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Chapter I
Background of the Study
Technology is a vital part of our organizations today, but a lot of times we neglect
the technology problem and focus solely on the human problem. The truth is both are
connected and we have to learn how to fix them both.
Employee experience, corporate culture and effective leadership are all a huge focus
point in many companies today, and rightly so. However, most companies are focusing
solely on the human problem, when they should also be looking at the technology
problem as well.
Think about technology in your workplace. When you don’t have the tools and
technology needed to complete a task or project it can become extremely frustrating.
You may become resentful or even angry because of the outdated technology you are
being forced to use. Technology is part of creating a positive employee experience. If
you want your employees to be happy, successful and productive, you have to ensure
they have access to the resources they need to complete their projects and tasks.
Technology plays a huge role in how we communicate, collaborate and interact with
one another in our workplace and in our personal lives. When the technology
component breaks down the technology problem becomes a human problem.
Science and Technology Australia tried this week to address that issue with its annual
Science Meets Business conference in Melbourne, which brings together industry, academics
and venture capitalists to try to get real results from all the talk about innovation and the "ideas
There is a long list of challenges facing Australia's efforts to become a significant global
player in technology.A lack of scale, skills and collaboration between academia and big
business. Clunky compliance, and flawed research and development policies.Not to mention a
culture that idolises its sporting heroes but not its scientists or entrepreneurs. YugaTech in
Cebu City also acknowledge and said that “The Internet has changed the way we live.
It has improved the way we communicate with people and how we share information.
However, the Internet can also cause problems especially when it is not working as
advertised or used as a tool for criminal acts. Filipinos are very familiar with such
The first and major problem is the slow and expensive internet. A big check for
everyone? This has already attracted the attention of our lawmakers and government
agencies although I wonder how they are handling it so far.
Also here in Maitum, Sarangani Province, the major problem is the seriously slow
internet connection which bugs off users rather than the internet speed connection in
urban places.
The researcher is determined to get informations on the common problems with the
use of technology in Notre Dame of Maitum, Inc. And found out that it is the number
one cause on why students tend to bring smartphones and gadgets is for gaming,
entertainment, etc. Because of this, students don’t listen and pay attention on what the
teacher is saying, The effect of it will be lack of knowledge, cheating, gaming, etc.
In view of this, I am concerned about knowing the significant impact on how
technology affects people in today’s generation. The main point here is to get detailed
about its corresponding problems and to find out its relevant way of learning to have
specific knowledge of the importance of technology.
Statement of the Problem
This study aimed to find out the common problems in regards with the use of
technology and it’s powerful impact in today’s generation under Practical Research 1 at
Notre Dame of Maitum, Inc. Brgy. Malalag, Maitum, Sarangani Province Year 2018-
Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:
1. How can technology change the students lives in 20 years?
2. How does technology affect the academic performance of a student?
3. How students describe the technology?
4. What kind of technology gives a huge impact in today’s generation?
Hypothesis of the Study
Based on the foregoing specific statements of the problem, the null hypothesis
sre formulated below:
Ho :New technology-based firms contribute significantly to an economy in terms
of exports, employment, taxes paid, research and development, and innovations.
Conceptual Framework of the Study
Customer‐ Supplier Relationships
As new technologies and new processes are adopted by firms, the
technology level of the firm is emerging as an important variable of
inter‐ organizational relationships. It examines the influence of technology levels on
the customer‐ supplier interactions and presents a conceptual model of the
technology impact. Drawing on the marketing and social exchange literature,
derives a set of research propositions in terms of major characteristics of
interaction processes
Technology-Dependent Users
New devices can learn and adapt to people's needs based on specific situations,
location and context of use, and become context-aware so that they can predict users’
needs in different contexts, always staying a step ahead of them and eventually making
user interfaces superfluous. By integrating the extant logic and theories to explore how
future technology would generate benefits for people. It integrates task-technology fit
(TTF) model and motivation theory (mainly expectancy-value theory) to explain such
technology user behavior. It also points out the difference between technology-enabled
and technology-dependent user behavior and
concludes that too much emphasis on the role of technology with too little attention on
motivation would distort technology user behavior, and the role of technology as well.
Informing Technology Design
It sought to explore the notion of ‘impact’ in relation to the adoptation of technology,
and specifically, to relate this to roles and practices in higher education.
Significance of the Study
The findings of this study are significant to the following:
Students. Students are engaging with technology constantly outside of the
classroom. Kids like to be interactive, and learning through technology has now
become a part of their lifestyle.
Teachers. The technology movement has been implemented in post-secondary
education as well as other professional jobs. For new teachers, technology is
considered a necessity for the learning environment.
School Administrators. Giving students tools to actively participate in their
learning ensures that the responsibility for learning isn’t just on teachers. Thanks to
technology, students can play a bigger part in their own learning than they might
Parents. For parents, monitoring children’s online activity can help determine if
they are using the Internet appropriately. If not, they could search for inappropriate
Scope and Delimitation of the Study
This study was conceived to find and know the Huge Impact of Technology
among selected random students in each grade level of the junior high school at Notre
Dame of Maitum,Inc. Barangay Malalag, Maitum, Sarangani Province under Mr. Julius
P. Ignacio.
Definition of Terms
Terms used in this study are defined operationally and conceptually.
Internet. A set of interconnected networks that allow computers in different
locations to exchange information. The Internet includes services such as the world
wide web, electronic mail, file transfer protocol (FTP), chat and remote access to
networks and computers.
Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi is a technology that allows computers and other devices to
communicate via a wireless signal. Essentially, it means you can browse the internet
without tripping over phone cords.
Cache. When you download (read) a web page, the data is "cached," meaning it is
temporarily stored on your computer. The next time you want that page, instead of
requesting the file from the web server, your web browser just accesses it from the
cache, so the page loads quickly. The downside to this is that if the cached web page is
often updated, you may miss the latest version. If you suspect that the web page you're
seeing is not the latest version, use the "refresh" button on your browser.
Assistive technology. Assistive technology refers to any software or hardware that
acts to assist and improve the functional capabilities of people with disabilities.
Examples include wheelchairs, prosthetics, voice-to-text technology and text-to-speech
Chapter II
This chapter presents the methodology of the study which includes the research design,
research locale/loci, research subjects/respondents, research instruments used and
their validation, data gathering and analysis procedures, and statistical treatment used.
Research Design
The researchers used the qualitative research which involves the use of
qualitative data, such as been a general shift in research away from technological to
managerial andwill help a researcher to see a pattern ormeaning of the data obtained.
This section aims to deal with everything that can be desribe. and studied which has an
impact to the lives of the people it deals with. It is generally based on a social
constructivism perspective. Research problems become research questions based on
prior research experience. Sample sizes can be as small as one. Data collection
involves interview, observation, and/or archival (content) data.
The research paradigm of the study is shown on the next page.
The Powerful Impact of Technology in Today’s Generation
Research Locale
1. How will technology
change the lives of student
in 20 years?
Notre Dame of Maitum
Research Instruments and
their Validation
2. How students describe
the technology?
observes, takes notes,
Subject of the Study
3. What kind of technology
gives a huge impact in
today’s generation?
Junoir High School random
focus group discussionsand
document analysis
observational methods,
Data Gathering and Analysis
4. How does technology
affect the academic
performance of a student?
Research Locale
The study was conducted among the Junior High School students at Notre Dame
of Maitum, Inc. This school is a catholic institution that offers quality Christian education
withcurricular programs for the, Junior and Senior high school levels. The school is
located at Barangay Malag, Maitum, Sarangani Province.
