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Mid Term Report
                                   2 February 2013
                 (prepared by the Coordinator of the Project (Greece))

  1 Lisboa/Vialonga Meeting, Decisions made
  2 Publicity of the Project
  3 Expected Meetings, Results and Outcomes according to the Submitted
    Proposal (Contractual obligations)
  4 Table of Tasks accomplished so far January 2013, by country
  5 The roles and distributed tasks‟ according to the SUBMITTED PROPOSAL
    and suggestions for improvements.
  6 An overall concluding remark.

This is a mid term Project Report and also a post meeting (Portugal) report which
summarises in a quick way what was accomplished so far and also what was discussed
and decided in the last Meeting in Lisboa/Vialonga. In Addition, this is a reminder of the
tasks that must be accomplished by the end of the first year, with the Istanbul and
Leipzig meetings. In this report, there is a reminder of tasks , duties and roles,
according to the submitted proposal (which actually forms our contractual obligations)
and few suggestions. Please read also the final „overal concluding remark‟ at the end of
this document.

1. Lisboa/Vialonga Meeting.

   ● LOGO CONTEST: The logo proposed by the CZECH team was elected and adopted
      by the program. The Czech team -as expressed also by their coordinator- „can be
      creative‟! The team promised to incorporate the word „COMENIUS‟ within the logo (not
      only to identify the project but also to differentiate from the European School Radio
      station Logo).
● QUESTIONNAIRES: Questionnaires for the Web Radio conducted by the Italian team‟
  they presented also the results in a very sophisticated way with „graphs and pies‟, which
  were very interesting. All results can be found on TWISPACE.
● Assigned tasks:
     ○ Etiquette for using the Web Radio : assigned to Turkey and Bulgaria in
         collaboration, finished by-and presented at, Istanbul Meeting , 9-12 April 2013
     ○ WIKIA (wikipedia for Web Radio for European School Radio): suggested by
         NORWAY and assigned to Belgium and Norway (in collaboration), ready and
         presented at Germany meeting 2-5 June 2013
     ○ Turkey , to organise the Next Meeting
     ○ German team to organise again Twinspace and present/teach us a new/better
         way to use it.
     ○ „Lisboa Interviews Audio Show‟: Portugal finalises the audio file of the
         interviews conducted by students in Lisboa and send to be played on the station
         on the „Comenius Eurozone Show-time‟.
     ○ Mid - Evaluation of the Project (Questionnaires). Any country to help to put the
         questionnaire online? (Preferably one country that has not been
         assigned an extra task so far).
     ○ „RADIO COMENIUS EUROZONE‟ implementation: Greece on
         program/schedule. Makes sure that every listener will be aware of the modified
         program/schedule, publising and posting of the events, receive and upload the
         broadcast by each country and put in place.
     ○ Comenius Radio Shows and other Publications on ESRadio: Greece with the
         help of Turkey will create a special place on for Comenius
         shows on Demand(podacast) and other publications on a special link/area on the
         web radio site.

● COMMUNICATION MEDIUM - Official documents, photo on TWINSPACE (TW) and
   some basic communication among teachers/coordinators. We keep communicating with
   EMAIL (google group and plain emails) each other for quick communication and for
   detailed ways. Possibly, discover the possibilites of Google+. We also may communicate
   via SKYPE if necessary. We are still keeping TW for pupils to develop friendship and
   communication, but we do not discourage other unofficial ways of communications
among them, if they want and are allowed to use, such as social networking (eg.
     ( : Daily at 18:00 German, Italy, Czech, Belgium, Italy (19:00
     Bulgaria, Turkey, Greece, 20:00 Portugal). Each country presents 60 min montly (either
     as one broadcast or 10 min x 6) to be put in the specific zone. Keep in midn that the
     submitted proposal suggested to creat shows for individual subjects also (history, local
     history , languages, etc). DEADLINE for first show 11 February 2013 subject LOVE
     and Saint Valentine! But, please feel free to send anything else YOU want (eg
     Belgium for the great world festival).

Dear Partners, according to our Comenius Project duties, we must have publicity and public
  awareness of our project to the society by Newspapers, other press (eg. magazines),
RADIO/TV media and organised Events. You can write a small article in press with a picture or
                          give an interview to a local radio/tv station.
 So, please , do publications or events and keep a history/proof of your work (a copy of the
                   newspaper/magazine, photos, posters of events, etc).

