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PR3: How we respond to media products 
We respond to media products in many ways, some of the approaches may be in the manner in 
which we analyse 
The film Leon, is of an action thriller genre which as an audience, we can automatically identify with 
their being guns, violence, drugs, blood and sometimes even car chases, to which Leon includes just 
a few of the named. The narrative of this film Is about an assassin Leon, taking care of Matilda, his 
neighbour who is the sole survivor of her family’s massacre. Matilda is trained by Leon to be 
stronger and how to handle a gun, she then vows revenge on the murderer of her family, Norman 
Stansfield. It is a very linear film as the plot is easy to follow, with a few bumps down the road. The 
semiotics of Leon could be suggested to be Leon’s house plant. In the film, he is seen caring for it 
such as watering it, cleaning it and even carefully placing it in his apartment for direct sunlight. After 
Leon’s death, Matilda keeps the plant and takes it with her to her safe place, which ends up being a 
type of boarding place, to where she plants the plant, and names it Leon. By Matilda planting Leon’s 
plant, she is keeping his spirit alive and keeping the memory of him going, also suggesting that Leon 
was the only person besides her younger brother (who was killed)that Matilda ever cared for. This 
theory could mean that both the characters of Matilda and Leon were both lonely and found trust in 
each other, which could be why their relationship clicked so well. The plant could represent Leon’s 
character and his life, as Leon states that the plant is his only friend and the only object that he has 
ever really cared for before Matilda, therefore suggesting that he was a lonely character, who never 
really trusted or believed in anyone. 
Another semiotic of Leon would be Leon’s trench coat which is long, black and gives the impression 
that he is shifty. This coat could also suggest that he wears a long dark coat to make himself fit in 
and be sort of un-noticeable to the world, to keep himself to himself. It also suggests that he is 
mysterious like he’s trying to hide something under his coat such as guns and weapons, to which is 
his. During the time the filmed was made, trench coats were the fashion so it wouldn’t have been 
questionable at the time to why he was wearing it. Leon was a 1994 film directed by Luc Besson. It 
starred Jean Reno as Leon, Natalie Portman as Matilda and Gary Oldman as Norman Stansfield. The 
idea of the film is about a hit man, who lives in the same building as 12yr old Matilda and her family. 
Matilda’s family are the conventional loud Italian stereotype family, with her father, Mr Lando, 
sporting a drug dealer habit of stashing cocaine in his apartment, but for a DEA agent, Norman 
Stansfield. Stansfield arrives at Lando’s apartment (which Matilda shares with her father, step 
mother little brother and older sister) and demands for the cocaine that Lando has been holding for 
him, when Stansfield discovers that some of the stash is missing, and demands that Lando find out 
who took it by the next day. The Inciting incident occurs the next day when Matilda goes to the shop
and offers to buy Leon some milk, on her return walking down the building’s hallway leading to her 
family’s apartment, Matilda sees her family’s dead corpses lying in the hallway in her apartment, and 
therefore stays calm, doesn’t flinch and carry’s on walking to Leon’s apartment, where starts to cry 
At the end of the hallway, Leon then lets her in and vows to his self to take care of her. From then 
on, Leon trains Matilda in his sneaky ways to become a stronger girl than what she already is, and 
Matilda vows to get her own revenge on Stansfield. During the film, as the audience, we get an idea 
that Matilda see’s her relationship with Leon as a serious, romantic one as she exclaims to a desk 
clerk at a motel ‘He’s my lover’ when he asks her about him being her father. We ge t a sense that 
Matilda has never really had a functioning relationship of any type, even within her family.The 
climax occurs when Stansfield and Leon meet face to face near the ending of the film, and have their 
final words between them, Leon’s being, ‘This is from Matilda’ And then handing him the pin from a 
grenade which then explodes killing them both and injuring the people outside the building as this 
scene took place in the entrance to the building. Due to Leon handing Stansfield the pin, it allowed 
Matilda gets her own revenge without being involved. Leon is a linear film as it is story line is straight 
forward and easy to follow upon, you can easily tell apart the good relationships to the bad. The 
representation within the film is the complete opposite of what they are stereotyped to be, for 
example, the character Matilda, is a 12 year old girl who is expected to be cute, innocent and see’s 
the world as amazing and brand new, where as her real character is tough, undefeatable and only 
see’s the evil in the world because of her family’s massacre. Another character representation is 
Leon, he is stereotyped to be hard and emotionless because he is an assassin, but he is actually quite 
pitiful to other people and has a growing loving and caring emotion for Matilda and his plant. 
