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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - J. K.
Group Members:
• Ashish Pithadiya
• Divya Vaghela
• Jeel Vyas
• Lalji Baraiya
• Prinjal Shiyal
• Sejal Parmar
• Vishva Gajjar
English Department
Basic Information:
• Author: J. K. Rowling
• Language: English
• Genre: Fantasy, drama, young adult fiction, mystery, thriller,
• J.K. Rowling first had the idea for Harry Potter while delayed on a train
travelling from Manchester to London King’s Cross in 1990. Over the next
five years, she began to plan out the seven books of the series. She wrote
mostly in longhand and amassed a mountain of notes, many of which
were on scraps of paper.
J.K. Rowling:
• Joanne Kathleen Rowling (“K” stands for Kathleen paternal grandmother’s name).
• Born on 31st July 1965
• Jo wanted to be a writer from an early age. She wrote her first book at the age of six – a
story about a rabbit, called ‘Rabbit’. At eleven, she wrote her first novel – about seven
cursed diamonds and the people who owned them.
• She received many awards and honors, including an OBE for services to children’s
literature, France’s Légion d’Honneur, and the Hans Christian Andersen Award.
• For Children:
o Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2001)
o Quidditch Through the Ages (2001)
o The Tales of Beedle the Bard (2008)
Harry’s school
• For Adults:
o The Casual Vacancy (2012)
o The Cuckoo’s Calling (2013)
o The Silkworm (2014)
o Career of Evil (2015)
o Lethal White (2018)
• Harry Potter
• Evil Lord Voldemort
• Ron Weasley
• Harmione Granger
• Dumbledore
• Draco Malfoy
• Professor MaGonagall
• Sirius Black
• Professor Lupin
• Professor Snap
• Professor Moody
Harry Potter:
• The Sorcerer’s Stone (1997)
• The Chamber of Secrets (1998)
• The Prisoner of Azkaban (1999)
• Goblet of Fire (2000)
• Order of the Phoenix (2003)
• The Half Blood Prince (2005)
• The Deathly Hallows (2007)
The Deathly Hallows:
• Final Journey to defeat Voldemort.
• Dursely are forced to go into hiding so that Voldemort’s death eaters will not torture
them for information.
• Harry , Ron , Harmonie on difficult quest to find and distroy the last of Voldemort’s
• Once all those have been destroyed, then Voldemort can be killed.
• Because of their of plan , lake of food, and lake of progress, their spirit are ofthen low.
• Harry and Ron get into fight, and To leaves to go back home.
• Harry & Harmonie revisit Godric’s Hollow in search of clue.
• Ron come back and save Harry’s life.
• Also they manage to destroy another Horcruxes with the Gryffindo‘s swod.
• They also started learn about mysteries trip of magical object called Deathly
• Whomever possesses the three object will be master of death and to Harry Its his
one chance to beat Voldemort.
• When the danger increase Harry being understand that why Dumbledore
intended him to do.
• He also realised that his own life will have to be sacrificed in order To truly be
vanquished Voldemort.
• He meet Dumbledore again in death and he answer many of his question. He
given a choice to go back and fight.
• Harry left alive, the true Master of Hallow.
• Magic Realism.
• Death
• Love
• Good vs Evil
• The Importance of rebellion
• Power
Magical realism in Harry Potter:
• The main idea of this paper analysis is to clarify the mixture of
magic with reality as a genre of writing keeping the harry potter
novels in perspective. This paper analyses harry potter series from
the perspective of the three universally recognized feature of
magic realism.
1. The application of unique narrative strategies.
2. The employment of mythological archetypes.
3. The exposition of social problems.
Harry Potter: Mythic Hero Proportions:
• This thesis argues that Harry Potter, the main character in the series of novels
written by J.K. Rowling, is a mythic hero. A character in literature deemed a
hero can only be a mythic hero by completing a series of events both
predetermined and determined by the hero. Joseph Campbell’s work A Hero
With a Thousand Faces outlines these qualities a character must possess and
the events he must complete in his life called the initiation, the departure,
and the return of the hero. Using Campbell’s seminal work as a critical
perspective, here the protagonist of the Harry Potter novels as a mythic hero.
