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Magazine Analysis
• The first activity we did in print was an analysis of several existing magazines. We talked about what we did and didn’t like about each
magazine we analyzed.
• I believe it went very well as I managed to analyze 7 magazines in the time we had to complete the activity.
• Throughout this activity I learned that magazines don’t have to use persuasive language to intrigue their audience, they just like to ensure
it’s presented very crisp and professional.
• Having completed this many magazines, it helped me very much going forwards as I covered several different categories which opened up
more ideas for what I could apply to my final production.
• Overall I believe this was a very good activity to begin the print course as it allowed us to explore pre-existing magazines so we could take
bits of information from each and take them going forwards with the course.
• Here are some photos of my analysis on some ore-existing magazines:
Concept Magazine Front Cover Analysis
• The second activity was to then create our own magazine cover. I decided to
create a magazine based on the latest Hip-Hop news. This included A$AP Rocky.
Travi$ Scott and Playboi Carti. I also included a competition to persuade my
• I believe the magazine cover was a great success and overall I was very happy
with it. I tried to replicate another fellow Hip-Hop magazine Highsnboiety which
was one of the magazines I analyzed in the first activity. When I began making my
magazine cover I wasn’t a great deal out of my final production because it had
been almost 2 months since I last used Photoshop, so I was very happy with what
I finished with.
• When making my magazine cover I learned that Photoshop is very easy to come
to terms with, as the icons displayed on the left of the screen allow you to
remember what each does. This then allowed me to apply several different
features to my magazine cover to make it look crisp and clean.
• Making a concept magazine cover certainly helped me progress through the
course as it refreshed my memory on Photoshop and the features it included. It
also helped as it allowed me my favorite features in my final magazine design.
• Overall I thought my magazine cover was a great success. This is because it was a
production starting point and because I was very happy with it, it helped me go
forwards in the course with a positive attitude. As stated earlier it also allowed
me to use my favorite features in my final magazine cover.
Concept InDesign Magazine Analysis
• After I had completed my magazine cover, I then created the inside of a magazine on InDesign. I decided
to make a football headline as I intended on making my final production based on football. The
magazine included information on Kazuyoshi Mura signing a new contract at the age of 50. It’s a crazy
story so I thought it would appeal more to my audience.
• Overall, I wasn’t very happy at all with the magazine. Something about it just didn’t appeal to me. I
believe it could’ve been the contrast between the white page and the colored photos. Also, I thought
the title was very bland and didn’t appeal much.
• But this then gave me time to analyze what it was that I didn't’ like about it and ensure that I didn’t
make the same mistake in my final InDesign production. So overall I learnt not to use bright colored
photos on a white backgrounds and to ensure my Title appealed to my audience more!
• Although I didn’t like my magazine, it really did help me because it was the first time I had ever used
InDesign and It gave me time to get to terms with all the features it offered me in time for my final
• Overall, despite the fact I wasn’t happy with my production, I thought the activity was a success because
the purpose of it was to practice using the features it offered me and decide which I do and don’t like,
which indeed it did. It also helped me come to terms with InDesign as I haven’t previously used it, as
stated earlier.
Concept Website Analysis
• After completing a magazine cover and two sided page, the final concept I needed to complete was my online website. I decided to use Wix as it had very good website templates
and guided you through each step as you built your website. The website itself was based on Travis Scott, a hip hop artist.
• Overall I was very happy with how my website went. Firstly because I thought it linked in very well with my magazine cover, as it contained similar information, used the same color
schemes and the same layout. I also included his upcoming tour dates by linking my website to BandsinTown, one of the biggest ticket sites in the UK. These are all features I
wouldn’t have expected to apply in my website as it was my first experience making one, so I’m very happy I was able to do so.
• When making my website I learned how much effort needs to be applied to ensure it reaches it’s full potential. I learnt this every time I checked my work and I realized I forgot to
apply something small just before I was about to publish my website. I then learnt from this that when I make my final website design I will have to ensure I have checked It
thoroughly before publishing to ensure it’s reached maximum potential.
• Checking my website several times will help me to receive a better grade as it points out to me where I can improve, as well as if I have forgotten to apply something. An example of
this would be when I forgot to apply links to social media accounts on my concept website, so if somebody was interested in enquiring me about something, there would’ve been no
way to contact me. Luckily, I noticed after double checking and then changed it.
