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Pros And Cons Of Jurisprudence
American Jurisprudence has developed throughout the years because of the advancement with jails, and prisons. American Jurisprudence is an
encyclopedia of the written legal laws published within lawyers. Courts have three types of jurisdiction; personal jurisdiction, territorial jurisdiction,
and subject matter jurisdiction. In order for court to personal jurisdiction against the defendant, the defendant must accept the documents sent by the
court. Whether a court can oversee the situation is known as territorial jurisdiction, it is all about the location. For example, if the incident were to
happen in Los Angeles, and both drivers live in Rialto, both courts are eligible to deal with it. Subject matter is whether the court can hear it based on
that specific subject. For example, the United States has bankruptcy courts and tax courts to specifically hear cases related to that. Jurisdiction in the
United states is split up into subject matter jurisdiction and personal jurisdiction. The court decides more content...
United states are known for major crimes (Elliot Currie). For example, punishments include a fine, imprisonment, probation, and death penalty. Most
effective punishment is sending the person to jail. Prisons prevent many criminals from committing more crimes, however prisoners are capable of
being released depending on their time served. Least affective punishment is death penalty due to guilty or not guilty. The pros of death penalty are
getting rid of dangerous criminals, and appropriate punishment for murders. The cons of death penalty are killing someone who is not guilty, and if the
victim is dead then he can't really face the real punishments. Viewing punishment in a symbolic interaction perspective are the criminal's actions and the
punishment they are going to receive. For example, gangsters who interact with one another have similar tattoos which determines their same
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Feminist Jurisprudence
Feminist jurisprudence is a growing school of legal though in which embraces various theories in reference to laws and legal issues. Every aspect of
feminist jurisprudence takes a close look at and analyses the law through the examination of issues such as gender, sexuality, power, individual rights,
and the judicial system. Feminist jurisprudence has come a long way since its beginnings in the 1960s. This school of thought has made its mark
since the 1990s and has evolved into a vital part of the law over the years. Feminist jurisprudence has paved a new way of thinking in issues such as
sexual and Domestic Violence, inequality in the workplace, and gender–based discrimination in various levels of US society. more content...
A major breakthrough for the history of feminism is when the Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution came into act in 1920. This
Amendment allowed the women the right to vote in the United States. During the 1960s the modern feminist movement arose. Betty N. Friedan
organized the first official meeting of an association called the National Organization for Women (NOW) in 1966. Two years later, NOW protested at
the Miss America Pageant. During this time, Civil Rights and antiwar activist turned their attention towards gender discrimination and inequality. One
major legal case in which feminism has influenced and continues to be a subject of interest is the decision in Roe vs Wade in 1973 that defined the
choice of abortion as a fundamental constitutional right. Interestingly enough, to the majority of feminists, this case was not important due to the
decision that abortion is a choice. Although, most feminists see it more as the mere principle that women have a right in general to make fundamental
choices concerning their own well–being. Feminists have remained persistent in their support for the decision in Roe vs Wade. In fact, nineteen years
later when the issue was reconsidered in Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey, feminist rallied for their support for the right of
Feminist criticize mainstream jurisprudence in
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Explain what is meant by 'mechanical jurisprudence', and discuss Hart's objections towards it. The term mechanical jurisprudence was coined by
Roscoe pound in his article in 1908. It is the concept that judges apply law rigidly according to precedent and legislation without thought of
consequences. In this it is argued that every eventuality that comes before the law is legislated for in advance, it is just for the judges to apply the
relevant law. This concept would insinuate that every case that comes before the courts has been legislated for in advance, leaving virtually no room
for judicial discretion. Hart has shed some academic light on the matter. In "The Concept of Law" he explains that there are two handicaps whenever
we seek more content...
All three of these cases, if mechanical jurisprudence were to have been applied, would have been dealt with in the same way. This presence of
'open texture' makes it difficult to believe that the judiciary applies its trade in systematic and a mechanistic way, when the law is so general and
vague. Open texture and our relative indeterminacy of aim when legislating leaves room for judicial discretion and breadth in the law. Hart goes
on to write of the importance of being able to settle cases in the courts rather than legislating in advance. He refers to Von JHerring's 'heaven of
legal concepts', Hart explains this concept "this is reached when a general term is given the same meaning not only in every application of a single
rule, but whenever it appears in the legal system." This would appear to be the polar opposite of 'open texture' and would be prevalent in a legal
system of mechanical jurisprudence. He explains that this would allow for a greater measure of certainty and predictability but at the expense of
being unable to exclude cases which we may wish to exclude. "The rigidity of our classifications will thus war with our aims in having or maintaining
the rule." Thus the concept of mechanical jurisprudence would hinder the courts ability to take into account things such as equity and the pursuit of
social aims, in the pursuit of a clear and rigid
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Reaction Paper On Jurisprudence
Introduction: To understand the topic of philosophy of law first we have to understand what is law? Law is nothing but a group or collection of
some rules that regulates and control society or country. Every country has different rules and laws. Like in India we drive a vehicle on the left side
of the road but in America we drive a vehicle on the right side of the road. There are also some international laws like if you do any bad thing then
you will be punished. Laws control human behaviours. They restrict human to do bad things. Law is also important for equality, justice and fairness.
Now we have developed some sense about what is law? Now look about the philosophy of law. What is philosophy of law? Philosophy of law basically
is a more content...
What is jurisprudence?
Jurisprudence is the study of law. Scholars in jurisprudence try to obtain a deeper understanding of laws of nature, legal laws and legal institutions.
Jurisprudence tries to seek, analyze, explain and classify the entire body of law. Jurisprudence is the science or philosophy of law. Jurisprudence
creates a body of law, methods for interpreting the law, studies the relationship between law and society, predicts the effect of legal decisions. We can
divide jurisprudence into two parts: (i) analytic jurisprudence and (ii) normative jurisprudence.
