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NAME : TEH Sin Ying
STUDENT I.D : 0320509
Date : 23th March 2015
Entry 1
What is social loafing? Social loafing describes the tendency of certain members of a
group to get by with less effort than what they would have put when working on their
individual work because they know their effort can’t be 1833, Max Ringelmann
conducted a study from which he concluded that an individual’s performance actually gets
worst in the presence of others. There are two common manifestations. The first one is where
some members totally do not put in any their share of work under the assumption that others'
efforts will cover their shortfall .While the second one is where the other fully performing
members lower their efforts in response to the free-riders' attitude.
I have encountered some group mates that don’t put in effort to a group project. They
will exploit the hard work of others more determined classmates. However, they will work very
hard and put in their full effort in their individual project. For instance, during one of the high
school project, we need to form a group which consists of 5 members. Few of the group mates
they skipped our group discussion very frequently and never contributed any info for the
project. For the rest of them who participated in the project , they will work will less effort and
perform poorer compare to how they used to work for their individual work . Nonetheless ,
when they were working for their individual project, they put in a lot of effort and never missed
any chance to improve their work .For their individual project , they never procrastinated like
how they did when they were working for a group work .
Why is this happening? This is because my group mates know their contribution won’t
be identified and be examined by others. In a group work, the glory and the blame will be
spread equally. If this project we failed, it’s not just their fault and responsibility .Everyone in
the group have the responsibility for the failure . While when it’s an individual work, if the work
goes well, you will get all the glory. Therefore, they tend to put more effort into their individual
project. A studies notice that people did about half as much work when there were 8 others in
the group than they did on their own Groups can be fantastically unproductive because they
provide such wonderful camouflage..
Besides, for the rest of the of my group mates who continue working on the project feel
deceived when they think that other people in the group are slacking off and having fun. They
will feel unfair as they work much more compare to other group mates. Therefore,
unconsciously, they will lower the quality of work due to their own negative emotion .The
workmanship of the work is bad and they will not double check their work . Therefore, We
should reduce and eliminate this perception because this is another key to a productive and
successful group.
Social facilitation is a the tendency for people to do better on tasks when in the
presence of other people. This implies that, whenever people are being watched by others,
they will try to perform better. The presence of people in social situations creates an
atmosphere of evaluation. In 1898 , Norman triplett noted that competitive cyclist performed
better during races than during races than during solo rides . Social loafing and social facilitation
may seem similar, but they are different. Social facilitation occurs when people are performing
in the presence of others yet their individual contributions can be identified while social loafing
occurs when persons are performing tasks as part of a group and individual effort cannot be
I have many experiences with such phenomena, particularly during my secondary school
days. I’m the only person from my family that study in my high school. I tend to study lesser and
didn’t try to achieve anything because there are no competition. Even I get bad result, no one
from my family will know. Then, my cousin transfers to my high school. After my cousin
transfer to my school, I tend to work harder and strive to achieve more compare to old time.
This is due to I’m competing with my cousin. After my cousin transfer to my high school, I try to
achieve more, so I work much harder than old time. I try my best to be better than her and get
more As than her.
As conclusion , this is my experience of social facilitation . I tend to try harder to achieve
more when there is competition and that lead me to perform better and achieve more.
Date : 4th April
Entry 1
Motivation is the reason of people doing something. There are two type of
motivation: Intrinsic Motivation and Extrinsic Motivation. Intrinsic motivation is a nature
motivation. People take action for the sake of enjoyment. Intrinsic motivation leads us to be
more fully engaged to certain interest. Besides, intrinsic motivation leads to greater curiosity
and pleasure. Extrinsic motivation is an external motivation. People who have extrinsic
motivation will take certain action. People with extrinsic motivation might done something for
avoid punishment or earn a specific reward. Extrinsic motivation can actually inhibit behaviors if
used at the wrong time . The preferences for task that are intrinsically or extrinsically rewarded
are actually influenced by culture.
