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PSY 101 Module 2 Assignment 2 Review and
Application of Learning Theory
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In psychology, learning theory refers to how we acquire basic responses
and behaviors. We study three different types of learning: learning
through association (classical conditioning),learning through reward
or punishment (operant conditioning), and learning through imitation
(observational learning). Learning theory is explored primarily through
the Behavioral perspective, which emphasizes how the environment
shapes who we are and how we behave.
Choose one of the following options and respond to the essay questions:
Option A:
1. Provide an original example from your own life history
of Classical Conditioning. Your example should provide enough specific
detail to illustrate the concept.
2. Explain how each of the five key terms listed below may apply to
your example.
· Unconditioned Stimulus
· Unconditioned Response
· Neutral Stimulus
· Conditioned Response
· Conditioned Stimulus
Option B:
1. Provide an original example from your own life history of Operant
Conditioning. Your example should provide enough specific detail to
illustrate the concept.
2. Explain how each of the five key terms listed below apply to your
example. If a term does not apply to your example, explain why.
· Positive Reinforcement
· Punishment
· Schedule of Reinforcement
· Thorndike’s Law of Effect
· Extinction
Your response should be at least one page (500 words) written in a
clear, concise, and organized manner. Be sure to demonstrate ethical
scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e.
APA); and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
PSY 101 Module 3 Assignment 1 LASA 1
Understanding Theories of Development
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In this assignment, you will explore and apply theories of development
to your personal experiences.
Understanding theories of development is key in psychology. All people
proceed through specific areas of change and growth in key areas as
they go through life. Whatever path we take in life, understanding
theories of development will assist us in motivating and guiding others,
as well as understanding ourselves.
Apply the theories of development to your personal life experience by
answering each of the following questions.
1. Jean Piaget’s Stage Theory of Cognitive Development: At what
age do you feel you entered the stage of Formal Operational Thought?
Explain the stage briefly and then focus on providing examples of ways
your thinking has shifted to indicate you have developed into this stage
of reasoning. (For instance, provide an example of how your views of
justice or morality have shifted as you’ve matured.)
2. Developmental Stage Theory of Erik Erikson: Choose one stage
from Erikson’s Developmental Stage Theory and apply it to your own
life. Explain the stage, age that it occurs, and how the central challenge
of that stage played out in your life. What was the outcome of this stage
for you? Did anything happen in your life prior to that stage that
affected the outcome? How does the outcome from that stage affect how
you are today? Provide specific details that demonstrate your
understanding of the stage you choose.
3. Lawrence Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development:
Considering the moral or ethical decisions that you have made in your
life, describe one decision you made based on one of the three levels of
moral development. Be sure to clearly explain the level of moral
development and clearly identify the underlying ethical reasoning
behind your decision. (For instance, you may explain a decision you
made based on Preconventional morality when you were a child, or you
may focus on a decision you made from a higher level of development as
an adult.)
4. Developmental Milestones: Motor Development. The unfolding of
biological potential is known as “maturation.” Motor skill development
in babies is mostly controlled by the process of maturation. Think about
a child that you have known (yourself, your own child, a friend or family
member). Describe how the child progressed from rolling over, to
sitting, standing, and walking. At what age did each milestone occur?
Did the development occur in a “typical” sequence based on what
you’ve learned in your text? Is there anything that occurred in the
child’s environment that either delayed motor development or facilitated
it? What is the difference between “maturation” and “learning,” based
on your readings and observation?
Your response should be a 3–4-page Microsoft Word document written
in a clear, concise, and organized manner. Be sure to demonstrate
ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources
(i.e., APA); and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
PSY 101 Module 4 Assignment 2 Eating
Behavior and Eating Disorders
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In psychology, Motivation refers to the forces that push and pull us
toward specific goals and behaviours. Motivation is generally either
internal (biological, cognitive) or external (environmental, situational).
In psychology, the study of Motivation often focuses on biological
behaviours, such as eating and sexual expression, or achievement
behaviours, such as academics or career goals. Understanding how
motivation works is key to guiding others and encouraging the highest
level of performance.
Choose one of the following options to explore:
· Option A: Eating Behaviour and Eating Disorders
· Option B: Sexual Motivation and Sexual Orientation
Option A: Most psychologists focus on psycho-social aspects when
explaining the origin of disordered eating behaviour; however, there are
also biological issues which may influence disordered behaviour.
Explore the biological and psycho-social aspects of disordered eating
behaviour by completing the following items.
1. Based on your assigned readings and videos this module, identify
some biological or genetic factors that may predispose someone to
disordered eating behaviour. Describe two or more conclusions from
biological research of disordered eating behaviour. (These may include
genes, brain functioning, metabolic, hormonal, etc.)
2. Based on your assigned readings and videos this module, identify
some psychological and social/cultural factors that may predispose
someone to disordered eating behaviour. Describe two or more
conclusions from psychological or social research of disordered eating
behaviour. (These may include personal issues, family issues, society,
media, or cultural issues.)
3. Based on your research, explain whether you view disordered
eating as primarily biologically based or psycho-socially based.
Your response should be approximately three paragraphs in length
(one paragraph for each item). Do not simply state your opinion on
these issues; justify your response with evidence from scholarly
sources, including your text.
Option B: Most psychologists believe that our sexual preferences and
orientation are largely determined by our biology. Explore the
biological and psycho-social aspects of sexual preference by completing
the following items.
1. Based on your assigned readings and videos this module, identify
some biological or genetic factors that influence sexual orientation
behaviour. Describe two or more conclusions from biological research
of sexual orientation behaviour. (These may include genes, brain
functioning, metabolic, and hormonal, etc.)
2. Based on your assigned readings and videos this module, identify
some psychological and social/cultural factors that may also
influence sexual orientation. Describe two or more conclusions from
psychological or social research of sexual orientation. (These may
include personal issues, family issues, society, media, or cultural issues.)