Starting life with nothing, he overcomes his circumstances while remaining
virtuous and strong. His strength and virtue allow him to rid the wizarding
world of evil, thus solidifying his status of a mythic hero.
The character study of Severus Snape in J.K. Rowling’s
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows:
• In this article, the researcher would like to analyse the character of Serverus
Snape, one of the major supporting character as well as focus on his character
build and development. This article mainly discuss about Snape as a round
character with many perspective. Moreover, he applied formalistic approach
along with library research methodology of the qualitative research to study the
element of literary work. At the end it shows Serverus Snape is a round character
with major personality traits and the story reveals his hidden personality which
changes his perception as an antagonistic character into a helpful supporting
The Librarian in Rowling’s Harry Potter series:
• In this article, the researcher discusses Hermione Granger’s skills as a librarian
and researcher which lead to the defeat of Lord Voldemort. In each series she
provides necessary information for the solving mystery. She proves to be the only
character who can use books effectively without putting herself or others in
danger. Hermione begins the series as a child who loves the library, but does not
always know how to use it effectively. In The Deathly Hallows Hermione acts as
the librarian for the search for the Deathly Hallows, and the subsequent
destruction of Lord Voldemort by not only using a library effectively, but creating
her own library as well as locating needed information outside a library.
Death, the Last Enemy: Grief and Loss in the Harry
Potter Series:
• Death is a central part of Harry Potter’s story and appears in many ways
across the seven books. Two different reactions to death’ which occur in the
years preceding the incidents in the Philosopher’s Stone, precipitate the
story itself. The first is Lord Voldemort’s fear of death and preoccupation to
overcome it, here morality is linked with weakness and living forever is the
ultimate form of power. The second is Lily Potter’s sacrifice of herself to
save Harry’s life, where her life and love then form a shield to protect Harry,
here death is accepted, not battled with and carries power that goes
beyond dying. In a sense, these are two diametrically opposite idea about
death, which find fruition in the final volumes in the motifs of Horcruxes
and Hallows.
Artifact Analysis: Harry Potter in the Deathly Hallows:
• This artifact analysis will be the analyzation of the 7th Harry Potter book in
particular, and its corresponding movies, not as a complete metaphorical
representation of the bible, but in its parallels to the narratives surrounding
the Christian Messiah, Jesus Christ. As such, the parallels between Harry
Potter and Christianity since the illustration of Harry Potter as a
representation as a Messiah, in the respect that Harry is required to die in
order to save all mankind from Voldemort, who personifies sin. Voldemort,
is not a particular figure in the bible, but the personification of sin and evil.
Religious Parallels in J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter
and the Deathly Hallows
 Broken Christian morality
 Comparison between Harry Potter & Jesus Christ
 Save Humanity
 Confession in Christian Religious
 Rebirth
Harry Potter as a Piece of Apocalyptic Fiction
 What is Apocalyptic Fiction?
 Characteristics of AF: - Providence, Promise, Dualism & Pessimism
- Dualism (Good Vs Evil)
- Pessimism (Exile & Bondage)
 The whole series are masterpiece of Apocalyptic Literature
What is the ‘Harry Potter’ effect? How the series changed
the face of children's literature
 Size of YA Books
 Children Literature to Popular Literature
 Increased empathy in children
- Talk about friendship
- Children connected with themselves in various points
 More YA Books/Series
Harry potter through the Focus of Feminist Literary
Theory: Examples of (Un) Founded criticism:
• Over all Krunoslav MIKULAN write about how feminist literary theory appropriate here. The novels
analyzation can be read from multiple perspectives and that Rowling succeeds in making the reader aware
of the problems of male- female relations by positioning the characters on opposite sides with regard to
emotional relations, relations towards, different people and the family and towards society in general, as
well as through convincing and impressionable characterization.
