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The Evidence Is Inspiring.
At Proof, We Believe That...
We should be judged not just by the answers we supply,
but by the questions we ask...

Research, planning and process beget progress...

Brands should be own-able, defensible and consistent...

Creativity is intelligence having fun...

The best digital experiences drive an emotional response...

Media plans should be creative solutions, too...

Even the most elegant innovations require adaptability...

Sound strategies, well optimized, will place you
in front of your competition...

Building our business happens by building yours.

At Proof, we believe that...

                               The Evidence Is Inspiring.
Intelligently Integrated

     BRAND                                                    ADVERTISING
     Strategic Planning                                                      Print

     Verbal & Visual Identity                              Broadcast (TV & Radio)

     Positioning & Themes                                                  Online

     Brochures & Collateral                               Search Engine Marketing

     Events & Video Production                                   Direct Response

     Crisis/Issues                                                   Out-of-Home
     Communications                 RESEARCH                           Advertorial
     Public Relations              Audience Insight

                                    Brand Identity

                                Competitive Positioning

                                 Corporate Reputation

     MEDIA                                                             DIGITAL
     Planning                                     Online Reputation Management

     Buying                                          Interactive Experience Design

     Placement                                          Social Media & Community

     Measurement                                                 Digital Advocacy

     Analysis                                                    Mobile Marketing

Evidence-Based Process


                             Positioning                          Identify
  Mid-Course                   System                         Target Audiences
  Evaluation                                                          &
                                (BPS)                          Success Metrics

                   Execute                    Messages
                  Campaign      Develop
                             Communications       &
                               Campaign        Drivers
Our Work

W      e believe that evidence-based communications, driven by research intelligence
       that is gathered throughout a marketing effort’s cycle, truly distinguishes our
clients and helps us improve their reputation in a crowded marketplace.
We infuse this thinking into every aspect of our work, building better-informed
programs that stem from research. We also measure, analyze and continuously
fine-tune the performance of our communications campaigns.
Here are a handful of “believers” in Proof’s evidence-based approach to marketing:

Applica Consumer Products
The Coca-Cola Company
Con Edison
Destination D.C.
Dominion Resources
The Ford Motor Company
Hormel Foods
Kraft Foods
LG Electronics
Transitions Optical
Thomson Reuters
U.S. Treasury (BEP)
Transitions Optical   F   or Transitions Optical, the leading provider of photochromic lenses
                          worldwide, we served as the lead consumer communications agency in
                      the areas of brand marketing, consumer PR, digital and social media strategy,
                      providing overall strategic planning, research and programming execution
                      relating to their core message platform and position within the industry
                      and among consumers.

                      Our work for Transitions is diverse – spanning multiple disciplines and
                      channels – in North America and around the world. Whether we’re creating
                      an ad campaign or developing an online experience, our approach ensures a
                      cohesive and consistent brand, as well as an appropriate call-to-action.

                      Highlighted Work Includes

                      •	 Consumer	media	outreach	–	U.S.,	U.S.	Hispanic	market	and	Canada
                      •	 Eye	Didn’t	Know	That!	–	content/creative	development	and	execution	of	
                         consumer eye health awareness program
                      •	 Digital	and	social	media	strategy	and	programming,	including	the	
                         development of Transitions’ global Web site, multiple micro sites, search          engine optimization, online advertising, online loyalty programming,
                         blog development and monitoring, social media content development
                         and placement
                      •	 Celebrity	spokesperson	activation	and	management
                      •	 Issues	management	and	crisis	communications
                      •	 Advocacy	and	legislative	affairs	strategy
                      •	 Grass-roots	programming	(i.e.	community	outreach,	school	programming)
                      •	 Retail	partnership	programming
                      We have helped Transitions achieve year-over-year, double-digit sales growth
                      and are proud to contribute to Transitions’ significant market share and
                      position as the #1 doctor-recommended photochromic lenses worldwide.


