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Assignment 1 Unit 4 Task 3A
Client Brief
For our project we have decided to pick the course photography in order to
create a video explaining and showing off the course to potential students.
Photography is a course we have studied and enjoyed whole heartedly. It is
also a subject which would and will appeal to a large number of possible
students as we feel more people should be a part of it and we would like to
show off how good the course is at our college and what it provides.
With regards to content, it would be appropriate to show an interview with
yourself and a few students. This would be a great feature which we can
include as it helps promote the course within the college and by having an
opinion from the teacher and the students saying the advantages of the
course, this allows them to persuade them to come to the college as there is
no one better to interview other than the person who teaches it and the
students to study the course.
We would love in our video to show some of the students work and a small
look around the department as well as previous student’s work, the studios,
the classes and some of the students using the facilities. This allows us to show
off the final produce of what the students have made and hopefully appeal to
future students in hope they would enjoy doing something like the work we
The video will be edited down using software we have for example Photoshop,
Adobe After effects. When we produce the final edit of the video we will be
placing it onto a CD/DVD that we can hand out on open days as well as
uploading it on the college’s website to catch people’s attention.
The reason why we are doing this is because we would like to put forward
some of the more specific and specialised courses that the college campus has
to offer in order to attract it and for it to be aimed at potential students.
We would want to keep the video short and sharp just too keep the audience’s
attention, if we end up making it too long we run the risk of making the
audience switch off. 2-3 minutes appears to be the optimum length.
The time it takes us to film the video, we would be starting to film it towards
the end of January but if it takes longer than expected we would be filming at
the start of February. The amount of time we will have to work with will be
around the end of March. This is a suitable for us to be filming as we have to
fully plan what to include in the video for example:
Where is it going to be filmed?
Who will be filmed in the video?
What will be said in the video?
What we will show in the video?
How long the video will be?
How will we edit the video?
What resources we will need?
Budget – Total = £4000
Camera - £400
Lights - £100
Computer - £800
Editing Software - £250
Microphone - £50
Tri-Pod - £20
Photoshop - £450
With a budget of £4000 we need to make sure that we don’t spend money on
things that aren’t necessary to produce our advertisement, and that we don’t
hire other people to do the basic things that we can do our selves. Within the
budget we need to include all the appropriate materials that enable us to
create and edit the video together. As we are a company starting from scratch
we need to invest in some software that will help us out in the future. The
small scale advertisement will not need the most advanced cameras to film it,
and it won’t need High Tec software to edit it in as we just need to add the
basic effects and transitions. The reason that we are investing a large amount
of our budget into Photoshop is because that is the software that we will be
using to create logo and all the other small designs or headings that will be
placed in our video. We have put a lot of money into the computer so that
when it comes to editing the video we have a fast and reliable computer. We
will be using a DSLR for the camera as it can shoot stills along with video
footage which is what we need for creating the advertisement. We chose to
buy a Tri-Pod as we need to create still and professional looking footage so
that the camera isn’t swaying around the place while the cameraman is
filming. As almost all Tri-Pod’s work the same we have decided to go with a
cheap one as it will work just as well, and will support the camera when
filming. The microphone is a key part to making the video, the high quality
audio of the students speaking is key to making out video stand out so that you
can hear them as clear as day. We have bought some additional lights so that
we can light the scene up correctly as the lighting may change through-out the
day so we need to make sure that it doesn’t so that we can keep continuity
throughout the video. For the editing software we will be using final cut pro as
it is very well known and easy to use, as we are getting a Mac it was also the
most practical software to buy.
Throughout the whole project certain things and people will have to be
employed for the whole video come together. Within the budget set they are
only titled as the overall category within them are extras that are the
The budget covers all of this equipment involved:
- Camera
- Sound
- Lights
- Software
- Expenses
To produce the final product the camera is one of the main reasons behind
achieving it, but to get the very best quality extras are needed.
The most commonly used extras that are used during most filming are tripod,
spare batteries, memory cards and a rain cover being fully equipped with these
help achieve to the best ability.
When creating a video not only is the images created one of the main focus
points with it you need to be able what’s going on within in the video.
Adding sound to the video such as voice overs, or music. This changes the
whole viewing experience to achieve the best quality of sound possible using
microphones also high definition sounds for the best sounds throughout.
The clearest picture is wanted when videoing to be successful when wanting to
achieve this it’s important lighting is used if some areas being filmed in are not
very well lit.
You can get lights from free standing to some that attach onto the camera the
light going to be used mainly in this project is a LED Video light which attaches
to the camera.
