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№73 (2024)
VOL. 1
ISSN 3353-2389
Polish journal of science:
• has been founded by a council of scientists, with the aim of helping the knowledge and scientific achieve-
ments to contribute to the world.
• articles published in the journal are placed additionally within the journal in international indexes and li-
• is a free access to the electronic archive of the journal, as well as to published articles.
• before publication, the articles pass through a rigorous selection and peer review, in order to preserve the
scientific foundation of information.
Editor in chief –J an Kamiński, Kozminski University
Secretary – Mateusz Kowalczyk
Agata Żurawska – University of Warsaw, Poland
Jakub Walisiewicz – University of Lodz, Poland
Paula Bronisz – University of Wrocław, Poland
Barbara Lewczuk – Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Andrzej Janowiak – AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
Frankie Imbriano – University of Milan, Italy
Taylor Jonson – Indiana University Bloomington, USA
Remi Tognetti – Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan, France
Bjørn Evertsen – Harstad University College, Norway
Nathalie Westerlund – Umea University, Sweden
Thea Huszti – Aalborg University, Denmark
Aubergine Cloez – Universite de Montpellier, France
Eva Maria Bates – University of Navarra, Spain
Enda Baciu – Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Also in the work of the editorial board are involved independent experts
1000 copies
Wojciecha Górskiego 9, Warszawa, Poland, 00-033
Gazizova A., Karibay I.,
Shuregeev E., Temirgali M.
Kovtun-Vodyanytska S.,
Rakhmetov D., Levchuk I.,
DIFFERENT GEOGRAPHICAL ORIGIN............................7
Pashayan R., Harutyunyan L.,
Tovmasyan K., Avetyan R.
Kaziyeva A., Ismailova A.
REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN.......................................21
Arkhmammadova G., Feyzullayev E., Aliyev T.
Baltabaeva A.
“PUSHKIN MARATHON”)...........................................28
Alakbarova Kh.
EGYPTIAN LITERATURE..............................................31
Tkeshelashvili I.
Suleimenova R., Shayakhmetova J., Karimova
A., Itenov A., Shamshinova A., Mutsi A.
RECOVERY .................................................................38
Газизова А.И.,
д.б.н. профессор
Карібай И.,
Шурегеев Е.,
Темиргали М.
студенты 1 курса
Казахский агротехнический исследовательский университет им. С. Сейфуллина
Gazizova A.,
Doctor of Biological Sciences Professor
Karibay I.,
Shuregeev E.,
Temirgali M.
1st year students
Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after S. Seifullin
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10981065
В данной статье представлено изготовление макропрепаратов мышц шеи и головы крупного рогатого
This article presents the production of macropreparations of the extremities of the neck and head of cattle.
Ключевые слова: Мышцы головы, препарат, мышцы шеи, двубрюшная мышца, височная мышца,
скуловая мышца, массетер.
Keywords: Нead muscle, preparation, neck muscle, digastric muscle, temporal muscle, zygomatic muscle,
Совершенствование системы преподавания
анатомии животных в настоящее время ведется по
нескольким направлениям, включающим в себя:
организацию учебного процесса, отвечающую со-
временным требованием подготовки специалистов;
разработку новых форм работы, формирование у
студенты устойчивого интереса и интерактивного
отношения к процессу обучения; разностороннюю
подготовку специалистов [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].
При организации учебного процесса - в
первую очередь учитывается оптимальные сочета-
ние теоретической подготовки студентов и освое-
нию ими комплекса практических умений.
Основная часть времени на аудиторных заня-
тиях отводится на разбор и изучение теоретических
вопросов. Практическая часть занятий предусмат-
ривает работу с готовыми анатомическими учеб-
ными и музейными препаратами, а также освоение
методики препарирования и реставрации препара-
тов (рисунок 1).
Рисунок 1 – Музейный препарат. Мышцы головы крупного рогатого скота, подготовленный
студентами первого курса
Сложность в обеспечении практических заня-
тий биологическим материалом привела к исполь-
зованию в учебном процессе новых методик изуче-
ния морфологических структур, демонстрации
мультимедийных презентации или применению ме-
тодики моделирования с помощью пластилина,
глины или других доступных материалов как с тео-
ретическими вопросами, так и с перечнем практи-
ческих умений по каждому разделу курса.
Одна из наиболее актуальных биологии - сде-
лать преподавание нормальной анатомии живот-
ных наглядным. В учебном процессе важно не огра-
ничиваться изучением книжных или компьютер-
ных рисунков, схем, а продемонстрировать органы,
взятые не посредственно из организма животного с
сохранением всех анатомо-функциональных осо-
бенностей их строения. Натуральные препараты ор-
ганов и частей тела животного должны быть демон-
стративными и сохранять в течение длительного
времени присущи им форму и внешний вид. Перед
анатомами постоянно встает задача рационального
и экономного использования находящегося в их
распоряжении ограниченного материала для изго-
товления высококачественных анатомических пре-
паратов. Для демонстрационных препаратов жела-
тельно сохранение естественной или близкой к ней
окраски тканей [4, 5, 6]. Анатомические препараты,
сохранившие свою естественную окраску, пред-
ставляют больший интерес, они должны быть до-
статочно демонстративными (рисунок 2).
Рисунок 2 – Препарат «Мышцы головы и шеи крупного рогатого скота», приготовленный
собственноручно студентами первого курса, с применением полимерных материалов и применения
теоретических знаний для изготовления препарата практически.
Мышцы, в отличие от других органов, подвер-
гаются горазда большим изменениям: они значи-
тельно изменяют свою естественную форму и цвет.
При изготовлении мышечных препаратов нужно
особенно позаботиться о свежести трупа, хорошо
промывают в проточной воде, что обеспечивает
обескровливание препарата и, в значительной сте-
пени, его отбеливание. Затем мышцу препарируют,
освобождая от жира, фасциальных пластинок, пере-
мычек. В результате становиться хорошо заметной
общая структура волокон каждой мышцы. Тща-
тельно препарированные мышцы отбеливали в сла-
бом растворе перекиси водорода, после чего фикси-
ровали, уложив в нужном положении. Лучший фик-
сирующей жидкостью для мышечных препаратов
считается раствор, составленный из разных частей
10 % формалина и 50 % спирта. Фиксация должна
быть длительной (10-15 дней). Обработка мышеч-
ного препарата с последующим консервированием
приводит к тому, что мышцы приобретают серую
или даже беловатую окраску, которая далека от
естественной. В целях сохранения естественной
окраски, перед началом приготовления препарата
следует произвести инъекцию сосудистой системы
трупа подкрашенным в нужный цвет инъекцион-
ным раствором. Это позволяет придать мышцам ро-
зовую и даже красную окраску. Мышечные препа-
раты, фиксируемые в формалине, при длительном
хранении на воздухе быстро теряют свой цвет и
эластичность, высыхают и не дают сколько - ни-
будь правильного представления о наружном виде
мышцы как органа. При обработке глицерином по-
лучаем значительный результат глицерин, облада-
ющий гидрофильными свойствами, производит по-
степенное высушивание препарата. Вместе с тем
пропитывая ткани, он замещает в них воду и таким
образом препятствует высыханию. Хорошо пропи-
танный глицерином препарат, сохраняет естествен-
ную окраску, как отдельные мышцы, так и муску-
латура в целом.
Целью учебной дисциплины - анатомия живот-
ных и птиц, является уяснение закономерностей
строения тела животных и птиц, Достижению изго-
товление и отдельных анатомических препаратов.
Работа по изготовлению анатомических препаратов
стимулирует у обучающихся интерес к предмету.
«Анатомия животных и птиц», в целом, а также к
конкретным анатомическим фактом. В процессе
этой работы неизбежно множество вопросов, кото-
рые должны быть разрешены не только консульта-
циями преподавателя, но и самостоятельным ис-
пользованием студентам методических указаний,
периодической литературы. Изготовление препара-
тов повышает заинтересованность в усвоении тео-
ретической учебной информации, помогает более
глубокому изучению предмета и наиболее точному
запоминанию анатомических фактов. Эта работа
способствует развитию различных навыков, необ-
ходимых в работе ветеринарного врача, является
условием творческого подхода к предмету и стиму-
лом для формирования интересов в дальнейшем к
научной анатомии.
Собственные методы проведения подготовки
макета: изготовление анатомического препарата
мышечной системы головы животного. Нами было
принято решения подготовить макет мышечного
препарата- мышцы головы крупного рогатого скота
(на примере коровы). Перед подготовкой макета мы
с начало тщательно изучили литературу по анато-
мии мышечной системе, методику препарирования,
топографию мышц на влажных и сухих препаратах,
а также изучили схемы, количество и точки при-
крепления, функцию мышц головы. Анатомиче-
ский мышцы головы - mm. capitis –разделяются на
мимические и жевательные. Мимическая мускула-
тура представляет собой преимущественно ком-
плекс пластинчатых мышц, которые находятся в
кожных складках вокруг отверстий- рта, носа, для
глаз и наружного слухового прохода. Располага-
ются они таким образом, что одни из них закры-
вают отверстия (ротовые и для глаза) или суживают
их (носовые отверстия), т.е. действуют как сфинк-
теры: другие же, идущие в основном радиально,
расширяют эти отверстия, т.е. действуют как дила-
татор (расширители). Жевательные мышцы закреп-
ляются на костях мозгового черепа и нижней челю-
сти. Функция-смыкание челюстей. Их антагонисты,
т.е. мускулы, открывающие ротовую полость, за-
крепляются одним концом на нижний челюсти, а
других- на яремных отростках затылочной кости и
на грудной кости. Для того чтобы изготовить макет
мы свою работу подразделили на несколько этапов.
Первым этапом был подбор материала для основы
будущего нашего макета-мышцы головы крупного
рогатого скота (коровы). Основой для макета был
выбран картон. Картон был приобретен в торговом
центре. Затем картон мы разрезали под нужный нам
размером макета. Далее вторым этапом нашей ра-
боты необходимо было нарисовать схему эскиз
нашего будущего макета мышцы головы живот-
После того как эскиз был готов, мы стали, по-
степенно сохраняя анатомическое расположение
мышц, используя застывающий полимерный и воз-
душный пластилин изобразили мышцы. Затем,
чтобы показать расположение мышечных волокон,
постарались привести это к более естественному
виду. Для этого использовали обыкновенную зубо-
чистку и не спеша равномерно проводили по гото-
вому препарату, при этом изобразив волокно
Третьим этапом было, то, что уже более-менее
готовый макет. Необходимо было раскрасить, при-
дать вид к более естественной мышце. Для окраски
подобрали краски к более подходящего к есте-
ственной окраске мышц. Четвертым этапом яви-
лось укрепление основы макета вторым слоем кар-
тона, а также необходимо было с начало для макета
сделать рамку, придать макету эстетический
наглядный вид. Пятым этапом надо было пронуме-
ровать мышцы и написать этикетку с названиями
мышц в латинской и русской транскрипцией.
Таким образом в процессе изготовления ма-
кета мышцы головы. Мы еще раз убедились, что
мышцы головы подразделяют на две группы мими-
ческие и жевательные. Жевательные мышцы срав-
нительно немногочисленны, но отличаются своей
мощностью. Они закрепляются на костях черепа и
нижней челюсти это следующие: большая жева-
тельная мышца - musсulus masseter, височная
мышца – m. temporalis, крыловая мышца - m.
pterygoideaus, двубрюшная мышца – m. digastricus.
Мышцы головы кроме своих основных функции.
Имеют значения для питания, дыхания, зрения. Ми-
мические мышцы обеспечивают коммуникативные
связи между животными, так как выражения глаз,
рта, положение губ, уха, рельеф спинки носа иг-
рают сигнальное значение в общении животных
между собой. Подготовленной таким, образом пре-
парат макет мышц головы послужит хорошим до-
полнительным материалом при изучении раздела
«Миология», а именно топографии и группы мышц
головы их функции, точки крепления.
Список литературы
1. Шульц Б.Д. Методические указания по изго-
товлению анатомических препаратов сельскохо-
зяйственных животных. Омск, 1964
2. Гиммельрейх Г.А. «Анатомия домашних
животных» практикум «Выща школа» г. Киев.
1980, с.140
3. Газизова А.И. Мурзабекова Л.М. Ахметжа-
нова Н.Б. «Атлас домашних животных», Том 1.
Астана. - 2016. с.249
4. Акаевский А.И. Юдичев Ю.В. Селезнев С.Б.
«Анатомия домашних животных», М. Аквариум -
Принт, 2009
5. Пикалюк В.С. Методические пособие по из-
готовлению анатомических препаратов /В.С. Пика-
люк, Г.А. Мороз. С.А. Кутя. - Симферополь: КГМУ,
6. Техника изготовления анатомических пре-
паратов: руководства / Ә.И. Борзяк, А.К. Усович,
И.Э. Борзяк, С.Ю. Тузов и др./ Под редакцией А.К.
Усовича, Э.И. Борзяка-Витебск: ВГМУ, 2010-318с
Ковтун-Водяницька С.,
Кандидат біологічних наук
Національний ботанічний сад імені М.М. Гришка НАН України
Рахметов Д.,
Доктор с.-г. наук, Професор
Національний ботанічний сад імені М.М. Гришка НАН України
Левчук І.,
Доктор технічних наук,
Науково-дослідний центр випробувань продукції,
Голубець О.,
Кандидат с.-г.наук,
Науково-дослідний центр випробувань продукції,
Kovtun-Vodyanytska S.,
PhD of Botany,
M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine
Rakhmetov D.,
Prof (D) of Agricultural Sciences,
M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine
Levchuk I.,
D of Engineering
Scientific and Research Center for Products Testing, State Enterprise «UkrMetrTestStandart»
Golubets O.
PhD of Agricultural Sciences
Scientific and Research Center for Products Testing, State Enterprise «UkrMetrTestStandart»
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10981091
Величезна кількість досліджень присвячена роду Mentha L. (Lamiaceae). Однак Mentha longifolia var.
asiatica (Boriss.) Rech.f. з Середньої Азії залишається досить слабо вивченим як джерело ефірної олії. В
Україні M. longifolia var. asiatica вперше була інтродукована у Національному ботанічному саду імені
М.М. Гришка НАН України. У колекції нетрадиційних ефірних рослин сорт представлений двома геноти-
пами різного географічного походження. Нашою метою було встановити здатність рослин синтезувати
ефірну олію в нових умовах зростання, визначити її якісний та кількісний склад. Методом гідродистиляції
встановлено, що зразки M. longifolia var. asiatica містять: 2,36±0,63% ефірної олії у зразку з Азербайджану
та 1,49±0,29% з Молдови. За допомогою ГХ-МС були ідентифіковані складові сполуки та визначено їх
співвідношення. Домінуюче положення займають карвон оксид (45,98-60,39%), піперитон оксид (10,79-
25,33%), а також метил евгенол (9,36%), піперитенон (4,06%), β-фарнезен (Z) (3,63%). Огляд літератури
щодо фармакологічних та економічно цінних властивостей цих сполук дозволяє вважати ефірні олії зразків
M. longifolia var. asiatica досить перспективними об’єктами для медичної практики, косметології та харчо-
вої промисловості України
A huge amount of research is devoted to the genus Mentha L. (Lamiaceae). However, Mentha longifolia var.
asiatica (Boriss.) Rech.f. from Central Asia remains rather poorly studied as a source of essential oil. In Ukraine,
M. longifolia var. asiatica was first introduced in the M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of
Ukraine. In the collection of Non-Traditional Essential Plants, the variety is represented by two genotypes of dif-
ferent geographical origins. Our goal was to establish the ability of plants to synthesize essential oil in new growth
conditions, to determine its qualitative and quantitative composition. Using the hydrodistillation method, it was
established that samples of M. longifolia var. asiatica contain: 2.36±0.63% essential oil in the sample from Azer-
baijan and 1.49±0.29% from Moldova. By using to GC-MS, the constituent compounds were identified and their
ratios were determined. The dominant position is occupied by carvonoxide (45.98-60.39%), piperitonoxide (10.79-
25.33%), as well as methyl eugenol (9.36%), piperithenon (4.06%), β-farnesene (Z) (3.63%). A review of the
literature on the pharmacological and economically valuable properties of these compounds allows us to consider
the essential oils of samples of M. longifolia var. asiatica as fairly promising objects for medical practice, cos-
metology and the food industry of Ukraine.
Ключові слова: Mentha longifolia var. asiatica, ефірні олії, ГХ-МС аналіз, практичне значення.
Keywords: Mentha longifolia var. asiatica, essential oils, GC-MS analysis, practical significance.
The genus Mentha L. (Lamiaceae) is widely
known and studied, primarily for such species as Men-
tha × piperita L., M. pulegium L., M. spicata L. [1-11].
However, studies of M. longifolia var. asiatica
(Boriss.) Rech.f. today are quite sporadic and fragmen-
tary [12-13].