• Overall I am very happy with my concept website as I believe it looks very professional and has features I could’ve only dreamed of applying so soon into making my own website. I
am also very happy as it links in very closely to my concept magazine cover. Finally, it has also helped me realize what features I will be applying again into my final website design.
Article Analysis
• Before I made my final Magazine and Website, I had to write my own article to use inside both of them. The article had to
be between 400-600 words and had to link in towards the topic of your magazine and website. So I decided to base my
article on Coutinho’s transfer to Barcelona. The article includes what happened in his first few days in Barcelona and who
Liverpool will be looking to replace Coutinho.
• I believe the article went fairly well, as I already have a strong interest in football it made it a lot easier to write the article
as I am already quite up to date on the transfer. I was very happy that I managed to include more information on the
consequences and benefits of other teams and players after his transfer and purely not making the article contain 600
words all about Coutinho himself.
• When writing my article I learnt how hard it can really be to write an article containing so much information. Although I
was happy writing my own article up, it still took between 2-3 days to complete, but in reality articles should really be
completed in the first hour of the news being announced so that world is up to date on the situation. With such limited
time I don’t think my article would be close to reaching the potential of my previous article, but the more I complete the
more time efficient I will become.
• Realizing how quickly articles need to be published will hopefully help me in the future as I can set myself targets and each
time I complete an article in that period of time that I am happy with, I can then challenge myself even more to the extent
of a published writer.
• Overall I am happy with my article as I believe it was presented very professionally and most importantly it will help me for
the future when I want to make more articles on football as I want to be a sports journalist in the future, so hopefully the
first of many.
• The print planning analysis included information on Production Schedule, access to images, flat plan for my magazine, website plan and
final ideas. I stored all this information on a PowerPoint so I could use it incase I was struggling during the final production stage.
• I believe it went well as I am 100% certain I stored enough information on the PowerPoint to use if I was ever in a situation where I was
struggling. This can be seen through the 6 slides I completed covering 6 different aspects of my planning.
• When planning my Print Production it helped me realize how many different aspects there really is to completing the topic, as I had
breakdown every step all the way to production to ensure it was there for me incase I forgot. But I’ve learnt from this that I must really
enjoy the production stage because I don’t realize how much work I’ve actually completed until I actually break it down.
• The planning helped me produce my final production as it gave me that extra feeling of comfort when completing as I knew I could fall back
on it as an emergency. It also helped me refresh my memory on what I actually needed to complete for my production, which was very
• Overall I believe making a Print Plan was a very good idea. Although I never needed to resort to using the plan throughout my production it
was nice to know it was there in case I needed to check something. It also helped me plan for the future as it was the first time I ever made
my own flat plan design!
• After completing all my planning and concept designs, it was now time to start my final production. The first part of production I decided to
complete was my magazine front cover as that’s what I felt most confident with, so if I could get off to a good start with that, it would
hopefully give me motivation for the next upcoming productions. My magazine featured me and Aaron the cover acting as Phillipe Coutinho
and Mohammed Salah, as they were the two headlining stories.
• After completing my magazine cover, I was very happy. My intentions from the start was to replicate a magazine that linked in very closely
to World Soccer, another fellow sports magazine. I thought my images were very clear and crisp, my captions and titles were all placed in
line and I used several bright and appealing colors to represent my magazine.
• Making my magazine cover was a big learning curve for me. For the first time I used the studio to take images for the cover of my magazine.
I also learnt new features on Photoshop, such as the rulers and paragraph tools. This helped me line up my work and change my text in
several different ways to make my work look more professional.
• Learning these new features will help me in the future as intend on taking magazine covers and headlines so every little step helps. I will
also be taking print media next year so by learning these new features will prepare me for next year when I come back to doing these
activities. Not only does learning these features help me build magazine covers but it will also help me with anything that links into the use
of Photoshop.
• Overall I am very happy with my final magazine cover production and I believe it was a wise idea to chose this as my first production, as it
gave me confidence going forwards. I am also very happy because I had doubts about using my own photos as I thought it would make my
work look unprofessional but after applying my photos I was still just as happy as I was when they included the actual players!
