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Policies That Influence The Cost Of Education
Policies that influence the cost of education affect people's decisions to attend college. Previous literature discuss policies and programs influencing
marginal benefits and the cost of obtaining a college education, such as the Pell Grant (Seftor and Turner 2002, Rubin 2011, Kane 2003), financial aid
and assistance programs (Cornwell, Mustard, and Sridhar 2006, Dynarski 2003, Kane 2007) and insurance provision (Cohodes et al. 2016, Miller and
Wherry 2016). These studies provide evidence that increasing exposure to the information of assistantships and expanding eligibility of assistantship
programs improves college enrollment. We assume health insurance works in a similar way to financial aid and assistantship programs by reducing the
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Therefore, the pre–reform period covers 2007–2010 survey year (2006–2009 calendar year). Considering the potential differential impacts of the
reform, we further separate the post–reform period into the enactment stage, 2011 survey year (2010 calendar year) and the implementation stage, from
2012 to 2016 survey year (2011–2015 calendar year). The model used is: y_iast=b_0+b_1*гЂ–EnactгЂ—_t+b_2*гЂ–ImplementгЂ—_t+
b_3*гЂ–EligibilityгЂ—_a+b_4* (гЂ–EnactгЂ—_t* гЂ–EligibilityгЂ—_a )+b_5*(гЂ–ImplementгЂ—_t*гЂ–EligibilityгЂ—_a )+b_6*X_iast+b_7*
гЂ–UnemploymentгЂ—_st+b_8*гЂ–AgespecificUnemploymentгЂ—_ast+гЂ–stateгЂ—_s+гЂ–yearгЂ—_t+Оµ_iast, (1) where the outcome variable
y_iast is college enrollment, defined as one if individual i in the eligibility group a is enrolled in college in state s from year t when the interview is
conducted and already graduated from high school; гЂ–EnactгЂ—_t is a dummy variable for the initial post–reform stage, defined as one if the survey
year equals 2011 and zero otherwise; гЂ–ImplementгЂ—_t is a dummy variable for the full implementation of the post–reform stage, defined as one if
the survey year falls into 2012–2016 and zero otherwise; гЂ–EligibilityгЂ—_ais the age eligibility dummy variable, defined as one for the age group
19–25 and zero for the age group 26–30; x_iast is a set of individual control variables including age, gender, marital status, race, ethnicity, high
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Minimum Tolerance Policies : Zero Tolerance, Zero Education
mes Paul
Dr. Graybill
English 101
29, November, 2015
Zero Tolerance Policies: Zero Tolerance, Zero Education
The school to prison pipeline is a growing issue in schools around the world today. The school to prison pipeline is becoming larger and larger each
year due to the zero tolerance policies held by many schools. Zero tolerance policies have been proven to be very ineffective in bad schools who use
them as a way to get rid of disruptive students. Alongside with being proven ineffective the zero tolerance policies also damage and slow the process of
education to a child that is targeted. The school to prison pipeline is a very bad thing. Children are losing education due to the pipeline. Zero
tolerance policies are also not good because students can lose their education due to small things done in class. The pipeline refers to students "is a
series of zero–tolerance policies implemented by principals, school boards and state legislatures in response to the 1999 Columbine school shooting"
(Lowery, "Clogging the Pipeline"). The zero tolerance policies are policies that "[refer] to strict, uncompromising, automatic punishment to eliminate
undesirable behavior" (Wilson, "Tuning off the school–to–prison–pipeline"). The zero tolerance policies are a very bad thing. The zero tolerance
policies have been based on the "the assumption that removing students from schools when they behave disruptively will create peaceful learning
environments and deter others from engaging in
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Essay on Zero Tolerance Policy of Education in America
Zero Tolerance Policy of Education in America In Bedford, Texas, a 16
–year–old honor student was expelled after a security guard noticed a kitchen
knife on the floor of the student's car. The knife apparently had fallen unnoticed as the student carted some of his grandmother's possessions to
Goodwill. He was ordered to spend a year in a juvenile–justice education program and banished from district property and school–sponsored activities.
[...] In Deer Lakes, Pennsylvania, a kindergarten student was suspended for bringing a toy axe to school. He was dressed as a firefighter for
Halloween. [...] In Thornton, Colorado, a ... Show more content on ...
If a student was a relatively good kid with no past disciplinary actions taken against him or her, they were much more likely to have a punishment that
actually taught them something, rather than creating a sense of resentment towards the school authorities, and "the system" in general. Before the era of
zero tolerance, a kid with a great future ahead could not screw it all up by making one simple mistake.
The line that zero tolerance crosses is one of intent. Zero tolerance looks only at the offense that has been made, not at the circumstances that brought it
about. If someone with no intent of doing something unlawful accidentally commits a crime, they are punished equally with one who deliberately
inflicts harm.
So how did zero tolerance laws come about? When major incidences of school disruption, like the Columbine shooting, started occurring, school
officials decided they needed to start cracking down on discipline. After realizing certain things were starting to get out of hand, the federal
government made it mandatory for, "[...] a zero tolerance policy toward the possession of illegal drugs and weapons on school grounds," (Copenhaver
In the beginning days of zero tolerance, the laws truly did focus on behavior that could be deemed dangerous and criminal, and required a mandatory
expulsion for
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The Education Policy Of The United States Essay
Over the years in Australia, there have become many stakeholders in establishing an education policy in the country. The society, economics, politics
and businesses play an integral role in establishing and restructuring the education policy to suit their economic policy. Neoliberalism is defined by
Investopedia (2016) as a "policy model that transfers the control of economic factor to the private sector from the public sector". Neo–Liberal approach
to education believes that the value of education lies in how well it enables the country to compete in the global market place. This can only be
achieved if schools become more like businesses by giving power to parents as consumers and competition between schools to drive up the standards in
education. Hence, the education becomes a 'commodity' rather than an essential basic need for everyone to benefit from. The schools operating like
businesses are called marketization. Marketization of education believes that education should train the most abled students to enable them to fill the
most important jobs. Young students should socialise and learn collective values and build social cohesion and solidarity. The basic new right thinking
is that that the current education system cannot achieve if it is run by the state. The state provides the one size fits all approach to education meaning
that the state run education are not efficient to meet the demands of the local area. New right thinkers Chubb and Moe argue that the
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How Legislation and Policies Influence Education in...
Australia is very a multicultural and diverse country. Consequently schools are faced with many diverse students of different abilities and backgrounds.
To ensure equity and fairness among students, policies and legislations have been put into place to ensure diversity is being catered for and that no
student is being excluded from the education system. Some of these policies and legislation include: The Disability Discrimination Act 1992, The
Salamanca Statement, Disability Standards 2005, Inclusive Education Statement, Disabilities Services Act QLD 2006 and the Melbourne Declaration.
As educators, it is important to acknowledge and implement these polices when planning activities/lessons/curriculum in the classroom. This essay
aims to... Show more content on ...
The teacher can encourage this inclusion by teaching the students, parents, and other community members about negative stereotypical attitudes about
students with disabilities by avoiding negative words, such as "disabled", or "crippled", or "handicapped" and to promote positive ideas about
disabilities into class work, the student's play time and other activities. To further ensure that the classroom is promoting equality for the child with the
disability, the teacher should incorporate an inclusive curriculum mindset, by adapting the lessons, learning materials and classroom to suit the needs
of all the different types of learners including the child with the disability within the classroom. In 1994, representatives of 92 governments and 25
international organizations formed the World Conference on Special Needs Education and called on the international community to endorse the
concept of change and inclusion through a new statement called 'The Salamanca Statement'. As this was the first major international statement of what
an inclusive approach to education needs to be, they formed practical strategies to ensure this positive inclusion would take place worldwide. The
statement outlines that every child has a right to education and must be given the opportunity to learn. It also urges the government to adopt the
principle of
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Policy Changes are Needed in Our Education System
Our society has become punitive when dealing with children, so much so that we are deemed, by other nations, the harshest western nation when it
comes to juvenile policy and punishment. Unfortunately, this is a true statement when we look at our incarceration rates. Our states and federal prison,
local jails, and juvenile detention center are overcrowded, with beds being filled the same day they are vacated. Specifically, our juvenile detention
system is serving an alarming amount of children. In fact, it is estimated that 500,000 children enter juvenile detentions center every year, leading to
the detention of more than 26,000 juveniles every day (Holman and Ziedenberg, 2006). Unfortunately, studies have found that disability rates among
juveniles in detention average around 30% to 50% (Gemeignani, 1994). While some studies indicate the rate of disability is as high as 76% (Quinn et
al., 2005). In contrast, the national average of disabilities is estimated at 10% (Butterworth & Kovas, 2013). These factors have significant
consequences on our society in general. Particularly on our incarceration rates of both juvenile and adults, the enormous cost of incarcerating
individuals, the loss of taxpayers and family members, and the overtaxing of a system that cannot treat the large amount of children. The juvenile
system differs from the adult system; they focus on the treatment of the child in hopes to repair the issues that have caused the delinquency. As we have
seen in other
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Federal Education Policy
According to Bredekamp (2014), "Federal education policy is often designed to hold schools accountable for educating every child and to close the
achievement gap between groups of children" (p.183). Federal policies have many affects on child development. There are certain policies that mandate
that schools are held accountable for students' test scores. Teachers and staff are expected to reform their curriculums in order to raise scores. Not only
do the policies have an effect on children, but the teachers as well. Within the policies protocols and standards are created to ensure that children learn
through experiences and critical thinking to attain academic enhancement. For policymakers, it is important to promote healthy development,... Show
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The policies can have positive affects as well as negative effects. The regulations that are implemented within school standards can be rewarding to
students and their academic scores. High quality education becomes effective and supportive to the needs of the students and their families. It is always
important to continue reforming these policies because education and learning evolves overtime. This proves reasoning with the new laws that are
coming in effect as well as
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Education, Training and Social Care Policies and Procedures
Social Care has got Policies and Procedures staff has to follow, same as in Education and Training. Some of the Policies are :–
Data Protection Act (1998) made provision for the regulation of the processing of information relating to individuals, including the obtaining, holding,
use or disclosure of such information. It was amended in 2003 to include electronic data.
Protection of Children Act (POCA) (1999) was designed to protect children. It gives responsibility to Local Authorities to make enquiries when anyone
contacts them with concerns about child abuse.
Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006) introduced a vetting and barring scheme to make decision about who should be barred from working with
children and vulnerable adults. Teachers may need to have a Criminal Records Bureau (CRB)
Equality Act (2010) replaced all previous anti–discrimination legislation and consolidated in into one act (England, Scotland and Wales). It provides
rights for the people not to be discriminated against or harassed because they have an association with a disabled person or because they were
wrongly perceived as disabled.
Health and Safety at Work 1974 imposes all staff within an organisation commensurate with other role and responsibility. Risk assessments should be
carried out where necessary. In event of accident, particularly one resulting in death or serious injury, an investigation by Health and Safety Executive
may result in the prosecution.
Legislation in the UK
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education policies
1.0 Introduction
Education is so important in any given society. For this reason, it forms a major part of any government's plans. The plans that any government wishes
to implement as regards their education system is determined by existing policies. Factors which influence formulation of policies form the subject of
this discussion.
For orderly presentation, the essay is divided into three chapters namely the introduction, the main body and conclusion. The introduction gives
definitions of key terms used in the essay as well as conceptual frame work, the main body outlines and discusses major factors which influenced
education policies in African countries after ... Show more content on ...
Therefore, in the 1950s and 1960s, demand and plans for investment in formal education by African countries increased. Education was regarded to be a
principal weapon in achieving economic growth. To this end rapid quantitative expansion of the education system became the order of the day in newly
independent African countries.
Man power Shortages
After attaining independence, African countries were confronted with shortage of manpower in various sectors of the economy. As a result of this
scenario, they experienced economic stagnation. Man power shortages were heavily felt in technical and managerial fields. Thus, education policies in
most African countries were directed towards resolving the man power shortages experienced. This situation was evident from what obtained in Kenya.
As Eshiwani (1993:26), observes ''at independence in 1963, Kenya found herself with a high shortage of skilled manpower to run the economy. In order
to solve this problem, a commission was appointed to advise the government on the formulation and interpretation of national educational policies."
Therefore, it can be stated that man power planning in newly independent countries of Africa gave a direction to the formulation of education policies.
Consequently, the governments of newly independent countries of Africa saw it paramount to expand the education systems of their countries in
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Education Policy : Is It, Damned Lies, And Education
Most commonly when asked: "what is education?" the answer usually falls along the line of: attaining knowledge that will be used in one's future life
and helping prepare one for their future. Much like we found when asked the same question in my class, Elementary Education 110: Education Policy:
Lies, Damned Lies, and Education. Each student's answer was similarly along the line of that or relatable to it. However, with such a common, stable,
definition or understanding of what education is, education has still been seen to change continuously over the history of the United States with
different reforms. Education has been around since the 1600s of American and is very much present now in the 21st century, but due to the fact that
there have been so many different reforms throughout time I will only touch on a few. With limitations, I will focus on the first and second
Massachusetts Laws (1642 and 1647), the desegregation with Brown v. Board of Education, Balanced Literacy in District 2 of New York, and No
Child Left Behind. The purpose of this essay is to analyze what I have found in my research on how the relationship between school and society, and
how it has changed in the United States across the Historical Eras. In this analysis, I relate the changing of reforms to Diane Ravitch's book, The
Death and Life of the Great American School System, along with some other resources used in the Education Policy class. Education can be traced
back as far as the time of
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Types Of Resource Based Policies That Education Policymakers
Dan Fette
Yuyang Gu
Laura Hitchcock
Siyun Zhong
There are three types of resource–based policies that education policymakers typically consider: Total Resource Policies, Input Policies, and Output
Policies. The proposed policy of setting a maximum class size of 14 in East Lansing public schools is a type of input policy. Input policies, as the name
suggests, alter a particular input into education, such as teacher quality, class size or the quality of school facilities. It is generally believed that the
input that has the largest effect on student achievement is class size and as such this type of policy has been getting the most attention among
The East Lansing school board wants to make 14 the maximum size for ... Show more content on ...
