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Software Quality Assurance Tooling
After today you will know SQAT
Henry Schreiner
January 23, 2023
Scikit-HEP Developer
We’ll focus on Python (especially at
But the general concepts are around in most other languages
You just need to
nd the matching tool(s)
Packaging aside: pipx
$ pip install <application>
$ <application>
I’m sure you’ve seen this: Examples of applications:
build: make SDists and wheels
twine: upload SDists and wheels
cibuildwheel: make redistributable wheels
nox/tox: Python task runners
jupylite: WebAssembly Python site builder
black: Python code formatter
pypi-command-line: query PyPI
uproot-browser: ROOT file browser (HEP)
tiptop: fancy top-style monitor
rich-cli: pretty print files
cookiecutter: template packages
clang-format: format C/C++/CUDA code
pre-commit: general CQA tool
cmake: build system generator
meson: another build system generator
ninja: build system
Packages can con
Updates get slower over time
Lose track of why things are installed
Manual updates are painful
Hates Python being replaced
$ pipx install <application>
$ <application>
Automatic venv for each package
No con
icts ever
Everything updatable / replaceable
Doesn’t like Python being replaced
$ pipx run <application>
Automatic venv caching
Never more than a week old
No pre-install or setup
No maintenance
Replace Python at will
pipx run --spec git+ rich
pipx has
class support
on GHA & Azure!
Task runner aside: Nox
Custom language
Painful to write
Painful to maintain
Looks like garbage
OS dependent
No Python environments
Custom language
Concise to write
Tricky to read
Ties you to tox
OS independent
Python environments
Python package
Python, mimics pytest
Simple but verbose
Easy to read
Teaches commands
OS independent
Python environments
Python package
Other task runners available for other purposes, like Rake (Ruby)
Writing a nox
import nox
@nox.session(python=["3.7", "3.8", "3.9", "3.10", "3.11"])
def tests(session: nox.Session) -> None:
Run the unit and regular tests.
session.install(".[test]")"pytest", *session.posargs)
Running nox
~/g/s/uproot-browser   henryiii/feat/logo *$  nox -s tests-3.9
nox > Running session tests-3.9
nox > Creating virtual environment (virtualenv) using python3.9 in .nox/tests-3-9
nox > python -m pip install '.[test]'
nox > pytest
=========================================== test session starts ===========================================
platform darwin -- Python 3.9.10, pytest-7.0.1, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: /Users/henryschreiner/git/scikit-hep/uproot-browser, configfile: pyproject.toml, testpaths: tests
collected 3 items
tests/ .. [ 66%]
tests/ . [100%]
=========================================== 3 passed in 0.01s =============================================
nox > Session tests-3.9 was successful.
Features of nox
Full control over environments
y-by contributions
Transparent, simple .nox directory
Conda support
Trade speed for reproducibility
Some ideas for sessions
Optional environment reuse
Python launcher for Unix
Rust implementation of “py” for UNIX
But also automatically picks up .venv folder!
Meant for lazy experts
$ py -m pytest
$ . .venv/bin/activate
(.venv) $ python -m pytest
(.venv) $ deactivate
Classic, take 2
$ .venv/bin/python -m pytest
Quickly set up a project
Takes options
Scikit-hep/cookie is a great cookiecutter for Python!
How to run
pipx run cookiecutter gh:scikit-hep/cookie
Part 0: Intro
Code Quality
Why does code quality matter?
Improve readability
Find errors before they happen
Avoid historical baggage
Reduce merge con
Warm fuzzy feelings
How to run
Discussion of checks
Mostly focusing on Python today
Poorly named?
Has a pre-commit hook mode
You don’t have to use it that way!
Generic check runner
Written in Python
pipx, nox, homebrew, etc.
Designed for speed & reproducibility
Ultra fast environment caching
Locked environments
Easy autoupdate command
Automatic updates
xes for PRs
Large library of hooks
Custom hooks are simple
guring pre-commit
A hook is just a YAML dict
Fields can be overridden
Environments globally cached by git tag
Supports checks and
# .pre-commit-config.yaml
- repo:
rev: "22.12.0"
- id: black
# Black’s .pre-commit-hooks.yaml
- id: black
name: black
description: "Black: The uncompromising code formatter"
entry: black
language: python
minimum_pre_commit_version: 2.9.2
require_serial: true
types_or: [python, pyi]
- id: black-jupyter
name: black-jupyter
description: "Black (with Jupyter Notebook support)"
entry: black
language: python
minimum_pre_commit_version: 2.9.2
require_serial: true
types_or: [python, pyi, jupyter]
additional_dependencies: [".[jupyter]"]
You write this
Formatter author writes this
Options for pre-commit
Selected options
les: explicit include regex
exclude: explicit exclude regex
le types
args: control arguments
additional_dependencies: extra things to install
stages: select the git stage (like manual)
Running pre-commit
Run all checks
pre-commit run -a
Update all hooks
pre-commit autoupdate
Install as a pre-commit hook
pre-commit install
(Skip with git commit -n)
Skip checks
SKIP=… <run>
Run one check
pre-commit run -a <id>
Run manual stage
pre-commit run --hook-stage manual
Examples of pre-commit checks
Almost everything following in this talk
- repo: local
- id: disallow-caps
name: Disallow improper capitalization
language: pygrep
entry: PyBind|Numpy|Cmake|CCache|Github|PyTest
exclude: .pre-commit-config.yaml
Don’t grep the
le this is in!