                      •	 More	than	1.5	billion	impressions	have	been	garnered	to	date	as	part	of	
                         our	consumer	media	outreach	efforts	
                      •	 Developed	and	executed	Eye	Didn’t	Know	That!	–	considered	to	be	the	
                         largest consumer education initiative in the optical industry; included a
                         12-city tour and distribution of tens of thousands of program materials
                      •	 Industry	and	consumer	anecdotal	feedback	suggests	the	Transitions	
                         brand is better positioned online with a much stronger influence on
                         purchase intent
                      •	 More	than	72,000	searches	to	date	were	conducted	by	consumers	
                         using the online Eyecare Professional Locator tool
                      •	 More	than	17,000	unique	visitors	traffic	the	site	per	month
                      •	 Approximately	142,000	consumers	participated	
                         in the online sweepstakes program
T   ransitions Optical is committed to
    educating consumers about the
importance of maintaining lifelong healthy

                                                  •	 Tournament	attendance	was	highest	in	
sight. Its latest consumer outreach initiative       nine years
involves	a	partnership	with	the	PGA	TOUR,	        •	 Developed	branded	content	as	part	of	Golf	
which allows Transitions to connect with             Channel	and	NBC	programming	broadcast	to	
consumers through a highly relevant, global          millions of viewers
platform reinforcing the connection between
healthy,	quality	sight	and	overall	health	and	    •	 “Live	Your	Vision”	family	walk	benefiting	
wellness. “Live Your Vision” was developed as        Prevent Blindness Florida attracted
the rallying point that served as the theme to       400+	participants
drive action among all audiences.
                                                  •	 “Live	Your	Vision”	experience	pavilion	drew	
Transitions challenged us to develop an              5,000+	visitors	throughout	the	week
integrated program to educate consumers           •	 83%	increase	in	traffic	to	
and engage trade partners with the goal              during the month of the tournament
of driving awareness, inspiring action and
elevating the Transitions brand. As part of the   •	 Nearly	300	attendees	entered	an	onsite	
launch strategy, we conducted polling among          raffle by sharing stories with us about how
consumers to examine attitudes and behaviors         they live their vision
about	the	PGA	TOUR	and	the	relevance	
                                                  •	 More	than	600	attendees	were	issued	
and potential impact of a sponsorship for
                                                     “Sight-Ations”	from	CHiPs’	“Officer	Frank	
Transitions Optical.
                                                     Poncherello”	(Erik	Estrada),	who	was	brought	
The Poll Showed That                                 on board to help attendees learn how to
                                                     protect their eyesight in a fun, unexpected way
•	 Nearly	80	percent	of	consumers	agreed	
   that healthy sight was relevant both to        •	 Secured	favorable	product	reviews	through	
   themselves and golf                               blogger and online media outreach –
                                                     resulting	in		6	million+	impressions	
•	 Nearly	70	percent	of	consumers	agreed	
   it would be appropriate to hear about the      As a result of the tremendous impact made for
   importance	of	lenses	and	UV	protection	if	     the Transitions brand and accolades from the
   the	PGA	TOUR	had	an	official	lens	sponsor      PGA	TOUR	providing	top	marks	for	Transitions’	
                                                  first	year	effort	as	title	sponsor,	we	were	
•	 The	“Live	Your	Vision”	messaging	was	
                                                  retained as the lead agency partner to provide
   executed throughout all communications,
                                                  brand strategy and event execution for the
   from media messaging and player
                                                  2010	Transitions	Championship.		In	addition,	
   sponsorships, to the on-site branding at the
                                                  the “Live Your Vision” theme was a driving force
   Transitions	Championship,	to	the	print	and	
                                                  behind	this	effort	–	one	that	was	embraced	so	
   television advertising generated around the
                                                  much by Transitions that they adopted it as
   event, and throughout the year.
                                                  their brand mantra – integrating it into much of
                                                  their trade and consumer communications.

LG Commercial   O    ur integrated marketing team was brought
                     in by LG Electronics’ Commercial division to
                develop creative for its business-to-business
                (print and interactive) advertising campaign.
                The initial challenges were to introduce an
                entirely new product concept to the lodging
                industry and expand LG’s reach in to a new
                vertical within the healthcare category.


                The first advertisement that we launched
                targets hotel management/procurement
                personnel. It bears the headline “Digital
                Concierge,” and shows the various ways that
                hotel guests would interact with LG’s new
                Pro:Centric™ platform which enables viewers
                to increase the quality and value of their stay
                through the selection of a variety of on-screen
                amenity booking options. The ad signs off
                with the compelling call-to-action “Be Guest-
                Centric. Go Pro:Centric.”