I love dancing. So, I dance every day for the sake of enjoyment. I really enjoy
dancing and I will never get bored of it. When there is music or even some beats, I will start
moving my body and enjoy. It’s my interest, no one force me to dance. There is no external
pressure but I still choose to dance every day. This is a type of Intrinsic motivation, I practice
dancing is due to my own interest. I’m more engaged towards dancing compare to other
activities. Besides, I will have a greater curiosity towards dancing.
When I’m young, my mum sends me to tuition center to learn Chinese
calligraphy. I don’t have much interest towards Chinese calligraphy. However, I still practice a
lot at home. This is because my mum will scold or punish me if I didn’t get a good result in my
calligraphy exam. Besides, if I get a good result in calligraphy exam, my mum will buy some toys
as reward. Thus, I put in effort to Chinese calligraphy to prevent punishment and get rewards
from my mum. This is extrinsic motivation. I get my motivation to practice Chinese calligraphy
to prevent punishment from my mum.
As conclusion, my motivation for dancing is a nature motivation. Thus it’s an
intrinsic motivation. On the other hand, my motivation for learning Chinese calligraphy is due to
prevent the punishment from my mother . Therefore , learning Chinese calligraphy is an
extrinsic motivation.
Basically, False consensus effect refers to the tendency of people to overestimate the
level to which other people share their beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. False consensus effect
is a type of bias in which we think that our own opinions, attitudes, beliefs, etc. are common
and appropriate, so that others must also feel the same way. When we have a particular belief,
we tend to estimate that belief to be more prevalent than it is by individuals that have an
alternative belief. This may be used by people as self-protective function and may be reinforced
by the company we keep.
I have a couple of false consensus theory experience. As instance , my classmates and I
are working on a project. The submission date for this project is two days later . Our progress
for the project is very slow. Then, our lecturer , miss Ida , offer me a extension offer for our
group project . When miss Ida offer me the extension offer , my group mates not there , they
are having lunch . Without hesitate, I accept the offer without informing and asking my group
However , when my group mates knew that I accept the extension offer , they strongly
disagree . They think we can finish the work on time and they think extension will add on the
burden for each of the group mates. I thought others will have the same belief and attitudes as
me , but they don’t have the same belief with me . What I have experienced is False consensus
theory . I thought what other think same as what I think
Date : 4th April
What is stereotype ? Stereotypes are usually defined as beliefs about groups, prejudice as
evaluation of or attitude toward a group, and discrimination as behavior that systematically
advantages or disadvantages a group. In the other words , stereotyping means assumes that all
members of a group share some same common features .By stereotyping we infer that a
person has a whole range of characteristics and abilities that we assume all members of that
group have.
Stereotype have it’s pro and cons. The benefit of stereotyping enables us to respond
rapidly to situations because we may have had a similar experience before. Thus , our reaction
will be more immediate and rapid . On the other hand , stereotype also have some
disadvantages . Stereotyping make us ignore the difference between different individuals
before we really know the person characters and abilities . Therefore, what we think about
certain people might not be true. This is leads to racism, sexismand others
misunderstanding .The schema that we had formed is very hard to change.
When I’m still in primary school , my tablemates was a Malay Boy. He never did his
homework and he always bully me .I feel really uncomfortable to sit beside him .Since then, I
had formed a schema that all Malay sharing the common features , that is lazy and like to bully
others .
When I’m 17 , I chosen for National Service (PLKN) . During the first month of my National
Service activity , I seldom communicate and interact with the Malays . When we were having
group activities, I tend to stay with my Indians and Chinese friend and keep away from them .
This is because I had formed a schema that Malays are lazy and this cause we think all the
Malays are the same .