Here is my final magazine cover, featuring me and
Aaron, playing the role of Coutinho and Salah. As you
can see lots of colors are used throughout to make it
vibrant and appealing. I also applied a competition onto
my work to grab the attention of the audience even
more. Finally, you will also notice that all my work is
completely lined up to give my magazine cover a
smarter appearance.
• After I had completed my magazine front cover, I moved onto the inside of my magazine, which I made using InDesign. The magazine had to
follow in very closely to my front cover as they were linked together, so when I was in the studio I took more photos to go alongside the one
pictured on my magazine cover. I also used the article I made to apply into my magazine as the main article.
• Once completed I was very happy with my magazine. Although it took longer than my front cover I eventually produced something I was
happy with after several attempts. I was happy with the photos I used and I believe the article was presented very clean.
• When completing my magazine I learnt all about InDesign as I have only previously used it once. It really helped me get to terms with what
each option button allows you to do. Thankfully, the layout is very similar to Photoshop, so this made it easier for me to understand. I also
learnt about the layout and process of taking photos in the studio as I had to take some to place in my magazine, which was really
• Learning these new features will help me going forwards in the future as I am expecting to use InDesign very often, so it’s a good starting
point. Using the studio also helped me because it’s something I never imaged myself being involved with, so it was a pleasant surprise to
learn a new aspect of media and one I will hopefully be able to use again in the future.
• Overall I am very happy with my magazine as a whole as I believe both my front cover and InDesign were very successful. When starting my
magazine I doubted myself due to my lack of experience using the application but after slowly taking my time and remembering the steps I
used the previous time I used it, I eventually completed my magazine which was my main target. My target for the future is to be more
adventurous when using InDesign to learn even more about the application.
Here is my final InDesign magazine. It
includes two images of myself, that were
taken while we were in the studio the
previous week. We took the photos with a
white background so there wasn’t a
noticeable contrast between the page color
and the photos, as experienced in my
concept website. I used the linear and
paragraph tool to separate my work into 3
sections to ensure it was all on the page. I
finally applied one of the most important
quotes from the article into the top corner
of the page to persuade the audience to
read my article.
• The final task I had to complete was my website. After I had completed my website, I had completed all of my final production work. I felt
very confident going into designing my website. My website was called Global Soccer, and included the headlines my magazine did
(Coutinho’s transfer to Barcelona and the competition to win the Adidas Ace 17.3. Each headline included a link underneath the brief, which
took you straight to the story. You could also use the menu button to chose what you wanted to read.
• After being so confident with my magazine, it helped me produce a website I was also very happy with. I was very happy that I managed to
once again use my own photos, which can be found in the statistics section of my website. Once the the individual players have been
selected, it will take you to a website which shows their individual statistics for the current season. All these little extra features I applied to
my final website makes me believe I did very well overall, not to forget it’s very smart appearance too!
• Every time I chose a new template on Wix, I learn something new as they all include different features. This time round I learnt how apply
links to images and even text, as I used it throughout my website. I also learnt how to apply payment methods to your website as you can
link your website to PayPal. This will help me in future references also if I decide I want to create an online store.
• Learning new features on Wix will help me in the future as I previously felt limited to what I could create using Wix, as I wasn’t entirely sure
what you could and couldn’t include in your website! But the more templates and websites I create the more features I have learnt are
actually there. I hope to think in the near future I will know everything that can and can’t be applied to Wix websites so I aren’t time
consuming by looking for it.
• Overall I am very happy with my final Website design, I think it’s displayed with a very clean and smooth look, I also believe it includes really
cool features that I wouldn’t of expected to use in my work. Something I would like to improve on for the future is the lining between
photos and text boxes as some photos looked to be a little wider than some of the text box. This is only a minor issue but it would make my
website even better if I could complete this.
Here is my final website design. The picture
shows the home menu screen, with a link to
each headline I have included in my website. I
was very happy with the design and the
simplicity in the logo and title as it makes it look
very smart. The pictures show Phillipe Coutinho,
Mohammed Salah and the Adidas Ace 17.3. I
had to use these players on the home screen as I
currently don’t own a Barcelona jersey to
present Coutinho. The template was originally
designed for graphic designers, but I liked it that
much I adjusted it into my own football website.
