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Top 10 Mobile App Development Frameworks
in 2022
Implementing rightful business strategies has undergone a paradigm shift.
Today, the majority of enterprises are shifting from desktop websites to
mobile applications, as a part of their business strategy. Mobile apps have
become an essential part of people’s daily lives. There is an app for all your
needs, be it ordering food, booking a movie ticket or rushing to work in a
taxi. As mobile apps continue to change the global business sector, mobile
presence has become essential for the survival of a business and mobile-
first enterprises are catching the attention of an increasingly developing
mobile apps at an incredibly fast pace. So much so that there has been an
incredible CAGR of about 14% for mobile application development, and the
market is predicted to reach $100 billion by the end of 2022.
However, entering the mobile industry alone does not guarantee success to
a company. For organizations with an existing mobile app or those
planning to construct a new mobile application to flourish in a highly
competitive mobile market, it takes in-depth research, through planning,
strategy development, and an evaluation of the present mobile ecosystem.
Well, if you consider the current market condition and trends and
comprehend the situation, mobile app is the clear winner when compared
to websites. Mobile apps have plenty of advantages in being faster, working
offline, and more efficient. The features and characteristics of mobile apps
have forced many organizations to opt for mobile apps. Although native
apps provide a superior experience in terms of aesthetics and functionality,
however, they are expensive to develop and maintain. The variety of
devices and platforms available in the market makes it difficult for native
applications to reach their maximum user penetration. The solution to this
challenge is to employ mobile app development frameworks to create web,
hybrid, or cross-platform mobile apps for enterprises with limited budgets.
Today, the mobile app business is currently in the midst of one of its most
competitive eras, where the selection of the correct framework, platform,
and development approach is critical for its success. There is a question
that arises, “What is the best framework for developing mobile
applications?” and that is precisely what this blog will address. In this blog,
we will discuss the top frameworks for mobile app development that will
dominate the market in 2022 and make app development simple. But
before that, let’s look at what a mobile app development framework is.
What is a Mobile Application Development
A mobile app development framework is a software framework that
includes a collection of comprehensive tools, including compilers,
debugging tools, and programming interfaces, among other things, that
developers employ to create robust mobile applications. The framework
provides developers with the necessary access to a collection of code
libraries, API tools, SDKs, etc., and enables them to construct feature-rich
applications without having to start from scratch. The framework provides a
solid foundation for mobile app development, enhancing the speed and
efficiency of the process. 
In other words, mobile development frameworks are powerful toolkits that
act as skeletons-or frames-for your mobile application, providing a pattern-
derived set of code libraries and software development kits (SDKs) tools, as
well as API tools, to help developers build a powerful and robust mobile
application without having to start from scratch.
The best part of using the mobile application development framework is
that the development of a mobile app doesn’t require knowledge of
complex programming languages. All you need is a solid understanding of
web-based languages like JavaScript, CSS, and HTML, as well as an
understanding of which mobile app framework to use. The source code for
an application is first written by the app’s developers. The framework then
uses the required components to render the application for the desired
mobile platforms.
Types of Mobile App Frameworks
There are a lot of mobile platforms, like Android, iOS, and Windows, and
apps come in different types and forms. However, mobile apps can be
classified into three types based on their functionality on a smartphone:
native apps, web apps, and hybrid apps. Before we continue, let’s take a
quick look at each of these three categories.
Native apps
These apps are made for specific operating systems or devices, like
Android, iOS, and Windows. Native apps make use of device features like
RAM, cameras, and GPS, among others.
Hybrid apps
These apps combine the features of native apps with those of web apps.
Native App Development Framework and the Hybrid App (or Cross
Platform App) Development Framework, are the two major mobile app
development frameworks that are commonly used to create these apps.
Native app development framework
This framework is used to design native apps for specific systems like
Windows, iOS, or Android.
Cross-platform app development framework
This framework is used to build cross-platform applications. Apps built from
this framework are compatible with all platforms and are capable of
delivering a native app experience in terms of UI/UX, push notifications,
Frameworks make it easier to make apps for mobile platforms, but you can
still make mobile apps without a framework or platform. For example, you
can use the Java programming language to make apps for Android devices
and the Swift programming language to make apps for iOS devices.