Before all the different clips are finally brought together to produce the whole
video they usually are edited to eliminate errors within the video and add
finishing touches to the overall video. Also using editing software allows the
file of the project to be changed to different file formats if needed to.
As a team of our employees will be helping with the project we as humans
need resources to keep us going, so we look after the staff by paying for their
expenses from meals/drinks and transport costs.
Legal and Ethical considerations
Copyright Law
I’m aware of the Copyright law and what is allowed and not allowed. Copyright
is the ownership of something they’ve done all by themselves and if anyone
else does copy exactly or even similar to your own work for example used your
work within their work they’ve done e.g. In a collage, That is still counted as
Copyright and for that is breaking the law so the person who has originally
done it can claim money from the person who has taken their work if they
didn’t ask permission or pay the person to use it in the first place. Copyright
laws are used for when personal things so it covers about copies,license
andliterary,musical,orartisticwork, printed,audio,video,etc. These are all things
that are subjected for the law of Copyright. Copyright is maintained with the
person constantly until it reaches the point where they die and still remains
after 70 years after they have died. Then after the 70 years people are officially
allowed to use their work with no permission. For example the story Romeo
and Juliet was written ages ago and is a story people can re-do and do
whatever with because it’s been more 70 years after the original owner has
died. So the Copy right law doesn’t remain for any longer.
I am aware of all the Copyright rules for the task. Our team and I are doing we
will have to consider the copyright laws for a series of things for example we
will have to make sure we won’t have any brand logos on show so if the client
was wearing a Nike tick on his shirt we would have the blur it out or change
the top otherwise we would have to include a sum of money to the brand. We
will have to consider ourselves putting copyright on the video when uploading
it to the college website and YouTube and social network, otherwise people
could take our video and claim it as their own as we have no mark onto the
creation of out video saying it’s out property. Not only does Copyright come
involved in the final creation, it also needs to be involved in the client brief and
the setting the scene. I would need permission of the college to allow me to
film on the site and have permission from the people I will be filming in the
video. If they weren’t happy with being in the video, we would have to take
action and blur them out or edit them out or not even broadcast it. But
Copyright comes in with our production too. If someone was to steal or use
our video without our permission I would have right to sue them.
There are various ways for Copyright Law can be infringed and warn people
against any legal proceedings in that event. This is done by displaying the
makers named either onto the actual picture or may even place your name
beside it. But the one main thing that is needed to protect our video is to have
to insert the Copyright symbol which looks like this… “©”. Then this way if this
symbol was displayed on our video then I had right to sue them and get money
from them for Copyrighting the video.
Intellectual property rights
Intellectual Property rights or in other words IP is when a person has
ownership of certain ideas that they originally invented. For example anything
to do with literary and artistic works etc. Therefore if you drew a picture, the
person would have automatic intellectual property rights as they are given to
the person who originally created it. This is because it stops other people
especially companies from taking the picture and intellectual property rights
allows you to protect your image and manage how you want your image to be
shown e.g. To the public or not.
I am aware of our product and that I have Intellectual property rights. I am
aware that the rights and regulations belong to me and nobody else. I can
manage how I want to create our video and if a company or another person
takes our video without our permission is a form of copy right and I can seek
money from them.
Libel is when statement is published and the statement is false. In addition it
can be damaging to a person's reputation. An example is the beer company
Carlsberg has a slogan which is “Probably the best beer in the world”. This is
following the laws but only because they have used the word “Probably”. If the
company decided to do a slogan which of said “It is the best beer in the world”
then that would be Libel. The risk of making a Libel statement can be taken to
the High Court because of any published statements which are alleged to
defame a named or a recognizable any individuals in a state which can lead to
them losing their trade or their loss in their profession.
If I decided to put on our video “The best course in the world, come do this
course” on our video then I will be using a libel statement because how do I
know that is true because it’s just an opinion and I had no right to right that on
our video/advertisement etc. I understand all the Libel terms and I can re
assure you that I won’t be including any libel statements anywhere in our
Decency is the quality or state of conforming to social or moral standards of
taste and propriety. So for the video I will be producing an advertisement for
our product in order for it to sell as well as a website. I am aware of the
Decency issues and I can ensure I will not include anything unnecessary in our
advertisement. For example I will including teachers in our advertisement but
won’t be breaking decency laws because I’m not going to include people naked
or half naked etc. I will not show any drugs or alcohol within our
advertisement. This is because our advertisement is going to include a
photography teacher and students who are fully clothed and suitable and will
be informing in our advertisement. I won’t be having any nudity because it’s
not suitable for students to watch nudity or to see drugs as our target audience
are going to be at students who are going into college as well as their parents.
They wouldn’t want to go to the college if it included content such as those.
