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Quick Tips To Help You
Heal Your Body And Get
Started With Yoga Fast
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No representation is made or implied that the reader will do as well from using the suggested
techniques, strategies, methods, systems, or ideas; rather it is presented for news value only. The
health aspects of Yoga are known but you MUST consult a medical doctor prior to beginning any
exercise regimen including consulting an exercise physiologist, physical therapist and certified Yoga
instructors for expert guidance.
Never attempt any health regimens, poses or ANYTHING based on ANY of the contents herein
without first
consulting said mentioned experts in health, fitness and medical fields.
The author does not assume any responsibility or liability whatsoever for what you choose to do with
this information. Use GOOD and consulted (expert) judgment.
Consult appropriate professionals before starting any exercise.
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Page 2 of 15
Table Of Contents
Breathe Like A Yogi? ................................................................................5
Now Do Advanced Yoga Breathing ..........................................................6
The Most Powerful Meditation In Yoga? ..................................................7
Now Start Yoga..........................................................................................8
How To Physically Prepare For Yoga .......................................................9
Hydration ................................................................................................9
Food ......................................................................................................10
Mastering Flexibility.............................................................................10
Warm Up Your Body............................................................................10
Preparing For Your First Yoga Class.......................................................11
What To Wear.......................................................................................11
What To Bring ......................................................................................12
What To Expect ....................................................................................12
Yoga Etiquette ......................................................................................12
“Additional Yoga Secrets Revealed”....................................................14
Page 3 of 15
Yoga. There can be little doubt that Yoga is an amazing force
for the betterment of people’s lives. There are many stories
of people suffering from all kinds of ailments that
transformed their lives to become more vibrant and radiate
good health.
You can too. That is what this guide is all about.
It is almost never too late to improve your health. Yet many people
simply do not because they struggle with excuses each and every day as
to why they can’t start Yoga:
1. Takes too much time – Yoga can be done in as little as 30
minutes or less leaving you feeling refreshed and ready for the day.
2. Yoga is too hard to do – Yoga can be easy to learn and the poses
become easier overtime.
3. I don’t have the right equipment – Yoga requires nothing but
you; sure a few props are nice, like a mat, but are not necessary.
4. I am too unfit to do Yoga – Yoga can be done at any pace you
decide and started at home until you feel more confident
Many health studies agree; Yoga may be the single best exercise you can
do because it encompasses gentle stretching, resistance training, self
paced aerobic conditioning, muscle building and it even builds balance
and coordination. Yoga is perfect for people of all ages. So what is really
holding you back? Keep reading as we are about to reveal some really
Page 4 of 15
powerful information about how to achieve massive improvements
in your health and is easier than you think.
Breathe Like A Yogi?
Much controversy surrounds mystical healing centered on breathing
practices. Yet breath is a tool that can affect your health in a very positive
way. For millions of people worldwide suffering from pulmonary edema,
asthma, COPD, obesity and a whole host of other related issues, learning
to breathe like a ‘Yogi’ can and should be the first step to preparing the
body for more exercise and can begin to heal you from a whole host of
Even if you do not do Yoga, you can still benefit from focused breathing
exercises. There is direct bio feedback evidence and medical studies that
show breath can help heal your body in many positive ways including:
Reduce stress
Increase meditation
Slow your heart rate
Lower blood pressure
Focus your body for tasks
Calm the central nervous system
Change the acidity of your body’s blood
Add more O2 to your system and reduce disease
Increase your brain function due to increased O2 levels
Proper breathing can and will improve your health and these are not all of
the benefits. By practicing deep breathing several times a day for at least
15 minutes in a calm and peaceful manner, you can benefit too.
Deep breathing is something anyone can do and is very helpful to people
who may be wheelchair or housebound. This is also a good stepping
stone for becoming healthy enough for more exercise.
