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AAAE Template for Excellence
Section: Holistic Fitness & Physique Preparation
Chapter: The Basic Anatomy for Self-Evaluation
Tool: Power Vocabulary/Super Movements
o abdominals
o oblique
o bicep
o forearm
o trapezius
o hamstring
o spinal erector
o calf muscles
o gluteus
o quadriceps
o latissimus dorsi
o deltoids
AAAE Template for Excellence
Section: Holistic Fitness & Physique Preparation
Chapter: Functional Movements for the Superfit Body
Tool: Power Vocabulary/Super Movements
o mobility
o push
o bend
o twist
o lunge
o midsection
o pull
o squat
o gait
o plyometrics
AAAE Template for Excellence
Section: Holistic Fitness & Physique Preparation
Chapter: Energy Warm-up and Combo Stretch
Tool: Power Vocabulary/Super Movements
Energy Warm-up:
o feet together shoulder width (relax body)
o stationary twist (swing hands freely)
o twist from left to right (hands up & flat))
o twist from left to right (alternate side punches)
o clasp hands (reach palms up to the sky)
o right hand clasp left wrist (bend to right)
o left hand clasp right wrist (bend to left)
o clasp hands behind you (hold bend forward)
o place palms on lower back (hold bend backward)
o clasp hands behind you(stretch neck to left)
o clasp hands behind you (stretch neck to right)
o bring hands towards the center and breath
Combo Stretch:
o sun salutations
o split leg hamstring stretch
o runners pose side lunge
o right angle pose
o warrior II + reverse warrior
o hamstring stretch
o wide leg & cobbler’s stretch
o pigeon stretch
o torso twist
o cat/camel & child’s pose
Complete Daily Awareness Edition 1
All-Star Info Kit
Complete Daily Awareness Edition
Memory Updates for Rapid Learning in the
areas of 21st
Century Abundant Success.
Outlining a basic knowledge database specific
to students, parents, athletes, professionals,
entertainers, and entrepreneurs.
21.Demo Of Mandatory Professional Assets
Presentation Technique
Professional Profile
Branding Mockup
Data Entry/Transcription
Project Execution Planning
Table of Contents
1. The Concept Of 21st Century
Abundant Success
2. The Concept Of Complete Daily
3. Goal Understanding
4. Heavy Preparedness
5. Many Resources
6. The Concept Of The
Socioeconomic Warzone
7. The Concept Of The Lacking
8. The First Purpose Of Our
9. The Second Purpose Of Our
10. The Third Purpose Of Our
11. The Most Common Major Setbacks
12. Daily Obstacles
13. Social Barriers
14. Distractions
15. Problems Plaguing Our Families
And The Global Community
16. The Most Common Major Goals
17. The List Of The Most Common
Major Goals
18. The Six Fields Of Independent Study
19. The Specific Areas Of Focus
20. Demo Of Needed Entrepreneur
21. Demo Of Professional Assets
22. Demo Of Entertainer Assets
23. Demo Of Parent Assets
24. Demo Of Athlete Assets
25. Demo Of Student Assets
26. What Is In The Student Edition?
27. What Is In Parent Edition?
28. What Is In The Athlete Edition?
29. What Is In The Professional Edition?
30. What Is In The Entrepreneur Edition?
31. What Is In Entertainer Edition?
32. What Is In The Edition of
Holistic Fitness & Physique Prep?
33. What Is In The Edition of Mental
Toughness & Physical Courage?
34. Final Thoughts
Welcome to this week’s
digital course on HLS.FTN1101
Holistic Fitness
Physique Preparation
You have been offered a
"Family & Friends” discount
to one of our vClasses.
This course is for members
interested in accomplishing
any of these midterm goals.
-gain vitality and energy potential
-build a super fit body
- to develop elite athleticism
Check out the links the view the details on HLS fitness and your
Check out the links the view the details of your introductory
Why is HLN.FTN1101 Vital?
The problem for individuals today is the inability to maintain the
healthy and fit body needed to reduce “dis-ease” and insecurity
that deter wellness and self-confidence.
The exercise challenges provided through HLS.FTN are the
solution, as it combines nutrition with sports science to increase
strength and health while transforming the body into a toned
and sculpted temple. Essentially, we turn non-athletes into
The mental toughness & physical courage application is an
accelerated learning tool delivered in one-to-one, one-to-few and
small group settings. The vClass method allows us to teach,
tutor, and advise virtual participants during their free time and in
the privacy of their own home.
To lay the foundation for an autopilot system to enhance your ability
to perform energy-related movements that require a sufficient amount
of strength, physical energy, flexibility, and technical movement
The universal movements for supergirls
How to control your body effectively
A way to run faster and be more active
How to keep a bulletproof system for health, vigor, & vitality
To avoid confusion and sloppy performance everyday
Injury prevention through video training and flexibility
How to build a stronger heart to prevent heart attack
How to learn what it really takes to actually get a fit body
Physical courage; which is getting up after falling and trying again,
resisting the temptation of overeating junk food, eating healthy
instead, enjoying the outdoors, no matter the weather, and expecting
the world.
Beach guests, single mothers, entertainers, female leaders,
models, actors, full-time workers, club hoppers, fashionistas,
anyone needing to maintain a beautiful appearance!
Check out the link to view the
HLS.FTN1101 enrolled in
How’s it going, this is your HLS.FTN1101 team leader. This
message is to provide you with the direct information needed to
understand everything going on with the campaign in your
specific area of focus.
HLS.FTN1101 Introduction to vClass Training. This master
course is designed to provide all the information needed for the
following vClasses:
à Intro to Video Training Mastery
à Holistic Fitness & Physique Prep
World Class Conditioning
Advanced Speed Mastery
Equipment needed:
Yoga mat
Socks With No Holes
In order to get closer to accomplishing these goals, our courses
are designed to begin on your own to evaluate your as-is level of
Work alongside the videos with the overarching goal being to try
to complete one cycle first and then gradually working your way
up to defeating the instructor.
Go to the links and do the recommended homework
assignments for two weeks in the order provided by your
instructor. The overarching objective being to work your way up
to keeping up with the video trainings in their entirety.
Homework 1
Homework 0
Homework 8
Homework 6
Homework 3
Sample Routines for HLS.FTN
Day 1: Homework 1 0 3
Day 2: Homework 1 0 8 3
Day 3: Homework 1 0 6 3
Days Between: Homework 1 0 3
Evaluation Challenge: Homework 1 0 8 6 3
Prepare to work your way up to completing the routines in the
homework. At the end of each week of your two to four week
courses, you will have an option to collaborate with a specialist
if you are interested in conducting an analysis of your progress.
A self-study to called a program design tracker is needed for
this session.
Download the program design tracker and have it printed, if
possible. If not, do not worry about it, you can just write out your
performance marks on paper and snap a picture to send to your
Instructors Recommendation: Challenge the video five times
before you begin attempting to train without the video. Once you
do this, your mind and body will begin to go through the routine
naturally, thus allowing you to focus on your technique in order
to truly master the exercises. You will be receiving a message
from your team leader or specialist within 24-48 hours for a brief
self-study planning that will explain this orientation in more
Exercise Challenge Code
Just copy the movements as best as you can
Position yourself to keep your eyes on the screen
Try not to take your eyes off the screen
If you cannot do an exercise, modify it to keep going
Do exactly as the video says
In between videos, only take 3-5min breaks
Use breaks to stretch and get H2O only
Do not pause workouts, once you start, finish it
If you don't have a rope, air rope or repeat the last move
Send questions to your team leader or your specialist at
This is what I do for my client-members: I personalize a basic kit
of self-study tools and socioeconomic assets they may be
missing. The list shows a few.
With assets, you can both structure professionalize your talent
or position in life. Without them, you are wasting very useful
time trying to compete with others who are extremely well
Throughout this course you will receive power vocabulary
updates on these topics. HLS.FTN1101 teaches concise
understanding of:
Circuit Style Training: 8-min discussion, 10-min circuits: cardio,
technique training, flexibility training, core training
Nutritional Counseling: Introduction into holistic nutrition is an
informative discussion on the HLS fitness nutritional routines to
be used in conjunction with fitness training
ALERT-This electronic transmission contains confidential information from AAAE Family Inc.
or the Athletics Abroad & Cultural Retreat and is intended only for the use of the above-named
individual(s). If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure,
copying, distribution or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this transmission
is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify us by
telephone immediately (323)9858968.
Written by:
Esteban Alexander Guzman III (EGIII)
Athletics Science Researcher
Athletics Ambassador, AAAE Elite Sports, Comité Olímpico Hondureño
Phase 1 of 3 Pharmacy School Prep [Holistic Fitness 1]
"My objective in this program is to make sure that all individuals who wish to work out with EGIII get into the
best shape of their lives. Your mission is to listen, pay attention, trust Guzman & exhaustingly work until the
buzzer. "
To focus on mastery of the designated BMM (basic movement mastery) to develop a level of mastery of
the VTM (Video Training Mastery). Develop functional efficiency and proper execution of all the movements
assigned to you in your BMM.
To instill functional movements in ones body that will not only aid in energy increase and metabolic
enhancements but also preventing injury, soreness and unwanted weight gain
Step 1
Organize a personal folder for yourself which contains all of the files designated to you by your holistic
fitness tutor
Step 2
Designate five minutes of your day to remind yourself that you have to complete the daily tasks to reach
your goal. It will only take a few weeks of 1-hour training to become used to hard work. The body adapts to
BMM (15)
(Warm-up) 1) Energy/2) Jumping Jacks
(Cardio) 1) DB Standing Crunch/2) Rope
(Conditioning) 1) DB Front Lunge/DB Side Lunge/2) Tabata 1/2 Squat
(Core) 1) Front Planks/2) Side Planks
(Lower) 1) Wall Squats/2) Good Mornings/3) Supergirls/4) Ceiling Calf Raises
(Abdominals) 1) Swiss Pass/ 2) Bicycle
(Mobility) 1) Triple Parallel Hold/ 2) Stationary Walkovers
(Flexibility)1) Floor Stretching
VTM (3)
Energy Warm-up
Floor Stretching
Written by:
Esteban Alexander Guzman III (EGIII)
Athletics Science Researcher
Athletics Ambassador, AAAE Elite Sports, Comité Olímpico Hondureño
Phase 1 of 3 Pharmacy School Prep [Holistic Fitness 1]
"My objective in this program is to make sure that all individuals who wish to work out with EGIII get into the
best shape of their lives. Your mission is to listen, pay attention, trust Guzman & exhaustingly work until the
buzzer. "
To focus on mastery of the designated BMM (basic movement mastery) to develop a level of mastery of
the VTM (Video Training Mastery). Develop functional efficiency and proper execution of all the movements
assigned to you in your BMM.
To instill functional movements in ones body that will not only aid in energy increase and metabolic
enhancements but also preventing injury, soreness and unwanted weight gain
Step 1
Organize a personal folder for yourself which contains all of the files designated to you by your holistic
fitness tutor
Step 2
Designate five minutes of your day to remind yourself that you have to complete the daily tasks to reach
your goal. It will only take a few weeks of 1-hour training to become used to hard work. The body adapts to
BMM (15)
(Warm-up) 1) Energy/2) Jumping Jacks
(Cardio) 1) DB Standing Crunch/2) Rope
(Conditioning) 1) DB Front Lunge/DB Side Lunge/2) Tabata 1/2 Squat
(Core) 1) Front Planks/2) Side Planks
(Lower) 1) Wall Squats/2) Good Mornings/3) Supergirls/4) Ceiling Calf Raises
(Abdominals) 1) Swiss Pass/ 2) Bicycle
(Mobility) 1) Triple Parallel Hold/ 2) Stationary Walkovers
(Flexibility)1) Floor Stretching
VTM (3)
Energy Warm-up
Floor Stretching
Advanced Program Design
Holistic Fitness Phase 1 of 3
Advanced Program Design
Holistic Fitness Phase 1 of 3
Written by:
Esteban Alexander Guzman III (EGIII)
Athletics Science Researcher
Athletics Ambassador, AAAE Elite Sports, Comité Olímpico Hondureño
(Phase 1of3 for Fit Girls. Models, Dancers, Servers, Bartenders, Cheerleaders,)
Consultation – This is a meeting between me and you to discuss the details and directions of your program. We will
also complete some pertinent documents that will help me understand the best method of helping you. EXAMPLE: I
would tell you that you should continue to do your VTM repetitions on your off-day to speed up the process of
reaching a set goal. Also, every workout begins with the Energy VTM and finishes with Floor Stretching VTM
Guided Visual Analysis – This is a test and demonstration workshop where I go through the movements with your
so that we may discover your abilities. With this information, I am able to set parameters for your program and
your Week-4 evaluation testing later on to show the level of progress we have made.
Week 1
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Cardio 1)
OFF Cardio 1)
Core 1)2)
Abdominals 1)
Cardio 1)
Core 1)2)
Mobility 1)2)
Cardio 1)
Abdominals 1)
OFF Cardio 1)
Core 1)2)
Week 2
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Week 3
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Week 4
Video Analysis Evaluation (Single Movement 3-Day Trails)
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
5 Moves
5 Moves
5 Moves
Written by:
Esteban Alexander Guzman III (EGIII)
Athletics Science Researcher
Athletics Ambassador, AAAE Elite Sports, Comité Olímpico Hondureño
(Phase 1of3 for Fit Girls. Models, Dancers, Servers, Bartenders, Cheerleaders,)
Consultation – This is a meeting between me and you to discuss the details and directions of your program. We will
also complete some pertinent documents that will help me understand the best method of helping you. EXAMPLE: I
would tell you that you should continue to do your VTM repetitions on your off-day to speed up the process of
reaching a set goal. Also, every workout begins with the Energy VTM and finishes with Floor Stretching VTM
Guided Visual Analysis – This is a test and demonstration workshop where I go through the movements with your
so that we may discover your abilities. With this information, I am able to set parameters for your program and
your Week-4 evaluation testing later on to show the level of progress we have made.