“Entry” is the grep, in this case
Using pygrep “language”
Custom hook
- repo:
rev: v4.4.0
- id: check-added-large-files
- id: check-case-conflict
- id: check-merge-conflict
- id: check-symlinks
- id: check-yaml
- id: debug-statements
- id: end-of-file-fixer
- id: mixed-line-ending
- id: requirements-txt-fixer
- id: trailing-whitespace
Small common checks
Some Python leaning
Some pre-commit hook specialization
Small common pygreps
- repo:
rev: "v1.10.0"
- id: python-check-blanket-noqa
- id: python-check-blanket-type-ignore
- id: python-no-eval
- id: python-use-type-annotations
- id: rst-backticks
- id: rst-directive-colons
- id: rst-inline-touching-normal
Opinion: blanket CQ ignores are bad. Ignores should be speci
Better readability/searchability - avoid hiding unrelated issue
Optional, some
les might need to be excluded
CI (GitHub Actions)
- main
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions/setup-python@v3
- uses: pre-commit/action@v3.0.0
Great, fast caching, but maintenance only - replaced by
- main
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- run: pipx run nox -s lint
def lint(session: nox.Session) -> None:
session.install("pre-commit")"pre-commit", "run", "--all-files", "--show-diff-on-failure", *session.posargs)
Useful GitHub Actions
Writing your own composite action is really easy!
Part 1: Formatters
Using code formatters
Existing projects
Apply all-at-once, not spread out over time
Add the format commit to .git-blame-ignore-revs
- repo:
rev: "22.12.0"
- id: black-jupyter
Python code formatter
Close to the one true format for Python
Almost not con
gurable (this is a feature)
A good standard is better than perfection
Designed to reduce merge con
Reading blacked code is fast
Write your code to produce nice formatting
You can disable line/lines if you have to
Workaround for single quotes (use double)
Magic trailing comma
Online version
Write for good format
raise RuntimeError(
"This was not a valid value for some_value: {}".format(repr(some_value))
msg = f"This was not a valid value for some_value: {some_value!r}"
raise RuntimeError(msg)
Better stacktrace
More readable
Two lines instead of three
Faster (f-string)
Notebook cleaner
- repo:
rev: "0.6.0"
- id: nbstripout
Remove outputs from notebooks
Best if not stored in VCS
You can render outputs in JupyterBook, etc.
Use Binder or JupyterLite
NBQA: Notebook adaptor
- repo:
rev: 1.6.1
- id: nbqa-pyupgrade
args: ["--py37-plus"]
- id: nbqa-isort
args: ["--float-to-top"]
Run Python formatters on notebooks
Lots of formatters supported
Black natively supports notebooks these days, FYI
- repo:
rev: "5.11.4"
- id: isort
Sort your Python imports
Very con
Reduces merge con
Grouping imports helps readers
Can inject future imports
# pyproject.toml
profile = "black"
args: ["-a", "from __future__ import annotations"]
Default groupings
Future imports
Stdlib imports
Third party packages
Local imports
- repo:
rev: "v3.3.1"
- id: pyupgrade
args: [--py37-plus]
Update Python syntax
Avoid deprecated or obsolete code
Fairly cautious
Can target a speci
c Python 3 min
(Mostly) not con
Remove static if sys.version_info blocks
Python 2.7
Set literals
Dictionary comprehensions
Generators in functions
Format speci
er & .format ⚙
Comparison for const literals (3.8 warn)
Invalid escapes
Python 3
Unicode literals
Long literals, octal literals
Modern super()
New style classes
Future import removal
yield from
Remove six compatibility code -> open
Remove error aliases
Python 3.x
f-strings (partial) (3.6) ⚙
NamedTuple/TypedDict (3.6) updates (3.7)
lru_cache parens (3.8)
lru_cache(None) -> cache (3.9)
Typing & annotation rewrites (various)
abspath(__file__) removal (3.9)
pyupgrade examples
Before After
for a, b in c:
yield (a, b)
yield from c
"{foo} {bar}".format(foo=foo, bar=bar) f"{foo} {bar}"
dict([(a, b) for a, b in y]) {a: b for a, b in y}
pyupgrade limits
PyUpgrade does not over modernize
isinstance(x, (int, str)) -> isinstance(x, int | str) (3.10)
No match statement conversions (3.10)
Nothing converts to using walrus := (3.8) (probably a good thing!)
Except for a bit of typing
Optional[int] -> int | None (I like this one now, though)
- repo:
rev: "v2.2.0"
- id: setup-cfg-fmt
args: [--max-py-version=3.11, --include-version-classifiers]
Maintain setup.cfg
Can add and
x trove classi
Sorts and cleans
A bit opinionated, will not
x some bugs
What about pyproject.toml?
Three projects (at least) popping up
Very young
Best process unclear
ini2toml useful for conversion
Or hatch new --init
Part 2: Linters
Using code linters
Existing projects
Feel free to build a long ignore list
Work on one or a few at a time
You don’t have to have every check
- repo:
rev: "6.0.0"
- id: flake8
additional_dependencies: [flake8-bugbear]
Fast simple extendable linter
Very con
gurable: setup.cfg or .
