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STUDENT ID: 0320498
1 April 2015 (chatting with friend and using vulgarismwords)
Chapter 1: Different Perspectives of Social Psychology
Who created vulgarism words since it is bad? We knew that vulgarism words is bad but yet
we still use it in our daily life. All human still using it including adult, children, parent, elder and
more. Why, or vulgarismwords is acceptable in our social life? Even when I was in class, I still can
heard my friends were using vulgarism words naturally while chatting despite they knew that it
was bad. My father will using vulgarism words when he was angry which means that we can say
vulgarismwords when we angry?
They said that vulgarism words make their sentences become stronger and more powerful, it
can enhance the emotion part. When I am angry, most of us willusing vulgarismwords to express
what we want to say but question is using vulgarismwords was wrong. Why people still using it
in their daily life? In sociocultural perspective, the more powerful u are, the more respect u get.
Due to the persistence of a world where what prevails is the law of the jungle, the might of the
most powerful, the privileges and extravagance of a handful of countries, and the dangers of
aggression, underdevelopment and hopelessness for the vast majority. Stronger people have the
right to bullies or taking advantages from weaker people. Weaker people cannot fight or argue
back. This is fact. If you not good enough, people won’t listen to you because we are not same
level with you, u are lower than them. So that, people start to use vulgarismwords because the
culture place the power before the right of people. If you are the son of mister, u can have extra
benefit compare to others. Even though we didn’t mention or rule it one by one, but yet we know
that he have the extra authority compare to ordinary person.
In evolutionary perspective, my friend told me that using vulgarismwords to talk is a symbol
that you become a man. You will gain the respect, the right to speak more than just a kids or
coward. Even it sound rude, but it is true. People always say vulgarism words because they
though it is cool and powerful. If I say, “Can u shut up for a while” compare to “Can u please
fucking shut up for a while”, the second sentence give the more impact to others. I can grad
people attention more. It is easier to survival in the world of law of jungle because power
symbolize everything. In the social cognitive perspective, cognitive processes have not been
established that identify saying vulgarism words as wrong. Law didn’t mention about it, people
are using it in daily and even the parent will say vulgarism words sometimes. No cognitive
conditioning has occurred to link saying vulgarismwords with a negative experience. Sometimes,
my friends will tell me that using vulgarism words is bad but yet we still can hear they are using
it as well. I cannot justify vulgarism words is wrong or correct, bad or good. In social learning
perspective, people observe and learnt from others using vulgarism words. There are thousand
type of vulgarism words and yet we can memorize and use it all the time. As time goes, saying
vulgarismwords are perceived as an acceptable behavior in our life.
I can’t make a conclusion with vulgarism words is wrong despite it is very rude and not
courtesy. If you say that vulgarism words is wrong, we can’t use it. Why would you accept or
acquiescence when your friends to say it. I saw someone was stealing, I go and stop him because
I know it was wrong but if I hear someone is using vulgarism words and yet I didn’t take any
reaction. Same theory, u stop someone to do something because u know it was wrong but If you
didn’t, it means that it can be correct or wrong depends on the situation or environment. I am
standing in the middle line between correct of wrong.
6 April 2015 (Aftersocial class,Ifoundshe isnot sittingwithherfriends)
Chapter2: Self- Concept
I always imagine myself as an object before I start a conversation. I created another “me” to
guide me when I am having conversation with others because I knew that I am very care about
others though, ideas and perception about me. This another “me” represent overall sense of
“me”. I contain all my feeling and emotion. Even the opening of conversation, I will observe,
understanding he/her behavior and think about which topic that they willget interested on. Then,
engage a conversation in my mind before I start to talk. This is to avoid I step into wrong path or
create the bad impression to others. I am very curious about everyone, what they are looking for,
why they having this kind of ideas, even why they are react as this way and so on. Due to my
curiosity, I learnt to observe people and how present myself as the way I want to present. I will
feel more confident when I talk with them because I know what kind of conversation can grad
their attention after I observed them. Sometimes, I have to argument with myself and I had to
negotiate with me. For me, it is normal, I used to it. Another “me” is full of emotion and feeling,
so that it is hard for me to compromise with him. Another “me” is subjective and me is objective.