3. RESULTS AND OUTCOMES until April 2013 (contractual obligations):

According to the SUBMITTED PROPOSAL(that we all signed), we are expected to produce the
following Meetings and RESULTS AND OUTCOMES Sep/2012 - April/2013 (contractual

2012-2013 Meetings
   ● 1st Meeting in Greece - DONE
   ● 2nd Meeting in Czech Republic November 2012--> replaced with Portugal Meeting
      in January 2013 - DONE
   ● 3rd Meeting, Istanbul 9-13 April 2013
   ● 4th Meeting, Leipzig 2-6 June 2013

2012-2013 Results and Outcome
   ● Brochure with rules for school radio usage and etiquette; Assigned to Bulgaria + Turkey
      for April meeting.
   ● Website/blog of the school radio; Project logo to be printed on project products like T-
      shirts, mugs, pens, flags and etc.); DONE, we can print on material whenever possible.
      We decide.
● Workshop on defining website; Creation of manual; Website/blog setting up for the
       project and radio; Music zones; Radio spots; DONE, needs some more work in Istanbul
   ●   Short radio spots (in the form of podcast or audio on demand); DONE
   ●   manual on how to create broadcasts for pupils (by using ICT and Multimedia
       Technologies); DONE
   ●   First evaluation (reports, comments, etc.); Mid - Project Evaluation (Questionnaires).
       Greece with the help of Hristo from Bulgaria will prepare the evaluation
       forms/questionnaires. It will be send to all countries in the second half of February (15
       Feb 2013). We will try to do it online, eitherwise we will send a copy and will be
       distributed to be filled in among the radio teams in each country, collect the results and
       do a quick summarisation of the results.All results must be put on TW. **Any
       country wants to help to put it online?
   ●   Educational radio programs/broadcasts for various school subjects (geography, history,
       music, IT lessons); (60 minutes montly by each country) in the COMENIUS EUROZONE
   ●   Turkey meeting → Web Radio up and running; SKYPE teleconference;.Update
       manuals/brochures; Discuss improvements on the web radio operation, website and
       broadcasts on;
   ●   Exhibition and / or conference at school or local community facility; Exchange of views
       on the project work with school / local community; Evaluation (questionnaire and
       discussion) of first year of the project (all partners together);
   ●   Germany meeting → Presentation of the results of the project development; Interviews
       and a questionnaire; To monitor and evaluate the first project's year;→ Common
       evaluation of the first project year (questionnaire and discussion)

   ● 1st Year Project Report by each country submitted in June-July 2013 to the NA of our

4. Table of Tasks accomplished so far from Sept 2012 - January 2013, by country

The following table will give us a picture of what we have accomplished so far by country, in
order to have a fair and balanced picture of the contributions. Countries that had less tasks can
contribute more in the future.

   ● Organised/hosted first meeting in Thessaloniki/Kilkis (October 2013)
   ● Operating the Web Radio Station (,
   ● Prepared Main Presentation of the whole project
   ● Guides and FAQ for web radio use, developing and editing audio files, specifics of a
      broadcast, how to present promote broadcasts.
   ● Prepared Questionnaires about web radio use in English
●   Participated in Logo Contest, and Questionnaires
    ●   Organised and conducted two live shows especially for/with Comenius group
    ●   Prepared audio spots for Comenius and one 60min X-mas show
    ●   Organised the broadcasting of all X-mas shows.
    ●   Worked on organising the Twinspace in the appropriate categories.
    ●   Prepared the Mid term Report - a post Meeting (Portugal) Report

   ● Organised, conducted and presented the LOGO CONTEST.
   ● Radio spot of their school in November
   ● X-mas one hour Show in December
   ● Participated in Logo contest
   ● Participated in Questionnaires

    ●   Organised, conducted and presented the QUESTIONNAIRES.
    ●   Radio spot of their school in November
    ●   X-mas one hour Show in December
    ●   Participated in Logo contest
    ●   Participated in Questionnaires

   ● Organised and promotes Twinspace
   ● Radio spot of their school in November
   ● X-mas one hour Show in December
   ● Participated in Logo contest
   ● Participated in Questionnaires
   ● Organising German Meeting in June

Czech Republic
   ● Participated in Logo contest
   ● Participated in Questionnaires
   ● Radio spot of their school in November
   ● X-mas Show in December

   ● Organised/hosted the second meeting in Lisboa-Vialonga (19-24 January 2013)
   ● working on the „Lisboa Interviews Broadcast‟
   ● Participated in Logo contest
   ● Participated in Questionnaires
   ● Participated in Logo contest
   ● Participated in Questionnaires
   ● helping in mid term evaluation forms/questionnaire.