Many plugins, local plugins easy
No auto-
xers like rubocop (Ruby)
ake8-bugbear is great
ake8-print, avoid all prints
# .flake8
max-complexity = 12
extend-ignore = E203, E501, E722, B950
extend-select = B902, B903, B904
Flake8 example checks
Do not use bare except
No mutable argument defaults
getattr(x, "const") should be x.const
No assert False, use raise AssertionError
Pointless comparison ❤ pytest
PyFlakes (default)
Unused modules & variables
String formatting mistakes
No placeholders in f-string
Dictionary key repetition
Assert a tuple (it’s always true)
Various syntax errors
ned names
nition of unused var ❤ pytest
McCabe (default)
Complexity checks
PyCodeStyle (default)
Style checks
Avoid leaking debugging print statements
Custom local
ake8 plugin
import ast
import sys
from typing import NamedTuple, Iterator
class Flake8ASTErrorInfo(NamedTuple):
line_number: int
offset: int
msg: str
cls: type # unused
Custom local
ake8 plugin
class Visitor(ast.NodeVisitor):
msg = "AK101 exception must be wrapped in ak._v2._util.*error"
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.errors: list[Flake8ASTErrorInfo] = []
def visit_Raise(self, node: ast.Node) -> None:
if isinstance(node.exc, ast.Call):
if isinstance(node.exc.func, ast.Attribute):
if node.exc.func.attr in {"error", "indexerror"}:
if in {"ImportError"}:
Flake8ASTErrorInfo(node.lineno, node.col_offset, self.msg, type(self))
Custom local
ake8 plugin
class AwkwardASTPlugin:
name = "flake8_awkward"
version = "0.0.0"
def __init__(self, tree: ast.AST) -> None:
self._tree = tree
def run(self) -> Iterator[Flake8ASTErrorInfo]:
visitor = Visitor()
yield from visitor.errors
Custom local
ake8 plugin
extension =
AK1 = flake8_awkward:AwkwardASTPlugin
paths =
def main(path: str) -> None:
with open(path) as f:
code =
node = ast.parse(code)
plugin = AwkwardASTPlugin(node)
for err in
print(f"{path}:{err.line_number}:{err.offset} {err.msg}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
for item in sys.argv[1:]:
Flake8 helpers
- repo:
rev: "v2.1.3"
- id: pycln
args: [--config=pyproject.toml]
stages: [manual]
- repo:
rev: "v1.4.0"
- id: yesqa
additional_dependencies: &flake8-dependencies
- flake8-bugbear
- repo:
rev: "6.0.0"
- id: flake8
additional_dependencies: *flake8-dependencies
# pyproject.toml
all = true
Quickly remove unused imports
Great as a manual hook
Remove unused NoQA’s
PyLint recommends having your project installed, so it is not a good pre-commit hook (though you can do it)
It’s also a bit slow, so a good candidate for nox
def pylint(session: nox.Session) -> None:
session.install("-e", ".")
session.install("pylint")"pylint", "src", *session.posargs)
# pyproject.toml
[tool.pylint] = "3.7" = "0"
reports.output-format = "colorized"
similarities.ignore-imports = "yes"
messages_control.enable = ["useless-suppression"]
messages_control.disable = [
Code linter
Can be very opinionated
Signal to noise ratio poor
You will need to disable checks - that’s okay!
A bit more advanced / less static than
But can catch hard to
nd bugs!
For an example of lots of suppressions:
Example PyLint rules
Duplicate code
Finds large repeated code patterns
Attribute de
ned outside init
Only __init__ should de
ne attributes
No self use
Can be @classmethod or @staticmethod
Unnecessary code
Lambdas, comprehensions, etc.
Unreachable code
Finds things that can’t be reached
Consider using in
x in {stuff} vs chaining or’s
Arguments di
Subclass should have matching arguments
Consider iterating dictionary
Better use of dictionary iteration
Consider merging isinstance
You can use a tuple in isinstance
Useless else on loop
They are bad enough when useful :)
Consider using enumerate
Avoid temp variables, idiomatic
Global variable not assigned
You should only declare global to assign
Controversial PyLint rules
No else after control-
Guard-style only
Can simply complex control
Removes useless indentation
if x:
return x
return None
# Should be:
if x:
return x
return None
# Or:
return x if x else None
# Or:
return x or None
Too many various things
Too few methods
Can just silence “design”
(I’m on the in-favor side)
Ruff: one linter to rule them all?
A very new entry in the Python linting space, but gaining traction like wild
100x faster than existing Python linters
Has support for
Implements all of (modern)
ake8’s checks
Implements dozens of
ake8 plugins
Implements most of pyupgrade (as rules!)