Factors to consider when selecting a
Mobile App Development Framework
Due to advancements in technology, more and more mobile app
development frameworks continue to pop up, making it difficult to choose
the best one. Choosing the best mobile app development framework
requires more than comparing a few distinct features; it also requires
understanding the tasks you need the framework to perform. Before
settling on one, thoroughly assess the needs of your business. Here are
some pointers to consider when choosing the best mobile app
development framework:
Platforms feature support
Numerous applications in the current network of mobile apps are cross-
platform, as they are designed to function on multiple platforms without
requiring recoding for each native system. Using cross-platform
development frameworks enables developers to spend less time coding for
specific platforms and enables users to obtain mobile applications on a
variety of platforms they own, allowing for seamless data integration
between systems.
Mobile app development partner
Selecting the best mobile app development framework necessitates careful
consideration of the type of mobile app development partner involved.
There are numerous vendors offering various services and support for the
framework you select. It is prudent to conduct a market analysis and
choose the framework that will have a positive impact on your business.
Speed consideration
Native and cross-platform mobile applications must operate as quickly and
effectively as websites. This is crucial for gaming apps, which require a
specific level of speed and performance in order to function. Many apps
may need frameworks for their mobile app development so that developers
can use the best code and libraries for faster results.
Development costs
Calculating the ROI versus the cost of development is a serious talking
point when evaluating the varying costs of employing alternative mobile
app development frameworks. The cost of producing a mobile app can
assist a firm to determine how much value they want to acquire from their
app and how much money they should get from deploying it after
development with a specific mobile app framework, hence establishing its
Mobile UI design
Before selecting a mobile app development framework, consider the type
of user interface you require. Different business setups have different UI
parameter requirements; therefore, analysing your business first will
provide you with clear guidance on which mobile app development
framework to use.
Security threat
In an era of increasing data breaches, mobile apps utilize a combination of
software security, Wi-Fi security, and cellular network security and even
after that they are increasingly targeted. In addition to complying with data
laws such as HIPAA, CCPA, and GDPR, certain types of mobile apps, such as
banking apps and e-commerce apps with a payment system or gateway,
must be hardened, secured, and tested with risk assessments, practical
penetration testing, and vulnerability testing.
Benefits of the Cross-platform Mobile
Application Development Framework
The market for mobile app development is highly competitive. To be seen
as a top player, it’s important to use the right tools to give yourself a strong
and long-lasting competitive edge.
Code reusability
Cross-platform development allows developers to use a single code base
across platforms. Using a shared code base eliminates repetitive tasks and
speeds up application development. It helps developers with daily tasks like
writing natively for each operating system and learning cross-platform
development tools for mobile devices. Reusable code allows you to fix bugs
and add features to all platforms at once, rather than separately.
Cost reduction
Cross-platform frameworks share technical and human resources, making it
cheaper and easier to build two apps simultaneously. Moreover, finding
and training skilled developers takes time and money. Cross-platform app
projects require one smaller team, halving development costs.
Most cross-platform frameworks use JavaScript-based frameworks like
React Native, which are easy to learn for most developers. Reusing code
reduces development time and project costs. Cross-platform development
is a cost-effective way to test a market and learn which platform is more
successful and profitable, helping you make better strategic decisions.
Faster application development and time-to-market
Businesses must anticipate customers’ needs and act quickly. Cross-
platform app development speeds product development and launch by
using a shared code base. Using a mobile application development
framework, you can build and deploy apps faster, reducing development
time. This can help you respond quickly to customer feedback and market
changes and build a customer-centric reputation. Furthermore, cross-
platform apps are easy to maintain. Instead of separate support teams for
each app, updates and bug fixes can be pushed to all devices at once.
Brand consistency
Cross-platform app development allows for faster brand consistency using
the same UI/UX components as native apps. Even though navigation will be
different on each OS, the overall user experience and brand image will be
consistent and predictable. This will show that your business is real and
Broader market reach
Multiple app deployments increase market reach. Android and iOS make up
98% of all mobile operating systems, so an app that works on all of them
will have a much bigger effect on your business’s revenue than an app that
only works on one.