Norman Stansfield is another version of representation as he is the antagonist in this film, therefore 
he is expected to be tough and unattached to any objects or humans, where as he is quite 
emotional, either really angry or really sympathetic where death is involved, he also has a drug 
addict which makes his mind work strangely therefore acting like a psychopath. 
It is very conventional of Leon to be set in New York as it is quite typical as in films, New York is 
portrayed as being the crime capital where drugs and guns and violence is concerned. New York is 
also known in films as the mafia/gangsta’s place to be, therefore suggesting why Leon is there as he 
is an assassin for a man who is similar to a mafia. 
The camera techniques used are standard shots of an action thriller of Leon and the other 
characters, typically using fast pace shots when the action is happening to keep the pace of the 
scenario going, therefore keeping the audience hooked.
In Leon, everything within the mise en scenes has the same effect of a slight darkened edit, 
suggesting that the film has darks sides and or characters. 
The iconography within the film includes blood, violence, guns, bad relationships/good relationships 
and a compromising decision. Leon includes all of these; therefore it becomes ab action thriller 
genre. It also includes explosions which you could link to the same genre but amongst other same 
genre films, it isn’t as common as guns and blood and violence/threats are. 
All of the above factors help contribute to this film being an action thriller genre, such as the guns, 
violence even down to the type of relationships between each character. 
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers 
The film Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, is of the musical genre which as an audience, we 
automatically know there will be songs sung by the actors and actress’, to which Seven Brides for 
Seven Brothers does. This film was directed by Stanley Donen and was produced in 1954, but it is set 
in 1850, therefore has a theme of the old testament bible, such as the characters of the brothers as 
they are named in alphabetical order of chronological age. The names of the seven Pontipee 
brothers are Adam, Benjamin, Caleb, Daniel, Ephraim, Frank (short for Frankincense) and Gideon. 
These seven brothers are all set in their ‘mountain’ ways and struggle to find wives, this where 
Adam, the oldest Pontipee brother, his wife Milly comes into the story. 
The narrative of this film is linear as the brothers leave their mountain house and go into the local 
town down the mountain and kidnap six girls after Adam reads a story to his brothers called ‘The 
Sobbin’ Women’, which has a similar storyline, to which the film Is loosely based on. 
The synopsis of the plot starts with Adam visiting the local town to find a wife, where he meets Milly 
who agrees to marry him despite only knowing him for a few hours. After meeting Milly, the 
brothers become more encouraged to find there selves wives. Milly teaches the brothers manners 
such as sitting at the dinner table, their actions round women and other slight improvement’s from 
their mountain ways. The exposition occurs when the brothers then attend a barn raising in the local 
down at the bottom of the mountain they live at, which is where they meet six other women,
Dorcas, Ruth, Martha, Liza, Sarah and Alice, who happen to be Milly’s friends. The brothers find out 
that they women are already spoken for, therefore during the barn raising, things get psychical 
between the brothers and the townsmen over the girls affection. The rising action occurs when a 
couple days after the barn raising, the girls are still playing on the brothers minds, so they also get 
encouragement from Adam who tells them that they should take any action necessary to get the 
women back, which ends up in the brothers in visiting the town, kidnaping the women and causing 
an avalanche on their way back up the mountain to stop all the townsmen getting up for a couple of 
months. The townsmen are really annoyed by this kidnapping event as their girls had been taken, 
they would be more hurt by their pride and how people would know they lost their girl to a 
mountain man. They try to get their girls back after the passage where the avalanche happened, 
cleared, and all travel up the mountain to attempt to get their girls back, to which by this point, the 
girls have fell in love with the brothers who have been put in line by Milly and the six other girls. 
The semiotics within this film include the snow outside, as during the time the kidnapped girls are at 
the Pontipee house, they start to flirt with the brothers by throwing snowballs with rocks inside of 
them at the brothers when they are working, as well as Milly kicking the brothers out of their rooms 
and making them sleep in the barn. One cold night they individually come into the house while Milly 
is reading the girls a story and each brother asks for a blanket, to which the girl they wish to marry, 
cant keep their eyes off him and fetch him a blanket to which then Milly realises that the girls 
actually like the brothers. Another semiotics would be near the ending with Milly’s new born baby. 
This is symbolism to the girl characters as when the townsmen come to rescue the girls, they hear 
the baby crying and this misinformation leads the men to asking whose baby it is, to which all 6 girls 
reply, ‘Mine!’. This misinformation leads the girls and the 6 remaining brothers to call a shotgun 
wedding there and then. 