When I am growing up, I noticed that people’s behavior and attitude change very fast and
spontaneous same as me. When I was young, things I want to know when I can having my lunch, ,
they so good to me, why there are so cruel to me, how to grad my mother attention so that I can
get some special present. But when I grow up, I want to know why they treat me in in the way,
why they so good with me, are they using me? People start to observe each other, it makes our
distance become further but without it, people will easy to hurt themselves. So that as a
defensive reaction, I always talk to myself. Is this guys canbe trusted? Yes,why yes? No, why not?
Another I also growth up as I am.
Ifound that is really usefulfor me. By imaginemyself as an object before I start a conversation,
I found that I actuallyunderstand and easyto talk with others. Example, I noticed that her friends
didn’t call her to have lunch together even though she was beside her. Another I start to ask why
they didn’t ask her, arguing and finding the fact to support the suspicious of she had a fight with
her friends. Then, I start to ask and help her.
30 March 2015. (After argue with my friends)
Chapter 3: The effect of mood on cognition.
Mood is like weather. It is changing every minute. Life is a piano. Piano creates the happy
tone and also sad tone. Despite the black key creating the sad tone, we cannot separate it.
Without black key, it is not complete. Same as our life, life can be describe as “completed life”
only if there are sadness and happiness at the same time. Sometimes, I can memorize things and
conversation even it happened after few months ago. Sometimes, I cannot. In our life, things,
problems and stuff we have to remember is too much, it’s very hard for us. So that, our mind will
choose some important part to memorize.
When I in good mood, I noticed that I usually will remember that good things that happened
on that period but I can’t remember anything about bad things For example, everyone was
wishing my birthday to me even despite that our course just started few days. I am very happy
and excited with it. At night, they were celebrating my birthday with my friend, Jackie together
who have the same birthday with me. We have a lot of funny moment at that night. We dance,
ate a bread which represent as a cake together and so on. I still can remember I took the first bite
but yet Jackie just laughing at there. I can remember so many details even though that happened
after few months. When I think deeply, what is the next day going on, I cannot remember it. I
think it just a normal day for me. I can memorize things easily when I was in good mood. When I
was very sad, I cannot remember beautiful things happen. That day actually was my friend
birthday but yet I forget to wish her because I just had a bad conversation with my friends. We
were arguing about the design principle. They said that this artwork is more on variety more that
emphasis but at the end, I was correct. I am angry because none of them trust me and they still
blame on me at first. So, I just keep quiet and silent for the whole day. I don’t even want to talk
with others. I still can remember that I lost my 5 ringgit on that day. Things I can remember is
depend on my mood. When the examis around, I cannot read too much because I am too stress
but things like song lyrics I still can memorize and sing it .
When I in good mood, I usually think that today is my lucky day. Good things will happen on
me instead of bad things.For example, I will play gamble game instead of shooting game because
I feel I am lucky right now. The luck is on my side. On the other hand, it also let me do wrong
decision. I think that today is my lucky day, so that I will drive with a busy road because I think
that today is my lucky day, I won’t stack at traffic jam if I can make it before 5 pm. Despite is 5.30
pm, I will take the risk to try it because I know bad things won’t happen on me today. So that, I
stack at traffic jam. I believe that things cannot be control is under my control.
25 December 2013 (Grandmother passed away)
Chapter 4: conformation bias with self – fulfilling prophecy
We always believe things that we been taught since young, even the facts and answers were
in front of us, but yet we still ignore and treat it as invisible. It is hard for us to change our mind
suddenly. I am a strong mind-set person, I believe that things I know, I see, I understand, I been
taught. If let’s say in my knowledge, I knew that this is a blue color pencil, but yet you told me it
is turquoise color, a color in between blue and green. Despite I knew its call turquoise color, I
naturally will tell you that “u can use my blue pencil”. For me, is not stubborn or persistent
characteristics, is automatically and actively ignore the fact and stick to original data because it
is not same with my schema.
We as a human will automatic protect ourselves and stay away from hurt and pain not only
in physical,but alsomentally, mood and feeling. When things is not suit to our knowledge, beliefs
or ideas, we will automatically repel and disregard data the refute our beliefs. It is a protection
from being confused. We always seekout the data,idea or concept that support our beliefs.Since
young, my mother told me that God is exist and we must do good things. If not, bad things will
happen to us. So that, since young, I have good personality and believe on God because this is
the way I been taught. God will watch us anywhere. God will repay us if we do good things. All
my friends were believe on it same as me, most of them were Buddha, Christian or Islam. One
day, I found out that atheist is exist, and they said God is not exist. I was confused on it because
none of them wasn’t believe God. My mind start to get confused, stress and then process,
research and think. Question started to jump out, am I correct or wrong? I believe on God since
I was young, it was born with me. Now someone told me that God is not exist, if god exist why u
cannot see him? Why that are so many religious if God is exist. Even though I do a lot of research,
my answer still cannot solve but at the end I still ignore it.