Therefore I understand all the Decency rules and won’t be including anything
inappropriate what so ever.
Ethical issues e.g. confidentiality
Confidentiality agreements are when you sign an agreement saying that you
will not disclose information about the company. An example of a
confidentiality agreement is when a company makes a severance agreement
with you or allows you to make a claim that you brought against them they will
ask you to keep the terms confidential. When these agreements are broken
they will make you pay back the money if you violate the confidentiality
provision. So for me the Confidentiality agreement that I will be using would be
an agreement from the teacher/ client to be informed that the plan of our idea
to make a video so they know we’ll be doing a test and be working on it and for
them to keep quiet and secret until the day until the launch date. So the
company decides to make an agreement which will be signed from all the
workers to keep the new project remain secret. I’m aware of the
confidentiality issues for our video and I am aware of the laws maintained if I
break those laws. For example our video I am creating which is for the college.
Therefore I will be kept confidential until the launch date. I understand to keep
personal information confidential at all times and only discuss the changes
which with the right people. If the confidentiality agreements are broken and
the information is revealed to another individual or company, the company will
be able to make a claim of a breach of contract and can seek injunctive and
monetary damages.
Racism is when people believe in aborting the rights of others and getting
picked on their appearance just on the basis of their race or ethnic identity. I
understand the race representation and how it would be shown if I was
including race representation within college video I will be producing. An
example of race representation in our video would be if I said people of a
certain race cannot do the course or anything stopping them to go to the
college. That shows race representation and showing the viewers that the
video is race represented. People will be disrespected and will think of the
college as a disrespectful one and no one would want to go to the college. I will
not be derogatory to any other person or organisation through the video and I
am aware of all the race representation on our video and will make sure that it
is clearly shown that our video is acceptable for any race.
Sexism is actions or attitudes that discriminate against people based solely on
their gender. Therefore an example of gender representation for college
advertisement video is saying the course is only for girls not for males because
Photography is a girl subject or having it the colours Pink on the video for girls
and Blue for boys. That is discrimination on genders not allowing both genders
to do the course as well as assuming that pink is only for girls and pink isn’t
seen as a boy colour. So for our college advertisement video I understand the
gender representation and to stop it on our video. On our video I will be
including both girls and boys in our video so it shows that the course is both for
girls and boys and that it isn’t sexism. I will not be derogatory to any other
person or organisation through the creating for the video or the video itself
and I am aware of all the Gender representation on for our video and will make
sure that it is clearly shown that our video is acceptable for both genders.
Religion representation is when people who discriminate against people based
solely on their religion they are. Therefore an example of religion
representation for our video to have a label or having it shown on the website
that it is not allowed for people who are Jewish or any of religion apart from
Christian are allowed this product. This shows discrimination on people who
are in different religions and is discrimination because they do have a right to
do the course and go to this college if they have a different religion to
someone else as it shouldn’t be a problem if they were a certain religion. I will
not be derogatory to any other person or organisation through the video I will
be creating for the college and I am aware of all the religion representation for
the video making and will make sure that it is clearly shown that our video
makes the college acceptable for every religion.
Sexualityrepresentation is when people who discriminate against people who
are attracted to the same sex or have a problem with someone’s sexuality.
Therefore an example of sexuality representation for our video is saying you
cannot join the course if you are gay and bi and only people who are straight
are only allowed this product. This shows discrimination on people who are
gay/bi and is discrimination because they do have a right to do the course as it
has not effect or difference if a straight person was to do the course. I will not
be derogatory to any other person or organisation through the video and I am
aware of all the religion representation on our product and will make sure that
it is clearly shown that our video that it is allowed for any sexuality to do the
course at the college
Client Proposal
Using digital video technology to create a promotional video for the college is much more
important than it has been in the past years. As almost every home owner uses a PC or a
Mac on a day to day basis this is the main location which they will look for information,
particularly the younger generations who will be the ones making the decisions. To try and
influence the students to attend Cheadle AndMarple Sixth Form College we will need to
make sure that we create a good promotional video which makes the student inspired to
take up a particular subject in Cheadle College.