Class size as one of the most affection of input policy, although reducing class sizecost a lot, it brings a high achievement of students. School should
reduce the class size as measured by the student–teacher ratio. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Joshua Angrist (2004) provides a clear summary of
the current connection between research evidence and policy implementation related to class size reduction initiatives – "under relatively ideal
circumstances (in particular, given long enough lead time and funding adequate to reduce class size without compromising other educational inputs),
class size reductions can increase test scores. This is an important result and a performance standard that many and perhaps most programs, however
well–intentioned, do not live up to."
Potential costs and benefits
Generally, reducing class size is attractive to both parents, students and teachers. According to Eugene M. Lewit and Linda Schuurmann Baker, one
recent national poll found that 70% of adults believe that reducing class size would result in substantial improvements in public schools and less than
10% believed it would have no impact. Here we will discuss many of the potential costs and benefits that reducing class size may bring to students,
schools and the society. (Lewit and Baker, pg 1) Of all the costs associated with class size
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Bilingual Education Policy Analysis
Bilingual education policies in the Unites States have been influenced by many factors. These factors range from the different attitudes towards
languages in general and the controversy that bilingual education creates among interested parties, to the relation between state and federal level
language policies. All of these factors together, along with a number of historical events, have contributed, in one way or another, in shaping the
country's policies of teaching language–minority students (Crawford, 2004; Johnson & Johnson, 2015; Ruiz, 1988).
Before proceeding to the discussion of each factor, we may begin with a definition of what bilingual education is. According to the Education
Commission of the States website (2015), bilingual education ... Show more content on ...
Johnson and Johnson (2015) point out that the nation level language policies are affected by the way each state interprets and implements them. For
instance, the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) in 2002, has been implemented in Arizona State in a way that resulted in reinforcing the English–only
programs that are already in it. While the same act resulted in a notable growth in other non–English programs in Washington State. The interpretation
and application of the NCLB Act in both Arizona and Washington states played a significant role both cases in determining the type of education in the
public schools in both states (Johnson & Johnson, 2015, p. 93). This, as a matter of fact, shows that the federal level language policies, NCLB here,
empower states' roles in deciding the most suitable approach to follow in the implementation
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My Views On Education And Policy Cycles
With years of experience Ravitch explains her changed views on education and policy cycles. Ravitch talks about the evolution of her experience from
public schooling to politics. She discusses education and how it transformed to a testing movement. The two main focuses in American education were
accountability and choice. Educational differences began with the transition of the Clintons administration to the Bush administration. Her career
enhanced within education when she was asked to work for the Department of Education. She joined the Bush administration to be the assistant
secretary in charge of educational research and improvement. Ravitch wanted to focus on a strong curriculum, which included opportunities in liberal
arts and sciences. Ravitch explains her passion for the American school system and the progress she made. Her focus was to keep a well rounded
educator in each classroom. Ravitch starts by explaining the ideas of charter schools and other market based reforms. Ravitch discusses the difference
between the no child left behind act and a nation at risk. The Clinton administration Goals 2000 program gave the states federal money for individual
academic standards. The Bush administration implemented the no child left behind act in 2002. Bush's no child left behind program melded smoothly,
with a central feature of the Clinton administration's Goals program: namely leaving it to the states to set their own standards and pick their own tests
(Ravitch, 2011).
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Essay on Education Policy in Michigan
An outdated education system is the largest problem Michigan faces because it affects not only the present, but also the future of the state. Important
issues cannot be solved, nor policies created to remedy them, if the people attempting to solve them are not equipped with the skills and knowledge
needed to make informed decisions. The state cannot run itself, let alone the nation as a whole, if its' people are uneducated. The Constitution, the very
basis of our government, relies heavily on the assumption that citizens of the United States are able to make knowledgeable and well–reasoned
decisions, the types of which cannot be made when a person does not receive a proper education. This proper education is unattainable when low ...
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After several years of success, the required cuts along with economic woes rendered Proposal A largely ineffective and unable to properly fund
Michigan's schools, creating a massive problem in the way Michigan school districts are to be funded, as well as developing a need for new
educational policy to supplement or overhaul Proposal A and the Michigan educational system. The educational funding problem in Michigan
takes root back in 1809, when the first public school was founded. While funding was not an issue at the time, the way schools were funded
through local property taxes eventually created a large problem. Fast forward to 1985, Michigan has long moved past the rural cities of the 1800's
and into affluent suburbs and cities. The size and taxation pools of cities have greatly changed from 1809 to 1985, but the way schools were funded
remained exactly the same. This lack of change led to a large disparity in school funding from richer districts to poorer districts. Coupled together
with local governments' inability to convince citizens to vote in favor of millages and tax hikes, the disparity ballooned. In 1993, Bloomfield Hills
ranked in the 99th percentile of Michigan schools, was spending on average $10,294 per–student, while Standish Sterling ranked in the bottom 1st
percentile, spent $3,738 per–student, roughly a $6,500 difference per–student (Roy 2003). This inconsistency greatly disadvantaged students all the
way to 95th percentile, where there
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Special Education Law And Policies Essay
Part 2: Special Education Law and Policies For the state of Indiana as an administrator I need to familiarize myself with the Special Education Rules
Title 511 Article 7 Rules 32–49 (Indiana Dept. of Ed, 2014). Article 7 was brought to my attention by my special education coordinator at Laurel
School Mrs. Christy Sheehan. This article will help me access the guidelines of Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) and the Individual Education
Programs (IEP) along with the instruction from Mrs. Sheehan. This article will help me indicate what key areas I need to know as a future
administrator. As I become an administrator I know I will have to familiarize myself with the entire 134 page article, but for now I will focus in on
five areas. This article and area of study is new to me being a physical education teacher that isn't familiar with all the laws of special education. It can
be overwhelming looking into this document, but as an administrator I need to familiarize myself with all aspects of education. When diving into the
article the first area I noticed that would help me as a future administrator was identification of homeless students and how to identify them. This issue
probably isn't discussed by many in our class. As a Title I, educator I have experienced a lot of students who do not have the best home life. At Laurel
School we have several students who do not live with their guardian's full time and bounce from home to home. As an administrator I need know
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Early Childhood Education Policy Analysis
Based on this policy analysis, the recommended alternative is for the federal government to educate states on recognizing the importance of and
participating in the quality early education programs. Some states have already started making progress in modeling and developing early learning
systems for children zero to age five. According to the Whitehouse (2011), "The President's 2012 budget calls upon Congress to establish a new,
competitive Early Learning Challenge Fund, administered by the Departments of Education (ED) and Health and Human Services (HHS), for states
that are ready to take dramatic steps to improve the quality of their early childhood programs. The Early Learning Challenge Fund will be
complemented by investments in Head Start ... Show more content on ...
This is to ensure that capable providers who are able to assist them are serving children and families. The administration supports a newly designed
technical assistance program that brings both current and best practice evidence –informed practices for local programs. They also support the local
programs working with their local school systems to be educated on the skills that children will need and the gains they will need to achieve by
kindergarten in order to achieve a smooth transition into formal schooling. According to the Whitehouse, "We must support families, communities, and
schools working in partnership to deliver services and supports that address the full range of needs of Hispanic students" (2011). Through early
childhood education programs such as Head Starts, services are not just offered at the school programs but in the home as well. The administration
believes that some of the funding that is allocated to these programs should be used in recruiting and retaining high–quality teachers this includes
Latino teachers who can overcome the language barrier and help achieve the language gap. To continue these ongoing resolutions, congress recently
enacted programs that support various neighborhoods. The implementation of Promise Neighborhoods projects is in the testing stage right now, where
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Education Policy Synthesis Essay
While many White Americans believe in merit–based accomplishments, and that everyone has equal opportunity to succeed, the achievement of
minority groups is not welcome. Authors Chavez et al., outline the undocumented immigrant student experience, and how white meritocracy is merely
a pipe dream for those students. (2007) As young children, undocumented students, sometimes not aware of their status, are told that if they work hard
throughout their entire elementary/high school career, that work will be paid off with acceptance into a university, or a good job.
According to Gillborn (2007), there are priorities that are considered when creating education policy, and those priorities often only align with the
interest of white individuals. Following ... Show more content on ...
Gillborn addresses how minoritized students have not shared equally in the improved attainments associated with recent reforms, his example being
testing and 'model minorities', can be applied to undocumented students and the DREAM ACT. Actually the exact opposite of the 'model minority', due
to the fears Americans hold towards undocumented peoples becoming citizens through the DREAM Act. Lastly, what are the effects of the policy?
Central reform strategies are known to work against race equity, but are nevertheless promoted as best practice for all. These reforms are known to
discriminate in practice regardless of intent, and are therefore racist in their consequences. (2007) In regards to undocumented students, the long–term
implications of limiting access to higher education are significant, and the restriction of education will perpetuate exclusion and stratification of
minority ethnic and immigrant groups. (Palmer, 2011) Not providing undocumented students with access to higher education is only hurting the U.S.
in the long run as well as the students. Yet, when white individuals are creating or rejecting education policies that they think are for the best, in
actuality undocumented students suffer and the U.S. economy takes a
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The Pros And Cons Of British Education Policies
Trowler (2003) describes education policy as a 'design' to follow the principles and procedures relating to education issues, the specifications of
which is to bring about the desired goals. However, Ball (1990) defines educational policy as not only a direct response, but also a respond to the
formation of complex and diverse elements. Many policies begin at the macro level, with large organisations such as The World Bank, UNESCO and
the United Nations. The policy then streams down to a national level, which then filters further down into regional and local levels. Bell and
Stevensons (xxxx) point out that most educational policies start with the central government, which then transfers onto local councils and schools. This
then has a considerable ... Show more content on ...
Throughout history, there have been many attempts to reform the education system in this country. All of these reforms have different policies, which a
different government brings in every time and it is elected into power. They bring their own political agendas to alter the education system. Despite all
the previous policies, there are some that have their advantages and disadvantages but the major shift happened in between 1980– 1990 (Ball, 1990).
Britain's education system became 'increasingly politicised' during this time. Ball (1990:3) describes this period as 'Thatcherism'. Margaret Thatcher's
Conservative government brought a lot of changes in the education system, including parents' choice in selecting schools for their children, the national
curriculum, national assessment and school self–sufficiency. The main reason for introducing the national curriculum was due to the failing teachers
and this lead to a 'failing country' (Trowler, 1993:100). Whitty (2016:27) describes Margaret Thatcher's Conservative government restructure as "a
marketising approach to the reform of the school system". Similaly, Machin (CEE DP 57) refers to this as being 'market mechanisms'. These reforms
were designed to improve pupil's achievement and the achievement rate did improve. However, this raised concerns about increased inequality in our
school systems. Different policies have different implications, as mentioned above. The Conservative government's policy between the years 1980 to
1990 had achieved its target, but its implications left a huge gap of inequality in our school system. Trowler (1993: 152) discusses the current century
education policies which have to solve five major issues. These are: 'improving education provision, social deprivation, improve the teaching
profession, improve educational management and to create a learning
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Bilingual Education Act Of 1968: Policy Analysis
The Bilingual Education Act of 1968 provides a clear perspective on the issue of the public policy process. It started out with a clear goal in mind: to
provide instruction to non–English students in American schools by providing some teaching in their native language along with English. The act was
a part of the broader Elementary and Secondary Education Act, and a part of the Civil Rights movement because of its issues relating to language and
culture. It was particularly aimed to the large amount of Hispanic immigrants in the American Southwest. The provides an issue that is complex and
changing rapidly especially in today's multiethnic and multilinguistic United States society. The agenda setting process for the Bilingual Education...
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The amendments created established goals for the program, explicitly defined what bilingual programs would be, and mandated that feedback would be
provided on the programs to determine whether or not they were meeting their goals. It also eliminated the low–income requirement for students to
receive the supplemental education. Also in 1974 came a ruling in Lau vs. Nichols, which determined that school districts must provide bilingual
programs. "The Supreme Court reasoned that the responsibility to overcome language barriers that impede full integration of students falls on the
school boards and not on the parents or children; otherwise, there is no real access for these students to a meaningful education." (64) In 1981, the
Fifth Circuit heard a case regarding bilingual education, in Castaneda vs. Pickard, whereby they established policies in order to define the necessary
actions which must take place in order to properly instruction English second–language students in American schools. "The program must be based on
sound educational theory, it must have sufficient resources and personnel, and it must prove to be effective in teaching students English. (64) In the
1980s, bilingual education policy found itself under fire from those who believed that providing instruction in a language other than English was only
further splitting the nation apart. In 1994, bilingual education was
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Sexual Education Policy Report
The policy issue that I chose to write about is Sex Education in the classroom. Almost all student in the USA receive some type of sex education
between the grades 7th and 12th. Sometime even as early as 4th grade.
