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Health issues and health care
in persons with autism
spectrum disorders
Prof. Dr. med. Vladimir Trajkovski
Krakow, September 28th 2018
University “St. Cyril and Methodius”
Faculty of Philosophy
Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation
Macedonian Scientific Society for Autism
What is autism?(APA,2013)
A developmental behaviorally-defined
Impacts social skills & communication
Associated with narrow, rigid,
repetitive behaviors
Affects the immature, developing
Introduction (1)
Genetic research is delving into the biological causes of
autism-associated health conditions. This is part of a new
avenue of autism research aimed at identifying the many
biological subtypes of autism and developing personalized
treatments and supports.
Specialists at leading autism care centers are working with
patients and their families to improve the health and quality
of life of all those with autism by developing and
disseminating evaluation and treatment guidelines for
healthcare providers. (Perrin 2012 , Warfield 2016)
This effort also includes autism-specific medical education
and teleconferencing programs to share expertise.
(Mazurek 2017)
Introduction (2)
These programs in USA have helped produce a sea
change in autism awareness and treatment capabilities
among the pediatricians, family physicians and other non-
specialists who provide the bulk of healthcare to the
nation’s estimated 3 million people on the autism
The purpose of this presentation is to summarize the
latest understanding of autism’s commonly associated
physical and mental health conditions, including how best
to identify, treat and in some cases prevent them to
improve overall health and quality of life.
Causes of autism
Many genetic influences
in most cases multiple
most with small effects on brain
Interacting environmental (epigenetic)
via their pathophysiologic effects on
• molecular networks
• cellular networks
• brain circuitry
Overlapping syndromes
dyslexia, etc.dyslexia, etc.
Current Genetic Views
Now known etiologies no longer rejected
Association with known mono-genetic disorders
Tuberous sclerosis
Angelman, Cornelia de Lange, etc.
Candidate gene studies
Multiplex families
Linkage studies (cytogenetics, CNVs [microdeletions,
duplications, translocations], loci, genes)
Whole genome searches – gwas (genome-wide association
studies, microarrays)
mono- vs. heteroallelic expression
multiple genes with small effects vs. single genes with stronger
Physical/neurologic features
None present in all cases or required for
Abnormal head growth curve
Physical abnormalities/symptoms
Motor findings
Atypical sensory responses
Sleep problems
Language abnormalities
Autistic-language regression
1980: 4 cases with severe MR: cerebellar + other
brain abnormalities (Williams et al.)
1985-2002: Cerebellum + limbic pathology (Bauman
and Kemper)
No major brain anomalies/lesions
Loss of Purkinje cells in cerebellar cortex, neurons in
deep cerebellar nuclei, inferior olive
Stunted neurons in diencephalon, amygdala
Pathology progressive in adults compared to
1996: brainstem malformation in one case (Rodier
et al.)
HOXA1 gene
Thalidomide, valproate toxicity
Cortical minicolumns in cortical area
4 lamina III in autism vs control brain
control brain
ASD brain
Frequently reported somatic
Minor anomalies, dysmorphic features
Many known syndromes/genetic disorders
Middle ear infections,URIs
GI symptoms
Immunologic abnormalities
Frequent motor findings
motor, +/- object
Dystonic postures
Toe walking
Increased joint laxity (hypotonia)
Frequent sensory findings:
hyper- & hypo-sensitivity
Pain, temperature
Sleep disorders (1)
Difficulty falling asleep
Difficulty staying asleep
Need for less sleep time
Need for excessive sleep
Inadequate circadian rhythm
Sleep disorders (2)
Children with ASD have a significantly high rate of sleep
disorders. Up to 80% have some issue with sleep.
The two most common problems are difficulty falling
asleep and waking up repeatedly. Some children with ASD
seem programmed to wake up early regardless of what
time they go to sleep.
One common thread is that children with ASD often have
greater anxiety and/or depression than other children.
These feelings can cause your child to lay awake worrying,
making it difficult for them to turn off their brain and fall
If your child has a GI disorder in addition to ASD, this can
also factor into their ability to stay asleep throughout the
Sleep disorders (3)
Sleep disorders can affect the entire family but can be
especially disruptive to the child, causing additional
behavioral issues. Parents can establish routines to
promote optimal sleeping conditions.
