Four factors were identified for attaining quality
TVET for the production of needed workforce that will be involved in harnessing the available resources for pre
and final production of goods and services for human use. Through this, gainful occupation will bring about
self-reliance. Therefore, the following recommendations were made base on the result and findings; that the
federal and state government must prioritize adequate time planning and review of TVET curriculumand that
qualified staff must be where are they to be employed base on merit and competence.
Keynotes: Quality, Technical, Vocational Education and Training, Self-Reliance, Sustainable and Livelihood.
I. Introduction
Skill and knowledge acquisition are the propelling force for economic growth and social development
of any serious nation. Therefore in quest for the best education, capable of eradicating poverty and nurture
sustainable livelihood and self-reliance, Technical and Vocational Education (TVE) was identified. The Federal
Republic of Nigeria (FRN,2004) defined technical and vocational education as a comprehensive term referring
to those aspects of the educational process, involving in addition to general education, the study of technologies
and related sciences and acquisition of practical skills, attitudes understanding and knowledge related to
occupations in various sectors of economy and social life.For long as a result of ignorance, ill advice, poor
attitude towards technical and vocational education and inferiority attached to it makes self- reliance,
industrialization and economic development become unapproachable problems for the entire nation. Yet all
industrialized economies relied on it (TVE) for their progress or advancement (Reuel, 2011).
The operational words in this definition “skills and knowledge” are the engine for economic growth
and social development of any nation (Ayonmike,Okuwele and Okeke2013). Bewaji (2013) declares that
“knowledge is not enough, skill is king”. To achieve the best, technical, vocational education and training
(TVET) held the key to training the skilled and entrepreneurial workforce required for the changing technology
workforce (Afeni, 2010).
TVET according to UNESCO (2012) is concerned with the acquisition of knowledge and skills for the
world of work. Elements in TVET include, Apprenticeship training, Vocational Education, Technical Education,
Technical-Vocational Education (TVE), Occupational Education (OE), Vocational Education and Training
(VET), Professional and Vocational Education (PVE), Career and Technical Education (CTE), Work-force
Education (WE) etc. several of these terms are commonly used in specific area.
The scourge of unemployment in Nigeria today is so brutal that only quality technical, vocational
education and training (TVET) can safe her situation. It is a known fact that people who have technical and
vocational skill(s) earn more than people who have college degree (Bewaji, 2013). This is because for long our
education has focused on white collar job. Bewaji noted that only 40,000 (10%) of the 400,000 Nigerian
graduates who passed out of the university and complete NYSC scheme get jobs. Furthermore, only 20 percent
of the 40,000 graduates who get employed are in a desired place of work. This implies that only few enjoy job
satisfaction. This ugly situation shows that the Nigeria employment capacity cannot be like that of multi-
nationals like China, India, Japan,North Korea, etc, that service tens of millions of their graduates. The secrete
of these nation’s development hinges on their massively invested human capital development which has led to
their tremendous economic growth.
The goals of Technical and Vocational Education (TVE) as put forth by FRN (2004:30) in her national
policy on education are to:
- Provide trained manpower in the applied sciences, technology and business particularly at craft, advanced
craft and technical levels;
Quality Technical, Vocational Education And Training: A Tool For Self Reliance
DOI: 10.9790/0661-17143035 31 | Page
- Provide the technical knowledge and vocational skills necessary for agricultural, commercial and economic
development; and
- Give training and impart the necessary skills to individual who shall be self-reliant economically.
These goals are germane, they are expected to be achieved as soon as the implementation of the policy
commenced. As long as the author is concerned the realization of these goals is a mirage due to many factors
that this paper intends to find out empirically. Quality matters in whatever programme that one is expected to
bring about positive change like changing from knowledge base to skill based Education.
Quality in general as a concept is defined as the ability or degree with which a product, service, or a
phenomenon conforms to an established standard, and which makes it to be relatively superior to others in
manufacturing. (Adebayo, Oyenike and Adesoji, not dated). Wikipedia (2014) stated that quality is a way of
preventing mistakes or defects in a manufactured products and avoiding problems when delivering solution or
service to consumer. Commercially, the Business Dictionary (2014) described quality as the totality of features
and characteristics of a product or service that bears its ability to satisfy the stated or implied needs- it’s a
measure of excellence or a state of being free from defects, deficiencies and significant variation.
With respect to education, African Union (2007) as revealed by Ayonmike (2013) is a multi-
dimensional concept, embracing all functions and activities of educational system, including teaching and
academics programme, research, and scholarship, staffing , students, buildings, facilities, equipment, services to
the community, academic environment, taking into account national cultural values and circumstances and
international dimensions such as exchange of knowledge, interactive networking, mobility of teachers and
students, and international research projects.
With reference to TVET, Abu (2010) submitted that quality consists of the totality of principles,
methodologies, actions, measures and instrument through which quality is assured, at system and provider level.