                Also, with significant competition from Philips
                Electronics in the area of energy efficiency,
                LG asked us to produce advertising that
                addresses hoteliers interest in cost-efficient,
                energy saving televisions. The ads emply the
                headline “Green Room” and clearly conveys
                LG’s Dynamic Power Savings, Static Power
                Savings and its Intelligent Sensor.

                The lodging-focused ads are running in several
                National trade magazines that are dedicated
                to the hotel management community.

                LG also asked our team to target long-term
                care and skilled-nursing facilities, promoting
                LG’s leadership (as the #1 television
                manufacturer) in the healthcare industry.
                The ad bears the headline “Quality Care
                in High Definition.”
Destination DC   In	mid-2007,	the	city	of	Washington,	DC,	was	
                  poised to enter the crowded and competitive
                 domestic tourism market with a new campaign.

                 The most successful and beloved brands are
                 single-minded in their claim on the public’s
                 mind. Volvo means safety,	Wal-Mart	low
                 prices and FedEx overnight. For visitors to
                 Washington,	DC,	it	was	all	about	the	power.		
                 Washington,	DC	was	their	Ultimate	Power	
                 Trip. Innovative “power” word pairings were
                 used in creative headlines in combination with
                 evocative visuals that really captured and
                 brought the idea to life.

                 Creative	testing	proved	the	effectiveness	of	
                 this message, and the team’s campaign was
                 some of the highest-testing creative the
                 researchers had ever recorded. It was found
                 that the message succeeded in broadening
                 the city’s appeal beyond families on vacation
                 to urban explorers, who are keyed into the
                 city’s restaurants and nightlife, and knowledge
                 seekers, who are interested in architecture,
                 history and culture.

                 Washington,	DC’s	travel	and	tourism	industry	
                 reported	gains	in	2008:

                 •	 DC	welcomed	16.6	million	visitors,	a	3%	
                    increase	from	2007
                 •	 International	visitation	rose	22%,	driving	
                    visitor	spending	past	$5.6	billion	and	
                    generating	$618	million	in	tax	revenue	for	
                    the	District
                 •	 Domestic	travel	rose	2%	to	15.2	million,	
                    while international visitation showed
                    double-digit growth for the second straight
                    year,	rising	22%	to	1.4	million	in	2008
                 •	 Cost-conscious	travelers	boosted	
                    attendance	at	Smithsonian	museums	(+4%)	
                    and	National	Park	Service	sites	(+6%)
Applica/Clear2Go   A    pplica, a marketer and distributor of a
                        wide range of small appliances for use
                   in and outside the home, challenged us to
                   roll out an integrated launch program for
                   Clear2Go,	a	personal	water	bottle	with	a	
                   replaceable	filter,	in	March	and	April	2009.	
                   With	Earth	Day	2009	as	the	backdrop,	the	
                   program was designed to promote the
                   efficacy	of	the	filter,	the	impact	on	the	earth	
                   and the overall cost savings associated with
                   using a personal water bottle. With a broad
                   consumer opportunity at hand, we delivered
                   our message at multiple touch-points,
                   including major city attractions, media
                   and the web.

                   Our	objectives	were	to	associate	Clear2Go	
                   with	Earth	Day	and	the	green	lifestyle,	build	
                   buzz among influencers, engage bloggers
                   to test out the product and post reviews,
                   take advantage of Lance Armstrong’s
                   association with the product where
                   possible, build a digital platform to engage
                   consumers to use less disposable bottled
                   water	and	buy	Clear2Go,	and	leverage	buzz	
                   to secure incremental retail distribution.

                   •	 More	than	8,000	pledges	were	signed
                   •	 2.3	million	bottles	were	pledged	out	of	
                      landfills annually
                   •	 More	than	2.2	million	online	banner	ad	
                      impressions were generated
The Phoenix   P   hoenix	started	2007	with	a	new	brand	and	
                  new momentum. It was our challenge to
Companies     launch this new brand through a compelling
              integrated communications program targeted
              to a very specific audience, the Financial
              Advisor and Life Insurance Agent who
              specializes	in	the	High-Net-Worth	market.

              Our message? That Phoenix has a more
              comprehensive understanding of the
              mind-set	of	the	HNW	client	than	other	wealth	
              management firms and is the ideal partner for
              the financial advisor who wants to know more
              and do more for their most demanding clients.

              Our creative solution was simple and powerful.
              In the highly competitive field of wealth
              management, advisors can look to Phoenix to
              help	them	go	“The	Extra	Mile”	for	their	most	
              successful and demanding clients.