3. Based on your research, explain whether you view sexual
orientation as primarily biologically based or psycho-socially based.
Your response should be approximately three paragraphs in length
(one paragraph for each item). Do not simply state your opinion on
these issues; justify your response with evidence from scholarly
sources, including your text.
PSY 101 Module 4 Assignment 2 Motivation
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In psychology, Motivation refers to the forces that push and pull us
toward specific goals and behaviors. Motivation is generally either
internal (biological, cognitive) or external (environmental, situational).
In psychology, the study of Motivation often focuses on biological
behaviors, such as eating and sexual expression, or achievement
behaviors, such as academics or career goals. Understanding how
motivation works is key to guiding others and encouraging the highest
level of performance.
Choose one of the following options to explore:
· Option A: Eating Behavior and Eating Disorders
· Option B: Sexual Motivation and Sexual Orientation
Option A: Most psychologists focus on psycho-social aspects when
explaining the origin of disordered eating behavior; however, there are
also biological issues which may influence disordered behavior. Explore
the biological and psycho-social aspects of disordered eating behavior
by completing the following items.
1. Based on your assigned readings and videos this module, identify
some biological or genetic factors that may predispose someone to
disordered eating behavior. Describe two or more conclusions from
biological research of disordered eating behavior. (These may include
genes, brain functioning, metabolic, hormonal, etc.)
2. Based on your assigned readings and videos this module, identify
some psychological and social/culturalfactors that may predispose
someone to disordered eating behavior. Describe two or more
conclusions from psychological or social research of disordered eating
behavior. (These may include personal issues, family issues, society,
media, or cultural issues.)
3. Based on your research, explain whether you view disordered
eating as primarily biologically based or psycho-socially based.
Your response should be approximately three paragraphs in length
(one paragraph for each item). Do not simply state your opinion on
these issues; justify your response with evidence from scholarly
sources,including your text.
Option B: Most psychologists believe that our sexual preferences and
orientation are largely determined by our biology. Explore the
biological and psycho-social aspects of sexual preference by completing
the following items.
1. Based on your assigned readings and videos this module, identify
some biological or genetic factors that influence sexual orientation
behavior. Describe two or more conclusions from biological research of
sexual orientation behavior. (These may include genes, brain
functioning, metabolic, and hormonal, etc.)
2. Based on your assigned readings and videos this module, identify
some psychological and social/culturalfactors that may also
influence sexual orientation. Describe two or more conclusions from
psychological or social research ofsexual orientation. (These may
include personal issues, family issues, society, media, or cultural issues.)
3. Based on your research, explain whether you viewsexual
orientation as primarily biologically based or psycho-socially based.
Your response should be approximately three paragraphs in length
(one paragraph for each item). Do not simply state your opinion on
these issues; justify your response with evidence from scholarly
sources, including your text.
PSY 101 Module 5 Assignment 1 LASA 2
Exploring Personality Theories
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In this assignment, you will define and apply various personality
theories to your personal life experiences. The assignment consists
of two parts. Be sure to complete both parts.
In psychology, personality theorists have sought to understand the traits
and other factors that determine our very nature. Some of these factors
are innate, and others seem to be shaped by environmental forces. Each
theory takes a different approach to understanding personality.
Familiarity with theories of personality will help you to understand and
organize behaviors that you observe in others and yourself.
Part I: Apply each of the four personality theories to your personal life
experience by answering the following questions.
· The Five Factor Model of Personality: Explain where you fall
on each of the five dimensions or traits in this theory. Discuss whether
you feel you were “born with” this trait or if you feel this trait developed
through experiences in your environment (such as family experiences or
other learning experiences). Based on your experience, explain whether
personality traits are primarily biological (innate)
or environmental (learned) (Nature vs. Nurture).
· Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory: Describe how social
learning theory played an influence in your own personality
development. Identify whose behavior you modeled and provide specific
details to describe the ways in which their behavior influenced you.
· Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: Identify which stage of Maslow’s
Hierarchy of Needs you are currently experiencing. Explain which level
you hope to experience in the future.
· Freudian Theory of Personality Structure: Regarding your own
personality functioning, provide an example of how your own Id, Ego,
and Superego might all work together to help you meet your needs and
have a successful life. Many contemporary psychologists disagree with
Freud, and do not believe that the unconscious mind plays an important
role in every day behavior. Based on your readings in psychology, as
well as your own experiences, do you believe that the unconscious mind
is important in everyday life? Why or why not?
Your response should be a 3–4-page Microsoft Word document written
in a clear, concise, and organized manner. Be sure to demonstrate
ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources
(i.e., APA); and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
Part II: Psychological Autobiography
In this course, you have applied several theories and concepts from
psychology to your own life. In this part, you will re-write the
Autobiography submitted in Module 1 using the material you explored
throughoutthe course.
1. In your Psychological Autobiography, describe your life in a way
that incorporates 12–15 terms and concepts you learned in this class.
You do not need to analyze your struggles in this assignment, or disclose
sensitive material. The purpose of the assignment is to simply apply the
concepts we explored throughoutthe course to your own life history in
an everyday manner.
2. In your Psychological Autobiography, you may use any terms,
research, concepts, or theories covered in class, however, you must use
terms and ideas from at least five of the following theorists or
· Piaget
· Erikson
· Kohlberg
· Eysenck
· Bandura
· Maslow
· Freud
There is room for creativity in this assignment! What is most important
is that you show the instructor how much you have learned in this
course by applying several theories, terms, or concepts to your life
story. At a minimum, you should use information from your lectures and
readings in this portion of the paper. This portion of the LASA
assignment should be 2–3 pages in length. Here are some suggestions
for developing your Psychological Autobiography:
· Write your life history according to one or more of the
developmental stage theories.
· Apply key concepts to your early development.
· Explain how the concepts apply to your current life situation.