   ●     Participated in Logo contest
   ●     Participated in Questionnaires
   ●     Radio spot of their school in November
   ●     X-mas one hour Show in December

   ● Radio spot of their school in November
   ● X-mas Show in December
   ● Participated in Logo contest
   ● Participated in Questionnaires

5. „The roles and distributed tasks‟, and suggestions

“ The role of the coordinating school in general (Greece):
• Reminds deadlines and appointments for regular and extra online meetings.
• Informs and reminds about work/activities to be done and other accomplishments;
• Keeps records, analyzes and distributes results, meetings minutes, conclusion and partnership
• Ensures active and equal involvement;
• Hosts for representatives of the partner institution;
• Provides the know-how to develop and run the web Radio station
• Provides the infrastructures and hosts the web radio server and the streaming.”

ALL PARTNERS:- The distribution of tasks in the proposal was done at the beginning by
random choice but already some countries have followed it. We can be strict but also flexible
enough to help each other. Please, contribute to tasks according to what you like and you can
do but also according to what is needed so that al required tasks/results according to the
contractual agreement are met.

Remarks/suggestions by the coordinator: The previous meetings offered us valuable lessons
that we can utilize in the future in order to work in a more efficient way.
●   Participating in all means of communication (emails, google groups, twinspace,skype)
        and reporting any problems you might experience and/or any issues you might have
        concerning both the actual work and cooperation among us, is of the utmost

    ●   Maybe it‟s a good idea that the agenda, the activities and the work meetings of every
        visit are decided by the host country in cooperation with the project
        coordinators/participants input and suggestions by all countries. For example, we think
        that one official work meeting per visit is not enough. Experience showed that we
        definitely need an extra meeting of the coordinators (overall two) to discuss and
        hopefully resolve any issues that might arise during our visit. Having very well organised
        meetings with specific goals and acticities, the hosting country can lead the meetings, in
        the way they lead the whole visiting program anyway. The role of the project coordinator
        is to ensure that all the issues are discussed and the contractual obligations are met.

6. Overall concluding remark

Dear Partners,
This project has fulfilled all of its contractual obligations and most of its tasks so far. The ones
not fulfilled already has been planned and assigned to specific groups. We had an alteration to
the planned schedule and we replaced the Czech meeting in November 2012 with the Portugal
Meeting in January 2013, since the school from Prague suffered serious constructional issues
with their school and needed to postpone the meeting for late October 2013. Next meetings are
already organised in details.

After this initial conlcusion, we would like to comment on the project overall.
This multilateral project consists of nine different countries, nine different attitudes, nine different
ways to work, to organise a project and also nine different experiences (or no experience) of
COMENIUS projects. Consider also that each individual person has it‟s own personality and
style of communication. On the top of that, English is not our mother tongue and communication
can be problematic sometimes. Therefore, we believe that it is more than normal to have
differences and sometimes , disputes. In fact, in our case, we strongly believe that we have
cases of „differences‟, but few „misunderstandings‟. But, are we going to let few
misunderstandings and some negative feelings to drive us? Rather, we will be motivated to
work on our similarities, our enthousiasm to participate in an international project, our will to
create a european school radio with our shows, our personal motivation to meet more and
interesting people, places and feed our brains and enrich our souls. All the above mainly
concentrate on students/pupils hapiness and to make students become better persons, should
we not forget this!
We still remember the great time our students had in Portugal! Some became friends, they
overcame prejudices and had a really great time....In our eyes, the goal has achieved.

So, we suggest, that either being a „strong‟ or a „weak‟ personality, we are adults and educators
with experience and we all start with a GOOD WILL and kind attitude towards the others, with
tollerence and open friendly communication. This project is not a professional body, is not an
antagonistic environment, and we have nothing to share, except hapiness and friendship,
harmonious relationships and a place where our kids will have fun and educate themselves. We
are all teachers, we do not need „public relations‟ to be „good‟ to each other, we only need open
eyes and hearts to see others always in a positive way, not being prejudiced at all. If we all
agree and participate openly, eager to contribute to the project in any way we can, we are more
than confident that we will surpass any small misunderstandings. Let us concentrate on
hapiness, friendship, harmonious relationship, good will , good organisation and fruitful work,
either between meetings or at the meetings themselves.

Consider us in Greee*, your friends and you can visit us anytime you want to have great time
with wonderful people, places and food!