To Ayonmike et al (2013)quality TVET is directly related to the achievement of the learning outcomes
(knowledge, skills and competence achieved at the end of the learning process) that fulfills the key stakeholders’
expectation: students, parents, employers and community in general. From these definitions, it implies that
quality TVET ensure its learners to achieve their goals and satisfy the needs of the society and help in national
development. Web Finance (2014) stressed that quality is achieved by strict and consistent commitment to
certain standard that achieve uniformity of a product in order to satisfy customers or users requirement.
Thus, production of well-groomed students will ensure their achievement through self, private or and
government employment contribute maximally their quotas to the development of the nation.
Statement of the problem
The committing of technical education affairs to National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) to
manage since 1977 with a vision to promote quality TVET for the sustainable development, growth and
leadership, has yielded a counterproductive result. This is evidenced in increasing unemployment rate, anti-
social behavior, kidnapping, terrorism and other vicesthat characterize our existence today that are inimical to
the growth of economic, social, political and educational development of Nigeria. This has resulted from
business, incompetent and carefree attitude of drop-out of schools and those graduates with certificate without
preforming skill.
Purpose of the study
The seminar paper intends to investigate quality technical, vocational education and training as a vital
tool for self-reliance. In specific term, the paper intends to investigate the students’ factor as a vital tool in
attaining quality TVET and the school as a vital tool in attaining quality TVET. The study would investigate the
instructional materials as a vital tool in attaining quality TVET and the government as a vital tool in attaining
quality TVET.
Research Questions
The following research questions were raised for the study:
1. What are the students’ factors that make them a vital tool in attaining quality TVET?
2. What are the school factors that make the school a vital tool in attaining quality TVET?
3. What are the instructional material factors that make them a vital tool in attaining quality TVET?
4. What strategies can be adopted by government to make quality TVET a vital tool to attain a desired self-
Significance of the study
The advantages that will be derived from this study are numerous. Primarily TVET provider will
benefit from the outcome of the study in that, the findings will be an urge that will help the teachers to improve
on their occupational instructional areas and indeed in their chosen profession. In the same way, the entire
Quality Technical, Vocational Education And Training: A Tool For Self Reliance
DOI: 10.9790/0661-17143035 32 | Page
nation will be benefitted, as improvement on the quality of TVET will result in providing quality graduates who
in turn will effectively be involved in harnessing the nation’s natural resources for the production of basic
human needs thereby reducing in great term the present poverty and unemployment level of the nation.
Delimitation of the study
Primarily, the study is on the quality Technical, Vocational Education and Training (TVET): A vital
tool for self-reliance. However, the study is delimited in scope to TVET programme in Ekiti post-secondary
A survey research design was used for the study. This is so as the study involves soliciting from sample
of technical teachers, information on the vital tools that can guarantee quality TVET that will cater for self-
reliance and economic developmentin Nigeria.
The population of the study consists of 36 TVET teachers in Ekiti State Technical colleges.
Sample and Sampling Techniques
No sampling was carried out instead all the 36 TVET teachers were used as sample. The choice of this
technique is due to the small size of the population. It is equally in line with the postulation of Uzoagulu (1998)
that the more the sample approaches the population, the better for the study, and the more comfortable the
researcher is for generalization of his findings.
Research Instrument
The instrument for the study was a structured questionnaire titled, “Quality Technical Vocational
Education and Training questionnaire (“QTVET”), developed by the researcher.“QTEVT” Consisted 25 items
which elicits information from the respondents.
Validity of the Instrument
The validity of “QTVET” was certified by two TVET expertseach from the department of TVET Ekiti
State University, Ado-Ekiti and College of Education, Ikere-Ekiti.
Reliability of the Instrument
To determine the reliability of “QTVET” atest-retest procedure was used. 10 technical teachers drawn from
outside the study area were used. A gap of two weeks was given between the first test and second test i.e. the re-
test. On using pearson product moment correlation coefficient, computation of the result, a reliability co-
efficient of 0.76 was obtained which is considered high enough for the study.
Administration of the Instrument
A research assistant accorded the researcher on the administration and collection of the instrument.
This ensures a 100 % returning rate.
Data Analysis
A simple percentage statistical tool was used. The data for this study were analysed and presented
based on the research question generated to guide the study.
Research Question 1
What are the students’ factors that make them a vital tool in attaining quality TVET?
Table 1: Responses of respondents on factors that make students vital in attaining quality TVET
S/N Item Statement VA(%) A (%) I (%) VI (%) Decision
1 Brilliant, interested and focused students 5.56 27.78 66.66 Very inadequate
2 Student with fundamental or elementary
background of TVET
8.33 33.33 58.33 
3 Student having recognized entry
2.77 5.56 30.56 61.11 
4 Student that has parental approval and
5.56 11.11 33.33 50.00 
5 Having full confidence in TVET as
needed skill provider.