M. longifolia var. asiatica is a perennial herb 70-
150 cm tall, has a creeping rhizome, thanks to which it
is vegetatively mobile. The entire aerial part has
pubescence to one degree or another. The leaves are
grayish, softly pubescent, elongated elliptic or egg-
lanceolate, slightly bent downwards. Inflorescences are
dense, spike-cylindrical, pointed subtle towars the
apex; corolla of lilac color. The seeds are tiny. The
natural area of plants of this variety covers Central Asia
(Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan
and Uzbekistan) and Western Asia (Afghanistan, Iran
and Iraq) and China (South-Central China, Tibet and
Xinjiang). Plants grow in full sun or partial shade,
prefer moist soils [14].
At one time M. longifolia var. asiatica was
considered as a separate species – M. vegans or as M.
asiatica. The variety was first described as M. asiatica
in 1954 by A. Borysova, but in the same year Karl
Heinz Rechinger revised the taxonomy for these plants
and shortened the species name to a variety. The
species has several synonyms: M. arvensiaquatica f.
asperata Timb.-Lagr., M. asiatica Boriss., M. asperata
(Timb.-Lagr.) Pérard, M. kopetdaghensis Boriss., M.
vagans Boriss. Their use still occurs in modern
scientific works [15-16].
The aerial part of M. longifolia var. asiatica has a
pleasant taste and aroma due to the content of essential
oil. According to literary sources, the main components
of the essential oil are piperitone, isomentone, cis-
piperitone, as well as carvone and pulegone – in plants
of Iranian origin [17], plants from Uzbekistan in the
experiment contained trans-piperitone oxide,
piperitone oxide, thymol, spatulenol [18-19], from
China – was the main compound piperitone oxide, and
were also dominant sabinene, limonene, piperitone
oxide, piperitone, thymol, etc. [20-21], from Tajikistan
– limonene, eucalyptol, menthone, pulegone, carvone
and other compounds [22].
In the aerial part of M. longifolia var. asiatica
revealed a protein – (E)-β-farnesene synthase 1 and
amino acids. Protein identifier (protein Id) –
AEA49038.1 [23-24]. β-farnesene has one natural
isomer – isomer E. Its aroma is citrus-green. This
protein occurs in the essential oil of some plant species
and is catalyzed by EβF synthase. Also, (E)-β-farne-
sene (EβF) as a pheromone-protein plays the role of a
natural repellent. The experimental work carried out by
scientists from China suggests that the EβF synthase
gene of M. longifolia var. asiatica can be a potential
object in genetic engineering of important agricultural
crops [25-26].
In Ukraine, as we know today, M. longifolia var.
asiatica was introdused only in one scientific
institution – M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden
of the NAS of Ukraine (NBG). The plants have high
rates of resistance and viability in the proposed growing
conditions. Therefore, the issue of a comprehensive
study of plants of this variety, in particular its essential
oil potential in the conditions of Ukraine is of high
scientific and practical relevance due to insufficient
study both in the world and in our country.
Materials and Methods
Origin of plant material. Plants used in the
experiments were M. longifolia var. asiatica from the
collection of Non-Traditional Essential Plants of the
Department of Cultural Flora of NBG. The variety is
represented in the collection by samples of genotypes
of different geographical origins. They were obtained
in 2012 planting material (plant cuttings) from
Azerbaijan (Lerik, natural population) and Moldova
(Chisinau, introduced population).
Preparation of plant raw materials. Harvesting
of raw materials – aerial parts of plants was carried out
in the phase of the beginning of their flowering. The
fresh aerial part of the plants was chopped into 1–1.5
cm fragments and left to wither for 24 hours in room
conditions. The raw materials were then dried to an air-
dry state using an Eridri ULTRA FD1000 dryer.
Isolation of the essential oils. The EOs were ob-
tained by hydro distillation using an apparatus with a
Clevenger nozzle. The samples were weighed on a
VLKT-500 g-M scale. The weight of one sample was
40 g. The volume of water in the flask was 500 mL. The
experiments were performed in triplicate. The exposure
time – 90 min (from the moment the water boils). Data
is presented as average + standard deviation.
Gas chromatography – Mass spectrometry
analysis (GC-MS). The chromatographic profile was
established on an Agilent Technologies 7890 gas chro-
matograph using a vf-5ms (5%-phenyl)-
methylpolysiloxane) capillary column (0.25 mm×25.0
m). Experiment conditions: gas velocity-carrier – 1.0
mL/min, flow split ratio – 1:20, evaporator temperature
– 250 ºС, detector temperature (DEP) – 280 ºС, column
temperature regime – gradual heating from 60 ºС to 185
The component composition of the EOs was de-
termined on a gas chromatograph with a mass spectro-
metric detector HP 6890. Mass spectrometric detector
1.6–800 a.o.m., EI ionization, Scan Mode & SIM
Mode, «Hewlett Packard», USA. Chromatographic col-
umn – capillary HP–5ms (0.25 mm×30.0 m). Carrier
gas – helium. Carrier gas velocity 1.2 mL/min. Sample
injection heater temperature – 180 ºС. Oven tempera-
ture programmable from 62 to 165 ºС at a rate of 5
deg/min. Sample injection (1 μL) without flow split.
Identification of the EO components was per-
formed using the NIST Mass Spectral Database mass
spectrum library in conjunction with programs for iden-
tification by time AMDIS.
Results and Discussions
M. longifolia var. asiatica was introduced for the
first time in Ukraine. It has been experimentally
confirmed that under the proposed growing conditions,
plants have high rates of essential oil synthesis.
Quantitative content of essential oil in the aerial parts
of plants in two genotypically different samples of M.
longifolia var. asiatica was: the sample from
Azerbaijan (A) contained 2.36±0.63% oil, and from
Moldova (M) – 1.49±0.29% in terms of absolutely dry
weight. Both oil samples are slightly yellowish in color,
but differ in aroma. Sample (A) is characterized by a
pleasant, complex aroma, while sample (M) is
somewhat herbal-sharp with an unpleasant undertone.
The quantitative and qualitative composition of
essential oils, as well as the share of each component,
was established. In the essential oil of M. longifolia var.
asiatica, sample A was identified by GC–MS of 39
volatile aromatic compounds. The main odorants are
carvone oxide (45.98%) and piperitone oxide
(25.33%). piperitenon (4.06%), nepetalactone (3.62%),
linalool (3.22%) also occupy important positions in
terms of quantitative content (tab. 1; fig. 1).
Table 1.
Chemical constituents of essential oil Mentha longifolia var. asiatica (Azerbaijani origin)
No Compounds RetTime, min Content index, %
1. 3-Octanol 14.547 0.651
2. 1.8-Cineol 17.193 1.349
3. β-Ocimene (E) 18.209 0.137
4. cis -Linalool oxide (furanoid) 19.984 0.212
5. trans-Linalool oxide (furanoid) 21.060 0.135
6. Terpinolene 21.294 0.193
7. Linalool 21.955 3.224
8. Lavandulol 25.723 0.097
9. Terpinen-4-ol 26.228 0.227
10. α-Terpineol 26.738 0.114
11. Menthol 26.900 0.593
12. Hexyl butyrate 27.104 0.126
13. Piperiton 28.603 0.103
14. Geraniol 28.838 0.583
15. Carvone oxide 29.292 45.981
16. Chrysanthenyl acetate 29.546 0.192
17. Geranial 29.764 0.262
18. Bornyl acetate 29.926 0.115
19. Lavandulyl acetate 30.247 0.305
20. Geranyl formate 30.521 0.334
21. Menthyl acetate 30.677 2.366
22. Piperitenon 30.914 4.063
23. α-Terpinyl acetate 31.167 0.100
24. α-Cubebene 32.007 0.523
25. Eugenol 32.532 0.215
26. Piperitone oxide 32.761 25.332
27. Nepetalactone 32.943 3.620
28. α-Ylangene 33.106 0.739
29. β-Bourbonene 33.646 1.601
30. β-Cububene 33.752 1.295
31. β-Elemene 33.965 0.184
32. Methyl eugenol 34.345 0.466
33. Caryophyllene (Z) 34.623 0.050
34. α-Bergamotene 35.046 2.019
35. Caryophyllene (E) 35.390 0.066
36. β-Farnesene(Z) 36.008 0.235
37. β-Farnesene(E) 36.414 0.414
38. Germacrene D 37.253 1.7149
39. Caryophyllene oxide 38.639 0.064
Total identified 100.00
Figure 1. GS-MS Chromatogram of essential oil Mentha longifolia var. asiatica (Azerbaijani origin)
In the sample (M) M. longifolia var. asiatica, 37 compounds were discovered and identified, of which the
main positions in terms of quantitative content belong to carvone oxide (60.39%) and piperitone oxide (10.79).
methyl eugenol (9.36%), β-farnesene(Z) (3.63%), linalyl acetate (2.71%) also influence the formation of aroma
(tab.2; fig. 2).
Table 2.
Chemical constituents of essential oil Mentha longifolia var. asiatica (Moldovan origin)
No Compounds RetTime, min Content index, %
1. 3-Octanone 12.540 0.438
2. Myrcene 13.545 0.414
3. 3-Octanol 14.421 0.534
4. Limonene 16.792 0.592
5. β-Phellandrene 17.104 0.866
6. cis -Linalool oxide (furanoid) 19.931 0.119
7. Linalool 21.893 0.859
8. Nonanal 22.254 0.125
9. Terpinen-4-ol 26.212 0.562
10. α-Terpineol 26.883 0.560
11. Hexyl butyrate 27.293 0.127
12. Neral 28.236 0.172
13. Piperiton 28.592 0.208
14. Geraniol 28.828 0.839
15. Linalyl acetate 29.082 2.715
16. Carvone oxide 29.302 60.388
17. Chrysanthenyl acetate 29.542 0.131
18. Geranial 29.767 0.106
19. Lavandulyl acetate 30.292 0.356
20. Geranyl formate 30.496 0.630
21. Menthyl acetate 30.662 0.450
22. Piperitenon 30.900 0.467
23. α-Terpinyl acetate 31.267 0.089
24. α-Cubebene 32.037 0.184
25. Piperitone oxide 32.728 10.788
26. Nepetalactone 32.894 0.205
27. α-Ylangene 33.077 0.089
28. β-Bourbonene 33.607 0.234
29. β-Cububene 33.739 0.177
30. β-Elemene 33.855 0.118
31. Methyl eugenol 34.358 9.355
32. α-Bergamotene 35.087 0.828
33. Caryophyllene (E) 35.336 0.444
34. β-Farnesene(Z) 36.015 3.630
35. β-Farnesene(E) 36.399 0.922
36. Germacrene D 37.227 0.086
37. Caryophyllene oxide 38.637 0.627
Total identified 100.00
Figure 2. GS-MS Chromatogram of essential oil Mentha longifolia var. asiatica (Moldovan origin)
Thus, in the analyzed samples of the essential oil
of M.longifolia var. asiatica the dominant compounds are
carvone oxide and piperitone oxide (oxepanes class),
methyl eugenol (alkylbenzenes), piperitenon
(monoterpens), nepetalactone (iridoids), linalool
(acyclic monoterpene), β-farnesene(Z) (aliphatic
sesquiterpene) and linalyl acetate (terpenoid (linalool
acetate ester)). Comparative analysis showed that the
sample (A) is characterized by a higher content of lin-
alool and nepetalactone, and the presence of menthol in
the composition of the essential oil, which is absent in
the sample (M).
The identified major components form the aroma
of the essential oil of M.longifolia var. asiatica, but also
determine its pharmacological properties and effect on
the human body. In this regard, we conducted a
screening of literary sources, which published the latest
data on the properties of this or that compound from the
point of view of its potential benefit for humans or, on
the contrary, prudent use. However, we note that the
overall effect of an essential oil as a complex of
compounds cannot be determined only by dominants,
because the minimum content of individual compounds
can have a significant contribution to both the aroma
and the activity of the oil.
So, for today it is considered, that piperitone oxide
exhibits numerous pharmacological properties,
including cardiovascular, antimicrobial, insecticidal
and antifungal effects [27], Carvone oxide has
antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, anti-
neuraminidase, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and
antitumor activity [28-29].
Methyl eugenol is an antitussive agent that
removes phlegm, soothes, and has an analgesic effect
[30]. It is also used as a flavoring agent in food
products, in the preparation of mixed spices (giving a
ginger-like aroma), as well as in baked goods and
tobacco, as it has a hot aroma of fresh and sweet cloves
and fennel. However, since 2021, European Union
countries have introduced labeling of products if their
methyl eugenol content exceeds 0.01% [31].
Nepetalactone affects the human body gently as a
sedative, antipyretic, antispasmodic and antibacterial
agent. However, in large doses it can cause vomiting,
which implies prudence in dosage during use [32].
Known effect of nepetalactone on animals and insects:
on felines, causing a state of euphoria and pleasure or
relaxation and sedation, depending on the age of the an-
imal [33]. It is a potential natural repellent as opposed
to a synthetic one: repels cockroaches and mosquitoes,
in particular Aedes aegypti, is poisonous to flies, but is
a sex pheromone for aphids [34].
Linalool is characterized by low toxicity, exhibits
anticancer, antimicrobial, neuroprotective, anxiolytic,
antidepressant, antistress, hepatoprotective, renal and
pulmonary activity. It also shows health-promoting po-
tential in the prevention of physiological threats such as
coronary atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, carcino-
genesis and aging processes. The therapeutic potential
of linalool and the prospects of its encapsulation are
currently being studied and actively discussed [35-36].
Current studies of linalool consider it as a bioactive
compound in the treatment of depressive states. The ad-
vantage of linalool compared to conventional antide-
pressants is that its wide range of mechanisms of action
with different pathophysiological factors will allow a
dose reduction in the treatment of depressive disorders
[37]. Regarding the aroma, linalool, depending on the
plant from which it is obtained, can have a different
aroma, mainly floral freshness, reminiscent of lily of
the valley, sage, basil, coriander, lavender or bergamot,
which is why it is widely used in the cosmetic and per-
fume industries. About 80% of fragrances in modern
perfumery and cosmetics contain this substance. At the
request of the International Fragrance Association
(IFRA), the content of linalool in perfumes and cosmet-
ics that does not wash off the skin should be no more
than 0.001%, and in cosmetics that are washed off the
skin – up to 0.01%. Theoretically, long-term contact
with linalool can lead to allergies, eczema, psoriasis, ir-
ritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, depres-
sion, impaired muscle coordination, disorders in the
work of the nervous system, cancer of the breast and
organs of the reproductive system [38-39]. Linalool's
aroma is also why it is widely used in the manufacture
of food products (candy, cookies, ice cream, cakes), as
well as in personal care products, for cleaning, home
care, detergents and as a fumigant for grain storage and
as a pest repellent [40-42].
β-Farnesene has wide applications in industrial
and agricultural production of pesticides, lubricants,
surfactants, cosmetics, and biofuels [43]. Recently, β-
farnesene has been used for the synthesis of vitamin E
Linalyl acetate is moderately toxic to humans. It
has a floral sweet-lemon aroma, sometimes described
as a combination of bergamot and lavender comple-
mented by a green spicy note with a clean woody tart
nuance, and sometimes as aroma mint and slightly
cumin. It has an inhibitory effect on microorganisms,
including bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa [45-46].
It has an anti-inflammatory effect on the human body,
is an effective antioxidant, does not have genotoxic,
phototoxic, or photoallergenic properties. Can be used
as a food additive to improve the taste and aroma of
food [46-47].
Menthol is a widely known organic compound that
is used by humans in a huge number of over-the-coun-
ter medicines. But despite this, there is still an incom-
plete understanding of its clinical pharmacology today.
Known for its analgesic properties: reduces sensory hy-
persensitivity in pain types such as visceral pain, in-
flammatory pain, and neuropathic pain [48]. In derma-
tology – as a cooling, antiseptic, antipruritic agent [49].
It easily dissolves in human blood and actively reacts
as an antioxidant [50].
Therefore, the practical use of essential oils of the
investigated chemotypes of M. longifolia var. asiatica,
given their chemical composition, is possible in medi-
cal practice, pharmacy, cosmetic and food industries.
Hense, according to the results we obtained in la-
boratory conditions, it is established high potential the
synthesis of essential oil of M. longifolia var. asiatica
during the introduction of plants into the NBG. This va-
riety of M. longifolia was introduced for the first time
in Ukraine. Two genotypically different plant samples
of origin were tested – from natural conditions of Azer-
baijan (A) and from Moldova (M); the rate of essential
oil yield was 2.36±0.63% and 1.49±0.29%, respec-
tively. It was determined that the dominant compounds
are carvone oxide, piperitone oxide, methyl eugenol,
piperitenon, nepetalactone, linalool, β-farnesene(Z)
and linalyl acetate, which directly or indirectly form the
aroma and determine certain pharmacological proper-
ties. This experimental material proves the perspective
of further comprehensive introduction, selection and
pharmacological studies of M. longifolia var. asiatica
precisely as an essential oil plant.
Compliance with ethical standards
The authors declare that the research was con-
ducted in the absence of any commercial relationships
that could be construed as a potential conflict of inter-
The research, analysis of the results and presenta-
tion of them in the form of a manuscript constitute orig-
inal work. The article is being submitted for considera-
tion for the first time.