Analytic jurisprudence:
Analytic jurisprudence is the branch of the legal philosophy. The principal objective of analytic jurisprudence is to find the reasons that are
differentiates laws as a system of norms from the other system of norms as ethical norms. It provides sufficient conditions that distinguish law from the
non–law. It attempts to analyze the laws and legal systems. Analytic jurisprudence is a legal theory that tries to understand the laws of nature. It deals
about the basic questions of law. Like– "what is a law?" "What are laws?" "What is the relationship between law and power?" "What is the
relationship between law and morality?" There are three theories of law that fall under analytic jurisprudence– (i) natural law theory, (ii) legal positivism
and (iii) Ronald dworkin's
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Legal Positivism: Hart, Austin, Bentham Essay
A Positivist's World: Morality Holds No Place Close to the Heart Islamic law, often known as Shariah law, occasionally contrasts with many's view of
what is moral or just. However, when viewed under the light of positivism, all law is divorced from a system of ethics. Legality is not, inherently nor
intentionally, compliant with a code of behavior. Law is, as it is created by the ruling class, designed to benefit those in power. Morals and sentiment do
not play a role in the government, nor the rules that the government establishes. Legal positivism is a school of thought in the science of law or
jurisprudence from the Latin term juris prudentia, which means "the study, knowledge, or science of law"; or in the United States, it more
Muslim law contains guidelines and rules for all aspects of life; how to pray, how to treat the dead, punishments, crimes, and even business
transactions are all contained within it. There are several major schools of law or jurisprudence for both the Sunni and the Shi'i facets of Islam; these
two being the largest sects of the religion. The Sunni and the Shi'i are commonly accepted as the biggest factions of a religion that dominates the
Middle East. However, the Sunni dominate the Shi'i in matters of education on jurisprudence and law– Over time, the way these principles should be
taught have crystallized into four major schools. Though both factions observe the same religions the main differences between the two boils down
into very simple matters on a disagreement on who should have absolute religous authority or the authority of the "imam". The other being the
manner in which certain laws are interpreted or as it could be seen level of orthodox practices . One could argue that in Islamic culture Shi'i are
generally the more extremists or orthodox of the both. We need to work around the basis that because laws, under the view of legal positivism, are
not inherently nor even remotely tied to morality and therefore can not be judged on average moral standards. A law that says "Unless the wife is ill,
the wife is bound to give
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Essay On Jurisprudence
It is difficult to give jurisprudence a definite definition. Every legal philosopher has his/her own concept. The jurists define jurisprudence as per their
ideologies and understanding of the subject matter. The definition of jurisprudence also suffers from political and social factors. Majority of legal
analyst view jurisprudence as subject of bewilderment and contempt. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are! [1] the last line of the
rhyme describes the jurisprudence much better than the jurist definition's. Jurisprudence is the wonder which cannot be described like Physics and
Chemistry. Romans were the first who started studying jurisprudence. The Latin equivalent of jurisprudence is "jurisprudentia" which means either
"knowledge of law" or "skill in law"[2]. Ulpian defined jurisprudence as "the knowledge of things divine and human, the science of the just and the
unjust"[3]. In the of "knowledge of law", the word sometimes describes expositions of particular branches of law, e.g. the name ' more
the reason why Bentham is known as father of modern jurisprudence. The word 'Jurisprudence' has come to mean in England almost an analysis of the
formal structure of law and its concepts. Austin mainly focused on the formal analysis of English law.
After the 19th century there was a diversion of the jurisprudence. Jurisprudence had emerged in the broadest sense which was way beyond the
understanding of Austin. Buckland said "The analysis of legal concepts is what jurisprudence meant for the student in the days of my youth. In fact, it
meant Austin. He was a religion; today he seems to be regarded as a disease"[5]. Julius stone described jurisprudence as "the lawyer's extraversion. It's
the lawyer's examination of the percepts, ideals and techniques of law in the light derived from present knowledge in disciplines other than the
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The Jurisprudence And Qualitative Media Analysis
The number of interviews and focus groups combined with the jurisprudence and qualitative media analysis is designed to ensure a sufficiently robust
sample within Spain and Australia. It will also enable me to conduct comparative analysis.
Thanks to the work for my MA at Utrecht University, I know high–profile individuals within the Spanish and Australian criminal justice system that can
act as gatekeepers, granting me access to each of my target populations as well as relevant documentation. I am aware that focus groups can be very
time consuming, and that calling participants into the same focus group session on a particular day can be very complicated. However, this issue will
be overcome thanks to the high hierarchical position of my gatekeepers, who can help me organise and summon into the focus groups any sort of
participant from each criminal justice system. My main supervisor, Angus Nurse, also knows my gatekeepers personally, hence their availability is
guaranteed. I plan to access al participants using snowballing sampling. My idea is that my gatekeeper/s in each country will help me recruit future
subjects from among his acquaintances.
Further methodological justification and epistemology
The research methodology is qualitative, in order to elicit the proper understanding of the social reality being studied (Flick, 2009): forest arson as a
state–corporate crime. Hence, the epistemology underpinning the research is clearly interpretivist. Qualitative methods
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The Philosophy Of Law And Jurisprudence
Life is Ironic
In Greek Mythology, King Midas is granted a wish and wishes for the golden touch which he believed to be a good then realizes it is a curse. That day
King Midas learned a lesson to think before speaking. As a kid, I was naive and I never listened to my parents, but as I grew older it dawns on me my
parents are right. "Life has an irony all its own. What you wish for, you get, but you discover that it 's not what you want."(John Austin Connolly).
Austin was a noted British jurist and published extensively concerning the philosophy of law and jurisprudence. I am using the quote because it
explains why being careful what you wish for is important as a kid.
Back when I was five or six there was an event I remember clearly about this lesson. It was about six or seven o'clock and my mom was playing slow
pitch softball out in North Topeka and my cousin Jessica and I were playing and being foolish like any kid around that age would. Jessica was showing
me all of her scars and bruises and then I thought to myself, I wish I had scars like that. Not a moment later I fell and scraped my elbows and knees, I
remember how I was covered in blood and the pain was horrible. When my mom was cleaning my injuries she asked me what happened and I told her
I wished this to happen and she sighed "next time be more careful what you wish for." That was the first event that I remember my mom telling me this.
As time went on there were many events like that. One, in particular, was in
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The Philosophy Of Law And Jurisprudence
In Greek Mythology, King Midas is granted a wish and wishes for the golden touch which he believed to be a good then realizes it is a curse. That day
King Midas learned a lesson to think before speaking. As a kid I was naive and I never listened to my parents, but as I grew older it dawns on me my
parents are right. "Life has an irony all its own. What you wish for, you get, but you discover that it 's not what you want."(John Austin Connolly).
Austin was a noted British jurist and published extensively concerning the philosophy of law and jurisprudence. I am using the quote because it
explains why being careful what you wish for is important when you're young.