PSY 101 Week 1 DQ 1 Motivation
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This discussion has two options. Select one of the options and indicate
which one you chose in your response.
Option A:
Dave Fletcher excels in his job. However, he wants more for himself and
his family and feels education can help him move forward in his career.
Having made the decision to finish his education, he has enrolled at
Ashford University. As he comes to the end of his first year in college,
Dave is a 4.0 student, but his performance at work is suffering. Dave has
been informed that if his performance does not improve, his job is in
danger. He wants to keep his job and at the same time continue to do
well in school. Over the next six months Dave is once again excelling in
his job and continuing to do well in school.
Address each of the following criteria as you respond:
· Identify a theory of motivation from this week’s reading that you
feel best helps us to understand the change in Dave’s behavior.
· Briefly describe this theory of motivation and discuss how you
think it can help us understand Dave’s change in behavior.
· In what ways was emotion tied to Dave’s change in behavior?
· How might this same theory of motivation help you to understand
your own school and work related
· Will you change anything in your own life as a result of what you
have studied in this scenario?
Option B:
All her life, Tasha was a healthy weight for her height. Even after her
first pregnancy, she returned to a healthy weight. One year later, she
had her second child. Caring for a newborn and a one-year-old took all
of her time, energy, and focus. So much so, that she no longer has time
to focus on her own health and fitness. She has been slowly gaining
weight and now after another year, she is twice the weight she was
before having her first child.
Tasha’s weight is negatively impacting her mood, the way she feels
about herself, her marriage, and her health. She decides she is going to
make some changes in her life and lose the weight. After three years of
regular exercise, diet, and support groups, Tasha has returned to a
healthy weight.
Address each of the following criteria as you respond:
· What were the motivational and environmental factors that
contributed to the weight gain?
· Briefly describe which approaches to motivation you feel best help
us to understand the change in Tasha’s
· In what ways was emotion tied to the weight gain and loss?
· How might understanding these motivational and emotional
factors help you to understand your own
health and fitness?
· Will you change anything in your own life as a result of what you
have studied in this scenario?
Your initial post must be a minimum of 200 words and utilize at least
one scholarly source (e.g., the course textbook, a peer reviewed article
from the Ashford University Library, or a professional web source),
cited according to APA format as outlined in the Ashford Writing
Guided Response: Respond to at least two of your classmates who chose
a different option or theory of motivation from you. Ask any questions
that might help to further your understanding of the discussion, or take
the discussion to a deeper level. Do you agree with your peer’s
thoughts? Were their thoughtsregarding emotion and the theory
selection a good fit for the chosen scenario? Why or why not?
PSY 101 Week 1 DQ 2 Personality
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To begin, take a moment to interact with the learning object below. This
will help you test your knowledge of the various theoretical perspectives
of psychology that you have learned in a fun and interactive exercise.
The learning object is only available within your online classroom.
For this discussion, address the following as you respond:
· Select one character, past or present, from a television show,
movie, book, comic, game, etc.
· Briefly describe this character, including:
· − What medium (television, movie, book, etc.) is he or she from?
· − Why did you select him or her?
· − What is his or her personality as depicted?
· Identify one approach (e.g., common-sense, psychodynamic,
humanistic, etc.) that you feel is most accurate and useful in
understanding this character’s personality.
· Discuss this selected theory. Why did you select it? How might
this theory help us understand your character’s personality?
Your initial post must be a minimum of 200 words and utilize at least
one scholarly source (e.g., the course textbook, a peer-reviewed article
from the Ashford University Library, or a professional web source),
cited according to APA format as outlined in the Ashford Writing
PSY 101 Week 2 DQ 1 Learning Principles
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This discussion has two options. Select one of the options and indicate
which one you chose in your response.
Option A:
Learning through classical conditioning occurs across the lifespan. It
can be associated with pain (like a trip to the dentist), or with pleasure
(like the endorphins released in response to exercise). Select one
example of learning that can occur through classical conditioning.You
cannot select Pavlov’s experiment that is described in your textbook.
Clearly describe your learning example, and detail each of the following
for the example you selected:
· Unconditioned stimulus > Unconditioned Response
· Conditioned Stimulus > Unconditioned Response
· Conditioned Stimulus >Conditioned Response
Option B:
Ten-year-old Billy has started to use foul language in casual
conversation just as his mother does. She laughs when Billy uses this
language and does not see it as an issue. It is only when Billy gets in
trouble and his mother is called to the school that she recognizes there
may be a problem.
As Billy’s school teacher, explain and provide examples of how you
would help him overcome the use of this foul language through operant
conditioning (e.g., you may use positive reinforcement, negative
reinforcement, punishment).
Lastly, what advice would you give to Billy’s mom about how she might
deal with this problem at home? Be sure to explain the role
observational learning plays in this behavior, and what his mother could
do differently to help him avoid this behavior.
Your initial post must be a minimum of 200 words and utilize at least
one scholarly source (e.g., the course textbook, a peer-reviewed article
from the Ashford University Library, or a professional web source),
cited according to APA format as outlined in the Ashford Writing
Guided Response: Respond to at least two of your classmates who chose
a different learning principle. Discuss the theory they selected. Do you
agree with the practical application that was suggested? Share any new
insights you gained from reading your peers post. How might you apply
these insights to your initial response?
PSY 101 Week 2 DQ 2 Memory and Language
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Review the Linguistic Genius of Babies TED talk and read the New
Thinking on Infant Development article from the University Library.
Dr. Williams has been studying memory and language development.
During her research she discovers that infants as young as one month
can remember objects presented to them if they reappear within two
seconds. Fascinated by this, she continues to explore and discovers that
by the time they are four months old, babies can remember objects after
five seconds. She is elated at her discovery because she knows it shows
the beginning of short-term memory, which is essential in language
For this discussion, identify two ideas that parents/caregivers can use to
help facilitate language development in children from birth to 24
months. Your post should be formatted as follows:
· State the age range you have selected (birth to three months, three
to six months, etc.).