Some common practices include:
Keep the bedroom dark and cool;
Keep the wake and sleep schedule consistent – even on
Do not allow your child to have caffeine, coca cola;
Establish a bedtime routine and stick to it;
Make sure your child gets exercise each day.
Seizure disorders (1)
Related to the severity, location, type
of brain pathology/cognitive level
Related to type of language disorder
Rare in high functioning children
Peaks in early childhood and in
Rarely the cause of autistic
Seizure disorders (2)
Seizures and epilepsy are one of the most common
medical conditions associated with ASD. Statistics show
that the rate of epilepsy in children with ASD can vary
from 5% to 38% in contrast to 1-2% of the rest of the
Another source shows that statistic even higher at 10%
to 30%.
Majority of seizure activity occurs in children with
ASD after 10 years of age with the average age being
While there are still not enough studies to conclusively
determine why seizures are so common, scientists have
found some evidence to support various scenarios.
Seizure disorders (3)
The risk for seizures or epilepsy appears to be higher in those
children who experienced a regression of language skills before
the age of three.
The largest group at risk for seizure disorders appears to be
those individuals diagnosed with intellectual disability in addition
to ASD.
Seizures appear to be more common in children who have used
antipsychotic medications as part of their ASD treatment.
Though diet has not been shown as a factor causing seizures,
some doctors have used a ketogenic diet to significantly reduce
and even eliminate seizures. This diet consists of increasing fat
intake to four times the intake of carbs and proteins.
Doctors still aren’t sure why this works but according to the
Epilepsy Foundation, up to 2/3 of patients have found some
success with the diet.
Autistic Regression and Epilepsy
Relation to Landau-Kleffner syndrome
(language regression with either
seizures or a subclinical epileptiform
Relation to status epilepticus in slow
wave sleep (ESES)?
Limited value of all-night EEG
Gastrointestinal disorders (1)
Gastrointestinal disorders can include chronic
diarrhea and constipation.
46% to 85% of autistic children suffer from these GI
Common symptoms include vomiting, constipation,
abdominal pain, acid reflux and diarrhea.
When a child is experiencing these problems, it can
further contribute to behavioral problems, limit
learning and interrupt sleep.
Gastrointestinal disorders (2)
Researchers have still not been able to clearly define
why these children are more susceptible to GI problems
but some studies suggest dietary allergies may play a
role in some cases.
Some children have been found to fare better when
removing dairy and gluten from their diets.
Others do better when processed foods with dyes are
Still others have added probiotics to their diet to offset
Researchers from Columbia University believe that early
treatment of GI symptoms can result in the reduction of
behavioral problems.
Gastrointestinal disorders (3)
Children suffering from GI problems may not exhibit typical
symptoms so in some cases parents may not even know
there is a problem. Some behaviors that can indicate a
problem may include:
Coughing excessively
Refusing to swallow food or difficulty swallowing
Hitting self in jaw or fisting the jaw
Chewing excessively
Chewing on clothes
Sleep problems
Eating to relieve symptoms
Unexplained changes in behavior
Autism and the microbiome
Since the late 1990s, researchers have been adding to the
evidence that unhealthy changes in the intestinal tract’s
normal community of digestive bacteria (the microbiome)
drive both behavioral and GI problems in some people on
the autism spectrum.
The first reported person to make this gut-brain connection
was the mother of a child with autism, Ellen Bolte, who
saw a parallel between her son’s symptoms and infant
Dr. Finegold and others showed that spikes in toxin-
producing bacteria in the intestines could directly affect the
brain via the vagus nerve that runs between the digestive
tract and the brain. (Finegold, 2002)
Food allergies (1)
It may be no coincidence that in the 1990’s not only was
there a huge uptick in reported autism diagnoses but a
vast increase in food allergies in children as well. Food
allergies, like autism, have an underlying link to the
immune system, which is why it’s possible that they may
go hand in hand. In most cases the food allergies are not
life-threatening for children with ASD however certain
foods may cause worsening of autistic symptoms.
Inflammation caused by a reaction to certain foods can
cause the brain of an autistic child to be even more
overactive than usual. Toxins in other foods may decrease
the brain activity in other children who have under-active
brain activity.