Back when I was five or six there was an event I remember clearly about this lesson. It was about six or seven o'clock and my mom was playing slow
pitch softball out in North Topeka and my cousin Jessica and I were playing and being foolish like any kid around that age would. Jessica was showing
me all of her scars and bruises and then I thought to myself I wish I had scars like that. Not a moment later I had fell and scraped my elbows and
knees, I remember how I was covered in blood and the pain was horrible. When my mom was cleaning my injuries she asked me what happened and I
told her I wished this to happen and she sighed "next time be more careful what you wish for." That was the first event that I remember my mom telling
me this.
As time went on there were many events like that. One, in particular, was in
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Therapeutic Jurisprudence And The Law
What is therapeutic jurisprudence and how does it relates to the criminal justice system? According to David Wexler from the University of Puerto
Rico at Rio Piedras, "Therapeutic jurisprudence is the study of the role of the law as a therapeutic agent" (Wexler, 2011, p. 1). Therapeutic
jurisprudence deals more with the inner self by focusing on the law 's impact on emotional life and on psychological well–being. The inner self was
not recognized much by the law until recently. People want an understanding of why people are acting the way other do. Therapeutic jurisprudence
focuses our attention on the human, emotional, psychological side of law and the legal process. Therapeutic jurisprudence deals with the law as a
social force that explains behaviors and consequences. The consequences can fall within therapeutic or sometimes antitherapeutic. Therapeutic
jurisprudence is used more now to see whether the law can be used in a more therapeutic way. The goal is to have justice and due process be fully
respected. Legal rule, legal procedure, and legal role are effected by the recent change of looking at the therapeutic way. Legal rule is simple a rule
people must follow. An example of a legal rule would be the "Don 't Ask, Don 't Tell" rule for the military. The rule was created to protect the
homosexuals and bisexual members of the military. This is a bigger issue if people think about the full situation. By not wanting to talk about being gay
or bisexual, the military
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Sociological Jurisprudence and Sociology of Law
Sociological Jurisprudence and Sociology of Law
Roscoe Pound (l87O–1964) was the first jurist to make the social dimensions of law, a central concern of Anglo–American jurisprudence. He was by
no means the originator of the sociological tradition in law, which in fact commenced in Germany and France. Pound's achievement was to combine
thoroughgoing technical study of the law in all its aspects with the insights and methods developed by sociologists of law. He called this branch of
study sociological jurisprudence, to distinguish it from sociology of law. However, sociological Jurisprudence, as the name suggests draws inspiration,
ideas and methods from sociology of law.
The study of society is as old as philosophy. more content...
The term 'sociological jurisprudence' was coined by its most famous proponent, Roscoe Pound, who is also known as Dean Pound because of his
extraordinarily long tenure as the Dean of the Harvard Law School. The sociologist of law approaches law from the viewpoint of society and its
diverse forms of social control.
The law, and moves towards sociology in search of ways to improve the capacity of law to serve the ends of society. The meeting point according to
the sociologist is the sociology of law, but according to Pound it is sociological jurisprudence Pound explains the role of the sociological jurist:
He holds that legal institutions and doctrines are instruments of a specialised form of social control, capable of being improved with reference to their
ends by conscious, intelligent effort. He thinks of a process of social engineering, which in one way or, another is a problem of all the social sciences.
In sociological jurisprudence it is a special problem of achieving this engineering task by means of the legal order ... It is treated as &problem of
jurisprudence, and yet in its larger aspects as not merely a problem of that science. Law in all its senses is studied as a specialized phase of what in a
larger view is a science of society. (1943, 20)
Emile Durkheim (1858–1917) is considered to be one
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Jurisprudence: Marxism
ROLL NO. 278
This is to state that I, (TULIKA SINGH, ROLL–278) completed my fifth semester project work of JURISPRUDENCE on the topic "MARXIST
INETERPRETATION OF LAW". This project would have not come to an end successfully without the help of many distinguished and undistinguished
personalities. I sincerely acknowledge the help rendered to me by our Faculty for the Jurisprudence. He has helped me a lot whenever I needed any
sort of more content...
V. I. Lenin says, "In what sense do we repudiate ethics and morality? . . . In the sense in which it was preached by the bourgeoisie, who derived ethics
from God's commandments. We, of course, say that we do not believe in God."
Taking the concept of matter,Marxism then sets forth to answer three questions: What is the origin of energy or motion in nature? What causes
galaxies, solar system, planets, animals and all kingdoms of nature to constantly increase their numerical quantity? What is the origin of life, the
origin of species and the origin of consciousness and mind? Marx and Engels answer all of these questions with three laws. The law of opposites, the
law of negation and the law of transformation. His theory of law and state might be described crudely as an economic theory of law and state. This is
why Marxist thought proved so attractive of critics of social systems; he saw societies as inherently unstable systems. Furthermore, he sought the cause
of social change in the internal contradictions and conflicts in social systems.
The early Marx believes that law is a great progressive force. Under the influence of Hegel, the early writings of Marx identify law as a symbol of a
society's thinking and imply that law can be expressive instrument, enabling a society to lay out central values. In this period Marx adopts a natural
law approach; the test of real law is that it enables freedom to enter into a man's social existence. By contrast:
The later Marx
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Outline in Jurisprudence
NOTES TO NURSING JURISPRUDENCE Preponderance of evidence – Required only in civil cases – Not the same as proof beyond reasonable
doubt which is required for criminal cases – Evidence which is more convincing to the court as worthy of belief than that offered in opposition thereto
Beyond reasonable doubt – Required in criminal cases – Innocent until proven guilty – Evidence which produces conviction in an unprejudiced mind –
Does not mean such degree of proof as excluding the possibility of error, produces absolute certainty.– Rather, moral certainty is only required
Administrative cases – Mere substantial evidence Doctrine of res ipsa loquitur – Latin: The thing or more content...