You can find the link to my website below:

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Print evaluation

  • 2. Magazine Analysis • The first activity we did in print was an analysis of several existing magazines. We talked about what we did and didn’t like about each magazine we analyzed. • I believe it went very well as I managed to analyze 7 magazines in the time we had to complete the activity. • Throughout this activity I learned that magazines don’t have to use persuasive language to intrigue their audience, they just like to ensure it’s presented very crisp and professional. • Having completed this many magazines, it helped me very much going forwards as I covered several different categories which opened up more ideas for what I could apply to my final production. • Overall I believe this was a very good activity to begin the print course as it allowed us to explore pre-existing magazines so we could take bits of information from each and take them going forwards with the course. • Here are some photos of my analysis on some ore-existing magazines:
  • 3. Concept Magazine Front Cover Analysis • The second activity was to then create our own magazine cover. I decided to create a magazine based on the latest Hip-Hop news. This included A$AP Rocky. Travi$ Scott and Playboi Carti. I also included a competition to persuade my audience. • I believe the magazine cover was a great success and overall I was very happy with it. I tried to replicate another fellow Hip-Hop magazine Highsnboiety which was one of the magazines I analyzed in the first activity. When I began making my magazine cover I wasn’t a great deal out of my final production because it had been almost 2 months since I last used Photoshop, so I was very happy with what I finished with. • When making my magazine cover I learned that Photoshop is very easy to come to terms with, as the icons displayed on the left of the screen allow you to remember what each does. This then allowed me to apply several different features to my magazine cover to make it look crisp and clean. • Making a concept magazine cover certainly helped me progress through the course as it refreshed my memory on Photoshop and the features it included. It also helped as it allowed me my favorite features in my final magazine design. • Overall I thought my magazine cover was a great success. This is because it was a production starting point and because I was very happy with it, it helped me go forwards in the course with a positive attitude. As stated earlier it also allowed me to use my favorite features in my final magazine cover.
  • 4. Concept InDesign Magazine Analysis • After I had completed my magazine cover, I then created the inside of a magazine on InDesign. I decided to make a football headline as I intended on making my final production based on football. The magazine included information on Kazuyoshi Mura signing a new contract at the age of 50. It’s a crazy story so I thought it would appeal more to my audience. • Overall, I wasn’t very happy at all with the magazine. Something about it just didn’t appeal to me. I believe it could’ve been the contrast between the white page and the colored photos. Also, I thought the title was very bland and didn’t appeal much. • But this then gave me time to analyze what it was that I didn't’ like about it and ensure that I didn’t make the same mistake in my final InDesign production. So overall I learnt not to use bright colored photos on a white backgrounds and to ensure my Title appealed to my audience more! • Although I didn’t like my magazine, it really did help me because it was the first time I had ever used InDesign and It gave me time to get to terms with all the features it offered me in time for my final production. • Overall, despite the fact I wasn’t happy with my production, I thought the activity was a success because the purpose of it was to practice using the features it offered me and decide which I do and don’t like, which indeed it did. It also helped me come to terms with InDesign as I haven’t previously used it, as stated earlier.
  • 5. Concept Website Analysis • After completing a magazine cover and two sided page, the final concept I needed to complete was my online website. I decided to use Wix as it had very good website templates and guided you through each step as you built your website. The website itself was based on Travis Scott, a hip hop artist. • Overall I was very happy with how my website went. Firstly because I thought it linked in very well with my magazine cover, as it contained similar information, used the same color schemes and the same layout. I also included his upcoming tour dates by linking my website to BandsinTown, one of the biggest ticket sites in the UK. These are all features I wouldn’t have expected to apply in my website as it was my first experience making one, so I’m very happy I was able to do so. • When making my website I learned how much effort needs to be applied to ensure it reaches it’s full potential. I learnt this every time I checked my work and I realized I forgot to apply something small just before I was about to publish my website. I then learnt from this that when I make my final website design I will have to ensure I have checked It thoroughly before publishing to ensure it’s reached maximum potential. • Checking my website several times will help me to receive a better grade as it points out to me where I can improve, as well as if I have forgotten to apply something. An example of this would be when I forgot to apply links to social media accounts on my concept website, so if somebody was interested in enquiring me about something, there would’ve been no way to contact me. Luckily, I noticed after double checking and then changed it. • Overall I am very happy with my concept website as I believe it looks very professional and has features I could’ve only dreamed of applying so soon into making my own website. I am also very happy as it links in very closely to my concept magazine cover. Finally, it has also helped me realize what features I will be applying again into my final website design.