Cross-platform development lets you launch your app on multiple
platforms, expanding your consumer market. One native app can only cover
part of your market. With a cross-platform app, you can reach a wider
customer base, improving brand engagement, market presence, and the
bottom line.
The Top 10 Mobile App Development
Frameworks in 2022
Let’s examine the leading trends in mobile application development
frameworks for 2022 and beyond to make your app development more
effective and convenient.
React native
React Native, an open-source, cross-platform application development
framework created and maintained by Facebook, has quickly gained
popularity and become the top choice among developers. React Native was
written in JavaScript, Java, Objective-C, C++, Objective-C++, and Python,
and it is used to develop apps for Android, iOS, the Web, and the Universal
Windows Platform (UWP) – all while utilizing the respective native platforms
capabilities, making it a performance-heavy, robust framework. App
developers, business owners, and start-ups love this framework because it
allows them to create cross-platform apps with a single codebase. Due to
the fact that it is both affordable and time-saving, it allows new businesses
to remain competitive in the marketplace. Some of the most well-known
mobile apps today were built using React Native, including Instagram,
Soundcloud, and Uber Eats.
The best features of React Native
• Low-code
• Code Re-usability & Cost-Effectiveness
• Less development time
• Declarative API for predictive UI
• Integration with third-party plugins
Flutter, out of the blue, has made its place as one of the best hybrid mobile
app development frameworks in the industry. Flutter framework is
developed by Google, an open-source mobile app SDK. It’s Google’s user
interface toolkit, which lets you create stunning, natively compiled apps for
mobile, web, and desktop from a single code base.
Flutter has widgets that account for all significant platform variations,
including scrolling, navigation, icons, and fonts, and eliminates the need for
platform-specific UI components. Flutter utilizes Skia, a 2D rendering
engine, for visual development. Flutter-based mobile apps include Google
Ads, Hamilton, SpaceX Go, Watermaniac, and a few of other popular apps.
The best features of Flutter
• Flexible User interface (UI)
• Built-in material design.
• Strong Widget Support
• Faster development
• Full Native Performance
Xamarin is a Microsoft-owned open-source framework based on C# and
.Net programming language that enables the development of native
applications for the Android, iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS, and Windows
platforms. In Xamarin, communication between the underlying platform
code and shared code is governed by an abstraction layer. The framework
enables developers to build an ecosystem with a back-end, APIs,
components, etc., using community-supported tools, libraries, and
programming languages. OLO, Alaska Airlines, APX, Storyo, and many
others, are some of the most popular and well-known mobile applications
built with Xamarin.
Some of Xamarin’s key features are
• Android SDK manager
• Application loader
• Easier API Integration
• Native API Access and UI Support
• Cost-Effective & Faster Development Process
Ionic is an open-source framework based on Apache Cordova (PhoneGap)
and Angular that enables developers to create Android and iOS
applications with seamless mobile performance. The greatest advantage of
Ionic is that it enables developers to incorporate multiple UI elements, such
as filters, forms, views, navigation menus, and action sheets, into the design
of applications. The Ionic framework works well with developers that have
hands-on experience in coding languages like HTML, CSS, or JavaScript.
Ionic is a comprehensive framework for building Progressive Web Apps
(PWAs), hybrid, and cross-platform mobile applications. MarketWatch,
Amtrak, and many other well-known mobile apps have been built using the
Ionic framework.
Some of Ionic’s important features are
• Intuitive UI components
• Platform Independent
• Faster app time to market.
• Strong developer’s community
• Complete control over app building.
JQuery mobile
JQuery Mobile is a hybrid mobile application development framework that
enables the creation of platform-independent applications. The framework
utilizes the JavaScript library and HTML to create websites that are
responsive and compatible with multiple devices, such as smartphones,
tablets, and desktops. JQuery utilizes the HTML5-based framework and the
ThemeRoller to provide mobile apps and web applications with highly
customizable themes. JQuery Mobile is available in two forms: a customized
framework and a stable version. Regardless of what is built using this
framework, a website or app, it runs on all devices and several operating
systems, including Android, iOS, Blackberry, Windows, Firefox Mobile,
Kindle, Nook, and MeeGo. Many popular mobile apps are built using
JQuery Mobile, such as Untappd, Veev, and many other options.