Authors' contributions
Each author of the work contributed his share in
the implementation of the research, which overall con-
tributed to the successful experiment and writing of the
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Pashayan R.,
Ph.D. geol.-min. Sciences, Ved.
scientific co-author of IGIS NAS RA
Harutyunyan L.,
Ph.D. geol. sciences, head lab
Tovmasyan K.,
Art. engineer IGIS NAS RA
Avetyan R.
Engineer IGES NAS RA
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10981195
This research presents the findings of hydrogeodynamic monitoring aimed at understanding the processes of
the earth's crust preceding seismic events and geodynamic movements of earth’s crust in Armenia. Hydrogeody-
namic monitoring of crustal processes includes the study of seismic regime and water level data in hydrogeody-
namic boreholes. Hydrogeodynamic precursors and precursor effects of the earthquakes that occurred were deter-
mined by changes in water dynamics in wells using the HGP (hydrogeodynamic precursors) method. The magni-
tude of the estimated deformation that occurred around each borehole before the earthquakes was calculated. Based
on the parameters of earthquakes and the dynamics of groundwater, a map of the hydrogeodeformation field of
the earth's crust in the territory of Armenia was developed. The developed map reflects the deformation of the
earth's crust in stressed areas of the region. Thus, geodynamic activity of tectonic blocks of the earth’s crust has
been stated in the north and south-west of the territory, reflecting strong deformation according to the numerical
values of the estimated deformation of the earth’s crust.
Monitoring observations of water levels in hydrogeodynamic boreholes located in the listed tectonic blocks
also indicate deformation of the water-bearing rocks in the boreholes. Compressive deformation of the rock is
reflected in the dynamics of the water level in the form of a rise, and tensile deformation of the rock results in level
The results obtained are consistent with the fact that the stress-strain state of the study area, leading to tectonic
movements of the earth's crust, is associated with the groundwater regime.
Keywords: monitoring, hydrogeodynamic, seismology, profiles, boreholes, deformation, earthquake.
The development of this direction in contempo-
rary science is linked to the need to study the nature of
earthquakes from the point of view of geodynamic pro-
cesses occurring in the earth's crust. The development
of new methods for studying these processes facilitates
the study of the stress-strain state of the region’s crust
in time and space. One of these methods - the method
of hydrogeodynamic monitoring has been used in the
article. Hydrogeodynamic monitoring of the earth's
crust was carried out aiming to study modern tectonic
movements and tracking the geodynamic processes of
the earth's crust in the territory of Armenia. The method
helps to identify medium-term precursors based on
anomalous phenomena that precede earthquakes, the
deformation of the earth's crust changes, the groundwa-
ter level decrease or increase.
The results of monitoring observations were com-
pared with the seismic regime of the region. Seismicity
is one of the sensitive indicators of the intensity of mod-
ern tectonic movements, therefore data characterizing
the seismicity of the studied area are used to study the
contemporary movements of the earth's crust.
The territory of Armenia is characterized by a
zonal structure determined by four deep faults delimit-
ing it: Lalvar-Mrav, Bazum-Sevan, Hankavan-Syunik
and Yerevan fault zones Geology of the USSR [2]. The
fault tectonics of the territory of Armenia is character-
ized by many deep faults of pan-Caucasian and anti-
Caucasian territories. The territory of Armenia hydro-
geologically is a highly elevated drainage area and be-
longs to a zone of intense water exchange with the di-
rection of surface water flow from the folded structure
towards the Kur and Middle Araks depressions [5].
Monitoring Network
Observations for the monitoring purposes were
carried out based on changes in water levels in hydro-
geodynamic boreholes. For the placement of boreholes,
areas and aquifers with a low level of uncontrolled in-
terference were selected on the territory of Armenia in
order to determine the characteristics of the regime of
these horizons and their reaction to the preparation of
earthquakes. The network of observation boreholes in-
cluded points located both in zones of tectonic disturb-
ances and in undisturbed areas located in seismically
active areas of the Armenian region [6]. There are fif-
teen hydrogeodynamic boreholes on the territory of Ar-
menia, which are distributed over three large blocks of
the earth’s crust, the geodynamics of which determine
the seismicity of the territory. A group of informative
boreholes were selected from the active boreholes ac-
cording to the estimated informativeness coefficients
(K≥0.5) (Fig. 1). The information content coefficient
for each observation borehole of the network was de-
termined according to the formula: K = H/ Σ P where H
is the observed number of precursors, Σ P is the calcu-
lated number of precursors [10]. The assessment of the
information content of the boreholes was determined
by recording tidal variations, by changing the water
level and the sensitivity of the borehole locations (prox-
imity to a deep fault) [8].
Fig.1 Map of active faults on the territory of Armenia with a network of observation points.
1-hydrogeodynamic boreholes - numerator - borehole number, denominator information coefficient,
2- active faults (authors: Karakhanyan A.S.,).
The method of hydrogeodynamic (HGD) precur-
sors was applied for processing the results [8]. The
study in the region using this method was carried out to
study the regime of groundwater, aimed at identifying
hydrogeodynamic effects that can serve as indicators of
geodynamic processes and precursors of earthquakes.
During the research, data on the hydrogeodynamic ef-
fects of earthquakes in the region were studied and de-
pendencies between indicators of precursor of effects
and parameters of seismic events were determined [11].
Short-term hydrogeological effects associated with
modern movements of the earth's crust on the territory
of Armenia [15] were identified. The features of hydro-
geodynamic precursor effects were studied and the in-
formation content of the observation network of Arme-
nia was assessed [12]. The nature of hydrogeodynamic
effects was revealed, preceding earthquakes in the form
of changes in groundwater levels, duration and ampli-
The results of hydrogeodynamic observations for
monitoring were compared with the seismic regime of
the region, and a catalog of earthquakes that occurred
on the territory of Armenia during study period was ex-
amined. The spatial distribution of seismic events is
shown on the seismicity map of Armenia (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2 Map of the epicenters of earthquakes that occurred on the territory of Armenia (2018).
- deep faults: I - Yerevan, II - Garni, III - Ararat-Sevan, IV- Bazum -Sevan, V- Pambak-Sevan-Syunik,
VI-Axuryan, ▲–hydrogeodynamic boreholes, o – cities; earthquake: ● - М=2-3, - M ≥ 3
The map reflects the distribution of earthquake ep-
icenters (M≥2) in the region, the highest concentration
of seismic events is observed in Central Armenia,
mainly along the Garni fault, in the north (Javakheti
highland), along the Pambak-Sevan deep fault and
partly in the southwestern region [7]. The hypocenters
of the occurred earthquakes are distributed at depths of
up to 5-15 km, which corresponds to crustal earth-
quakes in Armenia. The sources of earthquakes in the
territory of Armenia have small (not exceeding 30-35
km) depths. This means that the sources of earthquakes
are located in the earth’s crust, which is why earth-
quakes are called crustal. The sources of relatively in-
tense earthquakes are located at depths of up to 10-15
km. The developed graph of the number of earthquakes
monthly for 2018 is shown in Fig. 3. High seismicity is
observed in July and October of this year.
Fig.3. Distribution of occurred earthquake quantity.
N- number of earthquakes that occurred.
Based on the parameters of hydrogeodynamic ob-
servations, a map of the hydrogeodeformation field of
the earth's crust on the territory of Armenia was devel-
oped [13]. The magnitude of the calculated deformation
was determined at each observation point, according to
the formula: E=(R/100,413М-2,66
, where M is the mag-
nitude of the earthquake, the epicentral distance – R is
the distance between the observation point and the epi-
center of the earthquake [1]. The studies have shown
that in the process of preparing earthquakes, effects -
precursors could be recorded if the calculated defor-
mation has a value of at least 10-8
, i.e. exceeds the mag-
nitude of the earth's tidal deformation. However, as
studies of precursors have shown, in some cases, with
high sensitivity of the borehole-reservoir system, the
preparation of earthquakes can be accompanied by ef-
fects with a larger magnitude deformation-10-9
Fig.4. Map of stress strain state of earth’s crust of Central Armenia
▲ – hydrogeodynmaic borholes, – deep faults:
I - Yerevan, II - Garni, III - Ararat-Sevan, IV- Bazum -Sevan, V- Pambak-Sevan-Syunik,
VI-Akhuryan, – deformation isoline, o –cities,
Thus, a map of the hydrogeodeformation field of
the earth's crust has been developed (Fig. 4), reflecting
the geodynamic movements of the earth's crust in the
form of local structures of deformation (compression,
extension) [14]. In the northern part of the region
(Gyumri and Spitak tectonic blocks) compression de-
formation is observed, the maximum values of the cal-
culated deformation are numerically equal: =10-7
, (Table 1) in the southeastern part of the Yerevan
tectonic block (Garni fault) deformation of compres-
sion is also traced - =10-7
, =10-8
, tensile defor-
mation is observed in the NE (Metsamor block), in the
west (Sevan block) and in the south of the territory of
Armenia [3].
Table 1
Coordinates and parametres of the occurred Earthquakes
coordinates Magnitude
Δ, км
ϕ λ
14,01,2018 41,02 43,95 2,2 5 8,7 10 8,55Е-10
14,01,2018 41,09 43,78 2,7 10 12,41 10 1,21E-08
21,01,2018 41,02 43,88 2,2 10 5,7 10 3,07Е-08
24,01,2018 40,87 43,87 2 10 13,5 11 1,28Е-09
24,01,2018 40,87 43,87 2,1 7 13,5 11 1,70E-09
25,02,2018 39,80 45,16 3,2 10 16,2 22 2,29E-08
25,02,2018 40,87 43,61 2,9 10 15,7 11 1,06E-08
26,03,2018 41,07 43,88 2 10 1,1 10 2,30E-06
11,04,2018 40,58 45,00 2,1 16 8,5 8 6,93E-09
06,06,2018 40,90 44,27 4,4 8 11,4 12 1,98E-06
06,06,2018 40,92 44,28 3,1 8 13,5 12 2,92E-08
06,06,2018 40,92 44,28 3,0 8 13,5 12 2,19E-08
06,06,2018 41,07 44,00 3,5 10 12,2 10 1,25E-07
06,07,2018 40,87 44,23 2,6 10 6,0 12 8,16E-08
Hydrogeodynamic data
As a result of statistical processing of the results
of monitoring hydrogeodynamic observations hydroge-
odynamic effects caused by the influence of the stress-
strain state of the environment was identified [4]. The
work provides a graph of changes in water level in
boreholes NN: 10, 10, 22 (Fig. 4 a, b, c).
Fig.5a, b,c Variations in water level in hydrogeodynamic boreholes: NN 12,10,22.
In the last diagram, the vertical lines show earth-
quake moments in magnitudes. The arrow indicates
Borehole N10 was drilled in the north of the re-
gion, where seismotectonic processes are active (Fig.
2). During the research, 10 earthquakes with 2<M≤3.5
occurred around the borehole. Before the earthquake of
06.06.2018, M=3.5 (Table 1), a variation in the de-
crease in water level in the borehole is observed (Fig.
5a), which probably indicates that near the borehole,
tensile deformations prevailed, which led to a growth
in pore-fracture capacity and increase in reservoir per-
Borehole N12 was drilled in the zone of the active
Spitak fault and within the Spitak tectonic block; the
seismotectonic activity of the borehole location is de-
termined by two factors: the geodynamics of the deep
fault (movements along the fault) and the earthquakes
that have occurred. The earthquake of 06.06.2018,
M=4.4 (Table 1) occurred at an epicentral distance of
16 km from the borehole and caused a stepwise change
in the water level (Fig. 5b) corresponding to compres-
sion deformation (Fig. 4).
Borehole N22 is located within a clearly defined
tectonic block in Vayk. Variations in the water level in
the borehole (Fig. 5c) before the earthquake of
02/25/1018, M = 3.2 (Table 1), characterize an increase
in the level caused by a reduction in the pore crack
space of the medium, occurring under the influence of
compressive stresses; compression deformation was
formed near the borehole (Fig. .4) [9].
Thus, based on hydrogeodynamic data, differ-
ences in the nature of deformation processes have been
identified in different areas of the earth’s crust in the
territory of Armenia.
Thus, according to hydrogeodynamic data, differ-
ences in the nature of deformation processes have been
identified in different areas of the earth’s crust in the
territory of Armenia.
The novelty of this work lies in the assessment of
the information content of each hydrogeodynamic well
and the selection of a group of informative wells for re-
cording tidal variations, changes in water level and
strain sensitivity of well locations.
Analysis and processing of the results of monitor-
ing hydrogeodynamic observations allows us to study
variations in the deformation (movement) of the earth's
crust in the territory of Armenia in time and space.
Widespread use and interpretation of the results
obtained in the future is important for assessing the
stress-strain state of the earth's crust in Armenia.
The use of the hydrogeodynamic monitoring
method makes it possible to assess the seismic regime
of the territory of Armenia for the period under study:
the number of earthquakes that occurred, the prevailing
depth of the source and the magnitude of the earth-
The distribution of earthquake sources in time and
space according to the seismicity map of the region in-
dicates the concentration of seismic events in tectonic
blocks and deep seismically active faults.
The stress-strain state of the region's crust affects
the deformation of the water-bearing rocks in the well.
Compressive deformation of the rock is reflected in the
dynamics of the water level in the form of a rise, and
tensile deformation of the rock results in a decrease in
the level.
Based on the map of the stress-strain state of the
earth’s crust in the territory of Armenia, built according
to seismicity and hydrogeodynamics indicators, it fol-
lows that the more stressed parts of the region’s earth’s
crust for 2018 are the northern (Gyumri and Spitak tec-
tonic blocks) and SW (Vayk block) parts of Armenia.
Spatiotemporal analysis showed patterns of devel-
opment of hydrogeodeformation processes, both the
distribution of geodynamic stresses and the nature of
their influence on the groundwater level.
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3. Hakhverdyan L.A., Pashayan R.A.,
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tions in the stress-strain state of the earth’s crust and
seismic activity on the territory of Armenia. Reports of
the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of
Armenia. T. 118. N3, p.260-267.
4. Harutyunyan L.V., Pashayan. R.A. 2019.
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in the territory of Armenia. Reports of NAS RA. T. 119.
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6. Karapetyan N.K. 1990. Seismogeodynamics
and mechanism of earthquake occurrence in the Arme-
nian Highlands. Yerevan: Publishing House of the
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7. Karakhanyan A.S.1993. Active fauls of Arme-
nian upland // Procceding of Scientifie Meeting on the
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8. Kissin I.G., Fluids in the earth’s crust. Geo-
physical and tectonic aspects. Moscow., Science,
2015., p.155-172.,207-219.
9. Nazaretyan S.I., Durganyan R.R., Shakhben-
yan T.A. 2015.and others. Regional faults of the terri-
tory of Armenia according to geophysical data and their
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dynamic effects as precursors of earthquakes in Arme-
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Kaziyeva A.,
candidate of economic sciences, senior lecturer
Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai,
Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty
Ismailova A.
Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Chemistry and Biology,
Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10981225
At this stage, the consequences of the global geopolitical crisis continue to negatively affect the global econ-
omy, which is characterized by a high degree of instability and inconsistency in the economic policies of the largest
countries and integration structures. The current situation threatens problems in the global economy and makes its
future extremely uncertain. One of the main reasons for such uncertainty is the instability of the global monetary
system (MFS) caused by the uncontrolled expansion of financial markets and financial instruments, the liberaliza-
tion of international capital flows, the growing influence of transnational financial institutions on developing econ-
omies and the dollarization of the global economy. As a result, the structural principles of the Jamaican monetary
system, developed in the 1960s in the interests of the United States and other developed countries, no longer
correspond to the realities of the global economy. In this regard, the issue of reforming the Ministry of Internal
Affairs and regulating international monetary relations is becoming important. Modern scientific research exam-
ines various approaches to the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. These include reducing the role of the
dollar as the dominant international currency, the formation of a polycentric world order and the creation of a
monetary union to diversify international currency liquidity. This is due to the fact that the monetary policy of
each country is not independent, but is an integral part of the monetary system and economic policy as a whole.
Therefore, currency integration requires a well-established common economic policy of all participating countries,
including Kazakhstan. The stability of the country's national currency is becoming an important factor in the de-
velopment of the national economy and ensuring economic growth, since its fluctuations have a certain impact not
only on financial markets, but also on other sectors of the economy. And in the current situation of instability, the
study of this issue will reveal the problems and effective direction of state policy aimed at ensuring the economic
security of the country and the possibility of stabilizing the exchange rate.
Keywords: national currency, economic security, inflation, balance of payments, discount rate, currency pol-
Currency stability is one of the final and most im-
portant indicators of the effectiveness of foreign eco-
nomic activity and international competitiveness of the
country's economy. The Republic of Kazakhstan (RK)
has become a full-fledged subject of the world eco-
nomic system, including closer integration relations
within the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). Since
the introduction of the national currency - tenge, its
constant depreciation has been recorded. In this regard,
the study of the stability of the exchange rate of the
country, the development of the monetary system of the
country, the prospects of integration into the global and
regional economy, as well as the effectiveness of mon-
etary policy, on which depends the success of sustaina-
ble economic growth.