8.33 16.67 27.78 47.22 
6 Regular school and classroom
8.33 11.11 22.22 58.33 
Quality Technical, Vocational Education And Training: A Tool For Self Reliance
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The table 1 above reveals the factors that make student a cogent factor in attaining quality and very
promising technical and vocational education. It reveals through the decision that items 1 to 6 shows very
inadequate. This implies that, brilliancy, interest, elementary background, parental approval and support regular
attendance and non-confidence in TVET as needed skill provider in the course of study characterized students
admitted for courses in technical colleges. These are factors responsible for production of incompetent graduates
who cannot practice after graduating from the college.
Research Question 2
What are the school factors that make the school a vital tool in attaining quality TVET?
Table 2: Responses of respondents on factors that make school vital in attaining quality TVET
S/N Item statement VA (%) A (%) I (%) VI (%) Decision
7 Diversifying teaching method
as curriculum topic required.
- 11.11 27.78 61. 11 Very inadequate
8 Teachers’ positive attitude to
research related to TVET.
2.78 8.33 27.78 33.33 
9 Keeping good but disciplined
and student teacher
5.56 66.66 27.78 
10 Prompt use of required
instructional material.
5.56 2.77 36.11 55.56 
11 Timely and adequate
evaluation of TVET students’
13.88 86.11 
12 Supply quality teacher for all
courses both core and basic
5.56 8.33 30.56 55.56 
13 Creating enough practical
periods as skill matters in
5.56 16.67 44.44 44.44 
Table 2 shows the responses of the respondents on factors that make technical college as a training
venue very vital in attaining quality TVET. The table indicates that schools work all responsibilities that would
have strongly contributed to production of quality graduates through quality training.
Research Question 3
What are the instructional material factors that make them a vital tool in attaining quality TVET?
Table 3.Responses of respondents on instructional materials as a vital tool in attaining quality TVET
S/N Item Statement VA (%) A (%) I (%) VI (%) Decision
14 Availability of functional power
(electricity) supply.
5.56 27.28 66.66 Very
15 Availability of functional equipment, tools
and consumable materials.
2.77 8.33 27.78 58.33 
16 Availability of modern and up to date
27.78 72.22 
17 Provision of means of transportation for
excursion on TVET programme.
13.89 86.11 
18 Access to ICT by both teachers and
5.56 16.67 50.00 27.78 
19 Availability of a strong linkage between
TVET venue and industry
5.56 27.78 66.66 
Looking at table 3, it is established that electricity as a very vital facility in technical college is very
inadequate in supply. The same thing is applicable to equipment, textbooks, ICT, and industry that supposed to
co-partner with technical college in the training of graduates. With all these inadequacies one can say from the
revelation on the above table that there is no way in which quality can be given to students.
Research Question 4
What strategies can be adopted by government to make quality TVET as a vital tool to attain self-reliance?
Quality Technical, Vocational Education And Training: A Tool For Self Reliance
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Table 4: Response of respondents on government strategies that makes it a tool in attaining
self- reliance through TVET.
S/N Item Statement VA (%) A (%) I (%) VI (%) Decision
20 Timely planning and review of
TVET curriculum
13.89 89.11 Very inadequate
21 Sentimental free employment
of staff to TVET institution p
8.33 13.89 50.00 27.78 
22 Adequate supervision of TVET
36.11 63.89 
23 Un-bias funding of TVET
programme at all level and
prompt provision of needed
TVET facilities
44.44 55.56 
24 Provision of scholarship for
TVET staff and
13.89 86.11 
25 Provision of regular workshop,
seminar, conference,
symposium and collegial
22.22 77.78 
Table 4 above reveals that curriculum in TVET are not timely reviewed. There has been gross
inadequate strategies in re-cruitment of staff, supervision of programmes, provision of facilities, provision of
scholarship and knowledge and updating programmes like seminar, conference, workshop and most importantly,
collegial interaction.
II. Discussion
The issue of quality technical, vocational education and training (TVET) as tool for self-reliance is a
fact that cannot be discarded or over emphasized. The revelation from the study shows the quality of students
admitted to Technical colleges. The quality of students and their background is a determinant factor of how well
the students will perform.
The general admission policy in Technical College hinged on the graduate of Junior Secondary School
(J.S.S) graduates and some failed graduates from Senior Secondary (SS). This admission policy actually give
avenue for criticism as majority of students that comes to these schools are those that cannot progress as
expected in S.S classes. The contradicts Prosser (1940) in Okoro (1993) that vocational education will be
effective in proportion as it enables each individual to capitalize his/her interest, aptitude and intrinsic
intelligence to the highest possible degree.
Also, Technical College as an institution that provides craftsmen and women for the general society has
some inadequacies. As revealed from the study, problems relating to diversifying instructional methods to
creating enough practical periods for necessary skill acquisition as strong bane for quality training are against
the requirement of UNESCO (2001) that special efforts should be made to ensure that National Technical and
Vocational education seeks to meet international standards. Again, to meet the twenty-first century demand,
UNESCO advocates for learner-centered innovative and flexible approaches to all programmes including
curriculum re-orientation. Closely related to school problem is the inadequate availability of instructional
material which according to Olaitan (1999) will make the training institution laboratory different from expected
industrial setting.
