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           Atlantis Hotel
                                     Tiziano Tassi
                                      Jacek Schab
                                   Guilherme Pinheiro
                                    Marlon Smigelski

The project started with brainstorming session, which took about 20 minutes. 4 team
members introducing different ideas related to the main task:

“Development, the launching and the communication of a new hotel service in Dubai
Atlantis. This service can be a new hotel, a internal process, a range extension.”

Most of ideas offered were concentrated around luxury and exclusiveness.

The work was split into to task groups, one consisting of Guilherme Pinheiro and Marlon
Smigelski, second of Tiziano Tassi and Jacek Schab.

Competitors research and visual board was the task of the Team 1.
Team 2 prepared SWOT analysis, segmentation, targeting and positioning, brand politics,
media plan and distribution and communication mix.

In the half of the period the team met to discuss the details based on research conducted,
and check coherence of the elements of the project and the report.


Some services of our competitors:

Seven Stars Galleria – Milan, Italy
“Seven Stars Galleria has an exclusive ambiance that recreates a home-like atmosphere
with a touch of refinement through unique services tailored to meet your needs and
desires. In every room, there are the most exclusive of accessories: from the best Italian
coffee machines to the most sought after books. The experience is created by the
meticulous care that has been given to ensure that all details, from the bed linen to the
shoe-form in wood, is bespoke to each individual guest. “
  • Services dedicated to children
  • Personal Bentley
  • Butler
  • Limousine pick ups/drop offs

“Seven Stars Galleria features a la Carte lounge restaurant, La Sinfonia, which has a fully
licensed bar and offers 24 hour in room dining. The menu varies according to season, and
the chef creates a different gourmet menu on a daily basis.
The intimate restaurant is open from early morning until evening offering Continental,
Italian and Nouvelle Cuisine. This is complemented by an extensive choice of Italy's finest

Emirates Palace – Abu Dhabi
     •    Also features concerts on the hotel grounds
     •    Guests can choose different packages to purchase depending on their
     •    Exclusive palace suites modeled after Arabian décor
     •    Variety of high quality restaurants and bars depending on guestsʼ needs
Auditorium Facilities
     •    Seating for 1100 guests
     •    Multiple entrances
     •    20m in height
     •    Stage lighting
     •    Outlets for broadcasting
     •    Built in sound system”

Centaurus – Islamabad, Pakistan
Awaiting completion, but will have a grand ballroom installed possibly used for concerts
     •    Limousine Services
     •    Personal butler
     •    Panoramic Restaurant perched on the 37th level with viewing gallery
     •    Tameer Towers – Abu Dhabi
     •    VIP marina
     •    Canal promenade

Through our research of the competition we have discovered that only two other seven
star hotels are likely to feature concerts. Our service is unique because we are offering
exclusive concerts and a high quality restaurant with very limited guests. Our service is
adopting a new concept because the location is underwater and is concentrated on the

Poseidon theme, and the whole idea is based on invitations. The rings that will be given
out will be recognized throughout the world as a symbol of high status. No other hotel
offers a status symbol such as this for these important guests.



    • Innovative idea                                          WEAKNESSES
    • Support and experience of the Atlantis
      hotel in neighbourhood.                    • Millionaires are financially capable to
    • Attractive location offering good weather.   organise the events on their own, suiting
    • No direct competition – there are other      their tastes, location, timing – we are not
      underwater attractions, there are            flexible
      exclusive events, but we are the only to   • Full bookings for the shows needed to
      deliver the combination of both.             achieve financial goals, the risk of losses.
    • Easiness to transform the venue for other • The project will not be the “worldʼs first
      purposes when necessary.                     underwater building”
    • Coherent extension of Atlantis strategy

               OPPORTUNITIES                                      THREATS

    • Strong base of potential consumers:         • Increasing number of luxury venues,
      World Wealth Report 2007 “population of       possibly offering events (described in
      millionaires growing to 9.5 million”, there   other section)
      are over 800 billionaires in the world.     • Bad publicity in mass media, calling the
    • Positive word of mouth amongst former         customers unmoral because spending so
      guests.                                       much, instead of supporting charities etc.
                                                  • There is an underwater hotel under
                                                    construction in Dubai, to be named

Our service will be viewed as an independent branch of the Atlantis hotel and will therefore
require its own management structure. Each group of guests will have their own individual
employee to help with anything they want. The restaurant and concert plans will be
managed separately. The restaurant will feature many chefs who specialize in different
regions so the food is very intensive in taste and authentic. A concert planner is necessary
to book the artists for each show and they will have all staff reporting to him. We will also
hire a company to provide assistants for the artists to respond to their personal needs.
This new concept will achieve an increase in wealthy customers to the hotel in hopes of
being picked to attend one of the exclusive events. The hotel will pick a mixture of the
guests between celebrities and top paying customers. This new venture will also create
hype throughout the hotel industry and will undoubtedly ensure Atlantis place at the top.

                                     Platinum         Gold           TOTAL                         
    price per night                  $25,000         $10,000                                       
    places                             111             555                                         
    nights                              7               7                                          
    events per year                     1               2                                          
    total number of guests             777            7770                                         
    real number of guests              111            1110                                         
    revenue:                        $19,425,000    $77,700,000    $97,125,000                      
    costs:                                                                          Costs p/ person:
    rings                           $1,110,000      $5,550,000     $6,660,000     $10,000      $5,000
    stars                           $4,000,000      $4,000,000     $8,000,000                      
    food/drinks                     $3,885,000     $38,850,000    $42,735,000      $5,000      $5,000
    decoration:                     $1,000,000      $1,000,000     $2,000,000                      
    promotion:                       $500,000       $1,000,000     $1,500,000                      
    staff                            $630,000       $2,625,000     $3,255,000                      
                                    $8,300,000     $24,675,000    $32,975,000                      
    administration                                                  $300,000                       
    fixed costs/maintainance                                        $2,000,000                      
    FOR INVESTMENT PAYBACK                                        $30,675,000                      
    INVESTMENT                                                    $100,000,000                     
    PAYBACK (years)                                                   3,26                         

The Poseidon Platinum is the most exclusive club, where only invited people can come in. Due to
their membership status, they are invited to live an unique experience at the end of the year, in
Dubai. The experience is unique, as consequence of several factors.
So, at the end of the year, they are invited to stay in the Atlantis Hotel. For 7 evenings, they will be
admitted to the most exclusive event of the world consisting of concerts, cabaret and shows
conduced by superstars.
The location is an underwater hall, located in the sea near to the hotel. Chosen people can go
there in 2 ways: with hotelʼs vessel or with a underwater passage. When they come to the
underwater hall, they begin to live the experience and the emotion.
The concert hall is special: it has transparent walls and you could see the sea behind. The
Poseidon provides rare fishes and dolphins, sharks and similar fishes to make the most of the sea
environment. Invited people sit down at the luxurious, rounded tables and have a dinner or enjoy
drinks during the show. In fact, in front of the people there is a small stage where singers or actors
come on the scene and entertain people.
Everything is at its best: material, lights, food, drink, actors, and sound in the theater.
We stimulate all senses, in different ways.
The Sight is highly stimulated: the transparent walls that show the sea, the actor, the soft lights,
the staff of the hotel in smart uniforms.


The Hearing is stimulated with relaxing music before the show starts and from natural undersea
noise during the arrival in the hotel.
The Taste is stimulated with the extra high quality food, provided by the best chefs.
The Touch is stimulated with the high quality of the materials: marble, gold silverware, wood, etc.
The Smell is stimulated using luxury perfumes and featured aromas shared during the show.

There is another kind of members, the Poseidon Gold. This group is less exclusive, as the
admitted number is bigger. For them, the hotel organizes 2 events per year, with the same
organization than Poseidon Platinum, but they are placed in a hall in different way, with a different
position of the stage (it keeps the characteristics of transparent walls, etc).


                              How would the building look outside

                                   How it looks under the sea


                   Transparent wall concept

                  Transparent walls concept

    Rounded tables where people can eat and enjoy the show


                Stage concept, really nearly the public

           Stage concept before the beginning of the show.
    Behind the drop cloth there are transparent walls and the artists


4. Segmentation & Targeting
High-end income people, no age limitation, but probably will depend by the age of the
chosen people who should give out invitations. They are very rich and they are used to
travel frequently, for work or for holyday, all over the world, and be in touch with important
and rich people for business or pleasure.

We will target this segment with 2 kind of services: a Premium Exclusive and High
Exclusive one, which are described after.

Poseidon has a unique positioning, never seen before. Poseidon, in fact, is a service that
provide entertainment of extra high quality to selected (or elected) people. Few people
have access to Poseidon Club, and there is only one way to come in: get an invitation and
show the ring.

Brand Positioning long 2 axis: Exclusivity and Quality of Entertainment
Hotels: Jumeirah Beach, Burj Al Arabm Flower of the East, Jumeriah Beach, Grand Hyatt


During planning of the creation of the new service, we had the brand equity in mind.

The idea was to create the service that will be complementary to the accommodation
services of Atlantis hotel. The service is supposed to “pull” people to stay in Atlantis hotel,
not to compete within the same location.

Another requirement was to create something consistent with the current strategy – the
target market and positioning of the venture must be coherent with Atlantis strategy:
because of this criterion, all mass attractions were excluded from consideration, as they
would destroy the parent brand.

For the benefit of the new service, we decided to create a new brand, to keep it distinctive
from the Atlantis offer, which, although is expensive and highly positioned for normal
people, with their visual identity it doesnʼt stand for high-end luxury (light blue and white
are good for communicating the words like “water”, “light” “fun” or “relax”); Poseidonʼs
colours: black, platinum, and dark blue stand for “luxury”, “mystery”, “power” and “night”.
Although the colours are different, they are all consistent: it can be interpreted that when
the night comes “the azure and the sun” colours change for “the platinum and the sea in
the light of the moon”.

Why is Poseidon is going to be an UNIQUE SELLING PROPOSITION? What is brandʼs

    •   Exclusiveness, which cannot be bought.
    •   Rings as physical evidence (6th P of marketing mix)
    •   Experience to be part of something unique in world
    •   Undersea location
    •   Performances featuring world-famous stars
    •   Innovative design of the entertainment hall
    •   Supplementary services provided by Atlantis: luxurious rooms, the best cuisine, the
        best service to customers

Nobody can enter the show “from the street”, so the invited guests will plan in advance,
and book the room in Atlantis together with accepting the invitation to the show. This will
make sure that they donʼt choose to stay in competitorsʼ premises like Burj Al Arab.


We chose a logo which is the symbol of Poseidon, the Trident. Logo should communicate
the characteristics of power and luxury, and moreover, the exclusivity. So, a trident closed
into an oval is the ideal symbol for this kind of logo. An horizontal lance gives to logo more
dinamicity and feel better. We chose the logo of Maserati to give an example.

The advertisement will be focused on the message: “It does not matter who you are: what
matters is if you are invited”. The curiosity of people is stimulated by using this kind of
slogan. We provoke people in order to create an interest in being part of something which
is extremely hard to be.

Here some examples:



Having considered the product life cycle concept, the plan is to keep the idea of exclusive
shows for 4 to 8 years, and later the venue will be used for some other attractions of luxury
“mass” market.

At the launching time, to keep a promise of exclusivity given to the future guests, the
venue will not be used for purposes other than the three shows in a year. Of course it is to
some point a missed opportunity, but our guests are paying the premium high enough to
compensate it.

In the long term, there is a possibility to utilize the venue as:

     •     a Conference centre
     •     a Casino
     •     a Cabaret like Moulin Rouge, open all year round

The specific plans for transformation of the service will be developed in 2-3 years from
launching, so that they will take the latest trends under consideration – planning for 10
years from now is pointless.


Distribution Strategy is absolutely different from the principal luxury distribution strategy.
Here, only invited people can participate to the show. If you are not invited you canʼt
participate, even if you pay 1.000.000 $ cash to come in. The competitive advantage is the
For those reasons, distribution will be via invitation style. Only invited people can come to
Poseidon Gold and Platinum. Each invited people receives a special ring showing the
symbol of Under(true gold ring for Gold, and true gold and platinum ring for Platinum) with
a small RFID which identifies to the hotel really invited people.
This is a recognition symbol that let people which are member of this special “club” to
recognize themselves out of Atlantis Hotel.

Poseidon Gold
The Hotel gives out 555 places to be at the show. Invitations are given to people chosen
by the Hotel Board, and they are 111, called the “The Poseidon Ones”. Each invitation has
4 invitations to be given to other people.

Poseidon Platinum
The Hotel Board must choice 11 people: they are called “Poseidonʼs Elevens”. Each
Eleven receive up to 3 invitations. Each invites includes other 2 invitations. So, the amount
of invitations is 110. The one hundred eleventh (111th) person, called “Poseidon One” is
sorted among people who participated to the Poseidon show and participate without
invitation to the shows.

This is the new service we plan to introduce during the Maturity time of Poseidon.

When people are invited, the special ring becomes delivered by “Merfolks” (men of
Poseidon organization) who take care of the organization of a guest coming to Atlantis with
Poseidon membership. They take care about everything: travel and insurance, organizes
the air travel, manages bureaucracy, etc. . When Poseidon member is invited and accepts
the invitation, he does not need to worry about anything. They pay and Merfolks will
manage everything to give them the best experience - no worries, pure enjoyment.

To advertise the new service of Atlantic Hotel, we will use public relations above all, VIP
social networks, word of mouth, events, specialized newspapers and Airlines, and

The work of Public Relations will be to invite journalist of newspaper (like USA Today), TV
shows (like MTV Expensive Lifestyles), famous gossip blogger (like PerezHilton), Radio, to
show part of the location, talk about the new service and the extraordinary experience you
could live in our hotel.

Target advertising, instead, will be done through:

- Specialized newspapers targeting CEOs, VIPs, and rich people (like Forbes, Fortune)
- VIPs Social Networks (like ASmallWorld, )
- Sponsoring Events (like Festival of Cannes, The Oscarʼs Night, PGA Tour, etc.)
- Luxury Class of Airlines Companies with special depliant, interactive videos, etc.

Another idea is to organize Guerrilla actions in several places reserved to exclusive
people. With those actions, our aim is to give to people who go in those places that those
is not exclusive, a real exclusive. For instance, we can organize an (fake) homeless
flashmob in front of exclusive restaurants, discos or club. Or we could send people to gift
dollars to people who go into those places, to destroy their idea to be VIPs by going there.

Advertising will be a breaking ads in newspapers and social networks.
We decided to adopt a slogan for our campaign, which says: “Being [something] is not
enough”. We want Poseidon such a mysterious club, and the new service will be revealed
in long time, and we will give out few informations and even few photos about location.

5.2 Retroplanning
Our events are planned for weeks nr. 51-52-1 (Poseidon Platinum), and 7-8, 27-28
(Poseidon Gold).
They are organized for Christmas and the End of the Year (P. Platinum), for the Carnival
period (P. Gold I) and for the Summer Solstice (P. Gold II). In this way we can cover the
year in 3 different periods.

Newspapers!!        !                                          All over the year, with some pauses
VIPs Social Networks!                                          Before Poseidon events and between the empty periods among events
Events!      !      !                                          Major events as Oscar, Festival de Cannes or Mostra del Cinema di Venezia
Luxury Class Airlines!                                         During all year, intercepting high income flyers
Guerrilla Marketing!!                                          Few times per year, to keep high the attention of Medias

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Poseidon Plan - Atlantis Hotel

  • 1. ! Atlantis Hotel Tiziano Tassi Jacek Schab Guilherme Pinheiro Marlon Smigelski 1. INNOVATION The project started with brainstorming session, which took about 20 minutes. 4 team members introducing different ideas related to the main task: “Development, the launching and the communication of a new hotel service in Dubai Atlantis. This service can be a new hotel, a internal process, a range extension.” Most of ideas offered were concentrated around luxury and exclusiveness. The work was split into to task groups, one consisting of Guilherme Pinheiro and Marlon Smigelski, second of Tiziano Tassi and Jacek Schab. Competitors research and visual board was the task of the Team 1. Team 2 prepared SWOT analysis, segmentation, targeting and positioning, brand politics, media plan and distribution and communication mix. In the half of the period the team met to discuss the details based on research conducted, and check coherence of the elements of the project and the report. 1
  • 2. ! 2. BENCHMARKING AND MARKET ANALYSIS Some services of our competitors: Seven Stars Galleria – Milan, Italy “Seven Stars Galleria has an exclusive ambiance that recreates a home-like atmosphere with a touch of refinement through unique services tailored to meet your needs and desires. In every room, there are the most exclusive of accessories: from the best Italian coffee machines to the most sought after books. The experience is created by the meticulous care that has been given to ensure that all details, from the bed linen to the shoe-form in wood, is bespoke to each individual guest. “ • Services dedicated to children • Personal Bentley • Butler • Limousine pick ups/drop offs “Seven Stars Galleria features a la Carte lounge restaurant, La Sinfonia, which has a fully licensed bar and offers 24 hour in room dining. The menu varies according to season, and the chef creates a different gourmet menu on a daily basis. The intimate restaurant is open from early morning until evening offering Continental, Italian and Nouvelle Cuisine. This is complemented by an extensive choice of Italy's finest wines.” Emirates Palace – Abu Dhabi • Also features concerts on the hotel grounds • Guests can choose different packages to purchase depending on their preferences • Exclusive palace suites modeled after Arabian décor • Variety of high quality restaurants and bars depending on guestsʼ needs Auditorium Facilities • Seating for 1100 guests • Multiple entrances • 20m in height • Stage lighting • Outlets for broadcasting • Built in sound system” Centaurus – Islamabad, Pakistan Awaiting completion, but will have a grand ballroom installed possibly used for concerts • Limousine Services • Personal butler • Panoramic Restaurant perched on the 37th level with viewing gallery • Tameer Towers – Abu Dhabi • VIP marina • Canal promenade 2.1 MARKET ANALYSIS Through our research of the competition we have discovered that only two other seven star hotels are likely to feature concerts. Our service is unique because we are offering exclusive concerts and a high quality restaurant with very limited guests. Our service is adopting a new concept because the location is underwater and is concentrated on the 2
  • 3. ! Poseidon theme, and the whole idea is based on invitations. The rings that will be given out will be recognized throughout the world as a symbol of high status. No other hotel offers a status symbol such as this for these important guests. 2.2 SWOT ANALYSIS STRENGHTS • Innovative idea WEAKNESSES • Support and experience of the Atlantis hotel in neighbourhood. • Millionaires are financially capable to • Attractive location offering good weather. organise the events on their own, suiting • No direct competition – there are other their tastes, location, timing – we are not underwater attractions, there are flexible exclusive events, but we are the only to • Full bookings for the shows needed to deliver the combination of both. achieve financial goals, the risk of losses. • Easiness to transform the venue for other • The project will not be the “worldʼs first purposes when necessary. underwater building” • Coherent extension of Atlantis strategy OPPORTUNITIES THREATS • Strong base of potential consumers: • Increasing number of luxury venues, World Wealth Report 2007 “population of possibly offering events (described in millionaires growing to 9.5 million”, there other section) are over 800 billionaires in the world. • Bad publicity in mass media, calling the • Positive word of mouth amongst former customers unmoral because spending so guests. much, instead of supporting charities etc. • There is an underwater hotel under construction in Dubai, to be named Hydropolis. 3. MANAGEMENT & STRATEGIES Our service will be viewed as an independent branch of the Atlantis hotel and will therefore require its own management structure. Each group of guests will have their own individual employee to help with anything they want. The restaurant and concert plans will be managed separately. The restaurant will feature many chefs who specialize in different regions so the food is very intensive in taste and authentic. A concert planner is necessary to book the artists for each show and they will have all staff reporting to him. We will also hire a company to provide assistants for the artists to respond to their personal needs. This new concept will achieve an increase in wealthy customers to the hotel in hopes of being picked to attend one of the exclusive events. The hotel will pick a mixture of the guests between celebrities and top paying customers. This new venture will also create hype throughout the hotel industry and will undoubtedly ensure Atlantis place at the top. 3
  • 4. ! 3.1 FORECASTED BUDGET   Poseidon           Platinum Gold TOTAL     price per night $25,000 $10,000       places 111 555       nights 7 7       events per year 1 2       total number of guests 777 7770       real number of guests 111 1110                   revenue: $19,425,000 $77,700,000 $97,125,000     costs:       Costs p/ person: rings $1,110,000 $5,550,000 $6,660,000 $10,000 $5,000 stars $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $8,000,000     food/drinks $3,885,000 $38,850,000 $42,735,000 $5,000 $5,000 decoration: $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000     promotion: $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000     staff $630,000 $2,625,000 $3,255,000                   $8,300,000 $24,675,000 $32,975,000                 total:           administration     $300,000     fixed costs/maintainance     $2,000,000                 FOR INVESTMENT PAYBACK     $30,675,000     INVESTMENT     $100,000,000                 PAYBACK (years)     3,26     3.2 TEXTUAL BOARD The Poseidon Platinum is the most exclusive club, where only invited people can come in. Due to their membership status, they are invited to live an unique experience at the end of the year, in Dubai. The experience is unique, as consequence of several factors. So, at the end of the year, they are invited to stay in the Atlantis Hotel. For 7 evenings, they will be admitted to the most exclusive event of the world consisting of concerts, cabaret and shows conduced by superstars. The location is an underwater hall, located in the sea near to the hotel. Chosen people can go there in 2 ways: with hotelʼs vessel or with a underwater passage. When they come to the underwater hall, they begin to live the experience and the emotion. The concert hall is special: it has transparent walls and you could see the sea behind. The Poseidon provides rare fishes and dolphins, sharks and similar fishes to make the most of the sea environment. Invited people sit down at the luxurious, rounded tables and have a dinner or enjoy drinks during the show. In fact, in front of the people there is a small stage where singers or actors come on the scene and entertain people. Everything is at its best: material, lights, food, drink, actors, and sound in the theater. We stimulate all senses, in different ways. The Sight is highly stimulated: the transparent walls that show the sea, the actor, the soft lights, the staff of the hotel in smart uniforms. 4
  • 5. ! The Hearing is stimulated with relaxing music before the show starts and from natural undersea noise during the arrival in the hotel. The Taste is stimulated with the extra high quality food, provided by the best chefs. The Touch is stimulated with the high quality of the materials: marble, gold silverware, wood, etc. The Smell is stimulated using luxury perfumes and featured aromas shared during the show. There is another kind of members, the Poseidon Gold. This group is less exclusive, as the admitted number is bigger. For them, the hotel organizes 2 events per year, with the same organization than Poseidon Platinum, but they are placed in a hall in different way, with a different position of the stage (it keeps the characteristics of transparent walls, etc). 3.3 VISUAL BOARD How would the building look outside How it looks under the sea 5
  • 6. ! Transparent wall concept Transparent walls concept Rounded tables where people can eat and enjoy the show 6
  • 7. ! Stage concept, really nearly the public Stage concept before the beginning of the show. Behind the drop cloth there are transparent walls and the artists 7
  • 8. ! 4. Segmentation & Targeting High-end income people, no age limitation, but probably will depend by the age of the chosen people who should give out invitations. They are very rich and they are used to travel frequently, for work or for holyday, all over the world, and be in touch with important and rich people for business or pleasure. We will target this segment with 2 kind of services: a Premium Exclusive and High Exclusive one, which are described after. Positioning Poseidon has a unique positioning, never seen before. Poseidon, in fact, is a service that provide entertainment of extra high quality to selected (or elected) people. Few people have access to Poseidon Club, and there is only one way to come in: get an invitation and show the ring. Brand Positioning long 2 axis: Exclusivity and Quality of Entertainment Hotels: Jumeirah Beach, Burj Al Arabm Flower of the East, Jumeriah Beach, Grand Hyatt Dubai. 8
  • 9. ! 4.1 BRAND POLITICS During planning of the creation of the new service, we had the brand equity in mind. The idea was to create the service that will be complementary to the accommodation services of Atlantis hotel. The service is supposed to “pull” people to stay in Atlantis hotel, not to compete within the same location. Another requirement was to create something consistent with the current strategy – the target market and positioning of the venture must be coherent with Atlantis strategy: because of this criterion, all mass attractions were excluded from consideration, as they would destroy the parent brand. For the benefit of the new service, we decided to create a new brand, to keep it distinctive from the Atlantis offer, which, although is expensive and highly positioned for normal people, with their visual identity it doesnʼt stand for high-end luxury (light blue and white are good for communicating the words like “water”, “light” “fun” or “relax”); Poseidonʼs colours: black, platinum, and dark blue stand for “luxury”, “mystery”, “power” and “night”. Although the colours are different, they are all consistent: it can be interpreted that when the night comes “the azure and the sun” colours change for “the platinum and the sea in the light of the moon”. Why is Poseidon is going to be an UNIQUE SELLING PROPOSITION? What is brandʼs message? • Exclusiveness, which cannot be bought. • Rings as physical evidence (6th P of marketing mix) • Experience to be part of something unique in world • Undersea location • Performances featuring world-famous stars • Innovative design of the entertainment hall • Supplementary services provided by Atlantis: luxurious rooms, the best cuisine, the best service to customers Nobody can enter the show “from the street”, so the invited guests will plan in advance, and book the room in Atlantis together with accepting the invitation to the show. This will make sure that they donʼt choose to stay in competitorsʼ premises like Burj Al Arab. 9
  • 10. ! 4.2 LOGO BRIEF AND ADV CREATION We chose a logo which is the symbol of Poseidon, the Trident. Logo should communicate the characteristics of power and luxury, and moreover, the exclusivity. So, a trident closed into an oval is the ideal symbol for this kind of logo. An horizontal lance gives to logo more dinamicity and feel better. We chose the logo of Maserati to give an example. The advertisement will be focused on the message: “It does not matter who you are: what matters is if you are invited”. The curiosity of people is stimulated by using this kind of slogan. We provoke people in order to create an interest in being part of something which is extremely hard to be. Here some examples: 10
  • 11. ! 4.3 THE RANGE Having considered the product life cycle concept, the plan is to keep the idea of exclusive shows for 4 to 8 years, and later the venue will be used for some other attractions of luxury “mass” market. At the launching time, to keep a promise of exclusivity given to the future guests, the venue will not be used for purposes other than the three shows in a year. Of course it is to some point a missed opportunity, but our guests are paying the premium high enough to compensate it. In the long term, there is a possibility to utilize the venue as: • a Conference centre • a Casino • a Cabaret like Moulin Rouge, open all year round The specific plans for transformation of the service will be developed in 2-3 years from launching, so that they will take the latest trends under consideration – planning for 10 years from now is pointless. 11
  • 12. ! 5. DISTRIBUTION AND COMMUNICATION MIX DISTRIBUTION Distribution Strategy is absolutely different from the principal luxury distribution strategy. Here, only invited people can participate to the show. If you are not invited you canʼt participate, even if you pay 1.000.000 $ cash to come in. The competitive advantage is the exclusivity. For those reasons, distribution will be via invitation style. Only invited people can come to Poseidon Gold and Platinum. Each invited people receives a special ring showing the symbol of Under(true gold ring for Gold, and true gold and platinum ring for Platinum) with a small RFID which identifies to the hotel really invited people. This is a recognition symbol that let people which are member of this special “club” to recognize themselves out of Atlantis Hotel. Poseidon Gold The Hotel gives out 555 places to be at the show. Invitations are given to people chosen by the Hotel Board, and they are 111, called the “The Poseidon Ones”. Each invitation has 4 invitations to be given to other people. Poseidon Platinum The Hotel Board must choice 11 people: they are called “Poseidonʼs Elevens”. Each Eleven receive up to 3 invitations. Each invites includes other 2 invitations. So, the amount of invitations is 110. The one hundred eleventh (111th) person, called “Poseidon One” is sorted among people who participated to the Poseidon show and participate without invitation to the shows. Neptune This is the new service we plan to introduce during the Maturity time of Poseidon. When people are invited, the special ring becomes delivered by “Merfolks” (men of Poseidon organization) who take care of the organization of a guest coming to Atlantis with Poseidon membership. They take care about everything: travel and insurance, organizes the air travel, manages bureaucracy, etc. . When Poseidon member is invited and accepts the invitation, he does not need to worry about anything. They pay and Merfolks will manage everything to give them the best experience - no worries, pure enjoyment. 5.1 MEDIA PLAN To advertise the new service of Atlantic Hotel, we will use public relations above all, VIP social networks, word of mouth, events, specialized newspapers and Airlines, and Guerrilla. The work of Public Relations will be to invite journalist of newspaper (like USA Today), TV shows (like MTV Expensive Lifestyles), famous gossip blogger (like PerezHilton), Radio, to show part of the location, talk about the new service and the extraordinary experience you could live in our hotel. Target advertising, instead, will be done through: 12
  • 13. ! - Specialized newspapers targeting CEOs, VIPs, and rich people (like Forbes, Fortune) - VIPs Social Networks (like ASmallWorld, ) - Sponsoring Events (like Festival of Cannes, The Oscarʼs Night, PGA Tour, etc.) - Luxury Class of Airlines Companies with special depliant, interactive videos, etc. Another idea is to organize Guerrilla actions in several places reserved to exclusive people. With those actions, our aim is to give to people who go in those places that those is not exclusive, a real exclusive. For instance, we can organize an (fake) homeless flashmob in front of exclusive restaurants, discos or club. Or we could send people to gift dollars to people who go into those places, to destroy their idea to be VIPs by going there. Advertising will be a breaking ads in newspapers and social networks. We decided to adopt a slogan for our campaign, which says: “Being [something] is not enough”. We want Poseidon such a mysterious club, and the new service will be revealed in long time, and we will give out few informations and even few photos about location. 5.2 Retroplanning Our events are planned for weeks nr. 51-52-1 (Poseidon Platinum), and 7-8, 27-28 (Poseidon Gold). They are organized for Christmas and the End of the Year (P. Platinum), for the Carnival period (P. Gold I) and for the Summer Solstice (P. Gold II). In this way we can cover the year in 3 different periods. Newspapers!! ! All over the year, with some pauses VIPs Social Networks! Before Poseidon events and between the empty periods among events Events! ! ! Major events as Oscar, Festival de Cannes or Mostra del Cinema di Venezia Luxury Class Airlines! During all year, intercepting high income flyers Guerrilla Marketing!! Few times per year, to keep high the attention of Medias 2009 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 2010 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 13