 *(GREECE =a “guinea pig” of the IMF, which already confessed that their strategy was
completely wrong(!). In Greece a 26% official unemployment kills hapiness and the future of
young people....... Portugal, be strong and fight back......they know they are doing wrong but
still want more countries to be ...slaves! )

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Post portugalreport

  • 1. Mid Term Report 2 February 2013 * (prepared by the Coordinator of the Project (Greece)) CONTENTS 1 Lisboa/Vialonga Meeting, Decisions made 2 Publicity of the Project 3 Expected Meetings, Results and Outcomes according to the Submitted Proposal (Contractual obligations) 4 Table of Tasks accomplished so far January 2013, by country 5 The roles and distributed tasks‟ according to the SUBMITTED PROPOSAL and suggestions for improvements. 6 An overall concluding remark. Description: This is a mid term Project Report and also a post meeting (Portugal) report which summarises in a quick way what was accomplished so far and also what was discussed and decided in the last Meeting in Lisboa/Vialonga. In Addition, this is a reminder of the tasks that must be accomplished by the end of the first year, with the Istanbul and Leipzig meetings. In this report, there is a reminder of tasks , duties and roles, according to the submitted proposal (which actually forms our contractual obligations) and few suggestions. Please read also the final „overal concluding remark‟ at the end of this document. 1. Lisboa/Vialonga Meeting. ● LOGO CONTEST: The logo proposed by the CZECH team was elected and adopted by the program. The Czech team -as expressed also by their coordinator- „can be creative‟! The team promised to incorporate the word „COMENIUS‟ within the logo (not only to identify the project but also to differentiate from the European School Radio station Logo).
  • 2. ● QUESTIONNAIRES: Questionnaires for the Web Radio conducted by the Italian team‟ they presented also the results in a very sophisticated way with „graphs and pies‟, which were very interesting. All results can be found on TWISPACE. ● Assigned tasks: ○ Etiquette for using the Web Radio : assigned to Turkey and Bulgaria in collaboration, finished by-and presented at, Istanbul Meeting , 9-12 April 2013 ○ WIKIA (wikipedia for Web Radio for European School Radio): suggested by NORWAY and assigned to Belgium and Norway (in collaboration), ready and presented at Germany meeting 2-5 June 2013 ○ Turkey , to organise the Next Meeting ○ German team to organise again Twinspace and present/teach us a new/better way to use it. ○ „Lisboa Interviews Audio Show‟: Portugal finalises the audio file of the interviews conducted by students in Lisboa and send to be played on the station on the „Comenius Eurozone Show-time‟. ○ Mid - Evaluation of the Project (Questionnaires). Any country to help to put the questionnaire online? (Preferably one country that has not been assigned an extra task so far). ○ „RADIO COMENIUS EUROZONE‟ implementation: Greece on program/schedule. Makes sure that every listener will be aware of the modified program/schedule, publising and posting of the events, receive and upload the broadcast by each country and put in place. ○ Comenius Radio Shows and other Publications on ESRadio: Greece with the help of Turkey will create a special place on for Comenius shows on Demand(podacast) and other publications on a special link/area on the web radio site. ● COMMUNICATION MEDIUM - Official documents, photo on TWINSPACE (TW) and some basic communication among teachers/coordinators. We keep communicating with EMAIL (google group and plain emails) each other for quick communication and for detailed ways. Possibly, discover the possibilites of Google+. We also may communicate via SKYPE if necessary. We are still keeping TW for pupils to develop friendship and communication, but we do not discourage other unofficial ways of communications
  • 3. among them, if they want and are allowed to use, such as social networking (eg. Facebook). ● RADIO COMENIUS EUROZONE SHOW-TIME at European School Radio ( : Daily at 18:00 German, Italy, Czech, Belgium, Italy (19:00 Bulgaria, Turkey, Greece, 20:00 Portugal). Each country presents 60 min montly (either as one broadcast or 10 min x 6) to be put in the specific zone. Keep in midn that the submitted proposal suggested to creat shows for individual subjects also (history, local history , languages, etc). DEADLINE for first show 11 February 2013 subject LOVE and Saint Valentine! But, please feel free to send anything else YOU want (eg Belgium for the great world festival). 2. PUBLICITY : Dear Partners, according to our Comenius Project duties, we must have publicity and public awareness of our project to the society by Newspapers, other press (eg. magazines), RADIO/TV media and organised Events. You can write a small article in press with a picture or give an interview to a local radio/tv station. So, please , do publications or events and keep a history/proof of your work (a copy of the newspaper/magazine, photos, posters of events, etc). 3. RESULTS AND OUTCOMES until April 2013 (contractual obligations): According to the SUBMITTED PROPOSAL(that we all signed), we are expected to produce the following Meetings and RESULTS AND OUTCOMES Sep/2012 - April/2013 (contractual obligations): 2012-2013 Meetings ● 1st Meeting in Greece - DONE ● 2nd Meeting in Czech Republic November 2012--> replaced with Portugal Meeting in January 2013 - DONE ● 3rd Meeting, Istanbul 9-13 April 2013 ● 4th Meeting, Leipzig 2-6 June 2013 2012-2013 Results and Outcome ● Brochure with rules for school radio usage and etiquette; Assigned to Bulgaria + Turkey for April meeting. ● Website/blog of the school radio; Project logo to be printed on project products like T- shirts, mugs, pens, flags and etc.); DONE, we can print on material whenever possible. We decide.