· Idea #1: Your first idea should be something that just about any
parent could do that does not involve
technology or money in any way.
· Idea #2: Your second idea should consider today’s age of
technology. Research various sources
(computer programs, toys, videos, etc.) that can help children with
language development. Identify your selection (including cost) and
describe what it does in terms of either strengths and/or weaknesses, in
relation to language development.
· Reflecting on what you have read thus far in Weeks One and Two,
explain what stage of memory (sensory, short-term, long-term) your
ideas best fit with and how they facilitate language.
Your initial post must be a minimum of 200 words and utilize at least
one scholarly source (e.g., the course textbook, a peer reviewed article
from the Ashford University Library, or a professional web source),
cited according to APA format as outlined in the Writing Center.
PSY 101 Week 3 DQ 1 The Mouse Party
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Access the Mouse Party interactive module. Select one mouse,
influenced by the drug of your choice, and complete the simulation by
viewing all of the relevant slides. Next, perform a web search on the
drug you selected and locate additionalresources that will help you
answer the following:
· Briefly describe why you chose this drug and how many people
are estimated to be using/abusing it.
· Explain how the drug influences both the brain and behavior.
· Discuss what you think (if anything) needs to be done to combat
addiction to this substance and provide a
rationale for your position.
Your initial post must be a minimum of 200 words and utilize at least
two scholarly source (e.g., the course textbook, a peer-reviewed article
from the Ashford University Library, or a professional web source),
cited according to APA format as outlined in the Ashford Writing
Guided Response: Respond to at least two of your classmates who chose
a different drug than you. Discuss the drug they shared and how it
influences behavior. How is their drug similar or different to the drug
you studied? Do you think their rationale to combat the addiction to this
substance is valid? What suggestions would you give for other ways to
combat the drug addiction?
PSY 101 Week 3 DQ 2 Sensation and
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1. This discussion has two options. Select one of the options and
indicate which one you chose in your response.
Option A:
Recruit someone you trust to help you. Have them prepare two items for
you to taste (tell them to be nice), but do not let them tell you what they
are. While they are preparing the items, find something to use as a
blindfold and plug your nose so you cannot smell. You should not be
able to see or smell the food while sampling it. As you chew, see if you
can recognize the flavor. If not, unplug your nose and see if that helps
you detect it. If that doesn’t work, take off the blindfold and see if you
can identify it.
Once you have completed this activity, provide an analysis by sharing
the following as you respond:
• Were you able to determine the food without smell or sight?
· At what point did you identify the food (e.g., blindfolded with nose
plugged, blindfolded with nose unplugged,or neither)?
· Analyze the relationship between taste and smell.
· Analyze the relationship between taste and sight.
PSY 101 Week 4 DQ 1 Psychological Disorders
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View the videos from the Films On Demand database. Research dollars
are scarce, and it is always controversial how best to spend them.
Imagine you are the chair of the budget committee for a large non-profit
organization who specializes in mental health-related research. You are
in control of deciding how to allocate the research budget for the
upcoming year. Address the following as you respond:
· Which psychological disorder (select one) would you choose to
receive the most funding for research?
· Which psychological disorder (select one) would you choose to
receive the fewest research dollars?
· Explain your reasoning for these decisions.
· Describe abnormal behavior in general as well as each of the
disorders you have selected.
Your initial post must be a minimum of 200 words and utilize at least
one scholarly source (e.g., the course textbook, a peer-reviewed article
from the Ashford University Library, or a professional web source),
cited according to APA format as outlined in the Ashford Writing
PSY 101 Week 4 DQ 2 Homelessness
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Thousands of men, women, and children are without a home each night
in the United States and around the World. This is a complex issue with
a number of contributing factors, but one primary issue is that of mental
illness. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration’s fact sheet titled Current statistics on the prevalence
and characteristics of people experiencing homelessness in the United
States (2011), on a given night in January of 2010, 26.2% of all
sheltered persons who were homeless had a severe mental illness and
34.7% had chronic substance use issues (p.2).
Review the fact sheet. Assume you are altruistic (self-sacrificing with a
desire to engage in helpful behavior) and have unlimited resources.
Describe what you would do to combat the issue of homelessness. How
would you close the revolving door of people in and out of treatment and
shelters? Indicate how your plan is truly altruistic.
Your initial post must be a minimum of 200 words and utilize at least
one scholarly source (e.g., the course textbook, a peer-reviewed article
from the Ashford University Library, or a professional web source),
cited according to APA format as outlined in the Ashford Writing
PSY 101 Week 5 DQ 1 Research- Application
to Life
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Select a topic related to your intended profession (or degree area) that
you would like to learn more about. Address the following as you
· Briefly explain this topic. Why is it of interest? Why do you think it
would be helpful at this time?
· Summarize what type of research you would use to conduct a
study on this topic (experiment, survey,
correlation, etc). Why is this type of research appropriate for your
Your initial post must be a minimum of 200 words and utilize at least
one scholarly source (e.g., the course textbook, a peer reviewed article
from the Ashford University Library, or a professional web source),
cited according to APA format as outlined in the Ashford Writing
PSY 101 Week 5 DQ 2 Ethics
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Ethics is an important part of every research project. Adherence to
ethical guidelines helps researchers protect both themselves and
participants. Reflect on the study you proposed in Discussion 1 this
week. Review the reading from your course textbook as well as
the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of
Conduct andInstitutionalReview Boards Frequently Asked Questions:
Information Sheet articles. Select one ethical guideline from these
sources that relates to your study proposal from Discussion 1. Briefly
describe the guideline and explain how you would address its
specifications in your study. Provide an example and be as specific as
possible as you explain.