Studies on the study of the monetary and financial
system of the RK and the processes of currency inte-
gration within the EAEU were conducted in the works
of economists: N.A. Nazarbayev, N.T. Sailaubekov,
A.F. Khapilin, V.Y. Dodonov, R.E. Elemesov, L.N.
Krasavina, N.A. Nurseit, V.G. Kabetenova, E.K.
Smanov, A.V. Khamzaeva and others. Nazarbek U.B.,
Tulegenova M.O., Kalbaeva N.T. Bimendiev L., Ba-
zhikova G., Ibragimova, N. V. [1,2,3] in their studies
paid much attention to the factors influencing the ex-
change rate of the national currency. Dodonov V.Y.
considered the hypothesis of dependence of the rate of
the national currency of Kazakhstan on the Russian cur-
rency in connection with the countries' membership in
the EAEU [4].
Purpose of the study
The purpose of this study is to identify the prob-
lems of stability of the national currency exchange rate
and identify promising areas for improving the effec-
tiveness of monetary regulation, taking into account in-
ternational experience in the conditions of instability
and transformation of the modern international mone-
tary system, intensification of currency integration pro-
cesses in the world, as well as within the framework of
the Eurasian Economic Union.
Materials and methods of research
The conceptual basis of the study is presented in
the modern works of foreign and Kazakh economists,
devoted to the MBS and monetary and financial regu-
lation. The validity of the results is based on general
scientific methods, such as analytical and systematic
approaches, comparative analysis, structural analysis,
statistical analysis, correlation analysis, historical and
logical analysis, inductive and deductive, systematiza-
tion and graphical analysis.
The information and empirical base of the study is
represented by the works of domestic and foreign sci-
entists, statistical data and analytical reviews of inter-
national and national organizations: International Mon-
etary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, the World Gold
Council, the European Central Bank, the Bank of Eng-
land, Japan, the US Federal Reserve System, the Na-
tional Bank of Kazakhstan, the Central Banks of the
member countries of the Commonwealth of Independ-
ent States (EAEU).
The results of the study and their discussion
Currency in Italian means money (valuta). Na-
tional currency is a currency issued by the state or cen-
tral bank in the territory of this state, which is used for
settlements and payments, foreign economic relations
and international settlements with other countries.
Since the introduction of the tenge as the national cur-
rency of the Republic of Kazakhstan, there has been a
tendency to its constant depreciation. Thus, in 1993 one
dollar cost 4.7 tenge, which was the highest rate of
tenge. By 1999, the dollar had already increased from
84 to 138 tenge. For 2018 the average rate of tenge to
dollar was 344.7 tenge, for August 2019 the dollar cost
386.67 tenge, for 2023 was 476.98 tenge, that is, the
Kazakh national currency has depreciated more than 80
times. The rates of the U.S. dollar, euro and Japanese
yen fluctuate slightly. Let's consider internal and exter-
nal criteria of stability of the national currency (Fig-
ure 1).
Figure 1: Criteria of national currency stability
World oil prices are one of the main factors affect-
ing the exchange rate of the tenge. In 2018, oil ac-
counted for 62% of Kazakhstan's exports. Changes in
the crude oil exchange rate are closely linked to the
global economic cycle. For example, as a result of the
Asian financial crisis of 1997-1998 and the fall in world
oil and metal prices, the tenge began to fall rapidly from
1999. In the period from 2003 to 2007, the tenge grad-
ually strengthened as world commodity markets saw a
steady rise in prices. Against the backdrop of the global
economic crisis in 2008, when there were massive bank
failures and falling stock prices in the U.S., the dollar
exchange rate in Kazakhstan rose from KZT120 to
KZT150. In early 2014, the fall in oil prices by almost
60% contributed to a sharp devaluation of the tenge in
2015 to 185 tenge, in 2016 the dollar cost 340 tenge.
With the advent of the pandemic in 2020, the country
experienced a fourth devaluation, with the dollar rising
to 400 tenge. Economic crisis in 2022 due to the Rus-
sian-Ukrainian military conflict there was a fifth deval-
uation. Undoubtedly, the US dollar is the main currency
for settlements in the oil and gas industry, which leads
to its most frequent use for domestic transactions, and
this leads to increased dependence of the national cur-
The consequences of unfavorable changes in com-
modity markets are reflected in the country's economic
growth (Figure 2).
According to the indicators in Figure 2, a direct
correlation between the dynamics of oil prices and GDP
of the RK is confirmed. As a result of the global finan-
cial crisis in 2008 and the subsequent sharp drop in oil
prices, the real GDP growth rate of Kazakhstan in 2009
decreased to 1.2%, in 2016 to 1.1%, and in 2020 to -
2.6% [5].
Figure 2: Dynamics of oil prices and GDP in Kazakhstan 1998-2022.
According to analysts of the International Mone-
tary Fund (IMF), global geopolitical tensions (relations
between the United States and China and the situation
in Ukraine) may lead to a reduction in cross-border in-
vestment and banking operations, which in turn will
have a negative impact on the economy as a whole and
reduce its growth by 2% [6].
The Governing Council of the European Central
Bank raised the key rate to 3.5% in March 2022. The
bank attributed this increase to rising inflation. It is ex-
pected to remain high for quite a long time, while the
main goal of both the Fed and the ECB is ultimately the
intention to reduce inflation to 2%. ECB analysts pre-
dict that the inflation rate could "come down" to 2.1%
by 2025. The decision to raise interest rates was made
by the Central Bank of England - the bank's rate rose to
4.25%. The rate of the Central Bank of New Zealand
was 5.25%, the Reserve Bank of Australia - 3.6%, the
Central Bank of Pakistan - 21%. When interest rates
rise, saving becomes more profitable than consump-
tion, business and personal spending declines, credit
becomes expensive, and this slows economic growth.
As a result, a slowing economy leads to lower inflation.
According to an analysis by International Monetary
Fund (IMF) economists John Mark Natal and Philip
Barrett, rising interest rates are temporary. "Once infla-
tion is back under control, advanced economy central
banks are likely to loosen monetary policy and return
real interest rates to pre-pandemic levels," the IMF an-
alysts said. According to statistics, since the fourth
quarter of 2022, the National Bank of Kazakhstan holds
the highest prime rate in the EAEU - 16%. This means
that loans in Kazakhstan are the most expensive, and
this affects all areas of the economy [7].
One of the internal criteria is the balance of pay-
ments, which is a report reflecting all foreign economic
transactions of the country with other countries of the
world for the reporting period. Thus, according to the
data of the NB RK the balance of payments at the end
of the first quarter of 2023 was formed with a deficit of
$1.6 billion. At the end of the first quarter of 2022 there
was a surplus of $4.8 billion. The decrease in exports is
due to the decline in exports of oil and gas condensate
by 25.7% or $3.5 billion.
Inflation in the Republic of Kazakhstan in Septem-
ber 2023 for the year slowed down and amounted to
11.8% (Table 1) [5].
Table 1
Inflation in the Republic of Kazakhstan (%)
2021 2022 2023
Annual inflation 8,9 17,7 11,8
Food products 11,5 22,2 11,4
Non-food products 6,8 17,0 11,9
Paid services 7,5 12,3 11,9
The greatest contribution to inflation is made by
foodstuffs, as their share in the consumer basket is
about 40%, and it includes goods that are strongly in-
fluenced by seasonality. In addition, non-food products
also make a significant contribution to domestic price
inflation due to high dependence on imports and insta-
bility of exchange rates. The contribution of services to
inflation is the smallest, mainly reflecting price control
by state monopolies through tariffs. The reason for high
inflation in Kazakhstan compared to neighboring coun-
tries is due to:
1. Commodity dependence. First of all, it concerns
the price of oil on global markets. A significant drop in
energy prices leads to a sharp deterioration in the bal-
ance of payments, causing a weakening of the national
currency and rising inflation.
2. Inadequate fiscal policy and lack of financial
discipline. Explanation. In favorable periods of high oil
prices, the government should reduce financing of
budget expenditures by setting aside money in the Na-
tional Fund (Natsfond). On the other hand, when oil
prices fall, budget revenues fall, budget deficit deepens
and, as a consequence, the national currency weakens.
In turn, the weakening of national currencies leads to
an increase in prices for imported goods. In case of a
sharp and prolonged decline in the price of oil, the gov-
ernment must use money from the National Fund to
maintain public expenditures at the same level. Also,
the government, selling foreign currency from the Na-
tional Fund at the local currency exchange does not al-
low the national currency to depreciate, which in turn
reduces the growth of inflation in the country.
Absence of competition. Competition stimulates
the efficient use and distribution of resources in the
economy, thereby causing price reductions and lower
inflation. In addition, key commodity markets are dom-
inated by large state-owned enterprises (JSC NC
KazMunayGas, Air Astana, JSC Kazakhtelecom, JSC
Otbasy Bank, JSC NC Kazakhstan Temir Zholy) and
several private companies associated with the state.
Very often the government does not provide equal con-
ditions between public and private companies.
Insufficiently developed financial and currency
market in Kazakhstan. One of the key factors hindering
the development of the financial market in Kazakhstan
is government financing at an interest rate much lower
than the market rate. This practice reduces the effi-
ciency of money distribution in the economy, creates
unfair competition in the financial market and sharply
reduces the effectiveness of interest rate and credit
channels of inflation management by the National
Kazakhstan ranks 15th in the world in terms of
confirmed commercial gold reserves and third in the
CIS, after Russia and Uzbekistan. Gold reserves in Ka-
zakhstan fell to 314 tons in the second quarter of 2023.
The maximum reserves reached 402 tons in 2022, and
the minimum 221 tons in 2015. These reserves for the
period of crisis ensure the stability of the national econ-
omy and allow the state to solve many problems with-
out external borrowing [8].
In the field of foreign exchange policy, the Na-
tional Bank will retain the regime of free-floating ex-
change rate. To increase transparency and confidence
in the policy, the National Bank regularly publishes the
volume of allocated transfers and converted assets from
the National Fund in the foreign exchange market.
Building up the attractiveness of tenge deposits by
means of interest rates contributed to the further pro-
cess of dedollarization in the banking system and facil-
itated the increase in funding of second-tier banks in the
national currency. However, dollarization remains a
challenge as the leading intervention currency is the
dollar. As of January 1, 2023, the banking sector of the
Republic of Kazakhstan is represented by 21 second-
tier banks, including 12 banks with foreign participa-
tion, including 8 subsidiary banks. The top five large
banks are Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan, KASPI BANK,
Bank CenterCredit, Otbasy Bank and ForteBank. Ac-
cording to the Kazakhstan Agency for Regulation and
Development of Financial Market (ARDF), in March
2023 deposits in tenge of commercial banks increased
by 3.7% to 21.6 trillion KZT, in foreign currency - only
by 1.3% to 9.1 trillion KZT. As a result, the level of
dollarization decreased and by April 1 was 29.8% com-
pared to 31.6% at the beginning of 2023. According to
R. Dosov, chief analyst of the Association of Financiers
of Kazakhstan, the reason for the decrease in dollariza-
tion of deposits is due to low non-market rates on dollar
deposits at the level of 1% and high yield of tenge de-
posits at 18.3%, which in addition were charged an ad-
ditional 10% from the state under the Tenge Deposit
Protection Program [10]
Thus, the stability of the tenge has a great impact
on the economic security of Kazakhstan. Since the in-
troduction of tenge into circulation, its exchange rate
has been decreasing. This is based on internal rather
than external factors. The main problem of Kazakh-
stan's economy is the low level of diversification. As a
result, it is dependent on the oil sector, and the inflow
of foreign currency is provided mainly by the oil sector.
Significant fluctuations in world oil prices have a sig-
nificant impact on Kazakhstan's trade, balance of pay-
ments, budget and economic growth. It is necessary to
diversify export flows away from narrowly oriented ex-
ports and reduce imports of goods by increasing domes-
tic production potential. Tighten control over the
spending of budget funds and implementation of in-
vestment projects carried out under the state program.
Strengthen the fight against excessive bureaucracy and
corruption in state bodies that control and supervise im-
port-export and commercial activities [6].
1. Nazarbek U. B., Tulegenova M. O., Kalbaeva
N. T. Development and ways of solving problems in the
currency market of the Republic of Kazakhstan // Ac-
tual problems of humanities and natural sciences. -
2013. - №. 4. - С. 211-214.
2. Bimendieva L., Bazhikova G. PROBLEMS
//Vestnik KazNU. Series Economic. - 2019. - Т. 127. -
№. 1. - С. 141-151.
3. Ibragimova, N. V. Some aspects of risks of the
national currency of the Republic of Kazakhstan / N. V.
Ibragimova // Omsk Scientific Readings - 2019: pro-
ceedings of the Third All-Russian Scientific Confer-
ence, Omsk, December 02-06, 2019. - Omsk: Omsk
State University named after F.M. Dostoevsky. F.M.
Dostoevsky, 2019. - С. 201-203.
4. Dodonov V.Y. Interrelation of the EAEU coun-
tries' currency rates and the Russian ruble: evaluation
of the hypothesis about the ruble determinant of the na-
tional currency markets // Nauka. Culture. Society.
2019. № 3-4. С. 58-65.
5. Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for
Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Ka-
zakhstan / Electronic resource. Mode of access: (date of circulation
6. Rozhdestvenskaya Ya. Geopolitics hits geoeco-
nomics / Electronic resource. Mode of access:
POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE № 73, 2024 25 (date of ad-
dress 11.12.2023).
7. Kudryashova O. Why Central Banks of the
world raise interest rates and why it is profitable / Elec-
tronic resource. Access mode: (date of cir-
culation 12.12.2023).
8. Demchenko M. Golden reserve. Where did eco-
nomic independence begin? / Electronic resource. Ac-
cess mode:
(date of address 12.12.2023).
9. Kudryashova O. Why Kazakhstanis invest less
in dollar deposits - experts' opinions / Electronic re-
source. Access mode:
tov.html (date of circulation 12.12.2023).
10. Abieva S.N., Ilyasova G.G. Money-credit and
currency policy of Kazakhstan: modern problems and
ways of perfection. Bulletin of the university "Turan".
Arkhmammadova G.,
Department of Orthopedic Dentistry, Assistant
Feyzullayev E.,
Department of Orthopedic Dentistry, Assistant
Aliyev T.
Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine, assistant
Department of Pediatric Dentistry
Azerbaijan Medical University
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10981239
To date, extensive clinical experience has been accumulated in the use of dental implants for dental prosthet-
ics of various dentition defects. The success of dental implantation depends on a number of factors, both surgical
and orthopedic. One of the orthopedic factors influencing the outcome of treatment is the state of occlusal rela-
tionships [6]. In this regard, it is of particular importance to align the occlusal relationships of teeth during implant-
supported prosthetics with neighboring teeth and antagonist teeth in order to avoid increased oriented functional
load on the implant, leading to disruption of the stability of the area of connection between the implant and the
surrounding bone tissue.
Keywords: bridges, traumatic occlusion, implants.
A necessary condition for the dynamic restructur-
ing of cortical and also cancellous bone tissue is the
correct and uniform distribution of mechanical load
during chewing, taking into account its magnitude and
direction. However, implant healing and long-term
preservation of a stable zone of connection between the
implant and the surrounding bone tissue, capable of
withstanding significant chewing loads, especially in
patients with various occlusal disorders leading to the
formation of traumatic nodes, remains an urgent prob-
lem [5,7]. Purpose of the work: to study the significance
of correction of occlusal disorders by the method of se-
lective grinding on the processes of osseointegration of
peri-implant tissues. Material and methods We con-
ducted clinical and radiological studies in 3 groups of
patients at various stages of prosthetics using dental im-
plants. The 1st group consisted of 8 patients using
bridges supported by implants, the 2nd - 10 patients
with single artificial crowns on implants, the 3rd - 13
patients using metal-ceramic bridges supported by de-
vitalized teeth and implants. Patients of group 3 did not
undergo selective grinding of the occlusal surfaces of
dentures. Selective grinding was carried out in 12
stages (Bushan M.G., Kalamkarov H.A., 1983): 1) in
the distal occlusion (static phase); 2) when the lower
jaw moves back to the position of central occlusion
(static phase); 3) in the position of central occlusion
(static phase); 4) in anterior occlusion there is a static
phase); 5) when the lower jaw moves from the position
of central occlusion to the anterior occlusion (dynamic
phase); 6) in lateral occlusion (right and left) on the bal-
ancing side; 7) when the lower jaw moves from central
occlusion to transversal occlusion; 8) in lateral occlu-
sion on the working side; 9) when moving the lower
jaw from central occlusion to transversal occlusion on
the working side; 10) elimination of supracontacts of
the fangs in lateral occlusion (static phase); 11) elimi-
nation of supracontacts in other areas of the dentition;
12) smoothing and polishing of all ground surfaces of
teeth. During the process of selective grinding, trau-
matic bumps were identified using articular paper. Cor-
rection of premature contacts was carried out in limited
areas of enamel, on the slopes of the cusps to minimize
trauma to the surface layers of tooth enamel. After each
manipulation, the teeth were coated with fluoride var-
nish from Belak-F. During the period of selective
grinding, all patients were recommended to brush their
teeth 2 times a day with toothpastes that prevent in-
creased sensitivity of the enamel. After selective grind-
ing was completed, the tooth enamel was polished us-
ing fluoride-containing pastes to achieve a completely
smooth surface. This manipulation was performed to
prevent the formation of increased plaque deposits. The
process of osseointegration of peri-implant bone tissues
was monitored using targeted radiography [7,8].