• He says that if Rowling attempted to divide her attention between men and women mathematically this
would reflect on the general construction of the novel and would lead to a considerable sense of
• His point of view, we are unable to each an irrefutable conclusion on gender equality in Rowling's novel. It
would appear that the author does not intend to promote sexual equality, nor does she attempt to
perpetuate permanently established norms and customs.
• However Rowling's intentions are not to erase the difference. Rather she places them at the opposite ends
of an imagined circle, on an equidistant trajectory, so that never nullify each other.
Magically empathetic: an investigation of theory of
mind and empathy in the Harry Potter series.
• In this article Lindsey Layman combines theory of mind and simulation theory with an analysis of empathy
in the Harry Potter series has a positive influence on readers 'empathetic skills.'
• Here defined as "the experience of understanding another person's condition from their perspective,"
empathy is he motivation behind many pro- social behavior and values, making it an important focus of
• In this article he connect a textual analysis of the harry potter series using the perspective of theory of
mind and simulation theory as a guide. After analyzing a range of situation in which harry and his friends
respond empathetically to acts of discrimination and he argue that empathy in the series is communicated
to readers primarily through Harry.
• He believe it is Dumbledore who best explains what we must do assure that our own society is protected
from these same injustice: "It [is] important [...] to fight, and fight again, and keep fighting, for only them
could evil be kept at bay, through never quite eradicated" ( Harry Potter and the Half - Blood prince, pp.
644- 645).
Works Cited:
• Baker, Katie L. "Digital Commons at Buffelo State." 12 2011. Harry potter: A hero of mythic
Proportions. Ed. Digital Commons at Buffelo State. Digital Commons at Buffelo State. web.
11 December 2019.
• Findley-Grubb, Cambia. "Harry potteras a piece of Apocalyptic fiction." E-research: A Journal
of Undergraduate work 2.1 (2014): 9. web. 11 December 2019.
• Freier, Mary P. "The Librarian in Rowling's Harry Potter Series." CLCWeb:Comparative
Literature and Culture 16.3 (2014): 10. Web. 26 12 2019.
• Layman, Lindey M. "University of Tennessee at Chattanooga." 12 2017. Magically empathetic :
an investigation of theory of mind and empathy in the Harry Potter series. University of
Tennessee at Chattanooga. web. 06 12 2019. <>.
• Lord, Emma. What Is The Harry Potter Effect? How The Series Changed The Face Of Children's
Lit. 3 3 2016. web. 11 1 2020. <
• Mahmud, Asep. "The Character Study of Severus Snape in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the
Deathly Hallows." 20 03 2017. Jurnal STBA Technocrat Online. Web. 09 12 2019.
• MIKULAN, Krunoslav. "Harry Potter through the Focus of Feminist Literaray Theory : Examples
of (Un)founded Criticism." Uluslararast Sosyal Arastirmalar Dergisi The Journal International
Social Research 2 (2009): 11. web.
• RLG, JAN. "Artifact Analysis: Harry Potter in the Deathly Hallows." 7 December 2015. WEB. 4 12 2019. <
• Santhosh, Smitha. "Locating Magical Realism In Harry potter Searies." Sparkling International
Journal Of Multidiscriplinary Research Studies 2.2 (2019): 5. web. 06 12 2019.
• Saxena, Manasi. "Death, the Last Enemy: Grief and Loss in the Harry Potter
Series." n.d. Web. 03 12 2019.
• Shedge, Dr Vasant R. "Religious Parallels in J.K Rowling's Harry Potter and The
Deathly Hallows." Epitome Journals- International Journal of Multidisciplinary
Research 2.7 (2016): 5. web. 11 December 2019.
Descriptive & Objective Questions:
Q1) Who are the friends of Harry?
A) Ron B) Hermione
C) Voldemort D) A & B both
Q2) In ‘Harry potter and the deathly Hallows’ How old is Harry?
A) Seventeen B) Eighteen
C) Nineteen D) Twenties
Q3) In how many languages “ The Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”
A) 48 B) 60 C) 65 D) 55
Q4) “The Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” novel divided into how many
parts of the movie ?