However , due to a group project , I’m forced to form a group with 2 Malay girls . After
few days of interactions , I found out they were very helpful and determined .All of their
kindness and determination really change my schema towards Malays . I found out it’s very
hard for me to “let go “ the old schemas about Malays. No matter what , I changed my attitude
and schema towards all the Malays now . The type of stereotype I’m having is Racial
Stereotype. Racial stereotypes always seemto favor the race of the holder and belittle other
Stereotyping is a wrong mindset . We should try to avoid this mindset as it do leads a lot of
misunderstanding and prejudice towards others . Most of us use stereotypes in our daily life
that even we didn’t notice about it . Realize that we ALL stereotype. No one is immune. It does
not make us bad people. Knowing we all do it could be just the impetus we need to change.
Automatic processing happen when an individual work on task
that requiring little or no conscious guidance. Automatic processing is unconscious and
effortless. It’s rapid and quickly. Automatic processing involves the amygdala and limbic system.
The limbic system work on emotional processing while the amygdale work on emotional
learning an fear conditioning . Automatic processing is also emotion driven. Automatic
processing is used when we need to work on task that is very well practiced and tasks that
require little or no mental resources.
Controlled processing normally used when an
individual need to work on a harder and logical task. Controlled processing happen when an
individual need to take careful thoughts and effort to finish a task. Controlled process also takes
over when the experience doesn’t fir a developed schema. Controlled process involves parts of
prefrontal cortex.
Everyone have the experience for automatic processing and controlled processing,
including me . When I’m learning driving , I’m not used to driving . Therefore, I had to pay
careful attention to everything I did . Steering and operating the all required conscious
processing. I need to put attention to other cars, traffic lights, etc.
However, after practice , I’m very experienced in driving now . I do many routine driving
task such as controlling steering, coordinating pedals and other quite automatically. It don’t
need my conscious, as I’m so used to it now. Now, I can drive and control the car rapid and
quickly. Therefore, I can have a conversation with others while I’m driving .
But when the traffic becomes difficult or any new stimuli happen that need my
conscious. Controlled processing will carry on because the experience doesn’t fit in a developed
Date : 4th April
Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, or recall information in a way
that confirms one's beliefs or hypotheses. People with confirmation bias will actively seek out
data that support our belief while disregard and ignore the date that refute our beliefs. People
with confirmation bias will still maintain their original belief, even in the face of contradictory
data. People display this bias when they gather or remember information selectively, or when
they interpret it in a biased way.
I’m a person that strongly despise and disagree people speak ‘Malaysian English’.
I always try very hard to not use Malaysian English in my daily life and assignments. I think it’s
so unprefessionaly if we keep using ‘lah’, ‘loh’ or ‘yakah’ in some form occasion. There comes a
day, I need to write an argumentative essay about ‘The pros and cons of speaking Malaysian
English for the future generation’. Therefore, when I’m surfing the internet and doing research
for my essay, I will just research about the disadvantages of speaking Malaysian English. I read
all the information and articles about disadvantages of Malaysian English. Sometimes , there
will still have some information about ‘benefits of speaking Malaysian English’, .However, I will
just jot down and remark on the information about the disadvantages of speaking Malaysian
English and ignoring the information about the benefits of speaking Malaysian English . I tend to
ignore and disregard the advantages about using Malaysian English. If I have no confirmation
bias , I will record and jot down the advantages and disadvantages of speaking Malaysian
English .
I was a victim for confirmation bias, where I will just reinforced idea and information
that were parallel to my beliefs and views (Speaking Malaysian English bring advantages to us )
and ignored and disregard the view that refute my belief . once the belief or the bias is formed ,
it’s very hard to change. Therefore , I still think speaking Malaysian English bring no
advantages .
First impression is the event when one person first encounters another person and
forms a mental image of that person. The first impression for someone or something may be
varies depending on the observer. First impression is made after 10 seconds and not
deliberates. Besides, first impression may be instantaneous. First impression is done
unintentionally and automatically.