Research Subjects
The subjects of the study were randomly picked with 3 girls and 3 boys from
each of the grade level who are interested and eager to participate in the interview. This
is for research only, to gather informations and know their point of view on the said
Sampling Procedure
The researchers observes, takes notes, or do interview related to the topic. Interview
provide a qualitative method of gathering evidence, data or information. The interviewer
has a list of questions or key points to be covered and works through them in a
methodical manner.
Data Gathering and Analysis Procedures
The researcher have gathered and analyzed procedures at Notre Dame of
Maitum on February 21, 2019 with 20 respondents within the junior high school
Review of Related Literature
Technology is the collection of techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in
the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as
scientific investigation.
Technology can be the knowledge of techniques, processes, and the like, or it can be
embedded in machines to allow for operation without detailed knowledge of their
The simplest form of technology is the development and use of basic tools.
The prehistoric discovery of how to control fire and the later Neolithic
Revolution increased the available sources of food, and the invention of
the wheel helped humans to travel in and control their environment. Developments in
historic times, including the printing press, the telephone, and the Internet, have
lessened physical barriers to communication and allowed humans to interact freely on a
global scale.
Technology has many effects. It has helped develop more advanced economies
and has allowed the rise of a leisure class. Many technological processes produce
unwanted by-products known as pollution and deplete natural resources to the
detriment of Earth's environment. Innovations have always influenced the values of a
society and raised new questions of the ethics of technology. Examples include the rise
of the notion of efficiency in terms of human productivity, and the challenges
of bioethics.
Definition and Usage
The use of the term "technology" has changed significantly over the last 200 years.
Before the 20th century, the term was uncommon in English, and it was used either to
refer to the description or study of the useful arts or to allude to technical education, as
in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
The term's meanings changed in the early 20th century when American social
scientists, beginning with Thorstein Veblen, translated ideas from the German concept
of Technik into "technology." In German and other European languages, a distinction
exists between technik and technologie that is absent in English, which usually
translates both terms as "technology."
Technology includes all tools, machines, utensils, weapons, instruments, housing,
clothing, communicating and transporting devices and the skills by which we produce
and use them. Bain's definition remains common among scholars today, especially
social scientists.
“Technology in a similarly broad way as "a means to fulfill a human purpose."
Technology in Today’s Generation
By now, everyone knows what a prominent role technology plays in our society. It is
nearly impossible to go a day without hearing something about technology on the news
in some form, whether it is good or bad. Usually, these stories focus on the effect that it
has on teenagers, since they are the group that is most heavily involved with using it;
however, now, more than ever, kids and pre-teens are beginning to use technology just
as much as teenagers and adults do. Unlike teenagers and adults, though, the younger
generation has been raised with this constant influx of technology around them— they
practically do not know life without it.
First, the advantages. The use of technology from a very young age helps in schools,
due to the fact that it helps students want to learn, as well as makes it possible for each
student to learn at their own pace. Additionally, it allows learning to become more
interactive than it has ever been before. Kids essentially have the world readily available
at their fingertips— if they want to know something they can look it up on the Internet
and in just a few seconds have an answer.
Then, for the disadvantages, which many argue are much stronger than the
advantages. Growing up with technology continuously around them, kids have a greater
chance of becoming dependent on it, and become overly used to relying on it for
everything. Among other effects, this can have a serious impact on their social skills.
Diferrent Uses of Technology
The mobile industry has boomed with the constant development of new
technologies in mobile devices. Keep in mind that mobile devices is not just your cell
phone: it’s also your iPad, iPod, and pretty much anything that is an on-the-go device.
The competition between the companies in the mobile industry is incredible! Samsung’s
newly released Galaxy S4 has set new standards for processing speeds, and Apple
continuously develops new features on their iPhones. And let’s not forget the app
developers. Without app developers, we’d be lost with our mobile devices. The
competition forces new intuitive ideas between companies, as well as faster hardware.
Along with the development of the hardware and software, there’s also the actual
networking of phones.
Technology of the Past
Technology will never stop moving forward due to all the great thinkers out there,
and is leaving some technologies behind! Like a fridge that was used for keeping food
cold. Who needs cold food anyway when I can watch YouTube on it? Soon, we’ll just
print it anyway, then send the download link for your greatest recipe through text to your
friend 10 states over. In the “old days”, we used phones for talking to each other. That
was it. Not for texting. Not for browsing the web. And not for playing Angry Birds (a
nightmare, I know). In the past, technology was a bonus, not a necessity.
technology for entertainment. Today, however, this is far from true. We absolutely need
technology. Without it, our society would crumble at its’ feet, where it stands right now,
and in a 24 hour period. Could we adjust if we suddenly lost it all?
Mobile Users
Do you have more conversations through technology, than you do in person? It
seems that more and more people are moving away from face-to-face interactions, but
instead moving towards a more technology-driven way of life. Myself included, society
almost needs to use technology to communicate.
This is not to say that technology is ruining society because that’s so far from true;
however, it is dumbing our society down. We’re removing the necessity of skills such as
face-to-face communications, and doing basic math without the help of a calculator.
Sociological Impact
Texting alone has made a huge impact on the grammar, spelling, and punctuation
skills of people of all ages, including those over 25. Teachers see it, professors see it,
and employers are seeing it now too. These technologies at our disposal are here to
make our lives easier, and teach us things we didn’t already know, or forgot. Instead of
using them to teach us, we use them to correct us, move on, and forget. If spell check
says you spelled a word wrong, make note of it, correct it, move on, and remember!
As for our current generation, my word of advice is to not rely heavily on technology to
live your lives. Your life is yours to control. Teach yourself these skills because without
them, we will struggle to move on as a society. Don’t forget the technologies because
without them as well, we will struggle to move forward. Technology has made learning,
making friends, having fun, and interacting so much easier than ever before. It would be
a shame to use the capabilities of them and turn them into our worst enemy.
Over the years, technology has revolutionized our perspective of the world. Technology
has created amazing tools and resources, putting each person’s most useful information
at their fingertips.
Effects of Technology
Technology Is Breeding New Kinds of Habits And Addictions.
There are pros and cons to the advances in Technology, one positive is the way it
has opened to the bracket of those who can engage in learning, as well as those who
can teach whose in need of knowledge.With technology, we have adopted new habits.
Gone are the days when parents worried about their teens wearing indecent clothes
and moving in the wrong social circle of friends. These things still happen today. But,
the use of social media and the Internet at large is the greatest concern of most parents
today. Many teenagers and young adults are so addicted to their smartphones that
being without a mobile device can result in instant boredom.
Technology Has Changed Education
The way students receive instructions from tutors has been transformed. Even
tutors have experienced that change as it has become easier for them to reach their
students. Today, anyone from anywhere can sign up for any course irrespective of your
Technology has widely opened the bracket of those who can engage in learning, as
well as those who can teach those in need of knowledge. It also gives students the
flexibility of learning at the location they prefer and at the time they want.
Technology Has Changed How We Communicate
There are lots of devices today that have come about through other technological
advancements that are enormously important in daily life.In the past, you had to write a
letter to communicate with someone. The letter could even take days before it was
delivered. You also had to trace the letter to see if it had been sent to and received by
the appropriate person. Errors were not uncommon as well. However, there is no such
phenomenon today—science and technology have made sure of this. All you have to do
if you want to communicate with someone in society today is to send them a message
on social media or put a call through.
Technology Has Changed How We Pay Bills And Transfer Money
No more do you have to enter a bank to withdraw money or transfer it to someone.
It is even possible to live without ever going into the bank. Many banks are already
making registration possible online and accessible to people.