Another semiotic would be the bible, when Milly arrives at the Pontipee brothers farm, she has a 
disagreement with the brothers over how they eat dinner, and goes up to her room and pulls her 
Bible of the shelf, and reads a paragraph. Also when she is in the wagon on her way to the farm, she 
pulls it out of her bag and shows Adam. Mil ly holds the Bible close to her as her father gave it to her 
and she was raised on it, as well as when Milly gives birth, she chose a few names beginning with H 
ad explains to Adam that she picked up where his mother left of with the names in alphabetical 
order. Milly mentions the names of Hannah, Hagar, Hezekiah, all bible names, before Adam 
repeating ‘Hannah, her names Hannah’. 
The representation of the characters, mainly the brothers, are stereotyped to be sort of emotionless 
mountain men, always the leader, when the actual characters are full of emotion and feelings and 
aren’t the leaders. The representation of the women are expected to be the background character 
behind the man, they are seen as the weaker characters because of the old testament bible. The 
female characters in this film are actually the leaders and the confident ones, they are the strongest
characters. The characters of the brothers all listen to the oldest, Adam, as he is the first brother to 
get a wife, therefore Adam’s wife, Milly realises the brothers want to get a wife and she offers to 
teach them ways to get wives. Adam, the oldest brother, often refers to himself as ‘I’m the head of 
this house’, therefore he applies this rule to all his decisions that he decides without consulting his 
brothers and expects them to go along with his idea, despite Adam not thinking them through. With 
Adam seeing himself as the hierarchy of the family, you expect to see his character be the strong 
one and face everything head on as we get the idea that he is fearless, when his actual character has 
no strength in decisions over his brothers once Milly teaches them how to stand up for themselves 
without violence, he also doesn’t face problems head on, he disappears such as when Milly and 
Adam have an argument, he leaves for the cabin up the mountain for the winter rather than spend it 
with his new wife. The character of Milly is expected to be the Bible, which Milly holds a copy of 
close to her, when her actual character is the strongest one, she stands up to Adam and his brothers 
and even takes on the challenge of making them into better men. 
The iconography within this film includes the typical violence such as fights between the brothers 
there selves, and between the brothers and the townsmen. A factor also helping the violence would 
be weapons, there are guns in the film but not used in violence. Hammers and long planks of wood 
are used as violent weapons against the characters. 
Seven brides for seven brothers was shot in a cinemascope technique due to It being a wide angle 
film. The mise en scene has a vintage effect due to the film being dated to the 1850s era and it being 
produced in 1954. It has fade effects from some scenes and other scenes just cut to the next one, 
the fade effects usually occur after an event has happened, to set the tone. 
Seven brides for seven brothers is very conventional to be set in a cowboy/farm living situation as 
the boys represent the farm, hard working side and the townsmen represent the cowboy side, with 
the hats and guns and horses to travel about in. 
1. Pulp Fiction 
Pulp Fiction is a 1994, black comedy crime genre film, directed by Quentin Tarantino. Its main cast 
has superstar names such as John Travolta (Vincent Vega), Uma Thurman (Mia Wallace), Samuel L 
Jackson (Jules Winnfield), Bruce Willis (Butch Coolidge) and Quentin Tarantino himself as Jimmie 
Dimmick. Pulp Fiction is of a non-linear narrative due to the way it has been edited, the stories of 
each character isn’t in order, they’re mixed together which make s it harder for the audience to loose 
focus on the story line. The scene I will be analysing will be the scene of the Jack Rabbit Slims dance 
scene between Vincent Vega and Mia Wallace. The synopsis of this scene happens when Vincent is 
asked by request of his boss, Marcellus Wallace, to take his wife (Mia), out for a night as he is out of 
town and doesn’t want her to feel abandoned. Vincent takes Mia to a diner called ‘Jack Rabbit Slims’ 
since Mia had already made a reservation for them. At Jack Rabbit Sli ms, the waiter’s and waitress’ 
all are dressed to resemble famous Hollywood stars, such as Buddy Holly, Marilyn Monroe, James
Dean and Mamie Van Doren. Vincent refers to the diner’s staff as ‘its like a wax museum with a 
The exposition happens when Vincent and Mia arrive at the diner, and are escorted to their seat 
which is a vintage 50’s car converted into a table and chairs. Their waiter comes over who is dressed 
as Buddy Holly and is played by Steve Buscemi, who appears in Reservoir Dogs (Quentin Tarantino 
film) as a character who refuses to tip waiter’s and waitress’. Buddy Holly asks for their orders to 
which Vincent orders a vanilla coke and a streak while Mia orders a burger and a $5 shake, to which 
Buddy Holly replies ‘Martin & Lewis or Amos & Andy?’, this references the past as Martin and Lewis 
were two white males who were comedians together, which the milkshake reference means they 
are vanilla and the Amos and Andy were two black actors who were on a sitcom together, which the 
milkshake references them to be chocolate. During this part of the scene where they are sat at their 
seats, they both light up cigarettes and start smoking. Mia then goes on to explain about her ‘Fox 
Force Five’ piolet TV show that only made one episode as Vincent had asked her about it. 