Research results.
During a clinical examination, signs of occlusal
disorders were revealed in patients: namely, traumatic
occlusion, manifested by more pronounced exposure of
the necks and roots of individual teeth, pronounced mo-
bility of teeth I-II degrees in the area of occlusal trauma.
Uneven deepening of the implant-gingival pockets was
observed in 7 patients, and the implant-gingival sulcus,
determined by probing from the vestibular, oral, medial
and distal sides of the tooth, was observed in 4 patients.
The examination was carried out before the start of se-
lective grinding, at the end of all stages, and also 1
month after grinding. Selective grinding was carried
out in stages, every 2-3 days, which allowed the patient
to gradually adapt to changes in occlusion. The effec-
tiveness of selective grinding of pronounced cusps of
remaining teeth, as well as the occlusal surfaces of den-
tures supported by dental implants, was monitored by
us for 1-, 2-, 3 months using radiography. At the same
time, attention was paid to the degree of bone tissue at-

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  • 1. POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE №73 (2024) VOL. 1 ISSN 3353-2389 Polish journal of science: • has been founded by a council of scientists, with the aim of helping the knowledge and scientific achieve- ments to contribute to the world. • articles published in the journal are placed additionally within the journal in international indexes and li- braries. • is a free access to the electronic archive of the journal, as well as to published articles. • before publication, the articles pass through a rigorous selection and peer review, in order to preserve the scientific foundation of information. Editor in chief –J an Kamiński, Kozminski University Secretary – Mateusz Kowalczyk Agata Żurawska – University of Warsaw, Poland Jakub Walisiewicz – University of Lodz, Poland Paula Bronisz – University of Wrocław, Poland Barbara Lewczuk – Poznan University of Technology, Poland Andrzej Janowiak – AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland Frankie Imbriano – University of Milan, Italy Taylor Jonson – Indiana University Bloomington, USA Remi Tognetti – Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan, France Bjørn Evertsen – Harstad University College, Norway Nathalie Westerlund – Umea University, Sweden Thea Huszti – Aalborg University, Denmark Aubergine Cloez – Universite de Montpellier, France Eva Maria Bates – University of Navarra, Spain Enda Baciu – Vienna University of Technology, Austria Also in the work of the editorial board are involved independent experts 1000 copies POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE Wojciecha Górskiego 9, Warszawa, Poland, 00-033 email: site:
  • 3. POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE № 73, 2024 3 BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES ПОДГОТОВКА МАКЕТА ДЛЯ УЧЕБНО – ПОЗНАВАТЕЛЬНОГО ИЗУЧЕНИЯ СТУДAЕНТАМИ АНАТОМИИ МЫШЦ ГОЛОВЫ ЖИВОТНЫХ Газизова А.И., д.б.н. профессор Карібай И., Шурегеев Е., Темиргали М. студенты 1 курса Казахский агротехнический исследовательский университет им. С. Сейфуллина PREPARATION OF A MODEL FOR EDUCATIONAL AND COGNITIVE STUDY BY STUDENTS OF THE ANATOMY OF THE MUSCLES OF THE HEAD OF ANIMALS Gazizova A., Doctor of Biological Sciences Professor Karibay I., Shuregeev E., Temirgali M. 1st year students Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after S. Seifullin DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10981065 Аннотация В данной статье представлено изготовление макропрепаратов мышц шеи и головы крупного рогатого скота. Abstract This article presents the production of macropreparations of the extremities of the neck and head of cattle. Ключевые слова: Мышцы головы, препарат, мышцы шеи, двубрюшная мышца, височная мышца, скуловая мышца, массетер. Keywords: Нead muscle, preparation, neck muscle, digastric muscle, temporal muscle, zygomatic muscle, masseter. Совершенствование системы преподавания анатомии животных в настоящее время ведется по нескольким направлениям, включающим в себя: организацию учебного процесса, отвечающую со- временным требованием подготовки специалистов; разработку новых форм работы, формирование у студенты устойчивого интереса и интерактивного отношения к процессу обучения; разностороннюю подготовку специалистов [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. При организации учебного процесса - в первую очередь учитывается оптимальные сочета- ние теоретической подготовки студентов и освое- нию ими комплекса практических умений. Основная часть времени на аудиторных заня- тиях отводится на разбор и изучение теоретических вопросов. Практическая часть занятий предусмат- ривает работу с готовыми анатомическими учеб- ными и музейными препаратами, а также освоение методики препарирования и реставрации препара- тов (рисунок 1).
  • 4. 4 POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE № 73, 2024 Рисунок 1 – Музейный препарат. Мышцы головы крупного рогатого скота, подготовленный студентами первого курса Сложность в обеспечении практических заня- тий биологическим материалом привела к исполь- зованию в учебном процессе новых методик изуче- ния морфологических структур, демонстрации мультимедийных презентации или применению ме- тодики моделирования с помощью пластилина, глины или других доступных материалов как с тео- ретическими вопросами, так и с перечнем практи- ческих умений по каждому разделу курса. Одна из наиболее актуальных биологии - сде- лать преподавание нормальной анатомии живот- ных наглядным. В учебном процессе важно не огра- ничиваться изучением книжных или компьютер- ных рисунков, схем, а продемонстрировать органы, взятые не посредственно из организма животного с сохранением всех анатомо-функциональных осо- бенностей их строения. Натуральные препараты ор- ганов и частей тела животного должны быть демон- стративными и сохранять в течение длительного времени присущи им форму и внешний вид. Перед анатомами постоянно встает задача рационального и экономного использования находящегося в их распоряжении ограниченного материала для изго- товления высококачественных анатомических пре- паратов. Для демонстрационных препаратов жела- тельно сохранение естественной или близкой к ней окраски тканей [4, 5, 6]. Анатомические препараты, сохранившие свою естественную окраску, пред- ставляют больший интерес, они должны быть до- статочно демонстративными (рисунок 2). Рисунок 2 – Препарат «Мышцы головы и шеи крупного рогатого скота», приготовленный собственноручно студентами первого курса, с применением полимерных материалов и применения теоретических знаний для изготовления препарата практически. Мышцы, в отличие от других органов, подвер- гаются горазда большим изменениям: они значи- тельно изменяют свою естественную форму и цвет. При изготовлении мышечных препаратов нужно особенно позаботиться о свежести трупа, хорошо промывают в проточной воде, что обеспечивает обескровливание препарата и, в значительной сте- пени, его отбеливание. Затем мышцу препарируют, освобождая от жира, фасциальных пластинок, пере- мычек. В результате становиться хорошо заметной общая структура волокон каждой мышцы. Тща- тельно препарированные мышцы отбеливали в сла-
  • 5. POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE № 73, 2024 5 бом растворе перекиси водорода, после чего фикси- ровали, уложив в нужном положении. Лучший фик- сирующей жидкостью для мышечных препаратов считается раствор, составленный из разных частей 10 % формалина и 50 % спирта. Фиксация должна быть длительной (10-15 дней). Обработка мышеч- ного препарата с последующим консервированием приводит к тому, что мышцы приобретают серую или даже беловатую окраску, которая далека от естественной. В целях сохранения естественной окраски, перед началом приготовления препарата следует произвести инъекцию сосудистой системы трупа подкрашенным в нужный цвет инъекцион- ным раствором. Это позволяет придать мышцам ро- зовую и даже красную окраску. Мышечные препа- раты, фиксируемые в формалине, при длительном хранении на воздухе быстро теряют свой цвет и эластичность, высыхают и не дают сколько - ни- будь правильного представления о наружном виде мышцы как органа. При обработке глицерином по- лучаем значительный результат глицерин, облада- ющий гидрофильными свойствами, производит по- степенное высушивание препарата. Вместе с тем пропитывая ткани, он замещает в них воду и таким образом препятствует высыханию. Хорошо пропи- танный глицерином препарат, сохраняет естествен- ную окраску, как отдельные мышцы, так и муску- латура в целом. Целью учебной дисциплины - анатомия живот- ных и птиц, является уяснение закономерностей строения тела животных и птиц, Достижению изго- товление и отдельных анатомических препаратов. Работа по изготовлению анатомических препаратов стимулирует у обучающихся интерес к предмету. «Анатомия животных и птиц», в целом, а также к конкретным анатомическим фактом. В процессе этой работы неизбежно множество вопросов, кото- рые должны быть разрешены не только консульта- циями преподавателя, но и самостоятельным ис- пользованием студентам методических указаний, периодической литературы. Изготовление препара- тов повышает заинтересованность в усвоении тео- ретической учебной информации, помогает более глубокому изучению предмета и наиболее точному запоминанию анатомических фактов. Эта работа способствует развитию различных навыков, необ- ходимых в работе ветеринарного врача, является условием творческого подхода к предмету и стиму- лом для формирования интересов в дальнейшем к научной анатомии. Собственные методы проведения подготовки макета: изготовление анатомического препарата мышечной системы головы животного. Нами было принято решения подготовить макет мышечного препарата- мышцы головы крупного рогатого скота (на примере коровы). Перед подготовкой макета мы с начало тщательно изучили литературу по анато- мии мышечной системе, методику препарирования, топографию мышц на влажных и сухих препаратах, а также изучили схемы, количество и точки при- крепления, функцию мышц головы. Анатомиче- ский мышцы головы - mm. capitis –разделяются на мимические и жевательные. Мимическая мускула- тура представляет собой преимущественно ком- плекс пластинчатых мышц, которые находятся в кожных складках вокруг отверстий- рта, носа, для глаз и наружного слухового прохода. Располага- ются они таким образом, что одни из них закры- вают отверстия (ротовые и для глаза) или суживают их (носовые отверстия), т.е. действуют как сфинк- теры: другие же, идущие в основном радиально, расширяют эти отверстия, т.е. действуют как дила- татор (расширители). Жевательные мышцы закреп- ляются на костях мозгового черепа и нижней челю- сти. Функция-смыкание челюстей. Их антагонисты, т.е. мускулы, открывающие ротовую полость, за- крепляются одним концом на нижний челюсти, а других- на яремных отростках затылочной кости и на грудной кости. Для того чтобы изготовить макет мы свою работу подразделили на несколько этапов. Первым этапом был подбор материала для основы будущего нашего макета-мышцы головы крупного рогатого скота (коровы). Основой для макета был выбран картон. Картон был приобретен в торговом центре. Затем картон мы разрезали под нужный нам размером макета. Далее вторым этапом нашей ра- боты необходимо было нарисовать схему эскиз нашего будущего макета мышцы головы живот- ного. После того как эскиз был готов, мы стали, по- степенно сохраняя анатомическое расположение мышц, используя застывающий полимерный и воз- душный пластилин изобразили мышцы. Затем, чтобы показать расположение мышечных волокон, постарались привести это к более естественному виду. Для этого использовали обыкновенную зубо- чистку и не спеша равномерно проводили по гото- вому препарату, при этом изобразив волокно мышц. Третьим этапом было, то, что уже более-менее готовый макет. Необходимо было раскрасить, при- дать вид к более естественной мышце. Для окраски подобрали краски к более подходящего к есте- ственной окраске мышц. Четвертым этапом яви- лось укрепление основы макета вторым слоем кар- тона, а также необходимо было с начало для макета сделать рамку, придать макету эстетический наглядный вид. Пятым этапом надо было пронуме- ровать мышцы и написать этикетку с названиями мышц в латинской и русской транскрипцией. Таким образом в процессе изготовления ма- кета мышцы головы. Мы еще раз убедились, что мышцы головы подразделяют на две группы мими- ческие и жевательные. Жевательные мышцы срав- нительно немногочисленны, но отличаются своей мощностью. Они закрепляются на костях черепа и нижней челюсти это следующие: большая жева- тельная мышца - musсulus masseter, височная мышца – m. temporalis, крыловая мышца - m. pterygoideaus, двубрюшная мышца – m. digastricus. Мышцы головы кроме своих основных функции. Имеют значения для питания, дыхания, зрения. Ми- мические мышцы обеспечивают коммуникативные связи между животными, так как выражения глаз,
  • 6. 6 POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE № 73, 2024 рта, положение губ, уха, рельеф спинки носа иг- рают сигнальное значение в общении животных между собой. Подготовленной таким, образом пре- парат макет мышц головы послужит хорошим до- полнительным материалом при изучении раздела «Миология», а именно топографии и группы мышц головы их функции, точки крепления. Список литературы 1. Шульц Б.Д. Методические указания по изго- товлению анатомических препаратов сельскохо- зяйственных животных. Омск, 1964 2. Гиммельрейх Г.А. «Анатомия домашних животных» практикум «Выща школа» г. Киев. 1980, с.140 3. Газизова А.И. Мурзабекова Л.М. Ахметжа- нова Н.Б. «Атлас домашних животных», Том 1. Астана. - 2016. с.249 4. Акаевский А.И. Юдичев Ю.В. Селезнев С.Б. «Анатомия домашних животных», М. Аквариум - Принт, 2009 5. Пикалюк В.С. Методические пособие по из- готовлению анатомических препаратов /В.С. Пика- люк, Г.А. Мороз. С.А. Кутя. - Симферополь: КГМУ, 2004-76с. 6. Техника изготовления анатомических пре- паратов: руководства / Ә.И. Борзяк, А.К. Усович, И.Э. Борзяк, С.Ю. Тузов и др./ Под редакцией А.К. Усовича, Э.И. Борзяка-Витебск: ВГМУ, 2010-318с
  • 7. POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE № 73, 2024 7 ХІМІЧНИЙ СКЛАД ЕФІРНИХ ОЛІЙ У ГЕНОТИПАХ MENTHA LONGIFOLIA VAR. ASIATICA (BORISS.) RECH.F. (LAMIACEAE) РІЗНОГО ГЕОГРАФІЧНОГО ПОХОДЖЕННЯ Ковтун-Водяницька С., Кандидат біологічних наук Національний ботанічний сад імені М.М. Гришка НАН України Рахметов Д., Доктор с.-г. наук, Професор Національний ботанічний сад імені М.М. Гришка НАН України Левчук І., Доктор технічних наук, Науково-дослідний центр випробувань продукції, ДП «УКРМЕТРТЕСТСТАНДАРТ» Голубець О., Кандидат с.-г.наук, Науково-дослідний центр випробувань продукції, ДП «УКРМЕТРТЕСТСТАНДАРТ» CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF ESSENTIAL OILS IN GENOTYPES OF MENTHA LONGIFOLIA VAR. ASIATICA (BORISS.) RECH.F. (LAMIACEAE) OF DIFFERENT GEOGRAPHICAL ORIGIN Kovtun-Vodyanytska S., PhD of Botany, M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine Rakhmetov D., Prof (D) of Agricultural Sciences, M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine Levchuk I., D of Engineering Scientific and Research Center for Products Testing, State Enterprise «UkrMetrTestStandart» Golubets O. PhD of Agricultural Sciences Scientific and Research Center for Products Testing, State Enterprise «UkrMetrTestStandart» DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10981091 Анотація Величезна кількість досліджень присвячена роду Mentha L. (Lamiaceae). Однак Mentha longifolia var. asiatica (Boriss.) Rech.f. з Середньої Азії залишається досить слабо вивченим як джерело ефірної олії. В Україні M. longifolia var. asiatica вперше була інтродукована у Національному ботанічному саду імені М.М. Гришка НАН України. У колекції нетрадиційних ефірних рослин сорт представлений двома геноти- пами різного географічного походження. Нашою метою було встановити здатність рослин синтезувати ефірну олію в нових умовах зростання, визначити її якісний та кількісний склад. Методом гідродистиляції встановлено, що зразки M. longifolia var. asiatica містять: 2,36±0,63% ефірної олії у зразку з Азербайджану та 1,49±0,29% з Молдови. За допомогою ГХ-МС були ідентифіковані складові сполуки та визначено їх співвідношення. Домінуюче положення займають карвон оксид (45,98-60,39%), піперитон оксид (10,79- 25,33%), а також метил евгенол (9,36%), піперитенон (4,06%), β-фарнезен (Z) (3,63%). Огляд літератури щодо фармакологічних та економічно цінних властивостей цих сполук дозволяє вважати ефірні олії зразків M. longifolia var. asiatica досить перспективними об’єктами для медичної практики, косметології та харчо- вої промисловості України Abstract A huge amount of research is devoted to the genus Mentha L. (Lamiaceae). However, Mentha longifolia var. asiatica (Boriss.) Rech.f. from Central Asia remains rather poorly studied as a source of essential oil. In Ukraine, M. longifolia var. asiatica was first introduced in the M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine. In the collection of Non-Traditional Essential Plants, the variety is represented by two genotypes of dif- ferent geographical origins. Our goal was to establish the ability of plants to synthesize essential oil in new growth conditions, to determine its qualitative and quantitative composition. Using the hydrodistillation method, it was established that samples of M. longifolia var. asiatica contain: 2.36±0.63% essential oil in the sample from Azer- baijan and 1.49±0.29% from Moldova. By using to GC-MS, the constituent compounds were identified and their ratios were determined. The dominant position is occupied by carvonoxide (45.98-60.39%), piperitonoxide (10.79- 25.33%), as well as methyl eugenol (9.36%), piperithenon (4.06%), β-farnesene (Z) (3.63%). A review of the literature on the pharmacological and economically valuable properties of these compounds allows us to consider