The halo effect can occur without awareness. The halo effect happen is due to the first
impression we have towards others. The halo effect is basically when we attribute other
positive qualities to an individual which better looking comparing to others. We tend to
assume people with attractive looking have some positive personalities. We attribute
personality qualities to people we have only seen, even though we have never met them, and
the qualities have nothing to do with their looks. No doubt, sometimes we do judge a book by
it’s cover. Who won’t attract by people who have better appearance? First impression speaks
the importance of a good first impression.
Without hesitate, I have many different experience of halo effect. When just enter
Taylor’s University, I met a senior which well-dressed and dress professionally-with tie and suit.
the way he sit and walk are so professional. I have a very good first impression for him. I
assume that he is a very professional and kind person as the way he dress is very good and he
have a good appearance . Later on, as we were talking , the halo effect became the evident. He
is not how I assume he is. The way he talk and he act is not what I expect him to present
himself . I thought he is a very professional and very kind , but not . Therefore we should not
judge a book y it’s cover . The first impression of me have towards him because of his good
appearance is halo effect .
As conclusion , the halo effect is how our first impression of the attractiveness of an
individual affects how we view that person holistically.
Categorization of Attitudes
Attitudes in psychological terms refers to a tendency to evaluate a person, object or idea with a
certain degree of approval or disapproval. This evaluation of a specific stimulus occurs through
three different aspects. The affective component, also known as the emotional-based
component. This is followed by the behavioral component, which is the action based
component. Lastly the cognitive component, the knowledge based component. This three
components lead to the formation of an attitude which can and may vary in tone as well as
intensity. The variation in tonality and intensity is what determines the type of attitudes form in
regards to a stimuli. In general, there are four attitudes which can be observed. The four being
positive, negative, indifferent and ambivalent.
To shed some light on this matter, I can use the example of my passion for food. I personally
have an interest towards food and especially towards chocolate. In this context, I would say
that I have a high positive reaction plus a low negative reaction to chocolate. This would lead
me to have a positive attitude towards chocolate. On the other hand, I do have a friend who
doesn’t like chocolate, in fact, he just detests chocolate. In his case, he has a low positive
reaction plus a high negative reaction which results in a negative attitude towards chocolate.
Having said all this, there are times at which me and my classmates do joke around about our
love for all things food and we end up on the sensitive topic of weight. It is at instances like this
where my attitude towards something as sinful as chocolate is mixed up. There is a high
positive reaction due to my inherent love for chocolate, but at the same time, there is the high
negative reaction towards it due to my personal concern over the effects it has on my weight.
This combination of both high positive and negative reaction leads to an ambivalent attitude
towards chocolate. Now, in all these, there are definitely those in my class who have an
indifferent attitude towards chocolate. They neither dislike it nor do they like it, fundamentally,
they are neutral towards chocolate. This is the result of both low positive and negative reaction.

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  • 2. TEH SIN YING 0320509 SOCIALPSYCHOLOGY TEH SIN YING 0320509 SOCIALPSYCHOLOGY JOURNAL 1 Date : 23th March 2015 Entry 1 SOCIAL LOAFING What is social loafing? Social loafing describes the tendency of certain members of a group to get by with less effort than what they would have put when working on their individual work because they know their effort can’t be 1833, Max Ringelmann conducted a study from which he concluded that an individual’s performance actually gets worst in the presence of others. There are two common manifestations. The first one is where some members totally do not put in any their share of work under the assumption that others' efforts will cover their shortfall .While the second one is where the other fully performing members lower their efforts in response to the free-riders' attitude. I have encountered some group mates that don’t put in effort to a group project. They will exploit the hard work of others more determined classmates. However, they will work very hard and put in their full effort in their individual project. For instance, during one of the high school project, we need to form a group which consists of 5 members. Few of the group mates they skipped our group discussion very frequently and never contributed any info for the project. For the rest of them who participated in the project , they will work will less effort and perform poorer compare to how they used to work for their individual work . Nonetheless , when they were working for their individual project, they put in a lot of effort and never missed
  • 3. TEH SIN YING 0320509 SOCIALPSYCHOLOGY TEH SIN YING 0320509 SOCIALPSYCHOLOGY any chance to improve their work .For their individual project , they never procrastinated like how they did when they were working for a group work . Why is this happening? This is because my group mates know their contribution won’t be identified and be examined by others. In a group work, the glory and the blame will be spread equally. If this project we failed, it’s not just their fault and responsibility .Everyone in the group have the responsibility for the failure . While when it’s an individual work, if the work goes well, you will get all the glory. Therefore, they tend to put more effort into their individual project. A studies notice that people did about half as much work when there were 8 others in the group than they did on their own Groups can be fantastically unproductive because they provide such wonderful camouflage.. Besides, for the rest of the of my group mates who continue working on the project feel deceived when they think that other people in the group are slacking off and having fun. They will feel unfair as they work much more compare to other group mates. Therefore, unconsciously, they will lower the quality of work due to their own negative emotion .The workmanship of the work is bad and they will not double check their work . Therefore, We should reduce and eliminate this perception because this is another key to a productive and successful group.