Some of the important features of JQuery Mobile are
• Intuitive UI components
• Platform Independent
• Faster app time to market.
• Strong developer’s community
• Complete control over app building.
Solar2D, formerly known as Corona SDK, is a well-known, open-source, and
free app development platform that allows you to create innovative and
stunning mobile game apps. This framework is based on the lightweight,
user-friendly, and flexible scripting language Lua, which is used to develop
game applications. Solar2D is widely used for creating cross-platform
mobile game applications that are accessible on multiple platforms, such as
iOS, Android, and Nook.
Some of Solar2D’s key features are
• Real-time simulation
• Lightweight scripting language for games
• Multiple plugins for all needs.
• Live testing
• Strong API support for native library integration.
Apache cordova
Formerly known as PhoneGap, Apache Cordova is a popular developer-
friendly application development framework. Apache Cordova leverages
CSS3, HTML5, and JavaScript to build mobile applications. The Apache
Cordova framework enables the use of smartphone hardware features such
as GPS, cameras, and accelerometers to create a native-like user interface
with the Cordova plug-ins. Furthermore, it offers the use of a single
codebase and a third-party administration tool for third-party applications.
Wikipedia, Untappd, Localeur, SparkChess, TripCase, Buildr, and a few of
other well-known mobile apps were built with Apache Cordova.
Some of Apache Cordova’s key features are
• Code Re-usability
• No Hardware Restrictions
• Faster development process
• Plugin Library & Third-Party Tools
• Compatibility with all the platforms
Framework 7
Using Framework7 is as simple as clicking a few buttons. With this
framework, developers can create native-looking apps for Android, iOS, and
the desktop using popular web technologies like HTML5, JavaScript, and
CSS3. Vue.js, React, and Svelte supported by Framework7. Framework7’s
stunning UI elements, such as action sheets, list views, popups, side panels,
and layout grids, are yet another appealing feature. Framework7 speeds up
and simplifies the development process. Numerous well-known mobile
applications have been created with Framework 7, including Wappler, Blokt,
Kidoverse, and a countless number of others.
The best features of Framework 7
• Provides various UI widgets and elements.
• Easier Customization
• Paired with additional tools like Electron & NW.js
• Rich Ecosystem
• Ease of Maintenance
Native script
Native Script is an open-source framework preferred due to its capability to
reduce the amount of time and code required to load an app. Typescript,
SML, CSS, Vue.JS, Javascript, and Angular-enabled mobile apps can be
developed using this framework, which is also capable of creating web
applications. Native Scripts are preferred by leading companies because of
their features such as appropriate backend support, business support,
complete access to iOS and Android APIs, cross-platform applications, and
native user-interface without web-views, and so on. MayMyPhotos, Smart
Evaluation, and many other well-known mobile applications are built with
Some of Native Script’s significant features are
• Access to native APIs
• Re-usability of Code
• Use of native UI components
• Direct access to Android & iOS APIs
• Strong Backend Support
Mobile angular UI
HTML5, Bootstrap, and AngularJs are all used to create the Mobile Angular
UI on mobile devices. Anyone who has worked with Twitter Bootstrap and
AngularJS before should have no problem picking up the Mobile Angular
UI development toolset. The mobile UI framework provides a wide range of
app development components that Bootstrap 3 lacked in its mobile version.
For example, scrollable areas, sidebars, switches, and overlays. Modern web
and mobile applications can be built with the Mobile Angular UI using
fastclick.js and overthrow.js.
The best features of Mobile Angular UI
• Integration with fastclick.js and overthrow.js
• HTML5 based hybrid mobile and desktop apps
• No JQuery dependencies.
• Offers Interactive Components
• Responsive Framework
Wrapping Up
These are the top mobile application frameworks that are popular and are
in high demand in order to meet the growing demand for mobile
applications.  If you’re planning on developing a mobile app, determining
which framework to use is a critical and vital step that involves considering
various variables. Nevertheless, it is entirely up to you to choose the
solution that best meets your project’s specifications. We hope this blog
will help you choose the best app framework for your app needs.