Technology Has Changed How We Watch TV
Today, the ability to watch movies and shows on small screens like smartphones is
good for families. A family can even watch different programs on different screens using
the same pay-TV platform.
Importance of Technology
There are more ways in which technology has changed the way we live. These are
just some of the fundamental ways we have been influenced and transformed by
The revolutions that will surface in few years to come will far outweigh what has been
experienced in the past. In the future, there is the possibility of each housing unit
generating its own energy. Technology brings a lot of potentials that will continue to
transform the way we live like never before.
Before the advent of mobile technology, you had to search through a dictionary to
understand the meaning of a word. Today, that phenomenon is still preserved, but it is
less used by most people.Nowadays, you don’t have to ask someone so much about
themselves. If you really want to know much about someone’s personality, background,
and ambitions, all you have to do is enter their name online and scroll through such
individual’s profile.You will be amazed by the results you get. Many people go further
with the relationship or just quit from there. That’s one of the ways technology has
changed lives today.
The future of technology is even more interesting than what is happening right now.
In few years, we will be talking about driverless cars and robots working in factories.
However, let’s focus on highlighting the ways technology has changed our lives.
Technology in our Life Today
Technology has created amazing tools and resources, putting useful information at their
fingertips.When it comes to the way we communicate, modern technology has had an
impressive influence.
Digital technology has also changed what people term as ‘media.’ A media company
isn’t necessarily a news platform anymore. A media company is now known as a
company that helps pass information across the globe. That’s almost half of the world’s
population. Around the world, two million smartphones are sold every day. The amount
of information being shared on social media networks is phenomenal.
Social media isn’t the only big statement digital technology has made. Neither is social
media the only way technology has had an impact in everyone’s life.Before the advent
of mobile technology, you had to search through a dictionary to understand the meaning
of a word. Today, that phenomenon is still preserved, but it is used less and less;
now you can look it up on a dictionary app you downloaded or just search the internet.
The future of technology is even more interesting than what is happening right now. In
few years, we will be talking about driver-less cars and robots working in factories.
The Technology Development Process
In order to accelerate the deployment of new technologies, significant investment
support and institutional change is necessary. Knowledge sharing is critical in order to
accelerate technology development and to drive down costs of future CCS
developments. Indeed, future investment decisions will depend on the experience
gained by demonstration projects, the ability to improve the design and operation of
future projects and to build competitive advantage. It will also facilitate public support for
the demonstration programme and enable the effectiveness of public funding to be
properly evaluated.
The technology development process, however, is significantly more complex than
a linear progression from R&D to demonstration, commercialisation, market
accumulation and wide-scale diffusion. Linkages between these stages allow learning
by doing, learning by using and learning by interacting, all of which help innovators
move along the experience curve.
The innovation process involves the development and deployment of new
technologies, products and services by business. To achieve this, funding is required
from a variety of investors. In the early stages of the market, take-up is largely driven by
the product/technology push. As awareness builds, the rate of deployment is
accelerated by market pull as demand grows.
Latest Trends in Industry
Internet of Things (IOT)
One of the biggest tech trends to emerge in recent years is the Internet of Things.
Simply put, the Internet of Things (abbreviated IOT) is the idea that all technological
devices can be connected to the internet and to each other in an attempt to create the
perfect marriage between thephysical and digital worlds. How will this impact you? It
depends on your industry.
Machine Learning
Another exciting emerging technology is machine learning, which is essentially a
computer’s ability to learn on its own by analyzing data and tracking repeating patterns.
For example, social media platforms use machine learning to get a better understanding
of how you’re connected with those in your social network. They do this by analyzing
your likes, shares and comments and then prioritizing content from your closest
connections, serving you that content first.
Touch Commerce
Being able to buy anything you want with the touch of a finger may have seemed like a
fantasy a few years ago, but it’s now a reality. Merging touchscreen technology with
one-click shopping, touch commerce allows consumers to buy products easily from their
Technological Change
In its earlier days, technological change was illustrated with the 'Linear Model of
Innovation’, which has now been largely discarded to be replaced with a model of
technological change that involves innovation at all stages of research, development,
diffusion, and use. When speaking about "modeling technological change," this often
means the process of innovation. This process of continuous improvement is often
modeled as a curve depicting decreasing costs over time. technological change covers
the invention of technologies and their commercialization or release asopen
sourcevia research and development, the continual improvement of technologies (in
which they often become less expensive), and the diffusion of technologies throughout
industry or society. In short, technological change is based on both better and more
Technological change itself is often included in other models and was often taken as
an big factor. This means that it is taken as something you can influence. Today, there
are sectors that maintain policy can influence the speed and direction of technological
change. For instance, proponents of the Induced Technological Change hypothesis
state that policy makers can steer the direction of technological advances by influencing
relative factor prices and this can be demonstrated in the way climate policies impact
the use of fossil fuel energy, specifically how it becomes relatively more expensive.
Technological Change as a Social Process
Underpinning the idea of technological change as a social process is general
agreement on the importance of social context and communication. According to this
model, technological change is seen as a social process involving producers and
adopters and others (such as government) who are profoundly affected by cultural
setting, political institutions and marketing strategies.In free market economies, the
maximization of profits is a powerful driver of technological change.
Generally, only those technologies that promise to maximize profits for the owners
of incoming producing capital are developed and reach the market. Any technological
product that fails to meet this criterion. Therefore, technological change is a social
process strongly biased in favor of the financial interests of capital. There are currently
no well established democratic processes, such as voting on the social or
environmental desirability of a new technology prior to development and marketing, that
would allow average citizens to direct the course of technological change.
Technology has made our society make it to the point of ignorance to the fact that
there might be a day when our technology does not work and they cannot, at the
moment, live without it. We have grown to rely on our technology to make our lives
easier. If our technology were to go away, our lives would be really tough for a while
until everyone learned to live without it. My solution is that we begin that transition
sooner rather than later. If you have basic map-reading skills, you can look at a road
map and get to your destination.
All of this leads me to the importance of my guiding question of this project:
"What if this technology was no longer around?"
As stated with the GPS problem, the world would simply have to struggle for a while
and eventually adjust.We sit and ask ourselves, ‘what abilities has technology taken
away from us?” The answer is our freedom. This generation, in particular, has become
dependent on calculators and GPS systems to make our lives simpler. We have moved
towards a more fast-paced society so technology has to be used to keep us moving at
the same pace. Our grandparents had to live the lives that we do, but just with less
technology and they have turned out to be some of the wisest people we know.
Chapter III
This chapter presents the results, analysis and interpretation of data on the
Impact of Technology in Today’s Generation in the Junior High School students, School
year 2018-2019.
The results and discussion are presented in the manner the statement of the
problem is arranged.
This interview on the said topic used and rated by the researcher with the
checklist form.
Table 1. Your life in 20 years with technology.
Disease prevention
because of
17 1 2
Cutting down travel
time. There will be
no traffic and no
road accidents.
13 3 4
Lessening the time
spent on carrying
out routine tasks.
15 3 2
Automatic foods
being processed
18 2 0
Total 64 8 8
As presented in Table 1, item 4, had the highest pointin the possible description
with 18/20students. This means that it is possible for the students to have automatic
foods being processed easily after 20 years, whereas item 1, got the lowest pointof
only 1/20 studentin the impossible description. This means that student strongly agree
on the possible existence and outcome that Automatic foods being processed easily
has been improved and has been using successfully after 20 years.
On the other hand, this suggests that students need to improve their knowledge and
be open minded when it comes to disease prevention to be aware of the do’s and dont’s
for the sake of his/her health.