While doing some research online I found out that a lot
of the other videos advertising their colleges showed a
lot of one to one interviews with the students to try and
get their perspective on how they find the college and
whether or not they enjoy what they are doing and how they find the facilities provided by
the college. In all of the videos they obviously only posted the positive side of how they saw
the college and didn’t show any negatives, you can tell that they decided not to put in what
the students thought was negative because it may put people of coming to their college. I
will be using a similar style of one to one interviews and hope to convey the calm and
relaxing atmosphere around the college. I will make sure to include the wide range of
subjects which is mentioned in this video
sowi4nc&feature=plcp created by the Cheadle and Marple team. In some of the other
promotional videos I watched I noticed that the same recurring theme of friendly teacher
kept coming up, and how the students liked the fact that they were treated as equals which
is different to how they were treated in High School. On the Cheadle AndMarple YouTube
channel they made a video on what extra-curricular activities are available for the students
to take part in, this was a very popular topic and the students were really happy with what
was available to them and this is possibly a topic that will be discussed in the promotional
video we create. Almost all the videos which were on the Cheadle and Marple YouTube
channel where about one particular topic, whereas I feel as though the video would be
much more interesting to watch if there was a wide variety of subjects discussed in the
For my promotional video of Cheadle College I have decided to use the standard approach
of doing interviews with the students as you can see in the research that I have been doing,
that this is the most popular with the other students that are looking at which college to go
to. To get our message across to our target audience of people searching for a college we
need to try and add an interesting but also fun side to the college. To achieve this we will
have to make sure that we keep the audience interested and entertained by not making the
video to long so that they get fed up of watching it, we need to make the video short, sweet
and to the point. I aim to make the video around 2 minutes long, as then it is not to long but
it still has enough time to get all the information into the video. While the video footage is
on the screen I hope to add some background music to make the atmosphere seem happier
and livelier.
When filming the video we will be using a camera provided by the college which will be at a
good enough quality to start shooting our scenes, to film the audio we will be using the built
in mic on the camera. Even though this will not be the best quality mic, it is good enough to
record the audio clear enough for the viewers to understand what they are saying. But
before we can start filming we will need to organise all our meetings with the teachers, and
organise where and what we are going to shoot. Once we have decided what kind of shots
we want to achieve while filming, then we can start to set up the shots 15 minutes before
the actual class starts. To try and perceive that it is just business as usual we will have all the
other class mates just casually working away in the background, as if nothing is going on. It
is very important that we set up the shots before actually shooting them because we don’t
want the students waiting around for us to set it up, or to find out the camera isn’t working.
Before we begin to set up our shot we will have to make sure that everything is working
correctly and that the memory card isn’t full. Once we have all our clips recorded we will
then have to go onto the internet and get some audio clips or music to go with them, as this
will make the mood seem more relaxed. For the audio clips I have decided to use jazz music,
as it will create an extremely relaxing mood and most other style of music wouldn’t suit the
theme that I’m going for. After we have both the audio and the clips all we have to do then
is add them together in Premiere Elements, and sync the audio with the video footage. After
that the only thing that we need to do it upload it to YouTube and several other media
sharing websites, to try and get the word out about Cheadle College so that we can get
more people wanting to join up and attend. We will be sharing the video on Facebook,
Twitter etc…. to try and raise awareness.
There have been hundreds of promotional videos that have gone viral over the last few
years, but there have been only a few that have been seen by billions and enjoyed by them.
An example of the viral marketing campaign would be some of the adverts created by
Cadbury’s. Over the years they have created numerous advertisements that have become
viral and have been really creative and interesting to watch. Since the advertisements
became so popular almost everyone who had a TV or a computer has seen it which greatly
improved the popularity of the product. This was mainly because of how it spread quickly
over the internet using websites like Facebook and Twitter. Viral media is a huge part on
how we are going to spread the video so we need to make sure that we upload it to every
website possible.
To make sure that the file sizes are small and we can upload the movie easily to YouTube
and other social media websites, we will have to compress the file to the size that we want.
To make sure that the video file size isn’t to big I will have to compress the video down to a
smaller size to make sure
Technology Used
To create the promotional video I will need to use a wide variety of equipment, some of
them being,,
-Computer With The Right Programs
When it comes to making sure that the file size for all of the videos aren’t too big I had to make sure
that I used the right file format so that when I render it out I had to make sure that I chose the right
file format. This took a few times of rendering the video out and doing some research online to
make sure that I chose the best quality with the smallest file size. After I had chosen the best file size
I was then able to upload it to the internet fast and also allowed people to download the video easily
so they can watch it fast and easily.
File Size
As the file size has a lot to do with the compression of the video we will obviously have to make sure
that we keep the file size to the smallest for the same reasons we need to choose the right
compression format.
Streaming Methods.
To enable thousands of people to watch the video easily online without having to pay or wait a long
time, we will be using YouTube to upload the video on to. After we have uploaded the video onto
YouTube I will be able to start the advertising for the video and make more and more people to
watch it online.
Digital File Formats
When rendering the video out I will be using the .wmv file format as this enables the video size to be
small and also make sure that it has good quality. I chose to use .wmv as I did some research online
and found out that it was the best file size format to use for what I wanted it to do.