One day, I start to question my mother, what is God? Where is him? Why you believe on it?
Why God didn’t save our grandmother? Our grandmother was a kind and gentle person. Why
God takes her away from us? I don’t even have chances to treat her nicely. Why, why mother?
My mother stunned. She think deeply and told me, God is exist. Despite we can’t see him but
yet we must have faith on it. God takes away our grandmother because she deserve a better
place. Sometimes, we cannot judge somethings that we didn’t see it before. People believe that
earth is square and flat, but yet is circle and connected. Whatever we believe is not always right,
what they believe also same, just have to faith on it. As long as you u didn’t harm people, murder
people or did bad things, u are fine with anything. In my mind, my mother just want to tell me
that just be confident to what we believe. Even now I meet atheist, I won’t disagree them but I
am at the middle line. Even though that is fact or research mention that god is not exist, but yet
I willignore it and lifewith my belief.Somehow, I start to seekthe data like God is existlikeasking
the Taoist priest about God, going to temple and pray and etc because it is suit to my old setting.
I have to believe in God. Deep in my conscious, it is telling me that God is exist, I must believe on
it. So that, it makes is ignore and repel the negative comments.
I think that self- fulfilling prophecy also playing some roles. My mother say that god is exist,
and I must have faith on it. So that in my mind it is telling me that if I have faith on it, then God is
exist. I show confident and seeking the data which support my idea. I repel and ignore negative
information. I start to accept people with not faith on God. Lastly, my belief still continue until
today. I just want to let the prophecy came true. At the end, God exist or not still the same. I
believe on it, nobody can change my mind-set easily.
26 April 2015 (scolded by my mother because of my attitude)
Chapter 5: Attitude
Attitude is very important element for everyone. Good attitude makes us easier to success in
future, bad attitude makes us dislike by other. Good attitude give us a lot of benefit compare to
others. Attitude means a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically
one that is reflected in a person's behavior.
Attitude can be categories into evaluation of a specific stimulus with parts of affective,
behavioral and also cognitive component. One day, I had a fight with my mother. My mother
scolded me because she say I am too lazy to clean up my room. I told her that I not lazy, I just no
time to clean it up because due to a lot of assignment. Even I have free time, most of it I just take
a nap or sleeping but yet she said that was my responsibility. Due to my mother scold me, I feel
bad and upset about myself. I start to clean up my room. Due to affective attitude, I feel very
bad and upset about myself. I start to clean up my room as fast as I can is one part of behavioral
attitude. Last is the cognitive component, the way I clean up my room. I clean my room using
vacuum because I know is faster than using broom.
How to define our attitude is good or bad? We cannot judge ourselves by our own. Make it
more simply, if all of your friends like you which means that u have a good attitude, if most of
them dislikeyou that means people don’t likeyour attitude. Attitude can be positive and negative.
Positive and negative attitude can happen in same time. It means that we will undergoes a
process call mix emotion. My mother scold me because I didn’t clean up my room. So that I had
a motivation to want to clean up my room immediately but yet I still feel lazy. Good motivation
is positive attitude but lazy is negative. My positive and negative reaction are high. If I still react
as do nothing, y positive and negative reaction are low. If I am going to clean up room
immediately because I know my room is too messy and I had not assignment for today, my
positive reaction is high and negative reaction is low. If I am angry and I still don’t want clean up
my room because of my mother scolded me, my negative reaction is high and positive reaction
is low.
How we learnt attitude? Attitude learnt from others. We observe and copy it. Attitude can be
implicit and also explicit attitude. Implicit attitude is attitude that are at the unconscious level,
are involuntarily formed, and typically unknown to us. Explicit attitude is attitude that are at the
conscious level, are deliberately formed, and easy to self-report. One day, we are chatting with
each other. One of my friend brought a new friend who wear the Live- Pool T- shirt and I am fans
of Live- Pool. Unconsciously, I will be friendlier to him because he is fans of Live- Pool also. This
is implicit attitude. Another day, my friend brought another new friend with a normal T-shirt. I
feel that it is uncomfortable to talk with him even he do nothing. New friends asked me “what’s
wrong man, are u ok?” I replied as usually. New friends let me memorized another friend that I
dislike. So it is unconscious attitude which form an unpleasant feeling when I saw him. This is
explicit attitude.

