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Ensure Success with the
Right Mobile App Delivery
2How to Ensure Success with the Right Mobile App Delivery
Executive Summary.
Mobile app delivery has unique considerations that cannot be addressed
by utilizing a generic digital delivery framework. To build, manage, and
maintain mobile apps requires specific processes and skill sets layered
into a traditional Agile-based project approach to ensure success. With
Gartner stating that “many organizations are asking what skills and
tools to adopt to successfully deliver mobile apps,” it is critical that
organizations build their understanding in this area.
There are four key elements that an organization must include in their iterative approach to
app delivery:
The Gartner 2017 strategic planning assumption that “by 2022, 70% of software interactions
in enterprises will occur on mobile devices” underscores the need for organizations to continue
targeted mobile. Understanding the unique nature of mobile apps, when compared to other
technical development projects, is paramount to successful mobile app development management.
For example, there is shorter end-to-end development life cycle per version; however, expectations
remain high for each release. With clear strategic goals for mobile, applying the key components
outlined in this white paper to mobile app projects will help the implementation of that vision.
Choosing the right path and technology.
Assembling the right team.
Applying the right approach.
Employing the right long-term vision and deployment success.
Choosing the right path
and technology.
4How to Ensure Success with the Right Mobile App Delivery
Choosing the right path and
Chapter 1
Making preliminary decisions regarding the technical direction for the
mobile development sets the stage for the subsequent choices made
throughout the project. An initial Discovery phase to dive into the
strategy, user needs, and overarching project goals will help determine
the appropriate technical approach needed. The following are elements to
consider when analyzing the path forward.
There are several means through which an organization can provide access to information on a
mobile device, with the primary two being a mobile (or responsive) website or a mobile app.
A mobile website is browser-based content, specifically sized for delivery on a mobile device. It
inherently has broader accessibility and compatibility, as it is not device-specific and does not
require downloads. Sticking to a traditional web-based approach will often allow for reuse of
existing processes, procedures, and staff. While the web is typically utilized for attraction of users,
mobile web is used for transaction.
Attraction Transaction Retention
5How to Ensure Success with the Right Mobile App Delivery
Chapter 1: Choosing the right path and technology
Rather than rendering from a browser, a mobile app is an application that is downloaded and
installed on the device. This can provide the ability for continued use when offline, enhanced
personalization /user targeting, better performance, and greater access to the phone’s native
functionality, such as the camera and push notifications. Deciding to build a mobile app will allow
the organization to take advantage of these enhancements. Mobile apps are used for retention and
engagement of users.
Once a mobile app decision is made, the next
step is to determine whether to utilize a cross-
platform technology or to build the apps native.
Cross-platform apps utilize a single codebase to
access multiple native frameworks. Front-end languages, such as JavaScript and HTML, are often
used to build these apps. The cross-platform app is built once and deployed on multiple operating
systems, which typically decreases development costs and timeline. However, there are often
limitations in technology, loading time, and concessions made regarding user interface.
Native apps are developed for a specific operating system, typically iOS or Android. Different
technologies are used for each OS (such as Objective-C and Swift for iOS and Java for Android), so
a separate app must be built for each target platform. While this tends to mean two teams running
in parallel and thus higher development costs, the benefits include the ability to fully access native
services and features, faster response times, greater app store visibility, and inherent native
interface elements.
Individual app needs and circumstances, along with budgetary considerations, typically drive this
Additional technical implications must be identified and addressed to ensure that the app will
function as expected. Gartner shares that “[m]any organizations also struggle with the complexities
of mobile app integration with enterprise data, as well as offline data synchronization and scalability
issues.” Ensuring a mobile architecture with business-driven API framework, along with security,
authentication, and connectivity needs, is clearly defined up front will allow for appropriate planning
and implementation details to be addressed.
Assembling the right team.
7How to Ensure Success with the Right Mobile App Delivery
Assembling the right team.