  • 6. Article Analysis • Before I made my final Magazine and Website, I had to write my own article to use inside both of them. The article had to be between 400-600 words and had to link in towards the topic of your magazine and website. So I decided to base my article on Coutinho’s transfer to Barcelona. The article includes what happened in his first few days in Barcelona and who Liverpool will be looking to replace Coutinho. • I believe the article went fairly well, as I already have a strong interest in football it made it a lot easier to write the article as I am already quite up to date on the transfer. I was very happy that I managed to include more information on the consequences and benefits of other teams and players after his transfer and purely not making the article contain 600 words all about Coutinho himself. • When writing my article I learnt how hard it can really be to write an article containing so much information. Although I was happy writing my own article up, it still took between 2-3 days to complete, but in reality articles should really be completed in the first hour of the news being announced so that world is up to date on the situation. With such limited time I don’t think my article would be close to reaching the potential of my previous article, but the more I complete the more time efficient I will become. • Realizing how quickly articles need to be published will hopefully help me in the future as I can set myself targets and each time I complete an article in that period of time that I am happy with, I can then challenge myself even more to the extent of a published writer. • Overall I am happy with my article as I believe it was presented very professionally and most importantly it will help me for the future when I want to make more articles on football as I want to be a sports journalist in the future, so hopefully the first of many.
  • 7. PRINT PLANNING ANLYSIS • The print planning analysis included information on Production Schedule, access to images, flat plan for my magazine, website plan and final ideas. I stored all this information on a PowerPoint so I could use it incase I was struggling during the final production stage. • I believe it went well as I am 100% certain I stored enough information on the PowerPoint to use if I was ever in a situation where I was struggling. This can be seen through the 6 slides I completed covering 6 different aspects of my planning. • When planning my Print Production it helped me realize how many different aspects there really is to completing the topic, as I had breakdown every step all the way to production to ensure it was there for me incase I forgot. But I’ve learnt from this that I must really enjoy the production stage because I don’t realize how much work I’ve actually completed until I actually break it down. • The planning helped me produce my final production as it gave me that extra feeling of comfort when completing as I knew I could fall back on it as an emergency. It also helped me refresh my memory on what I actually needed to complete for my production, which was very helpful. • Overall I believe making a Print Plan was a very good idea. Although I never needed to resort to using the plan throughout my production it was nice to know it was there in case I needed to check something. It also helped me plan for the future as it was the first time I ever made my own flat plan design!
  • 8. FINAL MAGAZINE COVER • After completing all my planning and concept designs, it was now time to start my final production. The first part of production I decided to complete was my magazine front cover as that’s what I felt most confident with, so if I could get off to a good start with that, it would hopefully give me motivation for the next upcoming productions. My magazine featured me and Aaron the cover acting as Phillipe Coutinho and Mohammed Salah, as they were the two headlining stories. • After completing my magazine cover, I was very happy. My intentions from the start was to replicate a magazine that linked in very closely to World Soccer, another fellow sports magazine. I thought my images were very clear and crisp, my captions and titles were all placed in line and I used several bright and appealing colors to represent my magazine. • Making my magazine cover was a big learning curve for me. For the first time I used the studio to take images for the cover of my magazine. I also learnt new features on Photoshop, such as the rulers and paragraph tools. This helped me line up my work and change my text in several different ways to make my work look more professional. • Learning these new features will help me in the future as intend on taking magazine covers and headlines so every little step helps. I will also be taking print media next year so by learning these new features will prepare me for next year when I come back to doing these activities. Not only does learning these features help me build magazine covers but it will also help me with anything that links into the use of Photoshop. • Overall I am very happy with my final magazine cover production and I believe it was a wise idea to chose this as my first production, as it gave me confidence going forwards. I am also very happy because I had doubts about using my own photos as I thought it would make my work look unprofessional but after applying my photos I was still just as happy as I was when they included the actual players!