Many states now have laws that do not allow the parents to opt out of the class, regardless of how they feel about their child being taught, these things
("Contemporary Education Issues | K12 Academics," 2015). While some states leave it up to the individual district to set the rules for sex education in
the district.
Sexual Education suggests to deliver the knowledge, standards and procedures that allow the implementation of human rights, the satisfactory
enactment in our personal lives, inspire a thoughtful change in civic values, ethical attitudes, and active oppositions which arouse the personal
development and social combination of pre–teenagers and teenagers, and subsequently prevent the transmission of HIV, undesirable pregnancies, and
sexual violence. In general it must breakdown all the ties between stereotypes and mythologies about sexuality.
The roles of government, and all the programs that have been launched, promote a good quality sexual education. They do not only teach contraception
methods, but encourage the student to be educated and not be sexually active. They can provide information that can be extremely important for the
future of the youth in our country.
These programs are thought to promote values and handle concerns everyone should
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Politics and Policies Influencing America’s Education of...
America's educational system is home to an increasing number of English language learners. Some research indicates that by the year 2030, over 40%
of elementary and secondary students served by schools in the United States will come from homes where a language other than English is spoken
(Thomas & Collier, 2001). In an effort to accommodate these students, the United States has adopted policies at both the federal and state levels.
Generally, the direction taken to meet the needs of English language learners has depended on the climate of the nation. During times of peace and
prosperity, policies reflect the nation's tolerance of other languages and cultures. However, during times of war or conflict, policies have reflected...
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The BEA was the first federal attempt to provide educational programs for students with limited English proficiency. Funding in the forms of grants
was made available to schools to help at least begin to meet some of the needs of students not fluent in the English language. Although the BEA of
1968 did not solve the issues regarding the education of students speaking languages other than English, it was a step in decriminalizing the
incorporation of bilingual education in schools across much of the United States. Improvements were made in our country's education of ELL with the
ruling in the case of Lau versus Nichols in 1974. The initial suit was brought by 1,800 Chinese students in the San Francisco area who claimed that they
were not receiving equal educations within that system because they lacked proficiency in English. Initially, the students were unsuccessful in their
claim as the court ruled that students bring to the educational system with them different linguistic and cultural backgrounds and that the school system
itself cannot accommodate for such differences. The case made its way to the Supreme Court, however, where a ruling was made in favor of the
students. This decision guaranteed ELL the right to an appropriate education regardless of their proficiency in the English language. While Lau versus
Nichols was a step in the right direction for bilingual education and meeting the needs of students below proficiency in English, it did
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Single-Sex Education Policy Analysis
In today's society the word gender has once again regained its popularity among the media. A single gender class or school is one that contains
learners of a single sex as opposed to coeducational classes or schools. It is possible to have a coeducational school with single gender classes. The
percentage of coeducational classes and schools is far more dominant than that of single gender classes and schools in the nation. While it is clear that
the preference among the nation is coeducational schools there have been numerous schools that are on the raise to establish single gender schools
especially after 2006 when a few restrictions on Title IX have been lifted. Title IX permits for single sex schools but have a small exception for single
gender classrooms within coeducational school. The exceptions must be met with appropriate justifications. The 2006 loosen restrictions must not ...
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is not justifiable. My position on the matter is that we should look at alternative ways to improve our middle schools as single gender classrooms is
not the best option.
Mansfield, K.C. (2013). The growth of single–sex schools; Federal policy meets the local needs and interest. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 21
(78). Retrieved 10/30/2015, from
PedroA. Noguera(2013). Saving Black and Latino boys. Phi Delta Kappa International, 30 (20). Retrieved 10/20/2015 from
/articles/2012/02/03/kappan_noguera.html?tkn=RROFtDeesX80HWq7cNUOHUKiwS%2Fn9DMeNzTL&print=1 Janet Shibley Hyde; Carlie M.
Allison; Erin Pahlke. (2014). The effects of single–sex compared with coeducational schooling on students performance and attitudes; A meta–analysis.
American Psychological Association, 140 (1042–1072). Retrieved 10/30/2015 from
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American Foreign Policy And The Education System
When Noam Chomsky speaks about education, he referred to it as an "imposed ignorance". Thoughts on Intellectuals and The School is written by
world–renowned linguist, Noam Chomsky as a response to the issues of Western education and the impact it has in the lives of the intellectuals and
scholars. Chomsky is noting that intellectuals often cared more about attaining power than exposing the lies and truth. With that, he provided examples
from the failure of the American Foreign Policy and decision making system to which the intellectual community fails to contribute its opinions to
social issues, and instead, disdained from it. Furthermore, Chomsky suggested that schools should provide more discussions revolving moral and
ethical concerns... Show more content on ...
We believe that if with knowledge, comes power, and with power comes a great responsibility, Chomsky was right that what mattered most was not the
American intellectuals offering their allegiance to the country, but rather exercising their power to challenge the effectiveness of the individuals who
represent their nation.
Chomsky criticized how the American education system is portraying the country as a dominant power and treating the rest of the world as an American
preserve. As such, there is the the justification of unethical behaviors that can affect American student's perspectives of their superiority toward other
country. Chomsky regarded this circumstances as a national disgrace toward American education system. Due to the fact that schools are the
fundamental ground for future candidates of intellectuals, technician or troops who will disturb the status quo in the future that responsible for
developing the means for the extension of American power.
By way of example, history educators have glossed over several facts that certain historical events left a bad mark in history. Such as, the Napoleonic
War where thousands of Europeans are killed. It is that debates regarding Napoleon's legitimacy and moral ethical dilemma are rarely discussed, and
history are rather seen as a win or lose situation between two nations at war. This view is very narrow and hinders students from becoming
open–minded, problem
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Pursuing An Education For Public Policy
During an economics lecture the professor said to my class " I do not know whether the increasing income inequality is an issue or not". I was
perplexed. I thought the goal of Economics, as a social science, was to achieve the maximum welfare of people while efficiently using resources. So
how is income inequality that renders many people worse off, not an issue? By not stating his opinion, he wished to remain unbiased. However, if
everyone were to keep their understanding of justice and inequality to themselves without meaningful dialogues, no societal issue would gain attention
or action.
I felt my theoretical background required training in practical applications to conceive working solutions to some of the most pressing problems of
our time. Realizing I want to be equipped with the tools necessary to take appropriate measures when the welfare of individuals is compromised, I
knew I should seek an education in Public Policy. With my interdisciplinary academic background, I aspire to contribute to the field of Public Policy by
bringing a transnational–feminist perspective to the socio–economic policy discourse. Therefore, there is no better place for me to pursue my doctoral
degree in Public Policy than at Chicago Harris School of Public Policy.
My experiences in research and community service have molded my policy interests and prepared me for my graduate education in policy formulation
and analysis. My joint research paper on the lives of women veterans in the U.S.
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Texas Sexual Education Policy : A Proposed Policy Change
Texas Sexual Education Policy: A Proposed Policy Change Aneetta Alex GOVT 2306.0U2: State and Local Government University of Texas at Dallas
Summer 2016 Texas Sexual Education Policy: A Proposed Policy Change Texas currently does not have mandated sexual education for students. In a
deeply conservative state, sexual education is extremely taboo because many parents feel as though sexual education can promote sexual activity in
young adults. When tracking the history of sexual education in Texas, it is evident that there is an overwhelming amount of programs that encourage
abstinence as the only method of contraception. Although Texas does not require sexual education to be taught, it does have limitations as to what can
be taught. Legally, sexual education programs have to stress abstinence as the primary method of contraception. When taught, it is not legally required
that medically accurate information about contraception be taught. In addition to this, there is no law requiring sexual education to be culturally
appropriate or unbiased and it is perfectly legal to promote religion while providing sexual education. Parents must be notified and have the option to
refuse to suscept their child to sexual education. Additionally, any sexuality other than heterosexuality must be portrayed in a negative light in Texas
as Texas law prevents sexual education from being inclusive of LGBTQ people. In 2014, Texas received over $5.1 million dollars in federal funding to
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Adult Education Policy Analysis
In terms of policy development, an educational issue that is always changing each year is adult education. The adult leaner can be one the trickiest
populations to educate, because adults come from many different backgrounds. In my opinion, adult education starts when a student beings their
educational career in undergrad, and continues with post–bachelor degrees, work place environments, and even at home.
According to Kristen Caschera, the three most significant challenges an adult learner faces are balancing school and life responsibilities, accessibility,
and cost (Cashera, 2013). This is an issue in policy development because in order to run an effective educational program, it must need to meet the
needs of an adult learn, focusing on
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Devising Education Policies
The devising of education policies and ensuring it is adhered to in schools is the responsibility of the National Government, which consists of two
divisions that deal specifically with all areas that are relevant to education such as the Department for Education. This department develops the core
subjects and syllabus that are studied in the national curriculum throughout schools in the UK as well as Early Years Foundation Stage. The National
Government instructs OFSET officers to carry out annual inspections of schools in order to monitor and evaluate whether protocols and procedure are
being implemented in regards to school policies, legislations and the law to ensure standards are maintained in teaching practice of the national
curriculum etc The DFE also sets up school league tables in order to compare schools and there services, standards achieved, progress etc which are
accessible to schools, organizations and the public, ... Show more content on ...
Furthermore the LEA can also provide training which they can deliver in schools or via local education development centreâ€TMs regarding
changes to policies that may have an impact on staff working in schools. (Stonebridge course materiel)
The LEA also provide important guidance to schools on safeguarding issues and protecting vulnerable children for e.g. when staff are employed, it is
the responsibility of the LEA to ensure that enhanced DBS checks are carried out and any convictions are discussed prior to being given employment.
Question: Question 15
Answer: Schools have an important role in providing information services as well implementation of national policies as these policies affect how the
national curriculum subjects are taught in schools, how the schools are run, the types of support and training opportunities which are available to staff
at schools and the overall provisions provided by
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The State Of The Texas Education Policy
The current state of the Texas education policy is very complex and its roots can be traced all the way back to times were there was no equality in
the public school system, we can even say it can be traced as far back to the state's split from Mexico. This was a very problematic situation that began
to be reformed heavily starting in 1954. The legislations that passed to resolve this problem have morphed the Texas Public education policy into what
it is today.
It was because of the split from Mexico that Texas created the Constitution of the Republic of Texas, which included a clause in it that established a
public school system, but it wasn't successful in achieving that goal until 1954 when a bill was passed. This plan was to be ... Show more content on ...
They were in charge of creating policies for Texas public education, choosing a budget, making rules for school accreditation, and being in control of
agreements for supplying the public schools (i.e. textbooks). They also had the right to choose a commission of education, whom would serve for,
four years and would become the chief executive officer for the TEA.
While the Texas public school system may not be segregated now it took a lot of court cases to get there due to Texas past as a highly segregated
state. While this is the route that Texas takes, the United States simply takes the route of creating acts such as Race and National Origin
Discrimination. Desegregation has been a troubling issue in not only the Texas public school system but also the United States as a whole. However,
they have had to two totally different ways to handle this situation. Under the Texas Constitution separation of races was not wronged. This all change
after a very controversial court case, Plessy vs. Ferguson and continued to reform by way of court decisions. The Plessy vs. Ferguson case decided
that facilities could be segregated, but they must be "equal". Texas being the highly racist state that it was at the time found loopholes around this
judgment. Many of the schools for "colored" didn't have enough supplies, outdated textbooks and underpaid and not very well
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Law And Policy : Higher Education
Rebecca Lamden
Law and Policy: Higher Education
May 11, 2017
Technology in Higher Education: The Role of MOOCs The cost of tuition at colleges and universities in the United States has seen a steady increase
over last several decades. Since the 1980s, the list price for tuition has risen by roughly 7% per year, while the inflation rate has averaged 3.2% per
year. The effect of this mismatch in the rise of the cost of tuition versus the average inflation rate has had monumental effects on the ability of students
to afford a higher education. This, in turn, has forced more students to take out increasingly large amounts of loans, causing for the national student
loan debt to grow to over $1 trillion dollars, more than total credit card ... Show more content on ...
MOOC providers have created video lectures, readings, and problem sets that seek to modify, and in some cases, replace entirely the need for a
physical campus to complete a degree in higher education. The most notable MOOCs, Coursera, Udacity, and edX, emerged in 2012, "The Year of the
MOOC" according to the New York Times, and have since attracted millions of registered students. Coursera and Udacity are both for–profit spin–offs
from Stanford that offer a wide variety of courses taught by professors from some of the most prestigious universities in the world, such as Stanford
itself, Princeton, the University of Michigan, and the University of Toronto. edX, on the other hand, is a non–profit partnership of MIT, Harvard, and
Berkeley that offers both a platform that universities can customize to create their own courses, as well as a range of courses that are pre–developed
by edX. In many cases, MOOCs are offered for free, incentivizing students to expand their knowledge with essentially nothing to lose. In other
instances, when MOOCs have partnered with educational institutions to supplement or replace a physical classroom education, the MOOCs are offered
for credit and at a lower cost than an in–person education. At the surface level, the MOOC format seems like just the solution indebted students and
concerned educators have been looking for; access to professors from a
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Essay about Primary Education in Uganda
Primary Education in Uganda – A Policy Analysis
Over the past five years, Uganda's education system has proved both effective and successful. Although in the process of further development, it has
nonetheless served as a model for many developing African countries. The Ugandan government, with President Yoweri Museveni at its forefront, has
determined primary education to be one of the major channels toward poverty eradication and as a vital resource for economic and social development.