Chapter 2
Knowledge, experience in the correct technologies, and overlapping
competencies are crucial elements when pulling your project team
together. Gartner states that “one of the top priority issues in enterprise
mobility identified in the annual Gartner CIO survey is the lack of
guidance to help identify and source the required roles and skills needed
to create mobile apps.” Below are the key resource needs for a mobile app
The product manager must have a product-owner mentality, thus representing the business/client
and their needs. This role is part project planner, part client advocate. The person in this role must
understand the strategic roadmap, plan the releases, ensure the app is well built, and monitor
success. Depending on the size and structure of the organization, this role may be combined
or separated from project management. Understanding of and experience with mobile-app
complexities and general knowledge of the technologies is expected.
8How to Ensure Success with the Right Mobile App Delivery
Chapter 2: Assembling the right team
While noted here together, User Experience (UX) and User Design (UI) are often separate,
overlapping resources on a project, with the main goal of understanding the audience and how
they will use the app. This understanding allows these team members to design an app that meets
the user’s needs, while capitalizing on mobile strengths and minimizing limitations inherent to
mobile devices, such as small screen size and variable connectivity. It is paramount that an app is
well designed, with clear and intuitive screens. A design should be consistent with organizational
branding, yet distinct from the competition.
Mobile app design is not one-size-fits-all. It is not a generic, ported from desktop, responsive
web displayed on a mobile device experience. iPhone users expect an iPhone-centric experience
in their apps and Android users expect an Android-based experience. Understanding the design
principles of Material Design for Android ( and Human Interface
Guidelines for iOS ( is a must to meet high expectations for
quality and functionality. Apple’s developer site notes the Human Interface Guidelines provide “in-
depth information and UI resources for designing great apps that integrate seamlessly with Apple
Use mobile device capabilities like
voice recognition, AI, and more
Arrange screen elements for a user’s
hand and finger reach
Minimize typing by providing a
natural navigation experience
Simplify navigation to help users
reach their destinations faster
Consider accessibility compliance for
differently-abled users
9How to Ensure Success with the Right Mobile App Delivery
A company’s technical talent includes the folks who actually develop the mobile app. As with any
IT development project, an organization must ensure that the development team has the right mix
of experience with the required technologies. Additionally, for mobile apps, ensuring knowledge of
DevOps and release management within the technical team is crucial.
Specific mobile app development needs will vary based on a cross-platform or native approach. A
cross-platform solution will likely require a single team with capabilities like JavaScript and HTML in
order to target multiple operating systems with a single solution. Native solutions will either require
separate teams of developers to work in parallel, or a single team with multiple programming
language capabilities (typically C-based for iOS and Java for Android) that will develop for each
OS in an asynchronous fashion. Additionally, a resource with the ability to meet any back-end
integration needs will be necessary.
Testing mobile apps requires not just a Quality Assurance background, but clear knowledge in the
specifics of mobile device usage — often across different operating systems — along with end-user
expectations. Responsibility to check and measure that the app meets expectations in terms of
usability, quality, and performance falls squarely on this role. Ensuring the mobile app is validated
across changing network conditions and device differences, on the actual devices, is also critical.
Chapter 2: Assembling the right team
Applying the right approach.
11How to Ensure Success with the Right Mobile App Delivery
Applying the right approach.
Chapter 3
Feature update expectations from end users drive the need for continuous
improvement. Establishing a clear project cadence and feedback loop
is necessary to allow for rapid identification, development, testing, and
deployment of features — a necessity in the mobile app landscape.
As noted above in Choosing the Right Path and Technology, an initial Discovery phase to dive into
the strategy, user needs, and overarching project goals will help lay the groundwork for the project.
This initial idea generation and prioritization effort allows the team to hone both the project
direction and approach. Taking time to map ideas back to the priorities driving the business helps
reduce focus on unnecessary apps or functionality. With limited cycles available for each release, it
is prudent to ensure there is a roadmap to document where the focused efforts are most valuable.
12How to Ensure Success with the Right Mobile App Delivery
As stated in the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) Agile Practice Guide, “customer satisfaction
increases with early and continuous delivery of valuable products.” Agile-based techniques are
often used to deliver technical projects, but Gartner notes that Agile processes are a requirement
for mobile apps due to the “rapid pace of change in the mobile market ... putting pressure on
development and operations teams to adopt rapid development, as well as deployment practices.”