If you are still uncertain about the best framework for your business or have
questions or issues regarding the ideal partner for your app development
project, do not hesitate to seek assistance from Sparity, a reputable mobile
application development company in the United States. Sparity, with its
vast experience in mobile app development, will comprehend your business
needs and recommend the optimal solution based on budget.

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  • 1. Sparity Soft Technologies Top 10 Mobile App Development Frameworks in 2022 Introduction Implementing rightful business strategies has undergone a paradigm shift. Today, the majority of enterprises are shifting from desktop websites to mobile applications, as a part of their business strategy. Mobile apps have become an essential part of people’s daily lives. There is an app for all your needs, be it ordering food, booking a movie ticket or rushing to work in a taxi. As mobile apps continue to change the global business sector, mobile presence has become essential for the survival of a business and mobile- first enterprises are catching the attention of an increasingly developing mobile apps at an incredibly fast pace. So much so that there has been an incredible CAGR of about 14% for mobile application development, and the market is predicted to reach $100 billion by the end of 2022. However, entering the mobile industry alone does not guarantee success to a company. For organizations with an existing mobile app or those planning to construct a new mobile application to flourish in a highly competitive mobile market, it takes in-depth research, through planning, strategy development, and an evaluation of the present mobile ecosystem. Well, if you consider the current market condition and trends and comprehend the situation, mobile app is the clear winner when compared to websites. Mobile apps have plenty of advantages in being faster, working offline, and more efficient. The features and characteristics of mobile apps have forced many organizations to opt for mobile apps. Although native apps provide a superior experience in terms of aesthetics and functionality, however, they are expensive to develop and maintain. The variety of devices and platforms available in the market makes it difficult for native applications to reach their maximum user penetration. The solution to this challenge is to employ mobile app development frameworks to create web, hybrid, or cross-platform mobile apps for enterprises with limited budgets. Today, the mobile app business is currently in the midst of one of its most competitive eras, where the selection of the correct framework, platform,
  • 2. and development approach is critical for its success. There is a question that arises, “What is the best framework for developing mobile applications?” and that is precisely what this blog will address. In this blog, we will discuss the top frameworks for mobile app development that will dominate the market in 2022 and make app development simple. But before that, let’s look at what a mobile app development framework is. What is a Mobile Application Development Framework? A mobile app development framework is a software framework that includes a collection of comprehensive tools, including compilers, debugging tools, and programming interfaces, among other things, that developers employ to create robust mobile applications. The framework provides developers with the necessary access to a collection of code libraries, API tools, SDKs, etc., and enables them to construct feature-rich applications without having to start from scratch. The framework provides a solid foundation for mobile app development, enhancing the speed and efficiency of the process.  In other words, mobile development frameworks are powerful toolkits that act as skeletons-or frames-for your mobile application, providing a pattern- derived set of code libraries and software development kits (SDKs) tools, as well as API tools, to help developers build a powerful and robust mobile application without having to start from scratch. The best part of using the mobile application development framework is that the development of a mobile app doesn’t require knowledge of complex programming languages. All you need is a solid understanding of web-based languages like JavaScript, CSS, and HTML, as well as an understanding of which mobile app framework to use. The source code for an application is first written by the app’s developers. The framework then uses the required components to render the application for the desired mobile platforms. Types of Mobile App Frameworks There are a lot of mobile platforms, like Android, iOS, and Windows, and apps come in different types and forms. However, mobile apps can be classified into three types based on their functionality on a smartphone: native apps, web apps, and hybrid apps. Before we continue, let’s take a quick look at each of these three categories. Native apps