              Focus group research in key markets validated
              the proposed message approach and provided
              additional insights around media habits and
              preferred means of recognition that allowed us
              to fine-tune the integrated marketing plan. In
              addition to national and trade print advertising,
              the team developed sales-recognition and
              other promotional programs, as well as a highly
              concentrated	online	advertising	effort.	


              •	 Generated	over	600	high-quality	leads
              •	 Served	ads	with	relevant	messages	17	
                 million times
              •	 Achieved	above-industry-standard	
                 click-through rates
              •	 Achieved	conversion	rates	as	high	as	
                 10%	across	all	sites	–	double	the	average	
                 reported for B2B online campaigns
Hormel Foods                                     W     hile	Hormel	Foods	has	constantly	
                                                       evolved with innovative products and
                                                 food production technologies, the company’s
                                                 corporate reputation has not. As a result,
                                                 Hormel	Foods	was	in	a	constant	struggle	
                                                 to become more than just “The maker of
                                                 SPAM”	and	asked	our	team	to	help	create	a	
                                                 new digital experience that would serve as a
                                                 platform to shift customers’ perceptions of the
                                                 Hormel	brand	from	traditional	and	down-home	
                                                 with	limited	product	offerings,	to	innovative,	
                                                 modern, and diverse.
                                                 Based on research we built a corporate web
                                                 platform that serves as the gateway to the
                                                 entire company online. We then developed
                                                 brand specific sites that celebrate what
                                                 makes	each	brand	unique.	For	the	Hormel	
                                                 brand	we	created	an	interactive	kitchen.	Users	
                                                 gain a sense of brand depth and variety by
                                                 interacting with various product ‘carousels’
                                                 containing product information, recipe ideas,
                                                 and appealing photography. The modern
                                                 look of the kitchen – combined with the open                                       design and streamlined functionality of the
                                                 site – obliterated previous perceptions of the
                                                 brand as old-fashioned.
                                                 The	team’s	efforts	have	successfully	shaped	
                                                 perceptions among all audiences, as evidenced
                                                 by the media, employees, consumers and
                                                 analysts.	Key	highlights	include:
                                                 •	 250%	increase	in	media	coverage	since	
                    Q1	FY2005
                                                 •	 Awareness	of	Hormel	Foods	Chairman,	
                                                    President	and	CEO	Jeffrey	Ettinger	
                                                    increased	by	27%
                                                 •	 Won	more	than	42	awards	in	FY2008
                                                 •	 Hormel	was	very	successful,	garnering	
                                                    9,452	visits	during	the	week	after	
                                                    launch	and	46,947	visits	total	during                                            the first month
                                                 •	 Consumer	testing	of	the	Interactive	Kitchen	
                                                    revealed	an	80%	success	rate	in	broadening	
                                                    the consumer’s perception of brand variety,
                                                    and	a	65%	success	rate	in	conveying	
                                                    innovation	and	modernity	as	Hormel	
                                                    brand attributes

U.S. Treasury                    T   o	stay	ahead	of	counterfeiting,	the	United	
                                     States	government	is	required	to	redesign	
Bureau of Engraving & Printing   each denomination of currency every seven
                                 to ten years. Educating the public must be at
                                 the	forefront	of	this	effort	so	that	those	who	
                                 handle American currency are aware of the
                                 newest features of the bills and can easily
                                 spot a counterfeit. Three government agencies
                                 are responsible for this public education
                                 awareness	program:	The	Bureau	of	Engraving	
                                 and Printing, The Federal Reserve Board and
                                 The	United	States	Secret	Service.	