There are many approaches under the Agile umbrella, and as noted in the PMI Agile Practice
Guide, “Agile teams rarely limit their practices to one agile approach.” The following combination is
recommended to help increase the effectiveness of the team:
•	 Scrum for planning and monitoring through use of a product backlog and daily scrum — along
with sprint planning, demos, and retrospectives
•	 Kanban board for visualizing and monitoring the flow of work
•	 The continuous integration and automated testing of eXtreme Programming (XP)
The ultimate goal in combining these techniques is to allow for quick iteration of the typical “Define,
Design, Develop, Test, Deploy” cycle to maximize the value delivered.
Continuous improvement means the team must have a means for continuous integration and
continuous delivery. Central to this process is improving the collaboration between operations
and development. Utilizing technology and tools to automate source code management, build
management, testing, and deployment will minimize human intervention and maximize speed. This is
crucial with shorter development cycles and increased need for multiple deployments.
Chapter 3: Applying the right approach
13How to Ensure Success with the Right Mobile App Delivery
Thorough testing is critical to quality in all digital projects, but there is additional complexity with
testing mobile apps. First, the QA process happens simultaneously with the app development
process. According to PMI’s Agile Practice Guide, “in order to navigate changes, agile methods call
for frequent quality and review steps built in throughout the project rather than toward the end
of the project.” Also, there is typically a portfolio of devices to be supported and tested — multiple
operating systems with multiple OS versions supported, along with multiple device types for each.
This greatly compounds the efforts needed to ensure minimal defects, such as glitches and lag time,
in the final product. The use of automated testing can help run tests on devices concurrently, and can
be utilized to increase quality through enhanced depth and scope of tests. However, supplementing
with automation typically requires additional technical expertise and does not eliminate the need
for manual testing.
Chapter 3: Applying the right approach
Code -
Detect Changes Test Passes
Employing the right long-term
vision and deployment success.
15How to Ensure Success with the Right Mobile App Delivery
Employing the right long-term
vision and deployment success.
Chapter 4
Ensuring long-term success involves both making your app available for
consumption and providing an experience that keeps the user returning.
Analysis of data provides insight to strategic planning, and allows future
iterations to continue aligning with the long-term vision of where the app
should be.
To have your app consumed publicly, it has to be placed in a device-specific store, such as Apple’s
App Store or Google’s Play Store. So while many organizations have stringent deployment policies
and procedures for their systems, deploying a public app requires that the app go through Apple
and Google’s submission process and criteria for deployment. These are not areas where an
executive within the organization can provide an exception to get something pushed through. App
store submission will require detailed app information in addition to the applicable IPA or APK file.
Additionally, the Apple process typically takes two to three days from submission to deployment —
assuming the app is approved — which must be accounted for when planning. As Gartner states, “All
mobile apps teams require at least one person who understands how to deploy apps, through public
app stores or private mechanisms.”
Additionally, there is an equivalent to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for mobile, called App Store
Optimization. This process involves auditing the name, description, icon, and keywords used to
describe the app. This helps with the placement of the app within the store. The frequency of which
the app is updated and the feedback on the app also play into its placement. Additionally, having a
keyword in the name and an effective description helps with getting downloads.
16How to Ensure Success with the Right Mobile App Delivery
Chapter 4: Employing the right long term vision and deployment success
Once a mobile app is published, there is still work to be done. Gathering and analyzing feedback is
fundamental in order to maximize the value of a mobile app. Whether user feedback comes in the
form of app store reviews or from mobile app analytics, information must be gathered, analyzed, and
applied to ensure long-term success.
The ability to provide feedback in the app store is unique to mobile apps. App store feedback provides
insight into the quality and user experience of a mobile app, as shared directly from the end user. This
information is clearly visible for all consumers and can have significant impacts on user perception
and adoption. These ratings are often the driver for continuous monitoring and enhancement
delivery, in order to incorporate quick resolution to issues and provide needed enhancements.