Page 5 of 15
Now Do Advanced
Yoga Breathing
Learning to breathe properly should be taken seriously. Now that you
have begun doing deep breathing it's time to understand how breathing is
taught by Yoga certified instructors and Yogis.
This process needs to be learned the correct way because by doing so will
gain the benefits and insights of people that have been practicing this
technique for thousands of years.
There are also ‘spiritual benefits’ as associated with this kind of
breathing that are essential for higher levels of Yoga. The spiritual
connection we discuss is the ability to open your mind further for
deeper meditation and calm.
Breathing begins with a forceful inhalation and a forceful exhalation.
When you force inhalation it brings massive amounts of oxygen into your
system. When you exhale forcefully it takes carbon dioxide out. It has
been referred to as the breath of fire as it expels toxins and supercharges
the body with oxygen while forcing out the CO2.
Here are the steps:
1. Place your hand on your stomach just under your solar plexus
2. Breathe forcefully outward almost like a sneeze filling your
stomach go in like you are flexing your stomach inward
3. Do this 25 times quickly in and out evenly
4. Once done do slow long breaths to calm your self
5. Repeat this process 3-5 times a day
Here is a good video on this technique:
Page 6 of 15
The Most Powerful
Meditation In Yoga?
The next level of Yoga involves meditation with conditioned breathing.
This technique that we're going to reveal to you was once only practiced
by Yogis and was considered a secret method for helping the mind and
body to connect. According to the instructors that have passed
information, people have attained additional levels of health and even
powerful ‘psychic’ benefits. Here is the process:
1. The eyes are almost closed looking down at the tip of the nose
2. Block the right nostril with your thumb on the side of your nose
3. Inhale through your left nostril deeply and hold your breath
4. Now think about your mantra saying
5. For each mantra saying pump your stomach once
6. Do a total of 16 pumps of your stomach
7. Block your left nostril with your pinky
8. Exhale through your right nostril
To Western eyes this process seems to be rather strange. We are told by
Yogi masters that practicing this type of meditative breathing, the
alternating nostrils, the breath and stomach pushes works together with
your mantra to create balance and harmony in the body, expel toxins and
empower the mind. Even if you don't completely believe this, you will be
expanding your lung capacity, strengthening your stomach and learning a
different way to do focus meditation on your mantra, all good things.
Here is a video of this process being performed to help you visualize and
learn this technique:
Page 7 of 15
Now Start Yoga
Now that you've begun to explore the benefits of different breathing
techniques in Yoga, it's time to prepare yourself for the more physical
aspects of the discipline.
The main purpose of this introductory guide is to get you ready to be able
to participate in Yoga courses that will help to strengthen your body
using various poses or asanas (Yoga positions).
Most people are aware that you are required to have hopefully a small
degree of flexibility and some physical stamina to properly benefit from
Yoga. Yet regardless of your health, you can improve.
Because many of us suffer from different levels of joint pain, arthritis,
fibromyalgia or other debilitating and chronic health issues it is important
to start slowly and allow your body time to adapt to the new physical
processes that are required to master Yoga.
Remember that even small amounts of the practice can be sufficient to
improve your health. Never overexert yourself to perform Yoga in a
matter that is counterproductive to your health. If you're having issues
breathing then something is not being done correctly and you should
consult a certified Yoga instructor.
Try not to force poses or moves and make sure that with effort comes
appropriate understanding as to why you are doing the pose and the
benefit that it should instill in your body.
Listen to your teachers as they have years of experience and can guide
you successfully.
Page 8 of 15
How To Physically
Prepare For Yoga
A lot of preparation for Yoga is more mental than physical; but it is
important to prepare your body to decrease the risk of injury and
help you to get the most benefit of practice.
Obviously the first and most important step is to check with your doctor
to ensure that your body is strong enough for beginner’s Yoga. Even if
your doctor has some concerns remember that you can still take Yoga
but simply modify your routine to reflect your doctor’s suggestions.