The Ugandan government has made a national commitment to eradicate illiteracy and educate its citizens through the 1997 initiative, Universal
Primary Education (UPE). All levels of government, the private sector, grass–root organizations, local and ... Show more content on ...
As a consequence, policy was adopted that would better Uganda's financial position, which led to an emphasis of secondary and higher education in
order to fill the demand for "high–level" manpower. (Bell, p. 4) The emphasis soon changed as it was realized by the Commission of Education in
Uganda in 1965 that the content and structure of primary school education should also be geared toward meeting the economic needs of the country. P.
Beghin wrote in Recent Trends in Primary Education Policy in Uganda, Tanzania, Ghana, "primary education is no longer regarded as a mere
preparation to secondary and higher education. Primary school is, in the view of the Syllabus, a terminal education for a part of the pupils, which at
present is actually the majority of them." (1968, pg. 6) From this time, documented Ugandan education policy on issues such as instructional language,
examinations, and scientific literacy was expanded and reformed to include primary education.
During the political turmoil of the 1970s and 1980s when leadership changed hands, the education system suffered, yet functionally operated by relying
on local and regional–based administrators and nation–wide standardization. (Upenn Sas) As the political situation settled in Uganda, education became
the new hot topic and was regarded as an issue of international development. President Yoweri Museveni and the National Resistance Movement
Government, initiated a review of education policy and
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Analysing Problems with the Implementation of Inclusive...
Analysing problems with the implementation of inclusive education policies in India using Multiple Governance Framework
Monika Nangia
EGPA Conference, 7–10 September, 2010, Toulouse
EGPA Permanent Study group XIII on Public Policy
Analyzing implementation in the age of governance
Analysing problems with the implementation of inclusive education policies in India using Multiple Governance Framework
Monika Nangia
Reflecting its deep commitment to universalizing access to and completion of elementary education of satisfactory quality by 2010, the Government of
India (GOI) launched the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), the National Program for Universal Elementary Education (UEE) The program provided a
comprehensive policy ... Show more content on ...
Using the MGF to analyse the inclusive education policies, this paper identifies that the actors involved in designing those policies at various levels are
situated not just hierarchically but also laterally, in distinct organisational settings. A traditional 'stages' analysis is likely to entail assumptions that the
policies to be identified are in the least clear, credible and
2 Hill, M. and Hupe, P. (2006) 'Analysing policy process as multiple governance: accountability in social policy' in Policy and Politics, vol. 34, no. 3,
pp 557–73.
3 Ostrom, E. (2007) 'Institutional rational choice: an assessment of the institutional analysis and development framework' in Sabatier (ed.) Theories of
Policy Process. Boulder CO: Westview Press. pp.3–17.
consistent with strong political leadership and clear lines of accountability.4 It will assume that there exist governance mechanisms facilitating the
decentralisation processes and adequate legal and financial support to the proposed policy reforms. The MGF approach alternatively raises empirical
questions about the extent to which these exist and the forms they take. For instance, it allows us to explore the level of engagement between the
political–administrative institutions responsible for establishing the institutional framework and the contextual relations determining the
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C2 Education Policy Summary
C2 Education (C2) one of the nation's largest networks of subject tutoring, SAT В®, ACTВ® and PSATВ® and education support centers are honored
to announce C2 Student Prerana K. achieved a perfect score on her ACT. C2 Education has distinguished itself for almost two decades by helping
students prepare for college. One of the biggest factors in acceptance to an elite institution are a students standardized test scores. With C2's help,
hundreds of aspiring students have aced these tests and gained acceptance to a top–tier school; 2015 is no exception. This year, over 200 of the
company's students will be attending the college of their dreams. Prerana will have that opportunity, thanks in part, to her perfect ACT score. This high
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A Study Interview On Relationship Between Education And...
Holding the idea of collaboration in policy making, Tell, (2012) through the study interview in relation to education quality, teachers applauded the
value of teachers and students' participation in educational policy making as one of the components of education boosts. While asserting their point,
teachers pinpointed that:
[...T] he answer to [the] quality of education is largely laid within their jurisdiction. The government and other stakeholders can put forward all theories
to improve education "but that will just be another merry–go–round, because we (teachers) and our students are the only group of stakeholders who
have the genuine answer." (Telli, 2012, p) Again teachers bring into attention the idea of what Sahlberg, (2007) called the "culture of trust" simply, a
situation where people with high authority in education trust other groups such as "principals, parents and their communities," who have the quest of
providing the unsurpassed "education for their children and youth"(p, 157). In general, the primary idea of shared policy making, expands further than
teachers, students, or parents to include multidisciplinary groups. Perhaps Choi, & Pak, (2006) put it clear that: 'The objectives of multiple corrective
approaches can support in resolving real world or complex problems, to provide different perspectives on problems" (p. 351). In addition, collaboration
in policy making provides players an opportunity of additional learning of the problem in education, and
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Analyzation of Attendance Policy in Higher Education Essay
Various universities and individual faculty members frequently differ in terms of attendance policy. The frequent absence of explicit university wide
policy enables instructors to implement a wide range of attendance requirements and subsequent penalties for absences. Even professors with a lax
attendance policy encourage regular class attendance, deeming it a critical element of student success. The classroom has traditionally played a central
role in educational institutions. Relentless innovation in the field of information technology has significantly reduced the importance of the physical
classroom in the modern education environment. Most educators have embraced the newly available technology but remain steadfast in their loyalty to
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Students in there freshmen year are a large part of the excessively absent trouble area, on average 33% of first year student are typically absent from
class. Absenteeism is not limited to the young; reports claim that absenteeism from an average class in a small school is 25%. On a similarly typical
day a medium sized school would experience a 34% average, while a large institutions reports a shocking 40 % average (Romer 168). Excessive
absenteeism has been reported in connection with particular classes. The most obvious of which are large first year introduction courses as their
patrons were the leading absentee student group. Interestingly the absenteeism was most pronounced in courses dealing with the natural sciences
(Friedman, Rodriguez, and McComb 124).
Students may choose to miss class for a variety of reasons, both legitimate and otherwise. In regards to first year students an emerging pattern may be
key in explaining their excessive levels of absence. Along with the traditional challenges of freshmen year, recently admitted freshmen do not view
attendance and effort as integral for academic success. Their warped point of view stems from their undemanding high school experience, one that left
them utterly unprepared for the rigors of higher education. The recently entering freshmen class on average spent less time studying while achieving
higher grades then any previous class. Recently entering freshmen are not an isolated group; they represent the
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Proposed Education Policy
Bernie Sander's Proposed Education Policy is a Good Idea
In America, "college tuition cost have skyrocketed since the middle 20th century,
rising by 1,120 percent between 1978 and 2012," ( Resnikoff). Tution at selective private colleges and universities has risen by two or three percent
annually, which is more than the rate of inflation says Ronald Ehrenberg the Irving M. Ives Professor of Industrial and Labor Relations and Economics
at Cornell University, director of the Cornell Higher Education Research Institute, and co director of Cornell's Institute for Labor Market Policies.
People are concerned about the increasing cost of tuition. Many people can not go to college because it is too expensive, others leave with mountains
of debt ... Show more content on ...
A free higher education would allow graduating students to start their lives , instead of being held back by debt. On average, students who
graduated in 2015 have a debt of about $35,051 person, and these numbers are going to continue to rise unless something is done (Resnikoff). Most
students that just graduated from college do not start out at a high paying job, so it will take them years to pay off their student loans. Interest rates
on student loans are higher than on auto loans. It makes no sense that "millions of college graduates are forced to pay interest rates of five to seven
percent or more for decades" (Sanders). This is counter–productive to our country because students go to college so they can make more money and
live lives that many people without a college education cannot afford to live. Students cannot begin their lives if they are held back by the burden of
student loans. If elected president Sanders "will prevent the federal government from profiteering on the backs of college students and use [
government] money instead to significantly lower student loan interest rates" (Sanders). The Sanders plan is beneficial to all young Americans who
dream of going to college, but cannot because of its cost. The lowering of loan prices would be one step closer to providing free education to all
Americans. The
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Education Policies And The Greens
Social wellbeing is contingent upon equitable social policy addressing all varieties of demographics and needs. One highly contested social policy
issue in Aotearoa is that of tertiary education. Tertiary education policies are proposed by multiple parties, however the most contentious of these
can be drawn from the Greens and ACT who hold highly opposing social wellbeing ideologies. Essentially, to reveal binary oppositions between
these policies, market and state ideologies must be considered, in addition to the opposing views of individualism and collectivism which form the
cornerstone of how social wellbeing will be met. Moreover, the differences ACT and the Greens see in what tertiary education should offer,
ultimately reveal their opposing ideologies in policy, and their perspectives towards social wellbeing. Act and the Greens both agree that Aotearoa as
a country in the developed world should face minimal social inequalities, however they hold vastly different opinions on how this should be achieved.
By comparing ACT who hold market beliefs to the Greens who hold state beliefs it is increasingly evident that extreme beliefs drawn from either end
of the political spectrum pose significant problems in meeting social milestones. Market beliefs are often viewed as conservative and "in the field of
postcompulsory education and training... place the responsibility for educational participation and success on the individual rather than the
government" (Bowl & Tobias as
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The Multiculturalism And Education Policy
Multiculturalism and Education Policy
How we educate our students is a contentious topic. Many stakeholders have different ideas about what will make our schools more successful.
Without going into great detail about the past, it is safe to say the current paradigm is one of standards and assessment. Schools have gone "back to
basics" – reading, math, science, and little else (Newman, 2013). In order to be considered successful, schools have resorted to teaching to the
standardized tests. Effective school advocates believe that the country should pay less attention to racial issues and student racial composition of
schools and instead concentrate on academic quality only (Newman, 2006). I do not agree. I do not feel that school success is an all or nothing venture
where we have to decide between concentrating only on academic quality or multicultural issues. Instead, I think that concentrating on multiculturalism
issues, such as racial issues and racial composition of schools, creates a nurturing and supportive environment thereby improving academic quality.
"Although education is often promoted as a pathway out of poverty, American educational disparities are such that the families with the greatest need
are often relegated to the least adequate educational resources (Sue & Sue, 2013). 60 years after de jure segregation was outlawed, schools are almost
as segregated as they were before desegregation (Hannah–Jones, 2014). "Such segregation is sometimes called
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A Uniform Policy: The Best Strategy to Attain the Best...
All parents want their children to have the best education possible. Indeed, school should be an enriching experience for all ages and students should
be provided with the tools and environment to achieve their maximum capability. The best way to accomplish this goal is to introduce a uniform policy
to public schools. In 1994, the first uniforms were required in the schools of Long Beach, California; since then, other public schools have followed in
their footsteps, also adopting uniform policies (Chen). The president of the Long Beach School District gave his comments on the effectiveness of
uniforms, saying, "These schools are becoming educational workplaces. Students arrive dressed for success, ready to learn. They're getting along with
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Uniforms can be considered a good investment. If uniforms are still too pricey for families to afford, many schools offer financial aid to cover the
costs ("Archived: Manual on School Uniforms"). Students in public schools often wear expensive, designer clothing in order to fit in. With today's fads
and fashions constantly changing, kids may expect their parents to always be purchasing them the newest styles, which can be quite a financial burden
(Asaff). Uniforms reduce this problem for parents.