  • 3. These apps are made for specific operating systems or devices, like Android, iOS, and Windows. Native apps make use of device features like RAM, cameras, and GPS, among others. Hybrid apps These apps combine the features of native apps with those of web apps. Native App Development Framework and the Hybrid App (or Cross Platform App) Development Framework, are the two major mobile app development frameworks that are commonly used to create these apps. Native app development framework This framework is used to design native apps for specific systems like Windows, iOS, or Android. Cross-platform app development framework This framework is used to build cross-platform applications. Apps built from this framework are compatible with all platforms and are capable of delivering a native app experience in terms of UI/UX, push notifications, etc. Frameworks make it easier to make apps for mobile platforms, but you can still make mobile apps without a framework or platform. For example, you can use the Java programming language to make apps for Android devices and the Swift programming language to make apps for iOS devices. Factors to consider when selecting a Mobile App Development Framework Due to advancements in technology, more and more mobile app development frameworks continue to pop up, making it difficult to choose the best one. Choosing the best mobile app development framework requires more than comparing a few distinct features; it also requires understanding the tasks you need the framework to perform. Before settling on one, thoroughly assess the needs of your business. Here are some pointers to consider when choosing the best mobile app development framework: Platforms feature support Numerous applications in the current network of mobile apps are cross- platform, as they are designed to function on multiple platforms without requiring recoding for each native system. Using cross-platform development frameworks enables developers to spend less time coding for specific platforms and enables users to obtain mobile applications on a
  • 4. variety of platforms they own, allowing for seamless data integration between systems. Mobile app development partner Selecting the best mobile app development framework necessitates careful consideration of the type of mobile app development partner involved. There are numerous vendors offering various services and support for the framework you select. It is prudent to conduct a market analysis and choose the framework that will have a positive impact on your business. Speed consideration Native and cross-platform mobile applications must operate as quickly and effectively as websites. This is crucial for gaming apps, which require a specific level of speed and performance in order to function. Many apps may need frameworks for their mobile app development so that developers can use the best code and libraries for faster results. Development costs Calculating the ROI versus the cost of development is a serious talking point when evaluating the varying costs of employing alternative mobile app development frameworks. The cost of producing a mobile app can assist a firm to determine how much value they want to acquire from their app and how much money they should get from deploying it after development with a specific mobile app framework, hence establishing its ROI. Mobile UI design Before selecting a mobile app development framework, consider the type of user interface you require. Different business setups have different UI parameter requirements; therefore, analysing your business first will provide you with clear guidance on which mobile app development framework to use. Security threat In an era of increasing data breaches, mobile apps utilize a combination of software security, Wi-Fi security, and cellular network security and even after that they are increasingly targeted. In addition to complying with data laws such as HIPAA, CCPA, and GDPR, certain types of mobile apps, such as banking apps and e-commerce apps with a payment system or gateway,
  • 5. must be hardened, secured, and tested with risk assessments, practical penetration testing, and vulnerability testing. Benefits of the Cross-platform Mobile Application Development Framework The market for mobile app development is highly competitive. To be seen as a top player, it’s important to use the right tools to give yourself a strong and long-lasting competitive edge. Code reusability Cross-platform development allows developers to use a single code base across platforms. Using a shared code base eliminates repetitive tasks and speeds up application development. It helps developers with daily tasks like writing natively for each operating system and learning cross-platform development tools for mobile devices. Reusable code allows you to fix bugs and add features to all platforms at once, rather than separately. Cost reduction Cross-platform frameworks share technical and human resources, making it cheaper and easier to build two apps simultaneously. Moreover, finding and training skilled developers takes time and money. Cross-platform app projects require one smaller team, halving development costs. Most cross-platform frameworks use JavaScript-based frameworks like React Native, which are easy to learn for most developers. Reusing code reduces development time and project costs. Cross-platform development is a cost-effective way to test a market and learn which platform is more successful and profitable, helping you make better strategic decisions. Faster application development and time-to-market Businesses must anticipate customers’ needs and act quickly. Cross- platform app development speeds product development and launch by using a shared code base. Using a mobile application development framework, you can build and deploy apps faster, reducing development time. This can help you respond quickly to customer feedback and market changes and build a customer-centric reputation. Furthermore, cross- platform apps are easy to maintain. Instead of separate support teams for each app, updates and bug fixes can be pushed to all devices at once.