Week 1
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Cardio 1)
OFF Cardio 1)
Core 1)2)
Abdominals 1)
Cardio 1)
Core 1)2)
Mobility 1)2)
Cardio 1)
Abdominals 1)
OFF Cardio 1)
Core 1)2)
Week 2
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Week 3
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Week 4
Video Analysis Evaluation (Single Movement 3-Day Trails)
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
5 Moves
5 Moves
5 Moves
Advanced Program Design
Holistic Fitness & Physique
Advanced Program Design
Holistic Fitness & Physique
___________________________________________“INFORMATION IS VITAL”_____________________________________
Minimum knowledge for living…
The following terminology is vital since it is the universal nomenclature for specific muscular groups. Ignorance
toward these terms should not be promoted, nor tolerated, by anyone with ambitions of becoming elite
athlete. Athletes should fully understand the basics of the sport in which they compete; otherwise, they limit
their progression due to lack of conceptual knowledge of necessary skills (he/she cannot perform that which
they do not understand.) An understanding of the provided content is the minimum required knowledge for
entrance to the elite and world class levels of athletics, a centenarian model of life, and the optimization of
fitness for life. There is no useless information within this text, and it will benefit anyone. The only factor is that
you must work exhaustively to achieve your goals. If an individual remains CONSISTENT, they will be amongst
the many other genetic rarities of their time. Think closely, if previous patterns of life are followed, you will
never surpass them.
Minimum knowledge for living…
The following terminology is vital since it is the universal nomenclature for specific muscular groups. Ignorance
toward these terms should not be promoted, nor tolerated, by anyone with ambitions of becoming elite
athlete. Athletes should fully understand the basics of the sport in which they compete; otherwise, they limit
their progression due to lack of conceptual knowledge of necessary skills (he/she cannot perform that which
they do not understand.) An understanding of the provided content is the minimum required knowledge for
entrance to the elite and world class levels of athletics, a centenarian model of life, and the optimization of
fitness for life. There is no useless information within this text, and it will benefit anyone. The only factor is that
you must work exhaustively to achieve your goals. If an individual remains CONSISTENT, they will be amongst
the many other genetic rarities of their time. Think closely, if previous patterns of life are followed, you will
never surpass them.
To see what else is going on with Athletics
Education, visit:
Or contact us for more info:
To see what else is going on with Athletics
Education, visit:
Or contact us for more info:
___________________________________________“INFORMATION IS VITAL”_____________________________________
Chapter 1
Understand the kinds…
“Learn all you can from any problem. You will incur less frustration once the ability to solve quickly is attained.”
We can live for weeks without most nutrients, except water. For this reason, it is vital to understand how critical it is to consume
pure and plentiful servings. Water is a molecule, two hydrogen atoms plus one of oxygen, which the body needs to complete
functions such as carrying waste products, cooling the body, and fueling chemical reactions that the body uses to create energy.
Understand that nothing lives without energy. 3 Liters a day is sufficient amount to create tissue building materials.
Carbohydrates (1 gram = 4 cal) are starches and sugars, the main source of energy found in most foods. There are two types of
carbohydrates; Simple carbohydrates, or mono-saccharides, such as fruits and pastas, are easily digested by the body. Vegetable
and brown, whole grain products are complex carbohydrates. These poly-saccharides take longer for the body to digest,
although they provide you with longer lasting energy. Fatigue and poor mental function are just a couple of side effects related
to insufficient carbohydrate intake. Maintain a diet in wich 35-45% of your dietary energy comes from carbohydrates, but with
no more than 10% of those carbohydrates being simple carbohydrates.
One gram of fat provides the body with about nine calories, which allows it to substitute as highly concentrated energy.
Saturated Fats are found in animal products, butters, and cream. These should be avoided as much as possible due to the stress
their complex compositions put on the body. The emphasis must be placed on the Omega-3 and Omega-6 Unsaturated fats. They
are so necessary that below is a visual aid in hopes that you will get the picture. Unsaturated fats are greatly needed by the body
because they cannot be reproduced.
Unsaturated Fats
Omega 3’s-oily fish, flax-seed, canola oil, leafy greens.
Omega 6's- corn safflower, soybeans, sunflower, cottonseed.
Mono-unsaturated-Olive and peanut oils, almonds, cashews, and avocado.
Four calories are equal to one gram of protein, which is the main building material of muscles, skin, cartilage, and hair. Proteins
are vital to support enzyme functions that speed up the chemical reactions in every cell of our body. No enzyme function, no life.
Understand that there are 20 amino acids the body needs to survive, although it can only produce 11 on its own. Therefore, nine
must be received them from our daily foods. Also understand that complete proteins, such as cheese, eggs, fish, chicken, and
milk are the best source of the necessary amino acids. Combining two incomplete proteins such as rice and beans, or whole
grain, also provide the proper balance of amino acids.
To maintain the composition of digestive liquids, cell liquidity, and structures of the inner anatomy, small amounts of minerals
are needed each day. The growth and maintenance of body structures is heavily dependent upon a sufficient intake of required
minerals: calcium, chlorine, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, potassium, and sulfur (7).
Trace elements needed, but only in tiny amount: chromium, copper, fluorine, iodine,
iron, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, and zinc (9).
The chemical processes that regulate our homeostatic bodies are fueled by vitamins. Vitamins are also essential, although only
two key points need be remembered. A, D, E, and K dissolve in fat, therefore they are fat-soluble. The cell metabolizing B-
Complex (Vitamins B1-3, 5-7, 9, 12) and vitamin C dissolve in water, therefore they are water soluble.
The necessities discussed thus far are of great importance. In order to understand the biological puzzle, the biological pieces
must be understood. As has been said, it is vital that a general-common-sense knowledge for life be well understood.
Chapter 1
Understand the kinds…
“Learn all you can from any problem. You will incur less frustration once the ability to solve quickly is attained.”
We can live for weeks without most nutrients, except water. For this reason, it is vital to understand how critical it is to consume
pure and plentiful servings. Water is a molecule, two hydrogen atoms plus one of oxygen, which the body needs to complete
functions such as carrying waste products, cooling the body, and fueling chemical reactions that the body uses to create energy.
Understand that nothing lives without energy. 3 Liters a day is sufficient amount to create tissue building materials.
Carbohydrates (1 gram = 4 cal) are starches and sugars, the main source of energy found in most foods. There are two types of
carbohydrates; Simple carbohydrates, or mono-saccharides, such as fruits and pastas, are easily digested by the body. Vegetable
and brown, whole grain products are complex carbohydrates. These poly-saccharides take longer for the body to digest,
although they provide you with longer lasting energy. Fatigue and poor mental function are just a couple of side effects related
to insufficient carbohydrate intake. Maintain a diet in wich 35-45% of your dietary energy comes from carbohydrates, but with
no more than 10% of those carbohydrates being simple carbohydrates.
One gram of fat provides the body with about nine calories, which allows it to substitute as highly concentrated energy.
Saturated Fats are found in animal products, butters, and cream. These should be avoided as much as possible due to the stress
their complex compositions put on the body. The emphasis must be placed on the Omega-3 and Omega-6 Unsaturated fats. They
are so necessary that below is a visual aid in hopes that you will get the picture. Unsaturated fats are greatly needed by the body
because they cannot be reproduced.
Unsaturated Fats
Omega 3’s-oily fish, flax-seed, canola oil, leafy greens.
Omega 6's- corn safflower, soybeans, sunflower, cottonseed.
Mono-unsaturated-Olive and peanut oils, almonds, cashews, and avocado.
Four calories are equal to one gram of protein, which is the main building material of muscles, skin, cartilage, and hair. Proteins
are vital to support enzyme functions that speed up the chemical reactions in every cell of our body. No enzyme function, no life.
Understand that there are 20 amino acids the body needs to survive, although it can only produce 11 on its own. Therefore, nine
must be received them from our daily foods. Also understand that complete proteins, such as cheese, eggs, fish, chicken, and
milk are the best source of the necessary amino acids. Combining two incomplete proteins such as rice and beans, or whole
grain, also provide the proper balance of amino acids.
To maintain the composition of digestive liquids, cell liquidity, and structures of the inner anatomy, small amounts of minerals
are needed each day. The growth and maintenance of body structures is heavily dependent upon a sufficient intake of required
minerals: calcium, chlorine, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, potassium, and sulfur (7).
Trace elements needed, but only in tiny amount: chromium, copper, fluorine, iodine,
iron, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, and zinc (9).
The chemical processes that regulate our homeostatic bodies are fueled by vitamins. Vitamins are also essential, although only
two key points need be remembered. A, D, E, and K dissolve in fat, therefore they are fat-soluble. The cell metabolizing B-
Complex (Vitamins B1-3, 5-7, 9, 12) and vitamin C dissolve in water, therefore they are water soluble.
The necessities discussed thus far are of great importance. In order to understand the biological puzzle, the biological pieces
must be understood. As has been said, it is vital that a general-common-sense knowledge for life be well understood.
To see what else is going on with Athletics
Education, visit:
Or contact us for more info:
To see what else is going on with Athletics
Education, visit:
Or contact us for more info:
___________________________________________“INFORMATION IS VITAL”_____________________________________
Chapter 2
How we work...
"Ensuring consistency and diligence are extremely personal processes. What works for you may not work
for another. Consider only individual expectations."
Food enters the mouth which functions to prepare food for digestion by chewing. Then salivary glands
excrete saliva to moisten food and break down starches.
The pharynx swallows the softened food, allowing passage from the mouth to the esophagus, which
transports food to the stomach. The mass of swallowed food is also known as bolus.
Hydrochloric acids within our stomach break down the bolus and turn it into a liquefied mass, called
chyme (kyme), and pass it to the first section of the small intestine.
In this first section of the small intestine, the duodenum (enzymes from the gall bladder, pancreas, and
liver) are released to further reduce chyme, extracting the elements that our bodies must absorb.
Chyme enters the next section of the small intestine. This is the site in which all nutrients are absorbed by
the body. Small projectors along the lining of the intestinal wall absorb nutrients directly into the blood
stream, fueling the body.
Chyme travels up to twenty feet before it enters the large intestine where little digestion takes place.
Within the large intestine, water is continuously being absorbed from the undigested chyme. This causes
the chyme solidity to increase as it passes through to be stored in the rectum until discharged.
Chapter 2
How we work...
"Ensuring consistency and diligence are extremely personal processes. What works for you may not work
for another. Consider only individual expectations."
Food enters the mouth which functions to prepare food for digestion by chewing. Then salivary glands
excrete saliva to moisten food and break down starches.
The pharynx swallows the softened food, allowing passage from the mouth to the esophagus, which
transports food to the stomach. The mass of swallowed food is also known as bolus.
Hydrochloric acids within our stomach break down the bolus and turn it into a liquefied mass, called
chyme (kyme), and pass it to the first section of the small intestine.
In this first section of the small intestine, the duodenum (enzymes from the gall bladder, pancreas, and
liver) are released to further reduce chyme, extracting the elements that our bodies must absorb.
Chyme enters the next section of the small intestine. This is the site in which all nutrients are absorbed by
the body. Small projectors along the lining of the intestinal wall absorb nutrients directly into the blood
stream, fueling the body.
Chyme travels up to twenty feet before it enters the large intestine where little digestion takes place.
Within the large intestine, water is continuously being absorbed from the undigested chyme. This causes
the chyme solidity to increase as it passes through to be stored in the rectum until discharged.
To see what else is going on with Athletics
Education, visit:
Or contact us for more info:
To see what else is going on with Athletics
Education, visit:
Or contact us for more info:
___________________________________________“INFORMATION IS VITAL”_____________________________________
Chapter 3
The Key word is “Fresh”...
“If contradiction arises, figure it out.”
Raw fruits and vegetables are a rich source of essential vitamins and minerals. They are also rich in enzymes. Enzymes are
specific proteins that act as catalysts to enable our bodies to perform the biological processes that keep us alive.
Enzymes do not make anything happen, they just speed them up. Metabolic enzymes are used as activation energy for the
processes of the body. They speed up cellular reactions and transfers that would otherwise be life-less. Food enzymes are those
present in the living things we consume, and are needed by our bodies to break down specific foods.
Digestive enzymes are separated into three categories. Amylases digest carbohydrates, proteases digest proteins, and lipases
digest fats. Therefore, the body is built to digest those nutrients.
When young, individuals have twice the amount of digestive enzymes as an adult. A logical conclusion to this observation is that
we are born with a finite amount of enzymes. Focus must be placed on the preserving of our enzymes so that the jovial and
youthful system is maintained for as long as possible. Studies have been seen to do this well into the ages of eighty and ninety
Over-eating, whether it be healthy or non-healthy foods, is detrimental to health. Monitoring the portions and intake of
nutritional servings must be practiced frequently to maintain proper enzyme balance.
Eating is only necessary, and should only be done, when you are genuinely hungry. Any extra amount over works the body, and
it only has a finite amount to waste. Take care of your body. Live foods, which generally mean raw and uncooked food, have
their own enzymes. This benefits humans greatly when we consume them because our body uses less of its own limited supply.
Emphasis of the words raw and uncooked should be heeded due to the fact that heating a live food above 120F destroys all of its
enzymes, and most nutrients. Now it has been turned it into a less nutritious food. Raw living foods that are warmed up to 119F
may preserve enzymes if they are not heated above this temperature. For this reason, cooking vegetables and some other foods
is not recommended for frequent meal preparation.
Shakes and salads that combine multiple fresh fruits or vegetables are advised and proven to be optimal. These two dishes alone
can provide most of the bodies dietary needs. They are nutritionally dense and provide assistance for the digestive system.
The reason for consuming primarily raw living foods:
Benefits of fresh uncooked foods.
Increased Energy, body detoxification
Improved athletic ability
Greater awareness
Maintenance of ideal weight
Total daily energy
More radiant skin
Decreases rapidity of aging
Chapter 3
The Key word is “Fresh”...
“If contradiction arises, figure it out.”
Raw fruits and vegetables are a rich source of essential vitamins and minerals. They are also rich in enzymes. Enzymes are
specific proteins that act as catalysts to enable our bodies to perform the biological processes that keep us alive.
Enzymes do not make anything happen, they just speed them up. Metabolic enzymes are used as activation energy for the
processes of the body. They speed up cellular reactions and transfers that would otherwise be life-less. Food enzymes are those
present in the living things we consume, and are needed by our bodies to break down specific foods.
Digestive enzymes are separated into three categories. Amylases digest carbohydrates, proteases digest proteins, and lipases
digest fats. Therefore, the body is built to digest those nutrients.