Schools can reap many social benefits from uniforms. School can be a source of harassment and cruelty for many students who are judged or
rejected because of what they wear. Uniforms remove the pressure many students feel to dress a certain way to fit in at school. Over 75% of public
schools reported a decrease in peer pressure after introducing uniforms to their schools ("School Uniform Benefits"). This statistic may be related to the
fact that uniforms increase students' confidence and better their self–image because they no longer have to worry about dressing to fit their peer's
standards (Brunsma and Rockquemore 53). They aren't defined by what they wear anymore, but by their character, which can be a liberating
experience for young people. School uniforms promote equality among
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Public Policy Concerning Education During Prisons
Public policy concerning education in prisons decisively emphasizes punitive programming over rehabilitate or educational programming. In regards
to higher education in prisons the persuasive public echo of "why should criminals get for free what the rest of us pay for" is a falsehood built on the
backs of these rulings. I would argue that the education paid for through incarceration entails a greater personal cost of freedoms than a paid tuition
could ever represent. I doubt anyone would ever go to prison to obtain a "free" education. The ever–increasing costs of higher education invoke a
regime of scarcity that produces anxiety within the working and middle class. Higher education no longer represents automatic future economic
security, furthering social fear. I would argue against the elimination of higher education in prisons; research shows that prison education reduces
recidivism rates and improves public safety (Chappell). Education behind bars means a greater likelihood of post–release employment. Post–release
employment means stability and independence. Stability and independence mean a lower chance of recidivism. Criminal justice researchers Richard
Tewksbury and Kenneth Stengel conclude a more abstract benefit of prison education than just reducing recidivism, "Participation in educational
programs yields a positive influence on the psychological well–being of inmates, reduces rule infractions, and enrolled inmates serve as role models to
other inmates"
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Policies That Influence The Cost Of Education

  • 1. Policies That Influence The Cost Of Education Policies that influence the cost of education affect people's decisions to attend college. Previous literature discuss policies and programs influencing marginal benefits and the cost of obtaining a college education, such as the Pell Grant (Seftor and Turner 2002, Rubin 2011, Kane 2003), financial aid and assistance programs (Cornwell, Mustard, and Sridhar 2006, Dynarski 2003, Kane 2007) and insurance provision (Cohodes et al. 2016, Miller and Wherry 2016). These studies provide evidence that increasing exposure to the information of assistantships and expanding eligibility of assistantship programs improves college enrollment. We assume health insurance works in a similar way to financial aid and assistantship programs by reducing the ... Show more content on ... Therefore, the pre–reform period covers 2007–2010 survey year (2006–2009 calendar year). Considering the potential differential impacts of the reform, we further separate the post–reform period into the enactment stage, 2011 survey year (2010 calendar year) and the implementation stage, from 2012 to 2016 survey year (2011–2015 calendar year). The model used is: y_iast=b_0+b_1*гЂ–EnactгЂ—_t+b_2*гЂ–ImplementгЂ—_t+ b_3*гЂ–EligibilityгЂ—_a+b_4* (гЂ–EnactгЂ—_t* гЂ–EligibilityгЂ—_a )+b_5*(гЂ–ImplementгЂ—_t*гЂ–EligibilityгЂ—_a )+b_6*X_iast+b_7* гЂ–UnemploymentгЂ—_st+b_8*гЂ–AgespecificUnemploymentгЂ—_ast+гЂ–stateгЂ—_s+гЂ–yearгЂ—_t+Оµ_iast, (1) where the outcome variable y_iast is college enrollment, defined as one if individual i in the eligibility group a is enrolled in college in state s from year t when the interview is conducted and already graduated from high school; гЂ–EnactгЂ—_t is a dummy variable for the initial post–reform stage, defined as one if the survey year equals 2011 and zero otherwise; гЂ–ImplementгЂ—_t is a dummy variable for the full implementation of the post–reform stage, defined as one if the survey year falls into 2012–2016 and zero otherwise; гЂ–EligibilityгЂ—_ais the age eligibility dummy variable, defined as one for the age group 19–25 and zero for the age group 26–30; x_iast is a set of individual control variables including age, gender, marital status, race, ethnicity, high ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Minimum Tolerance Policies : Zero Tolerance, Zero Education mes Paul Dr. Graybill English 101 29, November, 2015 Zero Tolerance Policies: Zero Tolerance, Zero Education The school to prison pipeline is a growing issue in schools around the world today. The school to prison pipeline is becoming larger and larger each year due to the zero tolerance policies held by many schools. Zero tolerance policies have been proven to be very ineffective in bad schools who use them as a way to get rid of disruptive students. Alongside with being proven ineffective the zero tolerance policies also damage and slow the process of education to a child that is targeted. The school to prison pipeline is a very bad thing. Children are losing education due to the pipeline. Zero tolerance policies are also not good because students can lose their education due to small things done in class. The pipeline refers to students "is a series of zero–tolerance policies implemented by principals, school boards and state legislatures in response to the 1999 Columbine school shooting" (Lowery, "Clogging the Pipeline"). The zero tolerance policies are policies that "[refer] to strict, uncompromising, automatic punishment to eliminate undesirable behavior" (Wilson, "Tuning off the school–to–prison–pipeline"). The zero tolerance policies are a very bad thing. The zero tolerance policies have been based on the "the assumption that removing students from schools when they behave disruptively will create peaceful learning environments and deter others from engaging in ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Essay on Zero Tolerance Policy of Education in America Zero Tolerance Policy of Education in America In Bedford, Texas, a 16 –year–old honor student was expelled after a security guard noticed a kitchen knife on the floor of the student's car. The knife apparently had fallen unnoticed as the student carted some of his grandmother's possessions to Goodwill. He was ordered to spend a year in a juvenile–justice education program and banished from district property and school–sponsored activities. [...] In Deer Lakes, Pennsylvania, a kindergarten student was suspended for bringing a toy axe to school. He was dressed as a firefighter for Halloween. [...] In Thornton, Colorado, a ... Show more content on ... If a student was a relatively good kid with no past disciplinary actions taken against him or her, they were much more likely to have a punishment that actually taught them something, rather than creating a sense of resentment towards the school authorities, and "the system" in general. Before the era of zero tolerance, a kid with a great future ahead could not screw it all up by making one simple mistake. The line that zero tolerance crosses is one of intent. Zero tolerance looks only at the offense that has been made, not at the circumstances that brought it about. If someone with no intent of doing something unlawful accidentally commits a crime, they are punished equally with one who deliberately inflicts harm. So how did zero tolerance laws come about? When major incidences of school disruption, like the Columbine shooting, started occurring, school officials decided they needed to start cracking down on discipline. After realizing certain things were starting to get out of hand, the federal government made it mandatory for, "[...] a zero tolerance policy toward the possession of illegal drugs and weapons on school grounds," (Copenhaver 1). In the beginning days of zero tolerance, the laws truly did focus on behavior that could be deemed dangerous and criminal, and required a mandatory expulsion for ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Education Policy Of The United States Essay Over the years in Australia, there have become many stakeholders in establishing an education policy in the country. The society, economics, politics and businesses play an integral role in establishing and restructuring the education policy to suit their economic policy. Neoliberalism is defined by Investopedia (2016) as a "policy model that transfers the control of economic factor to the private sector from the public sector". Neo–Liberal approach to education believes that the value of education lies in how well it enables the country to compete in the global market place. This can only be achieved if schools become more like businesses by giving power to parents as consumers and competition between schools to drive up the standards in education. Hence, the education becomes a 'commodity' rather than an essential basic need for everyone to benefit from. The schools operating like businesses are called marketization. Marketization of education believes that education should train the most abled students to enable them to fill the most important jobs. Young students should socialise and learn collective values and build social cohesion and solidarity. The basic new right thinking is that that the current education system cannot achieve if it is run by the state. The state provides the one size fits all approach to education meaning that the state run education are not efficient to meet the demands of the local area. New right thinkers Chubb and Moe argue that the ... Get more on ...
  • 5. How Legislation and Policies Influence Education in... Australia is very a multicultural and diverse country. Consequently schools are faced with many diverse students of different abilities and backgrounds. To ensure equity and fairness among students, policies and legislations have been put into place to ensure diversity is being catered for and that no student is being excluded from the education system. Some of these policies and legislation include: The Disability Discrimination Act 1992, The Salamanca Statement, Disability Standards 2005, Inclusive Education Statement, Disabilities Services Act QLD 2006 and the Melbourne Declaration. As educators, it is important to acknowledge and implement these polices when planning activities/lessons/curriculum in the classroom. This essay aims to... Show more content on ... The teacher can encourage this inclusion by teaching the students, parents, and other community members about negative stereotypical attitudes about students with disabilities by avoiding negative words, such as "disabled", or "crippled", or "handicapped" and to promote positive ideas about disabilities into class work, the student's play time and other activities. To further ensure that the classroom is promoting equality for the child with the disability, the teacher should incorporate an inclusive curriculum mindset, by adapting the lessons, learning materials and classroom to suit the needs of all the different types of learners including the child with the disability within the classroom. In 1994, representatives of 92 governments and 25 international organizations formed the World Conference on Special Needs Education and called on the international community to endorse the concept of change and inclusion through a new statement called 'The Salamanca Statement'. As this was the first major international statement of what an inclusive approach to education needs to be, they formed practical strategies to ensure this positive inclusion would take place worldwide. The statement outlines that every child has a right to education and must be given the opportunity to learn. It also urges the government to adopt the principle of ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Policy Changes are Needed in Our Education System Our society has become punitive when dealing with children, so much so that we are deemed, by other nations, the harshest western nation when it comes to juvenile policy and punishment. Unfortunately, this is a true statement when we look at our incarceration rates. Our states and federal prison, local jails, and juvenile detention center are overcrowded, with beds being filled the same day they are vacated. Specifically, our juvenile detention system is serving an alarming amount of children. In fact, it is estimated that 500,000 children enter juvenile detentions center every year, leading to the detention of more than 26,000 juveniles every day (Holman and Ziedenberg, 2006). Unfortunately, studies have found that disability rates among juveniles in detention average around 30% to 50% (Gemeignani, 1994). While some studies indicate the rate of disability is as high as 76% (Quinn et al., 2005). In contrast, the national average of disabilities is estimated at 10% (Butterworth & Kovas, 2013). These factors have significant consequences on our society in general. Particularly on our incarceration rates of both juvenile and adults, the enormous cost of incarcerating individuals, the loss of taxpayers and family members, and the overtaxing of a system that cannot treat the large amount of children. The juvenile system differs from the adult system; they focus on the treatment of the child in hopes to repair the issues that have caused the delinquency. As we have seen in other ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Federal Education Policy According to Bredekamp (2014), "Federal education policy is often designed to hold schools accountable for educating every child and to close the achievement gap between groups of children" (p.183). Federal policies have many affects on child development. There are certain policies that mandate that schools are held accountable for students' test scores. Teachers and staff are expected to reform their curriculums in order to raise scores. Not only do the policies have an effect on children, but the teachers as well. Within the policies protocols and standards are created to ensure that children learn through experiences and critical thinking to attain academic enhancement. For policymakers, it is important to promote healthy development,... Show more content on ... The policies can have positive affects as well as negative effects. The regulations that are implemented within school standards can be rewarding to students and their academic scores. High quality education becomes effective and supportive to the needs of the students and their families. It is always important to continue reforming these policies because education and learning evolves overtime. This proves reasoning with the new laws that are coming in effect as well as ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Education, Training and Social Care Policies and Procedures Social Care has got Policies and Procedures staff has to follow, same as in Education and Training. Some of the Policies are :– Data Protection Act (1998) made provision for the regulation of the processing of information relating to individuals, including the obtaining, holding, use or disclosure of such information. It was amended in 2003 to include electronic data. Protection of Children Act (POCA) (1999) was designed to protect children. It gives responsibility to Local Authorities to make enquiries when anyone contacts them with concerns about child abuse. Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006) introduced a vetting and barring scheme to make decision about who should be barred from working with children and vulnerable adults. Teachers may need to have a Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) Equality Act (2010) replaced all previous anti–discrimination legislation and consolidated in into one act (England, Scotland and Wales). It provides rights for the people not to be discriminated against or harassed because they have an association with a disabled person or because they were wrongly perceived as disabled. Health and Safety at Work 1974 imposes all staff within an organisation commensurate with other role and responsibility. Risk assessments should be carried out where necessary. In event of accident, particularly one resulting in death or serious injury, an investigation by Health and Safety Executive may result in the prosecution. Legislation in the UK ... Get more on ...