A) Three B) Four C) Two D) Six
Q5) In the climax, with whom Harry and his friends battle?
A) Voldemort B) Death eaters
C) both (a) and (b) D) None of the above
Q6) Who is the Headmaster of the magic school?
A) Dumbledore B) Serverus Snape
C) Voldemort D) None of the above
Q7) Hermione always write and creates her own stories or texts .
A) True B) False
Q8) Who describes Hermione as the brightest witch in his class?
A) Ron B) Harry
C) Voldemort D) Dumbledore
Q9) For the first time when Rowling had the idea for Harry Potter?
A) 1999 B) 1990 C) 1991 D) 1919
Q10) At what age did Rowling wrote her first book?
A) 16 B) 18 C) 06 D) 22
Short Questions:
Q1) Explain: “Harry potter” as a novel of death and Resurrection.
Q2) Write the characteristic of Bildungsroman and explain with the example
of Harry Potter.
Q3) Negativity in Harry Potter’s character.
Q4) Is the character of Serverus Snape round or complex? Give your views on
Q5) Do the character study of Voldemort in Harry Potter
Long Questions:
Q1) Is Harry Potter children’s literature? Give your views and reasons on it.
Q2) Discuss:- “Harry Potter as a Piece of Apocalyptic Fiction.”
Q3) If got a chance to visit at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
then which character’s life you would choose to spend your day and why?
How Literature Shaped Me/Us?
• Real world & Fantasy world
- Struggle
• Good & Evil
-What you choose you become
• Believe in yourself
- End of result
• Team spirit
• Time changes the perspective of a person
-360 view
Thank You

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Presentation On Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J. K. Rowling.

  • 1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - J. K. Rowling Group Members: • Ashish Pithadiya • Divya Vaghela • Jeel Vyas • Lalji Baraiya • Prinjal Shiyal • Sejal Parmar • Vishva Gajjar English Department (MKBU)
  • 2. Basic Information: • Author: J. K. Rowling • Language: English • Genre: Fantasy, drama, young adult fiction, mystery, thriller, Bildungsroman • J.K. Rowling first had the idea for Harry Potter while delayed on a train travelling from Manchester to London King’s Cross in 1990. Over the next five years, she began to plan out the seven books of the series. She wrote mostly in longhand and amassed a mountain of notes, many of which were on scraps of paper. rowling-biography/
  • 3. J.K. Rowling: • Joanne Kathleen Rowling (“K” stands for Kathleen paternal grandmother’s name). • Born on 31st July 1965 • Jo wanted to be a writer from an early age. She wrote her first book at the age of six – a story about a rabbit, called ‘Rabbit’. At eleven, she wrote her first novel – about seven cursed diamonds and the people who owned them. • She received many awards and honors, including an OBE for services to children’s literature, France’s Légion d’Honneur, and the Hans Christian Andersen Award. • For Children: o Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2001) o Quidditch Through the Ages (2001) o The Tales of Beedle the Bard (2008) Harry’s school books Works: • For Adults: o The Casual Vacancy (2012) o The Cuckoo’s Calling (2013) o The Silkworm (2014) o Career of Evil (2015) o Lethal White (2018) Crime
  • 4. Characters: • Harry Potter • Evil Lord Voldemort • Ron Weasley • Harmione Granger • Dumbledore • Draco Malfoy • Professor MaGonagall • Sirius Black • Professor Lupin • Professor Snap • Professor Moody Ginny
  • 5. Harry Potter: • The Sorcerer’s Stone (1997) • The Chamber of Secrets (1998) • The Prisoner of Azkaban (1999) • Goblet of Fire (2000) • Order of the Phoenix (2003) • The Half Blood Prince (2005) • The Deathly Hallows (2007)
  • 6. The Deathly Hallows: • Final Journey to defeat Voldemort. • Dursely are forced to go into hiding so that Voldemort’s death eaters will not torture them for information. • Harry , Ron , Harmonie on difficult quest to find and distroy the last of Voldemort’s Horcruxes. • Once all those have been destroyed, then Voldemort can be killed. • Because of their of plan , lake of food, and lake of progress, their spirit are ofthen low. • Harry and Ron get into fight, and To leaves to go back home. • Harry & Harmonie revisit Godric’s Hollow in search of clue. • Ron come back and save Harry’s life. • Also they manage to destroy another Horcruxes with the Gryffindo‘s swod.