  • 4. TEH SIN YING 0320509 SOCIALPSYCHOLOGY TEH SIN YING 0320509 SOCIALPSYCHOLOGY ENTRY 2 SOCIAL FACILATATION Social facilitation is a the tendency for people to do better on tasks when in the presence of other people. This implies that, whenever people are being watched by others, they will try to perform better. The presence of people in social situations creates an atmosphere of evaluation. In 1898 , Norman triplett noted that competitive cyclist performed better during races than during races than during solo rides . Social loafing and social facilitation may seem similar, but they are different. Social facilitation occurs when people are performing in the presence of others yet their individual contributions can be identified while social loafing occurs when persons are performing tasks as part of a group and individual effort cannot be identified. I have many experiences with such phenomena, particularly during my secondary school days. I’m the only person from my family that study in my high school. I tend to study lesser and didn’t try to achieve anything because there are no competition. Even I get bad result, no one from my family will know. Then, my cousin transfers to my high school. After my cousin transfer to my school, I tend to work harder and strive to achieve more compare to old time. This is due to I’m competing with my cousin. After my cousin transfer to my high school, I try to achieve more, so I work much harder than old time. I try my best to be better than her and get more As than her. As conclusion , this is my experience of social facilitation . I tend to try harder to achieve more when there is competition and that lead me to perform better and achieve more.
  • 5. TEH SIN YING 0320509 SOCIALPSYCHOLOGY TEH SIN YING 0320509 SOCIALPSYCHOLOGY JOURNAL 2 Date : 4th April Entry 1 MOTIVATION Motivation is the reason of people doing something. There are two type of motivation: Intrinsic Motivation and Extrinsic Motivation. Intrinsic motivation is a nature motivation. People take action for the sake of enjoyment. Intrinsic motivation leads us to be more fully engaged to certain interest. Besides, intrinsic motivation leads to greater curiosity and pleasure. Extrinsic motivation is an external motivation. People who have extrinsic motivation will take certain action. People with extrinsic motivation might done something for avoid punishment or earn a specific reward. Extrinsic motivation can actually inhibit behaviors if used at the wrong time . The preferences for task that are intrinsically or extrinsically rewarded are actually influenced by culture. I love dancing. So, I dance every day for the sake of enjoyment. I really enjoy dancing and I will never get bored of it. When there is music or even some beats, I will start moving my body and enjoy. It’s my interest, no one force me to dance. There is no external pressure but I still choose to dance every day. This is a type of Intrinsic motivation, I practice dancing is due to my own interest. I’m more engaged towards dancing compare to other activities. Besides, I will have a greater curiosity towards dancing. When I’m young, my mum sends me to tuition center to learn Chinese calligraphy. I don’t have much interest towards Chinese calligraphy. However, I still practice a lot at home. This is because my mum will scold or punish me if I didn’t get a good result in my
  • 6. TEH SIN YING 0320509 SOCIALPSYCHOLOGY TEH SIN YING 0320509 SOCIALPSYCHOLOGY calligraphy exam. Besides, if I get a good result in calligraphy exam, my mum will buy some toys as reward. Thus, I put in effort to Chinese calligraphy to prevent punishment and get rewards from my mum. This is extrinsic motivation. I get my motivation to practice Chinese calligraphy to prevent punishment from my mum. As conclusion, my motivation for dancing is a nature motivation. Thus it’s an intrinsic motivation. On the other hand, my motivation for learning Chinese calligraphy is due to prevent the punishment from my mother . Therefore , learning Chinese calligraphy is an extrinsic motivation.