  • 9. education policies CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction Education is so important in any given society. For this reason, it forms a major part of any government's plans. The plans that any government wishes to implement as regards their education system is determined by existing policies. Factors which influence formulation of policies form the subject of this discussion. For orderly presentation, the essay is divided into three chapters namely the introduction, the main body and conclusion. The introduction gives definitions of key terms used in the essay as well as conceptual frame work, the main body outlines and discusses major factors which influenced education policies in African countries after ... Show more content on ... Therefore, in the 1950s and 1960s, demand and plans for investment in formal education by African countries increased. Education was regarded to be a principal weapon in achieving economic growth. To this end rapid quantitative expansion of the education system became the order of the day in newly independent African countries. Man power Shortages After attaining independence, African countries were confronted with shortage of manpower in various sectors of the economy. As a result of this scenario, they experienced economic stagnation. Man power shortages were heavily felt in technical and managerial fields. Thus, education policies in most African countries were directed towards resolving the man power shortages experienced. This situation was evident from what obtained in Kenya. As Eshiwani (1993:26), observes ''at independence in 1963, Kenya found herself with a high shortage of skilled manpower to run the economy. In order to solve this problem, a commission was appointed to advise the government on the formulation and interpretation of national educational policies." Therefore, it can be stated that man power planning in newly independent countries of Africa gave a direction to the formulation of education policies. Consequently, the governments of newly independent countries of Africa saw it paramount to expand the education systems of their countries in ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Education Policy : Is It, Damned Lies, And Education Most commonly when asked: "what is education?" the answer usually falls along the line of: attaining knowledge that will be used in one's future life and helping prepare one for their future. Much like we found when asked the same question in my class, Elementary Education 110: Education Policy: Lies, Damned Lies, and Education. Each student's answer was similarly along the line of that or relatable to it. However, with such a common, stable, definition or understanding of what education is, education has still been seen to change continuously over the history of the United States with different reforms. Education has been around since the 1600s of American and is very much present now in the 21st century, but due to the fact that there have been so many different reforms throughout time I will only touch on a few. With limitations, I will focus on the first and second Massachusetts Laws (1642 and 1647), the desegregation with Brown v. Board of Education, Balanced Literacy in District 2 of New York, and No Child Left Behind. The purpose of this essay is to analyze what I have found in my research on how the relationship between school and society, and how it has changed in the United States across the Historical Eras. In this analysis, I relate the changing of reforms to Diane Ravitch's book, The Death and Life of the Great American School System, along with some other resources used in the Education Policy class. Education can be traced back as far as the time of ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Types Of Resource Based Policies That Education Policymakers Dan Fette Yuyang Gu Laura Hitchcock Siyun Zhong Introduction: There are three types of resource–based policies that education policymakers typically consider: Total Resource Policies, Input Policies, and Output Policies. The proposed policy of setting a maximum class size of 14 in East Lansing public schools is a type of input policy. Input policies, as the name suggests, alter a particular input into education, such as teacher quality, class size or the quality of school facilities. It is generally believed that the input that has the largest effect on student achievement is class size and as such this type of policy has been getting the most attention among economists. The East Lansing school board wants to make 14 the maximum size for ... Show more content on ... Class size as one of the most affection of input policy, although reducing class sizecost a lot, it brings a high achievement of students. School should reduce the class size as measured by the student–teacher ratio. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Joshua Angrist (2004) provides a clear summary of the current connection between research evidence and policy implementation related to class size reduction initiatives – "under relatively ideal circumstances (in particular, given long enough lead time and funding adequate to reduce class size without compromising other educational inputs), class size reductions can increase test scores. This is an important result and a performance standard that many and perhaps most programs, however well–intentioned, do not live up to." Potential costs and benefits Generally, reducing class size is attractive to both parents, students and teachers. According to Eugene M. Lewit and Linda Schuurmann Baker, one recent national poll found that 70% of adults believe that reducing class size would result in substantial improvements in public schools and less than 10% believed it would have no impact. Here we will discuss many of the potential costs and benefits that reducing class size may bring to students, schools and the society. (Lewit and Baker, pg 1) Of all the costs associated with class size ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Bilingual Education Policy Analysis Bilingual education policies in the Unites States have been influenced by many factors. These factors range from the different attitudes towards languages in general and the controversy that bilingual education creates among interested parties, to the relation between state and federal level language policies. All of these factors together, along with a number of historical events, have contributed, in one way or another, in shaping the country's policies of teaching language–minority students (Crawford, 2004; Johnson & Johnson, 2015; Ruiz, 1988). Before proceeding to the discussion of each factor, we may begin with a definition of what bilingual education is. According to the Education Commission of the States website (2015), bilingual education ... Show more content on ... Johnson and Johnson (2015) point out that the nation level language policies are affected by the way each state interprets and implements them. For instance, the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) in 2002, has been implemented in Arizona State in a way that resulted in reinforcing the English–only programs that are already in it. While the same act resulted in a notable growth in other non–English programs in Washington State. The interpretation and application of the NCLB Act in both Arizona and Washington states played a significant role both cases in determining the type of education in the public schools in both states (Johnson & Johnson, 2015, p. 93). This, as a matter of fact, shows that the federal level language policies, NCLB here, empower states' roles in deciding the most suitable approach to follow in the implementation ... Get more on ...
  • 13. My Views On Education And Policy Cycles With years of experience Ravitch explains her changed views on education and policy cycles. Ravitch talks about the evolution of her experience from public schooling to politics. She discusses education and how it transformed to a testing movement. The two main focuses in American education were accountability and choice. Educational differences began with the transition of the Clintons administration to the Bush administration. Her career enhanced within education when she was asked to work for the Department of Education. She joined the Bush administration to be the assistant secretary in charge of educational research and improvement. Ravitch wanted to focus on a strong curriculum, which included opportunities in liberal arts and sciences. Ravitch explains her passion for the American school system and the progress she made. Her focus was to keep a well rounded educator in each classroom. Ravitch starts by explaining the ideas of charter schools and other market based reforms. Ravitch discusses the difference between the no child left behind act and a nation at risk. The Clinton administration Goals 2000 program gave the states federal money for individual academic standards. The Bush administration implemented the no child left behind act in 2002. Bush's no child left behind program melded smoothly, with a central feature of the Clinton administration's Goals program: namely leaving it to the states to set their own standards and pick their own tests (Ravitch, 2011). ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Essay on Education Policy in Michigan An outdated education system is the largest problem Michigan faces because it affects not only the present, but also the future of the state. Important issues cannot be solved, nor policies created to remedy them, if the people attempting to solve them are not equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to make informed decisions. The state cannot run itself, let alone the nation as a whole, if its' people are uneducated. The Constitution, the very basis of our government, relies heavily on the assumption that citizens of the United States are able to make knowledgeable and well–reasoned decisions, the types of which cannot be made when a person does not receive a proper education. This proper education is unattainable when low ... Show more content on ... After several years of success, the required cuts along with economic woes rendered Proposal A largely ineffective and unable to properly fund Michigan's schools, creating a massive problem in the way Michigan school districts are to be funded, as well as developing a need for new educational policy to supplement or overhaul Proposal A and the Michigan educational system. The educational funding problem in Michigan takes root back in 1809, when the first public school was founded. While funding was not an issue at the time, the way schools were funded through local property taxes eventually created a large problem. Fast forward to 1985, Michigan has long moved past the rural cities of the 1800's and into affluent suburbs and cities. The size and taxation pools of cities have greatly changed from 1809 to 1985, but the way schools were funded remained exactly the same. This lack of change led to a large disparity in school funding from richer districts to poorer districts. Coupled together with local governments' inability to convince citizens to vote in favor of millages and tax hikes, the disparity ballooned. In 1993, Bloomfield Hills ranked in the 99th percentile of Michigan schools, was spending on average $10,294 per–student, while Standish Sterling ranked in the bottom 1st percentile, spent $3,738 per–student, roughly a $6,500 difference per–student (Roy 2003). This inconsistency greatly disadvantaged students all the way to 95th percentile, where there ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Special Education Law And Policies Essay Part 2: Special Education Law and Policies For the state of Indiana as an administrator I need to familiarize myself with the Special Education Rules Title 511 Article 7 Rules 32–49 (Indiana Dept. of Ed, 2014). Article 7 was brought to my attention by my special education coordinator at Laurel School Mrs. Christy Sheehan. This article will help me access the guidelines of Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) and the Individual Education Programs (IEP) along with the instruction from Mrs. Sheehan. This article will help me indicate what key areas I need to know as a future administrator. As I become an administrator I know I will have to familiarize myself with the entire 134 page article, but for now I will focus in on five areas. This article and area of study is new to me being a physical education teacher that isn't familiar with all the laws of special education. It can be overwhelming looking into this document, but as an administrator I need to familiarize myself with all aspects of education. When diving into the article the first area I noticed that would help me as a future administrator was identification of homeless students and how to identify them. This issue probably isn't discussed by many in our class. As a Title I, educator I have experienced a lot of students who do not have the best home life. At Laurel School we have several students who do not live with their guardian's full time and bounce from home to home. As an administrator I need know ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Early Childhood Education Policy Analysis Based on this policy analysis, the recommended alternative is for the federal government to educate states on recognizing the importance of and participating in the quality early education programs. Some states have already started making progress in modeling and developing early learning systems for children zero to age five. According to the Whitehouse (2011), "The President's 2012 budget calls upon Congress to establish a new, competitive Early Learning Challenge Fund, administered by the Departments of Education (ED) and Health and Human Services (HHS), for states that are ready to take dramatic steps to improve the quality of their early childhood programs. The Early Learning Challenge Fund will be complemented by investments in Head Start ... Show more content on ... This is to ensure that capable providers who are able to assist them are serving children and families. The administration supports a newly designed technical assistance program that brings both current and best practice evidence –informed practices for local programs. They also support the local programs working with their local school systems to be educated on the skills that children will need and the gains they will need to achieve by kindergarten in order to achieve a smooth transition into formal schooling. According to the Whitehouse, "We must support families, communities, and schools working in partnership to deliver services and supports that address the full range of needs of Hispanic students" (2011). Through early childhood education programs such as Head Starts, services are not just offered at the school programs but in the home as well. The administration believes that some of the funding that is allocated to these programs should be used in recruiting and retaining high–quality teachers this includes Latino teachers who can overcome the language barrier and help achieve the language gap. To continue these ongoing resolutions, congress recently enacted programs that support various neighborhoods. The implementation of Promise Neighborhoods projects is in the testing stage right now, where ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Education Policy Synthesis Essay While many White Americans believe in merit–based accomplishments, and that everyone has equal opportunity to succeed, the achievement of minority groups is not welcome. Authors Chavez et al., outline the undocumented immigrant student experience, and how white meritocracy is merely a pipe dream for those students. (2007) As young children, undocumented students, sometimes not aware of their status, are told that if they work hard throughout their entire elementary/high school career, that work will be paid off with acceptance into a university, or a good job. According to Gillborn (2007), there are priorities that are considered when creating education policy, and those priorities often only align with the interest of white individuals. Following ... Show more content on ... Gillborn addresses how minoritized students have not shared equally in the improved attainments associated with recent reforms, his example being testing and 'model minorities', can be applied to undocumented students and the DREAM ACT. Actually the exact opposite of the 'model minority', due to the fears Americans hold towards undocumented peoples becoming citizens through the DREAM Act. Lastly, what are the effects of the policy? Central reform strategies are known to work against race equity, but are nevertheless promoted as best practice for all. These reforms are known to discriminate in practice regardless of intent, and are therefore racist in their consequences. (2007) In regards to undocumented students, the long–term implications of limiting access to higher education are significant, and the restriction of education will perpetuate exclusion and stratification of minority ethnic and immigrant groups. (Palmer, 2011) Not providing undocumented students with access to higher education is only hurting the U.S. in the long run as well as the students. Yet, when white individuals are creating or rejecting education policies that they think are for the best, in actuality undocumented students suffer and the U.S. economy takes a ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Pros And Cons Of British Education Policies Trowler (2003) describes education policy as a 'design' to follow the principles and procedures relating to education issues, the specifications of which is to bring about the desired goals. However, Ball (1990) defines educational policy as not only a direct response, but also a respond to the formation of complex and diverse elements. Many policies begin at the macro level, with large organisations such as The World Bank, UNESCO and the United Nations. The policy then streams down to a national level, which then filters further down into regional and local levels. Bell and Stevensons (xxxx) point out that most educational policies start with the central government, which then transfers onto local councils and schools. This then has a considerable ... Show more content on ... Throughout history, there have been many attempts to reform the education system in this country. All of these reforms have different policies, which a different government brings in every time and it is elected into power. They bring their own political agendas to alter the education system. Despite all the previous policies, there are some that have their advantages and disadvantages but the major shift happened in between 1980– 1990 (Ball, 1990). Britain's education system became 'increasingly politicised' during this time. Ball (1990:3) describes this period as 'Thatcherism'. Margaret Thatcher's Conservative government brought a lot of changes in the education system, including parents' choice in selecting schools for their children, the national curriculum, national assessment and school self–sufficiency. The main reason for introducing the national curriculum was due to the failing teachers and this lead to a 'failing country' (Trowler, 1993:100). Whitty (2016:27) describes Margaret Thatcher's Conservative government restructure as "a marketising approach to the reform of the school system". Similaly, Machin (CEE DP 57) refers to this as being 'market mechanisms'. These reforms were designed to improve pupil's achievement and the achievement rate did improve. However, this raised concerns about increased inequality in our school systems. Different policies have different implications, as mentioned above. The Conservative government's policy between the years 1980 to 1990 had achieved its target, but its implications left a huge gap of inequality in our school system. Trowler (1993: 152) discusses the current century education policies which have to solve five major issues. These are: 'improving education provision, social deprivation, improve the teaching profession, improve educational management and to create a learning ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Bilingual Education Act Of 1968: Policy Analysis The Bilingual Education Act of 1968 provides a clear perspective on the issue of the public policy process. It started out with a clear goal in mind: to provide instruction to non–English students in American schools by providing some teaching in their native language along with English. The act was a part of the broader Elementary and Secondary Education Act, and a part of the Civil Rights movement because of its issues relating to language and culture. It was particularly aimed to the large amount of Hispanic immigrants in the American Southwest. The provides an issue that is complex and changing rapidly especially in today's multiethnic and multilinguistic United States society. The agenda setting process for the Bilingual Education... Show more content on ... The amendments created established goals for the program, explicitly defined what bilingual programs would be, and mandated that feedback would be provided on the programs to determine whether or not they were meeting their goals. It also eliminated the low–income requirement for students to receive the supplemental education. Also in 1974 came a ruling in Lau vs. Nichols, which determined that school districts must provide bilingual programs. "The Supreme Court reasoned that the responsibility to overcome language barriers that impede full integration of students falls on the school boards and not on the parents or children; otherwise, there is no real access for these students to a meaningful education." (64) In 1981, the Fifth Circuit heard a case regarding bilingual education, in Castaneda vs. Pickard, whereby they established policies in order to define the necessary actions which must take place in order to properly instruction English second–language students in American schools. "The program must be based on sound educational theory, it must have sufficient resources and personnel, and it must prove to be effective in teaching students English. (64) In the 1980s, bilingual education policy found itself under fire from those who believed that providing instruction in a language other than English was only further splitting the nation apart. In 1994, bilingual education was ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Sexual Education Policy Report The policy issue that I chose to write about is Sex Education in the classroom. Almost all student in the USA receive some type of sex education between the grades 7th and 12th. Sometime even