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ISSN 2042-2687

Practical Astronomy

The Alan Young Telescope

                           November 2009

                           Reborn: The Alan Young Telescope
                           Registax: New Version
                           Astronomy Recipe Of The Month
                           Observers’ Delights
                           Sky View November
Practical Astronomy                                                      November 2009

In this issue..                                                                First Light

    This Is The Low Resolution Version For Fast Download.            Welcome to the
    Get The Full Quality Version At           November issue
                                                                     of Practical

3	     REBORN: THE ALAN YOUNG TELESCOPE                              More features and more pages

      Refurbishment of this well-known large reflector               this month..
                                                                     Specially the Readers’ Image
                                                                     Gallery - the idea came from a
5	     GUIDE TO THE AUTUMN NIGHT SKY                                 fellow subscriber. So I hope
                                                                     you’ll help keep it going, by
	      Observing bright stars and planets on the Ecliptic            sending in a couple of your
                                                                     astro images soon.
                                                                     And as a keen chef myself, I’ve
8	     READERS IMAGE GALLERY                                         added an Astronomy Recipe of

      Your astronomy images (please send more)                      the Month. (Perhaps slightly
                                                                     weird.. bet you’ve not seen this
                                                                     before in an astronomy mag?)
10 	 ASTRONOMY RECIPE OF THE MONTH                                   Also, I’m very pleased to
                                                                     publish our first guest article
	    Regulus chicken and tomato	                                     (page 5). Contributed by the
                                                                     Deputy Head of the local
                                                                     Science School, it’s just been
11	 SOFTWARE REVIEW: REGISTAX NEW VERSION                            used as the script for a
	   Latest version of this popular image stacker	                    beginners’ talk on the Autumn
                                                                     Night Sky. And it worked very
                                                                     Kevin Brown

      Maps of the Night Sky - East, South, North and West

	    Special observing sights not to miss this month                    Sponsored By

                                                                 Practical Astronomy magazine is
     Practical Astronomy November 2009                           published monthly online.
                                                                 ISSN 2042-2687
                                                                 Views expressed are not necessarily
     Editor: Kevin Brown           those of the editor or publisher. May
                                                                 include errors and omissions.
     Advertising:                     Trademarks are the property of their
                                                                 respective owners. The publisher is not
     Website:                         responsible for the content of
     Publisher: Structure Ltd                                    ©2009 All contents copyright. No
     Telephone: +44 (0)1622 891151                               reproduction without express

                                                            Practical Astronomy November 2009              2
Reborn: The Alan Young Telescope
                                                                            Photography and text: Kevin Brown

They’ve worked hard for the last three years..
After much restoration work, this well-known
22.5 inch reflector from the past, has been
It’s now rebuilt and installed at the CADSAS
(Cranbrook Astronomy Society) observatory in
Kent, England.
Having spent many years dismantled and stored
in a private garage, the magnificent telescope is
now operational and capturing astro images
However, it’s not yet finished..

Further improvements to the motorised drive
systems are planned for the near future.

The Telescope’s History
Built by Alan Young in the 1970's and housed in
his observatory at Burwash in Kent, this was             The Alan Young Telescope - October 2009
one of the largest amateur telescopes in the UK.
He used it extensively in the 1980's and did
important published work.                            A good example was successfully
                                                     photographing the recently discovered
                                                     supernova SN 1985H, at around magnitude 16.
Photographic Achievement                             This was published in The Astronomer.
The telescope's large diameter primary mirror,       Other published photographic achievements
together with use of specially sensitized            include captures of Halley's comet in 1985,
photographic film, enabled investigation of faint     and confirming the existence of a distant
deep-space objects such as supernovae.               quasar (QSO 0716+332) in 1986, after initial
Before the days of CCD imaging devices, this         reports from the United States.
was of course very difficult.
As new discoveries were reported by observers        Jigsaw Puzzle
all over the World, Alan directed the telescope at
these distant objects and tried to confirm their      As you can see from the "before and after"
existence, or otherwise.                             images here on this page, the dismantled
                                                     telescope was in a poor state when acquired
                                                     by CADSAS.

                                                           Practical Astronomy November 2009             3
Reborn: The Alan Young Telescope
                                                                          Photography and text: Kevin Brown

                                                           Dedicated by Astronomer Royal

              Polar (RA) Axis Worm Drive

Using just a single photo of the complete
instrument from the 1980’s, the
Society members have pieced the
telescope back together, cleaning
and fettling each component on the

Purpose-Built Observatory
With such a large telescope, a
dedicated observatory is essential.
Luckily, the CADSAS observatory
was purpose-built to house it.

It's new custodians now look forward
to the Alan Young telescope doing
good astronomical work again, in the
very near future.