  • 8. 8 POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE № 73, 2024 the essential oils of samples of M. longifolia var. asiatica as fairly promising objects for medical practice, cos- metology and the food industry of Ukraine. Ключові слова: Mentha longifolia var. asiatica, ефірні олії, ГХ-МС аналіз, практичне значення. Keywords: Mentha longifolia var. asiatica, essential oils, GC-MS analysis, practical significance. Introduction The genus Mentha L. (Lamiaceae) is widely known and studied, primarily for such species as Men- tha × piperita L., M. pulegium L., M. spicata L. [1-11]. However, studies of M. longifolia var. asiatica (Boriss.) Rech.f. today are quite sporadic and fragmen- tary [12-13]. M. longifolia var. asiatica is a perennial herb 70- 150 cm tall, has a creeping rhizome, thanks to which it is vegetatively mobile. The entire aerial part has pubescence to one degree or another. The leaves are grayish, softly pubescent, elongated elliptic or egg- lanceolate, slightly bent downwards. Inflorescences are dense, spike-cylindrical, pointed subtle towars the apex; corolla of lilac color. The seeds are tiny. The natural area of plants of this variety covers Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan) and Western Asia (Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq) and China (South-Central China, Tibet and Xinjiang). Plants grow in full sun or partial shade, prefer moist soils [14]. At one time M. longifolia var. asiatica was considered as a separate species – M. vegans or as M. asiatica. The variety was first described as M. asiatica in 1954 by A. Borysova, but in the same year Karl Heinz Rechinger revised the taxonomy for these plants and shortened the species name to a variety. The species has several synonyms: M. arvensiaquatica f. asperata Timb.-Lagr., M. asiatica Boriss., M. asperata (Timb.-Lagr.) Pérard, M. kopetdaghensis Boriss., M. vagans Boriss. Their use still occurs in modern scientific works [15-16]. The aerial part of M. longifolia var. asiatica has a pleasant taste and aroma due to the content of essential oil. According to literary sources, the main components of the essential oil are piperitone, isomentone, cis- piperitone, as well as carvone and pulegone – in plants of Iranian origin [17], plants from Uzbekistan in the experiment contained trans-piperitone oxide, piperitone oxide, thymol, spatulenol [18-19], from China – was the main compound piperitone oxide, and were also dominant sabinene, limonene, piperitone oxide, piperitone, thymol, etc. [20-21], from Tajikistan – limonene, eucalyptol, menthone, pulegone, carvone and other compounds [22]. In the aerial part of M. longifolia var. asiatica revealed a protein – (E)-β-farnesene synthase 1 and amino acids. Protein identifier (protein Id) – AEA49038.1 [23-24]. β-farnesene has one natural isomer – isomer E. Its aroma is citrus-green. This protein occurs in the essential oil of some plant species and is catalyzed by EβF synthase. Also, (E)-β-farne- sene (EβF) as a pheromone-protein plays the role of a natural repellent. The experimental work carried out by scientists from China suggests that the EβF synthase gene of M. longifolia var. asiatica can be a potential object in genetic engineering of important agricultural crops [25-26]. In Ukraine, as we know today, M. longifolia var. asiatica was introdused only in one scientific institution – M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine (NBG). The plants have high rates of resistance and viability in the proposed growing conditions. Therefore, the issue of a comprehensive study of plants of this variety, in particular its essential oil potential in the conditions of Ukraine is of high scientific and practical relevance due to insufficient study both in the world and in our country. Materials and Methods Origin of plant material. Plants used in the experiments were M. longifolia var. asiatica from the collection of Non-Traditional Essential Plants of the Department of Cultural Flora of NBG. The variety is represented in the collection by samples of genotypes of different geographical origins. They were obtained in 2012 planting material (plant cuttings) from Azerbaijan (Lerik, natural population) and Moldova (Chisinau, introduced population). Preparation of plant raw materials. Harvesting of raw materials – aerial parts of plants was carried out in the phase of the beginning of their flowering. The fresh aerial part of the plants was chopped into 1–1.5 cm fragments and left to wither for 24 hours in room conditions. The raw materials were then dried to an air- dry state using an Eridri ULTRA FD1000 dryer. Isolation of the essential oils. The EOs were ob- tained by hydro distillation using an apparatus with a Clevenger nozzle. The samples were weighed on a VLKT-500 g-M scale. The weight of one sample was 40 g. The volume of water in the flask was 500 mL. The experiments were performed in triplicate. The exposure time – 90 min (from the moment the water boils). Data is presented as average + standard deviation. Gas chromatography – Mass spectrometry analysis (GC-MS). The chromatographic profile was established on an Agilent Technologies 7890 gas chro- matograph using a vf-5ms (5%-phenyl)- methylpolysiloxane) capillary column (0.25 mm×25.0 m). Experiment conditions: gas velocity-carrier – 1.0 mL/min, flow split ratio – 1:20, evaporator temperature – 250 ºС, detector temperature (DEP) – 280 ºС, column temperature regime – gradual heating from 60 ºС to 185 ºС. The component composition of the EOs was de- termined on a gas chromatograph with a mass spectro- metric detector HP 6890. Mass spectrometric detector 1.6–800 a.o.m., EI ionization, Scan Mode & SIM Mode, «Hewlett Packard», USA. Chromatographic col- umn – capillary HP–5ms (0.25 mm×30.0 m). Carrier gas – helium. Carrier gas velocity 1.2 mL/min. Sample injection heater temperature – 180 ºС. Oven tempera- ture programmable from 62 to 165 ºС at a rate of 5 deg/min. Sample injection (1 μL) without flow split. Identification of the EO components was per- formed using the NIST Mass Spectral Database mass
  • 9. POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE № 73, 2024 9 spectrum library in conjunction with programs for iden- tification by time AMDIS. Results and Discussions M. longifolia var. asiatica was introduced for the first time in Ukraine. It has been experimentally confirmed that under the proposed growing conditions, plants have high rates of essential oil synthesis. Quantitative content of essential oil in the aerial parts of plants in two genotypically different samples of M. longifolia var. asiatica was: the sample from Azerbaijan (A) contained 2.36±0.63% oil, and from Moldova (M) – 1.49±0.29% in terms of absolutely dry weight. Both oil samples are slightly yellowish in color, but differ in aroma. Sample (A) is characterized by a pleasant, complex aroma, while sample (M) is somewhat herbal-sharp with an unpleasant undertone. The quantitative and qualitative composition of essential oils, as well as the share of each component, was established. In the essential oil of M. longifolia var. asiatica, sample A was identified by GC–MS of 39 volatile aromatic compounds. The main odorants are carvone oxide (45.98%) and piperitone oxide (25.33%). piperitenon (4.06%), nepetalactone (3.62%), linalool (3.22%) also occupy important positions in terms of quantitative content (tab. 1; fig. 1). Table 1. Chemical constituents of essential oil Mentha longifolia var. asiatica (Azerbaijani origin) No Compounds RetTime, min Content index, % 1. 3-Octanol 14.547 0.651 2. 1.8-Cineol 17.193 1.349 3. β-Ocimene (E) 18.209 0.137 4. cis -Linalool oxide (furanoid) 19.984 0.212 5. trans-Linalool oxide (furanoid) 21.060 0.135 6. Terpinolene 21.294 0.193 7. Linalool 21.955 3.224 8. Lavandulol 25.723 0.097 9. Terpinen-4-ol 26.228 0.227 10. α-Terpineol 26.738 0.114 11. Menthol 26.900 0.593 12. Hexyl butyrate 27.104 0.126 13. Piperiton 28.603 0.103 14. Geraniol 28.838 0.583 15. Carvone oxide 29.292 45.981 16. Chrysanthenyl acetate 29.546 0.192 17. Geranial 29.764 0.262 18. Bornyl acetate 29.926 0.115 19. Lavandulyl acetate 30.247 0.305 20. Geranyl formate 30.521 0.334 21. Menthyl acetate 30.677 2.366 22. Piperitenon 30.914 4.063 23. α-Terpinyl acetate 31.167 0.100 24. α-Cubebene 32.007 0.523 25. Eugenol 32.532 0.215 26. Piperitone oxide 32.761 25.332 27. Nepetalactone 32.943 3.620 28. α-Ylangene 33.106 0.739 29. β-Bourbonene 33.646 1.601 30. β-Cububene 33.752 1.295 31. β-Elemene 33.965 0.184 32. Methyl eugenol 34.345 0.466 33. Caryophyllene (Z) 34.623 0.050 34. α-Bergamotene 35.046 2.019 35. Caryophyllene (E) 35.390 0.066 36. β-Farnesene(Z) 36.008 0.235 37. β-Farnesene(E) 36.414 0.414 38. Germacrene D 37.253 1.7149 39. Caryophyllene oxide 38.639 0.064 Total identified 100.00
  • 10. 10 POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE № 73, 2024 Figure 1. GS-MS Chromatogram of essential oil Mentha longifolia var. asiatica (Azerbaijani origin) In the sample (M) M. longifolia var. asiatica, 37 compounds were discovered and identified, of which the main positions in terms of quantitative content belong to carvone oxide (60.39%) and piperitone oxide (10.79). methyl eugenol (9.36%), β-farnesene(Z) (3.63%), linalyl acetate (2.71%) also influence the formation of aroma (tab.2; fig. 2). Table 2. Chemical constituents of essential oil Mentha longifolia var. asiatica (Moldovan origin) No Compounds RetTime, min Content index, % 1. 3-Octanone 12.540 0.438 2. Myrcene 13.545 0.414 3. 3-Octanol 14.421 0.534 4. Limonene 16.792 0.592 5. β-Phellandrene 17.104 0.866 6. cis -Linalool oxide (furanoid) 19.931 0.119 7. Linalool 21.893 0.859 8. Nonanal 22.254 0.125 9. Terpinen-4-ol 26.212 0.562 10. α-Terpineol 26.883 0.560 11. Hexyl butyrate 27.293 0.127 12. Neral 28.236 0.172 13. Piperiton 28.592 0.208 14. Geraniol 28.828 0.839 15. Linalyl acetate 29.082 2.715 16. Carvone oxide 29.302 60.388 17. Chrysanthenyl acetate 29.542 0.131 18. Geranial 29.767 0.106 19. Lavandulyl acetate 30.292 0.356 20. Geranyl formate 30.496 0.630 21. Menthyl acetate 30.662 0.450 22. Piperitenon 30.900 0.467 23. α-Terpinyl acetate 31.267 0.089 24. α-Cubebene 32.037 0.184 25. Piperitone oxide 32.728 10.788 26. Nepetalactone 32.894 0.205 27. α-Ylangene 33.077 0.089 28. β-Bourbonene 33.607 0.234 29. β-Cububene 33.739 0.177 30. β-Elemene 33.855 0.118 31. Methyl eugenol 34.358 9.355 32. α-Bergamotene 35.087 0.828 33. Caryophyllene (E) 35.336 0.444 34. β-Farnesene(Z) 36.015 3.630 35. β-Farnesene(E) 36.399 0.922 36. Germacrene D 37.227 0.086 37. Caryophyllene oxide 38.637 0.627 Total identified 100.00
  • 11. POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE № 73, 2024 11 Figure 2. GS-MS Chromatogram of essential oil Mentha longifolia var. asiatica (Moldovan origin) Thus, in the analyzed samples of the essential oil of M.longifolia var. asiatica the dominant compounds are carvone oxide and piperitone oxide (oxepanes class), methyl eugenol (alkylbenzenes), piperitenon (monoterpens), nepetalactone (iridoids), linalool (acyclic monoterpene), β-farnesene(Z) (aliphatic sesquiterpene) and linalyl acetate (terpenoid (linalool acetate ester)). Comparative analysis showed that the sample (A) is characterized by a higher content of lin- alool and nepetalactone, and the presence of menthol in the composition of the essential oil, which is absent in the sample (M). The identified major components form the aroma of the essential oil of M.longifolia var. asiatica, but also determine its pharmacological properties and effect on the human body. In this regard, we conducted a screening of literary sources, which published the latest data on the properties of this or that compound from the point of view of its potential benefit for humans or, on the contrary, prudent use. However, we note that the overall effect of an essential oil as a complex of compounds cannot be determined only by dominants, because the minimum content of individual compounds can have a significant contribution to both the aroma and the activity of the oil. So, for today it is considered, that piperitone oxide exhibits numerous pharmacological properties, including cardiovascular, antimicrobial, insecticidal and antifungal effects [27], Carvone oxide has antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, anti- neuraminidase, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antitumor activity [28-29]. Methyl eugenol is an antitussive agent that removes phlegm, soothes, and has an analgesic effect [30]. It is also used as a flavoring agent in food products, in the preparation of mixed spices (giving a ginger-like aroma), as well as in baked goods and tobacco, as it has a hot aroma of fresh and sweet cloves and fennel. However, since 2021, European Union countries have introduced labeling of products if their methyl eugenol content exceeds 0.01% [31]. Nepetalactone affects the human body gently as a sedative, antipyretic, antispasmodic and antibacterial agent. However, in large doses it can cause vomiting, which implies prudence in dosage during use [32]. Known effect of nepetalactone on animals and insects: on felines, causing a state of euphoria and pleasure or relaxation and sedation, depending on the age of the an- imal [33]. It is a potential natural repellent as opposed to a synthetic one: repels cockroaches and mosquitoes, in particular Aedes aegypti, is poisonous to flies, but is a sex pheromone for aphids [34]. Linalool is characterized by low toxicity, exhibits anticancer, antimicrobial, neuroprotective, anxiolytic, antidepressant, antistress, hepatoprotective, renal and pulmonary activity. It also shows health-promoting po- tential in the prevention of physiological threats such as coronary atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, carcino- genesis and aging processes. The therapeutic potential of linalool and the prospects of its encapsulation are currently being studied and actively discussed [35-36]. Current studies of linalool consider it as a bioactive compound in the treatment of depressive states. The ad- vantage of linalool compared to conventional antide- pressants is that its wide range of mechanisms of action with different pathophysiological factors will allow a dose reduction in the treatment of depressive disorders [37]. Regarding the aroma, linalool, depending on the plant from which it is obtained, can have a different aroma, mainly floral freshness, reminiscent of lily of the valley, sage, basil, coriander, lavender or bergamot, which is why it is widely used in the cosmetic and per- fume industries. About 80% of fragrances in modern perfumery and cosmetics contain this substance. At the request of the International Fragrance Association (IFRA), the content of linalool in perfumes and cosmet- ics that does not wash off the skin should be no more than 0.001%, and in cosmetics that are washed off the skin – up to 0.01%. Theoretically, long-term contact
  • 12. 12 POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE № 73, 2024 with linalool can lead to allergies, eczema, psoriasis, ir- ritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, depres- sion, impaired muscle coordination, disorders in the work of the nervous system, cancer of the breast and organs of the reproductive system [38-39]. Linalool's aroma is also why it is widely used in the manufacture of food products (candy, cookies, ice cream, cakes), as well as in personal care products, for cleaning, home care, detergents and as a fumigant for grain storage and as a pest repellent [40-42]. β-Farnesene has wide applications in industrial and agricultural production of pesticides, lubricants, surfactants, cosmetics, and biofuels [43]. Recently, β- farnesene has been used for the synthesis of vitamin E [44]. Linalyl acetate is moderately toxic to humans. It has a floral sweet-lemon aroma, sometimes described as a combination of bergamot and lavender comple- mented by a green spicy note with a clean woody tart nuance, and sometimes as aroma mint and slightly cumin. It has an inhibitory effect on microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa [45-46]. It has an anti-inflammatory effect on the human body, is an effective antioxidant, does not have genotoxic, phototoxic, or photoallergenic properties. Can be used as a food additive to improve the taste and aroma of food [46-47]. Menthol is a widely known organic compound that is used by humans in a huge number of over-the-coun- ter medicines. But despite this, there is still an incom- plete understanding of its clinical pharmacology today. Known for its analgesic properties: reduces sensory hy- persensitivity in pain types such as visceral pain, in- flammatory pain, and neuropathic pain [48]. In derma- tology – as a cooling, antiseptic, antipruritic agent [49]. It easily dissolves in human blood and actively reacts as an antioxidant [50]. Therefore, the practical use of essential oils of the investigated chemotypes of M. longifolia var. asiatica, given their chemical composition, is possible in medi- cal practice, pharmacy, cosmetic and food industries. Conclusion Hense, according to the results we obtained in la- boratory conditions, it is established high potential the synthesis of essential oil of M. longifolia var. asiatica during the introduction of plants into the NBG. This va- riety of M. longifolia was introduced for the first time in Ukraine. Two genotypically different plant samples of origin were tested – from natural conditions of Azer- baijan (A) and from Moldova (M); the rate of essential oil yield was 2.36±0.63% and 1.49±0.29%, respec- tively. It was determined that the dominant compounds are carvone oxide, piperitone oxide, methyl eugenol, piperitenon, nepetalactone, linalool, β-farnesene(Z) and linalyl acetate, which directly or indirectly form the aroma and determine certain pharmacological proper- ties. This experimental material proves the perspective of further comprehensive introduction, selection and pharmacological studies of M. longifolia var. asiatica precisely as an essential oil plant. Compliance with ethical standards The authors declare that the research was con- ducted in the absence of any commercial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of inter- est. The research, analysis of the results and presenta- tion of them in the form of a manuscript constitute orig- inal work. The article is being submitted for considera- tion for the first time. 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  • 15. POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE № 73, 2024 15 EARTH SCIENCES SPATIO-TEMPORAL CHANGES IN STRESS AND DEFORMATION OF THE EARTH'S CRUST IN CENTRAL ARMENIA Pashayan R., Ph.D. geol.-min. Sciences, Ved. scientific co-author of IGIS NAS RA Harutyunyan L., Ph.D. geol. sciences, head lab IOHX NAS RA Tovmasyan K., Art. engineer IGIS NAS RA Avetyan R. Engineer IGES NAS RA DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10981195 Abstract This research presents the findings of hydrogeodynamic monitoring aimed at understanding the processes of the earth's crust preceding seismic events and geodynamic movements of earth’s crust in Armenia. Hydrogeody- namic monitoring of crustal processes includes the study of seismic regime and water level data in hydrogeody- namic boreholes. Hydrogeodynamic precursors and precursor effects of the earthquakes that occurred were deter- mined by changes in water dynamics in wells using the HGP (hydrogeodynamic precursors) method. The magni- tude of the estimated deformation that occurred around each borehole before the earthquakes was calculated. Based on the parameters of earthquakes and the dynamics of groundwater, a map of the hydrogeodeformation field of the earth's crust in the territory of Armenia was developed. The developed map reflects the deformation of the earth's crust in stressed areas of the region. Thus, geodynamic activity of tectonic blocks of the earth’s crust has been stated in the north and south-west of the territory, reflecting strong deformation according to the numerical values of the estimated deformation of the earth’s crust. Monitoring observations of water levels in hydrogeodynamic boreholes located in the listed tectonic blocks also indicate deformation of the water-bearing rocks in the boreholes. Compressive deformation of the rock is reflected in the dynamics of the water level in the form of a rise, and tensile deformation of the rock results in level decrease. The results obtained are consistent with the fact that the stress-strain state of the study area, leading to tectonic movements of the earth's crust, is associated with the groundwater regime. Keywords: monitoring, hydrogeodynamic, seismology, profiles, boreholes, deformation, earthquake. Introduction The development of this direction in contempo- rary science is linked to the need to study the nature of earthquakes from the point of view of geodynamic pro- cesses occurring in the earth's crust. The development of new methods for studying these processes facilitates the study of the stress-strain state of the region’s crust in time and space. One of these methods - the method of hydrogeodynamic monitoring has been used in the article. Hydrogeodynamic monitoring of the earth's crust was carried out aiming to study modern tectonic movements and tracking the geodynamic processes of the earth's crust in the territory of Armenia. The method helps to identify medium-term precursors based on anomalous phenomena that precede earthquakes, the deformation of the earth's crust changes, the groundwa- ter level decrease or increase. The results of monitoring observations were com- pared with the seismic regime of the region. Seismicity is one of the sensitive indicators of the intensity of mod- ern tectonic movements, therefore data characterizing the seismicity of the studied area are used to study the contemporary movements of the earth's crust. The territory of Armenia is characterized by a zonal structure determined by four deep faults delimit- ing it: Lalvar-Mrav, Bazum-Sevan, Hankavan-Syunik and Yerevan fault zones Geology of the USSR [2]. The fault tectonics of the territory of Armenia is character- ized by many deep faults of pan-Caucasian and anti- Caucasian territories. The territory of Armenia hydro- geologically is a highly elevated drainage area and be- longs to a zone of intense water exchange with the di- rection of surface water flow from the folded structure towards the Kur and Middle Araks depressions [5]. Monitoring Network Observations for the monitoring purposes were carried out based on changes in water levels in hydro- geodynamic boreholes. For the placement of boreholes, areas and aquifers with a low level of uncontrolled in- terference were selected on the territory of Armenia in order to determine the characteristics of the regime of these horizons and their reaction to the preparation of earthquakes. The network of observation boreholes in- cluded points located both in zones of tectonic disturb- ances and in undisturbed areas located in seismically active areas of the Armenian region [6]. There are fif- teen hydrogeodynamic boreholes on the territory of Ar- menia, which are distributed over three large blocks of the earth’s crust, the geodynamics of which determine the seismicity of the territory. A group of informative boreholes were selected from the active boreholes ac- cording to the estimated informativeness coefficients