From the given data, most of the students estimated as 16/20 chooses to agree
for the possible effect of the said item. In the impossible effect, only 2/20 students
estimatedly have disagree to the possible effect. While 2/20 students have not decided.
2. The Effect of Academic Performance of a student.
Using technology
in the classroom
to enhance
17 2 1
Technology and
education for
practice, research,
and learning
20 0 0
Using technology
tools for
19 0 1
Help children with
skills through the
use of gadgets
13 3 4
Total 69 5 6
As presented in Table 2, item 2, had the highest pointin the possible description
with the overall interviewed student of 20/20. This means that it is agreeable for the
students to have technology and education for practice, research, and learning,
whereas item 2, got the lowest pointof0/20 studentwhich no one had disagreed to
have technology and education for practice, research, and learning. This means that all
of the interviewed student strongly agree on the possible existence and outcome on the
said topic. From the given data, most of the students estimated as 17/20 chooses to
agree for the possible effect of the said item. In the impossible effect, only 1/20
students estimatedly have disagree to the possible effect. While 2/20 students have not
3. Describe Techonology in Today’s Generation.
Technology has
changed the way
we communicate
19 0 1
Technology has
changed the way
we pay bills
16 1 3
Technology has
changed the way
we date
6 0 14
Technology has
changed how we
watch television
15 1 4
Technology has
changed how we
get socialized
18 0 2
Total 74 2 24
As presented in Table 3, item 1, had the highest pointin the Yes description with
19/20 students. This means that students have positively said yesthat technology has
changed the way we communicate, whereas item 1, got the lowest pointof0/20
studentwhich no one had disagreed to have technology and education for practice,
research, and learning. This being said that only 1/20students choosed undecided
regarding with the description of technology. Meaning, 99% of the interviewed student
strongly agree on the possible existence and outcome on the said topic.
From the given data,The researcher have estimated the total and overall number
of student who picked the following description. Most of the students estimated as 15/20
chooses to agree for the possible effect and choosed YES from the given item. In the
impossible effect or in the NO description, there have been 0/20 or NO DATA from
which students agreed more from the possible effects on the following item. While 2/20
students have not decided.
Chapter IV
The purpose of this chapter is to summarize the findings, provide
conclusions and give recommendation on the results of the study that was conducted.
Summary of Findings
Based on the data gathered, presented and analyzed, the researchers arrived at the
following findings:
1. It was found out that during the conducting of interview, the researcher’s
respondents are focused and tend to agree more on the possible and the affirmative
side rather than the negative and undecided description.
2. It was found out that after the said interview, the results are expected. With
estimated 89% of the students, have chosen and checked the possible, agreeable and
affirmative descriptions. Therefore, they can picture out the innovative and powerful
inventions of technology according to the items in each table.
3. It was found out that many students chose the affirmative description, 1/4 of the
students chose to pick the undecided, and only 1% has picked negative.
With the foregoing findings, the following conclusions were drawn:
1. The students said that it is possible to have the following items to exist and
processed 20 years from now.
2. Most of the students agree on the effect of their academic performance which
describes as very good.
3. There is a significant relationship when describing technology in today’s
generation. Students relate and create huge impact on how the following items have
innovated each and every lives.
Based on the conclusions drawn, the following recommendations are given:
1.It is recommended that innovations are and have always influenced
the values of a society and raised new questions of the ethics of technology. Examples
include the rise of the notion of efficiency in terms of human productivity, we should
value the power of technology and its latest innovations.
2. There are pros and cons to the advances in Technology, one positive is the
way it has opened to the bracket of those who can engage in learning, as well as those
who can teach whose in need of knowledge.
With technology, it is recommended that we have to adopt new habits. Gone are
the days when parents worried about their teens wearing indecent clothes and moving
in the wrong social circle of friends. These things still happen today. But, the use of
social media and the Internet at large is the greatest concern of most parents today.
3. Students must spend more time in reading and analyzing on how technology
works so that they have knowlegde and can easily describe and understand the power
of technology.
The researchers would like to express their sincere and genuine gratitude to the
following persons who really gave their unwavering support in the realization of this
research study:
First, to their adviser, adviser in Practical Research for her support, amiability,
knowledge and encouragement for the improvement of the work. She believed in the
capacity of the researchers to do the tasks, and provided guidance towards the
accomplishment of this study;
To the member of the panel, Sir Julius Ignacio, for his patience in reading and
checking our work and for providing constructive criticism and pieces of advice for the
betterment of this study;
To our Principal, Ms. Ma. Luz Endriga MaEd, RE, LPT. for her warm and welcoming
response to the request of the researchers to have the data gathering in the school;
To all the subjects of this study for their active and cooperative participation in
answering the test, and for their time and effort in doing the given tasks;
To the family and loved ones, especially, the parents, brothers, and sisters who
greatly inspired and motivated the writers to pursue the study and;
Most of all, to the Almighty God for His blessings and provisions and for
giving strength, courage,and wisdom to make this study a success.
Indeed, He deserves all the glory, honor, praises and adoration. The researchers owe
Him all the success of this study. Without God, this study would never have been
Aira Jill G. Rayray
This special work of art is humbly dedicated to my
loving parents:
Nixon M. Rayray, and Arlene G. Rayray
and to my sibling,
Richard Nixon G. Rayray
for their love, patience, understanding,
financial and moral support.
This study was undertaken to find out the huge and powerful impact of technology in
today’s generation according to the 20 randomly picked junior high school students of
Notre Dame of Maitum.
Checklist example interview were used to gather data.
Based on the findings of this study the following conclusions were drawn:
1 The students said that it is possible to have the following items to exist and
processed 20 years from now.
2. Most of the students agree on the effect of their academic performance which
describes as very good.
3. There is a significant relationship when describing technology in today’s
generation. Students relate and create huge impact on how the following
items have innovated each and every lives.
Background of the Study 1
Statement of the Problem 4
Hypothesis of the Study 5
Conceptual Framework of the Study 5
Significance of the Study 9
Scope and Delimitation of the Study 9
Definition of Terms 10
Research Design 12
Research Locale/Loci 14
Research Subjects/Respondents 14
Research Instruments Used
and Their Validation 15
Data Gathering and Analysis Procedures 15
Statistical Treatment Used 19
The Proficiency Level of College Students in
Writing Synopsis of a Story Before Their
Attendancein the English Enhancement Program 3
The Proficiency Level of College Students In
Summarizing Drama Before Their Attendance in
the English Enhancement Program 3 22
The Proficiency Level of College Students in
Paraphrasing Quotations Before Their Attendance
in theEnglish Enhancement Program 3 23
The Summary on the Proficiency Levels in the
Three Writing Activities of the Students Before
Their Attendance in the English Enhancement
Program 3
It must be title of each Table about your study.
Chapter III The Proficiency Level of College Students in
Writing Synopsis of a Story After Their
Attendance in the English Enhancement
Program 3 25
The Proficiency Level of College Students In
Summarizing Drama After Their Attendance in
the English Enhancement Program 3 26
The Proficiency Level of College Students in
Paraphrasing Quotations After Their Attendance
in the English Enhancement Program 3 27
The Summary on the Proficiency Levels in the
Three Writing Activities of the Students After
Their Attendance in the English Enhancement
Program 3 28
Relationship Between the Proficiency Level of
Students Before and After Their Attendance in
the English Enhancement Program 3 29
Summary of Findings 31
Conclusions 32
Recommendations 32

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  • 1. Chapter I THE PROBLEM Background of the Study Technology is a vital part of our organizations today, but a lot of times we neglect the technology problem and focus solely on the human problem. The truth is both are connected and we have to learn how to fix them both. Employee experience, corporate culture and effective leadership are all a huge focus point in many companies today, and rightly so. However, most companies are focusing solely on the human problem, when they should also be looking at the technology problem as well. Think about technology in your workplace. When you don’t have the tools and technology needed to complete a task or project it can become extremely frustrating. You may become resentful or even angry because of the outdated technology you are being forced to use. Technology is part of creating a positive employee experience. If you want your employees to be happy, successful and productive, you have to ensure they have access to the resources they need to complete their projects and tasks.