                                                  BEFORE: “Jigsaw” Puzzle Of Parts

      More details on CADSAS and the Alan Young
      telescope may be found at

                                                        Practical Astronomy November 2009              4
Practical Observing: Guide To The Autumn
Night Sky                                                                                By Rod Smith

This is the script for a guided Autumn
observing session for astronomy beginners,           The second brightest thing in the sky is the
starting at dusk. Times given are for late-Oct/      Moon, shining in reflected sunlight. Again its
early-Nov.                                           brightness makes it difficult to see some of the
                                                     stars, but if it is in its first or third phase it
Guide to the Autumn Night Sky - Looking              cannot cause too many problems.
                                                     The Moon orbits the Earth at a distance of
The aim of this exercise is to help you learn        nearly 400,000 km, meaning that light (and
the names and positions of a few of the              radio messages) from the Moon take about
objects visible on the Ecliptic.                     1.25 sec to reach us.

Mentioned here are solar system objects and          Before we go any further, if the Moon is visible
first magnitude stars, which are the brightest        in the sky you should make a mental map of
and so the first to be seen after dusk. Thus if       where it is right now.
you begin your study of the sky shortly after
sunset during the evening, you will be able to       Of the planets visible to the naked eye:
locate the objects mentioned here.                   Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn,
                                                     only Mars,Venus and Jupiter are visible in the
You will need a location fairly free from light      sky at present. Jupiter will be the first object
and atmospheric pollution, and with an               you will see, Venus and Mars will be visible in
unobstructed view to the South.                      the early hours of the morning if you care to
                                                     wait that long, or get up early enough.
The first thing to remember is we live on the
surface of a sphere, which means that we             Look South. Notice where the Sun has set
cannot see all of the stars at the same time.        (just South of West) and trace an arc from that
                                                     bit of the horizon, up about 50 degrees when
In fact, some we can never see from the              looking due South and then back down
Northern hemisphere, one must move South             (passing the Moon if it is in the sky) to the
of the equator.                                      eastern horizon. The line you have traced is
                                                     called the Ecliptic and is the path followed by
                                                     the Sun, Moon and all the planets. They are
The second thing to remember is that we live
                                                     always on or close to this line, as are the
very near to a star. Our star is the Sun, so
                                                     constellations of the Zodiac.
close to us that its light takes only about 8
minutes to reach us and from where we live,
it seems to be very bright. So bright that           Moving along the Ecliptic from West to East,
when it is in the sky, it is impossible to see the   there are few easy objects to recognise. Very
other stars even though they are there. The          low in the West is the constellation Sagittarius.
Sunʼs light swamps them.                             This contains no really bright stars, but a
                                                     group of 2nd magnitude stars can be seen
                                                     close to the horizon as it becomes dark.
Itʼs now dusk and the Sun has just gone
                                                     These soon slip down below the horizon and
down; as the minutes tick by, the sky will
                                                     are hard to see.
gradually get darker and stars will become

                                                           Practical Astronomy November 2009            5
Practical Observing: Guide To The Autumn
Night Sky (cont.)
You will soon find Jupiter quite low in the sky to
the South. With binoculars or a small telescope
you will easily see some of the Jovian moons                               Pleiades
and maybe even the bands of gas on the planet

                                                            Taurus, Aldebaran and Pleiades, rising in
                                                                           the East

        Jupiter in Capricorn, to the South             above the Eastern horizon. Train your
                                                       telescope or binoculars onto this cluster of stars
                                                       and you will be amazed to see just how many
surface. Successive nights of observing will
                                                       there are.
convince you that the Jovian moons are
orbiting the planet, as their positions will shift.
                                                       Just below the Ecliptic you will see the Red
                                                       Giant Aldebaran, the eye of the Bull, Taurus.
Jupiter is the most obvious object and is in
                                                       Aldebaran is 65 light years away and is one of
Capricorn. Watch it for several weeks and you
                                                       the brightest stars in the sky with a magnitude of
will notice that it has changed its position
relative to the other stars around it; by
Christmas it will have moved from Capricorn
into the next zodiac constellation - Aquarius.         Later on, around midnight, below Taurus you will
                                                       find the constellation Orion, not on the Ecliptic
                                                       but easily recognizable as it contains more
The Moon is the next easy object. Towards the
                                                       bright stars than any other constellation in the
end of October, it will be seen moving between
                                                       sky. Most noticeable is Betelgeuse (top left),
the constellations Aquarius and Pisces; neither
                                                       like Aldebaran a red giant, and Rigel (bottom
of these constellations contain any bright stars.
The Moon is waxing and gibbous (i.e. between
first quarter and full). On the 31st October, it will
be almost full and seen slap in the middle of          Again train your binoculars or telescope onto the
Pisces.                                                belt and sword of Orion and you will see an
                                                       amazing sight of stars and vast dust clouds
                                                       filling your field of view. To see these properly it
At about 9pm, the constellation Taurus will have
                                                       is best to wait for later in November, when the
risen and the bright star cluster The Pleiades,
                                                       Moon is no longer visible in the evening sky.
commonly known as the Seven Sisters, is
visible just above the Ecliptic still low in the sky