Food allergies (2)
Research has shown that there are 5 foods that tend to
increase ASD symptoms:
Artificial ingredients like dye, preservatives and artificial
sweetening agents
Parents should not eliminate all foods at once, but
systematically to better understand which foods affect their
child and how. It is also important to note that behavior
changes may take time so be ready to wait a few weeks or
more to see any differences.
Headaches (1)
One of the less common ASD symptoms is headaches.
One reason may be because ASD can be associated
with pain insensitivity. This means that the child may just
not feel the pain of a typical headache the same way a
child without ASD would.
Research has however indicated a link between migraines
and ASD.
One study found that children with sensory hyperactivity
were more likely to experience migraines. Additionally
those children with higher levels of anxiety are more likely
to have migraines or cluster headaches than others.
Headaches (2)
Children with ASD may also suffer from headaches if they
are head bangers.
Children who bang their heads may be doing so in an
attempt to limit the pain signals that are being delivered to
their brains. Inflammation caused by GI disorders can also
cause headaches in your child.
Nutritional changes, behavioral therapies and other
treatments to reduce anxiety can play a significant role in
reducing these symptoms.
It is still unclear how much ASD is related to asthma
because asthma is such a common respiratory disorder.
The association between the two however, is increasingly
being acknowledged as research reveals some correlation.
Asthma is considered an immune-mediated disorder that
inflames the lungs.
Individuals with ASD are considered to have an imbalance
of the immune and inflammatory processes.
The connection of both disorders to the immune system
may suggest that they are related in some instances.
Eczema and Other Skin Issues
Children with autism are 1.6 times more likely to have skin
conditions like eczema. Studies have shown a possible link
between autism and autoimmune disorders.
More research needs to be done but one study
suggests that parents with autoimmune disorders may be
more likely to have children with autism.
When autism is accompanied by a skin condition, it may
be the result of an autoimmune disorder passed on by a
parent or an existing food allergy that is causing dry skin,
rashes or other skin issues.
Immune Disorders
Due to the connection between the immune system and
autism as described in other conditions, autism is often
accompanied by another immune disorder.
Current research points to a family history of immune
disorders when autism is present in a child.
Other research suggests that expectant mothers
who experience infections or inflammation during
pregnancy may be more likely to have a child with autism
or other disorders of brain development.
This again falls back to the connection of the immune
system and its link to autism.
Tuberous Sclerosis
Tuberous Sclerosis (TSC) is defined as a rare genetic
disease that causes noncancerous tumors to grow all over
the body.
It is estimated that 25% – 50% of children diagnosed with
TSC will develop ASD compared to only 1% of the general
This connection suggests that TSC symptoms show before
ASD symptoms. Often times ASD is not diagnosed until a
child with TSC is older because of the other developmental
disabilities that accompany TSC.
More studies need to be done to narrow the risk factors for
TSC among those with ASD.
Feeding Disorders (1)
Children with sensory issues due to autism may be at risk
for feeding disorders including difficulty eating or
swallowing food based on the smell, texture or color.
These children tend to be picky eaters and may even
throw tantrums when asked to eat certain foods.
Up to 70% of children with ASD may present symptoms of
feeding disorders.
Parents dealing with these picka eaters are encouraged to
offer choices while still having their child stick to the rules.
Let them know they have to eat one vegetable at dinner,
but allow them to choose which one. It is also important to
ensure that your child isn’t avoiding a food because of an
Feeding Disorders (2)
Chronic overeating is a common issue among both children and
adults on the autism spectrum. Some people with autism have
poor sensitivity to internal cues such as feeling full.
Autism-related aversions to strong flavors, textures and smells
can lead to overconsumption of high-calorie, low-nutrient foods.
In addition, increased appetite is a common and serious side
effect of the only FDA-approved medicines for autism-associated
challenging behavior (agitation) – risperidone and aripiprazole.
(Maayan 2011, Scahill 2016)
The result is a high incidence of obesity – often combined with
nutritional deficiencies – in both children and adults on the autism
(Shmaya 2015, Croen 2015, Hill 2015)
Autism and mental health (1)
Epidemiological studies suggest that between 54 and 70%
of people with autism also have one or more other mental
health conditions.
(Simonoff 2008, Hofvander 2009, Croen 2015, Romero 2016)
Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
affects an estimated 30 to 61% of people with autism.