The class’ selections should vary (please do not all pick the same
guideline) and your selection must relate to your specific topic from
Discussion 1. Your initial post must be a minimum of 200 words and
utilize at least one scholarly source (e.g., the course textbook, a peer-
reviewed article from the Ashford University Library, or a professional
web source), cited according to APA format as outlined in the Ashford
Writing Center.

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Psy 101 Success Begins /

  • 1. PSY 101 Module 2 Assignment 2 Review and Application of Learning Theory For more classes visit In psychology, learning theory refers to how we acquire basic responses and behaviors. We study three different types of learning: learning through association (classical conditioning),learning through reward or punishment (operant conditioning), and learning through imitation (observational learning). Learning theory is explored primarily through the Behavioral perspective, which emphasizes how the environment shapes who we are and how we behave. Instructions Choose one of the following options and respond to the essay questions: Option A: 1. Provide an original example from your own life history of Classical Conditioning. Your example should provide enough specific detail to illustrate the concept. 2. Explain how each of the five key terms listed below may apply to your example. · Unconditioned Stimulus · Unconditioned Response · Neutral Stimulus · Conditioned Response · Conditioned Stimulus Option B:
  • 2. 1. Provide an original example from your own life history of Operant Conditioning. Your example should provide enough specific detail to illustrate the concept. 2. Explain how each of the five key terms listed below apply to your example. If a term does not apply to your example, explain why. · Positive Reinforcement · Punishment · Schedule of Reinforcement · Thorndike’s Law of Effect · Extinction Your response should be at least one page (500 words) written in a clear, concise, and organized manner. Be sure to demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e. APA); and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. ***************************************************** PSY 101 Module 3 Assignment 1 LASA 1 Understanding Theories of Development For more classes visit Description In this assignment, you will explore and apply theories of development to your personal experiences. Background Understanding theories of development is key in psychology. All people proceed through specific areas of change and growth in key areas as they go through life. Whatever path we take in life, understanding
  • 3. theories of development will assist us in motivating and guiding others, as well as understanding ourselves. Instructions Apply the theories of development to your personal life experience by answering each of the following questions. 1. Jean Piaget’s Stage Theory of Cognitive Development: At what age do you feel you entered the stage of Formal Operational Thought? Explain the stage briefly and then focus on providing examples of ways your thinking has shifted to indicate you have developed into this stage of reasoning. (For instance, provide an example of how your views of justice or morality have shifted as you’ve matured.) 2. Developmental Stage Theory of Erik Erikson: Choose one stage from Erikson’s Developmental Stage Theory and apply it to your own life. Explain the stage, age that it occurs, and how the central challenge of that stage played out in your life. What was the outcome of this stage for you? Did anything happen in your life prior to that stage that affected the outcome? How does the outcome from that stage affect how you are today? Provide specific details that demonstrate your understanding of the stage you choose. 3. Lawrence Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development: Considering the moral or ethical decisions that you have made in your life, describe one decision you made based on one of the three levels of moral development. Be sure to clearly explain the level of moral development and clearly identify the underlying ethical reasoning behind your decision. (For instance, you may explain a decision you made based on Preconventional morality when you were a child, or you may focus on a decision you made from a higher level of development as an adult.) 4. Developmental Milestones: Motor Development. The unfolding of biological potential is known as “maturation.” Motor skill development in babies is mostly controlled by the process of maturation. Think about a child that you have known (yourself, your own child, a friend or family member). Describe how the child progressed from rolling over, to sitting, standing, and walking. At what age did each milestone occur? Did the development occur in a “typical” sequence based on what
  • 4. you’ve learned in your text? Is there anything that occurred in the child’s environment that either delayed motor development or facilitated it? What is the difference between “maturation” and “learning,” based on your readings and observation? Your response should be a 3–4-page Microsoft Word document written in a clear, concise, and organized manner. Be sure to demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e., APA); and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. ***************************************************** PSY 101 Module 4 Assignment 2 Eating Behavior and Eating Disorders For more classes visit Background In psychology, Motivation refers to the forces that push and pull us toward specific goals and behaviours. Motivation is generally either internal (biological, cognitive) or external (environmental, situational). In psychology, the study of Motivation often focuses on biological behaviours, such as eating and sexual expression, or achievement behaviours, such as academics or career goals. Understanding how motivation works is key to guiding others and encouraging the highest level of performance. Instructions Choose one of the following options to explore: · Option A: Eating Behaviour and Eating Disorders
  • 5. · Option B: Sexual Motivation and Sexual Orientation Option A: Most psychologists focus on psycho-social aspects when explaining the origin of disordered eating behaviour; however, there are also biological issues which may influence disordered behaviour. Explore the biological and psycho-social aspects of disordered eating behaviour by completing the following items. 1. Based on your assigned readings and videos this module, identify some biological or genetic factors that may predispose someone to disordered eating behaviour. Describe two or more conclusions from biological research of disordered eating behaviour. (These may include genes, brain functioning, metabolic, hormonal, etc.) 2. Based on your assigned readings and videos this module, identify some psychological and social/cultural factors that may predispose someone to disordered eating behaviour. Describe two or more conclusions from psychological or social research of disordered eating behaviour. (These may include personal issues, family issues, society, media, or cultural issues.) 3. Based on your research, explain whether you view disordered eating as primarily biologically based or psycho-socially based. Your response should be approximately three paragraphs in length (one paragraph for each item). Do not simply state your opinion on these issues; justify your response with evidence from scholarly sources, including your text. Option B: Most psychologists believe that our sexual preferences and orientation are largely determined by our biology. Explore the biological and psycho-social aspects of sexual preference by completing the following items. 1. Based on your assigned readings and videos this module, identify some biological or genetic factors that influence sexual orientation behaviour. Describe two or more conclusions from biological research of sexual orientation behaviour. (These may include genes, brain functioning, metabolic, and hormonal, etc.) 2. Based on your assigned readings and videos this module, identify some psychological and social/cultural factors that may also influence sexual orientation. Describe two or more conclusions from