                                 In	2003,	the	United	States	government	
                                 began introducing newly redesigned bills with
                                 a host of distinct colors and security features
                                 aimed to thwart the continually evolving
                                 threat	of	counterfeiting.	The	$20	bill	was	the	
                                 first	in	the	series,	followed	by	the	$50	and	
                                 the	$10,	respectively.
I n	2007,	the	U.S.	government	tasked	us	with	
  developing a new, innovative way to unveil
the	redesigned	$5	bill	to	the	public.	Because	
                                                     On	September	17,	2008,	a	special	“splash	
                                                     page” featuring a digital countdown clock
                                                     replaced the home page of the currency
so many redesigned denominations had been            education	Web	site,
released in recent years, the potential for yet      newmoney.	At	9:00	a.m.	on	September	20,	
another new currency design to be perceived          the	clock	hit	0:00	and	a	video	filled	the	screen,	
as “old news” was real. The unveiling event          introducing	the	new	$5	bill.	The	unveiling	
needed to gain significant media coverage in         was followed by a live, online Q&A with
order to kick-start a global public education        officials	from	the	U.S.	Treasury,	The	Bureau	of	
campaign to encourage target audiences to            Engraving and Printing, The Federal Reserve
authenticate currency and prepare for the new        Board	and	The	United	States	Secret	Service.	
$5	bill’s	entry	into	circulation	early	next	year.    The	Wi-5	event	was	supported	by	online	
                                                     elements that both enhanced the event’s
In cooperation with the Bureau of Engraving          news value and ensured a rich, interactive
and Printing, we determined that the unveiling       learning experience for target audiences.
of	the	$5	bill	would	need	to	use	a	format	
that could be easily disseminated to as many         Results
stakeholders and members of the general
public as possible. It was essential to the public   Between	September	20th	and	22nd,	the	
education	effort	of	the	campaign	to	drive	key	       Web	site	
audiences to the Web site to download and            experienced	a	976%	increase	in	a	24-hour	
order training and education materials.              period. The digital unveiling also drove more
                                                     than	38,187	stakeholders	to	order	more	than	
The “Wi-5” Theme                                     133,446	educational	materials	to	prepare	
                                                     their employees, constituents and customers
A	wordplay	on	“WiFi”	technology,	the	“Wi-5”	         for	the	new	$5	bill.	The	$5	unveiling	was	the	
theme	of	the	$5	unveiling	event	evoked	the	          first time an event of its kind was listed in the
high-tech nature of the unveiling itself, as         Associated	Press	Daybook,	setting	a	precedent	
well as the government’s use of developing           for online events in the future. As a result,
technologies to enhance security features            more	than	250	journalists	participated	in	
in the currency to protect the public against        the unveiling.
counterfeiting and to teach people how to
authenticate their currency.
The Evidence Is Inspiring...
New York | Washington,	D.C.	|	Chicago	|	Pittsburgh	