(Goldstein 2004, Lee 2006, Gadow 2006, Romero 2016)
Anxiety disorders affect an estimated 11 to 42% of
people with autism.
(Vasa 2016, White 2009, Croen 2015, Romero 2016)
Autism and mental health (2)
Depression affects an estimated 7% of children and 26%
of adults with autism.
(Greenlee 2016, Croen 2015)
Schizophrenia affects an estimated 4 to 35% of adults
with autism.
(Chisolm 2015)
Bipolar disorder affects between 6 and 27% of people
with autism.
(Munesue 2008, Rosenberg 2011, Vannucchi 2014, Guinchat 2015,
Croen 2015)
Depression, Autism and Suicide
In 2012, researchers at Penn State College of Medicine
reported the disturbing finding that 14% of children with
autism age 16 or younger “sometimes” or “very often”
contemplated or attempted suicide – a rate 28 times
higher than for similarly aged children with typical
development (Mayes, 2013).
This increase in suicidal tendencies became significant
after age 10, with signs of depression being the strongest
predictor. Neither autism severity nor IQ altered the
Healthcare providers should screen all children with autism
for suicidal thoughts or attempts in addition to raising
awareness of the issue with parents.
Autism and premature death (1)
As a group, people who have autism are more than twice
as likely to die prematurely.
For some subgroups, the risk can be up to 10 times that of
the general population.
Among the most disheartening results of autism research
is the persistent finding of premature mortality. There is an
evidence base of more than 15 years of small studies
suggesting premature mortality rates to be 2 to 10 times
higher than normal among various groups with autism.
(Isager 1999, Mouridsen 2008, Gillberg 2010, Pickett 2011, Bilder 2013)
Two new, large studies provide compelling evidence that,
as a group, people with autism die younger – as much as
36 years younger – than those in the general population.
(Hirvikoski 2016, Guan 2017)
Autism and premature death (2)
This research also makes clear that autism alone is not driving
the premature mortality. Rather, leading causes of death include
many of the medical and mental health conditions described in
this presentation – further highlighting the urgent need to
recognize and address them.
The most recent study involved the analysis of more than 32
million U.S. death certificates, including those of 1,367 people
with autism who died between 1999 and 2014 (Guan 2017).
This study found that the average lifespan of someone with
autism was half that of the general population – an average of
36 versus 72 years.
Accidental injury was the leading cause of death, at a rate 3
times higher than in the general population.
Further analysis revealed that children with autism were 160
times more likely to drown than were children across the
general population.
Where to go: biology
Elucidate pathophysiology, i.e., what
goes on in the brain
(neurotransmitters, neuromodulators,
epilepsy, etc…)
Pathophysiology more likely to lead to
new drugs than genetics
Elucidate basis of autistic regression
Devise a rational treatment for autistic
Where to go: genetics
In the clinic:
Limited referral based on family history &
Probability of a specific genetic diagnosis
Always discuss recurrence risk !
Lack of prenatal diagnosis unless etiology
For research (paid for by research funds !)
Strongly encourage enrollment in a funded
comprehensive study.
Conclusions (1)
Autism can affect the whole body.
Seizures, disturbed sleep and painful gastrointestinal
disorders are some of the health conditions commonly
associated with autism.
Autism is also frequently accompanied by mental health
conditions including anxiety, depression, and ADHD.
Autism-associated health problems extend across the life
span – from young children to senior citizens.
32% of 2 to 5 year olds with autism are overweight and
16% are obese.
Conclusions (2)
23% of 2 to 5 year olds in the general population are
overweight and only 10% are medically obese.
Likelihood of being overweight or obese increases with the
number of behavioral medicines a child is taking.
Significant weight gain is a common side effect of behavior-
calming medications such as risperidone and aripiprazole,
the only FDA-approved medications for autism-associated
agitation and irritability.
On average, autism costs an estimated $60,000 a year
through childhood, with the bulk of the costs in special
services and lost wages related to increased demands on
one or both parents. Costs increase with the occurrence of
intellectual disability.