  • 7. Continue: • They also started learn about mysteries trip of magical object called Deathly Hallow. • Whomever possesses the three object will be master of death and to Harry Its his one chance to beat Voldemort. • When the danger increase Harry being understand that why Dumbledore intended him to do. • He also realised that his own life will have to be sacrificed in order To truly be vanquished Voldemort. • He meet Dumbledore again in death and he answer many of his question. He given a choice to go back and fight. • Harry left alive, the true Master of Hallow.
  • 8. Themes: • Magic Realism. • Death • Love • Good vs Evil • The Importance of rebellion • Power
  • 10. Magical realism in Harry Potter: • The main idea of this paper analysis is to clarify the mixture of magic with reality as a genre of writing keeping the harry potter novels in perspective. This paper analyses harry potter series from the perspective of the three universally recognized feature of magic realism. 1. The application of unique narrative strategies. 2. The employment of mythological archetypes. 3. The exposition of social problems. kling/sijmrsv2i2-2019/s-14/
  • 11. Harry Potter: Mythic Hero Proportions: • This thesis argues that Harry Potter, the main character in the series of novels written by J.K. Rowling, is a mythic hero. A character in literature deemed a hero can only be a mythic hero by completing a series of events both predetermined and determined by the hero. Joseph Campbell’s work A Hero With a Thousand Faces outlines these qualities a character must possess and the events he must complete in his life called the initiation, the departure, and the return of the hero. Using Campbell’s seminal work as a critical perspective, here the protagonist of the Harry Potter novels as a mythic hero. Starting life with nothing, he overcomes his circumstances while remaining virtuous and strong. His strength and virtue allow him to rid the wizarding world of evil, thus solidifying his status of a mythic hero. content.cgi?article=1000&context=english_theses
  • 12. The character study of Severus Snape in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: • In this article, the researcher would like to analyse the character of Serverus Snape, one of the major supporting character as well as focus on his character build and development. This article mainly discuss about Snape as a round character with many perspective. Moreover, he applied formalistic approach along with library research methodology of the qualitative research to study the element of literary work. At the end it shows Serverus Snape is a round character with major personality traits and the story reveals his hidden personality which changes his perception as an antagonistic character into a helpful supporting character
  • 13. The Librarian in Rowling’s Harry Potter series: • In this article, the researcher discusses Hermione Granger’s skills as a librarian and researcher which lead to the defeat of Lord Voldemort. In each series she provides necessary information for the solving mystery. She proves to be the only character who can use books effectively without putting herself or others in danger. Hermione begins the series as a child who loves the library, but does not always know how to use it effectively. In The Deathly Hallows Hermione acts as the librarian for the search for the Deathly Hallows, and the subsequent destruction of Lord Voldemort by not only using a library effectively, but creating her own library as well as locating needed information outside a library. article=2197&context=clcweb
  • 14. Death, the Last Enemy: Grief and Loss in the Harry Potter Series: • Death is a central part of Harry Potter’s story and appears in many ways across the seven books. Two different reactions to death’ which occur in the years preceding the incidents in the Philosopher’s Stone, precipitate the story itself. The first is Lord Voldemort’s fear of death and preoccupation to overcome it, here morality is linked with weakness and living forever is the ultimate form of power. The second is Lily Potter’s sacrifice of herself to save Harry’s life, where her life and love then form a shield to protect Harry, here death is accepted, not battled with and carries power that goes beyond dying. In a sense, these are two diametrically opposite idea about death, which find fruition in the final volumes in the motifs of Horcruxes and Hallows. y_Grief_and_Loss_in_the_Harry_Potter_Series_Conference_ Paper_by_Manasi_Saxena