  • 6. Brand consistency Cross-platform app development allows for faster brand consistency using the same UI/UX components as native apps. Even though navigation will be different on each OS, the overall user experience and brand image will be consistent and predictable. This will show that your business is real and reliable. Broader market reach Multiple app deployments increase market reach. Android and iOS make up 98% of all mobile operating systems, so an app that works on all of them will have a much bigger effect on your business’s revenue than an app that only works on one. Cross-platform development lets you launch your app on multiple platforms, expanding your consumer market. One native app can only cover part of your market. With a cross-platform app, you can reach a wider customer base, improving brand engagement, market presence, and the bottom line. The Top 10 Mobile App Development Frameworks in 2022 Let’s examine the leading trends in mobile application development frameworks for 2022 and beyond to make your app development more effective and convenient. React native React Native, an open-source, cross-platform application development framework created and maintained by Facebook, has quickly gained popularity and become the top choice among developers. React Native was written in JavaScript, Java, Objective-C, C++, Objective-C++, and Python, and it is used to develop apps for Android, iOS, the Web, and the Universal Windows Platform (UWP) – all while utilizing the respective native platforms capabilities, making it a performance-heavy, robust framework. App developers, business owners, and start-ups love this framework because it allows them to create cross-platform apps with a single codebase. Due to the fact that it is both affordable and time-saving, it allows new businesses to remain competitive in the marketplace. Some of the most well-known
  • 7. mobile apps today were built using React Native, including Instagram, Soundcloud, and Uber Eats. The best features of React Native • Low-code • Code Re-usability & Cost-Effectiveness • Less development time • Declarative API for predictive UI • Integration with third-party plugins Flutter Flutter, out of the blue, has made its place as one of the best hybrid mobile app development frameworks in the industry. Flutter framework is developed by Google, an open-source mobile app SDK. It’s Google’s user interface toolkit, which lets you create stunning, natively compiled apps for mobile, web, and desktop from a single code base. Flutter has widgets that account for all significant platform variations, including scrolling, navigation, icons, and fonts, and eliminates the need for platform-specific UI components. Flutter utilizes Skia, a 2D rendering engine, for visual development. Flutter-based mobile apps include Google Ads, Hamilton, SpaceX Go, Watermaniac, and a few of other popular apps. The best features of Flutter • Flexible User interface (UI) • Built-in material design. • Strong Widget Support • Faster development • Full Native Performance Xamarin Xamarin is a Microsoft-owned open-source framework based on C# and .Net programming language that enables the development of native applications for the Android, iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS, and Windows platforms. In Xamarin, communication between the underlying platform code and shared code is governed by an abstraction layer. The framework enables developers to build an ecosystem with a back-end, APIs, components, etc., using community-supported tools, libraries, and programming languages. OLO, Alaska Airlines, APX, Storyo, and many others, are some of the most popular and well-known mobile applications built with Xamarin. Some of Xamarin’s key features are • Android SDK manager
  • 8. • Application loader • Easier API Integration • Native API Access and UI Support • Cost-Effective & Faster Development Process Ionic Ionic is an open-source framework based on Apache Cordova (PhoneGap) and Angular that enables developers to create Android and iOS applications with seamless mobile performance. The greatest advantage of Ionic is that it enables developers to incorporate multiple UI elements, such as filters, forms, views, navigation menus, and action sheets, into the design of applications. The Ionic framework works well with developers that have hands-on experience in coding languages like HTML, CSS, or JavaScript. Ionic is a comprehensive framework for building Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), hybrid, and cross-platform mobile applications. MarketWatch, Amtrak, and many other well-known mobile apps have been built using the Ionic framework. Some of Ionic’s important features are • Intuitive UI components • Platform Independent • Faster app time to market. • Strong developer’s community • Complete control over app building. JQuery mobile JQuery Mobile is a hybrid mobile application development framework that enables the creation of platform-independent applications. The framework utilizes the JavaScript library and HTML to create websites that are responsive and compatible with multiple devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and desktops. JQuery utilizes the HTML5-based framework and the ThemeRoller to provide mobile apps and web applications with highly customizable themes. JQuery Mobile is available in two forms: a customized framework and a stable version. Regardless of what is built using this framework, a website or app, it runs on all devices and several operating systems, including Android, iOS, Blackberry, Windows, Firefox Mobile, Kindle, Nook, and MeeGo. Many popular mobile apps are built using JQuery Mobile, such as Untappd, Veev, and many other options. Some of the important features of JQuery Mobile are • Intuitive UI components • Platform Independent