Call for papers
October 30th, 2018
+389-2-3116-520 (234)
Prof. Dr. Vladimir Trajkovski

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Health issues and healthcare in persons with autism spectrum disorders

  • 1. 1 Health issues and health care in persons with autism spectrum disorders Prof. Dr. med. Vladimir Trajkovski Krakow, September 28th 2018 University “St. Cyril and Methodius” Faculty of Philosophy Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation Macedonian Scientific Society for Autism
  • 2. 2 What is autism?(APA,2013) A developmental behaviorally-defined syndrome/phenotype Impacts social skills & communication Associated with narrow, rigid, repetitive behaviors NOT A “DISEASE” ! Affects the immature, developing brain
  • 3. 3 Introduction (1) Genetic research is delving into the biological causes of autism-associated health conditions. This is part of a new avenue of autism research aimed at identifying the many biological subtypes of autism and developing personalized treatments and supports. Specialists at leading autism care centers are working with patients and their families to improve the health and quality of life of all those with autism by developing and disseminating evaluation and treatment guidelines for healthcare providers. (Perrin 2012 , Warfield 2016) This effort also includes autism-specific medical education and teleconferencing programs to share expertise. (Mazurek 2017)
  • 4. 4 Introduction (2) These programs in USA have helped produce a sea change in autism awareness and treatment capabilities among the pediatricians, family physicians and other non- specialists who provide the bulk of healthcare to the nation’s estimated 3 million people on the autism spectrum. The purpose of this presentation is to summarize the latest understanding of autism’s commonly associated physical and mental health conditions, including how best to identify, treat and in some cases prevent them to improve overall health and quality of life.
  • 5. 5 Causes of autism Many genetic influences in most cases multiple most with small effects on brain development Interacting environmental (epigenetic) influences via their pathophysiologic effects on • molecular networks • cellular networks • brain circuitry
  • 7. 7 Current Genetic Views Now known etiologies no longer rejected Association with known mono-genetic disorders PKU Tuberous sclerosis Fragile-X Angelman, Cornelia de Lange, etc. Candidate gene studies Multiplex families Linkage studies (cytogenetics, CNVs [microdeletions, duplications, translocations], loci, genes) Whole genome searches – gwas (genome-wide association studies, microarrays) mono- vs. heteroallelic expression multiple genes with small effects vs. single genes with stronger effects
  • 8. 8 Physical/neurologic features None present in all cases or required for diagnosis Abnormal head growth curve Physical abnormalities/symptoms Motor findings Atypical sensory responses Sleep problems Language abnormalities Autistic-language regression Epilepsy
  • 9. 9 Neuropathology 1980: 4 cases with severe MR: cerebellar + other brain abnormalities (Williams et al.) 1985-2002: Cerebellum + limbic pathology (Bauman and Kemper) No major brain anomalies/lesions Loss of Purkinje cells in cerebellar cortex, neurons in deep cerebellar nuclei, inferior olive Stunted neurons in diencephalon, amygdala Pathology progressive in adults compared to children? 1996: brainstem malformation in one case (Rodier et al.) HOXA1 gene Thalidomide, valproate toxicity
  • 10. 10 Cortical minicolumns in cortical area 4 lamina III in autism vs control brain Normal control brain ASD brain Casanova 2006
  • 11. 11 Frequently reported somatic abnormalities Minor anomalies, dysmorphic features Many known syndromes/genetic disorders Middle ear infections,URIs GI symptoms Immunologic abnormalities
  • 12. 12 Frequent motor findings Stereotypies motor, +/- object behavioral Dystonic postures Toe walking Increased joint laxity (hypotonia) Clumsiness Dyspraxia
  • 13. 13 Frequent sensory findings: hyper- & hypo-sensitivity Touch Pain, temperature Proprioception Vestibular Audition Vision Taste Smell
  • 14. 14 Sleep disorders (1) Difficulty falling asleep Difficulty staying asleep Need for less sleep time Need for excessive sleep Inadequate circadian rhythm
  • 15. 15 Sleep disorders (2) Children with ASD have a significantly high rate of sleep disorders. Up to 80% have some issue with sleep. The two most common problems are difficulty falling asleep and waking up repeatedly. Some children with ASD seem programmed to wake up early regardless of what time they go to sleep. One common thread is that children with ASD often have greater anxiety and/or depression than other children. These feelings can cause your child to lay awake worrying, making it difficult for them to turn off their brain and fall asleep. If your child has a GI disorder in addition to ASD, this can also factor into their ability to stay asleep throughout the night.