When young, individuals have twice the amount of digestive enzymes as an adult. A logical conclusion to this observation is that
we are born with a finite amount of enzymes. Focus must be placed on the preserving of our enzymes so that the jovial and
youthful system is maintained for as long as possible. Studies have been seen to do this well into the ages of eighty and ninety
Over-eating, whether it be healthy or non-healthy foods, is detrimental to health. Monitoring the portions and intake of
nutritional servings must be practiced frequently to maintain proper enzyme balance.
Eating is only necessary, and should only be done, when you are genuinely hungry. Any extra amount over works the body, and
it only has a finite amount to waste. Take care of your body. Live foods, which generally mean raw and uncooked food, have
their own enzymes. This benefits humans greatly when we consume them because our body uses less of its own limited supply.
Emphasis of the words raw and uncooked should be heeded due to the fact that heating a live food above 120F destroys all of its
enzymes, and most nutrients. Now it has been turned it into a less nutritious food. Raw living foods that are warmed up to 119F
may preserve enzymes if they are not heated above this temperature. For this reason, cooking vegetables and some other foods
is not recommended for frequent meal preparation.
Shakes and salads that combine multiple fresh fruits or vegetables are advised and proven to be optimal. These two dishes alone
can provide most of the bodies dietary needs. They are nutritionally dense and provide assistance for the digestive system.
The reason for consuming primarily raw living foods:
Benefits of fresh uncooked foods.
Increased Energy, body detoxification
Improved athletic ability
Greater awareness
Maintenance of ideal weight
Total daily energy
More radiant skin
Decreases rapidity of aging
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___________________________________________“INFORMATION IS VITAL”_____________________________________
Chapter 4
Synthetics vs. Whole Food...
“Do not rush anything. It is much more efficient to go about solving problems carefully and deliberately,
taking small steps. Making sure each step is correct before going on."
Chapter 4
Synthetics vs. Whole Food...
“Do not rush anything. It is much more efficient to go about solving problems carefully and deliberately,
taking small steps. Making sure each step is correct before going on."
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___________________________________________“INFORMATION IS VITAL”_____________________________________
Chapter 5
Notes and Habits you must follow and remember...
"Reduce errors, make yourself more aware of possible errors, and reduce the time spent correcting them"
Do not over eat. It is important to understand that excess calories are stored as fat by the body when more than is needed is
A big salad or bowl of vegetable soup should be eaten before dinner. The body feels a full from this preparation because salads
and soups have a high water content.
(High water content is the goal)
Sugar and sodium intake should be limited. High sugar foods are high in calories but low in nutrients. Therefore they should be
supplemented by fresh fruits, vegetables, and pure fruit drinks.
If alcohol is consumed, be sure it is in moderation. For example, one 5 oz of wine per day for women and 10 oz for men reduces
risk of cardiovascular disease. Again, moderation is important because too much of anything is bad. Alcohol is not recommended
for young adults and student-athletes.
Natural sources of good protein are highly recommended. Good protein is referring to those that are free of added hormones,
free of antibiotics, and free of preservatives.
White bread should not be eaten. It is extremely refined. Frozen or sprouted grain breads like Ezekiel, are the bare minimum.
Reduce the Omega-6 fatty acid consumption like sunflower, safflower, corn, soybean, to a fractional daily amount.
Always include fiber because it consists of “complex carbohydrates” and cellulose, which can’t be digested. This aids in the
prevention of blockage in the intestinal system and also to move food through the stomach and intestines.
Carbohydrates should be the smallest food group
Obesity and other problems associated with inactivity have been proven to be caused by boredom, loneliness, and other
emotional problems. The logic is clear since, rationally, we now are understanding that only a certain amount and type of
sustenance is necessary for survival
Store your foods properly. It is better to eat fresh foods. Although a refrigerator may be used for storage, eating food soon after
buying is recommended. Most foods would not stay alive or un-spoiled for long if some sort of chemical were not added to them.
Note that the food is not the problem, the chemicals are.
We all vary in our dietary needs due to our age, activity level, and genetic differences. It is important that you set an amount that
is adequate for your categorical needs to maintain the nutrients you need for healthy function.
Whenever cravings arise, this is the optimal time to exercise or engage in some sort of energetic activity. This is very beneficial,
specifically because a craving that would normally have been fed by a fattening food is now used as energy to burn calories.
Drink water throughout the day!
If there are foods you cannot remove from your daily eating routine, they are called trigger food. Similar to any sort of snack,
keeping the taste of sugar and sodium on the mind.
Success begins in the mind. You must be looking forward and diligent about following your plans. This is the only way you will
reach your goals.
Stimulants such as caffeine, sugar, and alcohol, provoke the stress handling glands, making their jobs more difficult. For this
reason it is understood that moderation be practiced, or the individual will be carrying around a body
whose stress handling glands are continuously strained.
Downsize the bowls and plates meals are eaten from. Practice portion control, meaning only eat with smaller sized dishes.
Regular sized dishes cause an individual to eat up to 56% more food than needed, which is = 142 calories per meal. Assume
this calculation. 3 meals per day times 142 calories times 365 day per year = yearly gain of about 4 pounds. This is also a trigger
that has increased obesity. Use smaller bowls and control the amount at which you consume before control over the body is lost.
Simple additions to a nutritional plan are rarely applied. Success is for the diligent.
Reduce the amount of times at which you eat during a period of a day. Try to eliminate the servings of extra foods and snacks
that are eaten between meals, rather than with meals, to allow a resting period for your digestive system.
Chapter 5
Notes and Habits you must follow and remember...
"Reduce errors, make yourself more aware of possible errors, and reduce the time spent correcting them"
Do not over eat. It is important to understand that excess calories are stored as fat by the body when more than is needed is
A big salad or bowl of vegetable soup should be eaten before dinner. The body feels a full from this preparation because salads
and soups have a high water content.
(High water content is the goal)
Sugar and sodium intake should be limited. High sugar foods are high in calories but low in nutrients. Therefore they should be
supplemented by fresh fruits, vegetables, and pure fruit drinks.
If alcohol is consumed, be sure it is in moderation. For example, one 5 oz of wine per day for women and 10 oz for men reduces
risk of cardiovascular disease. Again, moderation is important because too much of anything is bad. Alcohol is not recommended
for young adults and student-athletes.
Natural sources of good protein are highly recommended. Good protein is referring to those that are free of added hormones,
free of antibiotics, and free of preservatives.
White bread should not be eaten. It is extremely refined. Frozen or sprouted grain breads like Ezekiel, are the bare minimum.
Reduce the Omega-6 fatty acid consumption like sunflower, safflower, corn, soybean, to a fractional daily amount.
Always include fiber because it consists of “complex carbohydrates” and cellulose, which can’t be digested. This aids in the
prevention of blockage in the intestinal system and also to move food through the stomach and intestines.
Carbohydrates should be the smallest food group
Obesity and other problems associated with inactivity have been proven to be caused by boredom, loneliness, and other
emotional problems. The logic is clear since, rationally, we now are understanding that only a certain amount and type of
sustenance is necessary for survival
Store your foods properly. It is better to eat fresh foods. Although a refrigerator may be used for storage, eating food soon after
buying is recommended. Most foods would not stay alive or un-spoiled for long if some sort of chemical were not added to them.
Note that the food is not the problem, the chemicals are.
We all vary in our dietary needs due to our age, activity level, and genetic differences. It is important that you set an amount that
is adequate for your categorical needs to maintain the nutrients you need for healthy function.
Whenever cravings arise, this is the optimal time to exercise or engage in some sort of energetic activity. This is very beneficial,
specifically because a craving that would normally have been fed by a fattening food is now used as energy to burn calories.
Drink water throughout the day!
If there are foods you cannot remove from your daily eating routine, they are called trigger food. Similar to any sort of snack,
keeping the taste of sugar and sodium on the mind.
Success begins in the mind. You must be looking forward and diligent about following your plans. This is the only way you will
reach your goals.
Stimulants such as caffeine, sugar, and alcohol, provoke the stress handling glands, making their jobs more difficult. For this
reason it is understood that moderation be practiced, or the individual will be carrying around a body
whose stress handling glands are continuously strained.
Downsize the bowls and plates meals are eaten from. Practice portion control, meaning only eat with smaller sized dishes.
Regular sized dishes cause an individual to eat up to 56% more food than needed, which is = 142 calories per meal. Assume
this calculation. 3 meals per day times 142 calories times 365 day per year = yearly gain of about 4 pounds. This is also a trigger
that has increased obesity. Use smaller bowls and control the amount at which you consume before control over the body is lost.
Simple additions to a nutritional plan are rarely applied. Success is for the diligent.
Reduce the amount of times at which you eat during a period of a day. Try to eliminate the servings of extra foods and snacks
that are eaten between meals, rather than with meals, to allow a resting period for your digestive system.
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___________________________________________“INFORMATION IS VITAL”_____________________________________
Minimum knowledge for the life-fit and the athlete
Chapter 6
Notes and Habits you must follow...
“Line up all steps so the logical connection is clearly apparent. Take notes of what was done in ea. step, do not just do
it. Ask self or other if what you have makes sense. Think about the meaning of what you are doing. “
Sleep deprivation, which can be defined as getting less than eight and a half hours continuous sleep per night, may
cause complications with mental functionality throughout the day. It also causes a hormone called “ghrellin” to be
produced, which causes false-hunger.
Protein is digested slower than “carbohydrates” and fats, so fewer calories will fill you up. Fiber slows down meal
time digestion while absorbing water. This provides a feeling of fullness.
Limit your choices because variety is not recommended. Eating a variety quickly leads to body instability and
complication. Research has shown that we are generally happy eating our favorite foods all the time. Organize an
inventory of foods and stick by them, with occasional deviations.
Limit your intake of cholesterol and saturated fats. As we know, they are found in animal products, and can be
digested, but they increase the risk of heart disease and other illnesses.
Make sure your diet is a Mediterranean one. Keep it rich in colorful veggies and fruits, olive oil, fish, and whole
It is best to have few to no processed foods in your daily diet. These types of foods need no explanation for why they
should not be consumed.
Load up on veggies and get rid of starchy carbohydrates if possible. By removing 1 cup of starch every night and
eating double the servings of veggies, you save more than 80000 calories which is a weight reduction of almost 23
pounds in one year. If not monitored, these pounds will be added, rather than subtracted, from annual gain.
Drink tea daily if possible, and remember that black, green, and oolong are always good choices.
Minimum knowledge for the life-fit and the athlete
Chapter 6
Notes and Habits you must follow...
“Line up all steps so the logical connection is clearly apparent. Take notes of what was done in ea. step, do not just do
it. Ask self or other if what you have makes sense. Think about the meaning of what you are doing. “
Sleep deprivation, which can be defined as getting less than eight and a half hours continuous sleep per night, may
cause complications with mental functionality throughout the day. It also causes a hormone called “ghrellin” to be
produced, which causes false-hunger.
Protein is digested slower than “carbohydrates” and fats, so fewer calories will fill you up. Fiber slows down meal
time digestion while absorbing water. This provides a feeling of fullness.
Limit your choices because variety is not recommended. Eating a variety quickly leads to body instability and
complication. Research has shown that we are generally happy eating our favorite foods all the time. Organize an
inventory of foods and stick by them, with occasional deviations.
Limit your intake of cholesterol and saturated fats. As we know, they are found in animal products, and can be
digested, but they increase the risk of heart disease and other illnesses.
Make sure your diet is a Mediterranean one. Keep it rich in colorful veggies and fruits, olive oil, fish, and whole
It is best to have few to no processed foods in your daily diet. These types of foods need no explanation for why they
should not be consumed.
Load up on veggies and get rid of starchy carbohydrates if possible. By removing 1 cup of starch every night and
eating double the servings of veggies, you save more than 80000 calories which is a weight reduction of almost 23
pounds in one year. If not monitored, these pounds will be added, rather than subtracted, from annual gain.
Drink tea daily if possible, and remember that black, green, and oolong are always good choices.
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___________________________________________“INFORMATION IS VITAL”_____________________________________
Chapter 6.1
It is rare to become centenarian, but it is impossible to become an obese centenarian. Therefore it is vital that an
individual maintain a healthy weight, specifically around the abdomen. This area contributes to heart disease and
high blood pressure whenever excess weight has surfaced around this region.
Consistency increases the likelihood of a lack of physicians and medicinal aids. It will become normal, as it has for us.
Eliminate any processed foods. Other than taste, they serve our body no purpose.
Add protein to everything you eat, especially carbohydrates. Protein assists in the digestion of all substances,
therefore some sort is necessary within combinations.
Stress handling glands maintain blood sugar levels between meals. It is necessary for an individual to eat every two
hours if the goal is to reach a weight reduction in a healthy manner. Every 3 hours is recommended for weight
maintenance. This moderation allows stress handling glands to take a break between meals.
Avoid Trans and Rancid fats, since nerve tissues, hormones, and cell membranes all require healthy fats to function
correctly. Unhealthy fats interfere with these structures, and the processes which they are part of. For these reasons
diseases, disorders, and deficiencies arise in individuals who consume large amount of unhealthy fats.
Sodium is needed by the body for proper function. Debate on whether or not salt contributes to malnutrition is
irrelevant for such an age old seasoning. Natural sea salt, not refined salt, or sodium and chloride combinations
should be used.
Any foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids should be consumed. They include wild, fatty cold water fish (like tuna,
salmon, trout, herring, and mackerel). Walnuts, flax-seeds and leafy veggies must be eaten regularly.
Use mono-unsaturated oils, especially extra virgin olive oil, as your primary oil source. Although canola oil is mono
unsaturated, it is refined, which reduces its benefits.
Seven or more servings of fruits and veggies a day should be consumed. Fruits and veggies may be frozen or fresh as
long as they are not from a can, which is the worst source of fruits and veggies.
If raw is not the chosen method then veggies should only be steamed.
Make your goal to eat fresh and whole foods. That way, the necessitates designated for food are actually
accomplished, and the consumption of dead and devitalized foods is not promoted
Chapter 6.1
It is rare to become centenarian, but it is impossible to become an obese centenarian. Therefore it is vital that an
individual maintain a healthy weight, specifically around the abdomen. This area contributes to heart disease and
high blood pressure whenever excess weight has surfaced around this region.
Consistency increases the likelihood of a lack of physicians and medicinal aids. It will become normal, as it has for us.
Eliminate any processed foods. Other than taste, they serve our body no purpose.