Analytics also provide a key mechanism for measuring the success of a mobile app. They can be
used to measure indicators from user engagement and retention to performance and even to in-app
revenue. This data can also confirm assumptions that were made throughout the life cycle of the app.
However, Gartner notes that “enterprises still struggle to understand how to use mobile app analytics
tools to significantly improve the adoption and performance of apps.” The inconsistent gathering and
usage of analytics data that can be obtained from mobile apps limits the ability to “quickly address
app quality issues and pursue future enhancements to features and functions,” according to Gartner
Analytics can also be used to determine where future functional needs should be focused. Gartner
notes that organizations “should use comprehensive mobile app analytics to achieve continuous
iteration and improvement to maintain relevant and compelling app experiences.” If the appropriate
data collection capabilities are placed into the app, they will provide a “critical real-time feedback
loop of contextual app usage insights.”
Even if your business case does not require recurring functional enhancement updates, apps need
testing and updates to ensure they continue to function. Both reactive changes and preventative
maintenance will be needed. End users expect a bug-free experience, so ongoing maintenance
to address issues is critical. Organizations must also ensure the app continues to function on the
newest phones, with the latest operating systems, which typically release major updates annually.
Conclusion, References,
About the Author, and
About Shockoe.
18How to Ensure Success with the Right Mobile App Delivery
From a project perspective, mobile app delivery represents an extension
of the typical implementation. In addition to the standard time, budget,
and resource constraints, there are considerations around technology,
staffing, and process that must be addressed. Success is built around an
iterative process that allows for continuous monitoring, feedback, and
improvements to ensure long-term adoption.
With the right oversight and knowledge, companies can ensure that their mobile app teams augment
their activities to choose the right path and technology, assemble the right team, apply the right
approach, and employ the right long-term vision.
19How to Ensure Success with the Right Mobile App Delivery
About the author.
Director of Mobile Delivery
With 20 years in the technology industry developing and managing
projects, Misty Smith is the Director of Mobile Delivery at Shockoe.
Tech-savvy and flexible under ever-changing demands, she helps
companies crack the complexities in today’s technical landscape.
In her current role, Misty provides the direction for project
management methodologies and delivery, expectation setting, and effective communication with all
levels of stakeholders, and is accountable for overall quality and success of program management —
in addition to fostering growth and mentoring amongst her peers. Seeing projects from concept to
completion, she is an innovative process builder who has the perspective to understand what clients
require and how to drive teams toward success.
In her spare time, Misty is a sports mom and statistics nut. As the mother of three boys, she is often
found at the scoring table or in the press box, to help channel her competitive spirit and (as her
husband says) to keep her out of trouble in the stands. When not at a sporting event or chasing after
a perpetually active toddler, she is an avid reader whose annual goal for the last several years is to
average at least two books per week.
Add Misty on LinkedIn
•	 Predicts 2017: Mobile Apps and Their Development (Gartner)
•	 How to Build a Successful Mobile App Development Team (Gartner)
•	 Material Design for Android
•	 Human Interface Guidelines for iOS
•	 Agile Practice Guide (Project Management Institute and Agile Alliance)
Shockoe is a leader in the development of advanced
mobile applications focused on increasing sales,
end-user experiences, and employee productivity.
Since our founding in 2010, our strong focus on today’s mobile consumer
and end user has helped us grow into a global consulting firm with a unique
combination of mobile strategy, experience design, development, and
integration. Our products range from mobile apps for the consumer to
apps for the enterprise, and more recently apps that integrate emerging
technologies such as IOT and Augmented Reality. One thing that all of our
products have in common is that they deliver excellent user experiences
and adhere to the best practices in security and reliability.