  • 16. 16 Sleep disorders (3) Sleep disorders can affect the entire family but can be especially disruptive to the child, causing additional behavioral issues. Parents can establish routines to promote optimal sleeping conditions. Some common practices include: Keep the bedroom dark and cool; Keep the wake and sleep schedule consistent – even on weekends; Do not allow your child to have caffeine, coca cola; Establish a bedtime routine and stick to it; Make sure your child gets exercise each day.
  • 17. 17 Seizure disorders (1) Related to the severity, location, type of brain pathology/cognitive level Related to type of language disorder Rare in high functioning children Peaks in early childhood and in adolescence Rarely the cause of autistic regression.
  • 18. 18 Seizure disorders (2) Seizures and epilepsy are one of the most common medical conditions associated with ASD. Statistics show that the rate of epilepsy in children with ASD can vary from 5% to 38% in contrast to 1-2% of the rest of the population. Another source shows that statistic even higher at 10% to 30%. Majority of seizure activity occurs in children with ASD after 10 years of age with the average age being 13.3. While there are still not enough studies to conclusively determine why seizures are so common, scientists have found some evidence to support various scenarios.
  • 19. 19 Seizure disorders (3) The risk for seizures or epilepsy appears to be higher in those children who experienced a regression of language skills before the age of three. The largest group at risk for seizure disorders appears to be those individuals diagnosed with intellectual disability in addition to ASD. Seizures appear to be more common in children who have used antipsychotic medications as part of their ASD treatment. Though diet has not been shown as a factor causing seizures, some doctors have used a ketogenic diet to significantly reduce and even eliminate seizures. This diet consists of increasing fat intake to four times the intake of carbs and proteins. Doctors still aren’t sure why this works but according to the Epilepsy Foundation, up to 2/3 of patients have found some success with the diet.
  • 20. 20 Autistic Regression and Epilepsy Relation to Landau-Kleffner syndrome (language regression with either seizures or a subclinical epileptiform EEG)? Relation to status epilepticus in slow wave sleep (ESES)? Limited value of all-night EEG monitoring
  • 21. 21 Gastrointestinal disorders (1) Gastrointestinal disorders can include chronic diarrhea and constipation. 46% to 85% of autistic children suffer from these GI issues. Common symptoms include vomiting, constipation, abdominal pain, acid reflux and diarrhea. When a child is experiencing these problems, it can further contribute to behavioral problems, limit learning and interrupt sleep.
  • 22. 22 Gastrointestinal disorders (2) Researchers have still not been able to clearly define why these children are more susceptible to GI problems but some studies suggest dietary allergies may play a role in some cases. Some children have been found to fare better when removing dairy and gluten from their diets. Others do better when processed foods with dyes are eliminated. Still others have added probiotics to their diet to offset symptoms. Researchers from Columbia University believe that early treatment of GI symptoms can result in the reduction of behavioral problems.
  • 23. 23 Gastrointestinal disorders (3) Children suffering from GI problems may not exhibit typical symptoms so in some cases parents may not even know there is a problem. Some behaviors that can indicate a problem may include: Coughing excessively Refusing to swallow food or difficulty swallowing Hitting self in jaw or fisting the jaw Chewing excessively Chewing on clothes Sleep problems Eating to relieve symptoms Unexplained changes in behavior
  • 24. 24 Autism and the microbiome Since the late 1990s, researchers have been adding to the evidence that unhealthy changes in the intestinal tract’s normal community of digestive bacteria (the microbiome) drive both behavioral and GI problems in some people on the autism spectrum. The first reported person to make this gut-brain connection was the mother of a child with autism, Ellen Bolte, who saw a parallel between her son’s symptoms and infant botulism. Dr. Finegold and others showed that spikes in toxin- producing bacteria in the intestines could directly affect the brain via the vagus nerve that runs between the digestive tract and the brain. (Finegold, 2002)
  • 25. 25 Food allergies (1) It may be no coincidence that in the 1990’s not only was there a huge uptick in reported autism diagnoses but a vast increase in food allergies in children as well. Food allergies, like autism, have an underlying link to the immune system, which is why it’s possible that they may go hand in hand. In most cases the food allergies are not life-threatening for children with ASD however certain foods may cause worsening of autistic symptoms. Inflammation caused by a reaction to certain foods can cause the brain of an autistic child to be even more overactive than usual. Toxins in other foods may decrease the brain activity in other children who have under-active brain activity.