Major problems of TVET stem from poor funding to poor societal attitude toward technical education.
To soften this problem, Olabode (2014) suggested that employers of labour and authorities of institutions of
higher learning should give more recognition to holder of professional and NABTEB certificates.
Finally, as Technical college programmes are carefully prepared to enchance skills development and
efficiency of the students concern, Federal Government are hereby called to integrate Technical college
programmes into ETF educational development programmes so that what is done to higher institutions should
be extended to Technical colleges.
III. Summary of findings
It is a very disturbing case that many students admitted into technical college were not considered on
the platform of brilliancy, fundamental background, normal entry qualification (J.S.S), parental support and
approvals, not having strong believe on the trade as a calling and many others.
In the like manner, the school as a training provider Centre lacks everything that could prove it to
provide quality graduates. There is no diversification of methodology as required by the curriculum; there is no
positive attitude towards research, discipline, evaluation of institution performance and outright shortage of
practical periods which are strong ingredients to competency and mastery of subject matter.
Quality Technical, Vocational Education And Training: A Tool For Self Reliance
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Likewise, electricity supply, functional equipment, tools and material as well as modern textbooks as
revealed, were very inadequate. Also as millennium demands ICT, it is very sad that they are very inadequate in
supply. Again excursion programme, functional protective wears as well as linkage between the school and
industry were grossly inadequate.
On the part of government, who dictates the tune of the school, it is revealed that there is no timely
review of TEVT curriculum, there is employment sentiment, and provision was not made for programme
funding scholarship for staff and outstanding students as well as knowledge up-dating programme for staff.
IV. Conclusion And Recommendations
The study focused on Quality Technical, Vocational Education and Training: A vital tool for Self
Reliance. In order to provide a TVET programme that can make or create an impact for rebranding the nation’s
economy and cater for self-reliance, quality and standard must be created and embedded into TVET.
Through the analysis of the students, school, instructional materials and government have been
identified as necessity for attaining quality TVET programme that can cater for economic growth of the nation
and the wellbeing of Nigerians through self-reliance.
Strategies for sustaining the identified factors for attaining quality TVET for productive production of
needed workforce that will contribute to self-reliance and livelihood were equally identified in the course of the
In keeping the identified factor functional both government and non-governmental organization as well
as philanthropists need to work collaboratively to achieve a high standard and quality education in which TVET
is not exempted in Nigeria. Partnership with developed countries for needed quality assurance and training of
teachers will give more support for achieving quality TVET through which self-reliance will be resulted.
Base on the findings of this seminar, the following recommendations are therefore made.
 The federal and state government must prioritize adequate time planning and review of TVET curriculum.
 With the nature of TVET and purposeit is meantto serve, qualified staff must beemployed base on merit and
 Regardless of any situation that may call for diversion of fund, TVET must be funded as it is done in places
like India, China, Korea, etc. that are regarded as industrial nations.
 For effective implementation of TVET curriculum, the needed facilities must be unquestionably provided.
 Federal government should sensitize the well to do Nigeria and philanthropist to contribute to the
development and smooth operation of TVET for better Nigeria.
 Knowledge is power and skill is king therefore the government as a matter of fact should engage all staff of
TVET with motivation to attend seminar, conference and study abroad.
 A well gazette package should be provided for TVET teachers which must be subject for upward review
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[3]. Ayonmike.C.S et al (2013) Towards Quality Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programmes in Nigeria:
Challenges and Improvement Strategies.NVETA 2013Conference. Las Vegas, Nevada, Georgia U.S.A.
[4]. Bewaji.J.I (2013) A Depressing story on the Disconnect Between Nigeria Tertiary Institutions and the Reality of Life after
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May, 2014.
[5]. Business Dictionary (2014).Quality.Retrieved 6th
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[6]. Okro.O.M (1993) Principles and methods in Vocational and Technical Education, Enugu. University Trust Publishers.