                                                             Practical Astronomy November 2009          6
Practical Observing: Guide To The Autumn
Night Sky (cont.)
After midnight the brightest star Sirius (the dog    objects, stand out clearly as most other stars will
star) rises. This is several degrees below the       not be visible early in the evenings.
Ecliptic but is unmistakable as it is so bright.
On a dark frosty night, Sirius can be a              Once it gets truly dark, with so many stars
spectacular object as its scintillation flashes the   visible things can be more confusing.
spectral colors at you.
                                                     You remember the mental map you made of
Next to rise, just before 10pm is the                where the Moon was? Go back and look at the
constellation Gemini with its two 1st Magnitude      Moon; you should notice itʼs in a slightly different
stars, Castor and Pollux, then the constellation     position.
Cancer appears and sitting in it, is the planet
                                                     What has happened is that because the Earth is
                                                     spinning on its axis, our viewpoint has changed
                                                     and we are actually looking in a new direction,
                                                     but as we think we have stayed still, it seems to
                                                     us that the sky has moved above us carrying the
                                                     Moon and stars with it.

                                                     Also the Moon has moved slightly against the
                                                     background of the stars due to its motion around
                                                     the Earth, movement which is very noticeable by
                                                     marking the position of the Moon on a daily
       Mars and Regulus, rising in the East
                                                     Another thing to notice is that as the year
Mars, bright and reddish, with a magnitude of        progresses, the stars here rise progressively
0.44 and so brighter than Aldebaran.                 earlier in the evening and by midwinter the
                                                     constellations of Leo, Taurus and Orion will
                                                     dominate the Southern sky.
Around 2am you will see the 1st magnitude star
Regulus, slap on the Ecliptic and then around
5am Saturn appears with a magnitude of about         Good luck. I hope that you can find the objects
1, still quite dim for a planet.                     mentioned.

Finally, just before dawn, Venus rises shining
brightly at magnitude -4, but soon to be
swamped by the light of the rising Sun.              By Rod Smith

These are the objects you should learn to
recognise in the Autumn. You will then be able
to use these as signposts to guide you around        Times given are for late-Oct/early-Nov. Objects rise
                                                     earlier each evening, as the year progresses.
the sky.

In general, learn to find stars as darkness falls
as the bright ones, being first magnitude

                                                            Practical Astronomy November 2009               7
Readers Image Gallery
We welcome your images for publication. Beginner, advanced or expert, just send to:

Two Comparison Images
Of The Bubble Nebula By
Mitch Fry

Bubble "A" is a summed
(averaged) image (100 x
30sec) taken unguided with
a 80mm Williams Optics
doublet apochromatic,
F4.48 (field of view is 79.4 x
M52 (lower left) can be seen
in the same field of view.

Bubble "B" is a summed
(averaged) image (3 x
10min) taken autoguided
with a 132mm Williams
Optics Flourite triplet
apochromatic, F5.6 (field of
view is 41.2 x 55min).                              Image A: The Bubble Nebula (NGC7635), and M52

In both cases, the camera is
an SGIB ST2000XM, the
mount a Celestron CGE,
and both employed an H-
alpha filter and 0.8 reducer.
Other than an automatic
dark frame subtraction,
neither image has been
further processed.

Mitch comments..
 “Aesthetically I prefer
Bubble A, a sharper "faster"
image with the additional
interest of M52, but Bubble
B has great potential and
awaits further data!”
Mitch offers access to the
FITS files. Email the editor
and your message will be

                                                         Image B: The Bubble Nebula (NGC7635)

                                                                      Practical Astronomy November 2009             8
Readers Image Gallery
We welcome your images for publication. Beginner, advanced or expert, just send to:

M13 By Herbert Fritsche

M13, captured in Zwettl, Austria on 19
August 2009

Syntha ED80/600, HEQ5, Canon
EOS350D unmodified.

Exposure time 3 min., focusing with

Guiding with a second Syntha-70/500
telescope and Guidemaster.

Image processing with IRIS.

Herbert comments..
“My first try to guide the telescope, but I
think it worked well!”

I think so too!

                                                          Globular Cluster M13 (NGC 6205) in Hercules

                                                                     December Issue Out 17 November

        Next Month...
        • Christmas Present Ideas
        • Binocular Observing Challenge - 12 Objects, 12 Days
        • Plus much more...