The rising action happens when Mia excuses herself to go to the bathroom to as she says ‘power my 
nose’ to which she actually does with cocaine, which was a very 90’s thing to do during the time of 
the film. As she arrives back at the table, she sees her food has arrived and is happy to see it and 
makes conversation about it with Vincent. This is when the falling action appears when a dance 
competition is announced by one of the look-a-likes at Jack Rabbit Slims who is portraying Ed 
Sullivan. Mia then convinces Vincent to dance and aim to win as Mia wants the trophy. This scene 
includes Mia and Vincent doing a ‘twist’ dance which was copied movement by movement from the 
dance performed by Fellini’s 1963 classic ‘8½’ by Barbra Steele and Mario Pisu. This style of dancing 
reflects the scene around them, a typical American 1950/60’s diner. 
The semiotics within Pulp Fiction include the cigarettes as both characters in this scene have a habit 
of using them, which could potentially give them nicotine rush which could add to one explanation 
to as why Mia seems a little on edge before taking the drugs, which is another semiotic when Mia 
takes drugs in the bathroom, while Vincent has a 100 grams of heroin in his coat pocket that he 
purchased earlier. 
The representation of the character of Mia is that she is stereotyped to be a background character, a 
gangster’s wife therefore she should be portrayed a sex -appealing character who has fears of 
everything, but the actual character is slightly awkward but confident about, she doesn’t appear to
listen to anyone’s opinions and quite fearless, maybe being a gangster’s wife taught her to harden 
herself up around men. The character of Vincent is stereotyped to be emotionless, not very talkative 
and fearless as he is the right hand man of a gangster, where as his actually has emotions but talks 
very little about them, he also has a personality which appears to be very laidback. He also has fears 
as later on in the film, he is badly freaking out about Mia over-dosing. 
The iconography occurs everywhere in this mise en scene because of the setting, such as the bar, the 
tables, the waiters and waitress’ and the music/band playing all referencing the 1950’s/60’s vintage 
Quentin Tarantino often likes to reference his or the actors previous works in his films which give 
him a particular style. One of the post-modern features is intertextuality, this is where the film 
would make a reference to other media texts, an example includes Mia and Vincent referencing John 
Travolta’s (Vincent) previous work in 1978 such as the characters of Grease, Danny and Sandy sat in 
the car at a drive in, as well as Mia and Vincent being sat opposite each other at a diner which Danny 
and Sandy do. Another example of intertextuality, would be the waitress who is dressed to look like 
Marilyn Monroe, re-enacts the blowing up of the dress in this scene, referencing the Seven Year Itch 
which starred Marilyn Monroe, as well as the man who announces the dance competition is 
referencing Ed Sullivan, who was a host back in the 60’s, therefore this was the fitting job for this 
character. Another post-modern feature is parody, where this film copies another media text in a 
humorous way, such as Vincent dancing as John Travolta is, again, referencing his younger self in 
Grease and Saturday Night Fever. Pastiche is also a post-modern feature, and is where a media text 
closely imitates another media text from a distinguished previous artist, usually celebrates the work 
rather than mocking, this is also where the Marilyn Monroe dress moment happens and where 
Vincent is dancing, both referencing past, but memorable, media moments. Post -modern reflexivity 
is where the film maker (Quentin Tarantino), refers to the production part of the film, usually by 
breaking the illusion of the mise en scene to show that the film and or TV show is not real, this 
occurs when Mia and Vincent arrive at the diner in the car, and Mia says to Vincent, ‘Don’t be such 
a…’ and draws a square in midair, which has been edited to appear as she draws it in midair, 
shattering the illusion that there’s no camera there. Post-modern bricolage is where a media text 
references to a mix of eras/genres within one shot or scene such as, again, The Marilyn dress 
moment, the people surrounding her are very 90’s, such as their hairstyles and their clothes with 
Marilyn in the middle representing the 50/60’s era. Also another example of bricolage is Mia doing 
drugs in the toilet, the toilet is vintage themed, but Mia is surrounded by 90’s women and doing 
drugs in a toilet was a 90’s thing. The last post-modern feature is self-referentiality. This is where a 
producer of a media text or actor makes direct reference to previous work, again John Travolta 
references his characters of Danny and Tony, being dancers sat in the car/diner. Uma Thurman (Mia) 
also references the film, Kill Bill, which wasn’t made at the time of Pulp Fiction, but is another 
Quentin Tarantino film from 2003, Mia mentions the ‘Fox Force Five’ gang, which consisted of ‘a 
blonde one, a Japanese one, a black one, a French one and a brunette one’ , which are the characters 
from Kill Bill.