Breathing issues are of a particular concern because the discipline
requires focused breathing. If you have asthma or some other form of
breathing issue consulting with the physician prior to class can help you
prepare and benefit from ongoing Yoga practices.
If you exercise regularly and are reasonably fit you should be ready to
start most levels of Yoga class. Keep in mind any prior injuries that you
may have had so that you can modify poses when it comes to stretches
and more challenging positions.
It is critical that you remain hydrated prior to your class. Up your
hydration level several hours prior to the class. Most people are
chronically dehydrated so in order to benefit from any exercise is
important that you maintain hydration throughout your day.
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We all need to eat on a regular basis and it is important to have energy
before yoga class. It is a good idea to have a nourishing meal 2 to 3 hours
ahead of time but you do not want to eat just before class. Of course you
know your body best and the energy levels that you need to maintain.
Yoga can be demanding physically so ensure good nutrition throughout
the day prior to your class and have a quick snack ready right after.
Mastering Flexibility
People are more flexible at different times of the day. Knowing the best
times to your most flexible will allow you to modify poses so that if you
are performing Yoga at a time when your body is not at 100% you can
protect yourself from injury.
Warm Up Your Body
A good warm-up prior to any exercise regimen is also highly
recommended. Most yoga practices start slowly and build up to more
challenging flexible positions. If there is a particular time that you find
you are more flexible, stick to classes at this time.
The moral of the story is to prepare before you begin any yoga practice.
Preparation, proper hydration, proper nutrition, understanding your
flexibility and warming your body up are all important aspects of a
successful empowering Yoga session that is free from injury.
Page 10 of 15
Preparing For Your
First Yoga Class
Preparing for your first Yoga class may seem
a bit trying or even confusing. You might be
wondering what kind of clothes you should
wear or if you have to do some kind of unique
chant or starter pose you don’t know.
Finding a local Yoga class is going to be your best bet for continued
success and allay your fears. Working with other people at different
physical levels also will show you what you can expect to achieve if you
continue to apply yourself to the discipline.
What To Wear
Make sure that you wear proper fitting and comfortable clothing that also
allows the instructor to see your form and offer corrections when
necessary. You want to also make sure that your clothing will remain just
tight enough to allow you to stretch without exposing body parts.
Depending on the temperature it's a good idea to wear several layers of
clothing that can be removed as you warm up. Capri length athletic pants
that can be removed after warm up with shorts is always a good starter
option and so are light stretchable athletic sweat pants.
Remember that Yoga is practiced barefoot so before starting class to
good idea to examine your feet and make sure that your feet are
reasonably clean and slightly moisturized for proper grip.
Page 11 of 15
What To Bring
It's always a good idea to bring a Yoga mat and of course a bottle of
water. Some studios will actually allow you to use their mats but for a
few dollars you can have your own and reduce the risk of any kind of
communicable virus being passed on to you, such as a cold.
What To Expect
What you can expect is contingent on the style of yoga and the kind of
class as well as the instructor. Typically most Yoga classes start in a
pensive and reflective mode with a few gentle stretches. You can
probably expect some form of guided meditation and then you will move
to a series of traditional Yoga poses and eventually end in a form of
relaxation pose laying on your back for total relaxation.
The instructor may give some additional recommendations and speak to
everyone at this point and the class usually ends with a slight bow with
hands held in prayer position speaking the word, “Namaste.”
Yoga Etiquette
There is a form of etiquette that exists in Yoga and he can vary from
studio to studio, but typically it is important that you show respect to both
the teacher and the students by following these simple instructions. They
are not difficult and can help you get the most out of your classes:
1. Make sure that you remove your shoes before entering the main
studio floor. Most people will wear thongs or sandals that can be
easily removed and stored in cubbies throughout the studio.
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2. Turn off any cell phones or distractive devices that could interrupt
the class. While this seems commonplace most people do not do
this and it causes upset feelings.