  • 6. psychological or social research of sexual orientation. (These may include personal issues, family issues, society, media, or cultural issues.) 3. Based on your research, explain whether you view sexual orientation as primarily biologically based or psycho-socially based. Your response should be approximately three paragraphs in length (one paragraph for each item). Do not simply state your opinion on these issues; justify your response with evidence from scholarly sources, including your text. ***************************************************** PSY 101 Module 4 Assignment 2 Motivation For more classes visit Background In psychology, Motivation refers to the forces that push and pull us toward specific goals and behaviors. Motivation is generally either internal (biological, cognitive) or external (environmental, situational). In psychology, the study of Motivation often focuses on biological behaviors, such as eating and sexual expression, or achievement behaviors, such as academics or career goals. Understanding how motivation works is key to guiding others and encouraging the highest level of performance. Instructions Choose one of the following options to explore: · Option A: Eating Behavior and Eating Disorders · Option B: Sexual Motivation and Sexual Orientation
  • 7. Option A: Most psychologists focus on psycho-social aspects when explaining the origin of disordered eating behavior; however, there are also biological issues which may influence disordered behavior. Explore the biological and psycho-social aspects of disordered eating behavior by completing the following items. 1. Based on your assigned readings and videos this module, identify some biological or genetic factors that may predispose someone to disordered eating behavior. Describe two or more conclusions from biological research of disordered eating behavior. (These may include genes, brain functioning, metabolic, hormonal, etc.) 2. Based on your assigned readings and videos this module, identify some psychological and social/culturalfactors that may predispose someone to disordered eating behavior. Describe two or more conclusions from psychological or social research of disordered eating behavior. (These may include personal issues, family issues, society, media, or cultural issues.) 3. Based on your research, explain whether you view disordered eating as primarily biologically based or psycho-socially based. Your response should be approximately three paragraphs in length (one paragraph for each item). Do not simply state your opinion on these issues; justify your response with evidence from scholarly sources,including your text. Option B: Most psychologists believe that our sexual preferences and orientation are largely determined by our biology. Explore the biological and psycho-social aspects of sexual preference by completing the following items. 1. Based on your assigned readings and videos this module, identify some biological or genetic factors that influence sexual orientation behavior. Describe two or more conclusions from biological research of sexual orientation behavior. (These may include genes, brain functioning, metabolic, and hormonal, etc.) 2. Based on your assigned readings and videos this module, identify some psychological and social/culturalfactors that may also influence sexual orientation. Describe two or more conclusions from
  • 8. psychological or social research ofsexual orientation. (These may include personal issues, family issues, society, media, or cultural issues.) 3. Based on your research, explain whether you viewsexual orientation as primarily biologically based or psycho-socially based. Your response should be approximately three paragraphs in length (one paragraph for each item). Do not simply state your opinion on these issues; justify your response with evidence from scholarly sources, including your text. ***************************************************** PSY 101 Module 5 Assignment 1 LASA 2 Exploring Personality Theories For more classes visit Description In this assignment, you will define and apply various personality theories to your personal life experiences. The assignment consists of two parts. Be sure to complete both parts. Background In psychology, personality theorists have sought to understand the traits and other factors that determine our very nature. Some of these factors are innate, and others seem to be shaped by environmental forces. Each theory takes a different approach to understanding personality. Familiarity with theories of personality will help you to understand and organize behaviors that you observe in others and yourself. Instructions
  • 9. Part I: Apply each of the four personality theories to your personal life experience by answering the following questions. · The Five Factor Model of Personality: Explain where you fall on each of the five dimensions or traits in this theory. Discuss whether you feel you were “born with” this trait or if you feel this trait developed through experiences in your environment (such as family experiences or other learning experiences). Based on your experience, explain whether personality traits are primarily biological (innate) or environmental (learned) (Nature vs. Nurture). · Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory: Describe how social learning theory played an influence in your own personality development. Identify whose behavior you modeled and provide specific details to describe the ways in which their behavior influenced you. · Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: Identify which stage of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs you are currently experiencing. Explain which level you hope to experience in the future. · Freudian Theory of Personality Structure: Regarding your own personality functioning, provide an example of how your own Id, Ego, and Superego might all work together to help you meet your needs and have a successful life. Many contemporary psychologists disagree with Freud, and do not believe that the unconscious mind plays an important role in every day behavior. Based on your readings in psychology, as well as your own experiences, do you believe that the unconscious mind is important in everyday life? Why or why not? Your response should be a 3–4-page Microsoft Word document written in a clear, concise, and organized manner. Be sure to demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e., APA); and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Part II: Psychological Autobiography In this course, you have applied several theories and concepts from psychology to your own life. In this part, you will re-write the Autobiography submitted in Module 1 using the material you explored throughoutthe course.