Any person committing a felony ( delito) although the wrongful act done be different from that which he intended and b. Any person performing an act
which would be an offense against person or property Were it not for the inherent impossibility of its accomplishment or on account of the employment
of inadequate or ineffectual means Error in personae ( mistake in the identity of the victim) – Two officers were ordered to arrest A, an escaped
notorious convict and proceeding to the house of A, they saw a man sleeping with his back towards the door Then they fired at him Turned out to be
B and not A Still they are guilty of murder Killing of a sleeping man without making an inquiry is a felony– Mistake in the identity Abberatio ictus –
Mistake in the blow – X wanted to hit A but instead hit B superficially and killed F, his father. X is still criminally liable for attempted homicide with
parricide ( father of X) Praeter intentionem – Injurious result is greater than that intended – A slapped B and B fell on the ground and died. A is liable
for the death of B even if it was mere slapping. The wrong done must be direct and natural consequence of the felonious act – Proximate cause That
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Law, Jurisprudence, and Social Thought: Legal Theory
On Different Accounts of Positive Law
Question One: On what points does Hart critique Austin's legal positivism? Of Hart's proposed solutions for the problems he finds in Austin, which is
the most important? Why? In The Uses of the Study of Jurisprudence, John Austin asserts that a Positive Law approach to Jurisprudence is to
determine the aspects of law that are present within all legal systems. In doing this, Austin hopes to develop an understanding of Law as it is, separate
from the circumstantial influences of certain legal systems. In other words, Austin wants to study Law as a separate and independent entity, in order to
ascertain the means by which the law could best be applied to social systems. Ultimately, Austin posits a fundamental definition of Law– A command
issued by a Sovereign who is habitually obeyed, whereby the command is backed by the threat of physical punishment. Hart does not deny that the
concept of a command backed by coercion is essential to the understanding of Law. However, he argues that restricting law to this definition restricts
our understanding of the concept of law to Law as it is applied to society, rather than Law as it operates within society. Hart argues that while Law
"may appear to be the gunman situation writ large...this reduction of the complex phenomena of law to this simple element may be a
distortion and a source of confusion even in the case of a penal statute
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What Is Jurisprudence
Chapter 1 What is Jurisprudence? 'Jurisprudence' means theory of laws. 'Juries' means law, 'prudence' means knowledge. "The law in essence is a
concrete realization of philosophy" . Law and Justice are two independent concepts linked together in the administration of justice. Justice is the
natural urge of every living creature and is not completely captured by any law made by man. Jurisprudence begins from actual facts where as rule
exists on the basis of scientific concepts. It has two streams, one is practical and another is ideal. On the practical side jurisprudence is compulsory.
Having ascertained the rule of law, jurisprudence must proceed to work out its contents. As an ideal jurisprudence, it presents rule of law in the form of a more content...
Niti is derived from root "ni" to lead. Niti is proper guidance or direction. It was held that ethical course of conduct Nitisastra was science of ethics.
Proper guidance or direction usually pre–supposes prudence and wisdom. Thus direction usually pre–supposes prudence and wisdom. Thus Nitisastra
also came to denote the science of wisdom. Greatest propriety, wisdom and careful thoughts have to deal the Nitisastra In shaping and guiding the
internal and foreign policy of the State, shows the Nitisastra became very popular to designate the science of government from the Fifth century A.D .
During these periods the government was to secure all round progress and prosperity of society and those works were used for reference in
jurisprudence. 'ЕљukranД«ti' which is one of the Nitisastra points that the stability and progress of the society in all directions enables the realization
of the four fold goals connected with
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Questions On Fourth Amendment Jurisprudence
Fourth Amendment jurisprudence is primarily concentrated in four areas: 1) defining "searches"; 2) the Warrant Requirement, in which warrantless
searches are semantically precluded except in specific and tightly constricted situations; 3) the Probable Cause Requirement, whose exclusive
provisions are closely associated with the Warrant Requirement's proscription of police inquiries into same; and, 4) the exclusionary rule, which
presumptively excludes any information or evidence gathered in violation of the preceding two (Rickless, 2005). The Court has continued to delineate
areas, which fall outside the parameters of the restrictions placed upon government officials through the Fourth Amendment. The Court has ruled that
the areas carved out which include exceptions to the basic tenets of the Fourth Amendment, commonly known as warrantless searches, may be
conducted if circumstances are such that the interests of society outweigh the invasiveness of the action. The Court has have recognized special
situations in which warrants were not required, including: border searches; consent searches; container searches; exigent circumstances; searches
incident to a lawful arrest; plain view; special needs; stop and frisk; and inventory searches. The Court has ruled that the areas carved out which include
exceptions to the basic tenets of the Fourth Amendment, commonly known as warrantless searches, may be
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Jurisprudence Application Case
1.How would you begin to help Liz? What do you consider to be the most important information to share with her?
To make sure Liz and I are both on the same page, I would suggest that Liz visits the university website in order for us to walk through any
information she might have overlooked during the application process. We also would briefly go over the hours required to complete the graduate
program to make sure she is aware that she would need 60 credit hours for graduation. We will discuss the importance of maintaining a GPA at 3.0
or better because failure to do so will result in disciplinary action. The program only allows two courses with a grade of C, and any grades below that
would not be applied towards the degree. Unlike the more content...
The applicant must take and pass the National Counselor Exam and the Texas Jurisprudence Exam. They would then receive a temporary LPC intern
license from the board;
–The applicant must perform 3000 clock hours with at least 1,500 of direct client contact as an intern under a supervision of a board–approved
supervisor. However, the 3000 clock–hours must not be completed in lease than 18–months;
–If the applicant needs to reapply for the temporary license, the applicant must submit any supervised experience gained during the previous temporary
license and retake the NCE before applying.
3.What professional organization(s) would be helpful to
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Essay On Therapeutic Jurisprudence
Therapeutic Jurisprudence is the study of how aspects of legal system impacts the mental wellness.The implications of law on mental health is an
ignored part of law. The research deals with the core idea of therapeutic jurisprudence and how it effects people placing reliance on various laws and
legal practices prevalent in the legal system.In 1987, David Wexler conveyed a paper to the National Institute of Mental Health in the United States
coining the term "Therapeutic Jurisprudence".Therapeutic jurisprudence is the "study of the role of the law as a therapeutic agent". Therapeutic
Jurisprudence proposed that psychiatry, and extensive controls of the sociologies had significant depths of knowledge to offer to the field of law and
psychological wellness and that the law and the legal system ought to endeavour to utilize the knowledge where appropriate. Therapeutic Jurisprudence
is an interdisciplinary way to deal with the study and routine of law and focuses on the regularly undervalued part of the law and lawful performing
artists' part in delivering helpful or anti–therapeutic results. It is a regulating structure that backers the utilization of the sociologies to illuminate the
procedures and results of lawful communications and techniques. Therapeutic Jurisprudence impacts the procedures of the court and inclinations an
extended rehabilitative part for criminal attorneys. Therapeutic Jurisprudence likewise impacts the way more content...