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Quality Technical, Vocational Education and Training: A Tool for Self Reliance

  • 1. IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE) e-ISSN: 2278-0661,p-ISSN: 2278-8727, Volume 17, Issue 1, Ver. IV (Jan – Feb. 2015), PP 30-35 DOI: 10.9790/0661-17143035 30 | Page Quality Technical, Vocational Education and Training: A Tool for Self Reliance T.C. Ogbuanya (Ph.D)1 Adameji James Oluwasola2 Department Of Vocational Teacher Education University Of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria Department Of Curriculum Studies, Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria Abstract: This paper has discusses the relevance of a quality TVE training as a tool for self-reliance. It identified skill and knowledge as the engine room for economic growth and sustainable livelihood only if effort could be geared towards quality TVET with respect to the goals of technical and vocational education. This study was guided by four research questions. The instrument used for the study was Quality Technical, Vocational Education and Training: Questionnaire (QTVET). Four factors were identified for attaining quality TVET for the production of needed workforce that will be involved in harnessing the available resources for pre and final production of goods and services for human use. Through this, gainful occupation will bring about self-reliance. Therefore, the following recommendations were made base on the result and findings; that the federal and state government must prioritize adequate time planning and review of TVET curriculumand that qualified staff must be where are they to be employed base on merit and competence. Keynotes: Quality, Technical, Vocational Education and Training, Self-Reliance, Sustainable and Livelihood. I. Introduction Skill and knowledge acquisition are the propelling force for economic growth and social development of any serious nation. Therefore in quest for the best education, capable of eradicating poverty and nurture sustainable livelihood and self-reliance, Technical and Vocational Education (TVE) was identified. The Federal Republic of Nigeria (FRN,2004) defined technical and vocational education as a comprehensive term referring to those aspects of the educational process, involving in addition to general education, the study of technologies and related sciences and acquisition of practical skills, attitudes understanding and knowledge related to occupations in various sectors of economy and social life.For long as a result of ignorance, ill advice, poor attitude towards technical and vocational education and inferiority attached to it makes self- reliance, industrialization and economic development become unapproachable problems for the entire nation. Yet all industrialized economies relied on it (TVE) for their progress or advancement (Reuel, 2011). The operational words in this definition “skills and knowledge” are the engine for economic growth and social development of any nation (Ayonmike,Okuwele and Okeke2013). Bewaji (2013) declares that “knowledge is not enough, skill is king”. To achieve the best, technical, vocational education and training (TVET) held the key to training the skilled and entrepreneurial workforce required for the changing technology workforce (Afeni, 2010). TVET according to UNESCO (2012) is concerned with the acquisition of knowledge and skills for the world of work. Elements in TVET include, Apprenticeship training, Vocational Education, Technical Education, Technical-Vocational Education (TVE), Occupational Education (OE), Vocational Education and Training (VET), Professional and Vocational Education (PVE), Career and Technical Education (CTE), Work-force Education (WE) etc. several of these terms are commonly used in specific area. The scourge of unemployment in Nigeria today is so brutal that only quality technical, vocational education and training (TVET) can safe her situation. It is a known fact that people who have technical and vocational skill(s) earn more than people who have college degree (Bewaji, 2013). This is because for long our education has focused on white collar job. Bewaji noted that only 40,000 (10%) of the 400,000 Nigerian graduates who passed out of the university and complete NYSC scheme get jobs. Furthermore, only 20 percent of the 40,000 graduates who get employed are in a desired place of work. This implies that only few enjoy job satisfaction. This ugly situation shows that the Nigeria employment capacity cannot be like that of multi- nationals like China, India, Japan,North Korea, etc, that service tens of millions of their graduates. The secrete of these nation’s development hinges on their massively invested human capital development which has led to their tremendous economic growth. The goals of Technical and Vocational Education (TVE) as put forth by FRN (2004:30) in her national policy on education are to: - Provide trained manpower in the applied sciences, technology and business particularly at craft, advanced craft and technical levels;
  • 2. Quality Technical, Vocational Education And Training: A Tool For Self Reliance DOI: 10.9790/0661-17143035 31 | Page - Provide the technical knowledge and vocational skills necessary for agricultural, commercial and economic development; and - Give training and impart the necessary skills to individual who shall be self-reliant economically. These goals are germane, they are expected to be achieved as soon as the implementation of the policy commenced. As long as the author is concerned the realization of these goals is a mirage due to many factors that this paper intends to find out empirically. Quality matters in whatever programme that one is expected to bring about positive change like changing from knowledge base to skill based Education. Quality in general as a concept is defined as the ability or degree with which a product, service, or a phenomenon conforms to an established standard, and which makes it to be relatively superior to others in manufacturing. (Adebayo, Oyenike and Adesoji, not dated). Wikipedia (2014) stated that quality is a way of preventing mistakes or defects in a manufactured products and avoiding problems when delivering solution or service to consumer. Commercially, the Business Dictionary (2014) described quality as the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bears its ability to satisfy the stated or implied needs- it’s a measure of excellence or a state of being free from defects, deficiencies and significant variation. With respect to education, African Union (2007) as revealed by Ayonmike (2013) is a multi- dimensional concept, embracing all functions and activities of educational system, including teaching and academics programme, research, and scholarship, staffing , students, buildings, facilities, equipment, services to the community, academic environment, taking into account national cultural values and circumstances and international dimensions such as exchange of knowledge, interactive