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Pr3 critical responses to media essay
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Pr3 critical responses to media essay
Pr3 leon critical responses
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Pr3 leon critical responses
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PR3 Theorys and Debates

  • 1. PR3: How we respond to media products We respond to media products in many ways, some of the approaches may be in the manner in which we analyse LEON The film Leon, is of an action thriller genre which as an audience, we can automatically identify with their being guns, violence, drugs, blood and sometimes even car chases, to which Leon includes just a few of the named. The narrative of this film Is about an assassin Leon, taking care of Matilda, his neighbour who is the sole survivor of her family’s massacre. Matilda is trained by Leon to be stronger and how to handle a gun, she then vows revenge on the murderer of her family, Norman Stansfield. It is a very linear film as the plot is easy to follow, with a few bumps down the road. The semiotics of Leon could be suggested to be Leon’s house plant. In the film, he is seen caring for it such as watering it, cleaning it and even carefully placing it in his apartment for direct sunlight. After Leon’s death, Matilda keeps the plant and takes it with her to her safe place, which ends up being a type of boarding place, to where she plants the plant, and names it Leon. By Matilda planting Leon’s plant, she is keeping his spirit alive and keeping the memory of him going, also suggesting that Leon was the only person besides her younger brother (who was killed)that Matilda ever cared for. This theory could mean that both the characters of Matilda and Leon were both lonely and found trust in each other, which could be why their relationship clicked so well. The plant could represent Leon’s character and his life, as Leon states that the plant is his only friend and the only object that he has ever really cared for before Matilda, therefore suggesting that he was a lonely character, who never really trusted or believed in anyone. Another semiotic of Leon would be Leon’s trench coat which is long, black and gives the impression that he is shifty. This coat could also suggest that he wears a long dark coat to make himself fit in and be sort of un-noticeable to the world, to keep himself to himself. It also suggests that he is mysterious like he’s trying to hide something under his coat such as guns and weapons, to which is his. During the time the filmed was made, trench coats were the fashion so it wouldn’t have been questionable at the time to why he was wearing it. Leon was a 1994 film directed by Luc Besson. It starred Jean Reno as Leon, Natalie Portman as Matilda and Gary Oldman as Norman Stansfield. The idea of the film is about a hit man, who lives in the same building as 12yr old Matilda and her family. Matilda’s family are the conventional loud Italian stereotype family, with her father, Mr Lando, sporting a drug dealer habit of stashing cocaine in his apartment, but for a DEA agent, Norman Stansfield. Stansfield arrives at Lando’s apartment (which Matilda shares with her father, step mother little brother and older sister) and demands for the cocaine that Lando has been holding for him, when Stansfield discovers that some of the stash is missing, and demands that Lando find out who took it by the next day. The Inciting incident occurs the next day when Matilda goes to the shop
  • 2. and offers to buy Leon some milk, on her return walking down the building’s hallway leading to her family’s apartment, Matilda sees her family’s dead corpses lying in the hallway in her apartment, and therefore stays calm, doesn’t flinch and carry’s on walking to Leon’s apartment, where starts to cry uncontrollably. At the end of the hallway, Leon then lets her in and vows to his self to take care of her. From then on, Leon trains Matilda in his sneaky ways to become a stronger girl than what she already is, and Matilda vows to get her own revenge on Stansfield. During the film, as the audience, we get an idea that Matilda see’s her relationship with Leon as a serious, romantic one as she exclaims to a desk clerk at a motel ‘He’s my lover’ when he asks her about him being her father. We ge t a sense that Matilda has never really had a functioning relationship of any type, even within her family.The climax occurs when Stansfield and Leon meet face to face near the ending of the film, and have their final words between them, Leon’s being, ‘This is from Matilda’ And then handing him the pin from a grenade which then explodes killing them both and injuring the people outside the building as this scene took place in the entrance to the building. Due to Leon handing Stansfield the pin, it allowed Matilda gets her own revenge without being involved. Leon is a linear film as it is story line is straight forward and easy to follow upon, you can easily tell apart the good relationships to the bad. The representation within the film is the complete opposite of what they are stereotyped to be, for example, the character Matilda, is a 12 year old girl who is expected to be cute, innocent and see’s the world as amazing and brand new, where as her real character is tough, undefeatable and only see’s the evil in the world because of her family’s massacre. Another character representation is Leon, he is stereotyped to be hard and emotionless because he is an assassin, but he is actually quite pitiful to other people and has a growing loving and caring emotion for Matilda and his plant. Norman Stansfield is another version of representation as he is the antagonist in this film, therefore he is expected to be tough and unattached to any objects or humans, where as he is quite emotional, either really angry or really sympathetic where death is involved, he also has a drug addict which makes his mind work strangely therefore acting like a psychopath. It is very conventional of Leon to be set in New York as it is quite typical as in films, New York is portrayed as being the crime capital where drugs and guns and violence is concerned. New York is also known in films as the mafia/gangsta’s place to be, therefore suggesting why Leon is there as he is an assassin for a man who is similar to a mafia. The camera techniques used are standard shots of an action thriller of Leon and the other characters, typically using fast pace shots when the action is happening to keep the pace of the scenario going, therefore keeping the audience hooked.