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  • 2. 1 April 2015 (chatting with friend and using vulgarismwords) Chapter 1: Different Perspectives of Social Psychology Who created vulgarism words since it is bad? We knew that vulgarism words is bad but yet we still use it in our daily life. All human still using it including adult, children, parent, elder and more. Why, or vulgarismwords is acceptable in our social life? Even when I was in class, I still can heard my friends were using vulgarism words naturally while chatting despite they knew that it was bad. My father will using vulgarism words when he was angry which means that we can say vulgarismwords when we angry? They said that vulgarism words make their sentences become stronger and more powerful, it can enhance the emotion part. When I am angry, most of us willusing vulgarismwords to express what we want to say but question is using vulgarismwords was wrong. Why people still using it in their daily life? In sociocultural perspective, the more powerful u are, the more respect u get. Due to the persistence of a world where what prevails is the law of the jungle, the might of the most powerful, the privileges and extravagance of a handful of countries, and the dangers of aggression, underdevelopment and hopelessness for the vast majority. Stronger people have the right to bullies or taking advantages from weaker people. Weaker people cannot fight or argue back. This is fact. If you not good enough, people won’t listen to you because we are not same level with you, u are lower than them. So that, people start to use vulgarismwords because the culture place the power before the right of people. If you are the son of mister, u can have extra benefit compare to others. Even though we didn’t mention or rule it one by one, but yet we know that he have the extra authority compare to ordinary person.
  • 3. In evolutionary perspective, my friend told me that using vulgarismwords to talk is a symbol that you become a man. You will gain the respect, the right to speak more than just a kids or coward. Even it sound rude, but it is true. People always say vulgarism words because they though it is cool and powerful. If I say, “Can u shut up for a while” compare to “Can u please fucking shut up for a while”, the second sentence give the more impact to others. I can grad people attention more. It is easier to survival in the world of law of jungle because power symbolize everything. In the social cognitive perspective, cognitive processes have not been established that identify saying vulgarism words as wrong. Law didn’t mention about it, people are using it in daily and even the parent will say vulgarism words sometimes. No cognitive conditioning has occurred to link saying vulgarismwords with a negative experience. Sometimes, my friends will tell me that using vulgarism words is bad but yet we still can hear they are using it as well. I cannot justify vulgarism words is wrong or correct, bad or good. In social learning perspective, people observe and learnt from others using vulgarism words. There are thousand type of vulgarism words and yet we can memorize and use it all the time. As time goes, saying vulgarismwords are perceived as an acceptable behavior in our life. I can’t make a conclusion with vulgarism words is wrong despite it is very rude and not courtesy. If you say that vulgarism words is wrong, we can’t use it. Why would you accept or acquiescence when your friends to say it. I saw someone was stealing, I go and stop him because I know it was wrong but if I hear someone is using vulgarism words and yet I didn’t take any reaction. Same theory, u stop someone to do something because u know it was wrong but If you didn’t, it means that it can be correct or wrong depends on the situation or environment. I am standing in the middle line between correct of wrong.
  • 4. 6 April 2015 (Aftersocial class,Ifoundshe isnot sittingwithherfriends) Chapter2: Self- Concept I always imagine myself as an object before I start a conversation. I created another “me” to guide me when I am having conversation with others because I knew that I am very care about others though, ideas and perception about me. This another “me” represent overall sense of “me”. I contain all my feeling and emotion. Even the opening of conversation, I will observe, understanding he/her behavior and think about which topic that they willget interested on. Then, engage a conversation in my mind before I start to talk. This is to avoid I step into wrong path or create the bad impression to others. I am very curious about everyone, what they are looking for, why they having this kind of ideas, even why they are react as this way and so on. Due to my curiosity, I learnt to observe people and how present myself as the way I want to present. I will feel more confident when I talk with them because I know what kind of conversation can grad their attention after I observed them. Sometimes, I have to argument with myself and I had to negotiate with me. For me, it is normal, I used to it. Another “me” is full of emotion and feeling, so that it is hard for me to compromise with him. Another “me” is subjective and me is objective. When I am growing up, I noticed that people’s behavior and attitude change very fast and spontaneous same as me. When I was young, things I want to know when I can having my lunch, , they so good to me, why there are so cruel to me, how to grad my mother attention so that I can get some special present. But when I grow up, I want to know why they treat me in in the way, why they so good with me, are they using me? People start to observe each other, it makes our distance become further but without it, people will easy to hurt themselves. So that as a
  • 5. defensive reaction, I always talk to myself. Is this guys canbe trusted? Yes,why yes? No, why not? Another I also growth up as I am. Ifound that is really usefulfor me. By imaginemyself as an object before I start a conversation, I found that I actuallyunderstand and easyto talk with others. Example, I noticed that her friends didn’t call her to have lunch together even though she was beside her. Another I start to ask why they didn’t ask her, arguing and finding the fact to support the suspicious of she had a fight with her friends. Then, I start to ask and help her.