                            A	Member	of	the	WPP	Group

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Proof Brochure

  • 1. The Evidence Is Inspiring.
  • 2. At Proof, We Believe That... We should be judged not just by the answers we supply, but by the questions we ask... Research, planning and process beget progress... Brands should be own-able, defensible and consistent... Creativity is intelligence having fun... The best digital experiences drive an emotional response... Media plans should be creative solutions, too... Even the most elegant innovations require adaptability... Sound strategies, well optimized, will place you in front of your competition... Building our business happens by building yours. At Proof, we believe that... The Evidence Is Inspiring.
  • 3. Intelligently Integrated BRAND ADVERTISING Strategic Planning Print Verbal & Visual Identity Broadcast (TV & Radio) Positioning & Themes Online Brochures & Collateral Search Engine Marketing Events & Video Production Direct Response Crisis/Issues Out-of-Home Communications RESEARCH Advertorial Public Relations Audience Insight Brand Identity Competitive Positioning Corporate Reputation Messaging MEDIA DIGITAL Planning Online Reputation Management Buying Interactive Experience Design Placement Social Media & Community Measurement Digital Advocacy Analysis Mobile Marketing Optimization
  • 4. Evidence-Based Process Establish Business Determine Objectives Client Measure Challenges Success & Opportunities Brand Conduct Positioning Identify Mid-Course System Target Audiences Evaluation & (BPS) Success Metrics Develop Execute Messages Campaign Develop Communications & Campaign Drivers & Metrics
  • 5. Our Work W e believe that evidence-based communications, driven by research intelligence that is gathered throughout a marketing effort’s cycle, truly distinguishes our clients and helps us improve their reputation in a crowded marketplace. We infuse this thinking into every aspect of our work, building better-informed programs that stem from research. We also measure, analyze and continuously fine-tune the performance of our communications campaigns. Here are a handful of “believers” in Proof’s evidence-based approach to marketing: Applica Consumer Products BP The Coca-Cola Company Con Edison Destination D.C. Dominion Resources Entergy The Ford Motor Company Hormel Foods Intel Kraft Foods LG Electronics Megabrands Microsoft Shell Transitions Optical Thomson Reuters U.S. Treasury (BEP)
  • 6. Transitions Optical F or Transitions Optical, the leading provider of photochromic lenses worldwide, we served as the lead consumer communications agency in the areas of brand marketing, consumer PR, digital and social media strategy, providing overall strategic planning, research and programming execution relating to their core message platform and position within the industry and among consumers. Our work for Transitions is diverse – spanning multiple disciplines and channels – in North America and around the world. Whether we’re creating an ad campaign or developing an online experience, our approach ensures a cohesive and consistent brand, as well as an appropriate call-to-action. Highlighted Work Includes • Consumer media outreach – U.S., U.S. Hispanic market and Canada • Eye Didn’t Know That! – content/creative development and execution of consumer eye health awareness program • Digital and social media strategy and programming, including the development of Transitions’ global Web site, multiple micro sites, search engine optimization, online advertising, online loyalty programming, blog development and monitoring, social media content development and placement • Celebrity spokesperson activation and management • Issues management and crisis communications • Advocacy and legislative affairs strategy • Grass-roots programming (i.e. community outreach, school programming) • Retail partnership programming We have helped Transitions achieve year-over-year, double-digit sales growth and are proud to contribute to Transitions’ significant market share and position as the #1 doctor-recommended photochromic lenses worldwide. Results • More than 1.5 billion impressions have been garnered to date as part of our consumer media outreach efforts • Developed and executed Eye Didn’t Know That! – considered to be the largest consumer education initiative in the optical industry; included a 12-city tour and distribution of tens of thousands of program materials • Industry and consumer anecdotal feedback suggests the Transitions brand is better positioned online with a much stronger influence on purchase intent • More than 72,000 searches to date were conducted by consumers using the online Eyecare Professional Locator tool • More than 17,000 unique visitors traffic the site per month • Approximately 142,000 consumers participated in the online sweepstakes program
  • 7. T ransitions Optical is committed to educating consumers about the importance of maintaining lifelong healthy Results • Tournament attendance was highest in sight. Its latest consumer outreach initiative nine years involves a partnership with the PGA TOUR, • Developed branded content as part of Golf which allows Transitions to connect with Channel and NBC programming broadcast to consumers through a highly relevant, global millions of viewers platform reinforcing the connection between healthy, quality sight and overall health and • “Live Your Vision” family walk benefiting wellness. “Live Your Vision” was developed as Prevent Blindness Florida attracted the rallying point that served as the theme to 400+ participants drive action among all audiences. • “Live Your Vision” experience pavilion drew Transitions challenged us to develop an 5,000+ visitors throughout the week integrated program to educate consumers • 83% increase in traffic to and engage trade partners with the goal during the month of the tournament of driving awareness, inspiring action and elevating the Transitions brand. As part of the • Nearly 300 attendees entered an onsite launch strategy, we conducted polling among raffle by sharing stories with us about how consumers to examine attitudes and behaviors they live their vision about the PGA TOUR and the relevance • More than 600 attendees were issued and