  • 26. 26 Food allergies (2) Research has shown that there are 5 foods that tend to increase ASD symptoms: Gluten Dairy Sugar Corn Artificial ingredients like dye, preservatives and artificial sweetening agents Parents should not eliminate all foods at once, but systematically to better understand which foods affect their child and how. It is also important to note that behavior changes may take time so be ready to wait a few weeks or more to see any differences.
  • 27. 27 Headaches (1) One of the less common ASD symptoms is headaches. One reason may be because ASD can be associated with pain insensitivity. This means that the child may just not feel the pain of a typical headache the same way a child without ASD would. Research has however indicated a link between migraines and ASD. One study found that children with sensory hyperactivity were more likely to experience migraines. Additionally those children with higher levels of anxiety are more likely to have migraines or cluster headaches than others.
  • 28. 28 Headaches (2) Children with ASD may also suffer from headaches if they are head bangers. Children who bang their heads may be doing so in an attempt to limit the pain signals that are being delivered to their brains. Inflammation caused by GI disorders can also cause headaches in your child. Nutritional changes, behavioral therapies and other treatments to reduce anxiety can play a significant role in reducing these symptoms.
  • 29. 29 Asthma It is still unclear how much ASD is related to asthma because asthma is such a common respiratory disorder. The association between the two however, is increasingly being acknowledged as research reveals some correlation. Asthma is considered an immune-mediated disorder that inflames the lungs. Individuals with ASD are considered to have an imbalance of the immune and inflammatory processes. The connection of both disorders to the immune system may suggest that they are related in some instances.
  • 30. 30 Eczema and Other Skin Issues Children with autism are 1.6 times more likely to have skin conditions like eczema. Studies have shown a possible link between autism and autoimmune disorders. More research needs to be done but one study suggests that parents with autoimmune disorders may be more likely to have children with autism. When autism is accompanied by a skin condition, it may be the result of an autoimmune disorder passed on by a parent or an existing food allergy that is causing dry skin, rashes or other skin issues.
  • 31. 31 Immune Disorders Due to the connection between the immune system and autism as described in other conditions, autism is often accompanied by another immune disorder. Current research points to a family history of immune disorders when autism is present in a child. Other research suggests that expectant mothers who experience infections or inflammation during pregnancy may be more likely to have a child with autism or other disorders of brain development. This again falls back to the connection of the immune system and its link to autism.
  • 32. 32 Tuberous Sclerosis Tuberous Sclerosis (TSC) is defined as a rare genetic disease that causes noncancerous tumors to grow all over the body. It is estimated that 25% – 50% of children diagnosed with TSC will develop ASD compared to only 1% of the general population. This connection suggests that TSC symptoms show before ASD symptoms. Often times ASD is not diagnosed until a child with TSC is older because of the other developmental disabilities that accompany TSC. More studies need to be done to narrow the risk factors for TSC among those with ASD.
  • 33. 33 Feeding Disorders (1) Children with sensory issues due to autism may be at risk for feeding disorders including difficulty eating or swallowing food based on the smell, texture or color. These children tend to be picky eaters and may even throw tantrums when asked to eat certain foods. Up to 70% of children with ASD may present symptoms of feeding disorders. Parents dealing with these picka eaters are encouraged to offer choices while still having their child stick to the rules. Let them know they have to eat one vegetable at dinner, but allow them to choose which one. It is also important to ensure that your child isn’t avoiding a food because of an allergy.