The following part in the improvement of Therapeutic Jurisprudence will give analysts, policymakers, and those included in the equity framework with
a brilliant stage to consider the way we see the law, lawful elements, and the equity framework later
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Pros And Cons Of Jurisprudence

  • 1. Pros And Cons Of Jurisprudence American Jurisprudence has developed throughout the years because of the advancement with jails, and prisons. American Jurisprudence is an encyclopedia of the written legal laws published within lawyers. Courts have three types of jurisdiction; personal jurisdiction, territorial jurisdiction, and subject matter jurisdiction. In order for court to personal jurisdiction against the defendant, the defendant must accept the documents sent by the court. Whether a court can oversee the situation is known as territorial jurisdiction, it is all about the location. For example, if the incident were to happen in Los Angeles, and both drivers live in Rialto, both courts are eligible to deal with it. Subject matter is whether the court can hear it based on that specific subject. For example, the United States has bankruptcy courts and tax courts to specifically hear cases related to that. Jurisdiction in the United states is split up into subject matter jurisdiction and personal jurisdiction. The court decides more content... United states are known for major crimes (Elliot Currie). For example, punishments include a fine, imprisonment, probation, and death penalty. Most effective punishment is sending the person to jail. Prisons prevent many criminals from committing more crimes, however prisoners are capable of being released depending on their time served. Least affective punishment is death penalty due to guilty or not guilty. The pros of death penalty are getting rid of dangerous criminals, and appropriate punishment for murders. The cons of death penalty are killing someone who is not guilty, and if the victim is dead then he can't really face the real punishments. Viewing punishment in a symbolic interaction perspective are the criminal's actions and the punishment they are going to receive. For example, gangsters who interact with one another have similar tattoos which determines their same Get more content on
  • 2. Feminist Jurisprudence Feminist jurisprudence is a growing school of legal though in which embraces various theories in reference to laws and legal issues. Every aspect of feminist jurisprudence takes a close look at and analyses the law through the examination of issues such as gender, sexuality, power, individual rights, and the judicial system. Feminist jurisprudence has come a long way since its beginnings in the 1960s. This school of thought has made its mark since the 1990s and has evolved into a vital part of the law over the years. Feminist jurisprudence has paved a new way of thinking in issues such as sexual and Domestic Violence, inequality in the workplace, and gender–based discrimination in various levels of US society. more content... A major breakthrough for the history of feminism is when the Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution came into act in 1920. This Amendment allowed the women the right to vote in the United States. During the 1960s the modern feminist movement arose. Betty N. Friedan organized the first official meeting of an association called the National Organization for Women (NOW) in 1966. Two years later, NOW protested at the Miss America Pageant. During this time, Civil Rights and antiwar activist turned their attention towards gender discrimination and inequality. One major legal case in which feminism has influenced and continues to be a subject of interest is the decision in Roe vs Wade in 1973 that defined the choice of abortion as a fundamental constitutional right. Interestingly enough, to the majority of feminists, this case was not important due to the decision that abortion is a choice. Although, most feminists see it more as the mere principle that women have a right in general to make fundamental choices concerning their own well–being. Feminists have remained persistent in their support for the decision in Roe vs Wade. In fact, nineteen years later when the issue was reconsidered in Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey, feminist rallied for their support for the right of choice. Feminist criticize mainstream jurisprudence in Get more content on
  • 3. Explain what is meant by 'mechanical jurisprudence', and discuss Hart's objections towards it. The term mechanical jurisprudence was coined by Roscoe pound in his article in 1908. It is the concept that judges apply law rigidly according to precedent and legislation without thought of consequences. In this it is argued that every eventuality that comes before the law is legislated for in advance, it is just for the judges to apply the relevant law. This concept would insinuate that every case that comes before the courts has been legislated for in advance, leaving virtually no room for judicial discretion. Hart has shed some academic light on the matter. In "The Concept of Law" he explains that there are two handicaps whenever we seek more content... All three of these cases, if mechanical jurisprudence were to have been applied, would have been dealt with in the same way. This presence of 'open texture' makes it difficult to believe that the judiciary applies its trade in systematic and a mechanistic way, when the law is so general and vague. Open texture and our relative indeterminacy of aim when legislating leaves room for judicial discretion and breadth in the law. Hart goes on to write of the importance of being able to settle cases in the courts rather than legislating in advance. He refers to Von JHerring's 'heaven of legal concepts', Hart explains this concept "this is reached when a general term is given the same meaning not only in every application of a single rule, but whenever it appears in the legal system." This would appear to be the polar opposite of 'open texture' and would be prevalent in a legal system of mechanical jurisprudence. He explains that this would allow for a greater measure of certainty and predictability but at the expense of being unable to exclude cases which we may wish to exclude. "The rigidity of our classifications will thus war with our aims in having or maintaining the rule." Thus the concept of mechanical jurisprudence would hinder the courts ability to take into account things such as equity and the pursuit of social aims, in the pursuit of a clear and rigid Get more content on
  • 4. Reaction Paper On Jurisprudence Introduction: To understand the topic of philosophy of law first we have to understand what is law? Law is nothing but a group or collection of some rules that regulates and control society or country. Every country has different rules and laws. Like in India we drive a vehicle on the left side of the road but in America we drive a vehicle on the right side of the road. There are also some international laws like if you do any bad thing then you will be punished. Laws control human behaviours. They restrict human to do bad things. Law is also important for equality, justice and fairness. Now we have developed some sense about what is law? Now look about the philosophy of law. What is philosophy of law? Philosophy of law basically is a more content... What is jurisprudence? Jurisprudence: Jurisprudence is the study of law. Scholars in jurisprudence try to obtain a deeper understanding of laws of nature, legal laws and legal institutions. Jurisprudence tries to seek, analyze, explain and classify the entire body of law. Jurisprudence is the science or philosophy of law. Jurisprudence creates a body of law, methods for interpreting the law, studies the relationship between law and society, predicts the effect of legal decisions. We can divide jurisprudence into two parts: (i) analytic jurisprudence and (ii) normative jurisprudence. Analytic jurisprudence: Analytic jurisprudence is the branch of the legal philosophy. The principal objective of analytic jurisprudence is to find the reasons that are differentiates laws as a system of norms from the other system of norms as ethical norms. It provides sufficient conditions that distinguish law from the non–law. It attempts to analyze the laws and legal systems. Analytic jurisprudence is a legal theory that tries to understand the laws of nature. It deals about the basic questions of law. Like– "what is a law?" "What are laws?" "What is the relationship between law and power?" "What is the relationship between law and morality?" There are three theories of law that fall under analytic jurisprudence– (i) natural law theory, (ii) legal positivism and (iii) Ronald dworkin's Get more content on