3. Let the instructor know that this will be your first class. If you feel
more comfortable in the back of the room this is fine but make sure
that you pay attention to the instructors so that you can perform the
poses correctly without causing injury to yourself.
4. Trying to use the restroom before classes to avoid interrupting
everyone as you leave the studio floor.
5. Leave the perfume at home. Nothing is more distracting than a
room full of bodies covered in different overpowering scents.
6. Try not to leave the studio floor except in an emergency. This can
really upset people who are trying to get into the right meditative
7. Leave sufficient room between you and others on the floor.
While many of these suggestions seem relatively commonplace,
assuredly you will see people from all ages and walks of life that will do
the things mentioned here.
Don’t be one of these people.
It's important to remember that everyone is taking class at the same time
so we all need to cooperate to make sure that the experience is a positive
and reflective one for all people involved.
Page 13 of 15
“Additional Yoga Secrets Revealed”
Yoga is truly different from most other kinds of exercise. Preparation and study is key to
success. The information in this preparatory guide should just be just the beginning. You need
to keep learning and growing.
There's much more to know in order for you to choose the correct kind of yoga, exactly what
you can expect from each of these practices and some new exciting ways to look at an age-old
discipline. To help you we have prepared a brilliant and comprehensive guide called
“Essential Beginners Guide For Yoga” – Click below to find out more:
Click here to grab your copy!
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Power starter guide for yoga

  • 1. Quick Tips To Help You Heal Your Body And Get Started With Yoga Fast
  • 2. PowerStarterGuideForYoga Disclaimer The author has made every attempt to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this publication/PDF, however he/she does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet AND the contents is for information value ONLY. The author assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of specific persons, peoples, or organizations other published materials are unintentional. This information is not intended for use as a source of MEDICAL, health fitness, legal, business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in MEDICAL, health fitness, legal, business, accounting, and finance field. No representation is made or implied that the reader will do as well from using the suggested techniques, strategies, methods, systems, or ideas; rather it is presented for news value only. The health aspects of Yoga are known but you MUST consult a medical doctor prior to beginning any exercise regimen including consulting an exercise physiologist, physical therapist and certified Yoga instructors for expert guidance. Never attempt any health regimens, poses or ANYTHING based on ANY of the contents herein without first consulting said mentioned experts in health, fitness and medical fields. The author does not assume any responsibility or liability whatsoever for what you choose to do with this information. Use GOOD and consulted (expert) judgment. Consult appropriate professionals before starting any exercise. Any perceived remark, comment or use of organizations, people mentioned and any resemblance to characters living, dead or otherwise, real or fictitious, is for information value ONLY and used as examples only. There are no guarantees health benefits or promises of any kind. Readers are cautioned to reply on their own judgment about their individual circumstances to act accordingly and again are cautioned to include health professionals. Please note the information contained within this document is for educational purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable complete information no warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in rendering MEDICAL, legal, financial or professional advice. By reading any document, the reader agrees that under no circumstances is the author responsible for any losses, direct or indirect, that are incurred as a result of use of the information contained within this document, including - but not limited to errors, omissions, or inaccuracies. Page 2 of 15
  • 3. PowerStarterGuideForYoga Table Of Contents Disclaimer...............................................................................................2 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................4 Breathe Like A Yogi? ................................................................................5 Now Do Advanced Yoga Breathing ..........................................................6 The Most Powerful Meditation In Yoga? ..................................................7 Now Start Yoga..........................................................................................8 How To Physically Prepare For Yoga .......................................................9 Hydration ................................................................................................9 