  • 34. 34 Feeding Disorders (2) Chronic overeating is a common issue among both children and adults on the autism spectrum. Some people with autism have poor sensitivity to internal cues such as feeling full. Autism-related aversions to strong flavors, textures and smells can lead to overconsumption of high-calorie, low-nutrient foods. In addition, increased appetite is a common and serious side effect of the only FDA-approved medicines for autism-associated challenging behavior (agitation) – risperidone and aripiprazole. (Maayan 2011, Scahill 2016) The result is a high incidence of obesity – often combined with nutritional deficiencies – in both children and adults on the autism spectrum. (Shmaya 2015, Croen 2015, Hill 2015)
  • 35. 35 Autism and mental health (1) Epidemiological studies suggest that between 54 and 70% of people with autism also have one or more other mental health conditions. (Simonoff 2008, Hofvander 2009, Croen 2015, Romero 2016) Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects an estimated 30 to 61% of people with autism. (Goldstein 2004, Lee 2006, Gadow 2006, Romero 2016) Anxiety disorders affect an estimated 11 to 42% of people with autism. (Vasa 2016, White 2009, Croen 2015, Romero 2016)
  • 36. 36 Autism and mental health (2) Depression affects an estimated 7% of children and 26% of adults with autism. (Greenlee 2016, Croen 2015) Schizophrenia affects an estimated 4 to 35% of adults with autism. (Chisolm 2015) Bipolar disorder affects between 6 and 27% of people with autism. (Munesue 2008, Rosenberg 2011, Vannucchi 2014, Guinchat 2015, Croen 2015)
  • 37. 37 Depression, Autism and Suicide In 2012, researchers at Penn State College of Medicine reported the disturbing finding that 14% of children with autism age 16 or younger “sometimes” or “very often” contemplated or attempted suicide – a rate 28 times higher than for similarly aged children with typical development (Mayes, 2013). This increase in suicidal tendencies became significant after age 10, with signs of depression being the strongest predictor. Neither autism severity nor IQ altered the frequency. Healthcare providers should screen all children with autism for suicidal thoughts or attempts in addition to raising awareness of the issue with parents.
  • 38. 38 Autism and premature death (1) As a group, people who have autism are more than twice as likely to die prematurely. For some subgroups, the risk can be up to 10 times that of the general population. Among the most disheartening results of autism research is the persistent finding of premature mortality. There is an evidence base of more than 15 years of small studies suggesting premature mortality rates to be 2 to 10 times higher than normal among various groups with autism. (Isager 1999, Mouridsen 2008, Gillberg 2010, Pickett 2011, Bilder 2013) Two new, large studies provide compelling evidence that, as a group, people with autism die younger – as much as 36 years younger – than those in the general population. (Hirvikoski 2016, Guan 2017)
  • 39. 39 Autism and premature death (2) This research also makes clear that autism alone is not driving the premature mortality. Rather, leading causes of death include many of the medical and mental health conditions described in this presentation – further highlighting the urgent need to recognize and address them. The most recent study involved the analysis of more than 32 million U.S. death certificates, including those of 1,367 people with autism who died between 1999 and 2014 (Guan 2017). This study found that the average lifespan of someone with autism was half that of the general population – an average of 36 versus 72 years. Accidental injury was the leading cause of death, at a rate 3 times higher than in the general population. Further analysis revealed that children with autism were 160 times more likely to drown than were children across the general population.
  • 40. 40 Where to go: biology Elucidate pathophysiology, i.e., what goes on in the brain (neurotransmitters, neuromodulators, epilepsy, etc…) Pathophysiology more likely to lead to new drugs than genetics Elucidate basis of autistic regression Devise a rational treatment for autistic regression
  • 41. 41 Where to go: genetics In the clinic: Limited referral based on family history & phenotype Probability of a specific genetic diagnosis low Always discuss recurrence risk ! Lack of prenatal diagnosis unless etiology known For research (paid for by research funds !) Strongly encourage enrollment in a funded comprehensive study.
  • 42. 42 Conclusions (1) Autism can affect the whole body. Seizures, disturbed sleep and painful gastrointestinal disorders are some of the health conditions commonly associated with autism. Autism is also frequently accompanied by mental health conditions including anxiety, depression, and ADHD. Autism-associated health problems extend across the life span – from young children to senior citizens. 32% of 2 to 5 year olds with autism are overweight and 16% are obese.
  • 43. 43 Conclusions (2) 23% of 2 to 5 year olds in the general population are overweight and only 10% are medically obese. Likelihood of being overweight or obese increases with the number of behavioral medicines a child is taking. Significant weight gain is a common side effect of behavior- calming medications such as risperidone and aripiprazole, the only FDA-approved medications for autism-associated agitation and irritability. On average, autism costs an estimated $60,000 a year through childhood, with the bulk of the costs in special services and lost wages related to increased demands on one or both parents. Costs increase with the occurrence of intellectual disability.
  • 45. 45 THANK YOU +389-2-3116-520 (234) +389-2-3118-143 Prof. Dr. Vladimir Trajkovski @vladotra