  • 5. Legal Positivism: Hart, Austin, Bentham Essay A Positivist's World: Morality Holds No Place Close to the Heart Islamic law, often known as Shariah law, occasionally contrasts with many's view of what is moral or just. However, when viewed under the light of positivism, all law is divorced from a system of ethics. Legality is not, inherently nor intentionally, compliant with a code of behavior. Law is, as it is created by the ruling class, designed to benefit those in power. Morals and sentiment do not play a role in the government, nor the rules that the government establishes. Legal positivism is a school of thought in the science of law or jurisprudence from the Latin term juris prudentia, which means "the study, knowledge, or science of law"; or in the United States, it more content... Muslim law contains guidelines and rules for all aspects of life; how to pray, how to treat the dead, punishments, crimes, and even business transactions are all contained within it. There are several major schools of law or jurisprudence for both the Sunni and the Shi'i facets of Islam; these two being the largest sects of the religion. The Sunni and the Shi'i are commonly accepted as the biggest factions of a religion that dominates the Middle East. However, the Sunni dominate the Shi'i in matters of education on jurisprudence and law– Over time, the way these principles should be taught have crystallized into four major schools. Though both factions observe the same religions the main differences between the two boils down into very simple matters on a disagreement on who should have absolute religous authority or the authority of the "imam". The other being the manner in which certain laws are interpreted or as it could be seen level of orthodox practices . One could argue that in Islamic culture Shi'i are generally the more extremists or orthodox of the both. We need to work around the basis that because laws, under the view of legal positivism, are not inherently nor even remotely tied to morality and therefore can not be judged on average moral standards. A law that says "Unless the wife is ill, the wife is bound to give Get more content on
  • 6. Essay On Jurisprudence It is difficult to give jurisprudence a definite definition. Every legal philosopher has his/her own concept. The jurists define jurisprudence as per their ideologies and understanding of the subject matter. The definition of jurisprudence also suffers from political and social factors. Majority of legal analyst view jurisprudence as subject of bewilderment and contempt. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are! [1] the last line of the rhyme describes the jurisprudence much better than the jurist definition's. Jurisprudence is the wonder which cannot be described like Physics and Chemistry. Romans were the first who started studying jurisprudence. The Latin equivalent of jurisprudence is "jurisprudentia" which means either "knowledge of law" or "skill in law"[2]. Ulpian defined jurisprudence as "the knowledge of things divine and human, the science of the just and the unjust"[3]. In the of "knowledge of law", the word sometimes describes expositions of particular branches of law, e.g. the name ' more content... the reason why Bentham is known as father of modern jurisprudence. The word 'Jurisprudence' has come to mean in England almost an analysis of the formal structure of law and its concepts. Austin mainly focused on the formal analysis of English law. After the 19th century there was a diversion of the jurisprudence. Jurisprudence had emerged in the broadest sense which was way beyond the understanding of Austin. Buckland said "The analysis of legal concepts is what jurisprudence meant for the student in the days of my youth. In fact, it meant Austin. He was a religion; today he seems to be regarded as a disease"[5]. Julius stone described jurisprudence as "the lawyer's extraversion. It's the lawyer's examination of the percepts, ideals and techniques of law in the light derived from present knowledge in disciplines other than the Get more content on
  • 7. The Jurisprudence And Qualitative Media Analysis The number of interviews and focus groups combined with the jurisprudence and qualitative media analysis is designed to ensure a sufficiently robust sample within Spain and Australia. It will also enable me to conduct comparative analysis. Thanks to the work for my MA at Utrecht University, I know high–profile individuals within the Spanish and Australian criminal justice system that can act as gatekeepers, granting me access to each of my target populations as well as relevant documentation. I am aware that focus groups can be very time consuming, and that calling participants into the same focus group session on a particular day can be very complicated. However, this issue will be overcome thanks to the high hierarchical position of my gatekeepers, who can help me organise and summon into the focus groups any sort of participant from each criminal justice system. My main supervisor, Angus Nurse, also knows my gatekeepers personally, hence their availability is guaranteed. I plan to access al participants using snowballing sampling. My idea is that my gatekeeper/s in each country will help me recruit future subjects from among his acquaintances. Further methodological justification and epistemology The research methodology is qualitative, in order to elicit the proper understanding of the social reality being studied (Flick, 2009): forest arson as a state–corporate crime. Hence, the epistemology underpinning the research is clearly interpretivist. Qualitative methods Get more content on
  • 8. The Philosophy Of Law And Jurisprudence Life is Ironic In Greek Mythology, King Midas is granted a wish and wishes for the golden touch which he believed to be a good then realizes it is a curse. That day King Midas learned a lesson to think before speaking. As a kid, I was naive and I never listened to my parents, but as I grew older it dawns on me my parents are right. "Life has an irony all its own. What you wish for, you get, but you discover that it 's not what you want."(John Austin Connolly). Austin was a noted British jurist and published extensively concerning the philosophy of law and jurisprudence. I am using the quote because it explains why being careful what you wish for is important as a kid. Back when I was five or six there was an event I remember clearly about this lesson. It was about six or seven o'clock and my mom was playing slow pitch softball out in North Topeka and my cousin Jessica and I were playing and being foolish like any kid around that age would. Jessica was showing me all of her scars and bruises and then I thought to myself, I wish I had scars like that. Not a moment later I fell and scraped my elbows and knees, I remember how I was covered in blood and the pain was horrible. When my mom was cleaning my injuries she asked me what happened and I told her I wished this to happen and she sighed "next time be more careful what you wish for." That was the first event that I remember my mom telling me this. As time went on there were many events like that. One, in particular, was in Get more content on