  • 15. Artifact Analysis: Harry Potter in the Deathly Hallows: • This artifact analysis will be the analyzation of the 7th Harry Potter book in particular, and its corresponding movies, not as a complete metaphorical representation of the bible, but in its parallels to the narratives surrounding the Christian Messiah, Jesus Christ. As such, the parallels between Harry Potter and Christianity since the illustration of Harry Potter as a representation as a Messiah, in the respect that Harry is required to die in order to save all mankind from Voldemort, who personifies sin. Voldemort, is not a particular figure in the bible, but the personification of sin and evil. potter-in-the-deathly-hallows-42844fcd2977
  • 16. Religious Parallels in J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows  Broken Christian morality  Comparison between Harry Potter & Jesus Christ  Save Humanity  Confession in Christian Religious  Rebirth llTextPDF/127_RESEARCH_PAPER.pdf
  • 17. Harry Potter as a Piece of Apocalyptic Fiction  What is Apocalyptic Fiction?  Characteristics of AF: - Providence, Promise, Dualism & Pessimism - Dualism (Good Vs Evil) - Pessimism (Exile & Bondage)  The whole series are masterpiece of Apocalyptic Literature Research/vol2/iss1/3/
  • 18. What is the ‘Harry Potter’ effect? How the series changed the face of children's literature  Size of YA Books  Children Literature to Popular Literature  Increased empathy in children - Talk about friendship - Children connected with themselves in various points  More YA Books/Series potter-effect-how-the-series-changed-the-face-of-childrens-lit
  • 19. Harry potter through the Focus of Feminist Literary Theory: Examples of (Un) Founded criticism: • Over all Krunoslav MIKULAN write about how feminist literary theory appropriate here. The novels analyzation can be read from multiple perspectives and that Rowling succeeds in making the reader aware of the problems of male- female relations by positioning the characters on opposite sides with regard to emotional relations, relations towards, different people and the family and towards society in general, as well as through convincing and impressionable characterization. • He says that if Rowling attempted to divide her attention between men and women mathematically this would reflect on the general construction of the novel and would lead to a considerable sense of artificiality. • His point of view, we are unable to each an irrefutable conclusion on gender equality in Rowling's novel. It would appear that the author does not intend to promote sexual equality, nor does she attempt to perpetuate permanently established norms and customs. • However Rowling's intentions are not to erase the difference. Rather she places them at the opposite ends of an imagined circle, on an equidistant trajectory, so that never nullify each other. ulan_krunoslav.pdf
  • 20. Magically empathetic: an investigation of theory of mind and empathy in the Harry Potter series. • In this article Lindsey Layman combines theory of mind and simulation theory with an analysis of empathy in the Harry Potter series has a positive influence on readers 'empathetic skills.' • Here defined as "the experience of understanding another person's condition from their perspective," empathy is he motivation behind many pro- social behavior and values, making it an important focus of investigation. • In this article he connect a textual analysis of the harry potter series using the perspective of theory of mind and simulation theory as a guide. After analyzing a range of situation in which harry and his friends respond empathetically to acts of discrimination and he argue that empathy in the series is communicated to readers primarily through Harry. • He believe it is Dumbledore who best explains what we must do assure that our own society is protected from these same injustice: "It [is] important [...] to fight, and fight again, and keep fighting, for only them could evil be kept at bay, through never quite eradicated" ( Harry Potter and the Half - Blood prince, pp. 644- 645). text=honors-theses
  • 22. • Baker, Katie L. "Digital Commons at Buffelo State." 12 2011. Harry potter: A hero of mythic Proportions. Ed. Digital Commons at Buffelo State. Digital Commons at Buffelo State. web. 11 December 2019. < _theses>. • Findley-Grubb, Cambia. "Harry potteras a piece of Apocalyptic fiction." E-research: A Journal of Undergraduate work 2.1 (2014): 9. web. 11 December 2019. <>. • Freier, Mary P. "The Librarian in Rowling's Harry Potter Series." CLCWeb:Comparative Literature and Culture 16.3 (2014): 10. Web. 26 12 2019. <>.