networking, mobility of teachers and students, and international research projects. With reference to TVET, Abu (2010) submitted that quality consists of the totality of principles, methodologies, actions, measures and instrument through which quality is assured, at system and provider level. To Ayonmike et al (2013)quality TVET is directly related to the achievement of the learning outcomes (knowledge, skills and competence achieved at the end of the learning process) that fulfills the key stakeholders’ expectation: students, parents, employers and community in general. From these definitions, it implies that quality TVET ensure its learners to achieve their goals and satisfy the needs of the society and help in national development. Web Finance (2014) stressed that quality is achieved by strict and consistent commitment to certain standard that achieve uniformity of a product in order to satisfy customers or users requirement. Thus, production of well-groomed students will ensure their achievement through self, private or and government employment contribute maximally their quotas to the development of the nation. Statement of the problem The committing of technical education affairs to National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) to manage since 1977 with a vision to promote quality TVET for the sustainable development, growth and leadership, has yielded a counterproductive result. This is evidenced in increasing unemployment rate, anti- social behavior, kidnapping, terrorism and other vicesthat characterize our existence today that are inimical to the growth of economic, social, political and educational development of Nigeria. This has resulted from business, incompetent and carefree attitude of drop-out of schools and those graduates with certificate without preforming skill. Purpose of the study The seminar paper intends to investigate quality technical, vocational education and training as a vital tool for self-reliance. In specific term, the paper intends to investigate the students’ factor as a vital tool in attaining quality TVET and the school as a vital tool in attaining quality TVET. The study would investigate the instructional materials as a vital tool in attaining quality TVET and the government as a vital tool in attaining quality TVET. Research Questions The following research questions were raised for the study: 1. What are the students’ factors that make them a vital tool in attaining quality TVET? 2. What are the school factors that make the school a vital tool in attaining quality TVET? 3. What are the instructional material factors that make them a vital tool in attaining quality TVET? 4. What strategies can be adopted by government to make quality TVET a vital tool to attain a desired self- reliance? Significance of the study The advantages that will be derived from this study are numerous. Primarily TVET provider will benefit from the outcome of the study in that, the findings will be an urge that will help the teachers to improve on their occupational instructional areas and indeed in their chosen profession. In the same way, the entire
  • 3. Quality Technical, Vocational Education And Training: A Tool For Self Reliance DOI: 10.9790/0661-17143035 32 | Page nation will be benefitted, as improvement on the quality of TVET will result in providing quality graduates who in turn will effectively be involved in harnessing the nation’s natural resources for the production of basic human needs thereby reducing in great term the present poverty and unemployment level of the nation. Delimitation of the study Primarily, the study is on the quality Technical, Vocational Education and Training (TVET): A vital tool for self-reliance. However, the study is delimited in scope to TVET programme in Ekiti post-secondary institutions. Design A survey research design was used for the study. This is so as the study involves soliciting from sample of technical teachers, information on the vital tools that can guarantee quality TVET that will cater for self- reliance and economic developmentin Nigeria. Population The population of the study consists of 36 TVET teachers in Ekiti State Technical colleges. Sample and Sampling Techniques No sampling was carried out instead all the 36 TVET teachers were used as sample. The choice of this technique is due to the small size of the population. It is equally in line with the postulation of Uzoagulu (1998) that the more the sample approaches the population, the better for the study, and the more comfortable the researcher is for generalization of his findings. Research Instrument The instrument for the study was a structured questionnaire titled, “Quality Technical Vocational Education and Training questionnaire (“QTVET”), developed by the researcher.“QTEVT” Consisted 25 items which elicits information from the respondents. Validity of the Instrument The validity of “QTVET” was certified by two TVET expertseach from the department of TVET Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti and College of Education, Ikere-Ekiti. Reliability of the Instrument To determine the reliability of “QTVET” atest-retest procedure was used. 10 technical teachers drawn from outside the study area were used. A gap of two weeks was given between the first test and second test i.e. the re- test. On using pearson product moment correlation coefficient, computation of the result, a reliability co- efficient of 0.76 was obtained which is considered high enough for the study. Administration of the Instrument A research assistant accorded the researcher on the administration and collection of the instrument. This ensures a 100 % returning rate. Data Analysis A simple percentage statistical tool was used. The data for this study were analysed and presented based on the research question generated to guide the study. Research Question 1 What are the students’ factors that make them a vital tool in attaining quality TVET? Table 1: Responses of respondents on factors that make students vital in attaining quality TVET S/N Item Statement VA(%) A (%) I (%) VI (%) Decision 1 Brilliant, interested and focused students 5.56 27.78 66.66 Very inadequate 2 Student with fundamental or elementary background of TVET 8.33 33.33 58.33  3 Student having recognized entry certificate. 2.77 5.56 30.56 61.11  4 Student that has parental approval and support 5.56 11.11 33.33 50.00  5 Having full confidence in TVET as needed skill provider. 8.33 16.67 27.78 47.22  6 Regular school and classroom attendance. 8.33 11.11 22.22 58.33 