  • 9. The Philosophy Of Law And Jurisprudence In Greek Mythology, King Midas is granted a wish and wishes for the golden touch which he believed to be a good then realizes it is a curse. That day King Midas learned a lesson to think before speaking. As a kid I was naive and I never listened to my parents, but as I grew older it dawns on me my parents are right. "Life has an irony all its own. What you wish for, you get, but you discover that it 's not what you want."(John Austin Connolly). Austin was a noted British jurist and published extensively concerning the philosophy of law and jurisprudence. I am using the quote because it explains why being careful what you wish for is important when you're young. Back when I was five or six there was an event I remember clearly about this lesson. It was about six or seven o'clock and my mom was playing slow pitch softball out in North Topeka and my cousin Jessica and I were playing and being foolish like any kid around that age would. Jessica was showing me all of her scars and bruises and then I thought to myself I wish I had scars like that. Not a moment later I had fell and scraped my elbows and knees, I remember how I was covered in blood and the pain was horrible. When my mom was cleaning my injuries she asked me what happened and I told her I wished this to happen and she sighed "next time be more careful what you wish for." That was the first event that I remember my mom telling me this. As time went on there were many events like that. One, in particular, was in Get more content on
  • 10. Therapeutic Jurisprudence And The Law What is therapeutic jurisprudence and how does it relates to the criminal justice system? According to David Wexler from the University of Puerto Rico at Rio Piedras, "Therapeutic jurisprudence is the study of the role of the law as a therapeutic agent" (Wexler, 2011, p. 1). Therapeutic jurisprudence deals more with the inner self by focusing on the law 's impact on emotional life and on psychological well–being. The inner self was not recognized much by the law until recently. People want an understanding of why people are acting the way other do. Therapeutic jurisprudence focuses our attention on the human, emotional, psychological side of law and the legal process. Therapeutic jurisprudence deals with the law as a social force that explains behaviors and consequences. The consequences can fall within therapeutic or sometimes antitherapeutic. Therapeutic jurisprudence is used more now to see whether the law can be used in a more therapeutic way. The goal is to have justice and due process be fully respected. Legal rule, legal procedure, and legal role are effected by the recent change of looking at the therapeutic way. Legal rule is simple a rule people must follow. An example of a legal rule would be the "Don 't Ask, Don 't Tell" rule for the military. The rule was created to protect the homosexuals and bisexual members of the military. This is a bigger issue if people think about the full situation. By not wanting to talk about being gay or bisexual, the military Get more content on
  • 11. Sociological Jurisprudence and Sociology of Law Sociological Jurisprudence and Sociology of Law Roscoe Pound (l87O–1964) was the first jurist to make the social dimensions of law, a central concern of Anglo–American jurisprudence. He was by no means the originator of the sociological tradition in law, which in fact commenced in Germany and France. Pound's achievement was to combine thoroughgoing technical study of the law in all its aspects with the insights and methods developed by sociologists of law. He called this branch of study sociological jurisprudence, to distinguish it from sociology of law. However, sociological Jurisprudence, as the name suggests draws inspiration, ideas and methods from sociology of law. Sociology The study of society is as old as philosophy. more content... The term 'sociological jurisprudence' was coined by its most famous proponent, Roscoe Pound, who is also known as Dean Pound because of his extraordinarily long tenure as the Dean of the Harvard Law School. The sociologist of law approaches law from the viewpoint of society and its diverse forms of social control. The law, and moves towards sociology in search of ways to improve the capacity of law to serve the ends of society. The meeting point according to the sociologist is the sociology of law, but according to Pound it is sociological jurisprudence Pound explains the role of the sociological jurist: He holds that legal institutions and doctrines are instruments of a specialised form of social control, capable of being improved with reference to their ends by conscious, intelligent effort. He thinks of a process of social engineering, which in one way or, another is a problem of all the social sciences. In sociological jurisprudence it is a special problem of achieving this engineering task by means of the legal order ... It is treated as &problem of jurisprudence, and yet in its larger aspects as not merely a problem of that science. Law in all its senses is studied as a specialized phase of what in a larger view is a science of society. (1943, 20) Emile Durkheim (1858–1917) is considered to be one
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  • 13. Jurisprudence: Marxism CHANAKYA NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY PROJECT REPORTS FIFTH SEMESTER 2010 JURISPRUDENCE ON THE TOPIC "MARXIST INTERPRETATION OF LAW" GUIDANCE AND INSTRUCTIONS BY : MR. MANORANJAN FACULTY FOR JURISPRUDENCE SUBMITTED BY: TULIKA SINGH ROLL NO. 278 Acknowledgement: This is to state that I, (TULIKA SINGH, ROLL–278) completed my fifth semester project work of JURISPRUDENCE on the topic "MARXIST INETERPRETATION OF LAW". This project would have not come to an end successfully without the help of many distinguished and undistinguished personalities. I sincerely acknowledge the help rendered to me by our Faculty for the Jurisprudence. He has helped me a lot whenever I needed any sort of more content... V. I. Lenin says, "In what sense do we repudiate ethics and morality? . . . In the sense in which it was preached by the bourgeoisie, who derived ethics
  • 14. from God's commandments. We, of course, say that we do not believe in God." Taking the concept of matter,Marxism then sets forth to answer three questions: What is the origin of energy or motion in nature? What causes galaxies, solar system, planets, animals and all kingdoms of nature to constantly increase their numerical quantity? What is the origin of life, the origin of species and the origin of consciousness and mind? Marx and Engels answer all of these questions with three laws. The law of opposites, the law of negation and the law of transformation. His theory of law and state might be described crudely as an economic theory of law and state. This is why Marxist thought proved so attractive of critics of social systems; he saw societies as inherently unstable systems. Furthermore, he sought the cause of social change in the internal contradictions and conflicts in social systems. The early Marx believes that law is a great progressive force. Under the influence of Hegel, the early writings of Marx identify law as a symbol of a society's thinking and imply that law can be expressive instrument, enabling a society to lay out central values. In this period Marx adopts a natural law approach; the test of real law is that it enables freedom to enter into a man's social existence. By contrast: The later Marx Get more content on
  • 15. Outline in Jurisprudence NOTES TO NURSING JURISPRUDENCE Preponderance of evidence – Required only in civil cases – Not the same as proof beyond reasonable doubt which is required for criminal cases – Evidence which is more convincing to the court as worthy of belief than that offered in opposition thereto Beyond reasonable doubt – Required in criminal cases – Innocent until proven guilty – Evidence which produces conviction in an unprejudiced mind – Does not mean such degree of proof as excluding the possibility of error, produces absolute certainty.– Rather, moral certainty is only required Administrative cases – Mere substantial evidence Doctrine of res ipsa loquitur – Latin: The thing or more content... Any person committing a felony ( delito) although the wrongful act done be different from that which he intended and b. Any person performing an act which would be an offense against person or property Were it not for the inherent impossibility of its accomplishment or on account of the employment of inadequate or ineffectual means Error in personae ( mistake in the identity of the victim) – Two officers were ordered to arrest A, an escaped notorious convict and proceeding to the house of A, they saw a man sleeping with his back towards the door Then they fired at him Turned out to be B and not A Still they are guilty of murder Killing of a sleeping man without making an inquiry is a felony– Mistake in the identity Abberatio ictus – Mistake in the blow – X wanted to hit A but instead hit B superficially and killed F, his father. X is still criminally liable for attempted homicide with parricide ( father of X) Praeter intentionem – Injurious result is greater than that intended – A slapped B and B fell on the ground and died. A is liable for the death of B even if it was mere slapping. The wrong done must be direct and natural consequence of the felonious act – Proximate cause That which Get more content on