as early as 4th grade. Many states now have laws that do not allow the parents to opt out of the class, regardless of how they feel about their child being taught, these things ("Contemporary Education Issues | K12 Academics," 2015). While some states leave it up to the individual district to set the rules for sex education in the district. Sexual Education suggests to deliver the knowledge, standards and procedures that allow the implementation of human rights, the satisfactory enactment in our personal lives, inspire a thoughtful change in civic values, ethical attitudes, and active oppositions which arouse the personal development and social combination of pre–teenagers and teenagers, and subsequently prevent the transmission of HIV, undesirable pregnancies, and sexual violence. In general it must breakdown all the ties between stereotypes and mythologies about sexuality. The roles of government, and all the programs that have been launched, promote a good quality sexual education. They do not only teach contraception methods, but encourage the student to be educated and not be sexually active. They can provide information that can be extremely important for the future of the youth in our country. These programs are thought to promote values and handle concerns everyone should ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Politics and Policies Influencing America’s Education of... America's educational system is home to an increasing number of English language learners. Some research indicates that by the year 2030, over 40% of elementary and secondary students served by schools in the United States will come from homes where a language other than English is spoken (Thomas & Collier, 2001). In an effort to accommodate these students, the United States has adopted policies at both the federal and state levels. Generally, the direction taken to meet the needs of English language learners has depended on the climate of the nation. During times of peace and prosperity, policies reflect the nation's tolerance of other languages and cultures. However, during times of war or conflict, policies have reflected... Show more content on ... The BEA was the first federal attempt to provide educational programs for students with limited English proficiency. Funding in the forms of grants was made available to schools to help at least begin to meet some of the needs of students not fluent in the English language. Although the BEA of 1968 did not solve the issues regarding the education of students speaking languages other than English, it was a step in decriminalizing the incorporation of bilingual education in schools across much of the United States. Improvements were made in our country's education of ELL with the ruling in the case of Lau versus Nichols in 1974. The initial suit was brought by 1,800 Chinese students in the San Francisco area who claimed that they were not receiving equal educations within that system because they lacked proficiency in English. Initially, the students were unsuccessful in their claim as the court ruled that students bring to the educational system with them different linguistic and cultural backgrounds and that the school system itself cannot accommodate for such differences. The case made its way to the Supreme Court, however, where a ruling was made in favor of the students. This decision guaranteed ELL the right to an appropriate education regardless of their proficiency in the English language. While Lau versus Nichols was a step in the right direction for bilingual education and meeting the needs of students below proficiency in English, it did ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Single-Sex Education Policy Analysis In today's society the word gender has once again regained its popularity among the media. A single gender class or school is one that contains learners of a single sex as opposed to coeducational classes or schools. It is possible to have a coeducational school with single gender classes. The percentage of coeducational classes and schools is far more dominant than that of single gender classes and schools in the nation. While it is clear that the preference among the nation is coeducational schools there have been numerous schools that are on the raise to establish single gender schools especially after 2006 when a few restrictions on Title IX have been lifted. Title IX permits for single sex schools but have a small exception for single gender classrooms within coeducational school. The exceptions must be met with appropriate justifications. The 2006 loosen restrictions must not ... Show more content on ... is not justifiable. My position on the matter is that we should look at alternative ways to improve our middle schools as single gender classrooms is not the best option. References Mansfield, K.C. (2013). The growth of single–sex schools; Federal policy meets the local needs and interest. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 21 (78). Retrieved 10/30/2015, from PedroA. Noguera(2013). Saving Black and Latino boys. Phi Delta Kappa International, 30 (20). Retrieved 10/20/2015 from /articles/2012/02/03/kappan_noguera.html?tkn=RROFtDeesX80HWq7cNUOHUKiwS%2Fn9DMeNzTL&print=1 Janet Shibley Hyde; Carlie M. Allison; Erin Pahlke. (2014). The effects of single–sex compared with coeducational schooling on students performance and attitudes; A meta–analysis. American Psychological Association, 140 (1042–1072). Retrieved 10/30/2015 from ... Get more on ...
  • 23. American Foreign Policy And The Education System When Noam Chomsky speaks about education, he referred to it as an "imposed ignorance". Thoughts on Intellectuals and The School is written by world–renowned linguist, Noam Chomsky as a response to the issues of Western education and the impact it has in the lives of the intellectuals and scholars. Chomsky is noting that intellectuals often cared more about attaining power than exposing the lies and truth. With that, he provided examples from the failure of the American Foreign Policy and decision making system to which the intellectual community fails to contribute its opinions to social issues, and instead, disdained from it. Furthermore, Chomsky suggested that schools should provide more discussions revolving moral and ethical concerns... Show more content on ... We believe that if with knowledge, comes power, and with power comes a great responsibility, Chomsky was right that what mattered most was not the American intellectuals offering their allegiance to the country, but rather exercising their power to challenge the effectiveness of the individuals who represent their nation. Chomsky criticized how the American education system is portraying the country as a dominant power and treating the rest of the world as an American preserve. As such, there is the the justification of unethical behaviors that can affect American student's perspectives of their superiority toward other country. Chomsky regarded this circumstances as a national disgrace toward American education system. Due to the fact that schools are the fundamental ground for future candidates of intellectuals, technician or troops who will disturb the status quo in the future that responsible for developing the means for the extension of American power. By way of example, history educators have glossed over several facts that certain historical events left a bad mark in history. Such as, the Napoleonic War where thousands of Europeans are killed. It is that debates regarding Napoleon's legitimacy and moral ethical dilemma are rarely discussed, and history are rather seen as a win or lose situation between two nations at war. This view is very narrow and hinders students from becoming open–minded, problem ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Pursuing An Education For Public Policy During an economics lecture the professor said to my class " I do not know whether the increasing income inequality is an issue or not". I was perplexed. I thought the goal of Economics, as a social science, was to achieve the maximum welfare of people while efficiently using resources. So how is income inequality that renders many people worse off, not an issue? By not stating his opinion, he wished to remain unbiased. However, if everyone were to keep their understanding of justice and inequality to themselves without meaningful dialogues, no societal issue would gain attention or action. I felt my theoretical background required training in practical applications to conceive working solutions to some of the most pressing problems of our time. Realizing I want to be equipped with the tools necessary to take appropriate measures when the welfare of individuals is compromised, I knew I should seek an education in Public Policy. With my interdisciplinary academic background, I aspire to contribute to the field of Public Policy by bringing a transnational–feminist perspective to the socio–economic policy discourse. Therefore, there is no better place for me to pursue my doctoral degree in Public Policy than at Chicago Harris School of Public Policy. My experiences in research and community service have molded my policy interests and prepared me for my graduate education in policy formulation and analysis. My joint research paper on the lives of women veterans in the U.S. ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Texas Sexual Education Policy : A Proposed Policy Change Texas Sexual Education Policy: A Proposed Policy Change Aneetta Alex GOVT 2306.0U2: State and Local Government University of Texas at Dallas Summer 2016 Texas Sexual Education Policy: A Proposed Policy Change Texas currently does not have mandated sexual education for students. In a deeply conservative state, sexual education is extremely taboo because many parents feel as though sexual education can promote sexual activity in young adults. When tracking the history of sexual education in Texas, it is evident that there is an overwhelming amount of programs that encourage abstinence as the only method of contraception. Although Texas does not require sexual education to be taught, it does have limitations as to what can be taught. Legally, sexual education programs have to stress abstinence as the primary method of contraception. When taught, it is not legally required that medically accurate information about contraception be taught. In addition to this, there is no law requiring sexual education to be culturally appropriate or unbiased and it is perfectly legal to promote religion while providing sexual education. Parents must be notified and have the option to refuse to suscept their child to sexual education. Additionally, any sexuality other than heterosexuality must be portrayed in a negative light in Texas as Texas law prevents sexual education from being inclusive of LGBTQ people. In 2014, Texas received over $5.1 million dollars in federal funding to ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Adult Education Policy Analysis In terms of policy development, an educational issue that is always changing each year is adult education. The adult leaner can be one the trickiest populations to educate, because adults come from many different backgrounds. In my opinion, adult education starts when a student beings their educational career in undergrad, and continues with post–bachelor degrees, work place environments, and even at home. According to Kristen Caschera, the three most significant challenges an adult learner faces are balancing school and life responsibilities, accessibility, and cost (Cashera, 2013). This is an issue in policy development because in order to run an effective educational program, it must need to meet the needs of an adult learn, focusing on ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Devising Education Policies The devising of education policies and ensuring it is adhered to in schools is the responsibility of the National Government, which consists of two divisions that deal specifically with all areas that are relevant to education such as the Department for Education. This department develops the core subjects and syllabus that are studied in the national curriculum throughout schools in the UK as well as Early Years Foundation Stage. The National Government instructs OFSET officers to carry out annual inspections of schools in order to monitor and evaluate whether protocols and procedure are being implemented in regards to school policies, legislations and the law to ensure standards are maintained in teaching practice of the national curriculum etc The DFE also sets up school league tables in order to compare schools and there services, standards achieved, progress etc which are accessible to schools, organizations and the public, ... Show more content on ... Furthermore the LEA can also provide training which they can deliver in schools or via local education development centreâ€TMs regarding changes to policies that may have an impact on staff working in schools. (Stonebridge course materiel) The LEA also provide important guidance to schools on safeguarding issues and protecting vulnerable children for e.g. when staff are employed, it is the responsibility of the LEA to ensure that enhanced DBS checks are carried out and any convictions are discussed prior to being given employment. Question: Question 15 Answer: Schools have an important role in providing information services as well implementation of national policies as these policies affect how the national curriculum subjects are taught in schools, how the schools are run, the types of support and training opportunities which are available to staff at schools and the overall provisions provided by ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The State Of The Texas Education Policy The current state of the Texas education policy is very complex and its roots can be traced all the way back to times were there was no equality in the public school system, we can even say it can be traced as far back to the state's split from Mexico. This was a very problematic situation that began to be reformed heavily starting in 1954. The legislations that passed to resolve this problem have morphed the Texas Public education policy into what it is today. It was because of the split from Mexico that Texas created the Constitution of the Republic of Texas, which included a clause in it that established a public school system, but it wasn't successful in achieving that goal until 1954 when a bill was passed. This plan was to be ... Show more content on ... They were in charge of creating policies for Texas public education, choosing a budget, making rules for school accreditation, and being in control of agreements for supplying the public schools (i.e. textbooks). They also had the right to choose a commission of education, whom would serve for, four years and would become the chief executive officer for the TEA. While the Texas public school system may not be segregated now it took a lot of court cases to get there due to Texas past as a highly segregated state. While this is the route that Texas takes, the United States simply takes the route of creating acts such as Race and National Origin Discrimination. Desegregation has been a troubling issue in not only the Texas public school system but also the United States as a whole. However, they have had to two totally different ways to handle this situation. Under the Texas Constitution separation of races was not wronged. This all change after a very controversial court case, Plessy vs. Ferguson and continued to reform by way of court decisions. The Plessy vs. Ferguson case decided that facilities could be segregated, but they must be "equal". Texas being the highly racist state that it was at the time found loopholes around this judgment. Many of the schools for "colored" didn't have enough supplies, outdated textbooks and underpaid and not very well ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Law And Policy : Higher Education Rebecca Lamden Law and Policy: Higher Education May 11, 2017 Technology in Higher Education: The Role of MOOCs The cost of tuition at colleges and universities in the United States has seen a steady increase over last several decades. Since the 1980s, the list price for tuition has risen by roughly 7% per year, while the inflation rate has averaged 3.2% per year. The effect of this mismatch in the rise of the cost of tuition versus the average inflation rate has had monumental effects on the ability of students to afford a higher education. This, in turn, has forced more students to take out increasingly large amounts of loans, causing for the national student loan debt to grow to over $1 trillion dollars, more than total credit card ... Show more content on ... MOOC providers have created video lectures, readings, and problem sets that seek to modify, and in some cases, replace entirely the need for a physical campus to complete a degree in higher education. The most notable MOOCs, Coursera, Udacity, and edX, emerged in 2012, "The Year of the MOOC" according to the New York Times, and have since attracted millions of registered students. Coursera and Udacity are both for–profit spin–offs from Stanford that offer a wide variety of courses taught by professors from some of the most prestigious universities in the world, such as Stanford itself, Princeton, the University of Michigan, and the University of Toronto. edX, on the other hand, is a non–profit partnership of MIT, Harvard, and Berkeley that offers both a platform that universities can customize to create their own courses, as well as a range of courses that are pre–developed by edX. In many cases, MOOCs are offered for free, incentivizing students to expand their knowledge with essentially nothing to lose. In other instances, when MOOCs have partnered with educational institutions to supplement or replace a physical classroom education, the MOOCs are offered for credit and at a lower cost than an in–person education. At the surface level, the MOOC format seems like just the solution indebted students and concerned educators have been looking for; access to professors from a ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Essay about Primary Education in Uganda Primary Education in Uganda – A Policy Analysis Over the past five years, Uganda's education system has proved both effective and successful. Although in the process of further development, it has nonetheless served as a model for many developing African countries. The Ugandan government, with President Yoweri Museveni at its forefront, has determined primary education to be one of the major channels toward poverty eradication and as a vital resource for economic and social development. The Ugandan government has made a national commitment to eradicate illiteracy and educate its citizens through the 1997 initiative, Universal Primary Education (UPE). All levels of government, the private sector, grass–root organizations, local and ... Show more content on ... As a consequence, policy was adopted that would better Uganda's financial position, which led to an emphasis of secondary and higher education in order to fill the demand for "high–level" manpower. (Bell, p. 4) The emphasis soon changed as it was realized by the Commission of Education in Uganda in 1965 that the content and structure of primary school education should also be geared toward meeting the economic needs of the country. P. Beghin wrote in Recent Trends in Primary Education Policy in Uganda, Tanzania, Ghana, "primary education is no longer regarded as a mere preparation to secondary and higher education. Primary school is, in the view of the Syllabus, a terminal education for a part of the pupils, which at present is actually the majority of them." (1968, pg. 6) From this time, documented Ugandan education policy on issues such as instructional language, examinations, and scientific literacy was expanded and reformed to include primary education. During the political turmoil of the 1970s and 1980s when leadership changed hands, the education system suffered, yet functionally operated by relying on local and regional–based administrators and nation–wide standardization. (Upenn Sas) As the political situation settled in Uganda, education became the new hot topic and was regarded as an issue of international development. President Yoweri Museveni and the National Resistance Movement Government, initiated a review of education policy and ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Analysing Problems with the Implementation of Inclusive... 1 Analysing problems with the implementation of inclusive education policies in India using Multiple Governance Framework DRAFT Monika Nangia EGPA Conference, 7–10 September, 2010, Toulouse France EGPA Permanent Study group XIII on Public Policy Analyzing implementation in the age of governance 2 Analysing problems with the implementation of inclusive education policies in India using Multiple Governance Framework Monika Nangia Abstract Reflecting its deep commitment to universalizing access to and completion of elementary education of satisfactory quality by 2010, the Government of India (GOI) launched the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), the National Program for Universal Elementary Education (UEE) The program provided a comprehensive policy ... Show more content on ... Using the MGF to analyse the inclusive education policies, this paper identifies that the actors involved in designing those policies at various levels are situated not just hierarchically but also laterally, in distinct organisational settings. A traditional 'stages' analysis is likely to entail assumptions that the policies to be identified are in the least clear, credible and 2 Hill, M. and Hupe, P. (2006) 'Analysing policy process as multiple governance: accountability in social policy' in Policy and Politics, vol. 34, no. 3, pp 557–73. 3 Ostrom, E. (2007) 'Institutional rational choice: an assessment of the institutional analysis and development framework' in Sabatier (ed.) Theories of Policy Process. Boulder CO: Westview Press. pp.3–17. 4 consistent with strong political leadership and clear lines of accountability.4 It will assume that there exist governance mechanisms facilitating the decentralisation processes and adequate legal and financial support to the proposed policy reforms. The MGF approach alternatively raises empirical questions about the extent to which these exist and the forms they take. For instance, it allows us to explore the level of engagement between the political–administrative institutions responsible for establishing the institutional framework and the contextual relations determining the
  • 32. ... Get more on ...