Food ......................................................................................................10 Mastering Flexibility.............................................................................10 Warm Up Your Body............................................................................10 Preparing For Your First Yoga Class.......................................................11 What To Wear.......................................................................................11 What To Bring ......................................................................................12 What To Expect ....................................................................................12 Yoga Etiquette ......................................................................................12 Conclusion?..............................................................................................14 “Additional Yoga Secrets Revealed”....................................................14 Page 3 of 15
  • 4. PowerStarterGuideForYoga INTRODUCTION Yoga. There can be little doubt that Yoga is an amazing force for the betterment of people’s lives. There are many stories of people suffering from all kinds of ailments that transformed their lives to become more vibrant and radiate good health. You can too. That is what this guide is all about. It is almost never too late to improve your health. Yet many people simply do not because they struggle with excuses each and every day as to why they can’t start Yoga: 1. Takes too much time – Yoga can be done in as little as 30 minutes or less leaving you feeling refreshed and ready for the day. 2. Yoga is too hard to do – Yoga can be easy to learn and the poses become easier overtime. 3. I don’t have the right equipment – Yoga requires nothing but you; sure a few props are nice, like a mat, but are not necessary. 4. I am too unfit to do Yoga – Yoga can be done at any pace you decide and started at home until you feel more confident Many health studies agree; Yoga may be the single best exercise you can do because it encompasses gentle stretching, resistance training, self paced aerobic conditioning, muscle building and it even builds balance and coordination. Yoga is perfect for people of all ages. So what is really holding you back? Keep reading as we are about to reveal some really Page 4 of 15
  • 5. PowerStarterGuideForYoga powerful information about how to achieve massive improvements in your health and is easier than you think. Breathe Like A Yogi? Much controversy surrounds mystical healing centered on breathing practices. Yet breath is a tool that can affect your health in a very positive way. For millions of people worldwide suffering from pulmonary edema, asthma, COPD, obesity and a whole host of other related issues, learning to breathe like a ‘Yogi’ can and should be the first step to preparing the body for more exercise and can begin to heal you from a whole host of ailments. Even if you do not do Yoga, you can still benefit from focused breathing exercises. There is direct bio feedback evidence and medical studies that show breath can help heal your body in many positive ways including: Reduce stress Increase meditation Slow your heart rate Lower blood pressure Focus your body for tasks Calm the central nervous system Change the acidity of your body’s blood Add more O2 to your system and reduce disease Increase your brain function due to increased O2 levels Proper breathing can and will improve your health and these are not all of the benefits. By practicing deep breathing several times a day for at least 15 minutes in a calm and peaceful manner, you can benefit too. Deep breathing is something anyone can do and is very helpful to people who may be wheelchair or housebound. This is also a good stepping stone for becoming healthy enough for more exercise. Page 5 of 15
  • 6. PowerStarterGuideForYoga Now Do Advanced Yoga Breathing Learning to breathe properly should be taken seriously. Now that you have begun doing deep breathing it's time to understand how breathing is taught by Yoga certified instructors and Yogis. This process needs to be learned the correct way because by doing so will gain the benefits and insights of people that have been practicing this technique for thousands of years. There are also ‘spiritual benefits’ as associated with this kind of breathing that are essential for higher levels of Yoga. The spiritual connection we discuss is the ability to open your mind further for deeper meditation and calm. Breathing begins with a forceful inhalation and a forceful exhalation. When you force inhalation it brings massive amounts of oxygen into your system. When you exhale forcefully it takes carbon dioxide out. It has been referred to as the breath of fire as it expels toxins and supercharges the body with oxygen while forcing out the CO2. Here are the steps: 1. Place your hand on your stomach just under your solar plexus 2. Breathe forcefully outward almost like a sneeze filling your stomach go in like you are flexing your stomach inward 3. Do this 25 times quickly in and out evenly 4. Once done do slow long breaths to calm your self 5. Repeat this process 3-5 times a day Here is a good video on this technique: Page 6 of 15