  • 2. Technology plays a huge role in how we communicate, collaborate and interact with one another in our workplace and in our personal lives. When the technology component breaks down the technology problem becomes a human problem. 2 Science and Technology Australia tried this week to address that issue with its annual Science Meets Business conference in Melbourne, which brings together industry, academics and venture capitalists to try to get real results from all the talk about innovation and the "ideas boom". There is a long list of challenges facing Australia's efforts to become a significant global player in technology.A lack of scale, skills and collaboration between academia and big business. Clunky compliance, and flawed research and development policies.Not to mention a culture that idolises its sporting heroes but not its scientists or entrepreneurs. YugaTech in Cebu City also acknowledge and said that “The Internet has changed the way we live. It has improved the way we communicate with people and how we share information. However, the Internet can also cause problems especially when it is not working as advertised or used as a tool for criminal acts. Filipinos are very familiar with such problems. The first and major problem is the slow and expensive internet. A big check for everyone? This has already attracted the attention of our lawmakers and government agencies although I wonder how they are handling it so far.
  • 3. Also here in Maitum, Sarangani Province, the major problem is the seriously slow internet connection which bugs off users rather than the internet speed connection in urban places. 3 The researcher is determined to get informations on the common problems with the use of technology in Notre Dame of Maitum, Inc. And found out that it is the number one cause on why students tend to bring smartphones and gadgets is for gaming, entertainment, etc. Because of this, students don’t listen and pay attention on what the teacher is saying, The effect of it will be lack of knowledge, cheating, gaming, etc. In view of this, I am concerned about knowing the significant impact on how technology affects people in today’s generation. The main point here is to get detailed about its corresponding problems and to find out its relevant way of learning to have specific knowledge of the importance of technology.
  • 4. 4 Statement of the Problem This study aimed to find out the common problems in regards with the use of technology and it’s powerful impact in today’s generation under Practical Research 1 at Notre Dame of Maitum, Inc. Brgy. Malalag, Maitum, Sarangani Province Year 2018- 2019. Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions: 1. How can technology change the students lives in 20 years? 2. How does technology affect the academic performance of a student? 3. How students describe the technology? 4. What kind of technology gives a huge impact in today’s generation?
  • 5. 5 Hypothesis of the Study Based on the foregoing specific statements of the problem, the null hypothesis sre formulated below: Ho :New technology-based firms contribute significantly to an economy in terms of exports, employment, taxes paid, research and development, and innovations. Conceptual Framework of the Study Customer‐ Supplier Relationships As new technologies and new processes are adopted by firms, the technology level of the firm is emerging as an important variable of inter‐ organizational relationships. It examines the influence of technology levels on the customer‐ supplier interactions and presents a conceptual model of the technology impact. Drawing on the marketing and social exchange literature, derives a set of research propositions in terms of major characteristics of interaction processes Technology-Dependent Users New devices can learn and adapt to people's needs based on specific situations, location and context of use, and become context-aware so that they can predict users’ needs in different contexts, always staying a step ahead of them and eventually making user interfaces superfluous. By integrating the extant logic and theories to explore how
  • 6. 6 future technology would generate benefits for people. It integrates task-technology fit (TTF) model and motivation theory (mainly expectancy-value theory) to explain such technology user behavior. It also points out the difference between technology-enabled and technology-dependent user behavior and concludes that too much emphasis on the role of technology with too little attention on motivation would distort technology user behavior, and the role of technology as well. Informing Technology Design It sought to explore the notion of ‘impact’ in relation to the adoptation of technology, and specifically, to relate this to roles and practices in higher education.
  • 7. 7 Significance of the Study The findings of this study are significant to the following: Students. Students are engaging with technology constantly outside of the classroom. Kids like to be interactive, and learning through technology has now become a part of their lifestyle. Teachers. The technology movement has been implemented in post-secondary education as well as other professional jobs. For new teachers, technology is considered a necessity for the learning environment. School Administrators. Giving students tools to actively participate in their learning ensures that the responsibility for learning isn’t just on teachers. Thanks to technology, students can play a bigger part in their own learning than they might realize. Parents. For parents, monitoring children’s online activity can help determine if they are using the Internet appropriately. If not, they could search for inappropriate content. Scope and Delimitation of the Study This study was conceived to find and know the Huge Impact of Technology among selected random students in each grade level of the junior high school at Notre
  • 8. Dame of Maitum,Inc. Barangay Malalag, Maitum, Sarangani Province under Mr. Julius P. Ignacio.
  • 9. 8 Definition of Terms Terms used in this study are defined operationally and conceptually. Internet. A set of interconnected networks that allow computers in different locations to exchange information. The Internet includes services such as the world wide web, electronic mail, file transfer protocol (FTP), chat and remote access to networks and computers. Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi is a technology that allows computers and other devices to communicate via a wireless signal. Essentially, it means you can browse the internet without tripping over phone cords. Cache. When you download (read) a web page, the data is "cached," meaning it is temporarily stored on your computer. The next time you want that page, instead of requesting the file from the web server, your web browser just accesses it from the cache, so the page loads quickly. The downside to this is that if the cached web page is often updated, you may miss the latest version. If you suspect that the web page you're seeing is not the latest version, use the "refresh" button on your browser. Assistive technology. Assistive technology refers to any software or hardware that acts to assist and improve the functional capabilities of people with disabilities. Examples include wheelchairs, prosthetics, voice-to-text technology and text-to-speech technology.
  • 10. 9 Chapter II METHODOLOGY This chapter presents the methodology of the study which includes the research design, research locale/loci, research subjects/respondents, research instruments used and their validation, data gathering and analysis procedures, and statistical treatment used. Research Design The researchers used the qualitative research which involves the use of qualitative data, such as been a general shift in research away from technological to managerial andwill help a researcher to see a pattern ormeaning of the data obtained. This section aims to deal with everything that can be desribe. and studied which has an impact to the lives of the people it deals with. It is generally based on a social constructivism perspective. Research problems become research questions based on prior research experience. Sample sizes can be as small as one. Data collection involves interview, observation, and/or archival (content) data. The research paradigm of the study is shown on the next page.
  • 11. 10 The Powerful Impact of Technology in Today’s Generation Research Locale 1. How will technology change the lives of student in 20 years? Notre Dame of Maitum Research Instruments and their Validation 2. How students describe the technology? observes, takes notes, interviews Subject of the Study 3. What kind of technology gives a huge impact in today’s generation? Junoir High School random students focus group discussionsand document analysis observational methods, Data Gathering and Analysis Procedures 4. How does technology affect the academic performance of a student?
  • 12. 11 Research Locale The study was conducted among the Junior High School students at Notre Dame of Maitum, Inc. This school is a catholic institution that offers quality Christian education withcurricular programs for the, Junior and Senior high school levels. The school is located at Barangay Malag, Maitum, Sarangani Province. Research Subjects The subjects of the study were randomly picked with 3 girls and 3 boys from each of the grade level who are interested and eager to participate in the interview. This is for research only, to gather informations and know their point of view on the said topic. Sampling Procedure The researchers observes, takes notes, or do interview related to the topic. Interview provide a qualitative method of gathering evidence, data or information. The interviewer has a list of questions or key points to be covered and works through them in a methodical manner. Data Gathering and Analysis Procedures The researcher have gathered and analyzed procedures at Notre Dame of Maitum on February 21, 2019 with 20 respondents within the junior high school students.