Media Players
Using the wmv. File format this will allow me to play the video on almost all media players out there,
the main one being Windows Media Player which almost every computer has on it. This will make
sure that if anyone wants to try and present my advertisement video they will always have
something to play it on.

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  • 1. Assignment 1 Unit 4 Task 3A Client Brief For our project we have decided to pick the course photography in order to create a video explaining and showing off the course to potential students. Photography is a course we have studied and enjoyed whole heartedly. It is also a subject which would and will appeal to a large number of possible students as we feel more people should be a part of it and we would like to show off how good the course is at our college and what it provides. With regards to content, it would be appropriate to show an interview with yourself and a few students. This would be a great feature which we can include as it helps promote the course within the college and by having an opinion from the teacher and the students saying the advantages of the course, this allows them to persuade them to come to the college as there is no one better to interview other than the person who teaches it and the students to study the course. We would love in our video to show some of the students work and a small look around the department as well as previous student’s work, the studios, the classes and some of the students using the facilities. This allows us to show off the final produce of what the students have made and hopefully appeal to future students in hope they would enjoy doing something like the work we show. The video will be edited down using software we have for example Photoshop, Adobe After effects. When we produce the final edit of the video we will be placing it onto a CD/DVD that we can hand out on open days as well as uploading it on the college’s website to catch people’s attention. The reason why we are doing this is because we would like to put forward some of the more specific and specialised courses that the college campus has to offer in order to attract it and for it to be aimed at potential students.
  • 2. We would want to keep the video short and sharp just too keep the audience’s attention, if we end up making it too long we run the risk of making the audience switch off. 2-3 minutes appears to be the optimum length. The time it takes us to film the video, we would be starting to film it towards the end of January but if it takes longer than expected we would be filming at the start of February. The amount of time we will have to work with will be around the end of March. This is a suitable for us to be filming as we have to fully plan what to include in the video for example: Where is it going to be filmed? Who will be filmed in the video? What will be said in the video? What we will show in the video? How long the video will be? How will we edit the video? What resources we will need?
  • 3. Constraints Budget – Total = £4000 Camera - £400 Lights - £100 Computer - £800 Editing Software - £250 Microphone - £50 Tri-Pod - £20 Photoshop - £450 TOTAL=£2070 With a budget of £4000 we need to make sure that we don’t spend money on things that aren’t necessary to produce our advertisement, and that we don’t hire other people to do the basic things that we can do our selves. Within the budget we need to include all the appropriate materials that enable us to create and edit the video together. As we are a company starting from scratch we need to invest in some software that will help us out in the future. The small scale advertisement will not need the most advanced cameras to film it, and it won’t need High Tec software to edit it in as we just need to add the basic effects and transitions. The reason that we are investing a large amount of our budget into Photoshop is because that is the software that we will be using to create logo and all the other small designs or headings that will be placed in our video. We have put a lot of money into the computer so that when it comes to editing the video we have a fast and reliable computer. We will be using a DSLR for the camera as it can shoot stills along with video footage which is what we need for creating the advertisement. We chose to buy a Tri-Pod as we need to create still and professional looking footage so that the camera isn’t swaying around the place while the cameraman is
  • 4. filming. As almost all Tri-Pod’s work the same we have decided to go with a cheap one as it will work just as well, and will support the camera when filming. The microphone is a key part to making the video, the high quality audio of the students speaking is key to making out video stand out so that you can hear them as clear as day. We have bought some additional lights so that we can light the scene up correctly as the lighting may change through-out the day so we need to make sure that it doesn’t so that we can keep continuity throughout the video. For the editing software we will be using final cut pro as it is very well known and easy to use, as we are getting a Mac it was also the most practical software to buy. Resources Throughout the whole project certain things and people will have to be employed for the whole video come together. Within the budget set they are only titled as the overall category within them are extras that are the resources. The budget covers all of this equipment involved: - Camera - Sound - Lights - Software - Expenses
  • 5. Camera To produce the final product the camera is one of the main reasons behind achieving it, but to get the very best quality extras are needed. The most commonly used extras that are used during most filming are tripod, spare batteries, memory cards and a rain cover being fully equipped with these help achieve to the best ability. Sound When creating a video not only is the images created one of the main focus points with it you need to be able what’s going on within in the video. Adding sound to the video such as voice overs, or music. This changes the whole viewing experience to achieve the best quality of sound possible using microphones also high definition sounds for the best sounds throughout. Lights The clearest picture is wanted when videoing to be successful when wanting to achieve this it’s important lighting is used if some areas being filmed in are not very well lit. You can get lights from free standing to some that attach onto the camera the light going to be used mainly in this project is a LED Video light which attaches to the camera. Software Before all the different clips are finally brought together to produce the whole video they usually are edited to eliminate errors within the video and add finishing touches to the overall video. Also using editing software allows the file of the project to be changed to different file formats if needed to. Expenses As a team of our employees will be helping with the project we as humans need resources to keep us going, so we look after the staff by paying for their expenses from meals/drinks and transport costs.