  • 10. 1. In your Psychological Autobiography, describe your life in a way that incorporates 12–15 terms and concepts you learned in this class. You do not need to analyze your struggles in this assignment, or disclose sensitive material. The purpose of the assignment is to simply apply the concepts we explored throughoutthe course to your own life history in an everyday manner. 2. In your Psychological Autobiography, you may use any terms, research, concepts, or theories covered in class, however, you must use terms and ideas from at least five of the following theorists or perspectives: · Piaget · Erikson · Kohlberg · Eysenck · Bandura · Maslow · Freud There is room for creativity in this assignment! What is most important is that you show the instructor how much you have learned in this course by applying several theories, terms, or concepts to your life story. At a minimum, you should use information from your lectures and readings in this portion of the paper. This portion of the LASA assignment should be 2–3 pages in length. Here are some suggestions for developing your Psychological Autobiography: · Write your life history according to one or more of the developmental stage theories. · Apply key concepts to your early development. · Explain how the concepts apply to your current life situation. ***************************************************** PSY 101 Week 1 DQ 1 Motivation
  • 11. For more classes visit This discussion has two options. Select one of the options and indicate which one you chose in your response. Option A: Dave Fletcher excels in his job. However, he wants more for himself and his family and feels education can help him move forward in his career. Having made the decision to finish his education, he has enrolled at Ashford University. As he comes to the end of his first year in college, Dave is a 4.0 student, but his performance at work is suffering. Dave has been informed that if his performance does not improve, his job is in danger. He wants to keep his job and at the same time continue to do well in school. Over the next six months Dave is once again excelling in his job and continuing to do well in school. Address each of the following criteria as you respond: · Identify a theory of motivation from this week’s reading that you feel best helps us to understand the change in Dave’s behavior. · Briefly describe this theory of motivation and discuss how you think it can help us understand Dave’s change in behavior. · In what ways was emotion tied to Dave’s change in behavior? · How might this same theory of motivation help you to understand your own school and work related behavior? · Will you change anything in your own life as a result of what you have studied in this scenario? Option B: All her life, Tasha was a healthy weight for her height. Even after her first pregnancy, she returned to a healthy weight. One year later, she had her second child. Caring for a newborn and a one-year-old took all of her time, energy, and focus. So much so, that she no longer has time
  • 12. to focus on her own health and fitness. She has been slowly gaining weight and now after another year, she is twice the weight she was before having her first child. Tasha’s weight is negatively impacting her mood, the way she feels about herself, her marriage, and her health. She decides she is going to make some changes in her life and lose the weight. After three years of regular exercise, diet, and support groups, Tasha has returned to a healthy weight. Address each of the following criteria as you respond: · What were the motivational and environmental factors that contributed to the weight gain? · Briefly describe which approaches to motivation you feel best help us to understand the change in Tasha’s behavior. · In what ways was emotion tied to the weight gain and loss? · How might understanding these motivational and emotional factors help you to understand your own health and fitness? · Will you change anything in your own life as a result of what you have studied in this scenario? Your initial post must be a minimum of 200 words and utilize at least one scholarly source (e.g., the course textbook, a peer reviewed article from the Ashford University Library, or a professional web source), cited according to APA format as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Guided Response: Respond to at least two of your classmates who chose a different option or theory of motivation from you. Ask any questions that might help to further your understanding of the discussion, or take the discussion to a deeper level. Do you agree with your peer’s thoughts? Were their thoughtsregarding emotion and the theory selection a good fit for the chosen scenario? Why or why not? *****************************************************
  • 13. PSY 101 Week 1 DQ 2 Personality For more classes visit To begin, take a moment to interact with the learning object below. This will help you test your knowledge of the various theoretical perspectives of psychology that you have learned in a fun and interactive exercise. The learning object is only available within your online classroom. For this discussion, address the following as you respond: · Select one character, past or present, from a television show, movie, book, comic, game, etc. · Briefly describe this character, including: · − What medium (television, movie, book, etc.) is he or she from? · − Why did you select him or her? · − What is his or her personality as depicted? · Identify one approach (e.g., common-sense, psychodynamic, humanistic, etc.) that you feel is most accurate and useful in understanding this character’s personality. · Discuss this selected theory. Why did you select it? How might this theory help us understand your character’s personality? Your initial post must be a minimum of 200 words and utilize at least one scholarly source (e.g., the course textbook, a peer-reviewed article from the Ashford University Library, or a professional web source), cited according to APA format as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. *****************************************************
  • 14. PSY 101 Week 2 DQ 1 Learning Principles For more classes visit This discussion has two options. Select one of the options and indicate which one you chose in your response. Option A: Learning through classical conditioning occurs across the lifespan. It can be associated with pain (like a trip to the dentist), or with pleasure (like the endorphins released in response to exercise). Select one example of learning that can occur through classical conditioning.You cannot select Pavlov’s experiment that is described in your textbook. Clearly describe your learning example, and detail each of the following for the example you selected: · Unconditioned stimulus > Unconditioned Response · Conditioned Stimulus > Unconditioned Response · Conditioned Stimulus >Conditioned Response Option B: Ten-year-old Billy has started to use foul language in casual conversation just as his mother does. She laughs when Billy uses this language and does not see it as an issue. It is only when Billy gets in trouble and his mother is called to the school that she recognizes there may be a problem. As Billy’s school teacher, explain and provide examples of how you would help him overcome the use of this foul language through operant
  • 15. conditioning (e.g., you may use positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, punishment). Lastly, what advice would you give to Billy’s mom about how she might deal with this problem at home? Be sure to explain the role observational learning plays in this behavior, and what his mother could do differently to help him avoid this behavior. Your initial post must be a minimum of 200 words and utilize at least one scholarly source (e.g., the course textbook, a peer-reviewed article from the Ashford University Library, or a professional web source), cited according to APA format as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Guided Response: Respond to at least two of your classmates who chose a different learning principle. Discuss the theory they selected. Do you agree with the practical application that was suggested? Share any new insights you gained from reading your peers post. How might you apply these insights to your initial response? ***************************************************** PSY 101 Week 2 DQ 2 Memory and Language For more classes visit Review the Linguistic Genius of Babies TED talk and read the New Thinking on Infant Development article from the University Library. Dr. Williams has been studying memory and language development. During her research she discovers that infants as young as one month can remember objects presented to them if they reappear within two