  • 4. ● Workshop on defining website; Creation of manual; Website/blog setting up for the project and radio; Music zones; Radio spots; DONE, needs some more work in Istanbul ● Short radio spots (in the form of podcast or audio on demand); DONE ● manual on how to create broadcasts for pupils (by using ICT and Multimedia Technologies); DONE ● First evaluation (reports, comments, etc.); Mid - Project Evaluation (Questionnaires). Greece with the help of Hristo from Bulgaria will prepare the evaluation forms/questionnaires. It will be send to all countries in the second half of February (15 Feb 2013). We will try to do it online, eitherwise we will send a copy and will be distributed to be filled in among the radio teams in each country, collect the results and do a quick summarisation of the results.All results must be put on TW. **Any country wants to help to put it online? ● Educational radio programs/broadcasts for various school subjects (geography, history, music, IT lessons); (60 minutes montly by each country) in the COMENIUS EUROZONE ● Turkey meeting → Web Radio up and running; SKYPE teleconference;.Update manuals/brochures; Discuss improvements on the web radio operation, website and broadcasts on; ● Exhibition and / or conference at school or local community facility; Exchange of views on the project work with school / local community; Evaluation (questionnaire and discussion) of first year of the project (all partners together); ● Germany meeting → Presentation of the results of the project development; Interviews and a questionnaire; To monitor and evaluate the first project's year;→ Common evaluation of the first project year (questionnaire and discussion) ● 1st Year Project Report by each country submitted in June-July 2013 to the NA of our countries. 4. Table of Tasks accomplished so far from Sept 2012 - January 2013, by country The following table will give us a picture of what we have accomplished so far by country, in order to have a fair and balanced picture of the contributions. Countries that had less tasks can contribute more in the future. Greece: ● Organised/hosted first meeting in Thessaloniki/Kilkis (October 2013) ● Operating the Web Radio Station (, ● Prepared Main Presentation of the whole project ● Guides and FAQ for web radio use, developing and editing audio files, specifics of a broadcast, how to present promote broadcasts. ● Prepared Questionnaires about web radio use in English
  • 5. Participated in Logo Contest, and Questionnaires ● Organised and conducted two live shows especially for/with Comenius group ● Prepared audio spots for Comenius and one 60min X-mas show ● Organised the broadcasting of all X-mas shows. ● Worked on organising the Twinspace in the appropriate categories. ● Prepared the Mid term Report - a post Meeting (Portugal) Report Norway ● Organised, conducted and presented the LOGO CONTEST. ● Radio spot of their school in November ● X-mas one hour Show in December ● Participated in Logo contest ● Participated in Questionnaires Italy ● Organised, conducted and presented the QUESTIONNAIRES. ● Radio spot of their school in November ● X-mas one hour Show in December ● Participated in Logo contest ● Participated in Questionnaires ● Germany ● Organised and promotes Twinspace ● Radio spot of their school in November ● X-mas one hour Show in December ● Participated in Logo contest ● Participated in Questionnaires ● Organising German Meeting in June Czech Republic ● Participated in Logo contest ● Participated in Questionnaires ● Radio spot of their school in November ● X-mas Show in December Portugal ● Organised/hosted the second meeting in Lisboa-Vialonga (19-24 January 2013) ● working on the „Lisboa Interviews Broadcast‟ ● Participated in Logo contest ● Participated in Questionnaires