Can replace simple usage of isort
Can remove unused noqa’s
Can remove unused imports
Some of PyLint
0 dependencies
gured with pyproject.toml
Only binary platforms (Rust compiled)
Doesn’t support user plugins
Ruff con
select = [
"E", "F", "W", # flake8
"B", "B904", # flake8-bugbear
"I", # isort
"ARG", # flake8-unused-arguments
"C4", # flake8-comprehensions
"EM", # flake8-errmsg
"ICN", # flake8-import-conventions
"ISC", # flake8-implicit-str-concat
"PGH", # pygrep-hooks
"PIE", # flake8-pie
"PLC", "PLE", "PLR", "PLW", # pylint
"PT", # flake8-pytest-style
"RET", # flake8-return
"RUF", # Ruff-specific
"SIM", # flake8-simplify
"T20", # flake8-print
"UP", # pyupgrade
"YTT", # flake8-2020
ignore = ["PLR2004", "E501"]
target-version = "py37"
typing-modules = ["scikit_build_core._compat.typing"]
src = ["src"]
unfixable = ["T20"]
"tests/**" = ["T20"]
"" = ["T20"]
- repo:
rev: v0.0.229
- id: ruff
args: ["--fix"]
Flake8 con
g? Try:
pipx run flake8-to-ruff .flake8
Static type checking: MyPy
- repo:
rev: "v0.991"
- id: mypy
files: src
args: [--show-error-codes]
Like a linter on steroids
Uses Python typing
Enforces correct type annotations
Designed to be iteratively enabled
Should be in a controlled environment (pre-commit or nox)
Always specify args (bad hook defaults)
Almost always need additional_dependencies
gure in pyproject.toml
Can catch many things tests normally catch, without writing tests
Therefore it can catch things not covered by tests (yet, hopefully)
Code is more readable with types
Sort of works without types initially
Lots of work to add all types
Typing can be tricky in Python
Active development area for Python
guring MyPy
files = "src"
python_version = "3.7"
warn_unused_configs = true
strict = true
module = [ "numpy.*" ]
ignore_missing_imports = true
Start small
Start without strictness
Add a check at a time
Extra libraries
Try adding them to your environment
You can ignore untyped or slow libraries
You can provide stubs for untyped libraries if you want
Adding pytest is rather slow
I prefer to avoid tests, or keep them mostly untyped
Typing tricks
Better than ABCs, great for duck typing
class Duck(Protocol):
def quack() -> str:
def f(x: Duck) -> str:
return x.quack()
class MyDuck:
def quack() -> str:
return "quack"
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
_: Duck = typing.cast(MyDuck, None)
Type Narrowing
Integral to how mypy works
x: Union[A, B]
if isinstance(x, A):
reveal_type(x) # A
reveal_type(x) # B
Make a typed package
Must include py.typed marker
Always use sys.version_info
Better for readers than try/except, and static
Also sys.platform instead of
Future annotations
Classic code (3.5+)
from typing import Union, List
def f(x: int) -> List[int]:
return list(range(x))
def g(x: Union[str, int]) -> None:
if isinstance(x, str):
print("string", x.lower())
print("int", x)
Modern code (3.7+)
from __future__ import annotations
def f(x: int) -> list[int]:
return list(range(x))
def g(x: str | int) -> None:
if isinstance(x, str):
print("string", x.lower())
print("int", x)
Ultramodern code (3.10+)
def f(x: int) -> list[int]:
return list(range(x))
def g(x: str | int) -> None:
if isinstance(x, str):
print("string", x.lower())
print("int", x)
With the future import, you get all the bene
ts of future code in 3.7+ annotations
Typing is already extra code, simpler is better
Part 3: Other languages
- repo:
rev: "v15.0.7"
- id: clang-format
types_or: [c++, c, cuda]
C++ and more code formatter
Very con
gurable: .clang-format
Opinion: stay close to llvm style
PyPI clang-format wheels, under 2MB
No more issues with mismatched LLVM!
- repo:
rev: "v0.6.13"
- id: cmake-format
additional_dependencies: [pyyaml]
CMake code formatter
Very con
gurable: .cmake-format.yaml
Anything that helps with CMake!
Markdown & YAML with Prettier
- repo:
rev: "v3.0.0-alpha.4"
- id: prettier
types_or: [yaml, markdown, html, css, scss, javascript, json]
args: [--prose-wrap=always]
exclude: "^tests"
JavaScript Linter
Lots of formats supported
A few customization points
- repo:
rev: "v0.9.0.2"
- id: shellcheck
Linter for bash scripts
Can locally disable
Prioritizes correctness over terseness
- repo:
rev: "v2.2.2"
- id: shellcheck
args: ["-L", "sur,nd"]
Find common misspellings
Inverted spell checker - looks for misspellings
Can con
gure or provide wordlist
Actually can catch bugs!
See how your repo measures!
Bonus part: pytest tips
pytest tips
Spend time learning pytest
Full of amazing things that really make testing fun!
Tests are code too
Or for C++: Catch2 or doctest, etc.
Also maybe learn Hypothesis for pytest
minversion = "6.0"
addopts = [
xfail_strict = true
filterwarnings = [
log_cli_level = "info"
testpaths = [
Don’t let warnings slip by!
Makes logging more useful
Strictness is good
Useful summary
Print out locals on errors
Use pytest.approx
Even works on numpy arrays
Remember to test for failures
If you expect a failure, test it!
Test your installed package
That’s how users will get it, not from a directory
pytest Tricks
Mock and Monkeypatch
This is how you make tricky tests “unit” tests
This keeps tests simple and scalable
@pytest.fixture(params=["Linux", "Darwin", "Windows"], autouse=True)
def platform_system(request, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr(platform, "system", lambda _: request.param)
Directly or in a
xture for reuse
Fixtures available in same and nested directories
Running pytest
Show locals on failure
Jump into a debugger on failure
Start with last failing test
Jump into a debugger immediately
--trace or use breakpoint()
Run matching tests
-k <expression>
Run speci
c test
Run speci
c marker
-m <marker>
Control traceback style
In conclusion
Code quality tools can help a lot with
Reducing bugs
Boosting developer productivity
Teaching others good practice too
Hopefully we have had some helpful discussions!
It’s okay to disable a check
Try to understand why it’s there
Remember there are multiple concerns involved in decisions

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  • 1. Software Quality Assurance Tooling After today you will know SQAT Henry Schreiner January 23, 2023 ISciNumPy Scikit-HEP Developer
  • 2. Language We’ll focus on Python (especially at fi rst) But the general concepts are around in most other languages You just need to fi nd the matching tool(s)
  • 3. Packaging aside: pipx 3 $ pip install <application> $ <application> I’m sure you’ve seen this: Examples of applications: build: make SDists and wheels twine: upload SDists and wheels cibuildwheel: make redistributable wheels nox/tox: Python task runners jupylite: WebAssembly Python site builder black: Python code formatter pypi-command-line: query PyPI uproot-browser: ROOT file browser (HEP) tiptop: fancy top-style monitor rich-cli: pretty print files cookiecutter: template packages clang-format: format C/C++/CUDA code pre-commit: general CQA tool cmake: build system generator meson: another build system generator ninja: build system Packages can con fl ict Updates get slower over time Lose track of why things are installed Manual updates are painful Hates Python being replaced $ pipx install <application> $ <application> Better! Automatic venv for each package No con fl icts ever Everything updatable / replaceable Doesn’t like Python being replaced $ pipx run <application> Best! Automatic venv caching Never more than a week old No pre-install or setup No maintenance Replace Python at will pipx run --spec git+ rich pipx has fi rst class support on GHA & Azure!