Add protein to everything you eat, especially carbohydrates. Protein assists in the digestion of all substances,
therefore some sort is necessary within combinations.
Stress handling glands maintain blood sugar levels between meals. It is necessary for an individual to eat every two
hours if the goal is to reach a weight reduction in a healthy manner. Every 3 hours is recommended for weight
maintenance. This moderation allows stress handling glands to take a break between meals.
Avoid Trans and Rancid fats, since nerve tissues, hormones, and cell membranes all require healthy fats to function
correctly. Unhealthy fats interfere with these structures, and the processes which they are part of. For these reasons
diseases, disorders, and deficiencies arise in individuals who consume large amount of unhealthy fats.
Sodium is needed by the body for proper function. Debate on whether or not salt contributes to malnutrition is
irrelevant for such an age old seasoning. Natural sea salt, not refined salt, or sodium and chloride combinations
should be used.
Any foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids should be consumed. They include wild, fatty cold water fish (like tuna,
salmon, trout, herring, and mackerel). Walnuts, flax-seeds and leafy veggies must be eaten regularly.
Use mono-unsaturated oils, especially extra virgin olive oil, as your primary oil source. Although canola oil is mono
unsaturated, it is refined, which reduces its benefits.
Seven or more servings of fruits and veggies a day should be consumed. Fruits and veggies may be frozen or fresh as
long as they are not from a can, which is the worst source of fruits and veggies.
If raw is not the chosen method then veggies should only be steamed.
Make your goal to eat fresh and whole foods. That way, the necessitates designated for food are actually
accomplished, and the consumption of dead and devitalized foods is not promoted
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___________________________________________“INFORMATION IS VITAL”_____________________________________
Chapter 7
Grocery Notes before you go in search of food...
“Compute the same answer in different ways.”
The vocabulary associated with food is simple enough that it can be used at all times. Knowledge of the
categories associated with nutrition allows a simple method of understanding and regulating the intake,
properly preparing the body for a long, healthy life.
Grains should be consumed in limited quantities and come from a specific quality. Frozen and sprouted
short-life bread like Ezekiel, along with brown rice, whole grain breads, crackers, and so forth. Only 1 to 2
servings of grains per day are advised.
Fruits should be fresh and organically grown. Pure fruit juices are less caloric when diluted with up to 50%
water, depending on the consumer’s tolerance for sugar. Only 1 to 2 servings of fruits per day are advised.
Sweeteners should be heavily monitored. It is not advised to use refined or processed sugar. Insulin
maintenance is a process of the body. Sweeteners do the job but cause the body to store unused insulin
until, over time, the body refuses to repeat a now useless process. This refusal of the body to manage
insulin is called diabetes. Raw honey, pure syrup, nectar, and fruits are sweeteners. Only occasional usage
of sweeteners when necessary is advised.
Beverages are occasional choices. They are liquid foods for the most part since they carry caloric flavors in
large quantities. Whether cold or iced, beverages of all flavors are achieved. Yogurt, fruit shakes, almond
milk, coconut milk, and sorbet are a delight for the body. Only 2 serving of a type per day are advised.
Proteins are an important group. The choices that have proven the most beneficial are fish, chicken, eggs,
peanut butter, and protein filled beverages. Unhampered sources will serve the purpose this category
serves. Only 2 to 3 serving per day are advised.
Vegetables are of great importance, as all nutrients are. Non starchy vegetables, like peppers, carrots,
celery and cucumbers, are high in water content, yet low in calorie count. The goal is high water content.
Eat these light and digestive-friendly sources liberally.
Chapter 7
Grocery Notes before you go in search of food...
“Compute the same answer in different ways.”
The vocabulary associated with food is simple enough that it can be used at all times. Knowledge of the
categories associated with nutrition allows a simple method of understanding and regulating the intake,
properly preparing the body for a long, healthy life.
Grains should be consumed in limited quantities and come from a specific quality. Frozen and sprouted
short-life bread like Ezekiel, along with brown rice, whole grain breads, crackers, and so forth. Only 1 to 2
servings of grains per day are advised.
Fruits should be fresh and organically grown. Pure fruit juices are less caloric when diluted with up to 50%
water, depending on the consumer’s tolerance for sugar. Only 1 to 2 servings of fruits per day are advised.
Sweeteners should be heavily monitored. It is not advised to use refined or processed sugar. Insulin
maintenance is a process of the body. Sweeteners do the job but cause the body to store unused insulin
until, over time, the body refuses to repeat a now useless process. This refusal of the body to manage
insulin is called diabetes. Raw honey, pure syrup, nectar, and fruits are sweeteners. Only occasional usage
of sweeteners when necessary is advised.
Beverages are occasional choices. They are liquid foods for the most part since they carry caloric flavors in
large quantities. Whether cold or iced, beverages of all flavors are achieved. Yogurt, fruit shakes, almond
milk, coconut milk, and sorbet are a delight for the body. Only 2 serving of a type per day are advised.
Proteins are an important group. The choices that have proven the most beneficial are fish, chicken, eggs,
peanut butter, and protein filled beverages. Unhampered sources will serve the purpose this category
serves. Only 2 to 3 serving per day are advised.
Vegetables are of great importance, as all nutrients are. Non starchy vegetables, like peppers, carrots,
celery and cucumbers, are high in water content, yet low in calorie count. The goal is high water content.
Eat these light and digestive-friendly sources liberally.
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Basic Knowledge Database
A research database brought to you by:
Guzman, Arzu, & Associates
The Academics & Athletics Academy for Excellence
The Popular Arts & entertainment Group
The Individual Development & Fortune Company
Sam Nash: IDFC Team Leader
Noelia Figuereo: AAAE Team Leader
Charles Graham Jr.: PAEG Team Leader
Julio Arzu: GAA Ltd. Executive Business Manager
Michelle Lamb: GAA Ltd. Efficiency Protocol Officer
Esteban Guzman: GAA Ltd. Individual Development Specialist
The BKD on Complete Daily Awareness
Welcome back to another memory update from our basic knowledge database; where a chunk
of knowledge is given in each bit to increase awareness, enhance skill acuity, or build memory
within your area of focus. This BKD is based on Student Complete Daily Awareness. Let’s begin...
Highly recommended is the “BKD”. This is a self-study life-micromanagement tool utilized by
motivated citizens and upcoming leaders. It contains a power vocabulary of practical answers
that generate real lifetime results and socioeconomic independence. All the research has been
done for you.
Just the presence of this knowledge guarantees that your preparedness for 21st century
abundant success is achieved with speed and convenience. Just one read is an awesome
experience that boosts your mental status and physical awareness in everyday life; many reads
will transform you.
Most importantly, this knowledge database gives you access to the leading-edge lifestyles of
international athletes, scholarship students, and existing community leaders of both the
present and future elite. In our opinion, there is no greater asset that can be offered.
About our work
My team and I create BKDs on Complete Daily Awareness. These are memory updates for rapid
learning in the areas of 21st Century Abundant Success. Outlining a basic knowledge database
specific to students, parents, athletes, professionals, entertainers, and entrepreneurs.
The first purpose of our innovation is to increase awareness; it is the knowledge of what is
acceptable and acting accordingly. Being aware of different problems and confronting them in a
manner to create a beneficial outcome.
The second purpose is to enhance skill acuity through physical development.
It provides us with the abilities we need to explore and interact with the world around us.
These are all complex physical tasks that require body strength, hand-to- eye coordination and
The third purpose is to build memory. It is our brains filing system. It contains everything we
have learnt. We can store an amazing amount of information in our brain -for example, as a
child we learned around ten new words a day, and eventually we know 100,000 or more. The
job of RGSC is to get you to the point and beyond as fast as possible.
The issues we address are centralized around the four most important concepts of the 21st
Century. The concept of 21st century abundant success; the concept of complete daily
awareness; the concept of the socioeconomic warzone; and the concept of the lacking.
Our Area of Subject Matter Expertise
The Six Fields of Independent Study
1) Academic Leadership & Excellence
2) Athletics Science & Sports Recruiting
3) Popular Arts & Entertainment
4) Holistic Fitness & Physique Preparation
5) Applied Socioeconomics
6) Familial Stabilization & Household Management
The 8 Specific Areas of Focus
1) Independent Music
2) Acting
3) Modeling
4) Dance
5) Sports
6) Fitness
7) Education
8) Family Life
BKD Concepts
The concept of 21st century abundant success:
Overcoming the most common major setbacks and instead accomplishing the most common
major goals; raising the level of competition in the socioeconomic war zone.
The concept of complete daily awareness:
There are certain factors of individual development that help us accelerate our progress
and bulletproof our chances of success. In the socioeconomic war zone, these factors are goal
understanding, heavy preparedness, and many resources. This aspect is vital if the mission is to
realistically overcome setbacks and accomplish goals; you must know them to know what to
look out for, and so on.
Goal understanding:
being aware of the most common major goals; to make sure you know where you are going;
Heavy preparedness:
being prepared for the most common major setbacks we will face in a lifetime.
Many resources:
having access the resources you need to accomplish all of these tasks and avoid losing time
searching for answers that are already present.
The concept of the socioeconomic warzone:
The Socioeconomic warzone is our name for the public in reference to the real-world
battle naturally taking place amongst all people aiming to live and thrive within it.
The concept of the lacking:
The lacking is our name for the individual state of being too unaware. Unprepared, or
under resourced to accomplish the most common major goals off the 21st century.
How To Use The BKD
Power Vocabs, Form Commands, And Conceptual Informative Phrases
This is the way we were taught to do it: Create flashcards of your vocabulary words, either
digitally or by hand. Review your cards once a day. Every time you get a card wrong, put it in a
section for cards you need to review frequently. When you get a card right, put it in a section
for cards you need to review less frequently. You can even score each card for how well you
remembered it and place it on a scale from 0 (review tomorrow) to 5 (review next week or
month). Follow your schedule and adjust as needed. Use software, if needed, to store and keep
track of your cards — just not to create them. Instead, create the cards yourself and add
context clues so they're relevant to you. From there, you're on your way.
The Rapid Mental Growth & Physical Development Methodology
There are six forms of training and study used with this tool in order to gain optimal
retention and practical application. It also includes “Program Design Trackers”, this is an archive
that records progress for future analysis of performance and presentation challenges assigned
by Instructor-Trainer Guzman. With this tool, the academy uses five forms of training and self-
study for practical application alongside optimal retention.
Matching tasks and category: a one or two player game where notecards are used to improve
concentration and memory by forcing you to remember the definitions associated with the
vocabulary written on the note cards.
Memory game: read and review conceptual informative phrases (CIPs) or power vocabulary
associated with your vClass or area of life micromanagement. Then recite without note to
evaluate your level of retention.
Word association game: pick a category; challengers go back, and forth reciting power vocab
associated with specific area we are enhancing.
High intensity presentation training: to increase memory and perfect your execution of the
delivery needed for recall optimization.
Program design tracking: a self-study tool for independent practice so when you rehearse on
your own; you can also send your stats to a specialist for further customization or analyzation.
Please Note: Enroll in a rapid learning program or club with Instructor Guzman for more in-
depth study.
The Mental and Physical Training for Individual Development
Mental Training
1) Set aside 15-30 minutes of no
2) Be ready to review, recite, & present
the “power vocab”
3) Have a pencil and notepad in hand
4) Each session requires a “Program
Design Tracker”
5) Always text, or email, your results and
questions to your Instructor Guzman
Physical Training
1) Set aside 15-30 minutes of no disruption
2) Be ready to review, recite, & perform the
“form commands”
3) Choose a comfortable in-home practice area
4) Wear loose clothing, setup yoga met, and
water bottle
5) Have a pencil and notepad in hand
6) Always text, or email, your results and
questions to your Instructor Guzman
AAAE Template for Excellence
Section: Program Design Tracker
Name: __________________ Challenge: __________________
Date: ___________________ Time Frame: ______________
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Complete Daily Awareness Edition 1
All-Star Info Kit
Complete Daily Awareness Edition
Memory Updates for Rapid Learning in the
areas of 21st
Century Abundant Success.
Outlining a basic knowledge database specific
to students, parents, athletes, professionals,
entertainers, and entrepreneurs.
Check out our other
All-Star Info Kits
Student Edition
Parent Edition
Athlete Edition
Professional Edition
Entrepreneur Edition
Entertainer Edition
Holistic Fitness &
Physique Prep Edition
Mental Toughness &
Physical Courage Edition
Name: ________________________________________
Class: ______________________ Topic: ________________________
Date: _______/ _____/ ________
Section ______
SUMMARY: Write 4 or more sentences describing specific learning from these notes.
Name: ________________________________________
Class: ______________________ Topic: ________________________
Date: _______/ _____/ ________
Section ______
SUMMARY: Write 4 or more sentences describing specific learning from these notes.
Name: ________________________________________
Class: ______________________ Topic: ________________________
Date: _______/ _____/ ________
Section ______
SUMMARY: Write 4 or more sentences describing specific learning from these notes.
Name: ________________________________________
Class: ______________________ Topic: ________________________
Date: _______/ _____/ ________
Section ______
SUMMARY: Write 4 or more sentences describing specific learning from these notes.
Name: ________________________________________
Class: ______________________ Topic: ________________________
Date: _______/ _____/ ________
Section ______
SUMMARY: Write 4 or more sentences describing specific learning from these notes.