                                                                      Practical Astronomy November 2009             9
Astronomy Recipe Of The Month
From a co'ection of recipes, specia'y created to inspire you for observing sessions this month!

        “Regulus” Chicken And Tomato                             3. Add the chicken and ground sea salt. Fry for
                                                                    2 mins

- 250g chicken, boned and diced
- 1 can chopped tomatoes
- 2 medium onions, sliced
- 1 large carrot, diced
- 1 clove garlic, finely chopped
- black peppercorns, cumin seeds, sunflower
  seeds, turmeric
- olive oil, mixed herbs, sea salt
                                                                 4. Add the tomatoes, 1/2 tsp dried mixed herbs
            (serves 2 - double quantities for 4)                    (or fresh herbs, if you have them) and 1/4 tsp
               Preparation (35 mins)                             5. Bring to boil, cover with a lid and simmer for
                                                                    20 mins, stirring occasionally. Add water if it
1. Heat a cast iron casserole pot for 1 min. Add
   1 tsp fresh ground black peppercorns, 1/2
   tsp cumin seeds and 2 tsp sunflower seeds.
   Dry fry gently for 2 mins.
2. Add 2 tbsp olive oil, then the onions, garlic
   and carrots. Fry gently for 5 mins (to release
   sugars from the vegetables).

                                                                    becomes too thick.
                                                                 6. Taste to check seasoning, adding salt if
                                                                 7. Serve with plain, boiled rice of your
                                                                    preference (I like brown rice), and a salad

  Practical Astronomy Magazine Websites                                    UK Astronomy Equipment Supplier

     Astronomy Blog                                I got good service and prices recently (ed)
                                                                                    First Light Optics
                      YouTube Channel                                        Please mention “Practical Astronomy
                           Main Site                                                     Magazine ”

                                                                        Practical Astronomy November 2009             10
Software Review: New Version Of Registax
                                                                                 Graphics and text: Kevin Brown

What Is Registax?

It's a free software to
align and stack a
number of images of
the same object,
combining them into a
composite, final

What Images Can
Registax Work With?

Registax is designed
for stacking and
processing, Lunar and
Planetary astro-

You can load two
types of images:
                              Registax main screen, showing a single alignment box set over Moon crater
1. Collections of single                                     Theophilus
   frame sub-images (eg
   jpg, bmp, fits, raw                                     3. Aligning
   format files from a single-shot ccd device or
   digital camera)                                        4. Optimizing
2. Files containing many frames (eg AVI video             5. Stacking
   files from a webcam).                                   6. Processing with wavelets (to adjust quality)
                                                          7. Saving the final image
For the demonstration images here, I used a
couple of webcam AVI files of the Moon,                   There is good news for new users... once you
captured with a Philips Toucam.                          have done steps 1 and 2, Registax can do
                                                         steps 3 to 6 AUTOMATICALLY, if you choose.
                                                         (This is what I used for this test)
How Do You Use Registax?

                                                         As you get more proficient at stacking and
There are 7 steps..
                                                         optimizing, you'll find there's a huge wealth of
1. Loading images                                        manual settings and controls to adjust, to
2. Setting align points (for this test, I used just a    produce that perfect final image.
single align box, as you can see in the
screenshot above)

                                                             Practical Astronomy November 2009              11
Software Review: New Version Of Registax (cont.)
                                                                              Graphics and text: Kevin Brown

How Can You Get The Software?

Simply download for free from..

A detailed user manual is also available.

What's New In Latest Version 5?

There's quite a few useful enhancements, but
• Supports RAW format, digital SLR images
• Handles large (over 1GB) AVI video files
• Up to 500 alignment points and user-defined
  align boxes                                                Stacked and optimized crater trio -
                                                             Theophillus, Cyrillus and Catharina


Excellent software that will improve and inspire
your astro imaging. And you can’t argue with
the price!
Think of all the fun you can have reprocessing
those old image files, with this latest version of

                                                                  Mare Criseum area of the Moon

     Moon crater Copernicus and the Appennine Mountains

                                                          Practical Astronomy November 2009              12
Sky View                                                            Mid-November (lat. 51N)

       Looking South

       Looking West

   These maps show the sky view looking in different directions at 20.00 GMT in mid-November,
   for an observer at latitude 51 degrees North. Further South? Objects are higher above your
   local horizon, but patterns are the same. Local time zone not GMT? The view will be much the
   same at 20.00 hrs, in your local time.

                                                         Practical Astronomy November 2009        13
Sky View                                                           Mid-November (lat. 51N)

       Looking North

       Looking East

   These maps show the sky view looking in different directions at 20.00 GMT in mid-November,
   for an observer at latitude 51 degrees North. Further South? Objects are higher above your
   local horizon, but patterns are the same. Local time zone not GMT? The view will be much the
   same at 20.00 hrs, in your local time.