  • 13. 12 Review of Related Literature Technology is the collection of techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation. Technology can be the knowledge of techniques, processes, and the like, or it can be embedded in machines to allow for operation without detailed knowledge of their workings. The simplest form of technology is the development and use of basic tools. The prehistoric discovery of how to control fire and the later Neolithic Revolution increased the available sources of food, and the invention of the wheel helped humans to travel in and control their environment. Developments in historic times, including the printing press, the telephone, and the Internet, have lessened physical barriers to communication and allowed humans to interact freely on a global scale. Technology has many effects. It has helped develop more advanced economies and has allowed the rise of a leisure class. Many technological processes produce unwanted by-products known as pollution and deplete natural resources to the detriment of Earth's environment. Innovations have always influenced the values of a society and raised new questions of the ethics of technology. Examples include the rise
  • 14. of the notion of efficiency in terms of human productivity, and the challenges of bioethics. 14 Definition and Usage The use of the term "technology" has changed significantly over the last 200 years. Before the 20th century, the term was uncommon in English, and it was used either to refer to the description or study of the useful arts or to allude to technical education, as in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The term's meanings changed in the early 20th century when American social scientists, beginning with Thorstein Veblen, translated ideas from the German concept of Technik into "technology." In German and other European languages, a distinction exists between technik and technologie that is absent in English, which usually translates both terms as "technology." Technology includes all tools, machines, utensils, weapons, instruments, housing, clothing, communicating and transporting devices and the skills by which we produce and use them. Bain's definition remains common among scholars today, especially social scientists. “Technology in a similarly broad way as "a means to fulfill a human purpose."
  • 15. 15 Technology in Today’s Generation By now, everyone knows what a prominent role technology plays in our society. It is nearly impossible to go a day without hearing something about technology on the news in some form, whether it is good or bad. Usually, these stories focus on the effect that it has on teenagers, since they are the group that is most heavily involved with using it; however, now, more than ever, kids and pre-teens are beginning to use technology just as much as teenagers and adults do. Unlike teenagers and adults, though, the younger generation has been raised with this constant influx of technology around them— they practically do not know life without it. First, the advantages. The use of technology from a very young age helps in schools, due to the fact that it helps students want to learn, as well as makes it possible for each student to learn at their own pace. Additionally, it allows learning to become more interactive than it has ever been before. Kids essentially have the world readily available at their fingertips— if they want to know something they can look it up on the Internet and in just a few seconds have an answer.
  • 16. Then, for the disadvantages, which many argue are much stronger than the advantages. Growing up with technology continuously around them, kids have a greater chance of becoming dependent on it, and become overly used to relying on it for everything. Among other effects, this can have a serious impact on their social skills.
  • 17. 15 Diferrent Uses of Technology Communication The mobile industry has boomed with the constant development of new technologies in mobile devices. Keep in mind that mobile devices is not just your cell phone: it’s also your iPad, iPod, and pretty much anything that is an on-the-go device. The competition between the companies in the mobile industry is incredible! Samsung’s newly released Galaxy S4 has set new standards for processing speeds, and Apple continuously develops new features on their iPhones. And let’s not forget the app developers. Without app developers, we’d be lost with our mobile devices. The competition forces new intuitive ideas between companies, as well as faster hardware. Along with the development of the hardware and software, there’s also the actual networking of phones. Technology of the Past Technology will never stop moving forward due to all the great thinkers out there, and is leaving some technologies behind! Like a fridge that was used for keeping food cold. Who needs cold food anyway when I can watch YouTube on it? Soon, we’ll just print it anyway, then send the download link for your greatest recipe through text to your
  • 18. friend 10 states over. In the “old days”, we used phones for talking to each other. That was it. Not for texting. Not for browsing the web. And not for playing Angry Birds (a nightmare, I know). In the past, technology was a bonus, not a necessity. 16 technology for entertainment. Today, however, this is far from true. We absolutely need technology. Without it, our society would crumble at its’ feet, where it stands right now, and in a 24 hour period. Could we adjust if we suddenly lost it all? Certainly…eventually. Mobile Users Do you have more conversations through technology, than you do in person? It seems that more and more people are moving away from face-to-face interactions, but instead moving towards a more technology-driven way of life. Myself included, society almost needs to use technology to communicate. This is not to say that technology is ruining society because that’s so far from true; however, it is dumbing our society down. We’re removing the necessity of skills such as face-to-face communications, and doing basic math without the help of a calculator.
  • 19. 17 Sociological Impact Texting alone has made a huge impact on the grammar, spelling, and punctuation skills of people of all ages, including those over 25. Teachers see it, professors see it, and employers are seeing it now too. These technologies at our disposal are here to make our lives easier, and teach us things we didn’t already know, or forgot. Instead of using them to teach us, we use them to correct us, move on, and forget. If spell check says you spelled a word wrong, make note of it, correct it, move on, and remember! As for our current generation, my word of advice is to not rely heavily on technology to live your lives. Your life is yours to control. Teach yourself these skills because without them, we will struggle to move on as a society. Don’t forget the technologies because without them as well, we will struggle to move forward. Technology has made learning, making friends, having fun, and interacting so much easier than ever before. It would be a shame to use the capabilities of them and turn them into our worst enemy. Over the years, technology has revolutionized our perspective of the world. Technology has created amazing tools and resources, putting each person’s most useful information at their fingertips.
  • 20. 18 Effects of Technology Technology Is Breeding New Kinds of Habits And Addictions. There are pros and cons to the advances in Technology, one positive is the way it has opened to the bracket of those who can engage in learning, as well as those who can teach whose in need of knowledge.With technology, we have adopted new habits. Gone are the days when parents worried about their teens wearing indecent clothes and moving in the wrong social circle of friends. These things still happen today. But, the use of social media and the Internet at large is the greatest concern of most parents today. Many teenagers and young adults are so addicted to their smartphones that being without a mobile device can result in instant boredom. Technology Has Changed Education The way students receive instructions from tutors has been transformed. Even tutors have experienced that change as it has become easier for them to reach their students. Today, anyone from anywhere can sign up for any course irrespective of your background.
  • 21. Technology has widely opened the bracket of those who can engage in learning, as well as those who can teach those in need of knowledge. It also gives students the flexibility of learning at the location they prefer and at the time they want. 19 Technology Has Changed How We Communicate There are lots of devices today that have come about through other technological advancements that are enormously important in daily life.In the past, you had to write a letter to communicate with someone. The letter could even take days before it was delivered. You also had to trace the letter to see if it had been sent to and received by the appropriate person. Errors were not uncommon as well. However, there is no such phenomenon today—science and technology have made sure of this. All you have to do if you want to communicate with someone in society today is to send them a message on social media or put a call through. Technology Has Changed How We Pay Bills And Transfer Money No more do you have to enter a bank to withdraw money or transfer it to someone. It is even possible to live without ever going into the bank. Many banks are already making registration possible online and accessible to people.