  • 16. seconds. Fascinated by this, she continues to explore and discovers that by the time they are four months old, babies can remember objects after five seconds. She is elated at her discovery because she knows it shows the beginning of short-term memory, which is essential in language development. For this discussion, identify two ideas that parents/caregivers can use to help facilitate language development in children from birth to 24 months. Your post should be formatted as follows: · State the age range you have selected (birth to three months, three to six months, etc.). · Idea #1: Your first idea should be something that just about any parent could do that does not involve technology or money in any way. · Idea #2: Your second idea should consider today’s age of technology. Research various sources (computer programs, toys, videos, etc.) that can help children with language development. Identify your selection (including cost) and describe what it does in terms of either strengths and/or weaknesses, in relation to language development. · Reflecting on what you have read thus far in Weeks One and Two, explain what stage of memory (sensory, short-term, long-term) your ideas best fit with and how they facilitate language. Your initial post must be a minimum of 200 words and utilize at least one scholarly source (e.g., the course textbook, a peer reviewed article from the Ashford University Library, or a professional web source), cited according to APA format as outlined in the Writing Center. ***************************************************** PSY 101 Week 3 DQ 1 The Mouse Party For more classes visit
  • 17. Access the Mouse Party interactive module. Select one mouse, influenced by the drug of your choice, and complete the simulation by viewing all of the relevant slides. Next, perform a web search on the drug you selected and locate additionalresources that will help you answer the following: · Briefly describe why you chose this drug and how many people are estimated to be using/abusing it. · Explain how the drug influences both the brain and behavior. · Discuss what you think (if anything) needs to be done to combat addiction to this substance and provide a rationale for your position. Your initial post must be a minimum of 200 words and utilize at least two scholarly source (e.g., the course textbook, a peer-reviewed article from the Ashford University Library, or a professional web source), cited according to APA format as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Guided Response: Respond to at least two of your classmates who chose a different drug than you. Discuss the drug they shared and how it influences behavior. How is their drug similar or different to the drug you studied? Do you think their rationale to combat the addiction to this substance is valid? What suggestions would you give for other ways to combat the drug addiction? ***************************************************** PSY 101 Week 3 DQ 2 Sensation and Perception
  • 18. For more classes visit 1. This discussion has two options. Select one of the options and indicate which one you chose in your response. Option A: Recruit someone you trust to help you. Have them prepare two items for you to taste (tell them to be nice), but do not let them tell you what they are. While they are preparing the items, find something to use as a blindfold and plug your nose so you cannot smell. You should not be able to see or smell the food while sampling it. As you chew, see if you can recognize the flavor. If not, unplug your nose and see if that helps you detect it. If that doesn’t work, take off the blindfold and see if you can identify it. Once you have completed this activity, provide an analysis by sharing the following as you respond: • Were you able to determine the food without smell or sight? · At what point did you identify the food (e.g., blindfolded with nose plugged, blindfolded with nose unplugged,or neither)? · Analyze the relationship between taste and smell. · Analyze the relationship between taste and sight. ***************************************************** PSY 101 Week 4 DQ 1 Psychological Disorders For more classes visit
  • 19. View the videos from the Films On Demand database. Research dollars are scarce, and it is always controversial how best to spend them. Imagine you are the chair of the budget committee for a large non-profit organization who specializes in mental health-related research. You are in control of deciding how to allocate the research budget for the upcoming year. Address the following as you respond: · Which psychological disorder (select one) would you choose to receive the most funding for research? · Which psychological disorder (select one) would you choose to receive the fewest research dollars? · Explain your reasoning for these decisions. · Describe abnormal behavior in general as well as each of the disorders you have selected. Your initial post must be a minimum of 200 words and utilize at least one scholarly source (e.g., the course textbook, a peer-reviewed article from the Ashford University Library, or a professional web source), cited according to APA format as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. ***************************************************** PSY 101 Week 4 DQ 2 Homelessness For more classes visit
  • 20. Thousands of men, women, and children are without a home each night in the United States and around the World. This is a complex issue with a number of contributing factors, but one primary issue is that of mental illness. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s fact sheet titled Current statistics on the prevalence and characteristics of people experiencing homelessness in the United States (2011), on a given night in January of 2010, 26.2% of all sheltered persons who were homeless had a severe mental illness and 34.7% had chronic substance use issues (p.2). Review the fact sheet. Assume you are altruistic (self-sacrificing with a desire to engage in helpful behavior) and have unlimited resources. Describe what you would do to combat the issue of homelessness. How would you close the revolving door of people in and out of treatment and shelters? Indicate how your plan is truly altruistic. Your initial post must be a minimum of 200 words and utilize at least one scholarly source (e.g., the course textbook, a peer-reviewed article from the Ashford University Library, or a professional web source), cited according to APA format as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. ***************************************************** PSY 101 Week 5 DQ 1 Research- Application to Life For more classes visit
  • 21. Select a topic related to your intended profession (or degree area) that you would like to learn more about. Address the following as you respond: · Briefly explain this topic. Why is it of interest? Why do you think it would be helpful at this time? · Summarize what type of research you would use to conduct a study on this topic (experiment, survey, correlation, etc). Why is this type of research appropriate for your topic? Your initial post must be a minimum of 200 words and utilize at least one scholarly source (e.g., the course textbook, a peer reviewed article from the Ashford University Library, or a professional web source), cited according to APA format as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. ***************************************************** PSY 101 Week 5 DQ 2 Ethics For more classes visit Ethics is an important part of every research project. Adherence to ethical guidelines helps researchers protect both themselves and participants. Reflect on the study you proposed in Discussion 1 this week. Review the reading from your course textbook as well as the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct andInstitutionalReview Boards Frequently Asked Questions: Information Sheet articles. Select one ethical guideline from these
  • 22. sources that relates to your study proposal from Discussion 1. Briefly describe the guideline and explain how you would address its specifications in your study. Provide an example and be as specific as possible as you explain. The class’ selections should vary (please do not all pick the same guideline) and your selection must relate to your specific topic from Discussion 1. Your initial post must be a minimum of 200 words and utilize at least one scholarly source (e.g., the course textbook, a peer- reviewed article from the Ashford University Library, or a professional web source), cited according to APA format as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. *****************************************************