  • 7. TEH SIN YING 0320509 SOCIALPSYCHOLOGY TEH SIN YING 0320509 SOCIALPSYCHOLOGY ENTRY 2 FALSE CONSENSUS THEORY Basically, False consensus effect refers to the tendency of people to overestimate the level to which other people share their beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. False consensus effect is a type of bias in which we think that our own opinions, attitudes, beliefs, etc. are common and appropriate, so that others must also feel the same way. When we have a particular belief, we tend to estimate that belief to be more prevalent than it is by individuals that have an alternative belief. This may be used by people as self-protective function and may be reinforced by the company we keep. I have a couple of false consensus theory experience. As instance , my classmates and I are working on a project. The submission date for this project is two days later . Our progress for the project is very slow. Then, our lecturer , miss Ida , offer me a extension offer for our group project . When miss Ida offer me the extension offer , my group mates not there , they are having lunch . Without hesitate, I accept the offer without informing and asking my group mates. However , when my group mates knew that I accept the extension offer , they strongly disagree . They think we can finish the work on time and they think extension will add on the burden for each of the group mates. I thought others will have the same belief and attitudes as me , but they don’t have the same belief with me . What I have experienced is False consensus theory . I thought what other think same as what I think
  • 8. TEH SIN YING 0320509 SOCIALPSYCHOLOGY TEH SIN YING 0320509 SOCIALPSYCHOLOGY JOURNAL 3 Date : 4th April ENTRY 1 Stereotyping What is stereotype ? Stereotypes are usually defined as beliefs about groups, prejudice as evaluation of or attitude toward a group, and discrimination as behavior that systematically advantages or disadvantages a group. In the other words , stereotyping means assumes that all members of a group share some same common features .By stereotyping we infer that a person has a whole range of characteristics and abilities that we assume all members of that group have. Stereotype have it’s pro and cons. The benefit of stereotyping enables us to respond rapidly to situations because we may have had a similar experience before. Thus , our reaction will be more immediate and rapid . On the other hand , stereotype also have some disadvantages . Stereotyping make us ignore the difference between different individuals before we really know the person characters and abilities . Therefore, what we think about certain people might not be true. This is leads to racism, sexismand others misunderstanding .The schema that we had formed is very hard to change. When I’m still in primary school , my tablemates was a Malay Boy. He never did his homework and he always bully me .I feel really uncomfortable to sit beside him .Since then, I
  • 9. TEH SIN YING 0320509 SOCIALPSYCHOLOGY TEH SIN YING 0320509 SOCIALPSYCHOLOGY had formed a schema that all Malay sharing the common features , that is lazy and like to bully others . When I’m 17 , I chosen for National Service (PLKN) . During the first month of my National Service activity , I seldom communicate and interact with the Malays . When we were having group activities, I tend to stay with my Indians and Chinese friend and keep away from them . This is because I had formed a schema that Malays are lazy and this cause we think all the Malays are the same . However , due to a group project , I’m forced to form a group with 2 Malay girls . After few days of interactions , I found out they were very helpful and determined .All of their kindness and determination really change my schema towards Malays . I found out it’s very hard for me to “let go “ the old schemas about Malays. No matter what , I changed my attitude and schema towards all the Malays now . The type of stereotype I’m having is Racial Stereotype. Racial stereotypes always seemto favor the race of the holder and belittle other races. Stereotyping is a wrong mindset . We should try to avoid this mindset as it do leads a lot of misunderstanding and prejudice towards others . Most of us use stereotypes in our daily life that even we didn’t notice about it . Realize that we ALL stereotype. No one is immune. It does not make us bad people. Knowing we all do it could be just the impetus we need to change.