  • 4. Task runner aside: Nox 4 Make fi les Custom language Painful to write Painful to maintain Looks like garbage OS dependent No Python environments Everywhere Tox Custom language Concise to write Tricky to read Ties you to tox OS independent Python environments Python package Nox Python, mimics pytest Simple but verbose Easy to read Teaches commands OS independent Python environments Python package Other task runners available for other purposes, like Rake (Ruby)
  • 5. Writing a nox fi 5 import nox @nox.session(python=["3.7", "3.8", "3.9", "3.10", "3.11"]) def tests(session: nox.Session) -> None: """ Run the unit and regular tests. """ session.install(".[test]")"pytest", *session.posargs)
  • 6. Running nox 6 ~/g/s/uproot-browser   henryiii/feat/logo *$  nox -s tests-3.9 nox > Running session tests-3.9 nox > Creating virtual environment (virtualenv) using python3.9 in .nox/tests-3-9 nox > python -m pip install '.[test]' nox > pytest =========================================== test session starts =========================================== platform darwin -- Python 3.9.10, pytest-7.0.1, pluggy-1.0.0 rootdir: /Users/henryschreiner/git/scikit-hep/uproot-browser, configfile: pyproject.toml, testpaths: tests collected 3 items tests/ .. [ 66%] tests/ . [100%] =========================================== 3 passed in 0.01s ============================================= nox > Session tests-3.9 was successful.
  • 7. Features of nox 7 Full control over environments Easy fl y-by contributions Transparent, simple .nox directory Conda support Trade speed for reproducibility Some ideas for sessions lint tests docs build bump pylint regenerate update_pins check_manifest make_changelog update_python_dependencies See pypa/cibuildwheel pypa/manylinux scikit-hep/hist scikit-hep/boost-histogram pybind/pybind11 scikit-hep/cookie scikit-hep/ Optional environment reuse
  • 8. Python launcher for Unix 8 Rust implementation of “py” for UNIX But also automatically picks up .venv folder! Meant for lazy experts Launcher $ py -m pytest Classic $ . .venv/bin/activate (.venv) $ python -m pytest (.venv) $ deactivate Classic, take 2 $ .venv/bin/python -m pytest
  • 9. Cookiecutter 9 Quickly set up a project Takes options Scikit-hep/cookie is a great cookiecutter for Python! How to run pipx run cookiecutter gh:scikit-hep/cookie
  • 11. Code Quality 11 Why does code quality matter? Improve readability Find errors before they happen Avoid historical baggage Reduce merge con fl icts Warm fuzzy feelings How to run Discussion of checks (Opinionated) Mostly focusing on Python today
  • 12. pre-commit 12 Poorly named? Has a pre-commit hook mode You don’t have to use it that way! Generic check runner conda coursier dart docker docker_image dotnet fail golang lua node perl python python_venv r ruby rust swift pygrep script system Written in Python pipx, nox, homebrew, etc. Designed for speed & reproducibility Ultra fast environment caching Locked environments Easy autoupdate command Automatic updates Automatic fi xes for PRs Large library of hooks Custom hooks are simple
  • 13. Con fi guring pre-commit 13 Design A hook is just a YAML dict Fields can be overridden Environments globally cached by git tag Supports checks and fi xers # .pre-commit-config.yaml hooks: - repo: rev: "22.12.0" hooks: - id: black # Black’s .pre-commit-hooks.yaml - id: black name: black description: "Black: The uncompromising code formatter" entry: black language: python minimum_pre_commit_version: 2.9.2 require_serial: true types_or: [python, pyi] - id: black-jupyter name: black-jupyter description: "Black (with Jupyter Notebook support)" entry: black language: python minimum_pre_commit_version: 2.9.2 require_serial: true types_or: [python, pyi, jupyter] additional_dependencies: [".[jupyter]"] You write this Formatter author writes this
  • 14. Options for pre-commit 14 Selected options fi les: explicit include regex exclude: explicit exclude regex types_or/types/exclude_types: fi le types args: control arguments additional_dependencies: extra things to install stages: select the git stage (like manual)
  • 15. Running pre-commit 15 Run all checks pre-commit run -a Update all hooks pre-commit autoupdate Install as a pre-commit hook pre-commit install (Skip with git commit -n) Skip checks SKIP=… <run> Run one check pre-commit run -a <id> Run manual stage pre-commit run --hook-stage manual
  • 16. Examples of pre-commit checks 16 Almost everything following in this talk - repo: local hooks: - id: disallow-caps name: Disallow improper capitalization language: pygrep entry: PyBind|Numpy|Cmake|CCache|Github|PyTest exclude: .pre-commit-config.yaml Don’t grep the fi le this is in! “Entry” is the grep, in this case Using pygrep “language” Custom hook
  • 17. pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks 17 - repo: rev: v4.4.0 hooks: - id: check-added-large-files - id: check-case-conflict - id: check-merge-conflict - id: check-symlinks - id: check-yaml - id: debug-statements - id: end-of-file-fixer - id: mixed-line-ending - id: requirements-txt-fixer - id: trailing-whitespace Small common checks Some Python leaning Some pre-commit hook specialization