  • 22. Technology Has Changed How We Watch TV Today, the ability to watch movies and shows on small screens like smartphones is good for families. A family can even watch different programs on different screens using the same pay-TV platform. 20 Importance of Technology There are more ways in which technology has changed the way we live. These are just some of the fundamental ways we have been influenced and transformed by technology. The revolutions that will surface in few years to come will far outweigh what has been experienced in the past. In the future, there is the possibility of each housing unit generating its own energy. Technology brings a lot of potentials that will continue to transform the way we live like never before. Before the advent of mobile technology, you had to search through a dictionary to understand the meaning of a word. Today, that phenomenon is still preserved, but it is less used by most people.Nowadays, you don’t have to ask someone so much about themselves. If you really want to know much about someone’s personality, background, and ambitions, all you have to do is enter their name online and scroll through such
  • 23. individual’s profile.You will be amazed by the results you get. Many people go further with the relationship or just quit from there. That’s one of the ways technology has changed lives today. The future of technology is even more interesting than what is happening right now. In few years, we will be talking about driverless cars and robots working in factories. However, let’s focus on highlighting the ways technology has changed our lives. 21 Technology in our Life Today Technology has created amazing tools and resources, putting useful information at their fingertips.When it comes to the way we communicate, modern technology has had an impressive influence. Digital technology has also changed what people term as ‘media.’ A media company isn’t necessarily a news platform anymore. A media company is now known as a company that helps pass information across the globe. That’s almost half of the world’s population. Around the world, two million smartphones are sold every day. The amount of information being shared on social media networks is phenomenal. Social media isn’t the only big statement digital technology has made. Neither is social media the only way technology has had an impact in everyone’s life.Before the advent of mobile technology, you had to search through a dictionary to understand the meaning
  • 24. of a word. Today, that phenomenon is still preserved, but it is used less and less; now you can look it up on a dictionary app you downloaded or just search the internet. The future of technology is even more interesting than what is happening right now. In few years, we will be talking about driver-less cars and robots working in factories.
  • 25. 22 The Technology Development Process In order to accelerate the deployment of new technologies, significant investment support and institutional change is necessary. Knowledge sharing is critical in order to accelerate technology development and to drive down costs of future CCS developments. Indeed, future investment decisions will depend on the experience gained by demonstration projects, the ability to improve the design and operation of future projects and to build competitive advantage. It will also facilitate public support for the demonstration programme and enable the effectiveness of public funding to be properly evaluated. The technology development process, however, is significantly more complex than a linear progression from R&D to demonstration, commercialisation, market accumulation and wide-scale diffusion. Linkages between these stages allow learning by doing, learning by using and learning by interacting, all of which help innovators move along the experience curve. The innovation process involves the development and deployment of new technologies, products and services by business. To achieve this, funding is required from a variety of investors. In the early stages of the market, take-up is largely driven by the product/technology push. As awareness builds, the rate of deployment is accelerated by market pull as demand grows.
  • 26. 23 Latest Trends in Industry Internet of Things (IOT) One of the biggest tech trends to emerge in recent years is the Internet of Things. Simply put, the Internet of Things (abbreviated IOT) is the idea that all technological devices can be connected to the internet and to each other in an attempt to create the perfect marriage between thephysical and digital worlds. How will this impact you? It depends on your industry. Machine Learning Another exciting emerging technology is machine learning, which is essentially a computer’s ability to learn on its own by analyzing data and tracking repeating patterns. For example, social media platforms use machine learning to get a better understanding of how you’re connected with those in your social network. They do this by analyzing your likes, shares and comments and then prioritizing content from your closest connections, serving you that content first. Touch Commerce Being able to buy anything you want with the touch of a finger may have seemed like a fantasy a few years ago, but it’s now a reality. Merging touchscreen technology with one-click shopping, touch commerce allows consumers to buy products easily from their phones.
  • 27. 24 Technological Change In its earlier days, technological change was illustrated with the 'Linear Model of Innovation’, which has now been largely discarded to be replaced with a model of technological change that involves innovation at all stages of research, development, diffusion, and use. When speaking about "modeling technological change," this often means the process of innovation. This process of continuous improvement is often modeled as a curve depicting decreasing costs over time. technological change covers the invention of technologies and their commercialization or release asopen sourcevia research and development, the continual improvement of technologies (in which they often become less expensive), and the diffusion of technologies throughout industry or society. In short, technological change is based on both better and more technology. Technological change itself is often included in other models and was often taken as an big factor. This means that it is taken as something you can influence. Today, there are sectors that maintain policy can influence the speed and direction of technological change. For instance, proponents of the Induced Technological Change hypothesis state that policy makers can steer the direction of technological advances by influencing
  • 28. relative factor prices and this can be demonstrated in the way climate policies impact the use of fossil fuel energy, specifically how it becomes relatively more expensive. 25 Technological Change as a Social Process Underpinning the idea of technological change as a social process is general agreement on the importance of social context and communication. According to this model, technological change is seen as a social process involving producers and adopters and others (such as government) who are profoundly affected by cultural setting, political institutions and marketing strategies.In free market economies, the maximization of profits is a powerful driver of technological change. Generally, only those technologies that promise to maximize profits for the owners of incoming producing capital are developed and reach the market. Any technological product that fails to meet this criterion. Therefore, technological change is a social process strongly biased in favor of the financial interests of capital. There are currently no well established democratic processes, such as voting on the social or environmental desirability of a new technology prior to development and marketing, that would allow average citizens to direct the course of technological change.
  • 29. 26 Conclusion Technology has made our society make it to the point of ignorance to the fact that there might be a day when our technology does not work and they cannot, at the moment, live without it. We have grown to rely on our technology to make our lives easier. If our technology were to go away, our lives would be really tough for a while until everyone learned to live without it. My solution is that we begin that transition sooner rather than later. If you have basic map-reading skills, you can look at a road map and get to your destination. All of this leads me to the importance of my guiding question of this project: "What if this technology was no longer around?" As stated with the GPS problem, the world would simply have to struggle for a while and eventually adjust.We sit and ask ourselves, ‘what abilities has technology taken away from us?” The answer is our freedom. This generation, in particular, has become
  • 30. dependent on calculators and GPS systems to make our lives simpler. We have moved towards a more fast-paced society so technology has to be used to keep us moving at the same pace. Our grandparents had to live the lives that we do, but just with less technology and they have turned out to be some of the wisest people we know. 27 Chapter III PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA This chapter presents the results, analysis and interpretation of data on the Impact of Technology in Today’s Generation in the Junior High School students, School year 2018-2019. The results and discussion are presented in the manner the statement of the problem is arranged. This interview on the said topic used and rated by the researcher with the checklist form.
  • 31. 28 Table 1. Your life in 20 years with technology. Criteria/ Items DESCRIPTION POSSIBLE IMPOSSIBLE UNDECIDED Disease prevention because of technological development 17 1 2 Cutting down travel time. There will be no traffic and no road accidents. 13 3 4 Lessening the time spent on carrying out routine tasks. 15 3 2 Automatic foods being processed easily. 18 2 0 Total 64 8 8 As presented in Table 1, item 4, had the highest pointin the possible description with 18/20students. This means that it is possible for the students to have automatic foods being processed easily after 20 years, whereas item 1, got the lowest pointof only 1/20 studentin the impossible description. This means that student strongly agree on the possible existence and outcome that Automatic foods being processed easily has been improved and has been using successfully after 20 years.