potential impact of a sponsorship for “Sight-Ations” from CHiPs’ “Officer Frank Transitions Optical. Poncherello” (Erik Estrada), who was brought The Poll Showed That on board to help attendees learn how to protect their eyesight in a fun, unexpected way • Nearly 80 percent of consumers agreed that healthy sight was relevant both to • Secured favorable product reviews through themselves and golf blogger and online media outreach – resulting in 6 million+ impressions • Nearly 70 percent of consumers agreed it would be appropriate to hear about the As a result of the tremendous impact made for importance of lenses and UV protection if the Transitions brand and accolades from the the PGA TOUR had an official lens sponsor PGA TOUR providing top marks for Transitions’ first year effort as title sponsor, we were • The “Live Your Vision” messaging was retained as the lead agency partner to provide executed throughout all communications, brand strategy and event execution for the from media messaging and player 2010 Transitions Championship. In addition, sponsorships, to the on-site branding at the the “Live Your Vision” theme was a driving force Transitions Championship, to the print and behind this effort – one that was embraced so television advertising generated around the much by Transitions that they adopted it as event, and throughout the year. their brand mantra – integrating it into much of their trade and consumer communications.
  • 8. LG Commercial O ur integrated marketing team was brought in by LG Electronics’ Commercial division to develop creative for its business-to-business (print and interactive) advertising campaign. The initial challenges were to introduce an entirely new product concept to the lodging industry and expand LG’s reach in to a new vertical within the healthcare category. Results The first advertisement that we launched targets hotel management/procurement personnel. It bears the headline “Digital Concierge,” and shows the various ways that hotel guests would interact with LG’s new Pro:Centric™ platform which enables viewers to increase the quality and value of their stay through the selection of a variety of on-screen amenity booking options. The ad signs off with the compelling call-to-action “Be Guest- Centric. Go Pro:Centric.” Also, with significant competition from Philips Electronics in the area of energy efficiency, LG asked us to produce advertising that addresses hoteliers interest in cost-efficient, energy saving televisions. The ads emply the headline “Green Room” and clearly conveys LG’s Dynamic Power Savings, Static Power Savings and its Intelligent Sensor. The lodging-focused ads are running in several National trade magazines that are dedicated to the hotel management community. LG also asked our team to target long-term care and skilled-nursing facilities, promoting LG’s leadership (as the #1 television manufacturer) in the healthcare industry. The ad bears the headline “Quality Care in High Definition.”
  • 9. Destination DC In mid-2007, the city of Washington, DC, was poised to enter the crowded and competitive domestic tourism market with a new campaign. The most successful and beloved brands are single-minded in their claim on the public’s mind. Volvo means safety, Wal-Mart low prices and FedEx overnight. For visitors to Washington, DC, it was all about the power. Washington, DC was their Ultimate Power Trip. Innovative “power” word pairings were used in creative headlines in combination with evocative visuals that really captured and brought the idea to life. Creative testing proved the effectiveness of this message, and the team’s campaign was some of the highest-testing creative the researchers had ever recorded. It was found that the message succeeded in broadening the city’s appeal beyond families on vacation to urban explorers, who are keyed into the city’s restaurants and nightlife, and knowledge seekers, who are interested in architecture, history and culture. Results Washington, DC’s travel and tourism industry reported gains in 2008: • DC welcomed 16.6 million visitors, a 3% increase from 2007 • International visitation rose 22%, driving visitor spending past $5.6 billion and generating $618 million in tax revenue for the District • Domestic travel rose 2% to 15.2 million, while international visitation showed double-digit growth for the second straight year, rising 22% to 1.4 million in 2008 • Cost-conscious travelers boosted attendance at Smithsonian museums (+4%) and National Park Service sites (+6%)
  • 10. Applica/Clear2Go A pplica, a marketer and distributor of a wide range of small appliances for use in and outside the home, challenged us to roll out an integrated launch program for Clear2Go, a personal water bottle with a replaceable filter, in March and April 2009. With Earth Day 2009 as the backdrop, the program was designed to promote the efficacy of the filter, the impact on the earth and the overall cost savings associated with using a personal water bottle. With a broad consumer opportunity at hand, we delivered our message at multiple touch-points, including major city attractions, media and the web. Our objectives were to associate Clear2Go with Earth Day and the green lifestyle, build buzz among influencers, engage bloggers to test out the product and post reviews, take advantage of Lance Armstrong’s association with the product where possible, build a digital platform to engage consumers to use less disposable bottled water and buy Clear2Go, and leverage buzz to secure incremental retail distribution. Results • More than 8,000 pledges were signed • 2.3 million bottles were pledged out of landfills annually • More than 2.2 million online banner ad impressions were generated