                                                         Practical Astronomy November 2009        14
Observers’ Delights                                                     November 2009

MOON                        Full                  New                     Full

                       2nd Nov               16th Nov                2nd Dec

                                                                       Very Favourable
LEONIDS                                                                See
METEORS                Peak 17th Nov      Date Range 15-20th Nov       soon for details

JUPITER                   SATURN                  VENUS                     MARS

Still very bright in   Possible before    Bright before dawn, but     Rises around
the South evening      dawn. Less         becoming lost in dawn       midnight.
sky (in Capricorn)     than splendid      twilight                    Brightening
Close to Neptune                                                      throughout the
                                                                      rest of 2009

DEEP SKY                    Starts ~               Ends ~
“WINDOW”                  11th Nov 2009         21th Nov 2009       Make the most of it!

                 Don’t Miss the Next FREE Issue

             Get Priority Notification...
     Simply visit our website and subscribe for FREE. As
       soon as the next issue of Practical Astronomy is
     published, you’ll get a short email to let you know it’s
                       ready to download.

                                                        Practical Astronomy November 2009   15

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practical astronomy

  • 1. ISSN 2042-2687 Practical Astronomy The Alan Young Telescope November 2009 Reborn: The Alan Young Telescope Registax: New Version Astronomy Recipe Of The Month Observers’ Delights Sky View November
  • 2. Practical Astronomy November 2009 In this issue.. First Light This Is The Low Resolution Version For Fast Download. Welcome to the Get The Full Quality Version At November issue of Practical Astronomy. 3 REBORN: THE ALAN YOUNG TELESCOPE More features and more pages Refurbishment of this well-known large reflector this month.. Specially the Readers’ Image Gallery - the idea came from a 5 GUIDE TO THE AUTUMN NIGHT SKY fellow subscriber. So I hope you’ll help keep it going, by Observing bright stars and planets on the Ecliptic sending in a couple of your astro images soon. And as a keen chef myself, I’ve 8 READERS IMAGE GALLERY added an Astronomy Recipe of Your astronomy images (please send more) the Month. (Perhaps slightly weird.. bet you’ve not seen this before in an astronomy mag?) 10 ASTRONOMY RECIPE OF THE MONTH Also, I’m very pleased to publish our first guest article Regulus chicken and tomato (page 5). Contributed by the Deputy Head of the local Science School, it’s just been 11 SOFTWARE REVIEW: REGISTAX NEW VERSION used as the script for a Latest version of this popular image stacker beginners’ talk on the Autumn Night Sky. And it worked very well. 13 SKY VIEW - NOVEMBER Kevin Brown Maps of the Night Sky - East, South, North and West 15 OBSERVERS’ DELIGHTS Special observing sights not to miss this month Sponsored By Practical Astronomy magazine is Practical Astronomy November 2009 published monthly online. ISSN 2042-2687 Views expressed are not necessarily Editor: Kevin Brown those of the editor or publisher. May include errors and omissions. Advertising: Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. The publisher is not Website: responsible for the content of advertisements. Publisher: Structure Ltd ©2009 All contents copyright. No Telephone: +44 (0)1622 891151 reproduction without express permission. Practical Astronomy November 2009 2
  • 3. Reborn: The Alan Young Telescope Photography and text: Kevin Brown They’ve worked hard for the last three years.. After much restoration work, this well-known 22.5 inch reflector from the past, has been reborn. It’s now rebuilt and installed at the CADSAS (Cranbrook Astronomy Society) observatory in Kent, England. Having spent many years dismantled and stored in a private garage, the magnificent telescope is now operational and capturing astro images again. However, it’s not yet finished.. Further improvements to the motorised drive systems are planned for the near future. The Telescope’s History Built by Alan Young in the 1970's and housed in his observatory at Burwash in Kent, this was The Alan Young Telescope - October 2009 one of the largest amateur telescopes in the UK. He used it extensively in the 1980's and did important published work. A good example was successfully photographing the recently discovered supernova SN 1985H, at around magnitude 16. Photographic Achievement This was published in The Astronomer. The telescope's large diameter primary mirror, Other published photographic achievements together with use of specially sensitized include captures of Halley's comet in 1985, photographic film, enabled investigation of faint and confirming the existence of a distant deep-space objects such as supernovae. quasar (QSO 0716+332) in 1986, after initial Before the days of CCD imaging devices, this reports from the United States. was of course very difficult. As new discoveries were reported by observers Jigsaw Puzzle all over the World, Alan directed the telescope at these distant objects and tried to confirm their As you can see from the "before and after" existence, or otherwise. images here on this page, the dismantled telescope was in a poor state when acquired by CADSAS. Practical Astronomy November 2009 3