  • 33. C2 Education Policy Summary C2 Education (C2) one of the nation's largest networks of subject tutoring, SAT В®, ACTВ® and PSATВ® and education support centers are honored to announce C2 Student Prerana K. achieved a perfect score on her ACT. C2 Education has distinguished itself for almost two decades by helping students prepare for college. One of the biggest factors in acceptance to an elite institution are a students standardized test scores. With C2's help, hundreds of aspiring students have aced these tests and gained acceptance to a top–tier school; 2015 is no exception. This year, over 200 of the company's students will be attending the college of their dreams. Prerana will have that opportunity, thanks in part, to her perfect ACT score. This high achieving ... Get more on ...
  • 34. A Study Interview On Relationship Between Education And... Holding the idea of collaboration in policy making, Tell, (2012) through the study interview in relation to education quality, teachers applauded the value of teachers and students' participation in educational policy making as one of the components of education boosts. While asserting their point, teachers pinpointed that: [...T] he answer to [the] quality of education is largely laid within their jurisdiction. The government and other stakeholders can put forward all theories to improve education "but that will just be another merry–go–round, because we (teachers) and our students are the only group of stakeholders who have the genuine answer." (Telli, 2012, p) Again teachers bring into attention the idea of what Sahlberg, (2007) called the "culture of trust" simply, a situation where people with high authority in education trust other groups such as "principals, parents and their communities," who have the quest of providing the unsurpassed "education for their children and youth"(p, 157). In general, the primary idea of shared policy making, expands further than teachers, students, or parents to include multidisciplinary groups. Perhaps Choi, & Pak, (2006) put it clear that: 'The objectives of multiple corrective approaches can support in resolving real world or complex problems, to provide different perspectives on problems" (p. 351). In addition, collaboration in policy making provides players an opportunity of additional learning of the problem in education, and ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Analyzation of Attendance Policy in Higher Education Essay Various universities and individual faculty members frequently differ in terms of attendance policy. The frequent absence of explicit university wide policy enables instructors to implement a wide range of attendance requirements and subsequent penalties for absences. Even professors with a lax attendance policy encourage regular class attendance, deeming it a critical element of student success. The classroom has traditionally played a central role in educational institutions. Relentless innovation in the field of information technology has significantly reduced the importance of the physical classroom in the modern education environment. Most educators have embraced the newly available technology but remain steadfast in their loyalty to ... Show more content on ... Students in there freshmen year are a large part of the excessively absent trouble area, on average 33% of first year student are typically absent from class. Absenteeism is not limited to the young; reports claim that absenteeism from an average class in a small school is 25%. On a similarly typical day a medium sized school would experience a 34% average, while a large institutions reports a shocking 40 % average (Romer 168). Excessive absenteeism has been reported in connection with particular classes. The most obvious of which are large first year introduction courses as their patrons were the leading absentee student group. Interestingly the absenteeism was most pronounced in courses dealing with the natural sciences (Friedman, Rodriguez, and McComb 124). Students may choose to miss class for a variety of reasons, both legitimate and otherwise. In regards to first year students an emerging pattern may be key in explaining their excessive levels of absence. Along with the traditional challenges of freshmen year, recently admitted freshmen do not view attendance and effort as integral for academic success. Their warped point of view stems from their undemanding high school experience, one that left them utterly unprepared for the rigors of higher education. The recently entering freshmen class on average spent less time studying while achieving higher grades then any previous class. Recently entering freshmen are not an isolated group; they represent the ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Proposed Education Policy Bernie Sander's Proposed Education Policy is a Good Idea In America, "college tuition cost have skyrocketed since the middle 20th century, rising by 1,120 percent between 1978 and 2012," ( Resnikoff). Tution at selective private colleges and universities has risen by two or three percent annually, which is more than the rate of inflation says Ronald Ehrenberg the Irving M. Ives Professor of Industrial and Labor Relations and Economics at Cornell University, director of the Cornell Higher Education Research Institute, and co director of Cornell's Institute for Labor Market Policies. People are concerned about the increasing cost of tuition. Many people can not go to college because it is too expensive, others leave with mountains of debt ... Show more content on ... A free higher education would allow graduating students to start their lives , instead of being held back by debt. On average, students who graduated in 2015 have a debt of about $35,051 person, and these numbers are going to continue to rise unless something is done (Resnikoff). Most students that just graduated from college do not start out at a high paying job, so it will take them years to pay off their student loans. Interest rates on student loans are higher than on auto loans. It makes no sense that "millions of college graduates are forced to pay interest rates of five to seven percent or more for decades" (Sanders). This is counter–productive to our country because students go to college so they can make more money and live lives that many people without a college education cannot afford to live. Students cannot begin their lives if they are held back by the burden of student loans. If elected president Sanders "will prevent the federal government from profiteering on the backs of college students and use [ government] money instead to significantly lower student loan interest rates" (Sanders). The Sanders plan is beneficial to all young Americans who dream of going to college, but cannot because of its cost. The lowering of loan prices would be one step closer to providing free education to all Americans. The ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Education Policies And The Greens Social wellbeing is contingent upon equitable social policy addressing all varieties of demographics and needs. One highly contested social policy issue in Aotearoa is that of tertiary education. Tertiary education policies are proposed by multiple parties, however the most contentious of these can be drawn from the Greens and ACT who hold highly opposing social wellbeing ideologies. Essentially, to reveal binary oppositions between these policies, market and state ideologies must be considered, in addition to the opposing views of individualism and collectivism which form the cornerstone of how social wellbeing will be met. Moreover, the differences ACT and the Greens see in what tertiary education should offer, ultimately reveal their opposing ideologies in policy, and their perspectives towards social wellbeing. Act and the Greens both agree that Aotearoa as a country in the developed world should face minimal social inequalities, however they hold vastly different opinions on how this should be achieved. By comparing ACT who hold market beliefs to the Greens who hold state beliefs it is increasingly evident that extreme beliefs drawn from either end of the political spectrum pose significant problems in meeting social milestones. Market beliefs are often viewed as conservative and "in the field of postcompulsory education and training... place the responsibility for educational participation and success on the individual rather than the government" (Bowl & Tobias as ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The Multiculturalism And Education Policy Multiculturalism and Education Policy How we educate our students is a contentious topic. Many stakeholders have different ideas about what will make our schools more successful. Without going into great detail about the past, it is safe to say the current paradigm is one of standards and assessment. Schools have gone "back to basics" – reading, math, science, and little else (Newman, 2013). In order to be considered successful, schools have resorted to teaching to the standardized tests. Effective school advocates believe that the country should pay less attention to racial issues and student racial composition of schools and instead concentrate on academic quality only (Newman, 2006). I do not agree. I do not feel that school success is an all or nothing venture where we have to decide between concentrating only on academic quality or multicultural issues. Instead, I think that concentrating on multiculturalism issues, such as racial issues and racial composition of schools, creates a nurturing and supportive environment thereby improving academic quality. "Although education is often promoted as a pathway out of poverty, American educational disparities are such that the families with the greatest need are often relegated to the least adequate educational resources (Sue & Sue, 2013). 60 years after de jure segregation was outlawed, schools are almost as segregated as they were before desegregation (Hannah–Jones, 2014). "Such segregation is sometimes called ... Get more on ...
  • 39. A Uniform Policy: The Best Strategy to Attain the Best... All parents want their children to have the best education possible. Indeed, school should be an enriching experience for all ages and students should be provided with the tools and environment to achieve their maximum capability. The best way to accomplish this goal is to introduce a uniform policy to public schools. In 1994, the first uniforms were required in the schools of Long Beach, California; since then, other public schools have followed in their footsteps, also adopting uniform policies (Chen). The president of the Long Beach School District gave his comments on the effectiveness of uniforms, saying, "These schools are becoming educational workplaces. Students arrive dressed for success, ready to learn. They're getting along with ... Show more content on ... Uniforms can be considered a good investment. If uniforms are still too pricey for families to afford, many schools offer financial aid to cover the costs ("Archived: Manual on School Uniforms"). Students in public schools often wear expensive, designer clothing in order to fit in. With today's fads and fashions constantly changing, kids may expect their parents to always be purchasing them the newest styles, which can be quite a financial burden (Asaff). Uniforms reduce this problem for parents. Schools can reap many social benefits from uniforms. School can be a source of harassment and cruelty for many students who are judged or rejected because of what they wear. Uniforms remove the pressure many students feel to dress a certain way to fit in at school. Over 75% of public schools reported a decrease in peer pressure after introducing uniforms to their schools ("School Uniform Benefits"). This statistic may be related to the fact that uniforms increase students' confidence and better their self–image because they no longer have to worry about dressing to fit their peer's standards (Brunsma and Rockquemore 53). They aren't defined by what they wear anymore, but by their character, which can be a liberating experience for young people. School uniforms promote equality among ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Public Policy Concerning Education During Prisons Public policy concerning education in prisons decisively emphasizes punitive programming over rehabilitate or educational programming. In regards to higher education in prisons the persuasive public echo of "why should criminals get for free what the rest of us pay for" is a falsehood built on the backs of these rulings. I would argue that the education paid for through incarceration entails a greater personal cost of freedoms than a paid tuition could ever represent. I doubt anyone would ever go to prison to obtain a "free" education. The ever–increasing costs of higher education invoke a regime of scarcity that produces anxiety within the working and middle class. Higher education no longer represents automatic future economic security, furthering social fear. I would argue against the elimination of higher education in prisons; research shows that prison education reduces recidivism rates and improves public safety (Chappell). Education behind bars means a greater likelihood of post–release employment. Post–release employment means stability and independence. Stability and independence mean a lower chance of recidivism. Criminal justice researchers Richard Tewksbury and Kenneth Stengel conclude a more abstract benefit of prison education than just reducing recidivism, "Participation in educational programs yields a positive influence on the psychological well–being of inmates, reduces rule infractions, and enrolled inmates serve as role models to other inmates" ... Get more on ...