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Project Management for Mobile Apps

  • 1. Ensure Success with the Right Mobile App Delivery HOW TO
  • 2. 2How to Ensure Success with the Right Mobile App Delivery Executive Summary. Mobile app delivery has unique considerations that cannot be addressed by utilizing a generic digital delivery framework. To build, manage, and maintain mobile apps requires specific processes and skill sets layered into a traditional Agile-based project approach to ensure success. With Gartner stating that “many organizations are asking what skills and tools to adopt to successfully deliver mobile apps,” it is critical that organizations build their understanding in this area. There are four key elements that an organization must include in their iterative approach to app delivery: The Gartner 2017 strategic planning assumption that “by 2022, 70% of software interactions in enterprises will occur on mobile devices” underscores the need for organizations to continue targeted mobile. Understanding the unique nature of mobile apps, when compared to other technical development projects, is paramount to successful mobile app development management. For example, there is shorter end-to-end development life cycle per version; however, expectations remain high for each release. With clear strategic goals for mobile, applying the key components outlined in this white paper to mobile app projects will help the implementation of that vision. Choosing the right path and technology. Assembling the right team. Applying the right approach. Employing the right long-term vision and deployment success. 1 2 3 4
  • 3. Choosing the right path and technology. CHAPTER 1
  • 4. 4How to Ensure Success with the Right Mobile App Delivery Choosing the right path and technology. Chapter 1 Making preliminary decisions regarding the technical direction for the mobile development sets the stage for the subsequent choices made throughout the project. An initial Discovery phase to dive into the strategy, user needs, and overarching project goals will help determine the appropriate technical approach needed. The following are elements to consider when analyzing the path forward. MOBILE WEB VS MOBILE APP There are several means through which an organization can provide access to information on a mobile device, with the primary two being a mobile (or responsive) website or a mobile app. A mobile website is browser-based content, specifically sized for delivery on a mobile device. It inherently has broader accessibility and compatibility, as it is not device-specific and does not require downloads. Sticking to a traditional web-based approach will often allow for reuse of existing processes, procedures, and staff. While the web is typically utilized for attraction of users, mobile web is used for transaction. Attraction Transaction Retention WEB MOBILE WEB APP
  • 5. 5How to Ensure Success with the Right Mobile App Delivery Chapter 1: Choosing the right path and technology Rather than rendering from a browser, a mobile app is an application that is downloaded and installed on the device. This can provide the ability for continued use when offline, enhanced personalization /user targeting, better performance, and greater access to the phone’s native functionality, such as the camera and push notifications. Deciding to build a mobile app will allow the organization to take advantage of these enhancements. Mobile apps are used for retention and engagement of users. CROSS-PLATFORM VS NATIVE Once a mobile app decision is made, the next step is to determine whether to utilize a cross- platform technology or to build the apps native. Cross-platform apps utilize a single codebase to access multiple native frameworks. Front-end languages, such as JavaScript and HTML, are often used to build these apps. The cross-platform app is built once and deployed on multiple operating systems, which typically decreases development costs and timeline. However, there are often limitations in technology, loading time, and concessions made regarding user interface. Native apps are developed for a specific operating system, typically iOS or Android. Different technologies are used for each OS (such as Objective-C and Swift for iOS and Java for Android), so a separate app must be built for each target platform. While this tends to mean two teams running in parallel and thus higher development costs, the benefits include the ability to fully access native services and features, faster response times, greater app store visibility, and inherent native interface elements. Individual app needs and circumstances, along with budgetary considerations, typically drive this decision. OTHER TECHNICAL DRIVERS Additional technical implications must be identified and addressed to ensure that the app will function as expected. Gartner shares that “[m]any organizations also struggle with the complexities of mobile app integration with enterprise data, as well as offline data synchronization and scalability issues.” Ensuring a mobile architecture with business-driven API framework, along with security, authentication, and connectivity needs, is clearly defined up front will allow for appropriate planning and implementation details to be addressed.
  • 6. Assembling the right team. CHAPTER 2
  • 7. 7How to Ensure Success with the Right Mobile App Delivery Assembling the right team. Chapter 2 Knowledge, experience in the correct technologies, and overlapping competencies are crucial elements when pulling your project team together. Gartner states that “one of the top priority issues in enterprise mobility identified in the annual Gartner CIO survey is the lack of guidance to help identify and source the required roles and skills needed to create mobile apps.” Below are the key resource needs for a mobile app project. PRODUCT MANAGEMENT The product manager must have a product-owner mentality, thus representing the business/client and their needs. This role is part project planner, part client advocate. The person in this role must understand the strategic roadmap, plan the releases, ensure the app is well built, and monitor success. Depending on the size and structure of the organization, this role may be combined or separated from project management. Understanding of and experience with mobile-app complexities and general knowledge of the technologies is expected.