  • 4. Reborn: The Alan Young Telescope Photography and text: Kevin Brown Dedicated by Astronomer Royal Polar (RA) Axis Worm Drive Using just a single photo of the complete instrument from the 1980’s, the Society members have pieced the telescope back together, cleaning and fettling each component on the way. Purpose-Built Observatory With such a large telescope, a dedicated observatory is essential. Luckily, the CADSAS observatory was purpose-built to house it. It's new custodians now look forward to the Alan Young telescope doing good astronomical work again, in the very near future. BEFORE: “Jigsaw” Puzzle Of Parts More details on CADSAS and the Alan Young telescope may be found at Practical Astronomy November 2009 4
  • 5. Practical Observing: Guide To The Autumn Night Sky By Rod Smith This is the script for a guided Autumn observing session for astronomy beginners, The second brightest thing in the sky is the starting at dusk. Times given are for late-Oct/ Moon, shining in reflected sunlight. Again its early-Nov. brightness makes it difficult to see some of the stars, but if it is in its first or third phase it Guide to the Autumn Night Sky - Looking cannot cause too many problems. South The Moon orbits the Earth at a distance of The aim of this exercise is to help you learn nearly 400,000 km, meaning that light (and the names and positions of a few of the radio messages) from the Moon take about objects visible on the Ecliptic. 1.25 sec to reach us. Mentioned here are solar system objects and Before we go any further, if the Moon is visible first magnitude stars, which are the brightest in the sky you should make a mental map of and so the first to be seen after dusk. Thus if where it is right now. you begin your study of the sky shortly after sunset during the evening, you will be able to Of the planets visible to the naked eye: locate the objects mentioned here. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, only Mars,Venus and Jupiter are visible in the You will need a location fairly free from light sky at present. Jupiter will be the first object and atmospheric pollution, and with an you will see, Venus and Mars will be visible in unobstructed view to the South. the early hours of the morning if you care to wait that long, or get up early enough. The first thing to remember is we live on the surface of a sphere, which means that we Look South. Notice where the Sun has set cannot see all of the stars at the same time. (just South of West) and trace an arc from that bit of the horizon, up about 50 degrees when In fact, some we can never see from the looking due South and then back down Northern hemisphere, one must move South (passing the Moon if it is in the sky) to the of the equator. eastern horizon. The line you have traced is called the Ecliptic and is the path followed by the Sun, Moon and all the planets. They are The second thing to remember is that we live always on or close to this line, as are the very near to a star. Our star is the Sun, so constellations of the Zodiac. close to us that its light takes only about 8 minutes to reach us and from where we live, it seems to be very bright. So bright that Moving along the Ecliptic from West to East, when it is in the sky, it is impossible to see the there are few easy objects to recognise. Very other stars even though they are there. The low in the West is the constellation Sagittarius. Sunʼs light swamps them. This contains no really bright stars, but a group of 2nd magnitude stars can be seen close to the horizon as it becomes dark. Itʼs now dusk and the Sun has just gone These soon slip down below the horizon and down; as the minutes tick by, the sky will are hard to see. gradually get darker and stars will become visible. Practical Astronomy November 2009 5
  • 6. Practical Observing: Guide To The Autumn Night Sky (cont.) You will soon find Jupiter quite low in the sky to the South. With binoculars or a small telescope you will easily see some of the Jovian moons Pleiades and maybe even the bands of gas on the planet Taurus, Aldebaran and Pleiades, rising in the East Jupiter in Capricorn, to the South above the Eastern horizon. Train your telescope or binoculars onto this cluster of stars and you will be amazed to see just how many surface. Successive nights of observing will there are. convince you that the Jovian moons are orbiting the planet, as their positions will shift. Just below the Ecliptic you will see the Red Giant Aldebaran, the eye of the Bull, Taurus. Jupiter is the most obvious object and is in Aldebaran is 65 light years away and is one of Capricorn. Watch it for several weeks and you the brightest stars in the sky with a magnitude of will notice that it has changed its position 0.87 relative to the other stars around it; by Christmas it will have moved from Capricorn into the next zodiac constellation - Aquarius. Later on, around midnight, below Taurus you will find the constellation