  • 11. The Phoenix P hoenix started 2007 with a new brand and new momentum. It was our challenge to Companies launch this new brand through a compelling integrated communications program targeted to a very specific audience, the Financial Advisor and Life Insurance Agent who specializes in the High-Net-Worth market. Our message? That Phoenix has a more comprehensive understanding of the mind-set of the HNW client than other wealth management firms and is the ideal partner for the financial advisor who wants to know more and do more for their most demanding clients. Our creative solution was simple and powerful. In the highly competitive field of wealth management, advisors can look to Phoenix to help them go “The Extra Mile” for their most successful and demanding clients. Focus group research in key markets validated the proposed message approach and provided additional insights around media habits and preferred means of recognition that allowed us to fine-tune the integrated marketing plan. In addition to national and trade print advertising, the team developed sales-recognition and other promotional programs, as well as a highly concentrated online advertising effort. Results • Generated over 600 high-quality leads • Served ads with relevant messages 17 million times • Achieved above-industry-standard click-through rates • Achieved conversion rates as high as 10% across all sites – double the average reported for B2B online campaigns
  • 12. Hormel Foods W hile Hormel Foods has constantly evolved with innovative products and food production technologies, the company’s corporate reputation has not. As a result, Hormel Foods was in a constant struggle to become more than just “The maker of SPAM” and asked our team to help create a new digital experience that would serve as a platform to shift customers’ perceptions of the Hormel brand from traditional and down-home with limited product offerings, to innovative, modern, and diverse. Based on research we built a corporate web platform that serves as the gateway to the entire company online. We then developed brand specific sites that celebrate what makes each brand unique. For the Hormel brand we created an interactive kitchen. Users gain a sense of brand depth and variety by interacting with various product ‘carousels’ containing product information, recipe ideas, and appealing photography. The modern look of the kitchen – combined with the open design and streamlined functionality of the site – obliterated previous perceptions of the brand as old-fashioned. Results The team’s efforts have successfully shaped perceptions among all audiences, as evidenced by the media, employees, consumers and analysts. Key highlights include: • 250% increase in media coverage since Q1 FY2005 • Awareness of Hormel Foods Chairman, President and CEO Jeffrey Ettinger increased by 27% • Won more than 42 awards in FY2008 • Hormel was very successful, garnering 9,452 visits during the week after launch and 46,947 visits total during the first month • Consumer testing of the Interactive Kitchen revealed an 80% success rate in broadening the consumer’s perception of brand variety, and a 65% success rate in conveying innovation and modernity as Hormel brand attributes
  • 13. U.S. Treasury T o stay ahead of counterfeiting, the United States government is required to redesign Bureau of Engraving & Printing each denomination of currency every seven to ten years. Educating the public must be at the forefront of this effort so that those who handle American currency are aware of the newest features of the bills and can easily spot a counterfeit. Three government agencies are responsible for this public education awareness program: The Bureau of Engraving and Printing, The Federal Reserve Board and The United States Secret Service. In 2003, the United States government began introducing newly redesigned bills with a host of distinct colors and security features aimed to thwart the continually evolving threat of counterfeiting. The $20 bill was the first in the series, followed by the $50 and the $10, respectively.
  • 14. I n 2007, the U.S. government tasked us with developing a new, innovative way to unveil the redesigned $5 bill to the public. Because On September 17, 2008, a special “splash page” featuring a digital countdown clock replaced the home page of the currency so many redesigned denominations had been education Web site, released in recent years, the potential for yet newmoney. At 9:00 a.m. on September 20, another new currency design to be perceived the clock hit 0:00 and a video filled the screen, as “old news” was real. The unveiling event introducing the new $5 bill. The unveiling needed to gain significant media coverage in was followed by a live, online Q&A with order to kick-start a global public education officials from the U.S. Treasury, The Bureau of campaign to encourage target audiences to Engraving and Printing, The Federal Reserve authenticate currency and prepare for the new Board and The United States Secret Service. $5 bill’s entry into circulation early next year. The Wi-5 event was supported by online elements that both enhanced the event’s In cooperation with the Bureau of Engraving news value and ensured a rich, interactive and Printing, we determined that the unveiling learning experience for target audiences. of the $5 bill would need to use a format that could be easily disseminated to as many Results stakeholders and members of the general public as possible. It was essential to the public Between September 20th and 22nd, the education effort of the campaign to drive key Web site audiences to the Web site to download and experienced a 976% increase in a 24-hour order training and education materials. period. The digital unveiling also drove more than 38,187 stakeholders to order more than The “Wi-5” Theme 133,446 educational materials to prepare their employees, constituents and customers A wordplay on “WiFi” technology, the “Wi-5” for the new $5 bill. The $5 unveiling was the theme of the $5 unveiling event evoked the first time an event of its kind was listed in the high-tech nature of the unveiling itself, as Associated Press Daybook, setting a precedent well as the government’s use of developing for online events in the future. As a result, technologies to enhance security features more than 250 journalists participated in in the currency to protect the public against the unveiling. counterfeiting and to teach people how to authenticate their currency.
  • 15. The Evidence Is Inspiring... ...Insights ...Strategies ...Creative ...Campaigns …Digital ...Visibility ...Optimization ...Connections ...Leads ...Customers ...Clients ...Effectiveness ...Results …Success
  • 16. New York | Washington, D.C. | Chicago | Pittsburgh A Member of the WPP Group