  • 8. 8How to Ensure Success with the Right Mobile App Delivery Chapter 2: Assembling the right team USER EXPERIENCE AND DESIGN While noted here together, User Experience (UX) and User Design (UI) are often separate, overlapping resources on a project, with the main goal of understanding the audience and how they will use the app. This understanding allows these team members to design an app that meets the user’s needs, while capitalizing on mobile strengths and minimizing limitations inherent to mobile devices, such as small screen size and variable connectivity. It is paramount that an app is well designed, with clear and intuitive screens. A design should be consistent with organizational branding, yet distinct from the competition. Mobile app design is not one-size-fits-all. It is not a generic, ported from desktop, responsive web displayed on a mobile device experience. iPhone users expect an iPhone-centric experience in their apps and Android users expect an Android-based experience. Understanding the design principles of Material Design for Android ( and Human Interface Guidelines for iOS ( is a must to meet high expectations for quality and functionality. Apple’s developer site notes the Human Interface Guidelines provide “in- depth information and UI resources for designing great apps that integrate seamlessly with Apple platforms.” EXAMPLES OF MOBILE UX GOALS Use mobile device capabilities like voice recognition, AI, and more Arrange screen elements for a user’s hand and finger reach Minimize typing by providing a natural navigation experience Simplify navigation to help users reach their destinations faster Consider accessibility compliance for differently-abled users
  • 9. 9How to Ensure Success with the Right Mobile App Delivery TECHNICAL TALENT A company’s technical talent includes the folks who actually develop the mobile app. As with any IT development project, an organization must ensure that the development team has the right mix of experience with the required technologies. Additionally, for mobile apps, ensuring knowledge of DevOps and release management within the technical team is crucial. Specific mobile app development needs will vary based on a cross-platform or native approach. A cross-platform solution will likely require a single team with capabilities like JavaScript and HTML in order to target multiple operating systems with a single solution. Native solutions will either require separate teams of developers to work in parallel, or a single team with multiple programming language capabilities (typically C-based for iOS and Java for Android) that will develop for each OS in an asynchronous fashion. Additionally, a resource with the ability to meet any back-end integration needs will be necessary. QUALITY ASSURANCE Testing mobile apps requires not just a Quality Assurance background, but clear knowledge in the specifics of mobile device usage — often across different operating systems — along with end-user expectations. Responsibility to check and measure that the app meets expectations in terms of usability, quality, and performance falls squarely on this role. Ensuring the mobile app is validated across changing network conditions and device differences, on the actual devices, is also critical. Chapter 2: Assembling the right team JS SWIFT C# HTML JAVA
  • 10. Applying the right approach. CHAPTER 3
  • 11. 11How to Ensure Success with the Right Mobile App Delivery Applying the right approach. Chapter 3 Feature update expectations from end users drive the need for continuous improvement. Establishing a clear project cadence and feedback loop is necessary to allow for rapid identification, development, testing, and deployment of features — a necessity in the mobile app landscape. DISCOVERY As noted above in Choosing the Right Path and Technology, an initial Discovery phase to dive into the strategy, user needs, and overarching project goals will help lay the groundwork for the project. This initial idea generation and prioritization effort allows the team to hone both the project direction and approach. Taking time to map ideas back to the priorities driving the business helps reduce focus on unnecessary apps or functionality. With limited cycles available for each release, it is prudent to ensure there is a roadmap to document where the focused efforts are most valuable.