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Professional Basic Knowledge Database

  • 3. AAAE Template for Excellence A ` Section: Holistic Fitness & Physique Preparation Chapter: The Basic Anatomy for Self-Evaluation Tool: Power Vocabulary/Super Movements _________________________________________________________________ o abdominals o oblique o bicep o forearm o trapezius o hamstring o spinal erector o calf muscles o gluteus o quadriceps o latissimus dorsi o deltoids
  • 4. AAAE Template for Excellence A ` Section: Holistic Fitness & Physique Preparation Chapter: Functional Movements for the Superfit Body Tool: Power Vocabulary/Super Movements _________________________________________________________________ o mobility o push o bend o twist o lunge o midsection o pull o squat o gait o plyometrics
  • 5. AAAE Template for Excellence A ` Section: Holistic Fitness & Physique Preparation Chapter: Energy Warm-up and Combo Stretch Tool: Power Vocabulary/Super Movements _________________________________________________________________ Energy Warm-up: o feet together shoulder width (relax body) o stationary twist (swing hands freely) o twist from left to right (hands up & flat)) o twist from left to right (alternate side punches) o clasp hands (reach palms up to the sky) o right hand clasp left wrist (bend to right) o left hand clasp right wrist (bend to left) o clasp hands behind you (hold bend forward) o place palms on lower back (hold bend backward) o clasp hands behind you(stretch neck to left) o clasp hands behind you (stretch neck to right) o bring hands towards the center and breath Combo Stretch: o sun salutations o split leg hamstring stretch o runners pose side lunge o right angle pose o warrior II + reverse warrior o hamstring stretch o wide leg & cobbler’s stretch o pigeon stretch o torso twist o cat/camel & child’s pose
  • 6. Complete Daily Awareness Edition 1 x All-Star Info Kit Complete Daily Awareness Edition Memory Updates for Rapid Learning in the areas of 21st Century Abundant Success. Outlining a basic knowledge database specific to students, parents, athletes, professionals, entertainers, and entrepreneurs. 21.Demo Of Mandatory Professional Assets Presentation Technique Program Autobiography Professional Profile Branding Mockup Data Entry/Transcription Project Execution Planning Table of Contents 1. The Concept Of 21st Century Abundant Success 2. The Concept Of Complete Daily Awareness: 3. Goal Understanding 4. Heavy Preparedness 5. Many Resources 6. The Concept Of The Socioeconomic Warzone 7. The Concept Of The Lacking 8. The First Purpose Of Our Innovations 9. The Second Purpose Of Our Innovations 10. The Third Purpose Of Our Innovations 11. The Most Common Major Setbacks 12. Daily Obstacles 13. Social Barriers 14. Distractions 15. Problems Plaguing Our Families And The Global Community 16. The Most Common Major Goals 17. The List Of The Most Common Major Goals 18. The Six Fields Of Independent Study 19. The Specific Areas Of Focus 20. Demo Of Needed Entrepreneur Assets 21. Demo Of Professional Assets 22. Demo Of Entertainer Assets 23. Demo Of Parent Assets 24. Demo Of Athlete Assets 25. Demo Of Student Assets 26. What Is In The Student Edition? 27. What Is In Parent Edition? 28. What Is In The Athlete Edition? 29. What Is In The Professional Edition? 30. What Is In The Entrepreneur Edition? 31. What Is In Entertainer Edition? 32. What Is In The Edition of Holistic Fitness & Physique Prep? 33. What Is In The Edition of Mental Toughness & Physical Courage? 34. Final Thoughts
  • 7. Welcome to this week’s digital course on HLS.FTN1101 Holistic Fitness & Physique Preparation You have been offered a "Family & Friends” discount to one of our vClasses. This course is for members interested in accomplishing any of these midterm goals. -gain vitality and energy potential -build a super fit body - to develop elite athleticism Check out the links the view the details on HLS fitness and your offer Check out the links the view the details of your introductory vClass
  • 8. PART FOUR Why is HLN.FTN1101 Vital? THE ISSUE The problem for individuals today is the inability to maintain the healthy and fit body needed to reduce “dis-ease” and insecurity that deter wellness and self-confidence. The exercise challenges provided through HLS.FTN are the solution, as it combines nutrition with sports science to increase strength and health while transforming the body into a toned and sculpted temple. Essentially, we turn non-athletes into athletes. WHAT IS IT? The mental toughness & physical courage application is an accelerated learning tool delivered in one-to-one, one-to-few and small group settings. The vClass method allows us to teach, tutor, and advise virtual participants during their free time and in the privacy of their own home.
  • 9. WHY DO I NEED IT? To lay the foundation for an autopilot system to enhance your ability to perform energy-related movements that require a sufficient amount of strength, physical energy, flexibility, and technical movement mastery. WHAT WILL I LEARN? The universal movements for supergirls How to control your body effectively A way to run faster and be more active How to keep a bulletproof system for health, vigor, & vitality To avoid confusion and sloppy performance everyday Injury prevention through video training and flexibility How to build a stronger heart to prevent heart attack How to learn what it really takes to actually get a fit body Physical courage; which is getting up after falling and trying again, resisting the temptation of overeating junk food, eating healthy instead, enjoying the outdoors, no matter the weather, and expecting the world. WHO IS IT FOR? Beach guests, single mothers, entertainers, female leaders, models, actors, full-time workers, club hoppers, fashionistas, anyone needing to maintain a beautiful appearance! PART FIVE Check out the link to view the HLS.FTN1101 enrolled in How’s it going, this is your HLS.FTN1101 team leader. This message is to provide you with the direct information needed to understand everything going on with the campaign in your specific area of focus.
  • 10. HLS.FTN1101 Introduction to vClass Training. This master course is designed to provide all the information needed for the following vClasses: à Intro to Video Training Mastery à Holistic Fitness & Physique Prep World Class Conditioning Advanced Speed Mastery Equipment needed: Water Yoga mat Socks With No Holes In order to get closer to accomplishing these goals, our courses are designed to begin on your own to evaluate your as-is level of intensity.
  • 11. Work alongside the videos with the overarching goal being to try to complete one cycle first and then gradually working your way up to defeating the instructor. Go to the links and do the recommended homework assignments for two weeks in the order provided by your instructor. The overarching objective being to work your way up to keeping up with the video trainings in their entirety. Homework 1 Homework 0 Homework 8 Homework 6 Homework 3 Sample Routines for HLS.FTN Day 1: Homework 1 0 3 Day 2: Homework 1 0 8 3 Day 3: Homework 1 0 6 3 Days Between: Homework 1 0 3 Evaluation Challenge: Homework 1 0 8 6 3
  • 12. Prepare to work your way up to completing the routines in the homework. At the end of each week of your two to four week courses, you will have an option to collaborate with a specialist if you are interested in conducting an analysis of your progress. A self-study to called a program design tracker is needed for this session. Download the program design tracker and have it printed, if possible. If not, do not worry about it, you can just write out your performance marks on paper and snap a picture to send to your specialist, gned%20tracker.jpg?dl=0 PART SIX Instructors Recommendation: Challenge the video five times before you begin attempting to train without the video. Once you do this, your mind and body will begin to go through the routine naturally, thus allowing you to focus on your technique in order to truly master the exercises. You will be receiving a message from your team leader or specialist within 24-48 hours for a brief self-study planning that will explain this orientation in more detail.
  • 13. Exercise Challenge Code Just copy the movements as best as you can Position yourself to keep your eyes on the screen Try not to take your eyes off the screen If you cannot do an exercise, modify it to keep going Do exactly as the video says In between videos, only take 3-5min breaks Use breaks to stretch and get H2O only Do not pause workouts, once you start, finish it If you don't have a rope, air rope or repeat the last move Send questions to your team leader or your specialist at This is what I do for my client-members: I personalize a basic kit of self-study tools and socioeconomic assets they may be missing. The list shows a few. With assets, you can both structure professionalize your talent or position in life. Without them, you are wasting very useful time trying to compete with others who are extremely well prepared.
  • 14. Throughout this course you will receive power vocabulary updates on these topics. HLS.FTN1101 teaches concise understanding of: Circuit Style Training: 8-min discussion, 10-min circuits: cardio, technique training, flexibility training, core training Nutritional Counseling: Introduction into holistic nutrition is an informative discussion on the HLS fitness nutritional routines to be used in conjunction with fitness training DISCLAIMER: ALERT-This electronic transmission contains confidential information from AAAE Family Inc. or the Athletics Abroad & Cultural Retreat and is intended only for the use of the above-named individual(s). If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this transmission is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify us by telephone immediately (323)9858968.    
  • 15. CONFIDENTIALCONFIDENTIAL __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Written by: Esteban Alexander Guzman III (EGIII) Athletics Science Researcher Athletics Ambassador, AAAE Elite Sports, Comité Olímpico Hondureño Phase 1 of 3 Pharmacy School Prep [Holistic Fitness 1] Objective "My objective in this program is to make sure that all individuals who wish to work out with EGIII get into the best shape of their lives. Your mission is to listen, pay attention, trust Guzman & exhaustingly work until the buzzer. " Goal To focus on mastery of the designated BMM (basic movement mastery) to develop a level of mastery of the VTM (Video Training Mastery). Develop functional efficiency and proper execution of all the movements assigned to you in your BMM. Purpose To instill functional movements in ones body that will not only aid in energy increase and metabolic enhancements but also preventing injury, soreness and unwanted weight gain Step 1 Organize a personal folder for yourself which contains all of the files designated to you by your holistic fitness tutor Step 2 Designate five minutes of your day to remind yourself that you have to complete the daily tasks to reach your goal. It will only take a few weeks of 1-hour training to become used to hard work. The body adapts to anything. BMM (15) (Warm-up) 1) Energy/2) Jumping Jacks (Cardio) 1) DB Standing Crunch/2) Rope (Conditioning) 1) DB Front Lunge/DB Side Lunge/2) Tabata 1/2 Squat (Core) 1) Front Planks/2) Side Planks (Lower) 1) Wall Squats/2) Good Mornings/3) Supergirls/4) Ceiling Calf Raises (Abdominals) 1) Swiss Pass/ 2) Bicycle (Mobility) 1) Triple Parallel Hold/ 2) Stationary Walkovers (Flexibility)1) Floor Stretching VTM (3) Energy Warm-up Floor Stretching __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Written by: Esteban Alexander Guzman III (EGIII) Athletics Science Researcher Athletics Ambassador, AAAE Elite Sports, Comité Olímpico Hondureño Phase 1 of 3 Pharmacy School Prep [Holistic Fitness 1] Objective "My objective in this program is to make sure that all individuals who wish to work out with EGIII get into the best shape of their lives. Your mission is to listen, pay attention, trust Guzman & exhaustingly work until the buzzer. " Goal To focus on mastery of the designated BMM (basic movement mastery) to develop a level of mastery of the VTM (Video Training Mastery). Develop functional efficiency and proper execution of all the movements assigned to you in your BMM. Purpose To instill functional movements in ones body that will not only aid in energy increase and metabolic enhancements but also preventing injury, soreness and unwanted weight gain Step 1 Organize a personal folder for yourself which contains all of the files designated to you by your holistic fitness tutor Step 2 Designate five minutes of your day to remind yourself that you have to complete the daily tasks to reach your goal. It will only take a few weeks of 1-hour training to become used to hard work. The body adapts to anything. BMM (15) (Warm-up) 1) Energy/2) Jumping Jacks (Cardio) 1) DB Standing Crunch/2) Rope (Conditioning) 1) DB Front Lunge/DB Side Lunge/2) Tabata 1/2 Squat (Core) 1) Front Planks/2) Side Planks (Lower) 1) Wall Squats/2) Good Mornings/3) Supergirls/4) Ceiling Calf Raises (Abdominals) 1) Swiss Pass/ 2) Bicycle (Mobility) 1) Triple Parallel Hold/ 2) Stationary Walkovers (Flexibility)1) Floor Stretching VTM (3) Energy Warm-up Floor Stretching __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Advanced Program Design Holistic Fitness Phase 1 of 3 Advanced Program Design Holistic Fitness Phase 1 of 3
  • 16. CONFIDENTIALCONFIDENTIAL __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Written by: Esteban Alexander Guzman III (EGIII) Athletics Science Researcher Athletics Ambassador, AAAE Elite Sports, Comité Olímpico Hondureño (Phase 1of3 for Fit Girls. Models, Dancers, Servers, Bartenders, Cheerleaders,) Assessment Consultation – This is a meeting between me and you to discuss the details and directions of your program. We will also complete some pertinent documents that will help me understand the best method of helping you. EXAMPLE: I would tell you that you should continue to do your VTM repetitions on your off-day to speed up the process of reaching a set goal. Also, every workout begins with the Energy VTM and finishes with Floor Stretching VTM Guided Visual Analysis – This is a test and demonstration workshop where I go through the movements with your so that we may discover your abilities. With this information, I am able to set parameters for your program and your Week-4 evaluation testing later on to show the level of progress we have made. Week 1 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Cardio 1) Core1)2) Lower 1)4)+2)3) Abdominals OFF Cardio 1) Core 1)2) Lower 1)4)+2)3) Abdominals 1) Cardio 1) Core 1)2) Mobility 1)2) Conditioning1) Cardio 1) Core1)2) Lower 1)4)+2)3) Abdominals 1) OFF Cardio 1) Core 1)2) Mobility1)2) Conditioning1) Week 2 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat TBA OFF TBA TBA OFF TBA TBA Week 3 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat TBA OFF TBA TBA OFF TBA TBA Week 4 Video Analysis Evaluation (Single Movement 3-Day Trails) Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat TESTING 5 Moves OFF TESTING 5 Moves OFF TESTING 5 Moves OFF OFF __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Written by: Esteban Alexander Guzman III (EGIII) Athletics Science Researcher Athletics Ambassador, AAAE Elite Sports, Comité Olímpico Hondureño (Phase 1of3 for Fit Girls. Models, Dancers, Servers, Bartenders, Cheerleaders,) Assessment Consultation – This is a meeting between me and you to discuss the details and directions of your program. We will also complete some pertinent documents that will help me understand the best method of helping you. EXAMPLE: I would tell you that you should continue to do your VTM repetitions on your off-day to speed up the process of reaching a set goal. Also, every workout begins with the Energy VTM and finishes with Floor Stretching VTM Guided Visual Analysis – This is a test and demonstration workshop where I go through the movements with your so that we may discover your abilities. With this information, I am able to set parameters for your program and your Week-4 evaluation testing later on to show the level of progress we have made. Week 1 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Cardio 1) Core1)2) Lower 1)4)+2)3) Abdominals OFF Cardio 1) Core 1)2) Lower 1)4)+2)3) Abdominals 1) Cardio 1) Core 1)2) Mobility 1)2) Conditioning1) Cardio 1) Core1)2) Lower 1)4)+2)3) Abdominals 1) OFF Cardio 1) Core 1)2) Mobility1)2) Conditioning1) Week 2 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat TBA OFF TBA TBA OFF TBA TBA Week 3 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat TBA OFF TBA TBA OFF TBA TBA Week 4 Video Analysis Evaluation (Single Movement 3-Day Trails) Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat TESTING 5 Moves OFF TESTING 5 Moves OFF TESTING 5 Moves OFF OFF Advanced Program Design Holistic Fitness & Physique Advanced Program Design Holistic Fitness & Physique