  • 4. Quality Technical, Vocational Education And Training: A Tool For Self Reliance DOI: 10.9790/0661-17143035 33 | Page Result The table 1 above reveals the factors that make student a cogent factor in attaining quality and very promising technical and vocational education. It reveals through the decision that items 1 to 6 shows very inadequate. This implies that, brilliancy, interest, elementary background, parental approval and support regular attendance and non-confidence in TVET as needed skill provider in the course of study characterized students admitted for courses in technical colleges. These are factors responsible for production of incompetent graduates who cannot practice after graduating from the college. Research Question 2 What are the school factors that make the school a vital tool in attaining quality TVET? Table 2: Responses of respondents on factors that make school vital in attaining quality TVET S/N Item statement VA (%) A (%) I (%) VI (%) Decision 7 Diversifying teaching method as curriculum topic required. - 11.11 27.78 61. 11 Very inadequate 8 Teachers’ positive attitude to research related to TVET. 2.78 8.33 27.78 33.33  9 Keeping good but disciplined and student teacher relationship 5.56 66.66 27.78  10 Prompt use of required instructional material. 5.56 2.77 36.11 55.56  11 Timely and adequate evaluation of TVET students’ performance. 13.88 86.11  12 Supply quality teacher for all courses both core and basic subjects. 5.56 8.33 30.56 55.56  13 Creating enough practical periods as skill matters in self-reliance. 5.56 16.67 44.44 44.44  Result Table 2 shows the responses of the respondents on factors that make technical college as a training venue very vital in attaining quality TVET. The table indicates that schools work all responsibilities that would have strongly contributed to production of quality graduates through quality training. Research Question 3 What are the instructional material factors that make them a vital tool in attaining quality TVET? Table 3.Responses of respondents on instructional materials as a vital tool in attaining quality TVET S/N Item Statement VA (%) A (%) I (%) VI (%) Decision 14 Availability of functional power (electricity) supply. 5.56 27.28 66.66 Very inadequate 15 Availability of functional equipment, tools and consumable materials. 2.77 8.33 27.78 58.33  16 Availability of modern and up to date textbooks. 27.78 72.22  17 Provision of means of transportation for excursion on TVET programme. 13.89 86.11  18 Access to ICT by both teachers and students. 5.56 16.67 50.00 27.78  19 Availability of a strong linkage between TVET venue and industry 5.56 27.78 66.66  Result Looking at table 3, it is established that electricity as a very vital facility in technical college is very inadequate in supply. The same thing is applicable to equipment, textbooks, ICT, and industry that supposed to co-partner with technical college in the training of graduates. With all these inadequacies one can say from the revelation on the above table that there is no way in which quality can be given to students. Research Question 4 What strategies can be adopted by government to make quality TVET as a vital tool to attain self-reliance?
  • 5. Quality Technical, Vocational Education And Training: A Tool For Self Reliance DOI: 10.9790/0661-17143035 34 | Page Table 4: Response of respondents on government strategies that makes it a tool in attaining self- reliance through TVET. S/N Item Statement VA (%) A (%) I (%) VI (%) Decision 20 Timely planning and review of TVET curriculum 13.89 89.11 Very inadequate 21 Sentimental free employment of staff to TVET institution p 8.33 13.89 50.00 27.78  22 Adequate supervision of TVET programme 36.11 63.89  23 Un-bias funding of TVET programme at all level and prompt provision of needed TVET facilities 44.44 55.56  24 Provision of scholarship for TVET staff and 13.89 86.11  25 Provision of regular workshop, seminar, conference, symposium and collegial interaction 22.22 77.78  Result Table 4 above reveals that curriculum in TVET are not timely reviewed. There has been gross inadequate strategies in re-cruitment of staff, supervision of programmes, provision of facilities, provision of scholarship and knowledge and updating programmes like seminar, conference, workshop and most importantly, collegial interaction. II. Discussion The issue of quality technical, vocational education and training (TVET) as tool for self-reliance is a fact that cannot be discarded or over emphasized. The revelation from the study shows the quality of students admitted to Technical colleges. The quality of students and their background is a determinant factor of how well the students will perform. The general admission policy in Technical College hinged on the graduate of Junior Secondary School (J.S.S) graduates and some failed graduates from Senior Secondary (SS). This admission policy actually give avenue for criticism as majority of students that comes to these schools are those that cannot progress as expected in S.S classes. The contradicts Prosser (1940) in Okoro (1993) that vocational education will be effective in proportion as it enables each individual to capitalize his/her interest, aptitude and intrinsic intelligence to the highest possible degree. Also, Technical College as an institution that provides craftsmen and women for the general society has some inadequacies. As revealed from the study, problems relating to diversifying instructional methods to creating enough practical periods for necessary skill acquisition as strong bane for quality training are against the requirement of UNESCO (2001) that special efforts should be made to ensure that National Technical and Vocational education seeks to meet international standards. Again, to meet the twenty-first century demand, UNESCO advocates for learner-centered innovative and flexible approaches to all programmes including curriculum re-orientation. Closely related to school problem is the inadequate availability of instructional material which according to Olaitan (1999) will make the training institution laboratory different from expected industrial setting. Major problems of TVET stem from poor funding to poor societal attitude toward technical education. To soften this problem, Olabode (2014) suggested that employers of labour and authorities of institutions of higher learning should give more recognition to holder of professional and NABTEB certificates. Finally, as Technical college programmes are carefully prepared to enchance skills development and efficiency of the students concern, Federal Government are hereby called to integrate Technical college programmes into ETF educational development programmes so that what is done to higher institutions should be extended to Technical colleges. III. Summary of findings It is a very disturbing case that many students admitted into technical college were not considered on the platform of brilliancy, fundamental background, normal entry qualification (J.S.S), parental support and approvals, not having strong believe on the trade as a calling and many others. In the like manner, the school as a training provider Centre lacks everything that could prove it to provide quality graduates. There is no diversification of methodology as required by the curriculum; there is no positive attitude towards research, discipline, evaluation of institution performance and outright shortage of practical periods which are strong ingredients to competency and mastery of subject matter.