Orion, not on the Ecliptic but easily recognizable as it contains more The Moon is the next easy object. Towards the bright stars than any other constellation in the end of October, it will be seen moving between sky. Most noticeable is Betelgeuse (top left), the constellations Aquarius and Pisces; neither like Aldebaran a red giant, and Rigel (bottom of these constellations contain any bright stars. right). The Moon is waxing and gibbous (i.e. between first quarter and full). On the 31st October, it will be almost full and seen slap in the middle of Again train your binoculars or telescope onto the Pisces. belt and sword of Orion and you will see an amazing sight of stars and vast dust clouds filling your field of view. To see these properly it At about 9pm, the constellation Taurus will have is best to wait for later in November, when the risen and the bright star cluster The Pleiades, Moon is no longer visible in the evening sky. commonly known as the Seven Sisters, is visible just above the Ecliptic still low in the sky Practical Astronomy November 2009 6
  • 7. Practical Observing: Guide To The Autumn Night Sky (cont.) After midnight the brightest star Sirius (the dog objects, stand out clearly as most other stars will star) rises. This is several degrees below the not be visible early in the evenings. Ecliptic but is unmistakable as it is so bright. On a dark frosty night, Sirius can be a Once it gets truly dark, with so many stars spectacular object as its scintillation flashes the visible things can be more confusing. spectral colors at you. You remember the mental map you made of Next to rise, just before 10pm is the where the Moon was? Go back and look at the constellation Gemini with its two 1st Magnitude Moon; you should notice itʼs in a slightly different stars, Castor and Pollux, then the constellation position. Cancer appears and sitting in it, is the planet What has happened is that because the Earth is spinning on its axis, our viewpoint has changed and we are actually looking in a new direction, but as we think we have stayed still, it seems to us that the sky has moved above us carrying the Moon and stars with it. Also the Moon has moved slightly against the background of the stars due to its motion around the Earth, movement which is very noticeable by marking the position of the Moon on a daily basis. Mars and Regulus, rising in the East Another thing to notice is that as the year Mars, bright and reddish, with a magnitude of progresses, the stars here rise progressively 0.44 and so brighter than Aldebaran. earlier in the evening and by midwinter the constellations of Leo, Taurus and Orion will dominate the Southern sky. Around 2am you will see the 1st magnitude star Regulus, slap on the Ecliptic and then around 5am Saturn appears with a magnitude of about Good luck. I hope that you can find the objects 1, still quite dim for a planet. mentioned. Finally, just before dawn, Venus rises shining brightly at magnitude -4, but soon to be swamped by the light of the rising Sun. By Rod Smith These are the objects you should learn to recognise in the Autumn. You will then be able to use these as signposts to guide you around Times given are for late-Oct/early-Nov. Objects rise earlier each evening, as the year progresses. the sky. In general, learn to find stars as darkness falls as the bright ones, being first magnitude Practical Astronomy November 2009 7
  • 8. Readers Image Gallery We welcome your images for publication. Beginner, advanced or expert, just send to: Two Comparison Images Of The Bubble Nebula By Mitch Fry Bubble "A" is a summed (averaged) image (100 x 30sec) taken unguided with a 80mm Williams Optics doublet apochromatic, F4.48 (field of view is 79.4 x 105.9min); M52 (lower left) can be seen in the same field of view. Bubble "B" is a summed (averaged) image (3 x 10min) taken autoguided with a 132mm Williams Optics Flourite triplet apochromatic, F5.6 (field of view is 41.2 x 55min). Image A: The Bubble Nebula (NGC7635), and M52 In both cases, the camera is an SGIB ST2000XM, the mount a Celestron CGE, and both employed an H- alpha filter and 0.8 reducer. Other than an automatic dark frame subtraction, neither image has been further processed. Mitch comments.. “Aesthetically I prefer Bubble A, a sharper "faster" image with the additional interest of M52, but Bubble B has great potential and awaits further data!” Mitch offers access to the FITS files. Email the editor and your message will be forwarded. Image B: The Bubble Nebula (NGC7635) Practical Astronomy November 2009 8
  • 9. Readers Image Gallery We welcome your images for publication. Beginner, advanced or expert, just send to: M13 By Herbert Fritsche M13, captured in Zwettl, Austria on 19 August 2009 Equipment: Syntha ED80/600, HEQ5, Canon EOS350D unmodified. Exposure time 3 min., focusing with DSLR-Focus. Guiding with a second Syntha-70/500 telescope and Guidemaster. Image processing with IRIS. Herbert comments.. “My first try to guide the telescope, but I think it worked well!” I think so too! Globular Cluster M13 (NGC 6205) in Hercules December Issue Out 17 November Next Month... • Christmas Present Ideas • Binocular Observing Challenge - 12 Objects, 12 Days • Plus much more... Practical Astronomy November 2009 9