  • 3. In Leon, everything within the mise en scenes has the same effect of a slight darkened edit, suggesting that the film has darks sides and or characters. The iconography within the film includes blood, violence, guns, bad relationships/good relationships and a compromising decision. Leon includes all of these; therefore it becomes ab action thriller genre. It also includes explosions which you could link to the same genre but amongst other same genre films, it isn’t as common as guns and blood and violence/threats are. All of the above factors help contribute to this film being an action thriller genre, such as the guns, violence even down to the type of relationships between each character. 1. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers The film Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, is of the musical genre which as an audience, we automatically know there will be songs sung by the actors and actress’, to which Seven Brides for Seven Brothers does. This film was directed by Stanley Donen and was produced in 1954, but it is set in 1850, therefore has a theme of the old testament bible, such as the characters of the brothers as they are named in alphabetical order of chronological age. The names of the seven Pontipee brothers are Adam, Benjamin, Caleb, Daniel, Ephraim, Frank (short for Frankincense) and Gideon. These seven brothers are all set in their ‘mountain’ ways and struggle to find wives, this where Adam, the oldest Pontipee brother, his wife Milly comes into the story. The narrative of this film is linear as the brothers leave their mountain house and go into the local town down the mountain and kidnap six girls after Adam reads a story to his brothers called ‘The Sobbin’ Women’, which has a similar storyline, to which the film Is loosely based on. The synopsis of the plot starts with Adam visiting the local town to find a wife, where he meets Milly who agrees to marry him despite only knowing him for a few hours. After meeting Milly, the brothers become more encouraged to find there selves wives. Milly teaches the brothers manners such as sitting at the dinner table, their actions round women and other slight improvement’s from their mountain ways. The exposition occurs when the brothers then attend a barn raising in the local down at the bottom of the mountain they live at, which is where they meet six other women,
  • 4. Dorcas, Ruth, Martha, Liza, Sarah and Alice, who happen to be Milly’s friends. The brothers find out that they women are already spoken for, therefore during the barn raising, things get psychical between the brothers and the townsmen over the girls affection. The rising action occurs when a couple days after the barn raising, the girls are still playing on the brothers minds, so they also get encouragement from Adam who tells them that they should take any action necessary to get the women back, which ends up in the brothers in visiting the town, kidnaping the women and causing an avalanche on their way back up the mountain to stop all the townsmen getting up for a couple of months. The townsmen are really annoyed by this kidnapping event as their girls had been taken, they would be more hurt by their pride and how people would know they lost their girl to a mountain man. They try to get their girls back after the passage where the avalanche happened, cleared, and all travel up the mountain to attempt to get their girls back, to which by this point, the girls have fell in love with the brothers who have been put in line by Milly and the six other girls. The semiotics within this film include the snow outside, as during the time the kidnapped girls are at the Pontipee house, they start to flirt with the brothers by throwing snowballs with rocks inside of them at the brothers when they are working, as well as Milly kicking the brothers out of their rooms and making them sleep in the barn. One cold night they individually come into the house while Milly is reading the girls a story and each brother asks for a blanket, to which the girl they wish to marry, cant keep their eyes off him and fetch him a blanket to which then Milly realises that the girls actually like the brothers. Another semiotics would be near the ending with Milly’s new born baby. This is symbolism to the girl characters as when the townsmen come to rescue the girls, they hear the baby crying and this misinformation leads the men to asking whose baby it is, to which all 6 girls reply, ‘Mine!’. This misinformation leads the girls and the 6 remaining brothers to call a shotgun wedding there and then. Another semiotic would be the bible, when Milly arrives at the Pontipee brothers farm, she has a disagreement with the brothers over how they eat dinner, and goes up to her room and pulls her Bible of the shelf, and reads a paragraph. Also when she is in the wagon on her way to the farm, she pulls it out of her bag and shows Adam. Mil ly holds the Bible close to her as her father gave it to her and she was raised on it, as well as when Milly gives birth, she chose a few names beginning with H ad explains to Adam that she picked up where his mother left of with the names in alphabetical order. Milly mentions the names of Hannah, Hagar, Hezekiah, all bible names, before Adam repeating ‘Hannah, her names Hannah’. The representation of the characters, mainly the brothers, are stereotyped to be sort of emotionless mountain men, always the leader, when the actual characters are full of emotion and feelings and aren’t the leaders. The representation of the women are expected to be the background character behind the man, they are seen as the weaker characters because of the old testament bible. The female characters in this film are actually the leaders and the confident ones, they are the strongest