  • 6. 30 March 2015. (After argue with my friends) Chapter 3: The effect of mood on cognition. Mood is like weather. It is changing every minute. Life is a piano. Piano creates the happy tone and also sad tone. Despite the black key creating the sad tone, we cannot separate it. Without black key, it is not complete. Same as our life, life can be describe as “completed life” only if there are sadness and happiness at the same time. Sometimes, I can memorize things and conversation even it happened after few months ago. Sometimes, I cannot. In our life, things, problems and stuff we have to remember is too much, it’s very hard for us. So that, our mind will choose some important part to memorize. When I in good mood, I noticed that I usually will remember that good things that happened on that period but I can’t remember anything about bad things For example, everyone was wishing my birthday to me even despite that our course just started few days. I am very happy and excited with it. At night, they were celebrating my birthday with my friend, Jackie together who have the same birthday with me. We have a lot of funny moment at that night. We dance, ate a bread which represent as a cake together and so on. I still can remember I took the first bite but yet Jackie just laughing at there. I can remember so many details even though that happened after few months. When I think deeply, what is the next day going on, I cannot remember it. I think it just a normal day for me. I can memorize things easily when I was in good mood. When I was very sad, I cannot remember beautiful things happen. That day actually was my friend birthday but yet I forget to wish her because I just had a bad conversation with my friends. We were arguing about the design principle. They said that this artwork is more on variety more that
  • 7. emphasis but at the end, I was correct. I am angry because none of them trust me and they still blame on me at first. So, I just keep quiet and silent for the whole day. I don’t even want to talk with others. I still can remember that I lost my 5 ringgit on that day. Things I can remember is depend on my mood. When the examis around, I cannot read too much because I am too stress but things like song lyrics I still can memorize and sing it . When I in good mood, I usually think that today is my lucky day. Good things will happen on me instead of bad things.For example, I will play gamble game instead of shooting game because I feel I am lucky right now. The luck is on my side. On the other hand, it also let me do wrong decision. I think that today is my lucky day, so that I will drive with a busy road because I think that today is my lucky day, I won’t stack at traffic jam if I can make it before 5 pm. Despite is 5.30 pm, I will take the risk to try it because I know bad things won’t happen on me today. So that, I stack at traffic jam. I believe that things cannot be control is under my control.
  • 8. 25 December 2013 (Grandmother passed away) Chapter 4: conformation bias with self – fulfilling prophecy We always believe things that we been taught since young, even the facts and answers were in front of us, but yet we still ignore and treat it as invisible. It is hard for us to change our mind suddenly. I am a strong mind-set person, I believe that things I know, I see, I understand, I been taught. If let’s say in my knowledge, I knew that this is a blue color pencil, but yet you told me it is turquoise color, a color in between blue and green. Despite I knew its call turquoise color, I naturally will tell you that “u can use my blue pencil”. For me, is not stubborn or persistent characteristics, is automatically and actively ignore the fact and stick to original data because it is not same with my schema. We as a human will automatic protect ourselves and stay away from hurt and pain not only in physical,but alsomentally, mood and feeling. When things is not suit to our knowledge, beliefs or ideas, we will automatically repel and disregard data the refute our beliefs. It is a protection from being confused. We always seekout the data,idea or concept that support our beliefs.Since young, my mother told me that God is exist and we must do good things. If not, bad things will happen to us. So that, since young, I have good personality and believe on God because this is the way I been taught. God will watch us anywhere. God will repay us if we do good things. All my friends were believe on it same as me, most of them were Buddha, Christian or Islam. One day, I found out that atheist is exist, and they said God is not exist. I was confused on it because none of them wasn’t believe God. My mind start to get confused, stress and then process,