  • 18. pre-commit/pygrep-hooks 18 Small common pygreps - repo: rev: "v1.10.0" hooks: - id: python-check-blanket-noqa - id: python-check-blanket-type-ignore - id: python-no-eval - id: python-use-type-annotations - id: rst-backticks - id: rst-directive-colons - id: rst-inline-touching-normal Opinion: blanket CQ ignores are bad. Ignores should be speci fi c Better readability/searchability - avoid hiding unrelated issue Optional, some fi les might need to be excluded
  • 19. CI (GitHub Actions) 19 on: pull_request: push: branches: - main jobs: lint: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - uses: actions/setup-python@v3 - uses: pre-commit/action@v3.0.0 Great, fast caching, but maintenance only - replaced by on: pull_request: push: branches: - main jobs: lint: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - run: pipx run nox -s lint @nox.session def lint(session: nox.Session) -> None: session.install("pre-commit")"pre-commit", "run", "--all-files", "--show-diff-on-failure", *session.posargs)
  • 22. Using code formatters 22 Existing projects Apply all-at-once, not spread out over time Add the format commit to .git-blame-ignore-revs
  • 23. Black 23 hooks: - repo: rev: "22.12.0" hooks: - id: black-jupyter Python code formatter Close to the one true format for Python Almost not con fi gurable (this is a feature) A good standard is better than perfection Designed to reduce merge con fl icts Reading blacked code is fast Write your code to produce nice formatting You can disable line/lines if you have to Workaround for single quotes (use double) Magic trailing comma Online version
  • 24. Write for good format 24 raise RuntimeError( "This was not a valid value for some_value: {}".format(repr(some_value)) ) Bad: msg = f"This was not a valid value for some_value: {some_value!r}" raise RuntimeError(msg) Good: Better stacktrace More readable Two lines instead of three Faster (f-string)
  • 25. Notebook cleaner 25 hooks: - repo: rev: "0.6.0" hooks: - id: nbstripout Remove outputs from notebooks Best if not stored in VCS You can render outputs in JupyterBook, etc. Use Binder or JupyterLite
  • 26. NBQA: Notebook adaptor 26 - repo: rev: 1.6.1 hooks: - id: nbqa-pyupgrade args: ["--py37-plus"] - id: nbqa-isort args: ["--float-to-top"] Run Python formatters on notebooks Lots of formatters supported Black natively supports notebooks these days, FYI
  • 27. isort 27 hooks: - repo: rev: "5.11.4" hooks: - id: isort Sort your Python imports Very con fi gurable Reduces merge con fl icts Grouping imports helps readers Can inject future imports # pyproject.toml [tool.isort] profile = "black" args: ["-a", "from __future__ import annotations"] Default groupings Future imports Stdlib imports Third party packages Local imports
  • 28. pyupgrade 28 hooks: - repo: rev: "v3.3.1" hooks: - id: pyupgrade args: [--py37-plus] Update Python syntax Avoid deprecated or obsolete code Fairly cautious Can target a speci fi c Python 3 min (Mostly) not con fi gurable Remove static if sys.version_info blocks Python 2.7 Set literals Dictionary comprehensions Generators in functions Format speci fi er & .format ⚙ Comparison for const literals (3.8 warn) Invalid escapes Python 3 Unicode literals Long literals, octal literals Modern super() New style classes Future import removal yield from Remove six compatibility code -> open Remove error aliases Python 3.x f-strings (partial) (3.6) ⚙ NamedTuple/TypedDict (3.6) updates (3.7) lru_cache parens (3.8) lru_cache(None) -> cache (3.9) Typing & annotation rewrites (various) abspath(__file__) removal (3.9)
  • 29. pyupgrade examples 29 Before After for a, b in c: yield (a, b) yield from c "{foo} {bar}".format(foo=foo, bar=bar) f"{foo} {bar}" dict([(a, b) for a, b in y]) {a: b for a, b in y}
  • 30. pyupgrade limits 30 PyUpgrade does not over modernize isinstance(x, (int, str)) -> isinstance(x, int | str) (3.10) No match statement conversions (3.10) Nothing converts to using walrus := (3.8) (probably a good thing!) Except for a bit of typing Optional[int] -> int | None (I like this one now, though) ❌
  • 31. setup-cfg-fmt 31 hooks: - repo: rev: "v2.2.0" hooks: - id: setup-cfg-fmt args: [--max-py-version=3.11, --include-version-classifiers] Maintain setup.cfg fi le Can add and fi x trove classi fi ers Sorts and cleans A bit opinionated, will not fi x some bugs What about pyproject.toml? Three projects (at least) popping up Very young Best process unclear ini2toml useful for conversion Or hatch new --init
  • 33. Using code linters 33 Existing projects Feel free to build a long ignore list Work on one or a few at a time You don’t have to have every check
  • 34. hooks: - repo: rev: "6.0.0" hooks: - id: flake8 additional_dependencies: [flake8-bugbear] Flake8 34 Fast simple extendable linter Very con fi gurable: setup.cfg or . fl ake8 Many plugins, local plugins easy No auto- fi xers like rubocop (Ruby) Opinion: fl ake8-bugbear is great Example: fl ake8-print, avoid all prints # .flake8 [flake8] max-complexity = 12 extend-ignore = E203, E501, E722, B950 extend-select = B902, B903, B904
  • 35. Flake8 example checks 35 Bugbear Do not use bare except No mutable argument defaults getattr(x, "const") should be x.const No assert False, use raise AssertionError Pointless comparison ❤ pytest PyFlakes (default) Unused modules & variables String formatting mistakes No placeholders in f-string Dictionary key repetition Assert a tuple (it’s always true) Various syntax errors Unde fi ned names Rede fi nition of unused var ❤ pytest McCabe (default) Complexity checks PyCodeStyle (default) Style checks Flake8-print Avoid leaking debugging print statements