  • 5. characters. The characters of the brothers all listen to the oldest, Adam, as he is the first brother to get a wife, therefore Adam’s wife, Milly realises the brothers want to get a wife and she offers to teach them ways to get wives. Adam, the oldest brother, often refers to himself as ‘I’m the head of this house’, therefore he applies this rule to all his decisions that he decides without consulting his brothers and expects them to go along with his idea, despite Adam not thinking them through. With Adam seeing himself as the hierarchy of the family, you expect to see his character be the strong one and face everything head on as we get the idea that he is fearless, when his actual character has no strength in decisions over his brothers once Milly teaches them how to stand up for themselves without violence, he also doesn’t face problems head on, he disappears such as when Milly and Adam have an argument, he leaves for the cabin up the mountain for the winter rather than spend it with his new wife. The character of Milly is expected to be the Bible, which Milly holds a copy of close to her, when her actual character is the strongest one, she stands up to Adam and his brothers and even takes on the challenge of making them into better men. The iconography within this film includes the typical violence such as fights between the brothers there selves, and between the brothers and the townsmen. A factor also helping the violence would be weapons, there are guns in the film but not used in violence. Hammers and long planks of wood are used as violent weapons against the characters. Seven brides for seven brothers was shot in a cinemascope technique due to It being a wide angle film. The mise en scene has a vintage effect due to the film being dated to the 1850s era and it being produced in 1954. It has fade effects from some scenes and other scenes just cut to the next one, the fade effects usually occur after an event has happened, to set the tone. Seven brides for seven brothers is very conventional to be set in a cowboy/farm living situation as the boys represent the farm, hard working side and the townsmen represent the cowboy side, with the hats and guns and horses to travel about in. 1. Pulp Fiction Pulp Fiction is a 1994, black comedy crime genre film, directed by Quentin Tarantino. Its main cast has superstar names such as John Travolta (Vincent Vega), Uma Thurman (Mia Wallace), Samuel L Jackson (Jules Winnfield), Bruce Willis (Butch Coolidge) and Quentin Tarantino himself as Jimmie Dimmick. Pulp Fiction is of a non-linear narrative due to the way it has been edited, the stories of each character isn’t in order, they’re mixed together which make s it harder for the audience to loose focus on the story line. The scene I will be analysing will be the scene of the Jack Rabbit Slims dance scene between Vincent Vega and Mia Wallace. The synopsis of this scene happens when Vincent is asked by request of his boss, Marcellus Wallace, to take his wife (Mia), out for a night as he is out of town and doesn’t want her to feel abandoned. Vincent takes Mia to a diner called ‘Jack Rabbit Slims’ since Mia had already made a reservation for them. At Jack Rabbit Sli ms, the waiter’s and waitress’ all are dressed to resemble famous Hollywood stars, such as Buddy Holly, Marilyn Monroe, James
  • 6. Dean and Mamie Van Doren. Vincent refers to the diner’s staff as ‘its like a wax museum with a pulse’. 1. The exposition happens when Vincent and Mia arrive at the diner, and are escorted to their seat which is a vintage 50’s car converted into a table and chairs. Their waiter comes over who is dressed as Buddy Holly and is played by Steve Buscemi, who appears in Reservoir Dogs (Quentin Tarantino film) as a character who refuses to tip waiter’s and waitress’. Buddy Holly asks for their orders to which Vincent orders a vanilla coke and a streak while Mia orders a burger and a $5 shake, to which Buddy Holly replies ‘Martin & Lewis or Amos & Andy?’, this references the past as Martin and Lewis were two white males who were comedians together, which the milkshake reference means they are vanilla and the Amos and Andy were two black actors who were on a sitcom together, which the milkshake references them to be chocolate. During this part of the scene where they are sat at their seats, they both light up cigarettes and start smoking. Mia then goes on to explain about her ‘Fox Force Five’ piolet TV show that only made one episode as Vincent had asked her about it. The rising action happens