  • 7. PowerStarterGuideForYoga The Most Powerful Meditation In Yoga? The next level of Yoga involves meditation with conditioned breathing. This technique that we're going to reveal to you was once only practiced by Yogis and was considered a secret method for helping the mind and body to connect. According to the instructors that have passed information, people have attained additional levels of health and even powerful ‘psychic’ benefits. Here is the process: 1. The eyes are almost closed looking down at the tip of the nose 2. Block the right nostril with your thumb on the side of your nose 3. Inhale through your left nostril deeply and hold your breath 4. Now think about your mantra saying 5. For each mantra saying pump your stomach once 6. Do a total of 16 pumps of your stomach 7. Block your left nostril with your pinky 8. Exhale through your right nostril To Western eyes this process seems to be rather strange. We are told by Yogi masters that practicing this type of meditative breathing, the alternating nostrils, the breath and stomach pushes works together with your mantra to create balance and harmony in the body, expel toxins and empower the mind. Even if you don't completely believe this, you will be expanding your lung capacity, strengthening your stomach and learning a different way to do focus meditation on your mantra, all good things. Here is a video of this process being performed to help you visualize and learn this technique: Page 7 of 15
  • 8. PowerStarterGuideForYoga Now Start Yoga Now that you've begun to explore the benefits of different breathing techniques in Yoga, it's time to prepare yourself for the more physical aspects of the discipline. The main purpose of this introductory guide is to get you ready to be able to participate in Yoga courses that will help to strengthen your body using various poses or asanas (Yoga positions). Most people are aware that you are required to have hopefully a small degree of flexibility and some physical stamina to properly benefit from Yoga. Yet regardless of your health, you can improve. Because many of us suffer from different levels of joint pain, arthritis, fibromyalgia or other debilitating and chronic health issues it is important to start slowly and allow your body time to adapt to the new physical processes that are required to master Yoga. Remember that even small amounts of the practice can be sufficient to improve your health. Never overexert yourself to perform Yoga in a matter that is counterproductive to your health. If you're having issues breathing then something is not being done correctly and you should consult a certified Yoga instructor. Try not to force poses or moves and make sure that with effort comes appropriate understanding as to why you are doing the pose and the benefit that it should instill in your body. Listen to your teachers as they have years of experience and can guide you successfully. Page 8 of 15
  • 9. PowerStarterGuideForYoga How To Physically Prepare For Yoga A lot of preparation for Yoga is more mental than physical; but it is important to prepare your body to decrease the risk of injury and help you to get the most benefit of practice. Obviously the first and most important step is to check with your doctor to ensure that your body is strong enough for beginner’s Yoga. Even if your doctor has some concerns remember that you can still take Yoga but simply modify your routine to reflect your doctor’s suggestions. Breathing issues are of a particular concern because the discipline requires focused breathing. If you have asthma or some other form of breathing issue consulting with the physician prior to class can help you prepare and benefit from ongoing Yoga practices. If you exercise regularly and are reasonably fit you should be ready to start most levels of Yoga class. Keep in mind any prior injuries that you may have had so that you can modify poses when it comes to stretches and more challenging positions. Hydration It is critical that you remain hydrated prior to your class. Up your hydration level several hours prior to the class. Most people are chronically dehydrated so in order to benefit from any exercise is important that you maintain hydration throughout your day. Page 9 of 15
  • 10. PowerStarterGuideForYoga Food We all need to eat on a regular basis and it is important to have energy before yoga class. It is a good idea to have a nourishing meal 2 to 3 hours ahead of time but you do not want to eat just before class. Of course you know your body best and the energy levels that you need to maintain. Yoga can be demanding physically so ensure good nutrition throughout the day prior to your class and have a quick snack ready right after. Mastering Flexibility People are more flexible at different times of the day. Knowing the best times to your most flexible will allow you to modify poses so that if you are performing Yoga at a time when your body is not at 100% you can protect yourself from injury. Warm Up Your Body A good warm-up prior to any exercise regimen is also highly recommended. Most yoga practices start slowly and build up to more challenging flexible positions. If there is a particular time that you find you are more flexible, stick to classes at this time. The moral of the story is to prepare before you begin any yoga practice. Preparation, proper hydration, proper nutrition, understanding your flexibility and warming your body up are all important aspects of a successful empowering Yoga session that is free from injury. Page 10 of 15