  • 17. ___________________________________________“INFORMATION IS VITAL”_____________________________________ CONFIDENTIALCONFIDENTIAL PART ONE Minimum knowledge for living… PREFACE The following terminology is vital since it is the universal nomenclature for specific muscular groups. Ignorance toward these terms should not be promoted, nor tolerated, by anyone with ambitions of becoming elite athlete. Athletes should fully understand the basics of the sport in which they compete; otherwise, they limit their progression due to lack of conceptual knowledge of necessary skills (he/she cannot perform that which they do not understand.) An understanding of the provided content is the minimum required knowledge for entrance to the elite and world class levels of athletics, a centenarian model of life, and the optimization of fitness for life. There is no useless information within this text, and it will benefit anyone. The only factor is that you must work exhaustively to achieve your goals. If an individual remains CONSISTENT, they will be amongst the many other genetic rarities of their time. Think closely, if previous patterns of life are followed, you will never surpass them. PART ONE Minimum knowledge for living… PREFACE The following terminology is vital since it is the universal nomenclature for specific muscular groups. Ignorance toward these terms should not be promoted, nor tolerated, by anyone with ambitions of becoming elite athlete. Athletes should fully understand the basics of the sport in which they compete; otherwise, they limit their progression due to lack of conceptual knowledge of necessary skills (he/she cannot perform that which they do not understand.) An understanding of the provided content is the minimum required knowledge for entrance to the elite and world class levels of athletics, a centenarian model of life, and the optimization of fitness for life. There is no useless information within this text, and it will benefit anyone. The only factor is that you must work exhaustively to achieve your goals. If an individual remains CONSISTENT, they will be amongst the many other genetic rarities of their time. Think closely, if previous patterns of life are followed, you will never surpass them. To see what else is going on with Athletics Education, visit: Or contact us for more info: To see what else is going on with Athletics Education, visit: Or contact us for more info:
  • 18. ___________________________________________“INFORMATION IS VITAL”_____________________________________ CONFIDENTIALCONFIDENTIAL Chapter 1 Understand the kinds… “Learn all you can from any problem. You will incur less frustration once the ability to solve quickly is attained.” We can live for weeks without most nutrients, except water. For this reason, it is vital to understand how critical it is to consume pure and plentiful servings. Water is a molecule, two hydrogen atoms plus one of oxygen, which the body needs to complete functions such as carrying waste products, cooling the body, and fueling chemical reactions that the body uses to create energy. Understand that nothing lives without energy. 3 Liters a day is sufficient amount to create tissue building materials. Carbohydrates (1 gram = 4 cal) are starches and sugars, the main source of energy found in most foods. There are two types of carbohydrates; Simple carbohydrates, or mono-saccharides, such as fruits and pastas, are easily digested by the body. Vegetable and brown, whole grain products are complex carbohydrates. These poly-saccharides take longer for the body to digest, although they provide you with longer lasting energy. Fatigue and poor mental function are just a couple of side effects related to insufficient carbohydrate intake. Maintain a diet in wich 35-45% of your dietary energy comes from carbohydrates, but with no more than 10% of those carbohydrates being simple carbohydrates. One gram of fat provides the body with about nine calories, which allows it to substitute as highly concentrated energy. Saturated Fats are found in animal products, butters, and cream. These should be avoided as much as possible due to the stress their complex compositions put on the body. The emphasis must be placed on the Omega-3 and Omega-6 Unsaturated fats. They are so necessary that below is a visual aid in hopes that you will get the picture. Unsaturated fats are greatly needed by the body because they cannot be reproduced. Unsaturated Fats Polyunsaturated: Omega 3’s-oily fish, flax-seed, canola oil, leafy greens. Omega 6's- corn safflower, soybeans, sunflower, cottonseed. Mono-unsaturated-Olive and peanut oils, almonds, cashews, and avocado. Four calories are equal to one gram of protein, which is the main building material of muscles, skin, cartilage, and hair. Proteins are vital to support enzyme functions that speed up the chemical reactions in every cell of our body. No enzyme function, no life. Understand that there are 20 amino acids the body needs to survive, although it can only produce 11 on its own. Therefore, nine must be received them from our daily foods. Also understand that complete proteins, such as cheese, eggs, fish, chicken, and milk are the best source of the necessary amino acids. Combining two incomplete proteins such as rice and beans, or whole grain, also provide the proper balance of amino acids. To maintain the composition of digestive liquids, cell liquidity, and structures of the inner anatomy, small amounts of minerals are needed each day. The growth and maintenance of body structures is heavily dependent upon a sufficient intake of required minerals: calcium, chlorine, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, potassium, and sulfur (7). Trace elements needed, but only in tiny amount: chromium, copper, fluorine, iodine, iron, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, and zinc (9). The chemical processes that regulate our homeostatic bodies are fueled by vitamins. Vitamins are also essential, although only two key points need be remembered. A, D, E, and K dissolve in fat, therefore they are fat-soluble. The cell metabolizing B- Complex (Vitamins B1-3, 5-7, 9, 12) and vitamin C dissolve in water, therefore they are water soluble. The necessities discussed thus far are of great importance. In order to understand the biological puzzle, the biological pieces must be understood. As has been said, it is vital that a general-common-sense knowledge for life be well understood. Chapter 1 Understand the kinds… “Learn all you can from any problem. You will incur less frustration once the ability to solve quickly is attained.” We can live for weeks without most nutrients, except water. For this reason, it is vital to understand how critical it is to consume pure and plentiful servings. Water is a molecule, two hydrogen atoms plus one of oxygen, which the body needs to complete functions such as carrying waste products, cooling the body, and fueling chemical reactions that the body uses to create energy. Understand that nothing lives without energy. 3 Liters a day is sufficient amount to create tissue building materials. Carbohydrates (1 gram = 4 cal) are starches and sugars, the main source of energy found in most foods. There are two types of carbohydrates; Simple carbohydrates, or mono-saccharides, such as fruits and pastas, are easily digested by the body. Vegetable and brown, whole grain products are complex carbohydrates. These poly-saccharides take longer for the body to digest, although they provide you with longer lasting energy. Fatigue and poor mental function are just a couple of side effects related to insufficient carbohydrate intake. Maintain a diet in wich 35-45% of your dietary energy comes from carbohydrates, but with no more than 10% of those carbohydrates being simple carbohydrates. One gram of fat provides the body with about nine calories, which allows it to substitute as highly concentrated energy. Saturated Fats are found in animal products, butters, and cream. These should be avoided as much as possible due to the stress their complex compositions put on the body. The emphasis must be placed on the Omega-3 and Omega-6 Unsaturated fats. They are so necessary that below is a visual aid in hopes that you will get the picture. Unsaturated fats are greatly needed by the body because they cannot be reproduced. Unsaturated Fats Polyunsaturated: Omega 3’s-oily fish, flax-seed, canola oil, leafy greens. Omega 6's- corn safflower, soybeans, sunflower, cottonseed. Mono-unsaturated-Olive and peanut oils, almonds, cashews, and avocado. Four calories are equal to one gram of protein, which is the main building material of muscles, skin, cartilage, and hair. Proteins are vital to support enzyme functions that speed up the chemical reactions in every cell of our body. No enzyme function, no life. Understand that there are 20 amino acids the body needs to survive, although it can only produce 11 on its own. Therefore, nine must be received them from our daily foods. Also understand that complete proteins, such as cheese, eggs, fish, chicken, and milk are the best source of the necessary amino acids. Combining two incomplete proteins such as rice and beans, or whole grain, also provide the proper balance of amino acids. To maintain the composition of digestive liquids, cell liquidity, and structures of the inner anatomy, small amounts of minerals are needed each day. The growth and maintenance of body structures is heavily dependent upon a sufficient intake of required minerals: calcium, chlorine, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, potassium, and sulfur (7). Trace elements needed, but only in tiny amount: chromium, copper, fluorine, iodine, iron, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, and zinc (9). The chemical processes that regulate our homeostatic bodies are fueled by vitamins. Vitamins are also essential, although only two key points need be remembered. A, D, E, and K dissolve in fat, therefore they are fat-soluble. The cell metabolizing B- Complex (Vitamins B1-3, 5-7, 9, 12) and vitamin C dissolve in water, therefore they are water soluble. The necessities discussed thus far are of great importance. In order to understand the biological puzzle, the biological pieces must be understood. As has been said, it is vital that a general-common-sense knowledge for life be well understood. To see what else is going on with Athletics Education, visit: Or contact us for more info: To see what else is going on with Athletics Education, visit: Or contact us for more info:
  • 19. ___________________________________________“INFORMATION IS VITAL”_____________________________________ CONFIDENTIALCONFIDENTIAL Chapter 2 How we work... "Ensuring consistency and diligence are extremely personal processes. What works for you may not work for another. Consider only individual expectations." Food enters the mouth which functions to prepare food for digestion by chewing. Then salivary glands excrete saliva to moisten food and break down starches. The pharynx swallows the softened food, allowing passage from the mouth to the esophagus, which transports food to the stomach. The mass of swallowed food is also known as bolus. Hydrochloric acids within our stomach break down the bolus and turn it into a liquefied mass, called chyme (kyme), and pass it to the first section of the small intestine. In this first section of the small intestine, the duodenum (enzymes from the gall bladder, pancreas, and liver) are released to further reduce chyme, extracting the elements that our bodies must absorb. Chyme enters the next section of the small intestine. This is the site in which all nutrients are absorbed by the body. Small projectors along the lining of the intestinal wall absorb nutrients directly into the blood stream, fueling the body. Chyme travels up to twenty feet before it enters the large intestine where little digestion takes place. Within the large intestine, water is continuously being absorbed from the undigested chyme. This causes the chyme solidity to increase as it passes through to be stored in the rectum until discharged. Chapter 2 How we work... "Ensuring consistency and diligence are extremely personal processes. What works for you may not work for another. Consider only individual expectations." Food enters the mouth which functions to prepare food for digestion by chewing. Then salivary glands excrete saliva to moisten food and break down starches. The pharynx swallows the softened food, allowing passage from the mouth to the esophagus, which transports food to the stomach. The mass of swallowed food is also known as bolus. Hydrochloric acids within our stomach break down the bolus and turn it into a liquefied mass, called chyme (kyme), and pass it to the first section of the small intestine. In this first section of the small intestine, the duodenum (enzymes from the gall bladder, pancreas, and liver) are released to further reduce chyme, extracting the elements that our bodies must absorb. Chyme enters the next section of the small intestine. This is the site in which all nutrients are absorbed by the body. Small projectors along the lining of the intestinal wall absorb nutrients directly into the blood stream, fueling the body. Chyme travels up to twenty feet before it enters the large intestine where little digestion takes place. Within the large intestine, water is continuously being absorbed from the undigested chyme. This causes the chyme solidity to increase as it passes through to be stored in the rectum until discharged. To see what else is going on with Athletics Education, visit: Or contact us for more info: To see what else is going on with Athletics Education, visit: Or contact us for more info:
  • 20. ___________________________________________“INFORMATION IS VITAL”_____________________________________ CONFIDENTIALCONFIDENTIAL Chapter 3 The Key word is “Fresh”... “If contradiction arises, figure it out.” Raw fruits and vegetables are a rich source of essential vitamins and minerals. They are also rich in enzymes. Enzymes are specific proteins that act as catalysts to enable our bodies to perform the biological processes that keep us alive. Enzymes do not make anything happen, they just speed them up. Metabolic enzymes are used as activation energy for the processes of the body. They speed up cellular reactions and transfers that would otherwise be life-less. Food enzymes are those present in the living things we consume, and are needed by our bodies to break down specific foods. Digestive enzymes are separated into three categories. Amylases digest carbohydrates, proteases digest proteins, and lipases digest fats. Therefore, the body is built to digest those nutrients. When young, individuals have twice the amount of digestive enzymes as an adult. A logical conclusion to this observation is that we are born with a finite amount of enzymes. Focus must be placed on the preserving of our enzymes so that the jovial and youthful system is maintained for as long as possible. Studies have been seen to do this well into the ages of eighty and ninety years. Over-eating, whether it be healthy or non-healthy foods, is detrimental to health. Monitoring the portions and intake of nutritional servings must be practiced frequently to maintain proper enzyme balance. Eating is only necessary, and should only be done, when you are genuinely hungry. Any extra amount over works the body, and it only has a finite amount to waste. Take care of your body. Live foods, which generally mean raw and uncooked food, have their own enzymes. This benefits humans greatly when we consume them because our body uses less of its own limited supply. Emphasis of the words raw and uncooked should be heeded due to the fact that heating a live food above 120F destroys all of its enzymes, and most nutrients. Now it has been turned it into a less nutritious food. Raw living foods that are warmed up to 119F may preserve enzymes if they are not heated above this temperature. For this reason, cooking vegetables and some other foods is not recommended for frequent meal preparation. Shakes and salads that combine multiple fresh fruits or vegetables are advised and proven to be optimal. These two dishes alone can provide most of the bodies dietary needs. They are nutritionally dense and provide assistance for the digestive system. The reason for consuming primarily raw living foods: Benefits of fresh uncooked foods. Increased Energy, body detoxification Improved athletic ability Greater awareness Maintenance of ideal weight Total daily energy More radiant skin Decreases rapidity of aging Chapter 3 The Key word is “Fresh”... “If contradiction arises, figure it out.” Raw fruits and vegetables are a rich source of essential vitamins and minerals. They are also rich in enzymes. Enzymes are specific proteins that act as catalysts to enable our bodies to perform the biological processes that keep us alive. Enzymes do not make anything happen, they just speed them up. Metabolic enzymes are used as activation energy for the processes of the body. They speed up cellular reactions and transfers that would otherwise be life-less. Food enzymes are those present in the living things we consume, and are needed by our bodies to break down specific foods. Digestive enzymes are separated into three categories. Amylases digest carbohydrates, proteases digest proteins, and lipases digest fats. Therefore, the body is built to digest those nutrients. When young, individuals have twice the amount of digestive enzymes as an adult. A logical conclusion to this observation is that we are born with a finite amount of enzymes. Focus must be placed on the preserving of our enzymes so that the jovial and youthful system is maintained for as long as possible. Studies have been seen to do this well into the ages of eighty and ninety years. Over-eating, whether it be healthy or non-healthy foods, is detrimental to health. Monitoring the portions and intake of nutritional servings must be practiced frequently to maintain proper enzyme balance. Eating is only necessary, and should only be done, when you are genuinely hungry. Any extra amount over works the body, and it only has a finite amount to waste. Take care of your body. Live foods, which generally mean raw and uncooked food, have their own enzymes. This benefits humans greatly when we consume them because our body uses less of its own limited supply. Emphasis of the words raw and uncooked should be heeded due to the fact that heating a live food above 120F destroys all of its enzymes, and most nutrients. Now it has been turned it into a less nutritious food. Raw living foods that are warmed up to 119F may preserve enzymes if they are not heated above this temperature. For this reason, cooking vegetables and some other foods is not recommended for frequent meal preparation. Shakes and salads that combine multiple fresh fruits or vegetables are advised and proven to be optimal. These two dishes alone can provide most of the bodies dietary needs. They are nutritionally dense and provide assistance for the digestive system. The reason for consuming primarily raw living foods: Benefits of fresh uncooked foods. Increased Energy, body detoxification Improved athletic ability Greater awareness Maintenance of ideal weight Total daily energy More radiant skin Decreases rapidity of aging To see what else is going on with Athletics Education, visit: Or contact us for more info: To see what else is going on with Athletics Education, visit: Or contact us for more info:
  • 21. ___________________________________________“INFORMATION IS VITAL”_____________________________________ CONFIDENTIALCONFIDENTIAL Chapter 4 Synthetics vs. Whole Food... “Do not rush anything. It is much more efficient to go about solving problems carefully and deliberately, taking small steps. Making sure each step is correct before going on." Chapter 4 Synthetics vs. Whole Food... “Do not rush anything. It is much more efficient to go about solving problems carefully and deliberately, taking small steps. Making sure each step is correct before going on." To see what else is going on with Athletics Education, visit: Or contact us for more info: To see what else is going on with Athletics Education, visit: Or contact us for more info:
  • 22. ___________________________________________“INFORMATION IS VITAL”_____________________________________ CONFIDENTIALCONFIDENTIAL Chapter 5 Notes and Habits you must follow and remember... "Reduce errors, make yourself more aware of possible errors, and reduce the time spent correcting them" Do not over eat. It is important to understand that excess calories are stored as fat by the body when more than is needed is consumed A big salad or bowl of vegetable soup should be eaten before dinner. The body feels a full from this preparation because salads and soups have a high water content. (High water content is the goal) Sugar and sodium intake should be limited. High sugar foods are high in calories but low in nutrients. Therefore they should be supplemented by fresh fruits, vegetables, and pure fruit drinks. If alcohol is consumed, be sure it is in moderation. For example, one 5 oz of wine per day for women and 10 oz for men reduces risk of cardiovascular disease. Again, moderation is important because too much of anything is bad. Alcohol is not recommended for young adults and student-athletes. Natural sources of good protein are highly recommended. Good protein is referring to those that are free of added hormones, free of antibiotics, and free of preservatives. White bread should not be eaten. It is extremely refined. Frozen or sprouted grain breads like Ezekiel, are the bare minimum. Reduce the Omega-6 fatty acid consumption like sunflower, safflower, corn, soybean, to a fractional daily amount. Always include fiber because it consists of “complex carbohydrates” and cellulose, which can’t be digested. This aids in the prevention of blockage in the intestinal system and also to move food through the stomach and intestines. Carbohydrates should be the smallest food group Obesity and other problems associated with inactivity have been proven to be caused by boredom, loneliness, and other emotional problems. The logic is clear since, rationally, we now are understanding that only a certain amount and type of sustenance is necessary for survival Store your foods properly. It is better to eat fresh foods. Although a refrigerator may be used for storage, eating food soon after buying is recommended. Most foods would not stay alive or un-spoiled for long if some sort of chemical were not added to them. Note that the food is not the problem, the chemicals are. We all vary in our dietary needs due to our age, activity level, and genetic differences. It is important that you set an amount that is adequate for your categorical needs to maintain the nutrients you need for healthy function. Whenever cravings arise, this is the optimal time to exercise or engage in some sort of energetic activity. This is very beneficial, specifically because a craving that would normally have been fed by a fattening food is now used as energy to burn calories. Drink water throughout the day! If there are foods you cannot remove from your daily eating routine, they are called trigger food. Similar to any sort of snack, keeping the taste of sugar and sodium on the mind. Success begins in the mind. You must be looking forward and diligent about following your plans. This is the only way you will reach your goals. Stimulants such as caffeine, sugar, and alcohol, provoke the stress handling glands, making their jobs more difficult. For this reason it is understood that moderation be practiced, or the individual will be carrying around a body whose stress handling glands are continuously strained. Downsize the bowls and plates meals are eaten from. Practice portion control, meaning only eat with smaller sized dishes. Regular sized dishes cause an individual to eat up to 56% more food than needed, which is = 142 calories per meal. Assume this calculation. 3 meals per day times 142 calories times 365 day per year = yearly gain of about 4 pounds. This is also a trigger that has increased obesity. Use smaller bowls and control the amount at which you consume before control over the body is lost. Simple additions to a nutritional plan are rarely applied. Success is for the diligent. Reduce the amount of times at which you eat during a period of a day. Try to eliminate the servings of extra foods and snacks that are eaten between meals, rather than with meals, to allow a resting period for your digestive system. Chapter 5 Notes and Habits you must follow and remember... "Reduce errors, make yourself more aware of possible errors, and reduce the time spent correcting them" Do not over eat. It is important to understand that excess calories are stored as fat by the body when more than is needed is consumed A big salad or bowl of vegetable soup should be eaten before dinner. The body feels a full from this preparation because salads and soups have a high water content. (High water content is the goal) Sugar and sodium intake should be limited. High sugar foods are high in calories but low in nutrients. Therefore they should be supplemented by fresh fruits, vegetables, and pure fruit drinks. If alcohol is consumed, be sure it is in moderation. For example, one 5 oz of wine per day for women and 10 oz for men reduces risk of cardiovascular disease. Again, moderation is important because too much of anything is bad. Alcohol is not recommended for young adults and student-athletes. Natural sources of good protein are highly recommended. Good protein is referring to those that are free of added hormones, free of antibiotics, and free of preservatives. White bread should not be eaten. It is extremely refined. Frozen or sprouted grain breads like Ezekiel, are the bare minimum. Reduce the Omega-6 fatty acid consumption like sunflower, safflower, corn, soybean, to a fractional daily amount. Always include fiber because it consists of “complex carbohydrates” and cellulose, which can’t be digested. This aids in the prevention of blockage in the intestinal system and also to move food through the stomach and intestines. Carbohydrates should be the smallest food group Obesity and other problems associated with inactivity have been proven to be caused by boredom, loneliness, and other emotional problems. The logic is clear since, rationally, we now are understanding that only a certain amount and type of sustenance is necessary for survival Store your foods properly. It is better to eat fresh foods. Although a refrigerator may be used for storage, eating food soon after buying is recommended. Most foods would not stay alive or un-spoiled for long if some sort of chemical were not added to them. Note that the food is not the problem, the chemicals are. We all vary in our dietary needs due to our age, activity level, and genetic differences. It is important that you set an amount that is adequate for your categorical needs to maintain the nutrients you need for healthy function. Whenever cravings arise, this is the optimal time to exercise or engage in some sort of energetic activity. This is very beneficial, specifically because a craving that would normally have been fed by a fattening food is now used as energy to burn calories. Drink water throughout the day! If there are foods you cannot remove from your daily eating routine, they are called trigger food. Similar to any sort of snack, keeping the taste of sugar and sodium on the mind. Success begins in the mind. You must be looking forward and diligent about following your plans. This is the only way you will reach your goals. Stimulants such as caffeine, sugar, and alcohol, provoke the stress handling glands, making their jobs more difficult. For this reason it is understood that moderation be practiced, or the individual will be carrying around a body whose stress handling glands are continuously strained. Downsize the bowls and plates meals are eaten from. Practice portion control, meaning only eat with smaller sized dishes. Regular sized dishes cause an individual to eat up to 56% more food than needed, which is = 142 calories per meal. Assume this calculation. 3 meals per day times 142 calories times 365 day per year = yearly gain of about 4 pounds. This is also a trigger that has increased obesity. Use smaller bowls and control the amount at which you consume before control over the body is lost. Simple additions to a nutritional plan are rarely applied. Success is for the diligent. Reduce the amount of times at which you eat during a period of a day. Try to eliminate the servings of extra foods and snacks that are eaten between meals, rather than with meals, to allow a resting period for your digestive system. To see what else is going on with Athletics Education, visit: Or contact us for more info: To see what else is going on with Athletics Education, visit: Or contact us for more info:
  • 23. ___________________________________________“INFORMATION IS VITAL”_____________________________________ CONFIDENTIALCONFIDENTIAL PART TWO Minimum knowledge for the life-fit and the athlete Chapter 6 Notes and Habits you must follow... “Line up all steps so the logical connection is clearly apparent. Take notes of what was done in ea. step, do not just do it. Ask self or other if what you have makes sense. Think about the meaning of what you are doing. “ Sleep deprivation, which can be defined as getting less than eight and a half hours continuous sleep per night, may cause complications with mental functionality throughout the day. It also causes a hormone called “ghrellin” to be produced, which causes false-hunger. Protein is digested slower than “carbohydrates” and fats, so fewer calories will fill you up. Fiber slows down meal time digestion while absorbing water. This provides a feeling of fullness. Limit your choices because variety is not recommended. Eating a variety quickly leads to body instability and complication. Research has shown that we are generally happy eating our favorite foods all the time. Organize an inventory of foods and stick by them, with occasional deviations. Limit your intake of cholesterol and saturated fats. As we know, they are found in animal products, and can be digested, but they increase the risk of heart disease and other illnesses. Make sure your diet is a Mediterranean one. Keep it rich in colorful veggies and fruits, olive oil, fish, and whole grains. It is best to have few to no processed foods in your daily diet. These types of foods need no explanation for why they should not be consumed. Load up on veggies and get rid of starchy carbohydrates if possible. By removing 1 cup of starch every night and eating double the servings of veggies, you save more than 80000 calories which is a weight reduction of almost 23 pounds in one year. If not monitored, these pounds will be added, rather than subtracted, from annual gain. Drink tea daily if possible, and remember that black, green, and oolong are always good choices. PART TWO Minimum knowledge for the life-fit and the athlete Chapter 6 Notes and Habits you must follow... “Line up all steps so the logical connection is clearly apparent. Take notes of what was done in ea. step, do not just do it. Ask self or other if what you have makes sense. Think about the meaning of what you are doing. “ Sleep deprivation, which can be defined as getting less than eight and a half hours continuous sleep per night, may cause complications with mental functionality throughout the day. It also causes a hormone called “ghrellin” to be produced, which causes false-hunger. Protein is digested slower than “carbohydrates” and fats, so fewer calories will fill you up. Fiber slows down meal time digestion while absorbing water. This provides a feeling of fullness. Limit your choices because variety is not recommended. Eating a variety quickly leads to body instability and complication. Research has shown that we are generally happy eating our favorite foods all the time. Organize an inventory of foods and stick by them, with occasional deviations. Limit your intake of cholesterol and saturated fats. As we know, they are found in animal products, and can be digested, but they increase the risk of heart disease and other illnesses. Make sure your diet is a Mediterranean one. Keep it rich in colorful veggies and fruits, olive oil, fish, and whole grains. It is best to have few to no processed foods in your daily diet. These types of foods need no explanation for why they should not be consumed. Load up on veggies and get rid of starchy carbohydrates if possible. By removing 1 cup of starch every night and eating double the servings of veggies, you save more than 80000 calories which is a weight reduction of almost 23 pounds in one year. If not monitored, these pounds will be added, rather than subtracted, from annual gain. Drink tea daily if possible, and remember that black, green, and oolong are always good choices. To see what else is going on with Athletics Education, visit: Or contact us for more info: To see what else is going on with Athletics Education, visit: Or contact us for more info:
  • 24. ___________________________________________“INFORMATION IS VITAL”_____________________________________ CONFIDENTIALCONFIDENTIAL Chapter 6.1 It is rare to become centenarian, but it is impossible to become an obese centenarian. Therefore it is vital that an individual maintain a healthy weight, specifically around the abdomen. This area contributes to heart disease and high blood pressure whenever excess weight has surfaced around this region. Consistency increases the likelihood of a lack of physicians and medicinal aids. It will become normal, as it has for us. Eliminate any processed foods. Other than taste, they serve our body no purpose. Add protein to everything you eat, especially carbohydrates. Protein assists in the digestion of all substances, therefore some sort is necessary within combinations. Stress handling glands maintain blood sugar levels between meals. It is necessary for an individual to eat every two hours if the goal is to reach a weight reduction in a healthy manner. Every 3 hours is recommended for weight maintenance. This moderation allows stress handling glands to take a break between meals. Avoid Trans and Rancid fats, since nerve tissues, hormones, and cell membranes all require healthy fats to function correctly. Unhealthy fats interfere with these structures, and the processes which they are part of. For these reasons diseases, disorders, and deficiencies arise in individuals who consume large amount of unhealthy fats. Sodium is needed by the body for proper function. Debate on whether or not salt contributes to malnutrition is irrelevant for such an age old seasoning. Natural sea salt, not refined salt, or sodium and chloride combinations should be used. Any foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids should be consumed. They include wild, fatty cold water fish (like tuna, salmon, trout, herring, and mackerel). Walnuts, flax-seeds and leafy veggies must be eaten regularly. Use mono-unsaturated oils, especially extra virgin olive oil, as your primary oil source. Although canola oil is mono unsaturated, it is refined, which reduces its benefits. Seven or more servings of fruits and veggies a day should be consumed. Fruits and veggies may be frozen or fresh as long as they are not from a can, which is the worst source of fruits and veggies. If raw is not the chosen method then veggies should only be steamed. Make your goal to eat fresh and whole foods. That way, the necessitates designated for food are actually accomplished, and the consumption of dead and devitalized foods is not promoted AVOID TAP WATER Chapter 6.1 It is rare to become centenarian, but it is impossible to become an obese centenarian. Therefore it is vital that an individual maintain a healthy weight, specifically around the abdomen. This area contributes to heart disease and high blood pressure whenever excess weight has surfaced around this region. Consistency increases the likelihood of a lack of physicians and medicinal aids. It will become normal, as it has for us. Eliminate any processed foods. Other than taste, they serve our body no purpose. Add protein to everything you eat, especially carbohydrates. Protein assists in the digestion of all substances, therefore some sort is necessary within combinations. Stress handling glands maintain blood sugar levels between meals. It is necessary for an individual to eat every two hours if the goal is to reach a weight reduction in a healthy manner. Every 3 hours is recommended for weight maintenance. This moderation allows stress handling glands to take a break between meals. Avoid Trans and Rancid fats, since nerve tissues, hormones, and cell membranes all require healthy fats to function correctly. Unhealthy fats interfere with these structures, and the processes which they are part of. For these reasons diseases, disorders, and deficiencies arise in individuals who consume large amount of unhealthy fats. Sodium is needed by the body for proper function. Debate on whether or not salt contributes to malnutrition is irrelevant for such an age old seasoning. Natural sea salt, not refined salt, or sodium and chloride combinations should be used. Any foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids should be consumed. They include wild, fatty cold water fish (like tuna, salmon, trout, herring, and mackerel). Walnuts, flax-seeds and leafy veggies must be eaten regularly. Use mono-unsaturated oils, especially extra virgin olive oil, as your primary oil source. Although canola oil is mono unsaturated, it is refined, which reduces its benefits. Seven or more servings of fruits and veggies a day should be consumed. Fruits and veggies may be frozen or fresh as long as they are not from a can, which is the worst source of fruits and veggies. If raw is not the chosen method then veggies should only be steamed. Make your goal to eat fresh and whole foods. That way, the necessitates designated for food are actually accomplished, and the consumption of dead and devitalized foods is not promoted AVOID TAP WATER To see what else is going on with Athletics Education, visit: Or contact us for more info: To see what else is going on with Athletics Education, visit: Or contact us for more info:
  • 25. ___________________________________________“INFORMATION IS VITAL”_____________________________________ CONFIDENTIALCONFIDENTIAL Chapter 7 Grocery Notes before you go in search of food... “Compute the same answer in different ways.” The vocabulary associated with food is simple enough that it can be used at all times. Knowledge of the categories associated with nutrition allows a simple method of understanding and regulating the intake, properly preparing the body for a long, healthy life. Grains should be consumed in limited quantities and come from a specific quality. Frozen and sprouted short-life bread like Ezekiel, along with brown rice, whole grain breads, crackers, and so forth. Only 1 to 2 servings of grains per day are advised. **CAUTION** AVOID ALL BREADS CONTAINING HYDROGENATED OILS Fruits should be fresh and organically grown. Pure fruit juices are less caloric when diluted with up to 50% water, depending on the consumer’s tolerance for sugar. Only 1 to 2 servings of fruits per day are advised. Sweeteners should be heavily monitored. It is not advised to use refined or processed sugar. Insulin maintenance is a process of the body. Sweeteners do the job but cause the body to store unused insulin until, over time, the body refuses to repeat a now useless process. This refusal of the body to manage insulin is called diabetes. Raw honey, pure syrup, nectar, and fruits are sweeteners. Only occasional usage of sweeteners when necessary is advised. Beverages are occasional choices. They are liquid foods for the most part since they carry caloric flavors in large quantities. Whether cold or iced, beverages of all flavors are achieved. Yogurt, fruit shakes, almond milk, coconut milk, and sorbet are a delight for the body. Only 2 serving of a type per day are advised. Proteins are an important group. The choices that have proven the most beneficial are fish, chicken, eggs, peanut butter, and protein filled beverages. Unhampered sources will serve the purpose this category serves. Only 2 to 3 serving per day are advised. Vegetables are of great importance, as all nutrients are. Non starchy vegetables, like peppers, carrots, celery and cucumbers, are high in water content, yet low in calorie count. The goal is high water content. Eat these light and digestive-friendly sources liberally. Chapter 7 Grocery Notes before you go in search of food... “Compute the same answer in different ways.” The vocabulary associated with food is simple enough that it can be used at all times. Knowledge of the categories associated with nutrition allows a simple method of understanding and regulating the intake, properly preparing the body for a long, healthy life. Grains should be consumed in limited quantities and come from a specific quality. Frozen and sprouted short-life bread like Ezekiel, along with brown rice, whole grain breads, crackers, and so forth. Only 1 to 2 servings of grains per day are advised. **CAUTION** AVOID ALL BREADS CONTAINING HYDROGENATED OILS Fruits should be fresh and organically grown. Pure fruit juices are less caloric when diluted with up to 50% water, depending on the consumer’s tolerance for sugar. Only 1 to 2 servings of fruits per day are advised. Sweeteners should be heavily monitored. It is not advised to use refined or processed sugar. Insulin maintenance is a process of the body. Sweeteners do the job but cause the body to store unused insulin until, over time, the body refuses to repeat a now useless process. This refusal of the body to manage insulin is called diabetes. Raw honey, pure syrup, nectar, and fruits are sweeteners. Only occasional usage of sweeteners when necessary is advised. Beverages are occasional choices. They are liquid foods for the most part since they carry caloric flavors in large quantities. Whether cold or iced, beverages of all flavors are achieved. Yogurt, fruit shakes, almond milk, coconut milk, and sorbet are a delight for the body. Only 2 serving of a type per day are advised. Proteins are an important group. The choices that have proven the most beneficial are fish, chicken, eggs, peanut butter, and protein filled beverages. Unhampered sources will serve the purpose this category serves. Only 2 to 3 serving per day are advised. Vegetables are of great importance, as all nutrients are. Non starchy vegetables, like peppers, carrots, celery and cucumbers, are high in water content, yet low in calorie count. The goal is high water content. Eat these light and digestive-friendly sources liberally. To see what else is going on with Athletics Education, visit: Or contact us for more info: To see what else is going on with Athletics Education, visit: Or contact us for more info:
  • 26. THE BKD Basic Knowledge Database A research database brought to you by: Guzman, Arzu, & Associates The Academics & Athletics Academy for Excellence The Popular Arts & entertainment Group The Individual Development & Fortune Company
  • 27. Collaborators Sam Nash: IDFC Team Leader Noelia Figuereo: AAAE Team Leader Charles Graham Jr.: PAEG Team Leader Julio Arzu: GAA Ltd. Executive Business Manager Michelle Lamb: GAA Ltd. Efficiency Protocol Officer Esteban Guzman: GAA Ltd. Individual Development Specialist
  • 28. The BKD on Complete Daily Awareness Welcome back to another memory update from our basic knowledge database; where a chunk of knowledge is given in each bit to increase awareness, enhance skill acuity, or build memory within your area of focus. This BKD is based on Student Complete Daily Awareness. Let’s begin... Highly recommended is the “BKD”. This is a self-study life-micromanagement tool utilized by motivated citizens and upcoming leaders. It contains a power vocabulary of practical answers that generate real lifetime results and socioeconomic independence. All the research has been done for you. Just the presence of this knowledge guarantees that your preparedness for 21st century abundant success is achieved with speed and convenience. Just one read is an awesome experience that boosts your mental status and physical awareness in everyday life; many reads will transform you. Most importantly, this knowledge database gives you access to the leading-edge lifestyles of international athletes, scholarship students, and existing community leaders of both the present and future elite. In our opinion, there is no greater asset that can be offered. About our work My team and I create BKDs on Complete Daily Awareness. These are memory updates for rapid learning in the areas of 21st Century Abundant Success. Outlining a basic knowledge database specific to students, parents, athletes, professionals, entertainers, and entrepreneurs. The first purpose of our innovation is to increase awareness; it is the knowledge of what is acceptable and acting accordingly. Being aware of different problems and confronting them in a manner to create a beneficial outcome. The second purpose is to enhance skill acuity through physical development. It provides us with the abilities we need to explore and interact with the world around us. These are all complex physical tasks that require body strength, hand-to- eye coordination and perception. The third purpose is to build memory. It is our brains filing system. It contains everything we have learnt. We can store an amazing amount of information in our brain -for example, as a child we learned around ten new words a day, and eventually we know 100,000 or more. The job of RGSC is to get you to the point and beyond as fast as possible. The issues we address are centralized around the four most important concepts of the 21st Century. The concept of 21st century abundant success; the concept of complete daily awareness; the concept of the socioeconomic warzone; and the concept of the lacking.
  • 29. Our Area of Subject Matter Expertise The Six Fields of Independent Study 1) Academic Leadership & Excellence 2) Athletics Science & Sports Recruiting 3) Popular Arts & Entertainment 4) Holistic Fitness & Physique Preparation 5) Applied Socioeconomics 6) Familial Stabilization & Household Management The 8 Specific Areas of Focus 1) Independent Music 2) Acting 3) Modeling 4) Dance 5) Sports 6) Fitness 7) Education 8) Family Life BKD Concepts The concept of 21st century abundant success: Overcoming the most common major setbacks and instead accomplishing the most common major goals; raising the level of competition in the socioeconomic war zone. The concept of complete daily awareness: There are certain factors of individual development that help us accelerate our progress and bulletproof our chances of success. In the socioeconomic war zone, these factors are goal understanding, heavy preparedness, and many resources. This aspect is vital if the mission is to realistically overcome setbacks and accomplish goals; you must know them to know what to look out for, and so on. Goal understanding: being aware of the most common major goals; to make sure you know where you are going; Heavy preparedness: being prepared for the most common major setbacks we will face in a lifetime. Many resources: having access the resources you need to accomplish all of these tasks and avoid losing time searching for answers that are already present. The concept of the socioeconomic warzone: The Socioeconomic warzone is our name for the public in reference to the real-world battle naturally taking place amongst all people aiming to live and thrive within it. The concept of the lacking: The lacking is our name for the individual state of being too unaware. Unprepared, or under resourced to accomplish the most common major goals off the 21st century.
  • 30. How To Use The BKD Power Vocabs, Form Commands, And Conceptual Informative Phrases This is the way we were taught to do it: Create flashcards of your vocabulary words, either digitally or by hand. Review your cards once a day. Every time you get a card wrong, put it in a section for cards you need to review frequently. When you get a card right, put it in a section for cards you need to review less frequently. You can even score each card for how well you remembered it and place it on a scale from 0 (review tomorrow) to 5 (review next week or month). Follow your schedule and adjust as needed. Use software, if needed, to store and keep track of your cards — just not to create them. Instead, create the cards yourself and add context clues so they're relevant to you. From there, you're on your way. The Rapid Mental Growth & Physical Development Methodology There are six forms of training and study used with this tool in order to gain optimal retention and practical application. It also includes “Program Design Trackers”, this is an archive that records progress for future analysis of performance and presentation challenges assigned by Instructor-Trainer Guzman. With this tool, the academy uses five forms of training and self- study for practical application alongside optimal retention. Matching tasks and category: a one or two player game where notecards are used to improve concentration and memory by forcing you to remember the definitions associated with the vocabulary written on the note cards. Memory game: read and review conceptual informative phrases (CIPs) or power vocabulary associated with your vClass or area of life micromanagement. Then recite without note to evaluate your level of retention. Word association game: pick a category; challengers go back, and forth reciting power vocab associated with specific area we are enhancing. High intensity presentation training: to increase memory and perfect your execution of the delivery needed for recall optimization. Program design tracking: a self-study tool for independent practice so when you rehearse on your own; you can also send your stats to a specialist for further customization or analyzation. Please Note: Enroll in a rapid learning program or club with Instructor Guzman for more in- depth study. The Mental and Physical Training for Individual Development Mental Training 1) Set aside 15-30 minutes of no disruption 2) Be ready to review, recite, & present the “power vocab” 3) Have a pencil and notepad in hand 4) Each session requires a “Program Design Tracker” 5) Always text, or email, your results and questions to your Instructor Guzman Physical Training 1) Set aside 15-30 minutes of no disruption 2) Be ready to review, recite, & perform the “form commands” 3) Choose a comfortable in-home practice area 4) Wear loose clothing, setup yoga met, and water bottle 5) Have a pencil and notepad in hand 6) Always text, or email, your results and questions to your Instructor Guzman
  • 31. AAAE Template for Excellence A ` Section: Program Design Tracker __________________________________________________________________ Name: __________________ Challenge: __________________ Date: ___________________ Time Frame: ______________ (circuitsXrounds) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 __________________1 __________________2 __________________3 __________________4 __________________5 (circuitsXrounds) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 __________________1 __________________2 __________________3 __________________4 __________________5 (circuitsXrounds) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 __________________1 __________________2 __________________3 __________________4 __________________5
  • 44. Complete Daily Awareness Edition 1 All-Star Info Kit Complete Daily Awareness Edition Memory Updates for Rapid Learning in the areas of 21st Century Abundant Success. Outlining a basic knowledge database specific to students, parents, athletes, professionals, entertainers, and entrepreneurs. Check out our other All-Star Info Kits Student Edition Parent Edition Athlete Edition Professional Edition Entrepreneur Edition Entertainer Edition Holistic Fitness & Physique Prep Edition Mental Toughness & Physical Courage Edition
  • 45. BKD NOTES SHEET Name: ________________________________________ Class: ______________________ Topic: ________________________ Date: _______/ _____/ ________ Section ______ QUESTIONS NOTES SUMMARY: Write 4 or more sentences describing specific learning from these notes. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________
  • 46. BKD NOTES SHEET Name: ________________________________________ Class: ______________________ Topic: ________________________ Date: _______/ _____/ ________ Section ______ QUESTIONS NOTES SUMMARY: Write 4 or more sentences describing specific learning from these notes. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________
  • 47. BKD NOTES SHEET Name: ________________________________________ Class: ______________________ Topic: ________________________ Date: _______/ _____/ ________ Section ______ QUESTIONS NOTES SUMMARY: Write 4 or more sentences describing specific learning from these notes. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________
  • 48. BKD NOTES SHEET Name: ________________________________________ Class: ______________________ Topic: ________________________ Date: _______/ _____/ ________ Section ______ QUESTIONS NOTES SUMMARY: Write 4 or more sentences describing specific learning from these notes. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________
  • 49. BKD NOTES SHEET Name: ________________________________________ Class: ______________________ Topic: ________________________ Date: _______/ _____/ ________ Section ______ QUESTIONS NOTES SUMMARY: Write 4 or more sentences describing specific learning from these notes. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________