  • 6. Quality Technical, Vocational Education And Training: A Tool For Self Reliance DOI: 10.9790/0661-17143035 35 | Page Likewise, electricity supply, functional equipment, tools and material as well as modern textbooks as revealed, were very inadequate. Also as millennium demands ICT, it is very sad that they are very inadequate in supply. Again excursion programme, functional protective wears as well as linkage between the school and industry were grossly inadequate. On the part of government, who dictates the tune of the school, it is revealed that there is no timely review of TEVT curriculum, there is employment sentiment, and provision was not made for programme funding scholarship for staff and outstanding students as well as knowledge up-dating programme for staff. IV. Conclusion And Recommendations Conclusion The study focused on Quality Technical, Vocational Education and Training: A vital tool for Self Reliance. In order to provide a TVET programme that can make or create an impact for rebranding the nation’s economy and cater for self-reliance, quality and standard must be created and embedded into TVET. Through the analysis of the students, school, instructional materials and government have been identified as necessity for attaining quality TVET programme that can cater for economic growth of the nation and the wellbeing of Nigerians through self-reliance. Strategies for sustaining the identified factors for attaining quality TVET for productive production of needed workforce that will contribute to self-reliance and livelihood were equally identified in the course of the study. In keeping the identified factor functional both government and non-governmental organization as well as philanthropists need to work collaboratively to achieve a high standard and quality education in which TVET is not exempted in Nigeria. Partnership with developed countries for needed quality assurance and training of teachers will give more support for achieving quality TVET through which self-reliance will be resulted. Recommendations Base on the findings of this seminar, the following recommendations are therefore made.  The federal and state government must prioritize adequate time planning and review of TVET curriculum.  With the nature of TVET and purposeit is meantto serve, qualified staff must beemployed base on merit and competence.  Regardless of any situation that may call for diversion of fund, TVET must be funded as it is done in places like India, China, Korea, etc. that are regarded as industrial nations.  For effective implementation of TVET curriculum, the needed facilities must be unquestionably provided.  Federal government should sensitize the well to do Nigeria and philanthropist to contribute to the development and smooth operation of TVET for better Nigeria.  Knowledge is power and skill is king therefore the government as a matter of fact should engage all staff of TVET with motivation to attend seminar, conference and study abroad.  A well gazette package should be provided for TVET teachers which must be subject for upward review periodically. References [1]. Abu.D (2010).Quality assurance in TVET. Abu Dhabi Centre for Technical and Technical Education and Training.Retrieved 6th May, 2014. [2]. Adebayo.O; Oyenike.A.andAdesoji.O.(n.d) TVET programmes in Nigeria- QU-Retrieved 15th June 2014. [3]. Ayonmike.C.S et al (2013) Towards Quality Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programmes in Nigeria: Challenges and Improvement Strategies.NVETA 2013Conference. Las Vegas, Nevada, Georgia U.S.A. [4]. Bewaji.J.I (2013) A Depressing story on the Disconnect Between Nigeria Tertiary Institutions and the Reality of Life after Graduation. Retrieved 7th May, 2014. [5]. Business Dictionary (2014).Quality.Retrieved 6th May, 2014. Federal Republic of Nigeria (2014) National Policy on Education.4th edition. Lagos NERSCPress. [6]. Okro.O.M (1993) Principles and methods in Vocational and Technical Education, Enugu. University Trust Publishers. [7]. Olabode.I.(2014) Nigeria Needs more Technical Colleges. Punch Newspaper, August 30th . [8]. Revel Reid (2011) Technical Education is the Future, Gleaner. Jamaica Cleisure 5.html. Retrieved 10th May, 2014 UNESCO (2001) Revised Recommendation Governing Technical and Vocational Education. The General Conference, http://unesdoc. /0012/001246/1246874.pd/paye=32. Retrieved 15th June, 2014. [9]. UNESCO (2012) Third international Congress on TVET. Retrieve 12th April, 2014. [10]. Uzoagulu.A.E (1998) Practical Crunde to Writing Research Project Report in Tertiary Institutions. Enugu: John Jacob’s Classic Publisher Ltd. [11]. Web finance (2014).Quality definition.Retrieved 8th May, 2014. [12]. Wikipedia (2014).Online Dictionary.Retrieved 10th May, 2014.