  • 10. Astronomy Recipe Of The Month From a co'ection of recipes, specia'y created to inspire you for observing sessions this month! “Regulus” Chicken And Tomato 3. Add the chicken and ground sea salt. Fry for 2 mins Ingredients - 250g chicken, boned and diced - 1 can chopped tomatoes - 2 medium onions, sliced - 1 large carrot, diced - 1 clove garlic, finely chopped - black peppercorns, cumin seeds, sunflower seeds, turmeric - olive oil, mixed herbs, sea salt 4. Add the tomatoes, 1/2 tsp dried mixed herbs (serves 2 - double quantities for 4) (or fresh herbs, if you have them) and 1/4 tsp turmeric. Preparation (35 mins) 5. Bring to boil, cover with a lid and simmer for 20 mins, stirring occasionally. Add water if it 1. Heat a cast iron casserole pot for 1 min. Add 1 tsp fresh ground black peppercorns, 1/2 tsp cumin seeds and 2 tsp sunflower seeds. Dry fry gently for 2 mins. 2. Add 2 tbsp olive oil, then the onions, garlic and carrots. Fry gently for 5 mins (to release sugars from the vegetables). becomes too thick. 6. Taste to check seasoning, adding salt if necessary. 7. Serve with plain, boiled rice of your preference (I like brown rice), and a salad garnish. Practical Astronomy Magazine Websites UK Astronomy Equipment Supplier Astronomy Blog I got good service and prices recently (ed) First Light Optics YouTube Channel Please mention “Practical Astronomy Main Site Magazine ” Practical Astronomy November 2009 10
  • 11. Software Review: New Version Of Registax Graphics and text: Kevin Brown What Is Registax? It's a free software to align and stack a number of images of the same object, combining them into a better-quality composite, final image. What Images Can Registax Work With? Registax is designed for stacking and processing, Lunar and Planetary astro- images. You can load two types of images: Registax main screen, showing a single alignment box set over Moon crater 1. Collections of single Theophilus frame sub-images (eg jpg, bmp, fits, raw 3. Aligning format files from a single-shot ccd device or digital camera) 4. Optimizing 2. Files containing many frames (eg AVI video 5. Stacking files from a webcam). 6. Processing with wavelets (to adjust quality) 7. Saving the final image For the demonstration images here, I used a couple of webcam AVI files of the Moon, There is good news for new users... once you captured with a Philips Toucam. have done steps 1 and 2, Registax can do steps 3 to 6 AUTOMATICALLY, if you choose. (This is what I used for this test) How Do You Use Registax? As you get more proficient at stacking and There are 7 steps.. optimizing, you'll find there's a huge wealth of 1. Loading images manual settings and controls to adjust, to 2. Setting align points (for this test, I used just a produce that perfect final image. single align box, as you can see in the screenshot above) Practical Astronomy November 2009 11
  • 12. Software Review: New Version Of Registax (cont.) Graphics and text: Kevin Brown How Can You Get The Software? Simply download for free from.. A detailed user manual is also available. What's New In Latest Version 5? There's quite a few useful enhancements, but notably: • Supports RAW format, digital SLR images • Handles large (over 1GB) AVI video files • Up to 500 alignment points and user-defined align boxes Stacked and optimized crater trio - Theophillus, Cyrillus and Catharina Summary Excellent software that will improve and inspire your astro imaging. And you can’t argue with the price! Think of all the fun you can have reprocessing those old image files, with this latest version of Registax. Mare Criseum area of the Moon Moon crater Copernicus and the Appennine Mountains Practical Astronomy November 2009 12
  • 13. Sky View Mid-November (lat. 51N) Looking South Looking West These maps show the sky view looking in different directions at 20.00 GMT in mid-November, for an observer at latitude 51 degrees North. Further South? Objects are higher above your local horizon, but patterns are the same. Local time zone not GMT? The view will be much the same at 20.00 hrs, in your local time. Practical Astronomy November 2009 13
  • 14. Sky View Mid-November (lat. 51N) Looking North Looking East These maps show the sky view looking in different directions at 20.00 GMT in mid-November, for an observer at latitude 51 degrees North. Further South? Objects are higher above your local horizon, but patterns are the same. Local time zone not GMT? The view will be much the same at 20.00 hrs, in your local time. Practical Astronomy November 2009 14
  • 15. Observers’ Delights November 2009 MOON Full New Full 2nd Nov 16th Nov 2nd Dec Very Favourable LEONIDS See METEORS Peak 17th Nov Date Range 15-20th Nov soon for details JUPITER SATURN VENUS MARS Still very bright in Possible before Bright before dawn, but Rises around the South evening dawn. Less becoming lost in dawn midnight. sky (in Capricorn) than splendid twilight Brightening Close to Neptune throughout the rest of 2009 DEEP SKY Starts ~ Ends ~ “WINDOW” 11th Nov 2009 21th Nov 2009 Make the most of it! Don’t Miss the Next FREE Issue Get Priority Notification... Simply visit our website and subscribe for FREE. As soon as the next issue of Practical Astronomy is published, you’ll get a short email to let you know it’s ready to download. Practical Astronomy November 2009 15