  • 16. 16 POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE № 73, 2024 (K≥0.5) (Fig. 1). The information content coefficient for each observation borehole of the network was de- termined according to the formula: K = H/ Σ P where H is the observed number of precursors, Σ P is the calcu- lated number of precursors [10]. The assessment of the information content of the boreholes was determined by recording tidal variations, by changing the water level and the sensitivity of the borehole locations (prox- imity to a deep fault) [8]. Fig.1 Map of active faults on the territory of Armenia with a network of observation points. 1-hydrogeodynamic boreholes - numerator - borehole number, denominator information coefficient, 2- active faults (authors: Karakhanyan A.S.,). The method of hydrogeodynamic (HGD) precur- sors was applied for processing the results [8]. The study in the region using this method was carried out to study the regime of groundwater, aimed at identifying hydrogeodynamic effects that can serve as indicators of geodynamic processes and precursors of earthquakes. During the research, data on the hydrogeodynamic ef- fects of earthquakes in the region were studied and de- pendencies between indicators of precursor of effects and parameters of seismic events were determined [11]. Short-term hydrogeological effects associated with modern movements of the earth's crust on the territory of Armenia [15] were identified. The features of hydro- geodynamic precursor effects were studied and the in- formation content of the observation network of Arme- nia was assessed [12]. The nature of hydrogeodynamic effects was revealed, preceding earthquakes in the form of changes in groundwater levels, duration and ampli- tude. Results The results of hydrogeodynamic observations for monitoring were compared with the seismic regime of the region, and a catalog of earthquakes that occurred on the territory of Armenia during study period was ex- amined. The spatial distribution of seismic events is shown on the seismicity map of Armenia (Fig. 2).
  • 17. POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE № 73, 2024 17 Fig. 2 Map of the epicenters of earthquakes that occurred on the territory of Armenia (2018). - deep faults: I - Yerevan, II - Garni, III - Ararat-Sevan, IV- Bazum -Sevan, V- Pambak-Sevan-Syunik, VI-Axuryan, ▲–hydrogeodynamic boreholes, o – cities; earthquake: ● - М=2-3, - M ≥ 3 The map reflects the distribution of earthquake ep- icenters (M≥2) in the region, the highest concentration of seismic events is observed in Central Armenia, mainly along the Garni fault, in the north (Javakheti highland), along the Pambak-Sevan deep fault and partly in the southwestern region [7]. The hypocenters of the occurred earthquakes are distributed at depths of up to 5-15 km, which corresponds to crustal earth- quakes in Armenia. The sources of earthquakes in the territory of Armenia have small (not exceeding 30-35 km) depths. This means that the sources of earthquakes are located in the earth’s crust, which is why earth- quakes are called crustal. The sources of relatively in- tense earthquakes are located at depths of up to 10-15 km. The developed graph of the number of earthquakes monthly for 2018 is shown in Fig. 3. High seismicity is observed in July and October of this year. Fig.3. Distribution of occurred earthquake quantity. N- number of earthquakes that occurred.
  • 18. 18 POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE № 73, 2024 Based on the parameters of hydrogeodynamic ob- servations, a map of the hydrogeodeformation field of the earth's crust on the territory of Armenia was devel- oped [13]. The magnitude of the calculated deformation was determined at each observation point, according to the formula: E=(R/100,413М-2,66 )-3 , where M is the mag- nitude of the earthquake, the epicentral distance – R is the distance between the observation point and the epi- center of the earthquake [1]. The studies have shown that in the process of preparing earthquakes, effects - precursors could be recorded if the calculated defor- mation has a value of at least 10-8 , i.e. exceeds the mag- nitude of the earth's tidal deformation. However, as studies of precursors have shown, in some cases, with high sensitivity of the borehole-reservoir system, the preparation of earthquakes can be accompanied by ef- fects with a larger magnitude deformation-10-9 . Fig.4. Map of stress strain state of earth’s crust of Central Armenia ▲ – hydrogeodynmaic borholes, – deep faults: I - Yerevan, II - Garni, III - Ararat-Sevan, IV- Bazum -Sevan, V- Pambak-Sevan-Syunik, VI-Akhuryan, – deformation isoline, o –cities, Thus, a map of the hydrogeodeformation field of the earth's crust has been developed (Fig. 4), reflecting the geodynamic movements of the earth's crust in the form of local structures of deformation (compression, extension) [14]. In the northern part of the region (Gyumri and Spitak tectonic blocks) compression de- formation is observed, the maximum values of the cal- culated deformation are numerically equal: =10-7 , 10-6 , (Table 1) in the southeastern part of the Yerevan tectonic block (Garni fault) deformation of compres- sion is also traced - =10-7 , =10-8 , tensile defor- mation is observed in the NE (Metsamor block), in the west (Sevan block) and in the south of the territory of Armenia [3].
  • 19. POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE № 73, 2024 19 Table 1 Coordinates and parametres of the occurred Earthquakes Earthquake coordinates Magnitude М Depth H Epicentral distance Δ, км Observation point HGD Estimated Deformation  ϕ λ 14,01,2018 41,02 43,95 2,2 5 8,7 10 8,55Е-10 14,01,2018 41,09 43,78 2,7 10 12,41 10 1,21E-08 21,01,2018 41,02 43,88 2,2 10 5,7 10 3,07Е-08 24,01,2018 40,87 43,87 2 10 13,5 11 1,28Е-09 24,01,2018 40,87 43,87 2,1 7 13,5 11 1,70E-09 25,02,2018 39,80 45,16 3,2 10 16,2 22 2,29E-08 25,02,2018 40,87 43,61 2,9 10 15,7 11 1,06E-08 26,03,2018 41,07 43,88 2 10 1,1 10 2,30E-06 11,04,2018 40,58 45,00 2,1 16 8,5 8 6,93E-09 06,06,2018 40,90 44,27 4,4 8 11,4 12 1,98E-06 06,06,2018 40,92 44,28 3,1 8 13,5 12 2,92E-08 06,06,2018 40,92 44,28 3,0 8 13,5 12 2,19E-08 06,06,2018 41,07 44,00 3,5 10 12,2 10 1,25E-07 06,07,2018 40,87 44,23 2,6 10 6,0 12 8,16E-08 Hydrogeodynamic data As a result of statistical processing of the results of monitoring hydrogeodynamic observations hydroge- odynamic effects caused by the influence of the stress- strain state of the environment was identified [4]. The work provides a graph of changes in water level in boreholes NN: 10, 10, 22 (Fig. 4 a, b, c). Fig.5a, b,c Variations in water level in hydrogeodynamic boreholes: NN 12,10,22. In the last diagram, the vertical lines show earth- quake moments in magnitudes. The arrow indicates earthquakes. Borehole N10 was drilled in the north of the re- gion, where seismotectonic processes are active (Fig. 2). During the research, 10 earthquakes with 2<M≤3.5 occurred around the borehole. Before the earthquake of 06.06.2018, M=3.5 (Table 1), a variation in the de- crease in water level in the borehole is observed (Fig. 5a), which probably indicates that near the borehole, tensile deformations prevailed, which led to a growth
  • 20. 20 POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE № 73, 2024 in pore-fracture capacity and increase in reservoir per- meability. Borehole N12 was drilled in the zone of the active Spitak fault and within the Spitak tectonic block; the seismotectonic activity of the borehole location is de- termined by two factors: the geodynamics of the deep fault (movements along the fault) and the earthquakes that have occurred. The earthquake of 06.06.2018, M=4.4 (Table 1) occurred at an epicentral distance of 16 km from the borehole and caused a stepwise change in the water level (Fig. 5b) corresponding to compres- sion deformation (Fig. 4). Borehole N22 is located within a clearly defined tectonic block in Vayk. Variations in the water level in the borehole (Fig. 5c) before the earthquake of 02/25/1018, M = 3.2 (Table 1), characterize an increase in the level caused by a reduction in the pore crack space of the medium, occurring under the influence of compressive stresses; compression deformation was formed near the borehole (Fig. .4) [9]. Thus, based on hydrogeodynamic data, differ- ences in the nature of deformation processes have been identified in different areas of the earth’s crust in the territory of Armenia. Thus, according to hydrogeodynamic data, differ- ences in the nature of deformation processes have been identified in different areas of the earth’s crust in the territory of Armenia. Discussions The novelty of this work lies in the assessment of the information content of each hydrogeodynamic well and the selection of a group of informative wells for re- cording tidal variations, changes in water level and strain sensitivity of well locations. Analysis and processing of the results of monitor- ing hydrogeodynamic observations allows us to study variations in the deformation (movement) of the earth's crust in the territory of Armenia in time and space. Widespread use and interpretation of the results obtained in the future is important for assessing the stress-strain state of the earth's crust in Armenia. Results The use of the hydrogeodynamic monitoring method makes it possible to assess the seismic regime of the territory of Armenia for the period under study: the number of earthquakes that occurred, the prevailing depth of the source and the magnitude of the earth- quake. The distribution of earthquake sources in time and space according to the seismicity map of the region in- dicates the concentration of seismic events in tectonic blocks and deep seismically active faults. The stress-strain state of the region's crust affects the deformation of the water-bearing rocks in the well. Compressive deformation of the rock is reflected in the dynamics of the water level in the form of a rise, and tensile deformation of the rock results in a decrease in the level. Based on the map of the stress-strain state of the earth’s crust in the territory of Armenia, built according to seismicity and hydrogeodynamics indicators, it fol- lows that the more stressed parts of the region’s earth’s crust for 2018 are the northern (Gyumri and Spitak tec- tonic blocks) and SW (Vayk block) parts of Armenia. Spatiotemporal analysis showed patterns of devel- opment of hydrogeodeformation processes, both the distribution of geodynamic stresses and the nature of their influence on the groundwater level. References 1. Dobrovolsky I.G., Zubkov S.I., Myachkin V.I. 1980, On assessing the size of the zone of manifestation of earthquake precursors // Modeling of earthquake precursors. M. Nauka. p. 7-43. 2. Geology of the USSR. Moscow. 1969. Sub- soil.vol.1X. S, 380. 3. 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  • 21. POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE № 73, 2024 21 ECONOMIC SCIENCES ANALYZING THE PROBLEMS OF STABILITY OF THE NATIONAL CURRENCY EXCHANGE RATE OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN Kaziyeva A., candidate of economic sciences, senior lecturer Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty Ismailova A. Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Chemistry and Biology, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10981225 Abstract At this stage, the consequences of the global geopolitical crisis continue to negatively affect the global econ- omy, which is characterized by a high degree of instability and inconsistency in the economic policies of the largest countries and integration structures. The current situation threatens problems in the global economy and makes its future extremely uncertain. One of the main reasons for such uncertainty is the instability of the global monetary system (MFS) caused by the uncontrolled expansion of financial markets and financial instruments, the liberaliza- tion of international capital flows, the growing influence of transnational financial institutions on developing econ- omies and the dollarization of the global economy. As a result, the structural principles of the Jamaican monetary system, developed in the 1960s in the interests of the United States and other developed countries, no longer correspond to the realities of the global economy. In this regard, the issue of reforming the Ministry of Internal Affairs and regulating international monetary relations is becoming important. Modern scientific research exam- ines various approaches to the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. These include reducing the role of the dollar as the dominant international currency, the formation of a polycentric world order and the creation of a monetary union to diversify international currency liquidity. This is due to the fact that the monetary policy of each country is not independent, but is an integral part of the monetary system and economic policy as a whole. Therefore, currency integration requires a well-established common economic policy of all participating countries, including Kazakhstan. The stability of the country's national currency is becoming an important factor in the de- velopment of the national economy and ensuring economic growth, since its fluctuations have a certain impact not only on financial markets, but also on other sectors of the economy. And in the current situation of instability, the study of this issue will reveal the problems and effective direction of state policy aimed at ensuring the economic security of the country and the possibility of stabilizing the exchange rate. Keywords: national currency, economic security, inflation, balance of payments, discount rate, currency pol- icy. Introduction Currency stability is one of the final and most im- portant indicators of the effectiveness of foreign eco- nomic activity and international competitiveness of the country's economy. The Republic of Kazakhstan (RK) has become a full-fledged subject of the world eco- nomic system, including closer integration relations within the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). Since the introduction of the national currency - tenge, its constant depreciation has been recorded. In this regard, the study of the stability of the exchange rate of the country, the development of the monetary system of the country, the prospects of integration into the global and regional economy, as well as the effectiveness of mon- etary policy, on which depends the success of sustaina- ble economic growth. Studies on the study of the monetary and financial system of the RK and the processes of currency inte- gration within the EAEU were conducted in the works of economists: N.A. Nazarbayev, N.T. Sailaubekov, A.F. Khapilin, V.Y. Dodonov, R.E. Elemesov, L.N. Krasavina, N.A. Nurseit, V.G. Kabetenova, E.K. Smanov, A.V. Khamzaeva and others. Nazarbek U.B., Tulegenova M.O., Kalbaeva N.T. Bimendiev L., Ba- zhikova G., Ibragimova, N. V. [1,2,3] in their studies paid much attention to the factors influencing the ex- change rate of the national currency. Dodonov V.Y. considered the hypothesis of dependence of the rate of the national currency of Kazakhstan on the Russian cur- rency in connection with the countries' membership in the EAEU [4]. Purpose of the study The purpose of this study is to identify the prob- lems of stability of the national currency exchange rate and identify promising areas for improving the effec- tiveness of monetary regulation, taking into account in- ternational experience in the conditions of instability and transformation of the modern international mone- tary system, intensification of currency integration pro- cesses in the world, as well as within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union. Materials and methods of research The conceptual basis of the study is presented in the modern works of foreign and Kazakh economists, devoted to the MBS and monetary and financial regu- lation. The validity of the results is based on general scientific methods, such as analytical and systematic approaches, comparative analysis, structural analysis, statistical analysis, correlation analysis, historical and
  • 22. 22 POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE № 73, 2024 logical analysis, inductive and deductive, systematiza- tion and graphical analysis. The information and empirical base of the study is represented by the works of domestic and foreign sci- entists, statistical data and analytical reviews of inter- national and national organizations: International Mon- etary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, the World Gold Council, the European Central Bank, the Bank of Eng- land, Japan, the US Federal Reserve System, the Na- tional Bank of Kazakhstan, the Central Banks of the member countries of the Commonwealth of Independ- ent States (EAEU). The results of the study and their discussion Currency in Italian means money (valuta). Na- tional currency is a currency issued by the state or cen- tral bank in the territory of this state, which is used for settlements and payments, foreign economic relations and international settlements with other countries. Since the introduction of the tenge as the national cur- rency of the Republic of Kazakhstan, there has been a tendency to its constant depreciation. Thus, in 1993 one dollar cost 4.7 tenge, which was the highest rate of tenge. By 1999, the dollar had already increased from 84 to 138 tenge. For 2018 the average rate of tenge to dollar was 344.7 tenge, for August 2019 the dollar cost 386.67 tenge, for 2023 was 476.98 tenge, that is, the Kazakh national currency has depreciated more than 80 times. The rates of the U.S. dollar, euro and Japanese yen fluctuate slightly. Let's consider internal and exter- nal criteria of stability of the national currency (Fig- ure 1). Figure 1: Criteria of national currency stability World oil prices are one of the main factors affect- ing the exchange rate of the tenge. In 2018, oil ac- counted for 62% of Kazakhstan's exports. Changes in the crude oil exchange rate are closely linked to the global economic cycle. For example, as a result of the Asian financial crisis of 1997-1998 and the fall in world oil and metal prices, the tenge began to fall rapidly from 1999. In the period from 2003 to 2007, the tenge grad- ually strengthened as world commodity markets saw a steady rise in prices. Against the backdrop of the global economic crisis in 2008, when there were massive bank failures and falling stock prices in the U.S., the dollar exchange rate in Kazakhstan rose from KZT120 to KZT150. In early 2014, the fall in oil prices by almost 60% contributed to a sharp devaluation of the tenge in 2015 to 185 tenge, in 2016 the dollar cost 340 tenge. With the advent of the pandemic in 2020, the country experienced a fourth devaluation, with the dollar rising to 400 tenge. Economic crisis in 2022 due to the Rus- sian-Ukrainian military conflict there was a fifth deval- uation. Undoubtedly, the US dollar is the main currency for settlements in the oil and gas industry, which leads to its most frequent use for domestic transactions, and this leads to increased dependence of the national cur- rency. The consequences of unfavorable changes in com- modity markets are reflected in the country's economic growth (Figure 2). According to the indicators in Figure 2, a direct correlation between the dynamics of oil prices and GDP of the RK is confirmed. As a result of the global finan- cial crisis in 2008 and the subsequent sharp drop in oil prices, the real GDP growth rate of Kazakhstan in 2009 decreased to 1.2%, in 2016 to 1.1%, and in 2020 to - 2.6% [5].