  • 6. Legal and Ethical considerations Legal Copyright Law I’m aware of the Copyright law and what is allowed and not allowed. Copyright is the ownership of something they’ve done all by themselves and if anyone else does copy exactly or even similar to your own work for example used your work within their work they’ve done e.g. In a collage, That is still counted as Copyright and for that is breaking the law so the person who has originally done it can claim money from the person who has taken their work if they didn’t ask permission or pay the person to use it in the first place. Copyright laws are used for when personal things so it covers about copies,license andliterary,musical,orartisticwork, printed,audio,video,etc. These are all things that are subjected for the law of Copyright. Copyright is maintained with the person constantly until it reaches the point where they die and still remains after 70 years after they have died. Then after the 70 years people are officially allowed to use their work with no permission. For example the story Romeo and Juliet was written ages ago and is a story people can re-do and do whatever with because it’s been more 70 years after the original owner has died. So the Copy right law doesn’t remain for any longer. I am aware of all the Copyright rules for the task. Our team and I are doing we will have to consider the copyright laws for a series of things for example we will have to make sure we won’t have any brand logos on show so if the client was wearing a Nike tick on his shirt we would have the blur it out or change the top otherwise we would have to include a sum of money to the brand. We will have to consider ourselves putting copyright on the video when uploading it to the college website and YouTube and social network, otherwise people could take our video and claim it as their own as we have no mark onto the creation of out video saying it’s out property. Not only does Copyright come involved in the final creation, it also needs to be involved in the client brief and the setting the scene. I would need permission of the college to allow me to film on the site and have permission from the people I will be filming in the
  • 7. video. If they weren’t happy with being in the video, we would have to take action and blur them out or edit them out or not even broadcast it. But Copyright comes in with our production too. If someone was to steal or use our video without our permission I would have right to sue them. There are various ways for Copyright Law can be infringed and warn people against any legal proceedings in that event. This is done by displaying the makers named either onto the actual picture or may even place your name beside it. But the one main thing that is needed to protect our video is to have to insert the Copyright symbol which looks like this… “©”. Then this way if this symbol was displayed on our video then I had right to sue them and get money from them for Copyrighting the video. Intellectual property rights Intellectual Property rights or in other words IP is when a person has ownership of certain ideas that they originally invented. For example anything to do with literary and artistic works etc. Therefore if you drew a picture, the person would have automatic intellectual property rights as they are given to the person who originally created it. This is because it stops other people especially companies from taking the picture and intellectual property rights allows you to protect your image and manage how you want your image to be shown e.g. To the public or not. I am aware of our product and that I have Intellectual property rights. I am aware that the rights and regulations belong to me and nobody else. I can manage how I want to create our video and if a company or another person takes our video without our permission is a form of copy right and I can seek money from them. Libel Libel is when statement is published and the statement is false. In addition it can be damaging to a person's reputation. An example is the beer company Carlsberg has a slogan which is “Probably the best beer in the world”. This is
  • 8. following the laws but only because they have used the word “Probably”. If the company decided to do a slogan which of said “It is the best beer in the world” then that would be Libel. The risk of making a Libel statement can be taken to the High Court because of any published statements which are alleged to defame a named or a recognizable any individuals in a state which can lead to them losing their trade or their loss in their profession. If I decided to put on our video “The best course in the world, come do this course” on our video then I will be using a libel statement because how do I know that is true because it’s just an opinion and I had no right to right that on our video/advertisement etc. I understand all the Libel terms and I can re assure you that I won’t be including any libel statements anywhere in our video. Ethical Decency Decency is the quality or state of conforming to social or moral standards of taste and propriety. So for the video I will be producing an advertisement for our product in order for it to sell as well as a website. I am aware of the Decency issues and I can ensure I will not include anything unnecessary in our advertisement. For example I will including teachers in our advertisement but won’t be breaking decency laws because I’m not going to include people naked or half naked etc. I will not show any drugs or alcohol within our advertisement. This is because our advertisement is going to include a photography teacher and students who are fully clothed and suitable and will be informing in our advertisement. I won’t be having any nudity because it’s not suitable for students to watch nudity or to see drugs as our target audience are going to be at students who are going into college as well as their parents. They wouldn’t want to go to the college if it included content such as those. Therefore I understand all the Decency rules and won’t be including anything inappropriate what so ever.