  • 32. 29 On the other hand, this suggests that students need to improve their knowledge and be open minded when it comes to disease prevention to be aware of the do’s and dont’s for the sake of his/her health. From the given data, most of the students estimated as 16/20 chooses to agree for the possible effect of the said item. In the impossible effect, only 2/20 students estimatedly have disagree to the possible effect. While 2/20 students have not decided. 2. The Effect of Academic Performance of a student. Variables DESCRIPTION AGREE DISAGREE UNDECIDED Using technology in the classroom to enhance learning 17 2 1 Technology and education for practice, research, and learning 20 0 0 Using technology tools for homework 19 0 1 Help children with communication skills through the use of gadgets 13 3 4 Total 69 5 6
  • 33. 30 As presented in Table 2, item 2, had the highest pointin the possible description with the overall interviewed student of 20/20. This means that it is agreeable for the students to have technology and education for practice, research, and learning, whereas item 2, got the lowest pointof0/20 studentwhich no one had disagreed to have technology and education for practice, research, and learning. This means that all of the interviewed student strongly agree on the possible existence and outcome on the said topic. From the given data, most of the students estimated as 17/20 chooses to agree for the possible effect of the said item. In the impossible effect, only 1/20 students estimatedly have disagree to the possible effect. While 2/20 students have not decided. 3. Describe Techonology in Today’s Generation. Variables DESCRIPTION YES NO MAYBE Technology has changed the way we communicate 19 0 1 Technology has changed the way we pay bills 16 1 3
  • 34. Technology has changed the way we date 6 0 14 Technology has changed how we watch television 15 1 4 Technology has changed how we get socialized 18 0 2 Total 74 2 24 As presented in Table 3, item 1, had the highest pointin the Yes description with 19/20 students. This means that students have positively said yesthat technology has changed the way we communicate, whereas item 1, got the lowest pointof0/20 studentwhich no one had disagreed to have technology and education for practice, research, and learning. This being said that only 1/20students choosed undecided regarding with the description of technology. Meaning, 99% of the interviewed student strongly agree on the possible existence and outcome on the said topic. From the given data,The researcher have estimated the total and overall number of student who picked the following description. Most of the students estimated as 15/20 chooses to agree for the possible effect and choosed YES from the given item. In the impossible effect or in the NO description, there have been 0/20 or NO DATA from which students agreed more from the possible effects on the following item. While 2/20 students have not decided.
  • 35. 31 Chapter IV SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The purpose of this chapter is to summarize the findings, provide conclusions and give recommendation on the results of the study that was conducted. Summary of Findings Based on the data gathered, presented and analyzed, the researchers arrived at the following findings: 1. It was found out that during the conducting of interview, the researcher’s respondents are focused and tend to agree more on the possible and the affirmative side rather than the negative and undecided description. 2. It was found out that after the said interview, the results are expected. With estimated 89% of the students, have chosen and checked the possible, agreeable and affirmative descriptions. Therefore, they can picture out the innovative and powerful inventions of technology according to the items in each table. 3. It was found out that many students chose the affirmative description, 1/4 of the
  • 36. students chose to pick the undecided, and only 1% has picked negative. 32 Conclusions With the foregoing findings, the following conclusions were drawn: 1. The students said that it is possible to have the following items to exist and processed 20 years from now. 2. Most of the students agree on the effect of their academic performance which describes as very good. 3. There is a significant relationship when describing technology in today’s generation. Students relate and create huge impact on how the following items have innovated each and every lives. Recommendations Based on the conclusions drawn, the following recommendations are given:
  • 37. 1.It is recommended that innovations are and have always influenced the values of a society and raised new questions of the ethics of technology. Examples include the rise of the notion of efficiency in terms of human productivity, we should value the power of technology and its latest innovations. 2. There are pros and cons to the advances in Technology, one positive is the way it has opened to the bracket of those who can engage in learning, as well as those who can teach whose in need of knowledge. 33 With technology, it is recommended that we have to adopt new habits. Gone are the days when parents worried about their teens wearing indecent clothes and moving in the wrong social circle of friends. These things still happen today. But, the use of social media and the Internet at large is the greatest concern of most parents today. 3. Students must spend more time in reading and analyzing on how technology works so that they have knowlegde and can easily describe and understand the power of technology.
  • 38. 34 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The researchers would like to express their sincere and genuine gratitude to the following persons who really gave their unwavering support in the realization of this research study: First, to their adviser, adviser in Practical Research for her support, amiability, knowledge and encouragement for the improvement of the work. She believed in the capacity of the researchers to do the tasks, and provided guidance towards the accomplishment of this study; To the member of the panel, Sir Julius Ignacio, for his patience in reading and checking our work and for providing constructive criticism and pieces of advice for the betterment of this study; To our Principal, Ms. Ma. Luz Endriga MaEd, RE, LPT. for her warm and welcoming response to the request of the researchers to have the data gathering in the school; To all the subjects of this study for their active and cooperative participation in answering the test, and for their time and effort in doing the given tasks; To the family and loved ones, especially, the parents, brothers, and sisters who greatly inspired and motivated the writers to pursue the study and;
  • 39. Most of all, to the Almighty God for His blessings and provisions and for giving strength, courage,and wisdom to make this study a success. 35 Indeed, He deserves all the glory, honor, praises and adoration. The researchers owe Him all the success of this study. Without God, this study would never have been possible. Aira Jill G. Rayray THE RESEARCHER
  • 40. 36 DEDICATION This special work of art is humbly dedicated to my loving parents: Nixon M. Rayray, and Arlene G. Rayray and to my sibling, Richard Nixon G. Rayray for their love, patience, understanding, financial and moral support. AIRA JILL G. RAYRAY
  • 41. 37 ABSTRACT This study was undertaken to find out the huge and powerful impact of technology in today’s generation according to the 20 randomly picked junior high school students of Notre Dame of Maitum. Checklist example interview were used to gather data. Based on the findings of this study the following conclusions were drawn: 1 The students said that it is possible to have the following items to exist and processed 20 years from now. 2. Most of the students agree on the effect of their academic performance which describes as very good. 3. There is a significant relationship when describing technology in today’s generation. Students relate and create huge impact on how the following items have innovated each and every lives.
  • 42. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page TITLE PAGE i APPROVAL SHEET ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iii DEDICATION iv ABSTRACT viii TABLE OF CONTENTS ix LIST OF APPENDICES xii LIST OF FIGURES xiii LIST OF TABLES xiv Chapter I THE PROBLEM 1 Background of the Study 1 Statement of the Problem 4 Hypothesis of the Study 5
  • 43. Conceptual Framework of the Study 5 Significance of the Study 9 Scope and Delimitation of the Study 9 Definition of Terms 10 Page Chapter II METHODOLOGY 12 Research Design 12 Research Locale/Loci 14 Research Subjects/Respondents 14 Research Instruments Used and Their Validation 15 Data Gathering and Analysis Procedures 15 Statistical Treatment Used 19 Chapter III PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS, AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA 20
  • 44. The Proficiency Level of College Students in Writing Synopsis of a Story Before Their Attendancein the English Enhancement Program 3 21 The Proficiency Level of College Students In Summarizing Drama Before Their Attendance in the English Enhancement Program 3 22 The Proficiency Level of College Students in Paraphrasing Quotations Before Their Attendance in theEnglish Enhancement Program 3 23 The Summary on the Proficiency Levels in the Three Writing Activities of the Students Before Their Attendance in the English Enhancement Program 3 It must be title of each Table about your study. 24 Page Chapter III The Proficiency Level of College Students in Writing Synopsis of a Story After Their Attendance in the English Enhancement Program 3 25 The Proficiency Level of College Students In Summarizing Drama After Their Attendance in the English Enhancement Program 3 26 The Proficiency Level of College Students in Paraphrasing Quotations After Their Attendance in the English Enhancement Program 3 27 The Summary on the Proficiency Levels in the Three Writing Activities of the Students After Their Attendance in the English Enhancement Program 3 28 Relationship Between the Proficiency Level of Students Before and After Their Attendance in the English Enhancement Program 3 29
  • 45. Chapter IV SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 30 Summary of Findings 31 Conclusions 32 Recommendations 32