  • 9. • Faster app time to market. • Strong developer’s community • Complete control over app building. Solar2D Solar2D, formerly known as Corona SDK, is a well-known, open-source, and free app development platform that allows you to create innovative and stunning mobile game apps. This framework is based on the lightweight, user-friendly, and flexible scripting language Lua, which is used to develop game applications. Solar2D is widely used for creating cross-platform mobile game applications that are accessible on multiple platforms, such as iOS, Android, and Nook. Some of Solar2D’s key features are • Real-time simulation • Lightweight scripting language for games • Multiple plugins for all needs. • Live testing • Strong API support for native library integration. Apache cordova Formerly known as PhoneGap, Apache Cordova is a popular developer- friendly application development framework. Apache Cordova leverages CSS3, HTML5, and JavaScript to build mobile applications. The Apache Cordova framework enables the use of smartphone hardware features such as GPS, cameras, and accelerometers to create a native-like user interface with the Cordova plug-ins. Furthermore, it offers the use of a single codebase and a third-party administration tool for third-party applications. Wikipedia, Untappd, Localeur, SparkChess, TripCase, Buildr, and a few of other well-known mobile apps were built with Apache Cordova. Some of Apache Cordova’s key features are • Code Re-usability • No Hardware Restrictions • Faster development process • Plugin Library & Third-Party Tools • Compatibility with all the platforms Framework 7 Using Framework7 is as simple as clicking a few buttons. With this framework, developers can create native-looking apps for Android, iOS, and the desktop using popular web technologies like HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3. Vue.js, React, and Svelte supported by Framework7. Framework7’s
  • 10. stunning UI elements, such as action sheets, list views, popups, side panels, and layout grids, are yet another appealing feature. Framework7 speeds up and simplifies the development process. Numerous well-known mobile applications have been created with Framework 7, including Wappler, Blokt, Kidoverse, and a countless number of others. The best features of Framework 7 • Provides various UI widgets and elements. • Easier Customization • Paired with additional tools like Electron & NW.js • Rich Ecosystem • Ease of Maintenance Native script Native Script is an open-source framework preferred due to its capability to reduce the amount of time and code required to load an app. Typescript, SML, CSS, Vue.JS, Javascript, and Angular-enabled mobile apps can be developed using this framework, which is also capable of creating web applications. Native Scripts are preferred by leading companies because of their features such as appropriate backend support, business support, complete access to iOS and Android APIs, cross-platform applications, and native user-interface without web-views, and so on. MayMyPhotos, Smart Evaluation, and many other well-known mobile applications are built with NativeScript. Some of Native Script’s significant features are • Access to native APIs • Re-usability of Code • Use of native UI components • Direct access to Android & iOS APIs • Strong Backend Support Mobile angular UI HTML5, Bootstrap, and AngularJs are all used to create the Mobile Angular UI on mobile devices. Anyone who has worked with Twitter Bootstrap and AngularJS before should have no problem picking up the Mobile Angular UI development toolset. The mobile UI framework provides a wide range of app development components that Bootstrap 3 lacked in its mobile version. For example, scrollable areas, sidebars, switches, and overlays. Modern web and mobile applications can be built with the Mobile Angular UI using fastclick.js and overthrow.js. The best features of Mobile Angular UI
  • 11. • Integration with fastclick.js and overthrow.js • HTML5 based hybrid mobile and desktop apps • No JQuery dependencies. • Offers Interactive Components • Responsive Framework Wrapping Up These are the top mobile application frameworks that are popular and are in high demand in order to meet the growing demand for mobile applications.  If you’re planning on developing a mobile app, determining which framework to use is a critical and vital step that involves considering various variables. Nevertheless, it is entirely up to you to choose the solution that best meets your project’s specifications. We hope this blog will help you choose the best app framework for your app needs. If you are still uncertain about the best framework for your business or have questions or issues regarding the ideal partner for your app development project, do not hesitate to seek assistance from Sparity, a reputable mobile application development company in the United States. Sparity, with its vast experience in mobile app development, will comprehend your business needs and recommend the optimal solution based on budget.