  • 9. research and think. Question started to jump out, am I correct or wrong? I believe on God since I was young, it was born with me. Now someone told me that God is not exist, if god exist why u cannot see him? Why that are so many religious if God is exist. Even though I do a lot of research, my answer still cannot solve but at the end I still ignore it. One day, I start to question my mother, what is God? Where is him? Why you believe on it? Why God didn’t save our grandmother? Our grandmother was a kind and gentle person. Why God takes her away from us? I don’t even have chances to treat her nicely. Why, why mother? My mother stunned. She think deeply and told me, God is exist. Despite we can’t see him but yet we must have faith on it. God takes away our grandmother because she deserve a better place. Sometimes, we cannot judge somethings that we didn’t see it before. People believe that earth is square and flat, but yet is circle and connected. Whatever we believe is not always right, what they believe also same, just have to faith on it. As long as you u didn’t harm people, murder people or did bad things, u are fine with anything. In my mind, my mother just want to tell me that just be confident to what we believe. Even now I meet atheist, I won’t disagree them but I am at the middle line. Even though that is fact or research mention that god is not exist, but yet I willignore it and lifewith my belief.Somehow, I start to seekthe data like God is existlikeasking the Taoist priest about God, going to temple and pray and etc because it is suit to my old setting. I have to believe in God. Deep in my conscious, it is telling me that God is exist, I must believe on it. So that, it makes is ignore and repel the negative comments. I think that self- fulfilling prophecy also playing some roles. My mother say that god is exist, and I must have faith on it. So that in my mind it is telling me that if I have faith on it, then God is
  • 10. exist. I show confident and seeking the data which support my idea. I repel and ignore negative information. I start to accept people with not faith on God. Lastly, my belief still continue until today. I just want to let the prophecy came true. At the end, God exist or not still the same. I believe on it, nobody can change my mind-set easily.
  • 11. 26 April 2015 (scolded by my mother because of my attitude) Chapter 5: Attitude Attitude is very important element for everyone. Good attitude makes us easier to success in future, bad attitude makes us dislike by other. Good attitude give us a lot of benefit compare to others. Attitude means a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person's behavior. Attitude can be categories into evaluation of a specific stimulus with parts of affective, behavioral and also cognitive component. One day, I had a fight with my mother. My mother scolded me because she say I am too lazy to clean up my room. I told her that I not lazy, I just no time to clean it up because due to a lot of assignment. Even I have free time, most of it I just take a nap or sleeping but yet she said that was my responsibility. Due to my mother scold me, I feel bad and upset about myself. I start to clean up my room. Due to affective attitude, I feel very bad and upset about myself. I start to clean up my room as fast as I can is one part of behavioral attitude. Last is the cognitive component, the way I clean up my room. I clean my room using vacuum because I know is faster than using broom. How to define our attitude is good or bad? We cannot judge ourselves by our own. Make it more simply, if all of your friends like you which means that u have a good attitude, if most of them dislikeyou that means people don’t likeyour attitude. Attitude can be positive and negative. Positive and negative attitude can happen in same time. It means that we will undergoes a process call mix emotion. My mother scold me because I didn’t clean up my room. So that I had a motivation to want to clean up my room immediately but yet I still feel lazy. Good motivation
  • 12. is positive attitude but lazy is negative. My positive and negative reaction are high. If I still react as do nothing, y positive and negative reaction are low. If I am going to clean up room immediately because I know my room is too messy and I had not assignment for today, my positive reaction is high and negative reaction is low. If I am angry and I still don’t want clean up my room because of my mother scolded me, my negative reaction is high and positive reaction is low. How we learnt attitude? Attitude learnt from others. We observe and copy it. Attitude can be implicit and also explicit attitude. Implicit attitude is attitude that are at the unconscious level, are involuntarily formed, and typically unknown to us. Explicit attitude is attitude that are at the conscious level, are deliberately formed, and easy to self-report. One day, we are chatting with each other. One of my friend brought a new friend who wear the Live- Pool T- shirt and I am fans of Live- Pool. Unconsciously, I will be friendlier to him because he is fans of Live- Pool also. This is implicit attitude. Another day, my friend brought another new friend with a normal T-shirt. I feel that it is uncomfortable to talk with him even he do nothing. New friends asked me “what’s wrong man, are u ok?” I replied as usually. New friends let me memorized another friend that I dislike. So it is unconscious attitude which form an unpleasant feeling when I saw him. This is explicit attitude.