SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Blue is a detergent that contains Sodium percarbonate, natural
ingredient unique on the market for the removal of up to tough
stains. It has a fresh scent that takes us back to nature. It also
prevents the colors are desmerezcan washed after washed,
making the experience a unique and durable for your clothes. Its
position is based on its slogan "The power of Blue", used in the
media especially on digital, in its marketing campaign. " Their
packaging as well as its ingredients are composed of eco-
friendly materials that help to safeguard our environment. In
addition to being lightweight, easy to carry and store packaging
and above all economical, perfect for the market that is Blue.
KW made a "Canvas technique" of their model of business in
order to add value to their ideas and present your product in an
organized way, while promoting it develops:
Strategy and objectives
General strategy
Grow by 7% per year over a period of four (4) years through
increase in the sale of the product and image change jobs. On
the other hand, is their interest retain existing customers and
attract new. After having evaluated the market analysis, SWOT
analysis, w poses the following strategy:
· Add new places of sale of the product at strategic points
reaching more customers.
· Add a new product design, renewing the image.
· Therefore, it will be distributing product samples at fairs,
conventions, moles, festivities and activities nonprofit in
newspapers, hotels and guest house, focused on social classes
middle and low to maintain and enter new markets.
· Through advertising exchanges, will be the logo in different
media, social networks and programs.
· There will be a call center for information in general and
service to the client in order to keep customers informed and
answer or channel any doubt or question
Specific objectives
After implementing different strategies, identified analyzed
competitive intelligence systems, w formulated the following
1. to be the leading brand in the market of detergent for washing
clothes. Create new navies with the community maintaining
quality standards.
2. produce an annual yield of 7% on investment.
3 impact new customers with an intense promotion in low-
income sectors.
4. create and promote ecological awareness and the proper use
of natural resources in our customers.
5. implement new technological tools for the analysis of data-
based decision making and improve the quality of the product.
6. increase the Blue detergent sales in different distribution
Strategies of Marketing programs
Blue in white container detergent, which highlights its logo
blue, distinctive and refreshing, which lives up to its name. The
company's goal is to cover and meet the different needs of
people. This is why that Blue detergent has the following
Diversity of odors as: Lavender, mountain, tropical fruits
and fresh air breeze.
It keeps the colors vibrant and radiant white.
The Blue "power" eliminates up to tough stains. "
Convenient packaging, user-friendly 45.4 oz.
It can be used on any machine wash, even the High
Non-abrasive natural ingredients.
Eco friendly packaging.
Blue detergent prices are competitive and accessible which
helps the consumer and gives you a competitive advantage over
the competition.
· The introductory price starts at $4.99.
· Free samples at different points of sale will be routed to the
You can see "The power of Blue".
· Sweepstakes and demonstrations will be held at various points
of sale.
· They will be including shopper’s discount coupons, books of
coupons and the packaging of the product.
· After your introductory promotion, Blue will be priced at
$5.99, what continues to be
an attribute for the product in terms of its competence.
The strategy of positioning and value creation are focused on
the renewal of image detergent Blue, emphasizing a more
modern and appealing aspect, its quality, performance, efficacy
against dirt and stains, care of clothing and aroma that lingers at
a low price. We want to emphasize that it is a product with
extensive experience in the market, renewed, improved,
reliable, eco-friendly packaging and biodegradable ingredients
that reduce damage to the environment. Generating in this way
remembrance and the necessity of purchasing this product
among consumers over the competing products.
The promotion of the Blue detergent will be carried out through
the following means: printed:
• Large, eye-catching posters in supermarkets, small markets,
shopping malls and public places with a large influx of public,
announcing the renewal of the Blue detergent, its
characteristics, benefits with respect to competition, price and
• Daily advertising in the different newspapers of the country,
increasing the size of advertising in the weekend publications.
Including discount coupons for in-store and online purchases.
• Advertising in national reviews including discount coupons
for supermarkets and the internet.
• Agreement with television programs and series to advertise the
product through these during live broadcast or recordings.
• Continuous realization of different television commercials that
are transmitted during the day, emphasizing in the hours of
greater hearing of the day.
Digital Ads
• Development and positioning of the Blue Detergent website
where all information about the product, presentations, prices,
points of sale, direct sales on the website, events, permanent
competitions, discount coupons, newsletters, Cleaning tips, new
news and releases, etc. A page where you keep up to date,
provide information of interest and help with laundry and home
• Formalization and dissemination of the Facebook page of the
detergent, providing all the information found on the website.
• Creation and dissemination of an account at Tweeter keeping
consumers informed of new news, contests, discount coupons,
events, launches, etc.
• Elaboration and publication of billboards in strategic points of
the country, during a certain time, rotating its location to reach
more and more places of the country.
• Sending e-mails to people registered through the website to
the newsletters, informing about new launches, events, contests,
discount coupons and thus loyalty to customers by maintaining
a much more direct communication with them and rewarding
their trust Delivered to the product
Radio· Commerrcial advertising throughout the day, increasing
its frequency in the prime time, morning and night.· Attend
radio programs as guests to publicize the product, discuss its
advantages, give all the information about the detergent Blue
and respond to the concerns of the listeners to clarify their
· Participation in mass events and exhibitions to publicize the
product at national and international level, generate brand
recognition, compression of the benefits and profits of the
product, generate the need to buy, create positive perceptions
about the quality and characteristics of the product And the
company as such to increase the quantity and frequency of
consumption of the detergent Blue.
· To locate in different points of sale of the country with greater
influx of pubic an advertising booth of the mark with a sales
representative trained to supply all the information on the
product and to answer inquietudes. There will be free samples
of the detergent to make it known and thus enable people to
really know and experience the quality and effectiveness of the
Distribution Point
· The distribution strategy of the detergent Blue is intensive as
it seeks to put the product in as many sales outlets as possible
in order to guarantee maximum distribution coverage and obtain
large quantity of sales. This strategy is appropriate for Blue
detergent as it is a staple product. It also has the advantage of
maximizing the availability of Blue detergent and increasing the
purchase of this product as a result of the high exposure of the
brand. Therefore, this distribution strategy includes solid
commercial alliances with the different supermarkets of large
supermarkets and chain stores of the country in order to
massively market Blue detergent.
· The distribution process for Blue detergent basically consists
of the following: the company Kelsey-White manufactures and
packages the product, then delivers it to the big distributors to
be taken to drugstores, mini-market, supermarkets, etc. There
the product is displayed and put into the hands of the final
· Taking into account that most people prefer to buy their
laundry detergent in large supermarkets (Walmart, Target,
Sam's, etc.), this is the distribution channel in which the
company will concentrate mainly Their attention to ensure that
they always have products available in the different states of the
country. The other distribution points in which the company
should focus is in neighborhood shops, gas stations, mini
markets, drugstores, etc. We can conclude that the distribution
channel that demands greater attention for our product is the
supermarkets of large supermarkets because in these places
most people prefer to buy this product, which is why we must
develop solid commercial alliances with different stores of
chain of the country and great distributors.
Finance and Operational Plan
Through this model, K-W tries to reflect the cost trail in
relation to each segment of our customers.
Financial Objectives
The financial objectives of K-W are as follows:
• 7% revenue growth each year.
• Recognition as a selected company in the stock exchange.
• Diversified base of income
. • Increase profits by 10% annually.
• Resize the optimal capital of the company.
• Participate aggressively in the capital market.
Assigned Budget for Marketing Plan
After exposing the objectives, K-W proceeded to
prepare a Report on Sources and Uses of Funds to stipulate and
define the budget for promotion and marketing. As a result of
this report, K-W determines a budget of $ 1,200,000.00 for
start-up operations. For this reason, the Company's Revenue and
Expenses Report is presented for the Blue product, projected for
the years 2019 to 2022.
Informe de Fuentes y Uso de Fondos
Non-Monetary Contributions
Investors # 1
Non-Monetary Contributions
Investors # 2
Investors # 3
Use of Funds
Investments and operating expenses
Equipment and tools
Operating Expenses (3 months):
Oher unforeseen expenses
Compra de Equipos (Envasado, Etiquetas
Wages and employer’s obligations
Professional Services
Miscellaneous and unexpected expenditures
Municipal Patents
Tácticas de Control de Gastos:
In relation to the promotion of the Blue product and to
regulate the expenses related to the operation, K-W has
determined the following:
1 monitor each month the increase of sales obtained by means
of the
2 monitor the full process of the new design.
3. receive weekly reports on costs and sales volume.
Points: 400
Assignment 2: The Hiring Process and Managing a Diverse
Below 70% F
70-79% C
80-89% B
90-100% A
1. Develop three (3) recruitment methods for the job
opportunity in question, and suggest two (2) ways that each
method helps one to avoid discriminatory practices. Justify your
Weight: 10%
Did not submit or incompletely developed three (3) recruitment
methods for the job opportunity in question, and did not submit
or incompletely suggested two (2) ways that each method helps
one to avoid discriminatory practices. Did not submit or
incompletely justified your response.
Partially developed three (3) recruitment methods for the job
opportunity in question, and partially suggested two (2) ways
that each method helps one to avoid discriminatory practices.
Partially justified your response.
Satisfactorily developed three (3) recruitment methods for the
job opportunity in question, and satisfactorily suggested two (2)
ways that each method helps one to avoid discriminatory
practices. Satisfactorily justified your response.
Thoroughly developed three (3) recruitment methods for the job
opportunity in question, and thoroughly suggested two (2) ways
that each method helps one to avoid discriminatory practices.
Thoroughly justified your response.
2. Outline an application process that details the
organization’s method of accepting all applications, as well
as its method of validating applicants’ attainment of the
required credentials (e.g., reviewing resumes, collecting
transcripts, verifying certifications, etc.) for the job
Weight: 10%
Did not submit or incompletely outlined an application process
that details the organization’s method of accepting all
applications, as well as its method of validating applicants’
attainment of the required credentials (e.g., reviewing resumes,
collecting transcripts, verifying certifications, etc.) for the job
Partially outlined an application process that details the
organization’s method of accepting all applications, as well
as its method of validating applicants’ attainment of the
required credentials (e.g., reviewing resumes, collecting
transcripts, verifying certifications, etc.) for the job
Satisfactorily outlined an application process that details the
organization’s method of accepting all applications, as well
as its method of validating applicants’ attainment of the
required credentials (e.g., reviewing resumes, collecting
transcripts, verifying certifications, etc.) for the job
Thoroughly outlined an application process that details the
organization’s method of accepting all applications, as well
as its method of validating applicants’ attainment of the
required credentials (e.g., reviewing resumes, collecting
transcripts, verifying certifications, etc.) for the job
3. Develop a five- (5) step procedure for the HR Department to
use in order to maintain all applicants’ records in case a
discriminatory charge occurs.
Weight: 10%
Did not submit or incompletely developed a five- (5) step
procedure for the HR Department to use in order to maintain all
applicants’ records in case a discriminatory charge occurs.
Partially developed a five- (5) step procedure for the HR
Department to use in order to maintain all applicants’
records in case a discriminatory charge occurs.
Satisfactorily developed a five- (5) step procedure for the HR
Department to use in order to maintain all applicants’
records in case a discriminatory charge occurs.
Thoroughly developed a five- (5) step procedure for the HR
Department to use in order to maintain all applicants’
records in case a discriminatory charge occurs.
4. Decide on three (3) background checks that the HR
Department must utilize, and justify the relevance of each
background check for the job opportunity.
Weight: 5%
Did not submit or incompletely decided on three (3) background
checks that the HR Department must utilize, and did not submit
or incompletely justified the relevance of each background
check for the job opportunity.
Partially decided on three (3) background checks that the HR
Department must utilize, and partially justified the relevance of
each background check for the job opportunity.
Satisfactorily decided on three (3) background checks that the
HR Department must utilize, and satisfactorily justified the
relevance of each background check for the job opportunity.
Thoroughly decided on three (3) background checks that the HR
Department must utilize, and thoroughly justified the relevance
of each background check for the job opportunity.
5. Choose three (3) employment tests (e.g., drug tests, medical
examinations, HIV tests, generic tests, polygraphs, honesty
tests, psychological tests, intelligence and skills tests, and
physical fitness, etc.) that the HR Department should use.
Justify the relevance of each selected employment test to the
job requirements.
Weight: 5%
Did not submit or incompletely chose three (3) employment
tests (e.g., drug tests, medical examinations, HIV tests, generic
tests, polygraphs, honesty tests, psychological tests, intelligence
and skills tests, and physical fitness, etc.) that the HR
Department should use. Did not submit or incompletely justified
the relevance of each selected employment test to the job
Partially chose three (3) employment tests (e.g., drug tests,
medical examinations, HIV tests, generic tests, polygraphs,
honesty tests, psychological tests, intelligence and skills tests,
and physical fitness, etc.) that the HR Department should use.
Partially justified the relevance of each selected employment
test to the job requirements.
Satisfactorily chose three (3) employment tests (e.g., drug tests,
medical examinations, HIV tests, generic tests, polygraphs,
honesty tests, psychological tests, intelligence and skills tests,
and physical fitness, etc.) that the HR Department should use.
Satisfactorily justified the relevance of each selected
employment test to the job requirements.
Thoroughly chose three (3) employment tests (e.g., drug tests,
medical examinations, HIV tests, generic tests, polygraphs,
honesty tests, psychological tests, intelligence and skills tests,
and physical fitness, etc.) that the HR Department should use.
Thoroughly justified the relevance of each selected employment
test to the job requirements.
6. Formulate a policy for making both the hiring and
promotional decisions related to the job opportunity. Specify
the major challenges and potential adverse impact of using
subjective criteria for assessing soft skills. Next, suggest one
(1) plan to mitigate the adverse impact. Justify your suggestion.
Weight: 10%
Did not submit or incompletely formulated a policy for making
both the hiring and promotional decisions related to the job
opportunity. Did not submit or incompletely specified the major
challenges and potential adverse impact of using subjective
criteria for assessing soft skills. Did not submit or incompletely
suggested one (1) plan to mitigate the adverse impact. Did not
submit or incompletely justified your suggestion.
Partially formulated a policy for making both the hiring and
promotional decisions related to the job opportunity. Partially
specified the major challenges and potential adverse impact of
using subjective criteria for assessing soft skills. Partially
suggested one (1) plan to mitigate the adverse impact. Partially
justified your suggestion.
Satisfactorily formulated a policy for making both the hiring
and promotional decisions related to the job opportunity.
Satisfactorily specified the major challenges and potential
adverse impact of using subjective criteria for assessing soft
skills. Satisfactorily suggested one (1) plan to mitigate the
adverse impact. Satisfactorily justified your suggestion.
Thoroughly formulated a policy for making both the hiring and
promotional decisions related to the job opportunity.
Thoroughly specified the major challenges and potential adverse
impact of using subjective criteria for assessing soft skills.
Thoroughly suggested one (1) plan to mitigate the adverse
impact. Thoroughly justified your suggestion.
7. Recommend two (2) types of reasonable accommodations for
both disabled applicants and applicants needing special
religious considerations. Argue two (2) legal reasons for not
being able to sufficiently provide such reasonable
accommodation for each group.
Weight: 5%
Did not submit or incompletely recommended two (2) types of
reasonable accommodations for both disabled applicants and
applicants needing special religious considerations. Did not
submit or incompletely argued two (2) legal reasons for not
being able to sufficiently provide such reasonable
accommodation for each group.
Partially recommended two (2) types of reasonable
accommodations for both disabled applicants and applicants
needing special religious considerations. Partially argued two
(2) legal reasons for not being able to sufficiently provide such
reasonable accommodation for each group.
Satisfactorily recommended two (2) types of reasonable
accommodations for both disabled applicants and applicants
needing special religious considerations. Satisfactorily argued
two (2) legal reasons for not being able to sufficiently provide
such reasonable accommodation for each group.
Thoroughly recommended two (2) types of reasonable
accommodations for both disabled applicants and applicants
needing special religious considerations. Thoroughly argued
two (2) legal reasons for not being able to sufficiently provide
such reasonable accommodation for each group.
8. Select one (1) case in which a court charged an organization
with an affirmative action violation and one (1) case in which a
court charged the organization with not managing harassment
issues more expeditiously. Recommend an action plan geared
toward preventing the issues addressed in both cases within
your selected organization. Justify your recommendation.
Weight: 10%
Did not submit or incompletely selected one (1) case in which a
court charged an organization with an affirmative action
violation and one (1) case in which a court charged the
organization with not managing harassment issues more
expeditiously. Did not submit or incompletely recommended an
action plan geared toward preventing the issues addressed in
both cases within your selected organization. Did not submit or
incompletely justified your recommendation.
Partially selected one (1) case in which a court charged an
organization with an affirmative action violation and one (1)
case in which a court charged the organization with not
managing harassment issues more expeditiously. Partially
recommended an action plan geared toward preventing the
issues addressed in both cases within your selected
organization. Partially justified your recommendation.
Satisfactorily selected one (1) case in which a court charged an
organization with an affirmative action violation and one (1)
case in which a court charged the organization with not
managing harassment issues more expeditiously. Satisfactorily
recommended an action plan geared toward preventing the
issues addressed in both cases within your selected
organization. Satisfactorily justified your recommendation.
Thoroughly selected one (1) case in which a court charged an
organization with an affirmative action violation and one (1)
case in which a court charged the organization with not
managing harassment issues more expeditiously. Thoroughly
recommended an action plan geared toward preventing the
issues addressed in both cases within your selected
organization. Thoroughly justified your recommendation.
9. Choose three (3) work-life conflicts that the HR Director
should consider within the selected organization. Then, outline
a policy geared toward resolving each conflict through the use
of related employment laws. Justify your response.
Weight: 10%
Did not submit or incompletely chose three (3) work-life
conflicts that the HR Director should consider within the
selected organization. Did not submit or incompletely outlined a
policy geared toward resolving each conflict through the use of
related employment laws. Did not submit or incompletely
justified your response.
Partially chose three (3) work-life conflicts that the HR Director
should consider within the selected organization. Partially
outlined a policy geared toward resolving each conflict through
the use of related employment laws. Partially justified your
Satisfactorily chose three (3) work-life conflicts that the HR
Director should consider within the selected organization.
Satisfactorily outlined a policy geared toward resolving each
conflict through the use of related employment laws.
Satisfactorily justified your response.
Thoroughly chose three (3) work-life conflicts that the HR
Director should consider within the selected organization.
Thoroughly outlined a policy geared toward resolving each
conflict through the use of related employment laws.
Thoroughly justified your response.
10. 4 references
Weight: 5%
No references provided.
Does not meet the required number of references; some or all
references poor quality choices.
Meets number of required references; all references high quality
Exceeds number of required references; all references high
quality choices.
11. Writing Mechanics, Grammar, and Formatting
Weight: 5%
Serious and persistent errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation,
or formatting.
Partially free of errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, or
Mostly free of errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, or
Error free or almost error free grammar, spelling, punctuation,
or formatting.
12. Appropriate use of APA in-text citations and reference
Weight: 5%
Lack of in-text citations and / or lack of reference section.
In-text citations and references are provided, but they are only
partially formatted correctly in APA style.
Most in-text citations and references are provided, and they are
generally formatted correctly in APA style.
In-text citations and references are error free or almost error
free and consistently formatted correctly in APA style.
13. Information Literacy / Integration of Sources
Weight: 5%
Serious errors in the integration of sources, such as intentional
or accidental plagiarism, or failure to use in-text citations.
Sources are partially integrated using effective techniques of
quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing.
Sources are mostly integrated using effective techniques of
quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing.
Sources are consistently integrated using effective techniques of
quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing.
14. Clarity and Coherence of Writing
Weight: 5%
Information is confusing to the reader and fails to include
reasons and evidence that logically support ideas.
Information is partially clear with minimal reasons and
evidence that logically support ideas.
Information is mostly clear and generally supported with
reasons and evidence that logically support ideas.
Information is provided in a clear, coherent, and consistent
manner with reasons and evidence that logically support ideas.

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PositioningBlue is a detergent that contains Sodium percarbonate.docx

  • 1. Positioning Blue is a detergent that contains Sodium percarbonate, natural ingredient unique on the market for the removal of up to tough stains. It has a fresh scent that takes us back to nature. It also prevents the colors are desmerezcan washed after washed, making the experience a unique and durable for your clothes. Its position is based on its slogan "The power of Blue", used in the media especially on digital, in its marketing campaign. " Their packaging as well as its ingredients are composed of eco- friendly materials that help to safeguard our environment. In addition to being lightweight, easy to carry and store packaging and above all economical, perfect for the market that is Blue. KW made a "Canvas technique" of their model of business in order to add value to their ideas and present your product in an organized way, while promoting it develops: Strategy and objectives General strategy Grow by 7% per year over a period of four (4) years through increase in the sale of the product and image change jobs. On the other hand, is their interest retain existing customers and attract new. After having evaluated the market analysis, SWOT analysis, w poses the following strategy: · Add new places of sale of the product at strategic points reaching more customers. · Add a new product design, renewing the image. · Therefore, it will be distributing product samples at fairs, conventions, moles, festivities and activities nonprofit in newspapers, hotels and guest house, focused on social classes middle and low to maintain and enter new markets. · Through advertising exchanges, will be the logo in different media, social networks and programs. · There will be a call center for information in general and service to the client in order to keep customers informed and
  • 2. answer or channel any doubt or question Specific objectives After implementing different strategies, identified analyzed competitive intelligence systems, w formulated the following objectives: 1. to be the leading brand in the market of detergent for washing clothes. Create new navies with the community maintaining quality standards. 2. produce an annual yield of 7% on investment. 3 impact new customers with an intense promotion in low- income sectors. 4. create and promote ecological awareness and the proper use of natural resources in our customers. 5. implement new technological tools for the analysis of data- based decision making and improve the quality of the product. 6. increase the Blue detergent sales in different distribution channels. Strategies of Marketing programs Product Blue in white container detergent, which highlights its logo blue, distinctive and refreshing, which lives up to its name. The company's goal is to cover and meet the different needs of people. This is why that Blue detergent has the following characteristics: Diversity of odors as: Lavender, mountain, tropical fruits and fresh air breeze. It keeps the colors vibrant and radiant white. The Blue "power" eliminates up to tough stains. " Convenient packaging, user-friendly 45.4 oz. It can be used on any machine wash, even the High Efficiency. Non-abrasive natural ingredients. Eco friendly packaging.
  • 3. Price Blue detergent prices are competitive and accessible which helps the consumer and gives you a competitive advantage over the competition. · The introductory price starts at $4.99. · Free samples at different points of sale will be routed to the public You can see "The power of Blue". · Sweepstakes and demonstrations will be held at various points of sale. · They will be including shopper’s discount coupons, books of coupons and the packaging of the product. · After your introductory promotion, Blue will be priced at $5.99, what continues to be an attribute for the product in terms of its competence. Promotion The strategy of positioning and value creation are focused on the renewal of image detergent Blue, emphasizing a more modern and appealing aspect, its quality, performance, efficacy against dirt and stains, care of clothing and aroma that lingers at a low price. We want to emphasize that it is a product with extensive experience in the market, renewed, improved, reliable, eco-friendly packaging and biodegradable ingredients that reduce damage to the environment. Generating in this way remembrance and the necessity of purchasing this product among consumers over the competing products. The promotion of the Blue detergent will be carried out through the following means: printed: Printed • Large, eye-catching posters in supermarkets, small markets, shopping malls and public places with a large influx of public, announcing the renewal of the Blue detergent, its characteristics, benefits with respect to competition, price and
  • 4. presentations. • Daily advertising in the different newspapers of the country, increasing the size of advertising in the weekend publications. Including discount coupons for in-store and online purchases. • Advertising in national reviews including discount coupons for supermarkets and the internet. TV • Agreement with television programs and series to advertise the product through these during live broadcast or recordings. • Continuous realization of different television commercials that are transmitted during the day, emphasizing in the hours of greater hearing of the day. Digital Ads • Development and positioning of the Blue Detergent website where all information about the product, presentations, prices, points of sale, direct sales on the website, events, permanent competitions, discount coupons, newsletters, Cleaning tips, new news and releases, etc. A page where you keep up to date, provide information of interest and help with laundry and home care. • Formalization and dissemination of the Facebook page of the detergent, providing all the information found on the website. • Creation and dissemination of an account at Tweeter keeping consumers informed of new news, contests, discount coupons, events, launches, etc. • Elaboration and publication of billboards in strategic points of the country, during a certain time, rotating its location to reach more and more places of the country. • Sending e-mails to people registered through the website to the newsletters, informing about new launches, events, contests, discount coupons and thus loyalty to customers by maintaining a much more direct communication with them and rewarding their trust Delivered to the product
  • 5. Radio· Commerrcial advertising throughout the day, increasing its frequency in the prime time, morning and night.· Attend radio programs as guests to publicize the product, discuss its advantages, give all the information about the detergent Blue and respond to the concerns of the listeners to clarify their doubts. . Events · Participation in mass events and exhibitions to publicize the product at national and international level, generate brand recognition, compression of the benefits and profits of the product, generate the need to buy, create positive perceptions about the quality and characteristics of the product And the company as such to increase the quantity and frequency of consumption of the detergent Blue. · To locate in different points of sale of the country with greater influx of pubic an advertising booth of the mark with a sales representative trained to supply all the information on the product and to answer inquietudes. There will be free samples of the detergent to make it known and thus enable people to really know and experience the quality and effectiveness of the product . Distribution Point · The distribution strategy of the detergent Blue is intensive as it seeks to put the product in as many sales outlets as possible in order to guarantee maximum distribution coverage and obtain large quantity of sales. This strategy is appropriate for Blue detergent as it is a staple product. It also has the advantage of maximizing the availability of Blue detergent and increasing the purchase of this product as a result of the high exposure of the brand. Therefore, this distribution strategy includes solid commercial alliances with the different supermarkets of large supermarkets and chain stores of the country in order to massively market Blue detergent.
  • 6. · The distribution process for Blue detergent basically consists of the following: the company Kelsey-White manufactures and packages the product, then delivers it to the big distributors to be taken to drugstores, mini-market, supermarkets, etc. There the product is displayed and put into the hands of the final consumers. · Taking into account that most people prefer to buy their laundry detergent in large supermarkets (Walmart, Target, Sam's, etc.), this is the distribution channel in which the company will concentrate mainly Their attention to ensure that they always have products available in the different states of the country. The other distribution points in which the company should focus is in neighborhood shops, gas stations, mini markets, drugstores, etc. We can conclude that the distribution channel that demands greater attention for our product is the supermarkets of large supermarkets because in these places most people prefer to buy this product, which is why we must develop solid commercial alliances with different stores of chain of the country and great distributors. Finance and Operational Plan Through this model, K-W tries to reflect the cost trail in relation to each segment of our customers. Financial Objectives The financial objectives of K-W are as follows: • 7% revenue growth each year. • Recognition as a selected company in the stock exchange. • Diversified base of income . • Increase profits by 10% annually. • Resize the optimal capital of the company. • Participate aggressively in the capital market. Assigned Budget for Marketing Plan After exposing the objectives, K-W proceeded to
  • 7. prepare a Report on Sources and Uses of Funds to stipulate and define the budget for promotion and marketing. As a result of this report, K-W determines a budget of $ 1,200,000.00 for start-up operations. For this reason, the Company's Revenue and Expenses Report is presented for the Blue product, projected for the years 2019 to 2022. Informe de Fuentes y Uso de Fondos Non-Monetary Contributions Investors # 1 $1,500,000.00 $200,000.00 $1,700,000.00
  • 8. Non-Monetary Contributions Investors # 2 $1,000,000.00 Investors # 3 $200,000.00 TOTAL $1,200,000.00
  • 9. Use of Funds Investments and operating expenses Equipment and tools $800,000.00 MATERIALS $200,000.00
  • 10. TOTAL $1,000,000.00 Operating Expenses (3 months): $70,000.00 Oher unforeseen expenses $10,000.00 Compra de Equipos (Envasado, Etiquetas $14,000.00 Wages and employer’s obligations
  • 11. $13,000.00 Professional Services $10,000.00 Miscellaneous and unexpected expenditures $15,000.00 Insurance $3,200.00 Utilities $19,000.00 Municipal Patents $600.00 Promotions
  • 12. $46,000.00 TOTAL $1,200,000.00 Tácticas de Control de Gastos: In relation to the promotion of the Blue product and to regulate the expenses related to the operation, K-W has determined the following: 1 monitor each month the increase of sales obtained by means of the discounts. 2 monitor the full process of the new design. 3. receive weekly reports on costs and sales volume. Controls Points: 400 Assignment 2: The Hiring Process and Managing a Diverse Workforce Criteria Unacceptable
  • 13. Below 70% F Fair 70-79% C Proficient 80-89% B Exemplary 90-100% A 1. Develop three (3) recruitment methods for the job opportunity in question, and suggest two (2) ways that each method helps one to avoid discriminatory practices. Justify your response. Weight: 10% Did not submit or incompletely developed three (3) recruitment methods for the job opportunity in question, and did not submit or incompletely suggested two (2) ways that each method helps one to avoid discriminatory practices. Did not submit or incompletely justified your response. Partially developed three (3) recruitment methods for the job opportunity in question, and partially suggested two (2) ways that each method helps one to avoid discriminatory practices. Partially justified your response. Satisfactorily developed three (3) recruitment methods for the job opportunity in question, and satisfactorily suggested two (2) ways that each method helps one to avoid discriminatory practices. Satisfactorily justified your response. Thoroughly developed three (3) recruitment methods for the job opportunity in question, and thoroughly suggested two (2) ways that each method helps one to avoid discriminatory practices. Thoroughly justified your response. 2. Outline an application process that details the organization’s method of accepting all applications, as well as its method of validating applicants’ attainment of the required credentials (e.g., reviewing resumes, collecting transcripts, verifying certifications, etc.) for the job opportunity. Weight: 10%
  • 14. Did not submit or incompletely outlined an application process that details the organization’s method of accepting all applications, as well as its method of validating applicants’ attainment of the required credentials (e.g., reviewing resumes, collecting transcripts, verifying certifications, etc.) for the job opportunity. Partially outlined an application process that details the organization’s method of accepting all applications, as well as its method of validating applicants’ attainment of the required credentials (e.g., reviewing resumes, collecting transcripts, verifying certifications, etc.) for the job opportunity. Satisfactorily outlined an application process that details the organization’s method of accepting all applications, as well as its method of validating applicants’ attainment of the required credentials (e.g., reviewing resumes, collecting transcripts, verifying certifications, etc.) for the job opportunity. Thoroughly outlined an application process that details the organization’s method of accepting all applications, as well as its method of validating applicants’ attainment of the required credentials (e.g., reviewing resumes, collecting transcripts, verifying certifications, etc.) for the job opportunity. 3. Develop a five- (5) step procedure for the HR Department to use in order to maintain all applicants’ records in case a discriminatory charge occurs. Weight: 10% Did not submit or incompletely developed a five- (5) step procedure for the HR Department to use in order to maintain all applicants’ records in case a discriminatory charge occurs. Partially developed a five- (5) step procedure for the HR Department to use in order to maintain all applicants’ records in case a discriminatory charge occurs. Satisfactorily developed a five- (5) step procedure for the HR Department to use in order to maintain all applicants’
  • 15. records in case a discriminatory charge occurs. Thoroughly developed a five- (5) step procedure for the HR Department to use in order to maintain all applicants’ records in case a discriminatory charge occurs. 4. Decide on three (3) background checks that the HR Department must utilize, and justify the relevance of each background check for the job opportunity. Weight: 5% Did not submit or incompletely decided on three (3) background checks that the HR Department must utilize, and did not submit or incompletely justified the relevance of each background check for the job opportunity. Partially decided on three (3) background checks that the HR Department must utilize, and partially justified the relevance of each background check for the job opportunity. Satisfactorily decided on three (3) background checks that the HR Department must utilize, and satisfactorily justified the relevance of each background check for the job opportunity. Thoroughly decided on three (3) background checks that the HR Department must utilize, and thoroughly justified the relevance of each background check for the job opportunity. 5. Choose three (3) employment tests (e.g., drug tests, medical examinations, HIV tests, generic tests, polygraphs, honesty tests, psychological tests, intelligence and skills tests, and physical fitness, etc.) that the HR Department should use. Justify the relevance of each selected employment test to the job requirements. Weight: 5% Did not submit or incompletely chose three (3) employment tests (e.g., drug tests, medical examinations, HIV tests, generic tests, polygraphs, honesty tests, psychological tests, intelligence and skills tests, and physical fitness, etc.) that the HR Department should use. Did not submit or incompletely justified the relevance of each selected employment test to the job requirements. Partially chose three (3) employment tests (e.g., drug tests,
  • 16. medical examinations, HIV tests, generic tests, polygraphs, honesty tests, psychological tests, intelligence and skills tests, and physical fitness, etc.) that the HR Department should use. Partially justified the relevance of each selected employment test to the job requirements. Satisfactorily chose three (3) employment tests (e.g., drug tests, medical examinations, HIV tests, generic tests, polygraphs, honesty tests, psychological tests, intelligence and skills tests, and physical fitness, etc.) that the HR Department should use. Satisfactorily justified the relevance of each selected employment test to the job requirements. Thoroughly chose three (3) employment tests (e.g., drug tests, medical examinations, HIV tests, generic tests, polygraphs, honesty tests, psychological tests, intelligence and skills tests, and physical fitness, etc.) that the HR Department should use. Thoroughly justified the relevance of each selected employment test to the job requirements. 6. Formulate a policy for making both the hiring and promotional decisions related to the job opportunity. Specify the major challenges and potential adverse impact of using subjective criteria for assessing soft skills. Next, suggest one (1) plan to mitigate the adverse impact. Justify your suggestion. Weight: 10% Did not submit or incompletely formulated a policy for making both the hiring and promotional decisions related to the job opportunity. Did not submit or incompletely specified the major challenges and potential adverse impact of using subjective criteria for assessing soft skills. Did not submit or incompletely suggested one (1) plan to mitigate the adverse impact. Did not submit or incompletely justified your suggestion. Partially formulated a policy for making both the hiring and promotional decisions related to the job opportunity. Partially specified the major challenges and potential adverse impact of using subjective criteria for assessing soft skills. Partially suggested one (1) plan to mitigate the adverse impact. Partially justified your suggestion.
  • 17. Satisfactorily formulated a policy for making both the hiring and promotional decisions related to the job opportunity. Satisfactorily specified the major challenges and potential adverse impact of using subjective criteria for assessing soft skills. Satisfactorily suggested one (1) plan to mitigate the adverse impact. Satisfactorily justified your suggestion. Thoroughly formulated a policy for making both the hiring and promotional decisions related to the job opportunity. Thoroughly specified the major challenges and potential adverse impact of using subjective criteria for assessing soft skills. Thoroughly suggested one (1) plan to mitigate the adverse impact. Thoroughly justified your suggestion. 7. Recommend two (2) types of reasonable accommodations for both disabled applicants and applicants needing special religious considerations. Argue two (2) legal reasons for not being able to sufficiently provide such reasonable accommodation for each group. Weight: 5% Did not submit or incompletely recommended two (2) types of reasonable accommodations for both disabled applicants and applicants needing special religious considerations. Did not submit or incompletely argued two (2) legal reasons for not being able to sufficiently provide such reasonable accommodation for each group. Partially recommended two (2) types of reasonable accommodations for both disabled applicants and applicants needing special religious considerations. Partially argued two (2) legal reasons for not being able to sufficiently provide such reasonable accommodation for each group. Satisfactorily recommended two (2) types of reasonable accommodations for both disabled applicants and applicants needing special religious considerations. Satisfactorily argued two (2) legal reasons for not being able to sufficiently provide such reasonable accommodation for each group. Thoroughly recommended two (2) types of reasonable accommodations for both disabled applicants and applicants
  • 18. needing special religious considerations. Thoroughly argued two (2) legal reasons for not being able to sufficiently provide such reasonable accommodation for each group. 8. Select one (1) case in which a court charged an organization with an affirmative action violation and one (1) case in which a court charged the organization with not managing harassment issues more expeditiously. Recommend an action plan geared toward preventing the issues addressed in both cases within your selected organization. Justify your recommendation. Weight: 10% Did not submit or incompletely selected one (1) case in which a court charged an organization with an affirmative action violation and one (1) case in which a court charged the organization with not managing harassment issues more expeditiously. Did not submit or incompletely recommended an action plan geared toward preventing the issues addressed in both cases within your selected organization. Did not submit or incompletely justified your recommendation. Partially selected one (1) case in which a court charged an organization with an affirmative action violation and one (1) case in which a court charged the organization with not managing harassment issues more expeditiously. Partially recommended an action plan geared toward preventing the issues addressed in both cases within your selected organization. Partially justified your recommendation. Satisfactorily selected one (1) case in which a court charged an organization with an affirmative action violation and one (1) case in which a court charged the organization with not managing harassment issues more expeditiously. Satisfactorily recommended an action plan geared toward preventing the issues addressed in both cases within your selected organization. Satisfactorily justified your recommendation. Thoroughly selected one (1) case in which a court charged an organization with an affirmative action violation and one (1) case in which a court charged the organization with not managing harassment issues more expeditiously. Thoroughly
  • 19. recommended an action plan geared toward preventing the issues addressed in both cases within your selected organization. Thoroughly justified your recommendation. 9. Choose three (3) work-life conflicts that the HR Director should consider within the selected organization. Then, outline a policy geared toward resolving each conflict through the use of related employment laws. Justify your response. Weight: 10% Did not submit or incompletely chose three (3) work-life conflicts that the HR Director should consider within the selected organization. Did not submit or incompletely outlined a policy geared toward resolving each conflict through the use of related employment laws. Did not submit or incompletely justified your response. Partially chose three (3) work-life conflicts that the HR Director should consider within the selected organization. Partially outlined a policy geared toward resolving each conflict through the use of related employment laws. Partially justified your response. Satisfactorily chose three (3) work-life conflicts that the HR Director should consider within the selected organization. Satisfactorily outlined a policy geared toward resolving each conflict through the use of related employment laws. Satisfactorily justified your response. Thoroughly chose three (3) work-life conflicts that the HR Director should consider within the selected organization. Thoroughly outlined a policy geared toward resolving each conflict through the use of related employment laws. Thoroughly justified your response. 10. 4 references Weight: 5% No references provided. Does not meet the required number of references; some or all references poor quality choices. Meets number of required references; all references high quality choices.
  • 20. Exceeds number of required references; all references high quality choices. 11. Writing Mechanics, Grammar, and Formatting Weight: 5% Serious and persistent errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, or formatting. Partially free of errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, or formatting. Mostly free of errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, or formatting. Error free or almost error free grammar, spelling, punctuation, or formatting. 12. Appropriate use of APA in-text citations and reference Weight: 5% Lack of in-text citations and / or lack of reference section. In-text citations and references are provided, but they are only partially formatted correctly in APA style. Most in-text citations and references are provided, and they are generally formatted correctly in APA style. In-text citations and references are error free or almost error free and consistently formatted correctly in APA style. 13. Information Literacy / Integration of Sources Weight: 5% Serious errors in the integration of sources, such as intentional or accidental plagiarism, or failure to use in-text citations. Sources are partially integrated using effective techniques of quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing.  Sources are mostly integrated using effective techniques of quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing. Sources are consistently integrated using effective techniques of quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing. 14. Clarity and Coherence of Writing Weight: 5% Information is confusing to the reader and fails to include reasons and evidence that logically support ideas.
  • 21. Information is partially clear with minimal reasons and evidence that logically support ideas. Information is mostly clear and generally supported with reasons and evidence that logically support ideas. Â Information is provided in a clear, coherent, and consistent manner with reasons and evidence that logically support ideas.