  • 36. Custom local fl ake8 plugin 36 import ast import sys from typing import NamedTuple, Iterator class Flake8ASTErrorInfo(NamedTuple): line_number: int offset: int msg: str cls: type # unused
  • 37. Custom local fl ake8 plugin 37 class Visitor(ast.NodeVisitor): msg = "AK101 exception must be wrapped in ak._v2._util.*error" def __init__(self) -> None: self.errors: list[Flake8ASTErrorInfo] = [] def visit_Raise(self, node: ast.Node) -> None: if isinstance(node.exc, ast.Call): if isinstance(node.exc.func, ast.Attribute): if node.exc.func.attr in {"error", "indexerror"}: return if in {"ImportError"}: return self.errors.append( Flake8ASTErrorInfo(node.lineno, node.col_offset, self.msg, type(self)) )
  • 38. Custom local fl ake8 plugin 38 class AwkwardASTPlugin: name = "flake8_awkward" version = "0.0.0" def __init__(self, tree: ast.AST) -> None: self._tree = tree def run(self) -> Iterator[Flake8ASTErrorInfo]: visitor = Visitor() visitor.visit(self._tree) yield from visitor.errors
  • 39. Custom local fl ake8 plugin 39 [flake8:local-plugins] extension = AK1 = flake8_awkward:AwkwardASTPlugin paths = ./dev/ def main(path: str) -> None: with open(path) as f: code = node = ast.parse(code) plugin = AwkwardASTPlugin(node) for err in print(f"{path}:{err.line_number}:{err.offset} {err.msg}") if __name__ == "__main__": for item in sys.argv[1:]: main(item)
  • 40. Flake8 helpers 40 hooks: - repo: rev: "v2.1.3" hooks: - id: pycln args: [--config=pyproject.toml] stages: [manual] hooks: - repo: rev: "v1.4.0" hooks: - id: yesqa additional_dependencies: &flake8-dependencies - flake8-bugbear - repo: rev: "6.0.0" hooks: - id: flake8 additional_dependencies: *flake8-dependencies # pyproject.toml [tool.pycln] all = true PyCln Quickly remove unused imports Great as a manual hook YesQA Remove unused NoQA’s
  • 41. PyLint 41 PyLint recommends having your project installed, so it is not a good pre-commit hook (though you can do it) It’s also a bit slow, so a good candidate for nox @nox.session def pylint(session: nox.Session) -> None: session.install("-e", ".") session.install("pylint")"pylint", "src", *session.posargs) # pyproject.toml [tool.pylint] = "3.7" = "0" reports.output-format = "colorized" similarities.ignore-imports = "yes" messages_control.enable = ["useless-suppression"] messages_control.disable = [ "design", "fixme", "line-too-long", "wrong-import-position", ] Code linter Can be very opinionated Signal to noise ratio poor You will need to disable checks - that’s okay! A bit more advanced / less static than fl ake8 But can catch hard to fi nd bugs! For an example of lots of suppressions:
  • 42. Example PyLint rules 42 Duplicate code Finds large repeated code patterns Attribute de fi ned outside init Only __init__ should de fi ne attributes No self use Can be @classmethod or @staticmethod Unnecessary code Lambdas, comprehensions, etc. Unreachable code Finds things that can’t be reached Consider using in x in {stuff} vs chaining or’s Arguments di ff er Subclass should have matching arguments Consider iterating dictionary Better use of dictionary iteration Consider merging isinstance You can use a tuple in isinstance Useless else on loop They are bad enough when useful :) Consider using enumerate Avoid temp variables, idiomatic Global variable not assigned You should only declare global to assign
  • 43. Controversial PyLint rules 43 No else after control- fl ow Guard-style only Can simply complex control fl ow Removes useless indentation if x: return x else: return None # Should be: if x: return x return None # Or: return x if x else None # Or: return x or None Design Too many various things Too few methods Can just silence “design” (I’m on the in-favor side)
  • 44. Ruff: one linter to rule them all? 44 A very new entry in the Python linting space, but gaining traction like wild fi re 100x faster than existing Python linters Has support for fi xers! Implements all of (modern) fl ake8’s checks Implements dozens of fl ake8 plugins Implements most of pyupgrade (as rules!) Can replace simple usage of isort Can remove unused noqa’s Can remove unused imports Some of PyLint 0 dependencies Con fi gured with pyproject.toml Only binary platforms (Rust compiled) Doesn’t support user plugins Examples
  • 45. Ruff con fi g 45 [tool.ruff] select = [ "E", "F", "W", # flake8 "B", "B904", # flake8-bugbear "I", # isort "ARG", # flake8-unused-arguments "C4", # flake8-comprehensions "EM", # flake8-errmsg "ICN", # flake8-import-conventions "ISC", # flake8-implicit-str-concat "PGH", # pygrep-hooks "PIE", # flake8-pie "PLC", "PLE", "PLR", "PLW", # pylint "PT", # flake8-pytest-style "RET", # flake8-return "RUF", # Ruff-specific "SIM", # flake8-simplify "T20", # flake8-print "UP", # pyupgrade "YTT", # flake8-2020 ] ignore = ["PLR2004", "E501"] target-version = "py37" typing-modules = ["scikit_build_core._compat.typing"] src = ["src"] unfixable = ["T20"] [tool.ruff.per-file-ignores] "tests/**" = ["T20"] "" = ["T20"] - repo: rev: v0.0.229 hooks: - id: ruff args: ["--fix"] Flake8 con fi g? Try: pipx run flake8-to-ruff .flake8