  • 10. TEH SIN YING 0320509 SOCIALPSYCHOLOGY TEH SIN YING 0320509 SOCIALPSYCHOLOGY ENTRY 2 AUTOMATIC PROCESSING AND CONTROLLED PROCESSING Automatic processing happen when an individual work on task that requiring little or no conscious guidance. Automatic processing is unconscious and effortless. It’s rapid and quickly. Automatic processing involves the amygdala and limbic system. The limbic system work on emotional processing while the amygdale work on emotional learning an fear conditioning . Automatic processing is also emotion driven. Automatic processing is used when we need to work on task that is very well practiced and tasks that require little or no mental resources. Controlled processing normally used when an individual need to work on a harder and logical task. Controlled processing happen when an individual need to take careful thoughts and effort to finish a task. Controlled process also takes
  • 11. TEH SIN YING 0320509 SOCIALPSYCHOLOGY TEH SIN YING 0320509 SOCIALPSYCHOLOGY over when the experience doesn’t fir a developed schema. Controlled process involves parts of prefrontal cortex. Everyone have the experience for automatic processing and controlled processing, including me . When I’m learning driving , I’m not used to driving . Therefore, I had to pay careful attention to everything I did . Steering and operating the all required conscious processing. I need to put attention to other cars, traffic lights, etc. However, after practice , I’m very experienced in driving now . I do many routine driving task such as controlling steering, coordinating pedals and other quite automatically. It don’t need my conscious, as I’m so used to it now. Now, I can drive and control the car rapid and quickly. Therefore, I can have a conversation with others while I’m driving . But when the traffic becomes difficult or any new stimuli happen that need my conscious. Controlled processing will carry on because the experience doesn’t fit in a developed schema.
  • 12. TEH SIN YING 0320509 SOCIALPSYCHOLOGY TEH SIN YING 0320509 SOCIALPSYCHOLOGY JOURNAL 4 Date : 4th April ENTRY 1 COMFIRMATION BIAS Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, or recall information in a way that confirms one's beliefs or hypotheses. People with confirmation bias will actively seek out data that support our belief while disregard and ignore the date that refute our beliefs. People with confirmation bias will still maintain their original belief, even in the face of contradictory data. People display this bias when they gather or remember information selectively, or when they interpret it in a biased way. I’m a person that strongly despise and disagree people speak ‘Malaysian English’. I always try very hard to not use Malaysian English in my daily life and assignments. I think it’s so unprefessionaly if we keep using ‘lah’, ‘loh’ or ‘yakah’ in some form occasion. There comes a day, I need to write an argumentative essay about ‘The pros and cons of speaking Malaysian English for the future generation’. Therefore, when I’m surfing the internet and doing research for my essay, I will just research about the disadvantages of speaking Malaysian English. I read all the information and articles about disadvantages of Malaysian English. Sometimes , there will still have some information about ‘benefits of speaking Malaysian English’, .However, I will just jot down and remark on the information about the disadvantages of speaking Malaysian English and ignoring the information about the benefits of speaking Malaysian English . I tend to ignore and disregard the advantages about using Malaysian English. If I have no confirmation
  • 13. TEH SIN YING 0320509 SOCIALPSYCHOLOGY TEH SIN YING 0320509 SOCIALPSYCHOLOGY bias , I will record and jot down the advantages and disadvantages of speaking Malaysian English . I was a victim for confirmation bias, where I will just reinforced idea and information that were parallel to my beliefs and views (Speaking Malaysian English bring advantages to us ) and ignored and disregard the view that refute my belief . once the belief or the bias is formed , it’s very hard to change. Therefore , I still think speaking Malaysian English bring no advantages .
  • 14. TEH SIN YING 0320509 SOCIALPSYCHOLOGY TEH SIN YING 0320509 SOCIALPSYCHOLOGY ENTRY 2 FIRST IMPRESSION AND THE HALO EFFECT First impression is the event when one person first encounters another person and forms a mental image of that person. The first impression for someone or something may be varies depending on the observer. First impression is made after 10 seconds and not deliberates. Besides, first impression may be instantaneous. First impression is done unintentionally and automatically. The halo effect can occur without awareness. The halo effect happen is due to the first impression we have towards others. The halo effect is basically when we attribute other positive qualities to an individual which better looking comparing to others. We tend to assume people with attractive looking have some positive personalities. We attribute personality qualities to people we have only seen, even though we have never met them, and the qualities have nothing to do with their looks. No doubt, sometimes we do judge a book by it’s cover. Who won’t attract by people who have better appearance? First impression speaks the importance of a good first impression. Without hesitate, I have many different experience of halo effect. When just enter Taylor’s University, I met a senior which well-dressed and dress professionally-with tie and suit. the way he sit and walk are so professional. I have a very good first impression for him. I assume that he is a very professional and kind person as the way he dress is very good and he have a good appearance . Later on, as we were talking , the halo effect became the evident. He is not how I assume he is. The way he talk and he act is not what I expect him to present
  • 15. TEH SIN YING 0320509 SOCIALPSYCHOLOGY TEH SIN YING 0320509 SOCIALPSYCHOLOGY himself . I thought he is a very professional and very kind , but not . Therefore we should not judge a book y it’s cover . The first impression of me have towards him because of his good appearance is halo effect . As conclusion , the halo effect is how our first impression of the attractiveness of an individual affects how we view that person holistically.
  • 16. TEH SIN YING 0320509 SOCIALPSYCHOLOGY TEH SIN YING 0320509 SOCIALPSYCHOLOGY JOURNAL 5 DATE : 22 APRIL ENTRY 1 Categorization of Attitudes Attitudes in psychological terms refers to a tendency to evaluate a person, object or idea with a certain degree of approval or disapproval. This evaluation of a specific stimulus occurs through three different aspects. The affective component, also known as the emotional-based component. This is followed by the behavioral component, which is the action based component. Lastly the cognitive component, the knowledge based component. This three components lead to the formation of an attitude which can and may vary in tone as well as intensity. The variation in tonality and intensity is what determines the type of attitudes form in regards to a stimuli. In general, there are four attitudes which can be observed. The four being positive, negative, indifferent and ambivalent. To shed some light on this matter, I can use the example of my passion for food. I personally have an interest towards food and especially towards chocolate. In this context, I would say that I have a high positive reaction plus a low negative reaction to chocolate. This would lead me to have a positive attitude towards chocolate. On the other hand, I do have a friend who doesn’t like chocolate, in fact, he just detests chocolate. In his case, he has a low positive reaction plus a high negative reaction which results in a negative attitude towards chocolate. Having said all this, there are times at which me and my classmates do joke around about our
  • 17. TEH SIN YING 0320509 SOCIALPSYCHOLOGY TEH SIN YING 0320509 SOCIALPSYCHOLOGY love for all things food and we end up on the sensitive topic of weight. It is at instances like this where my attitude towards something as sinful as chocolate is mixed up. There is a high positive reaction due to my inherent love for chocolate, but at the same time, there is the high negative reaction towards it due to my personal concern over the effects it has on my weight. This combination of both high positive and negative reaction leads to an ambivalent attitude towards chocolate. Now, in all these, there are definitely those in my class who have an indifferent attitude towards chocolate. They neither dislike it nor do they like it, fundamentally, they are neutral towards chocolate. This is the result of both low positive and negative reaction.