  • 6. Bulgaria ● Participated in Logo contest ● Participated in Questionnaires ● helping in mid term evaluation forms/questionnaire. Turkey ● Participated in Logo contest ● Participated in Questionnaires ● Radio spot of their school in November ● X-mas one hour Show in December Belgium ● Radio spot of their school in November ● X-mas Show in December ● Participated in Logo contest ● Participated in Questionnaires 5. „The roles and distributed tasks‟, and suggestions “ The role of the coordinating school in general (Greece): • Reminds deadlines and appointments for regular and extra online meetings. • Informs and reminds about work/activities to be done and other accomplishments; • Keeps records, analyzes and distributes results, meetings minutes, conclusion and partnership evaluation; • Ensures active and equal involvement; • Hosts for representatives of the partner institution; • Provides the know-how to develop and run the web Radio station • Provides the infrastructures and hosts the web radio server and the streaming.” ALL PARTNERS:- The distribution of tasks in the proposal was done at the beginning by random choice but already some countries have followed it. We can be strict but also flexible enough to help each other. Please, contribute to tasks according to what you like and you can do but also according to what is needed so that al required tasks/results according to the contractual agreement are met. Remarks/suggestions by the coordinator: The previous meetings offered us valuable lessons that we can utilize in the future in order to work in a more efficient way.
  • 7. Participating in all means of communication (emails, google groups, twinspace,skype) and reporting any problems you might experience and/or any issues you might have concerning both the actual work and cooperation among us, is of the utmost importance! ● Maybe it‟s a good idea that the agenda, the activities and the work meetings of every visit are decided by the host country in cooperation with the project coordinators/participants input and suggestions by all countries. For example, we think that one official work meeting per visit is not enough. Experience showed that we definitely need an extra meeting of the coordinators (overall two) to discuss and hopefully resolve any issues that might arise during our visit. Having very well organised meetings with specific goals and acticities, the hosting country can lead the meetings, in the way they lead the whole visiting program anyway. The role of the project coordinator is to ensure that all the issues are discussed and the contractual obligations are met. 6. Overall concluding remark Dear Partners, This project has fulfilled all of its contractual obligations and most of its tasks so far. The ones not fulfilled already has been planned and assigned to specific groups. We had an alteration to the planned schedule and we replaced the Czech meeting in November 2012 with the Portugal Meeting in January 2013, since the school from Prague suffered serious constructional issues with their school and needed to postpone the meeting for late October 2013. Next meetings are already organised in details. After this initial conlcusion, we would like to comment on the project overall. This multilateral project consists of nine different countries, nine different attitudes, nine different ways to work, to organise a project and also nine different experiences (or no experience) of COMENIUS projects. Consider also that each individual person has it‟s own personality and style of communication. On the top of that, English is not our mother tongue and communication can be problematic sometimes. Therefore, we believe that it is more than normal to have differences and sometimes , disputes. In fact, in our case, we strongly believe that we have cases of „differences‟, but few „misunderstandings‟. But, are we going to let few misunderstandings and some negative feelings to drive us? Rather, we will be motivated to work on our similarities, our enthousiasm to participate in an international project, our will to create a european school radio with our shows, our personal motivation to meet more and interesting people, places and feed our brains and enrich our souls. All the above mainly concentrate on students/pupils hapiness and to make students become better persons, should we not forget this!
  • 8. We still remember the great time our students had in Portugal! Some became friends, they overcame prejudices and had a really great time....In our eyes, the goal has achieved. So, we suggest, that either being a „strong‟ or a „weak‟ personality, we are adults and educators with experience and we all start with a GOOD WILL and kind attitude towards the others, with tollerence and open friendly communication. This project is not a professional body, is not an antagonistic environment, and we have nothing to share, except hapiness and friendship, harmonious relationships and a place where our kids will have fun and educate themselves. We are all teachers, we do not need „public relations‟ to be „good‟ to each other, we only need open eyes and hearts to see others always in a positive way, not being prejudiced at all. If we all agree and participate openly, eager to contribute to the project in any way we can, we are more than confident that we will surpass any small misunderstandings. Let us concentrate on hapiness, friendship, harmonious relationship, good will , good organisation and fruitful work, either between meetings or at the meetings themselves. Consider us in Greee*, your friends and you can visit us anytime you want to have great time with wonderful people, places and food! *(GREECE =a “guinea pig” of the IMF, which already confessed that their strategy was completely wrong(!). In Greece a 26% official unemployment kills hapiness and the future of young people....... Portugal, be strong and fight back......they know they are doing wrong but still want more countries to be ...slaves! )