  • 9. Here is my final magazine cover, featuring me and Aaron, playing the role of Coutinho and Salah. As you can see lots of colors are used throughout to make it vibrant and appealing. I also applied a competition onto my work to grab the attention of the audience even more. Finally, you will also notice that all my work is completely lined up to give my magazine cover a smarter appearance. FINAL MAGAZINE COVER
  • 10. FINAL MAGAZINE INDESIGN • After I had completed my magazine front cover, I moved onto the inside of my magazine, which I made using InDesign. The magazine had to follow in very closely to my front cover as they were linked together, so when I was in the studio I took more photos to go alongside the one pictured on my magazine cover. I also used the article I made to apply into my magazine as the main article. • Once completed I was very happy with my magazine. Although it took longer than my front cover I eventually produced something I was happy with after several attempts. I was happy with the photos I used and I believe the article was presented very clean. • When completing my magazine I learnt all about InDesign as I have only previously used it once. It really helped me get to terms with what each option button allows you to do. Thankfully, the layout is very similar to Photoshop, so this made it easier for me to understand. I also learnt about the layout and process of taking photos in the studio as I had to take some to place in my magazine, which was really interesting. • Learning these new features will help me going forwards in the future as I am expecting to use InDesign very often, so it’s a good starting point. Using the studio also helped me because it’s something I never imaged myself being involved with, so it was a pleasant surprise to learn a new aspect of media and one I will hopefully be able to use again in the future. • Overall I am very happy with my magazine as a whole as I believe both my front cover and InDesign were very successful. When starting my magazine I doubted myself due to my lack of experience using the application but after slowly taking my time and remembering the steps I used the previous time I used it, I eventually completed my magazine which was my main target. My target for the future is to be more adventurous when using InDesign to learn even more about the application.
  • 11. FINAL MAGAZINE INDESIGN Here is my final InDesign magazine. It includes two images of myself, that were taken while we were in the studio the previous week. We took the photos with a white background so there wasn’t a noticeable contrast between the page color and the photos, as experienced in my concept website. I used the linear and paragraph tool to separate my work into 3 sections to ensure it was all on the page. I finally applied one of the most important quotes from the article into the top corner of the page to persuade the audience to read my article.
  • 12. FINAL WEBSITE DESIGN • The final task I had to complete was my website. After I had completed my website, I had completed all of my final production work. I felt very confident going into designing my website. My website was called Global Soccer, and included the headlines my magazine did (Coutinho’s transfer to Barcelona and the competition to win the Adidas Ace 17.3. Each headline included a link underneath the brief, which took you straight to the story. You could also use the menu button to chose what you wanted to read. • After being so confident with my magazine, it helped me produce a website I was also very happy with. I was very happy that I managed to once again use my own photos, which can be found in the statistics section of my website. Once the the individual players have been selected, it will take you to a website which shows their individual statistics for the current season. All these little extra features I applied to my final website makes me believe I did very well overall, not to forget it’s very smart appearance too! • Every time I chose a new template on Wix, I learn something new as they all include different features. This time round I learnt how apply links to images and even text, as I used it throughout my website. I also learnt how to apply payment methods to your website as you can link your website to PayPal. This will help me in future references also if I decide I want to create an online store. • Learning new features on Wix will help me in the future as I previously felt limited to what I could create using Wix, as I wasn’t entirely sure what you could and couldn’t include in your website! But the more templates and websites I create the more features I have learnt are actually there. I hope to think in the near future I will know everything that can and can’t be applied to Wix websites so I aren’t time consuming by looking for it. • Overall I am very happy with my final Website design, I think it’s displayed with a very clean and smooth look, I also believe it includes really cool features that I wouldn’t of expected to use in my work. Something I would like to improve on for the future is the lining between photos and text boxes as some photos looked to be a little wider than some of the text box. This is only a minor issue but it would make my website even better if I could complete this.
  • 13. FINAL WEBSITE DESIGN Here is my final website design. The picture shows the home menu screen, with a link to each headline I have included in my website. I was very happy with the design and the simplicity in the logo and title as it makes it look very smart. The pictures show Phillipe Coutinho, Mohammed Salah and the Adidas Ace 17.3. I had to use these players on the home screen as I currently don’t own a Barcelona jersey to present Coutinho. The template was originally designed for graphic designers, but I liked it that much I adjusted it into my own football website. You can find the link to my website below: