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Anna Miotk,

Presentation of research results – survey conducted in January 2010
Anna Miotk: Opinions of Polish PR specialists on PR measurement. A report


This report is an analysis of research results, conducted by the author on users of discussion group in December 2009 – January 2011. Research covered opinions of Polish PR specialists
on PR measurement and it was planned to solve research problems drafted in the introduction to
Anna Miotk’s doctoral dissertation titled „Methods of PR measurement and evaluation used in
This document consists of following parts: key findings, research methodology description, detailed
findings and detailed information on research participants. The last part of the report contains

Key findings

         •     91% of researched PR specialists use media relations as the PR tool and media content
               analysis is regarded by 70% of researched as the research method which gives the most
               detailed information. It may show the „mediocentric” character of public relations in
               Poland – understanding public relations mainly as media relations.
         •     Majority of the researched – 96% - consider, that planning PR activities in form of a PR
               strategy is necessary.
         •     The researched PR specialists acknowledge that use of research is not sufficient in
               following parts of PR process defined by the author as initial analysis, strategy,
               implementation and evaluation. The biggest portion of the researched – nearly 90% -
               pointed out, that research use is not sufficient in PR evaluation, then – in initial analysis –
               nearly 70%, then – in creating PR strategy – 60% and during PR activities implementation
               – nearly 50%.
         •     The researched PR specialists do not have detailed knowledge on methods and
               techniques1. The most frequently mentioned barrier for PR measurement was „lack of
               knowledge, how to measure the PR results”. 60% of the researched have chosen this
         •     PR specialists taking part in the research had problems with unambiguous evaluation of
               media content analysis as the research technique. The distribution of answers for this
               questions varied a lot and „other” category was selected more frequently than in case of
               the other questions. There were also answers such as „content analysis allows both to
               check quality of press coverage and estimate the reaction of target groups”, which is not
               compliant with methodological knowledge (impossibility to assess reaction of target
               groups is one of weaknesses of media content analysis).
         •     In case of Advertising Value Equivalency (AVE) 62% of the researched acknowledged, that
               „the technique is not authoritative – PR and advertising activities are not the same, so
               they cannot be measured with the same measure” and 35% – that „it allows to easily
               present to management (clients) the value of PR work performed”. In turn, 3% of the
               researched selected the option „other” and wrote „it shows the value of the PR specialist
               work, but is not authoritative”, combining both answers from the questionnaire. It may
               show that PR specialists are using AVE despite they being conscious of its disadvantages.

  Research technique is the use of this method by a discipline (example of a method is content analysis, and the technique used by PR is
media content analysis). The research tool is be used to complete the research using a method (for example, a questionnaire is used to
make a survey).                                                                                             Page 2
Anna Miotk: Opinions of Polish PR specialists on PR measurement. A report

         •     Research results show, that the researched do not know standards of PR measurement,
               and – at the very least – treat them very casually. It is confirmed by a very big portion of
               the researched (18%), who consider the practice of setting expected number of pieces of
               press coverage is acceptable, even though Polish Code of Ethics for PR practitioners
               introduced by The Polish PR Association2 forbids it.
         •     Public relations image, according to the research participants, is negative – nearly 60% of
               them say so. Asked for reasons, most often they singled out „the lack of the
               consciousness in the society” (63% of participants, who have chosen the „negative”
               option). Only 12% of participants, who have chosen the negative option, consider not
               using PR measurement as the cause of negative PR image, 7% - „lack of education what
               public relations are” and 7% - „small goods of public relations as the academic discipline”.

Research methodology

The research had to answer following questions:
         •     Are public relations in Poland practiced according to one particular model (one of four
               Grunig’s and Hunt’s or the new one, named as the relational model by the author)?
         •     Do the participants, who plan PR activities, measure PR activities more frequently than
               those, who do not have ready-made PR plan (strategy)?
         •     How wide and varied is the extent of used research techniques?
         •     Is education (specialization) of a PR specialist linked to his/her knowledge, how to
               conduct PR measurement? Are graduates of social sciences better methodologically
               prepared than graduates of PR or journalism and social communication?
         •     Is using particular PR tools combined with positive opinion about chosen research
               techniques? Is the thesis on PR „mediocentrism” (which means identifying public relations
               most of all with media relations) confirmed by the research?
         •     How deep is knowledge of PR measurement issues – standards, techniques and main
               barriers to conducting PR research? Does it show the lack of knowledge among PR
               specialists, or do they know this issue rather well?
         •     Is the positive opinion on research methods and techniques combined with participant’s
               education in particular discipline? For example, has a sociologist the tendency to evaluate
               survey better, and a marketing specialist – to value the AVE?
         •     How much does the practice of guaranteeing by PR specialists a defined number of press
               coverage in advance influence the result of PR activities? Are PR specialists conscious of
               the standard of PR measurement, which says estimation of press coverage quantity in
               advance is not possible (such estimation raises questions, if the coverage is paid).

 „Polish PR Association (PSPR) is a professional organization, devoted to assist its members with achieving high standards of conduct in the
PR communication profession through exchange of practical experiences and best practices. In 1994 PSPR members working in PR
agencies, PR practitioners in business and government institutions as well as other members from the academic world have created a
network of mutually rewarding relationships. PSPR also deals with popularization and educational activities by initiating and organising
conferences and seminars, conducting trainings and workshops. In 1996 PSPR successfully introduced the first Polish Code of Ethics for PR
practitioners. Polish PR Association responds to the new requirements of the 21st century - openness and motivation for achieving
common interests through personal development and career growth of its members” (information from the webpage                                                                                             Page 3
Anna Miotk: Opinions of Polish PR specialists on PR measurement. A report

         •     Is the negative image of PR field in Poland (if it is really negative) linked to small scientific
               achievements of PR as a discipline or to the lack of convincing arguments about the real
               effects of PR work?
Author of the research targeted the research at Polish PR specialists. There is no professional
database in Poland, collecting data about PR specialists in Poland. For the purpose of survey, the
author decided to address people subscribed to the mailing list - this is the only Polish
Internet discussion list assembling people connected to the public relations industry. According to
data of Foundation which is hosting the list, there were 2049 people subscribed to the
list on 30 January 2010 - but people constantly active on the list are probably only a small part of
them. Due to the lack of available database containing detailed description of the subscribers to the
list, non-random sampling was used: it was assumed, that the participants of the survey will be
everyone who completes the questionnaire and research results will be submitted only to the group
of people involved in the study.
The research was conducted by a survey method, using an online questionnaire. The questionnaire
contained 14 questions and 11 demographic questions. Research questions were opinion questions,
so that respondents could freely express their approach to measuring the effects of public relations.
The author gave up on questions about facts - there were concerns that they could cause
"interviewer effects" (respondents do not react in accordance with the present state of things but
adapt to set the expectations of the investigator). The questions applied were questions about
opinions. Assupmtion that respondents would be more honest if asked about their opinion about
other people’s behaviour that when asked about their own behaviour directly.
Before implementation, the survey questionnaire was pilot tested on 11 PR professionals - and
therefore people from this professional group to whom the survey was addressed. Their task was to
spot errors in the tool design, as well as errors and ambiguities in the construction of questions. The
results of the pilot were used to create the final version of the questionnaire. The questionnaire was
then posted on the portal and made available through a special link for
participants of the mailing list on 15 December 2009. Request for completing the
survey was posted to the list again on January 13, 2010. The result of the study were
104 completed questionnaires. After rejecting five of them, which included negative answer to the
filtering question about the need to measure PR results, the final analysis included 99 questionnaires.
Because of the sampling method, results cannot be generalized to all Polish PR specialists, or even
the population of users of the list; conducting such an examination only through the
Internet would be difficult indeed.

1. Detailed findings

1.1. Public relations practice
1.1.1 Preferred PR model
At the beginning of the survey, respondents could choose several definitions of public relations,
which for the author of the research corresponded to five models of public relations practice: the
four models of Grunig and Hunt [Grunig and Hunt, 1984] and the fifth, specified by the author of the
study as a "relational model"3:

  There is no agreement, how many models there are. Some specialists consider to be only four PR models as in the Grunig’s and Hunt’s
theory and the differentiation between communication and relationships makes no sense (as Dejan Vercic) and some experts (eg. David
Phillips) consider relationships to be something more than communication so this is a new paradigm of PR activity.                                                                                          Page 4
Anna Miotk: Opinions of Polish PR specialists on PR measurement. A report

       •     "Public relations: any activity aimed at giving the greatest publicity to the promoted
             product, company or person" (this statement corresponds to the model of publicity /
             press agentry);
       •     "Public relations: any activity aimed at promoting and / or protecting the company image
             or product" (a statement by Philip Kotler, the closest to the model of two-way
       •     „Public relations are conscious planned and ongoing effort to establish and maintain
             mutual understanding between an organization and its environment"(
                                                                       environment"(this statement -
             definition of PR adopted by the British Institute of Public Relations – is the nearest to the
             two-way symmetrical model);
       •     "Public relations are information This information is fair and objective professional and
                                    information.                            objective,
             competent, complete, fast, media friendly, public opinion, ethical and responsible "(this is
             a definition of Piotr Czarnowski Polish PR expert, corresponding to the public information
       •     "Public relations is action designed to achieve the best business relationship with its
             environment" (a statement by Moi Ali, British PR expert, corresponding to the relational
More than half of the respondents 56% - found the definition that points to understanding the
essence of public relations activities and thus corresponded to two-way symmetrical model. One-
fifth of respondents - 19% - chose the definition associated with the "relational" model, 13% of
respondents chose the definition associated with the public information model, 7% - indicating the
definition of PR as a source of publicity and 5% - indicated PR as promoting the image of the
Figure 1 – With which PR practising model do you identify? N=99

        Two-way symmetrical       Relationships           Public information
        Publicity/press agentry   Two-way assymetrical




These results indicate, that the two
                                 two-way symmetrical model is the one most frequently practised by
the respondents. They also show the gradual spread of a new approach to PR called by the autor as
the “relational” model - defining PR by the necessity of building lasting relationships with
surrounding groups. Other approaches to the practice of PR activity, however, are also present. This
is consistent with the assumptions of Grunig and Hunt, who stated that the development of public
relations describes the dominant model at any given time and space, but all other ways (models) of
practicing PR may coexist at a given time in the same area.
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1.1.2 Need of creating the PR strategy
The vast majority of respondents - 96% - believe that planning in public relations in the form of
developing PR strategy is necessary. Only 3% believe that it is not, while 1% have no opinion on this
Figure 2 – Is planning in PR is necessary or is not necessary? N=99

                    3%     1%

                                                             Planning is necessary
                                                             Planning is not necessary
                                                             I have no opinion


This would indicate the fact that respondents are conscious and familiar with the basic principles of
public relations, such as the need to create an action plan before the start of regular PR
communications. If people who took part in the survey have been yet convinced to the need for PR
measurement (or at least are undecided in this matter), then it can be supposed, that PR specia
who plan PR activities, may be more inclined to the PR measurement than companies who do not
have ready communication activity plan. But this would require confirmation in more detailed
1.1.3 Applied PR tools
Respondents were asked about all public relations tools which are used by them. In this question
respondents could choose all the answers, which apply. As it turns out - 91% of respondents ((almost
all) use media relations. The second most popular tool is Internet PR, which is used by 84% of
respondents. 75% of respondents also use special events. The most rare indications were
relationships with authorities (28% of respondents) and sponsorship (45% of respondents 2% of
                                28%                                            respondents).
respondents used the possibility to give their own answers in the option “other” – they indicated
trainings (1%), and audits and research (1%) as PR tools.
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Figure 3 – Applied PR tools, N=99

These results indicate that even in the group, public relations may be associated mainly with
relations with the media - it is called “mediocentric” attitude to public relations, which may then
affect identifying PR measurement only with the media content analysis. This could be confirmed in
the answers to the question which of the techniques for measuring the respondents consider
providing the most accurate information, if only the vast majority of indications indicated media
content analysis.

1.1.4 Opinions on research use in PR
Respondents were also asked to determine whether the use of research is sufficient or not sufficient
in the four stages of the process of public relations: initial analysis, development of PR strategy,
implementation and evaluation of the effectiveness of PR. The largest group of respondents - nearly
90%, indicated that the use of research is not sufficient in assessing the effectiveness of PR, then - in
the initial analysis (nearly 70%), in the creation of PR strategy (60%) and during the implementation
of PR activities (less than 50%) .
Figure 4 – Is in your opinion use of research in PR by Polish practicioners sufficient or it is not sufficient?

             PR evaluation
   PR activities realization
      PR strategy creation
             Initial analysis

                                0%       20%        40%       60%           80%         100%

                                              PR strategy   PR activities
                           Initial analysis                                 PR evaluation
                                               creation      realization
      Is sufficient              19%             25%            29%               12%
      Is not sufficient          67%             56%            50%               76%
      I have no opinion          14%             19%            21%               12%                                                                        Page 7
Anna Miotk: Opinions of Polish PR specialists on PR measurement. A report

Summarizing, the respondents tended to the view that the use of research is rather insufficient than
sufficient, with the greatest shortage experienced where, according to the theory of PR (models
RACE, ROSIE, and other, which define the process of public relations), research primarily should be
applied, or at the beginning and end of the process.

1.2 Opinions on PR measurement
1.2.1 Need to measure PR
Questionnaires to undergo the analysis were chosen based on the two filtering questions on need to
measure PR. Further analysis was done only for those questionnaires, in which respondents opted for
the fact that PR measurement is necessary or had no opinion about it. People, who have chosen the
option that PR measurement is not necessary (or have indicated similar answer in the next question
about PR measurement frequency which also acted as a filter), at this point finished questionnaire
and their responses were not included in further analysis. Such cases were 5, suggesting that, the
main subject of the research, "Opinions of Polish specialists on PR measurement PR", was already a
strong criterion for selection of respondents - those uninterested in the measurement of PR just did
not respond to requests for participation in the survey. The vast majority of people involved in the
study - 97% - claimed that PR measurement is necessary, and only 3% had no opinion on the subject.
Figure 5 – Need to measure PR, N=99


                                                   PR measurement is
                                                   I have no opinion


1.2.2 Preferred frequency to measure PR
Another question concerned the preferred frequency of measuring the effects of PR. The majority
(66%) of respondents replied "you should measure the effects of PR in each case after closing of a
larger project," while 34% of respondents chose the option " the effectiveness of PR activities should
be measured up-to-date - for example in the form of periodic (weekly, monthly, etc.) summaries”.
Those who stated that "measure the effects of PR is not needed, there is no point it regularly”,
finished the questionnaire at the point and their results were not included in further analysis – it was
also the filtering question, which would cause negative selection of people unfavorably oriented to
the topic of the study.
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Figure 6 – When should PR measurement be performed N=99



                                                        After the closing of a
                                                        bigger project

1.2.3 Choosing the method of PR measurement
Respondents were also asked to indicate which premises should guide the selection of methods for
assessing the effectiveness of public relations. The largest percentage of respondents - nearly 65% -
chose the “reliability of the method”, then slightly less than 60% pointed to "a kind of feedback
        he                                                                  to
possible after the campaign", then after about 40% - at "the possibility of obtaining the result,
expressed numerically," and "type of PR tool to be evaluated". 27% of respondents mentioned the
"possibility of applying the method on their own" and over 10% - to "time savings" and "low cost".
2% of respondents chose to add the option "other", pointing here to "the existence of new tools"
and "link with previous research."

Figure 7 – What premises should be present when choosing the method of PR measurement? N=99

This shows, that respondents must be convinced as to the method itself and trust to it to be able to
use it. They are also guided by the type of information, which due to specified method, can be
obtained after performing of a public relations campaign. The savings - whether time or cost - seem
in light of the answer to this question to not have meaning for them.
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1.2.4 Opinion on PR measurement methods and techniques
Respondents also pointed to the measurement technique or method, which they believe provide the
most accurate information. The highest percentage of respondents - nearly 70% - pointed to media
content analysis, then 60% of respondents chose survey. The next four - observation, readership and
audience data, focused group interview, and return on investment (ROI) were identified by
approximately 30-40% of the respondents. Over 20% of respondents chose advertising value
equivalency (AVE) and sales data analysis. 3% of responses indicated “other” - the respondents
pointed out "image research", "the matrix of image objectives" and "indicators of social capital and
relationships." Not one respondent indicated the individual in-depth interviews as research method.
Figure 8 – Which techniques and methods do you regard as giving the most exact information? N=99

This responses’structure is consistent with the trends observed by the author of the report on
foreign markets – “mediocentric” treating of PR (which automatically favours media content analysis)
and focuses on quantitative research (a trend associated with greater use of qualitative research in
PR has been not penetrated too far into the PR in Poland yet).
Respondents were not asked about which techniques and methods they use in their everyday
practice, due to the fact that this could lead to giving false answers. But opinion on the methods that
they consider to provide the most accurate information can also be seen as a loose indication of the
use of these methods in practice.
It should be mentioned here that the original version of the questionnaire, even before the pilot
survey, included questions with answers about 23 research techniques, known to the author from
various sources. After suggestions from PR professionals, who were taking part in the pilot survey,
the number of techniques was limited to nine methods (of which one method was not indicated at
all) and the answers for the "other" category have been made in only three cases. This means that
the range of measurement methods and techniques known and available to Polish PR specialist is
rather small.
Interesting information can be noticed, when opinions on the research methods and techniques are
combined with the specialization graduated by respondents. Survey as the most accurate source of
information was recognized by graduates of economics – it was pointed by 61% of people who have
studied this specialization, but only by 27% of sociology graduates. Observation is most appreciated
by the graduates of journalism and political science (67%) and least by the graduates of Polish
philology (15%). Focus group interview is most trusted by political science graduates (67%)and least
by those who have graduated marketing (28%). The advertising value equivalency (AVE) is the most
valued by the graduates in political science (40%), least by business graduates (0%), and also by
marketing (7%) and sociology (9%) graduates. The value of return on investment as the most
conclusive method is appreciated by the graduates in political science (46%), least - by the graduates                                                              Page 10
Anna Miotk: Opinions of Polish PR specialists on PR measurement. A report

of public relations (19%). Media content analysis is popular in all groups studied, reaching over 60%
of responses in each group, the percentage indicated is lowest among graduates of Polish philology
(61%) and the highest - in the group of sociologists (91%). Data on readership, listenership,
viewership, etc. enjoy the best reputation in the group of journalism graduates (65%), while it is
lowest among the graduates of Polish philology (15%). Analysis of sales is rarely mentioned by
political science graduates (13%), and the most frequent by graduates of public relations (100% of
Figure 9 – Methods and techniques of PR measurement claimed as giving the most exact information and
specialization graduated by respondents, N=120
                                                 Focus                                        Media
                    Graduates                    group                                        content     Readership Sales
                    total     Survey Observation interview AVE                    ROI         analysis    data       data     Other
    management               18     61%             50%          33%         0%         22%         67%         33%     17%      11%
    relations                16     44%             25%          25%       13%          19%         75%         44%    100%       0%
    Journalism               16     44%             65%          44%       22%          31%         69%         65%     22%       0%
    sciences                 15     53%             67%          67%       40%          47%         80%         27%     13%       0%
    Marketing                14     36%             57%          29%        7%          21%         86%         50%     14%       0%
    philology                13     55%             15%          31%       15%          38%         62%         15%     31%       0%
    Sociology                11     27%             45%          45%        9%          36%         91%         36%     27%       9%
    Law                       4     50%             75%          25%       25%          50%        100%         25%      0%       0%
    Other social
    sciences                  5     80%             40%          40%       40%          20%         40%         60%     40%       0%
    sciences                  5     20%             80%          40%       20%          40%        100%         60%     20%       0%
    Other arts                3     33%             67%          33%       33%           0%         67%         33%      0%       0%

These results show that the assumed relationship between preference for methodological
techniques related to a given discipline and the fact of studying this discipline, does not take place.
For example, measures taken from marketing or business, such as advertising value equivalency or
return on investment, are not considered to be the most accurate source of information by
graduates in business and marketing. Graduates in public relations are aware that the ultimate
effect of PR is to change sales results and all of them indicate, that sales data have to be just
analyzed, and not necessarily advertising value equivalency or return on investment. The sociologists
trust most in media content analysis, while they are at least two times less likely to indicate
the other methods (and especially surveys).
1.2.5 Acceptance of unfair practices relating to the effects of PR in contracts
Respondents were also asked to express an opinion on the practice prohibited by section 10 of the
Code of Ethics of the Polish Association of Public Relations: "PR consultant may not agree any
contracts, in which he would guarantee to achieve a result which depends on the autonomous
decisions of other entities, such as editors, public institutions, etc., and his salary can not be made
conditional on achieving such results"4. Unfortunately, in reality, there are situations in which a
potential customer expects from PR agencies to provide a number of publications in the media and
the agency agrees to the request - the author of the report has witnessed such a situation herself.

    Polish Code of Ethics for PR practitioners,                                                                                        Page 11
Anna Miotk: Opinions of Polish PR specialists on PR measurement. A report

As can be seen from the responses this practice is considered acceptable by quite a large percentage
of respondents - up to 18% and 4% of respondents did not have a opinion.
Figure 10 - There are situations in which companies expect from the agencies taking part in the tender to
determine the number of press publications that will be achieved as a result of the actions. Do you think that
the practice of administering a specific number of press publications is permissible or not permissible N=99


                                                                   The practice is not
                                                                   The practice is
                                                                   I have no opinion


Such a large consensus on this practice may be due to poor awareness of the standards promoted by
PSPR - that the association currently has only 200 members, while the InternetPR. main discussion
list gathers over 10 times more people, who identify with the industry. It is also another premise
confirming the lack of knowledge of PR professionals in PR measurement and in standards. Such a
group of respondents, strongly convinced about the neet to measure PR, should contain a much
smaller portion of those who are giving the number of pieces of press coverage to be achieved. The
second explanation of such a phenomenon is that the respondents know the standards, but bre   break
them in a conscious way.

1.2.6 Opinion on media content analysis
Respondents were asked about their detailed opinions on the two research techniques used in PR:
media content analysis and advertising value equivalency. Question on content analysis included a
number of ready-made statements with an open question, "other”, where respondents could also
                         statements,                                              spondents
complete the ready list of answers answers about their own observations. However, only one answer
could be chosen. Most - 38% of respondents - also came to the conclusion that media content
analysis is "a good method if it is conducted reliably". Twice fewer respondents - 20% - indicated that
this method "measures only the quality of information materials provided to journalists and 16% -
that "allows to check how the company is perceived by journalists" and "does not allow for finding
out what the clients think about the company". 7% of respondents also came to the conclusion that
"it is the best way to evaluate the effects of PR activities - if something appeared in the media, it
means that PR activities were effective 3% of respondents used the option to provide their own
answer adding such statements as: "it allows both to check the quality of press materials and
estimates the reaction of the target gro
                                       groups", "it gives information about the opinions of journalists
and to measure PR" and "it is useless in the Internet age, because of copying of press releases
These results indicate that the awareness of media content analysis as a method of evaluating the
effects of PR, is diverse. Some of the respondents are aware of its flaws (lack of information on the
reaction of the target groups, limiting the measurement to the quality of materials delivered to
journalists or reaction of journalists some focus on the advantages (good, if done honestly, the best
method - if the media wrote about PR activities, they were successful). Some respondents mention
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information which cannot be obtained using this method (you cannot estimate the response of
target groups), argue, that this method allows PR measurement (as if other methods do not allow),
or that it is useless in the Internet age, when copying press releases is abused. However, the
experience of the author shows that not all journalists do so - journalists of the media considered as
more influential and highly prestigious redraft PR materials or use them on the occasion of the
preparation of larger, overview materials in which they try to present trends in the whole industry
and highlight the problems from many different points of view. So varied and ambiguous opinions
among respondents on the most popular method also argue for very limited methodological
knowledge of the respondents.
Figure 11 – With which of the following statements about media content analysis can you identyfy the most?
        Content media analysis...
        good method if it is conducted reliably                   38%
        measures only the quality of information materials
        provided to journalists                                   20%
        allows checking how the company is perceived by
        journalists                                               16%
        does not give information about clients’ opinions         7%
        it is the best method of PR measurement                   1%
        allows to check quality of press coverage and
        estimate the reaction of target groups                    1%
        gives information about journalists’ opinion and
        allows to measure PR                                      1%
        useless in the Internet age (copying and pasting
        information)                                              1%

1.2.7 Opinions on advertising value equivalency
Another technique about which study participants were asked in more details, was the advertising
value equivalency (AVE). Views on the equivalent of advertising, however, were much less diverse
than in the case of media content analysis of press: 62% of respondents felt that "this technique is
not reliable - advertising and PR are not the same, so they cannot be measured by one measure ",
35% - that “it allows the PR specialist to easily provide to the Board (or customers) the value of PR
work done”. Below 3% of the respondents formed their own opinion: "shows the value of PR work,
but it is not reliable" combining the two answers in one. Probably these are the people who are
aware that the methodological value of this technique is none, however, they were in situation in
which presenting financial results to a board allowed them to better convince about the value of PR
work they were performing. But what is interesting is that none of the respondents chose the option
"equivalent advertising allows the PR specialist to prove to the Board (the customer) how much
money is saved through PR activities". This could indicate that respondents do not agree with the
view that public relations are more economical version of advertising, which is suggested by this
answer.                                                            Page 13
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Figure 12 - Which of the following statements about the advertising value equivalency - estimating the value
of the surface of articles in the media resulting from the activities of PR, based on the value of similar
advertising space - suits your beliefs N=99

                        3%                           35%
                                                           AVE is not reliable

                                                           AVE shows the value of PR
                                                           work done

                                                           AVE shows the value of PR
                                                           work done, but is not

1.2.8 Obstacles to PR measurement
Respondents, when asked about the obstacles to measuring the effects of PR pointed to in order:
"ignorance, how to measure PR" (less than 60% of respondents), "no budget" (40% "high costs",
                                  "                                              (40%),
"uncertainty about the usefulness of measuring the effects of PR," lack of personnel "and" lack of
time "(less than 30%). The next reasons were: "Research must be carried out in accordance with the
rigors of science, its design and implementation is difficult" (20%) and "fear of the criticism of PR
activities, to which PR measurement can lead" (15%). 7% of respondents shared the view that "it
makes no sense to realize complex research, good observation and intuition are enough” while 2%
                      ealize                                                        enough”,
used the option “other - what "and identified "lack of support from superiors ", and “difficulty in
separating the effects of PR on the effects of other communication activities".
Distribution of answers to this question is an addition to information obtained in the question of
motivation for the selection of methods
                                methods/techniques for measuring PR. There, respondents rarely
mentioned the cost and time associated with the use of the method. Here, they say cost and time are
one of measuring barriers, which suggests that they are important factors for them
                                            that,                              them.
Figure 13 – What do you think might be the most important obstacle to the PR measurement? N=99 (remark:
values sum up to more than 100% – the researched could choose more than one answer)

        Obstacles to PR measurement
        Ignorance how to measure PR                    59%
        No budżet                                      39%
        High costs                                     28%
        Uncertainty about usefulness                   28%
        Lack of personel                               27%
        Lack of time                                   26%
        Difficulty in research condu
                               conducting              20%
        Fear of criticism                              17%
        Intuition and observation are enough           6%
        Lack of support from superiors                 1%
        Difficulty in separating the effects of PR     1%
                          anna-miotk/                                                              Page 14
Anna Miotk: Opinions of Polish PR specialists on PR measurement. A report

The author assumed, that the lack of knowledge on methods of PR measurement is associated with
ignorance of the methods and research techniques of social science that can be used in PR, but
verifying what percentage of graduates of specified specialization pointed to this problem showed
that the graduates of sociology (where methodology of social sciences is one of the largest courses in
the curriculum) have the biggest problem with PR measurement - nearly 82% of them admitted to
their lack of knowledge about it. Another large group were graduates of specializations described as
other (sciences: physics, mathematics, quantitative methods and information systems and physical
education and tourism) - the percentage here was similar and it amounted to 80% The smallest
proportion of people admitting to ignorance in measuring the effects of PR, was among the
graduates of public relations and it amounted to 43%. Maybe it can be derived from the fact that
public relations students are acquainted with the typical methods of measuring the effects of PR and
thus have more realistic expectations for the measurement of PR than graduates of other disciplines.
Figure 14 – Specialization graduated and lack of knowledge as declared barrier of PR measurement N=120
                                       Political                                             Polish    social
                    Sociology PR       sciences Marketing Economy Journalism         Law     philology sciences Other arts   Other
Graduates total             11      16           15    14       18              16         4        13        5            3           5
Lack of
knowledge as
the reason of not
measuring                82%       43%     53%       50%      61%              56%     50%       69%      60%          67%           80%

1.2.9. The image of PR industry in Poland
The last part of the study concerned the image of the public relations industry in Poland. The author
assumed it is negative, seeing as the reasons the low maturity of public relations as a scientific
discipline, and inability to measure the effects of activities. The study showed that almost 70% of the
participants are convinced of a negative image of the PR industry, only nearly 30% consider it to be
neutral, and 3% had no opinion. No one considered the image to be positive.

Figure 15 – Which is the image of PR industry in Poland in your opinion N=99


                                                                         PR image is negative
                                                                         PR image is neutral
                                                                         I have no opinion


As the cause of the negative image of PR in the first place was listed "lack of awareness in the Polish
society" (63%). Only 12% of responses pointed to "public relations professionals can not accurately
determine what is the result of actions undertaken by them”, and 7% -"lack of education campaigns
about PR conducted by the PR industry” and "small achievements public relations as a scientific
discipline with its own theories and research supporting the validity of those theories 3% of
responses pointed to "the ignorance of journalists", "lack of professionalism PR professionals and
                            gnorance                                               professionals"
"unethical behavior of PR professionals 2% of responses pointed to the "identification of PR with
                           professionals".                                   identification
                          anna-miotk/                                                                                         Page 15
Anna Miotk: Opinions of Polish PR specialists on PR measurement. A report

propaganda”. Nobody chose the answer "no generally accepted industry definition of what public
relations are".
Figure 16 - What factors might influence the PR industry's negative image in the eyes of the public? N=68
(Remark: people who chose the answer PR has negative image were asked for reasons, why)
        Reasons for negative image of PR in Poland
        Lack of awareness in the Polish society                                   63%
        Public relations professionals can not accurately determine what
        is the result of actions undertaken by them                               12%
        Lack of education campaigns about PR conducted by the PR
        industry                                                                  7%
        Small achievements of public relations as a scientific discipline
        with its own theories and research supporting the validity of those
        theories                                                                  7%
        The ignorance of journalists                                              3%
        Lack of professionalism of PR professionals                               3%
        Unethical behavior of PR professionals                                    3%
        Identification of PR with propaganda                                      2%

This would indicate that the decisive influence on the negative image of the PR industry is lack of
knowledge among the society what PR is and what PR is not. The problem with measuring the effects
of PR and short PR development as a scientific discipline are factors that are referred to only in the
second and fourth place.

2. Participants of the survey

Participants of the survey were described in terms of several parameters: sex, education, and studied
disciplines, working in PR, experience in PR and (or) in other professions, and current professional
situation. Some information concerned organizations for which they were currently working.

2.1 Characteristics of the participants of the survey

2.1.1 Sex
Of 99 respondents 61 (62%) were women and 38 (38%) were men. This is consistent with existing
research on public relations in Poland and abroad, which shows that this sector is highly feminized.
Figure 17 – Sex, N=99
        Female          62%
        Male            38%

2.1.2 Education and specialization studied
The overwhelming majority of respondents are people with higher education - as many as 90 people
(91%), 9 people (9%) have only completed secondary education.                                                               Page 16
Anna Miotk: Opinions of Polish PR specialists on PR measurement. A report

Figure 18 – Education of the participants, N=99
        Higher             91%
        Secondary          9%

A wide variety of specializations studied can be observed. Most popular among respondents are in
order: economics or business or management (18 people), journalism (16), PR (16), international
relations or political science (15), marketing (14), Polish philology (13) and sociology (11). List of
specializations, which were most often studied by the participants of the survey, is presented in
Figure 3.
Figure 19 – Specializations studied by the participants, N=120
        economics, business or
        management             15%
        Public relations       13%
        Journalism and social
        communication          13%

        International relations
        or political science       13%
        Marketing                  12%
        Polish philology           11%
        Sociology                  9%
        Law                        3%
        Pedagogic                  2%
        History                    2%
        Philosophy                 1%
        Psychology                 1%
        Social inclusion           1%
        Physics                    1%
        Mathematics                1%
        Quantitative methods
        and information
        systems                    1%
        Tourism                    1%
        Physical education         1%

        Other (not stated)         1%

Such a large number of disciplines studied (120), compared to the number of respondents (99) has its
own explanation. It happened often that a person declared the completion of two or more
specializations - poll did not make, however, the detailed distinctions between the levels of study,
because such a large amount of research data was not necessary for completing the research
objectives. Therefore, the result may derived from several phenomena: first - the spread of model
studies in the form of undergraduate and masters-up (the person often is studying two different
faculties), second - with the huge popularity of studying two faculties simultaneously, third - with the
popularity of postgraduate and doctoral studies (some people have indicated completingthis type of
studies or are in their course). Fourthly and finally - with the classification guidelines adopted for the                                                            Page 17
Anna Miotk: Opinions of Polish PR specialists on PR measurement. A report

purposes of research - it stemmed from a desire to trace the relationship between the studied
discipline and approach to the measurement of PR, in analogy to the relationship between the
methodology of public relations and other related disciplines: sociology, psychology, communication
sciences, marketing and management. And so, marketing and management was also grouped into
both "marketing"and "management", while politics-related specializations, such as political science,
diplomacy and international relations were assigned to one and the same category.

The result shows in any case, that public relations are a relatively young business with little practical
theoretical output, and also as a relatively young industry, profession, are open profession.
Experience is what counts, completed course of study much less so. This is shown by the variety of
specializations completed by the respondents.

2.1.3 PR work experience
When considering respondents’ work experience in PR, it can be noted that 7 of them have worked
in the profession for less than a year. In subsequent intervals there is steadily growing number of
respondents: 1-2 years of work experience has 12 people, 3-4 years - 23 people, 5-6 years – 26
people. In next intervals the number of respondents is gradually decreasing, fluctuating between 3
and 7 people for the next intervals, including professional experience in PR longer than 7 years.
Such a distribution of professional experience among respondents - visible majority of people with
work experience less than 7 years - may result from several factors. Firstly, the development of the
practice of PR as a discipline - in the past few years, the number of companies, which have their
public relations departments and firms providing public relations services, has risen. And, secondly-
with the specificity of the mailing list, which was founded in 2003, when the current
holders of 5-6 years professional experience, were coming into the labor market and welcomed the
emergence of a new tool that facilitates discussion of industry with the greatest enthusiasm. It may
be related to more eager usage of the Internet tools by people with shorter work experience, which
are also usually younger (but this is an assumption, because respondents were not asked about their
Figure 20 – PR work experience, N=99






            less    1-2     3-4     5-6     7-8    9-10    11-12   13-14 15 years
           than    years   years   years   years   years   years   years   and
           year                                                           more                                                            Page 18
Anna Miotk: Opinions of Polish PR specialists on PR measurement. A report

2.1.4 Work experience in PR and in other professions
The low barriers to entry in the PR business are confirmed by the fact, that 75% of respondents have
experience in PR and in other professions and 4% - only in other occupations. Just over one fifth of
respondents (21%) reported that they had worked so far only in public relations.
Figure 21 – Work experience in PR and in other professions, N=99

         21%            4%

                                                           PR and other professions
                                                           PR only
                                                           Other professions


Among other professions, which were most frequently mentioned by the participants of the survey,
was the marketing profession (mentioned by 24 people), then journalism (22 people education -
                               mentioned                                       people),
work at university, in education or training as a coach running (16 people). Less frequently pointed
were advertising (7 people), management (6 people), sales (6 people), law and administration (5
people) and finance and banking (3 people). The category “other” included single indications for
transport, non-governmental organizations consulting, translation, European funds, human
               governmental organizations,                          ,
resources management, market research and economic analysis.
Figure 22 – Experience in other professions, N=79
        Marketing                  25%
        Journalism                 23%
        Education                  17%
        Advertising                7%
        Management                 6%
        Sales                      6%
        Law and administration     5%
        Finance and banking        3%
        Other                      8%

2.1.5 Current employment situation
Most respondents - 68 (or 69%) are employed on the basis of various forms of contracts (a contract
of employment or different types of contract work), 27 people (27%) self-employed as single-person
business or heads a company, and 4 people (4%) declared they do not work.
                          anna-miotk/                                                       Page 19
Anna Miotk: Opinions of Polish PR specialists on PR measurement. A report

Figure 23 – Current employment situation, N=99
         Current employment situation
         working (contract)        69%
         self-employed             27%
         not working               4%

2.2. Respondents’ workplace
Respondents who declared that they are employed or run their own business, were asked to provide
some additional information about their jobs. This part of the survey was answered by 95
respondents - so all the data in this section refer to this group of people.
2.2.1 Employment in the organization
As it comes from the replies, most people are employed in companies ranging in size from 1 to 6
people (here also single-person business are included) - as many as 24 respondents, followed by
companies employing between 7 and 12 people - 19 respondents. 11 respondents work in companies
employing from 25 to 49 persons and companies employing 150-199 people and companies
employing over 250 people. 7 respondents work in companies employing 13-24 people. The least
numerous groups of respondents work in companies with 100-149 people (2 people), and 150-199
people (1 person).

Figure 24 – Employment in the respondent’s organization, N=95

2.2.2 Type of organization
Another information, which was provided by the respondents, was the type of organization for which
they work for. 47 respondents (50%) works in PR, marketing or advertising agencies, 34 people (36%)
in enterprises, 6 respondents (6%) are employed at universities, 5 (5%) - at public institutions and 3
(3% ) in NGOs. Such a distribution of answers can explain why the companies, for which the
participants of the survey work, are rather small ones. Polish PR, marketing or advertising agencies in
most cases are small businesses employing no more than 50 people.                                                         Page 20
Anna Miotk: Opinions of Polish PR specialists on PR measurement. A report

Figure 25 – Type of organization, N=95
        Type of organization
        PR/marketing/advertising agency        50%
        enterprise                             36%
        high school                            6%
        public institution                     5%
        non-governmental organization          3%

2.2.3 Respondent’s position in the organization
Most of the people who responded to the question about their position in the organization work as a
specialist (33 people, 35%) or a manager (32 people, 34%). 19 people (20%) belong to senior
management, while only 9 (9%) work as a director. The smallest group of respondents were interns -
2 persons (2%).

Figure 26 – Respondent’s position, N=95
        Specialist                           35%
        Manager                              34%
        President/member of the
        management                           20%
        Director                             10%
        Intern                               2%

2.2.4 Organization’s legal form
48% of respondents are employed at a company with limited liability. Another popular form is a legal
single-person business , reported by 22% of respondents. 11% of respondents are employed by state
entities - state-owned enterprises, administration and public schools. 10% of respondents work at
public limited companies, 6% at civilian companies, and 1% at associations or general partnerships or
limited joint-stock company.
Figure 27 - Organiztion’s legal form, N=95
        Organization’s legal form
        company with a limited liability             48%
        one-man business                             22%
        state entities                               11%
        public limited company                       10%
        civilian company                             6%
        general partnership company                  1%
        limited joint-stock                          1%
        association                                  1%

2.2.5 Localization
Respondents could also specify the zip code of their organization. It was then used to identify the
province (in Poland called voivodeship), where the organization is located. 37 people (39%) did not
give the code organization, saying that they do not know it. For those who have given the code, it
was found that the largest number of respondents work at companies located in Masovian                                                        Page 21
Anna Miotk: Opinions of Polish PR specialists on PR measurement. A report

Voivodeship - as many as 36 people (38%). 5 (6%) are employed by companies in Lower Silesian
Voivodeship, 4 (4%) people - in Greater Poland V Voivodeship and 3 (3%) people - in Lodz, Pomeranian,
Silesian, 2 people (2%) – in Lesser Poland 1 (1 %) - in Subcarpathian Voivodeship and Warmian
                                    Poland,                                              Warmian-
Masurian Voivodeship. Taking into consideration, that most of the companies, for which the
respondents work, are PR, marketing or advertising agencies it confirms the observation from other
countries, that public relations industry is concentrated in one, usually the largest, urban center - in
Poland it is Warsaw located in Masovian Voivodeship At the same time there are some, albeit
weaker centers in other cities (Wroclaw, Krakow, Lodz, Trojmiasto and the Silesian agglomerations
                                Wroclaw,                                               agglomerations).
Figure 28 – Localization of the organization, N=95
        Masovian                   38%
        Lower Silesian             5%
        Greater Poland             4%
        Lodz                       3%
        Pomeranian                 3%
        Silesian                   3%
        Lesser Poland              2%
        Subcarpathian              1%
        Warmian-Masurian           1%
        no data                    39%

2.2.6 Organization’s annual turnover
Respondents who gave an annual turnover of their organizations, in most cases declared that their
company has an annual turnover of less than 1 million PLN (Polish zlotys). Another large group of
people were those from organizations, whose turnover amounted to 1-10 million PLN. In following
intervals the number of respondents was successively declining: between 11 to 30 an annual
turnover of PLN - 18 respondents 31-50 million PLN – 5 respondents, and 51-100 PLN million - 3
                     respondents,                                             100
respondents. The last group of companies with annual turnover exceeding 100 million PLN,
employed as many as 14 respondents The possibility of not answering the question (in form of "hard
to say") has been used by as many as 30 people.
Figure 29 – Organization’s annual turnover, N=95

            less than 1-10 mln 11
                               11-30 31-50 51-100 over 100 hard to
              1 mln     PLN mln PLN mln PLN mln PLN mln PLN  say
                          anna-miotk/                                                          Page 22
Anna Miotk: Opinions of Polish PR specialists on PR measurement. A report


Research results confirm some assumptions about the Polish market of public relations, made by the
author. The assumption about the “mediocentric” nature of public relations has been confirmed
(91% of respondents used media relations as PR tool) and the associated dominance of content
analysis of media messages as the main research technique (70% of respondents think that is method
providing most accurate information).
The respondents do not have detailed knowledge of the methods and techniques for measuring PR.
It was visible in the pilot study, when it was found out that PR professionals who took part in it, did
not know most of the methods and techniques of research, proposed by the author in the initial
version of the reponse ready list of answers in the question about the methods and techniques.
Several people also recommended, to reduce the ready list of answers to the most popular methods.
The lack of knowledge of research methodology in PR is also indicated by the fact that the most
frequently mentioned obstacle to conducting the measurement of PR, was the "ignorance, how to
measure the effects of PR" (answer chosen by nearly 60% of respondents).
Individuals participating in this study could also not clearly assess the content analysis. Distribution of
answers to this question was very varied and the “other” category was chosen more often than in
other questions. There were also conflicting opinions: although 16% of respondents chose the ready
answer: "content analysis does not allow to find out, what the customers think about the company”,
one of the respondents in the category" other " replied: "content analysis allows both to check the
quality of press materials and to estimate the reaction of the target groups”. The latter is obviously
not compatible with methodological knowledge - one of the weaknesses of content analysis used in
PR measurement is the inability to estimate the response of the target groups.

Research results also show, that respondents do not know the standards of measuring the effects of
PR or at least – treat them quite freely. It is evidenced by the large percentage of respondents (up to
18%) who believe that the practice of giving the expected number of publications in the media by a
PR specialist is allowed (although the PSPR Code of Ethics prohibits this practice). At the same time,
results showed that respondents are aware of the necessity of planning in public relations and also
recognize the need for research at the various stages of PR on a broader scale, than ever before.
All of the trends above are consistent with the results of previous studies conducted
on foreign markets: the identification of media relations with public relations, media content analysis
as the primary method of research, lack of knowledge of research methodology but awareness of the
need for greater use of research in public relations (especially at the level of evalauation of PR
Just as in foreign markets, in Poland simultaneous coexistence of several approaches to doing public
relations (models) can be observed, with the greatest emphasis on the two-way symmetrical model
(56% of respondents have identified with this model) and the gradual uptake of the model specified
by the author of the report as "relational" (this model as the most adequate, has been chosen by
19% of respondents). This is, however, not reflected in the broader use of research (or more frequent
use of particular methods). Although participants of the study definied their PR activity as
corresponding to two-way symmetrical or “relational”, they are still methodically in the model
of"press agentry/publicity”.
Research results did not show association between graduated specialization and knowledge on PR
measurement. Checking what percentage of graduates from specified specialization pointed out
"ignorance, how to measure the effects of PR" as an obstacle to the measurement, gave a startling
result. This response was chosen by as many as 82% of graduates in sociology (the specialization, in
which curriculum methodology of social sciences is one of the most important parts) and only 43% of
the graduates of public relations. The study also showed no relation between the specialization and
opinion about the various techniques for measuring PR. Graduates of business and marketing do not                                                             Page 23
Anna Miotk: Opinions of Polish PR specialists on PR measurement. A report

think that the most accurate source of information are methods deriving from marketing or
management. Sociologists place their highest confidence in media content analysis, and are at least
two times less likely to suggest other methods (especially survey research) as it. PR graduates are
aware that a change in sales may be the effect of PR and usually indicate a need to analyze sales

The assumption about linkage between negative image of Polish public relations and the lack of PR
development as a scientific discipline, has been not confirmed. The image of PR in Poland according
to the respondents is negative, but this is due to "lack of awareness in the society" (this answer was
chosen by 63% of people responding to this question). Only 12% of people claiming that PR image is
negative, see the absence of PR measurement as the cause, and over 7% - lack of education in the
industry what PR is and small achievements of PR as a scientific discipline.
This research is a part of Anna Miotk’s doctoral dissertation titled „Methods of PR evaluation and
measurement used in Poland”, which was defended on December, the 8th, 2010 at Faculty of
Journalism and Political Science, University of Warsaw. The Ph.D. supervisor: prof. UW Jerzy Olędzki,

    1. Grunig J. E., Hunt T., „Managing public relations“, Thomson-Wadsworth, Belmont, 1984
    2. Watson T., Noble P., „Evaluating Public Relations: A Best Practice Guide to Public Relations
       Planning, Research and Evaluation”, Kogan Page Publishers, London 2007
    3. Philips D., „Towards relationship management. Public relations at the core of organizational
       development”, lecture held at The Alan Rawel CIPR Academic Conference in 2005
    4. Verčič D. (red.), „On the definition of public relations: a European view”, „Public Relations
       Review” 27(2001)


                                     Director of Business Development for Internet
                                     Monitoring Department, is responsible for NewsPoint Internet
                                     monitoring solutions and for preparation of media reports and
                                     analyses. Six years of experience in public relations - has
                                     worked for the renowned Polish and network PR agencies on
                                     projects for clients from the IT, FMCG and healthcare industries.
                                     Ph.D., in December 2010 at the Faculty of Journalism and
                                     Political Science at University of Warsaw defended her doctoral
                                     thesis "Methods of assessing and measuring the results of
                                     public relations activities used in Poland”. Earlier M.A. in
                                     sociology at University of Gdansk. Teaches at Postgraduate
                                     Studies in Public Relations at Warsaw School of Social Sciences
                                     and Humanities Department in Sopot, provide training
                                     concerning Internet communication and research in public
                                     relations. Her training skills are cerfitied by the House of Skills
                                     Training School cerfiticate. Author of numerous publications in
                                     industry media and a blog on research in PR in Polish. Contact:
                                                                                      Page 24

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Polish PR specialists on PR measurement

  • 1. 2010 Anna Miotk, Ph.D. [ANNA MIOTK: OPINIONS OF POLISH PR SPECIALISTS ON PR MEASUREMENT. A REPORT] Presentation of research results – survey conducted in January 2010
  • 2. Anna Miotk: Opinions of Polish PR specialists on PR measurement. A report Introduction This report is an analysis of research results, conducted by the author on users of discussion group in December 2009 – January 2011. Research covered opinions of Polish PR specialists on PR measurement and it was planned to solve research problems drafted in the introduction to Anna Miotk’s doctoral dissertation titled „Methods of PR measurement and evaluation used in Poland”. This document consists of following parts: key findings, research methodology description, detailed findings and detailed information on research participants. The last part of the report contains conclusions. Key findings • 91% of researched PR specialists use media relations as the PR tool and media content analysis is regarded by 70% of researched as the research method which gives the most detailed information. It may show the „mediocentric” character of public relations in Poland – understanding public relations mainly as media relations. • Majority of the researched – 96% - consider, that planning PR activities in form of a PR strategy is necessary. • The researched PR specialists acknowledge that use of research is not sufficient in following parts of PR process defined by the author as initial analysis, strategy, implementation and evaluation. The biggest portion of the researched – nearly 90% - pointed out, that research use is not sufficient in PR evaluation, then – in initial analysis – nearly 70%, then – in creating PR strategy – 60% and during PR activities implementation – nearly 50%. • The researched PR specialists do not have detailed knowledge on methods and techniques1. The most frequently mentioned barrier for PR measurement was „lack of knowledge, how to measure the PR results”. 60% of the researched have chosen this answer. • PR specialists taking part in the research had problems with unambiguous evaluation of media content analysis as the research technique. The distribution of answers for this questions varied a lot and „other” category was selected more frequently than in case of the other questions. There were also answers such as „content analysis allows both to check quality of press coverage and estimate the reaction of target groups”, which is not compliant with methodological knowledge (impossibility to assess reaction of target groups is one of weaknesses of media content analysis). • In case of Advertising Value Equivalency (AVE) 62% of the researched acknowledged, that „the technique is not authoritative – PR and advertising activities are not the same, so they cannot be measured with the same measure” and 35% – that „it allows to easily present to management (clients) the value of PR work performed”. In turn, 3% of the researched selected the option „other” and wrote „it shows the value of the PR specialist work, but is not authoritative”, combining both answers from the questionnaire. It may show that PR specialists are using AVE despite they being conscious of its disadvantages. 1 Research technique is the use of this method by a discipline (example of a method is content analysis, and the technique used by PR is media content analysis). The research tool is be used to complete the research using a method (for example, a questionnaire is used to make a survey). Page 2
  • 3. Anna Miotk: Opinions of Polish PR specialists on PR measurement. A report • Research results show, that the researched do not know standards of PR measurement, and – at the very least – treat them very casually. It is confirmed by a very big portion of the researched (18%), who consider the practice of setting expected number of pieces of press coverage is acceptable, even though Polish Code of Ethics for PR practitioners introduced by The Polish PR Association2 forbids it. • Public relations image, according to the research participants, is negative – nearly 60% of them say so. Asked for reasons, most often they singled out „the lack of the consciousness in the society” (63% of participants, who have chosen the „negative” option). Only 12% of participants, who have chosen the negative option, consider not using PR measurement as the cause of negative PR image, 7% - „lack of education what public relations are” and 7% - „small goods of public relations as the academic discipline”. Research methodology The research had to answer following questions: • Are public relations in Poland practiced according to one particular model (one of four Grunig’s and Hunt’s or the new one, named as the relational model by the author)? • Do the participants, who plan PR activities, measure PR activities more frequently than those, who do not have ready-made PR plan (strategy)? • How wide and varied is the extent of used research techniques? • Is education (specialization) of a PR specialist linked to his/her knowledge, how to conduct PR measurement? Are graduates of social sciences better methodologically prepared than graduates of PR or journalism and social communication? • Is using particular PR tools combined with positive opinion about chosen research techniques? Is the thesis on PR „mediocentrism” (which means identifying public relations most of all with media relations) confirmed by the research? • How deep is knowledge of PR measurement issues – standards, techniques and main barriers to conducting PR research? Does it show the lack of knowledge among PR specialists, or do they know this issue rather well? • Is the positive opinion on research methods and techniques combined with participant’s education in particular discipline? For example, has a sociologist the tendency to evaluate survey better, and a marketing specialist – to value the AVE? • How much does the practice of guaranteeing by PR specialists a defined number of press coverage in advance influence the result of PR activities? Are PR specialists conscious of the standard of PR measurement, which says estimation of press coverage quantity in advance is not possible (such estimation raises questions, if the coverage is paid). 2 „Polish PR Association (PSPR) is a professional organization, devoted to assist its members with achieving high standards of conduct in the PR communication profession through exchange of practical experiences and best practices. In 1994 PSPR members working in PR agencies, PR practitioners in business and government institutions as well as other members from the academic world have created a network of mutually rewarding relationships. PSPR also deals with popularization and educational activities by initiating and organising conferences and seminars, conducting trainings and workshops. In 1996 PSPR successfully introduced the first Polish Code of Ethics for PR practitioners. Polish PR Association responds to the new requirements of the 21st century - openness and motivation for achieving common interests through personal development and career growth of its members” (information from the webpage Page 3
  • 4. Anna Miotk: Opinions of Polish PR specialists on PR measurement. A report • Is the negative image of PR field in Poland (if it is really negative) linked to small scientific achievements of PR as a discipline or to the lack of convincing arguments about the real effects of PR work? Author of the research targeted the research at Polish PR specialists. There is no professional database in Poland, collecting data about PR specialists in Poland. For the purpose of survey, the author decided to address people subscribed to the mailing list - this is the only Polish Internet discussion list assembling people connected to the public relations industry. According to data of Foundation which is hosting the list, there were 2049 people subscribed to the list on 30 January 2010 - but people constantly active on the list are probably only a small part of them. Due to the lack of available database containing detailed description of the subscribers to the list, non-random sampling was used: it was assumed, that the participants of the survey will be everyone who completes the questionnaire and research results will be submitted only to the group of people involved in the study. The research was conducted by a survey method, using an online questionnaire. The questionnaire contained 14 questions and 11 demographic questions. Research questions were opinion questions, so that respondents could freely express their approach to measuring the effects of public relations. The author gave up on questions about facts - there were concerns that they could cause "interviewer effects" (respondents do not react in accordance with the present state of things but adapt to set the expectations of the investigator). The questions applied were questions about opinions. Assupmtion that respondents would be more honest if asked about their opinion about other people’s behaviour that when asked about their own behaviour directly. Before implementation, the survey questionnaire was pilot tested on 11 PR professionals - and therefore people from this professional group to whom the survey was addressed. Their task was to spot errors in the tool design, as well as errors and ambiguities in the construction of questions. The results of the pilot were used to create the final version of the questionnaire. The questionnaire was then posted on the portal and made available through a special link for participants of the mailing list on 15 December 2009. Request for completing the survey was posted to the list again on January 13, 2010. The result of the study were 104 completed questionnaires. After rejecting five of them, which included negative answer to the filtering question about the need to measure PR results, the final analysis included 99 questionnaires. Because of the sampling method, results cannot be generalized to all Polish PR specialists, or even the population of users of the list; conducting such an examination only through the Internet would be difficult indeed. 1. Detailed findings 1.1. Public relations practice 1.1.1 Preferred PR model At the beginning of the survey, respondents could choose several definitions of public relations, which for the author of the research corresponded to five models of public relations practice: the four models of Grunig and Hunt [Grunig and Hunt, 1984] and the fifth, specified by the author of the study as a "relational model"3: 3 There is no agreement, how many models there are. Some specialists consider to be only four PR models as in the Grunig’s and Hunt’s theory and the differentiation between communication and relationships makes no sense (as Dejan Vercic) and some experts (eg. David Phillips) consider relationships to be something more than communication so this is a new paradigm of PR activity. Page 4
  • 5. Anna Miotk: Opinions of Polish PR specialists on PR measurement. A report • "Public relations: any activity aimed at giving the greatest publicity to the promoted product, company or person" (this statement corresponds to the model of publicity / press agentry); • "Public relations: any activity aimed at promoting and / or protecting the company image or product" (a statement by Philip Kotler, the closest to the model of two-way asymmetrical); • „Public relations are conscious planned and ongoing effort to establish and maintain conscious, mutual understanding between an organization and its environment"( environment"(this statement - definition of PR adopted by the British Institute of Public Relations – is the nearest to the two-way symmetrical model); • "Public relations are information This information is fair and objective professional and information. objective, competent, complete, fast, media friendly, public opinion, ethical and responsible "(this is a definition of Piotr Czarnowski Polish PR expert, corresponding to the public information Czarnowski, model); • "Public relations is action designed to achieve the best business relationship with its environment" (a statement by Moi Ali, British PR expert, corresponding to the relational model). More than half of the respondents 56% - found the definition that points to understanding the respondents- essence of public relations activities and thus corresponded to two-way symmetrical model. One- activities, fifth of respondents - 19% - chose the definition associated with the "relational" model, 13% of relational" respondents chose the definition associated with the public information model, 7% - indicating the definition of PR as a source of publicity and 5% - indicated PR as promoting the image of the publicity, company. Figure 1 – With which PR practising model do you identify? N=99 Two-way symmetrical Relationships Public information Publicity/press agentry Two-way assymetrical Two 5% 7% 13% 56% 19% These results indicate, that the two two-way symmetrical model is the one most frequently practised by ost the respondents. They also show the gradual spread of a new approach to PR called by the autor as y the “relational” model - defining PR by the necessity of building lasting relationships with surrounding groups. Other approaches to the practice of PR activity, however, are also present. This , is consistent with the assumptions of Grunig and Hunt, who stated that the development of public relations describes the dominant model at any given time and space, but all other ways (models) of practicing PR may coexist at a given time in the same area. anna-miotk/ Page 5
  • 6. Anna Miotk: Opinions of Polish PR specialists on PR measurement. A report 1.1.2 Need of creating the PR strategy The vast majority of respondents - 96% - believe that planning in public relations in the form of developing PR strategy is necessary. Only 3% believe that it is not, while 1% have no opinion on this that topic. Figure 2 – Is planning in PR is necessary or is not necessary? N=99 3% 1% Planning is necessary Planning is not necessary I have no opinion 96% This would indicate the fact that respondents are conscious and familiar with the basic principles of public relations, such as the need to create an action plan before the start of regular PR he communications. If people who took part in the survey have been yet convinced to the need for PR measurement (or at least are undecided in this matter), then it can be supposed, that PR specia specialists who plan PR activities, may be more inclined to the PR measurement than companies who do not have ready communication activity plan. But this would require confirmation in more detailed studies. 1.1.3 Applied PR tools Respondents were asked about all public relations tools which are used by them. In this question respondents could choose all the answers, which apply. As it turns out - 91% of respondents ((almost all) use media relations. The second most popular tool is Internet PR, which is used by 84% of , respondents. 75% of respondents also use special events. The most rare indications were relationships with authorities (28% of respondents) and sponsorship (45% of respondents 2% of 28% respondents). respondents used the possibility to give their own answers in the option “other” – they indicated tion trainings (1%), and audits and research (1%) as PR tools. anna-miotk/ Page 6
  • 7. Anna Miotk: Opinions of Polish PR specialists on PR measurement. A report Figure 3 – Applied PR tools, N=99 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% These results indicate that even in the group, public relations may be associated mainly with relations with the media - it is called “mediocentric” attitude to public relations, which may then affect identifying PR measurement only with the media content analysis. This could be confirmed in the answers to the question which of the techniques for measuring the respondents consider providing the most accurate information, if only the vast majority of indications indicated media content analysis. 1.1.4 Opinions on research use in PR Respondents were also asked to determine whether the use of research is sufficient or not sufficient in the four stages of the process of public relations: initial analysis, development of PR strategy, implementation and evaluation of the effectiveness of PR. The largest group of respondents - nearly 90%, indicated that the use of research is not sufficient in assessing the effectiveness of PR, then - in the initial analysis (nearly 70%), in the creation of PR strategy (60%) and during the implementation of PR activities (less than 50%) . Figure 4 – Is in your opinion use of research in PR by Polish practicioners sufficient or it is not sufficient? N=99 PR evaluation PR activities realization PR strategy creation Initial analysis 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% PR strategy PR activities Initial analysis PR evaluation creation realization Is sufficient 19% 25% 29% 12% Is not sufficient 67% 56% 50% 76% I have no opinion 14% 19% 21% 12% Page 7
  • 8. Anna Miotk: Opinions of Polish PR specialists on PR measurement. A report Summarizing, the respondents tended to the view that the use of research is rather insufficient than sufficient, with the greatest shortage experienced where, according to the theory of PR (models RACE, ROSIE, and other, which define the process of public relations), research primarily should be , applied, or at the beginning and end of the process. 1.2 Opinions on PR measurement 1.2.1 Need to measure PR Questionnaires to undergo the analysis were chosen based on the two filtering questions on need to measure PR. Further analysis was done only for those questionnaires, in which respondents opted for the fact that PR measurement is necessary or had no opinion about it. People, who have chosen the necessary, option that PR measurement is not necessary (or have indicated similar answer in the next question about PR measurement frequency which also acted as a filter), at this point finished questionnaire frequency, and their responses were not included in further analysis. Such cases were 5, suggesting that, the , main subject of the research, "Opinions of Polish specialists on PR measurement PR", was already a strong criterion for selection of respondents - those uninterested in the measurement of PR just did not respond to requests for participation in the survey. The vast majority of people involved in the study - 97% - claimed that PR measurement is necessary, and only 3% had no opinion on the subject. Figure 5 – Need to measure PR, N=99 3% PR measurement is necessary I have no opinion 97% 1.2.2 Preferred frequency to measure PR Another question concerned the preferred frequency of measuring the effects of PR. The majority (66%) of respondents replied "you should measure the effects of PR in each case after closing of a you larger project," while 34% of respondents chose the option " the effectiveness of PR activities should be measured up-to-date - for example in the form of periodic (weekly, monthly, etc.) summaries”. weekly, Those who stated that "measure the effects of PR is not needed, there is no point it regularly”, measure finished the questionnaire at the point and their results were not included in further analysis – it was also the filtering question, which would cause negative selection of people unfavorably oriented to , the topic of the study. anna-miotk/ Page 8
  • 9. Anna Miotk: Opinions of Polish PR specialists on PR measurement. A report Figure 6 – When should PR measurement be performed N=99 performed? 34% Up-to-date After the closing of a bigger project 66% 1.2.3 Choosing the method of PR measurement Respondents were also asked to indicate which premises should guide the selection of methods for assessing the effectiveness of public relations. The largest percentage of respondents - nearly 65% - chose the “reliability of the method”, then slightly less than 60% pointed to "a kind of feedback he to possible after the campaign", then after about 40% - at "the possibility of obtaining the result, expressed numerically," and "type of PR tool to be evaluated". 27% of respondents mentioned the merically," "possibility of applying the method on their own" and over 10% - to "time savings" and "low cost". e 2% of respondents chose to add the option "other", pointing here to "the existence of new tools" and "link with previous research." ch." Figure 7 – What premises should be present when choosing the method of PR measurement? N=99 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% This shows, that respondents must be convinced as to the method itself and trust to it to be able to use it. They are also guided by the type of information, which due to specified method, can be , obtained after performing of a public relations campaign. The savings - whether time or cost - seem in light of the answer to this question to not have meaning for them. anna-miotk/ Page 9
  • 10. Anna Miotk: Opinions of Polish PR specialists on PR measurement. A report 1.2.4 Opinion on PR measurement methods and techniques Respondents also pointed to the measurement technique or method, which they believe provide the most accurate information. The highest percentage of respondents - nearly 70% - pointed to media content analysis, then 60% of respondents chose survey. The next four - observation, readership and audience data, focused group interview, and return on investment (ROI) were identified by approximately 30-40% of the respondents. Over 20% of respondents chose advertising value equivalency (AVE) and sales data analysis. 3% of responses indicated “other” - the respondents pointed out "image research", "the matrix of image objectives" and "indicators of social capital and relationships." Not one respondent indicated the individual in-depth interviews as research method. Figure 8 – Which techniques and methods do you regard as giving the most exact information? N=99 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% This responses’structure is consistent with the trends observed by the author of the report on foreign markets – “mediocentric” treating of PR (which automatically favours media content analysis) and focuses on quantitative research (a trend associated with greater use of qualitative research in PR has been not penetrated too far into the PR in Poland yet). Respondents were not asked about which techniques and methods they use in their everyday practice, due to the fact that this could lead to giving false answers. But opinion on the methods that they consider to provide the most accurate information can also be seen as a loose indication of the use of these methods in practice. It should be mentioned here that the original version of the questionnaire, even before the pilot survey, included questions with answers about 23 research techniques, known to the author from various sources. After suggestions from PR professionals, who were taking part in the pilot survey, the number of techniques was limited to nine methods (of which one method was not indicated at all) and the answers for the "other" category have been made in only three cases. This means that the range of measurement methods and techniques known and available to Polish PR specialist is rather small. Interesting information can be noticed, when opinions on the research methods and techniques are combined with the specialization graduated by respondents. Survey as the most accurate source of information was recognized by graduates of economics – it was pointed by 61% of people who have studied this specialization, but only by 27% of sociology graduates. Observation is most appreciated by the graduates of journalism and political science (67%) and least by the graduates of Polish philology (15%). Focus group interview is most trusted by political science graduates (67%)and least by those who have graduated marketing (28%). The advertising value equivalency (AVE) is the most valued by the graduates in political science (40%), least by business graduates (0%), and also by marketing (7%) and sociology (9%) graduates. The value of return on investment as the most conclusive method is appreciated by the graduates in political science (46%), least - by the graduates Page 10
  • 11. Anna Miotk: Opinions of Polish PR specialists on PR measurement. A report of public relations (19%). Media content analysis is popular in all groups studied, reaching over 60% of responses in each group, the percentage indicated is lowest among graduates of Polish philology (61%) and the highest - in the group of sociologists (91%). Data on readership, listenership, viewership, etc. enjoy the best reputation in the group of journalism graduates (65%), while it is lowest among the graduates of Polish philology (15%). Analysis of sales is rarely mentioned by political science graduates (13%), and the most frequent by graduates of public relations (100% of respondents). Figure 9 – Methods and techniques of PR measurement claimed as giving the most exact information and specialization graduated by respondents, N=120 Focus Media Graduates group content Readership Sales total Survey Observation interview AVE ROI analysis data data Other Economy, business, management 18 61% 50% 33% 0% 22% 67% 33% 17% 11% Public relations 16 44% 25% 25% 13% 19% 75% 44% 100% 0% Journalism 16 44% 65% 44% 22% 31% 69% 65% 22% 0% International relations, political sciences 15 53% 67% 67% 40% 47% 80% 27% 13% 0% Marketing 14 36% 57% 29% 7% 21% 86% 50% 14% 0% Polish philology 13 55% 15% 31% 15% 38% 62% 15% 31% 0% Sociology 11 27% 45% 45% 9% 36% 91% 36% 27% 9% Law 4 50% 75% 25% 25% 50% 100% 25% 0% 0% Other social sciences 5 80% 40% 40% 40% 20% 40% 60% 40% 0% Other sciences 5 20% 80% 40% 20% 40% 100% 60% 20% 0% Other arts 3 33% 67% 33% 33% 0% 67% 33% 0% 0% These results show that the assumed relationship between preference for methodological techniques related to a given discipline and the fact of studying this discipline, does not take place. For example, measures taken from marketing or business, such as advertising value equivalency or return on investment, are not considered to be the most accurate source of information by graduates in business and marketing. Graduates in public relations are aware that the ultimate effect of PR is to change sales results and all of them indicate, that sales data have to be just analyzed, and not necessarily advertising value equivalency or return on investment. The sociologists trust most in media content analysis, while they are at least two times less likely to indicate the other methods (and especially surveys). 1.2.5 Acceptance of unfair practices relating to the effects of PR in contracts Respondents were also asked to express an opinion on the practice prohibited by section 10 of the Code of Ethics of the Polish Association of Public Relations: "PR consultant may not agree any contracts, in which he would guarantee to achieve a result which depends on the autonomous decisions of other entities, such as editors, public institutions, etc., and his salary can not be made conditional on achieving such results"4. Unfortunately, in reality, there are situations in which a potential customer expects from PR agencies to provide a number of publications in the media and the agency agrees to the request - the author of the report has witnessed such a situation herself. 4 Polish Code of Ethics for PR practitioners, Page 11
  • 12. Anna Miotk: Opinions of Polish PR specialists on PR measurement. A report As can be seen from the responses this practice is considered acceptable by quite a large percentage responses, of respondents - up to 18% and 4% of respondents did not have a opinion. Figure 10 - There are situations in which companies expect from the agencies taking part in the tender to determine the number of press publications that will be achieved as a result of the actions. Do you think that the practice of administering a specific number of press publications is permissible or not permissible N=99 permissible? 4% 18% The practice is not permissible The practice is persmissible I have no opinion 78% Such a large consensus on this practice may be due to poor awareness of the standards promoted by PSPR - that the association currently has only 200 members, while the InternetPR. main discussion list gathers over 10 times more people, who identify with the industry. It is also another premise confirming the lack of knowledge of PR professionals in PR measurement and in standards. Such a group of respondents, strongly convinced about the neet to measure PR, should contain a much gly smaller portion of those who are giving the number of pieces of press coverage to be achieved. The second explanation of such a phenomenon is that the respondents know the standards, but bre break them in a conscious way. 1.2.6 Opinion on media content analysis Respondents were asked about their detailed opinions on the two research techniques used in PR: media content analysis and advertising value equivalency. Question on content analysis included a number of ready-made statements with an open question, "other”, where respondents could also statements, spondents complete the ready list of answers answers about their own observations. However, only one answer could be chosen. Most - 38% of respondents - also came to the conclusion that media content % analysis is "a good method if it is conducted reliably". Twice fewer respondents - 20% - indicated that this method "measures only the quality of information materials provided to journalists and 16% - journalists" that "allows to check how the company is perceived by journalists" and "does not allow for finding does out what the clients think about the company". 7% of respondents also came to the conclusion that "it is the best way to evaluate the effects of PR activities - if something appeared in the media, it ppeared means that PR activities were effective 3% of respondents used the option to provide their own effective”. answer adding such statements as: "it allows both to check the quality of press materials and estimates the reaction of the target gro groups", "it gives information about the opinions of journalists and to measure PR" and "it is useless in the Internet age, because of copying of press releases releases". These results indicate that the awareness of media content analysis as a method of evaluating the effects of PR, is diverse. Some of the respondents are aware of its flaws (lack of information on the lack reaction of the target groups, limiting the measurement to the quality of materials delivered to , journalists or reaction of journalists some focus on the advantages (good, if done honestly, the best journalists), method - if the media wrote about PR activities, they were successful). Some respondents mention anna-miotk/ Page 12
  • 13. Anna Miotk: Opinions of Polish PR specialists on PR measurement. A report information which cannot be obtained using this method (you cannot estimate the response of target groups), argue, that this method allows PR measurement (as if other methods do not allow), or that it is useless in the Internet age, when copying press releases is abused. However, the experience of the author shows that not all journalists do so - journalists of the media considered as more influential and highly prestigious redraft PR materials or use them on the occasion of the preparation of larger, overview materials in which they try to present trends in the whole industry and highlight the problems from many different points of view. So varied and ambiguous opinions among respondents on the most popular method also argue for very limited methodological knowledge of the respondents. Figure 11 – With which of the following statements about media content analysis can you identyfy the most? N=99 Content media analysis... good method if it is conducted reliably 38% measures only the quality of information materials provided to journalists 20% allows checking how the company is perceived by journalists 16% does not give information about clients’ opinions 7% it is the best method of PR measurement 1% allows to check quality of press coverage and estimate the reaction of target groups 1% gives information about journalists’ opinion and allows to measure PR 1% useless in the Internet age (copying and pasting information) 1% 1.2.7 Opinions on advertising value equivalency Another technique about which study participants were asked in more details, was the advertising value equivalency (AVE). Views on the equivalent of advertising, however, were much less diverse than in the case of media content analysis of press: 62% of respondents felt that "this technique is not reliable - advertising and PR are not the same, so they cannot be measured by one measure ", 35% - that “it allows the PR specialist to easily provide to the Board (or customers) the value of PR work done”. Below 3% of the respondents formed their own opinion: "shows the value of PR work, but it is not reliable" combining the two answers in one. Probably these are the people who are aware that the methodological value of this technique is none, however, they were in situation in which presenting financial results to a board allowed them to better convince about the value of PR work they were performing. But what is interesting is that none of the respondents chose the option "equivalent advertising allows the PR specialist to prove to the Board (the customer) how much money is saved through PR activities". This could indicate that respondents do not agree with the view that public relations are more economical version of advertising, which is suggested by this answer. Page 13
  • 14. Anna Miotk: Opinions of Polish PR specialists on PR measurement. A report Figure 12 - Which of the following statements about the advertising value equivalency - estimating the value of the surface of articles in the media resulting from the activities of PR, based on the value of similar n advertising space - suits your beliefs N=99 beliefs? 3% 35% AVE is not reliable AVE shows the value of PR work done AVE shows the value of PR work done, but is not reliable 62% 1.2.8 Obstacles to PR measurement Respondents, when asked about the obstacles to measuring the effects of PR pointed to in order: , "ignorance, how to measure PR" (less than 60% of respondents), "no budget" (40% "high costs", " (40%), "uncertainty about the usefulness of measuring the effects of PR," lack of personnel "and" lack of time "(less than 30%). The next reasons were: "Research must be carried out in accordance with the rigors of science, its design and implementation is difficult" (20%) and "fear of the criticism of PR activities, to which PR measurement can lead" (15%). 7% of respondents shared the view that "it makes no sense to realize complex research, good observation and intuition are enough” while 2% ealize enough”, used the option “other - what "and identified "lack of support from superiors ", and “difficulty in separating the effects of PR on the effects of other communication activities". Distribution of answers to this question is an addition to information obtained in the question of motivation for the selection of methods methods/techniques for measuring PR. There, respondents rarely mentioned the cost and time associated with the use of the method. Here, they say cost and time are one of measuring barriers, which suggests that they are important factors for them that, them. Figure 13 – What do you think might be the most important obstacle to the PR measurement? N=99 (remark: values sum up to more than 100% – the researched could choose more than one answer) Obstacles to PR measurement Ignorance how to measure PR 59% No budżet 39% High costs 28% Uncertainty about usefulness 28% Lack of personel 27% Lack of time 26% Difficulty in research condu conducting 20% Fear of criticism 17% Intuition and observation are enough 6% Lack of support from superiors 1% Difficulty in separating the effects of PR 1% anna-miotk/ Page 14
  • 15. Anna Miotk: Opinions of Polish PR specialists on PR measurement. A report The author assumed, that the lack of knowledge on methods of PR measurement is associated with ignorance of the methods and research techniques of social science that can be used in PR, but verifying what percentage of graduates of specified specialization pointed to this problem showed problem, that the graduates of sociology (where methodology of social sciences is one of the largest courses in sciences the curriculum) have the biggest problem with PR measurement - nearly 82% of them admitted to their lack of knowledge about it. Another large group were graduates of specializations described as . other (sciences: physics, mathematics, quantitative methods and information systems and physical education and tourism) - the percentage here was similar and it amounted to 80% The smallest 80%. proportion of people admitting to ignorance in measuring the effects of PR, was among the graduates of public relations and it amounted to 43%. Maybe it can be derived from the fact that public relations students are acquainted with the typical methods of measuring the effects of PR and thus have more realistic expectations for the measurement of PR than graduates of other disciplines. Figure 14 – Specialization graduated and lack of knowledge as declared barrier of PR measurement N=120 measurement, Other Political Polish social Sociology PR sciences Marketing Economy Journalism Law philology sciences Other arts Other Graduates total 11 16 15 14 18 16 4 13 5 3 5 Lack of knowledge as the reason of not measuring 82% 43% 53% 50% 61% 56% 50% 69% 60% 67% 80% 1.2.9. The image of PR industry in Poland The last part of the study concerned the image of the public relations industry in Poland. The author assumed it is negative, seeing as the reasons the low maturity of public relations as a scientific discipline, and inability to measure the effects of activities. The study showed that almost 70% of the participants are convinced of a negative image of the PR industry, only nearly 30% consider it to be image neutral, and 3% had no opinion. No one considered the image to be positive. Figure 15 – Which is the image of PR industry in Poland in your opinion N=99 opinion? 3% 28% PR image is negative PR image is neutral I have no opinion 69% As the cause of the negative image of PR in the first place was listed "lack of awareness in the Polish society" (63%). Only 12% of responses pointed to "public relations professionals can not accurately determine what is the result of actions undertaken by them”, and 7% -"lack of education campaigns about PR conducted by the PR industry” and "small achievements public relations as a scientific discipline with its own theories and research supporting the validity of those theories 3% of theories". responses pointed to "the ignorance of journalists", "lack of professionalism PR professionals and gnorance professionals" "unethical behavior of PR professionals 2% of responses pointed to the "identification of PR with professionals". identification anna-miotk/ Page 15
  • 16. Anna Miotk: Opinions of Polish PR specialists on PR measurement. A report propaganda”. Nobody chose the answer "no generally accepted industry definition of what public relations are". Figure 16 - What factors might influence the PR industry's negative image in the eyes of the public? N=68 (Remark: people who chose the answer PR has negative image were asked for reasons, why) Reasons for negative image of PR in Poland Lack of awareness in the Polish society 63% Public relations professionals can not accurately determine what is the result of actions undertaken by them 12% Lack of education campaigns about PR conducted by the PR industry 7% Small achievements of public relations as a scientific discipline with its own theories and research supporting the validity of those theories 7% The ignorance of journalists 3% Lack of professionalism of PR professionals 3% Unethical behavior of PR professionals 3% Identification of PR with propaganda 2% This would indicate that the decisive influence on the negative image of the PR industry is lack of knowledge among the society what PR is and what PR is not. The problem with measuring the effects of PR and short PR development as a scientific discipline are factors that are referred to only in the second and fourth place. 2. Participants of the survey Participants of the survey were described in terms of several parameters: sex, education, and studied disciplines, working in PR, experience in PR and (or) in other professions, and current professional situation. Some information concerned organizations for which they were currently working. 2.1 Characteristics of the participants of the survey 2.1.1 Sex Of 99 respondents 61 (62%) were women and 38 (38%) were men. This is consistent with existing research on public relations in Poland and abroad, which shows that this sector is highly feminized. Figure 17 – Sex, N=99 Sex Female 62% Male 38% 2.1.2 Education and specialization studied The overwhelming majority of respondents are people with higher education - as many as 90 people (91%), 9 people (9%) have only completed secondary education. Page 16
  • 17. Anna Miotk: Opinions of Polish PR specialists on PR measurement. A report Figure 18 – Education of the participants, N=99 Education Higher 91% Secondary 9% A wide variety of specializations studied can be observed. Most popular among respondents are in order: economics or business or management (18 people), journalism (16), PR (16), international relations or political science (15), marketing (14), Polish philology (13) and sociology (11). List of specializations, which were most often studied by the participants of the survey, is presented in Figure 3. Figure 19 – Specializations studied by the participants, N=120 Specialization economics, business or management 15% Public relations 13% Journalism and social communication 13% International relations or political science 13% Marketing 12% Polish philology 11% Sociology 9% Law 3% Pedagogic 2% History 2% Philosophy 1% Psychology 1% Social inclusion 1% Physics 1% Mathematics 1% Quantitative methods and information systems 1% Tourism 1% Physical education 1% Other (not stated) 1% Such a large number of disciplines studied (120), compared to the number of respondents (99) has its own explanation. It happened often that a person declared the completion of two or more specializations - poll did not make, however, the detailed distinctions between the levels of study, because such a large amount of research data was not necessary for completing the research objectives. Therefore, the result may derived from several phenomena: first - the spread of model studies in the form of undergraduate and masters-up (the person often is studying two different faculties), second - with the huge popularity of studying two faculties simultaneously, third - with the popularity of postgraduate and doctoral studies (some people have indicated completingthis type of studies or are in their course). Fourthly and finally - with the classification guidelines adopted for the Page 17
  • 18. Anna Miotk: Opinions of Polish PR specialists on PR measurement. A report purposes of research - it stemmed from a desire to trace the relationship between the studied discipline and approach to the measurement of PR, in analogy to the relationship between the methodology of public relations and other related disciplines: sociology, psychology, communication sciences, marketing and management. And so, marketing and management was also grouped into both "marketing"and "management", while politics-related specializations, such as political science, diplomacy and international relations were assigned to one and the same category. The result shows in any case, that public relations are a relatively young business with little practical theoretical output, and also as a relatively young industry, profession, are open profession. Experience is what counts, completed course of study much less so. This is shown by the variety of specializations completed by the respondents. 2.1.3 PR work experience When considering respondents’ work experience in PR, it can be noted that 7 of them have worked in the profession for less than a year. In subsequent intervals there is steadily growing number of respondents: 1-2 years of work experience has 12 people, 3-4 years - 23 people, 5-6 years – 26 people. In next intervals the number of respondents is gradually decreasing, fluctuating between 3 and 7 people for the next intervals, including professional experience in PR longer than 7 years. Such a distribution of professional experience among respondents - visible majority of people with work experience less than 7 years - may result from several factors. Firstly, the development of the practice of PR as a discipline - in the past few years, the number of companies, which have their public relations departments and firms providing public relations services, has risen. And, secondly- with the specificity of the mailing list, which was founded in 2003, when the current holders of 5-6 years professional experience, were coming into the labor market and welcomed the emergence of a new tool that facilitates discussion of industry with the greatest enthusiasm. It may be related to more eager usage of the Internet tools by people with shorter work experience, which are also usually younger (but this is an assumption, because respondents were not asked about their age). Figure 20 – PR work experience, N=99 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% less 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-14 15 years than years years years years years years years and year more Page 18
  • 19. Anna Miotk: Opinions of Polish PR specialists on PR measurement. A report 2.1.4 Work experience in PR and in other professions .1.4 The low barriers to entry in the PR business are confirmed by the fact, that 75% of respondents have % experience in PR and in other professions and 4% - only in other occupations. Just over one fifth of professions, respondents (21%) reported that they had worked so far only in public relations. Figure 21 – Work experience in PR and in other professions, N=99 21% 4% PR and other professions PR only Other professions 75% Among other professions, which were most frequently mentioned by the participants of the survey, was the marketing profession (mentioned by 24 people), then journalism (22 people education - mentioned people), work at university, in education or training as a coach running (16 people). Less frequently pointed s were advertising (7 people), management (6 people), sales (6 people), law and administration (5 people) and finance and banking (3 people). The category “other” included single indications for transport, non-governmental organizations consulting, translation, European funds, human governmental organizations, , resources management, market research and economic analysis. Figure 22 – Experience in other professions, N=79 Profession Marketing 25% Journalism 23% Education 17% Advertising 7% Management 6% Sales 6% Law and administration 5% Finance and banking 3% Other 8% 2.1.5 Current employment situation Most respondents - 68 (or 69%) are employed on the basis of various forms of contracts (a contract of employment or different types of contract work), 27 people (27%) self-employed as single-person employed business or heads a company, and 4 people (4%) declared they do not work. , anna-miotk/ Page 19
  • 20. Anna Miotk: Opinions of Polish PR specialists on PR measurement. A report Figure 23 – Current employment situation, N=99 Current employment situation working (contract) 69% self-employed 27% not working 4% 2.2. Respondents’ workplace Respondents who declared that they are employed or run their own business, were asked to provide some additional information about their jobs. This part of the survey was answered by 95 respondents - so all the data in this section refer to this group of people. 2.2.1 Employment in the organization As it comes from the replies, most people are employed in companies ranging in size from 1 to 6 people (here also single-person business are included) - as many as 24 respondents, followed by companies employing between 7 and 12 people - 19 respondents. 11 respondents work in companies employing from 25 to 49 persons and companies employing 150-199 people and companies employing over 250 people. 7 respondents work in companies employing 13-24 people. The least numerous groups of respondents work in companies with 100-149 people (2 people), and 150-199 people (1 person). Figure 24 – Employment in the respondent’s organization, N=95 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 2.2.2 Type of organization Another information, which was provided by the respondents, was the type of organization for which they work for. 47 respondents (50%) works in PR, marketing or advertising agencies, 34 people (36%) in enterprises, 6 respondents (6%) are employed at universities, 5 (5%) - at public institutions and 3 (3% ) in NGOs. Such a distribution of answers can explain why the companies, for which the participants of the survey work, are rather small ones. Polish PR, marketing or advertising agencies in most cases are small businesses employing no more than 50 people. Page 20
  • 21. Anna Miotk: Opinions of Polish PR specialists on PR measurement. A report Figure 25 – Type of organization, N=95 Type of organization PR/marketing/advertising agency 50% enterprise 36% high school 6% public institution 5% non-governmental organization 3% 2.2.3 Respondent’s position in the organization Most of the people who responded to the question about their position in the organization work as a specialist (33 people, 35%) or a manager (32 people, 34%). 19 people (20%) belong to senior management, while only 9 (9%) work as a director. The smallest group of respondents were interns - 2 persons (2%). Figure 26 – Respondent’s position, N=95 Position Specialist 35% Manager 34% President/member of the management 20% Director 10% Intern 2% 2.2.4 Organization’s legal form 48% of respondents are employed at a company with limited liability. Another popular form is a legal single-person business , reported by 22% of respondents. 11% of respondents are employed by state entities - state-owned enterprises, administration and public schools. 10% of respondents work at public limited companies, 6% at civilian companies, and 1% at associations or general partnerships or limited joint-stock company. Figure 27 - Organiztion’s legal form, N=95 Organization’s legal form company with a limited liability 48% one-man business 22% state entities 11% public limited company 10% civilian company 6% general partnership company 1% limited joint-stock 1% association 1% 2.2.5 Localization Respondents could also specify the zip code of their organization. It was then used to identify the province (in Poland called voivodeship), where the organization is located. 37 people (39%) did not give the code organization, saying that they do not know it. For those who have given the code, it was found that the largest number of respondents work at companies located in Masovian Page 21
  • 22. Anna Miotk: Opinions of Polish PR specialists on PR measurement. A report Voivodeship - as many as 36 people (38%). 5 (6%) are employed by companies in Lower Silesian Voivodeship, 4 (4%) people - in Greater Poland V Voivodeship and 3 (3%) people - in Lodz, Pomeranian, Silesian, 2 people (2%) – in Lesser Poland 1 (1 %) - in Subcarpathian Voivodeship and Warmian Poland, Warmian- Masurian Voivodeship. Taking into consideration, that most of the companies, for which the . respondents work, are PR, marketing or advertising agencies it confirms the observation from other agencies, countries, that public relations industry is concentrated in one, usually the largest, urban center - in Poland it is Warsaw located in Masovian Voivodeship At the same time there are some, albeit Voivodeship. weaker centers in other cities (Wroclaw, Krakow, Lodz, Trojmiasto and the Silesian agglomerations Wroclaw, agglomerations). Figure 28 – Localization of the organization, N=95 Voivodeship Masovian 38% Lower Silesian 5% Greater Poland 4% Lodz 3% Pomeranian 3% Silesian 3% Lesser Poland 2% Subcarpathian 1% Warmian-Masurian 1% no data 39% 2.2.6 Organization’s annual turnover Respondents who gave an annual turnover of their organizations, in most cases declared that their company has an annual turnover of less than 1 million PLN (Polish zlotys). Another large group of people were those from organizations, whose turnover amounted to 1-10 million PLN. In following intervals the number of respondents was successively declining: between 11 to 30 an annual turnover of PLN - 18 respondents 31-50 million PLN – 5 respondents, and 51-100 PLN million - 3 respondents, 100 respondents. The last group of companies with annual turnover exceeding 100 million PLN, companies, employed as many as 14 respondents The possibility of not answering the question (in form of "hard respondents. to say") has been used by as many as 30 people. Figure 29 – Organization’s annual turnover, N=95 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% less than 1-10 mln 11 11-30 31-50 51-100 over 100 hard to 1 mln PLN mln PLN mln PLN mln PLN mln PLN say PLN anna-miotk/ Page 22
  • 23. Anna Miotk: Opinions of Polish PR specialists on PR measurement. A report Conclusions Research results confirm some assumptions about the Polish market of public relations, made by the author. The assumption about the “mediocentric” nature of public relations has been confirmed (91% of respondents used media relations as PR tool) and the associated dominance of content analysis of media messages as the main research technique (70% of respondents think that is method providing most accurate information). The respondents do not have detailed knowledge of the methods and techniques for measuring PR. It was visible in the pilot study, when it was found out that PR professionals who took part in it, did not know most of the methods and techniques of research, proposed by the author in the initial version of the reponse ready list of answers in the question about the methods and techniques. Several people also recommended, to reduce the ready list of answers to the most popular methods. The lack of knowledge of research methodology in PR is also indicated by the fact that the most frequently mentioned obstacle to conducting the measurement of PR, was the "ignorance, how to measure the effects of PR" (answer chosen by nearly 60% of respondents). Individuals participating in this study could also not clearly assess the content analysis. Distribution of answers to this question was very varied and the “other” category was chosen more often than in other questions. There were also conflicting opinions: although 16% of respondents chose the ready answer: "content analysis does not allow to find out, what the customers think about the company”, one of the respondents in the category" other " replied: "content analysis allows both to check the quality of press materials and to estimate the reaction of the target groups”. The latter is obviously not compatible with methodological knowledge - one of the weaknesses of content analysis used in PR measurement is the inability to estimate the response of the target groups. Research results also show, that respondents do not know the standards of measuring the effects of PR or at least – treat them quite freely. It is evidenced by the large percentage of respondents (up to 18%) who believe that the practice of giving the expected number of publications in the media by a PR specialist is allowed (although the PSPR Code of Ethics prohibits this practice). At the same time, results showed that respondents are aware of the necessity of planning in public relations and also recognize the need for research at the various stages of PR on a broader scale, than ever before. All of the trends above are consistent with the results of previous studies conducted on foreign markets: the identification of media relations with public relations, media content analysis as the primary method of research, lack of knowledge of research methodology but awareness of the need for greater use of research in public relations (especially at the level of evalauation of PR campaign/program). Just as in foreign markets, in Poland simultaneous coexistence of several approaches to doing public relations (models) can be observed, with the greatest emphasis on the two-way symmetrical model (56% of respondents have identified with this model) and the gradual uptake of the model specified by the author of the report as "relational" (this model as the most adequate, has been chosen by 19% of respondents). This is, however, not reflected in the broader use of research (or more frequent use of particular methods). Although participants of the study definied their PR activity as corresponding to two-way symmetrical or “relational”, they are still methodically in the model of"press agentry/publicity”. Research results did not show association between graduated specialization and knowledge on PR measurement. Checking what percentage of graduates from specified specialization pointed out "ignorance, how to measure the effects of PR" as an obstacle to the measurement, gave a startling result. This response was chosen by as many as 82% of graduates in sociology (the specialization, in which curriculum methodology of social sciences is one of the most important parts) and only 43% of the graduates of public relations. The study also showed no relation between the specialization and opinion about the various techniques for measuring PR. Graduates of business and marketing do not Page 23
  • 24. Anna Miotk: Opinions of Polish PR specialists on PR measurement. A report think that the most accurate source of information are methods deriving from marketing or management. Sociologists place their highest confidence in media content analysis, and are at least two times less likely to suggest other methods (especially survey research) as it. PR graduates are aware that a change in sales may be the effect of PR and usually indicate a need to analyze sales data. The assumption about linkage between negative image of Polish public relations and the lack of PR development as a scientific discipline, has been not confirmed. The image of PR in Poland according to the respondents is negative, but this is due to "lack of awareness in the society" (this answer was chosen by 63% of people responding to this question). Only 12% of people claiming that PR image is negative, see the absence of PR measurement as the cause, and over 7% - lack of education in the industry what PR is and small achievements of PR as a scientific discipline. This research is a part of Anna Miotk’s doctoral dissertation titled „Methods of PR evaluation and measurement used in Poland”, which was defended on December, the 8th, 2010 at Faculty of Journalism and Political Science, University of Warsaw. The Ph.D. supervisor: prof. UW Jerzy Olędzki, Ph.D. REFERENCES: 1. Grunig J. E., Hunt T., „Managing public relations“, Thomson-Wadsworth, Belmont, 1984 2. Watson T., Noble P., „Evaluating Public Relations: A Best Practice Guide to Public Relations Planning, Research and Evaluation”, Kogan Page Publishers, London 2007 3. Philips D., „Towards relationship management. Public relations at the core of organizational development”, lecture held at The Alan Rawel CIPR Academic Conference in 2005 4. Verčič D. (red.), „On the definition of public relations: a European view”, „Public Relations Review” 27(2001) THE AUTHOR OF THE REPORT – ANNA MIOTK, Ph.D. Director of Business Development for Internet Monitoring Department, is responsible for NewsPoint Internet monitoring solutions and for preparation of media reports and analyses. Six years of experience in public relations - has worked for the renowned Polish and network PR agencies on projects for clients from the IT, FMCG and healthcare industries. Ph.D., in December 2010 at the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science at University of Warsaw defended her doctoral thesis "Methods of assessing and measuring the results of public relations activities used in Poland”. Earlier M.A. in sociology at University of Gdansk. Teaches at Postgraduate Studies in Public Relations at Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities Department in Sopot, provide training concerning Internet communication and research in public relations. Her training skills are cerfitied by the House of Skills Training School cerfiticate. Author of numerous publications in industry media and a blog on research in PR in Polish. Contact: Page 24