  • 9. Ethical issues e.g. confidentiality Confidentiality agreements are when you sign an agreement saying that you will not disclose information about the company. An example of a confidentiality agreement is when a company makes a severance agreement with you or allows you to make a claim that you brought against them they will ask you to keep the terms confidential. When these agreements are broken they will make you pay back the money if you violate the confidentiality provision. So for me the Confidentiality agreement that I will be using would be an agreement from the teacher/ client to be informed that the plan of our idea to make a video so they know we’ll be doing a test and be working on it and for them to keep quiet and secret until the day until the launch date. So the company decides to make an agreement which will be signed from all the workers to keep the new project remain secret. I’m aware of the confidentiality issues for our video and I am aware of the laws maintained if I break those laws. For example our video I am creating which is for the college. Therefore I will be kept confidential until the launch date. I understand to keep personal information confidential at all times and only discuss the changes which with the right people. If the confidentiality agreements are broken and the information is revealed to another individual or company, the company will be able to make a claim of a breach of contract and can seek injunctive and monetary damages. Representation Race Racism is when people believe in aborting the rights of others and getting picked on their appearance just on the basis of their race or ethnic identity. I understand the race representation and how it would be shown if I was including race representation within college video I will be producing. An example of race representation in our video would be if I said people of a certain race cannot do the course or anything stopping them to go to the college. That shows race representation and showing the viewers that the video is race represented. People will be disrespected and will think of the
  • 10. college as a disrespectful one and no one would want to go to the college. I will not be derogatory to any other person or organisation through the video and I am aware of all the race representation on our video and will make sure that it is clearly shown that our video is acceptable for any race. Gender Sexism is actions or attitudes that discriminate against people based solely on their gender. Therefore an example of gender representation for college advertisement video is saying the course is only for girls not for males because Photography is a girl subject or having it the colours Pink on the video for girls and Blue for boys. That is discrimination on genders not allowing both genders to do the course as well as assuming that pink is only for girls and pink isn’t seen as a boy colour. So for our college advertisement video I understand the gender representation and to stop it on our video. On our video I will be including both girls and boys in our video so it shows that the course is both for girls and boys and that it isn’t sexism. I will not be derogatory to any other person or organisation through the creating for the video or the video itself and I am aware of all the Gender representation on for our video and will make sure that it is clearly shown that our video is acceptable for both genders. Religion Religion representation is when people who discriminate against people based solely on their religion they are. Therefore an example of religion representation for our video to have a label or having it shown on the website that it is not allowed for people who are Jewish or any of religion apart from Christian are allowed this product. This shows discrimination on people who are in different religions and is discrimination because they do have a right to do the course and go to this college if they have a different religion to someone else as it shouldn’t be a problem if they were a certain religion. I will not be derogatory to any other person or organisation through the video I will be creating for the college and I am aware of all the religion representation for the video making and will make sure that it is clearly shown that our video makes the college acceptable for every religion.
  • 11. Sexuality Sexualityrepresentation is when people who discriminate against people who are attracted to the same sex or have a problem with someone’s sexuality. Therefore an example of sexuality representation for our video is saying you cannot join the course if you are gay and bi and only people who are straight are only allowed this product. This shows discrimination on people who are gay/bi and is discrimination because they do have a right to do the course as it has not effect or difference if a straight person was to do the course. I will not be derogatory to any other person or organisation through the video and I am aware of all the religion representation on our product and will make sure that it is clearly shown that our video that it is allowed for any sexuality to do the course at the college Client Proposal Using digital video technology to create a promotional video for the college is much more important than it has been in the past years. As almost every home owner uses a PC or a Mac on a day to day basis this is the main location which they will look for information, particularly the younger generations who will be the ones making the decisions. To try and influence the students to attend Cheadle AndMarple Sixth Form College we will need to make sure that we create a good promotional video which makes the student inspired to take up a particular subject in Cheadle College. While doing some research online I found out that a lot of the other videos advertising their colleges showed a lot of one to one interviews with the students to try and get their perspective on how they find the college and whether or not they enjoy what they are doing and how they find the facilities provided by the college. In all of the videos they obviously only posted the positive side of how they saw the college and didn’t show any negatives, you can tell that they decided not to put in what the students thought was negative because it may put people of coming to their college. I will be using a similar style of one to one interviews and hope to convey the calm and relaxing atmosphere around the college. I will make sure to include the wide range of subjects which is mentioned in this video sowi4nc&feature=plcp created by the Cheadle and Marple team. In some of the other promotional videos I watched I noticed that the same recurring theme of friendly teacher