  • 12. 12How to Ensure Success with the Right Mobile App Delivery AGILE-BASED PROJECT APPROACH As stated in the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) Agile Practice Guide, “customer satisfaction increases with early and continuous delivery of valuable products.” Agile-based techniques are often used to deliver technical projects, but Gartner notes that Agile processes are a requirement for mobile apps due to the “rapid pace of change in the mobile market ... putting pressure on development and operations teams to adopt rapid development, as well as deployment practices.” There are many approaches under the Agile umbrella, and as noted in the PMI Agile Practice Guide, “Agile teams rarely limit their practices to one agile approach.” The following combination is recommended to help increase the effectiveness of the team: • Scrum for planning and monitoring through use of a product backlog and daily scrum — along with sprint planning, demos, and retrospectives • Kanban board for visualizing and monitoring the flow of work • The continuous integration and automated testing of eXtreme Programming (XP) The ultimate goal in combining these techniques is to allow for quick iteration of the typical “Define, Design, Develop, Test, Deploy” cycle to maximize the value delivered. DEVOPS Continuous improvement means the team must have a means for continuous integration and continuous delivery. Central to this process is improving the collaboration between operations and development. Utilizing technology and tools to automate source code management, build management, testing, and deployment will minimize human intervention and maximize speed. This is crucial with shorter development cycles and increased need for multiple deployments. Chapter 3: Applying the right approach
  • 13. 13How to Ensure Success with the Right Mobile App Delivery TESTING Thorough testing is critical to quality in all digital projects, but there is additional complexity with testing mobile apps. First, the QA process happens simultaneously with the app development process. According to PMI’s Agile Practice Guide, “in order to navigate changes, agile methods call for frequent quality and review steps built in throughout the project rather than toward the end of the project.” Also, there is typically a portfolio of devices to be supported and tested — multiple operating systems with multiple OS versions supported, along with multiple device types for each. This greatly compounds the efforts needed to ensure minimal defects, such as glitches and lag time, in the final product. The use of automated testing can help run tests on devices concurrently, and can be utilized to increase quality through enhanced depth and scope of tests. However, supplementing with automation typically requires additional technical expertise and does not eliminate the need for manual testing. Chapter 3: Applying the right approach DEVELOPERS SOURCE CODE REPO BUILD SERVER UAT Commit Code - Detect Changes Test Passes Test Fails
  • 14. Employing the right long-term vision and deployment success. CHAPTER 4
  • 15. 15How to Ensure Success with the Right Mobile App Delivery Employing the right long-term vision and deployment success. Chapter 4 Ensuring long-term success involves both making your app available for consumption and providing an experience that keeps the user returning. Analysis of data provides insight to strategic planning, and allows future iterations to continue aligning with the long-term vision of where the app should be. DEPLOYMENT To have your app consumed publicly, it has to be placed in a device-specific store, such as Apple’s App Store or Google’s Play Store. So while many organizations have stringent deployment policies and procedures for their systems, deploying a public app requires that the app go through Apple and Google’s submission process and criteria for deployment. These are not areas where an executive within the organization can provide an exception to get something pushed through. App store submission will require detailed app information in addition to the applicable IPA or APK file. Additionally, the Apple process typically takes two to three days from submission to deployment — assuming the app is approved — which must be accounted for when planning. As Gartner states, “All mobile apps teams require at least one person who understands how to deploy apps, through public app stores or private mechanisms.” Additionally, there is an equivalent to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for mobile, called App Store Optimization. This process involves auditing the name, description, icon, and keywords used to describe the app. This helps with the placement of the app within the store. The frequency of which the app is updated and the feedback on the app also play into its placement. Additionally, having a keyword in the name and an effective description helps with getting downloads.