  • 23. • Layman, Lindey M. "University of Tennessee at Chattanooga." 12 2017. Magically empathetic : an investigation of theory of mind and empathy in the Harry Potter series. University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. web. 06 12 2019. <>. • Lord, Emma. What Is The Harry Potter Effect? How The Series Changed The Face Of Children's Lit. 3 3 2016. web. 11 1 2020. < potter-effect-how-the-series-changed-the-face-of-childrens-lit>. • Mahmud, Asep. "The Character Study of Severus Snape in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows." 20 03 2017. Jurnal STBA Technocrat Online. Web. 09 12 2019. <>.
  • 24. • MIKULAN, Krunoslav. "Harry Potter through the Focus of Feminist Literaray Theory : Examples of (Un)founded Criticism." Uluslararast Sosyal Arastirmalar Dergisi The Journal International Social Research 2 (2009): 11. web. <>. • RLG, JAN. "Artifact Analysis: Harry Potter in the Deathly Hallows." 7 December 2015. WEB. 4 12 2019. < potter-in-the-deathly-hallows-42844fcd2977>. • Santhosh, Smitha. "Locating Magical Realism In Harry potter Searies." Sparkling International Journal Of Multidiscriplinary Research Studies 2.2 (2019): 5. web. 06 12 2019. <>.
  • 25. • Saxena, Manasi. "Death, the Last Enemy: Grief and Loss in the Harry Potter Series." n.d. Web. 03 12 2019. < n_the_Harry_Potter_Series_Conference_Paper_by_Manasi_Saxena>. • Shedge, Dr Vasant R. "Religious Parallels in J.K Rowling's Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows." Epitome Journals- International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research 2.7 (2016): 5. web. 11 December 2019.
  • 27. Q1) Who are the friends of Harry? A) Ron B) Hermione C) Voldemort D) A & B both Q2) In ‘Harry potter and the deathly Hallows’ How old is Harry? A) Seventeen B) Eighteen C) Nineteen D) Twenties Q3) In how many languages “ The Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” translated? A) 48 B) 60 C) 65 D) 55
  • 28. Q4) “The Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” novel divided into how many parts of the movie ? A) Three B) Four C) Two D) Six Q5) In the climax, with whom Harry and his friends battle? A) Voldemort B) Death eaters C) both (a) and (b) D) None of the above
  • 29. Q6) Who is the Headmaster of the magic school? A) Dumbledore B) Serverus Snape C) Voldemort D) None of the above Q7) Hermione always write and creates her own stories or texts . A) True B) False Q8) Who describes Hermione as the brightest witch in his class? A) Ron B) Harry C) Voldemort D) Dumbledore
  • 30. Q9) For the first time when Rowling had the idea for Harry Potter? A) 1999 B) 1990 C) 1991 D) 1919 Q10) At what age did Rowling wrote her first book? A) 16 B) 18 C) 06 D) 22
  • 31. Short Questions: Q1) Explain: “Harry potter” as a novel of death and Resurrection. Q2) Write the characteristic of Bildungsroman and explain with the example of Harry Potter. Q3) Negativity in Harry Potter’s character. Q4) Is the character of Serverus Snape round or complex? Give your views on it. Q5) Do the character study of Voldemort in Harry Potter
  • 32. Long Questions: Q1) Is Harry Potter children’s literature? Give your views and reasons on it. Q2) Discuss:- “Harry Potter as a Piece of Apocalyptic Fiction.” Q3) If got a chance to visit at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry then which character’s life you would choose to spend your day and why?
  • 33. How Literature Shaped Me/Us? • Real world & Fantasy world - Struggle • Good & Evil -What you choose you become • Believe in yourself - End of result • Team spirit • Time changes the perspective of a person -360 view