  • 16. Law, Jurisprudence, and Social Thought: Legal Theory On Different Accounts of Positive Law Question One: On what points does Hart critique Austin's legal positivism? Of Hart's proposed solutions for the problems he finds in Austin, which is the most important? Why? In The Uses of the Study of Jurisprudence, John Austin asserts that a Positive Law approach to Jurisprudence is to determine the aspects of law that are present within all legal systems. In doing this, Austin hopes to develop an understanding of Law as it is, separate from the circumstantial influences of certain legal systems. In other words, Austin wants to study Law as a separate and independent entity, in order to ascertain the means by which the law could best be applied to social systems. Ultimately, Austin posits a fundamental definition of Law– A command issued by a Sovereign who is habitually obeyed, whereby the command is backed by the threat of physical punishment. Hart does not deny that the concept of a command backed by coercion is essential to the understanding of Law. However, he argues that restricting law to this definition restricts our understanding of the concept of law to Law as it is applied to society, rather than Law as it operates within society. Hart argues that while Law "may appear to be the gunman situation writ large...this reduction of the complex phenomena of law to this simple element may be a distortion and a source of confusion even in the case of a penal statute Get more content on
  • 17. What Is Jurisprudence Chapter 1 What is Jurisprudence? 'Jurisprudence' means theory of laws. 'Juries' means law, 'prudence' means knowledge. "The law in essence is a concrete realization of philosophy" . Law and Justice are two independent concepts linked together in the administration of justice. Justice is the natural urge of every living creature and is not completely captured by any law made by man. Jurisprudence begins from actual facts where as rule exists on the basis of scientific concepts. It has two streams, one is practical and another is ideal. On the practical side jurisprudence is compulsory. Having ascertained the rule of law, jurisprudence must proceed to work out its contents. As an ideal jurisprudence, it presents rule of law in the form of a more content... Niti is derived from root "ni" to lead. Niti is proper guidance or direction. It was held that ethical course of conduct Nitisastra was science of ethics. Proper guidance or direction usually pre–supposes prudence and wisdom. Thus direction usually pre–supposes prudence and wisdom. Thus Nitisastra also came to denote the science of wisdom. Greatest propriety, wisdom and careful thoughts have to deal the Nitisastra In shaping and guiding the internal and foreign policy of the State, shows the Nitisastra became very popular to designate the science of government from the Fifth century A.D . During these periods the government was to secure all round progress and prosperity of society and those works were used for reference in jurisprudence. 'ЕљukranД«ti' which is one of the Nitisastra points that the stability and progress of the society in all directions enables the realization of the four fold goals connected with Get more content on
  • 18. Questions On Fourth Amendment Jurisprudence Fourth Amendment jurisprudence is primarily concentrated in four areas: 1) defining "searches"; 2) the Warrant Requirement, in which warrantless searches are semantically precluded except in specific and tightly constricted situations; 3) the Probable Cause Requirement, whose exclusive provisions are closely associated with the Warrant Requirement's proscription of police inquiries into same; and, 4) the exclusionary rule, which presumptively excludes any information or evidence gathered in violation of the preceding two (Rickless, 2005). The Court has continued to delineate areas, which fall outside the parameters of the restrictions placed upon government officials through the Fourth Amendment. The Court has ruled that the areas carved out which include exceptions to the basic tenets of the Fourth Amendment, commonly known as warrantless searches, may be conducted if circumstances are such that the interests of society outweigh the invasiveness of the action. The Court has have recognized special situations in which warrants were not required, including: border searches; consent searches; container searches; exigent circumstances; searches incident to a lawful arrest; plain view; special needs; stop and frisk; and inventory searches. The Court has ruled that the areas carved out which include exceptions to the basic tenets of the Fourth Amendment, commonly known as warrantless searches, may be Get more content on
  • 19. Jurisprudence Application Case 1.How would you begin to help Liz? What do you consider to be the most important information to share with her? To make sure Liz and I are both on the same page, I would suggest that Liz visits the university website in order for us to walk through any information she might have overlooked during the application process. We also would briefly go over the hours required to complete the graduate program to make sure she is aware that she would need 60 credit hours for graduation. We will discuss the importance of maintaining a GPA at 3.0 or better because failure to do so will result in disciplinary action. The program only allows two courses with a grade of C, and any grades below that would not be applied towards the degree. Unlike the more content... The applicant must take and pass the National Counselor Exam and the Texas Jurisprudence Exam. They would then receive a temporary LPC intern license from the board; –The applicant must perform 3000 clock hours with at least 1,500 of direct client contact as an intern under a supervision of a board–approved supervisor. However, the 3000 clock–hours must not be completed in lease than 18–months; –If the applicant needs to reapply for the temporary license, the applicant must submit any supervised experience gained during the previous temporary license and retake the NCE before applying. 3.What professional organization(s) would be helpful to Get more content on
  • 20. Essay On Therapeutic Jurisprudence Therapeutic Jurisprudence is the study of how aspects of legal system impacts the mental wellness.The implications of law on mental health is an ignored part of law. The research deals with the core idea of therapeutic jurisprudence and how it effects people placing reliance on various laws and legal practices prevalent in the legal system.In 1987, David Wexler conveyed a paper to the National Institute of Mental Health in the United States coining the term "Therapeutic Jurisprudence".Therapeutic jurisprudence is the "study of the role of the law as a therapeutic agent". Therapeutic Jurisprudence proposed that psychiatry, and extensive controls of the sociologies had significant depths of knowledge to offer to the field of law and psychological wellness and that the law and the legal system ought to endeavour to utilize the knowledge where appropriate. Therapeutic Jurisprudence is an interdisciplinary way to deal with the study and routine of law and focuses on the regularly undervalued part of the law and lawful performing artists' part in delivering helpful or anti–therapeutic results. It is a regulating structure that backers the utilization of the sociologies to illuminate the procedures and results of lawful communications and techniques. Therapeutic Jurisprudence impacts the procedures of the court and inclinations an extended rehabilitative part for criminal attorneys. Therapeutic Jurisprudence likewise impacts the way more content... The following part in the improvement of Therapeutic Jurisprudence will give analysts, policymakers, and those included in the equity framework with a brilliant stage to consider the way we see the law, lawful elements, and the equity framework later Get more content on