  • 11. PowerStarterGuideForYoga Preparing For Your First Yoga Class Preparing for your first Yoga class may seem a bit trying or even confusing. You might be wondering what kind of clothes you should wear or if you have to do some kind of unique chant or starter pose you don’t know. Finding a local Yoga class is going to be your best bet for continued success and allay your fears. Working with other people at different physical levels also will show you what you can expect to achieve if you continue to apply yourself to the discipline. What To Wear Make sure that you wear proper fitting and comfortable clothing that also allows the instructor to see your form and offer corrections when necessary. You want to also make sure that your clothing will remain just tight enough to allow you to stretch without exposing body parts. Depending on the temperature it's a good idea to wear several layers of clothing that can be removed as you warm up. Capri length athletic pants that can be removed after warm up with shorts is always a good starter option and so are light stretchable athletic sweat pants. Remember that Yoga is practiced barefoot so before starting class to good idea to examine your feet and make sure that your feet are reasonably clean and slightly moisturized for proper grip. Page 11 of 15
  • 12. PowerStarterGuideForYoga What To Bring It's always a good idea to bring a Yoga mat and of course a bottle of water. Some studios will actually allow you to use their mats but for a few dollars you can have your own and reduce the risk of any kind of communicable virus being passed on to you, such as a cold. What To Expect What you can expect is contingent on the style of yoga and the kind of class as well as the instructor. Typically most Yoga classes start in a pensive and reflective mode with a few gentle stretches. You can probably expect some form of guided meditation and then you will move to a series of traditional Yoga poses and eventually end in a form of relaxation pose laying on your back for total relaxation. The instructor may give some additional recommendations and speak to everyone at this point and the class usually ends with a slight bow with hands held in prayer position speaking the word, “Namaste.” Yoga Etiquette There is a form of etiquette that exists in Yoga and he can vary from studio to studio, but typically it is important that you show respect to both the teacher and the students by following these simple instructions. They are not difficult and can help you get the most out of your classes: 1. Make sure that you remove your shoes before entering the main studio floor. Most people will wear thongs or sandals that can be easily removed and stored in cubbies throughout the studio. Page 12 of 15
  • 13. PowerStarterGuideForYoga 2. Turn off any cell phones or distractive devices that could interrupt the class. While this seems commonplace most people do not do this and it causes upset feelings. 3. Let the instructor know that this will be your first class. If you feel more comfortable in the back of the room this is fine but make sure that you pay attention to the instructors so that you can perform the poses correctly without causing injury to yourself. 4. Trying to use the restroom before classes to avoid interrupting everyone as you leave the studio floor. 5. Leave the perfume at home. Nothing is more distracting than a room full of bodies covered in different overpowering scents. 6. Try not to leave the studio floor except in an emergency. This can really upset people who are trying to get into the right meditative state. 7. Leave sufficient room between you and others on the floor. While many of these suggestions seem relatively commonplace, assuredly you will see people from all ages and walks of life that will do the things mentioned here. Don’t be one of these people. It's important to remember that everyone is taking class at the same time so we all need to cooperate to make sure that the experience is a positive and reflective one for all people involved. Page 13 of 15
  • 14. PowerStarterGuideForYoga Conclusion? “Additional Yoga Secrets Revealed” Yoga is truly different from most other kinds of exercise. Preparation and study is key to success. The information in this preparatory guide should just be just the beginning. You need to keep learning and growing. There's much more to know in order for you to choose the correct kind of yoga, exactly what you can expect from each of these practices and some new exciting ways to look at an age-old discipline. To help you we have prepared a brilliant and comprehensive guide called “Essential Beginners Guide For Yoga” – Click below to find out more: Click here to grab your copy! Page 14 of 15