  • 12. kept coming up, and how the students liked the fact that they were treated as equals which is different to how they were treated in High School. On the Cheadle AndMarple YouTube channel they made a video on what extra-curricular activities are available for the students to take part in, this was a very popular topic and the students were really happy with what was available to them and this is possibly a topic that will be discussed in the promotional video we create. Almost all the videos which were on the Cheadle and Marple YouTube channel where about one particular topic, whereas I feel as though the video would be much more interesting to watch if there was a wide variety of subjects discussed in the video. For my promotional video of Cheadle College I have decided to use the standard approach of doing interviews with the students as you can see in the research that I have been doing, that this is the most popular with the other students that are looking at which college to go to. To get our message across to our target audience of people searching for a college we need to try and add an interesting but also fun side to the college. To achieve this we will have to make sure that we keep the audience interested and entertained by not making the video to long so that they get fed up of watching it, we need to make the video short, sweet and to the point. I aim to make the video around 2 minutes long, as then it is not to long but it still has enough time to get all the information into the video. While the video footage is on the screen I hope to add some background music to make the atmosphere seem happier and livelier. When filming the video we will be using a camera provided by the college which will be at a good enough quality to start shooting our scenes, to film the audio we will be using the built in mic on the camera. Even though this will not be the best quality mic, it is good enough to record the audio clear enough for the viewers to understand what they are saying. But before we can start filming we will need to organise all our meetings with the teachers, and organise where and what we are going to shoot. Once we have decided what kind of shots we want to achieve while filming, then we can start to set up the shots 15 minutes before the actual class starts. To try and perceive that it is just business as usual we will have all the other class mates just casually working away in the background, as if nothing is going on. It is very important that we set up the shots before actually shooting them because we don’t want the students waiting around for us to set it up, or to find out the camera isn’t working. Before we begin to set up our shot we will have to make sure that everything is working correctly and that the memory card isn’t full. Once we have all our clips recorded we will then have to go onto the internet and get some audio clips or music to go with them, as this will make the mood seem more relaxed. For the audio clips I have decided to use jazz music, as it will create an extremely relaxing mood and most other style of music wouldn’t suit the theme that I’m going for. After we have both the audio and the clips all we have to do then is add them together in Premiere Elements, and sync the audio with the video footage. After
  • 13. that the only thing that we need to do it upload it to YouTube and several other media sharing websites, to try and get the word out about Cheadle College so that we can get more people wanting to join up and attend. We will be sharing the video on Facebook, Twitter etc…. to try and raise awareness. There have been hundreds of promotional videos that have gone viral over the last few years, but there have been only a few that have been seen by billions and enjoyed by them. An example of the viral marketing campaign would be some of the adverts created by Cadbury’s. Over the years they have created numerous advertisements that have become viral and have been really creative and interesting to watch. Since the advertisements became so popular almost everyone who had a TV or a computer has seen it which greatly improved the popularity of the product. This was mainly because of how it spread quickly over the internet using websites like Facebook and Twitter. Viral media is a huge part on how we are going to spread the video so we need to make sure that we upload it to every website possible. To make sure that the file sizes are small and we can upload the movie easily to YouTube and other social media websites, we will have to compress the file to the size that we want. To make sure that the video file size isn’t to big I will have to compress the video down to a smaller size to make sure Technology Used To create the promotional video I will need to use a wide variety of equipment, some of them being,, -Camera -Tri-Pod -Computer With The Right Programs
  • 14. Compression When it comes to making sure that the file size for all of the videos aren’t too big I had to make sure that I used the right file format so that when I render it out I had to make sure that I chose the right file format. This took a few times of rendering the video out and doing some research online to make sure that I chose the best quality with the smallest file size. After I had chosen the best file size I was then able to upload it to the internet fast and also allowed people to download the video easily so they can watch it fast and easily. File Size As the file size has a lot to do with the compression of the video we will obviously have to make sure that we keep the file size to the smallest for the same reasons we need to choose the right compression format. Streaming Methods. To enable thousands of people to watch the video easily online without having to pay or wait a long time, we will be using YouTube to upload the video on to. After we have uploaded the video onto YouTube I will be able to start the advertising for the video and make more and more people to watch it online. Digital File Formats When rendering the video out I will be using the .wmv file format as this enables the video size to be small and also make sure that it has good quality. I chose to use .wmv as I did some research online and found out that it was the best file size format to use for what I wanted it to do. Media Players Using the wmv. File format this will allow me to play the video on almost all media players out there, the main one being Windows Media Player which almost every computer has on it. This will make sure that if anyone wants to try and present my advertisement video they will always have something to play it on.