  • 16. 16How to Ensure Success with the Right Mobile App Delivery Chapter 4: Employing the right long term vision and deployment success DRIVING FUTURE FEATURES Once a mobile app is published, there is still work to be done. Gathering and analyzing feedback is fundamental in order to maximize the value of a mobile app. Whether user feedback comes in the form of app store reviews or from mobile app analytics, information must be gathered, analyzed, and applied to ensure long-term success. The ability to provide feedback in the app store is unique to mobile apps. App store feedback provides insight into the quality and user experience of a mobile app, as shared directly from the end user. This information is clearly visible for all consumers and can have significant impacts on user perception and adoption. These ratings are often the driver for continuous monitoring and enhancement delivery, in order to incorporate quick resolution to issues and provide needed enhancements. Analytics also provide a key mechanism for measuring the success of a mobile app. They can be used to measure indicators from user engagement and retention to performance and even to in-app revenue. This data can also confirm assumptions that were made throughout the life cycle of the app. However, Gartner notes that “enterprises still struggle to understand how to use mobile app analytics tools to significantly improve the adoption and performance of apps.” The inconsistent gathering and usage of analytics data that can be obtained from mobile apps limits the ability to “quickly address app quality issues and pursue future enhancements to features and functions,” according to Gartner Analytics can also be used to determine where future functional needs should be focused. Gartner notes that organizations “should use comprehensive mobile app analytics to achieve continuous iteration and improvement to maintain relevant and compelling app experiences.” If the appropriate data collection capabilities are placed into the app, they will provide a “critical real-time feedback loop of contextual app usage insights.” ONGOING RELEASES, MAINTENANCE, AND SUPPORT Even if your business case does not require recurring functional enhancement updates, apps need testing and updates to ensure they continue to function. Both reactive changes and preventative maintenance will be needed. End users expect a bug-free experience, so ongoing maintenance to address issues is critical. Organizations must also ensure the app continues to function on the newest phones, with the latest operating systems, which typically release major updates annually.
  • 17. Conclusion, References, About the Author, and About Shockoe. APPENDIX
  • 18. 18How to Ensure Success with the Right Mobile App Delivery Conclusion. From a project perspective, mobile app delivery represents an extension of the typical implementation. In addition to the standard time, budget, and resource constraints, there are considerations around technology, staffing, and process that must be addressed. Success is built around an iterative process that allows for continuous monitoring, feedback, and improvements to ensure long-term adoption. DISCOVER & PLAN DEFINE & DESIGN DEVELOP & DESIGN DEVOPS & TEST FEEDBACK & ANALYSIS DEPLOY & MONITOR With the right oversight and knowledge, companies can ensure that their mobile app teams augment their activities to choose the right path and technology, assemble the right team, apply the right approach, and employ the right long-term vision.
  • 19. 19How to Ensure Success with the Right Mobile App Delivery About the author. MISTY SMITH Director of Mobile Delivery With 20 years in the technology industry developing and managing projects, Misty Smith is the Director of Mobile Delivery at Shockoe. Tech-savvy and flexible under ever-changing demands, she helps companies crack the complexities in today’s technical landscape. In her current role, Misty provides the direction for project management methodologies and delivery, expectation setting, and effective communication with all levels of stakeholders, and is accountable for overall quality and success of program management — in addition to fostering growth and mentoring amongst her peers. Seeing projects from concept to completion, she is an innovative process builder who has the perspective to understand what clients require and how to drive teams toward success. In her spare time, Misty is a sports mom and statistics nut. As the mother of three boys, she is often found at the scoring table or in the press box, to help channel her competitive spirit and (as her husband says) to keep her out of trouble in the stands. When not at a sporting event or chasing after a perpetually active toddler, she is an avid reader whose annual goal for the last several years is to average at least two books per week. Add Misty on LinkedIn REFERENCES: • Predicts 2017: Mobile Apps and Their Development (Gartner) • How to Build a Successful Mobile App Development Team (Gartner) • Material Design for Android • Human Interface Guidelines for iOS • Agile Practice Guide (Project Management Institute and Agile Alliance)
  • 20. Shockoe is a leader in the development of advanced mobile applications focused on increasing sales, end-user experiences, and employee productivity. Since our founding in 2010, our strong focus on today’s mobile consumer and end user has helped us grow into a global consulting firm with a unique combination of mobile strategy, experience design, development, and integration. Our products range from mobile apps for the consumer to apps for the enterprise, and more recently apps that integrate emerging technologies such as IOT and Augmented Reality. One thing that all of our products have in common is that they deliver excellent user experiences and adhere to the best practices in security and reliability. FIND US ON