when Mia excuses herself to go to the bathroom to as she says ‘power my nose’ to which she actually does with cocaine, which was a very 90’s thing to do during the time of the film. As she arrives back at the table, she sees her food has arrived and is happy to see it and makes conversation about it with Vincent. This is when the falling action appears when a dance competition is announced by one of the look-a-likes at Jack Rabbit Slims who is portraying Ed Sullivan. Mia then convinces Vincent to dance and aim to win as Mia wants the trophy. This scene includes Mia and Vincent doing a ‘twist’ dance which was copied movement by movement from the dance performed by Fellini’s 1963 classic ‘8½’ by Barbra Steele and Mario Pisu. This style of dancing reflects the scene around them, a typical American 1950/60’s diner. The semiotics within Pulp Fiction include the cigarettes as both characters in this scene have a habit of using them, which could potentially give them nicotine rush which could add to one explanation to as why Mia seems a little on edge before taking the drugs, which is another semiotic when Mia takes drugs in the bathroom, while Vincent has a 100 grams of heroin in his coat pocket that he purchased earlier. The representation of the character of Mia is that she is stereotyped to be a background character, a gangster’s wife therefore she should be portrayed a sex -appealing character who has fears of everything, but the actual character is slightly awkward but confident about, she doesn’t appear to
  • 7. listen to anyone’s opinions and quite fearless, maybe being a gangster’s wife taught her to harden herself up around men. The character of Vincent is stereotyped to be emotionless, not very talkative and fearless as he is the right hand man of a gangster, where as his actually has emotions but talks very little about them, he also has a personality which appears to be very laidback. He also has fears as later on in the film, he is badly freaking out about Mia over-dosing. The iconography occurs everywhere in this mise en scene because of the setting, such as the bar, the tables, the waiters and waitress’ and the music/band playing all referencing the 1950’s/60’s vintage era. Quentin Tarantino often likes to reference his or the actors previous works in his films which give him a particular style. One of the post-modern features is intertextuality, this is where the film would make a reference to other media texts, an example includes Mia and Vincent referencing John Travolta’s (Vincent) previous work in 1978 such as the characters of Grease, Danny and Sandy sat in the car at a drive in, as well as Mia and Vincent being sat opposite each other at a diner which Danny and Sandy do. Another example of intertextuality, would be the waitress who is dressed to look like Marilyn Monroe, re-enacts the blowing up of the dress in this scene, referencing the Seven Year Itch which starred Marilyn Monroe, as well as the man who announces the dance competition is referencing Ed Sullivan, who was a host back in the 60’s, therefore this was the fitting job for this character. Another post-modern feature is parody, where this film copies another media text in a humorous way, such as Vincent dancing as John Travolta is, again, referencing his younger self in Grease and Saturday Night Fever. Pastiche is also a post-modern feature, and is where a media text closely imitates another media text from a distinguished previous artist, usually celebrates the work rather than mocking, this is also where the Marilyn Monroe dress moment happens and where Vincent is dancing, both referencing past, but memorable, media moments. Post -modern reflexivity is where the film maker (Quentin Tarantino), refers to the production part of the film, usually by breaking the illusion of the mise en scene to show that the film and or TV show is not real, this occurs when Mia and Vincent arrive at the diner in the car, and Mia says to Vincent, ‘Don’t be such a…’ and draws a square in midair, which has been edited to appear as she draws it in midair, shattering the illusion that there’s no camera there. Post-modern bricolage is where a media text references to a mix of eras/genres within one shot or scene such as, again, The Marilyn dress moment, the people surrounding her are very 90’s, such as their hairstyles and their clothes with Marilyn in the middle representing the 50/60’s era. Also another example of bricolage is Mia doing drugs in the toilet, the toilet is vintage themed, but Mia is surrounded by 90’s women and doing drugs in a toilet was a 90’s thing. The last post-modern feature is self-referentiality. This is where a producer of a media text or actor makes direct reference to previous work, again John Travolta references his characters of Danny and Tony, being dancers sat in the car/diner. Uma Thurman (Mia) also references the film, Kill Bill, which wasn’t made at the time of Pulp Fiction, but is another Quentin Tarantino film from 2003, Mia mentions the ‘Fox Force Five’ gang, which consisted of ‘a blonde one, a Japanese one, a black one, a French one and a brunette one’ , which are the characters from Kill Bill.