  • 23. POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE № 73, 2024 23 Figure 2: Dynamics of oil prices and GDP in Kazakhstan 1998-2022. According to analysts of the International Mone- tary Fund (IMF), global geopolitical tensions (relations between the United States and China and the situation in Ukraine) may lead to a reduction in cross-border in- vestment and banking operations, which in turn will have a negative impact on the economy as a whole and reduce its growth by 2% [6]. The Governing Council of the European Central Bank raised the key rate to 3.5% in March 2022. The bank attributed this increase to rising inflation. It is ex- pected to remain high for quite a long time, while the main goal of both the Fed and the ECB is ultimately the intention to reduce inflation to 2%. ECB analysts pre- dict that the inflation rate could "come down" to 2.1% by 2025. The decision to raise interest rates was made by the Central Bank of England - the bank's rate rose to 4.25%. The rate of the Central Bank of New Zealand was 5.25%, the Reserve Bank of Australia - 3.6%, the Central Bank of Pakistan - 21%. When interest rates rise, saving becomes more profitable than consump- tion, business and personal spending declines, credit becomes expensive, and this slows economic growth. As a result, a slowing economy leads to lower inflation. According to an analysis by International Monetary Fund (IMF) economists John Mark Natal and Philip Barrett, rising interest rates are temporary. "Once infla- tion is back under control, advanced economy central banks are likely to loosen monetary policy and return real interest rates to pre-pandemic levels," the IMF an- alysts said. According to statistics, since the fourth quarter of 2022, the National Bank of Kazakhstan holds the highest prime rate in the EAEU - 16%. This means that loans in Kazakhstan are the most expensive, and this affects all areas of the economy [7]. One of the internal criteria is the balance of pay- ments, which is a report reflecting all foreign economic transactions of the country with other countries of the world for the reporting period. Thus, according to the data of the NB RK the balance of payments at the end of the first quarter of 2023 was formed with a deficit of $1.6 billion. At the end of the first quarter of 2022 there was a surplus of $4.8 billion. The decrease in exports is due to the decline in exports of oil and gas condensate by 25.7% or $3.5 billion. Inflation in the Republic of Kazakhstan in Septem- ber 2023 for the year slowed down and amounted to 11.8% (Table 1) [5]. Table 1 Inflation in the Republic of Kazakhstan (%) 2021 2022 2023 Annual inflation 8,9 17,7 11,8 Food products 11,5 22,2 11,4 Non-food products 6,8 17,0 11,9 Paid services 7,5 12,3 11,9 The greatest contribution to inflation is made by foodstuffs, as their share in the consumer basket is about 40%, and it includes goods that are strongly in- fluenced by seasonality. In addition, non-food products also make a significant contribution to domestic price inflation due to high dependence on imports and insta- bility of exchange rates. The contribution of services to inflation is the smallest, mainly reflecting price control by state monopolies through tariffs. The reason for high inflation in Kazakhstan compared to neighboring coun- tries is due to: 1. Commodity dependence. First of all, it concerns the price of oil on global markets. A significant drop in energy prices leads to a sharp deterioration in the bal- ance of payments, causing a weakening of the national currency and rising inflation. 2. Inadequate fiscal policy and lack of financial discipline. Explanation. In favorable periods of high oil prices, the government should reduce financing of
  • 24. 24 POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE № 73, 2024 budget expenditures by setting aside money in the Na- tional Fund (Natsfond). On the other hand, when oil prices fall, budget revenues fall, budget deficit deepens and, as a consequence, the national currency weakens. In turn, the weakening of national currencies leads to an increase in prices for imported goods. In case of a sharp and prolonged decline in the price of oil, the gov- ernment must use money from the National Fund to maintain public expenditures at the same level. Also, the government, selling foreign currency from the Na- tional Fund at the local currency exchange does not al- low the national currency to depreciate, which in turn reduces the growth of inflation in the country. Absence of competition. Competition stimulates the efficient use and distribution of resources in the economy, thereby causing price reductions and lower inflation. In addition, key commodity markets are dom- inated by large state-owned enterprises (JSC NC KazMunayGas, Air Astana, JSC Kazakhtelecom, JSC Otbasy Bank, JSC NC Kazakhstan Temir Zholy) and several private companies associated with the state. Very often the government does not provide equal con- ditions between public and private companies. Insufficiently developed financial and currency market in Kazakhstan. One of the key factors hindering the development of the financial market in Kazakhstan is government financing at an interest rate much lower than the market rate. This practice reduces the effi- ciency of money distribution in the economy, creates unfair competition in the financial market and sharply reduces the effectiveness of interest rate and credit channels of inflation management by the National Bank. Kazakhstan ranks 15th in the world in terms of confirmed commercial gold reserves and third in the CIS, after Russia and Uzbekistan. Gold reserves in Ka- zakhstan fell to 314 tons in the second quarter of 2023. The maximum reserves reached 402 tons in 2022, and the minimum 221 tons in 2015. These reserves for the period of crisis ensure the stability of the national econ- omy and allow the state to solve many problems with- out external borrowing [8]. In the field of foreign exchange policy, the Na- tional Bank will retain the regime of free-floating ex- change rate. To increase transparency and confidence in the policy, the National Bank regularly publishes the volume of allocated transfers and converted assets from the National Fund in the foreign exchange market. Building up the attractiveness of tenge deposits by means of interest rates contributed to the further pro- cess of dedollarization in the banking system and facil- itated the increase in funding of second-tier banks in the national currency. However, dollarization remains a challenge as the leading intervention currency is the dollar. As of January 1, 2023, the banking sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan is represented by 21 second- tier banks, including 12 banks with foreign participa- tion, including 8 subsidiary banks. The top five large banks are Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan, KASPI BANK, Bank CenterCredit, Otbasy Bank and ForteBank. Ac- cording to the Kazakhstan Agency for Regulation and Development of Financial Market (ARDF), in March 2023 deposits in tenge of commercial banks increased by 3.7% to 21.6 trillion KZT, in foreign currency - only by 1.3% to 9.1 trillion KZT. As a result, the level of dollarization decreased and by April 1 was 29.8% com- pared to 31.6% at the beginning of 2023. According to R. Dosov, chief analyst of the Association of Financiers of Kazakhstan, the reason for the decrease in dollariza- tion of deposits is due to low non-market rates on dollar deposits at the level of 1% and high yield of tenge de- posits at 18.3%, which in addition were charged an ad- ditional 10% from the state under the Tenge Deposit Protection Program [10] Conclusions Thus, the stability of the tenge has a great impact on the economic security of Kazakhstan. Since the in- troduction of tenge into circulation, its exchange rate has been decreasing. This is based on internal rather than external factors. The main problem of Kazakh- stan's economy is the low level of diversification. As a result, it is dependent on the oil sector, and the inflow of foreign currency is provided mainly by the oil sector. Significant fluctuations in world oil prices have a sig- nificant impact on Kazakhstan's trade, balance of pay- ments, budget and economic growth. It is necessary to diversify export flows away from narrowly oriented ex- ports and reduce imports of goods by increasing domes- tic production potential. Tighten control over the spending of budget funds and implementation of in- vestment projects carried out under the state program. Strengthen the fight against excessive bureaucracy and corruption in state bodies that control and supervise im- port-export and commercial activities [6]. References 1. Nazarbek U. B., Tulegenova M. O., Kalbaeva N. T. Development and ways of solving problems in the currency market of the Republic of Kazakhstan // Ac- tual problems of humanities and natural sciences. - 2013. - №. 4. - С. 211-214. 2. Bimendieva L., Bazhikova G. PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF STABILITY OF THE NATIONAL CURRENCY OF KAZAKHSTAN //Vestnik KazNU. Series Economic. - 2019. - Т. 127. - №. 1. - С. 141-151. 3. Ibragimova, N. V. Some aspects of risks of the national currency of the Republic of Kazakhstan / N. V. 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  • 26. 26 POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE № 73, 2024 MEDICAL SCIENCES NORMALIZATION OF OCCLUSAL RELATIONSHIPS WHEN USING IMPLANT-SUPPORTED BRIDGES Arkhmammadova G., Department of Orthopedic Dentistry, Assistant Feyzullayev E., Department of Orthopedic Dentistry, Assistant Aliyev T. Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine, assistant Department of Pediatric Dentistry Azerbaijan Medical University DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10981239 Abstract To date, extensive clinical experience has been accumulated in the use of dental implants for dental prosthet- ics of various dentition defects. The success of dental implantation depends on a number of factors, both surgical and orthopedic. One of the orthopedic factors influencing the outcome of treatment is the state of occlusal rela- tionships [6]. In this regard, it is of particular importance to align the occlusal relationships of teeth during implant- supported prosthetics with neighboring teeth and antagonist teeth in order to avoid increased oriented functional load on the implant, leading to disruption of the stability of the area of connection between the implant and the surrounding bone tissue. Keywords: bridges, traumatic occlusion, implants. A necessary condition for the dynamic restructur- ing of cortical and also cancellous bone tissue is the correct and uniform distribution of mechanical load during chewing, taking into account its magnitude and direction. However, implant healing and long-term preservation of a stable zone of connection between the implant and the surrounding bone tissue, capable of withstanding significant chewing loads, especially in patients with various occlusal disorders leading to the formation of traumatic nodes, remains an urgent prob- lem [5,7]. Purpose of the work: to study the significance of correction of occlusal disorders by the method of se- lective grinding on the processes of osseointegration of peri-implant tissues. Material and methods We con- ducted clinical and radiological studies in 3 groups of patients at various stages of prosthetics using dental im- plants. The 1st group consisted of 8 patients using bridges supported by implants, the 2nd - 10 patients with single artificial crowns on implants, the 3rd - 13 patients using metal-ceramic bridges supported by de- vitalized teeth and implants. Patients of group 3 did not undergo selective grinding of the occlusal surfaces of dentures. Selective grinding was carried out in 12 stages (Bushan M.G., Kalamkarov H.A., 1983): 1) in the distal occlusion (static phase); 2) when the lower jaw moves back to the position of central occlusion (static phase); 3) in the position of central occlusion (static phase); 4) in anterior occlusion there is a static phase); 5) when the lower jaw moves from the position of central occlusion to the anterior occlusion (dynamic phase); 6) in lateral occlusion (right and left) on the bal- ancing side; 7) when the lower jaw moves from central occlusion to transversal occlusion; 8) in lateral occlu- sion on the working side; 9) when moving the lower jaw from central occlusion to transversal occlusion on the working side; 10) elimination of supracontacts of the fangs in lateral occlusion (static phase); 11) elimi- nation of supracontacts in other areas of the dentition; 12) smoothing and polishing of all ground surfaces of teeth. During the process of selective grinding, trau- matic bumps were identified using articular paper. Cor- rection of premature contacts was carried out in limited areas of enamel, on the slopes of the cusps to minimize trauma to the surface layers of tooth enamel. After each manipulation, the teeth were coated with fluoride var- nish from Belak-F. During the period of selective grinding, all patients were recommended to brush their teeth 2 times a day with toothpastes that prevent in- creased sensitivity of the enamel. After selective grind- ing was completed, the tooth enamel was polished us- ing fluoride-containing pastes to achieve a completely smooth surface. This manipulation was performed to prevent the formation of increased plaque deposits. The process of osseointegration of peri-implant bone tissues was monitored using targeted radiography [7,8]. Research results. During a clinical examination, signs of occlusal disorders were revealed in patients: namely, traumatic occlusion, manifested by more pronounced exposure of the necks and roots of individual teeth, pronounced mo- bility of teeth I-II degrees in the area of occlusal trauma. Uneven deepening of the implant-gingival pockets was observed in 7 patients, and the implant-gingival sulcus, determined by probing from the vestibular, oral, medial and distal sides of the tooth, was observed in 4 patients. The examination was carried out before the start of se- lective grinding, at the end of all stages, and also 1 month after grinding. Selective grinding was carried out in stages, every 2-3 days, which allowed the patient to gradually adapt to changes in occlusion. The effec- tiveness of selective grinding of pronounced cusps of remaining teeth, as well as the occlusal surfaces of den- tures supported by dental implants, was monitored by us for 1-, 2-, 3 months using radiography. At the same time, attention was paid to the degree of bone tissue at-