  • 46. Static type checking: MyPy 46 hooks: - repo: rev: "v0.991" hooks: - id: mypy files: src args: [--show-error-codes] Like a linter on steroids Uses Python typing Enforces correct type annotations Designed to be iteratively enabled Should be in a controlled environment (pre-commit or nox) Always specify args (bad hook defaults) Almost always need additional_dependencies Con fi gure in pyproject.toml Pros Can catch many things tests normally catch, without writing tests Therefore it can catch things not covered by tests (yet, hopefully) Code is more readable with types Sort of works without types initially Cons Lots of work to add all types Typing can be tricky in Python Active development area for Python
  • 47. Con fi guring MyPy 47 [tool.mypy] files = "src" python_version = "3.7" warn_unused_configs = true strict = true [[tool.mypy.overrides]] module = [ "numpy.*" ] ignore_missing_imports = true Start small Start without strictness Add a check at a time Extra libraries Try adding them to your environment You can ignore untyped or slow libraries You can provide stubs for untyped libraries if you want Tests? Adding pytest is rather slow I prefer to avoid tests, or keep them mostly untyped
  • 48. Typing tricks 48 Protocols Better than ABCs, great for duck typing @typing.runtime_checkable class Duck(Protocol): def quack() -> str: ... def f(x: Duck) -> str: return x.quack() class MyDuck: def quack() -> str: return "quack" if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: _: Duck = typing.cast(MyDuck, None) Type Narrowing Integral to how mypy works x: Union[A, B] if isinstance(x, A): reveal_type(x) # A else: reveal_type(x) # B Make a typed package Must include py.typed marker fi le Always use sys.version_info Better for readers than try/except, and static Also sys.platform instead of
  • 49. Future annotations 49 Classic code (3.5+) from typing import Union, List def f(x: int) -> List[int]: return list(range(x)) def g(x: Union[str, int]) -> None: if isinstance(x, str): print("string", x.lower()) else: print("int", x) Modern code (3.7+) from __future__ import annotations def f(x: int) -> list[int]: return list(range(x)) def g(x: str | int) -> None: if isinstance(x, str): print("string", x.lower()) else: print("int", x) Ultramodern code (3.10+) def f(x: int) -> list[int]: return list(range(x)) def g(x: str | int) -> None: if isinstance(x, str): print("string", x.lower()) else: print("int", x) With the future import, you get all the bene fi ts of future code in 3.7+ annotations Typing is already extra code, simpler is better
  • 50. Part 3: Other languages
  • 51. Clang-format 51 hooks: - repo: rev: "v15.0.7" hooks: - id: clang-format types_or: [c++, c, cuda] C++ and more code formatter Very con fi gurable: .clang-format fi le Opinion: stay close to llvm style PyPI clang-format wheels, under 2MB No more issues with mismatched LLVM!
  • 52. CMake-format 52 hooks: - repo: rev: "v0.6.13" hooks: - id: cmake-format additional_dependencies: [pyyaml] CMake code formatter Very con fi gurable: .cmake-format.yaml fi le Anything that helps with CMake!
  • 53. Markdown & YAML with Prettier 53 hooks: - repo: rev: "v3.0.0-alpha.4" hooks: - id: prettier types_or: [yaml, markdown, html, css, scss, javascript, json] args: [--prose-wrap=always] exclude: "^tests" JavaScript Linter Lots of formats supported A few customization points
  • 54. ShellCheck 54 hooks: - repo: rev: "v0.9.0.2" hooks: - id: shellcheck Linter for bash scripts Can locally disable Prioritizes correctness over terseness
  • 55. CodeSpell 55 hooks: - repo: rev: "v2.2.2" hooks: - id: shellcheck args: ["-L", "sur,nd"] Find common misspellings Inverted spell checker - looks for misspellings Can con fi gure or provide wordlist Actually can catch bugs!
  • 56. See how your repo measures! 56
  • 58. pytest tips 58 Spend time learning pytest Full of amazing things that really make testing fun! Tests are code too Or for C++: Catch2 or doctest, etc. Also maybe learn Hypothesis for pytest [tool.pytest.ini_options] minversion = "6.0" addopts = [ "-ra", "--showlocals", "--strict-markers", "--strict-config", ] xfail_strict = true filterwarnings = [ "error", ] log_cli_level = "info" testpaths = [ "tests", ] Don’t let warnings slip by! Makes logging more useful Strictness is good Useful summary Print out locals on errors Use pytest.approx Even works on numpy arrays Remember to test for failures If you expect a failure, test it! Test your installed package That’s how users will get it, not from a directory
  • 59. pytest Tricks 59 Mock and Monkeypatch This is how you make tricky tests “unit” tests Fixtures This keeps tests simple and scalable @pytest.fixture(params=["Linux", "Darwin", "Windows"], autouse=True) def platform_system(request, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr(platform, "system", lambda _: request.param) Parametrize Directly or in a fi xture for reuse Use Fixtures available in same and nested directories
  • 60. Running pytest 60 Show locals on failure --showlocals/-l Jump into a debugger on failure --pdb Start with last failing test --lf Jump into a debugger immediately --trace or use breakpoint() Run matching tests -k <expression> Run speci fi c test Run speci fi c marker -m <marker> Control traceback style --tb=<style>
  • 61. In conclusion 61 Code quality tools can help a lot with Readability Reducing bugs Boosting developer productivity Consistency Refactoring Teaching others good practice too Hopefully we have had some helpful discussions! It’s okay to disable a check Try to understand why it’s there Remember there are multiple concerns involved in decisions